PARTNERS IN REFORMS Selection of EU-funded projects in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

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Delegation of the European Union to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Mito Hadzivasilev Jasmin 52v, 1000 Tel.: +389 2 3248 500 Fax: +389 2 3248 501 E-mail: [email protected]

Printed in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia A high school student playing classical music at the Europe Day 2010 Celebration


Erwan Fouéré, European Union Special Representative and Head of Delegation of the European Union to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Dear readers,

At the present time, more than 250 EU-financed projects were completed or are being implemented in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Since 1992 and until the introduction of the new Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance in 2007 (widely known simply as IPA), the financial aid of the European Union, distributed mainly through the PHARE and CARDS programmes, totalled at over 800 million Euro. The EU’s assistance, within the framework of IPA, aims to help the country complete the planned reforms necessary to obtain EU membership. The assistance that will be provided in the period 2007- 2013, through the five components of the IPA, will amount to 622.5 (622,496,001) million Euro. Furthermore, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has also access to the IPA Multi-Beneficiary Programme.

We prepared this publication with the objective of presenting a better understanding of the assistance provided by the European Union. It contains a selection of the projects, their objectives and expected results, which will contribute to improving the economic, administrative, educational and social development of the country.

The areas covered by these projects vary in their scope, budgets and the number of experts, and provide an overview of the numerous opportunities for financial assistance offered by the EU. From large infrastructural and environmental projects, worth tens of millions of Euro, to small grants to NGOs that work at the local level, the procurement of equipment for the police, reforms in the judiciary or even the registration of animals, the European Union actively participates and promotes the welfare of the citizens in virtually all aspects of daily life. The projects that we will present to you in the following pages are either already completed or in progress. They represent a few examples of “good practice”. Every project or assisted area presented is accompanied by technical details and results, as well as opinions of users that have decided to share their experiences with us. In addition, every presentation is linked to a policy of the European Union. If you are interested to get more detailed information please refer to the list of internet pages at the end of this publication.

We hope that this publication will help you to improve your knowledge of specific and general issues related to the EU as well as to the concrete support provided to the citizens of this beautiful country as it continues on the journey to the European Union.

Erwan Fouéré EU Assistance at a Glance 6 page

Cooperation Without Borders Reconstruction of the M5 Transit Road in Bitola, From North to East 8 Bitola page 2007-2009

Consumer Health Comes First Food Safety and Quality Control 10 Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Health page 2007-2008

European Model of Police Renovation of Police Stations 12 Ministry of Interior page 2009-2011

In Search for Clean Air Air Quality Improvement 14 Ministry of the Environment and Physical Planning page 2006-2008

Infrastructure for Better Quality and Healthy Living 16 Reconstruction of the Water Supply System, Sewerage and Drainage in the Borough of Ljubas, Municipality page 2005-2007 Support for Happy Individuals Social Inclusion Through the Development of New Skills and Abilities PORAKA NOVA – Centre for the Improvement of the Quality of Life 18 of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families, Struga page 2009-2010

Modern Customs for Quality Services Improvements to Border Control 20 Customs Administration page 2009-2011

Increasing Trust in the Judiciary Support for the More Efficient, Effective and Modern Operation 22 and Functioning of the Administrative Court page Administrative Court and Ministry of Justice 2010-2011

Innovation in Business: Leaping Forward TAM Programme 24 Small and Medium Enterprises page 2006-2009

Taxes for the Benefit of Citizens Tax Policy 26 Ministry of Finance and Public Revenue Office page 2010-2011

Related Online Sources 28 page EU Assistance at a Glance

Enlargement has been at the heart of the European Union’s development over several decades. The present enlargement agenda covers the candidate countries - Turkey, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland and Montene- gro - and the potential candidates - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo1 and Serbia. The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has been given the prospect of becoming an EU member state. On its way to- wards membership, the European Union provides continuous support and financial assistance in order to help the country with the necessary reforms. Between 1992 and the introduction of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance in 2007 (widely known simply as IPA), the financial aid of the European Union, distributed mainly through the PHARE and CARDS programmes, totalled at over 800 million Euro.

1 Under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244/99

6 The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) came into effect at the start of 20072 and is to provide nearly 11.5 billion euro to candidate and potential candidate countries in the period 2007-2013. IPA is focused on needs. So its priorities are based on clear assessments. Key elements are the Accession/European Partnerships that the EU has established with each of the beneficiary countries, the Commission’s enlargement strategy paper, the annual reports on each of the countries and the national strategies for EU integration and Acquis harmonisation. EU assistance will help candidate countries to fully implement the EU legislation (“Community acquis”) at the time they become Member States For the period 2007-2013, assistance provided in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia through IPA covers five com- ponents: 1) Institution Building, 2) Cross-border Co-operation, 3) Regional Development, 4) Human Resource Development and 5) Rural Development. The Commission has earmarked a total of 622.4 million euro for the period 2007-2013. The country will benefit from the IPA multi-beneficiary programme, too.

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Indicative breakdown of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance enve- lope for 2007-2013 into allocations by component*

IPA Component 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 I (Transition Assistance and 41,641,613 41,122,001 39,328,499 36,317,068 28,803,410 28,207,479 27,941,228 Institution Building) II (Cross BorderCooperation) 4,158,387 4,077,999 4,371,501 5,067,526 5,124,876 5,183,373 5,243,041 III (Regional Development) 7,400,000 12,300,000 20,800,000 29,400,000 39,300,000 42,300,000 51,800,000 IV (Human Resources Development) 3,200,000 6,000,000 7,100,000 8,400,000 8,800,000 10,380,000 11,200,000 V (Rural Development) 2,100,000 6,700,000 10,200,000 12,500,000 16,000,000 19,000,000 21,028,000 Total 58,500,000 70,200,000 81,800,000 91,684,594 98,028,286, 105,070,852 117,212,269

*Multi-Annual Indicative Financial Framework 2011-2013 COM (2009) 543 from 14.10.2009

Funding is allocated in line with a rolling three-year multi-annual indicative financial framework linked with the enlargement policy framework. This provides information on the Commission’s intentions by country and by component.

On this basis, multi-annual indicative planning documents are then prepared for each country (plus one for the multi ben- eficiary regional programme). These contain the Commission’s specific objectives and choices for pre-accession aid, and are also revised and updated every year.

