56 – 2015

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MM 56, 2015 · VIII, 508 Seiten mit 240 Abbildungen

Herausgeber Erste Direktorin · Zweiter Direktor Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Madrid, Calle Serrano 159, 28002 Madrid, ESPAÑA

Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Prof. Dr. Oswaldo Arteaga Matute, Universidad de Sevilla, España · Prof. Dr. Manuel Bendala Galán, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España · Prof. Dra. María Paz García-Bellido, Consejo Superior de !"#$ Northridge, U.S.A. · Prof. Dr. Amílcar Guerra, Universidade de Lisboa, · Prof. Dr. Andreas Hauptmann, Deutsches Bergbaumuseum Bochum, Deutschland · Prof. Dr. Pierre Moret, Université de Toulouse, France · PD Dr. Sabine Panzram, Universität Hamburg, Deutschland · Prof. Dr. José Ramos Muñoz, Universidad de Cádiz, España · Prof. Dr. Dorothee Sack, Technische Universität Berlin, Deutschland · Prof. Dr. Markus Trunk, Universität Trier, Deutschland

© 2016 Deutsches Archäologisches Institut/Ludwig Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden ISBN: 978-3-95490-164-7 · ISSN: 0418-9744 Gesamtverantwortlich: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Redaktion der Abteilung Madrid %$&&"'(!)"% Herstellung und Vertrieb: Ludwig Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden ( Alle Rechte, insbesondere das Recht der Übersetzung in fremde Sprachen, vorbehalten. Ohne ausdrückliche Genehmigung ist es auch nicht gestattet, dieses Buch oder Teile daraus auf photomechanischem ;<=>>>?'&&KQ&>="$!'&X&'& verbreiten. !$ · Imprimé en Allemagne =Y&$<[\&? · tcf INHALT

TH. X. SCHUHMACHER, F. FALKENSTEIN, TH. LINK, A. MEDEROS und J. M. VARGAS, Archäologische und geophysikalische Prospektionen im Nordbereich der chalko- lithischen Siedlung von Valencina de la Concepción bei Sevilla (Andalusien) im Jahr 2014, mit 14 Textabbildungen ...... 1

L. BENÍTEZ DE LUGO ENRICH, TH. X. SCHUHMACHER, N. PALOMARES ZUMAJO, H. J. ÁLVAREZ GARCÍA, E. MATA TRUJILLO, J. MORALEDA SIERRA, G. MENCHÉN HERREROS y D. C. SALAZAR-GARCÍA, muertos en la Cultura de las Motillas. Los botones de Castillejo del Bonete (Terrinches, Ciudad Real), mit 15 Textabbildungen ...... 40

J. L. ESCACENA CARRASCO y Á. GÓMEZ PEÑA, Símbolos de duelo. Sobre el mensaje de las máscaras gesticulantes fenicias, mit 12 Textabbildungen ...... 62

J. Á. ZAMORA, La investigación española hasta mediados del s. XX, mit 7 Textabbildungen ...... 88

E. DE SOUSA, !mit 17 Textabbildungen ...... 109

TH. G. SCHATTNER, Zur Deutung der Friesdarstellungen auf den Diademen von Moñes, mit 10 Textabbildungen ...... 139

H. UROZ RODRÍGUEZ, La vajilla de bronce romana tardorrepublicana de Libisosa, mit 24 Textabbildungen ...... 168

J. A. ANTOLINOS MARÍN y B. DÍAZ ARIÑO, Los precintos de plomo del Museo de y la actividad de las compañías mineras romanas en el sur de a comienzos de "!mit 6 Textabbildungen ...... 211

A. OREJAS SACO DEL VALLE, I. MONTERO RUIZ, Y. ÁLVAREZ GONZÁLEZ, L. F. LÓPEZ GONZÁLEZ, M. Á. LÓPEZ MARCOS and I. RODRÍGUEZ CASANOVA, Roman Denarii from North-Western Hispania, Findings from Castromaior (Lugo). A Contextual, Numismatic and Analytic Approach, mit 9 Textabbildungen ...... 232 INHALT

