
Arusoo, M., Koppel, M., Mespak, V., Talvik, O. jt. (koost.). Tee-ehitus. Osa 1, Asfaltsegude täitematerjalid. *+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. 25 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS 901- 1:2009).

Arusoo, M., Koppel, M., Mespak, V., Talvik, O. jt. (koost.). Tee-ehitus. Osa 2, Bituumensideained. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. 33 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS 901- 2:2009).

Arusoo, M., Koppel, M., Mespak, V., Talvik, O. jt. (koost.). Tee-ehitus. Osa 3, Asfaltsegud. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. 72 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS 901-3:2009).

Ellmann, A. Modified Stokes's formula for regional geoid modeling : deterministic and stochastic modifications of Stokes's formula for computing an improved geoid model over the Baltic Countries. Saarbrücken : VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2009. 120 p.

Idnurm, S. (koost.). Eurokoodeks 4: Terasest ja betoonist komposiitkonstruktsioonide projekteerimine. Osa 2, Üldreeglid ja reeglid sildade projekteerimiseks : Eesti standardi rahvuslik lisa. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. 7 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 1994- 2/NA:2009).

Ilison, L. Solitons and solitary waves in hierarchical Korteweg-de Vries type systems. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 168 p. (Theses of of Technology. B, Thesis on natural and exact sciences ; 83).

Jaaniso, V. (koost.). Eurokoodeks 3: Teraskonstruktsioonide projekteerimine. Osa 5, Vaiad. Eesti standardi rahvuslik lisa. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. 9 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 1993-5/NA:2009).

Just, A. Full-scale fire tests of timber frame walls : test report. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. 52 p.

Kala, V. Geodeetiliste mõõtmiste andmetöötluse teooria alused. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 186 lk.

Kalamees, T., Õiger, K., Kõiv, T.-A., Liias, R., Kallavus, U., Mikli, L., Lehtla, A., Kodi, G., Luman, A., Arumägi, E., Mironova, J. jt. Eesti eluasemefondi suurpaneel-korterelamute ehitustehniline seisukord ning prognoositav eluiga : uuringu lõppraport. Tallinn, 2009. 185 lk.

Karu, J. Tarbeveekäitlus. II, õppevahend. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 59 lk.

Kask, A. Lithohydrodynamic processes in the Tallinn Bay area. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 206 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. F, Thesis on civil engineering ; 22).

Kelpšaité, L. Changing properties of wind waves and vessel wakes on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 138 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. F, Thesis on civil engineering ; 23).

Kivi, E. Structural behavior of cable-stayed suspension bridge structure. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 125 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. F, Thesis on civil engineering ; 25).

Kulbach, V. (koost.). Eurokoodeks 1 : ehituskonstruktsioonide koormused. Osa 4, Puiste- ja vedelikmahutite koormused. Eesti standardi rahvuslik lisa. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. 7 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 1991-4/NA:2009).

Kurennoy, D. Analysis of the properties of fast ferry wakes in the context of coastal management. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 164 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. F, Thesis on civil engineering ; 24).

Kõiv, T.-A., Parre, P. (koost.). Ventilatsioon : juhised kursuseprojekti koostamiseks. 2., täiend. tr. *Tallinn+ : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 31 lk.

Kõiv, T.-A., Rant, A. (koost.). Küte : juhised kursuseprojekti koostamiseks. 2., täiend. tr. *Tallinn+ : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 40 lk.

Liias, R. (tlk.). Ehitiste hooldusteenuste kavandamise, korraldamise ja kontrollimise kriteeriumid. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 20 lk. (Tehniline spetsifikatsioon ; CEN/TS 15331:2005).

Liias, R. (tlk.). Kinnisvarakeskkonna juhtimine. Osa 1, Terminid ja määratlused. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 13 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 15221-1:2006).

Liias, R. (tlk.). Kinnisvarakeskkonna juhtimine. Osa 2, Kinnisvarakeskkonna juhtimise lepingute ettevalmistamine. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 46 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 15221-2:2006).

Liias, R., Ilsjan, V. (koost.). Kinnisvara korrashoid. Kinnisvarakeskkonna korraldamine. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. 96 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS 807:2010).

Loorits, K. (koost.). Eurokoodeks 3: Teraskonstruktsioonide projekteerimine. Osa 6, Kraanasid kandvad konstruktsioonid. Eesti standardi rahvuslik lisa. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. 11 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 1993-6/NA:2009).

Loorits, K. (tlk.). Teras- ja alumiiniumkonstruktsioonide valmistamine. Osa 2, Tehnilised nõuded teraskonstruktsioonidele. *Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 178 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 1090-2:2008).


Loorits, K. Teraskonstruktsioonide arvutus Eurokoodeks 3 järgi. Tallinn : Eesti Teraskonstruktsiooniühing, 2008. 213 lk.

Mespak, V. (tlk.). Asfaltsegud. Kuuma asfaltsegu katsemeetodid. Osa 13, Temperatuuri mõõtmine. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 8 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 12697- 13:2001).

