United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

Performance Review and Assessment of Implementation System

4th Reporting and Review Cycle - 2010

Report for Table of Contents

Performance Indicators Operational Objective 1: Advocacy, awareness raising and education Performance indicator CONS-O-1 for Outcome 1.1 Performance indicator CONS-O-3 for Outcome 1.3 Performance indicator CONS-O-4 for Outcome 1.3 Operational Objective 2: Policy framework Performance indicator CONS-O-5 for Outcomes 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 Performance indicator CONS-O-7 for Outcome 2.5 Operational Objective 3: Science, technology and knowledge Performance indicator CONS-O-8 for Outcomes 3.1 and 3.2 Performance indicator CONS-O-9 for Outcome 3.1 and 3.2 Performance indicator CONS-O-10 for Outcome 3.3 and 3.4 Performance indicator CONS-O-11 for Outcome 3.5 Operational Objective 4: Capacity building Performance indicator CONS-O-13 for Outcomes 4.1 and 4.2 Operational Objective 5: Financing and technology transfer Performance indicator CONS-O-14 for Outcome 5.1 Performance indicator CONS-O-16 for Outcome 5.2 Performance indicator CONS-O-17 for Outcome 5.3 Performance indicator CONS-O-18 for Outcome 5.5 Standard Financial Annex Financial Commitment #1 — Programa "Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño" Financial Commitment #2 — Proyecto: Uso de las Tecnologías Espaciales para la Evaluación de Desastres Naturales en la Agricultura - UTEEDA. Financial Commitment #3 — Gestión Participativa de Áreas Naturales Protegidas - GPAN Financial Commitment #4 — Proyecto: Asistencia técnica y capacitación en proceso técnico - productivo, procesamiento y comercialización de la algarroba, miel de abeja y carne de ovino/caprino en 23 localidades del bosque seco en la Regiòn Piura~~~ Financial Commitment #5 — Proyecto: Desarrollo de Capacidades para el Ordenamiento Territorial en el Departamento de Piura. Financial Commitment #6 — Proyecto: Desarrollo de Capacidades para el Ordenamiento Territorial en el Departamento de Piura. Financial Commitment #7 — Proyecto Conservación Participativa de la Biodiversidad del Bosque Seco de la Costa Norte del Perú: Convenio para atender tres áreas prioritarias de conservación del bosque seco de Piura. Financial Commitment #8 — Programa Regional de Manejo Sostenible de los Bosques Secos (NORBOSQUE PIURA). Financial Commitment #9 — Programa: Mejoramiento Sostenible de los Bosques Secos de la Costa Norte. Financial Commitment #10 — Proyecto Manejo integrado del recurso agua a través de la implementación del desarrollo de conceptos de agro-forestería en áreas áridas y semi-áridas en América Latina. Caso Perú - WAFLA. Financial Commitment #11 — Proyecto A/R MDL Reforestación, Producción Sostenible y Secuestro de Carbono en los Bosques Secos de Ignacio Távara, PIura, Perú.~~~ Financial Commitment #12 — Proyecto “Fortalecimiento de la Gestión Integral de la Cuenca Binacional Catamayo Chira”. Financial Commitment #13 — Proyecto “Fortalecimiento de la Gestión Integral de la Cuenca Binacional Catamayo Chira”. Financial Commitment #14 — Proyecto “Manejo de recursos naturales para el alivio de la pobreza en la Sierra (III) - JBIC. Financial Commitment #15 — Fortalecimiento de mercados, diversificación de ingresos y mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida en la Sierra Sur - PDSS.~~~ Financial Commitment #16 — Programa de apoyo a las Alianzas rurales Productivas de la sierra - Aliados. Financial Commitment #17 — Programa de apoyo a las Alianzas rurales Productivas de la sierra - Aliados. Financial Commitment #18 — Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte.~~~ Financial Commitment #19 — Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte.~~~ Financial Commitment #20 — Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte.~~~ Financial Commitment #21 — Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte,~~~ Financial Commitment #22 — Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte.~~~ Financial Commitment #23 — Proyecto MASAL - Gestión Concertada de los Recursos Naturales en Municipalidades Rurales Fase III. Financial Commitment #24 — Proyecto Especial de Desarrollo de Capacidades de la Familia Rural denominado “Mi Chacra Productiva”. Financial Commitment #25 — Tercera Etapa del Programa de Apoyo a las Operaciones del Fondo Nacional de Compensación y Desarrollo Social (FONCODES III) PROGRAMA FONCODES BID III Nº 1421/OC-PE. Financial Commitment #26 — Tercera Etapa del Programa de Apoyo a las Operaciones del Fondo Nacional de Compensación y Desarrollo Social (FONCODES III) PROGRAMA FONCODES BID III Nº 1421/OC-PE Financial Commitment #27 — Proyecto: Forestación y Reforestación de la Cuenca del Río Pachachaca, Apurímac.~~~ Financial Commitment #28 — Proyecto: Zonificación Ecológica y Económica de la Región Apurímac. Financial Commitment #29 — Proyecto: Validación y Publicación de la Zonificación Ecológica Económica de la Región Apurímac. Financial Commitment #30 — Proyecto: Fortalecimiento de Capacidades para la Prevención y Mitigación de la Desertificación y Sequía en la Región Apurímac. Financial Commitment #31 — Proyecto: Sistema de Información Ambiental Regional de Apurímac Financial Commitment #32 — Proyecto: IRRIGACION CULLAHUATA CONGONYA. Financial Commitment #33 — Proyecto: Afianzamiento Hídrico en Épocas de Estiaje del Valle de Tambo. Financial Commitment #34 — Sub-Proyecto: Pronóstico Estacional de Lluvias y Temperaturas en la Cuenca del Río Mantaro para su aplicación en la Agricultura. Financial Commitment #35 — Proyecto: Manejo de desastres ante eventos meteorológicos extremos (sequías, heladas y lluvias intensas) como medida de adaptación ante el cambio climático en el valle del Mantaro (MAREMEX-Mantaro).~~~ Financial Commitment #36 — Proyecto: Información Climática Aplicada Gestión Riesgo Agrícola Países Andinos. Financial Commitment #37 — Proyecto: Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de comunidades campesinas pobres para reducir su vulnerabilidad frente a problemas de sequía y desertificación en la región Apurímac. Financial Commitment #38 — Mejoramiento y recuperación de áreas degradadas y aprovechamiento de aguas de nieblas en la Reserva Nacional de Lachay. Financial Commitment #39 — Mejoramiento y recuperación de áreas degradadas y aprovechamiento de aguas de nieblas en la Reserva Nacional de Lachay. Financial Commitment #40 — Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR II etapa. Financial Commitment #41 — Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR II etapa. Financial Commitment #42 — Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR II etapa. Financial Commitment #43 — Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR II etapa. Financial Commitment #44 — Programa Forestación y Reforestación para Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio. Financial Commitment #45 — PRODUCCION TECNIFICADA DE PLANTONES DE VID DE ALTA CALIDAD GENETICA Y FITOSANITARIA EN LA SUB - ESTACION EXPERIMENTAL CHINCHA - ICA. Financial Commitment #46 — INSTALACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE RIEGO TECNIFICADO POR GOTEO-GGE EL NAZARENO-DISTRITO DE SANTIAGO-REGIÓN ICA. Financial Commitment #47 — INSTALACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE RIEGO TECNIFICADO POR GOTEO-GGE SAN PEDRO-DISTRITO DE SANTIAGO - REGIÓN ICA. Financial Commitment #48 — DETERMINACIÓN DE LA EFICIENCIA ÓPTIMA DEL RIEGO POR GOTEO PARA LOS CULTIVARES DE ALGODÓN HAZERA Y DEL CERRO EN EL DISTRITO DE MÓRROPE. Financial Commitment #49 — SELECCIÓN DE CEPAS SIMBIÓTICAS DE RHIZOBIOS DE VARIEDADES COMERCIALES DE PHASEOLUS LUNATUS (PALLAR) EN CAMPO DE AGRICULTORES DE LA REGIÓN ICA. Financial Commitment #50 — INVESTIGACIÓN AVANZADA EN RED, DEL RENDIMIENTO Y CALIDAD DE FIBRA, DE LÍNEAS SELECCIONADAS DE ALGODÓN (GOSSYPIUM BARBADENSE L.) DE FIBRA LARGA Y EXTRALARGA PARA SU CULTIVO EN LA COSTA CENTRAL.~~~ Financial Commitment #51 — SISTEMA DE DETECCIÓN TEMPRANA DE LA SEQUÍA EN LA COSTA NORTE DE PERÚ, USANDO LA TEMPERATURA Y SALINIDAD DEL SUELO Y EL ÍNDICE DE VEGETACIÓN PROCEDENTES DE LAS IMÁGENES DE SATÉLITE Y SU RELACIÓN CON LOS ÍNDICES DE LA OSCILACIÓN SUREÑA EL NIÑO.~~~ Financial Commitment #52 — DESARROLLO DE CAPACIDADES PARA PEQUEÑOS AGRICULTORES Y ARTESANOS PARA PROMOCIÓN Y APROVECHAMIENTO DEL CULTIVO DE ALGODÓN NATIVO DE COLORES NATURALES EN LOS DISTRITOS DE MESONES MURO Y FERREÑAFE. Financial Commitment #53 — ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA PARA EL INCREMENTO DE LA PRODUCCIÓN DE ALGODÓN EN LAMBAYEQUE. Financial Commitment #54 — FORESTACIÓN Y REFORESTACIÓN EN LA CUENCA HIDROGRÁFICA RÍO ICA, DEPARTAMENTO DE HUANCAVELICA.~~~ Financial Commitment #55 — Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal.~~~ Financial Commitment #56 — Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal.~~~ Financial Commitment #57 — Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal. ~~~ Financial Commitment #58 — Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal. ~~~ Financial Commitment #59 — Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal. ~~~ Financial Commitment #60 — Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal. ~~~ Financial Commitment #61 — Plan de Operaciones de la Comisión Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y Sequía 2007-2008. Financial Commitment #62 — Programa "Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño". Financial Commitment #63 — Programa "Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño". Programme and Project Sheets Programme/Project #1 — Programa "Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño" (ERFEN) Programme/Project #2 — Uso de las Tecnologías Espaciales para la Evaluación, Monitoreo y Manejo de Desastres Naturales en la Agricultura (UTEEDA).~~~ Programme/Project #3 — Gestión Participativa de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (GPAN). Programme/Project #4 — Proyecto: Asistencia técnica y capacitación en proceso técnico - productivo, procesamiento y comercialización de la algarroba, miel de abeja y carne de ovino/caprino en 23 localidades del bosque seco en la Regiòn Piura.~~~ Programme/Project #5 — Proyecto: Desarrollo de Capacidades para el Ordenamiento Territorial en el Departamento de Piura. Programme/Project #6 — Proyecto Conservación Participativa de la Biodiversidad del Bosque Seco de la Costa Norte del Perú: Convenio para atender tres áreas prioritarias de conservación del bosque seco de Piura Programme/Project #7 — Programa Regional de Manejo Sostenible de los Bosques Secos (NORBOSQUE PIURA). Programme/Project #8 — Programa: Mejoramiento Sostenible de los Bosques Secos de la Costa Norte. Programme/Project #9 — Proyecto Manejo integrado del recurso agua a través de la implementación del desarrollo de conceptos de agro-forestería en áreas áridas y semi-áridas en América Latina - WAFLA. Caso Perú. Programme/Project #10 — Proyecto Conservación Participativa de la Biodiversidad del Bosque Seco de la Costa Norte del Perú. Programme/Project #11 — Proyecto A/R MDL Reforestación, Producción Sostenible y Secuestro de Carbono en los Bosques Secos de Ignacio Távara, Piura, Perú. ~~~ Programme/Project #12 — Plan Regional de Reforestación y Conservación de Suelos en las Cuencas Hidrográficas de la Región Piura. Programme/Project #13 — Proyecto “Fortalecimiento de la Gestión Integral de la Cuenca Binacional Catamayo Chira”. Programme/Project #14 — Proyecto “Manejo de Recursos Naturales para el Alivio de la Pobreza en la Sierra (III)- JBIC. Programme/Project #15 — Proyecto Fortalecimiento de mercados, diversificación de ingresos y mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida en la Sierra Sur – PDSS (Proyecto de Desarrollo Sierra Sur).~~~ Programme/Project #16 — Programa de apoyo a las Alianzas rurales Productivas de la Sierra - Aliados. Programme/Project #17 — Proyecto Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte.~~~ Programme/Project #18 — Proyecto MASAL - Gestión Concertada de los Recursos Naturales en Municipalidades Rurales Fase III. Programme/Project #19 — Proyecto Especial de Desarrollo de Capacidades de la Familia Rural denominado “Mi Chacra Productiva”. Programme/Project #20 — Tercera Etapa del Programa de Apoyo a las Operaciones del Fondo Nacional de Compensación y Desarrollo Social (FONCODES III) PROGRAMA FONCODES BID III Nº 1421/OC-PE. Programme/Project #21 — Proyecto: Forestación y Reforestación de la Cuenca del Río Pachachaca, Apurímac.~~~ Programme/Project #22 — Proyecto: Zonificación Ecológica y Económica de la Región Apurímac. Programme/Project #23 — Proyecto: Validación y Publicación de la Zonificación Ecológica Económica de la Región Apurímac. Programme/Project #24 — Proyecto: Fortalecimiento de Capacidades para la Prevención y Mitigación de la Desertificación y Sequía en la Región Apurímac. Programme/Project #25 — Proyecto: Sistema de Información Ambiental Regional de Apurímac. Programme/Project #26 — Proyecto: IRRIGACION CULLAHUATA CONGONYA. Programme/Project #27 — Proyecto: Afianzamiento Hídrico en Épocas de Estiaje del Valle de Tambo. Programme/Project #28 — Sub-Proyecto: Pronóstico Estacional de Lluvias y Temperaturas en la Cuenca del Río Mantaro para su aplicación en la Agricultura. Programme/Project #29 — Proyecto: Manejo de desastres ante eventos meteorológicos extremos (sequías, heladas y lluvias intensas) como medida de adaptación ante el cambio climático en el valle del Mantaro (MAREMEX-Mantaro).~~~ Programme/Project #30 — Proyecto: Información Climática Aplicada Gestión Riesgo Agrícola Países Andinos. Programme/Project #31 — Proyecto: Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de comunidades campesinas pobres para reducir su vulnerabilidad frente a problemas de sequía y desertificación en la región Apurímac. Programme/Project #32 — Mejoramiento y recuperación de áreas degradadas y aprovechamiento de aguas de nieblas en la Reserva Nacional de Lachay. Programme/Project #33 — Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR II etapa. Programme/Project #34 — Programa Forestación y Reforestación para Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio. Programme/Project #35 — PRODUCCION TECNIFICADA DE PLANTONES DE VID DE ALTA CALIDAD GENETICA Y FITOSANITARIA EN LA SUB - ESTACION EXPERIMENTAL CHINCHA - ICA. Programme/Project #36 — INSTALACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE RIEGO TECNIFICADO POR GOTEO-GGE EL NAZARENO-DISTRITO DE SANTIAGO-REGIÓN ICA. Programme/Project #37 — INSTALACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE RIEGO TECNIFICADO POR GOTEO-GGE SAN PEDRO-DISTRITO DE SANTIAGO - REGIÓN ICA. Programme/Project #38 — DETERMINACIÓN DE LA EFICIENCIA ÓPTIMA DEL RIEGO POR GOTEO PARA LOS CULTIVARES DE ALGODÓN HAZERA Y DEL CERRO EN EL DISTRITO DE MÓRROPE. Programme/Project #39 — SELECCIÓN DE CEPAS SIMBIÓTICAS DE RHIZOBIOS DE VARIEDADES COMERCIALES DE PHASEOLUS LUNATUS (PALLAR) EN CAMPO DE AGRICULTORES DE LA REGIÓN ICA. Programme/Project #40 — INVESTIGACIÓN AVANZADA EN RED, DEL RENDIMIENTO Y CALIDAD DE FIBRA, DE LÍNEAS SELECCIONADAS DE ALGODÓN (GOSSYPIUM BARBADENSE L.) DE FIBRA LARGA Y EXTRALARGA PARA SU CULTIVO EN LA COSTA CENTRAL.~~~ Programme/Project #41 — SISTEMA DE DETECCIÓN TEMPRANA DE LA SEQUÍA EN LA COSTA NORTE DE PERÚ, USANDO LA TEMPERATURA Y SALINIDAD DEL SUELO Y EL ÍNDICE DE VEGETACIÓN PROCEDENTES DE LAS IMÁGENES DE SATÉLITE Y SU RELACIÓN CON LOS ÍNDICES DE LA OSCILACIÓN SUREÑA EL NIÑO.~~~ Programme/Project #42 — DESARROLLO DE CAPACIDADES PARA PEQUEÑOS AGRICULTORES Y ARTESANOS PARA PROMOCIÓN Y APROVECHAMIENTO DEL CULTIVO DE ALGODÓN NATIVO DE COLORES NATURALES EN LOS DISTRITOS DE MESONES MURO Y FERREÑAFE. Programme/Project #43 — ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA PARA EL INCREMENTO DE LA PRODUCCIÓN DE ALGODÓN EN LAMBAYEQUE. Programme/Project #44 — FORESTACIÓN Y REFORESTACIÓN EN LA CUENCA HIDROGRÁFICA RÍO ICA, DEPARTAMENTO DE HUANCAVELICA.~~~ Additional Information Reporting process-related issues Accommodation of specific requests within COP decisions Reporting on the implementation of NAP Human resources Financial resources Any other country-specific issues Best Practices Best Practice #1 — Metodología de Forestación y Reforestación Aprobada AR-AM0003: Forestación y reforestación de tierras degradadas a través de plantado de árboles, regeneración natural asistida y control de pastoreo animal - Versión 4.~~~ Best Practice #2 — Restauración ecológica de ecosistemas áridos y semi áridos en la costa del sur del Perú. Best Practice #3 — Captación de agua neblina a través del uso de atrapanieblas con fines de recuperación de ecosistemas degradados. Best Practice #4 — Instalación del sistema de riego por goteo en el distrito de Huarmey prov. De Huarmey región Ancash Best Practice #5 — Instalación de sistema de riego por aspersión en la Comunidad de Chullcupampa, Distrito de Huamanguilla, Provincia de Huanta-Ayacucho”.~~~ Best Practice #6 — Mejoramiento e Implementación del Sistema de Riego Presurizado en la Localidad de Caran, Distrito de Jesús – Lauricocha - Huánuco.~~~ Best Practice #7 — Construcción Sistema de Riego Tecnificado en Cotaña y Callapoca del Distrito de Cabanilla – Lampa - Puno. Best Practice #8 — Nombre Local: AMUNAS. Nombre hidrológico práctica social de “RECARGA ARTIFICIAL DE ACUÍFEROS EN LOS ” Best Practice #9 — Sistemas de Riego Predial Regulados con Microreservorios en las provincias de Cajamarca, San Marcos y Cajabamba del Departamento de Cajamarca Peru.~~~ Submission Form

General Information Section


Reporting country * Peru

Name and surname of the person Sonia González submitting the report *

Affiliation and contact details * [email protected] Performance Indicators

C. Performance indicators

Performance indicators are for measuring progress against the five operational objectives of The Strategy, in line with decision 3/COP.8. The year 2008 (the first year of the Strategy) serves as the baseline year.

Affected country Parties are requested to report on the following fourteen performance indicators out of the eighteen consolidated performance indicators presented in ICCD/CRIC(8)/5/Add.1 and Add.2.

Reporting is guided by means of templates, one for each performance indicator. Within the templates, shaded areas contain information and explanatory texts and white areas are for reporting purposes and need to be filled in by affected country Parties with relevant quantitative data, selection of multiple choice boxes, or narrative information.

Operational Objective 1: Advocacy, awareness raising and education

Performance indicator CONS-O-1 for Outcome 1.1

Operational Objective 1: Advocacy, awareness raising and education

Performance indicator CONS-O-1 for Outcome 1.1 Number and size of information events organized on the subject of DLDD and/or DLDD synergies with climate change and biodiversity, and audience reached by media addressing DLDD and DLDD synergies.

Understanding of the indicator At the national and local level, the indicator measures the performance of Convention-related communication strategies, in particular, whether DLDD issues and synergies are being communicated and if so, whether the communication is considered to be effective. Effectiveness is assessed through the appraisal of the media campaigns carried out; the assumption is that the stronger the media campaigns on DLDD issues and synergies, the higher the probability of passing the messages on to the target audience. The focus of the indicator is on information activities specifically dedicated to DLDD and/or DLDD synergies with climate change and biodiversity. Other reporting entities will complement the information provided by affected country Parties by reporting on Convention-related communication strategies at subregional, regional and global level.

Data needed Information on events/media specifically addressing DLDD and/or DLDD synergies with climate change and biodiversity. Attendance lists of events (meetings, workshops, seminars), programmes/projects’ documents, estimate of target audience for major media events (campaigns, radio and television programmes, etc.). Events organized and media produced by the UNCCD NFP or organized/produced by third parties not directly reporting to the Convention (TV channels, newspaper editors, etc.) shall be considered.

Data sources (indicative only) International and national media (newspapers) advertising the events at national and local level, the Internet, the organizers of the events, programmes/projects’ final reports.

Check the glossary for ‘NFP’, ‘ICT’, ‘Information events’, ‘Media products’, ‘STIs’, ‘CSOs’

Media products have been grouped into: (a) Paper media products (articles, press releases, leaflets, flyers, brochures and comics, etc.); (b) radio and television programmes; (c) other ICT (websites, CDs, DVD, etc.).

Overall target By 2018, 30 per cent of the global population is informed about DLDD and DLDD synergies with climate change and biodiversity

Number of information events Year Number of information events Estimated number of participants in the information events

2008 16 28

2009 28 2147










Estimated number of persons reached by media products and by key stakeholders Media products have been grouped into: (a) Paper media products (articles, press releases, leaflets, flyers, brochures and comics, etc.); (b) radio and television programmes; (c) other ICT (websites, CDs, DVD, etc.). Year Stakeholder Paper media products Radio and TV other ICT

Public at Large 3784

2008 Civil society organizations 1389

Science and technology institutions

Public at Large

2009 Civil society organizations 5516

Science and technology institutions

Public at Large

2010 Civil society organizations

Science and technology institutions

Public at Large

2011 Civil society organizations

Science and technology institutions

Public at Large

2012 Civil society organizations

Science and technology institutions

Public at Large

2013 Civil society organizations

Science and technology institutions Public at Large

2014 Civil society organizations

Science and technology institutions

Public at Large

2015 Civil society organizations

Science and technology institutions

Public at Large

2016 Civil society organizations

Science and technology institutions

Public at Large

2017 Civil society organizations

Science and technology institutions

Public at Large

2018 Civil society organizations

Science and technology institutions

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. GUÍA TÉCNICA PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA REGIONAL DE INFORMACIÓN CLIMÁTICA APLICADA A LA GESTIÓN DE RIESGO AGRÍCOLA EN LOS PAÍSES ANDINOS. INFORME TALLER INTERNACIONAL METODOLOGÍA PARA LA ELABORACIÓN DE MAPAS DE RIESGO. INFORME DE TÉRMINO DEL PROYECTO PROYECTO “MANEJO DE RECURSOS NATURALES PARA EL ALIVIO DE LA POBREZA EN LA SIERRA”. http://www.catamayochira.org/Proyecto.html (revisado en octubre 2010). Informe Anual 2009. Proyecto MASAL. http://www.agrorural.gob.pe/index.php/programas/marenass/proyecto-sierra-norte.html (revisado en setiembre 2010). http://www.incagro.gob.pe/WebIncagro/detalleNoticiasBanner.do?c_codigonoticia=000037. http://gua30.wordpress.com/2008/09/04/elaboran-propuesta-para-zonificacion-ecologica-y-economica- de-piura/. Presentación PPT: Taller: Conservación y Desarrollo en Bosques Secos por una Visión Regional y comunal. SISTEMA REGIONAL DE CONSERVACIÓN DE LA REGIÓN PIURA Y PROGRAMA NORBOSQUE. http://www.regionapurimac.gob.pe/2008/gerencias/grn/Talleres_Sensibilizacion/Material /2EXPO%20ZEE_POA2007.pdf. http://www.profonanpe.org.pe/gpan/. http://www.inforegion.pe/portada/39534/fonam-preve-que-inversiones-en-mercado-de-carbono- alcanzaran-los-us-1000-millones-este-ano/. http://www.cd4cdm.org/Latin%20America/Peru/Central%20Region%20Workshop /ProyectosForestalesMDL_Garcia-Rosell.pdf. Attachments: none National contribution to the target On the basis of the information you have provided above, estimate the proportion (%) of the population in your country which is informed about DLDD and DLDD synergies with climate change and biodiversity at the time of reporting?

Estimated share of total country population = 1 %

Qualitative assessment Is the information you have provided on communication processes part of a national communication strategy addressing environmental issues? No

Performance indicator CONS-O-3 for Outcome 1.3

Operational Objective 1: Advocacy, awareness raising and education

Performance indicator CONS-O-3 for Outcome 1.3 Number of CSOs and science and technology institutions participating in the Convention processes.

Understanding of the indicator At the national level, the indicator measures the level of participation of civil society organizations (CSOs) and science and technology institutions (STIs) in DLDD-related programmes and projects. The indicator will outline whether the active involvement of these stakeholders in country-based initiatives increases over time and whether programmes/projects are valid tools for the engagement of, and receiving contributions from, CSOs and STIs at the field level. Other reporting entities will complement the information provided by affected country Parties by reporting on the involvement of CSOs and STIs at subregional, regional and global level; in particular, the secretariat and the GM will report on the involvement of CSOs and STIs at the institutional level.

Data needed The specification of the organizations involved in the programmes/projects as reported in the PPSs.

Data sources (indicative only) PPSs submitted to the UNCCD as part of the reporting exercise.

Check the glossary for ‘STIs’, ‘CSOs’, ‘PPS’, ‘Convention processes’

Overall target A steady growth in the participation of CSOs and science and technology institutions in the Convention processes is recorded along the implementation period of The Strategy.

In the PPSs you have specified the number of CSOs and the number of STIs involved in each programme/project. Add these numbers and give the totals by year in the table below. Number of CSOs involved in DLDD-related Number of STIs involved in DLDD-related Year programmes/projects programmes/projects

2008 49 51

2009 102 52



2012 2013






Question marked as 'No answer'.

Sources of information Programme and project sheets (PPSs) submitted to UNCCD No answer required

National contribution to the target At the time of reporting, is your government undertaking concrete initiatives to increase the participation of CSOs and STIs in DLDD-related programmes and projects? No

Qualitative assessment Specify the reasons for the increasing and/or decreasing trend of the participation of CSOs and STIs to DLDD-related programmes/projects. (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance ) Not Very Important important important

Increased networking and collaboration opportunities

Increased access to information and to national and/or international financing opportunities

X Increased willingness of the government in working with CSOs X

Increased interest of donors in working with CSOs

Strengthened organizational, project management and fund-raising X X capacity of CSOs

X Increased funding opportunities requiring partnership with the STIs X

Strengthened organizational, project management and fund-raising capacity of the STIs


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Reasons for decreasing for CSOs Not Very Important important important

Costly participatory processes

Low organizational, fund-raising and project management capacity of CSOs Government policies and/or the legal environment do not foster the engagement of CSOs

Diminishing funding


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Reasons for decreasing for STIs Not Very Important important important

DLDD topics are not prioritized by national STIs

Low organizational, fund-raising and project management capacity of STIs

Decreased networking opportunities at national and international level

Diminishing funding


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Performance indicator CONS-O-4 for Outcome 1.3

Operational Objective 1: Advocacy, awareness raising and education

Performance indicator CONS-O-4 for Outcome 1.3 Number and type of DLDD-related initiatives of CSOs and science and technology institutions in the field of education.

Understanding of the indicator The indicator measures the number and type of DLDD-related initiatives undertaken by CSOs and STIs in the education sector at the national level. The assumption is that the higher the number of DLDD-related education initiatives undertaken by these stakeholders, the stronger their interest in addressing DLDD problems. A distinction is made between activities carried out in the formal education sector and in the non-formal education sector. This indicator focuses on “education” because “awareness” and “advocacy” are already measured through indicators CONS-O-1 and CONS-O-2, respectively. Other reporting entities will complement the information provided by affected country Parties by reporting on the involvement of CSOs and STIs at subregional, regional and global level.

Data needed Information on initiatives undertaken in the field of education that may be found in: written communications by CSOs and STIs to the NFP; contractual and/or programme/project-related documents; records of academic bodies and their curricula. Only initiatives in the field of education (formal and non-formal) directly relating to DLDD issues are to be considered.

Data sources (indicative only) CSOs and STIs operating in the country.

Check the glossary for ‘CSOs’, ‘STIs’, ‘NFP’, ‘Formal education’, ‘Non-formal education’.

Overall target A steady growth in the number of DLDD-related education initiatives undertaken by CSOs and science and technology institutions is recorded along the implementation period of The Strategy

Number of DLDD-related initiatives undertaken Number of DLDD-related Number of DLDD-related Number of Number of DLDD-related initiatives undertaken initiatives undertaken by DLDD-related initiatives initiatives undertaken by Year by CSOs formal CSOs non-formal undertaken by STIs STIs non-formal education education formal education education












Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Consulta a funcionarios. Attachments: none

National contribution to the target At the time of reporting, is your government undertaking concrete initiatives to increase the delivery of DLDD-related initiatives in the education sector by CSOs and STIs? No

Qualitative assessment Specify the reasons for the increasing and/or decreasing trend of DLDD-related education initiatives undertaken by CSOs and STIs. (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance) Not Very Important important important

X Increased access to funding X

Increased awareness of DLDD-related problems and of the need for X X action

Increased knowledge of DLDD-related topics and enhanced skills of X X trainers/teachers X Government policies are more supportive of education initiatives X

International donors are more supportive of education-focussed initiatives.


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Reasons for decreasing for CSOs Not Very Important important important

X Lack of financial resources X

Insufficient awareness and knowledge by national CSOs of X X DLDD-related issues

X Limited capillary presence of national CSOs at the grass-root level X


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Reasons for decreasing for STIs Not Very Important important important

X Lack of financial resources X

National STIs are more focussed on research activities than on X X education and training


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided Operational Objective 2: Policy framework

Performance indicator CONS-O-5 for Outcomes 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3

Operational Objective 2: Policy framework

Performance indicator CONS-O-5 for Outcomes 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 Number of affected country Parties, subregional and regional entities to have finalized the formulation/revision of NAPs/SRAPs/RAPs aligned to The Strategy, taking into account biophysical and socio-economic information, national planning and policies, and integration into investment frameworks.

Understanding of the indicator At the national level, the indicator measures the performance of affected country Parties in formulating or revising their NAPs in alignment with The Strategy. While providing information on this process, the indicator also outlines whether: (a) the analysis of DLDD drivers, barriers to possible solutions, and measures that may eventually overcome these barriers, has been carried out; (b) the alignment process has been supported by biophysical and socio-economic baseline information; (c) the action programmes have been included in integrated investment frameworks; and (d) the action programmes have been integrated with other existing national plans and policies. The indicator will inform on the extent to which Parties have responded to decision 3/COP.8, paragraph 45, and on the feasibility of assessing the progress of The Strategy over its implementation period (2008–2018). Subregional and regional reporting entities will complement the information provided by affected country Parties by reporting on formulation or revision of SRAPs and RAPs in alignment with The Strategy.

Data needed UNCCD NAP. Only a NAP formally approved by the relevant governmental authorities is to be considered as ‘finalized’. Other relevant planning documents.

Data sources (indicative only) UNCCD NFP.

Check the glossary for ‘Finalized’, ‘NAP’, ‘NFP’, ‘driver’, ‘barrier’, ‘integrated investment framework’, ‘baseline’

Overall target By 2014, at least 80 per cent of affected country Parties, subregional and regional entities have formulated/revised a NAP/SRAP/RAP aligned to The Strategy.

NAP Adoption and Revision Had your country already adopted a NAP prior to The Strategy? Yes

If yes, has your country revised the NAP in alignment with The Strategy? No

If you have revised the NAP in alignment with The Strategy, specify the date of its approval. No answer provided

If you have not revised the NAP in alignment with The Strategy, specify why the process was not initiated. (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance) Not important Important Very Important

X Not a priority for the government X

X Lack of capacities X

X Lack of financial resources X X Understaffing X

X Lack of time X

X Poor internal coordination among relevant ministries X


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

If your country had no NAP adopted prior to The Strategy, have you formulated an aligned NAP after The Strategy’s adoption in 2008? No answer provided

If yes, specify the date of its approval. No answer provided

If at the time of reporting you have not formulated a NAP aligned to The Strategy specify why the process was not initiated. (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance) Not important Important Very Important

Not a priority for the government

Lack of capacities

Lack of financial resources


Lack of time

Poor internal coordination among relevant ministries


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

The questions below apply only to those countries having a NAP aligned to The Strategy If you have a NAP, is it supported by biophysical and socio-economic baseline information? No answer provided

If you have a NAP, does it assess DLDD drivers? No answer provided

If you have a NAP, does it assess the barriers to sustainable land management? No answer provided

If yes, does the NAP include recommendations to remove these barriers? No answer provided

If you have a NAP, has it been included into an integrated investment framework? No answer provided

If you have a NAP, has it been integrated into national development planning and relevant sectoral and investment plans and policies? No answer provided

If yes, has the NAP been integrated into your country’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper? No answer provided Did you refer to the Guidelines on the alignment of action programmes with The Strategy as proposed in ICCD/COP(9)/2/Add.1 while developing or reviewing your action plan? No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. PAN – Perú 2006 Attachments: none

National contribution to the target If you do not have an approved NAP aligned to The Strategy at the time of reporting, when do you plan to have it developed and approved? 2014-15

Qualitative assessment Has the formulation and/or alignment of the NAP been supported by external assistance? No

If yes, did you receive assistance from one or more of the following institutions? (more than one box can be ticked) No answer provided

If yes, which type of assistance did you receive? No answer provided

Identify the major difficulties experienced in the formulation/alignment process (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Not Very Important important Important

X Not a priority for the government X

Poor availability of biophysical and socio- economic baseline X X information

X Existing investment frameworks are not fully compatible with the NAP X

Streamlining the NAP into existing plans and policies is too X X time-consuming


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Performance indicator CONS-O-7 for Outcome 2.5

Operational Objective 2: Policy framework

Performance indicator CONS-O-7 for Outcome 2.5 Number of initiatives for synergistic planning/programming of the three Rio Conventions or mechanisms for joint implementation, at all levels. Understanding of the indicator The indicator measures the existence of synergistic processes through the number of instruments (i.e. joint planning/programming and/or operational mechanisms) in place at the national level which foster the introduction of or strengthen the mutually reinforcing measures among the three Rio Conventions. The assumption is that the higher the number of enabling instruments in place, the higher the possibility of achieving synergies in implementation. This information will be complemented by the reporting of other reporting entities on synergistic processes at the subregional, regional and global level.

Data needed Planning/programming documents and legislative/regulatory documents. Only operational mechanisms which have the achievement of joint implementation, synergies, convergence, and the introduction or strengthening of reinforcing measures among the Rio Conventions clearly stated in their objectives shall be considered under this indicator.

Data sources (indicative only) Relevant national ministries.

Check the glossary for “Joint planning/programming initiatives”, “Operational mechanisms for joint implementation or mutual reinforcement”

For an indicative list of activities by Parties to promote synergies among the Rio Conventions, refer to target='_blank'>UNEP/CBD /COP/DC/IX/16, Annex II

Overall target By 2014, each affected country Party has either one joint national plan in place or functional mechanism(s) to ensure synergies among the three Rio Conventions

Are you implementing joint planning/programming initiatives for the three Rio Conventions? Yes, but for only two of the Rio Conventions

If yes, specify the type of joint initiative(s) (tick as many boxes as necessary) Review of plans and policies to enhance cooperation Enhancement of the institutional and scientific capacity of relevant stakeholders as well as of their awareness

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Do operational mechanisms for joint implementation or mutual reinforcement exist in your country? Yes, but for only two of the Rio Conventions

If yes, specify the type of mechanism(s) (tick as many boxes as necessary) Carry out of periodic meetings between focal points and focal point teams Other

Other (specify) (max 30 words) Talleres de capacitación a tomadores de decisión en temas relacionados al Cambio Climático y la Lucha Contra la Desertificación

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Reglamento de Organización y Funciones del Ministerio del Ambiente del Perú. Attachments: none

National contribution to the target If your country is not implementing joint planning/programming or does not have operational mechanisms in place at the time of reporting, when do you plan to have something ensuring synergies in place? 2012-13

Qualitative assessment Has the establishment of synergistic processes for joint implementation of the Rio Conventions at national level been supported by the institutions of the Rio Conventions? No

If yes, by which Convention? (more than one box can be ticked) No answer provided

Identify the major difficulties experienced to establish synergistic planning/programming or mechanisms for joint implementation (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Not important Important Very Important

X Not a priority for the government X

X Lack of capacities X

X Lack of financial resources X

X Understaffing X

X Lack of time X

X Poor internal coordination among relevant ministries X


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided Operational Objective 3: Science, technology and knowledge

Performance indicator CONS-O-8 for Outcomes 3.1 and 3.2

Operational Objective 3: Science, technology and knowledge

Performance indicator CONS-O-8 for Outcomes 3.1 and 3.2 Number of affected country Parties, subregional and regional entities to have established and supported a national/subregional /regional monitoring system for DLDD.

