We felt very proud to be the first school to visit the grave of Mary of Exeter. Newsletter Issue 29 12.7.2019 Key dates Term dates Second Half: Tuesday 4th June to Tuesday 23rd July Tuesday the 16th Celebra- tion of Achievement after- noon Middle School Wednesday the 17th of July Parents Evening Upper Mary was a very brave pigeon who NEVER gave school up. She was awarded the Dickin Medal for bravery Thursday the 18th of July and is in the PDSA animal cemetery in Ilford. The Celebration of Achievement afternoon Upper School Dickin Award is equivalent to The Victoria Cross for people. Tuesday the 23rd of July Celebration of Achievement Mary was a carrier pigeon who flew many military Post 16 and Leavers missions during World War ll. She transported im- Letters will go out to portant messages across the English Channel back parents ASAP to her home in Exeter. During these missions she was attacked by a German war hawk, shot, hit by a Telephone: 020 8444 6711 shrapnel and was the only survivor when her pi- Email: geon loft in Exeter was bombed in 1942.
[email protected] .uk Class 3 honour animals from yesterday and today Steve showed us the grave of Mary and the other animals that were awarded the Dickin Medal. We saw the graves of Beauty, Antis, Peter, Ricky, Rex and Simon the cat. Steve showed us pho- tographs of these animals and told us very ‘moving’ stories about their lives. Liz and Georgia then gave us a tour of the PDSA Pet clinic.