Mespak, V. (toim.). Asfaltsegud. Kuuma asfaltsegu katsemeetodid. Osa 27, Proovivõtmine. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 16 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 12697-27:2001).

Mespak, V. (toim.). Asfaltsegud. Kuuma asfaltsegu katsemeetodid. Osa 38, Üldkasutatavad seadmed ja kalibreerimine. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 18 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 12697-38:2004).

Moora, H. Life cycle assessment as a decision support tool for system optimisation – the case of waste management in . Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 174 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. F, Thesis on civil engineering ; 21).

Pärnapuu, M., Hanni, H. (koost.). Kalapääsud vooluvete komplekssel käsitamisel. *Tallinn+ : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 64 lk.

Quak, E., Soomere, T. (eds.). Applied wave mathematics : selected topics in solids, fluids, and mathematical methods. Heidelberg : Springer, c2009. 471 p.

Reihan, A., Pärnapuu, M., Iital, A., Roosimägi, J. (koost.). Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded. 6., parand. tr. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 29 lk.

Reoveepuhasti operaatori õpik. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 251 lk.

Soolep, A., Pachel, K. jt. (koost.). Keskkonnaülevaade 2009. Tallinn : Keskkonnaministeeriumi Info- ja Tehnokeskus, 2009. 182, [2] lk.

Sutt, J., Lill, I. Project management for construction clients in the Estonian market. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, c2009. 104 p.

Talvik, I. (toim.). Eurokoodeks 3, Teraskonstruktsioonide projekteerimine. Osa 3-1, Tornid, mastid ja korstnad. Tornid ja mastid : Eesti standardi rahvuslik lisa. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. 20 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 1993-3-1/NA:2009).

Tärno, Ü. Glehni loss eile, täna, homme. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 102 lk.

Tärno, Ü. Insener kui inimene : artiklid. Esseed. Esinemised. Meedia. *Tallinn+ : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 304 lk.

Villemi, M. Logistika alused. 3., parand. tr. *Tallinn+ : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 292 lk.


Vinha, J., Korppi, M., Kalamees, T., Kurnitski, J., et al. Asuinrakennusten ilmanpitävyys, sisäilmasto ja energiatalous. Tampere : Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, 2009. 148, 19 p. (Tutkimusraportti / Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, rakennustekniikan laitos, rakenne- tekniika ; 140).

Voltri, V. (koost.). Eurokoodeks 6: Kivikonstruktsioonide projekteerimine. Osa 3, Armeeri- mata kivikonstruktsioonide lihtsustatud arvutus : Eesti standardi rahvuslik lisa. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. 7 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 1996-3/NA:2009).

Voltri, V. (koost.). Eurokoodeks 6: Kivikonstruktsioonide projekteerimine. Osa 2, Projektee- rimise alused, materjalide valik ja tööde tegemine : Eesti standardi rahvuslik lisa. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. 6 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 1996-2/NA:2009).

Õiger, K., Just, E., Just, A. (tlk.). Eurokoodeks 5: Puitkonstruktsioonide projekteerimine. Osa 1-1, Üldist. Üldreeglid ja reeglid hoonete projekteerimiseks. *Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 130 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 1995-1-1:2005+NA:2007+A1:2008+NA:2009).

Õiger, K., Just, E., Just, A. (koost.). Eurokoodeks 5: Puitkonstruktsioonide projekteerimine. Osa 1-1, Üldist. Üldreeglid ja reeglid hoonete projekteerimiseks. Eesti standardi rahvuslik lisa. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. 16 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 1995-1- 1/NA:2007+A1:2008/NA:2009).


* Aavik, A., Glinskiene, R., Umbrasiene, G. The cyclical problemacy of small open-economy // Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference : Changes in Social and Business Environment : Kaunas, November 4–5, 2009. Kaunas : Technologija, 2009. p. 26-30.

Aavik, A. *Vastus lugeja küsimusele: Miks kruusateed treppi lähevad+ // Tarkade Klubi (2009) 9, lk. 8-9.

Antov, D., Abel, K., Sürje, P., Rõuk, H., Rõivas, T. Speed reduction effects of urban roundabouts // The Baltic journal of road and bridge engineering. 4 (2009) 1, p. 22-26.

* Arumägi, E., Kalamees, T., Õiger, K., Kallavus, U., Kurik, L. Indoor climate analyzis of the old observatory in Tartu // 9th International Conference & Exhibition Healty Buildings 2009 : September 13–17, 2009, Syracuse, NY, USA. [S.l.], 2009. p. Paper 398.

Berezovski, A., Berezovski, M., Engelbrecht, J. Waves in inhomogeneous solids // Applied wave mathematics : selected topics in solids, fluids, and mathematical methods. Heidelberg : Springer, c2009. p. 55-81.