Understanding of the indicator At the national level, the indicator measures the monitoring potential of the country by quantifying the number of monitoring systems established and supported. These monitoring systems may be specifically or partially (in the case of environmental monitoring systems) dedicated to UNCCD reporting. The indicator will inform on the extent to which it is realistic to expect more regular and coherent reporting by affected country Parties during the implementation of The Strategy and beyond. This information will be complemented by the reporting of other reporting entities on UNCCD-relevant monitoring systems established and supported at the subregional, regional and global level.

Data needed Information on monitoring systems established within the national Ministries or other bodies/institutions. Programmes/projects’ documents, fiches and summary sheets, programmes/projects’ interim or final reports. Only those monitoring systems storing all or most of the information needed for reporting to the UNCCD shall be considered.

Data sources (indicative only) Relevant national ministries, programme/project management units, other non-governmental initiatives.

Check the glossary for ‘monitoring system’, ‘vulnerability’

Overall target By 2018, at least 60 per cent of affected country Parties, subregional and regional reporting entities have established and supported national monitoring systems for DLDD

Is a monitoring system for DLDD established at the national level? No

If yes, specify whether this system is: Functional No answer provided

If yes, specify whether this system is: Regularly Updated No answer provided

If no DLDD-specific monitoring system is in place, is an environmental monitoring system partially covering DLDD established at the national level? Yes

List any monitoring system available at the sub- national level that can contribute to the UNCCD reporting (add as many rows as necessary). Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI). Alertas meteorológicas. Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI). Tiempo actual y pronósticos del tiempo. Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI). Monitoreo Agrometeorológico. Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI). Monitoreo Hidrológico. Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI). Vigilancia Hidrológica. Insituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE). Boletín alerta climática ERFEN (Estudio Regional del Fenómeno del Niño). Insituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE). Informes técnicos ENFEN (Estudio Nacional del Fenómeno del Niño) mensuales.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.senamhi.gob.pe/ (Consultada el 25 octubre 2010). http://www.imarpe.pe/imarpe/index.php (Consultada el 25 octubre 2010). Attachments: none

National contribution to the target If your country does not have a national monitoring system partially or totally dedicated to DLDD in place at the time of reporting, do you plan to initiate one? Yes

If yes, when? 2014-15

Qualitative assessment For those countries not having a national monitoring system totally or partially dedicated to DLDD, identify the major difficulties experienced in the establishment process (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Not Very Important important important

Financial constraints

X Lack of capacities X

X Human resources constraints X

Lack of coordination among relevant ministries and unclear attribution of X X responsibilities

X Lack of coordination among donor-led programme/project interventions X

Existing initiatives are too fragmented; cannot be realistically coordinated X X under one umbrella.

Existing national and/or sub-national monitoring systems use different X X methodologies and cannot be realistically harmonised


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

For those countries having a national monitoring system totally or partially dedicated to DLDD, how is the system maintained? (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance) Not important Important Very important

By means of national resources

By means of external support

No maintenance is possible due to limited professional capacities No maintenance is possible due to limited financial resources


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Performance indicator CONS-O-9 for Outcome 3.1 and 3.2

Operational Objective 3: Science, technology and knowledge

Performance indicator CONS-O-9 for Outcome 3.1 and 3.2 Number of affected country Parties, subregional and regional entities reporting to the Convention along revised reporting guidelines on the basis of agreed indicators

Understanding of the indicator The indicator measures the use of biophysical and socio-economic information at the national level in defining a commonly agreed core set of impact indicators for the UNCCD and in monitoring progress against these indicators using harmonized methodologies. The indicator will inform to what extent it is possible to compile a comparable and global assessment of UNCCD impact. Subregional and regional reporting entities will complement the information provided by affected country Parties by reporting on the use of impact indicators at the subregional and regional levels, if and when impact indicators for these levels will be commonly agreed upon by the Conference of the Parties.

Data needed Reports to the UNCCD by affected country Parties in 2012 and 2016. The information to report on this indicator will be compiled by affected country Parties every four years when reporting on the strategic objectives that require biophysical and socio-economic information (i.e. SO1, SO2 and SO3). Reporting on this indicator is due in 2012 and in 2016 only.

Data sources (indicative only) UNCCD NFP.

Check the glossary for ‘NFP’

Overall target By 2018, at least 90 per cent of affected country Parties, subregional and regional reporting entities report to the Convention in compliance with the new reporting guidelines.

Has your country reported on the two impact indicators considered by decision 13/COP.9 to be the minimum reporting requirement? No answer required for this indicator in the 2010 reporting cycle

Number of impact indicators for strategic objectives 1, 2 and 3 your country has reported on in 2012 and 2016 2012 No answer required for this indicator in the 2010 reporting cycle

2016 No answer required for this indicator in the 2010 reporting cycle

While reporting on impact indicators, did you refer to the reporting guidelines, i.e. using the common baselines and methodologies defined by the CST? No answer required for this indicator in the 2010 reporting cycle

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows information as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. No answer required for this indicator in the 2010 reporting cycle

National contribution to the target If in 2012 your country has not reported on some or all of the impact indicators for the UNCCD, when do you plan to do so? No answer required for this indicator in the 2010 reporting cycle

If in 2012 your country has not complied with the reporting guidelines, i.e. using the common baselines and methodologies defined by the CST, when do you plan to do so? No answer required for this indicator in the 2010 reporting cycle

Qualitative assessment Identify the major difficulties experienced in reporting against the impact indicators: No answer required for this indicator in the 2010 reporting cycle

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer required for this indicator in the 2010 reporting cycle

Performance indicator CONS-O-10 for Outcome 3.3 and 3.4

Operational Objective 3: Science, technology and knowledge

Performance indicator CONS-O-10 for Outcome 3.3 and 3.4 Number of revised NAPs/SRAPs/RAPs reflecting knowledge of DLDD drivers and their interactions, and of the interaction of DLDD with climate change and biodiversity.

Understanding of the indicator The indicator measures knowledge-transfer processes from the theoretical to the operational level. This is done through an assessment carried out by affected country Parties (self-assessment) of the levels of traditional and scientific knowledge reflected in their NAPs. The assumption is that NAPs based on sound scientific and traditional knowledge will propose more significant and effective strategies and activities for implementation at the national level, and will, ultimately, perform better than those NAPs that do not take into account available knowledge on DLDD and DLDD synergies. The indicator will inform to what extent UNCCD implementation is likely to achieve meaningful results. Subregional and regional reporting entities will complement the information provided by affected country Parties by reporting on the assessment of their SRAPs and RAPs.

Data needed NAP aligned to The Strategy. Scientific literature consulted for the development of the NAP.

Data sources (indicative only) UNCCD NFP.

Check the glossary for ‘NAP’, ‘NFP’, ‘driver’

Countries not having a NAP or not having aligned their NAP to The Strategy do not report on this indicator. The below questions are meant to guide the country’s self-assessment of its aligned NAP.

Overall target By 2018, at least 70 per cent of revised NAPs/SRAPs/RAPs have successfully gone through a quality self-assessment.

Countries not having a NAP or not having aligned their NAP to The Strategy do not report on this indicator. The below questions are meant to guide the country’s self-assessment of its aligned NAP. In your NAP, is the identification of biophysical and socio-economic drivers, and of their interaction, knowledge-based? Yes

If yes, specify upon which type of knowledge it is based (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Scientific literature Expert knowledge

If based on scientific literature, list the main reference literature consulted (add as many rows as needed). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Plan Nacional Agroforestal 1988-2000. ONERN 1982. Clasificación de las Tierras del Perú. ONERN 1982. Clasificación de las Tierras del Perú. SENAMHI 1977. Clasificación Climática del Perú. Dirección General de Aguas – Ministerio de Agricultura 1992. Estudio Básico Situacional de los Recursos Hídricos en el Perú. INRENA – DEF 1996. Guía explicativa del Mapa forestal. INEI 1993. Censos nacionales 1940 – 1993. CUANTO S.A. 1990. Anuario Estadístico. Perú en Números. Estudio del reconocimiento del uso del recurso hídrico por los diferentes sectores productivos en el Perú – 1995. Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo (Febrero, 1992).

In your NAP, is the analysis of the interaction between drought mitigation and restoration of degraded land and climate change mitigation/ adaptation or biodiversity conservation knowledge-based? Yes

If yes, specify upon which type of knowledge it is based (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Scientific literature Expert knowledge

If based on scientific literature, list the main reference literature consulted (add as many rows as needed). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. No answer provided

Is drought mitigation analyzed and/or reflected in some of the actions outlined in the NAP? No answer provided Attachments: none

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above:

UNCCD National Action Programme. No answer required

National contribution to the target If in your NAP, DLDD drivers, their interactions, and the interaction of DLDD with climate change and biodiversity, are not analyzed on the basis of relevant scientific, expert and/or traditional knowledge, such that the self-assessment process is not fully successful, when do you expect to adjust your NAP so that it can successfully go through the self-assessment? 2014-15 Qualitative assessment If your NAP has not been developed taking into account relevant scientific and/or traditional knowledge, identify the reasons (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Not Very Important important important

Relevant scientific literature is not available

Relevant traditional or expert knowledge is not available

Lack of financial resources to mobilise the necessary knowledge

Poor coordination among the relevant ministries prevented an internal pooling of knowledge/expertise

Relevant ministries could not contribute due to lack of time

Relevant ministries could not contribute due to lack of staff


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Performance indicator CONS-O-11 for Outcome 3.5

Operational Objective 3: Science, technology and knowledge

Performance indicator CONS-O-11 for Outcome 3.5 Type, number and users of DLDD-relevant knowledge-sharing systems at the global, regional, subregional and national levels described on the Convention website.

Understanding of the indicator The indicator measures the presence at the national level of DLDD-related knowledge-sharing processes, through the quantification of the type and number of existing knowledge-sharing systems. Effectiveness of these systems is measured through quantification of their user-base. The indicator will inform to what extent scientific and traditional knowledge, including best practices, are available to and sufficiently shared with end-users. This information will be complemented by the reporting of other reporting entities on existing UNCCD-relevant knowledge-sharing systems at the subregional, regional and global level.

Data needed Information from websites. Only DLDD-relevant knowledge-sharing systems and networks shall be considered.

Data sources (indicative only) Relevant organizations at the national level, relevant national ministries hosting knowledge-sharing systems and networks within their websites.

Check the glossary for ‘knowledge-sharing system’, ‘PRAIS’

List any DLDD-relevant 'knowledge-sharing system' at the country level you are aware of, providing an Internet link and estimated number of users per year (add as many rows as necessary) Name of the System Sistema Nacional de Información Ambiental (SINIA). Internet Link http://sinia.minam.gob.pe/ Estimated number of users per year 109500 Operational Objective 4: Capacity building

Performance indicator CONS-O-13 for Outcomes 4.1 and 4.2

Operational Objective 4: Capacity building

Performance indicator CONS-O-13 for Outcomes 4.1 and 4.2 Number of countries, subregional and regional reporting entities engaged in building capacity to combat DLDD on the basis of NCSA or other methodologies and instruments

Understanding of the indicator At the national level the indicator measures the presence of capacity-building processes through the quantification of existing major capacity-building initiatives. The indicator will inform to what extent affected country Parties may be expected to meet their obligations foreseen by the Convention, including forthcoming ones (i.e. new reporting requirements, establishment of environmental monitoring systems, accessing new financing mechanisms). This information will be complemented by the reporting of other reporting entities on existing UNCCD-related capacity-building initiatives at the subregional, regional and global level.

Data needed Information on DLDD-related capacity building initiatives. Only major capacity-building plans/programmes/projects mentioned in the PPSs are to be considered.

Data sources (indicative only) PPSs submitted to UNCCD as part of the reporting exercise Programmes/projects’ documents, fiches and summary sheets, interim or final reports of those programmes and projects identified through the PPSs as having DLDD-related capacity-building as a major objective.

Check the glossary for ‘NCSA’, ‘PPS’

Overall target By 2014, at least 90 per cent of affected country Parties, sub-regional and regional reporting entities implement DLDD specific capacity building plans or programs or projects.

Number of DLDD-related capacity building initiatives undertaken Identify, if any, relevant programmes and projects through the PPSs and check corresponding programmes/projects’ documents, fiches and summary sheets, and interim or final reports, to extract the information needed for completing the table below Year NCSA-generated Other initiatives

2008 0 0

2009 0 0







2016 2017


Has your country assessed DLDD-related capacity building needs at the national level? No

If yes, within the framework of which initiative? No answer provided

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

If yes, do you have assessed the necessary resources for addressing capacity building needs? No answer provided

Are these resource requirements included into an investment framework? No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Consulta a funcionarios. Attachments: none

National contribution to the target If at the time of reporting there are no DLDD-specific capacity building plans, programmes or projects implemented in your country, when do you plan to have something in place? 2014-15

Qualitative assessment Have you received assistance from one or more of the following institutions to build capacities to combat DLDD? (more than one box can be ticked) No answer provided

If yes, which type of assistance have you received? No answer provided Operational Objective 5: Financing and technology transfer

Performance indicator CONS-O-14 for Outcome 5.1

Operational Objective 5: Financing and technology transfer

Performance indicator CONS-O-14 for Outcome 5.1 Number of affected country Parties, subregional and regional entities whose investment frameworks, established within the IFS devised by the GM or within other integrated financing strategies, reflect leveraging national, bilateral and multilateral resources for combating desertification and land degradation.

Understanding of the indicator At the national level, the indicator measures the presence of integrated financing processes allowing the leverage of national, bilateral and multilateral resources for combating desertification and land degradation, through the quantification of investment frameworks developed by country Parties within the IFS devised by the GM or other integrated financing strategies promoted by diverse international institutions. This information will be complemented by the reporting of other reporting entities on the establishment of integrated investment frameworks at national, subregional and regional level.

Data needed Investment frameworks documents. Only investment frameworks prepared along the guidelines devised within integrated financing strategies shall be considered.

Data sources (indicative only) Relevant national ministries.

Check the glossary for ‘IFS’, ‘NAP’ ‘leveraging’, ‘integrated investment framework’

Overall target By 2014, at least 50 per cent of affected country Parties, subregional and regional entities have developed integrated investment frameworks.

Has your country developed an integrated investment framework? No

If yes, specify when it was developed. No answer provided

The questions below apply only to those countries which have an integrated investment framework. Is your integrated investment framework based on the NAP? No answer provided

If based on the NAP, who assisted in its development? No answer provided

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

If assisted, which type of assistance did you receive? No answer provided

If assisted by the GM, was it devised within the IFS? No answer provided

If your country has an integrated investment framework based on the NAP, is this framework concretely allowing the leverage of national, bilateral and multilateral resources for combating DLDD? No answer provided Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Consulta a funcionarios. Attachments: none

National contribution to the target If your country has not developed an integrated investment framework at the time of reporting, do you plan to do it? Yes

If yes, when? 2014-15

Qualitative assessment Identify the major difficulties experienced in developing an integrated investment framework (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Not Very Important important Important

X Financial constraints X

X Human resources constraints X

Lack of coordination among relevant ministries and unclear attribution of X X responsibilities

X Lack of coordination among those providing support X

National, bilateral and multilateral resources are too diverse; cannot be X X realistically coordinated under one umbrella.


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Performance indicator CONS-O-16 for Outcome 5.2

Operational Objective 5: Financing and technology transfer

Performance indicator CONS-O-16 for Outcome 5.2 Degree of adequacy, timeliness and predictability of financial resources made available by developed country Parties to combat DLDD.

Understanding of the indicator This is a qualitative indicator requiring the perception-based assessment by developing affected country Parties of the adequacy, timeliness and predictability of bilateral contributions received from developed country Parties for the implementation of the Convention. “Adequate”, “timely” and “predictable” resources are frequently referred to in The Strategy as being necessary to ensure proper planning and effective implementation. Subregional and regional reporting entities will complement the information provided by affected country Parties by reporting on their perception-based assessments.

Data needed - Data sources (indicative only) -

Check the glossary for -

Only affected country Parties entitled to receive assistance under the UNCCD are requested to report on this indicator.

Overall target No target has been set for this indicator

How would you rate the bilateral assistance received within the framework of UNCCD for the implementation of The Strategy and of the Convention? Adequacy of bilateral assistance Not adequate

Timeliness of bilateral assistance Not timely

Predictability of bilateral assistance Not predictable

Provide narrative justification on your above rating (max 100 words) No answer provided

Qualitative assessment Did you receive assistance in raising resources from bilateral donors? No

If yes, from whom? (more than one box can be ticked) No answer provided

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Has the level of adequacy, timeliness and predictability of bilateral assistance constrained your country’s performance in planning and implementation with respect to UNCCD? Yes

Performance indicator CONS-O-17 for Outcome 5.3

Operational Objective 5: Financing and technology transfer

Performance indicator CONS-O-17 for Outcome 5.3 Number of DLDD-related project proposals successfully submitted for financing to international financial institutions, facilities and funds, including the GEF.

Understanding of the indicator The indicator measures the capacity of fund-raising at the national level, through the quantification of project proposals successfully submitted for funding to the various financing organizations. The indicator will inform to what extent affected country Parties make increasing efforts to mobilize resources. This information will be complemented by the reporting of other reporting entities on the fund-raising efforts at national, subregional and regional level.

Data needed Information contained in the PPSs and SFAs submitted to UNCCD.

Data sources (indicative only) PPSs and SFAs submitted to UNCCD as part of the reporting exercise. The PPS requires specification of the project ‘status’ thus it allows the identification of relevant projects to be considered by this indicator and the monitoring of their approval status. The SFA requires the specification of amounts committed to approved projects.

Check the glossary for ‘PPS’, ‘SFA’, ‘Project proposals’, ‘currency’, ‘Successfully submitted proposals’

Overall target A steady growth in the number of DLDD-related successfully submitted project proposals is recorded along the implementation period of The Strategy.

Number of project proposals submitted (pipeline) and ongoing, by biennium Biennium submitted (pipeline) ongoing

2008-2009 2 23





Amount of funds raised, by biennium You can find the amount of funds raised for the ongoing projects in the corresponding SFAs. Sum these amounts and give the total in the below table. Biennium Total amount

2008-2009 USD225711329





Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above: Programme and Project Sheets and Standard Financial Annexes No answer required

National contribution to the target According to the information provided above, do you think that you are mobilizing enough resources from international financial institutions, facilities and funds through successfully submitted project proposals? No

If no, do you plan to increase the country’s efforts in presenting project proposals to international financial institutions, facilities and funds? Yes

Qualitative assessment Identify the reasons for the increasing or decreasing trend of project proposals successfully submitted to international financial institutions, facilities and funds (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Reasons for increasing Not Very Important important Important

X Easier and more transparent application procedures X

X Increased capacities of national stakeholders to prepare applications X

Major natural hazards occurred at the national level considerably X increased the level of resources made available by the international X community

Access to funding is increasingly facilitated by third parties such as the X X private sector

X Existence of a financing strategy (IFS or others) X


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Reasons for decreasing Not Very Important important Important

Financing opportunities are not publicised enough, lack of access to X X necessary information

Complicated application procedures, the level of complexity being X X worsened by the different requirements of the various donors

Limited financial resources are made available for DLDD-related X programmes/projects, and lack of DLDD-specific allocations within donors’ X portfolio.


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Performance indicator CONS-O-18 for Outcome 5.5

Operational Objective 5: Financing and technology transfer

Performance indicator CONS-O-18 for Outcome 5.5 Amount of financial resources and type of incentives which have enabled access to technology by affected country Parties.

Understanding of the indicator The indicator measures whether access to technology is facilitated by means of financial resources or economic and policy incentives. The indicator will inform to what extent an enabling environment for technology transfer has been created at the national level and whether sufficient resources are dedicated to technology transfer. Subregional and regional reporting entities will complement the information provided by affected country Parties by reporting on financial resources and type of incentives which have enabled access to technology at the subregional and regional level.

Data needed Budgets of relevant programmes and projects Information on policy/regulatory, financial and fiscal incentives. Incentives facilitating access to technology shall be those established and implemented at the national level, not necessarily within the framework of DLDD-related cooperation.

Data sources (indicative only) Financial documents of programmes and projects submitted as PPSs to the UNCCD as part of the reporting exercise.

National policy, regulatory and economic/financial documents. Check the glossary for ‘technical support’, ‘incentive’, ‘PPS’

Check the programmes and projects financial documents (budgets) and extract amounts allocated to: (1) technical support – material aid (equipment, hardware and software, machineries, etc); and (2) technical support – knowledge aid (technical assistance and advisory services). Add these amounts to provide totals in the table below.

Refer to the programmes and projects submitted as PPSs to the UNCCD and their relating budgets

Overall targets A steady growth in the financial resources allocated to facilitate access to technology by affected country Parties is recorded along the implementation period of The Strategy. A steady growth in the number of economic and policy incentives reported upon is recorded along the implementation period of The Strategy.

Estimate of amounts allocated to facilitate technology transfer Check the programmes and projects financial documents (budgets) and extract amounts allocated to: (1) technical support – material aid (equipment, hardware and software, machineries, etc); and (2) technical support – knowledge aid (technical assistance and advisory services). Add these amounts to provide totals in the table below.

Refer to the programmes and projects submitted as PPSs to the UNCCD and their relating budgets Year Technical support – material aid Technical support – knowledge aid

2008 USD2310727 USD704214

2009 5793263 USD 5498912 USD










Has your country established incentives intended to facilitate access to technology? Yes

If yes, specify which types of incentives (more than one box can be ticked) Financial incentives (for example, preferential rates, State aid, subsidies, cash grants, loan guarantees, etc) Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Documentación empleada para el llenado de las plantillas de Programas y Proyectos y para el Anexo Financiero Estándar. Attachments: none

National contribution to the target According to the information provided above, do you think that enough resources are allocated through DLDD-related programmes and projects to facilitate access to technology by your country? No

If your country has no incentives in place or if existing incentives to facilitate the creation of an enabling environment for technology transfer do not prove to be effective, are you planning to enforce additional measures? Yes

If yes, when? 2014-15

Qualitative assessment If existing incentives do not prove to be effective, identify possible reasons (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Not Very Important important Important

X Policy or regulatory incentives are not enforced X

X There are not enough resources to apply financial or fiscal incentives X

The national financial and credit systems (banks, credit agencies, etc) X X are not supportive


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Identify the reasons for the increasing or decreasing trend of financial resources allocated through DLDD-related programmes and projects to facilitate access to technology (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance).

Reasons for increasing Not important Important Very Important

X Access facilitated by the spreading of IT X

X More appropriate technologies available X

X Appropriateness of government incentives X


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Reasons for decreasing Not Very Important important Important

Technology sustainability is poor; technologies do not represent viable X X investments

Lack of fixed infrastructure for accessing technologies (those created on X X an ad hoc basis disappear once the support ends)

X Lack of capacities for operation and maintenance of technologies X

X Lack of enabling policy and regulatory environments X


Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided Standard Financial Annex

D. Standard Financial Annex

The CRIC has recommended that financial reporting be based on a standard financial reporting format to be used by affected country Parties and their development partners. It also indicated that emphasis in reports should be put on financial matters and also on an analysis of the impact of the activities undertaken (ICCD/CRIC(8)/5).

The purpose of the Standard Financial Annex (SFA) is to consolidate information on resources mobilized by affected country Parties and their development partners under the framework of relevant strategies and action programmes. It facilitates the aggregation of data on financial commitments, financial flows and resources available by all relevant funding sources for activities related to the implementation of the Convention. It also helps minimize double counting in financial statistics (ICCD/CRIC(8)/5/Add.4).

The SFA is to be used by each country Party and other reporting entities to list all financial commitments they have made during the reporting period in support of institutions, programmes, projects, as well as other relevant initiatives undertaken at national or international level for the implementation of the Convention.

More specifically, for each relevant financial commitment or allocation made in the reporting period, the SFA requires a minimum set of data grouped as follows:

Identification, i.e. data required to identify the reporting entity, the funding source and the activity financed;

Basic data, i.e. data specifying the amount and type of financial commitment made, as well as the recipient country, region, and/or organization, and the funding period, if applicable;

(c) Classification, i.e. categorization of the funded activity according to the Rio Markers for desertification, and the UNCCD Relevant Activity Codes (RACs).

The compilation of the SFA is guided by means of a template, which responds to the recommendations of CRIC 7, and builds on the GM methodological guide for financial reporting presented to CRIC 6 as part of the report of the intergovernmental Ad Hoc Working Group to improve the procedures for communication of information. Within the template, shaded areas contain information and explanatory texts, while white areas are for reporting purposes and need to be filled in by the reporting entities with relevant data or narrative information.

Decision 13/COP.9, paragraph 8, invites country Parties and other reporting entities to refer to common terminology and definitions. Therefore, these guidelines should be read in conjunction with the comprehensive glossary presented in a separate document.

Financial Commitment #1 — Programa "Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño"

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other No answer provided

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Programa "Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño"

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI)

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals No answer provided

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 3.2.6 Land Conservation

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. PLAN DE ACCIÓN ESTRATÉGICO DEL PROGRAMA ESTUDIO REGIONAL DEL FENÓMENO EL NIÑO. PERÍODO: 2006-2010. Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño (ERFEN) en: http://www.cpps-int.org/index.php/el-nino- y-la-oscilacion-del-sur/erfen.html. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #2 — Proyecto: Uso de las Tecnologías Espaciales para la Evalua ción de Desastres Naturales en la Agricultura - UTEEDA.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Centro de investigación en zonas Aridas (CIZA - UNALM).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (CYTED).

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto: Uso de las Tecnologías Espaciales para la Evaluación de Desastres Naturales en la Agricultura - UTEEDA.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Centro de investigación en zonas Aridas (CIZA - UNALM).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Centro de investigación en zonas Aridas (CIZA - UNALM).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 4000 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Grant

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 15/06/2006

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 47

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 1.2.3 Science and Technology

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://uteeda.isch.edu.cu/. Visitada el 5 octubre 2010. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #3 — Gestión Participativa de Áreas Naturales Protegidas - GPAN

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Fondo Nacional para Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado (PROFONANPE)

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (FMAM)

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Gestión Participativa de Áreas Naturales Protegidas - GPAN

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) (GPAN) Donación TF Nº 051285

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Fondo Nacional para Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado (PROFONANPE)

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Fondo Nacional para Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado - PROFONANPE

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 14800000 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Grant

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/04/2003

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 84

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 3.2.2 Biodiversity Conservation

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. www.profonanpe.org.pe/gpan/gestionproyecto.html Informe Semestral. Julio-Diciembre del 2008 Attachments: none Financial Commitment #4 — Proyecto: Asistencia técnica y capacitación en proceso téc nico - productivo, procesamiento y comercialización de la algarroba, miel de abeja y carne de ovino/caprino en 23 localidades del bosque seco en la Regiòn Piura~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional de Piura

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto: Asistencia técnica y capacitación en proceso técnico - productivo, procesamiento y comercialización de la algarroba, miel de abeja y carne de ovino/caprino en 23 localidades del bosque seco en la Regiòn Piura

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) CÓDIGO SNIP Nº 30715

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 19/12/2006

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 596377 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Sectoral Budget Support

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 15/10/2010

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 24

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 3.1.5 Production Support 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. Página web: www.regionpiura.gob.pe, consultada el 9 de agosto de 2010 Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente www.ofi.mef.gob.pe/WebPortal /GRInversionDetalle.aspx?plie=GOBIERNO%20REGIONAL%20PIURA$c=122.098d=12.96&p=10.60 Consultado el 12 de setiembre de 2010 Gobierno Regional de Piura Attachments: none Financial Commitment #5 — Proyecto: Desarrollo de Capacidades para el Ordenamiento Territorial en el Departamento de Piura.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional de Piura - Recursos ordinarios.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto: Desarrollo de Capacidades para el Ordenamiento Territorial en el Departamento de Piura.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) CÓDIGO SNIP N° 43899

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus No answer provided

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 33714 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 3.2.8 Sustainable Land Management 2.1.1 Public Awareness Campaigns 2.1.2 Publications and communication material 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 1.1 Monitoring

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #6 — Proyecto: Desarrollo de Capacidades para el Ordenamiento Territorial en el Departamento de Piura.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional de Piura - Recursos ordinarios.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto: Desarrollo de Capacidades para el Ordenamiento Territorial en el Departamento de Piura.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) CÓDIGO SNIP N° 43899

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 15/03/2007

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 538286 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Sectoral Budget Support

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 36

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 3.2.8 Sustainable Land Management 2.1.1 Public Awareness Campaigns 2.1.2 Publications and communication material 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 1.1 Monitoring

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. Página web: www.regionpiura.gob.pe, consultada el 9 de agosto de 2010. Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 43899. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://ofi.mef.gob.pe/bp/ConsultarPIP /frmConsultarPIP.asp?accion=consultar (revisada el 25 de setiembre 2010). Attachments: none Financial Commitment #7 — Proyecto Conservación Participativa de la Biodiversidad de l Bosque Seco de la Costa Norte del Perú: Convenio para atender tres áreas prioritarias de conservación del bosque seco de Piura.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Fondo Nacional para Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado (PROFONANPE)

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto Conservación Participativa de la Biodiversidad del Bosque Seco de la Costa Norte del Perú: Convenio para atender tres áreas prioritarias de conservación del bosque seco de Piura.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) PROYECTO 2007 - 2010444

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 851810 euro

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 31/12/2010

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 36

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. Página web: www.regionpiura.gob.pe, consultada el 9 de agosto de 2010. Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. Enlace Nacional. Lima, 29 de setiembre de 2008. Vídeo y archivo: Promueven conservación de áreas naturales y biodiversidad en Piura.pdf. Consultada en Página web: enlacenacional.com, el 12 de agosto de 2010. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #8 — Programa Regional de Manejo Sostenible de los Bosques Secos (NORBOSQUE PIURA).

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Programa Regional de Manejo Sostenible de los Bosques Secos (NORBOSQUE PIURA).

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 563169 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, General Budget Support

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 4.1.2 Drought mitigation 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 3.1.5 Production Support

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Piura. Página web: www.regionpiura.gob.pe, consultada el 9 de agosto de 2010. Gobierno Regional de Piura. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #9 — Programa: Mejoramiento Sostenible de los Bosques Secos de la Costa Norte.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Junta de Coordinación Interregional del Norte y Oriente – INTERNOR / Eje Estratégico NORBOSQUE.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Sin determinar.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Programa: Mejoramiento Sostenible de los Bosques Secos de la Costa Norte.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Junta de Coordinación Interregional del Norte y Oriente – INTERNOR / Eje Estratégico NORBOSQUE.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Junta de Coordinación Interregional del Norte y Oriente – INTERNOR / Eje Estratégico NORBOSQUE.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 1754385 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 1.2.2 Bio-physical Research and Science 4.1.2 Drought mitigation 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 3.1.5 Production Support

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Junta de Coordinación Interregional del Norte y Oriente – INTERNOR. Página web: http://www.internor.org.pe/plantillas/interna_soltegin_0.asp?ARE=2&PFL=0&CAT=121&SUB=79& SSC=179. Consultada el 9 de agosto de 2010. Gobierno Regional de Piura. Archivo: conservación_norbosque.pps Attachments: none Financial Commitment #10 — Proyecto Manejo integrado del recurso agua a través de la implementación del desarrollo de conceptos de agro-forestería en áreas áridas y semi-áridas en América Latina. Caso Perú - WAFLA.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Centro de Investigación en Zonas Aridas (CIZA-UNALM).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other European Commission - EC.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto Manejo integrado del recurso agua a través de la implementación del desarrollo de conceptos de agro-forestería en áreas áridas y semi-áridas en América Latina. Caso Perú - WAFLA.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) INCO – 2006 - 032443

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Centro de investigaciones de Zonas Aridas – CIZA UNALM.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Centro de investigaciones de Zonas Aridas – CIZA UNALM.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 70820 euro

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Grant

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 30/11/2009

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 31/03/2009

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 30

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 1.1.5 Reporting 2.1.1 Public Awareness Campaigns 2.2.3 Drivers and Incentives 1.2.3 Science and Technology 1.2.1 Traditional Knowledge and Best Practices 3.1.2 Forestry 2.2.7 Mainstreaming

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. WAFLA technical annex Attachments: none Financial Commitment #11 — Proyecto A/R MDL Reforestación, Producción Sostenible y Secuestro de Carbono en los Bosques Secos de Ignacio Távara, PIura, Perú.~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other AIDER – Asociación para la investigación y el desarrollo integral.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Fondo Nacional del Ambiente - Perú (FONAM).

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto A/R MDL Reforestación, Producción Sostenible y Secuestro de Carbono en los Bosques Secos de Ignacio Távara, PIura, Perú.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Asociación para la investigación y el desarrollo integral (AIDER).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity No answer provided

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 11/06/2007

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals No answer provided

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Experiencias en la Validación de Proyectos Forestales: Caso Ignacio Távara. Daniella Diez Canseco Ortiz de Zevallos. 2009. Experiencia de implementación de acciones de lucha contra la desertificación y sequía (LCDS) en la región Piura. Augusto Zegarra Peralta. Experiencia de implementación de acciones de lucha contra la desertificación y sequía (LCDS) en la región Piura. Augusto Zegarra Peralta. http://aider.com.pe/home/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=57&Itemid=101 Attachments: none Financial Commitment #12 — Proyecto “Fortalecimiento de la Gestión Integral de la Cu enca Binacional Catamayo Chira”.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Plan Binacional de Desarrollo de la Región Fronteriza Perú - .

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECID Perú).

