Науково-методичний центр професійно-технічної освіти та підвищення кваліфікації інженерно-педагогічних працівників у Хмельницькій області Державний навчальний заклад «Хмельницький центр ПТО сфери послуг»

Англійська мова для учнів ПТНЗ теми 1-3

Рівень стандарту

Н.В. Маргошина

м. Хмельницький 2018 р.

УБК 377.36-048.78:811.111-057.87(07) ББК 81.432.1 М 25

Розглянуто і рекомендовано до друку методичною радою ДНЗ "Хмельницький центр професійно-технічної освіти" протокол №___ від «___»______2018р.

Рецензенти: - Ярославська Тетяна Василівна – викладач англійської мови ХПЛЕ; - Луцюк Ірина Василівна – викладач англійської мови, Вище професійне училище № 4

Н.В. Маргошина Англійська мова для учнів ПТНЗ, теми 1-3 / Н.В. Маргошина. – м. Хмельницький: видавництво, 2018 – 47с.

У посібнику представлені тексти та завдання для опрацювання трьох тем з англійської мови для учнів ПТНЗ. А саме теми: «Я, моя родина,мої друзі», «Спорт і дозвілля» та « Харчування.» Посібник створений на основі концепції формування учнівської здатності до міжкультурного спілкування, що передбачає більшу соціокультурну спрямованість процесу навчання англійської мови, в центрі якого знаходиться особистість учня та його потреби в умовах сучасного світу, що глобалізується. Для кращого розуміння текстів учням представлений словник з невідомими для них словами. Та підібрані вправи на відповідну тему.

Матеріал посібника відповідає навчальній програмі з предмета іноземної мови визначеної Державним стандартом професійної освіти.


Передмова Даний посібник з англійської мови призначений для учнів закладів професійної освіти.

Матеріал посібника відповідає навчальній програмі з предмета іноземної мови визначеної Державним стандартом професійної освіти.

Упосібнику представленні завдання різного типу:

- На доповнення речення. - На опрацювання словника. - Відповісти на запитання. - Перекласти чи скласти діалог. - Завдання творчого характеру. - На заповнення таблиць.

Цей посібник покликаний не тільки допомогти здобути нові знання з іноземної мови, а й систематизувати вивчене за минулі роки.

У посібнику розглядаються найнеобхідніші для спілкування теми. Перш за все це сім'я та члени родини, їжа та страви, спорт та дозвілля. Лексичний матеріал цих тем допоможе при спілкуванні з носіями англійської мови. Структура навчання за цим посібником включає в себе не тільки поповнення словникового запасу, а й паралельне вивчення правопису та правильної вимови. Крім того, окремо виділені вправи, які дозволяють засвоїти граматику англійської мови. Даний посібник з англійської мови пропонує теми для обговорення в групі. До таких обговорень варто підготуватися додатково. Для цього варто звернутися не тільки до підручника, а й до інших англомовних джерел з визначеної теми, інтернет ресурсів. Вступ чи передмова



Тема 1. Я, моя родина, мої друзі Unit 1. Me, my family and my friends


Т1. Я, моя родина, мої друзі INTRODUCING MYSELF Let me introduce myself. My name is Anton. My family name is Tkachuk. I am 15. I am from . I am single. I'm a first-year student of State education establishment vocational training center services sector. My friend Alex and I are studing of a profession baker- cook. Chemistry is our favorite subject. Besides chemistry we study many different subjects. We have lessons and practical classes. My group is large. We are 25. We are good friends. Many students live in hostel near our establishment. I live with my family. I am fond of rock music and tennis. One of my hobbies is to take pictures of the family and to compose a family album. My family is rather large. We are five. My father and mother are a very nice couple. They are in their forties. My mother is a teacher of biology and my dad is a doctor. My mother is a slim attractive woman with long fair hair and dark blue eyes. My Dad is tail and strong and handsome. They have three children: my elder sister Irene, my younger brother Victor and myself. Irene is twenty. She is not married yet. She is a student, a future painter. She is a very pretty girl with fair curly hair and a beautiful smile. Irene has many hobbies: listening to pop music, sewing, knitting, and, of course, bringing up her younger brothers. Victor is six. He goes to the kindergarten. He looks like his father. His favorite pastime is playing with his toys, drawing and watching cartoons. VOCABULARY 1. baker-cook пекар, кухар 2. compose [ kəmˈpəʊz ] компонувати 3. first-year student першокурсник 4. fond of захоплюватись 5. hostel [ ˈhɒs.təl ] гуртожиток 6. kindergarten [ kɪn.dəˌɡɑː.tən] дитячий садок 7. knitting [ ˈnɪtɪŋ ] в’язання 8. sewing [ ˈsəʊɪŋ ] шиття 9. State education establishment ДНЗ "Хмельницький центр vocational training center професійно-технічної services sector освіти сфери послуг" 6

U1. Me, my family and my friends Ex.1.1. Answer the questions below. 1) What is the boy's name? 2) How old is he 3) What is his favourite subject? 4) Is his group large? 5) Is his friend a student of the industrial pharmacy department? 6) Is Anton single or married? 7) What is Anton's hobby? 8) How many children do Anton's parents have? 9) How old are his parents? 10) What is Irene?

Ex.1.2. Complete the sentences using words from vocabulary. 1) Anton is а ... student. 2) They are students of.... 3) His future profession is …. 4) Many students live in ... 5) Anton is ... rock music. 6) Anton likes to ... family album. 7) Victor goes to the … 8) Irene hobbies are listening to pop music, … and ….

Ex.1.3. Complete the sentences using words I, he, she, it, we, you, they. 1) Are ... Mary Lewis? — Yes,... am. 2) ... is from the USA. 3) Are ... Russian? — No,... am from Ukraine. 4) Is your name Pete? — No,... isn't. 5) .... am a dentist. 6) Is Mary at home? — Yes,... is. — Can ... speak to her, please? 7) ...is very pretty 8) ...... are business partners. Ex.1.4. Complete the sentences using verb to be in Present Simple Tense (am/is/are). My name... Peter. I ...23 years old. I... married. My wife ... called Mary. We ... very happy. I work at the University. It ... a good job. My friend John ... there with me. We... computer technicians. John ... very good at this job. I... not bad in it either.


Т1. Я, моя родина, мої друзі Read and translate the dialogs

A: Good morning! How are you? В: Fine, thanks. And how are you? A: I am OK too, thank you.

A: Let me introduce Mr. Grey to you, Mrs. Baker. B: With pleasure. How do you do, Mr. Grey? Glad to meet you. G: How do you do, Mrs. Baker. Pleased to know you.

A: Hi, John! How are you getting on? J: Morning, Alex! I'm very well, thank you. And what about you? A: Life is going its usual way. And how is Helen? J: She is all right. Sorry, but I must go. See you later. A: Goodbye!

