"C"t0M0**i""'0,TO**&" 10,000 PEOPLE ek. -Largest-circulation ^ Summit an HIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NO. 2 SUMMIT, N. j., FRIDAY ^TB^NOON, SEP]flBER 29. 1922 3f^= r ~'~Rc __ \t _ T.-M. Dsvoise ^ Cross».VA" ' "Loasider WMenlis gvO. oiilsUForam" « 1 freimghuysen and P\ kfi j Mi TIIOL M Debcvoiso was elec- ^ans for Seas \i Ked no-, lid- i«<, "" Uif] J tcd_\jcc nuent of the SmmiiLt-Ti ust the Wa-J»Ji'l«7n ^TT, "<"» lusiness Men's Association'^Z^s^lu^LZ Jane Addams Will Give Op^i= ui^'Mil .UUT-'l loi I,,, „ ifi High Whin oh JL ^l -Matter During I day an i^uiso was elected to ing Talk — Norman Hap* I.o,pitahol ih.c l "" f0Un|n m-niy Wscasilonoii.New street I^LTX!^!^* good and George' Creel one wr ],)"'II li,.]n ^ mui h n M< Void 'ha, been ic ot Summit's most .^.— ; Lignt VoteJn-St»n Also -Scheduled - (be v>o fiom i j pi eminent d able oiti/.ens for the M Ci.11! "l-tUIIl HI j mary Election — h^ori pa t 20 yes He scnod with maiked yi w ool eo f tfler (,- Financing the' Question ability in e Common Council loi Dr. - Prout on Psychology j Snowed Under — Local ) oad. 'l ••- -" " ' -v ,'so\eial vo and foi one toim as 1 The W'Jf m M , A largely attended -meeting of the j piesidcnt that bodj He is a mem- All Souls' i<'oi inn k"t \ eai biou^lit a(( J I Candidates Named htockinn'.will ,d MS, -"- , Business Men'B 'Association at the Y., boi of th(.v fillll ()r Hounds, Hat< h to Hiinimit fo miin miu<- 1 il spc ,ik< 11 f) M*. O, A. on Tuesday evening gave Dillinfthdind IVhe\oise Mi Dene' j on peitnunt fopn s ol tin da\ that a tinned fotlu . „j,( JM[ l Resets in the State furthe,. „ r .consideratio. .> , ., ..n. to Mth e ,matte• . ,r ol, voiso is a a past piesident of the' ll'RALD lcpoitei wiu^l t an jaKi (hen in'oifini the new street lighting standards for 4,. v,i™i i, n.ri „•. r, i »•,, > ^ , ltl ',in-J l tU1 ,il(I who rue " T r r ''he pinnaij election in Summit on ........ :. r . i HiKhlana u and in tact has been | \iew this we< k with the R<>\ Ostai the streets in the business section of Z Z; h nr^nniV mn n ,, , ixcrl Wh lia u oci Hu rni urn I I uesdav u as e ompaialively eiuiet due the town whiclfquestion is now before i^n^^^ i •. ' ° ' ' ^ ' i r ou hi Mo the taft thai UKMC Was no local the Common Council. In considerin1g8 ^tant sanitations and institu- talks, to hnd out vh.it his Mans wo turns of cominunity ITe waolfcs r Summit for tin = wmtci'"? d« let 9 > (onte,t to bilinf out the vote. Th<i_l this proposition the'matter of widen- o'ectcd a ^ctoi oi the Tiust Com­ tation ,j total vote ra.t w is 1,017 an against ingSprlngfield avenue in the main Kids to pany in J.irj, 1021, and it is sale ftlr JIawes was tound in his stiuh ^ 1 h"^°. a >eai Vm The eaily part oC .,,business section was brought forward to say thaik elevation to the vice w .',J *>"„ -y p- 1 I tin day w.is ]>ai tie ulaily ejulet, the . "' ,as an improvement greatly needed and in the rlunch, at the \ei> moment en- y '-* • picsidcncyf this institution will ^a?ed in Upinj, off his l',t of new \oinu not bfj'innniK in earnest until which should be done at the same time | 1 meet with unanimoas appioval of r as the change in the lighting system, i spe.'kcis, ecuied and (omcmplated, 1 mid-aftf moon v„ Local business has ,.heeome so its pation and he m< -.t rhr( rtullv cntend into Movies, 1 Smitoi Rtinyon was hl^h man on , .centralized on Springfield avenue that the details oi his plan1, so lai as he tb. R( public an Ju k( t with 919 vote'i; , *,, the street is really too,narrow at the, ( ould reveal them to datt The to! .'A- ( O'IKK sman Aekciuun second with Games r VoungstfS 01 ( J present tlme*to carry the traffic- dur- JmyiraRel lowing speakcis aie assmod to Sum­ Summiifld All Surjnd- )1 , w(t«- Ibev, of eotnse, had no ,. , irig the busy parts, of the day. With mit, we le;>in, although all the topics opposition in the pumaiy. T, V' = 1 thfl trade :on this street developing so to be toiUhed upon aive not ^«t settled W^~x nator I'ItlinRhuvst-n ran rapidly it