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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,441,169 B2 Gargano et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 13, 2016

(54) PROCESS FOR REMOVING SULPHUR (58) Field of Classification Search COMPOUNDS FROM HYDROCARBONS CPC ...... C10G 27/00; C10G 27/02: C10G 27/12 See application file for complete search history. (71) Applicant: Ultraclean Fuel Pty Ltd., Tuggerah New South Wales (AU) (56) References Cited (72) Inventors: Gordon John Gargano, Mardi (AU); U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Marc E. Halpern, Blackwood, NJ (US) 4,727,973 A 3, 1988 Estreicher et al. (73) Assignee: ULTRACLEAN FUEL PTY LTD, As A t 1858 sman Tuggerah, New South Wales (AU) 6,171.478 B1 1/2001 CabreraOe et al. 6,274,785 B1 8, 2001 G (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 6,277,271 B1 8, 2001 k patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6,402,939 B1 6/2002 Yen et al. U.S.C. 154(b) by 154 days. 6,406,616 B1 6/2002 Rappas et al. (Continued) (21) Appl. No.: 14/216,602 (22) Filed Mar 17, 2014 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 1C ar. If AU 200020723 9, 2001 (65) Prior Publication Data CA 1213918 11, 1986 US 2014/02995 12 A1 Oct. 9, 2014 (Continued) Related U.S. Application Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS (60) Provisional application No. 61/790,749, filed on Mar. Arlt et al.; New classes of compounds for chemical engineering: 15, 2013. ionic liquids and hyperbranched polymers; research paper; Upon s knowledge and belief prior to Mar. 17, 2014; 13 pages; Technical (51) Int. Cl. University of Berlin, Institute fuer Verfahrenstechnik, Berlin, Ger CIOG 27/00 (2006.01) many. CIOG 27/12 (2006.01) (Continued) CIOG 27/04 (2006.01) CIDG 25/00 (2006.01) CIDG 25/12 (2006.01) Primary Examiner — Brian McCaig CIOG 53/14 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Thorpe North & Western CIOG 2/06 (2006.01) LLP CIOG 27/02 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. (57) ABSTRACT CPC ...... CI0G 27/04 (2013.01): CI0G 21/06 (2013.01): CI0G 25/003 (2013.01); CIOG Processes are disclosed for reducing the sulphur content of 25/12 (201301): CIOG 27/2 (201301). a hydrocarbon material containing Sulphur compounds. CI0G 53/14 (2013.01); C10G 2300/202 (2013.01) 60 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets

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i US 9,441,169 B2 1. 2 PROCESS FOR REMOVING SULPHUR cling. In some embodiments, ultra low Sulphur hydrocarbon COMPOUNDS FROM HYDROCARBONS and ultra low Sulphur aromatic hydrocarbon streams are produced. The present application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi Accordingly, in at least a preferred embodiment, the sional Patent Application No. 61/790,749 filed on Mar. 15, process of the present invention advantageously provides an 2013, the entirety of which is incorporated herein by refer economically viable way of reducing Sulphur levels in liquid CCC. hydrocarbons containing a variety of Sulphur species to produce recyclable hydrocarbon streams, very low waste FIELD streams and minimal loss of hydrocarbon components. 10 In a first aspect there is provided a process for reducing The present invention relates to the removal of sulphur the Sulphur content of a hydrocarbon material containing compounds from hydrocarbon streams. Sulphur compounds, the process comprising: a) contacting the hydrocarbon material with one or more BACKGROUND primary oxidants to oxidize the Sulphur compounds to 15 Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone compounds to provide a pri The removal of sulphur compounds from fossil hydrocar mary oxidised hydrocarbon material, wherein the primary bon (HC) streams, such as Natural Gas Condensate, Kero oxidants have an ORP of up to about 1550 mV; sene, Jet Fuel, Diesel and Fuel Oil, down to ultra low ppm b) contacting the primary oxidised hydrocarbon material levels is of major technical importance in industry and with a secondary oxidant to oxidize Sulphur compounds not Society due to the fact that Sulphur containing compounds oxidised by the primary oxidant to sulphoxide and/or sul can have negative effects on technical operations and the phone compounds to provide a secondary oxidised hydro environment. For instance, the presence of chemically carbon material, wherein the secondary oxidant has an ORP combined Sulphur, Such as organosulphur compounds, in of greater than about 1550 mV; hydrocarbon streams can cause corrosion of processing 25 c) contacting the primary and/or secondary oxidised equipment and engine parts. Further, the emission of SO, hydrocarbon material with an aqueous extractant to allow at and NO (oxides of nitrogen and sulphur) from the combus least a portion of the Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone compounds tion of fossil fuels containing Sulphur and nitrogen, causes to be extracted into the aqueous extractant to give a Sul damage to the environment. Of particular concern is the phoxide and/or Sulphone stream and a low Sulphur hydro presence of Poly Nuclear Aromatics (PAH) Sulphur, which 30 carbon stream; and when combusted, can produce toxic and probable carcino d) contacting the Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone stream with genic compounds in the environment. a tertiary oxidant to give an aqueous Sulphite stream and a With increasing emphasis on eliminating or minimizing low sulphur aromatic hydrocarbon stream, wherein the ter Sulphur discharge to the atmosphere, attention has turned to tiary oxidant oxidises Sulphone and/or Sulphoxide com the removal of Sulphur and nitrogen compounds from hydro 35 pounds to Sulphite compounds. carbon feedstocks before said hydrocarbons are combusted. In one preferred embodiment, the primary oxidant is Feedstock desulphurization is mandated in most countries of selected from one or more of the group consisting of: the world. Legislation in the United States currently limits a) N-chloroimide, the Sulphur level in fuels such as gasoline and diesel 40 b) hydrocarbon to 30 ppm and 15 ppm respectively. This limit c) of 15 ppm is more stringent in other parts of the world. Such d) electrolyzed oxidizing and as the EU, where allowable sulphur levels are as low as s10 e) catalysed and co-catalysed peroxide. ppm. This is also the mandatory level adopted by other The catalysed and co-catalysed can be countries as well, such as Japan, Australia and New Zealand. 45 hydrogen peroxide catalysed by catalysts selected from the group including but not limited to transition metals, noble SUMMARY metals and breakdown rate control catalysts; and co-cata lysed by a Phase Transfer Catalyst (PTC). The present disclosure generally relates to a process for The breakdown rate control catalysts include but are not reducing the Sulphur content of hydrocarbon feedstocks Such 50 limited to phosphotungstic acid. The phosphotungstic acid as Natural Gas Condensate, Kerosene, Jet Fuel, Diesel, can be formed from Sodium tungstate dihydrate Vacuum Gas Oil and Fuel Oil. In some embodiments, the (NaWO2H2O) and phosphoric acid. disclosure relates to a process for removing a range of The PTC may be selected from the group including but Sulphur compounds from hydrocarbon material containing a not limited to: quaternary ammonium salts including but not range of Sulphur compounds. 55 limited to: quaternary ammonium hydrogen Sulphates. Such The process disclosed herein uses a tailored oxidation as tri-C8-10-alkylmethyl, hydrogen sulfates (e.g. Ultra C, process comprising one or two oxidation steps to produce being a proprietary PTC available from and developed by the corresponding oxidized Sulphur compounds in the form Ultraclean Fuel and PTC Organics); methyltrialkyl (Cs-Co) of Sulphoxides and/or Sulphones. These Sulphoxides and ammonium chloride (e.g. Adogen R 464 available from Sulphones, whilst being still present in the liquid hydrocar 60 Evonik Industries); and N-Methyl-N,N-dioctyloctane-1-am bon streams, are subsequently extracted thereby producing a monium salts such as the chloride (e.g. Aliquat(R) 336 low sulphur hydrocarbon stream and following further treat available from BASF); or equivalent PTC’s known to those ment of the Sulphoxides and/or Sulphones, produce a low skilled in the art. Sulphur aromatic hydrocarbon stream and an aqueous stream In one embodiment, the primary oxidant is catalysed and of sodium sulphite or sulphuric acid. The low sulphur 65 co-catalysed hydrogen peroxide wherein the catalysed and hydrocarbon stream and low Sulphur aromatic hydrocarbon co-catalysed hydrogen peroxide is hydrogen peroxide cata stream may be individually recycled or combined for recy lysed by phosphotungstic acid comprising Sodium tungstate US 9,441,169 B2 3 4 dihydrate and phosphoric acid and co-catalysed with a phase One advantage of an embodiment of the process disclosed transfer catalyst (PTC) comprising a quartenary ammonium herein is its ability to reduce the Sulphur content of a range hydrogen Sulphate. of hydrocarbons which contain a variety of Sulphur com In another embodiment the secondary oxidant is selected pounds of varying complexity and resistance to oxidation. from one or more of the group consisting of An advantage of another embodiment of the process dis d) hydroxyl radicals, closed herein, is the ability to perform a two step oxidation e) liquid ferrate (iron VI), process to oxidise a range of Sulphur containing hydrocar f) chlorine dioxide and bon compounds with varying resistance to oxidation. An g) hyperfluorous acid/polar solvent. advantage of yet another embodiment of the process dis 10 closed herein, is the ability to produce a low sulphur In yet another embodiment, the hydrocarbon material hydrocarbon stream and a low Sulphur aromatic stream. containing Sulphur compounds has a Sulphur mass of >1000 Accordingly, one embodiment of the first and second ppm. aspects provides a process for reducing the Sulphur content According to a second aspect, there is provided a process of a hydrocarbon material containing Sulphur compounds, for reducing the Sulphur content of a hydrocarbon material 15 the process comprising: containing Sulphur compounds, the process comprising: a) contacting the hydrocarbon material with one or more a) contacting the hydrocarbon material with one or more primary oxidants to provide a primary oxidised hydrocarbon primary oxidants to give a primary oxidised hydrocarbon material Such that the primary oxidant oxidizes the Sulphur material wherein the primary oxidant is selected from one or compounds to Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone compounds, more of the group consisting of N-chloroimide, hypobro wherein the primary oxidant is selected from one or more of mous acid, hypochlorous acid, electrolyzed oxidizing water the group consisting of N-chloroimide, hypobromous acid, and catalysed and co-catalysed hydrogen peroxide, such that hypochlorous acid, electrolyzed oxidizing water and cata the primary oxidant oxidizes Sulphur compounds to Sul lysed and co-catalysed hydrogen peroxide, and wherein the phoxide and/or Sulphone compounds; catalysed and co-catalysed hydrogen peroxide is hydrogen and/or 25 peroxide catalysed by phosphotungstic acid and co-cata b) contacting the hydrocarbon material or primary oxi lysed by a phase transfer catalyst (PTC), preferably a dised hydrocarbon material with a secondary oxidant to give quaternary ammonium salt, more preferably a quaternary a secondary oxidised hydrocarbon material wherein the ammonium hydrogen Sulphate; secondary oxidant is selected from one or more of the group and consisting of hydroxyl radicals, liquid ferrate (iron VI). 30 b) contacting the primary oxidised hydrocarbon material chlorine dioxide and hyperfluorous acid/polar solvent, Such with a secondary oxidant to provide a secondary oxidised that the secondary oxidant oxidizes sulphur compounds to hydrocarbon material wherein the secondary oxidant is Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone compounds; selected from one or more of the group consisting of and hydroxyl radicals, liquid ferrate (iron VI), chlorine dioxide c) contacting the primary and/or secondary oxidised 35 and hyperfluorous acid/polar liquid solvent, Such that the hydrocarbon material with an aqueous extractant to allow at secondary oxidant oxidizes Sulphur compounds to SulphoX least a portion of the Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone compounds ide and/or Sulphone compounds; to be extracted into the aqueous extractant to give a Sul and phoxide and/or Sulphone stream and a low Sulphur hydro c) contacting the primary and/or secondary oxidised carbon stream; 40 hydrocarbon material with an aqueous extractant to allow at and least a portion of the Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone compounds d) contacting the Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone stream with to be extracted into the aqueous extractant to give a Sul a tertiary oxidant to give an aqueous Sulphite stream and a phoxide and/or Sulphone stream and a low Sulphur hydro low sulphur aromatic hydrocarbon stream, wherein the ter carbon stream; tiary oxidant oxidises Sulphone and/or Sulphoxide com 45 and pounds to Sulphite compounds. d) contacting the Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone stream with In one embodiment according to the second aspect, the a tertiary oxidant to give an aqueous Sulphite stream and a catalysed and co-catalysed hydrogen peroxide can be hydro low sulphur aromatic hydrocarbon stream, wherein the ter gen peroxide catalysed by catalysts selected from the group tiary oxidant oxidises Sulphone and/or Sulphoxide com including but not limited to transition metals, noble metals 50 pounds to Sulphite compounds. and breakdown rate control catalysts; and co-catalysed by a Another embodiment of the first and second aspects phase transfer catalyst (PTC) as defined above. provides a process for reducing the Sulphur content of a In a preferred embodiment according to the second aspect, hydrocarbon material containing Sulphur compounds, the the catalysed and co-catalysed hydrogen peroxide is hydro process comprising: gen peroxide catalysed by phosphotungstic acid comprising 55 a) contacting the hydrocarbon material with one or more Sodium tungstate dihydrate and phosphoric acid and co primary oxidants to provide a primary oxidised hydrocarbon catalysed by a phase transfer catalyst (PTC) comprising a material Such that the primary oxidant oxidizes the Sulphur quaternary ammonium salt, preferably a quartenary ammo compounds to Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone compounds, nium hydrogen Sulphate. wherein the primary oxidant is catalysed and co-catalysed In another embodiment of the second aspect, when the 60 hydrogen peroxide and wherein the catalysed and co-cata primary oxidant is catalysed and co-catalysed hydrogen lysed hydrogen peroxide is hydrogen peroxide catalysed by peroxide as described above, the process includes steps a) phosphotungstic acid and co-catalysed with a phase transfer and b). catalyst (PTC) comprising a quaternary ammonium salt, In yet another embodiment of the second aspect, when the preferably a quarternary ammonium hydrogen Sulphate; primary oxidant is catalysed and co-catalysed hydrogen 65 and peroxide as described above, the process includes only step b) contacting the primary oxidised hydrocarbon material a). with a secondary oxidant to provide a secondary oxidised US 9,441,169 B2 5 6 hydrocarbon material wherein the secondary oxidant is imide, preferably cyanuric acid. More preferably the selected from one or more of the group consisting of N-chloroimide is prepared in situ, and is prepared as hydroxyl radicals, liquid ferrate (iron VI), chlorine dioxide required during the course of the inventive process. and hyperfluorous acid/polar liquid solvent, such that the In another embodiment, the primary oxidant is hypobro secondary oxidant oxidizes Sulphur compounds to SulphoX mous acid. Hypobromous acid can be prepared by electroly ide and/or Sulphone compounds; sis of in water, more preferably, it is and prepared in situ by electrolysis of hydrogen bromide in c) contacting the primary and/or secondary oxidised water. In one preferred embodiment, regeneration of bro hydrocarbon material with an aqueous extractant to allow at mine via electrolysis allows for recycling of the primary least a portion of the Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone compounds 10 oxidant. to be extracted into the aqueous extractant to give a Sul In another embodiment, the primary oxidant is hypochlo phoxide and/or Sulphone stream and a low Sulphur hydro rous acid. Hypochlorous acid can be formed by reduction of carbon stream; sodium hypochlorite in water, preferably to provide a FAC and (free available chlorine) content of between about 1000 ppm d) contacting the Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone stream with 15 and 30000 ppm. Preferably, hypochlorous acid is formed in a tertiary oxidant to give an aqueous Sulphite stream and a the presence of acids such as muriatic acid, mild Sulfuric or low sulphur aromatic hydrocarbon stream, wherein the ter citric acid to achieve a pH level of between about 4.5 and tiary oxidant oxidises Sulphone and/or Sulphoxide com 6.5, this pH range being preferable for the maximum pro pounds to Sulphite compounds. duction of hypochlorous acid. In yet another embodiment of the second aspect, there is In another embodiment, the primary oxidant is catalysed provided a process for reducing the Sulphur content of a and co-catalysed hydrogen peroxide. The catalysed and hydrocarbon material containing Sulphur compounds, the co-catalysed hydrogen peroxide are as defined above. process comprising the steps of In one embodiment, the primary oxidant is electrolysed a) contacting the hydrocarbon material with one or more oxidising water. Electrolysed oxidising water can be pre primary oxidants to provide a primary oxidised hydrocarbon 25 pared according to known methods. material Such that the primary oxidant oxidizes the Sulphur The hydrocarbon material containing Sulphur compounds compounds to Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone compounds, is preferably a liquid hydrocarbon material containing Sul wherein the primary oxidant is catalysed and co-catalysed phur compounds. Examples of preferred liquid hydrocarbon hydrogen peroxide and wherein the catalysed and co-cata materials containing Sulphur compounds include but are not lysed hydrogen peroxide is hydrogen peroxide catalysed by 30 limited to diesel fuels, jet fuel feedstock, natural gas con phosphotungstic acid and co-catalysed with a phase transfer densate (NGC). catalyst (PTC) comprising a quaternary ammonium salt, for In one embodiment, the hydrocarbon material is contacted example, a quarternary ammonium hydrogen Sulphate: with the primary oxidant in at least a stoichiometric amount c) contacting the primary oxidised hydrocarbon material for the conversion of Sulphur compounds to Sulphoxide with an aqueous extractant to allow at least a portion of the 35 and/or Sulphone compounds and thereby provide the pri Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone compounds to be extracted into mary oxidised hydrocarbon. In another embodiment the the aqueous extractant to give a Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone amount of primary oxidant is proportionally metered in at a stream and a low Sulphur hydrocarbon stream; rate equivalent to between 2 moles and 4 moles of oxidant and to 1 mol of Sulphur, for example, as detected by an on-line d) contacting the Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone stream with 40 Total Sulphur Analyzer. a tertiary oxidant to give an aqueous Sulphite stream and a In one embodiment, the hydrocarbon material is contacted low sulphur aromatic hydrocarbon stream, wherein the ter with the primary oxidant at a temperature in the range of tiary oxidant oxidises Sulphone and/or Sulphoxide com about: 20° C.