J. BELTRÁN FORTES $ M. L. LOZA AZUAGA, La Livia de Asido (Medina Sidonia, #%&#%!mit 4 Textabbildungen ...... 258

F. ARASA I GIL, J. L. JIMÉNEZ SALVADOR $ T. HERREROS, Una escultura de Fortuna hallada en la necrópolis de la Boatella (Valencia), mit 10 Textabbildungen...... 270

M. RODRÍGUEZ CEBALLOS $ J. SALIDO DOMÍNGUEZ, Entre hombres y divinidades menores. Los genii cucullati de la ciudad romana de Clunia (Burgos), mit 10 Textabbildungen ...... 296

M. TRUNK, Fragmente römischer Grabbauten aus Segobriga und , mit 10 Textabbildungen ...... 326

A. PIZZO, Construcción, innovación y circulación de mano de obra en los puentes romanos de la ! '! ! * + / 3"! mit 33 Textabbildungen ...... 342

J. M. NOGUERA CELDRÁN $ J. A. MOLINA GÓMEZ, Nuevo fragmento de sarcófago paleocristiano procedente de Begastri (Cehegín, Murcia), mit 8 Textabbildungen ...... 377

R. CEBRIÁN FERNÁNDEZ e I. HORTELANO UCEDA, La reexcavación de la basílica visigoda de Segobriga (Cabeza de Griego, Saelices). Análisis arqueológico, fases constructivas y cronología, mit 27 Textabbildungen ...... 402

M. SCHMAEDECKE und F. SCHMAEDECKE, Wehrspeicher des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts in Alt-Kastilien. Bemerkungen zu einer Gruppe von mittelalterlichen Türmen östlich von Soria, mit 13 Textabbildungen ...... 448

D. CASADO RIGALT, La simbiótica relación de dos arqueólogos con trayectorias divergentes y '6 " " 88 9 :" + ;" <! mit 8 Textabbildungen ...... 473

F. GIESE, 3><%?"%;?6#! mit 3 Textabbildungen ...... 494

Hinweise und Richtlinien der Redaktion ...... 508

+" ...... 508 Elisa de Sousa


1. Introduction

)&$==$ %X&&X$&> &&&&==! )=X=Q&!!=! `&$=!Q> &X=$"&=&&$!X$ !Q==Q====$ =`=!- !X$X=!=&==!= ====&X&! q==`=>=&& =$&= {|$=!&XX$X=! %X=` =X&}=$ )=!=&==$== - " Q=&X$!>X&! =&&=)&&$$=` &&&=X& =& Q!=$1)=Q$ =!=&=)&Q== =XQ= =&&$X$== diaspora2<€{?

2. Lisbon and the phoenician expansion in the far West

)=>XQ%X=&& =&=X&Q =&&X$!(3 )= =&`}ipo$$!F$E4, was evaluated by !&= &!=&Y&Q= &=!=&!5

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6N€„„‡€„‹ 7!{|€‘\‡‡ 8!{|€‘\{„ 112 ELISA DE SOUSA


Š!=!!= =!Q===- Y&$ == #= =%XS=`&=„| Y&!`=Y&=&==$ !&&& ! =XQX`!Q==- =` 9#&$=== X>=QX!Q=$== =)=Q$'Q=Q==! X==$== =Žth&$=&=! !&=!&&$10)= !=!XQ=!)$€|€€€€|€{€! =!!!==!=$11 reveal, =Q!=$ =& = which are consolidated specially after the 5th century BC12)==!$ !$13)=} Q&!$XQ<&)!$‡X?=== $!=&== =)&& =$=Q$& )!$€{!$‡"! =!`=XQ= X>=!=$ }"}= =!}=!=XQ!=$==Q QX$! &'q$& "Q!Q=X>=!& )=$$$!==)!X !$=$!}=!=XQ='!!X& =Q=== ==& !)=!!Q===`=X=! ==}$$=>=!}=!= XQ=&==$ 'X >14<‘? !<Y&–†)='S?=- Q>==Q&&=\th&$=&= =QX$!=`Q$!! =!Q=!=&!!$ &&Q=$!)=Q===$ a pithoi !Q=X=`$Q=X>=! reticulated pattern, and two red-slip plates, can be dated between the 7th and 6th century BC15