Tom, let mc introduce my friend Ivonne to you. — How do you do, Ivonne. Nice to meet you. — How do you do. It's a pleasure. — Is Ivonne a Spanish name? — No, it is not Spanish, it is French. I'm from Montreal. — Oh, is it in France? — No, it isn't in France, it's in Canada,


U1. Me, my family and my friends VOCABULARY 1. Привітання і прощання Greetings and Words of Parting 2. доброго ранку/ день/ вечір good morning/ afternoon/ evening 3. (було) приємно nice meeting you познайомитися 4. до побачення goodbye, bye 5. будьте здорові take care 6. бувайте до завтра see you later see you tomorrow 7. на добраніч good night

Ex.1.5. Match the questions with their answers. 1. What do you do? a. How do you do. 2. How do you do? b. I'm a pharmacist. 3. Where do you come from? c. Fine, thanks. And you? 4. How are you? d. Ukraine. 5. Have a nice time. E . Thanks. You too.

Ex.1.6. Write about yourself. Use vocabulary and useful phrases.

USEFUL PHRASES With to be & to have

to be careful - бути обережним to be glad/pleased - бути радим/ задоволеним to be well/ill - бути здоровим/ хворим to be sure of smth - бути впевненим у чомусь займатися to have a class - у чомусь займатися to have a rest – відпочивати to be sorry – жалкувати to be ready for smth – бути готовим до чогось to be late – спізнюватись to be mistaken - помилятися to have a good time - добре проводити час to have a look - поглянути to have breakfast (lunch, dinner) - снідати (обідати, вечеряти)


Т1. Я, моя родина, мої друзі ABOUT MY FAMILY I am Bogdan Kovaliov. I am seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is large. I have got a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, and a grandmother. There are six of us in the family. First of all, some words about my parents. My mother is a teacher of history. She works in a college. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. She is forty-five but she looks much younger. She is tall and slim. My father is a computer programmer. He is very experienced. He is a broad-shouldered, tall man with fair hair and grey eyes. He is forty-seven. My father often sings and when we are at home and have some free time, I play the guitar and we sing together. My father knows all about new TV sets and likes to repair old ones. He is also handy with many things. My parents have been married for twenty-six years. They have much in common, but they have different views on music, books, films and sports. For example, my father likes horror films and my mother likes "soap operas". My father is fond of tennis and my mother doesn't go in for sports. But my parents have the same opinion about my education and upbringing. My parents are hardworking people. My mother keeps the house and takes care of all of us. She is very good at cooking and she is clever with her hands. She is very practical. My father and I try to help her with the housework. I wash the dishes, go shopping and tidy up our flat. My grandmother is a pensioner. She lives with us and helps to run the house. She is fond of knitting. My sister Helen is twenty-four. She is married and has a family of her own. She works as an accountant for a joint venture company. Her husband is a scientist. They have got twins: a daughter and a son. They go to a nursery school. My brother Sergey is eleven. He is a schoolboy. He wants to become a doctor but he is not sure yet. Three months ago he dreamed of being a cosmonaut. We have got a lot of relatives. We are deeply attached to one another and we get on very well.


U1. Me, my family and my friends VOCABULARY 1. broad-shouldered [brɔ:d 'ʃəuldəd] широкоплечий 2. even-tempered ['i:v(ə)n 'tempəd] урівноважений 3. досвідчений, experienced [іks 'piəriənst] кваліфікований 4. joint venture company [dʒɔɪnt'ventʃə] спільне підприємство 5. she is good at cooking ['kukɪŋ] вона добре готує 6. slim стрункий 7. to be handy with smth. ['hændɪ] уміти робити щось 8. to be in a good mood [mu:d] бути в гарному настрої 9. бути в добрих стосунках, to get on well ладнати один з одним 10. to go in for smth займатися чим-небудь 11. to have much in common ['komən] мати багато спільного 12. to run the house вести господарство 13. бути схожим, вдатися в to take after [teɪk 'aftə] когось із батьків 14. upbringing ['ʌp,brɪniŋ] виховання 15. view on smth [vju:] погляд на щось

Ex. 1.7. Answer the questions. 1) What is his name? What is his surname? 2) How old is he? 3) Is his family large? How many are his in the family? 4) Have he got any brothers or sisters? 5) What are Bogdan’s parents? Where do they work? 6) How long have his parents been married? 7) Do they have much in common? 8) What is Bogdan’s household duties?

Ex. 1.8. Complete the sentences using words from vocabulary. 1) His father is very … computer programmer. 2) They …… , but they have different views on music, books, films and sports. 3) My grandmother is a pensioner. She lives with us and helps … . 4) Helen works as an accountant for a … . 5) My parents have the same opinion about my education and … .


Т1. Я, моя родина, мої друзі FAMILY RELATIONSHIP

members of the family члени сім'ї parents ['pɛər(ə)nts] батьки father/mother – батько/мати son/daughter – син/дочка senior ['sinjə] старший junior ['dʒu:njə] молодший ancestors ['ænsɪstəz] предки grandparents бабуся і дідусь grandfather (grandpapa, grandpa, grand-dad) – дідусь grandmother (grandmamma, grandma, granny, grannie) бабуся great grandfather (-mother) прадід (прабабуся) descendants [dɪ'sendənt] нащадки grandchild (grandchildren) Grandson ['grænsʌn] Grand- daughter ['græn, dɔ:tə] внук, онук; внучка, онука (онуки) внук, онук внучка, онука relatives ['relətɪvz] родичі cousin ['kʌzn] двоюрідний(а) брат (сестра) father (mother)-in-law [lɔ:] свекор, тесть (свекруха, теща) uncle ['ʌŋkl] (aunt, auntie) [a:nt, a:nti] дядько (тітка, тітонька) nephew [ nevju:] (niece) [ni:s] племінник/племінниця son (daughter)-in-law [lɔ:] зять, чоловік дочки (невістка, дружина сина)


U1. Me, my family and my friends husband ['liʌzbənd] чоловік wife [waɪf] дружина step-father (-mother) вітчим (мачуха) step-child (step-children)Step-son (-daughter) пасинок, падчерка Foster-child прийомна дитина godchild (godson (-daughter)) хрещеник, хрещениця godfather (-mother) хресний, хресна bachelor ['bætʃ(ə)lə] холостяк widow ['wɪdəu] удова widower ['wɪdəuə] удівець divorce [dɪ'vɔ:s], to divorce розлучення, розірвання шлюбу; розлучатися to adopt [ə'dɔpt] усиновляти; удочеряти orphan ['ɔ:fn] сирота to descend [dɪ'send] походити teenager ['ti:n,eɪdʒə] підліток; юнак (дівчина) (до 20 років) youngster ['jʌŋstə] юнак baby fbeɪbɪ] немовля toddler ['tɔdlə] дитина, яка починає ходити aged ['eɪdʒ(ɪ)d], elderly пристаркувата, літня людина to be in one's early/late teens [ti:nz] бути в підлітковому віці

Ex. 1.9. Complete the dialog about your family. — I should like, to know about your family. How many members are in your family? — ………………………………………………………………………………… — Do you all live together? — ………………………………………………………………………………… — I wonder who does cooking and takes care about the household chores. — ………………………………………………………………………………… — What family duties? — ………………………………………………………………………………… — What is your favorite family holiday? Why? — ………………………………………………………

