Rockland Gazette : March 29, 1872
; t? US ©he gafalawfl printing E8-I * ? y s H M ENT, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING BY „ and Material Editions, w e are VOSB & POSTER, r —.— and good style, ------------ o , Including No. 5, Custom Houss Block. Town Beports, Catalogues, By-Laws Post ers, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Programme, TERMS' Circulars, BiU Heads, Letter Heads, ’ If paii, strictly in advance—per aunum, $<OO 11 paym ent ip delayed 6 months Law and Corporation Blanks, 11 not paid till the close ol the year, z»00 Keceipta, Bills of Lading, e«.‘ -\<w subscribers are expected to make the Business, ’Address and first payment m advance. (EZr No pup<M* will be discontinued until a l l a r* I Wedding Cords, BEAUAg e s are paid, unless at the option oi the pub* Tags, Labels, Us here. , _ r r S’nglc copies five cents—lo r sale a t th e office ROCKLAND, M AINE, FRIDAY, M ARCH 29, 1872. N O . 16. &c., &c., a n d a t th e bookstores. V O L . 2 7 . PBIITTING UT COLORa AND BHOITZUTG Z. POPE VOSE J. B. PORTER. will receive careful attention. transactions, which I shall be glad to body would suppose there was but one he should And her lovelier and more her so much; but Madeleine shook her nothing. A man in my position has no ot these, designated Laird Baird, remains SPRING STYLES place in your hands, if you can under woman in tha world.’ loveable than Hebe, he was perfectly head, and as he felt that she knew best, right to ask anything of a woman in clearly daguerreotyped on my memory, well aware that she could be nothing to yours.
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