EU assistance is targeted to directly benefiting the citizens. The projects it supports are geared to bringing the candidates and potential candidates into line with EU standards. They are also designed to progressively entrust administrations in the beneficiary countries with the decentralised management of EU funds. Decentralised management of EU funds involves the transfer of responsibility from the Commission to the Contracting Authority of the beneficiary country. The Contracting Authority becomes responsible for the tendering and contracting, as well as the financial and administrative management of the projects. In addition to boosting the sense of ownership in pre-accession phase, it also helps to prepare the countries for the management methods they will have to deploy as they come closer to benefiting from EU funds as Member States.

This brochure illustrates some of the EU-funded projects in the country.

2 Council Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006 of 17 July 2006 establishing an Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance

7 Project name: Cooperation Reconstruction of the M5 Transit Road in Bitola, Without Borders from North to East.

Sector: The experience of the European Union turn bring joint benefits. This is the Cross-Border Cooperation shows that the development of border purpose of the European Union’s aid regions is a crucial factor for European for cross-border cooperation. integration. The economic, social and In the period between 2007 and 2013, Source of financing: cultural development of these regions five programmes will be implemented CARDS can be improved if people from both that will cover the bilateral coopera- sides of the borders are placed at the tion of the former Yugoslav Republic heart of the cooperation process. For of Macedonian with Albania, Bulgaria, Value: them, the greatest benefit is better and Kosovo, as well as multi- 738,000 Euro mutual knowledge of and understand- lateral cooperation within the frame- ing with their neighbours. Through work of the region of South-East Eu- regular communication they can ex- rope. The European Union is foreseen change ideas, experiences, resolve to contribute to these programmes, in Period: problems together and support each the first five years of the programme 2007-2009 other. Joint projects can help them period, with approximately 23 million improve their living conditions and Euro. The cross-border cooperation their overall quality of life - from road programme with Kosovo, is about to Beneficiary: connections and resolving the prob- be approved by the European Com- lems of water supply or electricity, to mission and it is expected to start in joint cultural events and the protec- 2011. The programme with Albania tion of natural and cultural treasures. is the first of its kind to be financed Partner in the That will allow them to promote the by the Instrument for Pre-Accession region in which they live, which will in Assistance (IPA), while the others are Republic of Greece: Florina Municipality

8 continuations of the support secured cooperation with the Greek Municipal- as the possibilities for accommoda- through the CARDS Programme. ity of Florina, for increased exchanges tion in facilities established by the lo- of people and goods, but also for the cal tourism authorities in accordance Gains overall development of the region. with EU standards in six villages, pro- Furthermore, there are many other moted Prespa as an attractive tourist Last year, the citizens of the Munici- positive examples of cross-border destination. pality of Bitola witnessed the benefits cooperation. More than eight thou- The another tourism promotion is in of the aid provided by the European sand citizens in Bogdanci and the Lesnovo, and is financed by the CARDS Union. They finally received a modern surrounding areas no longer have to programme together with neighbour- transit road through the town, which worry about clean drinking water. The ing Bulgaria. Through improved infra- is at the same time the only link with new water supply line, in which the structure in the village and promotion- neighbouring Greece, in the absence asbestos pipes were replaced with al material on the St. Gavril Lesnovski of a railway line. With the Union’s as- polyethylene ones, reduced the risk of monastery, the region is now closer and sistance of more than 700,000 Euro, carcinogenic illnesses and drastically more attractive for visitors. and despite some unforeseen issues, reduced water leakage, while the total The inhabitants of the villages of Dura- the Municipality of Bitola managed to saving on running costs is estimated cka Reka and Drenak in Kriva Palanka respect the deadlines and reconstruct to be around 43%. In addition, if nec- Municipality also have a reason to be the M5 road, together with the entire essary, the Greek Municipality of Kiros satisfied since they were connected by underground infrastructure, and en- can also be supplied with clean drink- a new asphalt road, which has opened sure maximum safety for pedestrians ing water. opportunities for economic develop- on one of the busiest roads in the The promotional material for the ment and tourism in cooperation with town. Furthermore, they were provid- Prespa region, the cultural and histori- Dupnica Municipality in neighbouring ed with the opportunity to strengthen cal localities, tourist services, as well Bulgaria.

“The realisation of this project enabled us to not only improve the quality of life in our town, RESULTS: but also allowed for mutual support with Bitola Municipality neighbouring Greece. We are now better con- nected by road with some of the • A reduction in the volume of on the other side of the border, and this allows traffic on the road that connects for an easier exchange of goods and improved cooperation between the people. In essence, the two entrances into Bitola, with the EU aid we strengthened good cooper- and is at the same time the only ation with the Greek municipalities at all lev- transit road that leads towards els. More importantly, this collaboration also supports the development Greece of the region, which is of interest to citizens on both sides of the border.” • Reconstruction of the drinking water infrastructure VLADIMIR TALESKI, Mayor of Bitola Municipality

VIEW FROM THE EU: Cross-Border Cooperation as Part of EU Regional Policy Cross-border cooperation is an integral part of the regional policy of the European Union, which aims to improve economic and social cohesion, and reduce the differences in the development of different European regions. For this reason, the Union’s structural and pre-accession funds aid cross-border cooperation both on its own territory and between the candi- date countries for membership. The idea of cross-border cooperation is to reduce the negative impact of borders on the economic and social development of border areas, and that is why the main beneficiaries of the projects are the people that live there.

9 Project name: Consumer Health Food Safety and Comes First Quality Control

Sector: Food Safety, Veterinary The protection of consumers and their pean Union, the country has advanced and Phytosanitary Policy health is the main concern of food in ensuring food s afety in accordance safety at all stages of production and with the European standards. The trade. Consumers want safe food, but analyses of food are not made only in they also want to know what kind of laboratories, but also on the ground. Source of Financing: food they are consuming. CARDS The health and interests of the con- Thanks to the assistance from the sumers are the main aims of the con- European Union’s 2006 CARDS Pro- cern for food safety, using the inte- Value: gramme, in the form of sophisticated grated approach “from farm to fork”, 464,000 Euro equipment worth 88,000 Euro, it is now which includes all sectors in the chain. possible to test the quality of products The principles of the European policy and have results in just 15 minutes on on food safety are contained in the the ground. Instead of the long waits “White Paper on Food Safety” , which Period: for laboratory results, food inspectors envisages the introduction of 80 new 2007-2008 can in a short space of time gain in- legislative measures for the feeding formation on whether, for example, of animals, their health, hygiene, ad- the pesticide level in their fruits and ditives, sweeteners, pollutants and vegetables is within the permissible deposits, flavourings, genetically modi- Beneficiary: limits, as well as measuring their tem- fied ingredients in food, as well as ra- Ministry of Agriculture perature, the humidity and acidity of diation and packaging. and Ministry of Health the products, the quality of milk and The country has clearly progressed meats... With the support of the Euro- in this field, but more work needs to