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto “Fortalecimiento de la Gestión Integral de la Cuenca Binacional Catamayo Chira”.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Plan Binacional de Desarrollo de la Región Fronteriza Perú - Ecuador.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Plan Binacional de Desarrollo de la Región Fronteriza Perú - Ecuador.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 2000000 euro Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Grant

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 31/12/2010

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 36

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 2.2.2 Community Development 2.1.3 Consultative platforms 2.2.12 Social Development

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Documento del Proyecto – PRODOC. Plan de Ordenamiento Manejo y Desarrollo de la Cuenca Transfronteriza de la Cuenca Catamayo Chira. Planes Operativos Anuales 2009 y 2010. Informe de Gestión semestrales 2009 I , 2009 II y 2010 I. Gobierno Regional de Piura: www.regionpiura.gob.pe. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 91922. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://ofi.mef.gob.pe/bp/ConsultarPIP /frmConsultarPIP.asp?accion=consultar&txtCodigo=91922 (revisada el 15 de setiembre 2010). AECID. 2010. PROGRAMA DE COOPERACIÓN HISPANO PERUANO 2007 - 2010. Ficha Técnica del Proyecto 2008: Gestión Integral de la Cuenca Binacional Catamayo-Chira. Disponible en el sitio web, URL: http://www.aeci.org.pe/proyectos/index.php?idProy=15&accionExt=proyectCard. Revisada el 15 de setiembre de 2010 Attachments: none Financial Commitment #13 — Proyecto “Fortalecimiento de la Gestión Integral de la Cu enca Binacional Catamayo Chira”.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Plan Binacional de Desarrollo de la Región Fronteriza Perú - Ecuador.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno del Perú.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto “Fortalecimiento de la Gestión Integral de la Cuenca Binacional Catamayo Chira”.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Plan Binacional de Desarrollo de la Región Fronteriza Perú – Ecuador.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Plan Binacional de Desarrollo de la Región Fronteriza Perú – Ecuador.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 22/09/2008

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 1460726 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Sectoral Budget Support

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/10/2010

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 31/12/2011

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 36

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 2.2.2 Community Development 2.1.3 Consultative platforms 2.2.12 Social Development

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Documento del Proyecto – PRODOC. Plan de Ordenamiento Manejo y Desarrollo de la Cuenca Transfronteriza de la Cuenca Catamayo Chira. Planes Operativos Anuales 2009 y 2010. Informe de Gestión semestrales 2009 I , 2009 II y 2010 I. Gobierno Regional de Piura: www.regionpiura.gob.pe. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 91922. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://ofi.mef.gob.pe/bp/ConsultarPIP /frmConsultarPIP.asp?accion=consultar&txtCodigo=91922 (revisada el 15 de setiembre 2010). AECID. 2010. PROGRAMA DE COOPERACIÓN HISPANO PERUANO 2007 - 2010. Ficha Técnica del Proyecto 2008: Gestión Integral de la Cuenca Binacional Catamayo-Chira. Disponible en el sitio web, URL: http://www.aeci.org.pe/proyectos/index.php?idProy=15&accionExt=proyectCard (revisada el 15 de setiembre de 2010 Attachments: none Financial Commitment #14 — Proyecto “Manejo de recursos naturales para el alivio de la pobreza en la Sierra (III) - JBIC.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Banco de Cooperación Internacional del Japón-JBIC.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto “Manejo de recursos naturales para el alivio de la pobreza en la Sierra (III) - JBIC.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Convenio de Préstamo N° PE-P27

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 04/09/2000

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 49233480 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Direct loan / Guarantees

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 19/10/2001

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 25/10/2009

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 97

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 3.1 Production Systems 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 1 Monitoring and Research

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Reseña del convenio de préstamo PE-P27. Informe de término del proyecto “manejo de recursos naturales para el alivio de la pobreza en la sierra” convenio de préstamo JBIC PE-p27. abril 2010. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #15 — Fortalecimiento de mercados, diversificación de ingresos y mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida en la Sierra Sur - PDSS.~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola – FIDA.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Fortalecimiento de mercados, diversificación de ingresos y mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida en la Sierra Sur - PDSS.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) I-602-PE (FIDA); 3502

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals No answer provided

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Direct loan / Guarantees

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 3.2.6 Land Conservation 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 1.2.1 Traditional Knowledge and Best Practices

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Proyecto fortalecimiento de mercados, diversificación de los ingresos y mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida en la Sierra Sur. Informe anual - 2008. Chivay, Marzo 2009. Proyecto fortalecimiento de mercados, diversificación de los ingresos y mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida en la Sierra Sur. Informe Anual 2009. Chivay, Enero 2010. http://operations.ifad.org/web/ifad/operations/country/projects/tags/peru. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #16 — Programa de apoyo a las Alianzas rurales Productivas de l a sierra - Aliados.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Banco Mundial (IBRD).

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Programa de apoyo a las Alianzas rurales Productivas de la sierra - Aliados.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) P079165

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 24/07/2007

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 20000000 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 2.2.2 Community Development

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/BANCOMUNDIAL/PROJECTSSPA /0,,contentMDK:21360499~menuPK:2804989~pagePK:41367~piPK:279616~theSitePK:2748767,00.html http://www.agrorural.gob.pe/index.php/programas/marenass/proyecto-aliados.html Programa de apoyo a las alianzas rurales productivas de las sierra - Aliados. INFORME MEMORIA ANUAL 2009. presentación y aprobación del reporte al IV Trimestre del Poa 2008 del Programa ALIADOS. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #17 — Programa de apoyo a las Alianzas rurales Productivas de l a sierra - Aliados.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Banco Mundial (IBRD).

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Programa de apoyo a las Alianzas rurales Productivas de la sierra - Aliados.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) P079165

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 7828865 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 2.2.2 Community Development

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/BANCOMUNDIAL/PROJECTSSPA /0,,contentMDK:21360499~menuPK:2804989~pagePK:41367~piPK:279616~theSitePK:2748767,00.html. http://www.agrorural.gob.pe/index.php/programas/marenass/proyecto-aliados.html. Programa de apoyo a las alianzas rurales productivas de las sierra - Aliados. Informe Memoria Anual 2009. Presentación y aprobación del reporte al IV Trimestre del poa 2008 del Programa ALIADOS. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #18 — Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte.~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobiernos Regionales y Locales.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 1600000 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Sectoral Budget Support

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/09/2010

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 30/08/2014

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 48

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 3.2.8 Sustainable Land Management 2.2.9 Project Development 3.2.6 Land Conservation 3.2.1 Air and Climate Protection

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. No answer provided Attachments: none Financial Commitment #19 — Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte.~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other FIDA.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) I-744-PE

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 23/02/2009

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 21700000 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Direct loan / Guarantees

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/09/2010

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 30/08/2014

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 48

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 3.2.8 Sustainable Land Management 2.2.9 Project Development 3.2.6 Land Conservation 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.agrorural.gob.pe/index.php/programas/marenass/proyecto-sierra-norte.html Informe del POA 2009. http://operations.ifad.org/web/ifad/operations/country/projects/tags/peru. http://www.agrorural.gob.pe/index.php/difusion/noticias/697-proyecto-sierra-norte-beneficiara-a-mas- 122-mil-familias-campesinas.html. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #20 — Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte.~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno Central.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 3400000 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Sectoral Budget Support

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/09/2010

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 30/08/2014

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 48

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 3.2.8 Sustainable Land Management 2.2.9 Project Development 3.2.6 Land Conservation 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.agrorural.gob.pe/index.php/programas/marenass/proyecto-sierra-norte.html. http://www.agrorural.gob.pe/index.php/difusion/noticias/697-proyecto-sierra-norte-beneficiara-a-mas- 122-mil-familias-campesinas.html. http://operations.ifad.org/web/ifad/operations/country/projects/tags/peru. Informe del POA 2009. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #21 — Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte,~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Sector privado (ONG).

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte,

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 1000000 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Grant

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 3.2.8 Sustainable Land Management 2.2.9 Project Development 3.2.6 Land Conservation 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.agrorural.gob.pe/index.php/programas/marenass/proyecto-sierra-norte.html. http://www.agrorural.gob.pe/index.php/difusion/noticias/697-proyecto-sierra-norte-beneficiara-a-mas- 122-mil-familias-campesinas.html. http://operations.ifad.org/web/ifad/operations/country/projects/tags/peru. Informe del POA 2009. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #22 — Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte.~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Comunidades y organizaciones campesinas.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 1200000 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Grant

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 3.2.8 Sustainable Land Management 2.2.9 Project Development 3.2.6 Land Conservation 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.agrorural.gob.pe/index.php/programas/marenass/proyecto-sierra-norte.html http://www.agrorural.gob.pe/index.php/difusion/noticias/697-proyecto-sierra-norte-beneficiara-a-mas- 122-mil-familias-campesinas.html http://operations.ifad.org/web/ifad/operations/country/projects/tags/peru Informe del POA 2009. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #23 — Proyecto MASAL - Gestión Concertada de los Recursos Naturales en Municipalidades Rurales Fase III.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas - MASAL.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación (COSUDE).

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto MASAL - Gestión Concertada de los Recursos Naturales en Municipalidades Rurales Fase III.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas (MASAL).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas - MASAL.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 1731538 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.sierrasur.gob.pe/inicio/ Informe Aunual 2008. Informe Anual 2009. PAO 2009. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #24 — Proyecto Especial de Desarrollo de Capacidades de la Fami lia Rural denominado “Mi Chacra Productiva”.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Fondo de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Social (FONCODES).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other El Estado Peruano (Recursos Ordinarios).

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto Especial de Desarrollo de Capacidades de la Familia Rural denominado “Mi Chacra Productiva”.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Fondo de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Social (FONCODES).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Fondo de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Social (FONCODES).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 15/05/2009

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 3508772 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Sectoral Budget Support

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/01/2009

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 01/10/2009

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 10

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 2.2.2 Community Development 1 Monitoring and Research

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.foncodes.gob.pe/mchacraprod.htm. http://www.foncodes.gob.pe/documentos/Nuevo_2010/chacra/ANEXO_Nro1-LINEAMIENTOS.pdf Documento Anexo 1. Lineamientos Operativos del Proyecto Especial de Desarrollo de Capacidades de la Familia Rural, denominado "Mi Chacra Productiva". Attachments: none Financial Commitment #25 — Tercera Etapa del Programa de Apoyo a las Operaciones del Fondo Nacional de Compensación y Desarrollo Social (FONCODES III) PROGRAMA FONCODES BID III Nº 1421/OC-PE.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Fondo de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Social (FONCODES).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID).

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Tercera Etapa del Programa de Apoyo a las Operaciones del Fondo Nacional de Compensación y Desarrollo Social (FONCODES III) PROGRAMA FONCODES BID III Nº 1421/OC-PE.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Contrato de préstamo Nº 1421/OCPE (Número del Proyecto PE0193)

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Fondo de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Social (FONCODES).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Fondo de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Social (FONCODES).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 11/09/2002

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 150000000 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Direct loan / Guarantees

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 05/03/2002

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 30/11/2011

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 86

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 2.2.11 Services and Infrastructure 1.1.4 Financial Tracking

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.iadb.org/projects/project.cfm?id=PE0193 ˛˛˛=es Informe de Terminación de Proyecto (bajado del BID). Propuesta de préstamo. tercera etapa del programa de apoyo a las operaciones del Fondo Nacional de Compensación y Desarrollo Social (FONCODES III) (PE-0193). Attachments: none Financial Commitment #26 — Tercera Etapa del Programa de Apoyo a las Operaciones del Fondo Nacional de Compensación y Desarrollo Social (FONCODES III) PROGRAMA FONCODES BID III Nº 1421/OC-PE

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Fondo de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Social (FONCODES).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno del Perú.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Tercera Etapa del Programa de Apoyo a las Operaciones del Fondo Nacional de Compensación y Desarrollo Social (FONCODES III) PROGRAMA FONCODES BID III Nº 1421/OC-PE

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) CODIGO SNIP.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Fondo de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Social (FONCODES).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Fondo de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Social (FONCODES).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 37500000 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Sectoral Budget Support

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 05/03/2002

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 30/11/2009

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 86

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 2.2.11 Services and Infrastructure 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 1.1.4 Financial Tracking

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.iadb.org/projects/project.cfm?id=PE0193 ˛˛˛=es Informe de Terminación de Proyecto (bajado del BID). Propuesta de préstamo. tercera etapa del programa de apoyo a las operaciones del Fondo Nacional de Compensación y Desarrollo Social (FONCODES III) (PE-0193). Attachments: none Financial Commitment #27 — Proyecto: Forestación y Reforestación de la Cuenca del Rí o Pachachaca, Apurímac.~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno del Perú.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto: Forestación y Reforestación de la Cuenca del Río Pachachaca, Apurímac.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) CÓDIGO SNIP N° 28184, Número Gobierno Regional: 2030140

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 06/06/2010

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 343860 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Sectoral Budget Support

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/03/2006

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 31/12/2008

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 34

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 2.2.9 Project Development 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 3.2.3 Forest/Scrub Management

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. 2008. Informe de gestión 2007: resumen ejecutivo. Abancay. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 28184. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://ofi.mef.gob.pe/bp/ConsultarPIP /frmConsultarPIP.asp?accion=consultar&txtCodigo=28184. Consultado el 18 de setiembre de 2010. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Ñaw Paq Man Apurímac. 2008. Audiencia pública 2008: Abancay. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Ñaw Paq Man Apurímac. 2009. Audiencia pública 2009: Abancay. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #28 — Proyecto: Zonificación Ecológica y Económica de la Región Apurímac.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto: Zonificación Ecológica y Económica de la Región Apurímac.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Código SNIP N° 35346, Número Gobierno Regional 2031906

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 17/10/2006

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 248851 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Sectoral Budget Support

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/01/2007

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 31/12/2009

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 36

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 3.2.8 Sustainable Land Management 2.1 Advocacy and Awareness Raising

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. 2008. Informe de gestión 2007: resumen ejecutivo. Abancay. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. s/f. Proyecto: “Zonificación Ecológica Económica de la Región Apurímac”. Abancay. Presentación en power point. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. 2009. Proyectos de Inversión Pública - Ejecución 2009. Pliego 442. Disponible en el sitio web: http://www.regionapurimac.gob.pe Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Ñaw Paq Man Apurímac. 2008. Audiencia pública 2008: Abancay. Presentación en power point. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Ñaw Paq Man Apurímac. 2009. Audiencia pública 2009: Abancay. Presentación en power point. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 35346. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://ofi.mef.gob.pe/bp/ConsultarPIP /frmConsultarPIP.asp?accion=consultar. Consultado el 22 de setiembre de 2010. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #29 — Proyecto: Validación y Publicación de la Zonificación Ecológica Económica de la Región Apurímac.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional de Apurímac - PIM 2009.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto: Validación y Publicación de la Zonificación Ecológica Económica de la Región Apurímac.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Código SNIP N° 117586, Número Gobierno Regional 2093778

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 02/07/2009

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 87718 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Sectoral Budget Support

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/07/2009

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 31/12/2009

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 7

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 3.2.8 Sustainable Land Management 2.1.1 Public Awareness Campaigns

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Ñaw Paq Man Apurímac. 2009. Audiencia pública 2009: Abancay. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-04 Perfil Simplificado - PIP Menor: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 117586. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://ofi.mef.gob.pe/bp/ConsultarPIP/frmConsultarPIP.asp?accion=consultar. Consultado el 22 de setiembre de 2010. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #30 — Proyecto: Fortalecimiento de Capacidades para la Prevenci ón y Mitigación de la Desertificación y Sequía en la Región Apurímac.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto: Fortalecimiento de Capacidades para la Prevención y Mitigación de la Desertificación y Sequía en la Región Apurímac.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Código SNIP N° 48476, Número Gobierno Regional 2045963

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 27/02/2008

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 297725 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Sectoral Budget Support

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/01/2008

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 31/12/2009

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 24

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 4.1.2 Drought mitigation 1.1.3 Weather Forecasting

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Ñaw Paq Man Apurímac. 2008. Audiencia pública 2008: Abancay. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Ñaw Paq Man Apurímac. 2009. Audiencia pública 2009: Abancay. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. 2009. PROYECTOS VIABLES POR LA OPI REGIONAL DEL 01 -01 -09 AL 07 -07 -2009. Disponible en el sitio web de la Región Apurímac: http://www.regionapurimac.gob.pe /ftp/transparencia/junio/opi/informacion_de_proyectos_segundo_trim.pdf. Consultado el 22 de setiembre de 2010. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 48476. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://ofi.mef.gob.pe/bp/ConsultarPIP /frmConsultarPIP.asp?accion=consultar. Consultado el 22 de setiembre de 2010. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #31 — Proyecto: Sistema de Información Ambiental Regional de Apurímac

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto: Sistema de Información Ambiental Regional de Apurímac

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Código SNIP N° 54237

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 03/06/2009

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 767364 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Sectoral Budget Support

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/01/2009

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 31/12/2010

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 24

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 1.2 Knowledge, Science and Technology 2.1 Advocacy and Awareness Raising

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. 2009. PROYECTOS VIABLES POR LA OPI REGIONAL DEL 01 -01 -09 AL 07 -07 -2009. Disponible en el sitio web de la Región Apurímac: http://www.regionapurimac.gob.pe /ftp/transparencia/junio/opi/informacion_de_proyectos_segundo_trim.pdf. Consultado el 22 de setiembre de 2010. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 54237. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://ofi.mef.gob.pe/bp/ConsultarPIP /frmConsultarPIP.asp?accion=consultar. Consultado el 22 de setiembre de 2010. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #32 — Proyecto: IRRIGACION CULLAHUATA CONGONYA.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Proyecto Especial Plan MERISS, Gobierno Regional del Cusco.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided


Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto: IRRIGACION CULLAHUATA CONGONYA.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Código SNIP N° 52041

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Proyecto Especial Plan MERISS, Gobierno Regional del Cusco.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Proyecto Especial Plan MERISS, Gobierno Regional del Cusco.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 15/01/2008

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 912107 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 15/01/2008

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 30/06/2009

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 18

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 4.1.6 Water delivery 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 4.1.2 Drought mitigation

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 52041. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://www.empresabio.com /V05/versnip.php?ti=3&id=52041. Consultado el 23 de setiembre de 2010. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #33 — Proyecto: Afianzamiento Hídrico en Épocas de Estiaje del Valle de Tambo.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional de Arequipa.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional de Arequipa.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto: Afianzamiento Hídrico en Épocas de Estiaje del Valle de Tambo.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Código SNIP N° 97804.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional de Arequipa.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Gobierno Regional de Arequipa.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 31334253 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/07/2009

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 31/03/2011

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 21

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 4.1.6 Water delivery 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. No answer provided Attachments: none Financial Commitment #34 — Sub-Proyecto: Pronóstico Estacional de Lluvias y Temperaturas en la Cuenca del Río Mantaro para su aplicación en la Agricultura.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Instituto Geofísico del Perú – IGP.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Fondo de Desarrollo de Servicios Estratégicos del Programa de Innovación y Competitividad para el Agro peruano (FDSE - INCAGRO).

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Sub-Proyecto: Pronóstico Estacional de Lluvias y Temperaturas en la Cuenca del Río Mantaro para su aplicación en la Agricultura.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Contrato N.° 2006-0013-AG-INCAGRO-FDSE.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Instituto Geofísico del Perú – IGP.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Instituto Geofísico del Perú – IGP.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/02/2007

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 122352 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 21/03/2007

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 31/03/2010

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 40

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 1.1.3 Weather Forecasting 2.1.2 Publications and communication material 2.1.3 Consultative platforms 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 3.1.1 Agriculture

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. IGP. s.f. Sub-Proyecto: "Pronóstico Estacional de Lluvias y Temperaturas en la Cuenca del Río Mantaro para su aplicación en la Agricultura". Afiche electrónico, disponible en el sitio web de IGP, en el URL: http://www.met.igp.gob.pe/ccmantaro/presentaciones/afiche_silva.pdf. Consultado el 22/09/10. INCAGRO. 2006?. Fondo de Desarrollo de Servicios Estratégicos: Propuesta de Subproyecto de Investigación Estratégica, Código: 06-1742. CONCURSO Nº 002-2006-PIEA-INCAGRO. Disponible en sitio web, URL: http://www.incagro.gob.pe/apc-aa-files/e457b3346514303468089b655b420d50/Sup095.pdf. 22/09/10. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #35 — Proyecto: Manejo de desastres ante eventos meteorológicos extremos (sequías, heladas y lluvias intensas) como medida de adaptación ante el cambio climático en el valle del Mantaro (MAREMEX-Mantaro).~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Instituto Geofísico del Perú - IGP.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other IDRC - Rural Poverty and Environment Program.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto: Manejo de desastres ante eventos meteorológicos extremos (sequías, heladas y lluvias intensas) como medida de adaptación ante el cambio climático en el valle del Mantaro (MAREMEX-Mantaro).

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Instituto Geofísico del Perú - IGP.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Instituto Geofísico del Perú - IGP.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 368862 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 1.2.2 Bio-physical Research and Science 2.1.3 Consultative platforms 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 2.1.2 Publications and communication material

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. IGP. 2010. Manejo de desastres ante eventos meteorológicos extremos (sequías, heladas y lluvias intensas) como medida de adaptación ante el cambio climático en el valle del Mantaro (MAREMEX- Mantaro). Sitio web IGP, con URL: http://www.met.igp.gob.pe/proyectos/maremex/. Consultado el 23/09/2010. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #36 — Proyecto: Información Climática Aplicada Gestión Riesgo Agrícola Países Andinos.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID).

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto: Información Climática Aplicada Gestión Riesgo Agrícola Países Andinos.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) PROYECTO BID ATN/OC-10064-RG.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 19/10/2006

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 1311000 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 23/02/2007

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 10/02/2010

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 36

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 1.1.3 Weather Forecasting 1.1 Monitoring

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.senamhi.gob.pe/?p=0807#01 http://www.ciifen-int.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=214%3Asistema- de-informacion-climatico-aplicado-a-la-gestion-de-riesgo-en-los-paises-andinos&catid=70%3Amanuales- y-metodologias&Itemid=84 ˛˛˛=es http://www.iadb.org/projects/Project.cfm?language=Spanish&PROJECT=RG-T1209 Documento: GUÍA TÉCNICA PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA REGIONAL DE INFORMACIÓN CLIMÁTICA APLICADA A LA GESTIÓN DE RIESGO AGRÍCOLA EN LOS PAÍSES ANDINOS. PROYECTO BID ATN/OC – 10064 – RG Attachments: none Financial Commitment #37 — Proyecto: Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de comunidad es campesinas pobres para reducir su vulnerabilidad frente a problemas de sequía y desertificación en la región Apurímac.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Programa de Prevención de Desastres y Gobernabilidad Local (PDGL) de Soluciones Prácticas- Intermediate Technology Development Group (SP ITDG).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Comisión Europea (EC).

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Proyecto: Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de comunidades campesinas pobres para reducir su vulnerabilidad frente a problemas de sequía y desertificación en la región Apurímac.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Programa de Prevención de Desastres y Gobernabilidad Local (PDGL) de Soluciones Prácticas- Intermediate Technology Development Group (SP ITDG).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity No answer provided

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 278200 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Soluciones Prácticas ITDG. [2009]. Soluciones prácticas enfrentando el cambio climático. Lima. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #38 — Mejoramiento y recuperación de áreas degradadas y aprovechamiento de aguas de nieblas en la Reserva Nacional de Lachay.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Municipalidad Provincial de Huaura.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Municipalidad Provincial de Huaura.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Mejoramiento y recuperación de áreas degradadas y aprovechamiento de aguas de nieblas en la Reserva Nacional de Lachay.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other No answer provided

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity No answer provided

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 70175 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. No answer provided Attachments: none Financial Commitment #39 — Mejoramiento y recuperación de áreas degradadas y aprovechamiento de aguas de nieblas en la Reserva Nacional de Lachay.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Municipalidad Provincial de Huaura.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Reserva Nacional de Lachay.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Mejoramiento y recuperación de áreas degradadas y aprovechamiento de aguas de nieblas en la Reserva Nacional de Lachay.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other No answer provided

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity No answer provided

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 7632 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. No answer provided Attachments: none Financial Commitment #40 — Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR II etapa.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other MASAL - Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR II etapa.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other MASAL - Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity MASAL - Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 421053 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 1.2.3 Science and Technology

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Proyecto: Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR. Etapa de Implementación - Instituciionalización 2008 - 2009. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #41 — Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR II etapa.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other MASAL - Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Mancomunidad.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR II etapa.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other MASAL - Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity MASAL - Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 322807 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 1.2.3 Science and Technology 2.2.12 Social Development 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Proyecto: Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR. Etapa de Implementación - Instituciionalización 2008 - 2009. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #42 — Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR II etapa.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other MASAL - Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Aliados.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR II etapa.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other MASAL - Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity MASAL - Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 150043 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 1.2.3 Science and Technology 2.2.12 Social Development 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Proyecto: Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR. Etapa de Implementación - Instituciionalización 2008 - 2009. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #43 — Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR II etapa.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other MASAL - Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other MASAL - Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR II etapa.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other MASAL - Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity No answer provided

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 17544 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 1.2.3 Science and Technology 2.2.12 Social Development 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Proyecto: Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR. Etapa de Implementación - Instituciionalización 2008 - 2009. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #44 — Programa Forestación y Reforestación para Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Fondo Nacional del Ambiente - Perú (FONAM).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other No identificados

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Programa Forestación y Reforestación para Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) F-I (2008, 2009) F-2 (2008, 2009) F-3 (2008, 2009) F-4 (2008) F-4 (2009) F-12 (2008), F-10 (2009) F-13 (2008), F-11 (2009) F-14 (2008), F-12 (2009) F-15 (2008), F-13 (2009) F-18 (2008), F-14 (2009) F-20 (2008), F-16 (2009) F-26 (2009) F-27 (2009) REDD-3, REDD-4.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Fondo Nacional del Ambiente - Perú (FONAM).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Fondo Nacional del Ambiente - Perú (FONAM).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 65280520 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/01/2009

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 31/12/2045

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 456

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 4.1.3 Environment Restoration 4.1.1 Adaptation to climate change 1.2.3 Science and Technology 3.2.6 Land Conservation 3.1.2 Forestry

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FONAM. 2010. CDM in Peru: Project Portfolio Summary Afforestation and Reforestation MDL 2008. Consultada en el portal www.fonamperu.org en octubre 2010. FONAM. 2010. Carbon Opportunities in Peru: Project Portfolio - 2009; Summary Afforestation and Reforestation. Consultada en el portal www.fonamperu.org en octubre 2010. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #45 — PRODUCCION TECNIFICADA DE PLANTONES DE VID DE ALTA CALIDAD GENETICA Y FITOSANITARIA EN LA SUB - ESTACION EXPERIMENTAL CHINCHA - ICA.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided


Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno del Perú.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment PRODUCCION TECNIFICADA DE PLANTONES DE VID DE ALTA CALIDAD GENETICA Y FITOSANITARIA EN LA SUB - ESTACION EXPERIMENTAL CHINCHA - ICA.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Código SNIP N° 25477.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided


Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN AGRARIA-INIA.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 448708 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 1.2.3 Science and Technology 3.1.1 Agriculture

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS,Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: 106719. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #46 — INSTALACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE RIEGO TECNIFICADO POR GOTEO-GGE EL NAZARENO-DISTRITO DE SANTIAGO-REGIÓN ICA.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided


Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno del Perú.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment INSTALACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE RIEGO TECNIFICADO POR GOTEO-GGE EL NAZARENO-DISTRITO DE SANTIAGO-REGIÓN ICA.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Código SNIP N° 106719.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided


Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity PROGRAMA SUBSECTORIAL DE IRRIGACIONES - PSI.

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 271904 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Grant

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 3.2.7 Water Conservation

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: 106720. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #47 — INSTALACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE RIEGO TECNIFICADO POR GOTEO-GGE SAN PEDRO-DISTRITO DE SANTIAGO - REGIÓN ICA.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided


Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno del Perú.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment INSTALACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE RIEGO TECNIFICADO POR GOTEO-GGE SAN PEDRO-DISTRITO DE SANTIAGO - REGIÓN ICA.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Código SNIP N° 106720.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided


Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity PROGRAMA SUBSECTORIAL DE IRRIGACIONES - PSI.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 218623 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 3.2.7 Water Conservation

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: 67842. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #48 — DETERMINACIÓN DE LA EFICIENCIA ÓPTIMA DEL RIEGO POR GOTEO PARA LOS CULTIVARES DE ALGODÓN HAZERA Y DEL CERRO EN EL DISTRITO DE MÓRROPE.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided


Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno del Perú.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment DETERMINACIÓN DE LA EFICIENCIA ÓPTIMA DEL RIEGO POR GOTEO PARA LOS CULTIVARES DE ALGODÓN HAZERA Y DEL CERRO EN EL DISTRITO DE MÓRROPE.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Código SNIP N° 67842.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided


Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity UNIDAD DE COORDINACION DEL PROYECTO INVESTIGAC. EXTENS. AGRICOLA - INCAGRO. IMAR Costa Norte.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 139321 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 3.2.7 Water Conservation 1.2.3 Science and Technology 2.2.12 Social Development

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS: Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: 67842. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #49 — SELECCIÓN DE CEPAS SIMBIÓTICAS DE RHIZOBIOS DE VARIEDADES COMERCIALES DE PHASEOLUS LUNATUS (PALLAR) EN CAMPO DE AGRICULTORES DE LA REGIÓN ICA.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided


Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno del Perú.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment SELECCIÓN DE CEPAS SIMBIÓTICAS DE RHIZOBIOS DE VARIEDADES COMERCIALES DE PHASEOLUS LUNATUS (PALLAR) EN CAMPO DE AGRICULTORES DE LA REGIÓN ICA.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Código SNIP N° 71994.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided


Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity UNIDAD DE COORDINACION DEL PROYECTO INVESTIGAC. EXTENS. AGRICOLA - INCAGRO.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 125975 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: Attachments: none Financial Commitment #50 — INVESTIGACIÓN AVANZADA EN RED, DEL RENDIMIENTO Y CALIDAD DE FIBRA, DE LÍNEAS SELECCIONADAS DE ALGODÓN (GOSSYPIUM BARBADENSE L.) DE FIBRA LARGA Y EXTRALARGA PARA SU CULTIVO EN LA COSTA CENTRAL.~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided


Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno del Perú.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment INVESTIGACIÓN AVANZADA EN RED, DEL RENDIMIENTO Y CALIDAD DE FIBRA, DE LÍNEAS SELECCIONADAS DE ALGODÓN (GOSSYPIUM BARBADENSE L.) DE FIBRA LARGA Y EXTRALARGA PARA SU CULTIVO EN LA COSTA CENTRAL.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Código SNIP N° 40460.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided


Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity UNIDAD DE COORDINACION DEL PROYECTO INVESTIGAC. EXTENS. AGRICOLA - INCAGRO.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 192321 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: Attachments: none Financial Commitment #51 — SISTEMA DE DETECCIÓN TEMPRANA DE LA SEQUÍA EN LA COSTA NORTE DE PERÚ, USANDO LA TEMPERATURA Y SALINIDAD DEL SUELO Y EL ÍNDICE DE VEGETACIÓN PROCEDENTES DE LAS IMÁGENES DE SATÉLITE Y SU RELACIÓN CON LOS ÍNDICES DE LA OSCILACIÓN SUREÑA EL NIÑO.~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided


Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno del Perú.


Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Código SNIP N° 45761.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided


Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity UNIDAD DE COORDINACION DEL PROYECTO INVESTIGAC. EXTENS. AGRICOLA - INCAGRO.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 235856 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: Attachments: none Financial Commitment #52 — DESARROLLO DE CAPACIDADES PARA PEQUEÑOS AGRICULTORES Y ARTESANOS PARA PROMOCIÓN Y APROVECHAMIENTO DEL CULTIVO DE ALGODÓN NATIVO DE COLORES NATURALES EN LOS DISTRITOS DE MESONES MURO Y FERREÑAFE.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided


Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno del Perú.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment DESARROLLO DE CAPACIDADES PARA PEQUEÑOS AGRICULTORES Y ARTESANOS PARA PROMOCIÓN Y APROVECHAMIENTO DEL CULTIVO DE ALGODÓN NATIVO DE COLORES NATURALES EN LOS DISTRITOS DE MESONES MURO Y FERREÑAFE.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Código SNIP N° 67900.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided


Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity GOBIERNO REGIONAL LAMBAYEQUE.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 38381 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 2.2.9 Project Development

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: Attachments: none Financial Commitment #53 — ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA PARA EL INCREMENTO DE LA PRODUCCIÓN DE ALGODÓN EN LAMBAYEQUE.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided


Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno del Perú.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA PARA EL INCREMENTO DE LA PRODUCCIÓN DE ALGODÓN EN LAMBAYEQUE.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Código SNIP N° 49829.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided


Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity GOBIERNO REGIONAL LAMBAYEQUE.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 348031 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: Attachments: none Financial Commitment #54 — FORESTACIÓN Y REFORESTACIÓN EN LA CUENCA HIDROGRÁFICA RÍO ICA, DEPARTAMENTO DE HUANCAVELICA.~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional de Huancavelica.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno del Perú.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment FORESTACIÓN Y REFORESTACIÓN EN LA CUENCA HIDROGRÁFICA RÍO ICA, DEPARTAMENTO DE HUANCAVELICA.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Código SNIP N°91252.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional de Huancavelica.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Gobierno Regional de Huancavelica.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 16310262 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: Attachments: none Financial Commitment #55 — Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal.~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA-UNSA.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional Arequipa (GRA).

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Nº 2007-00154-AG-INCAGRO/FTA Código SNIP 49609.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA-UNSA.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA-UNSA.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 805000 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 2.2.2 Community Development 3.2.3 Forest/Scrub Management

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Informes anuales del proyecto. Informe final. http://www.incagro.gob.pe/WebIncagro/cargarSubProyecto.do?c_codt_fondo=01&c_anoconcurso=2006& c_numeroconcurso=0002&c_codigo=2108&c_titulo=Evaluación de Mecanismos para la Restauración del Bosque de las Lomas de Atiquipa&c_codanocontrato=&c_numerocontrato=00154 (10 octubre 2010) Ficha de registro - Banco de Proyectos Nº 49609. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #56 — Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal.~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA-UNSA.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Nº 2007-00154-AG-INCAGRO/FTA .

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA-UNSA.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA-UNSA.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 10000 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 2.2.2 Community Development 3.2.3 Forest/Scrub Management

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Informes anuales del proyecto. Informe final. http://www.incagro.gob.pe/WebIncagro/cargarSubProyecto.do?c_codt_fondo=01&c_anoconcurso=2006& c_numeroconcurso=0002&c_codigo=2108&c_titulo=Evaluación de Mecanismos para la Restauración del Bosque de las Lomas de Atiquipa&c_codanocontrato=&c_numerocontrato=00154 (visitada el 10 octubre 2010) Ficha de registro - Banco de Proyectos Nº 49609. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #57 — Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal. ~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA- UNSA.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Municipalidad Distrital de Atiquipa.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) "Nº 2007-00154-AG-INCAGRO/FTA Código SNIP 49609".

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA- UNSA.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA- UNSA.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 6000 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 2.2.2 Community Development 3.2.3 Forest/Scrub Management

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Informes anuales del proyecto. Informe final http://www.incagro.gob.pe/WebIncagro/cargarSubProyecto.do?c_codt_fondo=01&c_anoconcurso=2006& c_numeroconcurso=0002&c_codigo=2108&c_titulo=Evaluación de Mecanismos para la Restauración del Bosque de las Lomas de Atiquipa&c_codanocontrato=&c_numerocontrato=00154 (visitada el 10 octubre 2010) Ficha de registro - Banco de Proyectos Nº 49609. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #58 — Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal. ~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA- UNSA.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Comunidad Campesina de Atiquipa.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) "Nº 2007-00154-AG-INCAGRO/FTA Código SNIP 49609".

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA-UNSA.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA-UNSA.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 400 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 2.2.2 Community Development 3.2.3 Forest/Scrub Management

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Informes anuales del proyecto. Informe final. http://www.incagro.gob.pe/WebIncagro/cargarSubProyecto.do?c_codt_fondo=01&c_anoconcurso=2006& c_numeroconcurso=0002&c_codigo=2108&c_titulo=Evaluación de Mecanismos para la Restauración del Bosque de las Lomas de Atiquipa&c_codanocontrato=&c_numerocontrato=00154 (visitada el 10 octubre 2010) Ficha de registro - Banco de Proyectos Nº 49609. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #59 — Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal. ~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA- UNSA.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided


Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Nº 2007-00154-AG-INCAGRO/FTA Código SNIP 49609.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA-UNSA.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA-UNSA.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 80000 US Dollar

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/03/2002

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable 30/11/2006

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 2.2.2 Community Development 3.2.3 Forest/Scrub Management

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Informes anuales del proyecto. Informe final. http://www.incagro.gob.pe/WebIncagro/cargarSubProyecto.do?c_codt_fondo=01&c_anoconcurso=2006& c_numeroconcurso=0002&c_codigo=2108&c_titulo=Evaluación de Mecanismos para la Restauración del Bosque de las Lomas de Atiquipa&c_codanocontrato=&c_numerocontrato=00154 (visitada el 10 octubre 2010) Ficha de registro - Banco de Proyectos Nº 49609. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #60 — Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal. ~~~

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA- UNSA.

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other BBWA / Unv. Complutense (España).

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Conservación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas de las lomas de Atiquipa y Taimara, por gestión comunal.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) Nº 2007-00154-AG-INCAGRO/FTA Código SNIP 49609.

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA-UNSA.

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Instituto regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa IRECA-UNSA.

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 25000 US Dollar

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, Grant

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 2.2.1 Capacity-Building 2.2.2 Community Development 3.2.3 Forest/Scrub Management

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Informes anuales del proyecto. Informe final. http://www.incagro.gob.pe/WebIncagro/cargarSubProyecto.do?c_codt_fondo=01&c_anoconcurso=2006& c_numeroconcurso=0002&c_codigo=2108&c_titulo=Evaluación de Mecanismos para la Restauración del Bosque de las Lomas de Atiquipa&c_codanocontrato=&c_numerocontrato=00154 (visitada el 10 octubre 2010) Ficha de registro - Banco de Proyectos Nº 49609. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #61 — Plan de Operaciones de la Comisión Nacional de Lucha cont ra la Desertificación y Sequía 2007-2008.

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Comisión Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y Sequía (CONALDES).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Sin identificar.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Plan de Operaciones de la Comisión Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y Sequía 2007-2008.

