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Continuous Issue-32 | October – November 2020

Education through ’s “” Abstract Rabindranath Tagore’s ‘Gitanjali’ is a set of 103 Bengali poems which were translated into many languages like English, and other languages. The title of the book is itself suggestive. Gitanjali, the two words ‘git’ means song and ‘anjali’ means offering. So, it means 'Songs of Offering'. Gitanjali seems to be the best book of a great author and poet Rabindranath Tagore. Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913 for this book, in the same year that Macmillan brought out a hard-cover copy of his prose translations of Gitanjali.In this book Tagore wrote poems about spirituality, love, devotion, sorrow, joy and reality.

Keywords: Education

“Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls; Where words come out from the depth of truth;” (Tagore, Eng. Writ.Vol-1, Gitanjali, Poem: 35, p.53) Here Tagore tells about freedom of minds, freedom of knowledge and true education. He is praying that our mind should be fearless, let truth come to us so that we can be united. Further Tagore is saying about importance of knowledge. Knowledge gives us intellectuality.(intellectual development)

“The child who is decked with prince’s robes and who has jeweled chains round his neck loses all pleasure in his play; his dress hampers him at every step.”(Tagore, Eng. Writ.-Vol-2, Gitanjali, p.45) Here Tagore is saying that no need to decorate child with golden or silver ornaments. He is telling that keep them far from power, wealth and adulthood. With ornament it cannot play with others. Let them play in sun and mud. (Freedom in activity)

“All that is harsh and dissonant in my life melts into one sweet harmony-and my adoration spreads wings like a glad bird on its flight across the sea.”(Tagore, Eng. Writ.-Vol-1, Poem No.2, p.43) It means his all the grievances of life went and he felt as if he got the wings to fly in the sky of life. Further by pointing the nature, he is showing the freedom to human being. He is saying that he found his songs from nature, it means he inspired by nature to write and sing songs and in this wway he found the freedom in himself.

It may not find a place in thy garland, but honour it with a touch of pain from thy hand and pluck it. I fear lest the day end before I am aware, and the time of offering go by. (Poem No.6, p.44) Here Tagore is saying in Gitanjali about leaving burden and be free to express emotion. He says: “Leave all thy burdens on his hands who can bear all, and never look behind in regret.”(Tagore, Eng. Writ.-Vol-1, Gitanjali: Poem No.: 9, p.45)

Here poet says to leaves all burdens on god and enjoy the life. “Leave this chanting and singing and telling of beads! Whom dost thou worship in this lonely dark corner of a temple with doors all shut? Open thine eyes and see thy God is not before thee! He is there where the tiller is tilling the hard ground and where the path-maker is breaking stones” (Tagore, Eng. Writ.Vol-1, Gitanjali: Poem No.11, p.46) 1 | P a g e

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Tagor is opposing chanting God name by sitting in the corner of the temple. He says that god is not there in temple god is with those who are doing hard work. Where is there where hard work is going on. Here Tagore is advocating the value of equality. In ‘Gitanjali’ Tagore is praying for strength for performing good works. He says:

“Give me the strength lightly to bear my joys and sorrows. Give me the strength to make my love fruitful in service. Give me the strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees before insolent might.” (Tagore, Eng. Writ.Vol-1, Gitanjali: Poem No.36, p.53) Tagore here tries to be humble with everyone. Humbleness is a value through which we can learn all other values. He does not want surrender himself to selfishness and disrespectfulness. Tagore had concern for spirituality also. In ‘Gitanjali’ poet says:

“On the day when death will knock at thy door what wilt thou offer to him? Oh,I will set before my guest the full vessel of my life- I will never let him go with empty hands.” (Tagore, Eng. Writ.Vol-1, Gitanjali: Poem No.90, p.74)

Here Tagore wants to say that I will offer my life full with good deeds, and he will not let the death go with empty hands. In short he wants to tell us about benefit of good deeds. Our property and materials, everything will stay here in this world but good deeds will go with us. We can offer good deeds to God not wealth. Tagore is telling the nature of God. In ‘Gitanjali’ he says:

“But day passes by after day and thou art not seen. If I call not thee in my prayers, if I keep not thee in my heart, Thy love for me still waits for my love.” (Tagore, Eng. Writ.Vol-1, Gitanjali: Poem No.32, p.52)

Here Tagore is saying that if he will not keep God in his heart, not pray to God then also God’s love will wait for his love. It means God is epitome of value education. Values like humbleness, forgiveness, love can be learn from God. He says that there should be trust for everyone.

“I have had my invitation to this world's festival, and thus my life has been blessed. My eyes have seen and my ears have heard. It was my part at this feast to play upon my instrument, and I have done all I could.” (Poem No.: 16) (Tagore, Eng. Writ.Vol-1, Gitanjali, p.47) Here Tagore is telling that celebration of festival also most important part of education. In this world there are many festivals and every child gets an invitation by God to these festivals.Here Tagore has advocated education through celebration of festivals. So, here method of learning by activity is adopted by Tagore.

Rabindranath Tagore has provided Western culture with strong example of Eastern Philosophy in both prose and poetry. Tagore had written his Gitanjali () in Bengali, and after he learned from William Rothenstein of Western interest in them, he translated them into English.


I. Tagore,R.,(2011). ‘The English Writing of Rabindranath Tagore.Volume-1’ New Delhi: Sahitya Akademy.

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