"C"t0M0**i""'0,TO**&" 10,000 PEOPLE

ek. -Largest-circulation ^ Summit an

HIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NO. 2 SUMMIT, N. j., FRIDAY ^TB^NOON, SEP]flBER 29. 1922 3f^= r ~'~Rc __ \t _ T.-M. Dsvoise ^ Cross».VA" ' "Loasider WMenlis gvO. oiilsUForam" «

1 freimghuysen and P\ kfi j Mi TIIOL M Debcvoiso was elec- ^ans for Seas \i Ked no-, lid- i«<, "" Uif] J tcd_\jcc nuent of the SmmiiLt-Ti ust the Wa-J»Ji'l«7n ^TT, "<"» lusiness Men's Association'^Z^s^lu^LZ Jane Addams Will Give Op^i= ui^'Mil .UUT-'l loi I,,, „ ifi High Whin oh JL ^l -Matter During I day an i^uiso was elected to ing Talk — Norman Hap* I.o,pitahol ih.c l "" f0Un|n m-niy Wscasilonoii.New street I^LTX!^!^* good and George' Creel one wr ],)"'II li,.]n ^ mui h n M< Void 'ha, been ic ot Summit's most .^.— ; Lignt VoteJn-St»n Also -Scheduled - (be v>o fiom i j pi eminent d able oiti/.ens for the M Ci.11! "l-tUIIl HI j mary Election — h^ori pa t 20 yes He scnod with maiked yi w ool eo f tfler (,- Financing the' Question ability in e Common Council loi Dr. - Prout on Psychology j Snowed Under — Local ) oad. 'l ••- -" " ' -v ,'so\eial vo and foi one toim as 1 The W'Jf m M , A largely attended -meeting of the j piesidcnt that bodj He is a mem- All Souls' i<'oi inn k"t \ eai biou^lit a(( J I Candidates Named htockinn'.will ,d MS, -"- , Business Men'B 'Association at the Y., boi of th(.v fillll ()r Hounds, Hat< h to Hiinimit fo miin miu<- 1 il spc ,ik< 11 f) M*. O, A. on Tuesday evening gave Dillinfthdind IVhe\oise Mi Dene' j on peitnunt fopn s ol tin da\ that a tinned fotlu . „j,( JM[ l Resets in the State furthe,. „ r .consideratio. .> , ., ..n. to Mth e ,matte• . ,r ol, voiso is a a past piesident of the' ll'RALD lcpoitei wiu^l t an jaKi (hen in'oifini the new street lighting standards for 4,. v,i™i i, n.ri „•. r, i »•,, > ^ , ltl ',in-J l tU1 ,il(I who rue " T r r ''he pinnaij election in Summit on ...... :. . r . . . i HiKhlana u and in tact has been | \iew this we< k with the R<>\ Ostai the streets in the business section of Z Z; h nr^nniV mn n ,, , ixcrl Wh lia u oci Hu rni urn I I uesdav u as e ompaialively eiuiet due the town whiclfquestion is now before i^n^^^ i •. ' ° ' ' ^ ' i r ou hi Mo the taft thai UKMC Was no local the Common Council. In considerin1g8 ^tant sanitations and institu- talks, to hnd out vh.it his Mans wo turns of cominunity ITe waolfcs r Summit for tin = wmtci'"? d« let 9 > (onte,t to bilinf out the vote. Theai Vm The eaily part oC .,,business section was brought forward to say thaik elevation to the vice w .',J *>"„ -y p- 1 I tin day w.is ]>ai tie ulaily ejulet, the . "' ,as an improvement greatly needed and in the rlunch, at the \ei> moment en- y '-* • picsidcncyf this institution will ^a?ed in Upinj, off his l',t of new \oinu not bfj'innniK in earnest until which should be done at the same time | 1 meet with unanimoas appioval of r as the change in the lighting system, i spe.'kcis, ecuied and (omcmplated, 1 mid-aftf moon v„ Local business has ,.heeome so its pation and he m< -.t rhr( rtullv cntend into Movies, 1 Smitoi Rtinyon was hl^h man on , .centralized on Springfield avenue that the details oi his plan1, so lai as he tb. R( public an Ju k( t with 919 vote'i; , *,, the street is really too,narrow at the, ( ould reveal them to datt The to! .'A- ( O'IKK sman Aekciuun second with Games r VoungstfS 01 ( J present tlme*to carry the traffic- dur- JmyiraRel lowing speakcis aie assmod to Sum­ Summiifld All Surjnd- )1 , w(t«- Ibev, of eotnse, had no ,. , irig the busy parts, of the day. With mit, we le;>in, although all the topics opposition in the pumaiy. T, V' = 1 thfl trade :on this street developing so to be toiUhed upon aive not ^«t settled W^~x nator I'ItlinRhuvst-n ran rapidly it is recognized that two or ore in inn. -On Ortohei Z'l Jane Addams will 7\ '. v-.i\ ahead of hi, oi>ponent, George three feet off the sidewalks'bn either spca-k On KovenilKi ,">, Noinian Hap ? L It* (oid, with a \ote of 81.'1 to 161. side .couidvery well be spared for the Kood, the well known tditor, IOIHKI Elks In th* Republlean Assembly race, ,,-*,,„-'vehicular traffic in the roadway. It F. At riogg Heads Local Mimstei to Dtninail, will be brie John U f'lnt v-as hlch man in Sum- '• is not only a ,matter of necessity for No.embci 12, (koi^e (ucl is ,lit»d, The annua'" b i i't t will rn throurhout the eounty, Comrjee to Meet Mon= 1,l , 1. I people doing business with the local and we note that tins well-known one oi the fi i o' I'Muin^ hue W) votei Out Of a f merchants, but it has its value from utlfaie woil U < n, i , , •f'l day Hit to Raise Funds louinalist is iiowslieul ot fi wi tiis ( „.•"'' hi Id ol i eanelidate",, the four hi^h . —~* the -standpolnt-^of^-provention—ot~ ac­ and aiti't. and cen'oi^lup oi;an- 1 Iks, w ill lifhbi m,i ,i, men m Summit wne the Tust four cidents, -".' .-"••, -for Scken Peoples -ati i i7.ition, called Tin- louit Co nnntto" ballot, Messi' Clift, Comp- ' • Representatives of the General Elec­ 1 foi the riomotion and PiotettKn ti 10 00 A,M ' il r.', 1 ton, Pa< tor and Geddes, Muir, v/ho tric Company, Commonwealth Electric ij on J =f i1*1 J' -' Urgent .Call Sent Ait rind liteintme lie duubth r.s"w ill UM iMic'Tl'f 'hri v..i. fifth man in Summit with 300 I ii l on j<- * • - Company and Councilman Betts spoke (- \ot< bibind Geddft' 410 v,as, hov/-_ —_J to the—Association—hn—the—lighting ~ ' have tlnnf.s to sa\ ii " i.ui M« / , oi L l in - 1 <\'t rh< fomth man on the ticket In The-loc8myrna-Emersency Re- Dr .lohn"M(/ t^dow u foi Xm emb.l l^) "lollm-eil f ( O P11 question.- Slides were shown on the | hef ConmiE will meet next Monday, T), a roted wntei and uHuni on "rfto'en (..loi ^l - U.i entiie eounty lesnlt i' ( > 1 stereoptioan Boreenshowlng^the street, evening in Y. M C. A , at 8 o'clock mtoinit onal affair Duinn- tli- toon, "Out o' lu r - foiiniihoan Bunkei was- re-noml- Bystetn lights used in various cities F \1. Kell' is chan man The oom- Washington Conffiemc on the I mil 1'00 noouL )• ,o ji, ruttd in tin- fli t wnii] v/ith a vote of \ throughou. t the country and .partieular .- mittee is iipose(i,of the pa.stois ot t'ltton of Aimnment^ he was pierent' tne nei o11'1'-'1 w< 112 and Cminrilrnan Tv.ombly v/aq re- ly the many types of the so-called all the ch^cs, Mayor Memll, C Ha " conespondent toi Ibe "Fi^nkfui In oi th$-lodj,c *io nt itrd in tin- •r.nif w.ird with a standard lights including that which ru C Jase]& d others active in the .Hcituni^" and wis leceived bv the 100 P M-< al a ^ Tti \nu ot i<,i, -John c pnl^ht wai has been proposed to be installed here, Near l^astdief work ii inn d b\ tin f>i put>lK'-nis in the <-*e- Pi evident at that time He will <^>oak ha' eb.ill fielf I ittt h, awe^ •ii'i Councilman Betts stated that the in­ o "iid u d 'ih n kotr of "/\", stallation cost Of the 25) lights which ou "The Spuit and Outlook of the fiohc TUNA TODAY New Geraianj," afld it is'said that in | At the Lyf r 'tin ii< li.rn l Uir pumao, EdV,ard'i the Council has" been considering In- 'd ^ild J -tub r l f °i TI toi iionud In Summit $} stailingJwould not be over $7,000 and beanns him one gets a .statement of! \i.UIav ^di ' t'1 (bi'di il r What ipe situation in Smyrna " ' -. 1 i r Tt" S MV 7? "or cita.tn , the annual additional cost to the city thin-',-, in Geiinam today ns seen Irv ajsuipiisc Air tn UP \ irhn. would be about $1,716. today'' Tiatcst new^ of the city - libcial and a demo"iat When Dai id the unisdicln s r'., to, Doi/bfii ri-ffi.i-el 10 \otn to/j <<> 'i " Anion?1 fhi DfmocrUIr The advantages at the new system a place tlla few weeks a^o bad a Stair .Ionian made a torn ot Europe i which mclu-'^di oi. < h-ihr populdtioijniost double that of New-, for the International Conciliation | MillbumlUiiiDuiu, Sx rtil-nif=i SHIHIKQ V/ILLfAM N. RUNYON \ iinbl randjelat*'- T'ourain \/?", are recognized but the question of how il'i 'i ' i)-'!)<}\ aik -is earned in 1 i^-ii vitli CS iote- Marlnto-.h 57, to finance the |7,000 is still undecided. a cablegiam movement Dr Me/ went with him as H^ikelcy Hei.r' tf ^ n, ,^, ,, „', Senator ^onmaf.,1 L a j r,„..,.,, 1(ir ,f0WriI#ir ,„ from Dr I'fred Post, of Piinceton, iU pub- V i iM 1 i- " tlir other; averafclnf; It was suggested that the business secietaiy and speakei In London I)i tei'ntoiv aief ~< n ,e the ,>.< i Ji<;,n P.u-fi who is injarjje of the lclief woik l"'1 t 'o L' l< I \r Llebrnan v/ai men along the streets to be so im­ Mez spoke at the home of Ilciheitlo the Elfts r> itf, n, ,t,t in Smyrnfa ^\\rn the Dunoeiatic nejinlnatiem for proved should pay half of the expense. Hoover on the "International Students oi the day ~Jrc o, f 11 1 Dr Posjblcs that the tity's water An inner to Dr. Robt. f o ineihoaii in tin 'fcnnrl v^.^ra -v,itk A .committee was appointed consisting Movement" He is de^ci lbod as a | Ackei man, E la, r-,> r, , mm? 1 of Messrs, Riviere, Holmes and Manser supply ha(}ea(}cin discontinued and that i peace-loving. lihcit*-lo\in • Geiman, i Eoi| M>,H.. r n . Soeer Next Tuesday 'i \ote^ Hrmbon E V/fbb* wa.; who are to go over the matter with the a large ni*i of the die apd mas­ and an exceptionalH fine Ice IUTPI ^J notinria'fd for Cnuneilman in the fint f sacre victphave Rone Insane as a f>r Thomas P Pi out, of Summit, Sc?!g %R£ ?cefn U .-aid '• ith l j \otes and famfj CJor- property owners and tenants along , • ill Iiicirfior, if r|' 'V|"l 1 1 f Mf fll'rt t.i in tl,e Titiie v ,-.rd v/ith 22 vote;. this section to be covered By these lcuilt of hoi mi ol then cxpen- will speak on November ^btb on 'A f J a j Io ' ' It'ria; rvi, t dim* i ^'i f-'i iSl tar \I< n e a H,ay.s thai tlie situation is t 7 tn i vn a blank on the tieket for lijhta anjj see how they feel-jibout Little Journey into Piaetical Psycho- T. I r Vu e ""'nrpora* on Linccln Parent=Te£cher As= *'* J 11 n f huri t '-subscribing.to this improvement. This Ri inft iy nioie tenible The [logy " fi tin of tin". Pearc in Sumtnif and Jersi, 1 in ' " f ,t-n f) ( ){} 1 came foll<: On jDeccmber Chief Skmbu^hu luol -' n a it On iec,nd i aid, William H D - fiominittee is to confer with the Coun­ turn sociation Plans to Have cil next Monday evening. The Suia deportations continue ' (Red Fox), a Noitluin Blark'oot j (I( rk ; r J C-ji. pfi f , , Dr I' i icr'urd l" \o{.c< liy hpi nam- (lllc'l* i Pi rT — r/i" in 'lyr -'han ' ' ' r,l IfR • ' 'i.' t tin on tne Republlean bal- When the matter of widening Sprlng- The pligbf the lefupecs is made Indian, will appear befoie Summit ^ " ,_- uf n i' i .id ,1 • i J>], or 3 r P Here Earr> y^t ^loaih 'or nd in the fir t v/aid E P. Van field avenue was presented and Coilii-j ^ ''° "y' stoppape of the watei in ion t UI» chut iode his pony fiom^pQQ j ,ti., . '' " , ir " I J'll 1 lit Ot t\l, tf» > f < (r,ed 2 vote, oilman Betts stated that as "far as he'supply dtto the disabling of the'Montana to the While House, 1,0001 , " \ JS'', in(or n t h ii < Iti :. .oiie-'n eobnty rotninP was' concerned personally he would'water woi This has caused sus- rules, to ask that full (iti/ensb'p lx 'pi.uin''jd^ , » ^-- < J i' t r r Proc^ds 10/ •liSK Fund 'i ii r rl '"orien n..m^d ^fere as Ilkotp see it done before the change J Pension ode Ameucan lelicf baker- miauled the Amoucan Indi m pfo,ile man, " >"> ">,T. ~\^ l r. hrou ,'t'OLr lo I-l v ptel W di^trkf, Mr, in lighting was started, . '-'• ' ies Roll workeis have appealed | lie h'is suue ljeen speaking in bfhalt 'Gray ,-uid ,^ i i r 1111 n' d q re Pi if I » Kind district, J V." f The matter of the sidewalk cross-'to Consta-iople to rush In cad and,oj his people, cleaih and with a pa, |0{ r* if' it J " ing just soiith pf the postoffiee was'baidtack leploiable sanitary con- sion foi his- lace laven i l: r n fi -i i2i r-rd di tnf h f given consideration and the ways and ditions ex in the Bolchova Refugee On Docemher 10, Eai 1 fiauns will. <-II')JII t n ' lth dl-tnrr, 5' ., Camp, in . leu of the uuried cit>, be heie, too well known as a lectinei .a r (Cbntlnued on Page Six) ' i ^ ^ i "I ./ ICIbm 22 2nd " whcie rna a^ed relueec. aie djing on all kinds ol educational topirs to • ^ I ' <-'i .ft I ?, R 3mit;, 32-5. f i«i exhausn need c special liiention He will l>e, '!" '» b' :i' "iirt dl-tilrt, Fred- "Larse mbeis of lefngees, IKIIO- ' fol'owed on .lanuirv 11 b> C,eoi"< C ' r t/ i ^ Mr Tiffany 117, r" f T r lant of thate ot then lelatives dur-I OT)e11. plso a leduiei ol wide lenown 11'VC "' '' i<" A ," ' V ,o nv s . Mr- im tho !''/<" t i ft ,'riet John (; f 1 - f (J ..iUit' " ' '•< oi '»jn ir in Aoto -Wreck *™ p^ ^ *<»»* ^ <***"• ™™* ™> «*«. r t i rl 'fI or,, t ', fir nil.1"'! pq fol- As the'result of driving, aecording 'technrcrtaJon ,,,tiithey^il, nwrflts th(>llll bei th,1I(e , nex1)10it ,Kt.o illiW( .lanuar,lud v 21 will welcome Di Biunoji'Ot ! talian lee tin eis in tho ' i" 'h t c , (rtr:C/ 7 f r to the police, at an excessive speed on, inbe'. remor,„)llrn\ Int. or,„i thKler maneid ior r-i, ewher com-o Uo^elli, one of the most widel\-| -lI ' to ,n 1) .,, 1 ' i ,; - Passaic avenue north of the Boulevard unttmg rule bv thiowinr them- (Contiiiued on Pirc Ei^lit :-tL •z, ..i n i oe»-, n / last Sunday evening, a motor car over- rehes mthe sea " d 1 J fi-ii , /.-ti-^ f ., turned pinning four occupants under' Dr Poslhdoie, the IT r' '' 'r ' L n -r. O'Bi-i • ,.", dihat the Keaity Development , the wreckage. The driver Stanley | Allied wdups faded to ...*.,.....-, 'U. '"- ' i , "h f.i TPt, 7' Wroeyski, of Plainfield, was taken to their injij etforl to leniove the On Boulevard Planned m 'i D'.r icy _. Overlook Hospital where his death lefiiKees )\ day altei the ontbieak vyas monientainly expected but he has | of the m He declaics th.it if tins As tiustee for the iUutin Estate of since" shown considerable improve- had beeni c theie would be no nioie Corra ,\ Williams has sold a plot on fi - 1 "*' • T- ^ to- r.v'm *- .- ment. The others pinned beneath the lefuace i ilem in Smyrna Alter the Bonlpvaid neaily opposite Madison max" • "J ^ '-Ffilr.rj ',1'to^ ,n„ z r ear, uhtll a derrick raised the machine the mi pi of the t,] eat di,arter avenre about hOO feet fiont bv 100 ier t J ^ ri i " r> r„ Ti'-t/ ;f-,r after:several firemen/had failed in the passed.. t.' inteiest 111 e\acuahnf; deep to M( ssrs Kentz, Schult/, Dun- '" r f1.')" r''. 'HP Rf-MiC, effort'to free tho victims, and who e's- further ptions of the stucken pop- dei and Nelson It is understood tint tarv • '- i ~ G--,r,tC I, Tifz-srf. •; caped with minbr. iiurts, are j Sophie ulacc cerd Dr Post in attending the new owners plan a development ot I T1.otlf -- " - ' • - .fj" t. in /'CO I Qursky of. punellen; Walter Pol- the manyounded and djliitf civilians small dwollins^ on lots about GO feci Re At n kOWsUi ^ Plsfnffelfl srkfl Ww*a nlr .« n, „ .1., _ J* J.... * . „, „.+~.. fyrt^f , tell i *• * ^ of PlalnCield, and Frank m the stits of the Aimeman ejuaiter front when d- !,_ Wetkoski of North -piainfleld befoie thlre, was compelled to stop For the Win H Risk Estate the | -d on Prg, SITJ At police headquarters, .where the bis autoibile fieeiuently to lift dead Eugene Jobs— II V. Heck (^o , has sold of nt''-" gM and the two young men were bodies oiof the path tne northwest corner of Whittredge Plcst <~ *" HI I'T HI 11 1\ pr.f w ,. Re J;f ^f f 7 taken and questioned by Police Chief FormcfudKO Osboine, slate chan-'road and Dogwood drive to Sarah R h'is ''"'K OLlndc w,f(1 o[ Murphy after they had had their in- man 0f t gmyina Emergency ReML|X ' Harry T Rounds, tee <• H , pfjldcnt oI ,n> Wus ex juries treated at Overlook HoBpital,' caljb atttion to tho fact that thy ^ ' 1'rmt Works, I piem-^- • ^.J ... J s J j they told the chief that Wrocynski %VBB j ^200,000 ecentlv appropriated by located at Newton, N J. The new , Manf -.-. ' owrl(3 dflviiig at high Speed when he tilrned con^rpts oniy for'Tre relief eif the r plans the erection of a colonial md '< into.the ditch -in,Passaic avenue to Aiiieii^rltizcna in Smy.na house in ,tho near lutuie i At '••< pass another car and lost control, of i The same a^eney has sold lor the' the t u'i 'th^\"rffflffebin-iBTWheTrit-Tswerved- into the Farciii-nclior Issoeiation to .Heot ,Glf>hc Realty Co, a -ew house m pio M C r. rdatlway, causing the machine to, turn „ T , m Icoss of construe turn at 27 Waldron, t.'lk over across the thoroiighfare. bunims L'nioln Parent-TeacherJ .,., , . r-r- .^„ , „ , l « i,„ 7 The. fire department 'was called to , 1a\enup w'th a lot /j\1o0 to Rajmond Suiw the •B.cene in an effort to release the Afisoplrfti will meet at tho school, .^^ of the fiml ()£ A,llpn anrlA1,Pllt Jeis0 Thurjojaftcrnoon, at 3.1D We note, drjCfl frult imp„rttri) 0f New Yolk Co'en yictirns. It was also feared that the that {> problem ol determining Mr and Mrs Allen have spent the last foim, machine might take fire. proper »vin/? pictures for c-hilrlicn, three >-iinim"is at the Hobart They (111110"