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided

Other Comisión Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y Sequía (CONALDES).

Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Comisión Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y Sequía (CONALDES).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals 16968 US Dollar Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 1.1.5 Reporting 1.1.1 Indicators

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. No answer provided Attachments: none Financial Commitment #62 — Programa "Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño".

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Gobierno del Perú.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Programa "Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño".

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided


Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals No answer provided Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 1.1.3 Weather Forecasting 1.1.1 Indicators

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. PLAN DE ACCIÓN ESTRATÉGICO DEL PROGRAMA ESTUDIO REGIONAL DEL FENÓMENO EL NIÑO. PERÍODO: 2006-2010. Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño (ERFEN) en: http://www.cpps-int.org/index.php/el-nino- y-la-oscilacion-del-sur/erfen.html. Attachments: none Financial Commitment #63 — Programa "Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño".

Reporting Entity Enter the name of the country or organization submitting the official report to the UNCCD to which the financial commitment will be attached in the form of a consolidated Standard Financial Annex No answer provided

Other Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI).

Funding Organization Enter the full name and acronym (if applicable) of the organization that has made the financial commitment No answer provided

Other Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación Ciencia y Cultura - UNESCO.

Name of activity funded Enter the name or title of the activity, project, programme, organization or initiative funded with this financial commitment Programa "Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño".

Identification code Enter the Identification Code (ID), number or acronym given to the activity funded (if known) No answer provided

Recipient Country(ies) or (sub) region(s) Enter the name of the country(ies), subregion(s) or region(s) in which the activity is taking place or is due to take place. Indicate “Global” if the activity is of global scale or has no specific geographical focus Peru

Recipient Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the organization(s) to which the funds have been or will be transferred to No answer provided


Executing Agency(ies) Enter the full name an acronym of the Agency(ies) or Organization(s) that is/are in charge of the execution of the activity Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI).

Commitment date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the financial commitment has been formally approved by the extending organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Currency/Amount committed Indicate the currency denomination of the financial commitment (e.g. EUR, USD, YN, etc.). Enter the total amount of money committed as a numeric field, showing the entire figure (e.g. enter 1500000 to indicate 1.5 million). Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals No answer provided Type of funding Indicate the type of funding provided through the financial commitment (e.g. grant, concessional loan, basket funding, No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be made available to the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Enter the date at which the funding has been or is expected to be utilized by the recipient organization (e.g. 15/01/2011), if applicable No answer provided

Duration (no. of months) Indicate the period covered by this funding, if applicable, expressed in number of months (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to the funded activity by ticking only one of the boxes below (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2

Relevant Activity Code(s) (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the funded activity (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Add as many rows as necessary. 1.1.3 Weather Forecasting 1.1.1 Indicators

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. PLAN DE ACCIÓN ESTRATÉGICO DEL PROGRAMA ESTUDIO REGIONAL DEL FENÓMENO EL NIÑO. PERÍODO: 2006-2010. Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño (ERFEN) en: http://www.cpps-int.org/index.php/el-nino- y-la-oscilacion-del-sur/erfen.html Attachments: none Programme and Project Sheets

E. Programme and Project Sheet

Programme and Project Sheets (PPS) are used to provide more detailed information on programmes or projects undertaken or completed in the reporting period. This includes programmes and projects in the pipeline, as well as final proposals submitted for funding to internal or external funding sources. All country Parties and other reporting entities involved in the financing, coordination or implementation of relevant programmes and projects are requested to prepare a PPS for each of them, and to attach them to their official report to the UNCCD.

The compilation of the PPS is guided by means of a template. These templates are intended to collect a minimum set of qualitative and quantitative data to facilitate the analysis of funding and investment flows, and the production of better financial statistics related to UNCCD implementation (ICCD/CRIC(8)/5/Add.4), with a view to enabling the CRIC to undertake an objective review of progress in the implementation of the Convention and The Strategy. The PPS also facilitate the computation of certain performance and impact indicators.

A distinctive feature of the PPS is that it allows country Parties and other reporting entities to specify which strategic and operational objectives of The Strategy are targeted by each programme or project. In addition, it allows for individual programme or project components to be categorized using the Rio Markers for desertification and Relevant Activity Codes (RACs).

Furthermore, the PPS can be used to indicate whether the objectives of other Rio Conventions (i.e. the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD – and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC) are also addressed by the programme or project. This is done through the use of the biodiversity and climate change Rio Markers, respectively.

The PPS offers an opportunity to increase the visibility of relevant programmes and projects, thereby creating the conditions for a better sharing of experiences and lessons, as well as the transfer of knowledge in general. It also favours collaboration and networking by facilitating the identification of potential synergies.

Lastly, the PPS also allows country Parties and other reporting entities to provide a narrative description of the expected or achieved results. This information will facilitate the qualitative assessment of progress in the implementation of The Strategy, including on returns on investment. The CRIC will use the analysis of financial information originating from the PPS to assess results, performance and impacts.

To minimize the reporting burden and avoid discrepancies in the information annexed to the reports of different entities, it is recommended that project partners identify the most suitable ways to coordinate among themselves the preparation of PPS to ensure that consistent data are reported for the same projects. It would also be advisable to compile just one PPS for large “umbrella” programmes, instead of separate PPS for each small project stemming from them.

In the PPS template, shaded areas contain information and explanatory texts, while white areas are for reporting purposes and need to be filled in by country Parties and other reporting entities with relevant data or narrative information.

Programme/Project #1 — Programa "Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño" (ERFEN)

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programa "Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño" (ERFEN)

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI)

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. La Unidad Ejecutiva y de Coordinación (UEC-ERFEN).

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit Area de influencia del fenómeno El Niño y otras anomalías, tanto en la zona marítima sometida a la soberanía y jurisdicción de los Estados Partes hasta las doscientas millas, como en sus territorios continental e insular.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Los países miembros de la Comisión Permanente del Pacifico Sur (CPPS) (Chile, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú).

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) No answer provided

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur (CPPS) Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 0 Belarussian Ruble

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 2

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Componente oceanográfico – meteorológico. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.1.3 Weather Forecasting

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Componente biológico-pesquero. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.1.3 Weather Forecasting

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Componente socio-económico. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Plan de acción estratégico del programa estudio regional del fenómeno el niño. Período: 2006-2010. Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño (ERFEN).

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Plan de acción estratégico del programa estudio regional del fenómeno el niño. Período: 2006-2010. Estudio Regional del Fenómeno El Niño (ERFEN) en: http://www.cpps-int.org/index.php/el-nino- y-la-oscilacion-del-sur/erfen.html. Attachments: none Programme/Project #2 — Uso de las Tecnologías Espaciales para la Evaluación, Monitor eo y Manejo de Desastres Naturales en la Agricultura (UTEEDA).~~~

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Uso de las Tecnologías Espaciales para la Evaluación, Monitoreo y Manejo de Desastres Naturales en la Agricultura (UTEEDA).

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Centro de Investigaciones en Zona Aridas (CIZA UNALM).

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit No answer provided

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme No answer provided

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) No answer provided

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 15/01/2006

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (CYTED). Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 0


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Las tecnologías de Teledetección, los SIG y las TICs aplicadas a la previsión, gestión del riesgo, evaluación, monitoreo y manejo de desastres naturales en la agricultura. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.2.3 Science and Technology

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Los Desastres Naturales y los fenómenos climatológicos en los contextos regionales y sus efectos sobre la agricultura. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.2.3 Science and Technology

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. La agricultura y la producción agrícola en los países miembros de la red y la caracterización de los daños provocados por desastres naturales mediante indicadores de impacto. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Diseño y puesta en funcionamiento el sitio Web y la Plataforma Informática para el trabajo colaborativo y en Red. Diseño e implementación de ocho cursos de capacitación sobre el tema de “Geoinformación para la gestión de riesgo de desastres en la agricultura” y “Aprendiendo a trabajar con la plataforma informática UTEEDA” con más de 200 cursistas.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://uteeda.isch.edu.cu/. Visitada el 5 octubre 2010. Attachments: none Programme/Project #3 — Gestión Participativa de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (GPAN).

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Gestión Participativa de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (GPAN).

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Fondo Nacional para Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado (PROFONANPE).

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Organizaciones locales.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 429000 Hectares

Administrative Unit Parque Nacional Huascarán (Ancash), Santuario Nacional Los Manglares de Tumbes (Tumbes), Reserva Nacional Salinas y Aguada Blanca (Arequipa y Moquegua).

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Comunidades y organizaciones de pobladores de la zona de intervención.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) GPAN: Donación TF Nº 051285 Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (FMAM). Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 14800000 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2 4

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 5

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Gestión participativa de Áreas Naturales Protegidas. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.2 Biodiversity Conservation

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Desarrollo institucional. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Financiamiento, administración, monitoreo, evaluación del proyecto y divulgación de la información. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Fortalecimiento del SERNANP, PROFONANPE y de los Comités de Gestión de las ANP, y aumento de capacidades organizativas para manejar y administrar la ANP con participación de la sociedad civil y el sector privado.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.profonanpe.org.pe/gpan/gestionproyecto.html Informe Semestral. Julio-Diciembre del 2008. Attachments: none Programme/Project #4 — Proyecto: Asistencia técnica y capacitación en proceso técnic o - productivo, procesamiento y comercialización de la algarroba, miel de abeja y carne de ovino/caprino en 23 localidades del bosque seco en la Regiòn Piura.~~~

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto: Asistencia técnica y capacitación en proceso técnico - productivo, procesamiento y comercialización de la algarroba, miel de abeja y carne de ovino/caprino en 23 localidades del bosque seco en la Regiòn Piura.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Comunidad campesina de Lancones.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 38553 Hectares

Administrative Unit 23 localidades de las Provincias de Piura, Sullana, Ayabaca y Morropón (Región Piura).

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme 2.672 familias productoras de los bosques secos.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 8020 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SNIP Nº 30715

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno Regional de Piura. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 596377 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 2

UNFCCC mitigation 2


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2 3

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Asistencia Técnica : Complementar los conocimientos impartidos en las capacitaciones y garantizar su puesta en práctica a nivel familiar técnicas en aspectos relacionados a la producción de miel, de ganado, de algarroba, manejo de bosque y en el establecimiento de Áreas Naturales de conservación. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.1.5 Production Support

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Capacitación: Transferencia de conocimientos y tecnologías a los productores, para generar capacidades y destrezas que conlleven al mejoramiento de las actividades productivas desarrolladas, al manejo sostenido de los recursos y al mejoramiento de la economía familiar. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Identificación de áreas degradadas.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. Página web: www.regionpiura.gob.pe, consultada el 9 de agosto de 2010. Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas. Archivo: SNIP_GR_Inversión. Consultado el 12 de setiembre de 2010 en el Portal SNIP: www.ofi.mef.gob.pe/WebPortal /GRInversionDetalle.aspx?plie=GOBIERNO%20REGIONAL%20PIURA$c=122.098d=12.96&p=10.60. Attachments: none Programme/Project #5 — Proyecto: Desarrollo de Capacidades para el Ordenamiento Territorial en el Departamento de Piura.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto: Desarrollo de Capacidades para el Ordenamiento Territorial en el Departamento de Piura.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Programa de Desarrollo Rural sostenible (PDRS-GTZ). Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE). NCI Instituto de la Montaña. Cooperacción.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 358920 Hectares

Administrative Unit Departamento de Piura,

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Población de la Región Piura; personal técnico de los gobiernos regionales y municipios provinciales.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 1676315 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SNIP N° 43899

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/06/2008

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno Regional de Piura - Recursos ordinarios. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 538286 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2 3 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Elaboración del estudio definitivo (actualización de Instrumentos de Gestión). Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 4215 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.8 Sustainable Land Management

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Implementación Inicial. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 9298 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.8 Sustainable Land Management

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Sensibilización a actores regionales y locales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 3158 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.1.1 Public Awareness Campaigns

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Difusión del proceso de ordenamiento territorial. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 15263 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.1.2 Publications and communication material

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Asistencia Técnica sobre ordenamiento territorial, ZEE, desertificación / degradación de la tierra y otros temas de gestión ambiental. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 140588 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Capacitación sobre ordenamiento territorial, ZEE, desertificación / degradación de la tierra y otros temas de gestión ambiental. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 30698 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Equipamiento de georreferenciación. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 213384 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Desarrollo de Información para formulación de propuesta de ZEE. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 129452 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.8 Sustainable Land Management

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Sistema de Monitoreo del uso y ocupación del espacio. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 5263 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Elaboración de expediente técnico.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. Página web: www.regionpiura.gob.pe, consultada el 9 de agosto de 2010. Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 43899. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://ofi.mef.gob.pe/bp/ConsultarPIP /frmConsultarPIP.asp?accion=consultar (revisada el 25 de setiembre 2010). Attachments: none Programme/Project #6 — Proyecto Conservación Participativa de la Biodiversidad del Bosque Seco de la Costa Norte del Perú: Convenio para atender tres áreas prioritarias de conservación del bosque seco de Piura

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto Conservación Participativa de la Biodiversidad del Bosque Seco de la Costa Norte del Perú: Convenio para atender tres áreas prioritarias de conservación del bosque seco de Piura

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Recipient

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. No answer provided

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 350000 Hectares

Administrative Unit Departamento de Piura: bosques de Ignacio Távara-Morante, Sechura-Vice-Laguna Ramón y Morropón- Salitral-Huancabamba.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme No answer provided

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) PROYECTO 2007 - 2010444

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/01/2008

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 31/12/2010

Programme/Project co-financing No answer provided

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components No answer provided Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. Página web: www.regionpiura.gob.pe, consultada el 9 de agosto de 2010. Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. Enlace Nacional. Lima, 29 de setiembre de 2008. Vídeo y archivo: Promueven conservación de áreas naturales y biodiversidad en Piura.pdf. Consultada en Página web: enlacenacional.com, el 12 de agosto de 2010. Attachments: none Programme/Project #7 — Programa Regional de Manejo Sostenible de los Bosques Secos (NORBOSQUE PIURA).

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programa Regional de Manejo Sostenible de los Bosques Secos (NORBOSQUE PIURA).

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Piura.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Organizaciones de Base

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 2165814 Hectares

Administrative Unit Región Piura.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme 24.000 familias pobladoras de los bosques secos, comunidades campesinas, organizaciones productoras y los empresarios de las diversas actividades productivas.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 120000

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) No answer provided

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno Regional de Piura. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 563169 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Facilitar el acceso a los conocimientos del ecosistema bosque seco. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.2.2 Bio-physical Research and Science

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Ordenamiento para la gestión participativa del ecosistema bosque seco. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.2 Drought mitigation

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Incremento de la conciencia, cultura y ciudadanía ambiental en el bosque seco. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Fortalecimiento de la organización comunal para el mercado. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Piura. Página web: www.regionpiura.gob.pe, consultada el 9 de agosto de 2010. Attachments: none Programme/Project #8 — Programa: Mejoramiento Sostenible de los Bosques Secos de la Costa Norte.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programa: Mejoramiento Sostenible de los Bosques Secos de la Costa Norte.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Junta de Coordinación Interregional del Norte y Oriente – INTERNOR / Eje Estratégico NORBOSQUE.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Organizaciones civiles.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 3230363 Hectares

Administrative Unit Regiones de Piura, Tumbes, Lambayeque.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme 20.000 familias pobladoras de los bosques secos.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 100000

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) No answer provided Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Sin determinar Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 175439 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Facilitar el acceso a los conocimientos del ecosistema bosque seco. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.2.2 Bio-physical Research and Science

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Ordenamiento para la gestión participativa del ecosistema bosque seco. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.2 Drought mitigation

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Incremento de la conciencia, cultura y ciudadanía ambiental en el bosque seco. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Fortalecimiento de la organización comunal para el mercado. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.1.5 Production Support

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Junta de Coordinación Interregional del Norte y Oriente – INTERNOR. Página web: http://www.internor.org.pe/plantillas/interna_soltegin_0.asp?ARE=2&PFL=0&CAT=121&SUB=79& SSC=179, consultada el 9 de agosto de 2010. Attachments: none Programme/Project #9 — Proyecto Manejo integrado del recurso agua a través de la implementación del desarrollo de conceptos de agro-forestería en áreas áridas y semi-áridas en América Latina - WAFLA. Caso Perú.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto Manejo integrado del recurso agua a través de la implementación del desarrollo de conceptos de agro-forestería en áreas áridas y semi-áridas en América Latina - WAFLA. Caso Perú.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Centro de Investigaciones de Zonas Áridas de la Universidad Nacional Agraria - CIZA-UNALM.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Central Peruana de Servicios CEPESER).

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 753348 Hectares

Administrative Unit Distritos de Sechura y Tambogrande en el Departamento de Piura.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Comunidades de Belizario y Bella Esperanza.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 75000

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) INCO – 2006 - 032443

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other European Commission - EC. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 70820 euro

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 0

UNFCCC mitigation 0


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 2 3 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Definición de herramientas de evaluación y monitoreo. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 3703 euro Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.1.5 Reporting

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Reconocimiento regional. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 16204 euro Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.1.1 Public Awareness Campaigns

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Procesamiento, mercado comercio y marco institucional. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 2203 euro Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.3 Drivers and Incentives

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Coordinación de la investigación, desarrollo de tecnología y cooperación Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 28804 euro Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.2.3 Science and Technology

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Futuras estrategias de implementación. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 4203 euro Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.2.1 Traditional Knowledge and Best Practices

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Agroforestería integrada / programa de extensión y diseminación de manejo del agua Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 15703 euro Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Identificación de estrategias políticas y de gestión en una aproximación multidisciplinaria para la promoción de prácticas de agroforestería adaptadas a la región.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.wafla.com/10.0.html?&L=1 WAFLA technical annex. Attachments: none Programme/Project #10 — Proyecto Conservación Participativa de la Biodiversidad del Bosque Seco de la Costa Norte del Perú.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto Conservación Participativa de la Biodiversidad del Bosque Seco de la Costa Norte del Perú.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Fondo Nacional para Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado (PROFONANPE).

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Recipient

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. No answer provided

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 429000 Hectares

Administrative Unit Parque Nacional Cerros de Amotape, Reserva Nacional Tumbes, Coto de Caza el Angolo, Refugio de Vida Silvestre Laquipampa, Santuario Histórico Bosque de Pomac y 6 áreas de conservación en el ecosistema bosque seco.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Población que mantiene su cultura ancestral.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) PROYECTO 2007 - 2010444

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 31/12/2009

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other KFW. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 2500000 euro

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. Página web: www.regionpiura.gob.pe, consultada el 9 de agosto de 2010. Gobierno Regional de Piura, Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. Enlace Nacional. Lima, 29 de setiembre de 2008. Vídeo y archivo: Promueven conservación de áreas naturales y biodiversidad en Piura.pdf. Consultada en Página web: enlacenacional.com, el 12 de agosto de 2010. Attachments: none Programme/Project #11 — Proyecto A/R MDL Reforestación, Producción Sostenible y Secuestro de Carbono en los Bosques Secos de Ignacio Távara, Piura, Perú. ~~~

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto A/R MDL Reforestación, Producción Sostenible y Secuestro de Carbono en los Bosques Secos de Ignacio Távara, Piura, Perú.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Asociación para la Investigación y el Desarrollo (AIDER).

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Comunidad Campesina José Ignacio Távara.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 52269 Hectares

Administrative Unit Comunidad Campesina José Ignacio Távara Pasapera, distrito de Chulucanas, Provincia de Morropón, Región Piura

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Comunidad Campesina José Ignacio Távara Pasapera.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 8589

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) No answer provided

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 11/06/2007

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 10/11/2047

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Fondo Nacional del Ambiente - Perú. FONAM. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 13951015 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 0

UNFCCC mitigation 2


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 2 3

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 2 5

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). 520 ha reforestadas con algarrobos, 800 has de bosques manejados y la elaboración del proyecto de acuerdo a los términos de referencia del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Experiencias en la Validación de Proyectos Forestales: Caso Ignacio Távara. Daniella Diez Canseco Ortiz de Zevallos. 2009. Experiencia de implementación de acciones de lucha contra la desertificación y sequía (LCDS) en la región Piura. Augusto Zegarra Peralta. 2008. Proyecto Reforestación, Producción Sostenible y Secuestro de Carbono en los Bosques Secos de Ignacio Távara, Piura, Perú. Charles López. http://aider.com.pe/home/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=57&Itemid=101. Attachments: none Programme/Project #12 — Plan Regional de Reforestación y Conservación de Suelos en l as Cuencas Hidrográficas de la Región Piura.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Plan Regional de Reforestación y Conservación de Suelos en las Cuencas Hidrográficas de la Región Piura.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Autoridad Autónoma de Cuenca Hidrográfica Chira Piura (AACHCHP).

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Instituto Regional de Apoyo a la Gestión de los Recursos Hídricos (IRAGER).

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 2343912 Hectares

Administrative Unit Cuencas hidrográficas de los ríos Chira (parte peruana), Piura y parte alta del Huancabamba.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Poblaciones rurales sentadas en estas zonas.

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) No answer provided

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Nacional: sin determinar. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 26300000 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Programa de conservación de suelos Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.3 Forest/Scrub Management

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Programa de forestación y reforestación Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Programa de protección de cuenca y abastecedores de agua para consumo humano y prestación de servicios ambientales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.7 Water Conservation

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Programa de obras civiles. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.6 Land Conservation

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Desarrollo de capacidades, están relacionados con las actividades forestales, conservación de suelos, obras civiles, desarrollo de capacidades y fortalecimiento institucional. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Ordenamiento de cuencas hidrográficas: Llevar a cabo una administración y gestión adecuada de las cuencas de los ríos Chira, Piura y Huancabamba.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Documento: Plan Regional de Reforestación y Conservación de Suelos en las Cuencas Hidrográficas de la Región Piura ttp://siar.regionpiura.gob.pe/index.php?idMapa=&idTipoIndicador=&idElementoInformacion=49 Attachments: none Programme/Project #13 — Proyecto “Fortalecimiento de la Gestión Integral de la Cuenc a Binacional Catamayo Chira”.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto “Fortalecimiento de la Gestión Integral de la Cuenca Binacional Catamayo Chira”.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Plan Binacional de Desarrollo de la Región Fronteriza Perú - Ecuador.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Organizaciones de mujeres.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 99868 Hectares

Administrative Unit Todos los distritos de las Provincias de Paita, Ayabaca y Sullana de la Región Piura.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Población fronteriza con Ecuador.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 393568

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SNIP Nº 91922, CAD 14010 Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECID Perú). Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 4163068 euro

Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno del Perú. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 2 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Adecuada gestión del recurso hídrico. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 1223741 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.7 Water Conservation

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Uso adecuado de los recursos naturales renovables. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 4236582 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de la población. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 1945248 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Fortalecimiento de la Institucionalidad. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 1188413 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.2 Community Development

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Capacidades para el desarrollo de actividades alternativas. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 475280 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Adecuados sistemas de información para la toma de decisiones. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 727230 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.1.3 Consultative platforms

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Disminución de las vulnerabilidades ante la ocurrencia de fenómenos. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 130000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). 01 Sistema de monitoreo de agua operativo.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Documento del Proyecto – PRODOC. Plan de Ordenamiento Manejo y Desarrollo de la Cuenca Transfronteriza de la Cuenca Catamayo Chira. Planes Operativos Anuales 2009 y 2010. Informe de Gestión semestrales 2009 I , 2009 II y 2010 I. Gobierno Regional de Piura: www.regionpiura.gob.pe. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 91922. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://ofi.mef.gob.pe/bp/ConsultarPIP /frmConsultarPIP.asp?accion=consultar&txtCodigo=91922 (revisada el 15 de setiembre 2010). AECID. 2010. PROGRAMA DE COOPERACIÓN HISPANO PERUANO 2007 - 2010. Ficha Técnica del Proyecto 2008: Gestión Integral de la Cuenca Binacional Catamayo-Chira. Disponible en el sitio web, URL: http://www.aeci.org.pe/proyectos/index.php?idProy=15&accionExt=proyectCard (revisada el 15 de setiembre de 2010 Attachments: none Programme/Project #14 — Proyecto “Manejo de Recursos Naturales para el Alivio de la Pobreza en la Sierra (III)- JBIC.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto “Manejo de Recursos Naturales para el Alivio de la Pobreza en la Sierra (III)- JBIC.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL).

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Organizaciones campesinas.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit 38 provincias de 13 departamentos del Perú: Cajamarca, La Libertad, Ancash, Huancavelica, Cusco, Arequipa, Puno, Junín, Moquegua, Apurímac, Ayacucho, Lima, Pasco.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Familias rurales de la sierra peruana.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 207500

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Convenio de Préstamo N° PE-P27

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/09/2000

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 25/10/2009

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Banco de Cooperación Internacional del Japón-JBIC. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 49233480 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3 5

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Inversiones Rurales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 182500000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.1 Production Systems

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Fortalecimiento comunal e institucional. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 2270000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Gestión y Monitoreo del Proyecto. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 385000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Conservación de suelos (obras de conservación de suelos, instalación de cultivos y maneo de pastos).

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Reseña del Convenio de Préstamo PE-P27. Informe de Término del Proyecto “Manejo de Recursos Naturales para el Alivio de la Pobreza en la Sierra” Convenio de Préstamo JBIC PE-P27. Abril 2010. Attachments: none Programme/Project #15 — Proyecto Fortalecimiento de mercados, diversificación de ingresos y mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida en la Sierra Sur – PDSS (Proyecto de Desarrollo Sierra Sur).~~~

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto Fortalecimiento de mercados, diversificación de ingresos y mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida en la Sierra Sur – PDSS (Proyecto de Desarrollo Sierra Sur).

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Manejo de los Recursos Naturales en la Sierra Sur - MARENASS del Ministerio de Agricultura – MINAG.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Organizaciones de campesinos.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit 127 distritos de los Departamentos de Arequipa, Puno, Cusco, Moquegua y Tacna.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Familias rurales del ámbito de acción del proyecto que se encuentran en condiciones de pobreza o extrema pobreza.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 75000 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) FIDA: I-602-PE; SNIP: 3502

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola – FIDA. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 18371097 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 0

UNFCCC mitigation 0


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 4 5

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Manejo de Recursos Naturales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.6 Land Conservation

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Fortalecimiento de los Mercados Locales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Gestión del Conocimiento y Activos Culturales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.2.1 Traditional Knowledge and Best Practices

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Gestión y Administración. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Recursos naturales rehabilitados y capitalizados a través de Incentivos concursables.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Proyecto Fortalecimiento de Mercados, Diversificación de los Ingresos y Mejoramiento de las Condiciones de Vida en la Sierra Sur. Informe anual - 2008. Chivay, marzo 2009 Proyecto Fortalecimiento de Mercados, Diversificación de los Ingresos y Mejoramiento de las Condiciones de Vida en la Sierra Sur. Informe Anual 2009. Chivay, enero 2010. ttp://operations.ifad.org/web/ifad/operations/country/projects/tags/peru. Attachments: none Programme/Project #16 — Programa de apoyo a las Alianzas rurales Productivas de la S ierra - Aliados.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programa de apoyo a las Alianzas rurales Productivas de la Sierra - Aliados.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Manejo de los Recursos Naturales en la Sierra Sur - MARENASS del Ministerio de Agricultura – MINAG.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Comunidades campesinas (875).

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit 255 distritos de la sierra de los departamentos de Apurímac, Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Huánuco, Junín, Pasco.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme 875 comunidades campesinas y 620 organizaciones de productores.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 268000

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) P079165

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Banco Mundial (IBRD). Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 20000000 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 0

UNFCCC mitigation 0


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 4 5

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Promoción de Negocios Rurales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 15609400 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Apoyo al Desarrollo Comunal. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 13583158 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.2 Community Development

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Gestión del Desarrollo Rural y Monitoreo del Programa. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 5741032 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Generar y consolidar nuevos negocios rurales en el ámbito de las seis regiones de la Sierra que se encuentran en situación de pobreza.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/BANCOMUNDIAL/PROJECTSSPA /0,,contentMDK:21360499~menuPK:2804989~pagePK:41367~piPK:279616~theSitePK:2748767,00.html. http://www.agrorural.gob.pe/index.php/programas/marenass/proyecto-aliados.html. Programa de apoyo a las alianzas rurales productivas de las sierra - Aliados. Presentación en pdf. Informe Memoria Anual 2009. Presentación y Aprobación del Reporte al IV Trimestre del POA 2008 del Programa Aliados- Attachments: none Programme/Project #17 — Proyecto Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Política s para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte.~~~

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto Fortalecimiento de los Activos, Mercados y Políticas para el Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra Norte.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Manejo de los Recursos Naturales en la Sierra Sur - MARENASS del Ministerio de Agricultura – MINAG.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Organizaciones de productores.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit 115 distritos de los departamentos de Cajamarca, Amazonas, La Libertad, Lambayeque.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Familias campesinas en situación de pobreza.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 100000

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) I-744-PE Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Pipeline

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/09/2010

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 30/08/2014

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobiernos Regionales y Locales. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 1600000 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 0

UNFCCC mitigation 0


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 4

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Manejo comunal de recursos naturales y valorización de los activos físicos. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.8 Sustainable Land Management

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Desarrollo de iniciativas empresariales y fortalecimiento de los activos financieros. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.9 Project Development

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Fortalecimiento del desarrollo territorial y gestión del conocimiento. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.6 Land Conservation

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Gestión, monitoreo y evaluación. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). 15,000 ha mejoradas.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.agrorural.gob.pe/index.php/programas/marenass/proyecto-sierra-norte.html. Presentación. http://www.agrorural.gob.pe/index.php/difusion/noticias/697-proyecto-sierra-norte-beneficiara-a-mas- 122-mil-familias-campesinas.html. http://operations.ifad.org/web/ifad/operations/country/projects/tags/peru. Informe del POA 2009. Attachments: none Programme/Project #18 — Proyecto MASAL - Gestión Concertada de los Recursos Naturale s en Municipalidades Rurales Fase III.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto MASAL - Gestión Concertada de los Recursos Naturales en Municipalidades Rurales Fase III.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas - MASAL.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Organizaciones de productores.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit Departamentos de Apurímac y Cusco.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Mancomunidades: Valle del Pachachaka, Saywite-Choquequirao Ampay en Apurímac; Mancomunidades; Altiva Canas; Hermanos Ayar en Cusco. Organizaciones de productores.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 75000

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) No answer provided

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación - COSUDE. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 1731538 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 0


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Manejo de Recursos Naturales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.1.1 Agriculture

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Fortalecimiento de los Mercados Locales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.6 Land Conservation

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Gestión del Conocimiento y Activos Culturales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.2 Knowledge, Science and Technology

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Gestión y Administración. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Recursos naturales rehabilitados y capitalizados a través de Incentivos concursables.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.sierrasur.gob.pe/inicio/ Informe Aunual 2008. Informe Anual 2009. PAO 2009. Attachments: none Programme/Project #19 — Proyecto Especial de Desarrollo de Capacidades de la Familia Rural denominado “Mi Chacra Productiva”.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto Especial de Desarrollo de Capacidades de la Familia Rural denominado “Mi Chacra Productiva”.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Fondo de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Social (FONCODES).

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Familias rurales.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit Regiones de Apurímac, Ayacucho, Cusco, Huancavelica y Junín..

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Familias rurales que se encuentran bajo una economía de subsistencia, con tecnologías productiva poco desarrolladas, que no Ies permite mejorar sus actividades productivas ni la generación de excedentes mínimos para aspirar a su inclusión en el mercado (quintil 1).

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 32400

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) No answer provided

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 13/05/2009

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Recursos Ordinarios del Estado. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 3508772 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 0

UNFCCC mitigation 0


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Desarrollo de capacidades productivas de las familias rurales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Mejora de la seguridad alimentaria. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.2 Community Development

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Monitoreo y Evaluación. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Incremento de las áreas cultivables bajo riego, desarrollo de habilidades y destrezas en el manejo de módulos productivos y la gestión eficiente de los recursos productivos de los predios.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.foncodes.gob.pe/mchacraprod.htm. http://www.foncodes.gob.pe/documentos/Nuevo_2010/chacra/ANEXO_Nro1-LINEAMIENTOS.pdf. Documento Anexo 1. Lineamientos Operativos del Proyecto Especial de Desarrollo de Capacidades de la Familia Rural, denominado "Mi Chacra Productiva". Attachments: none Programme/Project #20 — Tercera Etapa del Programa de Apoyo a las Operaciones del Fondo Nacional de Compensación y Desarrollo Social (FONCODES III) PROGRAMA FONCODES BID III Nº 1421/OC-PE.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Tercera Etapa del Programa de Apoyo a las Operaciones del Fondo Nacional de Compensación y Desarrollo Social (FONCODES III) PROGRAMA FONCODES BID III Nº 1421/OC-PE.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Fondo de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Social (FONCODES).

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Familias en situación de pobreza.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit El Llaucano (Cajamarca), Huamanga (Ayacucho), Huancané-Putina (Puno), Huascarán (Huaraz), Sierra Lima (Lima), Sierra Piura (Piura), Tayacaja (Junín y Huancavelica).

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Familias en situación de pobreza.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 99060 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) PE0193

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID). Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 150000000 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 2 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Inversión: (a) proyectos de infraestructura social y económica básica; (b) consolidación de los Racimos Estratégicos de Desarrollo (REDs); y (c) recuperación o rehabilitación de obras existentes. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 17340000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.11 Services and Infrastructure

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Capacitación Y Fortalecimiento Institucional: (a) capacitación y fortalecimiento de la gestión comunitaria; (b) fortalecimiento institucional y equipamiento de FONCODES, y (c) capacitación en gerencia social, diseñado y desarrollado por el Instituto Interamericano para el Desarrollo Social (INDES) en Perú. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 765000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Seguimiento, Evaluación Y Auditorias: Seguimiento externo, evaluaciones y auditorías externas. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 335000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). La población rural accede a servicios básicos sostenibles y eficaces. Los hogares mejoran su acceso a servicios básicos de infraestructura.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.iadb.org/projects/project.cfm?id=PE0193 ˛˛˛=es. Informe de Terminación de Proyecto (bajado del BID). Propuesta de préstamo. Tercera etapa del Programa de Apoyo a las Operaciones del Fondo Nacional de Compensación y Desarrollo Social (FONCODES III) (PE-0193). Attachments: none Programme/Project #21 — Proyecto: Forestación y Reforestación de la Cuenca del Río Pachachaca, Apurímac.~~~

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto: Forestación y Reforestación de la Cuenca del Río Pachachaca, Apurímac.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Comunidades campesinas de la Cuenca del Río Pachachaca.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 2500 Hectares

Administrative Unit 14 distritos de la Provincia de Aymaraes, 6 distritos de la Provincia de Antabamba y 6 distritos de la Provincia de Abancay de la Región Apurímac.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Comuneros de la parte media y alta de la cuenca del rio Pachachaca, en las sub cuencas de los rios Antabamba y Chalhuanca y microcuenca del rio Mariño.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 32028 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SNIP N° 28184, Gobierno Regional: N° 2030140

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno del Perú. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 350000 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Expediente Técnico Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 5333 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.9 Project Development

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Instalación y/o mejoramiento de viveros permanentes. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 3852 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.3 Forest/Scrub Management

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Producción de plantones forestales nativos y exóticos. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 184708 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.3 Forest/Scrub Management

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Instalación de plantaciones forestales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 39018 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.3 Forest/Scrub Management

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Riego y cuidado de plantaciones forestales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 15132 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.3 Forest/Scrub Management Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Capacitación en producción de plantas y plantación. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 4281 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Capacitación en manejo adecuado de bosques nativos. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 1088 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Capacitación en prácticas agronómicas de conservación de suelos. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 1088 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Gastos generales y de personal. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 89361 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Áreas reforestadas y población sensibilizada, para que la la forestación sea para ellos una estrategia para reducir la vulnerabilidad ante los cambios climáticos.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. 2008. Informe de gestión 2007: resumen ejecutivo. Abancay. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 28184. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://ofi.mef.gob.pe/bp/ConsultarPIP /frmConsultarPIP.asp?accion=consultar&txtCodigo=28184. Consultado el 18 de setiembre de 2010. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Ñaw Paq Man Apurímac. 2008. Audiencia pública 2008: Abancay. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Ñaw Paq Man Apurímac. 2009. Audiencia pública 2009: Abancay. Presentación en power point. Attachments: none Programme/Project #22 — Proyecto: Zonificación Ecológica y Económica de la Región Apurímac.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto: Zonificación Ecológica y Económica de la Región Apurímac.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. No answer provided

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 208918 Hectares

Administrative Unit Provincias de Abancay, Andahuaylas, Antabamba, Aymaraes, Grau, chincheros y Cotabambas de la Región Apurímac.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Población de la Región Apurímac.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 418882

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SNIP N° 35346, Gobierno Regional: N° 2031906

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 248851 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Gestión del Proyecto. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 23860 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.8 Sustainable Land Management

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Capacitación. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 27250 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Equipamiento. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 50811 --- Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.8 Sustainable Land Management

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Estudios del ZEE. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 146930 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Territorio de Región Apurímac definido, identificado y caracterizado en sectores donde se determinaron las potencialidades para el uso sostenible de los recursos.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. 2008. Informe de gestión 2007: resumen ejecutivo. Abancay. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. s/f. Proyecto: “Zonificación Ecológica Económica de la Región Apurímac”. Abancay. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. 2009. Proyectos de Inversión Pública - Ejecución 2009. Pliego 442. Disponible en el sitio web: http://www.regionapurimac.gob.pe Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Ñaw Paq Man Apurímac. 2008. Audiencia pública 2008: Abancay. Presentación en power point. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Ñaw Paq Man Apurímac. 2009. Audiencia pública 2009: Abancay. Presentación en power point. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 35346. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://ofi.mef.gob.pe/bp/ConsultarPIP /frmConsultarPIP.asp?accion=consultar. Consultado el 22 de setiembre de 2010. Attachments: none Programme/Project #23 — Proyecto: Validación y Publicación de la Zonificación Ecológ ica Económica de la Región Apurímac.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto: Validación y Publicación de la Zonificación Ecológica Económica de la Región Apurímac.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. No answer provided

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 208918 Hectares

Administrative Unit Región Apurímac.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Población de la Región Apurímac.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 113226

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SNIP N° 117586, Gobierno Regional: N° 2093778

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno Regional de Apurímac - PIM 2009. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 87718 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Validación de la Propuesta de Zonificación Ecológica Económica. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 34301 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.8 Sustainable Land Management

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Difusión y Promoción de la Propuesta ZEE. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 35504 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Se cuenta con una metodología que al aplicarse viene asegurando la calidad del estudio de la ZEE.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Ñaw Paq Man Apurímac. 2009. Audiencia pública 2009: Abancay. Presentación en power point. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-04 Perfil Simplificado - PIP Menor: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 117586. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://ofi.mef.gob.pe/bp/ConsultarPIP/frmConsultarPIP.asp?accion=consultar. Consultado el 22 de setiembre de 2010. Attachments: none Programme/Project #24 — Proyecto: Fortalecimiento de Capacidades para la Prevención y Mitigación de la Desertificación y Sequía en la Región Apurímac.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto: Fortalecimiento de Capacidades para la Prevención y Mitigación de la Desertificación y Sequía en la Región Apurímac.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Comunidades (56).

