PARTICIPATING AIRLINES-all IATA andARCMember Carriers©2019AHI Travel PrintedintheUSA. 520 OhioSeller ofTravel Reg.No.8889139. Washington StateSellerofTravel Reg.No.601-820-781. CST RegistrationNo.2028271-20. Fla.SellerofTravel Reg.No.ST-33300 IowaSellerof Travel No. All priceslistedare inUSD.Specialoffers, promotions anddiscountscannotbecombined. conditions setoutherein, includingbutnotlimited tothecancellationterms. Please note: Ì Single Accommodations Ì Land |CruiseProgram Ì I/we authorizeyoutomakemy/ourreservationsasfollows: Sharing with______(Formsentseparately) Home: (______)______Cell: ZIP:______State: ______City: ______Street Address: ______Email: ______2) ______E 1) ______Full LegalName(exactlyasitappearsonpassport) make areservation. Please contactAHITravel at800-323-7373 RomanceoftheDouro River Send to Ì Ì Enclosed isadepositof______($600pprequired) toreserve ______place(s). Make checkspayabletoAHITravel. payment maybemadebypersonalcheck,MasterCard, Visa, DiscoverorAmex. Reservations received afterthisdatemustbeaccompaniedbypaymentinfull.Final basis. ReservationstobepaidinfullbyJuly16,2020 Reservations are subjecttoavailabilityandprocessed onafirst-come,first-served ______Ì Land ______Card #______

mail: ______Trip #:3-25094W Title First Middle Last DateofBirth Last Middle First Title T I prefersingleaccommodations(supplementwaived,limitedavailability). I/we willmakemy/ourownairarrangementsandtransfers. Cabin CategoryDesired:1stchoice______2nd Charge my:Ì Accept mycheckmadepayableto I/we reservetheLand|CruiseProgramandrequest AHI FlexAirtoLisbon, , withareturnfromPortotodepartfrom: itle First Middle Last DateofBirth Last Middle First itle | CruiseProgramand AHI FlexAir Chicago, IL60631 8550 W. BrynMawrAvenue Tower-SuiteInternational 600 c/o AHITravel Penn AlumniTravel Any paymenttoAHITravel constitutes youracceptanceofthetermsand Reserve yourDouroRiver cruisetoday! MasterCard Ì (Signature asitappearsoncredit card) Visa Ì Departure City AHI Travel. Discover Ì with questionsregarding thistriporto Expires______/______Amex (75 dayspriortodeparture). penalties assessed bytheairlinesandtransfer suppliers. portation andprivatetransferpurchases aresubjectonlyto fully non-refundable45daysprior todeparture. Air trans- cursions, tripextensions andadditionalhotelnightsbecome CANCELLATION OF TRIP OPTIONS-Purchasesofoptionalex- lations mustbesubmittedinwriting to AHI Travel. RESERVE.cancel- SENT AFTERYOUAll PLICATIONBE WILL IS AVAILABLE.trip.CANCELLATIONINSURANCE TRIP ANAP- ture willresultin100%forfeitureoftheentirecost person; cancellationfrom29daysuptothetimeofdepar- the tripperperson;75-30days, 50%ofthetripcostper parture willresultinforfeitureof15%theentirecost cruise. Cancellationfrom120daysto76priorde- valid towardthepurchaseofan AHI Cruisesindependent part oftheinitialdeposit. Itisnon-transferableandnot will beappliedtothefinalbillingandmaynotusedas ate inthecurrentcalendaryearorfollowing. The credit ministrative feetoafuture AHI Travel programthatwilloper- choose, atthetimeofcancellation, toapplythewithheldad- subject toa$300perpersonadministrativefee. You may CANCELLATION-All cancellationsforanyreasonwillbe and/or purchaserofthistrip. sole contractbetweenthecompany(ies)andpassenger passage contractinuse, whenissued, shallconstitutethe time passengersarenotonboardtheirconveyances. The held responsibleforanyact, omission, orevent, duringthe other transportationcompaniesconcernedarenottobe cific pre-departurepassengerinformation. The airlinesand the termsofthiscontractsetouthereinandinmorespe- hazard forhimself/herselforotherpassengersandaccepts mental orotherconditionofdisabilitythatwouldcreatea posit, thepassengercertifiesthathe/shehasnophysical, no claimotherthanforafullrefund. Byforwardingthede- program iscanceledforanyreason, participantsshallhave sole responsibilityoftheownersatalltimes. Iftheentire individual passenger. Baggageandpersonaleffectsarethe standing thatanyadditionalexpenseswillbepaidbythe tice, thatmightbecomenecessary, withthemutualunder- tomakeanychanges,right isreserved withorwithoutno- oritsincludedfeaturesareanticipated;however,erary the before thetimeofdeparture. Norevisionsoftheprinteditin- current atthetimeofprinting, aresubjecttochangeator and basedontariffs, exchangerates andotherinformation Program Detailsand Tour costs, althoughgiveningoodfaith or foranyadditionalexpensesoccasionedthereby. Dates, tels orofcommoncarrierequipment, withorwithoutnotice, orforanysubstitutionofho- transportation orotherservices ever causedinconnectionwithanyaccommodations, chanical defect, failureornegligenceofanynaturehowso- topersonorpropertyaccident,damage orinjury me- departure orarrival, missedcarrierconnections, loss, death, ing Association arenotresponsibleforanydelays, delayed addition andwithoutlimitation, AHI Travel andtheSponsor- w Sponsoring Association arenotliableforanynegligenceor are independentcontractors. As aresult, AHI Travel andthe commodations orotherservices. All suchpersonsorentities independent suppliersoftravelconveyance, transport, ac- forthisprogram,or services andactonlyasagentsforthe tion donotownoroperateanyentitywhichprovidesgoods RESPONSIBILITY-AHI Travel andtheSponsoring Associa- marketing, advertising, publicityand/ortrainingactivities. recordings includedwithanyvideos, in AHI Travel's sales, graphic andvideorecordingsofyou, aswellvoice or obtainingadditionalapprovalsfromyou, toincludephoto- authorize AHI Travel, withoutprovidingcompensationtoyou, and tripactivities. Byparticipatinginthistravelprogram, you participants, photographicorvideoimagesofpassengers On occasion, AHI Travel obtains, fromitsstaff, orfromtrip AUTHORITY TOUSEIMAGESANDAUDIORECORDINGS- throughout thetravelprogram. of baggageandpersonaleffectsisattheowner'srisk in yourtripprice;planwardrobeaccordingly. Transport oversized/overweight piecesareexpensiveandnotincluded tice. Excessbaggagechargesfor additionalor allowances aresubjecttochangebythecarrierwithoutno- vided withyourpre-departureinformation. Baggage flown.line policyandtheclassofservice Detailswillbepro- accordingtotheair-BAGGAGE-Baggage restrictionsvary travel dates, orairlineschedule(s). curred asaresultofprogramcancellationand/orchangein departure transfers, andanyairlinefeesorpenaltiesin- tions independentlywillbewhollyresponsibleforarrivaland Passengers whochoosetomaketheirownairlinereserva- QUESTED NOLATER THAN 60DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE. VARIATIONS TO THE GROUPITINERARY MUSTBERE- you willbechargedthehigher, allyearEconomyclassfare. ticketing. After departure, arechanged, ifthereservations arechangedorcanceledafter the airlinesifreservations case penaltiesofasmuch100%maybeassessedby quested, specialpromotionalfaresmaybeused, inwhich ticket pricemaybelevied. Ifconnectingflightsarere- fares. After ticketsareissued, penaltiesupto100%ofthe fered by AHI Travel isbasedon Advance PurchaseExcursion AIR TRANSPORTATION-The priceofairtransportationof- sponsible forprovidingallrequiredassistance. who isfitandabletoassistthem, andwhowillbetotallyre- ca illful actofanysuchpersonorentitythirdperson. In -Fees forpassportsand, ifapplicable, visas; > > > > > offers thefollowingadvantages: you inbookingflights.Ourpersonalizedairprogram 0-2-33 800-323-7373 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Let usarrange your flights! $5,795 $250 $6,045 S1-Upper Deck(Aft) $5,595 $250 $5,845 S2-Middle Deck(Aft) $5,295 $250 $5,545 A-Upper Deck(Forward) $5,095 $250 $5,345 B-Upper Deck(Aft) $4,695 $250 $4,945 C-Middle Deck(Aft) $4,495 $250 $4,745 D-Middle Deck(Aft) $3,995 $250 $4,245 E-Main Deck SpecialPrice* SpecialSavings FullPrice Category-Deck LAND |CRUISE PROGRAM PROGRAM DATES Travel stress-freewith AHIFlexAir.

Land|CruiseProgramdates: S1 features aprivateterraceandFrench balcony,S2andA-DhaveaFrench balconyandEhasapicture window. Single supplementwaivedforsolotravelers! to policyterms. flight insurance or delays. assistance most flights. without penaltyupto60daysbefore departure on flexibility arrival anddeparture transfers increases afterticket purchase. price guarantee Old CityofSalamanca Tower ofBelém Hieronymites and Monastery ofthe University ofCoimbra Region Alto Wine of Guimarães Historic Center and theDomLuisIBridge Historic CenterofOporto VAT, PortTax andServicesupplementisanadditional$395perperson.Allpricesquotedare inUSD,perperson, World Heritage i rga ae: September29–October10,2020 Air Programdates: AHI FlexAir All cabinsoffer riverviewsandhavebathroom withshower, flat-screen TV, hairdryer, safeandcloset. UNESCO based ondoubleoccupancyanddonotincludeairtransportationcosts(unlessotherwisestated). to changeorcancelyourreservations in theeventofschedulechanges to protect youfrom fuelsurcharge *Special Pricevalidifbookedbythedatefoundonaddress panel. worth upto$250,000,subject | Ourexpertsare ready toassist Cathedral, on group dates. This offer islimited,capacity-controlled andtendsto selloutquickly. September 30–October10,2020 Guimarães takes youradventure tothenextlevel. suggesting thebestcaféorpubtosharingalaughoverstories oftheday,ourdedicatedteam On theground, three layersoftop-qualityprofessionals offer theirinsiders’perspective.From Once youarrive: > > > > > > Before yougo: of alifetime. we are here toensure youhavetheadventure From yourreservation toyourreturnhome, AHI Travel Expertise 10breakfasts, 7lunchesanddinners, • Extensive Meal Program Deluxemotorcoachtransfersduringthe • Transfers • • (with baggagehandling) Accommodations its heritage. and current events.Thebreadth oftheir knowledgedeepensyourappreciation for theregion and Lecturers country withyou. educated andcurioustravelers. Warm andgenuine,they’re ready toshare theirpassionfor selected informedandenthusiastic localprofessional guideswhounderstand theneedsofour Expert Guides enjoy anunforgettabletravelexperience. ambience. Resourceful, knowledgeableandattentive,your Travel Director helpstoensure you professional whowillmanageallthelogistics,allowingyoutorelax andsimplysoakupthe Travel Director compiled byourtravel-savvyteamtoprepare youfullyforyourjourney. Travel Information arranging flightstobookingelectiveactivitiesfulfillingspecial requests. will helpyouwitheverythingfrom enjoy personalizedassistancefrom thisspecialist,youronepointofcontactwho Passenger ServiceRepresentative guide youthrough thereservation process. questions aboutactivities,meals,accommodationsandmore asthey Travel Consultants chartered, and premium brands. plus alldrinksonboard exceptChampagne including Welcome andFarewell Dinners; Land |CruiseProgram, plusbaggagehandling. 7 nights Dom Pedro PalaceLisbon. 3 nights aboard the in ,Portugal,atthefirst-class | Comingfrom allwalksoflife,ourentertaining locallecturers openyoureyestohistory first-class MSAmaliaRodrigues. | Whobettertoshowyouaround thanthepeoplewholivethere? We’ve specially | Throughoutyouwillbeinthecare yourjourney, ofaseasonedAHItravel exclusively | Theseexpertsstandready toanswer your | Receiveextensivedestinationinformationandtraveltips INCLUDED FEATURES | Onceyouhavereserved yourspot, excursions inthesetowns: PERSONALIZE YOUR JOURNEY|PYJ • •Expert-ledYour One-of-a-Kind Journey Complimentarytravelmementos. • ofguidesanddrivers. Tipping • ApersonalVOXheadsettohearyourEnglish- • Welcome andFarewell Receptionstomingle • Free timetopursueyourowninterests. • – (Day 6)| –Porto Enjoythehighlightsofpretty . – through Journey theDouro Valley andsavor – SolardeMateus,an18th-century Visit – theallure Discover ofromantic Óbidos. – Explore ,witnessingstoriedsites – thevibrantcapitalofLisbon. Uncover – culture, heritageandhistory: Discovery excursions your insightintotheregion. –Porto (Day 7)| –Porto speaking guideclearly. with fellowtravelers. –Barca d’Alva–Barca | Choose fromaselectionof a portwinetastingatlocal Real. palaceinVila within theUniversityofCoimbra. Portugal |Douro Walk &PortTasting ( Tram &FlavorsofPorto Salamanca byBike( Enrichment programs Salamanca CityTour | Guimarães, Cradleof Porto CityTour |Portoby Active) highlight thelocal quinta. enhance Active )

program expensessupportsPennAlumniprogramming. number ofpartnerships.Anyrevenue thatmay begeneratedfrom PennAlumniTravel aboveour Penn AlumniTravel isproud tooffer valuabletripsandprograms toalumniandfriendsthrough a Dear Penn Alumni andFriends,

Penn AlumniTravel Assistant Director, PennAlumniEducationandTravel Emilie C.K.LaRosa warmregardsWith from Penn, so weencourageyoutomakeyourreservation today! personalize yourcruisebyjoiningexcursionsofchoiceonselectdays.Spaceislimited, ambience andnostalgicantiquity! region’s eponymous sweetportwine.Prepare toloseyourselfinPortugal’s old-world the SpanishcityofSalamanca,andtemptyourpalatewithtantalizingcuisine,including RealandLamego,spendadayin and hilltopvillages.Alongtheway,witnesscharmingVila architecture. Continuewithseven nightscruisingtheDouro River, passingcolorfulvineyards spell, delightinginthecity’s storiedportwineculture andmosaicofscarletgolden andcenturies-oldtramsstillnavigatetwistinglanes.ThenfallunderPorto’sjourneys alluring culture andhistoryofLisbonPorto. fellow Pennalumniaswerevel intheDouro Valley’s stunninglandscapes,andthrilltothe joinProfessorterraced .On GwendolynDuBoisShawand this10-nightjourney, 800-323-7373 800-323-7373 Enjoy anintimatecruisingexperienceonasmallshipbuiltspecificallyforrivertravel,and withthreeBegin yourjourney nightsinLisbon,where explorers launchedhistory-making The romantic Douro Riverflowsgentlythrough avisualwonderlandofsculptedhillsand Coimbra

Penn Alumni Travel E. Craig Sweeten Alumni House 3533 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104-6226

DOURO20 35

800-323-7373 musician Porto Discover the splendor of Lisbon, Porto and the Douro Valley!

AHI Travel’s mission is to deliver Presorted Std. inspirational educational and cultural U.S. Postage travel programs that delight travelers. Paid Please call or refer to our AHI Travel With AHI you can rely on: website for the most current • Experienced Travel Directors who program information, attend to every detail of your journey. • An exceptional travel value. discounts and pricing. • Unique access to local sites. • Flexibility and customization. • Safety and security. Featuring Penn Professor Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw Lisbon | Porto | Alto Douro Wine Region Lisbon |PortoAltoDouro Wine or River Douro September 29–October 10, 2020 Romance of the S PONSORED B Y SUPPLEMENT NO SINGLE NO Travelers for Solo for Solo Art | Architecture | Culture | Cuisine | History | Natural Beauty ACCOMMODATIONS

Located in the heart of Lisbon‘s Amoreiras neighborhood, the Dom Pedro Palace places you at the center of the city’s best shopping. Dine at Il Gattopardo, featuring Italian dishes, or Bistrot Le Café, which serves regional cuisine. Unwind in the hotel’s serene spa offering a sauna, whirlpool and indoor swimming pool, as well as a fitness room. Wi-Fi is complimentary.