This morning Chief Muhpl'- - : up'especir' in the rural distncts, was e\pect to fake possession of their foim.

a complaint againstrWror,. ,„, „4 reck- 1 discus;;, at Tienton at a meeting ot new home al out Dee ember loth 1S tbt • n J888^fj^gl!2_-_--.--.^^^_^^ StjfMothers' Clubs,and .Parent-, . ^ZLT^r^rz - „-, - .^-.P^'jjkv^ "X --••• ^ t ^ " "~ " teachciAssociation, this week, at "W. ('. T. I*. Monlhlj Meotiltf? jcoini-.c-.t For the News of 'which <|l«ast one mother from ever> The monthly meeting of the W C sllov '* *!- I county^ the state was present T U. was held at the home of Mis J li'-tilt'in 111otlc ir Mrs. ("tries Bacon ot Haddonfield, W. FeUdi, Upper Overlook load. 0n' - Short Hills urged tt lists of the best and clean- September 22nd. After the routine tho fee?- _ bu < est m thr_ rc-URi^Hon ot the pi -si- -°-^*^ - Sprhigfield dent, Mrs W S Dean, was read and •>' the? ML. Teachcixssocmtion i*> the rural com- New Providence . , , , , ., . accepted v ith regret Some of the the head., _ muniticj for selection for use m mombera who had aULndPf] tho JVCPnt-cuiH^ _

-, Murray Hill ' their s ools Mrs Bacon said the county convention gave notes of in- oi' th## ~ Berkeley Heights ! parcnb nd teachers, by co-operating terest After a social hour with .-e- puif^S iwith n ittK picture interests, could freshments, tho meeting adjoin net! the s^vlj assure- ly tho best pictures for chil- ISee Pages 6 and r | ilr* n 11170ir loi ihtie- | Ri^ad even p uTe talk -^ .^

r:'. •M s SA


-*^-.i= I--J j ~ ! x SM'TEMHH,* 1 - _^- &, j--_- /y, i

-o 'Uibh Inn,g II) nn\ MO'Thesi, e ill •CWN "fchh 1 ducan'oiiMl >7. the lnM f( „n, Oi'ipu wl /el "D, ^«'i bclicie (be mmi;., .tie i ^1\ Summit Ian , njlI jla,l(li )u even ini Mi u< |,\, y ililL dailies' bast ball edition' not gciyoi ' < (11 un|\ rjdeth rtiirM ladii in illl Summit imlil the laic nib Huiii «OUl)ll\ |,n\ll who ha\( newt (> uiit fan j \\ii] |„ .,i,pli( dnioul thrcie U1 Ol 111, ,o,m,„ ^heie Ib,^ W(I, 1(,1 houi, ahead II line, aneiLly stit » ^ui it ll M)U , til about the iimlci- kill ^oild oi i' .,_ UlilOM COfflBlV 1L Pecker, Cap Teriis/Fiiia "'HI' the paitidili.--, vsiiii-liR..., llH u "t the whole game and 1 hive Iheii JI!2 I-ti't (Mine i,l mteiiind as to who B: T .01 " st End T 1 i O&ffli 'row ni.Kli the vatiou- hit , ei-., put-out,, •aid ' in n detail, <@®rji;ilffk rsrVr-^ Toijloi I "\\ alt, The HER\LI) publi'fl es here\y\ H !• i moon ai IhieecwliHK lie ides all (Ins, Hit wllo are |Vsj (y^sn ,1 "" '> It Two,,, loitunate will uLu .,. ai^ - (^_vi-_J ~ ^-OOflSIVjA'.V^I «ie a Stonewall—Visitors jOutplayed_uu^ hiw^ ^ JU^U-. o± me untf ' °' » ' ">1> al'd \\ / <>" uy u.]lu Hit^cKx-^d gH tin I nrrr!!r^^W2i4 ^l. (, ntv I ca,:UP If w,n bt of Iut i,ls K 1 »•> < hamp,oi,sh,p Mrn s Single- ilinilm e Quarters of Season's Opening Contest °" ' "" " '"""V" T!?"* noc Biook hna '>' bill j»f,,|i«ul.n. lhc ,ames ! ii llll]|lllll|I||||||||m]|||||||mm„ ^ e , _se it iii L Ju-, done .Ii lor the I ri s."W3&i - -—- *- ^- no-clou-ht—to-f a^i-s -nud-to the plav e -i *> <• hampiuiiship ni the oe Bi ook 1 IOC tj ih \-oiId Kn ^ v hen some m toMn1^ I'roiitlivay Hit Kcuutiful R themselves, to see how than nvals ai>unirv Club, on the n '"^<»' I»x d.h ,„,. Llo,f, K ••• Willi ••-5- h School football'flic soon icadiul Ruriunil's ten, bv iieen cai KiiK la { Satui ii.li, ,, could publish tiic niii-ln-iiiiinig I ^ making out (lining the jiear, so tndks The competition 1\V U i w inn- bh nas in ,M,H,'„W = MAE J "Jill -IIUL. l_lUlb_ _ajld lOTW.Iul nasses . ^J •***• l^V UIU I . '"'"' lece ii (Ml >n teJegh wne, ll S MURRA V --fe {\j HI;. . ^ "''"•"'» piain n.i i>uuii3ii t at. ii m'm.d nll aii sunnne v aTta iiy • " " /" «•!. considered v onderf' But now I =z -- —of the Oiange High The thud quarter v\as_up On—their The ne'\ Hit return of these games. Watt h ton stillest Mil t ot mall vai not to l< dmi.-d champion th|1 b„K , dll ,1(1 1M h. |)P(,fh h, j ])11K J^ ^j'ange, in then 1u.st game second down Oiange -Jioved the hall 3 ' in In "BROADWAY ROSE" I ciloven ,hl lu thls ,a ei title, as mpion ju tly desoivu 1 a t Si Ilfl m hi, luoiitb,, anandd "-(c'.abe Ruth zz ovei, Reed la lung it on a t unous plaj ' °" l K'' 1 " »" »« M, of v R i _. st.DCiK W.j ui-fUiy, Sopi,. 30th § Of the 1922 season last l'lidn i v ushout the bat fiom open lormation winch had th< FRIDAY, SEl'T 29 ' advanced '•leadily th Tv OJ 1111] \ , T 0 .t Imiii 1 uu altei "fJ lt<*\ l nrtilWo,M, ,1,,,,^,] afternoon The score was 13 0, but nameut, deleatmg ijei 'Summit men bewildered I Ro-.elle at Bound Biook II) Doublt < hai ijno-i inn in I that meant nothing The Summit el , oi'HK dial 01 en« Much intne-,t centt_ied on the pla\ Roselle/ Park at livingtoiL it coiiteit It < Poih i lint Do^s! I-AXTQ-J K and players did themselves pi owl and we ie lothci loin diaw I ^ 'n in in, 1 lovri ;hl 4 ( which followed, the lust example ot' R.thwav al \oith Plamlculd Ollll ,| (, " \n' dai c DIM luck (t S who was | — ' " R -, ,, ,l, l ' ' »'" >»d i vn.„lul„l in and illative liiMi,. ol dogs tl had once fiir.iv. and theiebv \ i&o III id.e ,,nl11 quarters of the game, tho slipped duwn Art Ft d< nc I took the ball audi Rah\va\ at Roselle «" "a- dl p],M,| ,„ C M,- lumv made i"^c bailie nieinbci - owned, 'vd, a wonnoilulin'i why, j JJIIMIIIIII!IIIIIII||||l||ij!|||||l!IIHI||IllSlli during the closing ten muiules and the ^as going to tiv a pass He lound |T1IITRSD \A, OCT 12, (Columbu Mr Hcniv Of bolll I, nil 1 D.n ) •ie si oi e of erne dav be < o,i,< loolinjoiiil' m.ih — in) QU ni m 1 Orange lhds rushed over a couple of '^ ' «»verert and b> the time bei •ii\as only beaten 1 /" Kxlnbnio) ,,,m ]iu juinunt at Bernaidsville .It In- with daddv J,i uksmith shop .mah clad- •= M>fi touchdowns. 'had decided to run hinisell he v as sui I.SVTPUDAY OCTOBER 14 t' -lie tuna w n hi , i„i civ got mad air clunked aininei at f cond pla. e w "K tliis ijullriip Mull. Nijj!ii „ . ' clowned done'- well, jj, a,)tR. Illau i,„it j, = Wo I's Cr-fnirst Rfvvi 1 Roselle Park at Railway. 1 HOVelation to all who had not ,een it in Bill Burke was withdiawn Uom the in t,sA In E lctei HL-.tUeMX de do' " \rniaii Kuliz I ,- ills i>in j>uint_- im-3 wiiuuiiiHii iitjin int* |,MMI"^V Of,rl,riTtI,1T? "0 M« l'.>c.|,i,vs lor ]in,.M!<.i(sU centei position and Oillj Balcci shift i | toei ai old hu-hi-'hh ,c>-.c ' c l>ov, ^ho Jig \> OI 1 I action. It stood up like a stone wall (,p,ucl uosll„m ailll (!lllj [ukL1 slllft / w^tti;]( u j,^,; "SPICE OF 1922" fvJjaiitat the consistent hammering ot . , aie, Charley Borden talc I ,.,,„,,„.,, ', ,.„-.,.ii,. i> >,.i -.hole bj the S' tics HI ^iiiiimil ( (t {o lhc ml(1 i v isiy nosed out by an' 'all nullii, iall' 0 time Ah| = •-', Sfl'lli's, Willi j*. «A ^.* »./-., i i i * iamoiii ai n.osciie i tu h 1 Hi b I \ Steele, Ji lo BH ,I I hi owed i ],, r A I, li s IC \ S V. 1< A-T T the State fhampV and ne\er flinched in^ gt,aid Summit leceived on her' H ^ TTI^D YY OCTOBER °1 c lulMainpion Di I wind, „], in i it in ihw > , an' In zz \ \ and I, 1 '!<' wn i il„ IIAI.I'I-IUN I'iKouia-: I'KHI- liarfy of the players were liiivni'; their tj but Ra\ Willevcr lumbled, a poor I?i oele's seoie w -0-1-7S and ln-t lall ol the staitetl l lakin ti „ K- f )* Atl nitie ,= St mmil at Uahwav M C I .III 1 Sl i: • iii-sliir ,-:,Ht an,I ., Ba,-,1L.M „f 1 f itillen tied " Vi'„ \voibl s, ,n ''illy Hiuuiifiil ('.iris first,session under fire and they kept Pass b> Bakei helping, and it was ATIIRDA ), OCTOBER 2S (iiov «J'?-11-7 ) II. d^,d 11 I ( T iboaitl Ra,l,\a\ an yi,e he' = ^ouois with 'i>i -ni Ua\. Bmtiolt ol the M;i(-,_ \SciK jinj' jijU,^ 50c i« $> ciiOl and bore up bravely Theie weie ' Oiangc 's ball Fedcnci made ten yaids SnnnniL al Roselle Talk ! voun,;io\< s toi sec- making UM\ , M t )' lit ) V . - dc I = "'•''i' K^l Wuin, C in injj Oi-iuli,.,- (),],. on a I KIlis came -lf>-70 wonin ili>l, t ,ia\ i;' "'iin'; I:NJ)LI;^ CIIAI.N" and 1 in t-1 i ) uu an the uo 1)11 )s' i ll) f,e alts nrnng ," l ej w c i Roselle at Summit e mo itlind w ith 17" In in-ii" [iner's Ertipire 1 the Joeals held for four downs Thiec in, in the HI u """ likn. In ])K,-i Diekeison came back in the game at Mornstown at Knh\\a\ In II WMUOI co, the Kin |.,p,„L ,„ ll)U(ll ytyd.s, rnind you, and the tamed Orange | hall It was then Oiange's ball on rn •\y de 1c 'ted with (be lnsloii 4ua\_ not ) lieatre, Ul']Sl)AY, \OV 7 (Election Day) see ond uind, C C "- in (in n ii\,(i Bteamcrushet* hacks couldn't get the tho .Summit Ihree-vard hue and Inst round .\as il l ill outlMTlg whit olhei iha-t ha,e IViishiiigtoii st„ Newark Chatham at Suiumil : I IHn , 4 .nd I Clls 1 i, | , Smoking Permitted" ball across in four tries. That line i = down The Summit boys braced and SATURDAY, NOV 11, (Armistice Day) [ one of >s ilid dc ,1(1 as Mi ic iuturt ' held wonderfully " it ni affci ' u i n will IKK bt la< Aing in ',,, h i Telephone ufJ3.y Mulberry: gQltis to prove the salvation of Sum Summit at Soinerville Dow ney aid ol hi fac; | Willever kicked to Summit's litty Mti. I'ctei Do, J,.-, , ,)u JPOJUK . Ladies' Bargain Matinee Daily -mlt in many a battle this icar. It sure Ro elle Pa Tic at Roselle the t.ialL "He mr , n. bir be toi ol Un­ ]>1 1 I Eodei ici made lilteen aiound light Rahway rft Westlield ,,ini lound '' ' ''"-it i who uppned 'Week RUN. MAT., OCT. 1st; was' a sight for &ore eyes. Ijast year, i r in \cv ml " In th. it lib end, the only consistent giouud {]idd 1 tin "' IlllJ -i' ' li t vc p, will \Vhen the enemy once got going, one FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17 ] Elhs.Loude tealed t't- mi ti,, gainer lhal Oiange had Orange was 'iiuuiit | , , i ,th „p )0 "TOWN SCANDALS" West Oiange at Roselle Paik mil Hi b i nev ai t.i thioi ,h Jiad the ^ee_lnig_that all w,is_ over , i d fifteen.. for_JucJung_hnt ninn u ((», up i,] a pona lze SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 — ^-,1^ a pel I blllle t 11 oi (.In with tl^n^HHw--I iffliry——— •britirg ^ R Shei H 1 1(1 (i ,' i 1 1 There wag no leliahjjc, sticing, line Eederic i made foity more on a pass, faulted to h) - ])Iac t i l i)„t j,,, , un (Ben Ridge at Summit AMien \'\ G lob i non i>] ,, z Harry (Hickey) Le Van 5 which could stop them But Friday I and earned the ball arios-. tor the ,rup< tit or ' '""I I otb- l lo< ij Rose He at Cianioi d P C Tavlc in lhc Uitaehin ,,, 3 "Week'Sim. Mai... Oct, 8lh— S the pr&nge four, time and tune again touchdown This tune Reed took the , t 1o jnei i t n id* I ing I In- idea, Oiange at Rahwav the 1 tttei lined in 1 it i no' i ni, ~ V "SOCIAL MAIDS" 5 hlt'thc) Summit string, and the bu^s ball across on a cross buck, ljr the SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, .•jiuil 'I he 'a ' Hi a f-unniiit w ill a C Wane in tl 1)1 lillll, (] \ Kb never hudged. Lucky lorward passes e\1ra point Summit leceived on hoi | .Summit at Chatham I c. R D < *c I il nth Minn,, Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^Ts i winnr i ol "be Al O1 I'lfe Mil ,)', and fluky end runs gave Oianto an foitv-tive and had had two downs TnilRSD\"\ \ Pie ii a the NOV 10, (Thanksgiv-jne- Bailey e lash \\ ill ,11. G De se T u undeserved victory. 'when the linal whistle blew. a'-t- i.ntkr wa.v Day). chant in the ther b^ uiiiiniHSiiiHniiiiiiEiiiiiiiniHiiiiifHiiiii, - And here .stood out Summit'^ weak- HinrMAItV: But there is still another way In Alumni at Summit ~ Prize? have"hce;i « bj' "• ;,T- ness.*' she had hardly a tackier who ST I AIM IT ORANGE which Summit, fans will be supplied Niitley at Rahw-ay. Swceet P for a hmr-nafcer's Best COtllcl be depended upon to stop a man Burke, W. ...,„ Cooper , wiia accurate detsiilR of the ffame im» It! broken field running You know, center Ball Tournamant, to^rtedim- before Jhe-.New York" papers'ffeV'out 1UHWAT ^ICAKEg POPE SHOWT^fi mediately.—Ha—fcJ&aOjiVfl-.Jlgfitlife^mj-- ^ig]^^—--rjr^. - u Vaudeville Theatre hfefci'the sc-Ore/is tied and in the last Baker , C. Brown wriieiv who covers Hnuiforil II. ami lliiiscy Ht., Nt-iva-k S IX FIRST fiAME—UEATIKG brocketetl- V. S HCiu^hillp Law­ Smnmit jnifliito Of play the opposing back' guard sporting events for the HER- OS's toasfiedB lb Vaudeville Musicomedy IleyuesJ^ rence to meet F. A. land J. R. 1 J comes thundering down the field with, Smith . , R, Brown __ UNION; I5-O . , „ „.... i ALD, Is planning to Issue each after- A Ni-.v Style Kntertiiiiiiiioiit L. " ' E PRICKS only the little tackle between him and guard Monroe; L. L. Brow*- i- aner- noon at five o'clock. Mats,—JSc. Mh; 50c' S if the length of gives a deleglul __ JivtJllilllis JUc, 50^. KJc, $1.10 5 Against Union High, one of the the 'goal, The college fans rise and Pareclls ... Hopkins rered to meet A. IC, and K. R. j the game perriii s.or as soon as pos-ji- qoaaSiil^ flhafl tro H (lax included) B yell "strtp that ln'ail " 'And with a des-' Sehimniel DeVeneontis High "gehool, 1921 champions of the to meet A Schno itn}& E- Mil-; hour limit. a two page newspaper ire- S Suaus On Sab Tw(1 \^ks h, Advance 5 iterate, dive the little tackle stops that tackle Union County League, last Saturday ler: Fred Hill anc? lT.pfl to meet: luting ^ 'J'til. atul nKiil tjiilt-r^ ^iven pruniisl %± R. F. Decker anit-v^feet S attention. I'lioiic Mark-m filfil S man. fitit not so with Summit. The" Darling ,„..,. DWyer made a* decidedly poor showing, win­ S •-; AYIvKK COilM. UC'I'lJlnCR 211,1: E CfCiwd cAn cheer and plead and wnng • end ning by the small count .Qfjjjj-O. And iT | E 1) I) I V, I) OiVLISU = this with six lettermen back In the — jnrseiHs SS their hair and gnash their hands, but May ... . MacEhiea Football Team Jj^^ ««ier^ HmHiifui]iiiirniMiriiii:iniHiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiuiiimimmiiniiiiimiiiniiimniif ?s the, only man between victory and end game.. Joe Casseleggi, one of thej.all- S "HELLO MiNS J{A!)I0 1 county guards, agaiij...put in an ap­ Coach F'lanS Huntiy a unique] S i ' \i i ,c S _ " Company of Kifty' ljfio\ile S .defeat hopn on the runner's neck and J. Willever ...... Clevely _ Note—Mr, UtiivliiiK Now hpiifiiriiiK In E 1 method of practicinslis football[2 ','., \ i, 3s carried down the Held twenty yard - quarterback pearance, as" cfid Slmiuons, the re­ \ i \ i r K = "SALLY. 1RKNK aiifl MARY" at" ihi- S .before/he half-back looses his equili^ R Willever . A.Federlci nowned fullback. Kay, who played in nien this week. Weff afternoon ' ~ "iii« x ~ CASINO THHATRK, N. Y., will a p. S the lino against Summit last year, per­ they went down to rand scrim- 3 •j |iear with his "I'nii" on Moti., Tiies.. C Tjriurii^niKJ stumbles to the ground. halfback H^UtA- ''•"I!' — 'i'liurs. Mntinees am) at Moth SUNDAY •—. N£w_jrnsj s_s c That's what happened''Friday and Murray .'A. Brown formed -at tackle, while ** who maged in practice ve members S : , SAJ~CS_T_ ^PI^AYH r>U S 1'KKFOKMAXCKS Octolit-r K, ' ^3 1 last year was halfback, has been trans­ of the Roselle team, rs could be — FK!f>n, Si Vl\ -H E --MANY OTIIKR Hit". ACTS "S with the Orange team's link, lost • halfback I'TlIt I UTOA in •HiJi; <»>n V(Jv shoved in wherever Jch got .the ™ 1 aiEiiiEiiiiitiif eitiiiiniiiiiiiiifiiiiiiitHieiiiii -"--Wife On the offense the Summit Dickorbon Reed formed into a quarter. Mausner, last S.\'I ! lillll, SU'F . ! inclinotion and the'Sa had an 5 <» "iin: HI,HIT or TIII; verc on the go and ran off yard tullback year's center. Is now a fullback. Bor­ > out rn. niiiniiiHiininiisHiiiiiiiniiniiuigjiirgiiH 1 opportunity to get nee in play's Vd through the line. Jack 'Touchdowns; Reed A. Federici, den, . another veteran, is back In .• the against unfamiliar The idea ~ and Gus Murray just pound- Goal after louehdown Reed. Substi- Hne. ' • '; worked out very wakell, in fact. S /» 1 Strand Theatre 1 .st that line and never seemed i tutions Summit- Baker for Burke; Union held the County Champs I Market Stn-i-i, JNcwark = Ray Willever ran a couple of .Borden tor Baker; Brockway for scoreless In the second half after that a scrimmage hi schtduled 5 ©, I":: J Will SI\R1IM, 'Ml Ici) V\ Z£ Ring end runs, but the other Dickerson; Dickorson loi Brockway; Rahway had piled np a 1.5-0 lead in | between the Battln-M the loeah 5 tZ I lit I amuns i tj i su , _, ^ 1 position was a comparative Brockway for Borden. Oiange—Dii.gan the first against the visitors. A 15-1 eleven, to be stagediabefh next 5 rodlsr•iS> a | "IHMJil'LI) Al THL ALTAR" 1 (Buck Hunter decided to start for Dwver; Kenny (or A. Federlel. yard forward pass-for touchdown by [Tuesday. With thel practices g ue |rson at the fullback hole 'am Reteree: Bovson, Caileret. "Head Ferguson, a new end, was a feature of '* team ought to slnvell by the 5 he (, ™ * tli in I'I'M ti * iinHifln.jr ™ tmle o£ real Impricaii 1*L-,. hitos t half the game, long linesman: Rodin. Assistant lijies- the game. Thorne scored the other j the! Plaintene ilcre a ^ | Tulh Marshall • BCSHIC Loir = goal. Ferguson also scored af'2S-yard j week from tpmorrov ._ H FLAIURI^CJ « Iiml,it I.tr riihiii liiinuit smZ spoil Summit's only chance man: Cummins Timers; Cole 'and — till OllLtilli t1 i N\ mi li r I) K — lind was withdrawn in favor Kintftein." dropkick. ," ' I - . -4- • ..-"tz '£ \ kl U M|l()Ii|'\M\ — iyuy. Brock proved no iin- - ••• -—• =_.' J Too I i B liltlLltfU-. It) il to I 1 Ii ill i, on the offense but did pull ^Second Team to 31eet Hhoijt Hills '.Railway Man Leads League Scorer*. I "Well, did jou hit from that JEAN PAKR __ J nrlntliiT Stiml i> S