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 208918 Hectares

Administrative Unit Provincias de Abancay (Curahuasi, Huanipaca, Circa y Pichirhua), Andahuaylas(Huancarama, Pacobamba, Huancaray y Andahuaylas), Antabamba (Antabamba, Sabayno y Juan Espinoza Medrano), Aymaraes (Caraybamba, Ihuayllo, Pocohuanca, Tintay), Grau (Curasco, Chuquibambilla, Micaela Bastidas y Vilcabamba), Chincheros (Anccohuayllo, Ranracancha, Uranmarca) y Cotabambas (Chalhuahuacho, Tambobamba y Cotabambas).

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Población de la Región Apurímac.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 2500

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SNIP N° 48476, Gobierno Regional: N° 2045963

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 31/12/2009

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 297725 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Capacitación a Promotores (Líderes Comunales, otros) en manejo de suelos, riego y conservación de los Recursos Forestales (Capitales de la Provincia). Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 43715 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.2 Drought mitigation

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Capacitación a Productores en Manejo de Suelos, Riego y Conservación de los Recursos Forestales considerando el diseño de los módulos demostrativos en forma participativa. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 158536 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.2 Drought mitigation

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Implementación de un sistema de información y alerta temprana a través de diseño participativo de un modelo de infocentro rural, capacitación del personal que se encargará de los infocentros y la implementación de infocentros rurales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 30707 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Se ha capacitado a 256 promotores (autoridades y líderes), con réplica y acompañamiento a 10,745 productores beneficiarios de 56 Comunidades de 26 distritos de la 7 provincias de la Región con un total de 350 eventos en temas de protección de agua, suelo y recursos forestales.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Ñaw Paq Man Apurímac. 2008. Audiencia pública 2008: Abancay. Presentación en power point. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Ñaw Paq Man Apurímac. 2009. Audiencia pública 2009: Abancay. Presentación en power point. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. 2009. PROYECTOS VIABLES POR LA OPI REGIONAL DEL 01 -01 -09 AL 07 -07 -2009. Disponible en el sitio web de la Región Apurímac: http://www.regionapurimac.gob.pe /ftp/transparencia/junio/opi/informacion_de_proyectos_segundo_trim.pdf. Consultado el 22 de setiembre de 2010. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 48476. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://ofi.mef.gob.pe/bp/ConsultarPIP /frmConsultarPIP.asp?accion=consultar. Consultado el 22 de setiembre de 2010. Attachments: none Programme/Project #25 — Proyecto: Sistema de Información Ambiental Regional de Apurímac.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto: Sistema de Información Ambiental Regional de Apurímac.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Regional de Apurímac.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. No answer provided

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 208918 Hectares

Administrative Unit Provincias de Abancay, Andahuaylas, Antabamba, Aymaraes, Grau, chincheros y Cotabambas de la Región Apurímac.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Población de la Región Apurímac.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 418882

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SNIP N° 54237

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 767364 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Elaboración del expediente tecnico. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 5614 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.2 Knowledge, Science and Technology

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Programa de sensibilización. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 6737 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Equipamiento de oficinas provinciales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 16375 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Oficina regional. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 57391 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.1.2 Soil Observations

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Proceso de equipamiento. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 117000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.2 Knowledge, Science and Technology

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Sistematización de informacion. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 494486 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.2 Knowledge, Science and Technology

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Gastos generales, de supervisión e imprevistos. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 69761 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Gobierno Regional de Apurímac. 2009. PROYECTOS VIABLES POR LA OPI REGIONAL DEL 01 -01 -09 AL 07 -07 -2009. Disponible en el sitio web de la Región Apurímac: http://www.regionapurimac.gob.pe /ftp/transparencia/junio/opi/informacion_de_proyectos_segundo_trim.pdf. Consultado el 22 de setiembre de 2010. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 54237. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://ofi.mef.gob.pe/bp/ConsultarPIP /frmConsultarPIP.asp?accion=consultar. Consultado el 22 de setiembre de 2010. Attachments: none Programme/Project #26 — Proyecto: IRRIGACION CULLAHUATA CONGONYA.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto: IRRIGACION CULLAHUATA CONGONYA.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Proyecto Especial Plan MERISS, Gobierno Regional del Cusco.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Organizaciones de riego,

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 400 Hectares

Administrative Unit Localidades de Cullahuata y Quillcata del distrito de Velille, y localidad de Congonya del distrito de Santo Tomás de la Provincia de Chumbivilcas de la Región Cusco.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Población de las localidades de Cullahuata, Quillcata y Congonya.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 749

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SNIP N° 52041 Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/01/2008

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Uf Proyecto Especial Plan MERISS. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 912107 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Expediente Técnico. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 38595 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.6 Water delivery

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Ejecución de Obras. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 845363 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.6 Water delivery

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Acciones de Capacitación y Transferencia Tecnológica. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 24639 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Acciones de Mitigación de Medio Ambiente. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 10000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 52041. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://www.empresabio.com /V05/versnip.php?ti=3&id=52041. Consultado el 23 de setiembre de 2010. Attachments: none Programme/Project #27 — Proyecto: Afianzamiento Hídrico en Épocas de Estiaje del Val le de Tambo.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto: Afianzamiento Hídrico en Épocas de Estiaje del Valle de Tambo.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional de Arequipa.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Organizaciones de usuarios,

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit Valle de Tambo, Provincias de Islay, Mollendo y Mejía de la Región Arequipa.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Población de las Provincias de Islay, Mollendo y Mejía.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 52264

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SNIP N° 97804 Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/07/2010

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 31/03/2011

Programme/Project co-financing No answer provided

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Expediente Técnico. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 38596 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.6 Water delivery

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Ejecución de Obras. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 845363 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.6 Water delivery

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Acciones de Capacitación y Transferencia Tecnológica. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 24639 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Acciones de Mitigación de Medio Ambiente. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 3509 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. MEF. 2010. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS. Proyecto de Inversión Pública SNIP 52041. Disponible en el sitio web del MEF, URL: http://www.empresabio.com /V05/versnip.php?ti=3&id=52041. Consultado el 23 de setiembre de 2010. Attachments: none Programme/Project #28 — Sub-Proyecto: Pronóstico Estacional de Lluvias y Temperatura s en la Cuenca del Río Mantaro para su aplicación en la Agricultura.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Sub-Proyecto: Pronóstico Estacional de Lluvias y Temperaturas en la Cuenca del Río Mantaro para su aplicación en la Agricultura.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Instituto Geofísico del Perú - IGP.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Extensión Agraria (INIEA) - Estación Experimental Santa Ana.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 345501 Hectares

Administrative Unit Territorios de los departamentos de Junín,

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Agricultores de la Cuenca del Río Mantaro.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 1200000

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) INCAGRO N° 06-1742

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Instituto Geofísico del Perú - IGP. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 156706 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 2

UNFCCC mitigation 2


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Fortalecer el desarrollo institucional en las áreas de desarrollo de pronósticos estacionales con aplicación en la agricultura. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 153637 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. IGP. s.f. Sub-Proyecto: "Pronóstico Estacional de Lluvias y Temperaturas en la Cuenca del Río Mantaro para su aplicación en la Agricultura". Sitio web de IGP, en el URL: http://www.met.igp.gob.pe/ccmantaro /presentaciones/afiche_silva.pdf. Consultado el 22 de setiembre de 2010. INCAGRO. 2006?. Fondo de Desarrollo de Servicios Estratégicos: Propuesta de Subproyecto de Investigación Estratégica, Código: 06-1742. CONCURSO Nº 002-2006-PIEA-INCAGRO. Disponible en el sitio web, con el URL: http://www.incagro.gob.pe/apc-aa-files/e457b3346514303468089b655b420d50 /Sup095.pdf, INCAGRO. 2006?. Fondo de Desarrollo de Servicios Estratégicos: Propuesta de Subproyecto de Investigación Estratégica, Código: 06-1742. CONCURSO Nº 002-2006-PIEA-INCAGRO. URL: http://www.incagro.gob.pe/apc-aa-files/e457b3346514303468089b655b420d50/Sup095.pdf. Consultado el 22 de setiembre de 2010. Attachments: none Programme/Project #29 — Proyecto: Manejo de desastres ante eventos meteorológicos extremos (sequías, heladas y lluvias intensas) como medida de adaptación ante el cambio climático en el valle del Mantaro (MAREMEX-Mantaro).~~~

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto: Manejo de desastres ante eventos meteorológicos extremos (sequías, heladas y lluvias intensas) como medida de adaptación ante el cambio climático en el valle del Mantaro (MAREMEX-Mantaro).

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Instituto Geofísico del Perú - IGP.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. No answer provided

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit 4 subcuencas: Achamayo (Punto focal: Concepción), Shullcas (Punto focal: Acopalca), Alto Cunas (Punto Focal: San Juan de Jarpa) y Pariahuanca del valle del Mantaro.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme No answer provided

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) No answer provided

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/02/2009

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other IDRC - Rural Poverty and Environment Program. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 2

UNFCCC mitigation 2


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Estudio conjunto de los entornos urbano y rural, y que contempla los temas de género y recurso agua como ejes transversales de trabajo desde el inicio del proyecto. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.2.2 Bio-physical Research and Science

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Desarrollo de temas de investigación a través de tesis de investigación de pregrado y postgrado, con el fin de crear capacidades locales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.2.2 Bio-physical Research and Science

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Desarrollo de temas de investigación a través de tesis de investigación de pregrado y postgrado, con el fin de crear capacidades locales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.1.3 Consultative platforms

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Fortalecimiento de capacidades locales, regionales y nacionales para participar en investigaciones interdisciplinarias. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Amplia diseminación de los resultados del proyecto a tres niveles: Comunidad científica internacional; ámbito institucional y usuarios finales. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. IGP. 2010. Manejo de desastres ante eventos meteorológicos extremos (sequías, heladas y lluvias intensas) como medida de adaptación ante el cambio climático en el valle del Mantaro (MAREMEX- Mantaro). Sitio web IGP, con URL: http://www.met.igp.gob.pe/proyectos/maremex/. Consultado el 23/09/2010. Attachments: none Programme/Project #30 — Proyecto: Información Climática Aplicada Gestión Riesgo Agrícola Países Andinos.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto: Información Climática Aplicada Gestión Riesgo Agrícola Países Andinos.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología - SENAMHI.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Agricultores.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit Perú: Valle Mantaro.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Agricultores de las zonas intervenidas.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) PROYECTO BID ATN/OC-10064-RG Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID). Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 785000 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 2

UNFCCC mitigation 2


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Componente 1: Sistema de información y procesamiento de datos climáticos. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 628300 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.1.3 Weather Forecasting

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Sistema de diseminación de la información. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 277500 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Fortalecimiento Institucional. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 336400 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.1 Monitoring

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Auditoría / Monitoreo y evaluacíón / Imprevistos. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 68800 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). La población rural accede a servicios básicos sostenibles y eficaces. Los hogares mejoran su acceso a servicios básicos de infraestructura. El 100% de los proyectos de infraestructura se encuentran terminados y en funcionamiento

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. http://www.senamhi.gob.pe/?p=0807#01 http://www.ciifen-int.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=214%3Asistema- de-informacion-climatico-aplicado-a-la-gestion-de-riesgo-en-los-paises-andinos&catid=70%3Amanuales- y-metodologias&Itemid=84 ˛˛˛=es http://www.iadb.org/projects/Project.cfm?language=Spanish&PROJECT=RG-T1209 Documento: Guía técnica para la implementación de un Sistema Regional de Información Climática Aplicada a la Gestión de Riesgo Agrícola en los Países Andinos. Proyecto BID ATN/OC – 10064 – RG. Attachments: none Programme/Project #31 — Proyecto: Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de comunidades campesinas pobres para reducir su vulnerabilidad frente a problemas de sequía y desertificación en la región Apurímac.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Proyecto: Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de comunidades campesinas pobres para reducir su vulnerabilidad frente a problemas de sequía y desertificación en la región Apurímac.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Programa de Prevención de Desastres y Gobernabilidad Local (PDGL) de Soluciones Prácticas- Intermediate Technology Development Group - SP ITDG

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Junta de Usuarios de Riego.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit 7 Provincias de la Región Apurímac.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Campesinos, Junta de Usuarios de Riego.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 280 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) No answer provided

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 31/12/2008

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Comisión Europea (EC). Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1

Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Capacidades de campesinos incrementadas para gestionar riesgos de sequía y desertificación a través de tecnologías adecuadas.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Soluciones Prácticas ITDG. [2009]. Soluciones prácticas enfrentando el cambio climático. Lima. Attachments: none Programme/Project #32 — Mejoramiento y recuperación de áreas degradadas y aprovechamiento de aguas de nieblas en la Reserva Nacional de Lachay.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Mejoramiento y recuperación de áreas degradadas y aprovechamiento de aguas de nieblas en la Reserva Nacional de Lachay.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Municipalidad Provincial de Huaura.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI).

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 5070 Hectares

Administrative Unit No answer provided

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Comunidades campesinas de Sayán, Huacho y Huaral.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 34100

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) No answer provided

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Pipeline

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Municipalidad Provincial de Huaura. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 70175 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2 3

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . No answer provided

Programme/Project Components No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Captación de agua de niebla a través de un sistema de atrapa nieblas.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Municipalidad Provincial de Huaura. Reserva Nacional de Lachay. Servicio Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas (SERNANP). Attachments: none Programme/Project #33 — Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR II etapa.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR II etapa.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other MASAL - Manejo sostenible de Suelo y Agua en Laderas.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. No answer provided

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus No answer provided

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit Distritos de Ccapi, Ccorcca, Paccarectambo, Huanoquite y Yaurisque, provincia de Paruro departamento de Cusco.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme No answer provided

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 2021

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) No answer provided

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno Regional. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 421053 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1 3 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . 410 General environmental protection

Programme/Project Components No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Se han validado propuestas de Desarrollo Económico Territorial con enfoque de Gestión Integrada de los Recursos Hídricos en ejes productivos competitivos en mancomunidades. Se ha mejorado la calidad y el acceso a servicios de Asistencia Técnica local para el desarrollo de ejes productivos priorizados en mancomunidades a través innovaciones tecnológicas que mejora la calidad de vida de las familias campesinas. Se ha fortalecido la capacidad de liderazgo y de gestión concertada de los recursos naturales orientada a la GIRH del territorio de los distritos y mancomunidades.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Proyecto: Desarrollo de Capacidades e Innovaciones Técnico Institucionales para la GIRH en la Mancomunidad Hermanos AYAR. Etapa de Implementación - Instituciionalización 2008 - 2009. Attachments: none Programme/Project #34 — Programa Forestación y Reforestación para Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programa Forestación y Reforestación para Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Fondo Nacional del Ambiente - Perú (FONAM)

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Funder (non ODA)

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Comunidad “Ignacio Távara Pasapera". Mancomunidad de Yacus. Mancomunidad Saywite-Choquequirao. Asociación para la Investigación y Desarrollo Integral (AIDER). Asociación Especializada para el Desarrollo Sostenible (AEDES). CIP Yacus. COOPERACCIÓN. CEPRODER Apurímac. IPDA. Programa de Desarrollo Productivo Agrario Rural (AGRORURAL). Programa Regional ECOBONA.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 127661 Hectares

Administrative Unit Bosque seco de la Comunidad “Ignacio Távara Pasapera”, Piura; partes alta y media de la cuenca de Motupe, Lambayeque; plantaciones forestales comunales en Coropuna, Arequipa; micro y subcuencas de Jauja, Junin; cuenca alta y media del Chancay, Lima; comunidades de la Asociación Municipal Paraccay Mayu, Grau, Apurimac; cuenca de Pomabamba, Ancash; sub-cuenca del Rio Shullcas, Junín; Pias, La Libertad; distrito Chalaco, Piura; provincias de Tarma, Yauli, Concepcion, Jauja, Chupaca, Huancayo y Junin; cuenca Alto Huancabamba, Piura; cuenca de Chipillico, distritos de Frías y Lagunas, Ayabaca, Piura; Mancomunidad de Yacus, Junín; Mancomunidad Saywite-Choquequirao-Ampay, Apurímac

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Comunidad “Ignacio Távara Pasapera". Mancomunidad de Yacus. Mancomunidad Saywite-Choquequirao y otros sin precisar.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) F-I (2008, 2009), F-2 (2008, 2009), F-3 (2008, 2009), F-4 (2008), F-4 (2009), F-12 (2008), F-10 (2009), F-13 (2008), F-11 (2009), F-14 (2008), F-12 (2009), F-15 (2008), F-13 (2009), F-18 (2008), F-14 (2009), F-20 (2008), F-16 (2009), F-26 (2009), F-27 (2009), REDD-3, REDD-4

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/01/2007

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 31/12/2045

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other No identificado Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 65280520 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 2

UNFCCC mitigation 2


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . 41020 Biosphere protection

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Reforestation, sustainable production and carbon sequestration project in Ignacio Tavara´s dry forest, Piura. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 8980520 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.3 Environment Restoration

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Participatory reforestation project in high and middle parts of Motupe River basin – Lambayeque province. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 550000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.1 Adaptation to climate change

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Community Forest Plantations in Coropuna - Arequipa. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 0 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.1 Adaptation to climate change

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Forestation and Reforestation for carbon sequestration in the micro and sub basins of Jauja Province – Junin. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 6450000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.1 Adaptation to climate change

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Reforestation and environmental recovering of the high and mid-Chancay river basin. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 1000000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.1 Adaptation to climate change

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Management of mixed stands in degraded lands within the communities of the Municipality Association Paraccay Mayu, Grau Province, Apurimac. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 0 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.1 Adaptation to climate change

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Reforestation and afforestation with environmental protection and carbon capture purposes in Pomabamba’s basin, Pomabamba Province, Ancash. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 10600000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.1 Adaptation to climate change

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Reforestation project on Rio Shullcas sub-basin. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 2500000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.1.2 Forestry

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Afforestation and Reforestation Project in Pias – La Libertad. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 3290000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.1 Adaptation to climate change

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Reforestation and Agroforestry Activities for Carbon Sequestration in Chalaco District. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 7680000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4.1.1 Adaptation to climate change

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Reforestation project for recovering highlands and control of soil erosion in Tarma, Yauli, Concepcion, Jauja, Chupaca, Huancayo and Junin provinces.~~~Afforestation and reforestation for carbon capture purposes in Alto Huancabamba Basin, Districts of El Carmen de la Frontera, Province of Huancabamba and Piura Region.~~~Afforestation and reforestation for carbon capture purposes in the Chipillico Basin, Districts of Frías and Lagunas, Ayabaca Province.~~~Multicomunal Conservation Area of the Commonwealth of Yacus.~~~“Restoration of degraded forests in the Saywite-Choquequirao-Ampay mancommunity, Apurimac, Peru – Enhancement of carbon pools and sinks. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) ,USD,USD,USD,USD8190000,1950000,12270000,500000,1320000 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.6 Land Conservation 4.1.1 Adaptation to climate change 4.1.1 Adaptation to climate change 3.1.2 Forestry 1.2.3 Science and Technology

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). FONAM promueve la inversión de proyectos amigables con el medio ambiente que consideren actividades de manejo forestal diversificado y sustentable, tomando en cuenta la gestión de los servicios ambientales que brindan los ecosistemas forestales. FONAM cuenta con un portafolio de proyectos MDL, que al 2009 estaba compuesto por 27 proyectos de forestación y reforestación en bosques tropicales de la costa, sierra y selva del Perú, de los cuales 12 corresponden a zonas áridas de la costa y sierra. FONAM tiene un portafolio de proyectos de reducción de emisiones a través de deforestación evitada, REDD (reduction emission from deforestation and ecosystem degradation, por sus siglas en ingles) en bosques tropicales de la sierra y selva del Perú, que al 2009 suman 7. Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FONAM. 2010. CDM in Peru: Project Portfolio Summary Afforestation and Reforestation MDL 2008. Consultada en el portal www.fonamperu.org en octubre 2010. FONAM. 2010. Carbon Opportunities in Peru: Project Portfolio - 2009; Summary Afforestation and Reforestation. Consultada en el portal www.fonamperu.org en octubre 2010. Attachments: none Programme/Project #35 — PRODUCCION TECNIFICADA DE PLANTONES DE VID DE ALTA CALIDAD GENETICA Y FITOSANITARIA EN LA SUB - ESTACION EXPERIMENTAL CHINCHA - ICA.


Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agraria (INIA)

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Sub Estación Experimental Agraria Chincha.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit Plantaciones de vid ubicadas en el ámbito de la Sub Estación Experimental Agraria Chincha (Regiones Lima e Ica).

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme En la Sub Estación Experimental Agraria Chincha, la población se ubica dentro del tipo de productores que utilizan tecnologías medias, la demanda de tecnologías tiene relación directa con el grado de integración a los mercados de uvas de mesa y del producto derivado de las uvas, el pisco peruano.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 452

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Código SNIP N° 25477

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/01/2006

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 30/06/2008

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno del Perú. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 448709 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 0

UNFCCC mitigation 0


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . 31161 Food crop production

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Estudios. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 8501 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.2.3 Science and Technology

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Infraestructura. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 141684 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.1.1 Agriculture

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Equipamiento. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 119960 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.1.1 Agriculture

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Capital de trabajo. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 137772 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.1.1 Agriculture

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Administración y Monitoreo del proyecto. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 40792 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: 106719 Attachments: none Programme/Project #36 — INSTALACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE RIEGO TECNIFICADO POR GOTEO-GGE EL NAZARENO-DISTRITO DE SANTIAGO-REGIÓN ICA.


Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided


Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. El Programa Subsectorial de Irrigaciones (PSI).

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 96 Hectares

Administrative Unit GGE “El Nazareno”, ubicado en la Localidad Santa Dominguita del Distrito de Ica (Región Ica).

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Parceleros del GGE “El Nazareno".

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 19

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Código SNIP N° 106719.

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/01/2009

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 31/12/2009

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno del Perú. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 271904 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 0

UNFCCC mitigation 0


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . 31140 Agricultural water resources

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Instalación sistema de riego. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 271904 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.7 Water Conservation

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Método de riego tradicional por gravedad innovado por el de goteo. El proyecto mejorará el uso del agua y el suelo.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: 106720. Attachments: none Programme/Project #37 — INSTALACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE RIEGO TECNIFICADO POR GOTEO-GGE SAN PEDRO-DISTRITO DE SANTIAGO - REGIÓN ICA.


Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided


Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. No answer provided

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 55 Hectares

Administrative Unit GGE “San Pedro”, ubicado en la Localidad Santa Matilde del Distrito de Santiago (Región Ica).

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Parceleros del GGE “San Pedro”.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 11

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Código SNIP N° 106720.

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/01/2009

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 31/12/2009

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno del Perú. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 218623 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 0

UNFCCC mitigation 0


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . 31140 Agricultural water resources

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Instalación sistema de riego. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 218623 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.7 Water Conservation

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). El proyecto mejorará el uso del agua y el suelo. Plan de Negocios de los beneficiarios.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: 67842. Attachments: none Programme/Project #38 — DETERMINACIÓN DE LA EFICIENCIA ÓPTIMA DEL RIEGO POR GOTEO PARA LOS CULTIVARES DE ALGODÓN HAZERA Y DEL CERRO EN EL DISTRITO DE MÓRROPE.


Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided


Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Asociación Distrital de Productores de Maíz Amarillo Duro y Otros Cultivos de Mórrope. Asociación Agrícola Juntos Venceremos. Instituto de Apoyo al Manejo de Agua de Riego Costa Norte.

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit Distrito de Mórrope (Región Lambayeque).

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Asociación Distrital de Productores de Maíz Amarillo Duro y Otros Cultivos de Mórrope. Asociación Agrícola Juntos Venceremos.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 36

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Código SNIP N° 67842.

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/10/2007

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 30/09/2009

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno del Perú. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 139321 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 0

UNFCCC mitigation 0


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . 31140 Agricultural water resources

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Planificación y diseño metodológico. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 185 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Implementación de Propuesta Técnologica. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 73997 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.7 Water Conservation

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Implementar sistema de riego presurizado. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 48562 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.2.7 Water Conservation

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Diseño e implementación del Plan de Capacitación Tecnológica. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 4066 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Intercambio de experiencias. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 4161 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Realización de tesis de investigación. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 3883 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 1.2.3 Science and Technology

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Desarrollar capacidades para analizar y racionalizar costos de producción. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 607 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Fortalecer la capacidad de negociación de los productores. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 753 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Desarrollar mecanismos adecuados de articulación con el mercado de productos. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 277 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.12 Social Development

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Articular a productores con empresas comercializadora desmotadora. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 1335 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.12 Social Development

Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. Actividades de Gestión Empresarial de los productores. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 1495 US Dollar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 0 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 2.2.1 Capacity-Building

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). Se implementarán 24 parcelas adaptativas de 1 ha. del cultivo, para determinar la influencia del rendimiento del algodón en rama en riego por goteo frente al riego por gravedad.

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS: Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: 67842. Attachments: none Programme/Project #39 — SELECCIÓN DE CEPAS SIMBIÓTICAS DE RHIZOBIOS DE VARIEDADES COMERCIALES DE PHASEOLUS LUNATUS (PALLAR) EN CAMPO DE AGRICULTORES DE LA REGIÓN ICA.


Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided


Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. No answer provided

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 4500 Hectares

Administrative Unit Distrito de Santiago, El Ingenio y Río Grande de la Región Ica.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme No answer provided

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 250

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Código SNIP N° 71994.

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/01/2008

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 31/12/2010

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno del Perú. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 125975 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 0

UNFCCC mitigation 0


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . 31120 Agricultural development

Programme/Project Components No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: Attachments: none Programme/Project #40 — INVESTIGACIÓN AVANZADA EN RED, DEL RENDIMIENTO Y CALIDAD DE FIBRA, DE LÍNEAS SELECCIONADAS DE ALGODÓN (GOSSYPIUM BARBADENSE L.) DE FIBRA LARGA Y EXTRALARGA PARA SU CULTIVO EN LA COSTA CENTRAL.~~~


Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided


Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. No answer provided

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 14000 Hectares

Administrative Unit Distritos El Carmen, Chincha Baja, Parcona de la Región Ica y distritos Imperial y San Vicente de Cañete de la Región Lima.

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme No answer provided

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 3800 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Código SNIP N° 40460.

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/10/2006

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 30/09/2008

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno del Perú. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 192321 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 0

UNFCCC mitigation 0


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2 3 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . 31120 Agricultural development

Programme/Project Components No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: Attachments: none Programme/Project #41 — SISTEMA DE DETECCIÓN TEMPRANA DE LA SEQUÍA EN LA COSTA NORTE DE PERÚ, USANDO LA TEMPERATURA Y SALINIDAD DEL SUELO Y EL ÍNDICE DE VEGETACIÓN PROCEDENTES DE LAS IMÁGENES DE SATÉLITE Y SU RELACIÓN CON LOS ÍNDICES DE LA OSCILACIÓN SUREÑA EL NIÑO.~~~


Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided


Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. No answer provided

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size 24305 Hectares

Administrative Unit Distritos de Lambayeque (Región Lambayeque), Tumbes (Región Tumbes) y Piura (Región Piura).

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme No answer provided

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 420 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Código SNIP N° 45761.

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/01/2007

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 31/12/2009

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno del Perú. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 235856 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . 74010 Disaster prevention and preparedness

Programme/Project Components No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: Attachments: none Programme/Project #42 — DESARROLLO DE CAPACIDADES PARA PEQUEÑOS AGRICULTORES Y ARTESANOS PARA PROMOCIÓN Y APROVECHAMIENTO DEL CULTIVO DE ALGODÓN NATIVO DE COLORES NATURALES EN LOS DISTRITOS DE MESONES MURO Y FERREÑAFE.


Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided


Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. No answer provided

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit Productores y artesanos de algodón nativo de la localidad de Fanupa del Distrito de Manuel Antonio Mesones Muro y la localidad Vichayal del Distrito de Ferreñafe (Región Lambayeque).

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Código SNIP N° 67900.

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/01/2008

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 31/12/2008

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno del Perú. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 38381 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 0

UNFCCC mitigation 0


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 1

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . 31120 Agricultural development

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-18. No answer provided Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: Attachments: none Programme/Project #43 — ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA PARA EL INCREMENTO DE LA PRODUCCIÓN DE ALGODÓN EN LAMBAYEQUE.

Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA PARA EL INCREMENTO DE LA PRODUCCIÓN DE ALGODÓN EN LAMBAYEQUE.

Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided


Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. No answer provided

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit Distritos de Chiclayo, Monsefú, Ferreñafe, Pitipo, Lambayeque, Mochumi, Mórrope, Motupe y Túcume (Región Lambayeque).

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme No answer provided

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 1222

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Código SNIP N° 49829.

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 01/07/2008

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) 31/03/2009

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno del Perú. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 348030 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 2

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . 31120 Agricultural development

Programme/Project Components No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: Attachments: none Programme/Project #44 — FORESTACIÓN Y REFORESTACIÓN EN LA CUENCA HIDROGRÁFICA RÍO ICA, DEPARTAMENTO DE HUANCAVELICA.~~~


Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization No answer provided

Other Gobierno Regional de Huancavelica.

Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. No answer provided

Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate “Global” in the absence of a specific geographical focus Peru

Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals). Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project

Area Size No answer provided

Administrative Unit Distritos de Ayavi, Tambo, Santo Domingo de Capillas, San Francisco de Sangayaico, Santiago de Chocorvos y San Isidro (Región Huancavelica).

Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme No answer provided

Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) No answer provided

Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Código SNIP N°91252.

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. No answer provided

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 15/01/2011) No answer provided

Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations No answer provided Other Gobierno del Perú. Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or decimals) 16310261 US Dollar

UN Conventions’ Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)


UNFCCC adaptation 1

UNFCCC mitigation 1


Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project 3

Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : http://www.oecd.org/document /21/0,3343,en_2649_34447_1914325_1_1_1_1,00.html . 410 General environmental protection

Programme/Project Components No answer provided

Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max 100 words). No answer provided

Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. FORMATO SNIP-03: FICHA DE REGISTRO - BANCO DE PROYECTOS, Código SNIP del Proyecto de Inversión Pública: Attachments: none Additional Information

F. Additional information

The section on additional information is meant to provide an instrument of flexibility in the reporting exercise as well as to enrich the knowledge base of the CRIC on concrete issues faced by affected country Parties and consequently to make more targeted and specific recommendations to the COP. It allows affected country Parties to comment or report upon issues that are not covered elsewhere but that are nevertheless of importance at the national level or within the framework of the implementation of The Strategy and the Convention.

The additional information section allows feedback to be received on the reporting process and on the implementation of NAPs as well as lessons learnt, problems, constraints and bottlenecks faced in terms of human and financial resources. It is also meant to accommodate ad hoc COP requests for reporting on specific topics or new reporting requirements deriving from COP deliberations that may supersede existing ones and imply changes in implementation.

The proposed template for reporting is adjusted to the mandate of affected country Parties within the framework of the Convention, as requested by decision 13/COP.9, paragraph 17.

Reporting process-related issues

Financial resources Could your country count on sufficient financial resources to meet UNCCD reporting obligations? Yes

Provide an estimate of the amount invested from your country’s national budget into the UNCCD reporting process. 15500 US Dollar

Human resources How many people were involved in your country in the UNCCD reporting process?

Number of people 7

Estimate the total number of person/day dedicated by these persons to the UNCCD reporting process: Number of person/day 270

Knowledge Could your country count on sufficient technical and scientific knowledge to meet UNCCD reporting obligations? Yes

Coordination Was coordination with the relevant implementing agencies satisfactory in order to apply for necessary funds? Yes

Was coordination at the national level with the relevant line ministries satisfactory in order to comprehensively and coherently report? Yes

Participation and consultation Was a participatory or consultative approach applied to involve all relevant stakeholders in the reporting process? Yes Validation meeting Was a validation meeting held as a tool to integrate stakeholders in the reporting process? Yes

Subregional and regional processes Did your country actively contribute to the subregional and regional reporting processes? Yes

PRAIS portal If you are reporting online, did you receive sufficient training on access and utilization of the PRAIS portal? Yes Accommodation of specific requests within COP decisions

Report on specific COP requests – iterative process on indicators Decision 13/COP.9, paragraphs 2, 3 and 24, envisages an iterative process to refine the set of performance indicators provisionally adopted by the same decision. As a tool to implement this iterative process, affected country Parties can provide here their suggestions and recommendations for improvement.

Tick the cells only when you have experienced difficulties in reporting on one, or more, indicator(s). Indicate against which of the e-SMART criteria the indicator(s) needs to be improved. economic Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound














CONS-O-18 Reporting on the implementation of NAP

Which is the percentage of activities included in the NAP that are currently implemented? 1-30%

Human resources

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Lessons learnt (report on the 2 most important only) 1 No answer provided

2 No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Problems, constraints and bottlenecks currently faced by your country (report on the 2 most important only) 1 No answer provided

2 No answer provided

Financial resources

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Lessons learnt (report on the 2 most important only) 1 No answer provided

2 No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Problems, constraints and bottlenecks currently faced by your country (report on the 2 most important only) 1 No answer provided

2 No answer provided Any other country-specific issues

Has your country any specific issue to bring to the attention of the Conference of the Parties? Yes

If yes, please specify under which of the following broad categories it can be classified. Category Policy; legislative; institutional framework Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided Narrative description No answer provided

Category Capacity-building and awareness-raising Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided Narrative description No answer provided

Category DLDD and SLM monitoring and assessment/research Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided Narrative description No answer provided

Category Funding/resource mobilization Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided Narrative description No answer provided Best Practices

G. Best practices

According to decision 13/COP. 9, Annex V, UNCCD best practices shall be collected according to seven themes: 1. SLM technologies, including adaptation; 2. Capacity building and awareness raising; 3. DLDD and SLM monitoring and assessment/research; 4. Knowledge management and decision support; 5. Policy, legislative, institutional framework; 6. Funding/resource mobilization; 7. Participation, collaboration and networking.