-70° C., 50-70° C., 50-65° C., 55-65° C., pounds to Sulphite compounds. 60-65°C., 30-65° C. or about 20-40°C. and a pressure in the In the above embodiment, a secondary oxidant, as here 45 range of about: 20 PSI (140 kPa)-100 PSI (700 kPa), about inbefore described in step b), is not used in the process. Only 20 PSI (140 kPa)-50 PSI (350 kPa), or about 30 PSI (210 the primary and tertiary oxidant, as hereinbefore described, kPa)-50 PSI (350 kPa). are used in the process according to this embodiment. In one embodiment, the hydrocarbon material is heated in The primary oxidant oxidises Sulphur compounds in the the range of about 30-65° C. prior to step a). Preferably, it hydrocarbon material to Sulphoxides and/or Sulphones to 50 is introduced into the primary oxidation reactor at a pressure give a primary oxidised hydrocarbon material. According to of in the range of about 140 kPa to 350 kPa. the second aspect and a preferred embodiment of the first The primary oxidant can be introduced to the primary aspect, the primary oxidant is selected from one or more of oxidation reactor at the same time as the hydrocarbon the group consisting of N-chloroimide, hypobromous acid, material. hypochlorous acid, electrolyzed oxidizing water and cata 55 In some embodiments, the primary oxidant is used in the lysed/co-catalysed hydrogen peroxide as herein before absence of catalysts (such as transition and/or noble metals) defined. Generally, the primary oxidant is employed to or co-catalyst (such as quaternary ammonium salts as Phase oxidise the electron rich Sulphur compounds as well as Transfer Catalyst (PTC)). In other embodiments, such as sulfides, disulfides and mercaptains. Preferably, the primary when hydrogen peroxide is the primary oxidant, catalysts oxidant oxidises Sulphur compounds with an electron den 60 and co-catalysts are present. sity on the sulphur atom higher than about 5.739. In the first aspect, the primary oxidised hydrocarbon In one embodiment of the second aspect, the primary material is further oxidised using the secondary oxidant to oxidant has an oxidation reduction potential (ORP) of up to further oxidise any Sulphur compounds not oxidised by the about 1.55 (1.550 mV). first oxidant. In one embodiment of the first and second aspect, the 65 The process according to the second aspect allows the primary oxidant is N-chloroimide. N-chloroimide can be hydrocarbon material to be oxidised by the primary oxidant, prepared by reaction of Sodium hypochlorite, water and an the secondary oxidant or both the primary and secondary US 9,441,169 B2 7 8 oxidants depending on the Sulphur species present in the range of about 30 seconds to 10 minutes, or about 40 hydrocarbon material. In one embodiment, the primary seconds to 5 minutes, or about 1-4 minutes. oxidised hydrocarbon material contains both Sulphur con In one specific embodiment of the first and second aspect, taining compounds and Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone com the secondary oxidant is chlorine dioxide which can be in the pounds. In this embodiment, it may be desirable to further form of a stabilised water solution having a chlorine dioxide contact the primary oxidised hydrocarbon with the second content in the range of about 3000 ppm (0.3%) to 8000 ppm ary oxidant in order to oxidise the remaining Sulphur com (0.8%). The chlorine dioxide can be supplied to the reaction pounds. This may be required if the hydrocarbon being at a temperature in the range of about 15-35°C., or about processed contains more thiophenes and benzothiophenes as 18-25° C. and at a pressure of about 140 kPa to 700 kPa. 10 In another specific embodiment of the first and second these species are resistant to oxidation. Without being bound aspect, the secondary oxidant is hypofluorous acid in a polar by theory, this is considered in part to be due to their solvent including but not limited to acetonitrile. In this relatively low electron densities or electron poor or embodiment, hypofluorous acid in acetonitrile can be pre deprived. For instance thiophene in the form of trimethyl pared by bubbling a gaseous mixture comprising benzothiophene, has been found to be very resistant to 15 and nitrogen into liquid acetonitrile to form the oxidant in oxidation. the form of an HOF.CHCN electrophilic oxidant, wherein The primary and secondary oxidants oxidise the Sulphur the concentration of fluorine mixed with nitrogen does not compounds to Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone compounds to exceed about 20% by weight, or is in the range of about 15% give an oxidised hydrocarbon material. According to the to 20%, or in the range of about 10% to 15% by weight second aspect and a preferred embodiment of the first aspect, fluorine blended with the nitrogen. In one embodiment, the the secondary oxidant is selected from one or more of the secondary oxidant is Supplied to a secondary oxidizing group consisting of hydroxyl radicals, liquid ferrate (iron reactor at room temperature, or less than about 25°C. (77° VI), chlorine dioxide or hyperfluorous acid/polar solvent. F.), or at about 20° C. (68°F), or at about 15° C. (59°F) and According to the second aspect, the secondary oxidant at a pressure in the range of about 30 PSI (140 kPa) to 100 may be used in addition to and after treatment with the 25 PSI (700 kPa). primary oxidant or in place of the first oxidant. In one In another embodiment of the first and second aspect, the embodiment, the primary oxidised hydrocarbon material secondary oxidant is hydroxyl radicals. In this embodiment, contains Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone compounds but no a stoicheometric amount of the secondary oxidant can be Sulphur containing compounds. In this embodiment, no added to secondary oxidation reactor in the range of about further oxidation steps to oxidise the Sulphur compounds are 30 1 minute to 5 minutes, or about 2 minutes to 4 minutes, or required. In another embodiment, the secondary oxidant about 3 to 3.5 minutes, at a temperature of less than about oxidises any sulphur compounds that have not been oxidised 25°C (77°F), or at about 25-159 C., or at about 20° C. (68° by the primary oxidant to Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone com F.), or at about 15° C. (59°F) and at pressure in the range pounds. Generally, a secondary oxidant will be required if of about 30 PSI (140 kPa) to 100 PSI (700 kPa). the primary oxidant does not quantifiably oxidize the Sul 35 In yet another specific embodiment of the first and second phur compounds in the hydrocarbon material. aspect, the secondary oxidant is Liquid Ferrate VI. In this The secondary oxidant is primarily employed to oxidise embodiment, a stoichiometric amount of the secondary Sulphur compounds that are relatively electron depleted (i.e. oxidant can be added to secondary oxidation reactor and the have a low electron density on the sulphur atom). Preferably, Liquid Ferrate is produced on site by reaction involving the secondary oxidant oxidises Sulphur compounds with an 40 caustic, bleach and ferric chloride. The Liquid ferrate VI can electron density on the sulphur atom is s5.73. be mixed vigorously with the hydrocarbon material or first According to the first aspect and a preferred embodiment oxidised hydrocarbon for a time in the range of about 1-5 of the second aspect, the secondary oxidant has an oxidation minutes, or about 2 minutes to 4 minutes, or about 3 to 3.5 reduction potential (ORP) of >1550 mV. In one embodi minutes at a temperature less than about 25°C. (77 F.), or ment, the secondary oxidant has an oxidation reduction 45 in the range of about 25-15°C., or at about 20° C. (68°F), potential (ORP) >1700 mV. In another embodiment the ORP or at about 15° C. (59°F) and at pressure in the range of of the secondary oxidant is a 1900 mV. In another embodi about 30 PSI (140 kPa) to 100 PSI (700 kPa). ment, the ORP is in the range of about 1550-2200 mV. The Empirical testing has confirmed that the oxidation of secondary oxidant has a higher ORP than the primary Sulphur compounds is not appreciably more complete after oxidant. 50 two oxidation cycles are effected. Accordingly, in a pre In one embodiment, the secondary oxidant is contacted ferred embodiment of the process disclosed herein, it will be with the primary oxidised hydrocarbon material or the most efficient if no more than two oxidation cycles are hydrocarbon material in at least a stochiometric amount for required as the effective oxidation rate decreases very mark the conversion of Sulphur compounds to Sulphoxide and/or edly after two oxidation reactions. Sulphone compounds and thereby provide the secondary 55 According to step c) of the first and second aspects oxidised hydrocarbon material. In another embodiment, the disclosed herein, at least a portion of the Sulphoxide and/or secondary oxidant is contacted with the primary oxidised Sulphone compounds are extracted into an aqueous extract hydrocarbon material or hydrocarbon material in a stoichio ant to give a Sulphone/sulphoxide stream and a separate low metric excess of >1 mol oxidant to about 1 mol of sulphur, Sulphur hydrocarbon stream. In one embodiment, most or all or about 1-3 moles of oxidant to about 1 mol of sulphur, or 60 of the Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone compounds are extracted about 2-3 moles of oxidant to about 1 mol of sulphur. The into the aqueous extractant. The aqueous extractant can be in secondary oxidant can be contacted with the primary oxi the form of an ionic liquid (IL) or an alternate polar dised hydrocarbon material or the hydrocarbon material at a extraction solvent. In one embodiment, the primary and/or temperature of less than about 35° C., or in the range of secondary oxidised hydrocarbon material is contacted with about 15-35°C. and at a pressure of less than about 700 kPa, 65 an ionic liquid (IL) or a polar extraction solvent for a time or in the range of about 100-700 kPa; or about 125-350 kPa. and under conditions to allow at least a portion of the In one embodiment contact occurs for a period of time in the Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone compounds to be extracted or US 9,441,169 B2 10 absorbed into the extraction solvent or liquid. In one In another embodiment, the tertiary oxidant is hydroxyl embodiment, the aqueous extractant is a polar extraction radicals. Oxidation of the sulphone and/or sulphoxide com solvent selected from the group consisting of DMF, DMSO, pounds with hydroxyl radicals forms a sulphite and follow methanol, water, brine, furfural, acetonitrile. For instance, a ing addition of water forms sulphuric acid. Preferably, the liquid/liquid extraction or ion exchange adsorption process stoichiometric ratio of hydroxyl radicals to sulphone/sul can be used to extract the Sulphone/sulphoxide compounds. phoxide is in the range of about 1:1 to 4:1, in one embodi The extraction solvent can be an IL of the general ment the stoichiometric ratio is about 2:1, in another it is composition QA, where Q is a quaternary ammonium or about 1:1. The oxidation can be carried out at a temperature phosphonium cation and A is an inorganic or organic anion, up to about 75° C., or up to about 70° C., or up to about 65° selected Such that the IL is in a liquid state at the operating 10 temperature and pressure of the process. C., or in the range of about 20° C. (68°F) to 50° C. (122° Multiple aqueous extractions and water washes can be F.) for a period sufficient to oxidize the sulphoxide/sul carried out in the process of the first and second aspects phones (SO/SO) compounds to sulphite compounds (SO). disclosed herein. In one embodiment, most or all of the In one embodiment, hydroxyl radicals can be present as Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone compounds are extracted into an 15 components of UV catalysed humid air or catalysed H2O. aqueous extractant to give a low Sulphur hydrocarbon stream The tertiary oxidant and the sulphoxide/sulphone rich stream following contact with one aqueous extractant. In another can be agitated for a period in the range of about 10-20 embodiment, most or all of the sulphoxide and/or sulphone minutes. compounds are extracted into an aqueous extractant to give In another embodiment, the low sulphur hydrocarbon a low Sulphur hydrocarbon stream following multiple aque stream and the low Sulphur aromatic compound are com ous extractions, i.e following contact with more than one bined and recycled as low sulphur hydrocarbon fuel. aqueous extractants. In one embodiment according to all the aspects, the The primary or secondary oxidised hydrocarbon material Sulphur content of the hydrocarbon material is analysed can be contacted with the aqueous extractant either directly before contact with the first and/or second oxidant using after oxidation or optionally after a water washing extraction 25 known detectors such as a S-sensitive X-ray Fluorescence step. detector. In another embodiment, the mass of Sulphur is The step of contacting the hydrocarbon material with the determined. In yet another embodiment, the mass and con oxidant can be conducted with the extractant, concurrently tent of Sulphur compounds is determined. with or after contacting with the extractant. In another embodiment, the Sulphite compounds produced In one embodiment, a portion of the Sulphoxide and/or 30 by oxidation with the tertiary oxidant are used for further Sulphone compounds can be extracted from the primary processing. oxidised hydrocarbon material after steps a) and from the secondary oxidised hydrocarbon material after step c), to The process according to the first and second aspect may give a Sulphone/sulphoxide stream and a low Sulphur hydro further comprise: e) contacting the low Sulphur hydrocarbon carbon stream. 