, —--r->? tackles. ''Agon Nelson, manapcr ol" the'Sum- By making a touchdown after re-! agent"" i ai'd an Al Midi Ca: §! 7TiiiiiiiB]iiiiiiiiiiiEEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini!sii¥ F .-eceived on their forty and uiit High School second team of foot- ceiving a forward pass, and by making "I did not. I remlat I want­ 1 3 points, on a dropkick, Ferguson, the ed one big .-npligh around in, ,-tA \ er made five yards around hall, hawariauged a game to be play- r<* A 'ten j ul heai L inte]c-,t 5^ ap- re kick on third down. Ray ee for two vming i t T'ns F.G. G.aTV Pts. , i LLOYD-HAM (-OMKD^ < ' *, fifteen Parcells has i housemaids yere CJJ nnt, Un "Free and Easj" j | of the finds of the season SCHOOL MUDS TO 4TTENB Ferguson e, 11 0 academic lit . (Rahway) MONDAY—SCREEN SNAP^ jrs /. for stellar work from him VOOTJtAMi MKr/n\GS "Well," and NeflplmR- "the ( season He is one man on Thorn, qb. .. 1" faculty has me bra the , olu pe TUESDAY—PATJiE'S NEs (Rahway) i ho might be able to take the Coach Frank M llunlei and Prinei- girls have tH clotl bellow e nit r WEDNESDAY—GRAPH ' - U\ IIM ! —Children 15c Adnli* Uhat "little tackle" on the pal Albeit J. Barlbolomew of Summit Totals^ ... He- = the maid^r-haW-thr— - — ~ iUIIlli [ ^ven. Jack Willever, who'lh^h School are planning to, attend signals, chose to give the annual meeting ol llie New Jersey To" slow down the engine and re­ = THrRSDAl" and FBI DAY, Ot"! ami ~i- ^enthol is la vvlj DOUBLE. .ATTI{\|;0N ^ chance to carry the ball Stale Inter-KchojnStie Athletic Asso- main in high when crossing railway 'try, -erystal- = t the dusky halfback fum-, ciatioh ilSxt Fiiday The meeting will tracks Is a ttfftigeroUs practice. The Una compound, de|mm tllP 0,j r =3fl it was Orange's ball. Hum- be held in Ncwaik, at Achtel-Stetter's engine may die with the car wheels qf peppermto't wh cooled ll I WALLACE ' p opportunity vVas lost. leslanrant. Dinner will be served at on the first rail. has the od-op'Of pe,t. Ufa® kicked on fourth down to C ?.0 o'clock, alter which men who are w Jack Willever tried a loi- prominent m the .spotting world will O -f t which worked its way into eiive bftef talks. At the close' of the uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniimniiiiiiiiiriiiiiiriiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinJiiHiiiiii,,,,,!,,!!,, = J'UJp /r^<\ /pj he hands ot Art Federici, the ' .speaking, -the annual business session u tho game, from the Orange' W)ll open. Every secondaiy school in I First-Glass National Hat ^fclej, 11 ^ ^^^ t. The ball was in inidfield i fne state ls 1)cmR U1.„0(1 hy preai,jent licked pvit pic; m sii,bi! Yt as a pal ol lends and dukes end of the quarter. Art short to send its representatives to I' . ,,:Rebldckini and.Shoe-Shiffle 3r f an 'Hade fitteen around end and '\',he,i be o.Hid a ceilain ';n 1 come see' hmi lake the conn MSiltV the meeting. "IH^LT" Inspired hj J lie painiiiij 1! went in for Dickerson. Bill' f.s~~TrT For Ladres-and 6entlenrBS< - - hj Watts. Tlie I'ouilli of a Another meeting, which thcFSmiirnit i »»' inasteiT)iecc paintings. E E The impression your printed S »r v a fumble and it was officials do not e\-pcct to be able".to Jllioe laces and ill Kinds of Toltsk iPoi -' l^n her forty. Summit E E message will malte depends = Yi attend", is being held- tonight^for Jhe THURSDAY—SPORT PICTORIAL -frve yards for offside on || on the skill and knowledge S purpose of formulating" a code of THURSDAY and FRIDAY— TOPICS OP THE DAY tl hut Jack W.llever made c]v