While themes 2 to 7 represent different elements of the enabling environment needed for the implementation and dissemination/up- scaling of sustainable land management (SLM) technologies (indirect impact), theme 1 comprises all actions on the ground that have a direct impact on desertification, land degradation and drought mitigation.

In particular, as specified in document ICCD/CRIC(8)/5/Add.5, paragraph 12, theme 1 ‘SLM technologies, including adaptation’ refers to SLM technologies that directly contribute to the prevention, mitigation and rehabilitation of desertification and land degradation on cropland, grazing land and woodland, with the aim of improving the livelihoods of affected populations and conserving ecosystem services. Successful implementation of SLM technologies is the base for achieving strategic objectives 1, 2 and 3 of The Strategy. Theme 1 also integrates five of the strategic areas defined by decision 8/COP.4, namely: (a) sustainable land use management, including water, soil and vegetation in affected areas; (b) sustainable use and management of rangelands; (c) development of sustainable agricultural and ranching production systems; (d) development of new and renewable energy sources; and (e) launching of reforestation/afforestation programmes/ intensification of soil conservation programmes.

ICCD/CRIC(8)/5/Add.5 provides definitions for ‘practice’, ‘good practice’ and ‘best practice’. These definitions are included in the common glossary that shall be referred to by Parties and other reporting entities while reporting to UNCCD, according to decision 13/COP.9, paragraph 8.

The template for reporting is based on the general structure for the documentation of best practices contained in ICCD/CRIC(8) /5/Add.5, paragraphs 40 to 43; it is tailored to the documentation of best practices related to theme 1 ‘SLM technologies, including adaptation’.

Best Practice #1 — Metodología de Forestación y Reforestación Aprobada AR-AM0003: Forestación y reforestación de tierras degradadas a través de plantado de árboles, regeneración natural asistida y control de pastoreo animal - Versión 4.~~~

Property rights Clarify if the technology described in the template, or a part of it, is covered by property rights: No

If yes, please provide relevant information on the holder of the rights. (max 100 words) No answer provided

Section 1. Context of the best practice: frame conditions (natural and human environment)

Title of the best practice Metodología de Forestación y Reforestación Aprobada AR-AM0003: Forestación y reforestación de tierras degradadas a través de plantado de árboles, regeneración natural asistida y control de pastoreo animal - Versión 4.

Location (if available, also include a map) Anexo Km 41 de la Comunidad Campesina José Ignacio Távara Pasapera, distrito de Chulucanas, Provincia de Morropón, Región Piura, Perú. Attachments: none If the location has well defined boundaries, specify its extension in hectares Hectares (ha) 8981

Estimated population living in the location Number of people 8589

Prevailing land use within the specified location Cropland Woodland

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Brief description of the natural environment within the specified location Climate: (max 50 words) Cálido y seco, se alternan años con precipitaciones pluviales generalmente en los cuatro primeros meses del año, con períodos prolongados de sequía. Cada cierto número de años se presenta períodos con lluvias de gran intensidad, ocasionadas por el Fenómeno de El Niño.

Soil: (max 50 words) Los suelos sostienen dos Zonas de Vida: Matorral desértico Tropical (md-T) y Monte espinoso Tropical (me-T), ambas ubicadas en la Provincia de Humedad Árida. El agua es escasa en muchas zonas del bosque seco. Debido a la escasez de agua superficial el abastecimiento para consumo humano se da en base al aprovechamiento de agua subterránea.

Topography: (max 50 words) No answer provided

Prevailing socio-economic conditions of those living in the location and/or nearby Income level: (max 50 words) Estrato socioeconómico muy pobre

Main income sources: (max 50 words) Ganadería menor (ovinos y caprinos), actividad forestal (extracción de leña), agricultura de secano, apicultura y venta de mano de obra.

Land tenure and land use rights: (max 50 words) No answer provided

Short description of the best practice max 250 words Manejo sostenible de bosques secos con especies nativas de algarrobo y sapote, empleando la técnica de riego por goteo artesanal.

On the basis of which criteria and/or indicator(s) (not related to The Strategy) the proposed practice and corresponding technology has been considered as ‘best’? max 100 words La práctica de reforestación del bosque seco con algarrobo y sapote utilizando la técnica de riego de goteo artesanal ha mostrado ser eficaz en la captura de carbono y la recuperación de tierras desertificadas. De manera particular, en cuanto a la captura de carbono, luego de un exigente proceso de validación, se consiguió la certificación del proyecto como MDL, lo cual le permitirá convertirse en un proyecto competitivo en el mercado del carbono.

Section 2. Problems addressed (direct and indirect causes) and objectives of the best practice

With respect to DLDD, the best practice directly contributes to: Rehabilitation

Main problems addressed by the best practice (max 50 words) Deforestación Emisiones de dióxido de carbono.

Outline specific land degradation problems addressed by the best practice max 100 words Las tierras del bosque seco de la Comunidad Ignacio Távara están severamente degradadas debido principalmente a la tala de especies forestales, como el algarrobo y el sapote, para extracción de leña, así como también por la ampliación de la frontera agrícola. Las condiciones ambientales y la presión social sobre el bosque no permiten que se restablezca la vegetación natural.

Specify the objectives of the best practice (max 50 words) Recuperar 9500 ha en proceso de desertificación a través de la reforestación con especies nativas utilizando riego con goteo artesanal, mejorando calidad de vida de las familias campesinas. Generar ingresos a la comunidad a través de la venta de créditos de carbono (US$ 17´611,878). Incrementar oferta de madera Generar empleo local: 158 340 jornales anuales durante los 5 años de establecimiento y 1 829 352 jornales durante los 44 años de vida del proyecto.

Section 3. Activities

Brief description of main activities, by objective Objective 1 (max 50 words) Siembra directa de las especies nativas algarrobo y sapote Aplicación de riego por goteo artesanal

Objective 2 (max 50 words) No answer provided

Objective 3 (max 50 words) No answer provided

Objective 4 (max 50 words) No answer provided

Short description of the technology max 250 words Se ha aplicado la Metodología de Forestación y Reforestación Aprobada AR-AM0003: “Forestación y reforestación de tierras degradadas a través de plantado de árboles, regeneración natural asistida y control de pastoreo animal”---Versión 4. La reforestación se lleva a cabo utilizando la técnica de siembra directa de especies nativas del bosque seco: algarrobo y sapote, y aplicando riego por goteo ARTESANAL. Se implementó una plantación piloto de 500 ha. Se elaboró un Plan de Establecimiento y Manejo de Plantaciones, que fue aprobado por el Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales (INRENA).

Technical specifications of the technology - if any max 250 words Siembra directa. Riego por goteo artesanal.

Section 4. Institutions/actors involved (collaboration, participation, role of stakeholders)

Name and address of the institution developing the technology Name Asociación para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Integral - AIDER Address Av. Jorge Basadre 180, Oficina 6 – San Isidro-Lima. PERU

Name Fondo Nacional del Ambiente - FONAM Address Calle Hermanos Quinteros 103 Urb. La Castellana, Santiago de Surco. Lima 33 - PERU

Was the technology developed in partnership? Yes

If yes, list the partners: Comunidad Campesina José Ignacio Távara Pasapera, Piura, Perú Asociación para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Integral - AIDER Fondo Nacional del Ambiente - FONAM

Specify the framework within which the technology was promoted Local initiative National initiative – non-government-led

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Was the participation of local stakeholders, including CSOs, fostered in the development of the technology Yes

If yes, list local stakeholders involved: Comunidad campesina José Ignacio Távara

For the stakeholders listed above, specify their role in the design, introduction, use and maintenance of the technology, if any. max 250 words Las familias campesinas realizan la reforestación

Was the population living in the location and/or nearby involved in the development of the technology? Yes

If yes, by means of what? No answer provided

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Section 5. Contribution to impact

Specify to which strategic objectives of The Strategy the technology contributes (more than one box can be ticked) 1. To improve the living conditions of affected population 2. To improve the conditions of affected ecosystems 3. To generate global benefits through effective implementation of the UNCCD

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Describe on-site impacts (the major two impacts by category) Production or productivity: 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Socio-economic level (including cultural level): 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Environmental level: 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Other (specify) 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Describe the major two off-site (i.e. not occurring in the location but in the surrounding areas) impacts 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Impact on biodiversity and climate change In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on biodiversity conservation? Yes Explain the reasons: max 250 words No answer provided

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change mitigation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words No answer provided

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change adaptation? No answer provided

Explain the reasons: max 250 words No answer provided

Has a cost-benefit analysis been carried out? Yes

If yes, summarize its main conclusions: max 250 words No answer provided

Section 6. Connection to other UNCCD themes

Specify if the technology relates to one or more of the other UNCCD themes Capacity-building and awareness-raising DLDD and SLM monitoring and assessment/research

Section 7. Adoption and replicability

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Was the technology disseminated/introduced to other locations? No answer provided

If yes, where? (add as many rows as necessary) Location: No answer provided

Were incentives to facilitate the take up of the technology provided? Yes

If yes, specify which type of incentives Financial incentives (for example, preferential rates, State aid, subsidies, cash grants, loan guarantees, etc)

Can you identify the three main conditions that led to the success of the presented best practice/technology? Examples of conditions leading to success may include: highly motivated local governments, farmers organized into well structured cooperatives, extremely favorable weather conditions, etc. For each ‘condition of success’ you are able to identify, specify whether in your opinion such condition is: (a) linked to the local context and thus cannot be replicated elsewhere; (b) replicable elsewhere with some level of adaptation; (c) replicable elsewhere with major adaptation.

1. (max 50 words) La firma de un Convenio tripartito con un horizonte temporal a largo plazo (40 años), cuyo cumplimiento los asociados asumieron con suma responsabilidad

2. (max 50 words) El fortalecimiento de capacidades de los agricultores y del ejecutor técnico, con una asistencia técnica oportuna y permanente, principalmente en el componente carbono y el proceso de validación para certificar al Proyecto como MDL

3. (max 50 words) El respaldo financiero por parte del FONAM

In your opinion, the best practice/technology you have proposed can be replicated, although with some level of adaptation, elsewhere? Yes

If yes, at which level? National

Section 8. Lessons learned

Related to human resources (max 50 words) Responsabilidades asumidas por cada parte de la alianza dio solidez a la implementación

Related to financial aspects (max 50 words) El respaldado financiero dado por FONAM desde el 2004, como parte del Portafolio Nacional de Proyectos MDL, ha generado confianza

Related to technical aspects (max 50 words) La participación anual en la Expo Carbon permitió mejorar la capacidad técnica en cuanto al carbono El proceso de validación del proyecto para conseguir su certificación como Proyecto MDL, ha exigido precisiones técnicas sobre la elegibilidad de las tierras y otros aspectos técnicos y administrativos Best Practice #2 — Restauración ecológica de ecosistemas áridos y semi áridos en la costa del sur del Perú.

Property rights Clarify if the technology described in the template, or a part of it, is covered by property rights: No answer provided

If yes, please provide relevant information on the holder of the rights. (max 100 words) No answer provided

Section 1. Context of the best practice: frame conditions (natural and human environment)

Title of the best practice Restauración ecológica de ecosistemas áridos y semi áridos en la costa del sur del Perú.

Location (if available, also include a map) Comunidad Campesina de Atiquipa, Distrito de Atiquipa, Provincia de Caravelí, Región Arequipa. Attachments: none

If the location has well defined boundaries, specify its extension in hectares Hectares (ha) 27000

Estimated population living in the location Number of people 350

Prevailing land use within the specified location Cropland Grazing land Woodland Unproductive land Human settlement

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Brief description of the natural environment within the specified location Climate: (max 50 words) Templado cálido húmedo con temperaturas mediad de 15-18ºC. Precipitación de 70 mm en años normales y de hasta 700 mm en ENSOS. Es cálido seco en verano y templado húmedo en invierno.

Soil: (max 50 words) Los suelos son francos con variaciones a franco arcilloso y franco arcillo limoso, con poca presencia de materia orgánica.

Topography: (max 50 words) El paisaje se presenta ondulado hasta accidentado, con laderas que superan el 50% de pendiente y cerro de hasta 1200 metros de altura. Prevailing socio-economic conditions of those living in the location and/or nearby Income level: (max 50 words) El nivel de ingresos en general de los pobladores de la Comunidad es bajo dentro de la comunidad y en promedio es de 150 US $ mensuales, sin embago no son permanentes durante todo el año. Los pobladores se ven obligados a salir de la comunidad para buscar tabajo que mejore sus ingresos.

Main income sources: (max 50 words) Cultivo y transformación artesanal de olivo. Recolección de la vaina de tara. Cría y venta de ganado vacuno y caprino. Derivados artesanales de la agricultura y ganadería (Leche, mermeladas, etc).

Land tenure and land use rights: (max 50 words) Las tierras de las lomas de Atiquipa son de propiedad comunal y particular.

Short description of the best practice max 250 words Comprende 4 pogramas: Programa de Fortalecimiento de la Organización Comunal. Programa de Conservación. Programa de recuperación que conprende actividades de reforestación, manejo de flora y fauna, manejo de pastos, regeneración de bosque. Programa de Altenativas Socioeconómicas viables

On the basis of which criteria and/or indicator(s) (not related to The Strategy) the proposed practice and corresponding technology has been considered as ‘best’? max 100 words El procedimiento metodológico permite apoyar al ecosistema a recuperar y restaurar sus finciones vitales como la captación de agua de neblina que es el recurso más importante para la existencia de este ecosistema; permite la recuperación de la diversidad biológica que por siglos ha existido en las lomas y permite la recuperación social y económica de un centro poblado que ya se encontraba en situación de extrema pobreza.

Section 2. Problems addressed (direct and indirect causes) and objectives of the best practice

With respect to DLDD, the best practice directly contributes to: Mitigation Adaptation Rehabilitation

Main problems addressed by the best practice (max 50 words) Desertificación.

Outline specific land degradation problems addressed by the best practice max 100 words Aridización y desertificación de las tierras de lomas por deforestación y sobrepastoreo que causan pérdida acelerada de la cobertura vegetal y consecuentemente erosión hídrica y eólica y pérdida de biodiversidad.

Specify the objectives of the best practice (max 50 words) Control de la erosión y avance de la desertificación.

Section 3. Activities

Brief description of main activities, by objective Objective 1 (max 50 words) Control y manejo de pastoreo. Zonificación ecológica económica del territorio. Elaboración de la Línea Base Ambiental.

Objective 2 (max 50 words) Ubicación y delimitación de las áreas a manejar. Producción de plantones y establecimiento de plantaciones. Diseño y aplicación del plan de manejo de la vegetación.

Objective 3 (max 50 words) Diagnóstico socioeconómico y cultural de la población local. Identificación y aplicación de alternativas socioeconómicas viables y compatibles con el ambiente. Diseño y aplicación del plan de manejo y uso sostenible del os recursos naturales.

Objective 4 (max 50 words) Zonificación ambiental del territorio.

Short description of the technology max 250 words El proceso metodológico de restauración ecológica permite que la población local bajo sus propios principios inicie la recuperación de sus ecosistemas en forma autogestionaria, aplicando tecnologías ambientalmente adecuadas con el funcionamiento del ecosistema.

Technical specifications of the technology - if any max 250 words No answer provided

Section 4. Institutions/actors involved (collaboration, participation, role of stakeholders)

Name and address of the institution developing the technology Name Instituto Regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa. Address No answer provided

Was the technology developed in partnership? No answer provided

If yes, list the partners: No answer provided Specify the framework within which the technology was promoted Local initiative National initiative – government-led National initiative – non-government-led International initiative Programme/project-based initiative

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Was the participation of local stakeholders, including CSOs, fostered in the development of the technology Yes

If yes, list local stakeholders involved: Comunidad Campesina de Atiquipa.

For the stakeholders listed above, specify their role in the design, introduction, use and maintenance of the technology, if any. max 250 words La Comunidad Campesina de Atiquipa, participa directamente en la construcción y mantenimiento de todo el sistema de captura, almacenamiento y distribución del agua de las neblinas. La Municipalidad distrital de Atiquipa ha incluido en su presupuesto participativo financiamiento para actividades de reforestación en las lomas de Atiquipa El Gobierno Regional Arequipa ha comprometido el financiamiento para incrementar la superficie reforestada en las lomas de Atiquipa.

Was the population living in the location and/or nearby involved in the development of the technology? Yes

If yes, by means of what? Consultation Participatory approaches

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Section 5. Contribution to impact

Specify to which strategic objectives of The Strategy the technology contributes (more than one box can be ticked) 1. To improve the living conditions of affected population 2. To improve the conditions of affected ecosystems

Describe on-site impacts (the major two impacts by category) Production or productivity: 1. (max 50 words) Incremento de la cosecha de vaina de tara por lo pobladores locales.

2. (max 50 words) Recuperación progresiva de la biomasa vegetal de los pastos naturales.

Socio-economic level (including cultural level): 1. (max 50 words) Mejoramiento de los ingresos por venta de la vaina de tara hasta en seis sueldos mínimos vitales por unidad familiar.

2. (max 50 words) Mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los pobladores locales al tener mejores ingresos económicos.

Environmental level: 1. (max 50 words) Se ha iniciado la recuperación del bosque de lomas con 375 hectareas reforestadas y con 40 plantas por hectarea de regeneración natural en promedio.

2. (max 50 words) Recuperación de la diversidad biológica en flora y fauna. En fauna se ha verificado el retorno de venado, zorro de costa, perdiz, vizcacha, entre otros.

Other (specify) 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Describe the major two off-site (i.e. not occurring in the location but in the surrounding areas) impacts 1. (max 50 words) Comunidad campesina de Chala interesada en aplicar la tecnología en sus lomas.

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Impact on biodiversity and climate change In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on biodiversity conservation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words Los cuatro programas aplicados al proceso de restauración ecológica de las lomas de Atiquipa, ha permitido que: 1) Los campesinos de Atiquipa tengan una nueva visión acerca del rol que juegan las lomas en el mantenimiento de su economía. 2) Toman decisiones más apropiadas con la conservación y manejo de la diversidad biológica de las lomas. 3) Aprovechan más sostenidamente los recursos explotables de las lomas como la vaina de tara. 5) La Comunidad está buscando que se declare a todo su territorio como Unidad de Conservación.

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change mitigation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words De hecho, todo proceso de restauración de los procesos funcionales de un ecosistema, implicará el incremento de la capacidad productiva del ecosistema, y esto está directamente relacionado con el secuestro y/o captura de carbono atmosférico, su acumulación en la biomasa del plantel permanente y su incorporación en la diversidad biológica a través de las distintas cadenas de alimentos. Por lo tanto la salida de carbono atmosférico a través de programas exitosos de reforestación como lo es el de Atiquipa ayuda a mitigar los efectos del cambio climático.

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change adaptation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words En este caso, la aplicación de programas completos al manejo ecosistémico que incluyan lo social, económico y ambiental, como lo son los programas de "restauración ecológica", en el caso de Atiquipa han ayudado a que los pobbladores locales encuentren nuevas alternativas para mejorar su calidad de vida, sin intervenir agrsivamente sobre los recursos de sus lomas evitando asi continuar con su deterioro.

Has a cost-benefit analysis been carried out? No

If yes, summarize its main conclusions: max 250 words No answer provided

Section 6. Connection to other UNCCD themes

Specify if the technology relates to one or more of the other UNCCD themes No answer provided

Section 7. Adoption and replicability

Was the technology disseminated/introduced to other locations? No

If yes, where? (add as many rows as necessary) Location: No answer provided

Were incentives to facilitate the take up of the technology provided? Yes

If yes, specify which type of incentives No answer provided

Can you identify the three main conditions that led to the success of the presented best practice/technology? Examples of conditions leading to success may include: highly motivated local governments, farmers organized into well structured cooperatives, extremely favorable weather conditions, etc. For each ‘condition of success’ you are able to identify, specify whether in your opinion such condition is: (a) linked to the local context and thus cannot be replicated elsewhere; (b) replicable elsewhere with some level of adaptation; (c) replicable elsewhere with major adaptation.

1. (max 50 words) Es imprescindible que la Línea Base Ambiental sea lo más próxima a la realidad, especialmente en lo relacionado con el diagnóstico de los problemas ambientales críticos.

2. (max 50 words) Es importante tener un conocimiento adecuado de la estracción socioeconómica y sobre todo cultural de la población beneficiara para evitar conflictos de intereses.

3. (max 50 words) Es importante que la planificación de las actividades se hagan respetando la opinión local. In your opinion, the best practice/technology you have proposed can be replicated, although with some level of adaptation, elsewhere? Yes

If yes, at which level? Local Sub-national National Subregional Regional International

Section 8. Lessons learned

Related to human resources (max 50 words) Es vital un adecuado conocimiento de la extracción social y cultural de la población local beneficiaria y de las relaciones de interacción entre grupos.

Related to financial aspects (max 50 words) Los recursos financieros deben ser suficientes para satisfacer los costos de los materiales e insumos de alta calidad.

Related to technical aspects (max 50 words) Una adecuada selección de los materiales insumos de alta calidad es vital para garantizar un largo periodo de vida útil del sistema de captura, almacenamiento y distribución del agua de neblinas. Es necesario tener claramente definido el uso que se le va a dar al agua de neblina cosechada para evitar conflictos de intereses. Best Practice #3 — Captación de agua neblina a través del uso de atrapanieblas con f ines de recuperación de ecosistemas degradados.

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Property rights Clarify if the technology described in the template, or a part of it, is covered by property rights: No answer provided

If yes, please provide relevant information on the holder of the rights. (max 100 words) No answer provided

Section 1. Context of the best practice: frame conditions (natural and human environment)

Title of the best practice Captación de agua neblina a través del uso de atrapanieblas con fines de recuperación de ecosistemas degradados.

Location (if available, also include a map) Comunidad Campesina de Atiquipa, Distrito de Atiquipa, Provincia de Caravelí, Región Arequipa. Attachments: none

If the location has well defined boundaries, specify its extension in hectares Hectares (ha) 27000

Estimated population living in the location Number of people 350

Prevailing land use within the specified location Cropland Grazing land Woodland Unproductive land Human settlement

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Brief description of the natural environment within the specified location Climate: (max 50 words) Templado cálido húmedo con temperaturas mediad de 15-18ºC. Precipitación de 70 mm en años normales y de hasta 700 mm en ENSOS. Es cálido seco en verano y templado húmedo en invierno.

Soil: (max 50 words) Los suelos son francos con variaciones a franco arcilloso y franco arcillo limoso, con poca presencia de materia orgánica.

Topography: (max 50 words) El paisaje se presenta ondulado hasta accidentado, con laderas que superan el 50% de pendiente y cerro de hasta 1200 metros de altura.

Prevailing socio-economic conditions of those living in the location and/or nearby Income level: (max 50 words) El nivel de ingresos en general de los pobladores de la Comunidad es bajo dentro de la comunidad y en promedio es de 150 US $ mensuales, sin embago no son permanentes durante todo el año. Los pobladores se ven obligados a salir de la comunidad para buscar tabajo que mejore sus ingresos.

Main income sources: (max 50 words) Cultivo y transformación artesanal de olivo. Recolección de la vaina de tara. Cría y venta de ganado vacuno y caprino. Derivados artesanales de la agricultura y ganadería (Leche, mermeladas, etc).

Land tenure and land use rights: (max 50 words) Las tierras de las lomas de Atiquipa son de propiedad comunal y particular.

Short description of the best practice max 250 words Se trata de la captación del agua de neblinas a través de un sistema de captación del agua contenida en las neblinas mediante el uso de atrapanieblas artificiales construidos con malla Rashell de 35% de sombreamiento. Cada atrapanieblas consta de un panel de 48 m2 de superficie (12 x 4 m), sostenido en dos parantes y dispuesto a 0.5 m del suelo. El agua colectada en este sistema es depositada en un pozo regulador y luego trasvasada a un pozo reservorio y de allí a un sistema de riego semipresurizado, desde el cual los campesinos riegan sus plantaciones.

On the basis of which criteria and/or indicator(s) (not related to The Strategy) the proposed practice and corresponding technology has been considered as ‘best’? max 100 words Las Neblinas están siempre presentes en los ecosistemas de lomas. Las lomas han sido deterioradas durante los últimos 500 años por sobrepastoreo y deforestación, lo cual ha ocasionado la disminución de la capacidad del ecosistema para captar el agua. La tecnología permite apoyar al ecosistema a recuperar esa capacidad perdida obteniendo agua para el programa de reforestación y recuperación de la cobertura vegetal captadora.

Section 2. Problems addressed (direct and indirect causes) and objectives of the best practice

With respect to DLDD, the best practice directly contributes to: Mitigation

Main problems addressed by the best practice (max 50 words) Deforestación y pérdida de biodiversidad.

Outline specific land degradation problems addressed by the best practice max 100 words Aridización y desertificación de las tierras de lomas por deforestación y sobrepastoreo que causan pérdida acelerada de la cobertura vegetal y consecuentemente erosión hídrica y eólica y pérdida de biodiversidad.

Specify the objectives of the best practice (max 50 words) Incrementar la superficie boscosa de las lomas. Section 3. Activities

Brief description of main activities, by objective Objective 1 (max 50 words) Diseño y construcción del sistema de captura, almacenamiento y distribución del agua de neblinas. Producción de plantones y establecimiento de plantaciones. Manejo de las plantaciones

Objective 2 (max 50 words) Ubicación, selección y delimitación de áreas para recuperación. Restricción del pastoreo. Revegetación, reforestación y manejo de la vegetación.

Objective 3 (max 50 words) Ubicación, selección y delimitación de áreas con fines de recuperación y manejo de vegetación. Restricción del pastoreo. Establecimiento y manejo de plantaciones.

Objective 4 (max 50 words) Diseño y construcción del sistema de captura, almacenamiento y distribución del agua de neblinas.

Short description of the technology max 250 words No answer provided

Technical specifications of the technology - if any max 250 words La captación de agua de neblinas a través de atrapanieblas implica: 1. La ubicación del sitio adecuado para la instalación del atrapanieblas. 2. La construcción del atrapanieblas con materiales adecuados y malla Rashell de 35% de sombreamiento. 3. La construcción e instalación del sistema de almacenamiento. 4. La instalación del sistema de riego semipresurizado. 5. Diseño e implementación de planes de manejo de la vegetación, según sea el caso.

Section 4. Institutions/actors involved (collaboration, participation, role of stakeholders)

Name and address of the institution developing the technology Name Instituto Regional de Ciencias Ambientales de la universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa. Address Laboratorio de Ecología, Escuela de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias. Avenida Alcides Carrión s/n Arequipa - Perú.

Was the technology developed in partnership? Yes

If yes, list the partners: No answer provided

Specify the framework within which the technology was promoted Local initiative National initiative – government-led Programme/project-based initiative

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Was the participation of local stakeholders, including CSOs, fostered in the development of the technology Yes

If yes, list local stakeholders involved: Comunidad Campesina de Atiquipa.

For the stakeholders listed above, specify their role in the design, introduction, use and maintenance of the technology, if any. max 250 words La Comunidad Campesina de Atiquipa, participa directamente en la construcción y mantenimiento de todo el sistema de captura, almacenamiento y distribución del agua de las neblinas. La Municipalidad distrital de Atiquipa ha incluido en su presupuesto participativo financiamiento para actividades de reforestación en las lomas de Atiquipa El Gobierno Regional Arequipa ha comprometido el financiamiento para incrementar la superficie reforestada en las lomas de Atiquipa.

Was the population living in the location and/or nearby involved in the development of the technology? Yes

If yes, by means of what? Consultation Participatory approaches

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Section 5. Contribution to impact

Specify to which strategic objectives of The Strategy the technology contributes (more than one box can be ticked) No answer provided

Describe on-site impacts (the major two impacts by category) Production or productivity: 1. (max 50 words) Incremento de la cosecha de agua que permite la reforestación de areas degradadas de las lomas.

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Socio-economic level (including cultural level): 1. (max 50 words) Aprovechamiento de la tecnología como recurso para el ecoturismo que aporta ingresos a la población local.

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Environmental level: 1. (max 50 words) Aporte de agua para la recuperación de las lomas y al proceso de restauración de los procesos ecológicos esenciales.

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Other (specify) 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Describe the major two off-site (i.e. not occurring in the location but in the surrounding areas) impacts 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Impact on biodiversity and climate change In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on biodiversity conservation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words El agua captada en los atrapanieblas permite recuperar el ecosistema de bosque a través del establecimiento de plantaciones forestales con fines de restauración ecológica. En las lomas de Atiquipa, en las 375 hectáreas reforestadas se ha verificado la recuperación de pastos naturales y la reinstalación de diversas especies de fauna silvestre como el venado cola blanca que ha retornado al lugar.

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change mitigation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words El agua captada en los atrapanieblas ha servido para reforestar 375 hectareas de bosque de lomas. Las plantas instaladas a la fecha tienen un promedio de crecimiento de 1.5 metros y con un promedio de sobrevivencia de 85 % a los tres años de edad. Ello sognifica que estas plantas están incorporando rápidamente carbono en sus tejidos a traves del proceso fotosintético. Si ello es así, el apoyo a las plantaciones con riego de agua de neblinas está contribuyendo a la mitigación del cambio climático.

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change adaptation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words El incremento de la cobertura forestal en las lomas permitirá incrementar en primer lugar la cosecha de vaina de tara y en segundo lugar la captura natural de agua de neblina, su incorporación en el suelo y posterior aparición en manantiales que son utilizados para el consumo doméstico y agrícola de la comunidad, con lo cual mejoran su calidad de vida.

Has a cost-benefit analysis been carried out? No answer provided

If yes, summarize its main conclusions: max 250 words No answer provided

Section 6. Connection to other UNCCD themes

Specify if the technology relates to one or more of the other UNCCD themes No answer provided

Section 7. Adoption and replicability

Was the technology disseminated/introduced to other locations? Yes

If yes, where? (add as many rows as necessary) Location: Reserva Nacional de Lachay.

Were incentives to facilitate the take up of the technology provided? Yes

If yes, specify which type of incentives Financial incentives (for example, preferential rates, State aid, subsidies, cash grants, loan guarantees, etc)

Can you identify the three main conditions that led to the success of the presented best practice/technology? Examples of conditions leading to success may include: highly motivated local governments, farmers organized into well structured cooperatives, extremely favorable weather conditions, etc. For each ‘condition of success’ you are able to identify, specify whether in your opinion such condition is: (a) linked to the local context and thus cannot be replicated elsewhere; (b) replicable elsewhere with some level of adaptation; (c) replicable elsewhere with major adaptation.

1. (max 50 words) Un adecuado conocimiento de la dinámica de las neblinas y capacidad de captura de agua por los atrapanieblas.

2. (max 50 words) Un adecuado conocimiento de la realidad socioeconómica y cultural de la población local beneficiaria.

3. (max 50 words) Una adecuada selección de materiales e insumos que garanticen un largo periodo de vida útil del sistema.

In your opinion, the best practice/technology you have proposed can be replicated, although with some level of adaptation, elsewhere? Yes

If yes, at which level? Local Sub-national National Subregional Regional International

Section 8. Lessons learned

Related to human resources (max 50 words) Es vital un adecuado conocimiento de la extracción social y cultural de la población local beneficiaria y de las relaciones de interacción entre grupos.

Related to financial aspects (max 50 words) Los recursos financieros deben ser suficientes para satisfacer los costos de los materiales e insumos de alta calidad.

Related to technical aspects (max 50 words) Una adecuada selección de los materiales insumos de alta calidad es vital para garantizar un largo periodo de vida útil del sistema de captura, almacenamiento y distribución del agua de neblinas. Es necesario tener claramente definido el uso que se le va a dar al agua de neblina cosechada para evitar conflictos de intereses. Best Practice #4 — Instalación del sistema de riego por goteo en el distrito de Huar mey prov. De Huarmey región Ancash

Property rights Clarify if the technology described in the template, or a part of it, is covered by property rights: Yes

If yes, please provide relevant information on the holder of the rights. (max 100 words) Grupo de Gestión Empresarial (GGE) Asociación Agropecuaria San Nicolás del Valle de Huarmey

Section 1. Context of the best practice: frame conditions (natural and human environment)

Title of the best practice Instalación del sistema de riego por goteo en el distrito de Huarmey prov. De Huarmey región Ancash

Location (if available, also include a map) La localidad de San Nicolás,al suroeste de la ciudad de Huarmey, a 20 msnm aproximadamente. La Localidad de San Nicolás se ubica al Suroeste de la ciudad de Huarmey, Distrito de Huarmey, Provincia de Huarmey, Departamento de Ancash, Perú. Attachments: none

If the location has well defined boundaries, specify its extension in hectares Hectares (ha) 42

Estimated population living in the location Number of people No answer provided

Prevailing land use within the specified location Cropland

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Brief description of the natural environment within the specified location Climate: (max 50 words) El clima predominante en la zona es desértico, cálido y húmedo, con minima precipitación prácticamente nula que no se ha tomado en cuenta como aportaciones, salvo cuando se presentan eventos extraordinarios como el Fenómeno “El Niño”.

El clima del Valle de Huarmey es óptimo para el desarrollo del cultivo, con temperaturas entre 20 y 30 grados y con una humedad relativa del 80 a 90℅.

Soil: (max 50 words) Suelo en condiciones adecuadas para el sembrado y cultivo de vegetales, la presencia de componentes que podrían limitar la producción (como ciertas sales minerales) es mínimo, el cultivo es resistente a las características franco arenosas del suelo del valle; el clima es favorable y compatible con el estado del suelo, los nutrientes naturales propician que las condiciones de cultivo sean óptimas; con respecto al análisis de las aguas de la fuente de agua “Pozo Tubular IRHS - 135”, tiene 7.39 pH. Topography: (max 50 words) No answer provided

Prevailing socio-economic conditions of those living in the location and/or nearby Income level: (max 50 words) Los niveles de pobreza son relativamente altos, el porcentaje de la población en hogares con necesidades básicas insatisfechas, la carencia principal en su conjunto es desagüe en las viviendas, seguida de la adecuación física de las viviendas.

Main income sources: (max 50 words) Actividad Agrícola, comercialización de productos agrícolas, crianza de ganado ovino y bovino, comercialización del mismo.

Land tenure and land use rights: (max 50 words) Grupo de Gestión Empresaria, Asociación Agropecuaria del Valle de Huarmey, grupo de nueve agricultores dueños de una hectárea de tierra determinada en la cual se llevan a cabo actividades agrícolas (siembra, cultivo y cosecha).

Short description of the best practice max 250 words El proyecto consiste en la implementación de sistemas de Riego por Goteo para 42.09 ha de siembra de espárrago verde, estableciendo un sistema y la capacitación en operación y mantenimiento del mismo para los pobladores, mejorando la producción y la capacidad productiva del GGE principalmente y de la población en relación a la zona. Las obras complementarias planteadas son la construcción de una caseta para dotarle de seguridad al cabezal de filtrado y otros componentes de control. El riego de las parcelas contempla mangueras de goteo de 16 mm clase 13 mil con un distanciamiento entre laterales de 1.40 m y goteros espaciados cada 0.40 m. El sistema de riego se inicia con el equipo de bombeo compuesto por una electro bomba eje vertical, la cual dotara de agua al cultivo. El cabezal de filtrado constara de 5 filtros doble cuerpo de anillos de 3” de diámetro, equipos de medición y control que se ubican dentro de la caseta de protección. Luego de este proceso el agua es conducida hacia el campo a través de tuberías troncales y secundarias para llegar hasta el arco de riego, el cual por medio de un mando hidráulico permitirá el paso del agua hacia los laterales desde el cabezal de riego. La inyección de fertilizantes se hará desde los arcos de riego de forma independiente, contando con un kit de inyección para cada beneficiario, facilitando la dosificación de acuerdo al estado fonológico del cultivo.

On the basis of which criteria and/or indicator(s) (not related to The Strategy) the proposed practice and corresponding technology has been considered as ‘best’? max 100 words La disposición de los grupos involucrados por mejorar sus prácticas de producción y productividad, considerando el sistema de riego sostenible en el tiempo, también como un proyecto el cual mejore la eficiencia de riego, eleve la producción agrícola y desarrollo económico, así mejore las condiciones de vida de los agricultores del G.G.E - Asociación Agropecuaria San Nicolás del valle de Huarmey.

Section 2. Problems addressed (direct and indirect causes) and objectives of the best practice

With respect to DLDD, the best practice directly contributes to: Rehabilitation

Main problems addressed by the best practice (max 50 words) Limitación en los rendimientos y productividad agrícola.

