Community Composition of Bats in Cusuco National Park, Honduras, a Mesoamerican Cloud Park, Including New Regional and Altitudinal Records
Community Composition of Bats in Cusuco National Park, Honduras, a Mesoamerican Cloud Park, Including New Regional and Altitudinal Records Pamela Medina-Van Berkum, Kevina Vulinec, Declan Crace, Zeltia López Gallego, and Thomas Edward Martin No. 3 Neotropical Naturalist 2020 NEOTROPICAL NATURALIST Board of Editors ♦ The Neotropical Naturalist (ISSN 2327-5472) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles on David Barrington, Department of Plant Biology, all aspects of the natural history sciences of terres- University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA trial, freshwater, and marine organisms and the en- William G. R. Crampton, University of Central vironments of the neotropics from Mexico through Florida, Orlando, FL, USA the southern tip of South America. Manuscripts Paulo Estefano Dineli Bobrowiec, Instituto based on field studies outside of this region that Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Brazil provide information on species within this region Valentina Ferretti, Universidad de Buenos Aires, may be considered at the Editor’s discretion. Argentina ♦ Manuscript subject matter - The Neotropical Danny Haelewaters, Ghent University, Belgium Naturalist welcomes manuscripts based on field- Matthew Halley, Drexel University, Philadelphia, work, observations, and associated lab work that PA, USA focus on terrestrial, freshwater, and marine fauna, Christopher M. Heckscher, Department of flora, and habitats. Subject areas include, but are Agriculture and Natural Resources, Delaware not limited to, field ecology, biology, conserva- State University, Dover, DE, USA tion applications, behavior, biogeography, tax- Ian MacGregor-Fors, Instituto de Ecología onomy, evolution, anatomy, and physiology. Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico ♦ It offers article-by-article online publication Klaus Mehltreter, Institute of Ecology, A.C., for prompt distribution to a global audience.
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