-** ^ yr


'm*>mm\\ IVS. I .J., 4 SCI ,(?!» > J' SEPTEMBl^ 29, 1922 THE SUM^fC Hli,riALI\ SUMMTT, N. J. 'f r-^.au-jj^j*- -~— — Summit < hilelieu's Home IiwoipeuuUd , TOLSIUS' UTO THUTh Special Evening Services his special topic being 'Religion and iiii!Mmi!ininminmiiit!ii^ips:p!|(!;p AitielCs ot mcoijioiation weie tiled ///#/* School Note s , „ , . ~t i Tiut,U':' v, )lh the Willow in,- sub he'ld : ; News Notes About City Monday with the county me toi Childun, Cliche* kViiiil(\ i'oi Offender's ? (Jvunul OrKiinl/ation Opening |Tillth ', " Ulthoiit. oi ( cm e ie nee '", Tjlio Uo>-p Club will •\\Q ., KpOlt hi outfit Foundation The in--Lituti >n Th iimU'iiK ut toi (he supines ion The Men's Club ol the { e nil il "Re \ elation oi Ilea-oi" Sen nee and = Teacher of Sitigw^ Dance, Fuel.iv inenin'-\ Oeiohei Gtb, will oi cup. a "(jO.DOO building uio Itc hgioti ' Hie I met ol tie Ihble on ol auto tine, ing stalled h\ the \a i'l e '-in li 11 in Cbui c h h c- ai i iiif-eel leji at Ma >emie Hall \1UMI vidcd under the will oi Nuholu Ii Tlie general oi Kain/ulion of Sum­ b> Uonur* a cne ol loui Suuda> evening iall\ 1 bought aid Mm !) lot file Tuith nii'ived ^llc-picael Mi]>poi t th~ougli suuie i begmuiii-. Octobei Slh 'tin, | 4 Parrnley Place Tel.fiOfi-VV l)lv ot students Wednesday nttuinncjh Tin oiphaua^e will be loi J'lotes out the ilation (_iiambei ot Corn- ei ie Uavi \\ e en airing^d piece lin^, Tne Y W c A F.\e halite lia-. re- tant < lultli (ri onlj, undet the will'' , Y. M. (. V. \ux in Lincoln School The pupils assem­ the ln't lalh communion •mm nid !i.u j Si nK S a so ii = Pupil of Oscar Seaglo men e , Hath a ,Kiations and inotoi 1 <«'ivcii a consignment ol beautiful em piovisions It will b< ro\eiiH d by r bled immediately altei lunch Pie *) will be conducted along hues 'iinilu i l he ftp i nm0 i all me t tin of the = riwnhold Hernan hioiele?re»d ( ]»IIM-.<* Inn i s, e onsistmi-, a biaid ot ix (iirlce , IIIIII|KJ,II| oi clubs in nioie'than loitv si ite^ ht\ing dent Maitf'iret Dovle presided and in- te> tlie \ai ion s ue e e <-tul ,cm held Womoi s \uxiliai v ol the \ M c V = • Mme. •OafWgiie-Mott •'?•' ,ot tcibl„ eenei1, runnel,, l/.i'--, and hid \aid <' Holmes Joan U Huod pledged the n ajel in i his m.' uu/eil el stipe'teel the students as to ,\hat was L J list .nin„ dining Lent Theie will was held on Monelav September JMh = Arthur D, Woodruff wal it3 Waltci II Collins Ccoig< V Much rc>i 1 te> supjue s tln clis^ el 100 voice accompanied wIntel's woik Alls (ioochn^., chin T]((1 H nlli)1 ; Bl nuh ()L thp Lvall linse inc hulm r inurdi i Albert J Baithok mew made nninci SuiitJilne SOMP', hi Id a picnic on bv lun ]), \iolin ind piano Tin pastor man ot the e nle l tainnient eomnnttee bt(d^n ea1 s tiQUI nm sta_ie aie^now ems'" mid-s-imclry uuiinirnccnciits Tuesday ar the honn of one of its Rev Roikwel] S Blank will elelnei lepcnted a Rot nv ( lub w hie n meets at the V v ltnimsr The_ Cn ' depntment v i (.ill ' out ( sang a soiik, "Cheer for Old Suiuinit," tin c l.nni depaitmelit ol S Mi Ue menthol , ' Oe tober ij, " Tin M C \ mil ol the good Woik accom i las' ev« nine tn a lire that was lhought of New York City with MlH M.ihood at the inano I*it>-»i- pesi MUSIC 5easoMthe .'s^o^ •<- .'alu%m *; Coir c me ut Season, ' Octobei J'J, "Tin phshed h\ the Rot ii nn. , m other cities to have st.ukd in a c^r owned In IT woikim, with t Migne 1 il Ci o s ' dent WllK-m Moelmis, ot the -Uhletie 'rhe Fn st Student Com 111 will open i:\ii-\oie I, nived to wnte to Con- and then it was decided to h'\e an ai j J ( haileF, \lat\an and whuh w is • tand tei lieie.n i e e < ptlon \\ ill leHiinie teaching in Suirfmit, —Asvoeiaf ioiir ninouneod—that loom IJ, (h< mil u.il eison ol l'UJ. I) in Sum lie smell mil Si'i'loi, fj aippoit the to luolht i ind in, °(jn Sunn.in avinue tllene' s to lake the ])1 ie e oi Ihe l e nndei e l loel I On Oetobei I'l, m lainoln Sehool, <11 Auto \nti TheU 1M\ to , em the p irt ol The Summit Churches tollowid with letic Classes Will Open October 1st member of the association,, lie then A Kino .<•', oi Ijoni« Hill, a well toleij e us a tc'ii itue halt ot whuh lniie ills p ', '() p in Alls, "\luioii Ron-i i piam t j- ave the older, bv looms, in whnh the mown inodiue in ddlei in Summit, f u a ,ee latum lia placed in the hands ol i \tiaot duiai\ ehaim will pic cut a Re, \\ O Kiusoliin ; •>iH ))te l n Ho\ Please address all Inquiiies io whole school had become mem be is i won a s< coad pn?e loi tomatois'and a ol V S Scniloi ( umm'i'1, i ban in in ot l lain tune s a da\ do \ on e oin ,1< , ini 0I fl1 S iada\ u CiHaiv Chinch 1 hi' me ml ' in tin cc day's In hi, aireless, ii 10- thud pn/e ku pntiloc, at tin Woiuh'l 'fi ' I^ Ccntuiv nii'^n, in eumiuittte oi Intel St it > ( oinniei c e How m m\ time, (lei -\oa lind V, 1 i auliliii JMiiCfi Teleplione 8-1.J County Fan last week 1 ( bi'ieh Se l^iol will reopen lor the gard to the A A, Mocbnis 'explained tonjnnclion with Bon, Sasl M 1\L, the ni I iie tedlow nig ten m tault ' si1 is(>a Ill's Sunda\ nio'iung the new system oi awaielin? lottei -> in Russian hantoae, who will sni" a \ K|il athletics The new president wa The annual meeting ol Lmd,iMM Cl.ib gionp ol Uu'-'-ian Colk Songs, tlie t om- lo uppl ment 'in net Ky jiUiil h the r r biuatioa piomisnif', an bom ol ,-,.eat t^ nl ill I'Rslr ii lun () o't lo< k m L e 1c- in Intel State ('unnicice (I'uh c lub old pie tell in ihe aioi mng on the subject \la oni< Hall All mothers ot he \o 70 (.(.lb Congie -) (ii R. «jjo.i) Jean (iadd.s spoke toi the Art Club The \\ i^ Up is Down," anel in the ts nembeis will be welcome We heai it said J_hat the el ice t is to Be it eiidc'cel b> the Senate and and Kulh Sonnekalli loi the Gills' c.enin on 'Looking Baekvald" lie enhanced at this conceit bv a hw A Stage will be run from High School Club. Each uij.eit the HOP i ol Kcpie ei.tilncs ol the etc l 1 The lire dipai'mcul wa < illed out inaint ti < atci ,mits whuh will See 1 Th it LII! actum, be cited as student.s to cooperate in the good 1 he "\Ie thodist kpiseopal Chun h Mm Tin sda\ to save t burning ant miobih in ike the ,el ting ditterent liom tn it ol Summit to the Short Hills woik which the clubs aie (anting on a uppleme.nl lo the act known i-, thL Hciueil ( T/Vtl* pa-.lor, will obt,i>i\e in I'nion place The (ai was ovein d bv pn ceding conceit^, ind that tin pei ? it on, 1 .Uoleu \ chicle Tlie It Act After another school soii^,, ErnesL Sundav as Rally I>aj \ with special \ It \ic(d ol Spnngiield avenue and toi mane e will lie \.ined in a hiannci School ,every school day Armstrong explained the woi kings of ^ee 2 'I h it no pahln e tmii sb ill piogir nn all -.eivices Ml membeis Hie lne oilsinated liom i 1 IOI t cn ( uit | to hole the mtcie^t ol the >oungest .n,ce)>1 loi shipment- m |n state com the 'Top" «ystem, and e\lie>itert all lu ind ti u ud Ue' spec l ill nu itc d t > be oi v 'lie s while tin l.l \V ( belli o.ei audi toi duung the nni ieal honi Imt m* lee noi usiic l, bill ot 1 iding toi beginning Sept., 25, 1922, those who have tiny interest whatevei pie sent naiihd in the load in honi ol a gaia;;e a lull piogiam is to be is,a( d 'b> next in, n school yeai book, to .help make nil nioloi ^nliie' c hie i wlu'thci oi not week, we nude l stand when tickets boxed until then i, lib d witn si'th tlu" 192 i annual even Inftei than last In SI John' Luthei in ( lun c h Sun _Tho Union < ounfOlistoiic il Soeicts will be in uled to sub tribe is lnihlic c nnei a ciiuiie it<> ol an ot year's l'Jliyabeth Walling, loi the da\, Re» ( I I Rud\ w ill ])ic ic h at I will hold i ugnlar meeting at Ihe Ken the lunetit oi ne •,, < omei s to licci of the Depailincnt oi the Tica - TiitiiiiiitniiiiiiiiiiHuiiiuniiuiiiiniu!Miitu:iii[iniiiiiM!iiiiiiH9iiiuiiiiiiii!{litii&ilit orches'tia, laid IMIOIC the asseniblv the both ,( l \ ie es .p lollows 11 a in lCluMbt'th (ouit Heiibe next Thin-, lav Si.mmil v.e would add lhal tin, UIIK,SL uiv ^ettuif, loi li tin name ot the necessity ot more wind msti uments to Stew aidship an 1 the ( ninth," S evening, Oetohn 5, at .\ o'clock »l el 'wo Student Cornell,, one jnven F fiipport the strings, and related the manulae lui e i the not, u tat loi\ ind j p m \ glimp e oi (ltni,i: Pll st JrllSII18IBlBIBIIIllIIIIIIIIEIlIllllllllllIlllllinilIillBIIllBlBllIIIIllIIilllllllliIDlllilCS&E|.P. tfBI01||a vhuli Ijr Aithui L John son, County e ail\ in the tail, the other in. the nioloi nuinbci , .ml thit such muu- tunctioiu of the oi < hehti a Camil. Lite " i Supei mtendcnt oi Schools, will make spisiigtime ha 1 ce ome a Jeature ot lifis have not been allmed lemoved ( William Harko hoped that the .school (he , illic,,%ii "Kailv Industnes of Summit lite, tin own ope h as H i, lo would co-operate this \tai with the del ie ed or oolite lated Cuion ('ounlv "• Jn lie Tiisl Baptist (huieh Sun hex vii e commute*', whuh helps pie- i all whp aie IMH.K illv inclined undci See .1 That no public caniii -di ill l elav, the listen Re \ S B Rile \ Will sci ve order at athletic and MM I ii tune , i the following Mhedule Com e*tu ke>t ie c i ]it loi shipment in tmeign com ss pleach a e tmnuuinon nci'i in the 1 A new tcmim^ cai, owned by 1 Hon - Air Bartholomew aj'jm .poke top IjoLll e once lis, to all ieaehii ill nieiee nor l -,ue its bill ol lading tor Miss Hood's Sch^o' iiieiiii'ii and m the e ' enin > theie \\ ill to the asseni,blv in lcgaid to ,eveial Vlich.cl l)i Cd o ed New Piovidence, '--in lent s, and all bo\s and gnl, undei I ill. motor ye hub, wheihe, or not 1 be a 'peeial ,on ^eiliee lc id b\ the important mlos ol tondiut the s< hoo) | was .lolen fiom in iiont ol the Lyi ie Hi) one dollar To all"*olhei adult I oxe I, until theie is illed with sue t JI oicliestia and iinin people , c hot us should obseive, and the meeting ad Tin title em Monday e.enin.g between two doll irs public c i uei a leidticate, oi a dupli journed Alter the meeting- tin re was| 7 !0 and 0 aO o'clock The eai c ai I ie d The eonceifs aie airangetl by the eati ol i c crime ale ol an oftieei ot For (/iris and Boyj^ t ^ In I (Lineh of Chnsl, Scientist '2U ^ a sheirt e heer practise, ljad Jiy G rnj»< ^Je w Icis*> licen c 201,500 and had a ,ame eeiiaiuitte c who have a -.in ed the Ih partment ot the Tu.nin, set Rutin en plae e Topic toi Sunel.n ~ Delanev ' i paie tnC attached Di Coi.o opeiatcs piemoiis sue e e ,es, Mi, Daniel Bllike tnv ioith the iii me e^C the nnuiulaet Pumary and Intet mediate Grades .) bus between this city and New Mis Philetut II Holt, the Mi-.sc-, Alice UT i theieoi, its lietcn\ and moto nioimii-, 'I nieahty ' Ooldtll Text s I Alaish, Phoel e Si ott '"•(ele ,j<> it 7 2*1 'Lo, tin*- onlv ha\e ~ Senior Cluss Meeting Pun icTcnce Maigaiet Banns nunibeis, that <=nch luunbeis have not I and Mai°eTV Hcek, th I lo mil tl il ( od hath made man up s ens September, 25 192^ Theie wa, a slioit (lass lpeeting ol lattei the linan- been ilteied, lenuneel delated eoui ob- 9 li^h1, but the\ line oiulit oil n mi. ~ tlie scnioi s Tuesday, ai which Jame Th lenoi oi bemty and sced,ei of,tiul setrcPnv, to whom comnmiuta lite uPed and that sue li moto. \elu le ,lnns 'mentions S Downcs, the new clais advi.or, sjiokc (be unusual will be glad to know that ' oiiceimng ticket- may be sent is not enumerated cn a h,t ol teport to th<> nieuilieis ol the cla,, on the studio railed "Gi.indmothei's \t ed stolen motor \chit Ic , he l c b-\ Phone 326-J lie v I 'Xelaiiis Oak^s will paeaeh the ^ subject ot eo operation A social get tic," will be opened nn Tuesday, Oe | au^ioi izt d and lequncd lo »e ke])t ccnnniunion 'Cimon m JOasI binuinitl« together followed the meeting, and lobci ^nd, al iW) Spi inglield avenue ' I W„ Co L ]QS ])ublicl> poslc 1 in the oliiee of the Cnuich Sunday motinng on 'Whe.e — nuiMic liirnished by Kdwaid Piz/i and v/here antitpfe, (furniture and ke- Collector ol tlie Rent it e ae li J'oit Ol is 1 be (lui si ( hambea , ' in the eve g? Philip Dowling was enjoyed iamies), toloni.il and mo leun jiand e ntiv of the United State , IIUIIIIUUllllIIHHIIIIIIMIIIIIIIUl!IIIIIIillIIIIIIlllUHi!Ili( Ihe new piogiam tor the Business j \,reavmg (JUHorative arret useful), mill S'C 1 That e-wiy public eamei mug ' Old Bettlc s and \e w \\ lne ' iiiIs' Club ua. put into opciation foi in , is i]n ,ir , "New "I'oj)" (onstitutioii Uutitlcd vidual rHytfgns m table linens, and i shall maintain >1 the point wlicie a iy Mi s H P \i"-tin will - ( the (n't time on Monday in ht, and '(ilo l i the' i y ennv 111111111:111111111111111 E i! i e E 11 e i e 111111111111111111 i e i E At another meeting cf the "Top"iOthei atfiMetioiis in hand cialt will be nioloi \eluc le is ace epte d loi , up ,u nt the gnls expie.ssed the opinion that Stall yesleulay altcinoon, the new 'hown m nile ufite en ieneign coinmeite ind the mcelilK was Ihe 'Micst evei ' ^(yl Sunda\ uioiniiig at 11 o'e loe k --/•- — cotistifutum, as diawn up h\ a com­ open (o public msjieerion duung busi- Theie was not out slow minute, be­ in Ml Soul1-' Chinch, I tei Mr llawe Gl mittee, oi which Mr Chvei, the new The Fcdeiation ot Women' Vns 11 c , houu, a lecoiel oi Ihe name ed the ginning with uppei scived al G .0, inanutaeliiii I ui.iiui il-, lattoij and will miaih Ihe thud seim'i. '. hi ijrully advisor or> the "Top," was • ionaiv Stuities ol SunmuL have ai- then the open loi uin fioni 7 ,'.(1 to S KENT JPJLr^. •-eiie-i on the gencial simjeet ol 'Itc il chairman, was iatllied, withoul i aimed foi an lnle r-dentmnnational i inotoi nuinbci, name and iclflie ,s ol o'clock, iollowed by a,sin., led by ihe mag Religion ,n a Umlymg Powe 1 ' chaijRe The t onstitutlon hiatus that i ns.sion study il.is<- undei the leade i i ((flin/ioi alic>, c onsifin e jind the d ite sceietaiy and -Mines uiulei the leadei .u c eple l ioi shipment eloitlons fcU^ll be by the stilt each 'hip ol Mis F H Dtueinus The I Summit, New Jersey ship ol Miss Doiulhy Beck Mis ,m«4ng, with-the, appioval __ye.<__5—q2ii{i+--firn•• • public' carrier and' Wootten led the foinm, the topic be an\ eipplenei theieoi \iolatnig am advisory committee, which is com­ p«u ish hou e1 of the M 1<; Chin cb on A SCHOOL FOR GIRLS in* "lJn ^011 belie\e m (sod, and il pio.i'ion ot tin, ut hall be puni ht el prised ol the principal, "Top" super Monday, Octobei 2nd at 1 p in Mi Maplewood—Slunmit = 1 o, \vhv 7 Next week the topic Will bv a Inn ot not men e (ban s", QUO, tn by JVOThNDED 18')4 visor, anef representative-) ot the IOng- Doromus is a veiy capable and in e1 lish and art departments rl he editor- he, "What is the dilleicnce be (ween iinpiisoiinient oi not in ne than live eating teaehei and e\eij Chiistnn DANCING SCHOOLS 1 in-tjhiet shall be a nieml < 1 of the a gnl who believes an (loel, and out y e ai s or both \ oiiian in Suminit is mo I eoldialh Benlpr claw, and have beepi a mtjmbei \ ho does not'" Became of the gieat Set G 'lhal am public earner and Re-opens THURSDAY, SEPT, 2^i mvileel Text book "The Tune] ot Panic ipals ol the staff two yeai, The business inteicst of all the gnls in this topic any eniplo.ee theieoi violating am the Races" ' AIISS («I:KTIUTJU>VL IA.MI:S and — manager t.hu.11 he cither a henior or the foium em euiicnl eyents, led In piovis on ot tin act in a/ he punished Entrance—Norwood Avenue and Kent Place Grou junior and have been on the stall at Mis Moshoi, \, ill not stai t until the in am dntuet m oi llnough which MISS NAOMI \\ \'V\ S The Men's Club oi the Methodist loam one year sin li motoi ychiele ha been shipped ; Kpist opal Chine h met last night at the I foUow ln- v wl , ,, 01 11 move d )i sue h olle nelc i Plan t for the annual "Top Voelvil," 0n FluKl m>ht 0l tnbel ] ,th llu limine of Ernest Oreisel Noith. 3!) > - " ' ' i Maplewood Classes Reopen the proceeds oi which defiay the cost >ew England .avenue The piogram of n«-»"iess On Is' Club will bold a o — of production, are ulreadv undei way the evening consisted of the telling ot banquet 'Uieie will be special spcak- I Associate and othci', dosnmg Wednesday, October 4, 1922 Upper School lie The^perioruumce will again be on the lpls l ul e opir ol the piopnccd-uniloi in Stale \ .nation experiences by the members - " ticki U will be Mild at hlty at the (loi lego l*ri>[m i'(i lory 21st ot J'Vbruaiy, the ( eve-nng before Th(1 pastoi.'ltev He-rbeit C Litle told i '<-»^ *•"!» to .injr An 1 who would like contiol law toi f-.nage,, paint shops Wotdnngton's birthduv c , I some of hia e^pe licue es* on his motoi lo come etc, the us'i il "tv audit it, uip ilcro,, the (imtment and back , The hut Vesper sei\ice oi tlie sdi lo be pi iceii—rrr tlio hand, oi mem he i- , 1 luinoi class eomineiice expected that with the leputatioii | Th'(, rn,1D ;,ppn]nteel a commitlce to ar i -on will he held on Octobei Slhy*oa ol me-mbe i of Stan Lej. islatui e and it 2 11 p in