10 be done to harmonise the national of the livestock. In 2002, the European and registering cattle, as well as a legislation with that of the EU. In the Agency for Reconstruction initiated a register for sheep and goats. Identifi- last four years, the European Union programme for the identification and cation allows for the monitoring both supported the establishment of an ef- registration of animals to the tune of of livestock and meat products during ficient system for food safety through 3,500,000 Euro. The aim was to estab- all stages of production, with the aim projects worth a total of 620,000 Euro. lish a system to identify cattle in ac- of providing better protection against In addition, more than 30 expert mis- cordance with European regulations diseases and protecting consumers. sions in the country, as well as study in order to improve the monitoring trips to countries in the European Un- of the health of the animals. This also The EU is preparing projects to fur- ion, were organised between July 2008 means a more efficient response by ther develop the system of exchange and August 2009 for employees in the veterinarians in cases of illness and of information on the health of live- Food Directorate at the Ministry of a limit on the negative economic im- stock and food safety, as well as to Health. plications and consequences for the expand the system for the identifica- health of the animals and people. tion and registration of other animals Identification and registration of (pigs, horses...). All of this is important livestock by European standards This project, which was undertaken in to stimulate exports, attract foreign three phases and completed in 2009, investment in the sector and create The European Union has a comprehen- procured hardware and software production conditions in accordance sive strategy for food safety, which, in equipment for the central database, with the standards of the European addition to food, includes the health established a system for identifying Union.

“We made progress in the field of legislation, which is one of RESULTS: the basic components of the system for food safety, while the • Quick control of the safety and quality of food workshops conducted within the framework of the project • Harmonisation of the legislation on food and contributed to the exchange animal feed with EU legislation of knowledge and experiences • Increased awareness among responsible parties among all those involved in the and producers of the laws on food safety food system in the country and • Trained personnel in the competent connected to the policies on food and the management institutions that control food safety of food safety at the EU level. The project contributed to strengthening the institutional capacity in the food sys- • Harmonisation and coordination in the tem, while the benefit from the preparation of the “Food activities of the Food Department and the Safety Portal”, an Internet site that provides comprehen- Veterinary Department sive information on the food safety system, is enormous. • Establishment of a system for identifying and registering animals Dr. MARINA POPOVSKA-DOMAZETOVA, Director, Food Directorate , Ministry of Health

VIEW FROM THE EU: The European Union has a comprehensive strategy for food safety, which includes animal feed, as well as the health of livestock. The main objective of the food safety policy of the European Commission is to provide a high level of protection of human health and consumer interests with relation to food. Before entering the EU, candidate countries must adopt the common rules and standards of the European laws on food safety. The European Commission does not make any compro- mises in this area, does not allow for “transition periods” and does not accept any kind of decline in standards. /health_consumer

11 Project name: European Model Renovation of Police of Police Stations

Sector: Police and Border Human rights, democratic institu- Therefore, the European Union sup- Management tions and the rule of law are the three ports police reform in the country joint values essential for securing in order to achieve a high level of re- peace and prosperous development spect for human rights and apply the in the European Union. Respect of minimum standards regarding the Source of Financing: these values, the necessary political, physical condition of the police sta- CARDS - IPA economic and institutional reforms tions, which included the renovation lead towards results on the ground of buildings and other facilities. and they serve as the basis of the Un- Value: ion’s enlargement. Modern buildings for efficient work 1,373,000 Euro Respecting these values will be diffi- With more than 1,300,000 Euro, of cult without a reformed police force, which a part were from the CARDS motivated police officials and ap- programme and a part from IPA, the Period: propriate working conditions. In the European Union is aiding the reno- 2009-2011 process of reforms the countries are vation of ten police stations in the not left on their own and the EU is country. The aim is to reach a level of on their side with political support, harmonisation with European stand- technical assistance, as well as with ards in the field of police work, both Beneficiary: significant financial assistance for with regards to the treatment of Ministry of Interior projects that will improve the lives of summoned, arrested and detained in- the citizens. idividuals, as well as to the establish- ment of appropriate conditions for

12 the employees in the police stations. nor improvements to working condi- citizens and their security needs and tions for over 30 years. requests must be at the top of their Normal working conditions are al- working agenda. ready being enjoyed by the employ- But the project does not end there. ees at the Kisela Voda Police Station, Renovation of another eight police who received a modern building. The stations is underway. In Skopje, the EU allocated app. 500,000 Euro from police stations Centar, Gazi Baba, the 2006 CARDS Programme for the Karpos and Bitpazar, as well as the complete reconstruction of the sta- stations in Prilep, Gostivar, Gevgelija tion. and Stip. More than 400,000 Euro have been secured for their renova- Recently, improved working condi- tion, also from the 2007 IPA Pro- tions are also benefiting the employ- gramme. ees at the Tetovo Police Station, the reconstruction of which cost around It is now left to the police officials to 400,000 Euro, secured through the give their all in the management of 2007 IPA Programme. The improved all security challenges in the interests working conditions will improve the of peace, security and tranquility of efficacy of the police from a station the citizens. It is a task and a priority that serves 190 thousand citizens in to which they will dedicate time, ef- the Tetovo region, but which had had fort and energy, and in which they will virtually no investment in sanitation not spare themselves, because the

"Together with our partners from the Delegation of the EU, we identified the RESULTS: police stations that required urgent reconstruction and we began with work • Better, more efficient and more effective near the end of last year. We hope that functioning of the police services our contribution to the improvement • Fewer complaints from the citizens, of working conditions will also lead non-governmental organisations and the to improved efficiency in the police, international community regarding the improvements to the services for citizens police buildings and the practical implementation of the regulations in the Framework Agreement" • Higher level of international standards of police capacities in all aspects GORDANA JANKULOVSKA, • Increased motivation among police Minister of the Interior, at the opening of the personnel renovated police station in Tetovo (22 June 2009)

VIEW FROM THE EU: Reforms to the Police and the Judiciary The implementation of the rule of law, especially through the police and judicial reforms, is the main priority. An efficient police and judiciary are two key elements and pre-conditions for the rule of law and democracy. The modernisation of the capacities and the support for the implementation of the legal standards of the EU, which strengthen the management of human resources, are the main aims of the European Union’s assistance. Appropriate facilities equip the police for a more efficient fight against corruption and organised crime, more efficient implementation of migration policies, as well as improved border control.