35 stream obtained in step c) with an adsorbent to remove According to one embodiment of the first and second residual sulphur compounds from the low sulphur hydro aspect, the first and/or second oxidised hydrocarbon material carbon stream to provide an ultra low sulphur hydrocarbon obtained from step a) and/or step c) are washed with water. stream (or ULSD). In one embodiment the adsorbent is According to another embodiment of the first and second selected from physical or physiochemical adsorbents, pref aspect, step c) further includes a water washing step before 40 erably Y-Zeolite, activated carbon, Cu Impregnated Chaba the sulphoxide and/or sulphone stream and the low sulphur zite, Fuller's Earth and Metal Oxide Framework (MOF). hydrocarbon stream are separated. In another embodiment, following step e) the loaded The tertiary oxidant oxidises the sulphoxide and/or sul absorbent is regenerated/purged using heater N2, stripping to phone compounds to Sulphite compounds in step d) of the desorb sulphur compounds from the adsorbent. first and second aspects of the process disclosed herein. It 45 The process according to the first and second aspect may will be understood that the tertiary oxidant will be of a further include the step of separating the Sulphone/sulphoX strength that is able to oxidise the sulphoxide and/or sul ide stream and the low Sulphur hydrocarbon stream pro phone group of a compound to a Sulphite group. In one duced in step c). embodiment, the tertiary oxidant is a caustic solution. The In a preferred embodiment of the first and second aspect, tertiary oxidant can be selected from the group consisting of 50 the low sulphur hydrocarbon stream is polished to remove i) sodium , any residual Sulphur compounds using adsorbents including ii) ; and MOF (Metal Organic Framework) groups including but not iii) hydroxyl radicals. limited to Basolite (CHCuO2)—Copper Benzene-1,3, In other embodiments, oxidation with the tertiary oxidant 5-Tricarboxylate), Selexsorb Metal Oxide Purification is carried out in a range of about 40-95°C. 55 Adsorbent group of adsorbents, CuClMIL-47 MOF.Y-Zeo In one embodiment, is the tertiary lite, Molecular Imprinted Chitosan, Cu Impregnated Cha oxidant. Oxidation of the sulphone and/or sulphoxide com bazite, Fuller's Earth or Activated Carbon. pounds with sodium hydroxide solution forms aqueous In another embodiment of the process of the first and Sodium Sulphite. The Sodium hydroxide Solution can be in a second aspects, following step d), the aromatic compound concentration of about 30-60%, or about 50%. Preferably, 60 stream is blended with the low sulphur hydrocarbon stream. the stoichiometric ratio of sulphone and/or sulphoxide to The process according to the first or second aspect may sodium hydroxide is about 1:1. The oxidation can be carried further include a pre-mixing step before step a). out at a temperature in the range of about 40-95°C., or about In a third aspect, there is provided a method for regen 50-85°C. In one embodiment, the tertiary oxidant and the erating an aromatic and/or aliphatic Sulphone and/or Sul Sulphoxide and/or Sulphone stream are agitated for a period 65 phoxide compound to a Sulphone and/or Sulphoxide free of up to about 12 minutes, or up to about 10 minutes or up aromatic and/or aliphatic compound comprising contacting to about 8 minutes. the aromatic and/or aliphatic Sulphone and/or Sulphoxide US 9,441,169 B2 11 12 compound with hydroxyl radicals to form the sulphone By sulphone compound, it will be understood that the and/or Sulphoxide free aromatic or aliphatic compound and compound contains a —S(=O). a Sulphite. By “hydrocarbon material containing Sulphur com In one embodiment, the sulphite is hydrated to sulphuric pounds it will be understood to mean material made up of acid. aliphatic and/or aromatic hydrocarbons that contain Sulphur In another embodiment the aromatic and/or aliphatic compounds that is to be subject to the process disclosed Sulphone and/or Sulphoxide compound is the Sulphoxide/ herein to reduce the sulphur content. It may, hereinafter also be referred to as the “hydrocarbon feedstock”. “feedstock” Sulphone compound formed in the process according to the or “feed stream” etc. first or second aspect disclosed herein. By “low sulphur hydrocarbon', as referred to in step c) in In a fourth aspect, there is provided a method of oxidising 10 the first and second aspects described herein, it will be a Sulphur containing hydrocarbon material to a Sulphoxide understood to mean that the proportion of Sulphur com and/or Sulphone containing hydrocarbon material, compris pounds in the hydrocarbon material is lower than the pro ing contacting the Sulphur containing hydrocarbon material portion of sulphur compounds in the “hydrocarbon material with a primary oxidant selected from the group consisting of containing Sulphur compounds' as it existed before step a). N-chloroimide, hypobromous acid, catalysed and co-cata 15 being before contact with the primary and/or secondary lysed hydrogen peroxide and electrolyzed oxidizing water, oxidants. In a preferred embodiment an “ultra low sulphur wherein the hypobromous acid is prepared in situ by elec hydrocarbon” or “ULSD stream is produced from the low trolysis of hydrogen bromide in water wherein the hypo sulphur hydrocarbon stream. It will be understood that the is regenerated and recycled in the process ULSD has a lower sulphur content than the “low sulphur following oxidation of the Sulphur containing hydrocarbon hydrocarbon”. material. The “low sulphur hydrocarbon stream” may contain sul In one embodiment of the fourth aspect, the hydrogen phoxide and/or Sulphone compounds in varying amounts peroxide is catalysed by catalysts selected from the group depending on the degree of their removal following aqueous including but not limited to transition metals, noble metals extraction. and breakdown rate control catalysts; and co-catalysed by a 25 The phrase “sulphoxide and/or sulphone stream’ as referred to in step c) in the first and second aspects described Phase Transfer Catalyst (PTC) as disclosed herein according herein, will be understood to mean any amount of SulphoX to the first aspect. ide and/or Sulphone obtained following aqueous extraction In a fifth aspect, there is provided a method of oxidising of the oxidised hydrocarbon material. It will be appreciated a Sulphur containing hydrocarbon material to a Sulphoxide that the “stream” obtained from a first extraction of an and/or Sulphone containing hydrocarbon material, compris 30 oxidised hydrocarbon material may contain more SulphoX ing contacting the Sulphur containing hydrocarbon material ide and/or Sulphone than Subsequent steams obtained fol with a secondary oxidant selected from one or more of the lowing multiple extractions of the same oxidised hydrocar group consisting of hydroxyl radicals, liquid ferrate (iron bon material. VI), chlorine dioxide and hyperfluorous acid/acetonitrile. By “low sulphur aromatic hydrocarbon', as referred to in In one embodiment the hydroxy radicals are produced in 35 step d) in the first and second aspects of the invention, it will situ by exposing humid air to TiO2 catalysed by UV light be understood to mean that the proportion of Sulphur com energy. pounds in the aromatic hydrocarbon material is lower than In a sixth aspect, there is disclosed use of quaternary the proportion of sulphur compounds in the “hydrocarbon ammonium salts as a co-catalyst with catalysed hydrogen material containing Sulphur compounds' as it existed before peroxide in the oxidation of Sulphur compounds in a hydro 40 step a), being before contact with the primary and/or sec carbon material. ondary oxidants. It may, hereinafter, also be referred to as In one embodiment of the sixth aspect, the catalysed the “low sulphur aromatic' or in a preferred embodiment, hydrogen peroxide is hydrogen peroxide catalysed by a “ultra low sulphur aromatic hydrocarbon' or “ULS Aromat catalyst selected from the group including but not limited to ics” wherein the level of sulphur is lower than that in the transition metals, noble metals and breakdown rate control 45 “low sulphur aromatic'. catalysts. ULS Aromatics typically refers to a level of PAH (poly The breakdown rate control catalysts include but are not nuclear aromatics) of <5% by volume in Japan, Australia limited to phosphotungstic acid. The phosphotungstic acid and most of Europe with the exception of Sweden which has can be formed from Sodium tungstate dihydrate a maximum limit of <3%. In the USA particularly California (NaWO.2H2O) and phosphoric acid. 50 the total aromatic concentration is 10% by volume whilst in In another embodiment of the sixth aspect, the quaternary most US states the limit is substantially higher. ammonium salts are PTC selected from the group including but not limited to: tri-C8-10-alkylmethyl, hydrogen sulfates BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS (e.g. Ultra C, being a proprietary PTC available from and developed by Ultraclean Fuel and PTC Organics); methyl 55 FIG. 1A shows an elementary flow diagram of a preferred trialkyl (Cs-Co)ammonium chloride (e.g. Adogen 464 avail embodiment of the process disclosed herein. able from Evonik Industries); and N-Methyl-N,N-dioctyloc FIG. 1 shows a general scheme for the process disclosed tane-1-ammonium salts such as the chloride (e.g. Aliquat herein according to a preferred embodiment of the second 336 available from BASF). aspect using a primary oxidant. 60 FIG. 2 shows a general scheme for the process disclosed DEFINITIONS herein according to a preferred embodiment of the first or second aspect using a primary and secondary oxidant. By sulphur compound, it will be understood that the compound contains a —S— —S-S , Metal-S, C=S or DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EMBODIMENTS —SH group. 65 By sulphoxide compound, it will be understood that the In one embodiment, the process disclosed herein uses an compound contains a —S(=O)—group. oxidation philosophy combined with a further process which US 9,441,169 B2 13 14 transforms the Sulphoxides and/or Sulphones to Sulphur-free 3) Second stage oxidation using higher oxidation strength aromatic hydrocarbons which can remain in the ultra low oxidants, either Hydroxyl Radical, Liquid Ferrate (Iron VI), Sulphur hydrocarbon stream if Sulphur free aromatics are or Hypofluorous Acid/Acetonitrile as the secondary oxidant. able to be blended into the ultra low sulphur hydrocarbon According to the second aspect disclosed herein, this second stream and do not breach maximum aromatics specifications 5 oxidation step may not be required and is dependent on the thus enabling the aromatic hydrocarbon to be blended with mass and species of Sulphur in the feedstock (hydrocarbon the ultra low sulphur hydrocarbon stream. However if aro material). matic limits are reached, the separated ultra low Sulphur 4) Water wash oxidized hydrocarbon followed by organic/ aromatics can be sold as a valuable low Sulphur aromatic aqueous phase separation and extraction of polar oxidized hydrocarbon stream. 10 This renders possible, the production of ultra low sulphur Sulphur compounds using polar liquid extraction solvent in hydrocarbon Such as diesel (ULSD) containing aromatic a liquid/liquid extraction or ion exchange process. hydrocarbon, or optionally a separate ULSD stream in 5) Separate oxidized hydrocarbon material (containing addition to an ultra low Sulphur aromatics stream. Accord Sulphoxides/sulphones) from said polar liquid extraction ingly, in one embodiment, the process disclosed herein is 15 solvent using Vacuum Flash Distillation or equivalent tech capable of providing a useable side stream containing in niques such as intense centrifuging for achieving said sepa addition to Sulphur free aromatic hydrocarbon, a separate ration. This separation is typically used when using solvent stream of aqueous salts and/or Sulphuric acid, thereby no or extraction, however when using ion exchange adsorption, minimal HC (hydrocarbon) components are lost. recovery of extracted compounds and regeneration of media It will be appreciated that if the separated aromatic is achieved by processes known and accepted by those hydrocarbon is blended back with the ultra low sulphur skilled in the art. hydrocarbon stream (ULSD), no hydrocarbon loss is expe 6) Tertiary Oxidation of the separated oxidized hydrocar rienced, however the ULSD will contain aromatics, some of bon material Sulphur compounds (containing Sulphoxides which may be undesirable and indeed may require removal and/or Sulphones) to form two phases as a consequence of to comply with future and even present specifications impos 25 said oxidation. Said oxidation may be achieved through ing maximum total aromatics and/or maximum polyaromat further oxidation of sulphoxides/sulphones to sulphites ics content of ULSD. using a tertiary oxidant selected from Sodium hydroxide or According to one embodiment of the process disclosed hydroxyl radicals to produce sodium sulfite (Na2SO), water herein, Sulphoxide and/or Sulphones may be extracted from and Sulphur-free aromatic compounds when sodium hydrox the oxidized hydrocarbon stream using Sulphoxide/Sulphone 30 extraction techniques thereby producing a low aromatic ide is used as the tertiary oxidant. When hydroxyl radicals ULSD stream in addition to a sulphoxide/sulphone stream. are used for said tertiary oxidant, the Sulphoxide/sulphone is Such Sulphoxide/Sulphone extraction techniques include, oxidized to the sulphite and hydrated to produce sulphuric but are not limited to, “liquid/liquid extraction using polar acid (H2SO4) and Sulphur free aromatic compounds. The Solvents, “distillation' or "adsorption using ion exchange 35 separation of Sulfides and otherwise lost hydrocarbon com techniques or a combination of techniques. Such techniques pounds (aromatics/aliphatics) provides a system to enable are well known and understood by those skilled in the art. either the addition of sulphur free aromatic compounds back The extracted sulphoxide/sulphone stream can be treated to the Ultra Low Sulphur Hydrocarbon stream or optionally to produce only low Sulphur aromatic hydrocarbon and provide Sulphur free aromatic hydrocarbon compounds for aqueous salts or Sulphuric acid. This embodiment does not 40 use in industry, enabling a value addition to the owner of the expose the complete oxidized hydrocarbon stream to the said desulphurized hydrocarbon. Sulphone/sulphoxide conversion process, just the extracted Oxidation and Oxidants Sulphone/sulphoxide stream. The low Sulphur aromatic Oxidation of Sulphur Compounds. Using Primary (Stage 1) stream can be used as a high value feedstock in the petro and Secondary (Stage 2) Oxidants chemical industry. If specifications allow, this sulphur-free 45 The process disclosed herein for reducing the sulphur aromatic stream can be blended back into the ULSD stream. content of a hydrocarbon material containing Sulphur com The salts can be used as a value added proposition, in much pounds, includes oxidation of Sulphur containing com the same manner as the elemental Sulphur produced by the pounds using one or more active oxidizers, being the first desulphurization of light hydrocarbons using the well known and/or second oxidants. and accepted combination of HDS and Clause processes. 50 Embodiments of the process disclosed herein cater for a A synoptical overview of one embodiment of the process spectrum of feed stream Sulphur compounds ranging from disclosed herein is provided below. The stages as described disulfides, and mercaptains, to the more challenging organo are in functional order. Several embodiments of this basic Sulphur compounds such as heterocyclic Sulphur-containing process are described in more detail later. The process compounds being thiophene, benzothiophene (BT), diben according to one embodiment comprises the following cas 55 Zothiophene (DBT), 4-methyl-dibenzothiophene (MDBT), cading stages: 4,6-dimethyl-dibenzothiophene (DMDBT) and methyl 1) First stage oxidation of hydrocarbon material contain dibenzothiophene. In one embodiment, a diverse range of ing electron rich Sulphur compounds using N-chloroimide, feedstock comprising a total Sulphur content ranging up to Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water, catalyzed and co-catalysed >20,000 ppm can be treated. hydrogen peroxide (as herein before described), hypochlo 60 According to the disclosure herein, the primary oxidant rous acid or Hypobromous Acid as the primary oxidant or will typically oxidize the electron rich Sulphur compounds, first stage oxidant. as well as Sulfides, disulfides and mercaptains which typi 2) Water wash oxidized hydrocarbon followed by organic/ cally can allow oxidation of in excess of 50% of total feed aqueous phase separation and extraction of polar oxidized stream Sulphur. Accordingly, a consideration of the variation Sulphur compounds using polar liquid extraction solvent in 65 of mass and species of the Sulphur containing compounds in a liquid/liquid extraction or ion exchange adsorption pro the feedstock will be beneficial in determining whether use CCSS, of the primary and/or secondary oxidant is required. This is US 9,441,169 B2 15 16 an important attribute of the process disclosed herein, lead oxidizing water can be a particularly useful option if the ing to increased flexibility of desulphurization capability of Sulphur compounds are more sulfides, disulfides, mercap the process. tans and high electron density organosulphur species. According to the first aspect, the primary oxidant has an The processes disclosed herein also incorporate several oxidation reduction potential of up to 1550 mV and the 5 other options for the secondary oxidant. The second stage secondary oxidant has an ORP of >1.55. oxidant can also be stabilized hypofluorous acid or Liquid According to the second aspect, the process allows flex Ferrate (Iron VI). ibility in oxidation with regard to which oxidant is used in The consideration of each plant's logistics and various relation to whether a primary and/or secondary oxidant is locations including transport costs, dictate that if sodium used. 10 In one embodiment of the first aspect and according to the hypochlorite or electrolyzed oxidizing water are used as the second aspect, the primary oxidizer includes at least one primary or secondary oxidants, the Sodium hypochlorite or member selected from the group consisting of: electrolyzed oxidizing water be generated on site using a) N-chloroimide, electrolysis of a brine solution technology known to those b) hypobromous acid, 15 skilled in the art. In a preferred embodiment, the concen c) electrolyzed oxidizing water tration of Free Available Chlorine (FAC) ranges from about d) Hypochlorous acid 1% through to 14%. In situ oxidant generation may be e) Catalysed and co-catalysed hydrogen peroxide advantageous as it allows a continual production of N-chlor and the secondary oxidant is selected from one or more of oimide oxidant which is the combination of sodium the group consisting of: hypochlorite?water and cyanuric acid. This combination f) ferrate (Iron VI), produces a relatively efficient oxidation media capable of g) hypofluorus Acid, oxidizing thiols and most disulfide compounds commonly h) chlorine dioxide, found in hydrocarbon streams such as middle distillate, fuel i) hydroxyl radicals. oil and light fractions. In yet another embodiment, the In another embodiment of the first and second aspects of 25 processes disclosed herein encompass the use of a bromide the process disclosed herein, the primary oxidant typically is oxidant, that being hydrobromic acid at concentration up to employed to oxidize the higher electron density compounds 60%, more typically 48%. The hydrobromic acid in this of Sulphur (electron rich Sulphur compounds). Such as oxidant is electrolysed which as a consequence converts the DMDBT and DBT, which are very amenable to exchanging bromide ion to bromine which when reacted with water, or surrendering electrons which are readily absorbed by 30 produces the active oxidant, hypobromous acid. being Subsequently Substituted to the Sulphur atom Catalysed and Co-Catalysed Hydrogen Peroxide of the hydrocarbon molecules. This produces oxidized sul As indicated above, the catalysed and co-catalysed hydro phur molecules in a two stage reaction; first reaction being gen peroxide can be hydrogen peroxide catalysed by cata sulphur oxidized to sulphoxide followed by the second lysts selected from the group including but not limited to reaction; that being Sulphoxide oxidized to Sulphone. 