Huggins & CO., NEW BAKERY I MS
• 7 —— '• • ' : ; •«T. • • , ; • • i ••• «•. — — • — • • I ,, r ^ ^ LOWELL WEEKLY JOURNAL Office in Graham's Block, Up Stain. "Liberty and Union—One and Inseparable." TVnns, $1 50 per year in Advance. VOLUME VI. LOWELL, MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1870. NUMIiER 25. Fowlisou & Quick, Millinery ft Panoy Ooods. She ^ou'cll lountnl, ^rehltecta Aliuildera. Lowell, MICL. 4 N ENTIRE New stock Jn*t opened by Mr*. IT, L. LOWELL NATIONAL DANK, IIODIO A sain. A Eldreif, 311 Monroe St., (hand Rapid*, Mislilgan HUGGiNS & CO., is roiLianio HTIBT fler stock embraces all the latent Spring •tyles of Bon- OF LOWELL. Sweet is the r.-^f of Iioiri" WIKMI M; R. Blodgett, n»ts, lllbbons /.aces. Flowers, and Trimmings, to- DEALERS IS ootnm ihe wniry aaiiir.hiy ni..!,-, Wodncaday Mornlnff* gether with n full line of floods nsnallv kept in a T OWKLI, VS'ooIrn Mill*, inanufaclnre of Plain and AT LOWELL, M1CU., Ur*l clam millinery iftore. embracing many novelties. CAPITAL, - - 850,000. 1J Fancr Cafattnena, Tarml* and Jran*, Fiamipl*, one Icila soiiiej and wo-n foi, il,,, Ilonnets madu anil trimmed to order. -BY- rinln and Fancy iiliirllnK,.Stocking Yarn. etc. Lo- SURPLUS, - - - 33,300. woik (if tbtf we.-k, an.l tliin Inn • K.- well, Mich. All goods made rmin Pure Wool and Fresh Meats, MOBBI8 A HINE. free from Hock*. lllglicM muiket price paid fur Wool, New Carpet Hons*, UIUKCTOBB. upite from the hnttle '.f i t.., Mil.-n 71 MONROE ST. (IRA Nil If A PI US. The only ex- Wh.WMUTCH, K.J. HOOTIT. upon m les have we tlii.i week rid I i , Offlco, 2d floor flralism'i Block.
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