13 Project name: In Search of Air Quality Improvement Clean Air Sector: Environment Protection

Each of us enjoys breathing fresh, basis for its future management clean air that stimulates the senses. and control. At the same time, it is Source of Financing: But today, air pollution is a problem necessary to assess the emissions of CARDS that cannot be ignored. It is some- the polluting substances in order to thing that you feel the instant you determine their levels and distribu- leave your home to face the smog tion in the air, and to measure their and the car exhaust fumes, which concentration at the ground level. Value: remind you that breathing clean air 635,000 Euro is more than a distant memory. First Twinning Project in the Balkans

Industrial and energy production, The Ministry of the Environment Period: solid fuels and the dramatic growth and Physical Planning (MEPP), with 2006-2008 of road traffic contribute to air financial assistance from the Euro- pollution in cities, causing serious pean Union, implemented the pro- health problems. Experts say that ject “Air Quality Improvement”; the polluted air is the main cause of first twinning project in the field of Beneficiary: lung diseases such as asthma, and environment in the country and the Ministry of the Environment today asthma affects twice as many Balkans. Together with Finland, the and Physical Planning people as it did 20 years ago. twinning partner, and Austria, the In these conditions of severe threat junior partner, between 2006 and to our health and quality of life, 2008 the Ministry effectively used Twinning Partner: measuring and understanding air the allocated 635,000 Euro from the Finnish Meteorological pollution provides a sound scientific CARDS programme. Institute

14 Implementing legistlation were was provided to staff and dispersion These, and the previously received drawn up within the framework of modeling was established. fixed monitoring stations worth 350 the further harmonisation with EU thousand Euro, allow for preliminary legislation on air quality, 50 people However, in order to undertake ac- assessments of air quality to be were trained, and training materials tivities to improve air quality, prior made and for the country to be di- and manuals were also prepared. At monitoring is necessary. This is vided into zones on the basis of air the same time, improvements were made possible by the eight air qual- quality. This, however, is merely the made to the institutional capaci- ity monitoring stations in Bitola and starting point for the preparation of ties and tools for maintaining emis- Veles (two each), Tetovo, Lazaropole, plans and programmes to improve sions inventories, as well as to the Kavadarci and the station monitor- air quality. methodology for preliminary assess- ing traffic pollution located in the ment, the operation of the calibra- Rector’s Office at the “Cyril and The “Macedonian Environmental tion laboratory and the operation Methodius” University in Skopje. The Information Centre” within the Min- of the mobile laboratory for emis- stations were established with fi- istry of Environment and Physical sions monitoring. In addition, a plan nancial assistance to the tune of 1.1 Planning, collects, systematises, was completed for improvements million Euro from the EU’s CARDS analyses, processes and administers to data management, appropriate programme in 2004. the data on the environment, in- training on measuring emissions cluding air quality.

"All of the implemented projects RESULTS: directly or indirectly improve various segments of the system for air quality • Preparation of guidelines and monitoring, as well as its upkeep. Prepared legislation prescribes implementing legistlation obligations for the authorities at the • Inventory of emissions and central and local level to monitor improvements to the database and report on air quality, as well as • Preliminary evaluation of air quality to prepare plans and programmes for the improvement and protection • Air quality measurements and of air quality. Finally, all of these projects also have a serious laboratory work. Strengthening of influence on raising political and public awareness of the the capacities of the Ministry of the importance of the air quality monitoring system in our country" Environment and Physical Planning to maintain, service and calibrate SVETLANA GJORGJEVA, the instruments for monitoring Head of Department, air quality, as well as measuring "Macedonian Environmental Information Centre", emissions in the air Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning • Dispersion modeling

VIEW FROM THE EU: Fight Against the Pollutants In addition to the fight against the greenhouse phenomenon which is causing climate change, a key aim of environmental legislation is to improve the quality of the air, the pollution of which carries with it serious consequences both for human health and the environment. European policy is directed towards different types and sources of pollution. As a result of European legislation, progress has been made in the fight against pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide, but polluted air continues to cause problems. That is why in 2005 the European Commission proposed a strategy to reduce the number of deaths caused by air pollution by 40% (of the level in 2000) by 2020.

15 Project name: Infrastructure for Better Reconstruction of the Water Supply System, Sewerage and Drainage Quality and Healthy Living in the Borough of Ljubas, Kavadarci Municipality

About ten thousand citizens of Ljubas, prepare the project for the Recon- the largest borough in the Municipal- struction of the Water Supply System, Sector: ity of Kavadarci, can be satisfied. They Sewerage and Drainage in the Borough Local Self-Government received a new water supply network of Ljubas and to secure assistance with good quality and clean drinking from the European Union, amounting water. to almost 420,000 Euro. In addition At the same time, a sewerage system to European Union’s assistance, the Source of Financing: was constructed in their borough, so Municipality contributed with around CARDS they are finally free of the frequent 80,000 Euro, thus funding the replace- flooding of houses and basements as ment of 3,446 metres of asbestos a result of torrential rain. pipes in the water network with PVC After 40 years of use, the pipes in the pipes, rebuilding 3,331 metres of the Value: water supply system, made from an sewage network, constructing 1356 500,000 Euro asbestos-cement material harmful to metres of drainage and reconstruct- human health, were replaced. These ing road surfaces. Finally, the two dilapidated pipes, also suffered from networks were connected to the col- Period: frequent leaks resulting in substan- lection system of the Luda Mara River. 2005-2007 tial water loss. Defects in the old The benefits are felt not only by the sewerage network were common and inhabitants of Ljubas, but also by caused foul waste water to spill out all citizens of the Municipality of Ka- into the city. vadarci. They have better living con- Beneficiary: All these problems provided sufficient ditions and greater protection of the Kavadarci Municipality stimulus for the local authorities to environment.