Outline specific land degradation problems addressed by the best practice max 100 words Los suelos de siembra no mantienen un sistema de riego adecuado para el proceso productivo de productos agrícolas; tal situación impide a los productores de la zona mejorar su condición económica, y resta las aspiraciones en la incursión de nuevas oportunidades de negocio, al ser esta una de sus principales actividades económicas.

Specify the objectives of the best practice (max 50 words) Mejorar la rentabilidad y competitividad de la agricultura de riego, mediante el aprovechamiento intensivo y sostenible de las tierras y el incremento de la eficiencia en el uso del agua.

Section 3. Activities

Brief description of main activities, by objective Objective 1 (max 50 words) Reducción de la mano de obra por operación. Implementación de fertiriego. Capacitación a los agricultores en el manejo del cultivo y uso de nuevas tecnologías.

Objective 2 (max 50 words) Implementación de tuberías ligeras. Aumento de frecuencia de riego.

Objective 3 (max 50 words) Reforzar los grupos de gestión y organización.

Objective 4 (max 50 words) No answer provided

Short description of the technology max 250 words La instalación y puesta en marcha de un equipo de riego tecnificado presurizado por goteo automatizado con mando hidráulico en una superficie neta de 42.09 ha.

Technical specifications of the technology - if any max 250 words El proyecto consiste en la instalación del sistema de riego tecnificado en 42.09 ha para cultivo; se han definido 7 turnos de riego que tienen un total de 46 sectores. El tiempo de riego para cada turno diseñado es de 2.22 horas (máxima demanda), que hace un total de tiempo de operación diaria de 15.52 horas de operación del sistema. Las obras complementarias planteadas son la construcción de una caseta para dotarle de seguridad al cabezal de filtrado y otros componentes de control. El riego de las parcelas contempla mangueras de goteo de 16 mm clase 13 mil con un distanciamiento entre laterales de 1.40 m y goteros espaciados cada 0.40 m.

El sistema de riego se inicia con el equipo de bombeo compuesto por una electro bomba eje vertical, la cual dotara de agua al cultivo. El cabezal de filtrado constara de 5 filtros doble cuerpo de anillos de 3” de diámetro, equipos de medición y control que se ubican dentro de la caseta de protección. Luego de este proceso el agua es conducida hacia el campo a través de tuberías troncales y secundarias para llegar hasta el arco de riego, el cual por medio de un mando hidráulico permitirá el paso del agua hacia los laterales desde el cabezal de riego. La inyección de fertilizantes se hará desde los arcos de riego de forma independiente, contando con un kit de inyección para cada beneficiario, facilitando la dosificación de acuerdo al estado fonológico del cultivo.

Section 4. Institutions/actors involved (collaboration, participation, role of stakeholders)

Name and address of the institution developing the technology Name Municipalidad Provincial de Huarmey. Address No answer provided

Was the technology developed in partnership? Yes

If yes, list the partners: Municipalidad Provincial de Huarmey - Programa Subsectorial de Irrigaciones.

Specify the framework within which the technology was promoted National initiative – government-led

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Was the participation of local stakeholders, including CSOs, fostered in the development of the technology Yes

If yes, list local stakeholders involved: Asociación Agropecuaria San Nicolás.

For the stakeholders listed above, specify their role in the design, introduction, use and maintenance of the technology, if any. max 250 words Son los integrantes del GGE Asociación Agropecuaria San Nicolás, que requieren una nueva tecnología de riego que conduzca a la optimización del uso del recurso hídrico, sobre todo en la fase de aplicación, por lo que han considerado desarrollar el proyecto, bajo la modalidad de financiamientos no reembolsables por parte del PSI y la contrapartida de los beneficiarios es asumida por el Fondo Minero Antamina.

Was the population living in the location and/or nearby involved in the development of the technology? Yes

If yes, by means of what? Consultation Participatory approaches

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Section 5. Contribution to impact Specify to which strategic objectives of The Strategy the technology contributes (more than one box can be ticked) 1. To improve the living conditions of affected population 2. To improve the conditions of affected ecosystems

Describe on-site impacts (the major two impacts by category) Production or productivity: 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Socio-economic level (including cultural level): 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Environmental level: 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Other (specify) 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Describe the major two off-site (i.e. not occurring in the location but in the surrounding areas) impacts 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Impact on biodiversity and climate change In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on biodiversity conservation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words La tecnología se basa en implementar estructuras bajo tierra, específicamente tuberías para riego por goteo mediante bombeo por pozo.

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change mitigation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words No answer provided

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change adaptation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words No answer provided

Has a cost-benefit analysis been carried out? No answer provided

If yes, summarize its main conclusions: max 250 words No answer provided

Section 6. Connection to other UNCCD themes

Specify if the technology relates to one or more of the other UNCCD themes Capacity-building and awareness-raising Knowledge management and decision support Funding/resource mobilization Participation, collaboration and networking

Section 7. Adoption and replicability

Was the technology disseminated/introduced to other locations? Yes

If yes, where? (add as many rows as necessary) Location: Huarmey Localidades de alrededor

Were incentives to facilitate the take up of the technology provided? Yes

If yes, specify which type of incentives Financial incentives (for example, preferential rates, State aid, subsidies, cash grants, loan guarantees, etc)

Can you identify the three main conditions that led to the success of the presented best practice/technology? Examples of conditions leading to success may include: highly motivated local governments, farmers organized into well structured cooperatives, extremely favorable weather conditions, etc. For each ‘condition of success’ you are able to identify, specify whether in your opinion such condition is: (a) linked to the local context and thus cannot be replicated elsewhere; (b) replicable elsewhere with some level of adaptation; (c) replicable elsewhere with major adaptation.

1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

3. (max 50 words) No answer provided

In your opinion, the best practice/technology you have proposed can be replicated, although with some level of adaptation, elsewhere? Yes

If yes, at which level? Subregional International

Section 8. Lessons learned

Related to human resources (max 50 words) No answer provided

Related to financial aspects (max 50 words) No answer provided

Related to technical aspects (max 50 words) No answer provided Best Practice #5 — Instalación de sistema de riego por aspersión en la Comunidad de Chullcupampa, Distrito de Huamanguilla, Provincia de Huanta-Ayacucho”.~~~

Property rights Clarify if the technology described in the template, or a part of it, is covered by property rights: Yes

If yes, please provide relevant information on the holder of the rights. (max 100 words) Comité de Regantes de la localidad de Chullcupampa, 132 asociados – propietarios, con una ha de tierra cada uno.

Section 1. Context of the best practice: frame conditions (natural and human environment)

Title of the best practice Instalación de sistema de riego por aspersión en la Comunidad de Chullcupampa, Distrito de Huamanguilla, Provincia de Huanta-Ayacucho”.

Location (if available, also include a map) El proyecto se ubica en la región sierra del Perú, en el departamento de Ayacucho, Provincia de Huanta, Distrito de Huamanguilla, comunidad de Chullcupampa. Attachments: none

If the location has well defined boundaries, specify its extension in hectares Hectares (ha) 67

Estimated population living in the location Number of people No answer provided

Prevailing land use within the specified location Grazing land

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Brief description of the natural environment within the specified location Climate: (max 50 words) El ámbito del proyecto, se caracteriza por tener un clima templado y seco, con una marcada diferencia de la estación húmeda – lluviosa y la estación seca. La estación húmeda se presenta de Diciembre a Marzo, aunque las lluvias aparecen con menor intensidad desde Septiembre y desaparecen en Abril. La estación seca se produce en los meses de Mayo a Agosto durante los cuales también se produce una mayor insolación. La temparatura disminuye con la altitud.

Soil: (max 50 words) Los suelos agrícolas del proyecto presentan una pendiente media que varia alrededor del 10 % al 30 %, con una textura franco - arcillosa – arenoso y con características adecuadas para el cultivo principalmente de maíz, arveja, trigo, cebada y cebolla y pastizales.

Topography: (max 50 words) Debido a la pendiente media de los suelos, existe un fuerte desnivel topográfico.

Prevailing socio-economic conditions of those living in the location and/or nearby Income level: (max 50 words) Disponen de centro de salud a 15 minutos a pie. 16.4 % de la apoblación mayor de 15 años es analfabeta, el 37.9% de la población de 15 años a más tiene primaria completa.La actividad económica principal es la agricultura con cultivos propios de la zona. El riego es complemenario, siejndo pocos los que practican una agricutura intensiva bajo riego.

Main income sources: (max 50 words) Actividades agrícolas y de ganadería primordiales aunque muy bajas.

Land tenure and land use rights: (max 50 words) Socios del Comité de Regantes de CHULLCUPAMPA, perteneciente a la Comisión de Regantes del Sector Chinchaysuyo del Distrito de Huamanguilla, y esta a su vez pertenece a la Junta de Usuarios de Ayacucho, dicha organización, trabaja en beneficio de los usuarios del agua del sector, optimizando el uso y la preservación del recurso, así como lograr la elegibilidad en instituciones con programas de apoyo a las organizaciones de usuarios.

Short description of the best practice max 250 words El presente proyecto consiste en captar aguas desde lugar denominado Tomapata, que en la época crítica conduce un caudal promedio de 81.00 Lt/seg la cual se pierde en trayecto, debido a la evaporación, infiltración y mala distribución de este recurso en la cabecera de los terrenos de cultivos, es por ello que el volumen mencionado anteriormente abastece para regar 20 has, de terrenos cultivables en campaña chica. El proyecto comprende la instalación de riego por aspersión en 67.76 hectáreas de terrenos de cultivo. El diseño considera 3 sectores de riego con 2 turnos por día, para las 67.76 has. La demanda máxima de 5.07 mm/día será cubierta en 6 horas de riego diarios, 2 turnos diarios y un 1 día de descanso. La mejora de los sistemas anteriores que no satisfacían las necesidades de riego de las hectáreas establecidas (Mejoramiento y Rehabilitación de reservorio con Geomembrana de PVC e = 1.2 mm).

On the basis of which criteria and/or indicator(s) (not related to The Strategy) the proposed practice and corresponding technology has been considered as ‘best’? max 100 words La disposición de los grupos involucrados por mejorar sus prácticas de producción y productividad, considerando el sistema de riego sostenible en el tiempo, también como un proyecto el cual mejore la eficiencia de riego, eleve la producción agrícola y desarrollo económico, mediante la tecnología y la capacitación a los agricultores para el manejo de sus tierras.

Section 2. Problems addressed (direct and indirect causes) and objectives of the best practice

With respect to DLDD, the best practice directly contributes to: Mitigation

Main problems addressed by the best practice (max 50 words) Deficiente dotación de agua para riego, esta limitante se debe principalmente a una deficiente infraestructura de riego.

Outline specific land degradation problems addressed by the best practice max 100 words Debido a una deficiente infraestructura existente y técnicas de riego obsoletas, motivo por el cual las tierras no producen satisfactoriamente, además de las características climáticas; se presentan bajos niveles de producción y productividad agrícola, los niveles de intercambio comercial y los ingresos económicos son bajos.

Specify the objectives of the best practice (max 50 words) Incrementar los niveles de producción y productividad agrícola en la comunidad de Chullcupampa.

Section 3. Activities

Brief description of main activities, by objective Objective 1 (max 50 words) Construcción de infraestructura de riego por aspersión con sus respectivas obras de arte.

Objective 2 (max 50 words) No answer provided

Objective 3 (max 50 words) No answer provided

Objective 4 (max 50 words) Capacitación en técnicas de riego y el correcto uso del sistema de riego y fortalecimiento del comité de regantes y capacitación en gestión de recursos hídricos.

Short description of the technology max 250 words El proyecto comprende la instalación de riego por aspersión en 67.76 hectáreas de terrenos de cultivo. El diseño considera 3 sectores de riego con 2 turnos por día, para las 67.76 has. La demanda máxima de 5.07 mm/día será cubierta en 6 horas de riego diarios, 2 turnos diarios y un 1 día de descanso.

Technical specifications of the technology - if any max 250 words Construcción de una captación superficial (01 unid). Construcción de un desarenador de concreto (01 unid). Instalación de tubería de aducción PVC 8” (420 ml). Construcción de una Cámara Rompe Presión de 8” – Tipo I (01 unid) Mejoramiento de reservorio con Geomembrana de PVC (01 unid) Instalación de cabezal de riego de 240 m3/h (01 unid). Instalación línea de conducción de PVC (1,958 ml). Instalación línea de distribución de PVC (6,404 ml). Instalación de válvula reguladora de presión (09 unidades) Construcción de Cámara. Rompe Presión – Tipo II (6”) (01 Unidades) Construcción de Cámara Rompe Presión – Tipo III (3” y 2 ½”) (03 Unidades). Construcción cruce canal (03 unidades). Construcción cruce por quebrada (02 unidades). Construcción cruce de caminos (11 unidades). Instalación de válvula de purga (19 unidades). Construcción Caja hidrante de tres laterales (86 unidades) Construcción caja de válvula de control (20 unidades). Construcción caja de válvula de aire (26 unidades). Implementación de equipo de riego (30 unidades). Desarrollo de capacitaciones (08 módulos).

Section 4. Institutions/actors involved (collaboration, participation, role of stakeholders)

Name and address of the institution developing the technology Name Municipalidad Distrital de Huamanguilla. Address Direccion: plaza principal s/n Telefono: 66-316697 Fax: 66-316697

Name Comité de Riego Chullcupampa. Address No answer provided

Was the technology developed in partnership? Yes

If yes, list the partners: Municipalidad Distrital de Huamanguilla.

Specify the framework within which the technology was promoted National initiative – government-led

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Was the participation of local stakeholders, including CSOs, fostered in the development of the technology Yes

If yes, list local stakeholders involved: Comité de Riego Chullcupampa.

For the stakeholders listed above, specify their role in the design, introduction, use and maintenance of the technology, if any. max 250 words Los miembros del Comité de Riego de la localidad de Chullcupampa aportarán el 20% del presupuesto total, en este caso los beneficiarios directos, participarán con la mano de obra no calificada en forma de faena comunales, así como materiales y/o equipos, así como la libre disponibilidad de sus terrenos para la construcción de la infraestructura.

Was the population living in the location and/or nearby involved in the development of the technology? Yes

If yes, by means of what? Consultation Participatory approaches Other

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Section 5. Contribution to impact

Specify to which strategic objectives of The Strategy the technology contributes (more than one box can be ticked) 1. To improve the living conditions of affected population 2. To improve the conditions of affected ecosystems 3. To generate global benefits through effective implementation of the UNCCD

Describe on-site impacts (the major two impacts by category) Production or productivity: 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Socio-economic level (including cultural level): 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Environmental level: 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Other (specify) 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Describe the major two off-site (i.e. not occurring in the location but in the surrounding areas) impacts 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Impact on biodiversity and climate change In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on biodiversity conservation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words No answer provided

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change mitigation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words No answer provided

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change adaptation? No answer provided

Explain the reasons: max 250 words No answer provided

Has a cost-benefit analysis been carried out? Yes

If yes, summarize its main conclusions: max 250 words No answer provided

Section 6. Connection to other UNCCD themes

Specify if the technology relates to one or more of the other UNCCD themes No answer provided

Section 7. Adoption and replicability

Was the technology disseminated/introduced to other locations? Yes

If yes, where? (add as many rows as necessary) Location: No answer provided

Were incentives to facilitate the take up of the technology provided? No answer provided

If yes, specify which type of incentives No answer provided

Can you identify the three main conditions that led to the success of the presented best practice/technology? Examples of conditions leading to success may include: highly motivated local governments, farmers organized into well structured cooperatives, extremely favorable weather conditions, etc. For each ‘condition of success’ you are able to identify, specify whether in your opinion such condition is: (a) linked to the local context and thus cannot be replicated elsewhere; (b) replicable elsewhere with some level of adaptation; (c) replicable elsewhere with major adaptation.

1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

3. (max 50 words) No answer provided

In your opinion, the best practice/technology you have proposed can be replicated, although with some level of adaptation, elsewhere? Yes

If yes, at which level? Regional

Section 8. Lessons learned

Related to human resources (max 50 words) No answer provided

Related to financial aspects (max 50 words) No answer provided

Related to technical aspects (max 50 words) No answer provided Best Practice #6 — Mejoramiento e Implementación del Sistema de Riego Presurizado en la Localidad de Caran, Distrito de Jesús – Lauricocha - Huánuco.~~~

Property rights Clarify if the technology described in the template, or a part of it, is covered by property rights: Yes

If yes, please provide relevant information on the holder of the rights. (max 100 words) Comunidad Campesina del distrito de Jesús, localidad Caran Los beneficiarios directos del Sistema de Riego tecnificado serán 45 familias que la Comunidad Campesina de Caran ha decidido tendrán la administración de los predios, pero que específicamente se encuentran en el Segundo Nivel, es decir que la comunidad tendrá una administración comunal propiamente dicha.

Section 1. Context of the best practice: frame conditions (natural and human environment)

Title of the best practice Mejoramiento e Implementación del Sistema de Riego Presurizado en la Localidad de Caran, Distrito de Jesús – Lauricocha - Huánuco.

Location (if available, also include a map) La Localidad de Caran Ubicado a 5 Km al Sudoeste de la capital del Distrito de Baños y a 121 Km de la Capital de Departamento de Huánuco. Microcuenca: Río Nupe. Localidad : Caran. Distrito: Jesús. Provincia : Lauricocha. Comunidad Campesina: Caran. Attachments: none

If the location has well defined boundaries, specify its extension in hectares Hectares (ha) 104

Estimated population living in the location Number of people No answer provided

Prevailing land use within the specified location Cropland

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Brief description of the natural environment within the specified location Climate: (max 50 words) No answer provided

Soil: (max 50 words) La fertilidad es media a baja. Los suelos de esta serie soportan una explotación ganadera extensiva. La disponibilidad promedio de Fósforo es de 10.52 ppm., y la disponibilidad de Potasio es de 199.2 Kg/ha. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, las características agronómicas de las parcelas consideradas en el presente Proyecto reflejan que el suelo no tiene propiedades que pudieran ser perjudiciales o extremas.

Topography: (max 50 words) El paisaje que ocupa esta unidad, son mesetas, planas, y de llanuras. Los suelos son moderadamente profundos a profundos (150 cm). La pedregosidad es baja y se hace presente, en la superficie y el perfil. El relieve es, plana o casi con pendientes: plano o casi a nivel (0-2%), ligeramente inclinada de (2-4%), moderadamente inclinado (4-8), fuertemente inclinada (8-15), moderadamente empinada (15-25) etc.

Prevailing socio-economic conditions of those living in the location and/or nearby Income level: (max 50 words) No answer provided

Main income sources: (max 50 words) Actividad Ganadera y Producción Agrícola de menor impacto, principalmente de autoconsumo. Los agricultores de Caran como en toda la zona altoandina, consideran que la actividad agrícola es de subsistencia, causada por bajos rendimientos, comercialización individual e informal a los acopiadores locales y precios que mayormente no cubren los costos de producción. Un factor incidente en esta situación es la escasez y mal uso del agua de riego, y al deficiente manejo agronómico de los cultivos.

Land tenure and land use rights: (max 50 words) Los beneficiarios directos del Sistema de Riego tecnificado serán 45 familias que la Comunidad Campesina del distrito de Jesús, Caran, ha decidido tendrán la administración de los predios, pero que específicamente se encuentran en el Segundo Nivel, es decir que la comunidad tendrá una administración comunal propiamente dicha. El área total que regará el sistema de riego es de 104.00 hectáreas subdividida en 2 sectores de riego. La primera de 32.17 has. se sembrará quinua y la segunda de 72.36 ha

Short description of the best practice max 250 words El diseño considera 2 sectores de riego el primer sector tiene 32.0 ha que se regaran en 25 turnos. El sector dos tiene 72.0 ha y de acuerdo a la programación se regaran en 27 turnos. El caudal máximo para satisfacer la demanda es 63.75 l/s que será cubierta con 18 horas de riego diario, con 4 turnos diarios y no habrá día de descanso. El planteamiento hidráulico consiste en captar el recurso hídrico de la quebrada Tingo y Calguacalgua Pogo y derivar el caudal disponible a un canal de conducción que trabajara a presión atmosférica desde la progresiva KM 0+000 hasta la progresiva KM 2+940. En la progresiva KM 2+300 y 2+940 se construirán tomas laterales para derivar 21.25 y 42.50 l/s respectivamente que serán entregados a una pequeña cámara de carga de donde saldrá la tubería de conducción para el riego por aspersión. Asimismo, el proyecto contempla la capacitación a los beneficiarios mediante cursos, eventos, talleres, para optimizar la operación y mantenimiento del sistema de riego por aspersión. También para la calibración del sistema mediante pruebas de campo periódicas. Una vez culminada la obra. Esta será entregada, al Comité de Regantes ya constituido que juntamente con la Administración Local del Agua, serán los encargados de la administración, operación y mantenimiento del sistema de riego.

On the basis of which criteria and/or indicator(s) (not related to The Strategy) the proposed practice and corresponding technology has been considered as ‘best’? max 100 words Con éste proyecto, la población podrá gozar de los beneficios del Recurso Hídrico en forma ordenada y racional de acuerdo a las condiciones que la Administración Local del Agua del Alto Marañón y el Comité de Regantes establezcan.

Section 2. Problems addressed (direct and indirect causes) and objectives of the best practice

With respect to DLDD, the best practice directly contributes to: Rehabilitation Main problems addressed by the best practice (max 50 words) La Baja rentabilidad de los cultivos en la comunidad de Caran.

Outline specific land degradation problems addressed by the best practice max 100 words Debido al clima y la manera en que se practica la agricultura de riego, las tierras no se aprovechan totalmente y se incrementa la ineficiencia en el uso del agua.

Specify the objectives of the best practice (max 50 words) Mejorar la rentabilidad y competitividad de la agricultura de riego, mediante el aprovechamiento intensivo y sostenible de las tierras y el incremento de la eficiencia en el uso del agua.

Section 3. Activities

Brief description of main activities, by objective Objective 1 (max 50 words) Construcción de una bocatoma para el pase del caudal máximo instantáneo para un periodo de retorno de 50 años. Con muros de encauzamiento, barraje fijo y móvil, ventana de captación, canal de aducción, desarenador y aliviadero. Mejoramiento del canal principal desde el KM 0+000 al KM 2+940, donde se revestirá 2,500 m de caja de canal con concreto simple y 440 m se acondicionara la caja del canal en tierra para el pase del caudal disponible que es 70.0l/seg. También implica la construcción de 11 tomas lalaterales. Construcción de dos cámaras de carga de 3.0 m3 que se derivan mediante las tomas parcelarias que se ubican en las progresivas KM 2+300 y KM 2+940 (colocación de accesorios tanto de salida, limpia y rebose en la caseta de válvulas y colocación de canastilla PVC 10” a 6”).

Objective 2 (max 50 words) Equipamiento de una motobomba para aumentar la presión en el sector Nº 01 de 1.0 a 2.0 Bares. Este equipo se colocara antes del sistema de filtrado. Equipamiento de dos cabezales filtrados (sector 1 y sector 2) en el primer sector los filtros son dos de 3” con un caudal total de 76.5 m3/h y en el sector 2 se colocara una batería de 4 filtros de 3” con un caudal total de 153 m3/h, grado de filtración de 120 mesh. Instalación de la Red de Conducción, con tuberías PVC ISO 4422 Ø 250, 200, 160 y 110 mm en una longitud de 5,300.00 ML.

Objective 3 (max 50 words) Instalación de la red de distribución de la red de riego, con tuberías PVC ISO 4422 Ø 160 mm, 110 mm y 90 mm en una longitud de 6,548.00 ml. Construcción de 198 Cajas Hidrantes para tres laterales. Construcción de 26 Cajas de Válvula de control.

Objective 4 (max 50 words) Construcción de 8 Cajas de Válvula de aire. Short description of the technology max 250 words El diseño considera 2 sectores de riego el primer sector tiene 32.0 ha que se regaran en 25 turnos. El sector dos tiene 72.0 ha y de acuerdo a la programación se regaran en 27 turnos. El caudal máximo para satisfacer la demanda es 63.75 l/s que será cubierta con 18 horas de riego diario, con 4 turnos diarios y no habrá día de descanso. El planteamiento hidráulico consiste en captar el recurso hídrico de la quebrada Tingo y Calguacalgua Pogo y derivar el caudal disponible a un canal de conducción que trabajara a presión atmosférica desde la progresiva KM 0+000 hasta la progresiva KM 2+940. En la progresiva KM 2+300 y 2+940 se construirán tomas laterales para derivar 21.25 y 42.50 l/s respectivamente que serán entregados a una pequeña cámara de carga de donde saldrá la tubería de conducción para el riego por aspersión. Asimismo, el proyecto contempla la capacitación a los beneficiarios mediante cursos, eventos, talleres, para optimizar la operación y mantenimiento del sistema de riego por aspersión. También para la calibración del sistema mediante pruebas de campo periódicas. Una vez culminada la obra. Esta será entregada, al Comité de Regantes ya constituido que juntamente con la Administración Local del Agua, serán los encargados de la administración, operación y mantenimiento del sistema de riego.

Technical specifications of the technology - if any max 250 words El planteamiento hidráulico consiste en captar el recurso hídrico de la quebrada Tingo y Calguacalgua Pogo y derivar el caudal disponible a un canal de conducción que trabajara a presión atmosférica desde la progresiva KM 0+000 hasta la progresiva KM 2+940. En la progresiva KM 2+300 y 2+940 se construirán tomas laterales para derivar 21.25 y 42.50 l/s respectivamente que serán entregados a una pequeña cámara de carga de donde saldrá la tubería de conducción para el riego por aspersión.

Section 4. Institutions/actors involved (collaboration, participation, role of stakeholders)

Name and address of the institution developing the technology Name Programa Subsectorial de Irrigaciones - PSI. Address Gerencia del Gobierno Regional Calle Calicanto 145 - Amarilis Huánuco, Perú.

Name Gobierno Regional Huánuco. Address Calle Calicanto 145 - Amarilis Huánuco, Perú.

Was the technology developed in partnership? Yes

If yes, list the partners: Programa Subsectorial de Irrigaciones - PSI.

Specify the framework within which the technology was promoted National initiative – government-led

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided Was the participation of local stakeholders, including CSOs, fostered in the development of the technology Yes

If yes, list local stakeholders involved: Programa Subsectorial de Irrigaciones - PSI.

For the stakeholders listed above, specify their role in the design, introduction, use and maintenance of the technology, if any. max 250 words La Comunidad Campesina de Caran, beneficiario del proyecto, participa en todas las etapas del proyecto, tanto en la formulación como en la ejecución y la etapa de post inversión. En la ejecución del presente proyecto participa con el aporte del terreno agrícola para instalar las parcelas de riego tecnificado, con aporte en materiales para la instalación y la mano de obra no calificada, y en la post inversión se hará cargo de la operación y mantenimiento del sistema de riego. Consecuentemente, los beneficiarios en su afán de cristalizar este proyecto, se comprometen aportar hasta con el 20% del monto Total del Proyecto (obras civiles, plan de manejo ambiental y capacitación).

Was the population living in the location and/or nearby involved in the development of the technology? Yes

If yes, by means of what? Consultation Participatory approaches

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Section 5. Contribution to impact

Specify to which strategic objectives of The Strategy the technology contributes (more than one box can be ticked) 1. To improve the living conditions of affected population 2. To improve the conditions of affected ecosystems

Describe on-site impacts (the major two impacts by category) Production or productivity: 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Socio-economic level (including cultural level): 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Environmental level: 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided 2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Other (specify) 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Describe the major two off-site (i.e. not occurring in the location but in the surrounding areas) impacts 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Impact on biodiversity and climate change In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on biodiversity conservation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words No answer provided

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change mitigation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words No answer provided

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change adaptation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words No answer provided

Has a cost-benefit analysis been carried out? Yes

If yes, summarize its main conclusions: max 250 words No answer provided

Section 6. Connection to other UNCCD themes

Specify if the technology relates to one or more of the other UNCCD themes No answer provided

Section 7. Adoption and replicability Was the technology disseminated/introduced to other locations? Yes

If yes, where? (add as many rows as necessary) Location: No answer provided

Were incentives to facilitate the take up of the technology provided? No

If yes, specify which type of incentives No answer provided

Can you identify the three main conditions that led to the success of the presented best practice/technology? Examples of conditions leading to success may include: highly motivated local governments, farmers organized into well structured cooperatives, extremely favorable weather conditions, etc. For each ‘condition of success’ you are able to identify, specify whether in your opinion such condition is: (a) linked to the local context and thus cannot be replicated elsewhere; (b) replicable elsewhere with some level of adaptation; (c) replicable elsewhere with major adaptation.

1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

3. (max 50 words) No answer provided

In your opinion, the best practice/technology you have proposed can be replicated, although with some level of adaptation, elsewhere? Yes

If yes, at which level? Regional

Section 8. Lessons learned

Related to human resources (max 50 words) No answer provided

Related to financial aspects (max 50 words) No answer provided

Related to technical aspects (max 50 words) No answer provided Best Practice #7 — Construcción Sistema de Riego Tecnificado en Cotaña y Callapoca d el Distrito de Cabanilla – Lampa - Puno.

Property rights Clarify if the technology described in the template, or a part of it, is covered by property rights: Yes

If yes, please provide relevant information on the holder of the rights. (max 100 words) Pobladores y Propietarios de tierras de la localidad de Cabanillas, Comisión de Regantes, cada uno con cierta ha de propiedad.

Section 1. Context of the best practice: frame conditions (natural and human environment)

Title of the best practice Construcción Sistema de Riego Tecnificado en Cotaña y Callapoca del Distrito de Cabanilla – Lampa - Puno.

Location (if available, also include a map) Departamento: Puno, Provincia: Lampa, Distrito: Cabanilla, Comunidad: Callapoca. Attachments: none

If the location has well defined boundaries, specify its extension in hectares Hectares (ha) 200

Estimated population living in the location Number of people 529

Prevailing land use within the specified location Cropland

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Brief description of the natural environment within the specified location Climate: (max 50 words) El ámbito del proyecto en estudio es típico del altiplano presenta un clima frígido seco y lluvioso.

•Temperatura Media Anual: 12.17°C •Temperatura Minima Media Mensual: -1°C •Temperatura Máxima Media Mensual: 17.20°C •50.01% de Humedad Anual / 62.8% en Febrero •736.98 mm. De precipitaciones en las estaciones de Cabanillas.

Soil: (max 50 words) Al margen derecho del río Cabanillas rio arriba. Los suelos agrícolas son dispuestos en talud de llanura aluvial alta, presenta un relieve topográfico, con una pendiente de 3 – 5%. Con profundidad efectiva de hasta 0.50 m, son suelos de necesidades hídricas medias, con drenaje regular y salinidad baja. Con 6 tipos de clasificación por su capacidad de uso; las características de los suelos permiten el desarrollo del cultivo de alfalfa, quinua, habas verde, papa y el trigo invernal

Topography: (max 50 words) La llanura aluvial está formada por una topografía plana que es disecada por quebradas. Conformado por grava arena y cantos rodados con matriz limosa, sin estructura estratificada de color gris, dominantemente permeables e in consolidados. Presenta un valle amplio en una etapa de Senectud en su desarrollo geomorfológico, donde las zonas positivas se observan alejadas de la llanura aluvial, la pendiente es suave tanto lateral como longitudinalmente, con marcado desarrollo de terrazas.

Prevailing socio-economic conditions of those living in the location and/or nearby Income level: (max 50 words) El bajo rendimiento de los campos de cultivo y baja producción agropecuaria de los sectores de Cotaña y Callapoca, viene agobiando a la población de dichos sectores. El distrito de Cabanilla hasta la fecha viene dedicándose a la producción agropecuaria exclusivamente, cuyos ingresos económicos de los pobladores de la zona oscilan entre 180 y 320 nuevos soles.

Main income sources: (max 50 words) La agricultura y ganadería constituyen dos de las actividades más importante de esta zona del proyecto, desde el punto de vista económico, Actualmente los rendimientos de sus principales cultivos (Quinua, alfalfa, avena, cebada, papa, habas), han permitido a los agricultores dirigir una agricultura de subsistencia y una informalidad de la agricultura de mercado incipiente, sin destino, ni comprador, ni precio estable a excepción del cultivo de las Habas.

Land tenure and land use rights: (max 50 words) Pobladores y Propietarios de tierras de la localidad de Cabanillas, Comisión de Regantes, cada uno con cierta ha de propiedad.

Short description of the best practice max 250 words El Proyecto comprende la instalación de sistema de riego por aspersión en 140 has y sistema de riego por multi compuertas en 60 has, haciendo un total de 200 has; Para los cultivos de: Quinua, Alfalfa, trébol blanco, habas verdes, papa y trigo de invierno, donde se construirá las obras necesarias que permitan el funcionamiento eficiente del sistema.

La instalación de sistemas de Riego Tecnificado por Aspersión y Multi compuerta y el manejo intensivo de los cultivos; lograría incrementar la producción agropecuaria y mejorar el nivel de vida de la población de la zona de influencia del proyecto. Se plantea dos sectores de riego, uno por aspersión y uno por multi compuertas; esto en sub-unidades de riego; los mismos presentan sectorización por turnos de riego de operación manual.

El plan de capacitación en operación y mantenimiento del sistema de riego incluye seis sesiones de trabajo directo con los beneficiarios, en el que el proveedor de los equipos de riego asegurará el aprendizaje práctico de los beneficiarios en todos los aspectos relacionados a la operación y mantenimiento del sistema de riego.

On the basis of which criteria and/or indicator(s) (not related to The Strategy) the proposed practice and corresponding technology has been considered as ‘best’? max 100 words El presente proyecto busca incrementar los rendimientos y la productividad de los cultivos planteados en la cedula de cultivos, que permita mejorar el nivel de ingresos de los agricultores de los sectores de Cotaña y Callapoca, del distrito de Cabanilla, mediante la instalación de sistemas de Riego Tecnificado por Aspersión y Multicompuerta y el manejo intensivo de los cultivos; con lo cual se logrará incrementar la producción agropecuaria y mejorar el nivel de vida de la población de la zona de influencia del proyecto, se cuenta con el respaldo de los beneficiarios, comisión de regantes, luego tenemos el compromiso de la municipalidad.

Section 2. Problems addressed (direct and indirect causes) and objectives of the best practice

With respect to DLDD, the best practice directly contributes to: Prevention

Main problems addressed by the best practice (max 50 words) “Bajo rendimiento de los Cultivos” en los sectores de Cotaña y Callapoca, del distrito de Cabanilla”.

Outline specific land degradation problems addressed by the best practice max 100 words El bajo rendimiento de los campos de cultivo y baja producción agropecuaria de los sectores de Cotaña y Callapoca, viene agobiando a la población de dichos sectores. Uno de los principales motivos, es la pérdida de agua por conducción y distribución, la eficiencia de riego no supera el 40% de eficiencia de aplicación, lo que indudablemente viene afectando la productividad de los cultivos instalados y por ende la degradación de sus suelos debido al mal manejo del recurso hídrico.

Specify the objectives of the best practice (max 50 words) Incremento de los Rendimientos de los Cultivos. Incrementar las eficiencias de riego parcelario a través de la implementación de infraestructura de riego tecnificado. Elevar el nivel de producción y productividad con el uso de técnicas eficientes de riego, manejo de cultivos y manejo genético y sanitario a través de programas de capacitación y asistencia técnica.

Section 3. Activities

Brief description of main activities, by objective Objective 1 (max 50 words) No answer provided

Objective 2 (max 50 words) No answer provided

Objective 3 (max 50 words) No answer provided

Objective 4 (max 50 words) No answer provided

Short description of the technology max 250 words El Proyecto comprende la instalación de sistema de riego por aspersión en 140has y sistema de riego por multi compuertas en 60has, haciendo un total de 200 has; Para los cultivos de: Quinua, Alfalfa, trébol blanco, habas verdes, papa y trigo de invierno, donde se construirá las obras necesarias que permitan el funcionamiento eficiente del sistema.

La instalación de sistemas de Riego Tecnificado por Aspersión y Multi compuerta y el manejo intensivo de los cultivos; lograría incrementar la producción agropecuaria y mejorar el nivel de vida de la población de la zona de influencia del proyecto. Se plantea dos sectores de riego, uno por aspersión y uno por multi compuertas; esto en sub-unidades de riego; los mismos presentan sectorización por turnos de riego de operación manual.

El plan de capacitación en operación y mantenimiento del sistema de riego incluye seis sesiones de trabajo directo con los beneficiarios, en el que el proveedor de los equipos de riego asegurará el aprendizaje práctico de los beneficiarios en todos los aspectos relacionados a la operación y mantenimiento del sistema de riego.