Above: University of Coimbra | Day 8 | | Barca d’Alva Below: Nossa Senhora dos Remedios, Lamego DOM PEDRO PALACE LISBON | LISBON Discovery: Vila Real. Encounter the Manor a variety of interesting monuments and landmarks. Solar de Mateus, an 18th-century baroque Visit the illustrious University of Coimbra. The palace, on a guided tour. View the impressive city’s crowning glory opened in 1290 and is one rooftop pinnacles, carved wooden ceilings and of ’s oldest universities. See St. Michael’s lavish halls before strolling through the ample Chapel, a historic ceremonial hall and the stunning gardens, which feature box hedges, flowerbeds Hieronymites Monastery, Lisbon Biblioteca Joanina, home to 60,000 volumes. and a cedar tunnel. Walk along the cobbled Dine on savory regional cuisine for lunch. lanes of Vila Real, and sample Cristas de Galo, Day 1 | In Transit Tram, Porto a local pastry made with eggs and almonds. explorers. Then drive through Lisbon’s authentic, After time at leisure in Coimbra, continue to Porto personality-packed neighborhoods, including Depart your gateway city for Lisbon, Portugal. palace. After lunch in , take a scenic drive, and embark your river ship. Later tonight, join an Return to the ship for lunch. As you continue , and Graça. cruising through the Douro Valley, notice the Inspiring Moments Day 2 | Lisbon, Portugal passing Cabo de Roca and pretty Guincho onboard Welcome Reception and Dinner. Free Time: Discover Lisbon at your own pace. Beach. Stop in the delightful fishing village of riverbanks draped with orderly vineyards. Day 6 | Porto Upon arrival in Lisbon, transfer and check in Enrichment: > Travel through the rolling Portuguese Explorers. Learn for a guided picturesque walk, and Day 9 | Barca d’Alva | Salamanca, to the Dom Pedro Palace Lisbon. PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: hills of the Alto Douro wine about The Age of Discovery and the explorers drive through Estoril on your return to Lisbon. Tonight, gather with your fellow travelers to kick who sailed under the Portuguese flag. PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: region and visit a quinta for Enrichment: Contemporary Portugal. Learn •Porto City Tour. Witness Porto’s historic and Top: Manor Solar de Mateus, Vila Real | off your adventure at a Welcome Reception. Above: Tower of Belém, Lisbon •Salamanca City Tour. Explore the historic A World Apart a tasting. ELECTIVE | Fado Dinner. Savor a delicious about modern Portugal, including the events and modern districts, see a breadth of architectural university town of Salamanca. Visit the ornate Day 3 | Lisbon dinner of and listen to soul- people that have shaped the Portugal of today. styles at the Palácio da Bolsa, and visit the > Walk in the footsteps of Enrichment: Douro Wine Country. Discuss stirring fado, a traditional genre of music with Igreja da São Francisco. Conclude with a port cathedral and tour the famous university. Finish The story of travel involves more than a ticket and a passport. Portuguese aristocracy at Day 5 | Óbidos | Coimbra | Porto the wine-making traditions of the Douro region Discovery: Lisbon Tour. Uncover Lisbon today! melancholic guitar and vocal arrangements. wine tasting. your adventure with lunch and leisure time. It should weave together discovery, education and humanity, the best Mateus Palace. See the Avenue of Liberty, sprawling squares and with a local expert. Check out of the Dom Pedro Palace Lisbon. •Porto by Tram and Flavors of Porto. •Salamanca by Bike. Bicycle along the Río Day 11 | Lamego | Porto parks, and downtown Lisbon before immersing Day 4 | Lisbon elements of any compelling tale. Your personal travel story begins with > Gaze at the world- Discovery: Óbidos. Visit Óbidos, a romantic Experience a bygone era and see the city from a Day 7 | Porto | Peso da Régua Tormes and the Old Town with a guide. Visit the yourself in Portugal’s seafaring history. Visit the Discovery: Lamego. Pretty Lamego is nestled our commitment to delivering authentic experiences with local people. renowned University Free Time: Join today’s Elective Activity to medieval village enclosed within ancient walls. cathedral and the university. After a group lunch, unique perspective aboard one of Porto’s historic PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: in the heart of the port-producing Douro Valley. Top: Dom Luis I Bridge, Porto | Hieronymites Monastery. Built from 1501 as a explore nearby villages or enjoy a day at leisure. craft your own path during free time. (Active) The incomparable value of your journey lies in the personalized care of Coimbra. Follow narrow alleys bordered with traditional trams. Then visit the Museu do Carro Elétrico, Above: Porto place of spiritual protection, this is where sailors •Guimarães, Cradle of Portugal. During a Visit Nossa Senhora dos Remédios, a splendid ELECTIVE | Sintra, Cascais and Estoril. white houses, vivid tiles and potted geraniums. followed by a tasting of local specialties. Day 10 | São João da Pesqueira | Pinhão you receive from your Travel Director and the knowledge you gain from > Delve into Portuguese and explorers prayed before their expeditions. walking tour, discover the charms of Guimarães, baroque church overlooking the city. Leading to Sintra is home to bright, playful architecture and Discovery: Coimbra. Built atop an ancient history at Guimarães, the Free Time: Enjoy leisure time. Perhaps return the birthplace of Portugal’s first king. Step inside Discovery: the church is a grand staircase with 686 steps, A Note About Activity Levels expert guides and lecturers, who call this area home. Admire the incredible artistry of the towering the National Palace of Sintra with its two iconic Porto’s Wine Road. Travel city considered to be the Roman city, Coimbra’s timeworn streets offer to the city center on our complimentary shuttle. Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira, and visit the nine landings, statues, obelisks and , By eliminating logistical worries, your multilingual Travel Director Monument to the Discoveries and Belém Tower, white chimneys. Walk the path of Portuguese through the rolling Alto Douro wine region, We want you to have a comfortable and birthplace of Portugal. which celebrates the triumphs of Portugal’s Palace of the Dukes of Bragança, an opulent pausing to revel in a panoramic viewpoint. Visit Portugal’s iconic blue-and-white tiles. enjoyable experience. That’s why we have MS Amalia Rodrigues allows you to immerse yourself comfortably in your surroundings. kings during a guided tour of the well-preserved estate in the city. After, craft your own path of > Explore Porto’s maze São João da Pesqueira, known as the “fishing Spend your final afternoon sailing the Douro rated all of our excursions with activity levels This high-caliber professional makes you feel safe and important discovery in Guimarães. to help you assess this program’s physical MS Amalia Rodrigues, debuting in 2019, joins CroisiEurope’s fleet of fine river ships and of medieval alleys and ground” due to its prime fishing location. Join a Valley as the ship nears Porto. by creating a convivial, welcoming atmosphere. expectations. Depending on the excursion, represents a new generation of European river cruisers. Built specifically for river cruising, the colorful neighborhoods. YOUR INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCE •Douro Walk and Port Wine Tasting. Take walking tour before exploring at your leisure. Tonight, celebrate your exciting river journey more leisurely alternatives may be available. Amalia Rodrigues is small enough to dock at the doorstep of towns and cities along the Douro The other important characters in this story are the guides and Free time means something different to every traveler. You may like to linger in a cozy café or stay on a guided walk along the Atlantic coastline and Continue to a traditional country estate and at a Farewell Reception and Dinner. > Please call or visit our website to review the Appreciate the splendor of the Douro. Pass through São Pedro da Afurada, winery, or a quinta, for a tour of the facilities, a River. With just 66 staterooms and suites, the ship also offers an intimate cruising experience lecturers, whose regional expertise shines in their insider perspective the go. That’s why we design itineraries that allow you to craft an individual travel experience. Day 12 | In Transit itinerary for full details about our activity levels. Salamanca, an elegant a typical Portuguese fishing village where you presentation about port winemaking and a and the utmost in service, safety and convenience. Travelers can relax on the Sun Deck and enjoy and commentary. Spanish city. PERSONALIZE YOUR JOURNEY | PYJ | Included can witness the hum of daily life. Along the way, tasting of the local product. Often characterized Following breakfast, transfer to the airport Excursions on this program require: the passing scenery, or unwind in the lounge or library. Expert chefs prepare meals in the exacting Become intimately engaged in the rhythm of life along the Douro tradition of fine gastronomy. There’s a full breakfast buffet each morning, and at lunch and dinner, > Follow the historic path of Choose from a variety of excursions in selected locales based on your interests. enjoy a beautiful view of Porto and Ribeira as a dessert wine, port is made with indigenous for the return flight to your gateway city. > walking on cobblestones, unpaved paths enjoy expertly prepared meals complemented by local wine. Throughout the cruise, all beverages River, where grapevines swirl across terraced hills and visits to picture- great explorers in Lisbon. Square. Continue to the renowned port wine grapes and embodies sweet, rich flavors. Note: Itinerary may change due to local conditions. or uneven surfaces ELECTIVE EXPERIENCES | At an additional cost (except Champagne and a select list of premium brands) are complimentary. All cabins are perfect towns add a memorable chapter to the rich story of your life. cellars of and savor a port Discovery: Portuguese Folklore. Enjoy an Flights and transfers included for AHI FlexAir > getting on/off motor coaches and boats > Delight in day sailing along Further your experience by immersing yourself in specially designed activities. welcoming and provide outside river views and feature individual climate controls, flat-screen wine tasting at one of the cellars. (Active) authentic folk show tonight as singers and participants. the scenic Douro River. Check out our itinerary for more details. We’ve done the legwork. Now the choice is yours. satellite TVs and bathrooms with showers. Wi-Fi is complimentary. Above: Monument to the Discoveries, Lisbon | Cover photo: Cruising the Douro River Indulge in the peaceful beauty along the river. dancers showcase their culture through song. Elective experiences available at an additional cost. PARTICIPATING AIRLINES-all IATA andARCMember Carriers©2019AHI Travel PrintedintheUSA. 520 OhioSeller ofTravel Reg.No.8889139. Washington StateSellerofTravel Reg.No.601-820-781. CST RegistrationNo.2028271-20. Fla.SellerofTravel Reg.No.ST-33300 IowaSellerof Travel No. All priceslistedare inUSD.Specialoffers, promotions anddiscountscannotbecombined. conditions setoutherein, includingbutnotlimited tothecancellationterms. Please note: Ì Single Accommodations Ì Land |CruiseProgram Ì I/we authorizeyoutomakemy/ourreservationsasfollows: Sharing with______(Formsentseparately) Home: (______)______Cell: ZIP:______State: ______City: ______Street Address: ______Email: ______2) ______E 1) ______Full LegalName(exactlyasitappearsonpassport) make areservation. Please contactAHITravel at800-323-7373 RomanceoftheDouro River Send to Ì Ì Enclosed isadepositof______($600pprequired) toreserve ______place(s). Make checkspayabletoAHITravel. payment maybemadebypersonalcheck,MasterCard, Visa, DiscoverorAmex. Reservations received afterthisdatemustbeaccompaniedbypaymentinfull.Final basis. ReservationstobepaidinfullbyJuly16,2020 Reservations are subjecttoavailabilityandprocessed onafirst-come,first-served ______Ì Land ______Card #______

mail: ______Trip #:3-25094W Title First Middle Last DateofBirth Last Middle First Title T I prefersingleaccommodations(supplementwaived,limitedavailability). I/we willmakemy/ourownairarrangementsandtransfers. Cabin CategoryDesired:1stchoice______2nd Charge my:Ì Accept mycheckmadepayableto I/we reservetheLand|CruiseProgramandrequest AHI FlexAirtoLisbon, Portugal, withareturnfromPortotodepartfrom: itle First Middle Last DateofBirth Last Middle First itle | CruiseProgramand AHI FlexAir Chicago, IL60631 8550 W. BrynMawrAvenue Tower-SuiteInternational 600 c/o AHITravel Penn AlumniTravel Any paymenttoAHITravel constitutes youracceptanceofthetermsand Reserve yourDouroRiver cruisetoday! MasterCard Ì (Signature asitappearsoncredit card) Visa Ì Departure City AHI Travel. Discover Ì with questionsregarding thistriporto Expires______/______Amex (75 dayspriortodeparture). penalties assessed bytheairlinesandtransfer suppliers. portation andprivatetransferpurchases aresubjectonlyto fully non-refundable45daysprior todeparture. Air trans- cursions, tripextensions andadditionalhotelnightsbecome CANCELLATION OF TRIP OPTIONS-Purchasesofoptionalex- lations mustbesubmittedinwriting to AHI Travel. RESERVE.cancel- SENT AFTERYOUAll PLICATIONBE WILL IS AVAILABLE.trip.CANCELLATIONINSURANCE TRIP ANAP- ture willresultin100%forfeitureoftheentirecost person; cancellationfrom29daysuptothetimeofdepar- the tripperperson;75-30days, 50%ofthetripcostper parture willresultinforfeitureof15%theentirecost cruise. Cancellationfrom120daysto76priorde- valid towardthepurchaseofan AHI Cruisesindependent part oftheinitialdeposit. Itisnon-transferableandnot will beappliedtothefinalbillingandmaynotusedas ate inthecurrentcalendaryearorfollowing. The credit ministrative feetoafuture AHI Travel programthatwilloper- choose, atthetimeofcancellation, toapplythewithheldad- subject toa$300perpersonadministrativefee. You may CANCELLATION-All cancellationsforanyreasonwillbe and/or purchaserofthistrip. sole contractbetweenthecompany(ies)andpassenger passage contractinuse, whenissued, shallconstitutethe time passengersarenotonboardtheirconveyances. The held responsibleforanyact, omission, orevent, duringthe other transportationcompaniesconcernedarenottobe cific pre-departurepassengerinformation. The airlinesand the termsofthiscontractsetouthereinandinmorespe- hazard forhimself/herselforotherpassengersandaccepts mental orotherconditionofdisabilitythatwouldcreatea posit, thepassengercertifiesthathe/shehasnophysical, no claimotherthanforafullrefund. Byforwardingthede- program iscanceledforanyreason, participantsshallhave sole responsibilityoftheownersatalltimes. Iftheentire individual passenger. Baggageandpersonaleffectsarethe standing thatanyadditionalexpenseswillbepaidbythe tice, thatmightbecomenecessary, withthemutualunder- tomakeanychanges,right isreserved withorwithoutno- oritsincludedfeaturesareanticipated;however,erary the before thetimeofdeparture. Norevisionsoftheprinteditin- current atthetimeofprinting, aresubjecttochangeator and basedontariffs, exchangerates andotherinformation Program Detailsand Tour costs, althoughgiveningoodfaith or foranyadditionalexpensesoccasionedthereby. Dates, tels orofcommoncarrierequipment, withorwithoutnotice, orforanysubstitutionofho- transportation orotherservices ever causedinconnectionwithanyaccommodations, chanical defect, failureornegligenceofanynaturehowso- topersonorpropertyaccident,damage orinjury me- departure orarrival, missedcarrierconnections, loss, death, ing Association arenotresponsibleforanydelays, delayed addition andwithoutlimitation, AHI Travel andtheSponsor- w Sponsoring Association arenotliableforanynegligenceor are independentcontractors. As aresult, AHI Travel andthe commodations orotherservices. All suchpersonsorentities independent suppliersoftravelconveyance, transport, ac- forthisprogram,or services andactonlyasagentsforthe tion donotownoroperateanyentitywhichprovidesgoods RESPONSIBILITY-AHI Travel andtheSponsoring Associa- marketing, advertising, publicityand/ortrainingactivities. recordings includedwithanyvideos, in AHI Travel's sales, graphic andvideorecordingsofyou, aswellvoice or obtainingadditionalapprovalsfromyou, toincludephoto- authorize AHI Travel, withoutprovidingcompensationtoyou, and tripactivities. Byparticipatinginthistravelprogram, you participants, photographicorvideoimagesofpassengers On occasion, AHI Travel obtains, fromitsstaff, orfromtrip AUTHORITY TOUSEIMAGESANDAUDIORECORDINGS- throughout thetravelprogram. of baggageandpersonaleffectsisattheowner'srisk in yourtripprice;planwardrobeaccordingly. Transport oversized/overweight piecesareexpensiveandnotincluded tice. Excessbaggagechargesfor additionalor allowances aresubjecttochangebythecarrierwithoutno- vided withyourpre-departureinformation. Baggage flown.line policyandtheclassofservice Detailswillbepro- accordingtotheair-BAGGAGE-Baggage restrictionsvary travel dates, orairlineschedule(s). curred asaresultofprogramcancellationand/orchangein departure transfers, andanyairlinefeesorpenaltiesin- tions independentlywillbewhollyresponsibleforarrivaland Passengers whochoosetomaketheirownairlinereserva- QUESTED NOLATER THAN 60DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE. VARIATIONS TO THE GROUPITINERARY MUSTBERE- you willbechargedthehigher, allyearEconomyclassfare. ticketing. After departure, arechanged, ifthereservations arechangedorcanceledafter the airlinesifreservations case penaltiesofasmuch100%maybeassessedby quested, specialpromotionalfaresmaybeused, inwhich ticket pricemaybelevied. Ifconnectingflightsarere- fares. After ticketsareissued, penaltiesupto100%ofthe fered by AHI Travel isbasedon Advance PurchaseExcursion AIR TRANSPORTATION-The priceofairtransportationof- sponsible forprovidingallrequiredassistance. who isfitandabletoassistthem, andwhowillbetotallyre- ca illful actofanysuchpersonorentitythirdperson. In -Fees forpassportsand, ifapplicable, visas; > > > > > offers thefollowingadvantages: you inbookingflights.Ourpersonalizedairprogram 0-2-33 800-323-7373 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Let usarrange your flights! $5,795 $250 $6,045 S1-Upper Deck(Aft) $5,595 $250 $5,845 S2-Middle Deck(Aft) $5,295 $250 $5,545 A-Upper Deck(Forward) $5,095 $250 $5,345 B-Upper Deck(Aft) $4,695 $250 $4,945 C-Middle Deck(Aft) $4,495 $250 $4,745 D-Middle Deck(Aft) $3,995 $250 $4,245 E-Main Deck SpecialPrice* SpecialSavings FullPrice Category-Deck LAND |CRUISE PROGRAM PROGRAM DATES Travel stress-freewith AHIFlexAir.

Land|CruiseProgramdates: S1 features aprivateterraceandFrench balcony,S2andA-DhaveaFrench balconyandEhasapicture window. Single supplementwaivedforsolotravelers! to policyterms. flight insurance or delays. assistance most flights. without penaltyupto60daysbefore departure on flexibility arrival anddeparture transfers increases afterticket purchase. price guarantee Old CityofSalamanca Tower ofBelém Hieronymites and Monastery ofthe University ofCoimbra Region Alto Douro Wine of Guimarães Historic Center and theDomLuisIBridge Historic CenterofOporto VAT, PortTax andServicesupplementisanadditional$395perperson.Allpricesquotedare inUSD,perperson, World Heritage i rga ae: September29–October10,2020 Air Programdates: AHI FlexAir All cabinsoffer riverviewsandhavebathroom withshower, flat-screen TV, hairdryer, safeandcloset. UNESCO based ondoubleoccupancyanddonotincludeairtransportationcosts(unlessotherwisestated). to changeorcancelyourreservations in theeventofschedulechanges to protect youfrom fuelsurcharge *Special Pricevalidifbookedbythedatefoundonaddress panel. worth upto$250,000,subject | Ourexpertsare ready toassist Cathedral, Salamanca on group dates. This offer islimited,capacity-controlled andtendsto selloutquickly. September 30–October10,2020 Guimarães takes youradventure tothenextlevel. suggesting thebestcaféorpubtosharingalaughoverstories oftheday,ourdedicatedteam On theground, three layersoftop-qualityprofessionals offer theirinsiders’perspective.From Once youarrive: > > > > > > Before yougo: of alifetime. we are here toensure youhavetheadventure From yourreservation toyourreturnhome, AHI Travel Expertise 10breakfasts, 7lunchesanddinners, • Extensive Meal Program Deluxemotorcoachtransfersduringthe • Transfers • • (with baggagehandling) Accommodations its heritage. and current events.Thebreadth oftheir knowledgedeepensyourappreciation for theregion and Lecturers country withyou. educated andcurioustravelers. Warm andgenuine,they’re ready toshare theirpassionfor selected informedandenthusiastic localprofessional guideswhounderstand theneedsofour Expert Guides enjoy anunforgettabletravelexperience. ambience. Resourceful, knowledgeableandattentive,your Travel Director helpstoensure you professional whowillmanageallthelogistics,allowingyoutorelax andsimplysoakupthe Travel Director compiled byourtravel-savvyteamtoprepare youfullyforyourjourney. Travel Information arranging flightstobookingelectiveactivitiesfulfillingspecial requests. will helpyouwitheverythingfrom enjoy personalizedassistancefrom thisspecialist,youronepointofcontactwho Passenger ServiceRepresentative guide youthrough thereservation process. questions aboutactivities,meals,accommodationsandmore asthey Travel Consultants chartered, and premium brands. plus alldrinksonboard exceptChampagne including Welcome andFarewell Dinners; Land |CruiseProgram, plusbaggagehandling. 7 nights Dom Pedro PalaceLisbon. 3 nights aboard the in Lisbon,Portugal,atthefirst-class | Comingfrom allwalksoflife,ourentertaining locallecturers openyoureyestohistory first-class MSAmaliaRodrigues. | Whobettertoshowyouaround thanthepeoplewholivethere? We’ve specially | Throughoutyouwillbeinthecare yourjourney, ofaseasonedAHItravel exclusively | Theseexpertsstandready toanswer your | Receiveextensivedestinationinformationandtraveltips INCLUDED FEATURES | Onceyouhavereserved yourspot, excursions inthesetowns: PERSONALIZE YOUR JOURNEY|PYJ • •Expert-ledYour One-of-a-Kind Journey Complimentarytravelmementos. • ofguidesanddrivers. Tipping • ApersonalVOXheadsettohearyourEnglish- • Welcome andFarewell Receptionstomingle • Free timetopursueyourowninterests. • –Porto (Day 7)| –Porto (Day 6)| –Porto Enjoythehighlightsofpretty Lamego. – through Journey theDouro Valley andsavor – SolardeMateus,an18th-century Visit – theallure Discover ofromantic Óbidos. – Explore Coimbra,witnessingstoriedsites – thevibrantcapitalofLisbon. Uncover – culture, heritageandhistory: Discovery excursions your insightintotheregion. speaking guideclearly. with fellowtravelers. d’Alva–Barca | Choose fromaselectionof Portugal |Douro Walk &PortTasting ( Tram &FlavorsofPorto a portwinetastingatlocal baroque Real. palaceinVila within theUniversityofCoimbra. Salamanca byBike( Enrichment programs Salamanca CityTour | Guimarães, Cradleof Porto CityTour |Portoby Active) highlight thelocal quinta. enhance Active )

program expensessupportsPennAlumniprogramming. number ofpartnerships.Anyrevenue thatmay begeneratedfrom PennAlumniTravel aboveour Penn AlumniTravel isproud tooffer valuabletripsandprograms toalumniandfriendsthrough a Dear Penn Alumni andFriends,

Penn AlumniTravel Assistant Director, PennAlumniEducationandTravel Emilie C.K.LaRosa warmregardsWith from Penn, so weencourageyoutomakeyourreservation today! personalize yourcruisebyjoiningexcursionsofchoiceonselectdays.Spaceislimited, ambience andnostalgicantiquity! region’s eponymous sweetportwine.Prepare toloseyourselfinPortugal’s old-world the SpanishcityofSalamanca,andtemptyourpalatewithtantalizingcuisine,including RealandLamego,spendadayin and hilltopvillages.Alongtheway,witnesscharmingVila architecture. Continuewithseven nightscruisingtheDouro River, passingcolorfulvineyards spell, delightinginthecity’s storiedportwineculture andmosaicofscarletgolden andcenturies-oldtramsstillnavigatetwistinglanes.ThenfallunderPorto’sjourneys alluring culture andhistoryofLisbonPorto. fellow Pennalumniaswerevel intheDouro Valley’s stunninglandscapes,andthrilltothe joinProfessorterraced vineyards.On GwendolynDuBoisShawand this10-nightjourney, 800-323-7373 800-323-7373 The romantic Douro Riverflowsgentlythrough avisualwonderlandofsculptedhillsand Enjoy anintimatecruisingexperienceonasmallshipbuiltspecificallyforrivertravel,and withthreeBegin yourjourney nightsinLisbon,where explorers launchedhistory-making Coimbra

Penn Alumni Travel E. Craig Sweeten Alumni House 3533 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104-6226

DOURO20 35

800-323-7373 Fado musician Porto Discover the splendor of Lisbon, Porto and the Douro Valley!

