• 7 —— '• • ' : ; •«T. • • , ; • • i ••• «•. — — • — • • I ,, r ^ ^ LOWELL WEEKLY JOURNAL Office in Graham's Block, Up Stain. "Liberty and Union—One and Inseparable." TVnns, $1 50 per year in Advance. VOLUME VI. LOWELL, MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1870. NUMIiER 25. Fowlisou & Quick, Millinery ft Panoy Ooods. She ^ou'cll lountnl, ^rehltecta Aliuildera. Lowell, MICL. 4 N ENTIRE New stock Jn*t opened by Mr*. IT, L. LOWELL NATIONAL DANK, IIODIO A sain. A Eldreif, 311 Monroe St., (hand Rapid*, Mislilgan HUGGiNS & CO., is roiLianio HTIBT fler stock embraces all the latent Spring •tyles of Bon- OF LOWELL. Sweet is the r.-^f of Iioiri" WIKMI M; R. Blodgett, n»ts, lllbbons /.aces. Flowers, and Trimmings, to- DEALERS IS ootnm ihe wniry aaiiir.hiy ni..!,-, Wodncaday Mornlnff* gether with n full line of floods nsnallv kept in a T OWKLI, VS'ooIrn Mill*, inanufaclnre of Plain and AT LOWELL, M1CU., Ur*l clam millinery iftore. embracing many novelties. CAPITAL, - - 850,000. 1J Fancr Cafattnena, Tarml* and Jran*, Fiamipl*, one Icila soiiiej and wo-n foi, il,,, Ilonnets madu anil trimmed to order. -BY- rinln and Fancy iiliirllnK,.Stocking Yarn. etc. Lo- SURPLUS, - - - 33,300. woik (if tbtf we.-k, an.l tliin Inn • K.- well, Mich. All goods made rmin Pure Wool and Fresh Meats, MOBBI8 A HINE. free from Hock*. lllglicM muiket price paid fur Wool, New Carpet Hons*, UIUKCTOBB. upite from the hnttle '.f i t.., Mil.-n 71 MONROE ST. (IRA Nil If A PI US. The only ex- Wh.WMUTCH, K.J. HOOTIT. upon m les have we tlii.i week rid I i , Offlco, 2d floor flralism'i Block. John Qiles. IT: elusive Carpet House between Detroit and Cbi- Poultry, A S. STAV.MKII, MTKON II. NoRrax, cngo. Oil (Moths, Mattings, Upholstering and House ncrcss StaU'5, ftdiiu-asi iq wi-hi—t'nn' •fTTholeiale and retail Dealer in all kin'.'n of Orore- ARIM Kii.'iiattna, A.J.KCKIB. TERMS OF S^isORIPTION. Fnrnlsbiog (loads, Window Sliadea and I'nper Hang- ILA.RIC*. Kiuseia Kixo. Vy rle«, (;o«r«c Oniin», Produce id. gtoru in ings. F. IMME.V. west to t-nfit again. And h-'ie t« mo far OB* year, — fl *0 Union Block, LOWHII, Mich. , Oysters, J*« W. Kourox. For »l* month*, - T5 gain at our di sk an t our week' < Established 1837. IntcroHt l»nl«l on T>*spoHlti!4. XldalWtred by tUo Carrier ....S 00 . Mrs. A. T, Moars, va. WMiATOll, President. endiiHj; or lu-arlv—• rod, w 'iv, f: - B. DIKEMA.V, Watches. Clocks, Jeweliy, SiL AND ALL KINDS OF GAME IN SEASON All aubicrlptioDninTaribiy in adrarc#. ILI.INERY. A lull aa«orlmi'nt of bonnet*, hat*, . ver and Plated Ware, 20 Canal street. Specta- JAS. »*. NORTOV,rubier. E Lowell, J;,ii. Ilih, 16J0. ti'jU' d, and ujad to find here tlur v; l- M ribbons, flowera. lace* nnd all kinds of fancv cles a ipeciallty. RATES OF ADVERTISING. aitieles. Idler atr«ul, Wt-at Side. ome a home-^laee alunvs fvt'.'.'id.c. OAQH TtnllnMof Nonpareil,cloae raattermake aaqnarf S. N. Edle ft Oo„ Cloak ft Dress Making. There is but little of Mis I ft iftt r Bpane. 