Blitzkow, D., Matos,, Campos, I.O., Ellmann, A., Vanicek, P., Santos, M.C. An attempt for an Amazon geoid model using Helmert gravity anomaly // Observing our changing Earth : proceedings of the 2007 IAG General Assembly : Perugia, Italy, July 2–13,


2007. Berlin : Springer, c2009. p. 187-194. (International Association of Geodesy symposia ; 133).

Blonskaja, V., Zub, S. Possible ways for post-treatment of biologically treated wastewater from yeast factory // Journal of environmental engineering and landscape management. 17 (2009) 4, p. 189-197.

Brucas, D., Buga, A., Ellmann, A. The Third Swiss-Baltic Geodetic Science Week in Tallinn // Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography. 35 (2009) 1, p. 39-41.

* Deelstra, J., Eggestad, H.O., Iital, A., Jansons, V. Hydrology in small agricultural catchments, pathways and their impact on nutrient and soil loss // Status and Perspectives of Hydrology in Small Basins : International Workshop : Goslar – Hahnenklee, Germany, 30 March – 2 April 2009. [S.l.], 2009. p. 75-79.

Delpeche, N., Soomere, T. Internal waves and interfacial mixing in stratified environments // BSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17–21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 120. Artikli täistekst CD- ROMil.

Didenkulova, I., Parnell, K.E., Soomere, T., Pelinovsky, E., Kurennoy, D. Shoaling and runup of long waves induced by high-speed ferries in Tallinn Bay // Journal of coastal research (2009) Special issue 56, Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium ICS 2009. Volume I, p. 491-495.

Didenkulova, I., Pelinovsky, E., Soomere, T. Runup characteristics of symmetrical solitary tsunami waves of "unknown" shapes // Pure and applied geophysics. 165 (2008) p. 2249- 2264.

Didenkulova, I., Pelinovsky, E., Soomere, T. Long surface wave dynamics along a convex bottom // Journal of geophysical research. 114 (2009) p. C07006 [14 p.].

Ellmann, A., All, T., Oja, T. Towards unification of terrestrial gravity data sets in Estonia // Estonian journal of earth sciences. 58 (2009) 4, p. 229-245.

Ellmann, A., Kaminskis, J., Parseliunas, E., Jürgenson, H., Oja, T. Evaluation results of the Earth gravitational model EGM08 over the Baltic countries // Newton's bulletin (2009) 4, External quality evaluation reports of EGM08, p. 110-121.

* Ellmann, A., Kaminskis, J., Parseliunas, E., Jürgenson, H., Oja, T. Performance of the Earth Gravitational Model EGM08 over the Baltic countries [Electronic resource] // Geophysical research abstracts. 11 (2009) p. EGU2009-9507 [CD-ROM].

Ellmann, A., Oja, T. Euroopa Geoteaduste Liidu Peaassamblee EGU2009 Viinis // Geodeet. 38/39 (62/63) (2009) lk. 83-84.


* Ellmann, A., Rüdja, A., Sarapik, M., Pärtna, J., Lõpp, V. Recent geodetic developments in Estonia // Sbornik statej po itogam meždunarodnoj naučno-tehničeskoj konferencij, posvjaščennoj 230-letiju osnovanija MIIG AiK : priloženie k žurnalu "Izvestija VUZov. Geodezija i aerofotos”emka". Moskva : MIIG AiK, 2009. lk. 33-39.

* Ellmann, A. Deterministic and stochastic modifications of the Stokes formula // Geophysical research abstracts. 11 (2009) p. EGU2009-9274-1 [CD-ROM].

Ellmann, A. Kosmosetehnoloogilised rakendused geoidi ja gravitatsioonivälja modelleeri- miseks Eesti alal // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 99-110.

Ellmann, A. Uuenenud geodeesia õppekava Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis // Geodeet. 38/39 (62/63) (2009) lk. 72-80.

Engelbrecht, J., Winther, R., Quak, E. CENS, CMA and the CENS-CMA project // Applied wave mathematics : selected topics in solids, fluids, and mathematical methods. Heidelberg : Springer, c2009. p. 1-6.

Engelbrecht, J. Deformation waves in solids // Applied wave mathematics : selected topics in solids, fluids, and mathematical methods. Heidelberg : Springer, c2009. p. 13-30.

Engelbrecht, J. Nonlinear waves : examples of complexity // International Conference on Complexity of Nonlinear Waves : October 5–7, 2009 : book of abstracts. Tallinn, 2009. p. 15.

Ennet, P. Küsimusi ja küsitavusi pinnavete seisundi modelleerimisel // Keskkonnatehnika (2009) 8, lk. 6-9.

* Erm, A., Alari, V., Kõuts, T., Lilover, M.-J., Kask, A. A pilot study of hydrodynamical and geological conditions at some possible offshore wind farms in Estonian coastal waters // Proceedings of European Seminar : Offshore Wind and Other Marine Renewable Energies in Mediterranean and European Seas : 21–23 May, Brindisi, Italy. Brindisi, 2009. p. 49-63.