AHI Travel’s mission is to deliver Presorted Std. inspirational educational and cultural U.S. Postage travel programs that delight travelers. Paid Please call or refer to our AHI Travel With AHI you can rely on: website for the most current • Experienced Travel Directors who program information, attend to every detail of your journey. • An exceptional travel value. discounts and pricing. • Unique access to local sites. • Flexibility and customization. • Safety and security. Featuring Penn Professor Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw Lisbon | Porto | Alto Douro Wine Region Lisbon |PortoAltoDouro Wine or River Douro September 29–October 10, 2020 Romance of the S PONSORED B Y SUPPLEMENT NO SINGLE NO Travelers for Solo for Solo Art | Architecture | Culture | Cuisine | History | Natural Beauty ACCOMMODATIONS

Located in the heart of Lisbon‘s Amoreiras neighborhood, the Dom Pedro Palace places you at the center of the city’s best shopping. Dine at Il Gattopardo, featuring Italian dishes, or Bistrot Le Café, which serves regional cuisine. Unwind in the hotel’s serene spa offering a sauna, whirlpool and indoor swimming pool, as well as a fitness room. Wi-Fi is complimentary.

Above: University of Coimbra | Day 8 | Vila Real | Barca d’Alva Below: Nossa Senhora dos Remedios, Lamego DOM PEDRO PALACE LISBON | LISBON Discovery: Vila Real. Encounter the Manor a variety of interesting monuments and landmarks. Solar de Mateus, an 18th-century baroque Visit the illustrious University of Coimbra. The palace, on a guided tour. View the impressive city’s crowning glory opened in 1290 and is one rooftop pinnacles, carved wooden ceilings and of Europe’s oldest universities. See St. Michael’s lavish halls before strolling through the ample Chapel, a historic ceremonial hall and the stunning gardens, which feature box hedges, flowerbeds Hieronymites Monastery, Lisbon Biblioteca Joanina, home to 60,000 volumes. and a cedar tunnel. Walk along the cobbled Dine on savory regional cuisine for lunch. lanes of Vila Real, and sample Cristas de Galo, Day 1 | In Transit Tram, Porto a local pastry made with eggs and almonds. explorers. Then drive through Lisbon’s authentic, After time at leisure in Coimbra, continue to Porto personality-packed neighborhoods, including Depart your gateway city for Lisbon, Portugal. palace. After lunch in Sintra, take a scenic drive, and embark your river ship. Later tonight, join an Return to the ship for lunch. As you continue Bairro Alto, Alfama and Graça. cruising through the Douro Valley, notice the Inspiring Moments Day 2 | Lisbon, Portugal passing Cabo de Roca and pretty Guincho onboard Welcome Reception and Dinner. Free Time: Discover Lisbon at your own pace. Beach. Stop in the delightful fishing village of riverbanks draped with orderly vineyards. Day 6 | Porto Upon arrival in Lisbon, transfer and check in Enrichment: > Travel through the rolling Portuguese Explorers. Learn Cascais for a guided picturesque walk, and Day 9 | Barca d’Alva | Salamanca, Spain to the Dom Pedro Palace Lisbon. PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: hills of the Alto Douro wine about The Age of Discovery and the explorers drive through Estoril on your return to Lisbon. Tonight, gather with your fellow travelers to kick who sailed under the Portuguese flag. PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: region and visit a quinta for Enrichment: Contemporary Portugal. Learn •Porto City Tour. Witness Porto’s historic and Top: Manor Solar de Mateus, Vila Real | off your adventure at a Welcome Reception. Above: Tower of Belém, Lisbon •Salamanca City Tour. Explore the historic A World Apart a port wine tasting. ELECTIVE | Fado Dinner. Savor a delicious about modern Portugal, including the events and modern districts, see a breadth of architectural university town of Salamanca. Visit the ornate Day 3 | Lisbon dinner of Portuguese cuisine and listen to soul- people that have shaped the Portugal of today. styles at the Palácio da Bolsa, and visit the > Walk in the footsteps of Enrichment: Douro Wine Country. Discuss stirring fado, a traditional genre of music with Igreja da São Francisco. Conclude with a port cathedral and tour the famous university. Finish The story of travel involves more than a ticket and a passport. Portuguese aristocracy at Day 5 | Óbidos | Coimbra | Porto the wine-making traditions of the Douro region Discovery: Lisbon Tour. Uncover Lisbon today! melancholic guitar and vocal arrangements. wine tasting. your adventure with lunch and leisure time. It should weave together discovery, education and humanity, the best Mateus Palace. See the Avenue of Liberty, sprawling squares and with a local expert. Check out of the Dom Pedro Palace Lisbon. •Porto by Tram and Flavors of Porto. •Salamanca by Bike. Bicycle along the Río Day 11 | Lamego | Porto parks, and downtown Lisbon before immersing Day 4 | Lisbon elements of any compelling tale. Your personal travel story begins with > Gaze at the world- Discovery: Óbidos. Visit Óbidos, a romantic Experience a bygone era and see the city from a Day 7 | Porto | Peso da Régua Tormes and the Old Town with a guide. Visit the yourself in Portugal’s seafaring history. Visit the Discovery: Lamego. Pretty Lamego is nestled our commitment to delivering authentic experiences with local people. renowned University Free Time: Join today’s Elective Activity to medieval village enclosed within ancient walls. cathedral and the university. After a group lunch, unique perspective aboard one of Porto’s historic PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: in the heart of the port-producing Douro Valley. Top: Dom Luis I Bridge, Porto | Hieronymites Monastery. Built from 1501 as a explore nearby villages or enjoy a day at leisure. craft your own path during free time. (Active) The incomparable value of your journey lies in the personalized care of Coimbra. Follow narrow alleys bordered with traditional trams. Then visit the Museu do Carro Elétrico, Above: Porto place of spiritual protection, this is where sailors •Guimarães, Cradle of Portugal. During a Visit Nossa Senhora dos Remédios, a splendid ELECTIVE | Sintra, Cascais and Estoril. white houses, vivid tiles and potted geraniums. followed by a tasting of local specialties. Day 10 | São João da Pesqueira | Pinhão you receive from your Travel Director and the knowledge you gain from > Delve into Portuguese and explorers prayed before their expeditions. walking tour, discover the charms of Guimarães, baroque church overlooking the city. Leading to Sintra is home to bright, playful architecture and Discovery: Coimbra. Built atop an ancient history at Guimarães, the Free Time: Enjoy leisure time. Perhaps return the birthplace of Portugal’s first king. Step inside Discovery: the church is a grand staircase with 686 steps, A Note About Activity Levels expert guides and lecturers, who call this area home. Admire the incredible artistry of the towering the National Palace of Sintra with its two iconic Porto’s Wine Road. Travel city considered to be the Roman city, Coimbra’s timeworn streets offer to the city center on our complimentary shuttle. Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira, and visit the nine landings, statues, obelisks and azulejos, By eliminating logistical worries, your multilingual Travel Director Monument to the Discoveries and Belém Tower, white chimneys. Walk the path of Portuguese through the rolling Alto Douro wine region, We want you to have a comfortable and birthplace of Portugal. which celebrates the triumphs of Portugal’s Palace of the Dukes of Bragança, an opulent pausing to revel in a panoramic viewpoint. Visit Portugal’s iconic blue-and-white tiles. enjoyable experience. That’s why we have MS Amalia Rodrigues allows you to immerse yourself comfortably in your surroundings. kings during a guided tour of the well-preserved estate in the city. After, craft your own path of > Explore Porto’s maze São João da Pesqueira, known as the “fishing Spend your final afternoon sailing the Douro rated all of our excursions with activity levels This high-caliber professional makes you feel safe and important discovery in Guimarães. to help you assess this program’s physical MS Amalia Rodrigues, debuting in 2019, joins CroisiEurope’s fleet of fine river ships and of medieval alleys and ground” due to its prime fishing location. Join a Valley as the ship nears Porto. by creating a convivial, welcoming atmosphere. expectations. Depending on the excursion, represents a new generation of European river cruisers. Built specifically for river cruising, the colorful neighborhoods. YOUR INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCE •Douro Walk and Port Wine Tasting. Take walking tour before exploring at your leisure. Tonight, celebrate your exciting river journey more leisurely alternatives may be available. Amalia Rodrigues is small enough to dock at the doorstep of towns and cities along the Douro The other important characters in this story are the guides and Free time means something different to every traveler. You may like to linger in a cozy café or stay on a guided walk along the Atlantic coastline and Continue to a traditional country estate and at a Farewell Reception and Dinner. > Please call or visit our website to review the Appreciate the splendor of the Douro. Pass through São Pedro da Afurada, winery, or a quinta, for a tour of the facilities, a River. With just 66 staterooms and suites, the ship also offers an intimate cruising experience lecturers, whose regional expertise shines in their insider perspective the go. That’s why we design itineraries that allow you to craft an individual travel experience. Day 12 | In Transit itinerary for full details about our activity levels. Salamanca, an elegant a typical Portuguese fishing village where you presentation about port winemaking and a and the utmost in service, safety and convenience. Travelers can relax on the Sun Deck and enjoy and commentary. Spanish city. PERSONALIZE YOUR JOURNEY | PYJ | Included can witness the hum of daily life. Along the way, tasting of the local product. Often characterized Following breakfast, transfer to the airport Excursions on this program require: the passing scenery, or unwind in the lounge or library. Expert chefs prepare meals in the exacting Become intimately engaged in the rhythm of life along the Douro tradition of fine gastronomy. There’s a full breakfast buffet each morning, and at lunch and dinner, > Follow the historic path of Choose from a variety of excursions in selected locales based on your interests. enjoy a beautiful view of Porto and Ribeira as a dessert wine, port is made with indigenous for the return flight to your gateway city. > walking on cobblestones, unpaved paths enjoy expertly prepared meals complemented by local wine. Throughout the cruise, all beverages River, where grapevines swirl across terraced hills and visits to picture- great explorers in Lisbon. Square. Continue to the renowned port wine grapes and embodies sweet, rich flavors. Note: Itinerary may change due to local conditions. or uneven surfaces ELECTIVE EXPERIENCES | At an additional cost (except Champagne and a select list of premium brands) are complimentary. All cabins are perfect towns add a memorable chapter to the rich story of your life. cellars of Vila Nova de Gaia and savor a port Discovery: Portuguese Folklore. Enjoy an Flights and transfers included for AHI FlexAir > getting on/off motor coaches and boats > Delight in day sailing along Further your experience by immersing yourself in specially designed activities. welcoming and provide outside river views and feature individual climate controls, flat-screen wine tasting at one of the cellars. (Active) authentic folk show tonight as singers and participants. the scenic Douro River. Check out our itinerary for more details. We’ve done the legwork. Now the choice is yours. satellite TVs and bathrooms with showers. Wi-Fi is complimentary. Above: Monument to the Discoveries, Lisbon | Cover photo: Cruising the Douro River Indulge in the peaceful beauty along the river. dancers showcase their culture through song. Elective experiences available at an additional cost. Art | Architecture | Culture | Cuisine | History | Natural Beauty ACCOMMODATIONS

Located in the heart of Lisbon‘s Amoreiras neighborhood, the Dom Pedro Palace places you at the center of the city’s best shopping. Dine at Il Gattopardo, featuring Italian dishes, or Bistrot Le Café, which serves regional cuisine. Unwind in the hotel’s serene spa offering a sauna, whirlpool and indoor swimming pool, as well as a fitness room. Wi-Fi is complimentary.

Above: University of Coimbra | Day 8 | Vila Real | Barca d’Alva Below: Nossa Senhora dos Remedios, Lamego DOM PEDRO PALACE LISBON | LISBON Discovery: Vila Real. Encounter the Manor a variety of interesting monuments and landmarks. Solar de Mateus, an 18th-century baroque Visit the illustrious University of Coimbra. The palace, on a guided tour. View the impressive city’s crowning glory opened in 1290 and is one rooftop pinnacles, carved wooden ceilings and of Europe’s oldest universities. See St. Michael’s lavish halls before strolling through the ample Chapel, a historic ceremonial hall and the stunning gardens, which feature box hedges, flowerbeds Hieronymites Monastery, Lisbon Biblioteca Joanina, home to 60,000 volumes. and a cedar tunnel. Walk along the cobbled Dine on savory regional cuisine for lunch. lanes of Vila Real, and sample Cristas de Galo, Day 1 | In Transit Tram, Porto a local pastry made with eggs and almonds. explorers. Then drive through Lisbon’s authentic, After time at leisure in Coimbra, continue to Porto personality-packed neighborhoods, including Depart your gateway city for Lisbon, Portugal. palace. After lunch in Sintra, take a scenic drive, and embark your river ship. Later tonight, join an Return to the ship for lunch. As you continue Bairro Alto, Alfama and Graça. cruising through the Douro Valley, notice the Inspiring Moments Day 2 | Lisbon, Portugal passing Cabo de Roca and pretty Guincho onboard Welcome Reception and Dinner. Free Time: Discover Lisbon at your own pace. Beach. Stop in the delightful fishing village of riverbanks draped with orderly vineyards. Day 6 | Porto Upon arrival in Lisbon, transfer and check in Enrichment: > Travel through the rolling Portuguese Explorers. Learn Cascais for a guided picturesque walk, and Day 9 | Barca d’Alva | Salamanca, Spain to the Dom Pedro Palace Lisbon. PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: hills of the Alto Douro wine about The Age of Discovery and the explorers drive through Estoril on your return to Lisbon. Tonight, gather with your fellow travelers to kick who sailed under the Portuguese flag. PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: region and visit a quinta for Enrichment: Contemporary Portugal. Learn •Porto City Tour. Witness Porto’s historic and Top: Manor Solar de Mateus, Vila Real | off your adventure at a Welcome Reception. Above: Tower of Belém, Lisbon •Salamanca City Tour. Explore the historic A World Apart a port wine tasting. ELECTIVE | Fado Dinner. Savor a delicious about modern Portugal, including the events and modern districts, see a breadth of architectural university town of Salamanca. Visit the ornate Day 3 | Lisbon dinner of Portuguese cuisine and listen to soul- people that have shaped the Portugal of today. styles at the Palácio da Bolsa, and visit the > Walk in the footsteps of Enrichment: Douro Wine Country. Discuss stirring fado, a traditional genre of music with Igreja da São Francisco. Conclude with a port cathedral and tour the famous university. Finish The story of travel involves more than a ticket and a passport. Portuguese aristocracy at Day 5 | Óbidos | Coimbra | Porto the wine-making traditions of the Douro region Discovery: Lisbon Tour. Uncover Lisbon today! melancholic guitar and vocal arrangements. wine tasting. your adventure with lunch and leisure time. It should weave together discovery, education and humanity, the best Mateus Palace. See the Avenue of Liberty, sprawling squares and with a local expert. Check out of the Dom Pedro Palace Lisbon. •Porto by Tram and Flavors of Porto. •Salamanca by Bike. Bicycle along the Río Day 11 | Lamego | Porto parks, and downtown Lisbon before immersing Day 4 | Lisbon elements of any compelling tale. Your personal travel story begins with > Gaze at the world- Discovery: Óbidos. Visit Óbidos, a romantic Experience a bygone era and see the city from a Day 7 | Porto | Peso da Régua Tormes and the Old Town with a guide. Visit the yourself in Portugal’s seafaring history. Visit the Discovery: Lamego. Pretty Lamego is nestled our commitment to delivering authentic experiences with local people. renowned University Free Time: Join today’s Elective Activity to medieval village enclosed within ancient walls. cathedral and the university. After a group lunch, unique perspective aboard one of Porto’s historic PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: in the heart of the port-producing Douro Valley. Top: Dom Luis I Bridge, Porto | Hieronymites Monastery. Built from 1501 as a explore nearby villages or enjoy a day at leisure. craft your own path during free time. (Active) The incomparable value of your journey lies in the personalized care of Coimbra. Follow narrow alleys bordered with traditional trams. Then visit the Museu do Carro Elétrico, Above: Porto place of spiritual protection, this is where sailors •Guimarães, Cradle of Portugal. During a Visit Nossa Senhora dos Remédios, a splendid ELECTIVE | Sintra, Cascais and Estoril. white houses, vivid tiles and potted geraniums. followed by a tasting of local specialties. Day 10 | São João da Pesqueira | Pinhão you receive from your Travel Director and the knowledge you gain from > Delve into Portuguese and explorers prayed before their expeditions. walking tour, discover the charms of Guimarães, baroque church overlooking the city. Leading to Sintra is home to bright, playful architecture and Discovery: Coimbra. Built atop an ancient history at Guimarães, the Free Time: Enjoy leisure time. Perhaps return the birthplace of Portugal’s first king. Step inside Discovery: the church is a grand staircase with 686 steps, A Note About Activity Levels expert guides and lecturers, who call this area home. Admire the incredible artistry of the towering the National Palace of Sintra with its two iconic Porto’s Wine Road. Travel city considered to be the Roman city, Coimbra’s timeworn streets offer to the city center on our complimentary shuttle. Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira, and visit the nine landings, statues, obelisks and azulejos, By eliminating logistical worries, your multilingual Travel Director Monument to the Discoveries and Belém Tower, white chimneys. Walk the path of Portuguese through the rolling Alto Douro wine region, We want you to have a comfortable and birthplace of Portugal. which celebrates the triumphs of Portugal’s Palace of the Dukes of Bragança, an opulent pausing to revel in a panoramic viewpoint. Visit Portugal’s iconic blue-and-white tiles. enjoyable experience. That’s why we have MS Amalia Rodrigues allows you to immerse yourself comfortably in your surroundings. kings during a guided tour of the well-preserved estate in the city. After, craft your own path of > Explore Porto’s maze São João da Pesqueira, known as the “fishing Spend your final afternoon sailing the Douro rated all of our excursions with activity levels This high-caliber professional makes you feel safe and important discovery in Guimarães. to help you assess this program’s physical MS Amalia Rodrigues, debuting in 2019, joins CroisiEurope’s fleet of fine river ships and of medieval alleys and ground” due to its prime fishing location. Join a Valley as the ship nears Porto. by creating a convivial, welcoming atmosphere. expectations. Depending on the excursion, represents a new generation of European river cruisers. Built specifically for river cruising, the colorful neighborhoods. YOUR INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCE •Douro Walk and Port Wine Tasting. Take walking tour before exploring at your leisure. Tonight, celebrate your exciting river journey more leisurely alternatives may be available. Amalia Rodrigues is small enough to dock at the doorstep of towns and cities along the Douro The other important characters in this story are the guides and Free time means something different to every traveler. You may like to linger in a cozy café or stay on a guided walk along the Atlantic coastline and Continue to a traditional country estate and at a Farewell Reception and Dinner. > Please call or visit our website to review the Appreciate the splendor of the Douro. Pass through São Pedro da Afurada, winery, or a quinta, for a tour of the facilities, a River. With just 66 staterooms and suites, the ship also offers an intimate cruising experience lecturers, whose regional expertise shines in their insider perspective the go. That’s why we design itineraries that allow you to craft an individual travel experience. Day 12 | In Transit itinerary for full details about our activity levels. Salamanca, an elegant a typical Portuguese fishing village where you presentation about port winemaking and a and the utmost in service, safety and convenience. Travelers can relax on the Sun Deck and enjoy and commentary. Spanish city. PERSONALIZE YOUR JOURNEY | PYJ | Included can witness the hum of daily life. Along the way, tasting of the local product. Often characterized Following breakfast, transfer to the airport Excursions on this program require: the passing scenery, or unwind in the lounge or library. Expert chefs prepare meals in the exacting Become intimately engaged in the rhythm of life along the Douro tradition of fine gastronomy. There’s a full breakfast buffet each morning, and at lunch and dinner, > Follow the historic path of Choose from a variety of excursions in selected locales based on your interests. enjoy a beautiful view of Porto and Ribeira as a dessert wine, port is made with indigenous for the return flight to your gateway city. > walking on cobblestones, unpaved paths enjoy expertly prepared meals complemented by local wine. Throughout the cruise, all beverages River, where grapevines swirl across terraced hills and visits to picture- great explorers in Lisbon. Square. Continue to the renowned port wine grapes and embodies sweet, rich flavors. Note: Itinerary may change due to local conditions. or uneven surfaces ELECTIVE EXPERIENCES | At an additional cost (except Champagne and a select list of premium brands) are complimentary. All cabins are perfect towns add a memorable chapter to the rich story of your life. cellars of Vila Nova de Gaia and savor a port Discovery: Portuguese Folklore. Enjoy an Flights and transfers included for AHI FlexAir > getting on/off motor coaches and boats > Delight in day sailing along Further your experience by immersing yourself in specially designed activities. welcoming and provide outside river views and feature individual climate controls, flat-screen wine tasting at one of the cellars. (Active) authentic folk show tonight as singers and participants. the scenic Douro River. Check out our itinerary for more details. We’ve done the legwork. Now the choice is yours. satellite TVs and bathrooms with showers. Wi-Fi is complimentary. Above: Monument to the Discoveries, Lisbon | Cover photo: Cruising the Douro River Indulge in the peaceful beauty along the river. dancers showcase their culture through song. Elective experiences available at an additional cost. Art | Architecture | Culture | Cuisine | History | Natural Beauty ACCOMMODATIONS