RJined much more ought to be made ianRC \ov 0 series ot lee tines this i loin o clock The piogiam will bt the piess aie letiiestetl lo send notice Inlc line diate JO I ol the n nn be r ot coiui s (leaned this year Tlie V'uuieyille will- be w ,ntor bv Prof Ruhert W Uogei-sUogei's, , oof f , iinn nnexe xlt w eek', notes, Cla •,*-!< - - - i r given in Brajton School, and the acts ,)rew Seminary whose leetuies heici The lai„c n oup of huh school ^nT Sarah Woodman J\iul \ staged entiiely by pupilb 1 rorcboeiiug hue alivajs been ^o popular who attend the club on Thin day [ lpimie L c o nt s to u\\ In- nt Summit Clares Open c j. W/ , 'r Principals noon, completely swamped the inlun- J//SS /i una, Sojifim Woodman J Help, wantf;, sales, lost, lound, etc Like a el irting hud 'Opportunities Tor you in HERALD teei comniTiloo, and ome of the ills Thursday, Octobei 5, 1922 With a ila,h ol pohh n win See page 8, Classified Advcrtis3ments. had lo get "eat*- ' elscwhcie About | And he mis*., and ni<_s and at tl e I Kt SI I 1 S Ol li\l I'l \CK SCHOOL 125 *-iils attended, and as all signified nig At .1 look, a w 01 d u their intention ol eomnu ie-,ulailv, ' Beechwood Hotel I in 11 I' 1 i . It ^ kieiiard n, leickard * ' 1 ml I ( i i M I .Mliert C. Se-lierer Q88il3BBISSlBiBIS38IIi!3SllH!SI8niilIlillllilI8SBaSSIICI6£SEHp81}niii!SllSmiI888I!8SUHlllI!8lllBBB l the eonmittee will enl.uae its jjl.ni, lumoi e la s - in iM S t In Is J'liiUi) V, R. Van Wyck \11 torla, he Inn been nniie * < onnnenc < il j tn P m =: to fill the need The elub inII have \i I Inn ( \ \ line "7flli:iiry V, Vinceiit Oli what have 1 done Se men 4 00 I'liil.tii II Unit , l't njaitiiu V. Wliite is then speilur no\t week, Mi I \iiiia S, Woodman I e_> elcsene tin golden thing ( la sic 1 OD s r ih \\ 1 ml KiDowa.1, and Mi , MoLhei will lead the tklnKk (\lil.ie; Shi ill ot voie e and Ml ong ot w in , S | "ills in learning; : ome ot (he 11 il en- oys Coloied like the s in ' |'Y W songs All eommimie.itioii' to be addle"sed ~ Arrangements will be made, when des|red, for lunche' £=, Motheis, eyeiiwhcie, aie nolihed Too much joy lor one like me to Ali.-s V, .Janie.s, \1Z Milli-.au l'lae e = and for supervised exercise and study in thft Afterno' T7* — th.iL theie is to be a conteionee oi "With what sud len sti c- 3 South Oiange, N J ^ S'molhe'is al the Y ^ C A in Ihe Oi Ion,, muted a„onj 'I cleliliurtc BOutb OrtuiBU 8U6-W _ S | nc ii1 future. If jou bine a epieslion iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiBiiiiiisiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiililiiBililiiiiil Shall the prioe he wrung from mo .» V ~ j that you would like to have discnr.seei You play any instrument you arc invited TTGt tills Irapplneas? •H!at that time, giyo it to the secietaiT "CHRISTOPHER BRAITHWAYTE. iiiiiniiiiiiiiHHSiiiiiiiiiHijiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiH to, join the ™lor any member of the hoaid. "Bite off more than you can chew", Lepak over the Claaslfletl Columns: '.-11111 chew it; plan for more than you rcstown. urchesfaral r bozieij can do, and do it; hitch your v/n*?on 1'• 'THE SUMMIT SCHOOL -OF MUSIC ,'"'. to a Kt"ni, sil tight, and there you Miss EKzabetih Leddell \ 1 HELEN CHRYSTAL BENDER. Director COME THIS WEDNESDAY are" (slogan of the Klizuhcth ASKO-, eiation). . i Violinist and Teacher ! = l J r * Evening to the Season's First Rehearsal .„„Gcaduate-.oE..„_™__ cmoer 16.19: Xo AntSelote -N. Y. College of Music Registration Daysr Septernfcar 25, 26, 271 28, 29 — 9.00 to 12,00 OCTOBER 4th, at 7.45 The professor ot\ a certain mcdieal Also piipil of .Edward Hermaiin S college asked a student hoy\-%i&uch of ' 0vlde.iMugin = . ~"'"~" *%£j^ Studio r**9i'DeForest Avenue ^ ' H a certain medicine should he flkniinis- ••; Von Dalneek : * . p = teied to the sufferer, -days thcVhila- Due to the splendid success o£ the SUMIvIIT SCHOOL OF MUSIC during its firsi Woelber 3 ~ delphia Press. year, the second season is to begin with the faculty and the scope oftthe school consider 1 Brieg- Your Instrument With You' ~ "A teaspoonful!" promptly iiiiswer- STUDIOS 1 ably increased. This will rfiake it possible to offer to -Summit and the vicinity an eve ™ cd the young man. - In about a inin- SUMMIT BERNARDSVILLE 3- ™ and have the wonderful opportunity of playing under the larger oppor^riity for musical education in its most complete and modern form. 2 lite,, however, he ra.if.ecl his hand and m OiiU Riilgo Ave. U mt Airy Road g s ^ " t^el5raCe1i'~c^rnposcr'-cori3ucfor "*^ Twelfth.'-Season Professor, I would like to change i gw technique %f instrumental p)ayingr PIANOy WOLXN, CELLO, ORGAN and an ut „.-.„. ~ my ant-wer to that question "~"~~-The | 3; opportunity for VOCAL TRAINJNG—also ti "nost modern metBbd ol CLASS vv laan of doctor t, >k out his watch. i g for the study of the elements of music itsf' ^will include ear-training, singing, "My younjj-*, friend," he observed SUMMIT ACADEMY:| reading, rhythm^harmony, form, etc. I Rehearcals are held at the Morristown High School. graiely, "too late! Your patient 1ms r do either beginning « been dead forty seconds." . ,_ ' i ~ SPECIAL EVENING CLASSES First rehearsal Wednesday, October 4th. Succeeding re- Preparatory School for Boys ;S — vanced work. hearsalswill be held on every following TUESDAY. ""•• § ^^IssMSvattd^rivaterleisoiir^—" SG Uailroael Vie." it'.) Itroael St. 38th year begins 1 ••C wi' I'hwiie 77-U Plieme I0J-R = THE ESSEX FELLS P Further information, if desueel, may he .had from Jlv=s Stephenson, SUMMIT, N. J. 3 on October 2nd, in the air" eoneert master, phono T48G, or at Dr. Friedman's. 12 South Street, Mr. W. M. Mitchell September 26fli Morristown, N. J, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY White or colored help, men or 'women, JAMES HEARD, A.M., |1 THE SECRETARY iS!§;i!i!UI!3!U9!ilI!eiiEEIiIU[3iIIIUHUMUIfieillI1133U33!S3!|IE!IiII!IIitlilltU!IU!! I"1" furnished hy dny or month. Truek ten line. Principal. I •HllHIIimiHlllIHIIllli""" r<