9!€„„‡€‹‘ 10&€„„„†{|||€{Ž 11&€„„„†{|||€{‡\Ž‘ˆ€{‘\‹€‡ 12"&{|€‘„Ž€||€|‡ˆ"&N!{|€‘‡|Ž 13&€„„„†{|||€€Ž 14&€„„„†{|||€€ŽN€{Ž 15Š{|€‘\‘€ 114 ELISA DE SOUSA

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==X$<&&?= ! =Y&$=&X&!Q= X>!16"! == &<!= !)$€|€€€?Q!== = 8th&$&=Q=€‘17[Q=X =!&==!=& ! =!- <=}?&XQ=\th and, !XX$=Žth&$)==&=!!= !$ != <!)$€|€{€†)&$€?Q $$<X&=?=Q=X=}Q<=!= XQ?!!Q<"}?=XQ?18 that can XŽth&$=$<‰Ž? =!` &" !& &= =\th/6th&$Q&!=! !X&Q==Q!=$!)€|€{€X$ !=}Q<XQ?$$<!} =!=XQ?19 =&X= " Q==&- !X$= =!=&=`= „|=&X=}!& &X)=$&&!==& X

16{|€‡€€„ 17{|€‡€{Ž€{„ 18{|€‡€{{N€{Ž 19!{|€‘\‡| THE IRON AGE OCCUPATION OF LISBON 115



=!&&!Q=X != be dated between the 7th and 6th&$$&'q$&!= !)$€|€{€! }$$ ==$X=!==Q = =$=&=&`!$&"  <!=$€|€{€}Q?20= =!)= and in Casa dos Bicos21 )=X}!=&=$!&== Q== =" &$=== )&)=&=!Q> &X=$Q '=&X` =!Q== = =&&$Q=`!$€‰=Q=& !XQ{‰||‰|||=X22<\? [Q= =!!!=Y&=&= & )$%X=X&!=&= 8th/early 7th&$!Q==Q==)& estuary23q=!!$Q == =QQ&==- &X$Q=&%'& &"S24 Š&25= Q=!X!&!Q==Q $- ===<=!!!Q=}> &=!X&=Q= Q=?)=$ =X='X$!!Q Q=X$ =&&!=Q= QX$ %&[Z!&=$ Y&&=%' =)&26$ !`= !!='==`=>== =" = &&= ==`<&" ! ?=&===!$<Ž€?$ Q==$>=Q=&&)= &==%'&Q!=Q QQ%X

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Fig. 7 Lisbon’s Late Bronze (19 Praça da Figueira) and Iron Age occupation (1 to 6 Castelo de São Jor- ge; 7 Rua das Pedras Negras; 8 Rua de São Mamede ao Caldas; 9 Roman Theater; 10 Cathedral; 11 Casa dos Bicos; 12 Pátio da Senhora da Murça; 13 Rua de São João da Praça; 14 Travessa do Chafariz d´El Rei; 15 Rua dos Correeiros; 16 Rua dos Douradores; 17 Rua Augusta; 18 Rua da Judiaria).

During the early Iron Age, the topographical setting changes drastically. The human occupation is now concentrated in hill of Castelo de São Jorge, an area that guarantees the &=&&$&=$Q the riverbanks. Such a drastic shift is probably related with new economic interests and strategies that are unmistakably linked with the Phoenician presence. Interpreting this data is, however, a challenging task. If we undertake a classic post-co- Q&==Q==&= local Late communities decided to established themselves in the hill of Castelo de São Jorge, an area with great potential in terms of visual control of the surrounding territory, and especially of the Tagus river mouth, which was essential for maintaining economic and commercial grasp during the oncoming period. There are, however, other factors that should be taken into consideration, and that sustain an alternative explanation. First, the velocity of apprehension of new technologies as is the case of wheel-made pottery. In less than a century, the material culture of ancient Olisipo THE IRON AGE OCCUPATION OF LISBON 119