Located in the heart of Lisbon‘s Amoreiras neighborhood, the Dom Pedro Palace places you at the center of the city’s best shopping. Dine at Il Gattopardo, featuring Italian dishes, or Bistrot Le Café, which serves regional cuisine. Unwind in the hotel’s serene spa offering a sauna, whirlpool and indoor swimming pool, as well as a fitness room. Wi-Fi is complimentary.

Above: University of Coimbra | Day 8 | Vila Real | Barca d’Alva Below: Nossa Senhora dos Remedios, Lamego DOM PEDRO PALACE LISBON | LISBON Discovery: Vila Real. Encounter the Manor a variety of interesting monuments and landmarks. Solar de Mateus, an 18th-century baroque Visit the illustrious University of Coimbra. The palace, on a guided tour. View the impressive city’s crowning glory opened in 1290 and is one rooftop pinnacles, carved wooden ceilings and of Europe’s oldest universities. See St. Michael’s lavish halls before strolling through the ample Chapel, a historic ceremonial hall and the stunning gardens, which feature box hedges, flowerbeds Hieronymites Monastery, Lisbon Biblioteca Joanina, home to 60,000 volumes. and a cedar tunnel. Walk along the cobbled Dine on savory regional cuisine for lunch. lanes of Vila Real, and sample Cristas de Galo, Day 1 | In Transit Tram, Porto a local pastry made with eggs and almonds. explorers. Then drive through Lisbon’s authentic, After time at leisure in Coimbra, continue to Porto personality-packed neighborhoods, including Depart your gateway city for Lisbon, Portugal. palace. After lunch in Sintra, take a scenic drive, and embark your river ship. Later tonight, join an Return to the ship for lunch. As you continue Bairro Alto, Alfama and Graça. cruising through the Douro Valley, notice the Inspiring Moments Day 2 | Lisbon, Portugal passing Cabo de Roca and pretty Guincho onboard Welcome Reception and Dinner. Free Time: Discover Lisbon at your own pace. Beach. Stop in the delightful fishing village of riverbanks draped with orderly vineyards. Day 6 | Porto Upon arrival in Lisbon, transfer and check in Enrichment: > Travel through the rolling Portuguese Explorers. Learn Cascais for a guided picturesque walk, and Day 9 | Barca d’Alva | Salamanca, Spain to the Dom Pedro Palace Lisbon. PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: hills of the Alto Douro wine about The Age of Discovery and the explorers drive through Estoril on your return to Lisbon. Tonight, gather with your fellow travelers to kick who sailed under the Portuguese flag. PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: region and visit a quinta for Enrichment: Contemporary Portugal. Learn •Porto City Tour. Witness Porto’s historic and Top: Manor Solar de Mateus, Vila Real | off your adventure at a Welcome Reception. Above: Tower of Belém, Lisbon •Salamanca City Tour. Explore the historic A World Apart a port wine tasting. ELECTIVE | Fado Dinner. Savor a delicious about modern Portugal, including the events and modern districts, see a breadth of architectural university town of Salamanca. Visit the ornate Day 3 | Lisbon dinner of Portuguese cuisine and listen to soul- people that have shaped the Portugal of today. styles at the Palácio da Bolsa, and visit the > Walk in the footsteps of Enrichment: Douro Wine Country. Discuss stirring fado, a traditional genre of music with Igreja da São Francisco. Conclude with a port cathedral and tour the famous university. Finish The story of travel involves more than a ticket and a passport. Portuguese aristocracy at Day 5 | Óbidos | Coimbra | Porto the wine-making traditions of the Douro region Discovery: Lisbon Tour. Uncover Lisbon today! melancholic guitar and vocal arrangements. wine tasting. your adventure with lunch and leisure time. It should weave together discovery, education and humanity, the best Mateus Palace. See the Avenue of Liberty, sprawling squares and with a local expert. Check out of the Dom Pedro Palace Lisbon. •Porto by Tram and Flavors of Porto. •Salamanca by Bike. Bicycle along the Río Day 11 | Lamego | Porto parks, and downtown Lisbon before immersing Day 4 | Lisbon elements of any compelling tale. Your personal travel story begins with > Gaze at the world- Discovery: Óbidos. Visit Óbidos, a romantic Experience a bygone era and see the city from a Day 7 | Porto | Peso da Régua Tormes and the Old Town with a guide. Visit the yourself in Portugal’s seafaring history. Visit the Discovery: Lamego. Pretty Lamego is nestled our commitment to delivering authentic experiences with local people. renowned University Free Time: Join today’s Elective Activity to medieval village enclosed within ancient walls. cathedral and the university. After a group lunch, unique perspective aboard one of Porto’s historic PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: in the heart of the port-producing Douro Valley. Top: Dom Luis I Bridge, Porto | Hieronymites Monastery. Built from 1501 as a explore nearby villages or enjoy a day at leisure. craft your own path during free time. (Active) The incomparable value of your journey lies in the personalized care of Coimbra. Follow narrow alleys bordered with traditional trams. Then visit the Museu do Carro Elétrico, Above: Porto place of spiritual protection, this is where sailors •Guimarães, Cradle of Portugal. During a Visit Nossa Senhora dos Remédios, a splendid ELECTIVE | Sintra, Cascais and Estoril. white houses, vivid tiles and potted geraniums. followed by a tasting of local specialties. Day 10 | São João da Pesqueira | Pinhão you receive from your Travel Director and the knowledge you gain from > Delve into Portuguese and explorers prayed before their expeditions. walking tour, discover the charms of Guimarães, baroque church overlooking the city. Leading to Sintra is home to bright, playful architecture and Discovery: Coimbra. Built atop an ancient history at Guimarães, the Free Time: Enjoy leisure time. Perhaps return the birthplace of Portugal’s first king. Step inside Discovery: the church is a grand staircase with 686 steps, A Note About Activity Levels expert guides and lecturers, who call this area home. Admire the incredible artistry of the towering the National Palace of Sintra with its two iconic Porto’s Wine Road. Travel city considered to be the Roman city, Coimbra’s timeworn streets offer to the city center on our complimentary shuttle. Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira, and visit the nine landings, statues, obelisks and azulejos, By eliminating logistical worries, your multilingual Travel Director Monument to the Discoveries and Belém Tower, white chimneys. Walk the path of Portuguese through the rolling Alto Douro wine region, We want you to have a comfortable and birthplace of Portugal. which celebrates the triumphs of Portugal’s Palace of the Dukes of Bragança, an opulent pausing to revel in a panoramic viewpoint. Visit Portugal’s iconic blue-and-white tiles. enjoyable experience. That’s why we have MS Amalia Rodrigues allows you to immerse yourself comfortably in your surroundings. kings during a guided tour of the well-preserved estate in the city. After, craft your own path of > Explore Porto’s maze São João da Pesqueira, known as the “fishing Spend your final afternoon sailing the Douro rated all of our excursions with activity levels This high-caliber professional makes you feel safe and important discovery in Guimarães. to help you assess this program’s physical MS Amalia Rodrigues, debuting in 2019, joins CroisiEurope’s fleet of fine river ships and of medieval alleys and ground” due to its prime fishing location. Join a Valley as the ship nears Porto. by creating a convivial, welcoming atmosphere. expectations. Depending on the excursion, represents a new generation of European river cruisers. Built specifically for river cruising, the colorful neighborhoods. YOUR INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCE •Douro Walk and Port Wine Tasting. Take walking tour before exploring at your leisure. Tonight, celebrate your exciting river journey more leisurely alternatives may be available. Amalia Rodrigues is small enough to dock at the doorstep of towns and cities along the Douro The other important characters in this story are the guides and Free time means something different to every traveler. You may like to linger in a cozy café or stay on a guided walk along the Atlantic coastline and Continue to a traditional country estate and at a Farewell Reception and Dinner. > Please call or visit our website to review the Appreciate the splendor of the Douro. Pass through São Pedro da Afurada, winery, or a quinta, for a tour of the facilities, a River. With just 66 staterooms and suites, the ship also offers an intimate cruising experience lecturers, whose regional expertise shines in their insider perspective the go. That’s why we design itineraries that allow you to craft an individual travel experience. Day 12 | In Transit itinerary for full details about our activity levels. Salamanca, an elegant a typical Portuguese fishing village where you presentation about port winemaking and a and the utmost in service, safety and convenience. Travelers can relax on the Sun Deck and enjoy and commentary. Spanish city. PERSONALIZE YOUR JOURNEY | PYJ | Included can witness the hum of daily life. Along the way, tasting of the local product. Often characterized Following breakfast, transfer to the airport Excursions on this program require: the passing scenery, or unwind in the lounge or library. Expert chefs prepare meals in the exacting Become intimately engaged in the rhythm of life along the Douro tradition of fine gastronomy. There’s a full breakfast buffet each morning, and at lunch and dinner, > Follow the historic path of Choose from a variety of excursions in selected locales based on your interests. enjoy a beautiful view of Porto and Ribeira as a dessert wine, port is made with indigenous for the return flight to your gateway city. > walking on cobblestones, unpaved paths enjoy expertly prepared meals complemented by local wine. Throughout the cruise, all beverages River, where grapevines swirl across terraced hills and visits to picture- great explorers in Lisbon. Square. Continue to the renowned port wine grapes and embodies sweet, rich flavors. Note: Itinerary may change due to local conditions. or uneven surfaces ELECTIVE EXPERIENCES | At an additional cost (except Champagne and a select list of premium brands) are complimentary. All cabins are perfect towns add a memorable chapter to the rich story of your life. cellars of Vila Nova de Gaia and savor a port Discovery: Portuguese Folklore. Enjoy an Flights and transfers included for AHI FlexAir > getting on/off motor coaches and boats > Delight in day sailing along Further your experience by immersing yourself in specially designed activities. welcoming and provide outside river views and feature individual climate controls, flat-screen wine tasting at one of the cellars. (Active) authentic folk show tonight as singers and participants. the scenic Douro River. Check out our itinerary for more details. We’ve done the legwork. Now the choice is yours. satellite TVs and bathrooms with showers. Wi-Fi is complimentary. Above: Monument to the Discoveries, Lisbon | Cover photo: Cruising the Douro River Indulge in the peaceful beauty along the river. dancers showcase their culture through song. Elective experiences available at an additional cost. Art | Architecture | Culture | Cuisine | History | Natural Beauty ACCOMMODATIONS

Located in the heart of Lisbon‘s Amoreiras neighborhood, the Dom Pedro Palace places you at the center of the city’s best shopping. Dine at Il Gattopardo, featuring Italian dishes, or Bistrot Le Café, which serves regional cuisine. Unwind in the hotel’s serene spa offering a sauna, whirlpool and indoor swimming pool, as well as a fitness room. Wi-Fi is complimentary.

Above: University of Coimbra | Day 8 | Vila Real | Barca d’Alva Below: Nossa Senhora dos Remedios, Lamego DOM PEDRO PALACE LISBON | LISBON Discovery: Vila Real. Encounter the Manor a variety of interesting monuments and landmarks. Solar de Mateus, an 18th-century baroque Visit the illustrious University of Coimbra. The palace, on a guided tour. View the impressive city’s crowning glory opened in 1290 and is one rooftop pinnacles, carved wooden ceilings and of Europe’s oldest universities. See St. Michael’s lavish halls before strolling through the ample Chapel, a historic ceremonial hall and the stunning gardens, which feature box hedges, flowerbeds Hieronymites Monastery, Lisbon Biblioteca Joanina, home to 60,000 volumes. and a cedar tunnel. Walk along the cobbled Dine on savory regional cuisine for lunch. lanes of Vila Real, and sample Cristas de Galo, Day 1 | In Transit Tram, Porto a local pastry made with eggs and almonds. explorers. Then drive through Lisbon’s authentic, After time at leisure in Coimbra, continue to Porto personality-packed neighborhoods, including Depart your gateway city for Lisbon, Portugal. palace. After lunch in Sintra, take a scenic drive, and embark your river ship. Later tonight, join an Return to the ship for lunch. As you continue Bairro Alto, Alfama and Graça. cruising through the Douro Valley, notice the Inspiring Moments Day 2 | Lisbon, Portugal passing Cabo de Roca and pretty Guincho onboard Welcome Reception and Dinner. Free Time: Discover Lisbon at your own pace. Beach. Stop in the delightful fishing village of riverbanks draped with orderly vineyards. Day 6 | Porto Upon arrival in Lisbon, transfer and check in Enrichment: > Travel through the rolling Portuguese Explorers. Learn Cascais for a guided picturesque walk, and Day 9 | Barca d’Alva | Salamanca, Spain to the Dom Pedro Palace Lisbon. PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: hills of the Alto Douro wine about The Age of Discovery and the explorers drive through Estoril on your return to Lisbon. Tonight, gather with your fellow travelers to kick who sailed under the Portuguese flag. PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: region and visit a quinta for Enrichment: Contemporary Portugal. Learn •Porto City Tour. Witness Porto’s historic and Top: Manor Solar de Mateus, Vila Real | off your adventure at a Welcome Reception. Above: Tower of Belém, Lisbon •Salamanca City Tour. Explore the historic A World Apart a port wine tasting. ELECTIVE | Fado Dinner. Savor a delicious about modern Portugal, including the events and modern districts, see a breadth of architectural university town of Salamanca. Visit the ornate Day 3 | Lisbon dinner of Portuguese cuisine and listen to soul- people that have shaped the Portugal of today. styles at the Palácio da Bolsa, and visit the > Walk in the footsteps of Enrichment: Douro Wine Country. Discuss stirring fado, a traditional genre of music with Igreja da São Francisco. Conclude with a port cathedral and tour the famous university. Finish The story of travel involves more than a ticket and a passport. Portuguese aristocracy at Day 5 | Óbidos | Coimbra | Porto the wine-making traditions of the Douro region Discovery: Lisbon Tour. Uncover Lisbon today! melancholic guitar and vocal arrangements. wine tasting. your adventure with lunch and leisure time. It should weave together discovery, education and humanity, the best Mateus Palace. See the Avenue of Liberty, sprawling squares and with a local expert. Check out of the Dom Pedro Palace Lisbon. •Porto by Tram and Flavors of Porto. •Salamanca by Bike. Bicycle along the Río Day 11 | Lamego | Porto parks, and downtown Lisbon before immersing Day 4 | Lisbon elements of any compelling tale. Your personal travel story begins with > Gaze at the world- Discovery: Óbidos. Visit Óbidos, a romantic Experience a bygone era and see the city from a Day 7 | Porto | Peso da Régua Tormes and the Old Town with a guide. Visit the yourself in Portugal’s seafaring history. Visit the Discovery: Lamego. Pretty Lamego is nestled our commitment to delivering authentic experiences with local people. renowned University Free Time: Join today’s Elective Activity to medieval village enclosed within ancient walls. cathedral and the university. After a group lunch, unique perspective aboard one of Porto’s historic PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: in the heart of the port-producing Douro Valley. Top: Dom Luis I Bridge, Porto | Hieronymites Monastery. Built from 1501 as a explore nearby villages or enjoy a day at leisure. craft your own path during free time. (Active) The incomparable value of your journey lies in the personalized care of Coimbra. Follow narrow alleys bordered with traditional trams. Then visit the Museu do Carro Elétrico, Above: Porto place of spiritual protection, this is where sailors •Guimarães, Cradle of Portugal. During a Visit Nossa Senhora dos Remédios, a splendid ELECTIVE | Sintra, Cascais and Estoril. white houses, vivid tiles and potted geraniums. followed by a tasting of local specialties. Day 10 | São João da Pesqueira | Pinhão you receive from your Travel Director and the knowledge you gain from > Delve into Portuguese and explorers prayed before their expeditions. walking tour, discover the charms of Guimarães, baroque church overlooking the city. Leading to Sintra is home to bright, playful architecture and Discovery: Coimbra. Built atop an ancient history at Guimarães, the Free Time: Enjoy leisure time. Perhaps return the birthplace of Portugal’s first king. Step inside Discovery: the church is a grand staircase with 686 steps, A Note About Activity Levels expert guides and lecturers, who call this area home. Admire the incredible artistry of the towering the National Palace of Sintra with its two iconic Porto’s Wine Road. Travel city considered to be the Roman city, Coimbra’s timeworn streets offer to the city center on our complimentary shuttle. Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira, and visit the nine landings, statues, obelisks and azulejos, By eliminating logistical worries, your multilingual Travel Director Monument to the Discoveries and Belém Tower, white chimneys. Walk the path of Portuguese through the rolling Alto Douro wine region, We want you to have a comfortable and birthplace of Portugal. which celebrates the triumphs of Portugal’s Palace of the Dukes of Bragança, an opulent pausing to revel in a panoramic viewpoint. Visit Portugal’s iconic blue-and-white tiles. enjoyable experience. That’s why we have MS Amalia Rodrigues allows you to immerse yourself comfortably in your surroundings. kings during a guided tour of the well-preserved estate in the city. After, craft your own path of > Explore Porto’s maze São João da Pesqueira, known as the “fishing Spend your final afternoon sailing the Douro rated all of our excursions with activity levels This high-caliber professional makes you feel safe and important discovery in Guimarães. to help you assess this program’s physical MS Amalia Rodrigues, debuting in 2019, joins CroisiEurope’s fleet of fine river ships and of medieval alleys and ground” due to its prime fishing location. Join a Valley as the ship nears Porto. by creating a convivial, welcoming atmosphere. expectations. Depending on the excursion, represents a new generation of European river cruisers. Built specifically for river cruising, the colorful neighborhoods. YOUR INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCE •Douro Walk and Port Wine Tasting. Take walking tour before exploring at your leisure. Tonight, celebrate your exciting river journey more leisurely alternatives may be available. Amalia Rodrigues is small enough to dock at the doorstep of towns and cities along the Douro The other important characters in this story are the guides and Free time means something different to every traveler. You may like to linger in a cozy café or stay on a guided walk along the Atlantic coastline and Continue to a traditional country estate and at a Farewell Reception and Dinner. > Please call or visit our website to review the Appreciate the splendor of the Douro. Pass through São Pedro da Afurada, winery, or a quinta, for a tour of the facilities, a River. With just 66 staterooms and suites, the ship also offers an intimate cruising experience lecturers, whose regional expertise shines in their insider perspective the go. That’s why we design itineraries that allow you to craft an individual travel experience. Day 12 | In Transit itinerary for full details about our activity levels. Salamanca, an elegant a typical Portuguese fishing village where you presentation about port winemaking and a and the utmost in service, safety and convenience. Travelers can relax on the Sun Deck and enjoy and commentary. Spanish city. PERSONALIZE YOUR JOURNEY | PYJ | Included can witness the hum of daily life. Along the way, tasting of the local product. Often characterized Following breakfast, transfer to the airport Excursions on this program require: the passing scenery, or unwind in the lounge or library. Expert chefs prepare meals in the exacting Become intimately engaged in the rhythm of life along the Douro tradition of fine gastronomy. There’s a full breakfast buffet each morning, and at lunch and dinner, > Follow the historic path of Choose from a variety of excursions in selected locales based on your interests. enjoy a beautiful view of Porto and Ribeira as a dessert wine, port is made with indigenous for the return flight to your gateway city. > walking on cobblestones, unpaved paths enjoy expertly prepared meals complemented by local wine. Throughout the cruise, all beverages River, where grapevines swirl across terraced hills and visits to picture- great explorers in Lisbon. Square. Continue to the renowned port wine grapes and embodies sweet, rich flavors. Note: Itinerary may change due to local conditions. or uneven surfaces ELECTIVE EXPERIENCES | At an additional cost (except Champagne and a select list of premium brands) are complimentary. All cabins are perfect towns add a memorable chapter to the rich story of your life. cellars of Vila Nova de Gaia and savor a port Discovery: Portuguese Folklore. Enjoy an Flights and transfers included for AHI FlexAir > getting on/off motor coaches and boats > Delight in day sailing along Further your experience by immersing yourself in specially designed activities. welcoming and provide outside river views and feature individual climate controls, flat-screen wine tasting at one of the cellars. (Active) authentic folk show tonight as singers and participants. the scenic Douro River. Check out our itinerary for more details. We’ve done the legwork. Now the choice is yours. satellite TVs and bathrooms with showers. Wi-Fi is complimentary. Above: Monument to the Discoveries, Lisbon | Cover photo: Cruising the Douro River Indulge in the peaceful beauty along the river. dancers showcase their culture through song. Elective experiences available at an additional cost. Art | Architecture | Culture | Cuisine | History | Natural Beauty ACCOMMODATIONS