1 v I 1 mo. | 8 mo. I 6 mo. | 1 yf OLVERINE Pump Works. Manufactorers of 1 O O all. Yet, how we oIini{ t<» it. "As if OXE In tho late«t ctyle, and at abort notice. The Woeden Pumps. Sales room west side. We PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF 1 Square. I 11.00 $3 .CO I (O.OO M.no |12.0" latest New Yoik fi'lilonn rccelvcd every month W 6.00 8.00 12.00 lfl.0" D warrant al! our our pumps for one year, when prop- I rouble is more prei-ious f a-i i e.>.t'. SSqnarei | 1.60 first store east of Natlonrl Bank. erly set. Ordflis by mall or otherwise, promptly flfl- 8.00 16.00 20.00 25:00 VILLAGE LOT FOR SALE, k Column, i 6.00 MI1S. A. A. WARWICK. ?d. Grand Hapids, Mich. S. N. EDIE, W. EDIB. e all < f us attempt i"o muc!i—w.i H " 800 16.00 25.00 30.00 40 00 WICK T HIDE. ' so.no 40.00 JJ.OO Lire Stock, Salt Pork, Hides. Ho racing from tho cradle to tho X " 11J.00 20 00 I Port's Western Medloino HanTg Co 0\ MRS. 8.VELL'S ADDITION Local*, 10 cents per line. OWELL, Mleh. Chartered Capital #100,000.— irrave, intent on hnsinefls, inlly, di-^i-- Pwldont, C. R. MINK ; VlcePreat,, E, I.kk .lr ; Marriage and Death notice* free. L DR. AIKIN, T^elt.s, &c. OCATKD OR Wilier. Itrnnilivar, Hudson, Mnph palion, or the acunm:ii.'iti'm of W":iiih, Obituary notices, 6 cent* per lino. SRITFY, K. M FORT, Trcaturer, .1 W.JIIIBIOS. lief- Tj and ilrush Ktii «s p.ir purtiuulari, eixjuire of Oardaln Bnwne«iiDlrecforr|S nt-rannum. erenee by pcrmiMlon, Lowell National Hank, Ollice .l/r.-. rtncdl, or U. II. VVIilianu, >t tue "Llk Hom as if that and diis wen- hapi-ine-s. Yearly adrertlaem euUtlol to change quarterly. orer N'aiiuaai Bank. Office, 11 Canal-3t.( Central Market, Hild^o Street, •Store." Legal Notice* at Statute Katea. p. ". 1'rawer ^091, Grand Rapids Mich. RUBOINS A CO, These lots will be MM on time. lint what ot ol! this? Very somi KiTSkllled attention given to allclaaaesof Jiseaa- Tranalent adrertiaemenl* muni be pre-paid. Bills ft Oeill, I.owell, Fept. IiSt. , „ „ , . C4K0iINE flNKLL. we Miall go down to our reward nnd war Theae term* will be atrlctlj adhered to. i.owell. F»brnarr 2Sib. ISTO. .'Untf ANUFCTl'RlJl.'S of ai d dealers in W npon* fnr Spocialties : Scrofula. Fan(er«, Consumption, "tir re-ting, and tl.en wlio of all tho M rlages, Ac. Wagons and Carriages manula- Eve and Kar. .Vervou*. female, ami Chronic Disea-es tmvd nnd/epiired to order. In duruhllity, dispaicli LADIES out of health, assured nf easy, fife cure Harness and Saddlery. '"1 |VI1 crowd that now sees ns litir yit g »)rj nnd price wc nill not he out done. Call iiinl see us Conlidniillal, *iicie*«fiil treatment for all private dis- A VINO recently purcha<ed the siock and interes' will pause to think of ns, even for < no guMnnssi girtctoni. Near John Wilson's Kliick>niltli shop. .Monrtiu St. ease*. Seminal Woakneiw, etc., positively