16 Support for local authorities were brought by decentralisation, to help local authorities to improve The project in Kavadarci is one of management skills, to increase trans- hundreds of projects implemented parency and to improve competitive- in the country within the framework ness and the ability to plan priority of the EU support for the decentrali- tasks better. sation process. They are small-scale The project in Kavadarci, as well projects, up to 500,000 Euro, allocat- as the construction of the clinic in ed to municipalities that submitted the Municipality of Vrutok, the local applications to the public call. roads in Dolneni, Rosoman and Kono- In the last ten years, the European the Ministry of Local Self-Government. pishte, and the sewage networks in 12 Union, through the CARDS and IPA The entire process is focused on the rural areas in Bitola, Ohrid, Kumano- programmes, has provided more welfare of the citizens and the fa- vo, Strumica, Shtip and Skopje show than 60,000,000 Euro for projects cilitation of their lives, but this also that these goals can be achieved. for fiscal decentralisation, municipal includes support for capacity build- The municipalities confirmed that infrastructure, municipal cross-bor- ing in the municipalities. The aim of decentralisation can become fully der cooperation, regional economic the European support is to help local operational through full dedication development and for the training of government to prepare for the easier and concerted efforts. Only in this employees in the municipalities and in handling of the responsibilities that way they will have satisfied citizens.

“I have been living in Ljubas since 1986. We were having constant problems with the water RESULTS: supply. I live on the fourth floor and the water used to cut-off frequently. It was impossible to • Improved water supply perform basic everyday hygiene and domestic tasks. We were filling bottles of water so that • Healthy and good quality drinking we could wash our hands or filling buckets in water provided order to be able to flush the toilet. All of these • Water losses eliminated problems, including that the streets often got flooded, disappeared with the reconstruction • The problem of the spill over of of the water supply and drainage system. Now we can boast that our the sewage onto the public, urban standard of living has improved and we are all grateful to the European areas of the town eradicated Union and our municipality for helping us" Increased level of environmental protection through the separation LJUBICA LEVOVA, of the rainwater and sewage Citizen of Kavadarci networks

VIEW FROM THE EU: Regional Policy The mission of the Directorate General for Regional Policy is to strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion by reducing disparities in the levels of development of the regions and countries in the European Union. In this way, the policy contributes positively to the overall economy of the EU. By co-financing infrastructure projects, developing information society, supporting investment in people and encouraging cross-border cooperation, less prosperous re- gions and those that have structural problems receive help to improve competitiveness and simultaneously to achieve a faster rate of sustainable economic development.

17 Project name: Support for Let Us Develop New Abilities Social Inclusion through the Happy Individuals Development of New Abilities

Sector: Give your love and care to people with intellectual disabilities, how to Human Rights with intellectual disabilities. They treat them, as well as to include them know how to recognise love and re- in society and normal life. They need turn it. You can be sure of it... This is to accept the fact that their child has Source of Financing: the message with which the Centre an intellectual disability and instead European Instrument for the Improvement of the Quality of hiding them from the “outside for Democracy and of Life of Persons with Intellectual world”, to give them the opportunity Human Rights Disabilities and their Families – PO- to decide for themselves. RAKA NOVA from Struga, is organis- In addition to the meetings with the ing a workshop for the families of families and owners of companies Value: persons with intellectual disabilities. that employ persons with intellectual 40,000 Euro The aim is to improve the quality disabilities, PORAKA NOVA is also of life of these individuals and their working on opening a recreation cen- families. At the same time, to help tre with trained coaches who will pre- Period: the families to understand the needs pare programmes based on the prin- 2009-2010 of their own child, starting from the ciple of inclusion. With their help, the fact that intellectual disability is a visitors, whether children, teenagers condition, not a disease, that cannot or adults, will be able to enjoy the Beneficiary: be treated, and to make sure that the handmade works, paintings, danc- PORAKA NOVA – Centre for the remaining abilities of those individu- ing, singing, birthday celebrations, als are developed and advanced. That events, and walks in nature, visits to Improvement of the is why it is essential for the families to the cinema, theatre, museums, exhi- Quality of Life of Persons with be trained in how to care for persons bitions... They will learn to cook, work Intellectual Disabilities and their Families, Struga

18 in the garden, learn languages, use a The European Union, from 54 pro- “Metamorphosis Foundation” received computer and even to organise pup- posed projects, supported another 65,000 Euro for “Model for Efficient pet shows! In essence, they will learn ten projects aimed at strengthening Communication between the Commis- that with the appropriate support, the role of civila society and improv- sions on Inter-ethnic Relations and the they can be an educated, socially in- ing democracy and human rights with Citizens”, while 47,000 Euro went to the cluded and happy person fulfilling a a total of 603,000 Euro. The PORTA Centre for Research and Policy Making useful role in society. Centre for Sustainable Development (CRPM) from Skopje for “My Voice, My By December 2010, as a result of the from Strumica received 70,000 Euro Decision – Stop Group Voting and Vot- 55,000 Euro project of which 40,000 for the project “Stop Discrimination”, ing in the name of Others”. 60,000 Euro Euro of assistance came from the EU the Citizens’ Initiative Centre from Pr- supported the Inter-Municipal Associa- the Centre plans to also prepare a ilep was given 59,000 Euro for “Mecha- tion of Persons with Physical Disabili- database of persons with intellectual nism for Eliminating Discrimination in ties – Bitola, Resen and Demir Hisar for disabilities in , the Communities”, while 38,000 Euro “Promotion and Ratification of the UN based on various parameters – type went to the coalition Everybody for Convention on the Rights of Persons of disability, sex, age, living address, Free Trials from Skopje for the “Hu- with Disabilities”, the Citizens’ Associa- social status, etc. The database man Rights Support Project (HRSP)”. tion REAKTOR received 49,000 Euro for would be used for creating future ac- The Macedonian Centre for Interna- the project “Women in the Macedonian tivities focused on the needs of the tional Cooperation (MCIC) received Economy”, while the Women’s Lobby persons with intelectual disabilities. support to the tune of 64,000 Euro and Action Against Violence and Traf- for “Analysis of the Implementation of ficking of Women was awarded 59,000 Projects for Democracy and the Ohrid Framework Agreement”, the Euro for “Strengthening the Capacity Human Rights Citizens’ Association MOST was given for Managing Trafficking from the Per- 49,000 Euro for “First Time Voters”, the spective of Human Rights.”