Located in the heart of Lisbon‘s Amoreiras neighborhood, the Dom Pedro Palace places you at the center of the city’s best shopping. Dine at Il Gattopardo, featuring Italian dishes, or Bistrot Le Café, which serves regional cuisine. Unwind in the hotel’s serene spa offering a sauna, whirlpool and indoor swimming pool, as well as a fitness room. Wi-Fi is complimentary.

Above: University of Coimbra | Day 8 | Vila Real | Barca d’Alva Below: Nossa Senhora dos Remedios, Lamego DOM PEDRO PALACE LISBON | LISBON Discovery: Vila Real. Encounter the Manor a variety of interesting monuments and landmarks. Solar de Mateus, an 18th-century baroque Visit the illustrious University of Coimbra. The palace, on a guided tour. View the impressive city’s crowning glory opened in 1290 and is one rooftop pinnacles, carved wooden ceilings and of Europe’s oldest universities. See St. Michael’s lavish halls before strolling through the ample Chapel, a historic ceremonial hall and the stunning gardens, which feature box hedges, flowerbeds Hieronymites Monastery, Lisbon Biblioteca Joanina, home to 60,000 volumes. and a cedar tunnel. Walk along the cobbled Dine on savory regional cuisine for lunch. lanes of Vila Real, and sample Cristas de Galo, Day 1 | In Transit Tram, Porto a local pastry made with eggs and almonds. explorers. Then drive through Lisbon’s authentic, After time at leisure in Coimbra, continue to Porto personality-packed neighborhoods, including Depart your gateway city for Lisbon, Portugal. palace. After lunch in Sintra, take a scenic drive, and embark your river ship. Later tonight, join an Return to the ship for lunch. As you continue Bairro Alto, Alfama and Graça. cruising through the Douro Valley, notice the Inspiring Moments Day 2 | Lisbon, Portugal passing Cabo de Roca and pretty Guincho onboard Welcome Reception and Dinner. Free Time: Discover Lisbon at your own pace. Beach. Stop in the delightful fishing village of riverbanks draped with orderly vineyards. Day 6 | Porto Upon arrival in Lisbon, transfer and check in Enrichment: > Travel through the rolling Portuguese Explorers. Learn Cascais for a guided picturesque walk, and Day 9 | Barca d’Alva | Salamanca, Spain to the Dom Pedro Palace Lisbon. PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: hills of the Alto Douro wine about The Age of Discovery and the explorers drive through Estoril on your return to Lisbon. Tonight, gather with your fellow travelers to kick who sailed under the Portuguese flag. PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: region and visit a quinta for Enrichment: Contemporary Portugal. Learn •Porto City Tour. Witness Porto’s historic and Top: Manor Solar de Mateus, Vila Real | off your adventure at a Welcome Reception. Above: Tower of Belém, Lisbon •Salamanca City Tour. Explore the historic A World Apart a port wine tasting. ELECTIVE | Fado Dinner. Savor a delicious about modern Portugal, including the events and modern districts, see a breadth of architectural university town of Salamanca. Visit the ornate Day 3 | Lisbon dinner of Portuguese cuisine and listen to soul- people that have shaped the Portugal of today. styles at the Palácio da Bolsa, and visit the > Walk in the footsteps of Enrichment: Douro Wine Country. Discuss stirring fado, a traditional genre of music with Igreja da São Francisco. Conclude with a port cathedral and tour the famous university. Finish The story of travel involves more than a ticket and a passport. Portuguese aristocracy at Day 5 | Óbidos | Coimbra | Porto the wine-making traditions of the Douro region Discovery: Lisbon Tour. Uncover Lisbon today! melancholic guitar and vocal arrangements. wine tasting. your adventure with lunch and leisure time. It should weave together discovery, education and humanity, the best Mateus Palace. See the Avenue of Liberty, sprawling squares and with a local expert. Check out of the Dom Pedro Palace Lisbon. •Porto by Tram and Flavors of Porto. •Salamanca by Bike. Bicycle along the Río Day 11 | Lamego | Porto parks, and downtown Lisbon before immersing Day 4 | Lisbon elements of any compelling tale. Your personal travel story begins with > Gaze at the world- Discovery: Óbidos. Visit Óbidos, a romantic Experience a bygone era and see the city from a Day 7 | Porto | Peso da Régua Tormes and the Old Town with a guide. Visit the yourself in Portugal’s seafaring history. Visit the Discovery: Lamego. Pretty Lamego is nestled our commitment to delivering authentic experiences with local people. renowned University Free Time: Join today’s Elective Activity to medieval village enclosed within ancient walls. cathedral and the university. After a group lunch, unique perspective aboard one of Porto’s historic PYJ | Choose one of these excursions: in the heart of the port-producing Douro Valley. Top: Dom Luis I Bridge, Porto | Hieronymites Monastery. Built from 1501 as a explore nearby villages or enjoy a day at leisure. craft your own path during free time. (Active) The incomparable value of your journey lies in the personalized care of Coimbra. Follow narrow alleys bordered with traditional trams. Then visit the Museu do Carro Elétrico, Above: Porto place of spiritual protection, this is where sailors •Guimarães, Cradle of Portugal. During a Visit Nossa Senhora dos Remédios, a splendid ELECTIVE | Sintra, Cascais and Estoril. white houses, vivid tiles and potted geraniums. followed by a tasting of local specialties. Day 10 | São João da Pesqueira | Pinhão you receive from your Travel Director and the knowledge you gain from > Delve into Portuguese and explorers prayed before their expeditions. walking tour, discover the charms of Guimarães, baroque church overlooking the city. Leading to Sintra is home to bright, playful architecture and Discovery: Coimbra. Built atop an ancient history at Guimarães, the Free Time: Enjoy leisure time. Perhaps return the birthplace of Portugal’s first king. Step inside Discovery: the church is a grand staircase with 686 steps, A Note About Activity Levels expert guides and lecturers, who call this area home. Admire the incredible artistry of the towering the National Palace of Sintra with its two iconic Porto’s Wine Road. Travel city considered to be the Roman city, Coimbra’s timeworn streets offer to the city center on our complimentary shuttle. Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira, and visit the nine landings, statues, obelisks and azulejos, By eliminating logistical worries, your multilingual Travel Director Monument to the Discoveries and Belém Tower, white chimneys. Walk the path of Portuguese through the rolling Alto Douro wine region, We want you to have a comfortable and birthplace of Portugal. which celebrates the triumphs of Portugal’s Palace of the Dukes of Bragança, an opulent pausing to revel in a panoramic viewpoint. Visit Portugal’s iconic blue-and-white tiles. enjoyable experience. That’s why we have MS Amalia Rodrigues allows you to immerse yourself comfortably in your surroundings. kings during a guided tour of the well-preserved estate in the city. After, craft your own path of > Explore Porto’s maze São João da Pesqueira, known as the “fishing Spend your final afternoon sailing the Douro rated all of our excursions with activity levels This high-caliber professional makes you feel safe and important discovery in Guimarães. to help you assess this program’s physical MS Amalia Rodrigues, debuting in 2019, joins CroisiEurope’s fleet of fine river ships and of medieval alleys and ground” due to its prime fishing location. Join a Valley as the ship nears Porto. by creating a convivial, welcoming atmosphere. expectations. Depending on the excursion, represents a new generation of European river cruisers. Built specifically for river cruising, the colorful neighborhoods. YOUR INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCE •Douro Walk and Port Wine Tasting. Take walking tour before exploring at your leisure. Tonight, celebrate your exciting river journey more leisurely alternatives may be available. Amalia Rodrigues is small enough to dock at the doorstep of towns and cities along the Douro The other important characters in this story are the guides and Free time means something different to every traveler. You may like to linger in a cozy café or stay on a guided walk along the Atlantic coastline and Continue to a traditional country estate and at a Farewell Reception and Dinner. > Please call or visit our website to review the Appreciate the splendor of the Douro. Pass through São Pedro da Afurada, winery, or a quinta, for a tour of the facilities, a River. With just 66 staterooms and suites, the ship also offers an intimate cruising experience lecturers, whose regional expertise shines in their insider perspective the go. That’s why we design itineraries that allow you to craft an individual travel experience. Day 12 | In Transit itinerary for full details about our activity levels. Salamanca, an elegant a typical Portuguese fishing village where you presentation about port winemaking and a and the utmost in service, safety and convenience. Travelers can relax on the Sun Deck and enjoy and commentary. Spanish city. PERSONALIZE YOUR JOURNEY | PYJ | Included can witness the hum of daily life. Along the way, tasting of the local product. Often characterized Following breakfast, transfer to the airport Excursions on this program require: the passing scenery, or unwind in the lounge or library. Expert chefs prepare meals in the exacting Become intimately engaged in the rhythm of life along the Douro tradition of fine gastronomy. There’s a full breakfast buffet each morning, and at lunch and dinner, > Follow the historic path of Choose from a variety of excursions in selected locales based on your interests. enjoy a beautiful view of Porto and Ribeira as a dessert wine, port is made with indigenous for the return flight to your gateway city. > walking on cobblestones, unpaved paths enjoy expertly prepared meals complemented by local wine. Throughout the cruise, all beverages River, where grapevines swirl across terraced hills and visits to picture- great explorers in Lisbon. Square. Continue to the renowned port wine grapes and embodies sweet, rich flavors. Note: Itinerary may change due to local conditions. or uneven surfaces ELECTIVE EXPERIENCES | At an additional cost (except Champagne and a select list of premium brands) are complimentary. All cabins are perfect towns add a memorable chapter to the rich story of your life. cellars of Vila Nova de Gaia and savor a port Discovery: Portuguese Folklore. Enjoy an Flights and transfers included for AHI FlexAir > getting on/off motor coaches and boats > Delight in day sailing along Further your experience by immersing yourself in specially designed activities. welcoming and provide outside river views and feature individual climate controls, flat-screen wine tasting at one of the cellars. (Active) authentic folk show tonight as singers and participants. the scenic Douro River. Check out our itinerary for more details. We’ve done the legwork. Now the choice is yours. satellite TVs and bathrooms with showers. Wi-Fi is complimentary. Above: Monument to the Discoveries, Lisbon | Cover photo: Cruising the Douro River Indulge in the peaceful beauty along the river. dancers showcase their culture through song. Elective experiences available at an additional cost. Ì I/we authorizeyoutomakemy/ourreservationsasfollows: Sharing with______(Formsentseparately) Home: (______)______Cell: ZIP:______State: ______City: ______Street Address: ______Email: ______2) ______E 1) ______Full LegalName(exactlyasitappearsonpassport) make areservation. Please contactAHITravel at800-323-7373 RomanceoftheDouro River Send to PARTICIPATING AIRLINES-all IATA andARCMember Carriers©2019AHI Travel PrintedintheUSA. 520 OhioSeller ofTravel Reg.No.8889139. Washington StateSellerofTravel Reg.No.601-820-781. CST RegistrationNo.2028271-20. Fla.SellerofTravel Reg.No.ST-33300 IowaSellerof Travel No. All priceslistedare inUSD.Specialoffers, promotions anddiscountscannotbecombined. conditions setoutherein, includingbutnotlimited tothecancellationterms. Please note: Ì Single Accommodations Ì Land |CruiseProgram Ì Land Ì Enclosed isadepositof______($600pprequired) toreserve ______place(s). Make checkspayabletoAHITravel. payment maybemadebypersonalcheck,MasterCard, Visa, DiscoverorAmex. Reservations received afterthisdatemustbeaccompaniedbypaymentinfull.Final basis. ReservationstobepaidinfullbyJuly16,2020 Reservations are subjecttoavailabilityandprocessed onafirst-come,first-served ______Ì ______Card #______