Ex.1.10. Make your own family tree. Use words from vocabulary


Т1. Я, моя родина, мої друзі TEENAGE PROBLEMS IN A FAMILY Family life isn’t always easy. Today conflicts between children and their parent are a classic case of misunderstandings between different generations: conflicts with adults are typical in teenagers’ life. Children and their parents often argue with each other. I would like to tell you about problems which can cause conflicts. One of the problems concerns teenager fashion. Teenagers and their parents have different views on the same things. Nowadays, in most stylish clothes you can’t find anything that looks like normal in your parents’ mind. On the other hand, your parents don’t find the clothes you wear stylish. But you want a little more in what you wear. Meanwhile your parents try to have control over your life and choices. They don’t like such things as red and blue hair, and studs and rings in different parts of your body. Parents will reduce their censorship if they understand that you are not the only one to prefer such unusual styles. You ask: “Can I have my lower lip pierced?” They answer: “Do any of your friends have it?” And what about friends? This is another vital issue. Parents do not want their child to hang out with a bad crowd. They would like their child to make friends with honest boys and girls, because teenagers with bad habits can spoil their child’s character and future. The same problem concerns relations with the opposite sex. It happens very often: a guy brings his girl-friend to his house and the parents react in shock with open mouths. They think they know what is better for their children because of life experience. One more reason for the misunderstanding is that parents try to control nearly every step of their children; they constantly tell them what to do and not to do. Very often they don’t let you stay up late because you have to go to school on the next day, they don’t let you watch what you want on TV. On the other hand they make you do your homework every day, do the chores and take care of your brothers or sisters.


U1. Me, my family and my friends VOCABULARY 1. argue with smb [ ˈɑːɡjuː ] сперечатися з кимось 2. cause [ kɔːz ] викликати 3. censorship [ ˈsen.sə.ʃɪp ] контроль, цензура 4. concern [ kənˈsɜːn ] стосуватися 5. reduce [ rɪˈdjuːs ] скорочувати 6. stud [ stʌd ] шпилька 7. виконувати обов’язки по to do the chores [ tʃɔːr ] дому 8. to hang out [ hæŋ ] зв’язуватися 9. to pierce [ pɪəs ] робити пірсинг 10. to spoil [ spɔɪl ] зіпсувати 11. vital issue [ ˈvaɪtl ˈɪʃuː ] насущна проблема

Ex.1.11. Fill in the table.

Good children

Successful It is not parents advisable for adults

1. Treat their parents in the way they`d like to be treated themselves. 2. Be good friends to their brothers and sisters. 3. Develop a sense of responsibility in their children. 4. Spoil their children in every possible way. 5.Never forget to praise their children. 6.To be interested in parents` problems. 7. Don`t give their children any freedom of choice. 8.Not to treat all the children in the family equally. 9.Always find time to spend with their children. 10. Be prepared to compromise. 11.Make children feel low or ignored. 12.Give promises and break them. 13.Give their children plenty of love. 14.Develop children`s minds. 15. Lose their temper and shout at their children. 16. Take part in all sorts activities that can unite their family. 17.Criticise their children too much. 18.Teach them good manners. 19.Help to do household chores.


Т1. Я, моя родина, мої друзі LET’S TALK ABOUT FRIENDSHIP.

Friendship is a special relationship between people. People need this relationship because they expect help and comfort from each other. Those who have friends have less stress and live longer. Friendship is usually based on common interests and mutual understanding, true encouragement and sympathy. They say “Friendship isn’t a big thing, it’s a million little things” and I agree. To me it means that friendship isn't always about one big gesture of help. Instead, true friendship is about millions of ongoing little actions you do day in and day out, that show how much you care about and value your friend. They say: “A person has just one true friend”. I think it’s possible to have more than one true friend. It’s hard to find a person who will share your whole life. People can change and their interests change, that’s why we can have more than one true friend during the life. What rolе do friends play in your life? You can have a lot of acquaintances, they come and go, but a true friend is always there when you need a shoulder to cry on. Having a good friend can usually brighten a bad day and make you smile because that is what friends are for. If you feel depressed your friend will hang out with you to amuse you, to cheer you up and have a laugh with you. A good friend will not take offence at you if you disagree with him. I have no friends among adults apart from my parents. I think that it’s easier to make friends among your peers. VOCABULARY 1. mutual [ ˈmjuː.tʃu.əl ] взаємний 2. encouragement [ ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒmənt ] підтримка 3. gesture [ ˈdʒes.tʃər ] жест, вчинок 4. acquaintances [ əˈkweɪn.təns ] знайомства 5. amuse [ əˈmjuːz ] потішати 6. осяяти (покращити) поганий brighten a bad day день 7. offence [ əˈfens ] порушення, злочин 8. peers [ pɪər ] однолітки 16

U1. Me, my family and my friends Ex.1.12. Put verbs in correct active tenses. 1) Sandy (read) historic books every day. 2) What Liza (do) now? — Liza (write a letter. 3) Kate (meet) with her friends 10 minutes ago. 4) When Jill (come) to the office tomorrow? 5) Simon (buy a ticket yesterday. 6) Mary (read) the text while Ann (translate) the words. 7) Charlotte (do) her homework while her friend Megan (read) the text. 8) The Ivanovs (go) to the Hermitage last week. 9) The sun (rise) yet, but the sky (get) lighter every minute. 10) Sandy (not go) to the shopping mall yesterday. 11) Sandy (go) to the shopping mall tomorrow. 12) Samuel just (go) out. 13) How long Gretta (drive) a car? — Gretta (drive) for 5 years 14) When Alice (go) to the cinema?— Alice (go) to the cinema last Sunday. 15) Yesterday at this time I (cook) dinner. 16) Bob (look) for his shoes when I came in.

Ex.1.13. Write about your best friend. Use an example below. I have a wide circle of friends who are on the same wavelength. I get on well with them because I respect their differences. It is fun to be with them all, but my special friend is ______. I met him/her when I mixed with my friends once after school. We've become inseparable since our first meeting. I really like him/her and we get on well. He/she accepts me as I am and doesn't try to change me. ______is tall (well-built, pretty, handsome, plump, good-looking, slim) in his/her teens. _____ has got an oval (round / square) face with shoulder-length (long / short) hair, greenish-blue (hazel / blue / grey / green) eyes and full lips. ______is very responsible and decisive. He/she is determined: once he/she decides to do something, nothing can stop him/her. On the other hand, ______tends to be sometimes bossy and likes telling other people what to do. ______is an active and energetic person who enjoys cycling and playing sports games. He/she has an outgoing personality and loves meeting new people. He/she is also ambitious and works very hard at school to be successful in future. He/ she is intelligent and understands difficult subjects quickly and easily. On the other hand, he/ she can be sensitive at times and gets upset when something goes wrong. All in all, ______is very special to me and I am always there when he / she needs me. A real friend is always next tо you, you can always count on his support and attention. I can rely on my best friend in everything. ______helps me to see the truth even if it hurts, he / she keeps my secrets and shares things with me. I know, I can turn to my friend in trouble and he / she will give me a hand when I can’t cope with a problem myself. 17