&!$X$=&==!$ =`=>=!Q=` =\th and 6th&$X&!27==!Q!!$X =!&=!X = =%XS=! second half of the 6th century28"===!&&!- phorae since the 7th or 6th century BC, as it was recently proposed29&!! !$!=X=&=`&$==Q !$]&X$=='=X&= ===$&==$='=! %X!$!==&$=&&= = !&=Q! $!=Q!==&X> =` != !=` q<" ?Q==`=X== !=\th century BC30 ;==X$==!=&= =}$$ %XQ&X$Q&= =‹th or == =\th&$"&=Q&!$==!=&X &!= =X&="&=!> Q=! =X$='= !&!==$!$ =;&&QX&==!=& <"31?"<X&32?$>$=$]& X$==&==)&&$!&& ;=Q$=%XS!XX$- ! =&&==X=X$ "S† Š&&X$=&== " <&" !?"&==!&= ! !XQ&!&=%Š†%X33, Ce- rro del Villar34'<)!?35=&$&X$ &&`![&&=` =!=&$`$!XQ===X36 =&=X$=!!=!!&- !"&=X!$==='Q =)&

27{|€‡€{{N€{ŽˆŠ{|€‘\‘€N\‘‡ 28&€„„„†{|||€€Ž 29"&N!{|€‘‡|‰ 30&{|€‡{€Ž{{{ˆž!%'{|€‡‡Ž‡ 31=€„|‹ˆ€„„‡ˆ€„„\ˆ&{|€€ 32$N"{||| 33'&€„„‹ˆ''€„„‹ˆ&{||\ 34&X€„„„ˆNŠ{||\ 35ž!%'{|€|ˆ%'<?N=>=‹= =&"&<{|€‡?! K$K=Y&')!<†'? 36€„„Ž€{‡€{‹ 120 ELISA DE SOUSA

&$&=X =& ;== =' =&&QXX$&X$ !!&Q=Q$X=="&= =X&Q= !Q==&&&Q&!37 >$==Q=!!&==&& Q=&==$ = X&!['Z"&=X&&&)= &=&&&!XQ= &&&==X Tartessic colonization38 )===&X&%XS&- !$=`==X> =)& =! !&=!')==Q==$! ===&=Q=!&<Ž=- N!& €|||=X?39=&== " =&&=! Q==` !=!!<XQ}>? retrieved on the surface of the site, in an area where oriental type evidences were absent40 [Q==>!'= %' =<‹? !'S!X$Q Q =Q=Ž‰!Q‡‰!41!== & =`Q=&==== `42, !$! X$Y&$XQ! =!=Y& =Žth century BC43- Q=$! !&X!!=$X= !&$!>=44====` Q&XQ=45!` !!Q= &&Q==!#&$=!&&- Q==$$>Q=&==$&= 7th/6th&$!X====X&& earlier foundation (late 9th/early 8th&$?46=$=Q!X$= &X=<„?47

37N%'&'{||„ 38)'{||‰ˆ!}XN)'{||„ˆ)'{|€‡ 39&€„„„†{|||€|‡ 40€„„‘ 41€„„‹‡ŽˆN"{||‘‡‡„ 42€„„‹‘|ˆN"{||‘‡‘| 43&{||‰‡€ 44€„„‡€‰‘ˆN"{||‘‡‘| 45K {||‡{Ž‡ˆ{|€‘\|€ 46N"{||‘‡‘€N‡‘‡ 47&{||‰‡€ˆ"&{|€‘‘‹ THE IRON AGE OCCUPATION OF LISBON 121

Fig. 8 Hill of Castelo de São Jorge (1) and Almaraz (2).

The interaction between Almaraz and Lisbon during the Iron Age must have been parti- cularly intense. The location of both settlements on the narrowest area of the Tagus estuary !!!&=!!&= river course, probably focused on metallic resources that were of strategic importance during == =€st millennium BC48. The inter-visibility between these sites and their geographical proximity (roughly 5 km by river), along with the remarkable similarity among their ceramic vessels (amphorae, red-slip, grey pottery and common ware) suggests that both shores were probably supplied by the same production center49. Considering the above-mentioned elements it is possible to argue the existence of a single political and administrative cell that incorporates both Lisbon and Almaraz, which would translate in one unique urban entity. In this perspective, it would be tempting to relate the existence of exceptional artifacts in Almaraz, such as the alabaster vessels, the Middle Corinthian ceramic and the Egyptian scarab50, with the presence of a social-political elite positioned at the site.