Technical specifications of the technology - if any max 250 words El proyecto dispondrá de un sistema de captación de 130l/s. del canal de conducción Cabana Mañazo que transporta un caudal de 11m3/s, se captara a través de una ventana de captación existente, al cual se le adicionara una tubería de 400 mm el cual conducirá el agua a la cámara de carga de concreto armado de 175kg/cm2 de las siguientes dimensiones 3.00x3.00x1.50 m.

Línea de conducción y distribución compuesto por tubería PVC C-5 DE 400mm.355mm, 315mm, 200mm, 160mm y 90mm, que van desde la captación, hasta la zona de irrigación donde se espera alcanzar la presión de funcionamiento del sistema de aspersores y multicompuertas.

Se plantea dos sectores de riego, uno por aspersión y uno por multicompuertas; esto en sub-unidades de riego; los mismos presentan sectorización por turnos de riego de operación manual. El tipo de emisor usado en el proyecto es un Aspersor de bronce con rosca externa de ¾”, con doble boquilla 7.32”/5.5mm, este aspersor trabajara a una presión mínima de funcionamiento de 1.5 bar, este emisor tiene un funcionamiento circular completo o parcial emitiendo un caudal de 1.4m3/h el cual nos permite obtener un diámetro de humedecimiento de 21m.

Las Cajas de Seguridad, Dados de Anclajes y otros, son obras complementarias del Sistema de Riego, cuya función es la de alojar, proteger y fijar a las válvulas y sus accesorios. Están ubicados a un costado de los caminos de servicio, y serán construidas de concreto y/o cajas prefabricadas. Los anclajes sirven para fijar los accesorios y válvulas, serán construidas de concreto.

El Puente Aéreo para pase de tubería es de L=60m, que está constituido por una columna (torre) de concreto armado, la cual está empalmada a una columna de un puente existente, bloques de concreto para anclaje, cable principal tipo boa de 1”, cable tipo cobra de 3/8” (29 péndolas a cada 2m), grapas tipo Crosby de 3/8”, guarda cabos de fierro galvanizado, carros de dilatación con rodillos, abrazaderas superiores e inferiores con platino de fierro y templadores de fierro galvanizado. En las multicompuertas se planteara la aplicación en el manejo de surcos largos (L=100m) para optimizar el uso de las maquinarias agrícolas.

Section 4. Institutions/actors involved (collaboration, participation, role of stakeholders)

Name and address of the institution developing the technology Name •Agricultores beneficiarios de Cotaña – Callapoca. Address Provincia: Lampa, Distrito: Cabanilla, Comunidad: Callapoca.

Name •Comisión de Regantes.

Address “Cotaña-Callapoca Distrito de Cabanilla Provincia de Lampa Región Puno” Extensión Total : 200.00 has Localidad: Cabanilla Comisión de Regantes: Cotaña – Callapoca.

Name •Programa Sub Sectorial de Irrigación PSI.

Address Municipalidad Distrital De Cabanilla, Provincia de Lampa Región Puno.

Was the technology developed in partnership? Yes

If yes, list the partners: 1. Agricultores beneficiarios de Cotaña – Callapoca 2. Comisión de Regantes.

Specify the framework within which the technology was promoted National initiative – government-led

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Was the participation of local stakeholders, including CSOs, fostered in the development of the technology Yes

If yes, list local stakeholders involved: 1. Agricultores beneficiarios de Cotaña – Callapoca.

2. Comisión de Regantes.

For the stakeholders listed above, specify their role in the design, introduction, use and maintenance of the technology, if any. max 250 words En su afán de cristalizar este proyecto, los beneficiarios se comprometen a someterse a las bases del Programa Subsectorial de Irrigaciones-PSI y acordaron contribuir en el financiamiento con el aporte del 20 % del presupuesto total del Proyecto, además de parte de los usuarios se comprometen asumir el pago puntual de la tarifa de agua los costos y la custodia de operación y mantenimiento del sistema de riego propuesto, a fin de lograr la sostenibilidad del Proyecto.

La entidad ejecutora, se hará cargo de la capacitación y entrenamiento al personal que designen los beneficiarios, con el objeto de poder garantizar el adecuado funcionamiento del sistema de riego.

La entidad ejecutora de la obra entregará un manual de operación y mantenimiento del sistema de riego. La capacitación comprenderá seis módulos o temas (fichas didácticas), los que aprobados en orden progresivo, permitirán ir avanzando en la capacidad de operación y mantenimiento del sistema de riego presurizado.

Was the population living in the location and/or nearby involved in the development of the technology? Yes

If yes, by means of what? Consultation Participatory approaches Other

Other (specify) (max 30 words) Completando El 20% De Ejecución Del Proyecto.

Section 5. Contribution to impact

Specify to which strategic objectives of The Strategy the technology contributes (more than one box can be ticked) 1. To improve the living conditions of affected population 2. To improve the conditions of affected ecosystems 3. To generate global benefits through effective implementation of the UNCCD

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Describe on-site impacts (the major two impacts by category) Production or productivity: 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Socio-economic level (including cultural level): 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Environmental level: 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Other (specify) 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Describe the major two off-site (i.e. not occurring in the location but in the surrounding areas) impacts 1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Impact on biodiversity and climate change In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on biodiversity conservation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words No answer provided

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change mitigation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words No answer provided

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change adaptation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words No answer provided

Has a cost-benefit analysis been carried out? Yes

If yes, summarize its main conclusions: max 250 words No answer provided

Section 6. Connection to other UNCCD themes

Specify if the technology relates to one or more of the other UNCCD themes Capacity-building and awareness-raising Knowledge management and decision support

Section 7. Adoption and replicability

Was the technology disseminated/introduced to other locations? Yes

If yes, where? (add as many rows as necessary) Location: No answer provided

Were incentives to facilitate the take up of the technology provided? No If yes, specify which type of incentives No answer provided

Can you identify the three main conditions that led to the success of the presented best practice/technology? Examples of conditions leading to success may include: highly motivated local governments, farmers organized into well structured cooperatives, extremely favorable weather conditions, etc. For each ‘condition of success’ you are able to identify, specify whether in your opinion such condition is: (a) linked to the local context and thus cannot be replicated elsewhere; (b) replicable elsewhere with some level of adaptation; (c) replicable elsewhere with major adaptation.

1. (max 50 words) No answer provided

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

3. (max 50 words) No answer provided

In your opinion, the best practice/technology you have proposed can be replicated, although with some level of adaptation, elsewhere? Yes

If yes, at which level? Subregional

Section 8. Lessons learned

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Related to human resources (max 50 words) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Related to financial aspects (max 50 words) No answer provided

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Related to technical aspects (max 50 words) No answer provided Best Practice #8 — Nombre Local: AMUNAS. Nombre hidrológico práctica social de “RECARGA ARTIFICIAL DE ACUÍFEROS EN LOS ANDES”

Question marked as 'No answer'.

Property rights Clarify if the technology described in the template, or a part of it, is covered by property rights: No answer provided

If yes, please provide relevant information on the holder of the rights. (max 100 words) No answer provided

Section 1. Context of the best practice: frame conditions (natural and human environment)

Title of the best practice Nombre Local: AMUNAS. Nombre hidrológico práctica social de “RECARGA ARTIFICIAL DE ACUÍFEROS EN LOS ANDES”

Location (if available, also include a map) Comunidades Campesinas de San Andrés de Tupicocha, Santiago de Tuna y Anexo de Chaute. Distritos de Santiago de Tuna y Tupicocha, provincia de Huarochirí; cuenca de los ríos de Rímac y Lurín-Pachacamac. Attachments: none

If the location has well defined boundaries, specify its extension in hectares Hectares (ha) 2300

Estimated population living in the location Number of people 8000

Prevailing land use within the specified location Cropland Grazing land Woodland Unproductive land Human settlement Other

Other (specify) (max 30 words) Ganadería

Brief description of the natural environment within the specified location Climate: (max 50 words) Frío andino de 4,500 msnm hasta los 2,500 msnm.

Soil: (max 50 words) En el lugar de las Amunas, el suelo es el típico de las montañas de los Andes con cobertura de pastos naturales. En los diferentes lugares de ubicación de los manantiales y quebradas donde aflora el agua el suelo es franco areno arcilloso medianamente profundo. Topography: (max 50 words) Irregular, con variadas pendientes de montaña entre los pisos altitudinales mencionados.

Prevailing socio-economic conditions of those living in the location and/or nearby Income level: (max 50 words) población ubicada en las condiciones de pobreza y pobreza extrema.

Main income sources: (max 50 words) La mayoría dedicada a las actividades agrarias (agricultura y ganadería y, simultáneamente, al comercio y servicios (movilidad y subempleo).

Land tenure and land use rights: (max 50 words) Coexiste la propiedad comunal particularmente en zonas de pastizales y propiedad privada en chacras agrícolas y lotes urbanos. Existe uso de tierras en condiciones de “posesión” asociado al “reparto” que alguna vez hubo y permanece hasta la fecha.

Short description of the best practice max 250 words Practica de una tecnología social muy antigua, que consiste en la construcción y mantenimiento de acequias “amunadoras” (4,500 a 4,600 msnm), respetando las curvas a nivel, en las laderas de las montañas que recogen o captan el agua de las quebradas que se cargan en tiempos de lluvias, las que son conducidas a sitios, previamente determinados, que tienen una mayor eficiencia de infiltración por las fracturas, fisuras y/o porosidad de las rocas, recargando el flujo de los acuíferos que serán aprovechados en los afloramientos de manantiales y quebradas existentes aguas abajo que incrementan su caudal en los meses de agosto, setiembre y octubre (3,200 a 2,500 msnm). Esta práctica social es parte de la organización, jerarquía y religiosidad de las poblaciones que se recrea cada año desde hace muchas décadas.

On the basis of which criteria and/or indicator(s) (not related to The Strategy) the proposed practice and corresponding technology has been considered as ‘best’? max 100 words No answer provided

Section 2. Problems addressed (direct and indirect causes) and objectives of the best practice

With respect to DLDD, the best practice directly contributes to: Prevention Adaptation

Main problems addressed by the best practice (max 50 words) No considerada en el llamado afianzamiento hídrico “oficial“ y los presupuestos de inversión pública. Clasificación de los derechos consuetudinarios de las poblaciones que las practican. Ausencia de apoyo para reforzar la práctica social de operación y mantenimiento. Falta de investigación de toda la “estructura y fisiología” de diseño, construcción de la infraestructura; su operación y mantenimiento social cultural y su réplica y amplificación como política pública como medidas de adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático de poblaciones de las zonas de las cuencas altas de los Andes.

Outline specific land degradation problems addressed by the best practice max 100 words Esta práctica contribuye a la retención y conservación de suelos pues funciona exacerbando la infiltración de las aguas a los flujos hidrogeológicos. Resta agua de la escorrentía estacional para “derivarla” al flujo subterráneo.

Specify the objectives of the best practice (max 50 words) Provisión de agua para los meses de estiaje. Optimiza el trabajo colectivo para el aprovechamiento colectivo. Incrementa o mejora la resiliencia local sociedad-naturaleza. Relaciona el “territorio” de la alta montaña con las chacras de pisos mas bajos

Section 3. Activities

Brief description of main activities, by objective Objective 1 (max 50 words) Faena comunal para la “siembra de agua” de escorrentía.

Reparto organizado del agua de los manantiales y quebradas de afloramiento de las aguas. ”cosecha del agua”. Programación de cultivos en relación a la recarga esperada.

Objective 2 (max 50 words) Refuerza las prácticas del trabajo colectivo o la cooperación de esfuerzos. Mejora los lazos de la organización local. Fomenta la reciprocidad en la práctica social al inicio y al final de la parte del ciclo hidrológico que intervienen. Pone en práctica la equidad en los “derechos” en el reparto.

Objective 3 (max 50 words) Respuesta social a la dotación de agua de calidad y en cantidad necesarios. Respuesta organizada para la provisión de agua que convive, complementariamente, con otras prácticas de aprovisionamiento de agua para otros usos: Canales, represas, reservorios, sistemas entubados. Ruralidad de los servicios de uso múltiple del agua. A mayor organización mayor eficiencia de la “siembra y cosecha “del agua.

Objective 4 (max 50 words) Un uso y aprovechamiento “territorial de la montaña” de manera integral en extensión, tiempo y usos del agua.

Short description of the technology max 250 words a)Construcción de las acequias “amunadoras” a más de 4,000 msnm b)Construcción de las “bocatomas” c)Transporte del agua por las acequias d)Caudal considerable de conducción: de 70 a 120 l/s e)Zonas específicas para la infiltración y recarga de acuíferos. f)Conducción subterránea de las aguas g)Afloramiento en manantiales y quebradas a pisos de 3,200 a 2,500 msnm h)Uso y aprovechamiento en múltiples usos y diversidad de usuarios. i)Recarga de los acuíferos de la cuenca media y baja del río Lurín Pachacamac.

Technical specifications of the technology - if any max 250 words No answer provided

Section 4. Institutions/actors involved (collaboration, participation, role of stakeholders)

Name and address of the institution developing the technology Name Comunidad Campesina de San Andrés de Tupicocha y sus 10 anexos. Address Plaza principal del distrito de San Andrés de Tupicocha, Huarochiri.

Was the technology developed in partnership? Yes

If yes, list the partners: Tecnología social ancestral y prehispánica. La Asociación Civil AGUA-C la estudio y publicó un libro al respecto.

Specify the framework within which the technology was promoted Programme/project-based initiative

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Was the participation of local stakeholders, including CSOs, fostered in the development of the technology Yes

If yes, list local stakeholders involved: La Comunidad Campesina de Tupicocha. La organización de usuarios de agua. La municipalidad distrital y provincial. El Gobierno regional. La ONG AGUA-C. La Universidad Agraria La Molina (UNALM)

For the stakeholders listed above, specify their role in the design, introduction, use and maintenance of the technology, if any. max 250 words 1. La Comunidad Campesina de Tupicocha: Programa y asume la conducción central del día de limpieza y mantenimiento de las acequias amunadoras. 2. La organización de usuarios de agua. Conduce toda la ceremonia, ritual y operativa de la limpieza y mantenimiento de las acequias amunadoras. 3. La municipalidad distrital y provincial: Apoyan y proveen cierta logística para ese día. 4. El Gobierno regional: Ha tomado la decisión de impulsar la organización del territorio con enfoque de cuencas como unidad de planificación. 5. La ONG AGUA-C, desarrolla y anima el proceso de sistematización de los casos y experiencias de los sistemas tecnológicos sociales de gestión del agua. 6. La UNALM. La facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola esta interesada en asumir en la academia este caso.

Was the population living in the location and/or nearby involved in the development of the technology? Yes

If yes, by means of what? Participatory approaches

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Section 5. Contribution to impact

Specify to which strategic objectives of The Strategy the technology contributes (more than one box can be ticked) No answer provided

Describe on-site impacts (the major two impacts by category) Production or productivity: 1. (max 50 words) 340 parcelas con riego de manantiales y captación de agua para usos de riego.

2. (max 50 words) 40% de las familias.

Socio-economic level (including cultural level): 1. (max 50 words) Producción agroalimentaria.

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Environmental level: 1. (max 50 words) Conservación de suelos y el agua.

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Other (specify) 1. (max 50 words) Expresión del patrimonio cultural local.

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Describe the major two off-site (i.e. not occurring in the location but in the surrounding areas) impacts 1. (max 50 words) Alimentación de agua del acuífero visible en la cuenca media y baja (Antioquia, Cieneguilla y Pachacamac).

2. (max 50 words) Producción de alimentos que abastece a los mercados de Lima Metropolitana.

Impact on biodiversity and climate change In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on biodiversity conservation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words La práctica parte de las características del espacio físico geográfico “domesticándolo” a su beneficio y sin alterar la esencia del ciclo hidrológico. Logra el incremento de caudales de los manantiales y quebradas de aguas abajo que será de uso de las actividades humanas y del ambiente, en los meses de estiaje.

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change mitigation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words Al mantener la cobertura vegetal de las zonas de infiltración y en las zonas de afloramiento y de aprovechamiento tanto productivo, humano como ambiental. Los flujos de los manantiales y las quebradas relacionados con las amunas son también aprovechados por especies y comunidades de flora y fauna de los ecosistemas del entorno del piso altitudinal más bajo.

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change adaptation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words Esta tecnología social de conservación y preservación del agua para su uso múltiple, puede considerarse una efectiva medida de adaptación pues capta el agua de lluvia en los meses de invierno andino para ponerla a provecho humano y ambiental en los meses de estiaje, en cantidad y calidad adecuadas.

Has a cost-benefit analysis been carried out? Yes

If yes, summarize its main conclusions: max 250 words Aunque no se ha realizado un análisis costo beneficio en estricto, el trabajo comunitario realizado por muchos años y desde antiguo, les ha mostrado suficientes evidencias que se repite año tras año, pues se verifica con la valorización de la producción para la seguridad alimentaria local-regional, así como en los cultivos comerciales.

Section 6. Connection to other UNCCD themes

Specify if the technology relates to one or more of the other UNCCD themes Capacity-building and awareness-raising DLDD and SLM monitoring and assessment/research Knowledge management and decision support Participation, collaboration and networking

Section 7. Adoption and replicability

Was the technology disseminated/introduced to other locations? Yes

If yes, where? (add as many rows as necessary) Location: Comunidad y distrito de Paccho, cuenca del río Huaura. Santa Eulalia, comunidad de San Pedro de Casta. Comunidad de Canta-Chillón.

Were incentives to facilitate the take up of the technology provided? No

If yes, specify which type of incentives No answer provided

Can you identify the three main conditions that led to the success of the presented best practice/technology? Examples of conditions leading to success may include: highly motivated local governments, farmers organized into well structured cooperatives, extremely favorable weather conditions, etc. For each ‘condition of success’ you are able to identify, specify whether in your opinion such condition is: (a) linked to the local context and thus cannot be replicated elsewhere; (b) replicable elsewhere with some level of adaptation; (c) replicable elsewhere with major adaptation.

1. (max 50 words) Grado de conocimiento social del territorio y del funcionamiento de los flujos del agua subterránea. Reproducible en cualquier otro lugar con cierto nivel de adaptación.

2. (max 50 words) Grado de organización comunitaria y jerarquía institucional para replicar la práctica cada año. Reproducible en cualquier otro lugar con cierto nivel de adaptación.

3. (max 50 words) Profunda religiosidad en la ritualidad al agua que le otorga una mayor cohesión social en la reproducción de la práctica. Reproducible en cualquier otro lugar de Los Andes con cierto nivel de adaptación.

In your opinion, the best practice/technology you have proposed can be replicated, although with some level of adaptation, elsewhere? Yes

If yes, at which level? Local Sub-national National Subregional Regional International

Section 8. Lessons learned

Related to human resources (max 50 words) Un ejemplo de practicas sociales y organizacionales de gestión del agua en el ciclo hidrogeológico.

Related to financial aspects (max 50 words) La inversión de recursos financieros es bajísimo, pues se basa en la faena comunitaria de hombres y mujeres. La eficiencia de gestión del agua está por medirse, pero será siempre positiva. Related to technical aspects (max 50 words) Se trata de una práctica que parte del conocimiento muy fino de la estructura de la montaña para diseñar el trazo de las acequias amunadoras, los puntos o lugares de alta infiltración y los lugares por donde aflora el agua. Best Practice #9 — Sistemas de Riego Predial Regulados con Microreservorios en las provincias de Cajamarca, San Marcos y Cajabamba del Departamento de Cajamarca Peru.~~~

Property rights Clarify if the technology described in the template, or a part of it, is covered by property rights: No

If yes, please provide relevant information on the holder of the rights. (max 100 words) No answer provided

Section 1. Context of the best practice: frame conditions (natural and human environment)

Title of the best practice Sistemas de Riego Predial Regulados con Microreservorios en las provincias de Cajamarca, San Marcos y Cajabamba del Departamento de Cajamarca Peru.

Location (if available, also include a map) La experiencia se desarrolla en las provincias de Cajamarca, San Marcos y Cajabamba del departamento de Cajamarca.

Attachments: none

If the location has well defined boundaries, specify its extension in hectares Hectares (ha) 6149

Estimated population living in the location Number of people 304198

Prevailing land use within the specified location Cropland

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Brief description of the natural environment within the specified location Climate: (max 50 words) El clima es variado con una temperatura promedio anual de 14,7ºC; con fluctuaciones que van desde los 8ºC hasta los 24,7ºC y una humedad relativo promedio de 72%. Las precipitaciones varían desde 380 a 1500 mm/año; la época de lluvias son de octubre a abril con su mayor intensidad, entre enero a abril. Los climas templado Cálido, templado, templado frío, frío, y tropical templado cálido.

Soil: (max 50 words) Los suelos son superficiales y localizados en ladera, misceláneos, de textura variada, expuestos a diferentes tipos y grados de erosión hídrica, de fertilidad media a baja, con bajo contenido de materia orgánica.

Topography: (max 50 words) La topografía es típicamente de zona montañosa, caracterizada por laderas onduladas, ubicadas entre los 2500 a 3200 msnm, surcadas por quebradas de diferentes dimensiones integrantes de las redes hidrográficas que drenan las escorrentías superficiales de la zona.

Prevailing socio-economic conditions of those living in the location and/or nearby Income level: (max 50 words) Existe mayor concentración de grupos etáreos que van de 01 año a 29 años; decreciendo a partir del grupo de edad de 30 a 34 años; situación que condiciona fuertemente el diseño e implementación de las políticas públicas regionales. La tasa de desnutrición en niños menores de cinco años se ha ido incrementando progresivamente, en el año 2004 fue de 30.1% y en el 2006 llega a 30.8%. Por otro lado, la presencia irregular de lluvias condiciona el desarrollo de la actividad agrícola.

Main income sources: (max 50 words) El sector agropecuario es la principal fuente de ingresos y empleo para un 80% de los hogares del departamento de Cajamarca.

Land tenure and land use rights: (max 50 words) Las tierras agrícolas en el departamento de Cajamarca son conducidas por aprox. 194 000 unidades agropecuarias, de las cuales 163 000 (el 84%) tienen una extensión menor a 10 hectáreas, ocupando el 48 % (300 000 ha) de la superficie agrícola del departamento.

Short description of the best practice max 250 words “Cosecha de agua” es la recolección y almacenamiento de agua para el abastecimiento doméstico o producción de cultivos. La fuente de agua puede ser la escorrentía superficial de las lluvias, el caudal de un pequeño arroyo, un canal, un manantial, o una combinación de estas fuentes. Como sea, todas dependen – directa o indirectamente – de un mismo proceso: la escorrentía y concentración de aguas de lluvia, desde un área de captación, también llamada área de impluvio o área colectora. La captación de aguas es una tecnología probada para aumentar la seguridad alimentaria en las zonas propensas a la sequía, como es el caso de gran parte de la Sierra peruana, y de países como Bolivia. Control de la erosión y la recarga de agua subterránea son ventajas adicionales de esta práctica. La experiencia busca dotar de agua de riego a los predios campesinos, a partir de diferentes fuentes de agua superficial; para conducir los cultivos, con menos incertidumbre, con tecnologías de manejo intensivo y alta productividad en pequeñas extensiones. Los sistemas de riego son de tipo familiar y modular, constituidos por un reservorio de tierra compactada y tuberías de distribución de PVC, alimentados por fuentes de agua propios de las zonas medias y altas de las microcuencas andinas: bajo caudal, de flujo regular, irregular o mixto, según el comportamiento hídrico del año. Con cada módulo se ha previsto irrigar, con tecnología de aspersión, una extensión equivalente a una (1.0) hectárea en los veranillos de la época húmeda, del cual 0.7 corresponden a cultivos del régimen de secano (riego de salvación de siembra grande) y 0.3 hectáreas de cultivos en la época seca, con tres recargas por micro reservorio. Estos microreservorios tienen una capacidad promedio de 1,300m3, se construyen con tractor de oruga, con un promedio de 16 horas por unidad. La red de tuberías de 100 metros promedio, están conectados por un sifón o tubería directa, que abastecen a puntos de agua o hidrantes, los cuales mediante mangueras o tuberías se conectarán a los dispositivos para riego presurizado; aspersión, microaspersión o goteo. Los principales componentes del sistema físico son: área de captación, desarenador, canal de ingreso, vaso para microreservorio, tubería de salida o sifón, red de tuberías principal, red de tubería lateral.

On the basis of which criteria and/or indicator(s) (not related to The Strategy) the proposed practice and corresponding technology has been considered as ‘best’? max 100 words Los beneficios productivos que se obtienen con los sistemas de riego predial regulados por microreservorios se visualizan a través de una mayor diversificación de cultivos y mayores rendimientos. Un estudio sobre los impactos económicos de los sistemas de microreservorios (muestra de 18 familias) señala: •En promedio, la productividad del maíz y del trigo pasó de 800 kg/ha de rendimiento al menos a 1.000 kg/ha. En el caso de la papa, en siembra de campaña chica de 7.000 a 20.000 kg/ha. •El 100% de los beneficiarios aseguraron que la crianza de cuyes se intensificó a partir de la implementación del microreservorio, dada la mayor disposición de forraje durante todo el año. •El 35% de los encuestados consideró la piscicultura como una nueva actividad •La disposición de los microreservorios ha permitido incrementar la diversificación de cultivos en los predios.

Section 2. Problems addressed (direct and indirect causes) and objectives of the best practice

With respect to DLDD, the best practice directly contributes to: Adaptation

Main problems addressed by the best practice (max 50 words) Baja disponibilidad de agua para riego de predios de la pequeña agricultura. Baja productividad de las cosechas destinada solamente al autoconsumo. Baja motivación de los productores para invertir en conservación de sus suelos. Escaso acceso a los mercados con productos agrícolas.

Outline specific land degradation problems addressed by the best practice max 100 words Uno de los grandes problemas de la degradación la tierra en zona de trabajo es la desertificación de zonas localizadas en laderas, producido por la deforestación excesiva, practicas inadecuadas de labranza y riego. Con agua de riego, los pequeños agricultores, empiezan a invertir en el mejoramiento de sus predios, con prácticas de conservación de suelos, agroforesteria, prácticas de abonamiento, etc.

Specify the objectives of the best practice (max 50 words) Aumentar la superficie bajo riego de la pequeña agricultura en zonas de ladera de las provincias de Cajamarca, San Marcos y Cajabamba, para disminuir los riesgos climáticos del medio andino manifestada por sequías, heladas, inundaciones, etc. La regulación del agua con microreservorios permite mayor disponibilidad de agua para riego en sequía, manejar la humedad del suelo para disminuir el efecto de las heladas y disminuir los flujos superficiales de agua durante precipitaciones intensas. Mejorar la productividad agrícola para producir alimentos para autoconsumo y mercado. La aplicación oportuna de agua a los cultivos permite aumentar la productividad de las cosechas. En la agricultura de secano uno de los riesgos es la presencia de veranillos durante la época de la siembra grande, fenómeno natural que se alivia con la presencia de riego a partir de la cosecha de agua con microreservorios. Mejorar las inversiones de los pequeños agricultores en nuevos paquetes tecnológicos, para recuperar la capacidad productiva de los agroecosistemas causado por la deforestación y uso de sistemas de labranza altamente erosivos. Mejorar la inserción de la pequeña agricultura conducida bajo el régimen de secano en los beneficios del mercado. El riego permite generar excedentes por el incremento de la productividad y la posibilidad de cosechar más de una campaña al año.

Section 3. Activities Brief description of main activities, by objective Objective 1 (max 50 words) 1. Selección de beneficiarios, con capacidad de emprendimiento para optar por nuevas tecnologías para aumentar la disponibilidad de agua de riego. 2. Identificación de calidad de sitio para la construcción del sistema. 3. Diseño y construcción de sistema de riego. 4. Desarrollo de capacidades.

Objective 2 (max 50 words) 1. Desarrollo de capacidades para la recuperación de la biodiversidad agrícola y la introducción de especies amigables con el medio ambiente para su conducción productiva con tecnologías agroecológicas en base a los insumos locales.

Objective 3 (max 50 words) 1. Diseño predial para determinar los problemas ambientales de cada predio. 2. Diseño e implementación de prácticas de acondicionamiento predial. 3. Desarrollo de capacidades para el acondicionamiento de predios para evitar la desertificación.

Objective 4 (max 50 words) 1. Organización de bioferias, para la exposición venta de productos obtenidos en los predios conducidos con riego de la cosecha de agua, suelos acondicionados contra la desertificación y manejo de la biodiversidad local.

Short description of the technology max 250 words La tecnología principal consiste en la regulación del agua mediante reservorios de tierra compactada impermeabilizados con arcilla. El agua procede de diferentes fuentes: escorrentía superficial, filtraciones o manantiales, dotación de turnos de cana, de la época de abundancia. Los embalses o microreservorios se construyen con maquinaria en los predios de los pequeños agricultores. Los embalses aprovechan la fuerza hidráulica generada por los desniveles topográficos entre el área regable y el vaso para riego presurizado. Esta tecnología permite duplicar el área de riego y también duplicar la producción de cultivos. Los vasos pueden ser de diferentes formas, ovoide, triangular, rectangular, etc.

Technical specifications of the technology - if any max 250 words a)Canal de aducción, sirve para captar el agua y encaminarlo al sistema de riego, son estructuras construidas en tierra, con pendientes mínimas para evitar la erosión. b)Desarenador, constituidos por pozos excavados bajo el nivel del suelo para atrapar los sedimentos grupos transportados por el agua. Su función es evitar la pronta colmatación del suelo. c)Canal de ingreso, transporta el agua del desarenador al vaso del reservorio, tiene como función evitar la erosión del talud interno con el paso del agua. d)Vaso del reservorio, constituido por una estructura construida con maquinaria, que puede ser tractor de oruga, excavadora, con capacidad que varía entre los 1300 a 3000 m3. La impermeabilización se realiza con arcilla transportada por el agua o mediante la incorporación de este material a partir de canteras de arcilla. e)Tubería de salida o sifón, permite entregar el agua del reservorio a la rede de distribución del agua para riego. Tiene un longitud de 20 metros y el diámetro varía en función del área regable y disponibilidad de agua. f)Tubería de distribución, entrega el agua a los campos de cultivo. Son tuberías de PVC y mangueras de polivinilico. g)Dispositivos de riego para riego presurizados, compuesto por aspersores y goteros.

Section 4. Institutions/actors involved (collaboration, participation, role of stakeholders)

Name and address of the institution developing the technology Name Instituto para la Conservación y el Desarrollo Sostenible “Instituto Cuencas”. Address Jr. Pumacahua Nº 261 Bario Colmena Baja Cajamarca Perú.

Was the technology developed in partnership? Yes

If yes, list the partners: Municipalidades provinciales de San Marcos y Cajabamba. Municipalidades distritales de Baños del Inca, Condebamba, Namora y Matara. Welt Hunger Hilfe


Specify the framework within which the technology was promoted Local initiative

Other (specify) (max 30 words) No answer provided

Was the participation of local stakeholders, including CSOs, fostered in the development of the technology Yes

If yes, list local stakeholders involved: Asociación de Municipalidades de la Cuenca del Crisnejas AMCEC. Gobierno Regional de Cajamarca. Fondo de Solidaridad Cajamarca. Empresas mineras: Yanacocha, Barrick.

For the stakeholders listed above, specify their role in the design, introduction, use and maintenance of the technology, if any. max 250 words 1.Asociación de Municipalidades de la cuenca del Crisnejas, difusión de la tecnología entre los alcaldes distritales y provinciales de la cuenca, para su incorporación en los presupuestos participativos. 2.Gobierno Regional de Cajamarca, para la elaboración de un proyecto de alcance departamental, para la implementación de la tecnología y buscar contrapartidas locales de financiamiento. 3.Fondo de Solidaridad Cajamarca, para fianciar proyectos exitosos en el área rural.

Was the population living in the location and/or nearby involved in the development of the technology? Yes

If yes, by means of what? Consultation Participatory approaches Other

Other (specify) (max 30 words) Con el aporte de contrapartida para la construcción de los sistemas de riego y el acondicionamiento de sus predios con medidas antierosivas, y la producción agropecuaria con enfoque agroecológico.

Section 5. Contribution to impact

Specify to which strategic objectives of The Strategy the technology contributes (more than one box can be ticked) 1. To improve the living conditions of affected population

Describe on-site impacts (the major two impacts by category) Production or productivity: 1. (max 50 words) Aumento del área regable en 2 a 3 veces más.

2. (max 50 words) Incremento de la productividad en un 50 % por riego oportuno.

Socio-economic level (including cultural level): 1. (max 50 words) Pequeños productores agropecuarios, con bajos niveles de productividad.

2. (max 50 words) Agricultores localizados en zonas de ladera.

Environmental level: 1. (max 50 words) Zonas expuestas a procesos de desertificación.

2. (max 50 words) Suelos empobrecidos por malos manejos en la conducción de cultivos.

Other (specify) 1. (max 50 words) Posibilita la incorporación en cadenas productivas.

2. (max 50 words) No answer provided

Describe the major two off-site (i.e. not occurring in the location but in the surrounding areas) impacts 1. (max 50 words) Propuesta de diferentes candidatos a gobiernos locales y regional para la incorporación de sus propuestas de desarrollo local.

2. (max 50 words) Replica de la experiencia en los departamentos de Cusco, Huánuco y La Libertad.

Impact on biodiversity and climate change In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on biodiversity conservation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words En el agua de los vasos se están criando peces, como son carpas, tilapias, truchas y patos. La disponibilidad de agua de riego está permitiendo recuperar la diversidad agrícola, en hortalizas, frutas y pastos.

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change mitigation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words Al variar la precipitaciones en su frecuencia e intensidad, los pequeños embalses permiten regular el agua de los momentos de abundancia para utilizarlos en riego suplementario y complementaio a las lluvias.

In your opinion does the best practice/technology you have proposed positively impact on climate change adaptation? Yes

Explain the reasons: max 250 words Los embales permiten disponer de agua para aumentar la frecuencia de riego frente al aumento de la temperatura.

Has a cost-benefit analysis been carried out? No

If yes, summarize its main conclusions: max 250 words No answer provided

Section 6. Connection to other UNCCD themes

Specify if the technology relates to one or more of the other UNCCD themes No answer provided

Section 7. Adoption and replicability

Was the technology disseminated/introduced to other locations? Yes

If yes, where? (add as many rows as necessary) Location: Cusco Huánuco La Libertad

Were incentives to facilitate the take up of the technology provided? Yes

If yes, specify which type of incentives Financial incentives (for example, preferential rates, State aid, subsidies, cash grants, loan guarantees, etc)

Can you identify the three main conditions that led to the success of the presented best practice/technology? Examples of conditions leading to success may include: highly motivated local governments, farmers organized into well structured cooperatives, extremely favorable weather conditions, etc. For each ‘condition of success’ you are able to identify, specify whether in your opinion such condition is: (a) linked to the local context and thus cannot be replicated elsewhere; (b) replicable elsewhere with some level of adaptation; (c) replicable elsewhere with major adaptation.

1. (max 50 words) Selección del sitio para la construcción de la infraestructura; disponibilidad de agua, pendiente y profundidad de suelo para emplazamiento del vaso.

2. (max 50 words) Emprendimiento del beneficiario, persona o familia dedicada la agricultura y con residencia en la zona de implementación de la tecnología.

3. (max 50 words) Potencial ambiental de la zona para la producción de cultivos para la nutrición y el mercado.

In your opinion, the best practice/technology you have proposed can be replicated, although with some level of adaptation, elsewhere? Yes

If yes, at which level? Local National

Section 8. Lessons learned

Related to human resources (max 50 words) Mejora las condiciones de vida de los beneficiarios, produciendo ingresos para afrontar gastos ineludibles como salud y educación. Permite la profesionalización de los agricultores con el manejo de cultivos con demanda de mercado. Permite la asociatividad de los beneficiaros para mejorar su producción y comercializar sus productos.

Related to financial aspects (max 50 words) Posibilita que los pequeños agricultores sean sujetos de microcréditos. Posibilita a los pequeños agricultores para su inserción al mercado con productos específicos.

Related to technical aspects (max 50 words) Cambio de tecnología de riego, de gravedad a presurizado. Posibilita el cambio o mejoramiento de la cédula de cultivo. Posibilita el manejo de más de una cosecha al año. Submission Form

Submission Form

Name of the Reporting Officer * Eduardo Durand Lopez-Hurtado

Date of Submission * 11/13/2010 5:59:59 AM


Name of the Authorizing Officer Rosario Gómez Gamarra

Date of Authorization 11/11/2010


© 2010 PRAIS