Report of the UK Space Exploration Working Group

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Report of the UK Space Exploration Working Group UK Space Exploration Working Group Report of the UK Space Exploration Working Group 13 September 2007 UK Space Exploration Working Group The UK Space Exploration Working Group Chair: Prof Frank Close University of Oxford Co-ordinator: Jeremy Curtis STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Science Prof Monica Grady (Chair) Open University Dr Ian Crawford Birkbeck College Prof Jenny Thomas University College London Prof Peter Wilkinson University of Manchester Prof John Zarnecki Open University Technology and Knowledge Transfer Nathan Hill (Chair) STFC Knowledge Exchange Service Dr Ian Gibson BNSC Dr Mike Hapgood STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Chris Lee SciSys/UKspace Dr Steve Welch Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UCL Commerce Prof Sir Martin Sweeting (Chair) Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd John Auburn Vega/UKspace Dr Andy Hide LogicaCMG Chris McLaughlin Inmarsat Richard Tremayne-Smith BNSC David Williams Avanti Communications Society Prof Frank Close (Chair) University of Oxford Alex Blackwood Careers Scotland Dr Kevin Fong University College London Katy Haswell Engine Media Group Prof Steve Miller University College London Prof Ken Pounds University of Leicester The Group was set up in January 2007 as an ad hoc committee to: • review current global plans for space exploration; • assess what opportunities and benefits exist for UK participation; and • provide advice to BNSC and partners as to which areas the UK should focus on if it wishes to engage in space exploration. This analysis is on behalf of BNSC partners for input to UK Space Board, BNSC Space Advisory Council, PPARC Science Committee (or its successor), BNSC Space Technology Advisory Board and other relevant advisory committees. The views expressed are those of the members of the Group and not necessarily of their institutions. 2 UK Space Exploration Working Group Table of contents 1 Executive summary ......................................................................................................................... 5 2 Recommendations............................................................................................................................ 7 3 A UK vision for space exploration .................................................................................................. 8 4 Background...................................................................................................................................... 9 4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 9 4.2 International context...................................................................................................... 9 4.3 Global Exploration Strategy ........................................................................................ 10 4.4 United States................................................................................................................ 10 4.5 Europe (ESA) .............................................................................................................. 12 4.6 Europe (complementary to ESA) ................................................................................ 12 4.7 Russia ..........................................................................................................................13 4.8 Japan............................................................................................................................ 13 4.9 China............................................................................................................................ 13 4.10 India............................................................................................................................. 14 4.11 Canada ......................................................................................................................... 14 4.12 Summary...................................................................................................................... 14 5 Science ..................................................................................................................................... 15 5.1 Overview: Why do we want (or need) to explore space?............................................ 15 5.2 Moon, Mars and Near Earth Objects ........................................................................... 16 5.3 Earth observation......................................................................................................... 21 5.4 Solar and solar-terrestrial physics................................................................................ 22 5.5 Other planets and planetary bodies.............................................................................. 24 5.6 Beyond the solar system.............................................................................................. 25 5.7 Fundamental physics ................................................................................................... 27 5.8 Space life and medical sciences................................................................................... 28 5.9 Exploration with robots or humans ............................................................................. 29 5.10 What are the consequences of not undertaking the programme? ................................ 30 5.11 Summary...................................................................................................................... 30 6 Technology and knowledge exchange........................................................................................... 31 6.1 Vision ..........................................................................................................................31 6.2 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 31 6.3 Technologies for UK participation in a space exploration programme....................... 32 6.4 Critical technology areas ............................................................................................. 35 6.5 Level of engagement with the Global Exploration Strategy........................................ 36 6.6 Current and potential strengths.................................................................................... 36 6.7 Collaboration scenarios ............................................................................................... 37 6.8 Mission scenarios ........................................................................................................ 37 6.9 Summary and recommendations ................................................................................. 40 7 Commerce ..................................................................................................................................... 42 7.1 Introduction: Why are commercial considerations important?.................................... 42 7.2 Sources of value .......................................................................................................... 43 7.3 Commercial exploitation routes................................................................................... 49 7.4 Commercial financing and the role of Government .................................................... 49 7.5 Regulatory and legal issues ......................................................................................... 50 7.6 The UK supplier base and its relevance to sources of value ....................................... 51 7.7 Commerce and human spaceflight .............................................................................. 51 7.8 Summary: Commercial benefits of exploration........................................................... 52 8 Society ..................................................................................................................................... 54 8.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 54 8.2 Space and education .................................................................................................... 54 8.3 Public support for human space exploration: the taxpayers. ....................................... 58 3 UK Space Exploration Working Group 8.4 Political - the UK’s standing in the world ................................................................... 60 8.5 Scenarios and consequences........................................................................................ 60 8.6 A new era in space exploration.................................................................................... 61 8.7 Summary and recommendations ................................................................................. 61 9 Implementation and scenarios ....................................................................................................... 63 9.1 Programme scenarios................................................................................................... 63 9.2 International collaboration........................................................................................... 68 9.3 Implementation actions................................................................................................ 69 9.4 Costs ............................................................................................................................ 69 10 Synthesis of findings.....................................................................................................................
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