Is There a Connection Between Planck's Constant, Boltzmann's
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Firs: Class), Simon Fraser University, 1977 0 - 1 d SUBHITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE - in the ~e~artment of - r"dazh~matlcs anu St_a>istics SIHOE FRASER UNIVERSITY ,?xi?, 1987 a-- ni- rl~krsreserves. This work may not be . reFrs5:ce- :c whole 3r in part, by photocopy tez-s, wirno~tpermission of-the author. B1Mroth6quenationaie . ' du Canada Theses Servlce Sewce +s thffes m-nes . g. Ottawa. Canada KIAON4 + U The author has- granted an irrevocable non- t'auteur a accord6 une licence in4vocable et usive licence alt6wing the National Library non exclusive pwmettant B la BiMioth4que of to reproduce, ban, distribute or sell / nationale du Canada de reprMuire, preter, .' iri "'-es of hislher thesis by any means and in , distribuer ou vendre des copies de sa these 3form or format, making this thesis avaibbk de quelque manibre et sous quelque forme ; to interested persons. que ce soit pour mettre des exemplaires de cette these a la disposition des personnes interessks . The a&or retains ownership of the copyright t'auteur consewe h pcopribtb du droit d'auteur in hidher thesis. Neither the thesis nor qui prot&e sa tMse. Ni b: tMse ni des extraii substantial extracts from it may be mtedor substanW de ceb-ci ne doivent Btre otherwise reproduced without hislher per- irnprirnbs ou autrement reproduits sans son rn@sion. autorisation. r ISBN 0-315-59300-8 . 1 e APPROVAL \ Name: Peter Dancnhower Degree: Master oef Science Title of thesis: Is There a Connection '~etweenPlank's ionstant ;' x Boltzmann's Cbnstant and the ~peed'afLight? i Examining Committee: - :' i Chairman: -, C. Villegas <' \ t @ , E. Pechlaner -- Senior Supervisor External ~zamine Department of Mat cs and Statistics - Simcz Fraser Date Ap?roved: July 27, 1987 h CI,- ,. .. d 0. PARTIAL COPYRIGHT LICLNSE - -- d * i -- -- f I hereby grant to Simon Fraser University the right to lend e - * my thesis, project or extended essay (the title of which is shown below) - to users of the S.imn Fraser University ~ibrsry, and to make partial or 'single copies only for such users or response to a request from ttre I in - i i I i brary of any other university. or other educat iona I ) nst itvion, on>- t A i is own beha l f or for one of i ts users. I further aGree tha-t perm i ss ion :" for mu1 tiple,$opying of this work for scholarly purposes may be granted rt by me or the Dean of Graduate Studies. It is understood that copying . or pObllcation of this work for firancial gain shall not be allowed -3 without my writte~permission. Title of ThesislFrs~ect/Extended Essay V i date) ABSTRACT * 0 :An' made to find a connection between Planck's constant';h, Boltzspann's constant, k, and the speed of light, c. a=- , The method used i b to 'study blackbody radiation without: quantum / mechanics. #sical thehodynamics and statistical mechanics C s -a?e reviewed. The problem of finding aWtisfactory relativistic 1- , generalization of these theories is discussed and the i 1 ' canonical approach due to Balescu i$ presented. A discussion of the standard treatment ,of blackbody radiation (including quantum 11 results) follows. The quantum result (~lancklaw with zero po_int a derived, as first done by Einstein,3 " Hopf.and Boyer, using the , techniques of stochastic electrodynamics (non-quantum ,derivation). Unfprtunately, P nckl'sconsta& must be introduced as a scale factor in this treatment. Hence, there are still too - s 2 - many free choices for a relationship between h, c, and k to be a C 3 necessity. Accordingly, two attempts arb made to study this problem in more detail: 1. A "classical Fermi-Dirac" statistics is cieveloped, t% =reat the walls oc the blachbody cau-ity as a Fersi gas. 2. Adjastments t~'~~~errnod~namics,required by the n~n-qaanturnderivation of the spect~raldensity, are subjected to E~P~elativisti~ rn~rmod~~am&s previously developed. These two prablems are'very difficult and little progress is made on . - e1~2er.Eence, WP zre ief; wi'th 'no concfusion'about definite ir.3ependence cr deperBence of h, k and c. iii -1 Many thanks to my advisor, Dr. Edgar Pechlaner, for I patiently ea&ing my impractical inclinations, my stubborness," and my refusal to-accept his frequent suggestions to switch to a more tractable topic.-f am also indebted to him for many helpful * conversations, for meticuoiousl~ proof reading several drafts of < this thesis, and for gen~r'busassistance from his research grants. Thanks to the others Pn my committee, Dr. A. Das and ?