3. The 6th century crisis and the second half of the 1st millennium BC

=$]&X$=='=X} insula, the mid-1st millennium BC represents, in the Tagus Estuary, a phase of profound metamorphosis.

48 Aubet 1994. 49 Arruda 1999/2000, 223; Sousa 2014, 309. 50 Barros 1998, 40; Barros – Soares 2004, 340. 122 ELISA DE SOUSA


Regardless of the internal and external causes that originated what is currently known as the 6th century crisis51, this phenomenon had serious consequences that caused the disintegra- tion of the western Phoenician circles, although it did not result, in most cases, in the disap- pearance of these communities, who were already steadily established in the . Actually, several of these groups were able, within a short period of time, to restructure =!}=&==! =! territorial occupation and resources exploration. In the Tagus Estuary, and particularly in Lisbon, the phase that arises during the 5th cen- &$]!>X!$ The data gathered throughout the urban interventions actually shows an increase of the occupied area that now extends to the lowest parts of the hill of Castelo de São Jorge52. In Rua dos Correeiros, archaeological interventions that took place during the 1990s disclosed =!=‰th/early 4th century BC occupation of the an- cient Olisipo. The excavated area (approximately 88 m2) revealed an orthogonal architectonic complex, formed by a series of compartments usually paved with greenish clay and served by a central combustion area, built with quartzite pebbles. Although these features may imply a residential function, other elements suggest alternative and/or complementary purposes. A combustion structure, related with a level of debris, indicates that this area may have func- tioned as a pottery production center, being corroborated by the existence of a relatively abundant number of ceramic supports, which are usually associated with pottery centers like Cerro del Villar, Malaga53 or Camposoto, Cadiz54. At last, and considering the topographic characteristics of Rua dos Correeiros, we should not exclude the possibility that this area functioned also as a port55<€|? )= !X = & = ` Y& < ‰|||!?Q=!&=' the material culture of the Tagus Estuary during the mid-1st!&!)=! that should be emphasized is the dominant weight of the local productions. As a fact, only four fragments in this set were imported from distant areas, which indicates a strong setback in terms of the long distance commercial network. These fragments correspond to a black- glazed Greek Castulo cup, an amphora Ramon Torres type, probably produced in Sardinia, and two others that resemble the productions of the south of the Iberian Peninsula (Pellicer Catalan type B/C and one other turdetanian type)56. Local productions are constituted by amphorae, red-slip, grey pottery and common ware, and exhibit a series of morphological &=&Y&=<€€? During the mid-1st millennium BC, the Tagus amphorae types seem to derive, essential- $!=&!)$€|€{€=&=]&!=X areas, such as Extremadura (amphorae type Cancho Roano I and II) or Andalusia (amphorae types B/C and D of Pellicer Catalan, types Ramon 11) should be taken under consideration.

51 Martín Ruiz 2007; Ordóñez Fernández 2011. 52 Sousa 2014, 38. 53 Aubet et al. 1999. 54 Ramon Torres et al. 2007. 55 Sousa 2014, 86. 56 Sousa 2014, 97 f. 104. 110. 124 ELISA DE SOUSA &$? th /early 4 th Š€| = &<‰ THE IRON AGE OCCUPATION OF LISBON 125

Š€€ !!&(&&<?!=!=&= = X&

)==QX=!=&=$ =!$Q!!=Q== outside surface57<€{? )=$$Q===!&&!!`=X! &X$!}=!=XQX& =! Q==&Y&==<€‡? )=}Q X! Y&$`=X Q!!&Y&!=$!}=!=- XQ!!–&==X &!X&& !>58<€‘? )=!!QY&X&=Q!$!=$ =XQ=X=!>X$!=} $$==!=- $;=! =!$!=&&= =$!Q=$!=X&=="}= Q= &Y&&&= !59, Cerro del Villar60, Huelva6162 and vessels with internal

