St Dunstan’s College The future is here, now. TRINITY TERM 2014 St Dunstan’s College 35 Millburn Street, Rynfield, Benoni. PO Box 13552, Northmead, Benoni 1511 College: Tel 011 746 1900 Fax(011) 749 1902 e-mail:
[email protected] Facebook Page Twitter @StDunstansCol The future is here, now. Name: _________________________________________________ Grade: _________________________________________________ ST DUNSTan’S college School praYER ST DUNSTan’SSCHOOL college CALENDAR School Song TERM DATES – 2014/2015 TERM 2 : All praiseTHURS DAYto God 8 MAY from - FRIDAY old and 8 A UGUyoung,ST 2014 O God, our heavenly Father, Half Term break: NormalO closing:magnify Friday His 28name. June You are the source of all good gifts; BeforeReturn His to School:throne Monday be praises 8 July sung, We ask You to bless our school, St Dunstan’s. Public Holidays: Monday 16 June (Youth Day) With hymns His power proclaim. Tuesday 17 June (Bishop’s Day) We praise You for the privilege He whom the sun and stars obey, which is ours in attending; TERM 3 : TUEWhoSDAY made 9 SEP theTEM earthBER - WEDNE so fair,SDAY 3 DECEMBER (59 DAYS) We pray for Your Holy Spirit to help us make Gives grace and strength for every day Half Term break: School will close at 12h00 on Thursday To us, His name who bear. our school more and more pleasing to You. 16 October and will re-open on Tuesday 21 October Make us kind and thoughtful for one another; Public Holiday: Wednesday 24 September (Heritage Day) With anvil, hammer, vice and wrench, Remove all jealousy, selfi shness and TERM 1 : WEDNESt DunstanSDAY 14 toiledJANUARY by -day, 2015 malice which may break down Half Term break:At blacksmith’s Closing at forge12:00 on and Thursday workman’s 26 February bench.