“Fighting against social exclusion is no easy task. EXPECTED RESULTS: However, seeing the smiles on the faces of the persons • Improvement of the skills and abilities of with intellectual disabilities persons with intellectual disabilities on a daily basis gives one the • Raising awareness among the parents and families of motivation to devote more energy to that fight every day. persons with intellectual disabilities The gratitude of the parents • Organisation of recreational activities for is also further motivation. We persons with intellectual disabilities are all fighting together to achieve a satisfactory level • More holiday and free time for the families, of social inclusion. Some people know how to recognise as well as employment opportunities that. We would like to thank them!” for family members • Creation of a database on persons with intellectual ANITA GAGOVSKA, disabilities in Struga Coordinator of the Project “Let us Develop New Abilities”, PORAKA NOVA

VIEW FROM THE EU: Human Rights According to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, nobody should be discriminated against for any reason, nor sub- jected to punishment or to inhumane or degrading practices. Like all people, persons with intellectual disabilities are born free, with equal rights and dignity, and states have an obligation to protect them from degrading treatment. The EU prohibits all forms of discrimination, and candidate countries for membership must meet those criteria and harmonise their national legislation with that of the Union.

19 Project name: Modern Customs for Reinforcement of Quality Services Border Control

Sector: Taxation and Today’s modern customs service is of the country on the path towards Customs Union faced with performing fiscal (collec- EU membership, through its sus- tion of customs duties, taxes and tained support for customs reforms. excise) and non-fiscal tasks (protect- This project, worth 700,000 Euro, is ing citizens from the importation part of Component I, Transition As- Source of Financing: of harmful, dangerous, counterfeit sistance and Institution Building, of IPA 2007 products and protecting the envi- the IPA 2007. Its main goal is to intro- ronment). The main objective of the duce efficient customs controls, facil- support of the European Union in the itate the lawful movement of goods Value: field of customs work is to create and and passengers, improve revenue 700,000 Euro develop a modern service and be an collection and strengthen the admin- equal partner to companies that work istrative capacity of the Customs Ad- with foreign trade. Just as important ministration in the fight against fraud is to protect the fiscal and secu- and corruption. Period: rity interests of the state, cooperate 2009-2011 with other government services and Over a period of 18 months, the pro- prepare Customs for the complete ject should improve the work and the computer networking and exchange administrative capacity of the border of information with the appropriate control, and organise promotional Beneficiary: services of the EU. The project “Re- activities to educate the public and Customs Administration inforcement to Border Control” is a economic operators on the new de- clear sign of the EU’s continued sup- velopments in the functioning of the port for the economic development Customs Administration. No less im-

20 portant is the assistance it will pro- improved use of customs dogs, infor- movement of goods and the saving of vide to the Customs Administration mation technology and equipment. time and money. in preparing the analysis of the bor- This includes scanners and other der control equipment. equipment to detect fraud at border Harmonisation with European The project is intended to support crossings, as well as greater use of legislation the reforms taking place in the Cus- risk analysis at border crossings. toms Administration and improve The equipment procured to improve In addition to this one, another two the organisational and operational border operations, worth 300,000 projects funded by the 2007 IPA be- efficiency of the customs service. In Euro and also funded by the 2007 IPA gan in 2009 and are also planned to order to achieve these objectives, the Programme, should increase the con- last 18 months. The project “Further project will develop a national strat- trol of goods and passengers at bor- Harmonisation of National Customs egy to streamline border procedures. der crossings, while also facilitating Legislation with the Customs Legisla- At the same time, a programme will and expediting their movement. The tion of the European Union”, worth be introduced to monitor and evalu- ultimate aim is to ensure that all peo- one million Euro, includes advice ate the effects of border efficiency ple who cross the border, as well as from EU customs experts. and risk analysis. goods that are transported through “Improvements to the Customs IT the customs territory of the state, Systems” is the third project, worth To prepare for EU entry, the Cus- enjoy the same convenience and 700,000 Euro, and is designed to toms Administration must adapt to quality services as they would upon strengthen the capacities of the IT the provisions of the Schengen leg- entering the European customs area. Sector and aid in the preparation of islation. In order to achieve better Companies in the country, mean- IT projects that are obligatory for EU control, the project envisages the while, should benefit from the faster membership.

“The IPA funds have proven to be a very useful tool in assisting the Customs Administration EXPECTED on the road to membership of the European RESULTS: Union. The work of customs, both in the EU and in our country, is a process that is constantly • Fair, systematic and changing and improving. The IPA assistance is extremely important to prepare and adapt the efficient customs control entire customs system to the European one, as at the border crossings well as to adjust to the conditions following • Facilitation of trade and EU membership. The real challenges are yet to increased security in the come - the implementation of the new Customs Code and the connectivity supply chains and interoperability with the customs computer systems of the EU. The • Faster movement of goods IPA projects have already brought about several significant changes in the and passengers customs service, and that will certainly continue in the coming years.” • Cheaper and better ZLATKO VETEROVSKI, customs procedures Head of the Training Department, Customs Administration

VIEW FROM THE EU: The Customs Union is an essential element in the functioning of the single market. It can function properly only through the collective application of common rules on the external borders of the Union. Until recently, the role of customs was primarily to collect customs duties on imports. Today, customs play a role in facilitating trade and protecting the in- terests of the European Union and its citizens in the face of the threats of terrorism and international organised crime.

21 Project name: Increasing Trust Support for the More Efficient, Effective and Modern Operation and Functioning of in the Judiciary the Administrative Court

One of the foundations of a modern framework of the 2007 and 2008 Sector: democratic society is the feeling that IPA Programmes, worth more than Justice and Home Affairs justice exists and that there are in- 2,500,000 Euro, and another two are stitutions that will defend and imple- planned for the 2009 and 2010 IPA Pro- ment it. Without a functional and pro- gramme cycles for an amount of about fessional legal system, no country has 6,100,000 Euro. Source of Financing: a future, and especially not within the IPA 2007 framework of the European Union. Activities from the project “Further Strengthening of the Institutional The country’s legal system is facing nu- Capacities of the Training Academy merous problems and its restructuring for Judges and Prosecutors” began in Value: probably is the most difficult task in May 2010, and are planned to last 20 1,083,000 Euro the fulfilment of European standards, months. With the EU assistance of as a precondition to successful entry more than 850,000 Euro, the aim is to into the European family. improve the training system, to estab- Period: lish an “e-learning” system, to develop 2010-2011 Judicial reform has been one of the mechanisms for decentralised training top priorities of the European Union’s and to improve the Academy’s library, assistance through the 2007, 2008, as well as its internet page. 2009 and 2010 IPA Programmes, with The project “Implementation of Re- Beneficiary: a total value of almost 8,700,000 Euro. forms in Juvenile Justice” began in Administrative Court and There are currently three projects in April 2010 and will last 24 months. The Ministry of Justice the field of the judiciary within the 700,000 Euro of EU assistance should