35 transition metals, noble metals and breakdown rate control In certain embodiments, the choice of oxidants will be catalysts (or decomposition catalyst); and co-catalysed by a governed by factors such as the total Sulphur content and the Phase Transfer Catalyst (PTC). distribution and amounts of the various Sulphur compounds The breakdown rate control catalysts (or decomposition in the feed stream and demographics of location The physi catalyst) include but are not limited to phosphotungstic acid. cal location of the plant has a considerable effect on the cost 40 The phosphotungstic acid can be formed from Sodium of transport if oxidizers which are not generated on site and tungstate dihydrate (NaWO.2H2O) and phosphoric acid. need to be transported to a remote location, for example. Typical PTC’s are known to those skilled in the art and These factors impact Op-Ex overheads. may be used as a co-catalyst in the process disclosed herein. If sulphur content is >1000 ppm of which there is a high The PTC may be selected from the group including but not percentage of benzothiophenes, it is unlikely that the pri 45 limited to: quaternary ammonium salts including but not mary oxidant alone will quantifiably oxidize said Sulphur limited to quaternary ammonium hydrogen Sulphates. Such compounds. However the processes disclosed herein pro as tri-C8-10-alkylmethyl, hydrogen sulfates (e.g. Ultra C, vide flexibility to treat a wide range of mass and species of CAS No 355009-64-2) and methyltrialkyl (Cs-Co)ammo Sulphur. nium chloride (e.g. Adogen R 464 available from Evonik The secondary oxidant is used to oxidize residual Sulphur 50 Industries) and N-Methyl-N,N-dioctyloctane-1-ammonium compounds which are relatively electron depleted and thus salts such as the chloride (e.g. AliquatR 336 available from require a stronger oxidant or having higher electronegativity BASF); or equivalent PTC’s known to those skilled in the thereby being more capable of oxidizing Such recalcitrant art. Sulphur compounds. Ultra C (CH-CH)NCHHSO, (CAS No Some feed streams have more difficult sulphur compo 55 355009-64-2) can be prepared by modifying a chlorine nents to oxidise, more so than the aforementioned electron based Adogen R compound (e.g. 464) and replacing the C1 rich Sulphur compounds. In order to oxidise more electron with HSO. This can be achieved according to known poor (low electron density) Sulphur compounds which may techniques. The inventors have found that this modified PTC be present in the hydrocarbon material, stronger oxidants, provides a marked increase in the efficacy of the PTC in the represented by the secondary oxidants are required. Defined 60 Sulphur oxidation reaction when compared with using chlo as difficult is the comparative electron density on the sulphur rine based PTC’s such as Adogen R and AliquatR). atom, whereas, the electron density decreases in the follow In one embodiment, the primary oxidant is catalysed and ing order, DMDBTs-DBTs BT. co-catalysed hydrogen peroxide wherein the catalysed and If the feed stream contains a large percentage of thio co-catalysed hydrogen peroxide is hydrogen peroxide cata phenic compounds, the secondary oxidant, such as hydroxyl 65 lysed by phosphotungstic acid and co-catalysed with a phase radical or Liquid Ferrate (Iron VI), will be required in transfer catalyst (PTC) comprising a Quartenary Ammo addition to or in place of the primary oxidant. Electrolyzed nium Hydrogen Sulphate. US 9,441,169 B2 17 18 The present inventors have found that when hydrogen i) Electrolysis of Hydrobromic Acid peroxide is used as a primary oxidant, then a catalyst and a The production of hypobromous acid can be achieved by co-catalyst are required to ensure quantitative oxidation of electrolysis of hydrogen bromide in water. It is known that all sulphur compounds. In one embodiment, PTC is used as the electrolysis of hydrogen bromide results in the transfor the co-catalyst when the process disclosed herein uses mation of the bromide ions to bromine which in the presence catalysed hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant. In another of water produces hypobromous acid. This technique is the embodiment, phosphotungstic acid is the catalyst. preferred method of production of said hypobromous acid The present inventors have also found that changing the according to the process disclosed herein. This production ratio between sodium tungstate dehydrate and phosphoric method provides the ability to minimize the consumption of acid effects the oxidation of the Sulphur containing com 10 hydrobromic acid, because the bromide ion which is pro pounds. Specifically, Small increases in phosphoric acid has duced as a result of oxidation of the Sulphur, is continuously been found to aid qualitative sulphur oxidation. Without electrolyzed by using standard electrolysis equipment, being bound by theory, the inventors believe that this is due thereby forming bromine. Said manufacturing technique to the additional protons which aids in electron exchange using electrolysis is well known to those skilled in the art. process (oxidation). 15 In one preferred embodiment, electrolyzed hydrobromic The inventors have found that without a co-catalyst such acid is prepared by passing hydrobromic acid at 48% as PTC, the amount of hydrogen peroxide needs to be concentration through a Bromination Cell, whereby the increased dramatically to the point that it is not viable to use. electrolysis action transforms the Bromide ions to Bromine. The inventors have found that even using about 10-20 times Such cells are widely available and known to those skilled the Stoichiometric amount of hydrogen peroxide and repeat in the art. The Bromine produced at the anode of said cell is ing the oxidation cycle up to 5 times did not quantitatively reacted with water to the point of saturation. The oxidant oxidise the Sulphur compounds. produced is hypobromous acid. As a result of oxidation of Without being bound by theory, the inventors believe that Sulphur compounds the hypobromous acid is reduced to without the oxygen transfer attributes afforded by a quater Bromide ions which are subsequently electrolysed as the nary ammonium hydrogen Sulphate PTC, e.g. Ultra C, the 25 cycle to produce hypobromous acid is reinitiated. This reaction is not as efficient as oxygen migration between the process is described herein as the in situ production of organic and aqueous phase is kinetically limited without hydrobromous acid. using PTC, resulting in excessive use of Hydrogen Peroxide Accordingly, in one embodiment, hypobromous acid is and excessively long reaction time. The quaternary ammo prepared in situ by electrolysis of hydrogen bromide in nium hydrogen Sulphate PTC, e.g. Ultra C, provides an 30 water, wherein regeneration of bromine via electrolysis efficient oxygen mass transfer at the interface of the aqueous allows for recycling of the primary oxidant. In this embodi and organic layer. ment, bromine is regenerated following oxidation of the N-Chloroimide Sulphur containing hydrocarbon compound and reduction of N-chloroimide can be produced by reacting sodium the hypobromous acid to bromide ions which are then hypochlorite mixed with water and stabilized with an imide, 35 available for further electrolysis to form bromine and recy Such as cyanuric acid, Succinimide, acetamide and piperi cling in the process. dine. In one embodiment, the imide used is cyanuric acid. ii) Hydrobromic Acid with Water and Sodium Hypochlorite The sodium hypochlorite can be in a concentration range of This alternate strategy used to generate hypobromous acid from about 3% to 17.5% by weight, or from about 3% to is less preferred as the component chemicals in the oxidant 12% by weight, or from about 5% to 10% by weight. 40 are sacrificial. The major component chemical is sodium The preparation of this oxidant is based on the premise hypochlorite in the range of about 5% to 12.5% concentra that Sodium hypochlorite reacts with imides such as cyanuric tion mixed into a solution of hydrobromic acid at about 48% acid, Succinimides and acetamide, to produce N-chloroim concentration and water and mixed until a pale yellow ide. The said oxidant uses cyanuric acid as the imide in this Solution is achieved and a pH of 7 indicating that almost invention, however any imide is suitable for N-chloroimide. 45 95%-100% of the solution is hypobromous acid. This meth The oxidant action in this invention is proposed as follows: odology remains an optional technique in the process dis Sodium Hypochlorite reacts with the selected imide in the closed herein for producing hypobromous acid, however the aqueous phase to produce N-chloromide, which transfers to lack of ability to regenerate the oxidant (sodium hypochlo the organic phase. rite) presents a cost of operation penalty. In this methodol N-chloroimide oxidizes the sulphur compounds to pro 50 ogy, the oxidation of the bromide ion is carried out using duce Sulphoxides and Sulphones. Sodium Hypochlorite instead of using electrolysis to achieve The N-chloroimide is prepared using the following recipe: the production of hypobromous acid. Sodium Hypochlorite(a) 12.5% concentration=0.1553 mols The following recipe and procedure may be used accord Cyanuric Acid=0.0052 mols. ing to one embodiment of the invention in the preparation of The above oxidant was used to oxidize sulphur in a 1 55 hypobromous acid: gallon sample of diesel containing 500 ppm of Sulphur. It is Hydrobromic Acid (a 48% concentration=52.37 grams also noted that the recipe components may differ from those Water–7,132 mls stated above and still produce a functional oxidant and Sodium Hypochlorite (a 12.5% concentration=246.16 therefore the invention using this recipe is not limited to the grams. stated recipe. 60 The hypobromous solution recipe may be used to oxidize Hypobromous Acid Sulphur in a 1 gallon Sample of diesel containing 500 ppm According to the present invention, hypobromous Acid of Sulphur. It is prepared by adding the said amount of water may be generated by either of two methods: i) Electrolysis to a beaker containing said amount of hydrobromic acid of Hydrobromic Acid thereby producing bromine to which whilst stirring continuously for up to 2 minutes. To this is added water to produce Hypobromous Acid; or ii) by 65 Solution is added said amount of Sodium hypochlorite, reacting Hydrobromic Acid with water and Sodium however this amount can vary depending on the colour and Hypochlorite. pH of the resultant solution. The optimum colour is a pale US 9,441,169 B2 19 20 yellow and an optimum pH is between 6.8 and 7. After the HO/UV preparation of this oxidant Solution, it must be used within HO/O. 5 minutes or less, preferably within 3 minutes of its prepa In a preferred embodiment, the Hydroxyls are produced ration. It is also noted that the recipe components may differ using a proprietary UV chamber in which Ti/O. coated air from those stated above and still produce a functional baffles were exposed to said UV light through which ambi oxidant and therefore the invention using this recipe is not ent air at about 70% humidity was passed at a rate of 2 limited to the stated recipe. SCFM. The flow calculation was based on the conversion of Hydroxyl Radicals humidity in the air being about 70% thereby producing Hydroxyl radicals are chosen as a secondary oxidant due sufficient radicals to oxidize about 500 ppm of sulphur in the to its higher oxidation strength which is required to oxidize 10 electron depleted Sulphur compounds. feed stream hydrocarbon. A stoichiometric rate of about 2 Hydroxyl radicals can be generated by passing humidified moles of oxidant to about 1 mol of sulphur was used as the air preferably saturated, through a UV carrier catalysing basis of the amount of hydroxyls to be used to oxidize the titanium dioxide or similar catalyst. Such generators are now Sulphur at a feed rate of about 1 gallon/minute. available and are known to those skilled in the art of 15 Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water advanced oxidation techniques. In one preferred embodiment, the electrolyzed oxidizing In one embodiment, hydroxyl radicals are produced by water is prepared offsite and Supplied by two manufacturers, the action of photolysis of humid air; said photolysis pref using electrolytic techniques known to those skilled in the erably being achieved by the radiation of humid air with UV art. The electrolyzed oxidizing water samples used in oxi light with an emission spectrum between 185 and 254 to 385 dation trials ranged from ORP of 700 to 1200 and pH from nm in conjunction with titanium dioxide (TiO/UV). 2.5 to 6.5. Trials were carried out using a volume ratio of 1:1 According to one embodiment, hydroxyl radicals are liquid hydrocarbon to electrolyzed oxidizing water in 1.5 prepared on site using a hydroxyl generator. gallons of liquid hydrocarbon. Reaction at ambient tempera In preferred embodiments, the generation of said ture was allowed to proceed for 15 minutes. hydroxyl radicals is done locally and as close as possible to 25 Stabilized Hypofluorous Acid the entry point of the oxidation reactor. To mitigate the risk The secondary oxidant may be hypofluorous acid stabi of hydroxyl radical disassociation prior to entry to the lized in a polar solvent such as acetonitrile. Stabilised oxidation reactor, the alternative option in this invention is hypofluorous acid in acetonitrile is the strongest electro to generate said hydroxyl radicals within the reactor. In one negative compound in which a combination of fluorine and embodiment, the hydroxyl radicals may be generated by 30 nitrogen is mixed. Preferably, the concentration of fluorine methods known by those skilled in the art of advanced mixed with nitrogen does not exceed 20% by weight, oxidation process techniques. This can be achieved by using preferably 15% to 20% more preferably 10% to 15% by visible light with wave length from about 400 nm to 700 nm weight, with the balance being nitrogen. In one embodiment and adding visible light catalyst to the hydrocarbon Such that the ratio of fluorine to nitrogen can vary between a mixture light energy activates said catalyst thereby producing said 35 of 10% fluorine in 90% nitrogen and 20% fluorine and 80% hydroxyl radicals as oxidant. Visible light catalysts may be nitrogen. This gaseous mixture is added to acetonitrile which required because photon energy Supplied by UV light is stabilizes the oxidant. More specifically, the oxidant is absorbed by any aromatics in the liquid hydrocarbon. This prepared by bubbling the reduced fluorine concentration occurs in the UV light spectrum at wavelengths up to 380 gaseous mixture comprising fluorine and nitrogen into liquid nm, and the remaining UV portion of light up to 400 nm will 40 acetonitrile to form HOF.CHCN electrophilic oxidant. provide inefficient and insufficient activation energy to use Hypofluorous acid mixed and stabilized in acetonitrile is in Such application. described in the writings by its pioneer Shlomo Rozen. It In one embodiment, the method of generation is via was discovered by Rozen et all that this stabilized hypofluo UV/TiO2 catalytic conversion of air containing moisture rous acid in Acetonitrile solution thereby producing a stable (humid air). Relative Humidity is preferred to be in the range 45 solution of HOF.CHCN, has the best ability to oxidize of about 30% to 90%, more preferably about 40% to 80%, numerous compounds where Acetonitrile acted as an oxygen most preferably about 55% to 70%. transfer agent. The oxidizing power of this solution is not In one embodiment, the hydroxyl radicals are generated in dissolved fluorine and it is not the source of electrophilic situ by reacting humid air with titanium dioxide (TiO) fluorine, but is actually the Source of an electrophilic oxygen catalysed by UV light with a wave length in the range of 50 atom. It is therefore known that the oxidant is a complex from about 