History, Nation and Politics: the Middle Ages in Modern Portugal (1890-1947)
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History, Nation and Politics: the Middle Ages in Modern Portugal (1890-1947) Pedro Alexandre Guerreiro Martins Tese de Doutoramento em História Contemporânea Nome Completo do Autor Maio de 2016 Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História Contemporânea, realizada sob a orientação científica do Professor Doutor José Manuel Viegas Neves e do Professor Doutor Valentin Groebner (Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät – Universität Luzern) Apoio financeiro da FCT (Bolsa de Doutoramento com a referência SFRH/BD/80398/2011) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In the more than four years of research and writing for this dissertation, there were several people and institutions that helped me both on a professional and personal level and without which this project could not have been accomplished. First of all, I would like to thank my two supervisors, Dr. José Neves and Dr. Valentin Groebner. Their support in the writing of the dissertation project and in the discussion of the several parts and versions of the text was essential to the completion of this task. A special acknowledgment to Dr. Groebner and to the staff of the University of Lucerne, for their courtesy in receiving me in Switzerland and support in all scientific and administrative requirements. Secondly, I would like to express my gratitude to all professors and researchers who, both in Portugal and abroad, gave me advice and references which were invaluable for this dissertation. I especially thank the assistance provided by professors Maria de Lurdes Rosa, Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa (FCSH-UNL) and David Matthews (Uni- versity of Manchester), whose knowledge of medieval history and of the uses of the Middle Ages was very important in the early stages of my project. I also wish to acknowledge the financial and scientific support provided by a number of organisations: the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), which granted me a four-year doctoral fellowship; the Deutscher Academischer Austausch- dienst (DAAD), which financed my two-month stay in Germany; the staff of the Herder Institut of the University of Leipzig, who kindly received me and helped me to perfect my knowledge of German; the Lisbon Municipal Archive, the Ministry of Public Works Historical Archive and the DGEMN Archive, for their support in the collection of data for this dissertation. My special gratitude to all my friends in Portugal and to ones I came to know in Germany, Switzerland and England; without their ideas, joy and encouragement, this endeavour would not have been the same. To my family, for all the support provided during these four years. And finally, to Cátia, for her patience, care and motivation in all moments. HISTORY, NATION AND POLITICS: THE MIDDLE AGES IN MODERN PORTUGAL (1890-1947) Pedro Alexandre Guerreiro Martins RESUMO PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Idade Média, medievalismo, memória histórica, historiografia, Portugal, século 19, século 20 Nas últimas décadas, o estudo da historiografia, da memória histórica e dos usos do passado tem suscitado cada vez maior atenção junto dos meios académicos. O medievalismo em particular, comummente entendido como a representação ou o uso da Idade Média no período pós-medieval, assume aqui um papel significativo, dada a importância da época medieval na cultura histórica romântica e nos processos de construção das identidades nacionais desde o século XIX. No contexto académico português, porém, o medievalismo foi ainda escassamente analisado, faltando um estudo que abranja as suas várias dimensões, da historiografia às políticas de memória. Esta dissertação pretende colmatar esta lacuna, ao explorar as várias representações da Idade Média em Portugal entre o final do século XIX e a primeira metade do século XX. Focando três grandes temas – escrita da história, património artístico e comemorações históricas – iremos demonstrar como certos conceitos, instituições, figuras, eventos e obras da história medieval portuguesa foram narrados, retrabalhados e celebrados, à luz dos discursos decadentistas sobre a nação e sobre o mundo ocidental e da evolução política do país neste período. Estudos internacionais sobre este tema permitirão a realização de exercícios comparativos, bem como considerar a dimensão transnacional do medievalismo português, inserido nas grandes correntes culturais e ideologias políticas que influenciaram as várias representações da época medieval neste período. No final, iremos verificar como uma visão essencialmente romântica da história portuguesa persistiu ao longo de grande parte do século XX, ao representar dicotomicamente a Idade Média de forma positiva em comparação com uma