duvc il histoiv'aiid the most-hategie 'Linn,, give ultimatum to Coiid eg I iexchan L ale cttm, out oi hand c a \\hi e limiie 1, m Siiiumit ha had tun md thP Jlp 111 knmv xt Hp la un It hah to do with thc auleU of the | turn tl mmi^tci,, but this dot a not bi - I h,e tinted States ha, e\pf c^ednt- hideraimhidcMTfblae exprnence in joiiriidlisnF WhatOtheiPapoi^AipSariiw * - " '' - II1IT IfflAU L '_ ^ ° vieldmg ah an exponent of public poll titv', fanning and ioi thl- »a (mrulllil p||e[tni lol three veai, and the di, ^imp Mi Hughe/ ietinn Lioni|md was touncilv on the ,tatf ol the Lie, and pojitital piinnples upon Oilidal Pnpoi of CItj ami fount} should have gtneial attention convention vut.d not to jum the Eia,il a, -iatihed at the Allied pio- New lolls. Pfennig Tost Ihrael L RllIIJOH foi (Juiflllor — whiclLtlie common goad depends -JlHiqd £v£rv_rBlLl \Y_U1XRNUUN flfni _P_ublie -afetj is tdi veais old -Itjs Lpp(iWrti_AninlHfc_-0i_H1P-( hurcht ot po il ln-m-iiie the hbeitv ot-the White-editonalwiitel on the~New«iTk7i In^he^timiU aiTUTws the Flcpubli Hie Office "H7 Sin mpfiLhl Avium The candidacy ot W'llHam N Run- -Lit made ioi it mver had a head and c hn t ]n A.molta roimillv Daidantlh UIL hca of Maiuioia and Fveiiin., News i- hn brothel The i an candidate foi Governm, William leit-iiiioiit lino von foi the great office ot Governor has been Iloimdding ltmiiel Now -jy,t thud le e ompli linuliHum t i, hi i n tin r.o,phoiuh, a= well a^ piotettion new magazine htait= with tlatteiing N Rumon will caiiv the paitv ban- Judge Elheit H Qan oT HIP .United m thl dulor-cment oi th ( pijneipl ut ot l^Litl and K,1I^IOlouI b iiiinouhes, hut pi n^ped- — 1 fj iom Newark Siindav , j , and the promise of his leadeiship in nP m t lt elin al election campaign Stale,-"Steel t ompaii> I head «1 the that othep adds character to the Re- spilifuil In ilmg The nvi=ion ot tht- th clam, anv lntentiim ol taking imt I 4" The tight for ISPW Jersej wjll center CRCULATION—2100 spei lal < omimttLt m chaigi of Hatptv jmnei book w H piutitillv t omuh t ^n-the^wtttie dl-aettv lties of-the-Arllres InTnTTerdeThhrp—~— — "—PwWican-poMtion in the tampaipn-^le Vv cek tnd mum tht, piojitts plan Mtl although the thange, do not tike , ct a dozen inoie wai hip, and \ It e Not lai behind in leadeighip ie^ is a man whose i haiat ter and leader- C SUMMIT tfrH\I,D PUl'USHI\r. CO jlle,i diP tiaining school,, tor motoi 1 ll C U J u ed sh .tied until time w m hem t the Yilnui.il Lone, commandei of the ^f." '!* ± . T ^K -Jg ; gimnbihihtv m thp intense ttMht that 'U inspires (ontidencp and arouses JOHN W cliri, Pre . lent_ jreajiJf-jluveL^-iuitiJiLiiun-ut loiemen T-lte—Sim mil ^-tti«m-ittlTstm—ftvt»-tJo my­ convention—in t 1 tt d pra:V t i —ten—the \inei ic an naval Tori e- in Cm opcan will be waged i„ the Republit ab dan- tht enthusia,m ot the voten TRFD W CLJI r. id.t.i ut taefirjL^ „, mf»fhoel used In laigp tie id uloptc d Iltiru hi i«d autu deliveiv tiuck L iietial Imual nvirr wdtn,, ait, pioLLLdiiip to Constant- .ntcrecl at the Post Office Summit, N J , as ,] tfl6S in piotecLing then mm didate toi United States Senatfir Jo, in UB toi t'thild, ill ide th' .iiinintiTip nl thp ..„..,.,_<•_„ j..„ <.„.,...! _„ j.loaj,_iJn2 fcttppt _da ^T_u,J:«J t Lundlfd. KlcmJLv, -cry a—« r-TTfixrrginTj ^eTr~ —Biitrnm-OT-iitiTmft-^wrrrieirTiiin^nTijjinT" ~1 oaierj TeaLlimg dmonf, tin ^LIIOOTIHH Lnk i»rmi,oiu and took obt \ out ot _th- othei dav and we l-e-- •rnni) ot SUnSCRIPlKJNS- anv bet ome ntLC-aiv In paittc FTelinghuvsen are m accord Both in Belgium dren, and the t ,talilishinent ot a [j fi strLinoliv appioftth la/ilv noticing fear $2 sO lt mnlll£ with loiei^n ^quadioiia and the qite^ of them aie stalwait exemplai*, ol the It is going to cost moie to ge,t mar- Batetj Milium 1'ti hap lilt tionj,L^t uttci ant e ot till the fiiat time the abbi eviated Mopths 1 2, lion uatuialh anse Cm WL keep 11 Republuan sentiment and character ned in Namur If a bride wants i ! Batetv method,, in mdu.tiv Hlmunite i tion U, pie i lol mtei e—Cjrpie r 0s Ult LO nPn H nut il ho^lilitifs beqin' on it, liont above the dljvex h beat ^ jt Us b|,st They are exponehts ot the lilipet outsillll the town hdlI where the tht ten ot injury md enable the cm aational ,vmpathv and ,trvite ( ill Um- odd thin ha, Lome out oi the when Middtnl> a rhild neai lib noted Jmefit Qf Rej]ul)llCtln prlnu,j]es Thev obhgatorv civil marriages are cele­ phnee, to aft ompli3h moie Industrial UUH m„ te]1 , PIllLimti ^ national laq thl, week t lo^e upon a nott ju,t what we wen looknm it S & sUnd uut monumentdlv aa exemplars brated she must pav a tax of £2 oi attldent, have deeieiaed halt in Jhe l)PuI askmg c mdrmodaiv tvti lHt ] lioni_the Russian Boviet tvmg th it Mne ( t. sht lead «rf in an a,ton ot citizenship lesponsibilitv in New Tfi, at ftndmg to the day ot the week lld,t mile \LJI-, ot tills WOlk, it 1, 7 i lite ot i,olatioi'* ami saving OnlV i htd voite WhAt is that Then -j ^ Ku ia a a Blat k Sea powei muft el 3e An awning also is taxed t2, ami an claimed a, v\ e >-t mil 1 L idv to scive --hall we be t ikt n into lull consideiation in anv ,he IiiifchPiI And we laughfd There The nght m xjew Jerce> wnlLh Ml extld poiiCeman ,q ehai ked up dt il The tat t that last vtai in \t w \oik dan onnd the t ill ot t rv n e to c ttitaialv wa, omethin, incon-,nious Runvon will lead, as between him and Detoiation of the interim of the hall C'ltv there weie ,J SOU deaths tl oin ae I ,(ttlc me ut oi tht piebf-nt ituation otheis ' 1 in the tiowded lettriin su^esting a his Democratic opponent lb not one l, taxed at £2 i FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 cidents °hows_how uett ,sai-y-^4 ih—that i onit - an appeal iimo the Rwls ol Mite rompaiiv But thei e it was, dRdinst Judge George S Ribei It lb , — — „ this teathing ,hould be txttndtd to the thud mtei national to tiit, woik a i. M IC E Co md VM- 1 mifhed Well cure against the Pi ank Hague Demo Want htaiup Law ( hunftPd the publu-at luge a is now being Human natuie is a vtiv ttiiioll it^ ol the woild ui^fin-, them to do if i- t i,v to m ike people Hugh in an r itit machine It i- a tight to redeem, The Anient an Philatelic Society, m done thiuugh a Batttv \^cek thin t ompound •eve iv thin in then pdw e i to pi event c v idle- bom the State Irom tlwieek of reputation convention, went on retold in support "VVe should be as courteous to 1 he OIIL t isk toi wliiih the Puhlit U n looim m tht Neu 1 ist hun Ihe "Turopcin linpeualrls" from a man as we are to a pirtme, 1 • ^T^-^-^^^JBBSSJ that has been-given it during the in- of. a bijl before Congress to'allow the batetv t ommittec leels lesponsihle i, died7 ol thtiti md ol lcllow t hi I t.ikin.. up aims and plun-,in-, ^outh which we are willing to givt the ue tinnterrpfl -with iimrtt. I thh? western luiope into a^Tuw and iai XtUllb£jaayJjif_,Go,¥erjio.ri^Ed.war cl I, ^Ed-: use 4n-eat alogu«6 - of—pietti l'eft-of—foi- to rdut ita the public to the "W av in t um _ Tin ( hiltl I Then f onThTittee~TTa^ advantage of A good light wirda, the -political agent of the sign atampp, repealing in part tho'law which attidiiitb mav be ivoithd mil dt ith the pt ice ot the win Id h m^ ieat bin wai md this "o fai i wt rtotii ed th it 11m t is_a niihapprehen- EMERSON Hague machine. that now prohibits the depletion 'qf thu iLtlutp the dt ith lalt md it bv a meijL tin Lid on the t haute ol c in beat l the one definite volte Ioi lon cunent n l mg tiom the beht t The Republicans are very fprtiinate stamps of this or foreign conntrlefl. woik vsill be extended fI om t ltv to diplom it nuhin^ in undei ,t indiii lie ee this week except th it the Pope that lm t nll(1 Lal)nl lllnLndinc nt to the in their .choice-for the office of Gov­ The philatelists say thaftt is dlffl- titv thioughout ^.uieiica vet when wt optn om d uh wipci tn or Rome tele^iaphed Mu,tapha Ke mal 4EJI,stltutiou i i Bill betore f ongress ernor. Mr. Runyon is a 'man of intog- cult to describe stamps'- wltbtaut flho\Y- I t td the la"-t new how m mv of ti Pasha tht Tlirk ui^mc that he adopt (k 1{rnf,d t(] 1]mlt 0, pruhlbit the em ntv. He is fully known from one ing pi'ctur.eiS of them, > THE PHIMAKY ELECTION -ti£i^—possible Jiea^m,—to_^ivoid p-invmj-nt-^ai rhrldrcn-umtei—1S—years t M-H—tt-i^f—to—the I'oktwri n tc th ng—Hie- : Summit again shine in the politit al end of—tlre ^.ttft*er~to ttiei otTier, atul • , TjSTso'cie'ty also .voted toTaiilliorlM lpte t clue m the muidei mv-tiiv it liittui bloodshed ol ige The amendment onlv gives The primary election is over and sky ot Union Pountj md tht Stite toi his popularity has increased in pro- the* "president-' elect, C. F, Heyerjiuati, • 'New Biun-witk N 1 ' Ts it the t on^res the powtl to pi s silt h lets once more the candidateb ot the Re As,pmbl>maii John W C litt wa not pot tion with better acquaintanceship to do all possible'' toward pbtufhlifg neauies t'nt nnki it the nioie i tome within the lnnita ^et bj the publican and Democratic parties s»et Only le nominated nv the Republican M1UKK UP \IM>n tllKKfcT with him on the part of the-people. He permission to print pictures of Uniteil thiillm ho l oi ' Oi IT human natuie nm^ndmtnt It make no t hinge in 1,a down to a contest w.hich will he on luesdiy but honored with the °tinds squarely for the public welfare, Slates stamps, .•''•" , " ,• ju"t i iiniou" compound1 Whilt we the =t itu ot child laboi until legisla ded at the general election in highest vote ot all the nine a^pir mta The maiketm., of the taim pioduci iiie on the subject it be^nih to look turn ba>-ed on it is pa^,cd It i= not the embei in tht tield Since the nomin ition on ol this h ^enttallv faimm" state ot Nt v a° if QUI lite will ha\t tht hint oL coh titutional aiuendmt nt on prohihi fhe vlctoiy of Senator Freling- the Republuan ticket ia equivalent to Jci-ej i o vital a pioblem'bdth to mothei un nhed Limit tion lm mst mi e which I, being ham ,)Ben in hi3 campaign foi le-nomi election pi actually in Union f ountv the jural prochic ei and the c ltv con the\outcome in Novembei is haidlv in nmed at but the Vol=tt,ad At t which naUon* was. expected but hib opponent, -iimiPl, that the st ite \a tivmg to solve followed the imcndniLiit de lining tecprd, a frequent, unsuccessful* con i doubt r it •S:P'E:CI A i IHI M>f,'S H1(.H« 11 whit con^titutL^ prohibition Jender at the pollah had condiu ted Lithei the lirmeis must become IQ such a vigorous campaign of puhln ltv oju-iHtivP oi thr =fatc must plan m "Lit PINK" It l the htoim Kin, but no mai. that many gained the impression that outlet ioi them if ill aie to piospei Illmoi is cleiiin^ heiselt of the Hickory^ tei ¥alter pros the contest would be close The en md now a great miiket on the NewaTk thu^t of countenancing lawlessness, olrnous Tote polled toi Senator Vmong the earlier m w „paut i It wi opened hundav foi the in ,t meadows as a distributing 11 nte r toi : p-y imdnu indictment a„amst 258 pluagiapheis few ,ie icniLmbeitd i time td the ni h nl motoiists i,i,e>i to II Prelinghuysen, however, gives impetus New Tei ev faun pioduce tin oughout paitieirmt in the Hei i in maDsaei« to his campaign against Gov Ed is Jo=h Billing who got awa> with kim nvPi the pic tire que new boule tin metiopohtan area is being pio ldinm^ the itrent minci" sti ike 44 wards the Democratic nominee hi obvioiiolv toi ced ill spelling in a viul but -iiiminit with that wav if po=pcl bv the fatite Department of fn, nlul{iPi and otheis toi le ssei An avowd "wet," anil a product ot d<*v ^hen 4meiuan humoi wa- not hi ol getim m oiih m tht ^ line 4f,rirultuie to be developed m con , „ „ tind onl% t%stnty-1jf th„SP in whetted to «n keen m edge mil lite had it nil tn it elf the tl ij beloie Hid the Hudson Coiintv political be hool jiictiun with the Port Authontv ] die ted aie till at lai^e Tt is not a Edwards should be deteated in no un­ and tun were altogethei simple l wold tome tu U" dm it wl n •-, Plllr Tins gieat motor tijuk laimera juaiity ivieai pi opuhitlons e mi nifiienn is now w aitiru withm de,ne Ioi vcn4emre that move= pub- certain manner As the Elizabeth miiket if a part ot the pint develop Josh Rillin.,, aul ODIUL thing„ too I e u h ni Summit: uiloi'-ts lir opinion to appiove tlm dristic Journal sayb, ' the mam campaign u ment would piovide i ^itewav Fruits .-_ Vegetables - Poultry good to loht howevei, and when tin le^al iction but a =tuidv hclipf that | issue, Is Edwaids, his iccord hib unfit Flu new Stolin Kni^ Huhwaj tin ough which thp pen,liable tood uch ope n told hloodc d outlaw iv can- ' "«B8 for the office ot United States squib floated bv is the other dav whuh took ,evcn vtus to build um pllHputs ut \ew Jei ,ev could pass Fish - Oysters " Clams amid othei llolsam md j^t mi ot the e not ™n unimikcd it the countiv is to -, and the reputation he h is tot the Mate alto i tin i $1 100 (HID 111 umjllJU in> lnto himdiedh ot othei i pd^t we leached out and pulled it is n^aiclt d is a ^l e it tt it ot c ii£int ei icniam con titutionallv "tiong ind 5% FOR CASH AMD CARRY ew Jerboy hefoie the countiv ttntei, in mil iround New "ioik ( ltv ashoic asperenmil , ^ u osi t, ot L tielrh ol lain "ottiid mcunibency m the office ot m CO benefiitiiin not alone the faimeib but, "Anatomically konsideied laltmg ib i , ^ ,„ ^ j im one hrlU m lc ol irlv dinunf al o the consumers in the congested! the sensashun of pheelmg good all I ,intam almi-, the Hud-on Tiite. sti'ong- thr 11U! ait as ' ", : "Harvard Students, Bedless, Walk * Senator over and showing it prlucipallv mtme|Rnci u n„ point is thr load les- 1 he Port Authority accepts the plan i the Streets"—headline In Tuesday's spot. Morally konsideied, it i- the '"im'N. than twentv-tuui oi moi e thin tlnrtv as teasihle and has appoiiitetl a com- next best, thing tew ,the Ten Com "Times," +he two feet wide. imttee, under the clialriuaiisliip of De mandments. Genuine latting I the Caustic Summit lady, in breakfast 'The Best the Market Affords' ^Hat made ihpli,k v.iv ditncult, Witt Van BusfciTk of Bayonne, to go j table comment: "Well, theyld be walk- int b,f the sou'l,,..t)ie uostnls of tht 438 Springfield Avenue Telephone Summit 226 was tht euttin^jtif a ' hennh" thi'ou„h tuither into the matter, ..ut,' ajucl is" ,jist az necessary tor ing the streets, anyway, if they had the Fide of the t hit }0() feet ov ei the { Om attention is directed to the need helth arid happiness ay bpimg vvatti beds." SUMMIT N. j. ; Hudson Puvei In oidei to ,tait woik of a larger outlet for farm foodstuffs iz for a trout." She knew college studes! on the side uf the piecipice on the bv the appeal to Summit this week, lace of Stoim King "Uountairt it w is tlnmi^h-.the State Bureau of Markets adjourned without ac- aiy lo—lowr.i—men in bank< iu tm the sale here of all we ooulcl tako JDyer Antl-Lynchlng Bill, A UJtttA'i.' lOAVhM'lOS'W VII "Deahpi report that the nicl^ol CIS^T | BliaMiSIBIgilieilllillllllHIIill !Smilll!lll!im!UH!SEm!iUEinmiUl!l[{5|[]!;ii fastened to loni, iopeb 1 ot this year's huge crop of potatoes; for ed the House last January, has come back. The real truth is it The triennial convention ot _the The load was opened to the pitbli .vhich the farmer Is receiving thirty -nd on .which the Senate has never been away,' The dealers Episcopal Church, which closed Fnday follow m-, the dedication of the new to titty cents a bushel whereas it costs ^litte'e reported July 28 have been charging a* dime for it, AGDONALD.FLORIST,Inc 1 him seventy five cents a bushel to "appropriate Jeg'is- last at Portland, Ore,, has handled 1,0(10 loot viaduct alon^ auothci link that's all,—Washington (N. J.) Star. of the new ln^hwa>, in Stonv Point grow them!. or prevent the evil of great subjects and avow eel "a gi owing TUth tin addition the State Hi h Cops, should not, be left to the liap- Choice Cut Flowers and Negroes are citizens, national consciousness," wav fioin New A oik Citj to Albany hd-?aid marketing of "communities. Washington has no intention of; can he deprived of life, Its House of Bishopb hab laid a m j sympathetic hand upon the much on tlj w e t side ol the Hudson Kiv i i Centers for food distribution must re-! scrapping our warships'until all thej r (party without due pro- Ornamental Plants censured youth of todaj, pleading is now complete except foi a dim t all!t throughout the state, involving I powers in the limitation of armaments lor depiived of the equal France and Italy! 3 StHtistica Show! possible extenuating ciicunihtaiiceb, •^tictth beim, built npai \jac k This eventually the short haul and county | pact have sighed f .law. Stoim Knu.iMfl oi mouiitam-pas„, |"toia^e facilities for. excess supplies, j have not signed as yet. 5 Sayre'St. -Tel. 308 , Summit, N. J„ | ars there have been 3,424 holding that freedom ot behavioi and carelessness of speech mav mean and ' shot tens the loute between Ncwbumh The generation to come cannot fail to •> United States; 3,039 often do mean, not lack of courtebV oi'and Nvaek sixteen link- maivel at our wasteful, unrelated JTlllIlIIIlllIilIIlllllllIIlllIIIllIIIlI!illBllIIIIIlIIIIIIIlIlllIlilBIIBIlIII!llIliaiBIIIllBai§IESBIlS8lV ithern states, where Wireless to Poland ,Sooii GonsJderation^hut-dislike .it enliven , On Satuidav la,t a aiU of Sum- ™Ptm,as ln food .adjustment. Centers this' bill - Is Tltrong- t Direct wireless communication be­ tion, the desire to be natural and hu nut people motmin, back Horn Pott.h- llke "- l"on°setl great Meadow Mar y iederal legislation ket are bound to come. tween Poland and the United States tIlllll&lllBlllBBlIllBlIiIllIlllillIlllBIIIIIIIIIlIIIlJJ"IBIlIIIIIIlIIIIIlltS«lBllIHBBIBIB8BBSSIIIlB81II|.tl man, a determination to love! social keepsie met hnpeiintendent ot State - urged. "We niay stand will be possible on completion of send- ^ 'T ? distinctions, a wish tor a lealj Roads Stuitevant en mute, and the ipe, but w'S, must purge ing and receiving stations near the Po- s L democracy of thought and aetivitj nome. State Supciintcndcnt havim, had the [ The New Jersey League of Women | lish capital. The Polish Governme yet, the more thoughtful feai that •,ond taste tn inmiv a Summit 41 1 1 Votei a now has an organ of its own. i realized that direct communicatio-in l Jn Tl there may be no such motive behind ' icco-.ni/eel Summit friends mi ighi 1 The new magazine is called "The., with the United States, was absolutel;oyn =5 C6 Cili TS AND STREETS the crudity and even vulgantv ot I v"- a u^ult ol tin entoimfpi i Civic Pilot" and is 'published'in this j essential. Owing to poor telegraphic '> ~ v- ' social life, but only heedle,s amile •- ,p(Lial pi 1 nut wa !.i\en the p.iif}, citv The first number appeared last j facilities-between Warsaw and West- 3 ihsideration that is being indifference. 1 md alone on the wonrltitul new -m — 'week and its * editors and managers | erii Europe, it was decided that the ;« SIM street conditions In the busi- The Bishops in then questioning 1 ftlLe at the load as jet cln-cd to all have good reason to feel proud of thei surest way of affording unhampered 3 •-.ion Of our growing city turn sternly .-reproving eveb on thej tjth(, 0> thc y i10„]PI] happilv tow 11 tl initial" performance, Mary Ogden j service with this country, as "well as , 3 'y along Springfield avenue, older-generation. They bav • home enhance-d bv the ama/ina heau- White is editor; Jeannette Sterling | with France and England,would be by : 5 "The yoiilig people ot todiv aie ex i"»on Council and the Busi- tj ot the ^ceneiv, whuh thev pin- Giee contributing editor; Elizabe'th wireless. Hence arrangments for the; — a'ctly what we have made them Too nmmtL 'iiptil is anv tliin^ in Allele advertising, manager, and Anne oclation is indeed •time- erection of one of Europe's largest ~ i a # * 9 •* frequently parents have piaetnallv 1 , )]10 •d fOB^lanning for the Hahn, biislnes manager^ Miss White, wireless stations, . The man who never as. keeping pace with' abdicated their position ut dircc ion Heie within seventv-live miles of and leadership; eertaiiilv thpv havt dds. Summit streets are Summit, i" a eompletecl hmhvvav fit | has built a house not exercised strong ^pnitual in' ted at night, and partic- tor kinpej, to winch we are glad tn J OIlIBBIIfllllllBIBlillillflBIIIlIIIIBIlIIIIBlIlIBUlilllllllllllBlflllBIillllBBIIIIIIIIlIIIflBllBBBlBIIIIlI^ | has missed one of • fluence, by example as well as precept the business center. It dnpet the attention ol o'ti icadeis,| S •' • •' . | i the greatest pleas- larked improvement if thej jn building up a, simple and uatuidl ic mauguiatetl as it has been in this igious home life. Without a vita ires can be {eliminated and pcisonal v, av E ' .. ' . Ij ures of life, There is no fun to pe of lighting standards faith, without , definite standaids ot 5 . 5l§ compare with plannnint g a home—watching it t&ke,„&hape under S i curb llney Such an im- conduct having back ot them divine sanctions, the level of populai moi il S the hammer and saw—and then moving into it to enjoy its com- 2 ms ^tB be*;'recognized ,a'3 (V? THi: HASTEKN HORIZON = Opinion will steadily become lowered ' ». But it should not be a fort and shelter. 5 . f there is any possibility They say further that 'It has al-1 Mu,tapha Kem.il Pasha, who is the gig A good, substantial house is a splendid monument to a man's ~ ready been terribly lowered tin ough I lcaclin-i ,volid„{l uie of the llourj „ ig (Springfield avenue in the sj.S usefulness. Add something to the city you live in.^J'Hit the i see: lion in the,'near-, future, the menace of divorce, which en nd to have been bom in obscuntv ' courages a selfish and extreme in­ .e b widening can be planned the on of a pool customs official at j ^ 2'= Sawdust Trail"! ' " ' T ,„ ""' .- ' y dividualism, Is disrupting the \nien- - uted, i The .two should go Salonica, cducited in mihtaiy schools ^ can home'and poisoning the spungs of \' J .and for" it would he thl at-the expeiibe—of—the state- In-hi^ 2" sopiaLlife." Yet the Blbhops tailed to rusi folly to spend $7,000 lor-nevy eailj twenties he was a revolutioniht 2 To B„ MILLEI Ratify a 'motion bassed by the House of _iits_ and^thftn^change^the, curh"' -m-exile m-Svnn -4t twenty-eight he 2 Deputies that a-.special jnrnt commis­ a few ye'ifirls. Both iinprove- vvas one of the leadeis in the Tuikish 2 Telephone 29 ' ""' sion be appointed^ on divorce, the ob­ ! ' r, ',w- * Summit,' N._ J0 § vheh the people are sure of t e v olt agains, w t Abdul Hamid - At thu ti 4 2" :r:Summit»;^ew Jersey ject being to-change the tairon~so that'«, "V "" "'" " "•••«"• "• 1 '• " !J? *'? liresrin' the matter snottlci Be ••'.. , :"-.-. ,, , nve he t nm man tic d an ai mv coi ps at S -., _^ r I , £ j ^liTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiiiiiiiiMiiUiiniitiiiiiiisiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiSiBiseBBaBBiisiiiiiiiioin ' planned, not hastily, but with no Episcopal minister could under anv i Galhpoli and n# an idol ot the ~ circumstances officiate at the mai o the future and the needs'' of Tuikish people At foitv he vv a° un- — Resources over riage of a divorced person in the years,to come. ' del bentent e of death at the hand of ] — - They merely make it "unlawful" foi , . ^ , ^ $4,000,000:00 ~ t ^ | £5IBBIilBBflBlBflBIiBIIBIBBBBBBBIBflllllllBBBIflBBfl8BBBiBIBII|BilISlBBBBiSBfllilIllMBllllIlIllilllilieiiftBl^ a ! am m Hh 11 ,n C a menvher of the Protestant Episcopal, , } " ' "nstantmople and • - al'-o thc ^eiietal of a beaten aimv SAFETY EIKST i Church to enter into a mainage with At foi tv tw o, "with the aiioRunee of JL_ fltUhBflEaEat^a£bflijias»-n-hw^V'>m4-pE-^ftjife: 1 mens .is the monumental living where divorce- was foi cane a conqueitr,' IIP is laving down th* 2 'IB age, responsible for -the,: arising after" marriage or tor a law to England. Piance and Italv = M II 1^ 1 .EjITlllMf^ J$l&Obo I dents." ._..,' idivorced coninninicant ot the cliuri.h to Tho oldc ,t English geneial in the 2 NCE " - T the Safety Institute, remarry during th/ 'ife ot the husband East Gen Townshend, has advised 2* and , a appointing a Safety or .wife unless , 'thei case the that the Miles accept Kemal's teinib, 2 bar S to 14 which shall! divorce is "^ ™ tive the Tutks Constantinople, then 2 ipaign to cut down the j -ph' ->d m the national t pifol, and the half do?en 2 othei centt is they ask, self-detei- S_ ORTGAGE INTEREST^ ILnm'bef tgh accidents, - Seanc • ••" • this to ~ngns~niave betTn cbTir i K -1fl nr mined In then Tuikish populations, 1 become due on certain dates known long in advance. 9 isarids of. ir/Iustri' and m ntmn get the neutialitv of aw to consp'" the Daul.mellrs he nfters and avoid It is a good plan to start a special account for niders iuppliei .•:' effic' ' °> " 'dv wai which he is quite able to these items...... n -_::ie^ -:•-.'••.- ••evnlt ol the Gieeks against mfme, his abdication and Try our "Monthly Statement Interest Plan' 'ptnantl toi pas^tssion of Il 38 Russell-Place Summit, "•complications The and see how easily they are taken care of, —4- 'haps is then S ' " • :TlLiPHOWWS,{| ^H; hack of ™ • ^ -^ ' 'diplomatic [HHM'MHIIIIItHIIIIIIHHIHIlHill'HininilllilllllllilUIIJUlllllUllllUIIIIIIIIIII! iiiiimir r;i!iiitiiii^iitfiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiieitiEiitiHtiiiiiifiitiiiii&etiiiifiiiiiiiiiiifif#

./I h

SEPTEMBER 29, 1922 THE SUMMlif HERALD, SUMMIT, N, J. a.-JT»j,- rfJ^ka ijM\\t^! iL ,_, • .•-as&t^a [LmJUUM^U^Ul^jf^^ ^AJQE- mvm