mail: ______Trip #:3-25094W Title First Middle Last DateofBirth Last Middle First Title T Cabin CategoryDesired:1stchoice______2nd I prefersingleaccommodations(supplementwaived,limitedavailability). I/we willmakemy/ourownairarrangementsandtransfers. I/we reservetheLand|CruiseProgramandrequest AHI FlexAirtoLisbon, Accept mycheckmadepayableto Charge my:Ì Portugal, withareturnfromPortotodepartfrom: itle First Middle Last DateofBirth Last Middle First itle | CruiseProgramand AHI FlexAir Chicago, IL60631 8550 W. BrynMawrAvenue Tower-SuiteInternational 600 c/o AHITravel Penn AlumniTravel Any paymenttoAHITravel constitutes youracceptanceofthetermsand Reserve yourDouroRiver cruisetoday! MasterCard Ì (Signature asitappearsoncredit card) Visa Ì Departure City AHI Travel. Discover Ì with questionsregarding thistriporto Expires______/______Amex (75 dayspriortodeparture). penalties assessed bytheairlinesandtransfer suppliers. portation andprivatetransferpurchases aresubjectonlyto fully non-refundable45daysprior todeparture. Air trans- cursions, tripextensions andadditionalhotelnightsbecome CANCELLATION OF TRIP OPTIONS-Purchasesofoptionalex- lations mustbesubmittedinwriting to AHI Travel. RESERVE.cancel- SENT AFTERYOUAll PLICATIONBE WILL IS AVAILABLE.trip.CANCELLATIONINSURANCE TRIP ANAP- ture willresultin100%forfeitureoftheentirecost person; cancellationfrom29daysuptothetimeofdepar- the tripperperson;75-30days, 50%ofthetripcostper parture willresultinforfeitureof15%theentirecost cruise. Cancellationfrom120daysto76priorde- valid towardthepurchaseofan AHI Cruisesindependent part oftheinitialdeposit. Itisnon-transferableandnot will beappliedtothefinalbillingandmaynotusedas ate inthecurrentcalendaryearorfollowing. The credit ministrative feetoafuture AHI Travel programthatwilloper- choose, atthetimeofcancellation, toapplythewithheldad- subject toa$300perpersonadministrativefee. You may CANCELLATION-All cancellationsforanyreasonwillbe and/or purchaserofthistrip. sole contractbetweenthecompany(ies)andpassenger passage contractinuse, whenissued, shallconstitutethe time passengersarenotonboardtheirconveyances. The held responsibleforanyact, omission, orevent, duringthe other transportationcompaniesconcernedarenottobe cific pre-departurepassengerinformation. The airlinesand the termsofthiscontractsetouthereinandinmorespe- hazard forhimself/herselforotherpassengersandaccepts mental orotherconditionofdisabilitythatwouldcreatea posit, thepassengercertifiesthathe/shehasnophysical, no claimotherthanforafullrefund. Byforwardingthede- program iscanceledforanyreason, participantsshallhave sole responsibilityoftheownersatalltimes. Iftheentire individual passenger. Baggageandpersonaleffectsarethe standing thatanyadditionalexpenseswillbepaidbythe tice, thatmightbecomenecessary, withthemutualunder- tomakeanychanges,right isreserved withorwithoutno- oritsincludedfeaturesareanticipated;however,erary the before thetimeofdeparture. Norevisionsoftheprinteditin- current atthetimeofprinting, aresubjecttochangeator and basedontariffs, exchangerates andotherinformation Program Detailsand Tour costs, althoughgiveningoodfaith or foranyadditionalexpensesoccasionedthereby. Dates, tels orofcommoncarrierequipment, withorwithoutnotice, orforanysubstitutionofho- transportation orotherservices ever causedinconnectionwithanyaccommodations, chanical defect, failureornegligenceofanynaturehowso- topersonorpropertyaccident,damage orinjury me- departure orarrival, missedcarrierconnections, loss, death, ing Association arenotresponsibleforanydelays, delayed addition andwithoutlimitation, AHI Travel andtheSponsor- w Sponsoring Association arenotliableforanynegligenceor are independentcontractors. As aresult, AHI Travel andthe commodations orotherservices. All suchpersonsorentities independent suppliersoftravelconveyance, transport, ac- forthisprogram,or services andactonlyasagentsforthe tion donotownoroperateanyentitywhichprovidesgoods RESPONSIBILITY-AHI Travel andtheSponsoring Associa- marketing, advertising, publicityand/ortrainingactivities. recordings includedwithanyvideos, in AHI Travel's sales, graphic andvideorecordingsofyou, aswellvoice or obtainingadditionalapprovalsfromyou, toincludephoto- authorize AHI Travel, withoutprovidingcompensationtoyou, and tripactivities. Byparticipatinginthistravelprogram, you participants, photographicorvideoimagesofpassengers On occasion, AHI Travel obtains, fromitsstaff, orfromtrip AUTHORITY TOUSEIMAGESANDAUDIORECORDINGS- throughout thetravelprogram. of baggageandpersonaleffectsisattheowner'srisk in yourtripprice;planwardrobeaccordingly. Transport oversized/overweight piecesareexpensiveandnotincluded tice. Excessbaggagechargesfor additionalor allowances aresubjecttochangebythecarrierwithoutno- vided withyourpre-departureinformation. Baggage flown.line policyandtheclassofservice Detailswillbepro- accordingtotheair-BAGGAGE-Baggage restrictionsvary travel dates, orairlineschedule(s). curred asaresultofprogramcancellationand/orchangein departure transfers, andanyairlinefeesorpenaltiesin- tions independentlywillbewhollyresponsibleforarrivaland Passengers whochoosetomaketheirownairlinereserva- QUESTED NOLATER THAN 60DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE. VARIATIONS TO THE GROUPITINERARY MUSTBERE- you willbechargedthehigher, allyearEconomyclassfare. ticketing. After departure, arechanged, ifthereservations arechangedorcanceledafter the airlinesifreservations case penaltiesofasmuch100%maybeassessedby quested, specialpromotionalfaresmaybeused, inwhich ticket pricemaybelevied. Ifconnectingflightsarere- fares. After ticketsareissued, penaltiesupto100%ofthe fered by AHI Travel isbasedon Advance PurchaseExcursion AIR TRANSPORTATION-The priceofairtransportationof- sponsible forprovidingallrequiredassistance. who isfitandabletoassistthem, andwhowillbetotallyre- ca illful actofanysuchpersonorentitythirdperson. In -Fees forpassportsand, ifapplicable, visas; > > offers thefollowingadvantages: you inbookingflights.Ourpersonalizedairprogram > > > S1-Upper Deck (Aft) $6,045 $250 $5,795 $250 $6,045 S1-Upper Deck(Aft) $5,595 $250 $5,845 S2-Middle Deck(Aft) $5,295 $250 $5,545 A-Upper Deck(Forward) $5,095 $250 $5,345 B-Upper Deck(Aft) $4,695 $250 $4,945 C-Middle Deck(Aft) $4,495 $250 $4,745 D-Middle Deck(Aft) $3,995 $250 $4,245 E-Main Deck SpecialPrice* SpecialSavings FullPrice Category-Deck LAND |CRUISE PROGRAM PROGRAM DATES Let usarrange your flights! 0-2-33 800-323-7373 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Travel stress-freewith AHIFlexAir.

Land|CruiseProgramdates: S1 features aprivateterraceandFrench balcony,S2andA-DhaveaFrench balconyandEhasapicture window. Single supplementwaivedforsolotravelers! arrival anddeparture transfers increases afterticket purchase. flexibility price guarantee to policyterms. flight insurance or delays. assistance most flights. without penaltyupto60daysbefore departure on Old CityofSalamanca Tower ofBelém Hieronymites and Monastery ofthe University ofCoimbra Region Alto Douro Wine of Guimarães Historic Center and theDomLuisIBridge Historic CenterofOporto VAT, PortTax andServicesupplementisanadditional$395perperson.Allpricesquotedare inUSD,perperson, World Heritage i rga ae: September29–October10,2020 Air Programdates: AHI FlexAir All cabinsoffer riverviewsandhavebathroom withshower, flat-screen TV, hairdryer, safeandcloset. UNESCO based ondoubleoccupancyanddonotincludeairtransportationcosts(unlessotherwisestated). to changeorcancelyourreservations in theeventofschedulechanges to protect youfrom fuelsurcharge *Special Pricevalidifbookedbythedatefoundonaddress panel. worth upto$250,000,subject | Ourexpertsare ready toassist Cathedral, Salamanca on group dates. This offer islimited,capacity-controlled andtendsto selloutquickly. September 30–October10,2020 Guimarães takes youradventure tothenextlevel. suggesting thebestcaféorpubtosharingalaughoverstories oftheday,ourdedicatedteam On theground, three layersoftop-qualityprofessionals offer theirinsiders’perspective.From Once youarrive: > > > > > > Before yougo: of alifetime. we are here toensure youhavetheadventure From yourreservation toyourreturnhome, AHI Travel Expertise 10breakfasts, 7lunchesanddinners, • Extensive Meal Program Deluxemotorcoachtransfersduringthe • Transfers • • (with baggagehandling) Accommodations compiled byourtravel-savvyteamtoprepare youfullyforyourjourney. its heritage. and current events.Thebreadth oftheir knowledgedeepensyourappreciation for theregion and Lecturers country withyou. educated andcurioustravelers. Warm andgenuine,they’re ready toshare theirpassionfor selected informedandenthusiastic localprofessional guideswhounderstand theneedsofour Expert Guides enjoy anunforgettabletravelexperience. ambience. Resourceful, knowledgeableandattentive,your Travel Director helpstoensure you professional whowillmanageallthelogistics,allowingyoutorelax andsimplysoakupthe Travel Director Travel Information Passenger ServiceRepresentative guide youthrough thereservation process. questions aboutactivities,meals,accommodationsandmore asthey Travel Consultants arranging flightstobookingelectiveactivitiesfulfillingspecial requests. will helpyouwitheverythingfrom enjoy personalizedassistancefrom thisspecialist,youronepointofcontactwho chartered, and premium brands. plus alldrinksonboard exceptChampagne including Welcome andFarewell Dinners; Land |CruiseProgram, plusbaggagehandling. 7 nights Dom Pedro PalaceLisbon. 3 nights aboard the in Lisbon,Portugal,atthefirst-class | Comingfrom allwalksoflife,ourentertaining locallecturers openyoureyestohistory first-class MSAmaliaRodrigues. | Whobettertoshowyouaround thanthepeoplewholivethere? We’ve specially | Throughoutyouwillbeinthecare yourjourney, ofaseasonedAHItravel exclusively | Theseexpertsstandready toanswer your | Receiveextensivedestinationinformationandtraveltips INCLUDED FEATURES | Onceyouhavereserved yourspot, excursions inthesetowns: PERSONALIZE YOUR JOURNEY|PYJ • •Expert-ledYour One-of-a-Kind Journey Complimentarytravelmementos. • ofguidesanddrivers. Tipping • ApersonalVOXheadsettohearyourEnglish- • Welcome andFarewell Receptionstomingle • Free timetopursueyourowninterests. • –Porto (Day 7)| –Porto (Day 6)| –Porto Enjoythehighlightsofpretty Lamego. – through Journey theDouro Valley andsavor – SolardeMateus,an18th-century Visit – theallure Discover ofromantic Óbidos. – Explore Coimbra,witnessingstoriedsites – thevibrantcapitalofLisbon. Uncover – culture, heritageandhistory: Discovery excursions your insightintotheregion. speaking guideclearly. with fellowtravelers. d’Alva–Barca | Choose fromaselectionof Portugal |Douro Walk &PortTasting ( Tram &FlavorsofPorto a portwinetastingatlocal baroque Real. palaceinVila within theUniversityofCoimbra. Salamanca byBike( Enrichment programs Salamanca CityTour | Guimarães, Cradleof Porto CityTour |Portoby Active) highlight thelocal quinta. enhance Active )

program expensessupportsPennAlumniprogramming. number ofpartnerships.Anyrevenue thatmay begeneratedfrom PennAlumniTravel aboveour Penn AlumniTravel isproud tooffer valuabletripsandprograms toalumniandfriendsthrough a Dear Penn Alumni andFriends,

Penn AlumniTravel Assistant Director, PennAlumniEducationandTravel Emilie C.K.LaRosa warmregardsWith from Penn, so weencourageyoutomakeyourreservation today! personalize yourcruisebyjoiningexcursionsofchoiceonselectdays.Spaceislimited, ambience andnostalgicantiquity! region’s eponymous sweetportwine.Prepare toloseyourselfinPortugal’s old-world the SpanishcityofSalamanca,andtemptyourpalatewithtantalizingcuisine,including RealandLamego,spendadayin and hilltopvillages.Alongtheway,witnesscharmingVila architecture. Continuewithseven nightscruisingtheDouro River, passingcolorfulvineyards spell, delightinginthecity’s storiedportwineculture andmosaicofscarletgolden andcenturies-oldtramsstillnavigatetwistinglanes.ThenfallunderPorto’sjourneys alluring culture andhistoryofLisbonPorto. fellow Pennalumniaswerevel intheDouro Valley’s stunninglandscapes,andthrilltothe joinProfessorterraced vineyards.On GwendolynDuBoisShawand this10-nightjourney, 800-323-7373 800-323-7373 Enjoy anintimatecruisingexperienceonasmallshipbuiltspecificallyforrivertravel,and withthreeBegin yourjourney nightsinLisbon,where explorers launchedhistory-making The romantic Douro Riverflowsgentlythrough avisualwonderlandofsculptedhillsand Coimbra

Penn Alumni Travel E. Craig Sweeten Alumni House 3533 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104-6226

DOURO20 35

800-323-7373 Fado musician Porto Discover the splendor of Lisbon, Porto and the Douro Valley!

AHI Travel’s mission is to deliver Presorted Std. inspirational educational and cultural U.S. Postage travel programs that delight travelers. Paid Please call or refer to our AHI Travel With AHI you can rely on: website for the most current • Experienced Travel Directors who program information, attend to every detail of your journey. • An exceptional travel value. discounts and pricing. • Unique access to local sites. • Flexibility and customization. • Safety and security. Featuring Penn Professor Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw Lisbon | Porto | Alto Douro Wine Region Lisbon |PortoAltoDouro Wine or River Douro September 29–October 10, 2020 Romance of the S PONSORED B Y SUPPLEMENT NO SINGLE NO Travelers for Solo for Solo PARTICIPATING AIRLINES-all IATA andARCMember Carriers©2019AHI Travel PrintedintheUSA. 520 OhioSeller ofTravel Reg.No.8889139. Washington StateSellerofTravel Reg.No.601-820-781. CST RegistrationNo.2028271-20. Fla.SellerofTravel Reg.No.ST-33300 IowaSellerof Travel No. All priceslistedare inUSD.Specialoffers, promotions anddiscountscannotbecombined. conditions setoutherein, includingbutnotlimited tothecancellationterms. Please note: Ì Single Accommodations Ì Land |CruiseProgram Ì I/we authorizeyoutomakemy/ourreservationsasfollows: Sharing with______(Formsentseparately) Home: (______)______Cell: ZIP:______State: ______City: ______Street Address: ______Email: ______2) ______E 1) ______Full LegalName(exactlyasitappearsonpassport) make areservation. Please contactAHITravel at800-323-7373 RomanceoftheDouro River Send to Ì Ì Enclosed isadepositof______($600pprequired) toreserve ______place(s). Make checkspayabletoAHITravel. payment maybemadebypersonalcheck,MasterCard, Visa, DiscoverorAmex. Reservations received afterthisdatemustbeaccompaniedbypaymentinfull.Final basis. ReservationstobepaidinfullbyJuly16,2020 Reservations are subjecttoavailabilityandprocessed onafirst-come,first-served ______Ì Land ______Card #______

mail: ______Trip #:3-25094W Title First Middle Last DateofBirth Last Middle First Title T I prefersingleaccommodations(supplementwaived,limitedavailability). I/we willmakemy/ourownairarrangementsandtransfers. Cabin CategoryDesired:1stchoice______2nd Charge my:Ì Accept mycheckmadepayableto I/we reservetheLand|CruiseProgramandrequest AHI FlexAirtoLisbon, Portugal, withareturnfromPortotodepartfrom: itle First Middle Last DateofBirth Last Middle First itle | CruiseProgramand AHI FlexAir Chicago, IL60631 8550 W. BrynMawrAvenue Tower-SuiteInternational 600 c/o AHITravel Penn AlumniTravel Any paymenttoAHITravel constitutes youracceptanceofthetermsand Reserve yourDouroRiver cruisetoday! MasterCard Ì (Signature asitappearsoncredit card) Visa Ì Departure City AHI Travel. Discover Ì with questionsregarding thistriporto Expires______/______Amex (75 dayspriortodeparture). penalties assessed bytheairlinesandtransfer suppliers. portation andprivatetransferpurchases aresubjectonlyto fully non-refundable45daysprior todeparture. Air trans- cursions, tripextensions andadditionalhotelnightsbecome CANCELLATION OF TRIP OPTIONS-Purchasesofoptionalex- lations mustbesubmittedinwriting to AHI Travel. RESERVE.cancel- SENT AFTERYOUAll PLICATIONBE WILL IS AVAILABLE.trip.CANCELLATIONINSURANCE TRIP ANAP- ture willresultin100%forfeitureoftheentirecost person; cancellationfrom29daysuptothetimeofdepar- the tripperperson;75-30days, 50%ofthetripcostper parture willresultinforfeitureof15%theentirecost cruise. Cancellationfrom120daysto76priorde- valid towardthepurchaseofan AHI Cruisesindependent part oftheinitialdeposit. Itisnon-transferableandnot will beappliedtothefinalbillingandmaynotusedas ate inthecurrentcalendaryearorfollowing. The credit ministrative feetoafuture AHI Travel programthatwilloper- choose, atthetimeofcancellation, toapplythewithheldad- subject toa$300perpersonadministrativefee. You may CANCELLATION-All cancellationsforanyreasonwillbe and/or purchaserofthistrip. sole contractbetweenthecompany(ies)andpassenger passage contractinuse, whenissued, shallconstitutethe time passengersarenotonboardtheirconveyances. The held responsibleforanyact, omission, orevent, duringthe other transportationcompaniesconcernedarenottobe cific pre-departurepassengerinformation. The airlinesand the termsofthiscontractsetouthereinandinmorespe- hazard forhimself/herselforotherpassengersandaccepts mental orotherconditionofdisabilitythatwouldcreatea posit, thepassengercertifiesthathe/shehasnophysical, no claimotherthanforafullrefund. Byforwardingthede- program iscanceledforanyreason, participantsshallhave sole responsibilityoftheownersatalltimes. Iftheentire individual passenger. Baggageandpersonaleffectsarethe standing thatanyadditionalexpenseswillbepaidbythe tice, thatmightbecomenecessary, withthemutualunder- tomakeanychanges,right isreserved withorwithoutno- oritsincludedfeaturesareanticipated;however,erary the before thetimeofdeparture. Norevisionsoftheprinteditin- current atthetimeofprinting, aresubjecttochangeator and basedontariffs, exchangerates andotherinformation Program Detailsand Tour costs, althoughgiveningoodfaith or foranyadditionalexpensesoccasionedthereby. Dates, tels orofcommoncarrierequipment, withorwithoutnotice, orforanysubstitutionofho- transportation orotherservices ever causedinconnectionwithanyaccommodations, chanical defect, failureornegligenceofanynaturehowso- topersonorpropertyaccident,damage orinjury me- departure orarrival, missedcarrierconnections, loss, death, ing Association arenotresponsibleforanydelays, delayed addition andwithoutlimitation, AHI Travel andtheSponsor- w Sponsoring Association arenotliableforanynegligenceor are independentcontractors. As aresult, AHI Travel andthe commodations orotherservices. All suchpersonsorentities independent suppliersoftravelconveyance, transport, ac- forthisprogram,or services andactonlyasagentsforthe tion donotownoroperateanyentitywhichprovidesgoods RESPONSIBILITY-AHI Travel andtheSponsoring Associa- marketing, advertising, publicityand/ortrainingactivities. recordings includedwithanyvideos, in AHI Travel's sales, graphic andvideorecordingsofyou, aswellvoice or obtainingadditionalapprovalsfromyou, toincludephoto- authorize AHI Travel, withoutprovidingcompensationtoyou, and tripactivities. Byparticipatinginthistravelprogram, you participants, photographicorvideoimagesofpassengers On occasion, AHI Travel obtains, fromitsstaff, orfromtrip AUTHORITY TOUSEIMAGESANDAUDIORECORDINGS- throughout thetravelprogram. of baggageandpersonaleffectsisattheowner'srisk in yourtripprice;planwardrobeaccordingly. Transport oversized/overweight piecesareexpensiveandnotincluded tice. Excessbaggagechargesfor additionalor allowances aresubjecttochangebythecarrierwithoutno- vided withyourpre-departureinformation. Baggage flown.line policyandtheclassofservice Detailswillbepro- accordingtotheair-BAGGAGE-Baggage restrictionsvary travel dates, orairlineschedule(s). curred asaresultofprogramcancellationand/orchangein departure transfers, andanyairlinefeesorpenaltiesin- tions independentlywillbewhollyresponsibleforarrivaland Passengers whochoosetomaketheirownairlinereserva- QUESTED NOLATER THAN 60DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE. VARIATIONS TO THE GROUPITINERARY MUSTBERE- you willbechargedthehigher, allyearEconomyclassfare. ticketing. After departure, arechanged, ifthereservations arechangedorcanceledafter the airlinesifreservations case penaltiesofasmuch100%maybeassessedby quested, specialpromotionalfaresmaybeused, inwhich ticket pricemaybelevied. Ifconnectingflightsarere- fares. After ticketsareissued, penaltiesupto100%ofthe fered by AHI Travel isbasedon Advance PurchaseExcursion AIR TRANSPORTATION-The priceofairtransportationof- sponsible forprovidingallrequiredassistance. who isfitandabletoassistthem, andwhowillbetotallyre- ca illful actofanysuchpersonorentitythirdperson. In -Fees forpassportsand, ifapplicable, visas; > > > > > offers thefollowingadvantages: you inbookingflights.Ourpersonalizedairprogram Let usarrange your flights! $5,795 $250 $6,045 S1-Upper Deck(Aft) $5,595 $250 $5,845 S2-Middle Deck(Aft) $5,295 $250 $5,545 A-Upper Deck(Forward) $5,095 $250 $5,345 B-Upper Deck(Aft) $4,695 $250 $4,945 C-Middle Deck(Aft) $4,495 $250 $4,745 D-Middle Deck(Aft) $3,995 $250 $4,245 E-Main Deck SpecialPrice* SpecialSavings FullPrice Category-Deck LAND |CRUISE PROGRAM PROGRAM DATES 0-2-33 800-323-7373 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Travel stress-freewith AHIFlexAir.