Erm, A., Soomere, T., Alari, V., Listak, M., Voll, M. Monitoring of sediments resuspended by wakes from fast ferries // BSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17–21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 135. Artikli täistekst CD-ROMil.

* Fletcher, S., Ratassepp, M., Brett, C., Lowe, M.J.S. Implementation of focused guided waves to locate axial defects in pipes // The 48th Annual British Conference on NDT : Blackpool, UK, 14–17 September, 2009.

Gruno, A., Oja, T., Ellmann, A. Gravimeetriline marsruutmõõdistamine 2008. aastal // Geodeet. 38/39 (62/63) (2009) lk. 28-33.


Hani, A., Kalamees, T., Kõiv, T.-A. Determination of energy performance requirements for apartment buildings in Estonia // 9th International Conference & Exhibition Healty Buildings 2009 : September 13–17, 2009, Syracuse, NY, USA. [S.l.], 2009. paper 409, [4] p.

Hääl, K. Koolimälestusi // Gustav Adolfi Gümnaasiumi koolilood : XX sajand. Tallinn, 2009. lk. 203-207.

Hääl, K. Kommentarij // Moj dom. 5. *Tallinn+ : Äripäev, 2009. lk. 59.

Idnurm, J., Kiisa, M., Idnurm, S. Discrete analysis for classical and single-pylon suspension bridges // Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing : 1–4 September 2009, Madeira. Stirlingshire : Civil- Comp Press, 2009. p. Paper 218 [12 p.].

Idnurm, S., Idnurm, J. Puurmani sild, aasta parim betoonehitis // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 86-90.

Iital, A., Pachel, K. Võimalusi Läänemere toitainekoormuse vähendamiseks // Keskkonna- tehnika (2009) 8, lk. 10-11.

Ilison, L., Salupere, A. Propagation of sech2-type solitary waves in hierarchical KdV-type systems // Mathematics and computers in simulation. 79 (2009) 11, p. 3314-3327.

Jaaniso, V. Eesti geotehnilise projekteerimise standard EVS-EN 1997-1 // XIII Eesti geotehnika konverents : artiklid. Tallinn, 2008. lk. 4-8.

Jaaniso, V. Vundamenditüübi valikul tuleks kaaluda mitmeid variante // Ehitaja (2009) 5, lk. 58-61.

Jokisalo, J., Kurnitski, J., Korppi, M., Kalamees, T., Vinha, J. Building leakage, infiltration and energy performance analyses for Finnish detached houses // Building and environment. 44 (2009) 2, p. 377-387.

Kala, V. Some problems of an as-built survey and setting out accuracy // Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography. 35 (2009) 3, p. 73-76.

Kala, V. Veelkord koordinaatsidumisest // Geodeet. 38/39 (62/63) (2009) lk. 34-36.

* Kalamees, T., Arumägi, E., Tähiste, M. Air tightness of apartment buildings in Estonia // Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Building and Ductwork Air tightness (BUILDAIR) / 30th AIVC conference Trends in High Performance Buildings and the Role of Ventilation : Berlin, Germany, October 1–2, 2009.

Kalamees, T., Korpi, M., Vinha, J., Kurnitski, J. The effects of ventilation systems and building fabric on the stability of indoor temperature and humidity in Finnish detached houses // Building and environment. 44 (2009) 8, p. 1643-1650.


* Kalamees, T., Kurnitski, J. Ilmavuotojen merkitys seinä- ja kattorakenteiden kostetusteknisessä toiminnassa // Rakennusfysiikka 2009. Tampere : Tampere University of Technology, 2009. p. 11.

Kalamees, T., Liias, R. Uuringu "Eesti eluasemefondi suurpaneel-korterelamute ehitus- tehniline seisukord ning prognoositav eluiga" lõppraporti kokkuvõte // Elamu (2009) 5, lk. 16-19. Sama ka vene k. lk. 56-59.

* Kalamees, T., Malva, L. Indoor climate in the Cathedral of Saint Mary the Virgin, Tallinn // 9th International Conference & Exhibition Healty Buildings 2009 : September 13–17, 2009, Syracuse, NY, USA. [S.l.], 2009. p. Paper 101.

Kalamees, T. Märjad ja niisked ruumid vanas majas // Maakodu (2009) 1, lk. 29-33.

Kalamees, T. Paneelelamute renoveerimisest ei pääse // TM Kodu ja Ehitus (2009) 8, lk. 38- 40, 42.

Kalamees, T. Vaid kompleksne renoveerimine on õnnestumise eelduseks // Elamu (2009) 6, lk. 32-35. Sama ka vene k. lk. 66-69.

Karunasena, G., Amaratunga, D., Haigh, R., Lill, I. Post disaster waste management strategies in developing countries : case of Sri Lanka // International journal of strategic property management. 13 (2009) p. 171-190.

Kask, A., Soomere, T., Healy, T., Delpeche, N. Rapid estimate of sediment loss for "almost eguilibrium" beaches // Journal of coastal research (2009) Special issue 56, Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium ICS 2009. Volume II, p. 971-975.