cured In the banners "f Unrnard ic Sen and ".A. illiu t i C£f"ln nil B|ie 'lal. Important cases, stop inireliable KMM Inson, and opened In tbc bnil'liiii? occupied by moment? Mow many of all ihrso M. C. Barber, or useless treaimint, and consult Or. Alain at once. the litter, on the lift aid-ol Flut lllvor, one dour who call themselves friends will dro . I. C o. P. Call or write jencloslng posiago.l whatever your cas west of HuKKina f: Co.'s meiit muiket, I am piepared TTARMONY LOPOE, NO. MB. of Lowell, Mich., UCCESSOR to W. A-M.Barber, dealer in droccr les Provisions, Crockery, lilassware, Yankee Xo- lo attend to all bu'ine-s In the Harness aud Saddlery GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS: a tear, fetch a siyh, or give mure ti an meets erery Thursday orening, In olti Masonic S line. It in mr purpose to keep Ihn W. W.Oweo,N. 0. tlon*. and a full assortment in the ({nicer nnd general Bare, Benutlful and Costly. fall. Produce nnd Provision Line. Terms ca«h, and will a hafty pawing to n«, for all they 0. 0, UcDannell, Bee. correspond with Gold at #110. K-e cremn and soda BEST STOCK AND WORKMEN. •awn , nnd flatter, and seek o r favo'' water in their sto-o?. Bridge sleet, Lowell, Mlob. J. M. Mat hewson. and spare no paini t" build my business upon rn DOX'T VOU IJIOT^TEVK IT ? tn gain our influence now ? Who or' T^TOTARY, Attorney and Hoilcitor. Will attend to honest foundntion. Do not lull to give me a call and COMI« ami Scv, nnd yon will be ««- U. B. Williams, ail the ones that profVss fnvc for i.s Hi husmesa In any of the Utato or United State* examlue my slock. ¥~\EALER in Orocerle.i and Provisions. Crookery, tonUhrdl Courti. JACOB RAMSUELL. will go with ns in heart down into ilm 9 in I ) <!la«s Waie. fcc. Store at sign of "Elk Horn*,'' Lowell, July ICtb, 1870. Forafewilava only I i.romise to pre.enta eir Spcctl attention gi»«n to Convcr n« ?. Colleetlng BARR & LIES VELD, worth from 2.'«ts lof >. with ere,,- pliot.^mpl^ tod Clwfticery biisincM. OIHce over i.owell Natlonui (liiion Block, West Side. vestibule-of Eternity, and with u* over (Succeaaora to Wm. Laraway A Co.,) (or otber wi.rk equal in value) mail* in mv rounn. Bank, Lowell Mich. Remeuib-r that all wmk iimdelnmv ro-.m. i. fln- there to the real Home? Noah P. Hasted, Dealer* in I'hed Intlie biahe.is.yle.f tbeart ind WAllKAN- God love those who have even onu T. J. Blayton. VTURSERYMAN and dealer mail kinds of Fruit 11.O. Having all of the latest iiupr- •Veineuls nnil tli. TTORNEY at Uw, and Solicitor In State or Uni- II and ornniurntal Tivcs, Shrabs, Hoses. Grape FOREIGN & DOMESTIC MARBLE, FLOUR AND FEED! covenes at my coimnand. I con-Meriny iaciiitiei fo true heart and one earnest soul to ted States Court*, and Justice of the Peace. \ines, Ac. Orders by mail prompt'y otUnded to.— maklni( llntt class work uiisiir|in.sed.
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