22 contribute not only to strengthening tem, will receive support for the fur- come of the administrative cases has a the legal framework for the efficient ther development of its capacities and considerable impact on the function- implementation of internationally ac- management system. Through the pro- ing of the overall public administra- cepted norms and standards in juve- ject’s assistance, the Administrative tion system and on the citizens’ trust nile justice, to upgrading the specialist Court will receive additional training in justice. Moreover, in cases in which knowledge of judges and prosecutors of judges and expert associates. The citizens undertake a lawsuit against in this area, but also to strengthening improvement of the Court’s IT system the administrative acts of the state the capacity of the centres for social will accelerate and facilitate the work institutions, it is of paramount impor- welfare to deal with juvenile offenders. of the judges, expert associates and tance to have experienced judges who court administration. can assess the future impact of the Protection of citizens’ rights and decisions outside the margins of the interests The project is budgeted within the individual cases. framework of the IPA 2007 Programme, Faster and better quality access to totalling to approximately 1,000,000 The aims of these projects are ambi- justice, which leads to greater trust in Euro, starting its implementation in tious, but setting high standard targets the legal system and also to greater December 2009 and will span until De- is fundamental to any true reform and protection of the rights and interests cember 2011. indispensable to the process of restor- of individuals and legal entities, is the During this period, the project is ex- ing citizens’ trust in the judiciary. Even aim of the project to support the more pected to support the development if the achievement of these aims en- efficient functioning of the Adminis- of a more efficient court and case tails considerable efforts from all par- trative Court. With this project, the management system in line with inter- ties involved, one should acknowledge Administrative Court, as a relatively national standards and best European that ultimately it will be for the benefit new court in the country’s court sys- practices, having in mind that the out- of all.

"Administrative disputes, which are handled by the EXPECTED RESULTS: Administrative Court, are the most efficient and most • Improvements to the implementation of legislation beneficial way to protect for administrative disputes and to the enforcement the rights of citizens. of the decisions of the Administrative Court Increased efficiency and improvements to the quality • Strengthening of the organisational capacity of of the Court’s decisions the Administrative Court, with a focus on court will provide citizens and management and human resources companies with a higher standard of judicial control • Enhancement of the professional skills of the over the legality of the work of the government, the Administrative Court staff ministries, the state administration and local self- • Improvements to the IT system, especially relating government." to the interconnection between the Administrative BORIVOJ KOS, Court and other state bodies Team Leader of the Administrative Court Project

VIEW FROM THE EU: European Union Law One of the basic aims of the European Union, which is also cited in the Lisbon Treaty, is to provide its citizens with freedom, se- curity and justice through its legislation. It is precisely the legislation which must succeed where the use of force has failed for so many years. The only unity that can be expected to last is the one that is based on free decisions. It is the kind of unity that is built on values such as freedom and equality, which are protected and implemented in everyday life by means of legislation.

23 Project name: Innovation in Business: TAM Programme Leaping Forward Sector: Industry and Entrepreneurship Without innovations in production, ser- countries whose task is to transfer their vices and marketing, there would be no technical and market knowledge. Over leaps forward in industrial production, the 18 month duration of each project, and no fast economic growth. Compa- TAM experts visit the company around Source of Financing: nies that want to keep pace with the 15 times. During that period they try to CARDS 2006 times and adapt to current economic help to increase sales, restructure the conditions, but also to make leaps for- organisational, marketing and manage- ward in development, often lack the ment structure of the enterprise, over- Value: strategy, vision, planning, analysis of come the problems that can appear in 700,000 Euro the market and competition, as well difficult working conditions, as well as as the persistence, resourcefulness, resolve technical questions and ques- perseverance, continuity and motiva- tions on product development. The ТАМ tion.The aim of the Turn Around Man- Programme has been operating in the Period: agement (TAM) Programme is to help country since 1997, during which time 2006-2009 companies transform into efficient 50 projects have been completed. The and well-managed firms that can suc- last programme, financed by the EU in cessfully operate in a market economy. partnership with the EBRD and worth TAM supports small and medium en- 700,000 Euro, began in October 2006, Beneficiary: terprises (SMEs) in countries where the lasted until April 2009 assisting 13 com- Small and Medium European Bank for Reconstruction and panies. Enterprises Development (EBRD) operates. Working Encouraged by the results achieved for the Programme are experienced ex- within the past TAM Programme and ecutives and managers from developed continuos demand from the local com-

24 panies, the EU has committed about lem of discontinuing old products and terfeighting of their company’s prod- 1,000,000 Euro from IPA 2008 for fi- was encouraged in its efforts to begin ucts, as well as on how to counter the nancing a new TAM programme. Over shutting down the production of some competition. Results followed. Produc- the next 2 years about 20 local com- of them. In circumstances in which tion has increased, while “Rade Kon- panies should benefit from direct as- the company’s old market on the ter- car” electrical contactor, relays and sistance provided by experienced Eu- ritories of the former federation had switches can already be found on new ropean Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) “crumbled” and new markets were be- markets throughout the world. and international consultants. ing sought, the marketing training on Complementary to TAM is also the how to approach new customers was Business Advisory Service (BAS) Pro- Positive experience very helpful. During the four week-long gramme for business advice. It usually sessions with TAM experts between last around four months, during which The experience of the company “Rade 2007 and the end of 2008, the em- time the team works in the fields of Koncar” with the TAM Programme was ployees in the marketing department research and market analysis, brand exceptionally positive. The two ex- acquired new insights on how to ap- development, IT system upgrades, the perts, one on marketing and the other proach the problem in a modern Euro- introduction of systems for quality on production and organisation of pro- pean way, as well as how to make more management and technical consulta- duction, gave confidence to the man- use of electronic forms of marketing. tions. Since the beginning of its activi- agement team that the company’s In addition to the presentation of mar- ties in 2002, BAS has supported over goals and analyses were on the right keting techniques, the 14 employees 300 companies in the country, helping track. The company, which has been that participated in the training were them to understand that survival and operating since 1948, faced the prob- advised on how to prevent the coun- growth are in their hands.