Land|CruiseProgramdates: S1 features aprivateterraceandFrench balcony,S2andA-DhaveaFrench balconyandEhasapicture window. Single supplementwaivedforsolotravelers! to policyterms. flight insurance or delays. assistance most flights. without penaltyupto60daysbefore departure on flexibility arrival anddeparture transfers increases afterticket purchase. price guarantee Old CityofSalamanca Tower ofBelém Hieronymites and Monastery ofthe University ofCoimbra Region Alto Douro Wine of Guimarães Historic Center and theDomLuisIBridge Historic CenterofOporto VAT, PortTax andServicesupplementisanadditional$395perperson.Allpricesquotedare inUSD,perperson, World Heritage i rga ae: September29–October10,2020 Air Programdates: AHI FlexAir All cabinsoffer riverviewsandhavebathroom withshower, flat-screen TV, hairdryer, safeandcloset. UNESCO based ondoubleoccupancyanddonotincludeairtransportationcosts(unlessotherwisestated). to changeorcancelyourreservations in theeventofschedulechanges to protect youfrom fuelsurcharge *Special Pricevalidifbookedbythedatefoundonaddress panel. worth upto$250,000,subject | Ourexpertsare ready toassist Cathedral, Salamanca on group dates. This offer islimited,capacity-controlled andtendsto selloutquickly. September 30–October10,2020 Guimarães takes youradventure tothenextlevel. suggesting thebestcaféorpubtosharingalaughoverstories oftheday,ourdedicatedteam On theground, three layersoftop-qualityprofessionals offer theirinsiders’perspective.From Once youarrive: > > > > > > Before yougo: of alifetime. we are here toensure youhavetheadventure From yourreservation toyourreturnhome, AHI Travel Expertise 10breakfasts, 7lunchesanddinners, • Extensive Meal Program Deluxemotorcoachtransfersduringthe • Transfers • (with baggagehandling) Accommodations • its heritage. and current events.Thebreadth oftheir knowledgedeepensyourappreciation for theregion and Lecturers country withyou. educated andcurioustravelers. Warm andgenuine,they’re ready toshare theirpassionfor selected informedandenthusiastic localprofessional guideswhounderstand theneedsofour Expert Guides enjoy anunforgettabletravelexperience. ambience. Resourceful, knowledgeableandattentive,your Travel Director helpstoensure you professional whowillmanageallthelogistics,allowingyoutorelax andsimplysoakupthe Travel Director compiled byourtravel-savvyteamtoprepare youfullyforyourjourney. Travel Information arranging flightstobookingelectiveactivitiesfulfillingspecial requests. will helpyouwitheverythingfrom enjoy personalizedassistancefrom thisspecialist,youronepointofcontactwho Passenger ServiceRepresentative guide youthrough thereservation process. questions aboutactivities,meals,accommodationsandmore asthey Travel Consultants chartered, and premium brands. plus alldrinksonboard exceptChampagne including Welcome andFarewell Dinners; Land |CruiseProgram, plusbaggagehandling. 7 nights Dom Pedro PalaceLisbon. 3 nights aboard the in Lisbon,Portugal,atthefirst-class | Comingfrom allwalksoflife,ourentertaining locallecturers openyoureyestohistory first-class MSAmaliaRodrigues. | Whobettertoshowyouaround thanthepeoplewholivethere? We’ve specially | Throughoutyouwillbeinthecare yourjourney, ofaseasonedAHItravel exclusively | Theseexpertsstandready toanswer your | Receiveextensivedestinationinformationandtraveltips INCLUDED FEATURES | Onceyouhavereserved yourspot, •Expert-ledYour One-of-a-Kind Journey excursions inthesetowns: PERSONALIZE YOUR JOURNEY|PYJ • Complimentarytravelmementos. • ofguidesanddrivers. Tipping • ApersonalVOXheadsettohearyourEnglish- • Welcome andFarewell Receptionstomingle • Free timetopursueyourowninterests. • Enjoythehighlightsofpretty Lamego. – –Porto (Day 6)| –Porto through Journey theDouro Valley andsavor – SolardeMateus,an18th-century Visit – theallure Discover ofromantic Óbidos. – Explore Coimbra,witnessingstoriedsites – thevibrantcapitalofLisbon. Uncover – culture, heritageandhistory: Discovery excursions your insightintotheregion. –Porto (Day 7)| –Porto –Barca d’Alva–Barca | speaking guideclearly. with fellowtravelers. Choose fromaselectionof Portugal |Douro Walk &PortTasting ( a portwinetastingatlocal baroque Real. palaceinVila within theUniversityofCoimbra. Tram &FlavorsofPorto Salamanca byBike( Enrichment programs Salamanca CityTour | Guimarães, Cradleof Porto CityTour |Portoby Active) highlight thelocal quinta. enhance Active )

program expensessupportsPennAlumniprogramming. number ofpartnerships.Anyrevenue thatmay begeneratedfrom PennAlumniTravel aboveour Penn AlumniTravel isproud tooffer valuabletripsandprograms toalumniandfriendsthrough a Dear Penn Alumni andFriends,

Penn AlumniTravel Assistant Director, PennAlumniEducationandTravel Emilie C.K.LaRosa warmregardsWith from Penn, so weencourageyoutomakeyourreservation today! personalize yourcruisebyjoiningexcursionsofchoiceonselectdays.Spaceislimited, ambience andnostalgicantiquity! region’s eponymous sweetportwine.Prepare toloseyourselfinPortugal’s old-world the SpanishcityofSalamanca,andtemptyourpalatewithtantalizingcuisine,including RealandLamego,spendadayin and hilltopvillages.Alongtheway,witnesscharmingVila architecture. Continuewithseven nightscruisingtheDouro River, passingcolorfulvineyards spell, delightinginthecity’s storiedportwineculture andmosaicofscarletgolden andcenturies-oldtramsstillnavigatetwistinglanes.ThenfallunderPorto’sjourneys alluring culture andhistoryofLisbonPorto. fellow Pennalumniaswerevel intheDouro Valley’s stunninglandscapes,andthrilltothe joinProfessorterraced vineyards.On GwendolynDuBoisShawand this10-nightjourney, 800-323-7373 800-323-7373 The romantic Douro Riverflowsgentlythrough avisualwonderlandofsculptedhillsand Enjoy anintimatecruisingexperienceonasmallshipbuiltspecificallyforrivertravel,and withthreeBegin yourjourney nightsinLisbon,where explorers launchedhistory-making Coimbra

Penn Alumni Travel E. Craig Sweeten Alumni House 3533 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104-6226

DOURO20 35

800-323-7373 Fado musician Porto Discover the splendor of Lisbon, Porto and the Douro Valley!

AHI Travel’s mission is to deliver Presorted Std. inspirational educational and cultural U.S. Postage travel programs that delight travelers. Paid Please call or refer to our AHI Travel With AHI you can rely on: website for the most current • Experienced Travel Directors who program information, attend to every detail of your journey. • An exceptional travel value. discounts and pricing. • Unique access to local sites. • Flexibility and customization. • Safety and security. Featuring Penn Professor Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw Lisbon | Porto | Alto Douro Wine Region Lisbon |PortoAltoDouro Wine or River Douro September 29–October 10, 2020 Romance of the S PONSORED B Y SUPPLEMENT NO SINGLE NO Travelers for Solo for Solo PARTICIPATING AIRLINES-all IATA andARCMember Carriers©2019AHI Travel PrintedintheUSA. 520 OhioSeller ofTravel Reg.No.8889139. Washington StateSellerofTravel Reg.No.601-820-781. CST RegistrationNo.2028271-20. Fla.SellerofTravel Reg.No.ST-33300 IowaSellerof Travel No. All priceslistedare inUSD.Specialoffers, promotions anddiscountscannotbecombined. conditions setoutherein, includingbutnotlimited tothecancellationterms. Please note: Ì Single Accommodations Ì Land |CruiseProgram Ì I/we authorizeyoutomakemy/ourreservationsasfollows: Sharing with______(Formsentseparately) Home: (______)______Cell: ZIP:______State: ______City: ______Street Address: ______Email: ______2) ______E 1) ______Full LegalName(exactlyasitappearsonpassport) make areservation. Please contactAHITravel at800-323-7373 RomanceoftheDouro River Send to Ì Ì Enclosed isadepositof______($600pprequired) toreserve ______place(s). Make checkspayabletoAHITravel. payment maybemadebypersonalcheck,MasterCard, Visa, DiscoverorAmex. Reservations received afterthisdatemustbeaccompaniedbypaymentinfull.Final basis. ReservationstobepaidinfullbyJuly16,2020 Reservations are subjecttoavailabilityandprocessed onafirst-come,first-served ______Ì Land ______Card #______

mail: ______Trip #:3-25094W Title First Middle Last DateofBirth Last Middle First Title T I prefersingleaccommodations(supplementwaived,limitedavailability). I/we willmakemy/ourownairarrangementsandtransfers. Cabin CategoryDesired:1stchoice______2nd Charge my:Ì Accept mycheckmadepayableto I/we reservetheLand|CruiseProgramandrequest AHI FlexAirtoLisbon, Portugal, withareturnfromPortotodepartfrom: itle First Middle Last DateofBirth Last Middle First itle | CruiseProgramand AHI FlexAir Chicago, IL60631 8550 W. BrynMawrAvenue Tower-SuiteInternational 600 c/o AHITravel Penn AlumniTravel Any paymenttoAHITravel constitutes youracceptanceofthetermsand Reserve yourDouroRiver cruisetoday! MasterCard Ì (Signature asitappearsoncredit card) Visa Ì Departure City AHI Travel. Discover Ì with questionsregarding thistriporto Expires______/______Amex (75 dayspriortodeparture). penalties assessed bytheairlinesandtransfer suppliers. portation andprivatetransferpurchases aresubjectonlyto fully non-refundable45daysprior todeparture. Air trans- cursions, tripextensions andadditionalhotelnightsbecome CANCELLATION OF TRIP OPTIONS-Purchasesofoptionalex- lations mustbesubmittedinwriting to AHI Travel. RESERVE.cancel- SENT AFTERYOUAll PLICATIONBE WILL IS AVAILABLE.trip.CANCELLATIONINSURANCE TRIP ANAP- ture willresultin100%forfeitureoftheentirecost person; cancellationfrom29daysuptothetimeofdepar- the tripperperson;75-30days, 50%ofthetripcostper parture willresultinforfeitureof15%theentirecost cruise. Cancellationfrom120daysto76priorde- valid towardthepurchaseofan AHI Cruisesindependent part oftheinitialdeposit. Itisnon-transferableandnot will beappliedtothefinalbillingandmaynotusedas ate inthecurrentcalendaryearorfollowing. The credit ministrative feetoafuture AHI Travel programthatwilloper- choose, atthetimeofcancellation, toapplythewithheldad- subject toa$300perpersonadministrativefee. You may CANCELLATION-All cancellationsforanyreasonwillbe and/or purchaserofthistrip. sole contractbetweenthecompany(ies)andpassenger passage contractinuse, whenissued, shallconstitutethe time passengersarenotonboardtheirconveyances. The held responsibleforanyact, omission, orevent, duringthe other transportationcompaniesconcernedarenottobe cific pre-departurepassengerinformation. The airlinesand the termsofthiscontractsetouthereinandinmorespe- hazard forhimself/herselforotherpassengersandaccepts mental orotherconditionofdisabilitythatwouldcreatea posit, thepassengercertifiesthathe/shehasnophysical, no claimotherthanforafullrefund. Byforwardingthede- program iscanceledforanyreason, participantsshallhave sole responsibilityoftheownersatalltimes. Iftheentire individual passenger. Baggageandpersonaleffectsarethe standing thatanyadditionalexpenseswillbepaidbythe tice, thatmightbecomenecessary, withthemutualunder- tomakeanychanges,right isreserved withorwithoutno- oritsincludedfeaturesareanticipated;however,erary the before thetimeofdeparture. Norevisionsoftheprinteditin- current atthetimeofprinting, aresubjecttochangeator and basedontariffs, exchangerates andotherinformation Program Detailsand Tour costs, althoughgiveningoodfaith or foranyadditionalexpensesoccasionedthereby. Dates, tels orofcommoncarrierequipment, withorwithoutnotice, orforanysubstitutionofho- transportation orotherservices ever causedinconnectionwithanyaccommodations, chanical defect, failureornegligenceofanynaturehowso- topersonorpropertyaccident,damage orinjury me- departure orarrival, missedcarrierconnections, loss, death, ing Association arenotresponsibleforanydelays, delayed addition andwithoutlimitation, AHI Travel andtheSponsor- w Sponsoring Association arenotliableforanynegligenceor are independentcontractors. As aresult, AHI Travel andthe commodations orotherservices. All suchpersonsorentities independent suppliersoftravelconveyance, transport, ac- forthisprogram,or services andactonlyasagentsforthe tion donotownoroperateanyentitywhichprovidesgoods RESPONSIBILITY-AHI Travel andtheSponsoring Associa- marketing, advertising, publicityand/ortrainingactivities. recordings includedwithanyvideos, in AHI Travel's sales, graphic andvideorecordingsofyou, aswellvoice or obtainingadditionalapprovalsfromyou, toincludephoto- authorize AHI Travel, withoutprovidingcompensationtoyou, and tripactivities. Byparticipatinginthistravelprogram, you participants, photographicorvideoimagesofpassengers On occasion, AHI Travel obtains, fromitsstaff, orfromtrip AUTHORITY TOUSEIMAGESANDAUDIORECORDINGS- throughout thetravelprogram. of baggageandpersonaleffectsisattheowner'srisk in yourtripprice;planwardrobeaccordingly. Transport oversized/overweight piecesareexpensiveandnotincluded tice. Excessbaggagechargesfor additionalor allowances aresubjecttochangebythecarrierwithoutno- vided withyourpre-departureinformation. Baggage flown.line policyandtheclassofservice Detailswillbepro- accordingtotheair-BAGGAGE-Baggage restrictionsvary travel dates, orairlineschedule(s). curred asaresultofprogramcancellationand/orchangein departure transfers, andanyairlinefeesorpenaltiesin- tions independentlywillbewhollyresponsibleforarrivaland Passengers whochoosetomaketheirownairlinereserva- QUESTED NOLATER THAN 60DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE. VARIATIONS TO THE GROUPITINERARY MUSTBERE- you willbechargedthehigher, allyearEconomyclassfare. ticketing. After departure, arechanged, ifthereservations arechangedorcanceledafter the airlinesifreservations case penaltiesofasmuch100%maybeassessedby quested, specialpromotionalfaresmaybeused, inwhich ticket pricemaybelevied. Ifconnectingflightsarere- fares. After ticketsareissued, penaltiesupto100%ofthe fered by AHI Travel isbasedon Advance PurchaseExcursion AIR TRANSPORTATION-The priceofairtransportationof- sponsible forprovidingallrequiredassistance. who isfitandabletoassistthem, andwhowillbetotallyre- ca illful actofanysuchpersonorentitythirdperson. In -Fees forpassportsand, ifapplicable, visas; > > > > > offers thefollowingadvantages: you inbookingflights.Ourpersonalizedairprogram Let usarrange your flights! $5,795 $250 $6,045 S1-Upper Deck(Aft) $5,595 $250 $5,845 S2-Middle Deck(Aft) $5,295 $250 $5,545 A-Upper Deck(Forward) $5,095 $250 $5,345 B-Upper Deck(Aft) $4,695 $250 $4,945 C-Middle Deck(Aft) $4,495 $250 $4,745 D-Middle Deck(Aft) $3,995 $250 $4,245 E-Main Deck SpecialPrice* SpecialSavings FullPrice Category-Deck LAND |CRUISE PROGRAM PROGRAM DATES 0-2-33 800-323-7373 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Travel stress-freewith AHIFlexAir.

Land|CruiseProgramdates: S1 features aprivateterraceandFrench balcony,S2andA-DhaveaFrench balconyandEhasapicture window. Single supplementwaivedforsolotravelers! to policyterms. flight insurance or delays. assistance most flights. without penaltyupto60daysbefore departure on flexibility arrival anddeparture transfers increases afterticket purchase. price guarantee Old CityofSalamanca Tower ofBelém Hieronymites and Monastery ofthe University ofCoimbra Region Alto Douro Wine of Guimarães Historic Center and theDomLuisIBridge Historic CenterofOporto VAT, PortTax andServicesupplementisanadditional$395perperson.Allpricesquotedare inUSD,perperson, World Heritage i rga ae: September29–October10,2020 Air Programdates: AHI FlexAir All cabinsoffer riverviewsandhavebathroom withshower, flat-screen TV, hairdryer, safeandcloset. UNESCO based ondoubleoccupancyanddonotincludeairtransportationcosts(unlessotherwisestated). to changeorcancelyourreservations in theeventofschedulechanges to protect youfrom fuelsurcharge *Special Pricevalidifbookedbythedatefoundonaddress panel. worth upto$250,000,subject | Ourexpertsare ready toassist Cathedral, Salamanca on group dates. This offer islimited,capacity-controlled andtendsto selloutquickly. September 30–October10,2020 Guimarães takes youradventure tothenextlevel. suggesting thebestcaféorpubtosharingalaughoverstories oftheday,ourdedicatedteam On theground, three layersoftop-qualityprofessionals offer theirinsiders’perspective.From Once youarrive: > > > > > > Before yougo: of alifetime. we are here toensure youhavetheadventure From yourreservation toyourreturnhome, AHI Travel Expertise 10breakfasts, 7lunchesanddinners, • Extensive Meal Program Deluxemotorcoachtransfersduringthe • Transfers • • (with baggagehandling) Accommodations its heritage. and current events.Thebreadth oftheir knowledgedeepensyourappreciation for theregion and Lecturers country withyou. educated andcurioustravelers. Warm andgenuine,they’re ready toshare theirpassionfor selected informedandenthusiastic localprofessional guideswhounderstand theneedsofour Expert Guides enjoy anunforgettabletravelexperience. ambience. Resourceful, knowledgeableandattentive,your Travel Director helpstoensure you professional whowillmanageallthelogistics,allowingyoutorelax andsimplysoakupthe Travel Director compiled byourtravel-savvyteamtoprepare youfullyforyourjourney. Travel Information arranging flightstobookingelectiveactivitiesfulfillingspecial requests. will helpyouwitheverythingfrom enjoy personalizedassistancefrom thisspecialist,youronepointofcontactwho Passenger ServiceRepresentative guide youthrough thereservation process. questions aboutactivities,meals,accommodationsandmore asthey Travel Consultants chartered, and premium brands. plus alldrinksonboard exceptChampagne including Welcome andFarewell Dinners; Land |CruiseProgram, plusbaggagehandling. 7 nights Dom Pedro PalaceLisbon. 3 nights aboard the in Lisbon,Portugal,atthefirst-class | Comingfrom allwalksoflife,ourentertaining locallecturers openyoureyestohistory first-class MSAmaliaRodrigues. | Whobettertoshowyouaround thanthepeoplewholivethere? We’ve specially | Throughoutyouwillbeinthecare yourjourney, ofaseasonedAHItravel exclusively | Theseexpertsstandready toanswer your | Receiveextensivedestinationinformationandtraveltips INCLUDED FEATURES | Onceyouhavereserved yourspot, • excursions inthesetowns: PERSONALIZE YOUR JOURNEY|PYJ •Expert-ledYour One-of-a-Kind Journey Complimentarytravelmementos. • ofguidesanddrivers. Tipping • ApersonalVOXheadsettohearyourEnglish- • Welcome andFarewell Receptionstomingle • Free timetopursueyourowninterests. • Enjoythehighlightsofpretty Lamego. – through Journey theDouro Valley andsavor – SolardeMateus,an18th-century Visit – theallure Discover ofromantic Óbidos. – Explore Coimbra,witnessingstoriedsites – thevibrantcapitalofLisbon. Uncover – culture, heritageandhistory: Discovery excursions your insightintotheregion. –Porto (Day 6)| –Porto –Porto (Day 7)| –Porto speaking guideclearly. with fellowtravelers. d’Alva–Barca | Choose fromaselectionof a portwinetastingatlocal baroque Real. palaceinVila within theUniversityofCoimbra. Portugal |Douro Walk &PortTasting ( Tram &FlavorsofPorto Salamanca byBike( Enrichment programs Salamanca CityTour | Guimarães, Cradleof Porto CityTour |Portoby Active) highlight thelocal quinta. enhance Active )