185 nm-385 nm, or 254-385 nm, and in an between the very unstable HOF hypofluorous acid and hydroxyl radical generator, said technique known to those therefore not very useful, and aqueous acetonitrile. The skilled in the art of advanced oxidation processes. The complex comprises HOF mixed with 1 mole equivalent of amount of hydroxyl radical used is preferably based on acetonitrile. The acetonitrile solvent complex producing the between 2.1 and 3 moles of hydroxyl radicals to oxidize 1 55 above referenced oxidant, contains water at a minimum mol of sulphur. This stoichiometry is found to vary empiri content in Acetonitrile of 10%. cally and whilst not wishing to be bound by theory, it is According to the present invention, hypofluorous acid is Supposed that the Stoichiometry will vary according to the preferably prepared according to the following recipe: amount of oxidisable compounds and pH of the feedstock. For 1 gallon of diesel containing 500 ppm of sulphur, the As noted above, hydroxyl generation may also be 60 following recipe was used achieved by other techniques recognized by those skilled in Fluorine (a) 20% in Nitrogen–0.000228 moles (0.00865 the art of advanced oxidation processes (AOP), such as grams) catalysing hydrogen peroxide with Fe++ compounds or UV Acetonitrile (a 90% and water (a 10%-1 mol equivalent of radiation of or by reacting hydrogen peroxide with HOF. ozone, such as those methods listed below: 65 Mixtures of fluorine/nitrogen are readily available from O/HO/UV commercial Suppliers such as Air Products and Linde, how O/UV ever the preferred methodology for production of hypofluo US 9,441,169 B2 21 22 rous acid is to use on site fluorine generators as manufac IL or aqueous extraction solvent or adsorbed by ion tured and Supplied by companies such as Linde. exchange material or adsorption media as described. Liquid Ferrate (Iron VI). Said contact with either extraction solvent or adsorp The secondary oxidant liquid ferrate (Iron VI) can be used tion will extract remnant polar compounds to give alone or in conjunction with chlorine dioxide, preferably in 5 loaded IL or loaded aqueous extraction solvent or ion gas phase and at a concentration of up to 10% in air or exchange/adsorption columns, and hydrocarbon of Nitrogen. In a preferred embodiment, liquid ferrate (Iron VI) reduced Sulphur content; is generated on site using a proprietary process. The liquid separating the loaded IL or y-butyrolactone, acetonitrile ferrate Generator is used in the same manner as other liquid loaded aqueous extraction solvent or adsorbed ion oxidants and at the same reaction conditions and changed 10 exchange media from the hydrocarbon of reduced Stoicheometric conditions; that being the oxidation Stoichi Sulphur content to give hydrocarbon of reduced Sulphur ometry varies to accommodate the Fe IV oxidizing capacity COntent. of 2200 mV where Ferrate is reacted in an oxidation reactor It is possible that when IL is used as the optional polar at a rate of about 0.67 mols of Ferrate per 1 mol of sulphur liquid extraction solvent and the loaded IL is separated for a time of less than about 5 minutes at a temperature of 15 from the hydrocarbon of reduced sulphur content, up to about 25° C. at a pH in the range of about 7 to 8. remnants of IL may still be left in the hydrocarbon of Pressure conditions do not vary from those of optional reduced sulphur content which may be undesirable in secondary oxidants. Some cases. This only pertains to the use of IL as the Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide polar extraction solvent, however the typical extraction The secondary oxidant can be chlorine dioxide preferably and polishing of polar compounds can be Ion as gas diluted to <10% concentration in air or nitrogen. In Exchange/Adsorption media whilst liquid extraction one embodiment, the gaseous chlorine dioxide is produced Solvent options in the present invention are Acetonitrile on site using chlorine dioxide generators known to those or y-butyrolactone are viable alternatives. Whilst IL skilled in the art. Chlorine dioxide, is considered to be a remains an option, if said IL is used the following relatively strong oxidant due to its available 5 electrons 25 Scenario is valid. which form the basis of oxidation caused by electron trans Accordingly, a preferred embodiment of the process dis fer and Subsequent oxygen Substitution on the Sulphur closed herein may further comprise: molecules. In one embodiment, the chlorine dioxide stoi at least one water wash/polish step comprising contacting chiometry used is as follows: the hydrocarbon of reduced sulphur content with water For oxidation of a 1 gallon sample of diesel containing 30 for a time and under conditions sufficient to allow any 500 ppm sulphur; remaining extraction Solution in the hydrocarbon of Chlorine Dioxide=0.0129 mol. reduced sulphur content to be absorbed by the water; and DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF SPECIFIC separating the water from the hydrocarbon to give a EMBODIMENT 35 hydrocarbon of reduced sulphur content. The hydrocarbon material can be a liquid hydrocarbon In one embodiment of the process disclosed herein for material. Examples of liquid hydrocarbon materials include reducing the Sulphur content of a liquid hydrocarbon mate diesel, fuel oil, jet fuel feedstock, natural gas condensate, rial containing Sulphur compounds, the process comprises: kerosene, naphthalene, vacuum gas oil and fuel oil. At least one oxidation step initially optionally followed by 40 The amount of oxidizer can be in a near Stoichiometric a second oxidation step comprising rapid mixing of the amount for the conversion of Sulphur compounds to Sul hydrocarbon material with a primary and secondary phoxides and/or a Sulphones, the theoretical amount being 2 oxidant as hereinbefore described, in at least a stoi mols of oxidant per mol of Sulphur. In one embodiment, chiometric amount for a time and under conditions about two to four mol equivalent of oxidiser is added per Sufficient to convert Sulphur compounds to a sulfoxide 45 mol equivalent of sulphur. Greater excess of oxidizer is and/or a Sulphone and thereby produce oxidized-Sul typically unnecessary and not economically desirable. In phur-containing-hydrocarbon; this embodiment, the process comprises two oxidation steps. at least one extraction step preferably using a flow The first oxidation step is used to oxidize the electron rich through magnetic filter with a magnetic field of at least Sulphur compounds, whilst the second oxidation step is 11,000 Gauss, after said oxidation steps. Said magnetic 50 required to oxidize electron deprived Sulphur compounds. filtration attracts polar sulphoxides/sulphones thereby After said first oxidation step, water washing and Sul Substantially extracting polar compounds from the phoxide/sulphone extraction follows as per the following hydrocarbon stream. An additional polishing step fol description. The substantially sulphur free hydrocarbon lowing said magnetic filtration comprising contacting stream which has undergone the first stage oxidation, water any remaining oxidised-Sulphur-containing-hydrocar 55 wash which is not required if hydroxyl radicals are used for bon with an Ionic Liquid (IL) or aqueous polar extrac said oxidation process, and extraction, is then exposed to the tion solvent Such as Acetonitrile or y-butyrolactone second stage oxidation step, water washing and extraction. (GBL) or by contacting said oxidized Sulphur com After each oxidation/water wash and extraction stage, the pounds through adsorption columns loaded with ion aqueous and organic phases are separated using coalescence, exchange media, MOF (Metal Organic Framework) 60 OSN membrane (organic solvent nanofiltration) or similar Such as Basolite R (CHCuO Copper Benzene phase separation techniques known to those skilled in the 1,3,5-Tricarboxylate), Selexsorb(R) Metal Oxide Purifi art. cation Adsorbent group of adsorbents, CuCMIL-47 The process disclosed herein may also optionally com MOF. Zeolite, Molecular Imprinted Chitosan or Acti prise a pre-mixing step prior to the first oxidation stage, in vated Carbon. Said contact is required for a time and 65 which the hydrocarbon material and oxidizer are fed into a under conditions sufficient to allow at least any remnant static mixer prior to rapid mixing in the Agitated Column, portion of the oxidized sulphur to be extracted into the Cavitation or Shear Film type reactors. US 9,441,169 B2 23 24 The rapid mixing of the hydrocarbon material and oxi The step of contacting the hydrocarbon material with the dizer can be carried out by contacting both organic and primary and/or secondary oxidant can be conducted prior to aqueous/gaseous phases in an Agitated Column, Cavitation contacting with the extraction solvent. However if the feed or Shear Film Reactors, with residence time of up to 15 stock hydrocarbon has high olefin content, the extraction minutes. Rapid mixing is achieved by up to five impeller 5 solvent can be contacted with the feedstock hydrocarbon, stages within the column. The working principles and design prior to the oxidation stage. This is primarily to lower the of these type mixer/reactors are well known by those skilled amount of oxidant, which is required due to the diene in the art. This mixing causes the oxidant to react due to content, as such components tend to Scavenge the oxidant electron exchange. The electron rich Sulphur compounds prior to the sulphur being oxidized. This is not normally a exchange electrons with the oxidant causing an oxygen 10 problem when treating diesel, either straight run or cracked, substitution on the sulphur thereby oxidizing the sulphur but in some Transmix hydrocarbon, this could be a possi molecule. bility. Whilst not being bound by the theory the apparent initial When the hydrocarbon material comprises naphtha or a oxidation reaction in stage one oxidation reaction is very gasoline fraction or other fractions which contain dienes, the quick and stage one occurs when atomic oxygen is bonded 15 step of contacting the hydrocarbon material with the oxidant to the Sulphur compounds due to the release of an electron may be conducted after an initial extraction of the naphtha from the Sulphur compounds to the first stage oxidant. or other hydrocarbon fractions with an ionic liquid or other Without being bound by theory, the inventors believe that polar extraction solvent Such as Acetonitrile in order to oxidation rate, more specifically electron transfer, is depen selectively remove dienes which may otherwise deactivate dant upon the relative electron status of the Sulphur com or impede the oxidation step. pounds and the relative strength of the oxidant. The extraction solvent can be an IL of the general Rapid mixing of liquid hydrocarbon and oxidant phases is composition QA, where Q is a quaternary ammonium or provided by PI (Process Intensification) reactors such as phosphonium cation and A is an inorganic or organic anion, Film Shear, Membrane Contactor, Ultrasonic or Cavitation selected Such that the IL is in a liquid state at the operating Reactors or by Counter/Cocurrent Agitation Column or 25 temperature and pressure of the process. More specifically, equivalent Reactors at temperatures in the range of about the ionic liquid can have a Q' cation selected from an alkyl 20° C. (68°F) to 70° C. (158° F.) and pressure in the range pyridinium cation, an alkyl pyrrolidinium cation, an alkyl of about 140 kPa (20 PSI) to 350 kPa (50 PSI), that is able piperridinium cation, a di-alkyl imidazolium cation, a tri to be achieved in the said type reactors, results in oxidation alkyl imidazolium cation, a trialkyl piperazinium cation, a of the Sulphur compounds in the hydrocarbon material to 30 tetra-alkylphosphonium, a tetra-alkylarsonium, a tetra-alky proceed in the absence of an oxidation transfer facilitator lantimonium and a tetra alkyl ammonium cation, and a A (PTC Phase Transfer Catalyst) or a catalyst required when anion selected from the group consisting of a halide anion, using some prior art oxidants. Catalysts are required to nitrate anion, alkylsulfate anions, alkylsulfonate anions, control the decomposition rate of oxidant, thereby allowing alkylsubstituted aryl Sulfonates such as the p-toluene Sul sufficient time to achieve contact and oxidation. Whilst mass 35 fonate anion or the perflurinated derivatives of these anions, contact between the oxidant and organic phase is necessary a alkylphosphosphate anion, a alkylphosphonate anion, a neither of the oxidants used in the first stage oxidation, alkylphosphinate anion or the per fluorinated alkyl deriva requires additional catalysts, with the exception of the tives of these phosphorus based anions, carboxylate anions combination hydrogen peroxide/phosphotungstic acid/Phase or the perfluorinated carboxylate anions, a thiocyanate Transfer Catalyst. This rule also applies to the second stage 40 anion, a hexafluorophosphate anion, a tetrafluoroborate oxidation process using the second stage oxidants encom anion, dicyanamide anion, a bis(trifluorimethanesulfonyl) passed in this invention. imid anion, a halogenoaluminate anion, an organohalogeno It will be appreciated that the pressure, temperature and aluminate anion, and mixtures thereof. reactor shaft speed sufficient to oxidize the sulphur in Preferably, the IL is selected so it has a miscibility gap compounds will vary with the Sulphur compounds present in 45 when in contact with the hydrocarbon phase sufficient to the hydrocarbon feedstock. Refractory electron depleted minimise undesired losses of hydrocarbon from the hydro Sulphur compounds that may be present in the feedstock carbon phase into the ionic liquid phase and losses of the IL include but are not limited to, thiophenes, benzothiophenes, extraction solvent into the hydrocarbon phase. It is also alkylated benzothiophenes, dibenzothiophene and sterically preferable that the selected ionic liquid has a miscibility gap hindered alkylated dibenzothiophenes. Rapid mixing in the 50 when in contact with the hydrocarbon phase sufficient to reactor at temperatures in the order of about 20° C. (68° minimise settling times for phase separation and dispersion F.)-70° C. (158°F) and pressure in the range of 140 kPa (20 of the ionic liquid into the hydrocarbon phase. It is further PSI)-350 kPa (50 PSI) are generally suitable. Reactor shaft preferable that the IL is selected in a manner which allows speed controlled by VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) of for a maximum solubility of unoxidized and oxidized sul between 300 and 2400 RPM are also suitable at these 55 phur compounds and other contaminants of the hydrocarbon temperatures and pressures. phase Such as organonitrogen compounds in reduced and The process disclosed herein includes one or more extrac oxidized form. tions with an Ionic Liquid (IL) or an alternate aqueous Alternate polar solvents such as Acetonitrile, Dimethyl extraction solvent. The aqueous extraction solvent may be Fumerate (DMF), Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO), Furfural or brine or water and is preferably water. The pH level of the 60 Methanol are suitably polar and may be used. The major extraction water may vary between 6.5 and 7.5. The oxi drawback of this last group of polar extraction solvents is dized-Sulphur-containing-hydrocarbon may be contacted that with the exception of Acetonitrile, they are more diffi with an IL or other polar extraction solvents, such as cult to regenerate. The other drawback of strong polar Acetonitrile or previously identified extraction solvents extraction solvents is that the aromatics of which the said either directly after oxidation or optionally after a water 65 Sulphur is a portion, are removed as the complete molecule. extraction step. The hydrocarbon may be subject to multiple As an example, dibenzothiophene Sulphur is oxidized, there IL or Acetonitrile extractions and multiple water washes. fore polarized by the results of oxidation which converts US 9,441,169 B2 25 26 said sulphur to dibenzothiophene sulfoxide and/or dibenzo Basolite(R) range of MOFs by BASF or their equivalents. In thiophene Sulphone. The extraction process removes the a preferred embodiment of this invention MOF type adsor dibenzothiophene Sulphone completely. The process dis bents are preferred due to their Superior adsorbance capacity closed herein negates this problem by incorporating an which is some 6 to 8 times higher than Zeolite or Activated additional processing step which separates the aromatic Carbon. hydrocarbon from the oxidized sulphur, thereby producing a Substantially lowered Sulphur containing liquid hydrocar stream of substantially low sulphur aromatic hydrocarbon bon which has been treated using the aforementioned oxi and a stream of aqueous Sodium sulfite or Sulphuric acid, dation and extraction process is passed through said adsor depending on the choice of tertiary oxidant. If hydroxyl bent column, whereby one column is actively adsorbing radicals is the oxidant used, the separated Sulphone (SO) 10 whilst the other column is undergoing stripping of adsorbed will be oxidized to SO and hydrated to form sulphuric acid, Sulfur species. Said stripping is achieved using Nitrogen however if a caustic (NaOH) solution is used, sodium sulphite will be produced. under vacuum and heated to between 100° C. (212° F.) and The sulphoxide/sulphone extraction from oxidized hydro 200° C. (392 F.). Such stripping and regenerating tech carbon may be conducted attemperatures ranging from 30° 15 niques are well known by those skilled in the art. C. (86°F) to 100° C. (212° F.) and pressure ranging from It is recognized that in the oxidation process that the atmospheric to 50 psi (350 kPa). For removal of more Sulphur molecule undergoes oxidation of the Sulphur atom complex Sulphur compounds, more elevated temperatures and produces Sulphoxides and/or Sulphones as a result. It is and pressures may be beneficial. Extraction into water may, then recognized that the polar extraction or adsorption stages for example, be conducted up to the boiling point of water remove the complete molecule of oxidized sulfur thereby at a given pressure. A person skilled in the art would removing minor amounts of hydrocarbon (HC). This poten appreciate that for a volatile hydrocarbon, Such as a natural tial HC is relative to the amount of sulfur in the hydrocarbon gas condensate, an increase in pressure will be required feed to be desulphurized. For example Dibenzothiophene under elevated temperatures to keep the NGC in the liquid (CHS) is oxidized to Dibenzothiophene Sulphoxide phase. 