is recognized that two or ore in inn. -On Ortohei Z'l Jane Addams will 7\ '. v-.i\ ahead of hi, oi>ponent, George three feet off the sidewalks'bn either spca-k On KovenilKi ,">, Noinian Hap ? L It* (oid, with a \ote of 81.'1 to 161. side .couidvery well be spared for the Kood, the well known tditor, IOIHKI Elks In th* Republlean Assembly race, ,,-*,,„-'vehicular traffic in the roadway. It F. At riogg Heads Local Mimstei to Dtninail, will be brie John U f'lnt v-as hlch man in Sum- '• is not only a ,matter of necessity for No.embci 12, (koi^e (ucl is ,lit»d, The annua'" b i i't t will rn throurhout the eounty, Comrjee to Meet Mon= 1,l , 1. I people doing business with the local and we note that tins well-known one oi the fi i o' I'Muin^ hue W) votei Out Of a f merchants, but it has its value from utlfaie woil U < n, i , , •f'l day Hit to Raise Funds louinalist is iiowslieul ot fi wi tiis ( „.•"'' hi Id ol i eanelidate",, the four hi^h . —~* the -standpolnt-^of^-provention—ot~ ac­ and aiti't. and cen'oi^lup oi;an- 1 Iks, w ill lifhbi m,i ,i, men m Summit wne the Tust four cidents, -".' .-"••, -for Scken Peoples -ati i i7.ition, called Tin- louit Co nnntto" <lav TJio piiin tn .„ v -3 mm on *h> ballot, Messi' Clift, Comp- ' • Representatives of the General Elec­ 1 foi the riomotion and PiotettKn ti 10 00 A,M ' il r.', 1 ton, Pa< tor and Geddes, Muir, v/ho tric Company, Commonwealth Electric ij on J =f i1*1 J' -' Urgent .Call Sent Ait rind liteintme lie duubth r.s"w ill UM iMic'Tl'f 'hri v..i. fifth man in Summit with 300 I ii l on j<- * • - Company and Councilman Betts spoke (- \ot< bibind Geddft' 410 v,as, hov/-_ —_J to the—Association—hn—the—lighting ~ ' have tlnnf.s to sa\ ii "Rip i.ui M« / , oi L l in - 1 <\'t rh< fomth man on the ticket In The-loc8myrna-Emersency Re- Dr .lohn"M(/ t^dow u foi Xm emb.l l^) "lollm-eil f ( O P11 question.- Slides were shown on the | hef ConmiE will meet next Monday, T), a roted wntei and uHuni on "rfto'en (..loi ^l - U.i entiie eounty lesnlt i' ( > 1 stereoptioan Boreenshowlng^the street, evening in Y. M C. A , at 8 o'clock mtoinit onal affair Duinn- tli- toon, "Out o' lu r - foiiniihoan Bunkei was- re-noml- Bystetn lights used in various cities F \1. Kell' is chan man The oom- Washington Conffiemc on the I mil 1'00 noouL )• ,o ji, ruttd in tin- fli t wnii] v/ith a vote of \ throughou. t the country and .partieular .- mittee is iipose(i,of the pa.stois ot t'ltton of Aimnment^ he was pierent' tne nei o11'1'-'1 w< 112 and Cminrilrnan Tv.ombly v/aq re- ly the many types of the so-called all the ch^cs, Mayor Memll, C Ha " conespondent toi Ibe "Fi^nkfui In oi th$-lodj,c *io nt itrd in tin- •r.nif w.ird with a standard lights including that which ru C Jase]& d others active in the .Hcituni^" and wis leceived bv the 100 P M-< al a ^ Tti \nu ot i<,i, -John c pnl^ht wai has been proposed to be installed here, Near l^astdief work ii inn d b\ tin f>i put>lK'-nis in the <-*e- Pi evident at that time He will <^>oak ha' eb.ill fielf I ittt h, awe^ •ii'i Councilman Betts stated that the in­ o "iid u d 'ih n kotr of "/\", stallation cost Of the 25) lights which ou "The Spuit and Outlook of the fiohc TUNA TODAY New Geraianj," afld it is'said that in | At the Lyf r 'tin ii< li.rn l Uir pumao, EdV,ard'i the Council has" been considering In- 'd ^ild J -tub r l f °i TI toi iionud In Summit $} stailingJwould not be over $7,000 and beanns him one gets a .statement of! \i.UIav ^di ' t'1 (bi'di il r What ipe situation in Smyrna " ' -. 1 i r Tt" S MV 7? "or cita.tn , the annual additional cost to the city thin-',-, in Geiinam today ns seen Irv ajsuipiisc Air tn UP \ irhn. would be about $1,716. today'' Tiatcst new^ of the city - libcial and a demo"iat When Dai id the unisdicln s r'., to, Doi/bfii ri-ffi.i-el 10 \otn to/j <<> 'i " Anion?1 fhi DfmocrUIr The advantages at the new system a place tlla few weeks a^o bad a Stair .Ionian made a torn ot Europe i which mclu-'^di oi.
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