"We managed to affirm our ongoing manu-facturing philosophy and RESULTS: strategy, which fully coincided with the recommendations of the • Increase in sales at "Mebel" AD, "Mlin expert TAM team engaged by the Stojcev" AD, "Inex Zorev"AD, С&В Sus, TING European Bank for Reconstruction Doel and MZT Pumps and Development, and this gave • Significant restructuring of the us the impetus to continue and organisational, marketing and management persist towards our outlined production goals. At the same time, structures of "Frotirka" AD, "Blagoj Gorev" the commercial staff acquired new marketing knowledge AD, "11 Oktomvri" AD and "Rade Koncar" AD in the field of segmentation and market positioning, using • Support for resolving the problems marketing techniques and tools, as well as in the creation and emanating from the current difficult strengthening of the brand, usage of the McCarthy triangle circumstances in "Fatina" AD and "Dekon" AD in the commercial processing of the market, highlighting of • Help in resolving specialised technical comparative advantages over the competition and in the questions and questions on product preparation of creative commercial discussions" development at "Zdravje Radovo" dairy ALEKSANDAR JANCIC, factory Manager of Rade Koncar Doo Kontaktori i Relei, Skopje

VIEW FROM THE EU: The Importance of Small and Medium Enterprises There are around 20 million small and medium enterprises in the European Union, representing 99 percent of total busi- ness, and they hold the key to economic development, innovation, employment and social integration. The aim of the European Union is to promote successful entrepreneurship and improve the business climate for small and medium enter- prises, as well as to enable them to fully realise their potential within the framework of today’s global economy.

25 Project name: Taxes for the Support to Tax Reform Benefit of Citizens Sector: Tax Policy

Improving the work of the Ministry These are the two components of the of Finance and the Public Revenue project worth 1,300,000 Euro, financed Office in collecting taxes, providing by the European Union through the Source of Financing: services to taxpayers, strengthening 2007 IPA Programme. Within the IPA 2007 institutional capacity in the collec- framework of the first component, a tion of taxes and fighting corruption team of experts, with the help of the are the main objectives of the Sup- Department of Taxation at the Min- port to Tax Reform project. Over the istry of Finance, is working to assess Value: 18-month project period, the nation- the current legal framework, particu- 1,300,000 Euro al legal framework will be aligned with larly in the area of direct taxation. The the European Union’s regulations, di- preparation of the draft laws on profit rectives, standards and measures. tax for companies and income tax for Direct advisory and technical support citizens is the result of extensive and Period: will ensure the enhancement and detailed assessment of the legisla- 2010-2011 sustainability of the current support tion, explanations of the European for tax reform. The goal is to help directives and comparative analysis of the Ministry of Finance to prepare the policies of EU Member States with two draft laws in the field of direct regard to direct taxation. Beneficiary: taxation and the enforcement of tax In the same period, assessments are Ministry of Finance and legislation, while at the same time to being conducted on other legislative Public Revenue Office support the strengthening of the ad- changes, while training programmes and ministrative and operational capacity workshops are being organised on the of the Public Revenue Office. implementation of the new legislation.

26 Professional standards in the Public to the services for taxpayers. In addition to the Technical Assis- Revenue Office tance project, refurbishment of the Strengthening of the administrative building and equipping of the Di- In parallel to the harmonisation of capacity of the Office will enable the rectorate of the Public Revenue Of- legislation, work is being carried out implementation of the tax legislation fice for small and medium taxpayers on strengthening the administrative and a more efficient fight against tax in the city of Stip with a modern IT capacity of the Public Revenue Of- evasion, which will strengthen fiscal system have been carried out. These fice, as the second component of the policy and will encourage foreign and activities aim to improve the services project. In developing a consistent domestic investment in general. towards small and medium taxpay- strategy and action plan for realising ers, thus increasing awareness of tax the goal, priority is given to the sec- In depth analyses on the possibility of obligations and increasing tax collec- tors of professional standards, inter- merging the finance police from the tion. For this purpose, the building of nal audit, tax inspection, as well as to Ministry of Finance with the Public the Directorate in Stip was renovated bolstering capacities to fight against Revenue Office, as well as establish- in accordance with the European corruption. ing of a new department to deal with standards to the tune of over 79,000 This project also covers the sectors complex tax cases, cases of tax evasion Euro. Purchase and installation of of enforced tax collection, communi- and with the strategy to combat the 273 desktop computers, 2 graphic cation with taxpayers, the training of informal economy, is being envisaged stations and 30 printers was also pro- managers and general improvements within the framework of the project. vided with 245,000 Euro.

“With implementation of this project the EU EXPECTED RESULTS: recognizes the impor- tance of tax legislation • Drafts of new laws on income tax and profit tax that depending on the • Changes in the legal policy in order to comply with various policy considera- European legislation tions is frequently sub- • Assessment of the current legal, organisational and ject to changes. As an institutional structures, policies and procedures in the output of this project we expect not only the legis- Public Revenue Office and suggestions for improving the lation related to direct taxation to be fully harmo- administrative capacity nized with the EU Directives and rules regulating • Strengthening the internal audit function the common EU market, but also in having a com- • Efficient communication in accordance with the fiscal prehensive laws that will improve administrative plans of the EU procedures, the taxpayer services and strengthen- ing of the overall performance of the tax system in • Improved services for taxpayers the country.” • Strengthening of the departments responsible for small and medium taxpayers in the regional directorates BORCE SMILEVSKI, of the Public Revenue Office in Stip and Tetovo Head of Tax Department, Ministry of Finance

VIEW FROM THE EU: Tax Policy Strategy The European Commission has prepared a comprehensive strategy for the European Union’s tax policy. The Commission believes that tax policy must support the broader objectives of EU policy, such as the Union’s aim to become the most com- petitive economy in the world. Moreover, tax policy should be compatible with the other policies of the EU. The intention of the Commission is to also pay more attention to the tax problems facing individuals and companies operating within the internal market, as well as to simplify tax systems and make them more understandable for taxpayers.

27 Related Online Sources

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