25 (CHSO) and Dibenzothiophene Sulphone (C12HSO) The ratio of hydrocarbon to extraction solvent can be wherein this complete molecule is extracted or adsorbed about 10:1 or higher, or about 8:1, or about 5:1. Smaller from the liquid hydrocarbon stream. It is desirable to further ratios are also viable; however, with smaller ratios the cost recover the HC component of said sulphone molecule to of the extraction solvent for the process will be commen avoid excessive losses of hydrocarbon, more particularly Surately higher. 30 relevant when feed streams to be desulphurized have ever The process of the present disclosed herein is suitable for increasing amounts of Sulphur in said streams. reducing the Sulphur content of a range of hydrocarbon In one embodiment of the process disclosed herein, an materials including natural gas condensates, light oils, diesel extra processing stage may be incorporated to recover the hydrocarbon, kerosene and naphtha, reconstituted hydrocar HC component of the sulphoxide and/or sulphone. For bon from waste oil, jet fuel, fuel oil and products of coal 35 example for said dibenzothiophene (CHS), the CHs gasification and liquefaction. The process has been found to may be recovered as a low Sulphur aromatic component and be highly effective when used on hydrocarbons from actual depending on total aromatic level as specified, said compo oil refinery streams. Such hydrocarbons contain a variety of nent can be either blended back with the ultra low sulphur Sulphur compounds of varying complexity and resistance to stream or be available as a valuable low sulphur aromatic. oxidation, depending on the source. Sulphur compounds 40 An important feature of the process disclosed herein is the identified and successfully treated in NGC and diesel additional stage whereby said Sulphoxides and/or Sulphones streams are identified in Sulphur speciation documents dis are further oxidized by either sodium hydroxide or Hydroxyl played later in this disclosure. This is in strong contrast to Radicals. The sulphoxide/sulphone stream recovered via the laboratory hydrocarbon model compositions which may extraction and/or adsorption processes, can be reacted with include only limited selected Sulphur compounds and where 45 Sodium Hydroxide solution at a concentration, of about 45% the limited selected composition of hydrocarbons impacts on to 55%, or about 49% to 52%. The inventors have found that the effectiveness of the process. at a sulphone to Sodium Hydroxide volumetric ratio of about The extraction solvents that can be used in embodiments 1:1 and at a temperature in the range of about 45° C. (113° of the process disclosed herein, either IL or other nominated F.) to 75° C. (167 F.), more or about 50° C. (122°F) to 65° polar solvents, can be separated and regenerated from the 50 C. (1499 F), or about 55° C. (131° F.) to 60° C. (140°F), S-compounds in a simple manner by distillation techniques, being agitated for a period (residence time) of about 12 or via OSN membrane technologies thus avoiding large minutes, or about 10 minutes, or up to about 8 minutes, Volume waste streams and also allows for economic opera produces up to almost quantitative removal of the Sulphur in tion. the form of aqueous sodium Sulfite. The process disclosed herein can include an additional 55 As an alternate method of recovery of sulphoxides/sul extraction stage which is used to polish any minor amounts phones, hydroxyl radicals can be used. Hydroxyl radicals as of sulphur which has not been quantitatively oxidized and used in aforementioned second stage oxidant, may be extracted. In one embodiment an adsorption stage is incor reacted with said Sulphoxides/sulphones at a molar ratio of porated in which Sulphur molecules are physically or physi 1 to 4 moles of hydroxyl radical to 1 mole of sulphone. The cally/chemically adsorbed into the adsorbent surface. Such 60 preferred stoicheiometry is 2 moles of hydroxyl radicals to techniques are known to those skilled in the art of adsorp 1 mole of sulphoxide/sulphone. If sulphoxide is being oxi tion. A variety of adsorbents applies to this invention includ dized the higher stoicheiometry will apply. Said reaction is ing GAC (Granular Activated Carbon) Zeolite, Cu Impreg carried out in a reactor as described in the oxidation reaction, nated Chabazite, Fuller's Earth, Molecular Imprinted but reaction is slow unless optional catalysts are used. Said Chitosan and Molecular Sieves such as the range of Selex 65 reaction can take about 10 to 20 minutes at temperature up sorbs(R by BASF or their equivalents and the very efficient to about 75° C., or about 70° C., or about 65°C. The addition variety of MOFs (Metal Oxide Frameworks) such as the of water produces sulphuric acid, where the (SO/SO) US 9,441,169 B2 27 28 component of Sulphoxides/sulphones is oxidized to SOs, atomic oxygen bonding to Sulphur to form the Sulphone. thereby forming Sulphuric acid upon hydration. This process is afforded in a two step dynamic reaction, Therefore in at least one embodiment, the process of the which is described above. present invention for the reduction of S-levels in liquid HC The sulphone laden hydrocarbon is then introduced at a (hydrocarbons) may be operated in a simple and economi- 5 temperature in the range of about 30° C. (86°F) to 65° C. cally viable manner with very low and easy to handle waste (149°F) and at a pressure in the range of 140 kPa (20 PSI) StreamS. to 350 kPa (50 PSI) to an agitated column, or Film Shear Reactor of Membrane Contactor Device or equivalent reac MODES FOR CARRYING OUT THE tor 4 on FIG. 1, where water is introduced at temperatures INVENTION 10 in the range of about 30° C. (86°F) to 65° C. (149° F.) to polish out any residual oxidant. By Volume, the amount of The process disclosed herein will now be further water can range from about 50% to 100% of the volume of described by way of embodiments which are intended to be hydrocarbon. The reactor residence time is designed to be in illustrative only and not restrictive. the range of about 5 seconds to 90 seconds, in Some cases 15 about 10 seconds to 30 seconds, and in other cases about 5 FIG. 1 seconds to 20 seconds. FIG. 1 shows a general scheme for one embodiment of the The water washed hydrocarbon is then introduced to process disclosed herein. In this embodiment, initial Sulphur separator 5 on FIG. 1. This separator which can be either a content of a hydrocarbon feedstock is measured (Sulphur coalescing or centrifugal or electrostatic type separates the Analyser A), item 1 on FIG. 1. The hydrocarbon feedstock water from the liquid hydrocarbon exiting reactor 4 which is heated, if required and prior to delivery to the process can contain very small amounts of muriatic/citric acid, from battery limit to a temperature in the range of about 30° C. the sulphone laden hydrocarbon. (86°F) to 65° C. (149°F) and introduced at a pressure in The substantially water free sulphone laden hydrocarbon the range of about 140 kPa (20 PSI) to 350 kPa (50 PSI) into exiting separator 5 on FIG. 1, is then introduced to reactor the primary oxidation reactor item 2. The primary oxidant 25 6 on FIG. 1, where the polar extraction solvent is also may be either of the oxidants: introduced. The sulphone laden hydrocarbon is introduced at N-chloroimide a temperature in the range of about 30° C. (86°F) to 65° C. Hypobromous Acid (149°F) and at a pressure in the range of about 140 kPa (20 Electrolysed Oxidising water PSI) to 350 kPa (50 PSI), where the polar extraction solvent Catalyzed and co-catalysed Hydrogen Peroxide or 30 is introduced at temperatures in the range of about 30° C. Hypochlorous Acid (86°F) to 65° C. (149° F.) to extract or absorb the polar as hereinbefore described. oxidized sulphur compounds or sulphones. The extraction Either of the primary oxidants (stage 1 oxidant) as solvent by volume can range from 20% to 75% of the described above is introduced at the same time as the liquid Volume of hydrocarbon. For economic reasons this amount hydrocarbon material and at a temperature in the range of 35 is to be kept to a minimum expected to be circa 30% to 35%. about 20° C. (68°F) to 30° C. (86°F). The amount of The reactor residence time is designed to be in the range of introduced oxidant is proportionally metered in at a rate about 25 seconds to 90 seconds, in some cases about 20 equivalent to about 2 moles to 4 moles of oxidant to 1 mol seconds to 30 seconds, and in other cases about 15 seconds of sulphur as detected by the on-line Total Sulphur Analyzer to 20 seconds. (A) item 1 on FIG.1. This oxidant is sufficient to oxidise the 40 Following the Sulphone extraction process accomplished Sulphur compounds in the hydrocarbon feedstock to Sul in reactor 6, the sulphone stream which is embedded in the phoxides and/or Sulphones. The said oxidizer may be intro polar extraction solvent, is separated from the Substantially duced to an agitated column, or Film Shear Reactor of sulphur free hydrocarbon via separator 7 on FIG. 1. This Membrane Contactor Device or equivalent reactor 2 on FIG. separator may be, for example, either a coalescing or cen 1. The reactor residence time is designed to be in the range 45 trifugal or electrostatic type. of about 100 seconds to 380 seconds, in some cases about 80 Following the separation of the sulphone rich extraction seconds to 320 seconds, and in other case preferably about stream from the substantially sulphur free hydrocarbon, the 60 seconds to 300 seconds. sulphone rich stream may be distilled in the distillation unit After mixing the hydrocarbon and oxidant, the resultant 14 on FIG. 1. Distillation, nano filtration, membrane con oxidation reaction occurs in said reactor 2, and the hydro 50 tactor or RO techniques may be used to recover the extrac carbon/sulphone solution is introduced to a separator item 3 tion solvent and provide a concentrated Sulphone stream. as displayed on FIG. 1. This separator which can be either The distillation and separation techniques are well known to a coalescing or centrifugal or electrostatic type, separates the those skilled in the art, and distillation characteristics will be water which has been released from said reactor. Water is the determined by the selected extraction solvents boiling aqueous component of oxidants as described previously, 55 point. however when hydroxyl radicals are used as the oxidant, this The substantially sulphur free hydrocarbon stream exiting aqueous component is the residual humidity contained in the separator 7 on FIG. 1 is then introduced to reactor 8 on FIG. air and is up to 85% of the moisture, which is not converted 1. The sulphone extracted hydrocarbon is introduced at a into to Hydroxyls in the aforementioned on site hydroxyls temperature in the range of about 30° C. (86°F) to 65° C. generator. If any other aforementioned primary oxidant is 60 (149°F) and at a pressure in the range of about 140 kPa (20 used, the water contained in each of those oxidant is PSI) to 350 kPa (50 PSI), where any residual polar extrac separated in the same manner, but it will be appreciated that tion solvent is washed out from the hydrocarbon. Water is the amount of water coalesced from the oxidized hydrocar introduced to reactor 8 on FIG. 1 attemperatures in the range bon, will vary according to the Stoichiometry ratios and of about 30° C. (86°F) to 65° C. (149°F) and at a pressure water content of the oxidant. 65 in the range of about 140 kPa (20 PSI) to 350 kPa (50 PSI) The sulphones are created by the oxidation of sulphur to polish any extraction solvent remaining in the Sulphone compounds, this being achieved essentially by the action of extracted hydrocarbon stream exiting from separator 7. The US 9,441,169 B2 29 30 wash/polish water by Volume can range in an amount of 20% or coalescer item 13 on FIG. 1, where separated N is vented to 75% of the volume of hydrocarbon. The reactor residence or recycled and Sulphur compounds (typically Sulphoxides time is designed to be in the range of about 25 seconds to 90 and/or sulphones) are directed to Tertiary oxidation. seconds, in some cases about 20 seconds to 30 seconds, and Tertiary oxidation is carried out in reactor item 16 on FIG. in other cases about 15 seconds to 20 seconds. 1. Said reactor is identical to aforementioned oxidation Following the water washing and hydrocarbon polishing reactors. The sulphoxide/sulphone stream which is the com process accomplished in reactor 8 on FIG. 1, the hydrocar bination of stripped Sulphur compounds from adsorption bon phase is introduced to separator 9 on FIG. 1, where the columns 10 and 11 on FIG. 1 and residue resulting from the Ultra Low Sulphur Hydrocarbon is separated from the distillation or separation of the extraction solvent from the polishing water to exit separator 9 on FIG. 1 as treated and 10 sulphones in the distillation unit 14 on FIG. 1, is introduced Sulphur free hydrocarbon. The polishing water is separated to reactor 16 on FIG. 1. It is introduced at temperatures in and becomes used water. The sulphur free hydrocarbon the range of about 30° C. (86°F) to 65° C. (149°F) and at exiting separator 9 on FIG. 1 is then subjected to a polishing a pressure in the range of about 140 kPa (20 PSI) and 350 stage, which removes any Sulfones which may have been left kPa (50 PSI). Introduced to reactor 9 is also a caustic in the water washed hydrocarbon exiting reactor 8 on FIG. 15 solution at a concentration of about 5% to 70%. This is 1. introduced attemperatures in the range of about 40°C. (104° The polishing stage consists of two adsorbent laden F.) to 80°C. (176°F) and at a pressure in the range of about columns items 10 and 11 on FIG. 1. One column is in 140 kPa (20 PSI) to 350 kPa (50 PSI). This stage of the “adsorption” mode whilst the other is in desorption” mode. process is very important and is used to separate the Sulphur In adsorption mode the sulphur free hydrocarbon is directed free aromatic hydrocarbon component of the Sulphone from to the column designated at that instant as being in adsorp the Sulphone component. The Sulphone component is con tion mode, which is charged with media consisting of either verted to Sodium Sulfite solution (Na2SO+HO) per the of the following adsorbents: following chemistry: Y-Zeolite Activated Carbon 25 MOF (Metal Organic Framework) adsorbents such as but The Sulphur free aromatic hydrocarbons designated as not restricted to CuCl2 MIL-47 (Material of Institute “R” in the aforementioned chemistry resulting from the Lavoisier) or BASF product line of BasoliteR) C300 reaction in reactor 16 is introduced to separator 17 on FIG. (C18H6CuO2), Cu impregnated Chabazite or Fullers 1 where the aromatic hydrocarbon components are separated Earth. 