57"&{|€‘€|‰ˆ"&N!{|€‘‡|‰‡|‹ 58"&{|€‘€€‹N€{\ 59!){||\‹‘N‹Ž 60&X€„„„€‹€N€‹‘ 61&)!{||{€{{‘ 62&'€„„‡Ž\ˆ&'N ' '€„„‰\| 126 ELISA DE SOUSA

Š€{ %!=!&<‰th/early 4th&$? THE IRON AGE OCCUPATION OF LISBON 127 &$? th /early 4 th Š€‡ %$Q!&<‰ 128 ELISA DE SOUSA &$? th /early 4 th Š€‘ %}Q!&<‰ THE IRON AGE OCCUPATION OF LISBON 129

==$="=`!&<=63%64, Cancho Roano65–'66?=&&–<'&67, Sapatoa, Nossa Sen- == q&68, Herdade das Taliscas 469?<€‰? !=&=!&!X `- $X–=!&XX$==!$]= ! =!!!&& = )&&$ =$=!!! Rua dos Correeiros70& => X=X &X=$>Q== !X71, in the Guadal- Y&$Q=!=QX$!=%XS [Q!&Q!X€ == Achziv necropolis, in Israel72<€Ž? )=!&&=='=!}€st!&!Q ! =!&X<" !)= %XS=&"  Y&–† )='S?Q= ==%XS= <&&&&&"=& ?!>X- &$!&==73 "&=$]=X$&= Q=&!! == )&&$ ;=&=‹th, 7th and 6th&$==&!! =)&X>=!}€st!&!=Q= ` QQ==!=` Q!= arise in result of the 6th&$)==!== ! &&=` =` !&&= Q=)&& As a fact, after the late 6th/5th&$%XSX!`=Q!>X &!X =&!!XX$Q=&&=&X$`74, whereas in the previous phase the whole area was practically unoccupied75<€\? )=$ =!===%X !$=Q' =!!>X$!Q==&&$ ! !=&X&==$=Q==!

63! '{||\‘\{ˆ! 'N{||‹{\‘ 64&''N'!€„„‹{€\ 65 'N! '€„„‡{|‹ˆ '€„„Ž€\Ž€‹\ 66Y&'q& €„„‹€‹{ 67&{||„€‹‡ 68{||‘{\€{„| 69N{||‹{|‹Ž 70"&{|€‘€‹\ 71{||\ 72£={||‘€Ž\ 73"&{|€‘‡‘N‡‹ 74&€„„„†{|||€‡€€‡‡ˆ{||‘{‰‘{‰„ˆ"&{|€‘‡|„ 75"&{|€‘‡|„ 130 ELISA DE SOUSA &$? th /early 4 th Š€‰ $ !!Q!&<‰ THE IRON AGE OCCUPATION OF LISBON 131

Š€Ž [!&($X–<=?

=` !!!Q>!$X!! }&&Q==%XQ&$76 Š!=‘th century on, the data on the evolution of ancient Olisipo $&- $&"  QX$=$ !=‡rd&$X='X$!=$$!- !Q=!=$Q==&&77 [Q=> !===&X- Q=&!$X&=$ &X= ;>QQ=$==` " = !!=‘th&$!$! >$= &$`=X=!&&!$=Q=&=$ = `&=& == =&

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$Q=X &!Q=!Q=Q=- painted decoration79= =$=! !!&Q>Q $Q=`! >$ !$}&>$` !&"  80=!&&&81 X =!!X = ==XQ=!&=!&=! %XS>$X$$=' =` Q==!!==$= != !}€st!&!82)=!XXX$=X != $=Q$=&= =X&&=% &=!)$‹€€{‹{€€X$=$ ! &‘$ Q==$>Q%X<)='S Rei83? =&==$=QX$= ` >$!!!= !=$$!= X$=Q =)&&$Q&&=! =!!&Y&& !&&84 != - X&&$&== ={nd&$& =! `=X&`=X! ==` >Q=&&$85$&&=$ ==)&&$!X$=&& &=X$=QQ==!!&= 1st!&!