program expensessupportsPennAlumniprogramming. number ofpartnerships.Anyrevenue thatmay begeneratedfrom PennAlumniTravel aboveour Penn AlumniTravel isproud tooffer valuabletripsandprograms toalumniandfriendsthrough a Dear Penn Alumni andFriends,

culture andhistoryofLisbonPorto. fellow Pennalumniaswerevel intheDouro Valley’s stunninglandscapes,andthrilltothe joinProfessorterraced vineyards.On GwendolynDuBoisShawand this10-nightjourney, ambience andnostalgicantiquity! region’s eponymous sweetportwine.Prepare toloseyourselfinPortugal’s old-world the SpanishcityofSalamanca,andtemptyourpalatewithtantalizingcuisine,including RealandLamego,spendadayin and hilltopvillages.Alongtheway,witnesscharmingVila architecture. Continuewithseven nightscruisingtheDouro River, passingcolorfulvineyards spell, delightinginthecity’s storiedportwineculture andmosaicofscarletgolden andcenturies-oldtramsstillnavigatetwistinglanes.ThenfallunderPorto’sjourneys alluring so weencourageyoutomakeyourreservation today! personalize yourcruisebyjoiningexcursionsofchoiceonselectdays.Spaceislimited, With warmregardsWith from Penn, Penn AlumniTravel Assistant Director, PennAlumniEducationandTravel Emilie C.K.LaRosa 800-323-7373 800-323-7373 The romantic Douro Riverflowsgentlythrough avisualwonderlandofsculptedhillsand Begin your journey withthreeBegin yourjourney nightsinLisbon,where explorers launchedhistory-making Enjoy anintimatecruisingexperienceonasmallshipbuiltspecificallyforrivertravel,and Coimbra

Penn Alumni Travel E. Craig Sweeten Alumni House 3533 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104-6226

DOURO20 35

800-323-7373 Fado musician Porto Discover the splendor of Lisbon, Porto and the Douro Valley!

AHI Travel’s mission is to deliver Presorted Std. inspirational educational and cultural U.S. Postage travel programs that delight travelers. Paid Please call or refer to our AHI Travel With AHI you can rely on: website for the most current • Experienced Travel Directors who program information, attend to every detail of your journey. • An exceptional travel value. discounts and pricing. • Unique access to local sites. • Flexibility and customization. • Safety and security. Featuring Penn Professor Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw Lisbon | Porto | Alto Douro Wine Region Lisbon |PortoAltoDouro Wine or River Douro September 29–October 10, 2020 Romance of the S PONSORED B Y SUPPLEMENT NO SINGLE NO Travelers for Solo for Solo PARTICIPATING AIRLINES-all IATA andARCMember Carriers©2019AHI Travel PrintedintheUSA. 520 OhioSeller ofTravel Reg.No.8889139. Washington StateSellerofTravel Reg.No.601-820-781. CST RegistrationNo.2028271-20. Fla.SellerofTravel Reg.No.ST-33300 IowaSellerof Travel No. All priceslistedare inUSD.Specialoffers, promotions anddiscountscannotbecombined. conditions setoutherein, includingbutnotlimited tothecancellationterms. Please note: Ì Single Accommodations Ì Land |CruiseProgram Ì I/we authorizeyoutomakemy/ourreservationsasfollows: Sharing with______(Formsentseparately) Home: (______)______Cell: ZIP:______State: ______City: ______Street Address: ______Email: ______2) ______E 1) ______Full LegalName(exactlyasitappearsonpassport) make areservation. Please contactAHITravel at800-323-7373 RomanceoftheDouro River Send to Ì Ì Enclosed isadepositof______($600pprequired) toreserve ______place(s). Make checkspayabletoAHITravel. payment maybemadebypersonalcheck,MasterCard, Visa, DiscoverorAmex. Reservations received afterthisdatemustbeaccompaniedbypaymentinfull.Final basis. ReservationstobepaidinfullbyJuly16,2020 Reservations are subjecttoavailabilityandprocessed onafirst-come,first-served ______Ì Land ______Card #______

mail: ______Trip #:3-25094W Title First Middle Last DateofBirth Last Middle First Title T I prefersingleaccommodations(supplementwaived,limitedavailability). I/we willmakemy/ourownairarrangementsandtransfers. Cabin CategoryDesired:1stchoice______2nd Charge my:Ì Accept mycheckmadepayableto I/we reservetheLand|CruiseProgramandrequest AHI FlexAirtoLisbon, Portugal, withareturnfromPortotodepartfrom: itle First Middle Last DateofBirth Last Middle First itle | CruiseProgramand AHI FlexAir Chicago, IL60631 8550 W. BrynMawrAvenue Tower-SuiteInternational 600 c/o AHITravel Penn AlumniTravel Any paymenttoAHITravel constitutes youracceptanceofthetermsand Reserve yourDouroRiver cruisetoday! MasterCard Ì (Signature asitappearsoncredit card) Visa Ì Departure City AHI Travel. Discover Ì with questionsregarding thistriporto Expires______/______Amex (75 dayspriortodeparture). penalties assessed bytheairlinesandtransfer suppliers. portation andprivatetransferpurchases aresubjectonlyto fully non-refundable45daysprior todeparture. Air trans- cursions, tripextensions andadditionalhotelnightsbecome CANCELLATION OF TRIP OPTIONS-Purchasesofoptionalex- lations mustbesubmittedinwriting to AHI Travel. RESERVE.cancel- SENT AFTERYOUAll PLICATIONBE WILL IS AVAILABLE.trip.CANCELLATIONINSURANCE TRIP ANAP- ture willresultin100%forfeitureoftheentirecost person; cancellationfrom29daysuptothetimeofdepar- the tripperperson;75-30days, 50%ofthetripcostper parture willresultinforfeitureof15%theentirecost cruise. Cancellationfrom120daysto76priorde- valid towardthepurchaseofan AHI Cruisesindependent part oftheinitialdeposit. Itisnon-transferableandnot will beappliedtothefinalbillingandmaynotusedas ate inthecurrentcalendaryearorfollowing. The credit ministrative feetoafuture AHI Travel programthatwilloper- choose, atthetimeofcancellation, toapplythewithheldad- subject toa$300perpersonadministrativefee. You may CANCELLATION-All cancellationsforanyreasonwillbe and/or purchaserofthistrip. sole contractbetweenthecompany(ies)andpassenger passage contractinuse, whenissued, shallconstitutethe time passengersarenotonboardtheirconveyances. The held responsibleforanyact, omission, orevent, duringthe other transportationcompaniesconcernedarenottobe cific pre-departurepassengerinformation. The airlinesand the termsofthiscontractsetouthereinandinmorespe- hazard forhimself/herselforotherpassengersandaccepts mental orotherconditionofdisabilitythatwouldcreatea posit, thepassengercertifiesthathe/shehasnophysical, no claimotherthanforafullrefund. Byforwardingthede- program iscanceledforanyreason, participantsshallhave sole responsibilityoftheownersatalltimes. Iftheentire individual passenger. Baggageandpersonaleffectsarethe standing thatanyadditionalexpenseswillbepaidbythe tice, thatmightbecomenecessary, withthemutualunder- tomakeanychanges,right isreserved withorwithoutno- oritsincludedfeaturesareanticipated;however,erary the before thetimeofdeparture. Norevisionsoftheprinteditin- current atthetimeofprinting, aresubjecttochangeator and basedontariffs, exchangerates andotherinformation Program Detailsand Tour costs, althoughgiveningoodfaith or foranyadditionalexpensesoccasionedthereby. Dates, tels orofcommoncarrierequipment, withorwithoutnotice, orforanysubstitutionofho- transportation orotherservices ever causedinconnectionwithanyaccommodations, chanical defect, failureornegligenceofanynaturehowso- topersonorpropertyaccident,damage orinjury me- departure orarrival, missedcarrierconnections, loss, death, ing Association arenotresponsibleforanydelays, delayed addition andwithoutlimitation, AHI Travel andtheSponsor- w Sponsoring Association arenotliableforanynegligenceor are independentcontractors. As aresult, AHI Travel andthe commodations orotherservices. All suchpersonsorentities independent suppliersoftravelconveyance, transport, ac- forthisprogram,or services andactonlyasagentsforthe tion donotownoroperateanyentitywhichprovidesgoods RESPONSIBILITY-AHI Travel andtheSponsoring Associa- marketing, advertising, publicityand/ortrainingactivities. recordings includedwithanyvideos, in AHI Travel's sales, graphic andvideorecordingsofyou, aswellvoice or obtainingadditionalapprovalsfromyou, toincludephoto- authorize AHI Travel, withoutprovidingcompensationtoyou, and tripactivities. Byparticipatinginthistravelprogram, you participants, photographicorvideoimagesofpassengers On occasion, AHI Travel obtains, fromitsstaff, orfromtrip AUTHORITY TOUSEIMAGESANDAUDIORECORDINGS- throughout thetravelprogram. of baggageandpersonaleffectsisattheowner'srisk in yourtripprice;planwardrobeaccordingly. Transport oversized/overweight piecesareexpensiveandnotincluded tice. Excessbaggagechargesfor additionalor allowances aresubjecttochangebythecarrierwithoutno- vided withyourpre-departureinformation. Baggage flown.line policyandtheclassofservice Detailswillbepro- accordingtotheair-BAGGAGE-Baggage restrictionsvary travel dates, orairlineschedule(s). curred asaresultofprogramcancellationand/orchangein departure transfers, andanyairlinefeesorpenaltiesin- tions independentlywillbewhollyresponsibleforarrivaland Passengers whochoosetomaketheirownairlinereserva- QUESTED NOLATER THAN 60DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE. VARIATIONS TO THE GROUPITINERARY MUSTBERE- you willbechargedthehigher, allyearEconomyclassfare. ticketing. After departure, arechanged, ifthereservations arechangedorcanceledafter the airlinesifreservations case penaltiesofasmuch100%maybeassessedby quested, specialpromotionalfaresmaybeused, inwhich ticket pricemaybelevied. Ifconnectingflightsarere- fares. After ticketsareissued, penaltiesupto100%ofthe fered by AHI Travel isbasedon Advance PurchaseExcursion AIR TRANSPORTATION-The priceofairtransportationof- sponsible forprovidingallrequiredassistance. who isfitandabletoassistthem, andwhowillbetotallyre- ca illful actofanysuchpersonorentitythirdperson. In -Fees forpassportsand, ifapplicable, visas; > > > > > offers thefollowingadvantages: you inbookingflights.Ourpersonalizedairprogram 0-2-33 800-323-7373 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Let usarrange your flights! $5,795 $250 $6,045 S1-Upper Deck(Aft) $5,595 $250 $5,845 S2-Middle Deck(Aft) $5,295 $250 $5,545 A-Upper Deck(Forward) $5,095 $250 $5,345 B-Upper Deck(Aft) $4,695 $250 $4,945 C-Middle Deck(Aft) $4,495 $250 $4,745 D-Middle Deck(Aft) $3,995 $250 $4,245 E-Main Deck SpecialPrice* SpecialSavings FullPrice Category-Deck LAND |CRUISE PROGRAM PROGRAM DATES Travel stress-freewith AHIFlexAir.

Land|CruiseProgramdates: S1 features aprivateterraceandFrench balcony,S2andA-DhaveaFrench balconyandEhasapicture window. Single supplementwaivedforsolotravelers! to policyterms. flight insurance or delays. assistance most flights. without penaltyupto60daysbefore departure on flexibility arrival anddeparture transfers increases afterticket purchase. price guarantee Old CityofSalamanca Tower ofBelém Hieronymites and Monastery ofthe University ofCoimbra Region Alto Douro Wine of Guimarães Historic Center and theDomLuisIBridge Historic CenterofOporto VAT, PortTax andServicesupplementisanadditional$395perperson.Allpricesquotedare inUSD,perperson, World Heritage i rga ae: September29–October10,2020 Air Programdates: AHI FlexAir All cabinsoffer riverviewsandhavebathroom withshower, flat-screen TV, hairdryer, safeandcloset. UNESCO based ondoubleoccupancyanddonotincludeairtransportationcosts(unlessotherwisestated). to changeorcancelyourreservations in theeventofschedulechanges to protect youfrom fuelsurcharge *Special Pricevalidifbookedbythedatefoundonaddress panel. worth upto$250,000,subject | Ourexpertsare ready toassist Cathedral, Salamanca on group dates. This offer islimited,capacity-controlled andtendsto selloutquickly. September 30–October10,2020 Guimarães takes youradventure tothenextlevel. suggesting thebestcaféorpubtosharingalaughoverstories oftheday,ourdedicatedteam On theground, three layersoftop-qualityprofessionals offer theirinsiders’perspective.From Once youarrive: > > > > > > Before yougo: of alifetime. we are here toensure youhavetheadventure From yourreservation toyourreturnhome, AHI Travel Expertise 10breakfasts, 7lunchesanddinners, • Extensive Meal Program Deluxemotorcoachtransfersduringthe • Transfers • • (with baggagehandling) Accommodations its heritage. and current events.Thebreadth oftheir knowledgedeepensyourappreciation for theregion and Lecturers country withyou. educated andcurioustravelers. Warm andgenuine,they’re ready toshare theirpassionfor selected informedandenthusiastic localprofessional guideswhounderstand theneedsofour Expert Guides enjoy anunforgettabletravelexperience. ambience. Resourceful, knowledgeableandattentive,your Travel Director helpstoensure you professional whowillmanageallthelogistics,allowingyoutorelax andsimplysoakupthe Travel Director compiled byourtravel-savvyteamtoprepare youfullyforyourjourney. Travel Information arranging flightstobookingelectiveactivitiesfulfillingspecial requests. will helpyouwitheverythingfrom enjoy personalizedassistancefrom thisspecialist,youronepointofcontactwho Passenger ServiceRepresentative guide youthrough thereservation process. questions aboutactivities,meals,accommodationsandmore asthey Travel Consultants chartered, and premium brands. plus alldrinksonboard exceptChampagne including Welcome andFarewell Dinners; Land |CruiseProgram, plusbaggagehandling. 7 nights Dom Pedro PalaceLisbon. 3 nights aboard the in Lisbon,Portugal,atthefirst-class | Comingfrom allwalksoflife,ourentertaining locallecturers openyoureyestohistory first-class MSAmaliaRodrigues. | Whobettertoshowyouaround thanthepeoplewholivethere? We’ve specially | Throughoutyouwillbeinthecare yourjourney, ofaseasonedAHItravel exclusively | Theseexpertsstandready toanswer your | Receiveextensivedestinationinformationandtraveltips INCLUDED FEATURES | Onceyouhavereserved yourspot, excursions inthesetowns: PERSONALIZE YOUR JOURNEY|PYJ • •Expert-ledYour One-of-a-Kind Journey Complimentarytravelmementos. • ofguidesanddrivers. Tipping • ApersonalVOXheadsettohearyourEnglish- • Welcome andFarewell Receptionstomingle • Free timetopursueyourowninterests. • –Porto (Day 7)| –Porto (Day 6)| –Porto Enjoythehighlightsofpretty Lamego. – through Journey theDouro Valley andsavor – SolardeMateus,an18th-century Visit – theallure Discover ofromantic Óbidos. – Explore Coimbra,witnessingstoriedsites – thevibrantcapitalofLisbon. Uncover – culture, heritageandhistory: Discovery excursions your insightintotheregion. speaking guideclearly. with fellowtravelers. d’Alva–Barca | Choose fromaselectionof Portugal |Douro Walk &PortTasting ( Tram &FlavorsofPorto a portwinetastingatlocal baroque Real. palaceinVila within theUniversityofCoimbra. Salamanca byBike( Enrichment programs Salamanca CityTour | Guimarães, Cradleof Porto CityTour |Portoby Active) highlight thelocal quinta. enhance Active )

program expensessupportsPennAlumniprogramming. number ofpartnerships.Anyrevenue thatmay begeneratedfrom PennAlumniTravel aboveour Penn AlumniTravel isproud tooffer valuabletripsandprograms toalumniandfriendsthrough a Dear Penn Alumni andFriends,

Penn AlumniTravel Assistant Director, PennAlumniEducationandTravel Emilie C.K.LaRosa warmregardsWith from Penn, so weencourageyoutomakeyourreservation today! personalize yourcruisebyjoiningexcursionsofchoiceonselectdays.Spaceislimited, ambience andnostalgicantiquity! region’s eponymous sweetportwine.Prepare toloseyourselfinPortugal’s old-world the SpanishcityofSalamanca,andtemptyourpalatewithtantalizingcuisine,including RealandLamego,spendadayin and hilltopvillages.Alongtheway,witnesscharmingVila architecture. Continuewithseven nightscruisingtheDouro River, passingcolorfulvineyards spell, delightinginthecity’s storiedportwineculture andmosaicofscarletgolden andcenturies-oldtramsstillnavigatetwistinglanes.ThenfallunderPorto’sjourneys alluring culture andhistoryofLisbonPorto. fellow Pennalumniaswerevel intheDouro Valley’s stunninglandscapes,andthrilltothe joinProfessorterraced vineyards.On GwendolynDuBoisShawand this10-nightjourney, 800-323-7373 800-323-7373 Enjoy anintimatecruisingexperienceonasmallshipbuiltspecificallyforrivertravel,and withthreeBegin yourjourney nightsinLisbon,where explorers launchedhistory-making The romantic Douro Riverflowsgentlythrough avisualwonderlandofsculptedhillsand Coimbra

Penn Alumni Travel E. Craig Sweeten Alumni House 3533 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104-6226

DOURO20 35

800-323-7373 Fado musician Porto Discover the splendor of Lisbon, Porto and the Douro Valley!

AHI Travel’s mission is to deliver Presorted Std. inspirational educational and cultural U.S. Postage travel programs that delight travelers. Paid Please call or refer to our AHI Travel With AHI you can rely on: website for the most current • Experienced Travel Directors who program information, attend to every detail of your journey. • An exceptional travel value. discounts and pricing. • Unique access to local sites. • Flexibility and customization. • Safety and security.

Featuring Penn Professor Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw Region Lisbon |PortoAltoDouro Wine

or River Douro September 29–October 10, 2020 Romance of the S PONSORED B Y SUPPLEMENT NO SINGLE NO Travelers for Solo for Solo