Miss .Alary Klhin and Miss Lirithidum Bowen of Summit,,to Walter Layton gagements. r H'tuined tills week from a "summer on •Wet Heath son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter 0. The more Important dates listed so Maplewood - Summit Personal Mention the continent, *"•'-' Heath of Beekman rortd. far are: Dancing Schools tcT Reopesj ^Veddlnf Party for lUcbtird- Fri.r--, Oct. G—Rose Club "Sport in October |The nicest coiutcsy you can show your guests Is to have • SamueLr ,EL. .Houston, of Ashland •Haines. Day—Hitch Engagement Dance"lin Masonic Hall. _ - . ,.v^i^__^::i:::^~vron(nirf"""" T" •"" —E v o r y—eh i W—s h on 1 d—he—oncoTiricgec" their visits mentioned oga,Teim," Miss otices I lieg to arinouncd that the Sum field 'avenue. Sat., Nov. 11—Armistice Day, week for,Augusta Military Academy]! Mrs. M. ,M,' Bartlett, of Beechwood; Dorothy Harvey, of St, Johns, rJew •Summit HflHldant Dies on New York claEuus of the Maplewood-SunitTi Thur,, Nov, 1C—First Subscription at Fort Defiance, Va, • ' j roltu*, has returned from a six weeks'! Foundland; Mrs, George Hodson of Troll?}Car Dancing Schools^.will commence "on Mrs, , Lukemeyer returned to 'her Concert, Joseph Hollman,', 'cellist, visit on Long Island,. New York; Miss Elisabeth Riokard of Jarvis C. Howard, a Sunsmit resident Thursday, October 0, 1922, at the W. G. Kimball and family, of Nor-1 ' . _— ---'-_ . :hom e i Tnenton on "Sunday, after 8.15 p.m., I.inco'.n School, Summit;Mlss Mary Ellzabe'th Sinclair,' died suddenly from heart trouble on a Decchwood Hotel. Junior class at wood^averiue, are home from a sea- j "Mrs, Wm, Wagner who has boon at! having spent several weeks—.with of Trenton; and Miss Ferniine Baird ofl trolley car In 23rd street, "New York 3,16; senior class at 4, and classic at son's stay at Westhampton, L. I, JArkville ,for the summer has now; friends n Summit. .•„ * ,,..., C, O. D. parcels, according to po*;t- Yonkers, N. Y, Mr, Donald Rickard! City, on Wednesday -morning. Mr 5 p. in. For information, and appli­ gone to Garrison, Md, will-be his brother's best'man and the i I qffltte regulation, cannot be opened cation forms, all communications to Mr, and Mrs. H, E. Webbe and Howard who was in his 83rd -year had 1 Master Albert Hahne, of New Eng­ ushers: James *M. Richardson, Nash­ and examined before delivery and the te addressed to Miss Gertrude Lv- family returned from Albion, NMf:, left Summit on one. of the trains about land avenue, left last week for Pen­ Mr. and Mrs. James 0. Fairchllrt, of ville, Tenn,; James B. Skidmore, Sum­ payment of C. O, D, charges. Labels > James, 122 Mulligan place, South nington School, Pennington, N. J. this week, where the family have been 7.30 that morning. He had lived with! , . ,, . „,. .,, , , ! ,, 121 Summit avenue, returned this mit; Herb^ert(reL, Wfsner, New York; NgrtT, Phone 896-W, South spending the summer. ... , , " ., '•/,"'"" '.""".'on packages to this ettect will not bej-OranKG • — week from Sayville, L, I. Esty Foster, Plainfield; Howard I Ins wile here for the past two and a; , , , ., ' ,.„. • -- - ,p ,, adv.—52-2, Mrs, George G. Falkenburg re- j ——— , AcheBon New York: Charles Ernest 1 -A— da us-hiei—-was—bo-un- i _Mu_and ^ - , ,„ ,_ ». ,-,",," ,» , ,"""" ».' '.iccepted. by the postotfiee. Orange "tiirned-to-iter-home here^Monda-y^-romH- —Str—^aiid—iVfrsT~W~-'Wi™Well^r'~anrIi 0 T nin5!rOT New "York QTffiron Ives; -^umH*l-t-ave-mve7--^iie-4tiii-e-ra-l~W'a-H-=-k«kl- MrnPTJav-id bhorry of Glenwood,place,, j, I Ihna Net veaiw Yorks at, MrsHe, iPaulins surviveo Mollisd by thre, icrG , - ' her summer home at Manasquan. N. J, daughter, Sarah, have returned from r Moatclair; Addison Goll, «e > sons, Frederick, Philip and Harry, a" motor trip,to Pittsfleld, Mass, hist Saturday afternoon in St. Mark's.'-Astoiia" , N, Y.; and Hector ,C, Gris- . Mr, and Mrs, Frank N,- Waterman- Sanitarium, Brooklyn. woid of Summit, Miss Charmian and* family returned this week from Mr. o,nd Mrs, Frank L, .Crawford Woodruff of Elizabeth*- will be the DATES T« KEMK-.UBEII their summer home at Madison,' Conn, and the. Misses Crawford returned last Mrs, Alice Dunbar Nelson", widow! flower girl, , • j •week—fron>-4i~&iHi™ftris-t-r-ip--to-R-iMiepeT Ql'_ Pniil T a WTOJIW r>ijn,tigy__t.h.g' lfl.tj? I ^Tlie^taU^BaBonJs^lUjJUJnftjLad^dAteJi Rev, Dl-rraatM^fldhii' and family; j poet, willbe the spoakei'iittlio Ymmi j( Rlcliiei—fflker QT~fiTfereflt "to (lie coiiiiniiiilty ariargel of Tulip street, have returned from' M"rs, Hcllowig, a former i-esjdc-nl 0f:'People's" meeting of the Fountain' Miss Stella Rlker, daughtet of_ Mr. ai^e being arranged. The HERALD'S ! •'t-' •ui • their summer home at Saimderstown, Summiti now .living at Charleston, W.i Baptist Chureh,' at four o'clock,' Hun- rand MrSi William -H, Rlker,. of 32 oomniunity^ calendar Is already being Va,, has been visiting Dr., and Mrs jn I day'afternoon, OctobCF 1st. 'ueauyoir avenue and William Richter, consulted in the HERALD office and- ^•\; \^ ; '.-. I M, Garton of Ilobait avenue. I ' ,t - ." , ; son of Mr, and Mrs. Frederick Richter all those arranging for various events j Mr, and Mrs, J7 Win, Johnson and j . —-^:i;_— ' ' , . j - First. •Subscription Concert j of Stirling- were married Tuesday are urged to use this calendaii to «.t. Miss Johnaon arrd Dr- Wm. ,C, John-! !| Miss Phyllis Abbott returned to J Arrangements have been'made for j morning at the East Summit" Metho- avoid iinnecessary conflict ions in en- - \i' son spent last week-end at Pocono Hood CoJl4ge ,011 , Tuesday, - IierUhe first subscription ^concert of the Idlst. Ghurch parsonage, by the pastor,! h. i. Manor, Pa. ,:.:>. bpther. Larimer returned'tp Mercers^,; season to be give-n by Joseph Holl- 'Rev, J, Adonis Oakes'. Tlfe brother-in- J I N burg Academy several days ago, man, 'oelllst' , on Thursda" y .evening-.....•, ;law an. d siste->-. r o^f the. bride, Mr. and j !|IIIIII|IIII!llllHIIHB8IH8IIIIlllIIIII!l!IHt!l. Miss' Ruth Hokanson, of Mountain November 18th In Lincoln School, , Mrs. A. J. Swayze of Summit, were the j ± avenue, has resumed her studies at Miss PhbebelH. Scatt left Thursday j "*orr1y attendants. The bride wore a ' ™ "- "If" ' the New Jersey College for Women at morning for Plttsfleld, Mass., where ; dark blue suit and gray hat and car. I TRY OUR SPICES 1 ! 'i New Brunswick. she was;the guest of Mrs. Coohlige j ried Ophelia roses. ,,..After the cere- Luncheon to Qper/ * i mony, the wedding p'aWf had a wed­ s w for the' Berkshire Festival of Chamber »»i Miss Alice Harrow have leturned to Music, ding breakfast in-New York City. Mr. 2 This Js one of (he seasons ~ i V-- De Bary place from Rumson, N. J, Mr, i .1, .when spices are largely cm- g i )-- 'FortniiSitlv Year : and Mrs, Richter are now In D'eleware y^ t L Darrow has goil^ on to Canada for the! Mr. and Mrs, Heyward H, MoAl-, i Water Gap on their honeymoon. On 2 ployed in canning and prescrv- £ 1 | ing? !. 5 autumn shooting. listcilMy^ Jiave been living on Wal- their return they will live at 32 On Wednesday, October 18, the 5 The appetizing, character of £ • '"J u dron avoniie for the summer, sailed Beauvoir avenue. ladles of the Fortnightly will open Mr. and Mrs. Carroll V. TJassett and yeatfli'day for-France whore ^hey will i these products is largely due to i in family returned to Beacon Hill,'this their club year with a luncheon, to S the spices, hence they should be « bo foi'%the winter. -Bo jo =11 week from their summer home at be given at Canoe Brook Country ; M'ss Irene Boyo, ""daughter of Mr. 2 pure, full flavored ones. • S Club PS^nH-»*4ia^ Pocono Manor, Pa. Di and Mis Win H lawieiuo who [and Mrs. Frqnk Boye of Mountain, avo- S We^aim to select these Items S Th< speaker of thje1 day will be ha\< been on a hunting and n j nue, and George Arnclt Kelly of West 2 with unusual care, and are sure s Mr, and Mrs. Donald R Vreelana V V, "i ^Knts Reppller, whose corning prom­ ;Hoboken-were married by Rev. G. C, I up in Maine ha\e brtn loined this 1 f yoirwill be highly pleased with 5 and^ family returned today to their ise ) both a "feast of reason" and iBlessin, a former pastor, assisted by week by \lt' uid Mis r '] LawnIK o 5 any we supply. K home at 83 Maple street from a sum­ ot Bateau a\enue (low of ,o-ul," for-Stfe" is famous as the Rev Charles E. Rudy, the present mer on the Jersey shore. a pediharly piquant essayist, one J pastor, in St. John's English Lutheran who deals with serious subjects in ,ajchurch Saturday'night, ' FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Mr, and Mis, Claience J. Ramsay 1 Leonard H. Richards and Irving R, and family have closed their summer vein of light humorous banter, and; The bride had for her attendants Separate Rooms for Household (Jjio* Groves, members of last June's home on Springfield avenue. West. ^ said to speak as • cleverly as she: Mrs. Herbert S. Fish, a sister, matron I Rogers* Pharmacy*, Inc. I Inspection Inv~*d. praduuting class of the high school, writes. Summit, and returned their New York of honor; Miss Evelyn Boye, a niece, 5 Springfield Avenue and 5 have entered Cornell University. City home'for the winter.' The author "of several books, of and Miss Marlon Crafts of Maine, which "Essays in Idleness" is prob- bridesmaids, and Miss Beatrice Boye, ,5 .Beechwood Road 5 The Spmmlf. ff'P^ess Con ; Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Skidmore, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dean will ro- I ably the best known, one who has a niece, flower girl. Howard Arndt traveled extensively and who holds 1 TELEPHONE 74 | land family aie occupying their home,;tnrn 1() (noir home in JJrooi{lyn on of Coytesville, Pa„ a cousin of the - " ' 'incorT''?.^ . 42 Hawthorne place, lor the winter] Saturday* after spending two weeks literary degrees from two univerfil- bridegroom, was best man and the after a summer at Pass Rocks, Mass. j wiUl ,WrS( Dftan.3 wr(.ni!lt Mr ;uld tie.s, Miss Rcpplier will undoubtedly ushers were Burton L. Boye and Frank 66-76 Railroad Ave, Telephorfe 315 Summi ltliiiiiifiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiifiiiiiiiieiii«iiiriffir ~~ 'Mrs. George S. Mav, ol 112 Moi ris prove a great attraction. G. Boye, Jr., brothers of the bride; Mr and Mis. William Darrow, and ' avenue. We hear that another block of Daniel Cody of Brooklyn and Charles I twenty-five names will lie voted in at Kruse of Weehawken, Miss Alice Darrow and Miss Alice' •. ^iiiiitilliliiliiiiiililiiiiiiiiiigiiiiitiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiii istiiiiiiuiiiiEHiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Dingham of summit, have gone for the ' Mr. and M,s. William Crossol of I this first meeting, carrying the Fort* Hi'uili-—Bowen 'Engage-ment< winter to their apartmenl in New f G1:|RS0^ Hcotland. were guests here i nightly membership on toward four York. The engagement is .'announced of ~ j this week ol" the family of Dnvid 1). hundred. - Miss Evelyn Lois Bowen, a daughter s I Gilchrist, of Franklin place, their Mrs. II. W. Harmon, the Fortnightly president, will preside at the luncheon, of Mr, and Mrs, Frederick Sidney S3 Mr. and Mrs. JohJohn n DD. .Hood Hood, , AA. .W W. i fmiRln_ ,\h._ .dnd Mrs Grosset are on Stephens and Miss Bessie Hood re­ a tour partially around the world. the arrangements for which are in. turned Monday from a motor trip 1 the hands of a committee consisting of Schedule of Mails aL through the BeiTuJiire.s and the Po- / Mr. and Mrs. Corra N. Williams re­ ' Mrs. Geo. B. Seeley, chairman; Mrs, the Summit Post Office conos. turned Sat in day to the Beechwoocl P: H. Gadebusch, Airs. C, B, Smed- berg, Mrs. C. G. Winuns, Mrs, E, A, lrom a summer's stay at the shore. MAILS CLOSE FOR: . Miss Adelaide Hawes, daughter of Their .'on-in-law and daughter, Mr. Pruden, with Mrs. Wharton 'Greene, New York and points beyond, 8.50 the Rev. and Mrs. O. B. Hawes, has ' and Mrs. Nathaniel Reed, have bought ex-ofiicio. 7,5Qr9:0Q, 10v45 arm;; 12^5, 8,00, entered Vassar College this fall with , M pi od where they „, The Fortnightly Club program7 X a llomi in a OWO '" ' 0,00, 6,30 p.ffi, .'."''- honors, being the winner of a Phi a- move next week. | which is soon to tie published, is again delphla scholarship'' ; in the hands of Miss Mary S. Welles, -, Newark and intervening post offices, [ and that assmes anolhei year of keen 7,50 a, m."; 12,45, 3,00, 0.30 p. m. i After a seven weeks' trip to Eng- •Newark . only,'10.45 a, rn, Mrs. St. John Gaflney, of East Sum­ I land, Scotland and France, Robert i interest for clubwomen. mit, sailed Saturday for Kuropc, (in­ Post offices west of Summit to Mor- Telephone Summit 209 iMacdonald, his son James and (laugh- ristown, 7.50 a.m.; 4,00, 6,30 p.m. tending to spend a few weeks with her j ters, Mrs. Ray W. Salmon and Miss' The Medical Review of Reviews for Post offices on Passaic & Delaware daughter in Munich, Bavaria, and re Jennie Macdonald, returned last May, 191 ti, states: "Our Christian Sci­ Branch, 7.60'a.m.; 12,30, 1,30 p.m. turn to Summit for the winter. | Saturday on the "Mauretania " Mr. i ence friends are scientifically correct when they say that fear causes con- 'Sundays only, 8.30 p. m. for all ~" , ! Macdonald .visited his birthplace in i B im ,tIon LlIlfl Mr and Mrs. Robert Horsey, of Hill-' Scotland after m ahsence of f>7 years | ' l worry produces cancer: points,* Bide avenue, have returned troni two | ' " ' " 'jCancer comes from faulty circulation." ——-JO—— - . • MAILS-OPEN FROM: Week's , stay at Sarana. o Inn. ii Mil 'H, MJ"S3 Alva Moore, of Now England! New York and points beyond, 7.45, Horsey B sister, Miss Sayre, spout » j avcxiu«. Summit, and JVIi«s I-^liiu. C'bi-is- ' Itlgpresl Telescope for Seattle ,9.15 a.m.; 12.80, 3.00, 5.30; 6.45 similar interval at Morlan, Pa., re-, tiansen. of Short Hills, are back to Charles II. Frey, Seattle capitalist, annount t s s turning to Sitmmit last week. The University of Michigan" at Ann -" ' l?» selection of Beacon p. nil '••'... Arbor. Miss Moore, who is a junior | Hil1' in R


FALL OPENING I : Monday and following days •if October 2nd, 3rd and 4th AVING ^^ I **" {MEMm The man who does not and can not save money can not and will not do anything else worth while. The best way to accumulate money is to resolutely save and bank a fined portion of your income, no-matter how small the ""^Th'e "Bostofi"! Eern-^the homemaker's old sfandbyj. Is again with us, We have amount., —— . fortunate—in securing an excellent stock of graceful, carefully-grown plants that : :" : •' " - —ANTOKW CARN^OIR. Eg«? SiMiire-^t^liTOWgh^lje^wiriiwr We pay 4% in our Savings Department 5 Draceanas and Pandanus, with their, variegated foliage, are also easily growr S are effective in any form of decoration. on sums from $1.00 up