4. Conclusion

)=!`==Q$=!X- Q%XS!==`=Q=&= =Y& Q==&=&X=)&%' !!&Q}Q!XX!= &=&Xq= Q>&- !&==X&==XQ=%'= !Q==!! !! X==$ Q=&==SQ=Q== =!&& ==Y& $ ['Z <!=}Q$Q!!Q?=

79KK{||‹‘Ž‡‘ 80!{||‰‡{€ 81Š{||| 82&€„„„†{|||{{€ 83Š{|€‘\‘‡ 84"&{|€‘‡|‹ 85!{||‰€{„ 134 ELISA DE SOUSA evidence that proves the use of Phoenician writing86 among the ancient Olisipo, we should start to place the possibility that Lisbon could have been a Phoenician colonial complex among the Atlantic coast. Such a status could also explain the fact that after the 6th century crisis, the ancient Olisipo will play a central role in the entire restructuration of the demographic, economic and commercial landscape of the Tagus estuary, displaying a remarkable resilience in adapting to new challenges87. Despite being increasingly isolated from the long distant trad- ing channels, the ancient city of Olisipo manages to reorganize its entire economic strategy, exploiting new lands and creating a complex commercial dynamic, even if only at a regional scale, that would establish its social-political territory until the Roman event. There are, however, still many missing key elements that would provide a more detailed analysis of this settlement and the entanglement between the Phoenician newcomers and the local indigenous communities. It is the case of Iron Age funerary contexts that remain, to date, &===X>$!&$=! the arrival of these orientalizing communities in terms of ritual practices, religious-symbolic values and identity changes. Another important missing element is the architectural data. This –&$X$=$ %XS=&!&!X&X$= nature of urban archaeological interventions that often as to deal with small excavation areas, depth limitations and high architectural complexity. As mentioned earlier, with the exception of Rua dos Correeiros, archaeological interventions were unable to provide plans that could Q= =&&=! and that could therefore enable a more accurate reading of the urban phenomena and its transformation across time88. We can only hope that in a nearby future these missing data could be overcome either by new archaeological excavations or by the publication of detailed information concerning previous works.


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Adress: Dra. Elisa de Sousa, Uniarq – Centro de Arqueologia da Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1649-004 Lisboa, PORTUGAL, E-Mail: e.sousa@


Im Zuge archäologischer Ausgrabungen im Stadtgebiet Lissabons (Portugal) während des letzten Jahrzehnts kamen Funde zutage, die Aufschluss über die vorrömische Besiedlung geben. Die Gründung der Siedlung im späten 8. bzw. frühen 7. Jh. v. Chr. scheint eng mit der phönizischen Expansion im äußeren Westen der damaligen Welt in Verbindung zu stehen. )Q=]Q==>! Hinterlassenschaften der Kultur in der Region der Tajo-Mündung während des ersten Jahr- tausends v. Chr. charakterisieren, deutlich. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollen die Befunde der verschiedenen Grabungen im Stadt- gebiet zusammengestellt und analysiert werden, um einen Gesamtüberblick der Entwicklung des antiken Olisipo während der Eisenzeit zu erhalten. Schlagworte: Lissabon – Atlantik – Phönizier – Eisenzeit

Durante la última década, los trabajos arqueológicos que tuvo lugar en la zona urbana de Lisboa (Portugal) dio a conocer nuevos datos relacionados con la ocupación prerromana. Su &Y&!‹:†\:=!- ``!==]& orientales caracterizarán varios aspectos de la cultura material del estuario del Tajo durante el 1er milenio a. C. 138 ELISA DE SOUSA

Este trabajo se propone reunir y analizar la información dispersa que resultó de las múl- tiples excavaciones urbanas, y de presentar un marco de la evolución de la antigua Olisipo durante la Edad del Hierro. Palabras clave: Lisboa – Atlántico – fenicios – Edad del Hierro

&==Q>=>=&X %X<&?&Q}!&)=& =!=X>=‹th/early 7th century BC, seems to be closely related Q===`=Š;=]&Q=' =!&& =)&&$&=€st millennium BC. )==$'=!&!= !&&X`!Q> =& =- &= Keywords(%XNN=N