Keevallik, S., Soomere, T. Seasonal and diurnal variations of wind parameters at Pakri // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 3, p. 227-239.

Kelpšaite, L., Parnell, K.E., Soomere, T. Energy pollution : the relative influence of wind-wave and vessel-wake energy in Tallinn Bay, the Baltic Sea // Journal of coastal research (2009) Special issue 56, Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium ICS 2009. Volume I, p. 812-816.

Kelpšaite, L., Soomere, T. Vessel-wave induced potential longshore sediment transport at Island, Tallinn Bay // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 3, p. 168-181.

Kiisa, M., Idnurm, J., Idnurm, S. Discrete analysis for single-pylon suspension bridges // Engineering structures and technologies. 1 (2009) 4, p. 166-171.

Klauson, A., Metsaveer, J., Raukas, U. Materjalide katsetamise uus tase : TTÜ tugevuslabori kaasajastamine // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 115-117.


Koppel, O. Logistika õppekava Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 118-119.

Koppel, O. Logistikakoolitus Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis // Transport ja Teed (2009) 5, lk. 26-27.

* Koppel, O. Traffic safety management at single-level road-railway crossings : Estonian experience [Electronic resource] // Proceedings of the XVII International Baltic Road Conference : August 24–26, 2009, Riga, Latvia. Riga, 2009. [USB-mälupulk+.

Koppel, O. Use of different accounting methods in railway undertakings // Accounting and performance management perspectives in business and public sector organizations : conference proceedings : May 8–9 2009, Tartu. Tartu : Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2009. p. 128- 137.

* Koppel ,T., Ainola, L., Vaabel, J. On hydraulic power capacity of water supply system // Integrating Water Systems : proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computing and Control in the Water Industry 2009 : CCWI2009 : Sheffield, UK, 1–3 September 2009. Leiden : Taylor & Francis, 2009. p. 551-555.

Koppel, T., Vassiljev, A. Calibration of a model of an operational water distribution system containing pipes of different age // Advances in engineering software. 40 (2009) 8, p. 659- 664.

Koppel, T., Vassiljev, A. The use of error dynamics for calibration of water distribution systems // Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing : 1–4 September 2009, Madeira. Stirlingshire : Civil- Comp Press, 2009. p. Paper 247 [14 p.].

Koppel, T. Mittestatsionaarse voolamise uuringud hüdromehaanika laboratooriumis // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 111-114.

* Kulbach, V., Idnurm, J. Interaction between cable structures and their supporting system // 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference : 7–11 September 2009, Lisbon. [Lisbon], 2009. p. 241-242.

Kulbach, V. Meenutusi käidud teelt elutööpreemia saamise puhul // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 70-85.

Kurennoy, D., Didenkulova, I., Soomere, T. Crest-trough asymmetry of waves generated by high-speed ferries // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 3, p. 182-195.

Kurennoy, D., Soomere, T., Parnell, K.E. Variability in the properties of wakes generated by high-speed ferries // Journal of coastal research (2009) Special issue 56, Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium ICS 2009. Volume I, p. 519-523.


Kõiv, T.-A., Toode, A., Hani, A. The influence of domestic hot water maximum consumption on the district heating network dimensioning // WSEAS transactions on environment and development. 5 (2009) 1, p. 104-108.

Kõiv, T.-A., Voll, H., Hani, A. Domestic hot water consumption and the consumption profiles in education premises // Energy Problems and Environmental Engineering : Tenerife, Canary Islands, July 1–3, 2009. [S.l.] : WSEAS Press, 2009. p. 84-88.

Kõiv, T.-A., Voll, H., Hani, A. Energy efficiency in residential buildings : the comparison between degree day calculation and simulations // 2nd International Scientific Conference : Energy and Climate Change : 8–9 October 2009, Athens, Greece. Athens, 2009. p. 73.

Kõiv, T.-A., Voll, H., Kuusk, K., Mikola, A. Indoor climate and energy consumption in residential buildings // Selected topics on energy and development-environment- biomedicine 2009 : proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Energy and Development-Environment-Biomedicine (EDEB 09). [S.l.] : WSEAS Press, 2009. p. 82-86. (Energy and environmental engineering series. A series of reference books and textbooks).

Kõiv, T.-A., Voll, H., Rebane, M. Indoor climate in educational and residential buildings // International Conference on Sustainable Development in Building and Environment : 28–30 October 2009, Chongqing, China : abstracts. [Chongqing], 2009. p. 2.

* Kõiv, T.-A., Voll, H., Rebane, M. Indoor climate in educational and residential buildings // Journal of Chongqing University (English edition). 8 (2009) p. 35-38.

Kõiv, T.-A. Rootsi Tehnikateaduste Akadeemia liige Enno Abel // Eesti teadlased paguluses. Tallinn, 2009. lk. 87-93.