30 from the sodium sulfite solution. This separator is preferably The adsorbent material acts as a physiochemical extrac either a coalescing or centrifugal or electrostatic type or tion system in which any remaining sulphur compound, equivalent membrane separation device. whether oxidized or not oxidized, is adsorbed into the The ultra low sulphur (ULS) aromatic stream exiting adsorbent media's structure. The preferred adsorption cycle separator 17 on FIG. 1, is introduced to reactor 18 on FIG. is 24 hours, after which the adsorbent must undergo des 35 1 at temperatures in the range of about 40° C. (104°F) to orption via the injection of N2 at a temperature Sufficient to 80° C. (176°F) and at a pressure in the range of about 140 vaporize and strip the adsorbed Sulphur compounds under a kPa (20 PSI) to 350 kPa (50 PSI). Water is preferably vacuum. The temperature is above the boiling point of any introduced simultaneously into reactor 18 at temperature in retained sulphur compound. This can exceed about 250° C. the range of about 40° C. (104°F) to 80° C. (176°F) and (482°F.) at atmospheric pressure but under vacuum will be 40 at a pressure in the range of about 140 kPa (20 PSI) to 350 substantially lower temperature as will be appreciated by kPa (50 PSI). The residence time in this reactor is in the those skilled in the art. The hydrocarbon is redirected to the range of about 20 seconds to 60 seconds, preferably about 15 other identical column which at that time is in adsorption seconds to 30 seconds. This stage is added to water wash the mode whilst the previous adsorption mode column Switches aromatics stream, thereby polishing any residual caustic out to desorption mode. The desorption cycle is designed to be 45 of the aromatics stream. exposed to the N2 stripping or desorption mode for up to The water washed aromatics stream exiting reactor 18 is about 4 hours, more preferably about 3 hours, most prefer then introduced to separator 19 on FIG. 1, where residual ably about 2 hours after which said column is in a standby caustic solution is removed, thereby producing ultra low mode awaiting for the cyclic change back to adsorption Sulphur aromatics and a low concentrate Sodium sulfite mode. During the adsorption cycle on both columns 10 and 50 raftinate. The water washed aromatic stream is a potentially 11, the hydrocarbon stream exiting said columns is a Sulphur valuable by-product with uses in multiple industrial appli free hydrocarbon and if said hydrocarbon is a diesel cut, the cations, known to those skilled in the art. Most importantly, resultant exit stream will be ULSD (ultra low sulphur there is very low loss of valuable aromatics hydrocarbons diesel). and the sulphur is not in the form of high availability If the hydrocarbon exiting from either column 10 or 55 elemental sulphur, but in a sodium sulfite solution, which column 11 has not satisfied the Sulphur reduction target as could be dehydrated if required. measured by the on line Total Sulphur Analyzer A item 15 If particular locations do not have onerous limitations on on FIG. 1 installed at the treated hydrocarbon process exit, either or both Total Aromatics or PAH, the sulphur free the “off specification hydrocarbon stream will be automati aromatics can be blended back into the Ultra Low Sulphur cally diverted to the primary oxidation reactor 2 on FIG. 1, 60 Hydrocarbon stream exiting from adsorption columns 10 for reprocessing. and/or 11 on FIG. 1. Purged or stripped Sulphur species and N exiting either Oxidation Using Catalysed and Co-Catalysed Hydrogen column 10 or column 11, depending on which column is in Peroxide desorption mode, is cooled to a temperature nominally about In one embodiment according to the first and second 50° C. (122°F.) via conventional heat exchanging in heat 65 aspect of the process described herein, only a primary exchanger item 12 on FIG.1. This cooled stream exiting the oxidant is used. In one preferred embodiment, the primary heat exchanger item 12 is directed to a degasser membrane oxidant is a catalysed and co-catalysed hydrogen peroxide, US 9,441,169 B2 31 32 preferably hydrogen peroxide catalysed by phosphotungstic (A) item 1 on FIG. 2. This oxidant is sufficient to oxidise the acid resulting from a mixture of Sodium Tungstate Dihy Sulphur compounds in the hydrocarbon feedstock to Sul drate and Phosphoric Acid and co-catalysed by a PTC, phoxides and/or sulphones. If N-chloroimide is used the preferably Ultra C. constituent sodium hypochlorite is preferably manufactured Oxidative desulphurisation is performed at slightly above 5 on site using brine electrolysis techniques, a concept known atmospheric conditions (about 60-65°C.) using a mixture of to and accepted by those skilled in the art. If the location of hydrogen peroxide, tungstate to regulate the decomposition the process is such that bulk sodium hypochlorite is avail of the hydrogen peroxide and phosphoric acid to protonate able at concentration of from about 6% to 24%, this may the diesel (so that it is slightly acidic) and PTC for oxidation enable the use of off-site manufactured sodium hypochlorite. efficiency due to the oxygen transfer from the aqueous phase 10 to the organic phase. After oxidation the diesel is sent to a The said oxidizer is introduced to an agitated column or 2 phase separator as illustrated in FIG. 1 Item 3, where the equivalent reactor 2 on FIG. 2, at a controlled pH in the diesel phase is separated via coalesce from the second phase range of about 4 to 6.5. This pH is controlled by the addition consisting of water, tungstate/phosphoric acid (PTA) and of either muriatic acid or citric acid at 10% concentration to PTC. The water and tungstate are then separated from the 15 the sodium hypochlorite solution and if the pH lowers past PTC via centrifuge thereby regenerating the PTC. The water a desired set point, the control system will add further and tungstate has the water?tungstate ratio reduced by sodium hypochlorite until the pH is normalized to the evaporating off excess water (introduced from the break desired set point. The reactor residence time is designed to down of hydrogen peroxide) and the water tungstate mixture be in the range of about 5 seconds to 90 seconds, or about at the desired concentration is recirculated to the feed tank 10 seconds to 30 seconds, or about 5 seconds to 20 seconds. to be reused. The same general approach is used when any of the afore After the oxidation and first separation, the diesel is mentioned primary oxidant is used, that being the oxidant is Subjected to a polar extractant, which is then separated from introduced at the specific stoichiometric rate and mixed for the diesel. The extractant is then centrifuged to remove the appropriate time to enable the Sulphur species to be Sulphones, therefore regenerating the polar extractant. The 25 oxidized. The different sulphur species respond to the oxi diesel is then sent to a polishing stage for removal of large dants where generally the primary oxidant preferentially molecular weight contaminants as a final processing step. oxidizes the electron rich sulphur compounds, whilst the FIG 2 electro depleted Sulphur species require an oxidant having a The present invention will now be further described by higher electronegativity Such as those used in the secondary way of preferred embodiments as described below and 30 oxidation stage. referenced to FIG. 2, which are intended to be illustrative After mixing the hydrocarbon and oxidant the resultant only and not restrictive. oxidation reaction occurs in said reactor 2 on FIG. 2, and the This embodiment is added to the oxidation portion of the hydrocarbon/sulphone/water solution is introduced to a process and allows greater flexibility for processing more separator 3 on FIG. 2. This separator which can be either a demanding low electron density Sulphur hydrocarbon or 35 coalescing or centrifugal or electrostatic type, separates any high Sulphur mass hydrocarbon streams. These embodi water from the sulphone laden hydrocarbon. The sulphones ments provide plurality on oxidation cycles using a different are created by the oxidation of Sulphur compounds, this oxidant in the secondary oxidation cycle. This alleviates a being achieved essentially by the action of atomic oxygen single point oxidant failure by using either of the aforemen bonding to Sulphur to form the Sulphone. This process is tioned secondary oxidants, those options being: 40 afforded in a two step dynamic reaction, which is described 1) Hydroxyl Radicals as described previously. above. 2) Chlorine Dioxide in solution as described previously. The sulphone laden hydrocarbon is then introduced at a 3) Hypofluorous Acid stabilized in Acetonitrile as temperature in the range of about 30° C. (86°F) to 65° C. described previously. (149°F) and at a pressure in the range of about 140 kPa (20 4) Liquid Ferrate VI as described previously. 45 PSI) to 350 kPa (50 PSI) to a second reactor 4 on FIG. 2, FIG. 2 shows a general scheme for another embodiment where any of the aforementioned secondary oxidants is of the process of the disclosed herein. In this embodiment, introduced, those being: initial Sulphur content of a hydrocarbon feedstock is mea Hydroxyl Radicals as described previously, sured (Sulphur Analyser A) item 1 on FIG. 2. The hydro Chlorine Dioxide in solution as described previously, carbon feedstock is heated, if required and prior to delivery 50 Hypofluorous Acid stabilized in Acetonitrile as described to the process battery limits to a temperature in the range of previously, about 30° C. (86°F) to 65° C. (149° F.) and introduced at Liquid Ferrate VI as described previously. a pressure in the range of about 140 kPa (20 PSI) to 350 kPa The secondary oxidant is used to oxidize remaining non (50 PSI) into the primary oxidation reactor item 2 on FIG. oxidized Sulphur compounds, typically the electron depleted 2. Any of the aforementioned primary oxidant, those being: 55 species. If secondary oxidant selected is stabilized chlorine N-chloroimide dioxide solution at concentration in the range of about 3000 Hypobromous Acid ppm (0.3%) to 8000 ppm (0.8%) this is introduced at a Electrolysed Oxidizing water temperature in the range of about 20° C. (68°F) to 35° C. Catalyzed and co-catalysed Hydrogen Peroxide or (95° F.) and at a pressure in the range of about 140 kPa (20 Hypochlorous Acid 60 PSI) to 350 kPa (50 PSI) to oxidize sulphur compounds is introduced at the same time and at a temperature prefer which were not oxidized with the first stage primary oxidant ably in the range of about 20° C. (68°F) to 30° C. (86°F), in reactor 1 on FIG. 2. The amount of any selected secondary when N-chloroimide, Electrolysed Oxidizing water or oxidant will typically be set at a rate of about 1 mole to 2 Hypobromous Acid is the selected stage 1 oxidant. The mols of oxidizer to 1 mole of sulphur. The reactor residence amount of introduced oxidant is proportionally metered in at 65 time is designed to be about 5 seconds to 90 seconds, in a rate equivalent to 2 moles to 4 moles of oxidant to 1 mol Some cases 10 seconds to 30 seconds, and in other cases 5 of sulphur as detected by the online Total Sulphur Analyzer seconds to 20 seconds. US 9,441,169 B2 33 34 The secondary oxidized hydrocarbon is then introduced to The sulphur free hydrocarbon exiting separator 9 on FIG. separator 5 on FIG. 2. This separator which can be either a 2 is then Subjected to a polishing stage, which removes any coalescing or centrifugal or electrostatic type, separates any sulfones which may have been left in the water washed water from the sulphone laden hydrocarbon. This sulphone hydrocarbon exiting reactor 8 on FIG. 2. laden hydrocarbon can be subject to water washing and as The polishing stage consists of two adsorbent laden this step is optional it is not shown on FIG. 2. In addition to columns items 10 and 11 on FIG. 2. One column is in this step not displayed on FIG. 2, an option of additional “adsorption” mode whilst the other is in desorption” mode. secondary oxidation stages can be exercised. This plurality In adsorption mode the sulfur free hydrocarbon is directed to of additional oxidation treatments may be desirable, if not the column designated at that instant as being in adsorption necessary, dependent upon the amount and compounds of 10 mode, which is charged with media consisting of either of sulphur present in the feedstock hydrocarbon. the following adsorbents known to those skilled in the art; The substantially water free sulphone laden hydrocarbon Y-Zeolite exiting separator 5 on FIG. 2, is then introduced to reactor Activated Carbon 6 on FIG. 2, where the polar extraction solvent is also MOF (Metal Organic Framework) adsorbents such as but introduced. The sulphone laden hydrocarbon is introduced at 15 not restricted to CuCl2MIL-47 (Material of Institute a temperature in the range of about 30° C. (86°F) to 65° C. Lavoisier) or BASF product line of Basolite(R) C300 (149°F.) and at a pressure in the range of about 140 kPa (20 (C18H6Cu3O12), Cu Impegnated Chabazite or Fullers PSI) to 350 kPa (50 PSI), where the polar extraction solvent Earth. is introduced at temperatures in the range of about 30° C. The adsorbent material acts as a physiochemical extrac (86°F) to 65° C. (149° F.) to extract or absorb the polar tion system in which any remaining Sulphur compounds, oxidized Sulphur compounds or Sulphones. The extraction whether oxidized or not oxidized, are adsorbed into the solvent by volume can range from about 20% to 75% of the adsorbent media's structure. The preferred adsorption cycle Volume of hydrocarbon. For economic reasons this amount is 24 hours, after which the adsorbent must undergo des is to be kept to a minimum and is expected to be in the range orption via the injection of N2 at a temperature Sufficient to of about 30% to 35%. The reactor residence time is designed 25 vaporize and strip the adsorbed Sulphur compounds under a to be in the range of about 25 seconds to 90 seconds, in some vacuum. The temperature is above the boiling point of any cases 20 seconds to 30 seconds, and in other cases 15 retained sulphur compound. This can exceed 250° C. (482 seconds to 20 seconds. F.) at atmospheric pressure but under vacuum will be Following the Sulphone extraction process accomplished substantially lower temperature as will be appreciated by in reactor 6 on FIG. 2, the sulphone stream which is 30 those skilled in the art. The hydrocarbon is redirected to the solubilized in the polar extraction solvent, is separated from other identical column which at that time is in adsorption the substantially sulphur free hydrocarbon via separator 7 on mode whilst the previous adsorption mode column switches FIG. 2. This separator can be either a coalescing or cen to desorption mode. The desorption cycle is designed to be trifugal or electrostatic type. exposed to the N2 stripping or desorption mode for up to 4 Following the separation of the sulphone rich stream from 35 hours, more preferably 3 hours, most preferably 2 hours the substantially sulphur free hydrocarbon, the sulphone rich after which said column is in a standby mode awaiting for stream is distilled in the distillation unit 14 on FIG. 2. the cyclic change back to adsorption mode. During the Distillation, nano filtration or RO techniques may be used to adsorption cycle on both columns 10 and 11, the hydrocar recover the extraction solvent and provide a concentrated bon stream exiting said columns is a Sulphur free hydrocar Sulphone stream. The distillation and separation techniques 40 bon and if said hydrocarbon is a diesel cut, the resultant exit are well known to those skilled in the art, and distillation stream will be ULSD (ultra low sulphur diesel). characteristics will be determined by the selected extraction If the hydrocarbon has not satisfied the sulphur reduction Solvents boiling point. target as measured by the on line Total Sulphur Analyzer A The substantially sulphur free hydrocarbon stream exiting item 14 on FIG. 2 installed at the treated hydrocarbon separator 7 on FIG. 2 is then introduced to reactor 8 on FIG. 45 process exit, the “off specification hydrocarbon stream will 2. The sulphone extracted hydrocarbon is introduced at a be automatically diverted to the primary oxidation reactor 2 temperature in the range of about 30° C. (86°F) to 65° C. on FIG. 2, for reprocessing (149°F.) and at a pressure in the range of about 140 kPa (20 Purged or stripped Sulfur species and N exiting either PSI) to 350 kPa (50 PSI), where any residual polar extrac column 10 or column 11, depending on which column is in tion solvent is washed out from the hydrocarbon. Water is 50 desorption mode, is cooled to a temperature nominally 50° introduced to reactor 8 on FIG. 2 attemperatures in the range C. (122° F.) via conventional heat exchanging in heat of about 30° C. (86°F) to 65° C. (149°F) and at a pressure exchanger item 12 on FIG. 2. This cooled stream exiting the in the range of about 140 kPa (20 PSI) to 350 kPa (50 PSI) heat exchanger item 12 is directed to a degasser membrane to polish any extraction solvent remaining in the Sulphone or coalescer item 13 on FIG. 2, where separated N is vented extracted hydrocarbon stream exiting from separator 7 on 55 or recycled and Sulphur compounds (typically Sulphoxides FIG. 2. The wash/polish water by volume can range in the and/or Sulphones) are directed to tertiary oxidation. range of about 20% to 75% of the volume of hydrocarbon. The sulphone stream which is the residue resulting from The reactor residence time is designed to be in the range of the distillation or separation of the extraction solvent from about 25 seconds to 90 seconds, in some cases 20 seconds the sulphones in the distillation unit 14 on FIG. 2, is to 30 seconds, and in other cases 15 seconds to 20 seconds. 60 introduced to reactor 16 on FIG. 2. It is introduced at Following the water washing and hydrocarbon polishing temperatures in the range of about 30° C. (86°F) to 65° C. process accomplished in reactor 8 on FIG. 2, the hydrocar (149°F) and at a pressure in the range of about 140 kPa (20 bon phase is introduced to separator 9 on FIG. 2, where the PSI) to 350 kPa (50 PSI). Introduced to reactor 16 is also a Ultra Low Sulphur Hydrocarbon is separated from the caustic solution at a concentration of 5% to 70%. This is polishing water to exit separator 9 on FIG. 2 as treated and 65 introduced attemperatures in the range of about 40°C. (104° Sulphur free hydrocarbon. The polishing water is separated F.) to 80°C. (176°F) and at a pressure in the range of about and becomes used water. 