Glasnost in Soviet Ukrainian
Echoes of Glasnost 1n• Soviet Ukraine Edited by Romana M. Bahry Captus University Publications Cover: Official demonstration "Ecology and Us" attended by 10,000 people in the center of Kiev, 13 November 1988. Scene from documentary film Mikrofon (Microphone), director Georgii Shkliarevsky, Ukrainian News and Documen tary Film Studio in Kiev. Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Main entry under title: Echoes of glasnost in Soviet Ukraine Includes papers presented at a symposium held at York University, Toronto, Ont. in Jan. 1989. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-921801-05-X 1. Ukraine - Politics and government - 1945- Ukraine - Intellectual life. 3. Glasnost. Perestroika. I. Bahry, Romana M., Date DK508.84.E35 1989 947'.710854 C90-093141-8 Copyright © 1989, Captus Press Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without written permission by Captus Press Inc. First printing, January 1990 Second printing, March 1990 Captus University Publications Divison of Captus Press Inc. York University Campus 4700 Keele Street, North York Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3 l{apyHoK OmmascbKozo siooiny KaHaOCbKOZO Tosapucmsa llpuHmeniB YKpai'Hu 1098765432 Printed in Canada To the memory of my grandfather Dr. Wolodymyr Sylvester Kindraczuk Table of Contents Preface vii Acknowledgment xi Contributors xiii Introduction 1 by Thomas A. Meininger PART I: POLITICS Glasnost and Perestroika in the USSR 5 by Bohdan Krawchenko Some Aspects of Pereb_udova and Hlasnist in the USSR and in Soviet Ukraine 12 by Yuri Bohayevsky Nuclear Power, Ecology and the Patriotic Opposition in the Ukrainian SSR: An Analysis of a Post-Chornobyl Trend 18 by David R.
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