Modernidade identificada com declínio civilizacional e espiritual. ABSTRACT KEYWORDS: Middle Ages, medievalism, historical memory, historiography, Portugal, nineteenth century, twentieth century In recent decades, the study of historiography, historical memory and the uses of the past has become a subject of increasing attention in academic circles. Medievalism in particular, commonly understood as the representation or use of the Middle Ages in the post-medieval period, assumes here an significant role, given the importance of the me- dieval epoch in Romantic historical culture and in nation-building processes since the nineteenth century. However, medievalism has still been scarcely analysed in the Portu- guese context, lacking a study that encompasses its multiple dimensions, from historiog- raphy to politics of memory. This dissertation aims to fulfil this gap, by exploring the various representations of the Middle Ages in Portugal between the late nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century. Focusing on three major topics – writing of histo- ry, artistic heritage and historical commemorations –, we will demonstrate how certain concepts, institutions, figures, events and works of Portuguese medieval history were narrated, reworked and celebrated, in the light of decadentist discourses about the nation and the Western world and of Portugal‘s political evolution in this period. International research on the topic will allow the making of comparative analyses and the understand- ing of the transnational dimension of Portuguese medievalism, inserted in the major cultural trends and political ideologies that influenced the various depictions of the me- dieval epoch in this period. In the end, we will show that an essentially Romantic view of Portuguese history persisted through the twentieth century, dichotomically presenting the Middle Ages in a positive light in comparison with a Modernity identified with civi- lizational and spiritual decline. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………….… 1 PART 1: MIDDLE AGES, MEDIEVALISM AND DECADENCE …………...… 35 I.1. ―Middle Ages‖ and ―medieval‖ …………………………………………...…….... 36 I.2. Medievalism: a Romantic creation? ……………………………………………… 40 I.3. Decadence, regeneration and medievalism ……………………………………..... 50 I.4. The Middle Ages and national decadence in nineteenth-century Portugal ………. 55 PART 2: PORTUGUESE MEDIEVALISM AT THE TURN OF THE CENTURY (1890-1910) …………………………………………………………………….…….. 89 II.1. The fin de siècle historiographical debates on the Middle Ages, national decadence and regeneration: the cases of Oliveira Martins, Alberto Sampaio and Basílio Teles ……………………………………………………………………………………. 90 II.1.1. Martins, Sampaio and Teles: the rural question, race and national deca- dence ……………………………………………………………………. 90 II.1.2. Martins‘ heroes: Os Filhos de D. João I (1891) and A Vida de Nun’Álvares (1893) ........................................................................................................ 103 II.2. Architectural styles, decadence and preservation: views on medieval artistic herit- age at the turn of the century ………………....……………………………….... 113 II.3. A man between two epochs: the fifth centenary of the birth of Henry the Navigator (1894) …………………………....…………………………………………...… 137 PART 3: PORTUGUESE MEDIEVALISM DURING THE FIRST REPUBLIC (1910-1926) …………………………………………………………………………. 157 III.1. Middle Ages, modernity, decadence: the historiography of Integralismo Lusitano and its opponents during the First Republic ……………………..……………. 158 III.1.1. The ―old and always new tradition of the Middle Ages‖: medievalism, modernity and decadence in the discourses of Integralismo Lusitano ... 159 III.1.2. Against Integralist teachings: Jaime Cortesão, António Sérgio and the causes of national decadence ……………...…………………………... 173 III.2. Medieval artistic heritage during the Republic: the cases of the Romanesque and of the Panels of Saint Vincent …………………..…………………………..… 188 III.2.1. Searching for the national character: the Romanesque and medieval archi- tecture during the First Republic ……..……………………………….. 189 III.2.2. The portrait of a ―golden age‖: the Panels of Saint Vincent ……..….... 199 III.3. Celebrating the medieval past during the First Republic: the fifth centenary of the conquest of Ceuta (1915) and the Festa da Pátria (1920-) ………………...… 213 III.3.1. The fifth centenary of the conquest of Ceuta (1915) …….…………… 214 III.3.2. The Festa da Pátria and the celebration of Nuno Álvares Pereira during the First Republic ………………………………………………...….... 221 PART 4: PORTUGUESE MEDIEVALISM DURING THE MILITARY DICTA- TORSHIP AND THE ESTADO NOVO (1926-1947) .............................................. 233 IV.1. From the ―New Middle Ages‖ to new perspectives: medievalism, national deca- dence and regeneration in historiographical discourses ………….........……… 234 IV.1.1. A return to the Middle