Summit, New Jersey* JVIember of Federal Reserve System 11 38? •sr Ken n-s Bui Ming Sttmmitv 'iiiitiiietiiitiitiiiiiiitttiiiitiiriiiititt iiiii!i9iiiiii:iiiiiiiii!iHiiii!iiiiii{i:i.iiiti{itiiii!iNti!iii!ii!iii* V ^ laa. h £. 4t%.*ff353S^So.^^, jvj xj\ ?yHfiMaT?aa TlUi SUMMIT 11EK AT J/, A*" ,vl M IT," N. "J. - KEPTEMEER 29, J 922 Lodge News nn the waik and punr tile- of the Ji t) H \ M icri IBs News Notes of Merest Consider ;=-3h « 1. 0. V. M. | VilHntiH Kepubliuin WOIIK-JI to Mi'et i Tin Millhuin Township Unit oi the Mi -, liquid lloikin with her 4 o < loc It Aus Wci^e t>T\-ji f. lc.it Hachei i ( ha-> I, Hoi ((ii and 1 \i v Jei-ej W^ ncn s Republic an flub in In Great Opportunities Await You in the Adver- •-toi Mis Todd, lelt on Monday leiestinr I iP< on Clnna, lUii^t, Springfield Are. icat Jmiioi Hi ammo Claioine vnll bold i nWtm Tue day aftei~ lating it septembei lri, lm a liiojni tup to Han MH< will vi-.it ()v, ipokanmni Tube atuii_at l m n'cIiKk aL then bead with «-ome of the t InnniUK p if cos that (Continued tiom Pa^f One) tising Columns of Today's riant is< o t > 2,'!li, on Oiloloi r>th, foi tin- pin quaittit, in the Millbinn Ilij4i btbool, Miss \lotlat has on v.ew Mi -, Weis ,e e ol planum the upbuilding ol 1 ar which Mi;, Teickeit will ^p, ak' Mr and Mis \lbeil II Marekwald will not lip heie ptini uientlv tins means tnmnnttee ltjinted (hat Mi Ua sttt wrould aiiaiif^e to hav< tins ]<>< a] lodpt ot Red \i< a All,women \oteis aie coidiallj in­ and family returned on Thursday, wiutor and this is a sunjoct ol legrtl I to those w ho have enjoyed hoi delight vited to attend Stptemhei I, lrom Q nsset, JUa^s, idewalk |]\ed bolou' tin (obi wtat'iei 1 -iPt, in V. 0, S. ol V, ulien they havt^ spent the summer till talks The Book Room is still with Mis t_s Mabel and Louise (leer, us, howevei, and has filled a Ions lelt -Rtteio'Ke wa^ made (o tin lire hv i^yy^vaiMefy^f-aHju want in Short Hills. diant whith now t lands in IMUH ot n int< lestm, -ind l.u civUlcnc h d Connly and State Result danghlois ol Mr and Mi, Marshall ihe poslollni builtjing and at whith the small 'classified ads to the biggest display ling oi \V.i,hi i [ ( aaM>-> No. i (Icei have returned to Mis, Master's I Mi-i Wm VV Wilslnre entt rlanitd (( oniuiiied tioni I "a KG One) at .ui< tion on Th'iusdav, Hejitembei Jioint I he tralhc rules aie wolated al . lit Id on Woiid I^ ( \enina, WllOIl tl School at J)obb, Kpriy, New Yoi k. ' 21st. Anions those present were Mrh most continually because ol the Kiunl announcement. All are worthy of- your careful : of siv candidal e^ \\J initiated JLX_ It "" M" t" I. IKlll 111 '. I I Ifjl-K I I..I t.n •« ,JJJ1 Ji, J^TiaTTattTiV Mis uavarn ta7e\ftnT^ -f ^...**". " «iuv ii.i . .nuphmjjl - nl TUTIll OT iniS The Lrtiets ol the patuotio oidefTiiominattd Oov 1 l "attentfOTir Edw. id ln.r_LL_ a Ihaiiol llottman aie spending a tew Alrt, William Spencer, Mi , Sidney H building The sentiment seemt d to lit Ta1rcTofniiij.ii(luIj' ol rilTobTtlii Senator dajs at Garden ( lty, I, 1 Urowne, Misq Elizabeth Willianis and that this hydrant ought to he removed dition to this featme ot the e.-e in the slate Mmatoislnp eontpKt in Mi3s* Louise Kibbev lett on Moildaj, Mrs R E U'avitt to hoaie point on the block oi else Rtate_r.inij) Sctirtaiy Hmitb was- ilninii County on the Vc~ Republican ! ^ptcmber 2f. lor Kt Mary's School Mr IJhilip Knilth, <=on of Mr andte e trail ic law should be en tort ed at nt and floated the membeis to >nmarv A&sombljman Aittei-N Piei I 1'eekskill tin1- point just a at an\ othei place Ol ln-> in ,ini in-; .-lid in line live AT, .,„,i -,, i» ,.i , l llllip U s,1,,t,I> of Minnlsink. 3 on dt le.ueo John K Engl ish by >n the citv This m lttcr was lefened ilks lit fie shinent , w tie ,cnc(] | iiT 1 voti s Mi and Mis PaKo Ch iptnan -nd; 1Gad, lelt on Humh^, Ht ptcmhe, LMU, I to the ways and 1110.111, tonnnitio' ^_miimHiiiiiiiiinnijii!iiiiiiMn3inii!iiiiniiiiinniMiiiHiiniiinniiiMiiiiminiiiiiT!ji«i 5 'lam, aie hem; Lud b\ the (amp loi i | ljniily have rt'tuined lrom Quihsef, j„r llai\.ud COIICKP For" Governor Henatoi Willi tin \ v Ml r u As a method ot advertising the < pni- ^ u at live Kill am] wmtei "-(.foil 'W i,.. ,, f n , , . '' R^>" cateitained at 1 Mi and Mis II A Ban lav and their run tion on Wt dnesday, Septemhe, "7 mmiity authoi l/atiou «j, uven loi j' = 'dmrhle.s, *„.., , , M. s Amoii tho^e present wore Mis H P sU'n whith mt lnded a dijwinj; ol the —. (IIK1ST\L IMiHW, I. 0. O. T. Il0 lllie am K Una lint lay sailed on Monday (| Na&Jli Ml LrA j M (, , nt w hiK'h sthool building as it Will |= L^ infi iseplembtr 25. for Emope Miss, C'oa,h, Mi, Win K WallbiidRe M -s , look whtn completed to be plated In ~ rinyttal Lodge will lonloi the miti a l< ,v f :"" ,; WHOM. enwK. monl to i; S „. Pe,ule.fins(, M,s II Wate/s front of the •building during its con- |j etoiy degiee on a tla* -> ol candidate ' ,Mr W.Ut.r M-antis Gordon was i e^, Mi s Wm T Roe, Mrs Sidney H r stuution 111 oidei to show pa • ei sbj 3 on Thui.sdav, Oetobei )th, this is Hit i t.nly eently annoiiinetl will be mai-, Browne, Mis 0 L Bulkley, and Mis I what the t it> is doum The ian will ^ beaininn„ o( our lall and winloi woi k iicd shorlly aftei their return riovd .loioi-m be ilium nated by electut ]It,ht, tui = Ha\e you ^iycn yom 'name to (lie I Mis'_U(tty Caiey, daiiKhtW o£J\Iii. -Mr HKlnev H Browne leUnniryun- rent to be-furni-hed b\—ihe Coimno>r E Noble (Jiand*' Ue i, looking loi mrn , ind Mis George t'arey, lelt on Mon­ dav, Sepleiubed 24, foi llar/eitl Col wealth Co. — "n join the lio.\liir, rluh A poo' day, September 2a, loi llartto'tl, lege The next met tin;, ol the \ ^ociation E immjiimcMt will -oou bo stalled ('on.r "onn , whore~slie will be private secie- will be loatured hv a talk on "Citdil-, — c Mr I, P Ba\ard and Miss Alice H a •> dnt and ,see what i doin; in >om , Ltlv ,or Ml ^ EtlKl Walker, the|H,nard aie stoppmK a Alantoloking, and Banking " — lodge, and make things intcitstni'4 | •nincipal ot Miss Walkei's School ,\ ,r ior t)lll we (onn, ^'uh, lor St Paul', School ' poisons and 000 Eskimos It al-,0 t tm- •'•• We have just received a car load of on Saturday, September JO r Hill City UiKauiuuipnl uill niu-l on R'ni'.ou vu (in il the Republican nomi­ 1 ^' A*cher Quaruer son'nf Mr im] 'ains the rail) ho.pital within a latln.s Mis SehuMer Warien entertained | . , ^ J Jn ^"' ' »*l , , FIRST QUALITY JERSEY POTATOES esdav, Ortober 'hd The ('luel nation wjthou! oppuMliou and Ueoige 3lI B (1 ot 1/H)0 lrf k 3 'arch •it l.uuh on Tuesda^, Sept, inbe. 2« .September 24, fo. Yale vie «• 1 e wi ,'1 is ] 110km" loi a l.u 'o at H Silxer was nominated bv (IK Demo ' 4 an<"o < 1 it-, also unopposed -l Thethnd oi Father Cliflord's series I c ommenco Ins fieshman y, ,r Ordtr your winter's stock now, while potatoes, me Hummii ha 1 pailuulat mlcit t in <»1 cont-rence,. was held at Mrs C. J 1 Mr, Jon , Taylor's estate on the old ' •If, «. V. A. M. Hmith\ onTut sday, Septembei 20, the.Bhort Mills lo'ad is in the ma.ket, a, (T IC • II HI 15 i ' pitiful and before prices advawee. (he \s-,euibh tonli ,t a'ld the Kepubli ' ubjett being "Dean Swilt and cans ol tins tily arc pleased bv the I his Mi. Taylor intends to return to, ^aXEHaM if OrmiChefila = lines Swill's Vanessa is always an OveiJook Councirs next mt cling oc -act thit their lot al candidate, John Kansas Cit-\ shoitly Mr Taj lor had! nteiesting subject and Fathei (Mil- 'TIII'S this coniin:> Monday evening, laij-'e business interest-, in that titv W Chit revived the higher nifibei ' i()rd ,,epiete,l tin tamous liean 111 Genera! Contract6r = when it i^ expected that candidates 111 ol vote, 1,1 the e'.tue county in this |8iowin|1 ,.ollJls A meeting was hold of the Millbuin Tallin," will be ;(\tn the key to the (onto t U,., t >tal being 11 >>i The * V' Town-il'i*} T'nit til the \'t w Jeray Misc Mai\ Van Wyck is 'topping at M'uetsof. V, h and l\ Tlie l.rl «e ,- JOSEPH H ritEUNGUIjYSEN Women's Republican Club, on Al >nday [ !• on or the Council wis we'l atftndod| South Sea, England w her ^ist 11, j evening, Hcptoinjjc r y.*;, at 8 o'clock, a! ' Renommalod bv Repiiblu ans loi Mis Moore. — lhe Washington Sthool St nator W1I-1 nnd many ma-ltois ol mteiest to the! L* S den. toi Gravrl, Topsail and nunbeis disc \y sod and .icttd upon Vlr Lawrence Te ri y leaves on Scp-'liam H Pan y male a von interesting! lemon 211, or Dcadhapi, Mas' , where 1 speoc h on the subject ot women voteis 1 u nd it is anticipated that ^be conuiu 1 he be a mastei at the Noble p is to be regretted that all the women ' Morrislown Sand looting will see more ol the lod-;c Gn enough St hool is 1 n in attendant 0 |in ihih, distnet did not ca-.t their vote 1 I 1! Lkioii 'Place '-Siimmit, *• J T1 S lA ! CUn ,,y M, S ll,a on TlI( £ n addition to the iiiid.tfoiy eoro- W Ti ,7'° " ^ ' ' ^'V, September 2U The, uios theit;' is indication-, th.il the WiighlBowm-inoncii.ientevonlswiIl privibge his been o I„U' cleared lumiracnce m October «t the Sho. t that now tint the vote is wem it ho ,1 4oi committee will be in .1 posi- Hills Club Mrs Nathamel Tyler is in'not be negjected Teleplione 141 to ic;poit nioie df find fly o'i the barge ot the MMIC , j ThlJ Khort Iin,s , j 45 Ash wood Avenue ipen nice lm" beuu planned Un\ rlhe meet ug ol the Short I hi' '• • " , ,Jk('s l,lj<"<-' todij and tomorrow hat, 1>1. 2Sl»-J Eesltlenco Phono 28D-K the f» lend, of the menibtin ol Garden ("Inb which 4 was to have been, a Heady shown signs of Me -,s the del be invited to paitici- at Mrs. Greecen' on Wednesday, 1 HERALD goes to press The stagmp 11 E E 11 E 1111: i r t E 11111 E 111111111 a 111111 c i: t; 1111II 1 - Septembed 27, at 4 p r ho foslivide ol the 111, has po-,1 jnas commenced and the ^hruhs mil fo msV'Jin'; ad- ,ionort until October 4th Uecs loaned by Mr- Joseph P I) v v MiuiiHKi:iiiii]iiiimiiuiiiiMMiiiin iHiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMmniiiiiiiiiTiTiiiiiiiiiiiimniH o % vtc «t f icei & Mi William Bjrd, «on oi Mr Wil- have 1 een et up i, the haB At V>

unday, Septemlier 24, lor Ildivaid there are an linpcjsing hst, tcrnmene-ed. _ "ollege. ...'•• | their interesting task, and at. 1.30 the I S AIis Giahani K. Ilolley enteitained | luiif heou, with eight of the young gn I, I £ ervices Sunday Evenings In October ttf\&^ of i at lunth on Thursday, Seploinber 28 .ot short Hills officiating at waitresses I H 1 8 'P. M. •in honohim,iir- oiltl he!• r huttr-m-jawi _ . . , Mr" sI coininenct H Among those who have S r\~ -.^u'i^t^ Caifiihlord Jones Among thojo pros , con,tilted to serve are \Ii Jamt , i 2 \; i ent were Mis R L Iloguet, Mrs Wm [ Sj tuington,' the Mis: es 41ic e and i K >/•- Black Central Presbyterian Clitireh J \ ATcEim, Mrs, Nornun C, Mo-1 Martha Bavaid, Mr^ Uoberi tk -Wbit [2 a Pherson, Mrs C J Smith, Mrs R T | ney and Mi- Aicher Ilainian The | 5 ROCKWELL S.BRANK, D.D., Pastor Harnsbeiger, Airs <3eoige Ever, Airs Dahlia Show will be on view at .1 "JO ' «• Arthur Tt-rry, Atrs. R T Tudd.'uth, A meeting of the Short Hills Tennis ' 5 OclobeI Sth Airs Bayard Steven,, Miss do Floie^, Committee was held on September 27 ~ October 15th: October 22nd: "i'lte J'irst and (ireat October 20th: MM Poifer Stone, Mrs Pennington | at the Short Hills Club, at SHO A, j§ ('oimnandnient" -Non, Reinernht'i" "The Convenient "The Miitrnetie ARTHUR N. PTURSON Satterthwaite, Airs Philip Raflerty, | tail tennis tournament 1 in men's Season'' Cross" I itepiibliean Nominee loi Htait* Senato ind Airs. Wm M. Wilshne singles, doubles and mixed, doubles I Jt'iei lli,-ee A,.,t'mll, nominee, arc i The last of the conferences given | Music by Mixed Choir of" 100, accompanied by harp, violin and organ. 1 ,y Mrs R jl< J v will be held, play commencing mi _Vn»_ton, ]2,1,»7, Pascoc, Ji,«oo jitnr 'I - - Weisse was held at Um Septembei .10. Entries should he loll lSUl(ho ll k S.117 The unsuc^e^Uil A'suirhh' «<> Room ol Miss Jean with the steward of the t tub or with Iolfat on r y The Men's Glub invites you to attend. ' 3 rjiididUes leeei.td the lollowingi '^'""srtay, Kopteinbet 28, at *** ..'.'-'--.•*. •?• • Harry Henke «-* •• fe»* \oles G. ddo-,, 7,0'.0, Witemeyer. "." K, - - - — — - J^''"''»''l''»l»'«»»IIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|lllinilliM|||iiHiii| ; ||| |i|| i i | h^ 010; Pa ton, 4,12.-,, Wui/Jmigcr, 2,i_'S. I ~ Jtutter as Old as Jlible l l i M ll l lll \ The n : ' ^, ^ - Ci ibshaw I've found it p tys I B m 1,,ln,ent aud lo1 goneiallv run across some books I've I £ — la! eamlHim, v«u Mr I f^£ '"' ° »»urnI„R ,„ Niish Leads the WorldV in. :Matpr Car. Value- Cn taiplun, 2,078, and Ih Maioau, i lent him. E ,m ,2;!(U 'j — — — I Killing Ue Charles N Codding io In an effoif to cut down he toll of Some piodueers build individual hog _ Icened the republican re nommaiion 'Utal at cidents throughout Seattle hou'os with siele^ that maj be lilted ~ i .uaoipr-ed and Walter C Tenney i e- and King ooiuih, Di W H Corson, j to pioMde an ineieasod amount o ii t'Ji ttl the Dtmotratie nomination King eounl-v eoionei, has staited (he shade dining the summer months ( ong/c =in,i]i Ackerman was le-nonu- piaetice ol erecting su'n, al places _-J ^1 v This plan luinishes shade loi llOi,£. ! ~ nated on the Republican ticket without ' heie latahties have occuned, statin wheie only a lew aie kept nppcsiton an 1 Monnell Snip wa 'in detail the pailicul.u accident One it ol c hi omc C(K, aiven the Dtmociatn nt.mimtion un lot the signs elected ai a dan°eious | j __'< t leu by an acute op]>o ed ieet c oinei • ays. attae In ai e eliar- (Vnioiderable mlere-I wa, taken! Twelve Year Old Boy E;P. sive heal, oi level throughout the state in th" Senatorial I Killed by Auto Here. Chiropodist lie bone and brings contest in Moms County where Sena-' Mi W H Gorton, Coioner >i the ver obiae and <()r AKhui WhiLnev was le-nonunated I Shampoo Scalp Tieatments That the Nash Motors Company really docs give to buyers a greater iral loi annua. These ^R" a maiontv ol o\er 2,000 against, te Look over the Classified column. rations, int shape ami David YOUIIT, a lonnet Assemblymnn | Plione 7IJ -2-7 Voplc Sheet value for their dollar than most manufacturers of automobiles is borne out ssurc upotn the tloli-1 Wlntni'v v/et, opposed by the Morris1 lib t\'^Jl.-f*'f.n. emiit ii-,,,trom. | Count v Oi gannation I by the fact that among sixteen different makes;©! ears selling at about the loxv-^ocV dial force,, nHIlHIIIinilinillllllHlHIIIiniliElllllllllllllUliailllllllllKlUlllllllBllIlllilttllllUIIIIIIil 5 s, necessary^ to'lite i A 1l;con angler took^i friend fi-hing E same price the Nash is the only car sold iorJess thai the pre-war price ofr Honing, Is interrupt-'jn ' iollt !l'i" all the neetssan tat kle =: in the legion sitp * After an lioni the novic e asked 1917. Bear in mind that this is even in the face of the many improvements iged nttve aud con-i"Tfow muth etc) those little icd thin WHS', X WEILER BO-ealled "chronic" cjost?" I! = made in the car .during the interim. '"I supposa,yqu mean the flont." re- ginning, when the piled the disciple of Izaak Walton. urrod, tho miaallgii- "They only cost about fifty cents." —1-JieGi^- 4> roimrly—a (t- :WMLJ»awfi yo ulial La -dollar,-theiVr!i ie case would never replied the amateur. , "The, one you | S3 SUMMIT AVENU& ^QUir^CrMNpER^ "MxyCYLlpDER^ „l lie. However, long-, lent mojias jiict sunkf' TELEPHONE 155S-M ||1 cases ean,"T»e""cuE£ft'fI S'^iPassBngef'Ti^fhTg', -5-I PasseAger; Touring ; ^__.. ^,.—,_T_, J.__. _,__ _„.__..„.,.„ hod-that would have: IJOOIJ over the Classified, column. ^$955." Chiropractic vcr-' S • 2 - Passenger Roadster 7 - Passenger Touring, •• 1390, f its will -remove the I •'•' 915, 2 - Passenger Roadster o uninterrupted vital i 2 3-Passenger Coupe • 1210, f i given free; passage j j ..;.-. Special -far Friday and Saturday •1385, LIIQ.O 4 - Passenger Sport,..... to the, atteeted parti S ^ 2 • Passenger Cab ••1195. •1395. I SB=Si^-"™5—"FT^ra"s-3ccfirg-"-Cirivlct.'irs7"1lr.—;r *.'"" *,k" "—7'" nd spinal ahalyals \ Phone 310 30c7 S *5 i Passenger Sedan ... •1545. 3r. obligation. , • S-Passenger Sedan ^2040, 1 S Leg,s-ot--Lamb,--lb.-:,y r.-.;,v..^; §§ 5 - Passenger Carriole 7 - Ptfssenger Sedan 2190. 1 All ihe Best Grades of =•'•••.- '•,;_•• --" - -, tiac m Bottom Round, lb. ...„..„.. F. O. B. Factory nport, la " nation fmd^ i§\ Top .••Sirloin."' lb. „•....,._: ste*- = . / ]| V' .' - S "csh Killed Broiler^, lb. 2, ii £L xh£ ©

Springftc' Nash. Leads the World (n Motor Car Value # nr Meats Are Fresh Goods,,—Not Frozen, t i Sumtnit M-MtJiiiiiiiiiitittittiiiPflTiiMiii!iffi¥iiiiii ftMliitH^ttltlttltttttttllUlHIWttttitttttttttitttlHtttttt^*^ iiiiiiiaiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili


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