# Dr. S. Kloster, for sev;ral useful discussions and for proof t. :+> reading'the thesis, I am grateful to my one time office mate, 4- Mr. Ted Biech, for many long conversations, which usually,. at least began with some aspect of mathematics or relativity. I am + also indebted to Dr.'~ichaelPlischke of the S.F.U. Physics Department, who made se a1 valuable suggestions and who kindly d P bore with me, even thou is advice to switch topics. - - Thanks to the Departmen f Mathematics and Statistics f%r financial assistance in the form of graduate *search ,. -+-- scholarships, And finally, a special thanks to the Departmental Secretary for Graduate Students, ~k..Sylvia Holmes, fsr taking -- care cf ail-sorts of scids d ends %o efficiently tha.t I am maware of what most of :hem were! ." Approval .................................................... -'ii A stract ......y..........................-................'iii 9 I I. Introduction ............................................ -1 . .--, 11; Review of Thermodynamics and Statistic&.'Mechanics ...... 9 Classical Thermodynamics ................................ 9 Classical Statistical Mechanics 21 = - ........................ &< 6. 111. Relativistic Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics .. 27 i l i/- General Considerations ................................. 27 - Relativistic Thermodynamics 34 - ............................q- ~elativistic Statistical Mechanics ..................... 38 ._ IV. Blackbody Radiation .................................... 59 Early Results ............................................ 59 Wien's Displacement Law ...........,................,,,. 63 The Rayleigh - Jeans and Planck Laws ................... 66 V. Blackbody Spectrum Using Stochastic Elec%rodynamics .... 71 Derivation of the Zero Point Spectrum .................. 72 Some Theoretical Considerations in More Detail-.......-.. 99 r... t T --I" ~xtensionsof Boyer's Analysis ........................ 106 Classical Ferml - Dirac Statistics .................... ,106 Modification of the Rayleigh - Jeans Method ........... 110 - - 3e:ativistic ~her~~dynamics........................... 119 "- Q' C~nclusi~n........................................... 119 -- Figure Page ' 2.1 . Carnot Cycle ........................................... 18 2.2 Pressure - Volume Diagram for Carnot Cycle &....... ,. .. 20 4.1 Carnot Cycle for -=** , / A'' CHAPTER I - - INTRODUCTION --- ,a An ongoing problem in the development I - physics is deciding just how many degrees .,*. - available for choosing units and dimensio - parameters. While the literature and man4 texts include brief overviews of this topic, - detailed discussions are not too commoff. For an in depth review, see L6vydLeBlond [I]. We can % illustrate the problem with a simple example: If we choose a .! ?k a time scale arbitrarily, we then appear to be able to choose a r length scale arbitrarily, thereby fixing the speed of light, We can introduce a mass scale an& determine the dimension and scale of force (if we choose dimensions for the constant in Newton's 9 / second law - normally set equal to 1). We seem to be able to '- '-contipue this chain of defining parameters and constants / -- - (subject to physical relevance) as we please. For example, if we choose electric charge and temperature as independent then we e get two more fundamental constants; Q,e permitivity constant (of t free space) and Boltzmann's constant. The 'questioniis: Do we really have all this freedom? Is it possible that by devehping ma~hematicalphysics in this manner, we have made arbitrary choices which are in fact incompatible? If sP , then unification of diverse fields of physics would be impossible. In this thesis we attempt to gain more insight into this situation by searching for a physical connection between three f Andamental physical constants: Planck' s constant, h, Boltzmann's cdnstant$'k, and the speed of light, c. We wish to . -- make it clear at the onCset that we are not referring to A - i "mathematical rel&ionshipsn. A search for mathematical relationskiips involves looking for clusters of constants that I .. have the same dimension. For example, if the unit of'length is defined as h 2----- where m and e are respectively the mass and * 4x2'me k' fl charge on an electron, and the unit of time is defined as h3 then that leaves c proportional to - This iort-'of"' 8r3rne.$' .