140 kPa (20 PSI) to 350 kPa (50 PSI). This stage of the US 9,441,169 B2 35 36 process is very important and is used to separate the Sulphur obtained using molecular oxygen as the oxidant followed by free aromatic hydrocarbon component of the Sulphone from IL/water extraction and hydrocarbon water wash/polishing the Sulphone component. The Sulphone component is con techniques as described below. The source of the oxygen verted to sodium sulfite solution per the following chemis was bottled oxygen of purity of 99%. The IL used is triisobutyl (methyl) phosphonium tosylate. A 5 gallon sample of the NGC was circulated from a 7 gallon heating reactor through an eductor to a series of 3 in The sulphur free aromatic hydrocarbons resulting from line static mixers. These mixers although not as effective as the reaction in reactor 16 on FIG. 2 is introduced to separator the counter current agitated column type reactor, served to 17 on FIG. 2 where the aromatic hydrocarbon components 10 mix the gas phase (oxygen) with the liquid NGC phase. It are separated from the Sodium sulfite solution. This separa was not expected that the mixing kinetics would emulate tor can be either a coalescing or centrifugal or electrostatic that of the reactor; hence residence time was approximately type. 65 minutes. The NGC was returned to the reactor via the The Sulphur free aromatic hydrocarbon stream exiting static mixers. separator 17 on FIG. 2, is introduced to reactor 18 on FIG. 15 The NGC was circulated under pressure at about 150 psi 2 at temperatures in the range of about 40° C. (104°F) to and was slowly heated over a 20 minute period until the 80°C. (176°F) and at a pressure in the range of about 140 NGC reached a temperature of about 65° C. (149°F). When kPa (20 PSI) to 350 kPa (50 PSI). Water is introduced this temperature was reached, an oxygen feed of about 95% simultaneously into reactor 18 at temperature in the range of purity was fed to the eductor. The feed was metered such that about 40° C. (104°F) to 80° C. (176°F) and at a pressure an amount of about 3 times the Stoichiometric requirement in the range of about 140 kPa (20 PSI) to 350 kPa (50 PSI). was injected over the oxidation duration. The oxygen was The residence time in this reactor is in the range of about 20 vented at a rate which was approximately 50% of the feed seconds to 60 seconds, preferably 15 seconds to 30 seconds. flow rate. This venting also allowed for sufficient differential This stage is added to water wash the aromatics stream, pressure across the eductor, thus maintaining Sufficient thereby polishing any residual caustic out of the aromatics 25 Velocity through the static mixers to promote optimum two hydrocarbon stream. The raflinate from separator 17 on phase mixing. figure is sodium Sulfite. At the completion of the oxidation phase the NGC was The Substantially water free aromatics stream exiting allowed to cool to about 40° C. (104°F). Approximately reactor 18 is then introduced to separator 19 on FIG. 2, 100 mls of IL was warmed to about 40° C. (104° F.) and where residual water is removed thereby producing ultra low 30 added to a 250 ml sample of NGC. The contents were mixed Sulphur aromatics and a low concentrate Sodium sulfite thoroughly with a stirrer for approximately 1 minute and raftinate. The water washed aromatic hydrocarbon has uses allowed to settle under gravity. During this period a small in multiple industrial applications, known to those skilled in amount of NGC was vaporized but the IL had been mixed the art. Most importantly, there is very low loss of valuable thoroughly and it was assumed that the oxidized Sulphur aromatics hydrocarbons and the Sulphur is not in the form of 35 compounds would be absorbed into the IL. high availability elemental sulphur, but in a sodium sulfite A sample of the NGC was removed from the two phase solution, which could be dehydrated if required. Solution and this was then added to a separation container. If particular locations do not have onerous limitations on An equal amount of water was added to the NGC in the either or both Total Aromatics or PAH, the sulphur free container. The water was at about 35° C. (95° F.) and this aromatics can be blended back into the Ultra Low Sulphur 40 mixture of NGC and water was thoroughly stirred for a Hydrocarbon stream exiting from adsorption columns 10 minute. The mixture was allowed to separate under gravity and 11 on FIG. 2. for approximately 2 minutes, after which the NGC was extracted into a new container. An equivalent amount of EXAMPLES water was added to the NGC and was mixed as per the first 45 water wash. The treated NGC was bottled and sent for a total Sulphur Analysis Sulphur measurement and Sulphur compounds identifica tion. Natural Gas Condensates (NGC), high sulphur diesel It was then assumed that (i) Sulphur in the NGC feedstock hydrocarbons and jet fuel streams were reacted with an would have been converted to sulfoxide and/or sulphone and oxidant and their Sulphur content was examined before and 50 (ii) that these oxidized compounds, upon contact with IL, after the oxidation process. migrate preferentially into the IL phase of the biphasic Results are provided in Tables 1 to 10. system and (iii) any residual IL would have been separated from the NGC, such that the sulphur compounds would be Example 1 removed from the NGC 55 The IL used in the extraction process was loaded with Natural Gas Condensates (NGC) Some organic matter assumed to be aromatic Sulphur oxi dation products, as the IL had darkened and after the a) Molecular Oxygen as Oxidant addition of heated water at 40°C. (104°F) and a vigorous The sulfur species in the Natural Gas Condensate (NGC) stirring, a Sulphur containing organic layer separated after source were electron dense and thus were readily oxidized. 60 approximately 30 seconds, from completion of stirring. Accordingly, no active catalyst/co-catalyst was required. b) Catalysed HO, as Oxidant The oxidant used was molecular oxygen. The mechanism of Replacing the oxidant used in a) above with catalysed oxidation emulates that of oxidation using either primary or hydrogen peroxide achieved the same result. Hydrogen secondary oxidants or combination thereof; this being a peroxide when catalyzed with a rate controlled catalyst such transfer of electrons from Sulphur being taken up by oxygen 65 as the combination of Sodium tungState dihydrate and phos thereby producing sulphones. The actual SGS (Society Gen phoric acid (phosphotungstic acid), breaks down to singlet erale De Surveillance) results recorded using NGC were oxygen/OH radical. As only electron rich Sulphur species US 9,441,169 B2 37 38 were present in this very low boiling (36° C.) point feed migrate preferentially into the IL phase of the biphasic stock and accordingly, only a primary oxidant was used. The system and (iii) any residual IL would have been separated oxidation was achieved using decomposing hydrogen per from the NGC, such that the sulphur compounds would be oxide and the accompanying PTC was not required due to removed from the NGC the aforementioned electron dense Sulphur species. It is also The IL used in the extraction process was loaded with Supposed that the very light condensate was readily oxidized Some organic matter assumed to be aromatic Sulphur oxi with the oxidant and catalyst without the PTC, because at dation products, as the IL had darkened and after the most times during the oxidation process it was possible that addition of heated water at 40°C. (104°F) and a vigorous the hydrocarbon was in the gas phase, therefore phase stirring, a Sulphur containing organic layer separated after transfer became a non dominant factor compared to its 10 approximately 30 seconds, from completion of stirring. The essential requirement when oxidizing heavier hydrocarbon treated NGC was subsequently centrifuged after which it streams which at the normal oxidation process temperature was then tested on a Spectro 2000 XRF Total Sulfur Ana is always in the liquid phase. This, as well as the Sulphur lyzer. This analysis detected 9.8 ppm of Sulphur. This species being easily oxidized, appears to be the reason that sample was not independently verified by SGS laboratories, the aforementioned oxidant alone was sufficient to oxidize 15 hence no verification data is Supplied. The test was con the Sulphur compounds present. ducted to compare the efficacy differential between cata The same test protocol and equipment as was used in a) lysed Hydrogen Peroxide and Molecular Oxygen. It was was used. Supposed at the time of testing that due to the nature of the A 5 gallon sample of the NGC was circulated from a 7 Sulphur compounds and the expected gas phase NGC, both gallon heating reactor through an eductor to a series of 3 in oxidant combinations would work and that PTC would not line static mixers. These mixers although not as effective as be required. the counter current agitated column type reactor, served to The test results for Example 1 are provided in Tables 1 to mix the aqueous oxidant, which was Hydrogen Peroxide at 4. Table 1 provides a component breakdown and table 2 30% concentration in conjunction with the decomposition provides a feedstock analysis (speciation and total Sulphur) moderator catalyst Sodium Tungstate Dihydrate and reagent 25 whilst tables 3 and 4 display results of the treated NGC.. grade Phosphoric Acid, with the liquid NGC phase. It was This Example demonstrates that the sulphur in NGC is not expected that the mixing kinetics would emulate that of relatively easily oxidized because of what the inventor the reactor; hence residence time was approximately 80 believes are the lower molecular weight sulphur compounds minutes. The NGC was returned to the reactor via the static having more electron dense species. It is known that the mixers. 30 higher boiling point Sulphur compounds migrate to the The NGC was circulated under pressure at about 100 psi heavier MW streams such as diesel and these species are and was slowly heated over a 20 minute period until the more resistant to oxidation. Because of the relative ease of NGC reached a temperature of about 65° C. (149°F). When sulphur oxidation in NGC, PTC was not required to affect a this temperature was reached, the aqueous Hydrogen Per quantitative oxidation of sulphur. It is believed however, that oxide was fed through a needle restrictor valve into the 35 PTC would have assisted but is not absolutely necessary in venturi eductor. The feed was metered such that an amount the case of sulphur oxidation in the lighter fraction hydro of about 2.5 times the stoichiometric requirement was carbon. The process disclosed herein intends to cover the injected over the initial oxidation period of 2 minutes and removal of Sulphur from more complex Sulphur containing then again at the 20 minute elapsed time for a further 2 hydrocarbon materials. minute period. The recipe for the experiment was as follows: 40 Hydrogen Peroxide (a 30% concentration=120 mls Example 2 Sodium Tungstate Dihydrate in solution (water miscible (a) approximately 1:1.1)=4.5 mls Transmix Diesel Hydrocarbon (Catalysed and Phosphoric Acid reagent grade–0.9 mls Co-Catalysed HO) At the completion of the oxidation phase the NGC was 45 allowed to cool to about 40° C. (104°F.). Approximately A3 gallon sample of transmix hydrocarbon was circulated 100 mls of IL was warmed to about 40° C. (104°F) and through a controlled cavitation mixing reactor which added to a 250 ml sample of NGC. The contents were mixed induced heating internally in the reactor. The feedstock at thoroughly with a stirrer for approximately 1 minute and ambient temperature was circulated for approximately 3 allowed to settle under gravity. During this period a small 50 minutes which effected a temperature rise from ambient 20° amount of NGC was vaporized but the IL had been mixed C. (68° F.) to 70° C. (158° F.). When the hydrocarbon thoroughly and it was assumed that the oxidized Sulphur temperature reached 65-70° C. catalysed and co-catalysed compounds would be absorbed into the IL as was the water hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide and phosphotungstic resulting from the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide. acid and Ultra C PTC) was entered via an eductor through A sample of the NGC was removed from the two phase 55 which the hydrocarbon flowed at a pressure of about 20 psi. Solution and this was then added to a separation container. After the oxidant (catalysed and co-catalysed hydrogen An equal amount of water was added to the NGC in the peroxide) was applied to the hydrocarbon via a venture and container. The water was at about 35° C. (95° F.) and this needle regulating valve, the resultant hydrocarbon/oxidant mixture of NGC and water was thoroughly stirred for a was fed to an in-line static mixer directly into the diesel minute. The mixture was allowed to separate under gravity 60 entry of the inlet of the in-line mixer reactor. for approximately 2 minutes, after which the NGC was The mixed hydrocarbon was circulated via a holding tank extracted into a new container. An equivalent amount of being reacted with the oxidant at a rate of about twice water was added to the NGC and was mixed as per the first stoichiometric based on the sulphur content (molar) in the water wash. hydrocarbon feedstock. It was then assumed that (i) Sulphur in the NGC feedstock 65 The hydrocarbon was circulated through the system for a would have been converted to sulfoxide and/or sulphone and time period of 60 minutes, which equated to 5 minutes (ii) that these oxidized compounds, upon contact with IL, accumulated residence time in a typically used counter US 9,441,169 B2 39 40 current reactor. Samples were taken at timed intervals, TABLE 1-continued however the sample taken at the end of the aforementioned 60 minute period, was subjected to the IL extraction proce NGC feedstock - hydrocarbon analysis dure and water wash/polishing procedure as described in the Percent Carbon: 84.060 procedure for desulphurizing NGC.. Percent Hydrogen: 15.940 After the IL extraction and water wash/polish procedure, Bromine Number (calc.): 0.161 a sample was taken and analysed using a Spectro XRF (X Ray Fluoresence) laboratory analyser. A separate compara tive sample was sent to SGS (Society Generale De Surveil lance) for a total Sulphur measurement and Sulphur com 10 TABLE 2 pounds identification. The internal and SGS laboratory NGC feedstock - Sulphur analysis measurements compared favourably, with the internal (Spectro XRF analysis) measuring some 5 ppm higher than Concentration (ppm wt the SGS data. The test results of this Transmix Hydrocarbon feedstock 15 Sulfur Compounds as compound as Sulfur and desulphurized Transmix Hydrocarbon are provided in <0.1 <0.1 Tables 5 and 6. Carbonyl Sulfide 3.0 1.6 Methyl Mercaptain (Methanethiol) O.2 O.1 Ethyl Mercaptain (Ethanethiol) 7.1 3.7 Example 3 Isopropyl Mercaptain (2-Propanethiol) 0.4 O.2 n-Propyl Mercaptain (1-Propanethiol) 3.1 1.3 Refinery Diesel Hydrocarbon tert-Butyl Mercaptain (2-Methyl-2-Propanethiol) 3.0 1.1 sec-Butyl Mercaptain (1-Methyl-1-Propanethiol) <0.1 <0.1 Isobutyl Mercaptain (2-Methyl-1-Propanethiol) 10.6 3.8 A Refinery hydrocarbon sample of 3 gallons was treated. n-Butyl Mercaptain (1-Butanethiol) 15.3 5.4 The procedure and methodology and equipment used were Thiophenol (VinylMercaptan) 0.7 O.2 identical to that described in the aforementioned Transmix 25 Methyl Sulfide 66.2 34.2 Hydrocarbon description in Example 2. Carbon Disulfide 7.9 6.7 Ethylmethyl Sulfide 78.6 33.1 The test results of this Refinery Hydrocarbon feedstock Ethyl Sulfide <0.1 <0.1 and desulphurized Refinery Hydrocarbon are provided in Dimethyl Disulfide 22.3 15.2 Tables 7 and 8. Diethyl Disulfide <0.1 <0.1 30 n-Butyl Sulfide <0.1 <0.1 n-Dibutyl DiSulfide <0.1 <0.1 Example 4 Phenyl Sulfide <0.1 <0.1 Thiophene <0.1 <0.1 Jet Fuel 2-Methyl-Thiophene <0.1 <0.1 3-Methyl-Thiophene 1.8 O.6 TetrahydroThiophene 1.3 O.S A3 gallon Jet fuel sample was treated. The procedure and 35 2-Ethyl-Thiophene O.3 <0.1 methodology and equipment used were identical to that Total DimethylThiophene 356.4 101.9 described in the aforementioned Transmix Hydrocarbon 3-Ethyl-Thiophene 1.6 O.S Total TrimethylThiophene 554.7 140.9 description in Example 2. The test results of this Jet Fuel Total TetrarmethylThiophene 147.6 33.8 feedstock and desulphurized Jet Fuel are provided in Tables BenzobThiophene (Thianaphthene) 1.O O.2 9 and 10. 40 Methylbenzothiophen 89.6 19.4 Dimethylbenzothiophene 7.8 1.5 TABLE 1. Phenylthiophene 2.O 0.4 Trimethylbenzothiophene 1.1 O.2 NGC feedstock - hydrocarbon analysis Tetramethylbenzothiophene <0.1 <0.1 DIBENZOTHIOPHENE <0.1 <0.1 Total(mass %): Total (vol%): 45 Methyldibenzothiophene O.S <0.1 Ethyldibenzothiophene <0.1 <0.1 Group Type: 4,6 Dimethyldibenzothiophene O.1 <0.1 Dimethyldilbenzothiophene <0.1 <0.1 Paraffins: 36.910 38.348 Trimethyldibenzothiophene <0.1 <0.1 I-paraffins: 44.299 45.624 Unidentified Sulfur Compounds 107.1 25.6 Olefins: O.093 O.O86 50 Naphthenes: 13.222 11489 Total Sulfur 432.0 PPMWT Aromatics: 2.699 2.044 Total C14+: 2.757 2.391 Total Unknowns: O.O2O O.018 TABLE 4

Grand Total: 1OOOOO 1OOOOO 55 NGC - DeSulphurized - Sulphur analysis - Sample 2 Oxygenates: Concentration (ppm wt Total: 0.000 (mass %) 0.000 (vol%) Total Oxygen Content: 0.000 (mass %) Sulfur Compounds as compound as Sulfur Multisubstituted Aromatics: 0.211 (mass %) 0.160 (vol%) Hydrogen Sulfide <0.1 <0.1 Average Molecular Weight: 78.627 60 Carbonyl Sulfide O.2 O.1 Relative Density: 0.643 Methyl Mercaptain (Methanethiol) <0.1 <0.1 Vapor Pressure, calc. RVP (EPA method): 10.43 (psi (a) 100°F) Ethyl Mercaptain (Ethanethiol) <0.1 <0.1 Octane Number (calculated): 73.95 Isopropyl Mercaptain (2-Propanethiol) <0.1 <0.1 n-Propyl Mercaptain (1-Propanethiol) <0.1 <0.1 Boiling IBP: T10: TSO: T90: FBP tert-Butyl Mercaptain (2-Methyl-2-Propanethiol) <0.1 <0.1 Point (est.): 31.10°F. 82.11 F. 96.91 F. 213.67 F. 488.6 65 sec-Butyl Mercaptain (1-Methyl-1-Propanethiol) <0.1 <0.1 Isobutyl Mercaptain (2-Methyl-1-Propanethiol) <0.1 <0.1

US 9,441,169 B2 43 44 TABLE 7 TABLE 8-continued Refinery Diesel Hydrocarbon Feedstock - Sulphur analysis Refinery Diesel Hydrocarbon - desulphurized - sulphur analysis

Concentration (ppm wt 5 Concentration (ppm wt Sulfur Compounds as compound as Sulfur Sulfur Compounds as compound as Sulfur Hydrogen Sulfide