Т1. Я, моя родина, мої друзі HOME READING 7 SIMPLE WAYS TO IMPROVE RELATIONSHIPS WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY 1) Keep in touch – Call/txt/email/write/meet more often. These days technology makes it so easy to keep in touch and yet we still find ourselves drifting apart. Technology can help you keep in touch but it can never replace being together in person. When I travelled overseas I emailed home regularly to friends and I was surprised at how well this managed to maintain those friendships, even over an extended period of time. This is important with the people you live with as well. Sometimes you can live in the same house yet not end up spending much time together. But whilst technology helps in many ways it can also hinder. A txt is no substitute for a face to face conversation. 2) Quality time – If you haven’t had quality time with someone for a while then arrange to do so. There are some friendships where you might only catch up once a month, others a few times a week. Every relationship’s different so figure out who you’re neglecting and decide how you can correct this. It can help to pick a friend and think when the last time you had a decent conversation with them was. 3) Remember birthdays & other dates – This is important with friends and essential with family. Some people say they aren’t fussed whether about people remembering their birthday but actually everyone appreciates it. How you remember people’s birthdays varies. Depending on how close you are it might just be a text or a phone call, or a present. I’m not too hot at remembering dates so I programme them into my mobile phone. With the really important ones I programme a reminder in a week ahead of the birthday so I’ve got time to organise a gift. These days with Facebook, Bebo etc it’s easier than ever to keep track of birthdays. 4) Listen more – The absolute number one way to improve a relationship is to listen more. And really listen. If you think people aren’t listening to you then chances are you aren’t listening to them either. Set the wheel in motion and listen to them first. Really try to see things from their perspective. If you want people to listen to you then listen to them first. 5) Look for ways to help them or make their lives better – Do a chore they normally do, give them a lift somewhere, help them carry something. 6) Try not to take them for granted – It’s easy to get a bit too comfortable in some relationships. We get caught up in other areas of our life and forget about some friendships then wonder why they aren’t there for us anymore. Friendships need to be maintained or they will fade away. 7) Open up – Tell them how great they are and how much you love having them as a friend/partner etc. Be specific, tell them what it is that you love about them and why that is such a great thing.


Тема 2. Спорт і дозвілля Unit 2. Sport and leisure time


Т2. Спорт і дозвілля MY ATTITUDE TO SPORTS Let me tell you about my own attitude to sports and sportsmen. To begin with I must say that sport is one of the things that always keep people fit. I think that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. Physically inactive people get older earlier than those who have plenty of exercises. If you do daily exercises regularly, you feel refreshed, have a good posture and that makes you feel well. Wise people say that good health is a great blessing. Everyone should do all possible to stay healthy. Being in good health means having both body and mind in good working order free from diseases and pain. There is a truthful Latin proverb: "A sound mind is in a sound body". If you want to keep yourself fit, you are to go in for sports. Sport is very popular in our family. Together with my father we do our usual morning exercises at home and twice a week we have our basketball training in the sports club and in summer we like to swim most of all, because swimming makes a man healthy and strong. I'm a hockey fan, too. I try to watch every hockey match on TV. Moreover I take part in different sports competitions which our school organizes from time to time. The most popular kinds of sport in our school are football, basketball, gymnastics, and wrestling. Some boys are also fond of boxing. Among girls callisthenics is very popular. All these sports have their strong supporters. My favourite kind of sport is tennis. I have been playing it since I was eleven years old, and the more I play it, the more I like it. There is a good tennis court not far from my house and I often go there with my friends. VOCABULARY 1. blessing ['blesiŋ] благо; щастя; щасливий дар 2. blessing ['blesiŋ] благо; щастя; щасливий дар 3. callisthenics [,kælis'θenɪks] ритмічна гімнастика 4. competitions [,kɔmpɪ'tɪʃ(ə)n] змагання 5. posture ['pɔstʃə] поза; положення, постава 6. to do daily exercises щодня робити зарядку 7. to feel refreshed [rɪ'freʃt] почувати себе бадьорим 8. to keep fit [kɪ:p fit] бути здоровим, у хорошій формі 9. wrestling ['resliŋ] боротьба 20

U2. Sport and leisure time Ex. 2.1. Answer the questions. 1) Why should people go in for sports? 2) Is it difficult to choose the kind of spoil you would like to go in for? 3) Why are the lessons of physical training at school so important? 4) What kind of sport are you fond of? 5) Why are you fond of this kind of sport? Ex. 2.2. Sports Debates Choose one dialogue and make up it with your partner DIALOGUE 1

Student A believes that sport is HIGHLY important. Student B thinks that sport is NOT important.


Student A believes that everybody should do sports every day. Student B thinks that some exercise from time to time is OK.

DIALOGUE 3 Student A believes that watching game is more exiting that playing it. Student B thinks that watching sports cannot replace a good thrilling game.

DIALOGUE 4 Student A believes that golf is the most exiting sport. Student B considers golf to be the most boring.

DIALOGUE 5 Student A believes that football is very interesting sport. Student B thinks a 90-minute game of football is the most boring.


Т2. Спорт і дозвілля Ex. 2.3. Fill in the table using words from sport games chart Winter Water Team Outdoor Indoor Sports that are sports sports sports sports sports played with the ball


U2. Sport and leisure time Ex. 2.4. Write about your favorite sport game. Use words from vocabulary and word chart.

Word chart badminton racquet ракетка для бадмінтону baseball bat бейсбольна бита boxing glove боксерська рукавиця competition змагання cricket bat крикетна бита defeat поразка draw нічия fishing rod вудка fixture пристрій football м'яч для футболу football boots бутси game гра hockey stick хокейна ключка ice skates ковзани league table турнірна таблиця loser той, що зазнав поразки loss програш match матч opponent суперник pool cue більярдний кий result результат running shoes кросівки score рахунок skateboard скейтборд skis лижі spectator глядач squash racquet ракетка для сквошу tennis racquet тенісна ракетка to draw зіграти в нічию to lose програти to play грати to watch дивитися to win перемогти umpire суддя victory перемога win перемога winner переможець 23

Т2. Спорт і дозвілля Ex. 2.5. Read the descriptions of the sports and name them. 1) It’s really exciting to rush down a snowy mountain. But be careful – it’s a rather dangerous activity. Sport:…………………………………………………………………………………… Necessary equipment ………………………………………………………………….. 2) For me this is the most exciting water sport. If you do try it, you’ll find muscles you never knew you had; and you’ll have a lot of fun. Sport:…………………………………………………………………………………… Necessary equipment ………………………………………………………………….. 3)It’s not certainly a sweated sport, but hitting a ball around the course is really relaxing and it’s nice to be out in the open air. Sport:…………………………………………………………………………………… Necessary equipment ………………………………………………………………….. 4)It’s a real thrill to go around the track at the highest speed you can imagine, but of course this sport is for those who like danger. Sport:…………………………………………………………………………………… Necessary equipment ………………………………………………………………….. 5) I started this sport five years ago, and I guess I’m much stronger now; besides I’ve gained two kilos of pure muscles. Sport:…………………………………………………………………………………… Necessary equipment ………………………………………………………………….. THE HISTORY OF THE Long ago ancient Greeks often waged wars. Small states suffered and lost much even if they did not take any side and stayed out of wars. The ruler of such a small state, Elis, wanted to live in peace with all neighbours. He was a good diplomat because his negotiations were successful and Elis was recognized a neutral state. To celebrate this achievement, he organized athletic games. In the beginning this feast lasted one day, but later a whole month was devoted to it. All wars and feuds were stopped by special heralds who rode in all directions of Greece. The games were held every four years in Olympia on the territory of Elis. The first games which later were called the Olympic Games were held about a thousand years before our era. Usually the Olympic Games began before the middle of the summer. Best athletes arrived from many Greek states to Olympia to compete in running, long jumps, throwing of discus and javelin and wrestling. In the course of time fist fighting (boxing) and chariot races were also included in the Games.