Kõiv, T.-A. Teet-Andrus Kõiv: Ees ootab tõsine ülesanne suurendada hoonete energia- tõhusust : *intervjuu] // Ehitaja (2009) 6, lk. 30-33. Sama ka: Stroitel (2009) 3, lk. 32-34.

* Laanearu, J., Annus, I., Koppel, T. On long-wave dependent flow transitions in partially filled large-scale pipeline [Electronic resource] // Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment : 33rd IAHR Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 9–14 August, 2009. Madrid : International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research, 2009. p. 6553-6560.

* Laanearu, J., Annus, I., Vassiljev, A., Koppel, T. On determination of flow routes in a stormwater network using the least squares method // Integrating Water Systems : proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computing and Control in the Water Industry 2009 : CCWI2009 : Sheffield, UK, 1–3 September 2009. Leiden : Taylor & Francis, 2009. p. 731-734.

* Laanearu, J., Bergant, A., Annus, I., Koppel, T., Van't Westende, J. Some aspects of fluid elasticity related to filling and emptying of large-scale pipeline // Proceedings of the 3rd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in


Hydraulic Machinery and Systems in Brno, Czech Republic, 14–16.10.2009. Part II. Brno : Brno Technical University, 2009. p. 465-474.

Lemberg, U., Oll, K. Pinnaseliigitusest geotehnilistel uuringutel // XIII Eesti geotehnika konverents : artiklid. Tallinn, 2008. lk. 46-49.

Lemberg, U., Oll, K. Proovide võtmine ja teimimine // XIII Eesti geotehnika konverents : artiklid. Tallinn, 2008. lk. 38-45.

Lill, I. Ehitustootluse instituut ülikoolidevahelises projektis EURASIA // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 95-98.

Lill, I. Multiskilling in construction – a strategy for stable employment // Technological and economic development of economy. 15 (2009) 4, p. 540-560.

Loigu, E., Iital, A., Kõiv, T.-A. Keskkonnatehnika instituut rahvusvahelises teadusvõrgustikus ja arendustegevuses // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 91-94.

Maivel, M., Kuusk, K. Energy consumption and indoor climate analysis in detached houses // Environmental Science and Sustainability : proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on ... [NAHA'09, CGB'09, URES'09] : Baltimore, USA, November 7–9, 2009. [S.l.] : WSEAS Press, 2009. p. 97-101.

Moora, H., Voronova, V., Reihan, A. The impact of municipal solid waste management on greenhouse gas emissions in Estonia // Interdisciplinary aspects of climate change. Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2009. p. 311-325.

Mõisnik, K. Autobetoonipump ; Autobetoonisegisti ; Autode kaadur ; Autokonveier ; Autokraana ; Autotõstuk ; Baasmasin ; Bager // TEA entsüklopeedia, 3. aruhein-Becccaria. Tallinn : TEA, 2009. lk. 183, 183-184, 184, 184-185, 185, 192, 214, 232.

Mõisnik, K. Betoonisegisti ; Bituumenitank ; Bituumeniveok ; Buldooser // TEA entsüklo- peedia, 4. Becher-Burton. Tallinn : TEA, 2009. lk. 114, 172, 363-364.

* Oja, T., Gruno, A., Bloom, A., Mäekivi, E., Ellmann, A., All, T., Jürgenson, H., Michelson, M. Improving the terrestial gravity dataset in South-Estonia [Electronic resource] // Geophysical research abstracts. 11 (2009) p. EGU2009-10997 [CD-ROM].

* Palonen, J., Kalamees, T., Kurnitski, J. et al. Asuntojen ilmanvaihto ja ilman- pitävyystutkimus – asukkaiden viihtyisyys pien- ja kerrostaloissa // Sisäilmastoseminaari 2009. Espoo : Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, 2009. p. 137-142. (Report 27).

Quak, E., Soomere, T. The BalticWay Project : the use of currents for environmental management of the Baltic Sea coasts // BSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] :


August 17–21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 99. Artikli täistekst CD-ROMil.

Raado, L.-M. Betoon // TEA entsüklopeedia, 4. Becher-Burton. Tallinn : TEA, 2009. lk. 113.

Raado, L.-M. Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli professor: praod täituvad valdavalt kaltsiumkarbonaadi kristallisatsiooni tõttu // Ehitaja (2009) 7/8, lk. 69.

Randrüüt, M., Salupere, A., Engelbrecht, J. On modelling wave motion in microstructured solids // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. 58 (2009) 4, p. 241-246.

Ratassepp, M., Lowe, M.J.S. SH0 mode interaction with the propagation directional crack in a plate // Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. Vols. 28A and 28B. [S.l.] : American Institut of Physics, 2009. p. 161-168. (AIP conference proceedings ; 1096).

* Räämet, A., Soomere, T. Wave climate changes in the Baltic Proper 1978–2007 // 4th International student conference "Biodiversity and Functioning of Aquatic Ecosystems in the Baltic Sea Region" : 2–4 October 2009, Dubingiai, Lithuania. [S.l.], 2009. p. 17.