U2. Sport and leisure time All athletes took an oath that they had been preparing well for the Games and promised to compete honestly and keep the rules of the sacred Olympics. The athletes took part in all kinds of competitions. Winners were called «olympionics», they were awarded olive wreaths and cups of olive oil. This tradition has survived. In our time sportsmen often get cups and wreaths for winning the first place in sports competitions. The olympionics of ancient Greece became very popular. Best craftsmen were chosen to make honourary cups, many poets wrote and recited in public poems about the best athletes. Sculptors made their statues which were put up at the birthplace of the winners. The Olympic Games were accompanied by arts festivals. Poets recited their poems, singers sang hymns dancers danced and orators pronounced speeches — all this in honour of the sacred Games. Only men could take part in the Olympic Games. Women were not allowed even to watch the competitions at the stadium under the fear of death penalty. There was a single exception, when a woman coached her son and accompanied him to the stadium in men's clothes. That brave woman was spared the penalty because her son excelled in many events. Magnificent strong bodies inspired artists and sculptors. They painted wall pictures and made statues of marble and bronze, so now we can admire the corporal beauty of ancient and eternally young discus thrower, javelin bearer and others. The Olympic Games had been held for about eleven hundred years, until the emperor Theodosius banned them for religious reasons in 394 A. D. The revival of the Olympic Games began long time afterwards, in 1892, when a young French teacher Pierre de Coubertin made a public speech before the Union of French sports clubs in Paris. At that time many people in many countries practised various kinds of sports and games. They wanted to make friends and compete with sportsmen from other lands. Pierre de Coubertin understood the importance of sports which unified peoples of the world and served the cause of peace like in ancient time. On the 23rd of June 1894 the International Congress of amateur sportsmen made an important decision: to revive the Olympic Games and to establish the International Olympic Committee which would be responsible for the administration of the modern-Olympic Games. The first Committee consisted of 12 members. Now 82 members of the International Olympic Committee control the affairs of all member countries which joined the Olympic movement.


Т2. Спорт і дозвілля VOCABULARY 1. to wage wars [ weɪdʒ wɔːr ] вести війни 2. ruler [ ˈruːlə(r) ] правитель 3. feast [ fiːst ] свято, застілля 4. herald [ ˈher.əld ] гонець, посланник 5. javelin [ ˈdʒæv.lɪn ] спис 6. sacred [ ˈseɪ.krɪd ] священний, недоторканний 7. wreath [ riːθ ] вінок 8. chariot races [ ˈtʃær.i.ət reɪs] перегони на колісницях 9. бути врятованим від to be spared the penalty [ speər ðə ˈpen.əl.ti] покарання Ex. 2.6. Read text about the Olympic Games and answer the questions. 1) What did ancient Greeks do long ago? . 2) Why did the ruler organize athletic games? 3) How long did the first feast last? 4) When did the Olympic Games begin? How were the winners called? 5) What were the Olympic Games accompanied by? 6) Who was not allowed to take part in the Olympic Games?

SPORTS IN UKRAINE, SPORTING NATION When it comes to sport, most Ukrainians are very serious. Especially when you mention soccer and the Olympic Games. When driving through the streets of Ukraine you will see many youngsters playing especially soccer and rugby, most of them play with the goal to join one of the Ukrainian clubs or teams one day. Ukraine has made a big name for itself so far on soccer levels. In fact, Ukraine’s soccer is so impressive that they have even been the first soccer team that qualified for the 2006 World Cup Finals in Germany. Ukraine usually also does very well at the . At the 2008 summer Olympic games, Ukraine managed to get a marvelous total of 27 medals. They managed to get 7 gold medals, 5 silver medals and 15 bronze medals. For the more adventurous people living in Ukraine their lies many opportunities waiting on weekends and in free time. Sports and activities such as diving, snow skiing, mountain climbing, mountain biking, swimming, trekking and horse riding is becoming more and more popular by the day. Sports such as football and arm wrestling have been popular in Ukraine since the 19th century, when strongman Ukrainian wrestler Ivan Piddubny was a real legend throughout Europe. 26

U2. Sport and leisure time Legends of the 20th century include such names as pole vault champion Sergey Bubka (35 world records), and footballers like Oleg Blohin, twice European Footballer of the Year. Ukrainian gymnasts like Larisa Latynina and Iryna Deryugina both took a haul of Olympic medals in their time. Latynina won 9 gold, 5 silver and 4 bronze medals! Altogether Ukrainian sportsmen have won over 400 Olympic medals so far. Today Ukraine gives the international sports scene such names as boxers Vitaly and Vladimir Klichko, track and field athlete Zhanna Pintusevich, tennis player Andriy Medvedev, wimmer Yana Klochkova, gymnast Anna Bezsonova, and footballer Andriy Shevchenko, who is considered something of a national hero in Ukraine. Ex. 2.7. Work in pairs. What do you need to be a winner? Look through the phrases below. Add to this list your own ideas and share them with your partner. It is important... I think one of the most important things is. • to be confident • to be at one’s best in all situations • to be an active participant • to do morning exercises • to train hard

Ex. 2.8. Read some information about the most famous Ukrainian sportsmen and discuss what lead them to success.


Date of birth: 29 September 1976 (Dvirkivshchyna, Kyivska oblast, Ukrainian SSR). Andriy Shevchenko is a Ukrainian footballer who plays for Dynamo and the Ukraine national team as a striker. He is the third-highest scorer in the history of European club competition with 63 goals. The most prestigious of Andriy’s awards were the Golden Ball and the UEFA Cham- pions League in 2003 with Milan.


Т2. Спорт і дозвілля


Dates of birth: Vladimir — 25 March 1976 (Semipalatinsk, Kazakh SSR), Vitali — 19 July 1971 (Belovodsk, Kirghiz SSR) in family of Ukrainians. Vitali Klitschko, older brother, is the current WBC world heavyweight champion. He has the highest knockout percentage (95%) of any heavyweight boxing champion in overall fights and has never been knocked out or knocked down in any professional boxing bout. His younger brother, Vladimir Klitschko, is a Ukrainian heavyweight boxer. LILIYA PODKOPAYEVA

Date of birth: 15 August 1978 (Donetsk, Ukrainian SSR). Liliya Podkopayeva is the 1996 Olympic all-around champion. She is widely regarded as one of the best gymnasts in history. She is the proud owner of 45 gold, 21 silver and 14 bronze medals.


U2. Sport and leisure time

ANNA BESSONOVA Date of birth: 29 July 1984 (Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR). Anna Bessonova is the number one rhythmic gymnast in Ukraine. She won the bronze individual all around medals at the 2008 and 2004 Olympics. Over the course of her career she has won 24 World Championship medals, 2 Olympic medals, 24 European Championship med- als and 10 World Cup medals (60 in total).


Date of birth: 7 August 1982 (Simferopol, Crimea, Ukrainian SSR). Yana Klochkova is a Ukrainian swimmer, who has won five Olympic medals. 4 gold medals came in the 200 meter individual medley and the 400 meter individual medley at the 2000 and 2004 Summer Olympics. Her silver medal came in the 800 meter freestyle at the 2000 Summer Olympics.