Räämet, A., Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Soomere, T. Reconsidering uncertainties of wave conditions in the coastal areas of the northern Baltic Sea // Journal of coastal research (2009) Special issue 56, Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium ICS 2009. Volume I, p. 257-261.

* Räämet, A., Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Soomere, T. Reconsidering uncertainties of wave conditions in the coastal areas of the northern Baltic Sea // Book of abstracts of the 10th International Coastal Symposium : 13–18 April, Lisbon, Portugal : ICS 2009. Lisbon : Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2009. p. 59.

Räämet, A. Simulating long-term changes of wave conditions in the northern Baltic Sea // BSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17–21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 149. Artikli täistekst CD- ROMil.

Saks, V., Engelbrecht, J., Seppet, E., Vendelin, M. Molekulaarne süsteemne bioenergeetika // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 291-298.

* Salupere, A., Vallikivi, M., Dai, H.-H. On propagation of solitary deformation waves in a compressible hyperelastic rod // Book of abstracts : The Sixth IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena : Computation and Theory : Athens, Georgia, March 23–26, 2009. Athens, 2009. p. 84.

Salupere, A. The pseudospectral method and discrete spectral analysis // Applied wave mathematics : selected topics in solids, fluids, and mathematical methods. Heidelberg : Springer, c2009. p. 301-333.

Soekov, E. Betoonimine // TEA entsüklopeedia, 4. Becher-Burton. Tallinn : TEA, 2009. lk. 113.


Sokk, O. Ülevaade elukondlike reovete bioloogilisest puhastusest // Reoveepuhasti operaatori õpik. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 243-250.

Soomere, T., Didenkulova, I., Parnell, K. Implications of fast ferry wakes for semi-sheltered beaches // BSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17–21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 134. Artikli täistekst CD-ROMil.

Soomere, T., Kask, A., Kask, J., Healy, T. Modelling of wave climate and sediment transport patterns at a tideless embayed beach, Beach, Estonia // Journal of marine systems. 74 (2008) Supplement, p. S133-S146.

Soomere, T., Leppäranta, M., Myrberg, K. Highlights of the physical oceanography of the Gulf of Finland reflecting potential climate changes // Boreal environment research. 14 (2009) p. 152-165.

Soomere, T., Parnell, K.E., Didenkulova, I. Implications of fast-ferry wakes for semi-sheltered beaches : a case study at Aegna Island, Baltic Sea // Journal of coastal research (2009) Special issue 56, Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium ICS 2009. Volume I, p. 128-132.

Soomere, T., Parnell, K.E., Keevallik, S. Preface // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 3, p. 149-150.

Soomere, T. Long ship waves in shallow water bodies // Applied wave mathematics : selected topics in solids, fluids, and mathematical methods. Heidelberg : Springer, c2009. p. 193-228.

Soomere, T. On the dynamics of almost equilibrium beaches on the North Estonian coast // BSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17–21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 20. Artikli täistekst CD- ROMil.

Soomere, T. Solitons interactions // Encyclopedia of complexity and systems science. Volume 9. S. [S.l.] : Springer, 2009. p. 8479-8504.

Soomere, T. Waves in fluids : overview // Applied wave mathematics : selected topics in solids, fluids, and mathematical methods. Heidelberg : Springer, c2009. p. 189-192.

Zaitseva, I., Suursaar, Ü., Soomere, T. Seasonal and long-term variations of wave conditions in Estonian coastal waters // BSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17– 21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 148. Artikli täistekst CD-ROMil.

Zaitseva-Pärnaste, I., Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Lapimaa, S., Soomere, T. Seasonal and long- term variations of wave conditions in the northern Baltic Sea // Journal of coastal research


(2009) Special issue 56, Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium ICS 2009. Volume I, p. 277-281.

Talvik, O., Aavik, A. Determination of limit values for FWD deflection basin parameters (SCI, BDI, BCI) for pavement condition assessment // Proceedings of the XXVII International Baltic Road Conference : August 24–26, 2009, Riga, Latvia. [Riga], 2009. [8] p.

Talvik, O., Aavik, A. Use of FWD deflection basin parameters (SCI, BDI, BCI) for pavement condition assessment // The Baltic journal of road and bridge engineering. IV (2009) 4, p. 196-202.

Tamm, K., Salupere, A. Emergence of solitary deformation waves in Mindlin-type microstructured solids // International Conference on Complexity of Nonlinear Waves : October 5–7, 2009 : book of abstracts. Tallinn, 2009. p. 33.

* Tamm, K., Salupere, A. On propagation of 1D solitary waves in Mindlin-type microstructured solids // Book of abstracts : The Sixth IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena : Computation and Theory : Athens, Georgia, March 23–26, 2009. Athens, 2009. p. 86.

Tenzer, R., Ellmann, A., Novak, P., Vajda, P. The Earth's gravity field components of the differences between gravity disturbances and gravity anomalies // Observing our changing Earth : proceedings of the 2007 IAG General Assembly : Perugia, Italy, July 2–13, 2007. Berlin : Springer, c2009. p. 155-159. (International Association of Geodesy symposia ; 133).