Date of birth: 22 April 1974 (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukrainian SSR). Vasyl Virastyuk is a strongman competitor from Ukraine. He competed in the finals of the World’s Strongest Man contest in 2003 (3rd place) and 2004 (1st place). As well he won the 2007 IFSA Strongman World Championship.


Т2. Спорт і дозвілля HOME READING MORNING EXERCISING When it comes to exercising in the a.m., it’s way easier to be a wimp than a warrior—which is bad news, considering how an early sweat session may benefit your body, not to mention your to-do list. Not only are morning workouts easier to stick to (hey, impromptu happy hours don't happen before the sun comes up), but science also suggests that working out early—more specifically, before you’ve had breakfast—may help the body burn fat more efficiently. That said, actually getting yourself to the gym—or even out of the house—at the crack of dawn can feel like a one-way ticket to struggle city. It’s no wonder, really, since your body’s still in snooze mode at that hour, particularly if it’s not acclimated to doing something right away, says personal trainer Stacy Berman, founder of Stacy’s Bootcamp in New York City. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up on all your #riseandgrind aspirations—just opt for a calmer kind of workout at the beginning. Start with gentle movements that yield big results—ones that strengthen and stretch the entire body while getting the blood pumping, but are a bit less intense, Berman suggests. Consider this workout created (and demonstrated) by personal trainer Tamara Pridgett below your entry into the morning-person club.

How to use this list: Complete 3 rounds of the following circuit. Perform 10 to 12 reps of each move in the first set, 12 to 15 reps in the second set, and 15 to 20 reps in the third set. By the end, you’ll feel stretched, energized, and ready to take on the day. 1. Hollow Body Hold

Lie faceup with arms by sides and legs extended straight. Engage abs. Lift shoulder blades and straightened legs off the floor, keeping lower back pressed into mat throughout the entire exercise (the closer your legs are to the floor, the more challenging this is).

2. Single-Leg Glute Bridge Lie faceup with knees bent and feet shoulder- width apart. Extend left leg straight out then press into right heel to lift hips straight up off mat. Keep knees in-line and engage glutes as you lift. Lower down slowly, creating your own resistance, then repeat on other side.


U2. Sport and leisure time 3. Reverse Oblique Crunch

Start sitting on mat, legs extended out in front of you, hands on mat behind you. Lean back slightly onto fingertips for balance and lift legs two inches off floor. Keeping core tight, shift weight onto right hip and twist at the waist to bring bent knees toward chest. Extend back out (don't drop legs to mat). You should feel this in your side abs. Twist to the other side and repeat. Continue alternating. 4. Plank With Knee Tap

Start in high plank position, hands directly under shoulders, shoulders in-line with hips. Engage core to keep torso still, and without shifting weight, draw right knee to chest and lift left hand to tap right knee, then draw left knee to chest and lift right hand to tap left knee. Continue alternating as fast as possible without losing form. 5. Double Leg Lift


Т2. Спорт і дозвілля Lie faceup on mat, legs extended up toward ceiling so body forms a 90-degree angle, arms by sides. Keeping core engaged and lower back pressed to mat, slowly lower legs down to mat as low as possible (the lower you go the harder it is). Don't let lower back pop up off mat. Slowly lift legs back to starting position and repeat. 6. Squat Stand with feet just wider than hip width, hips stacked over knees, knees over ankles. Hinge at hips then send hips back and bend knees to lower body. Keep chest lifted and lower to at least 90 degrees. Lift arms out in front of you for balance if needed. Rise and repeat. For more details on how to squat.

7. Lateral Lunge With Knee Drive

Start with feet together, arms at your side. Take a big step to left with left foot, send your hips back, and bend left knee (right leg is straight) as you bring palms together in front of chest. Keep chest lifted and abs engaged. Press into left foot to reverse momentum and shift weight onto right leg as you draw left knee to chest. Return to lunge position and continue to repeat. Then repeat on the other side. 8. Inchworm Push-Up

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Hinge at hips to bend over and touch floor with hands, then walk hands out to high plank position. Keeping elbows close to sides, bend elbows and lower chest to floor. Push back up, then walk hands back toward feet. Repeat.


Тема 3. Харчування Unit 3. Food and meals


Т3. Харчування HEALTHY FOOD All food is made up of nutrients which our bodies use. There are different kinds of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats» vitamins and minerals. Different foods contain different nutrients. Before we cut down on fat, sugar and salt, we have to know a bit more about the kind of food these things might be in. The biggest problem comes when these things are hidden in other foods: biscuits, crisps, sausages, meat pies, soft drinks and so on. The best way is to get into the habit of checking the ingredients and nutritional value on the sides of packets although this isn't always easy to do. Another thing to know is, for example, that we do need fat to live, it's an essential part of our diet and physically we couldn't exist without it. But we all know that to eat much fat is bad for our health. The matter is that there are different kinds of fat. There are fats that are good for us and fats that are bad for us. Eating less of the bad ones and more of the good ones can actually help us to live longer! Bad fats are the saturated fats, found in animal productions, like red meat, butter and cheese. Friendly fats are the unprocessed fats found naturally in foods like nuts and seeds, olives, avocados and oily fish, including tuna. One more thing to know is that when food is cooked, its structure changes. It can change the vitamin and nutrient contents of food. More and more people feel strongly about the way, their food is produced. Nowadays so much of the basic food we eat — meat, fish, fruit and vegetables — is grown using chemicals and additives. Although fertilizers and pesticides have greatly increased the quantity of food and helped to improve its appearance, there is a growing concern about the effects of these chemicals in the food chain. This concern has led to a growth in the demand for organically grown products. Finally, there are three main messages to follow for healthy eating: First, we should eat less fat, particularly saturated fat. Secondly, we are to cut down on sugar and salt. Thirdly, we must eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.


U3. Food and meals Words chart Ex. 3.1. Read text Healthy Food and answer the questions. nutrient - живильна речовина 1) What nutrients do you know? carbohydrate — dуглевод 2) What are the main things to know protein — білок, протеїн about food we eat? fat — жир 3) What fats are good? to contain — містити 4) What fats are dangerous for our to cut down on — зменшити прийом health? crisp — ламкий, тендітний 5) What are the main factors that to get into the habit of - взяти за determine the food we eat? звичку 6) What are three main messages to essential — істотний, життєво follow for healthy eating? важливий saturated fat — жири з високим Ex. 3.2. Read the article and choose змістом насичених жирних кислот the best answer (a-c). unprocessed fat — неопрацьовані Some foods have a lot of proteins, жири vitamins and fibre. These foods are healthy seed — насіння, насіннячко and you should eat a lot of them. Other additive - добавка foods have a lot of sugar and fat. You fertilizer — добриво shouldn’t eat to much of them. Eat more pesticide — пестицид, ядохімікат fruit and vegetables. They have a lot of concern — інтерес, участь, vitamins, minerals and fibre. Fruit have all зацікавлення, відношення the sugar your body needs. Too much salt food chain - харчовий ланцюг is as bad for your health as too much sugar. demand - потреба Don’t add salt when you are cooking or to cause — бути причиною, eating. Add lemon juice or spices instead. викликати Eat fewer chips and salted nuts. We don’t cancer — рак (онкологія) need a lot of fat, so choose low-fat products if possible. Grilled food is much income — прибуток; заробіток healthier than fried. There’s less fat in it. lack — недолік, нестаток; Another important piece of advice is to eat відсутність чого-небудь. regularly and drink five or six glasses of water every day. Enjoy your meals! 1 What foods are healthy?

a) Foods that have a lot of sugar and fat. b) Foods that have a lot of proteins, vitamins and fibre. c) Foods that have a lot of salt.


Т3. Харчування

2 What should we eat more? a) We should eat more fruit and vegetables. b) We should eat more chips and salted nuts. c) We should eat more fried food. 3 What food has all the sugar our body needs? a) Fat has all the sugar your body needs. b) Grilled food have all the sugar your body needs. c) Fruit have all the sugar your body needs. 4 What can we add to the dishes instead of salt? a) We can add mustard. b) We can add garlic. c) We can add lemon juice or spices. 5 What do we need to eat less? a) We need to eat fewer chips and salted nuts. b) We need to eat fewer fruit and vegetables. c) We need to eat fewer fish and meat. 6 What don’t we need to eat if possible? a) We don’t need to eat a lot of minerals. b) We don’t need to eat a lot of vitamins. c) We don’t need to eat a lot of fat. 7 What food is much healthier than fried? a) Roasted food is much healthier than fried. b) Grilled food is much healthier than fried. c) Raw food is much healthier than fried. 8 What important piece of advice this text gives? a) To eat regularly and drink five or six glasses of water every day. b) To eat not later than at 6 o’clock. c) To eat only two times a day. 36

U3. Food and meals Ex. 3.3. Translate into Ukrainian

Ex. 3.4. Look at the food pyramid. Discuss it with your partner. Do you use such food pyramid in your daily menu?


Т3. Харчування Ex. 3.5. Read an example of daily menu and create your own healthy daily menu. EXAMPLE

Breakfast - Egg White Omelet Egg white omelet stuffed with 1 cup of assorted grilled vegetables, such as onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, and broccoli, and a dollop of nonfat ricotta cheese.

Lunch – Salad and Turkey Sandwich Sandwich of fresh roasted turkey breast (3½ to 4 ounces) with 2 slices of low-sodium, whole-grain bread with assorted veggies, like baby greens and sliced tomatoes. Smear the bread with 1 tablespoon of low-sodium stone-ground mustard.

Dinner Veggie Burger and Steamed Fresh Vegetables Keep stocked in your refrigerator or freezer a box of veggie burgers (look for low-sodium varieties). Veggie burgers are a much better choice for your waistline and heart than ground meat. Veggie patties have only about half the calories of regular red meat patties, and zero heart- hurting saturated fat. Plus, they’re so easy to cook – just one or two minutes in the microwave. While toasting your whole-wheat bun, take from your pantry a jar of roasted red bell peppers and top your veggie patty with a couple of luscious slices. Smear your bun with a little low-sodium Dijon mustard.



U3. Food and meals Ex. 3.6. Look at the list of products and translate.

eggs chips sweets

seafood cake fruits

vegetables ice-cream chocolate

hamburger nuts

porridge sausages


Т3. Харчування Use products to fill in the table. Healthy food Unhealthy food

Read some interesting facts about this products:  Chocolate, sweets, ice-cream are unhealthy food because it contains a lots of sugar. And much sugar is bad for our health.  Eggs, nuts, milk are healthy food because they have proteins and vitamins and give us a lot of energy.  Fruit and vegetables are healthy food because they contain a lot of vitamins. They are good for our health.  Chips and hamburger are unhealthy food because they are fast food and high- fat products.  Porridge is a healthy food because it contains vitamin B1.  Fish is healthy food because it contains fat that is useful for us.  Cola is unhealthy food because it have a lot of sugar and spoils our teeth.

Ex. 3.7. Put the words in the correct columns and fill in the table: butter, chicken, meat, sausage, soup, egg, tomato, potato, cheese, cucumber, salad, orange, banana, lemon, apple, omelet, porridge, cutlet, milk, radish, juice, onion, coffee, mineral water

Fruit Vegetables Drink Meal

Ex. 3.8. Put the words in the right order to make sentence. 1) eat, in the morning, porridge, I 2) She, milk, with, coffee, drink, does not 3) hamburgers, They, with, like, cheese, do not 4) We, eat, for breakfast, salad, fish, or 5) for supper, would, I, orange, like, juice 6) does not, Lizzy, mineral, drink, water


U3. Food and meals MEALS AT THE RESTAURANT Choosing a meal can be a problem sometimes because many dishes may have unknown foreign names. Don't guess - ask the waiter to help you. Don’t let a number of knives confuse you. It’s simple enough – use them in the order they are laid; the 'place settings' picture will help you.

Place Settings: 1 - napkin 7 - cup and saucer 2 - plate 8 – fork and knife for main meal 3 - bread and butter plate 9 – fork for salad 4 - water glass 10 – spoon for soup 5 – red wine glass 11 – fork and spoon for dessert 6 - white wine glass 12 – tea spoon

Interesting facts You can have a “dialog” with a waiter without words. Put your fork and knife in position to show what you mean

pause in meal next meal it was tasty end of meal didn’t like the meal


Т3. Харчування

UKRAINIAN CUISINE The peculiar features of traditional Ukrainian food have been forming over centuries. The neighboring countries, climate conditions, rich soil and hard-working locals have influenced the complexity of the dishes. Borscht with garlic fritters Ukrainian dishes often use a number of ingredients. Borscht is a direct proof of this. Initially, this dish was made of 30 ingredients but, of course, over time that number has decreased. However, the technique remains unchanged. Beef is placed in cold water to make a meat broth. Then the meat is taken out and other ingredients are added and cooked in a closed saucepan. Garlic fritters are given instead of bread and called pampushki by locals. Traditionally, every Ukrainian girl learns how to cook borscht before getting married.

Vareniki Vareniki is a kind of dumpling. It is made of dough, but the filling depends on the imagination and taste preferences of the chef and their guests. Cabbages, meat, mushrooms, cottage cheese, cherries, currant or potatoes are the most typical fillings.

Savory or sweet, vareniki turns out to be succulent. Ukrainians put sour cream almost in every dish, and these dumplings often get the same treatment. Begin your meal with one of these—you won’t regret it.


U3. Food and meals Potato pancakes Deruny, or potato pancakes, are a perfect course for breakfast or dinner. They are usually freshly fried or baked. If you want to make a good batch of deruny, first off, you should make sure the potatoes are finely grated. Then, to diversify the flavor, add meat, slices of chopped onions, mushrooms, fresh herbs or a variety of spices. Alternatively, you could just keep it simple: potatoes and a pinch of salt. Salo It has already become a source of humor: Ukrainians love salo. This well- established symbol of hospitality and wealth is usually served as an appetizer— but sometimes a fully fledged dish. Pork fat is reportedly a source of vitamin D and A, both of which foster brain activity, digestion and detoxification. Put it on rye bread with spices or greens and have yourself a surprisingly healthy snack. Banush Western Ukraine has a number of unique recipes that are not as common in the central or eastern parts of the country. One of them is a legendary dish called banush. Decades ago, banush was a dish associated with poverty, but now this staple food is served in the best restaurants across the Carpathians. It is made of corn grits, fried pork fat and cheese, and is traditionally cooked over a fire in order to get it well smoked. Mushrooms are also often added to the porridge, to make the taste even richer. Ex. 3.9. Read the text Ukrainian cuisine and answer the questions. 1. What is Ukrainian cuisine famous for? 2. What is the most popular Ukrainian dish ? 3. What are the other popular Ukrainian dishes? 4. What products do Ukrainians like ? 5. What is your favourite Ukrainian dish ? 6. What Ukrainian dishes do you like to cook? 43

Т3. Харчування ENGLISH MEALS The English proverb says: every cook praises his own broth. One can not say English cookery is bad, but there is not a lot of variety in it in comparison with European cuisine. The English are very particular about their meals. The usual meals in England are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. Breakfast time is between seven and nine a.m. A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal. It consists of juice, porridge, a rasher or two of bacon and eggs, toast, butter, jam or marmalade, tea or coffee. Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit. Many people like to begin with porridge with milk or cream and sugar, but no good Scotsman ever puts sugar on it, because Scotland is the home of porridge. For a change you can have sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, cold ham or perhaps fish. But nowadays in spite of the fact that the English strictly keep to their meals many people just have cereal with milk and sugar or toast with jam or honey. The two substantial meals of the day are lunch and dinner. Lunch is usually taken at one o'clock. For many people lunch is a quick meal. Office workers usually go to a cafe at this time. They take fish, poultry or cold meat (beef, mutton, veal and ham), boiled or fried potatoes and all sorts of salad. They may have a mutton chop or steak and chips, followed by biscuits and a cup of coffee. Some people like a glass of light beer with lunch. Pubs also serve good, cheap food. School children can have a hot meal at school. Some of them just bring a snack from home. Tea is very popular among the English; it may almost be called their national drink. Tea is welcome in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. The English like it strong and fresh made. The English put one tea- spoonful of tea for each person. Tea means two things. It is a drink and a meal. Some people have afternoon tea, so called «high tea» with sandwiches, tomatoes and salad, a tin of apricots, pears or pineapples and cakes, and, of course a cup of tea. That is what they call good tea. It is a substantial meal.


U3. Food and meals

Cream teas are also popular. Many visitors, who come to Britain, find English instant coffee disgusting. Dinner time is generally between six and eight p.m. The evening meal is the biggest and the main meal of the day. Very often the whole family eats together. They begin with soup, followed by fish, roast chicken, potatoes and vegetables, fruit and coffee. On Sundays many families have a traditional lunch consisting of roast chicken, lamb or beef with salads, vegetables and gravy. The British enjoy tasting delicious food from other countries, for example, French, Italian, Indian and Chinese food. Modern people are so busy that they do not have a lot of time for cooking themselves. So, the British buy the food at the restaurant and bring it home already prepared to eat. So we can conclude that take- away meals are rather popular among the population. Eating has become rather international in Britain lately. VOCABULARY 1. beef [ biːf ] яловичина 2. cereal [ ˈsɪə.ri.əl ] крупа, крупяний продукт 3. cuisine [ kwɪˈziːn ] кухня, стіл 4. чудовий, чарівний; дуже delicious [ dɪˈlɪʃ.əs ] смачний 5. disgusting [ dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ ] огидний, поганий, противний 6. Every cook praises his кожний кухар хвалить свій

own broth власний бульйон 7. gravy [ ˈɡreɪ.vi ] підлива (із соку печені), соус 8. ham [ hæm ] шинка, окорок 9. in spite of [ spaɪt ] незважаючи на 10. instant coffee [ ˈɪn.stənt ˈkɒfi ] розчинний кава 11. lamb [ læm ] м'ясо молодого баранчика 12. mutton [ ˈmʌt.ən ] баранина 13. particular [ pəˈtɪkjələ(r) ] обід, ланч 14. poultry [ ˈpəʊl.tri ] домашня птиця 15. proverb [ ˈprɒv.ɜːb ] прислів'я, приказка 16. тонкий клаптик бекону (для rasher [ ˈræʃ.ər ] поджарювання) 17. roast [ rəʊst ] печеня; смажений 18. strictly [ ˈstrɪktli ] пильно, уважно 19. substantial [ səbˈstænʃl ] живильний 20. veal [ viːl ] телятина


Т3. Харчування HOME READING MY FAVORITE RESTAURANT I enjoy eating out. I often have dinner in a good restaurant or café with my friends or my family. I’ve got a couple of favorite places for eating out. One of them is “Tokyo”. It’s a restaurant which offers excellent Japanese cuisine. The prices aren’t quite low there, the average dinner is about 20-30 dollars for each person. But I prefer high quality and nice service, that’s why I go to “Tokyo“ once or twice a month. The menu can fit any taste. There is a large selection of vegetarian dishes and special dishes for children which include chicken, steak and pasta meals. There are also a lot of fantastic desserts to choose from. For a starter I normally have some seafood salad, and for the main course it is usually grilled salmon served with wild mushrooms and seasonal vegetables. Sometimes my meal is accompanied by a glass of dry wine. The favorite part of my dinner is the dessert. I am sure that “Tokyo” makes the best chocolate pudding I have ever tasted. So I always order this with a cup of black coffee. We can have much fun in this restaurant because the food is cooked just in front of us and served by the chefs. We sit around the table for eight people. Our chef brings all ingredients to the table and starts a theatrical performance of preparing the food. The chef chops and grills meat, fish and vegetables. Then he serves our freshly cooked, juicy and steaming hot food. Both adults and children enjoy the show. I really love my evening meals at “Tokyo” restaurant. It offers outstanding food, great service and unforgettable entertainment.

Ex. 3.10. Write about your favorite restaurant or café. What is your favorite meal there?


ЗМІСТ 1. Передмова…………………………………3

2. Тема 1 « Я,моя родина,мої друзі.»……….4-17

3. Тема 2 «Спорт і дозвілля.»………………18-31

4. Тема 3 « Харчування.»…………………...32-45


СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНИХ ДЖЕРЕЛ: 1. Anderson M.W. English As a Second Language - Learning English As a Second Language

2. А.Б. Коганов. Сучасна англійська мова: Розмовні теми (лексика, тексти, діалоги, вправи). – К.: А.С.К., 2000. Кн.1.

3. А.Б. Коганов. Сучасна англійська мова: Розмовні теми (лексика, тексти, діалоги, вправи). – К.: А.С.К., 2000. Кн.2.

4. В.К. Шпак, Англійська мова для повсякденного спілкування.-К.: Вища шк., 2000.

5. Електронний ресурс https://en.islcollective.com/

6. Електронний ресурс. http://www.eslgamesplus.com/

7. Електронний ресурс. https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org

8. Н.А.Лапоногова, Т.І.Саєнко. Українсько-англійський розмовник.-К.,1994.

9. Н.В. Пестрякова. 151 розмовна тема з англійської мови.–Х.: Торсінг, 2000.

10. Н.В. Тучина, Т.К. Меркулова, В.С. Кузьміна. Speak English with Pleasure. – Х.: Торсінг, 2001.