Tenzer, R., Ellmann, A. On evaluation of the mean gravity gradient within the topography // Observing our changing Earth : proceedings of the 2007 IAG General Assembly : Perugia, Italy, July 2–13, 2007. Berlin : Springer, c2009. p. 253-261. (International Association of Geodesy symposia ; 133).

Tenzer, R., Novak, P., Prutkin, I., Ellmann, A., Vajda, P. Far-zone contributions to the gravity field quantities by means of Molodensky's truncation coefficients // Studia geophysica et geodaetica. 53 (2009) p. 157-167.

Torsvik, T., Didenkulova, I., Soomere, T., Parnell, K.E. Variability in spatial patterns of long nonlinear waves from fast ferries in Tallinn Bay // Nonlinear processes in geophysics. 16 (2009) p. 3510363.

Torsvik, T., Soomere, T. Modeling of long waves from high speed ferries in coastal waters // Journal of coastal research (2009) Special issue 56, Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium ICS 2009. Volume II, p. 1075-1079.

Vaalu, T., Michelis, M., Mets, A., Lepane, V., Kaljurand, M., Suurväli, J., Menert, A. Dark fermentation of biomass and organic waste for production of renewables // 12th Nordic- Baltic IHSS Symposium on Natural Organic Matter in Environment and Technology : Tallinn, Estonia, June 14–17, 2009 : program and abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 43.


Valdmann, A., Käärd, A., Kelpšaite, L., Kurennoy, D., Soomere, T. Marine coastal hazards for the eastern coasts of the Baltic Sea // Baltica. 21 (2008) 1/2, p. 3-12.

* Vardy, A., Bergant, A., He, S., Ariyaratne, C., Koppel, T., Annus, I., Tijsseling, A., Hou, Q. Unsteady skin friction experimentation in a large diameter pipe // Proceedings of the 3rd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems in Brno, Czech Republic, 14–16.10.2009. Part II. Brno : Brno technical University, 2009. p. 593-602.

* Vassiljev, A., Blinova, I. Drained peat soils as diffuse nutrient source // First MONERIS user conference : Nutrient Fluxes in River Basins – State of Play and Perspectives : Berlin, November 18th–20th, 2009. Berlin, 2009. p. 3-4.

* Vassiljev, A., Martaud, M., Koppel, T. Use of relative roughness and changed diameters for old pipes when calibrating an operational water distribution system // Integrating Water Systems : proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computing and Control in the Water Industry 2009 : CCWI2009 : Sheffield, UK, 1–3 September 2009. Leiden : Taylor & Francis, 2009. p. 283-286.

* Vassiljev, A., Venohr, M., Tuvikene, L. Comparison of the MONERIS and MESAW models for the Peipsi lake watershed // First MONERIS user conference : Nutrient Fluxes in River Basins – State of Play and Perspectives : Berlin, November 18th–20th, 2009. Berlin, 2009. p. 1-2.

Velner, H.-A. Läänemere kaitse 2009. aasta preemia laureaat on professor Enn Loigu // Keskkonnatehnika (2009) 5, lk. 6.

Voll, H., Kõiv, T.-A. Cooling demand and daylight in commercial buildings – the influence of window design // Energy Problems and Environmental Engineering : Tenerife, Canary Islands, July 1–3, 2009. [S.l.] : WSEAS Press, 2009. p. 65-70.

Voll, H., Kõiv, T.-A. Cooling demand commercial buildings – the influence of window design // Vestnik = News. 1(23) (2009) 1, p. 20-24.

Voll, H., Kõiv, T.-A. Daylight availability and cooling in commercial buildings – the influence of facade design // WSEAS transactions on advances in engineering education. 6 (2009) 9, p. 316-326.

Voll, H., Kõiv, T.-A. Energy efficient daylight assessment – the influence of facade design // Selected topics on energy and development-environment-biomedicine 2009 : proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Energy and Development-Environment-Biomedicine (EDEB 09). [S.l.] : WSEAS Press, 2009. p. 47-52. (Energy and environmental engineering series. A series of reference books and textbooks).

Woloszyn, M., Kalamees, T., Abadie, M.O., Steeman, M., Kalagasidis, A.S. The effect of combining a relative-humidity-sensitive ventilation system with the moisture-buffering

15 capacity of materials on indoor climate and energy efficiency of buildings // Building and environment. 44 (2009) 3, p. 515-524.

Õiger K. Kommentarij // Moj dom. 5. *Tallinn+ : Äripäev, 2009. lk. 11, 42, 62.



Agabus, H. Large-scale integration of wind energy into the power system considering the uncertainty information. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 140 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. D, Thesis on power engineering, electrical engineering, mining engineering ; 39).

Hamburg, A., Köörna, A. Innovatsioon : teooria ja praktika. Tallinn : Euroülikool, 2009. 165 p.

Hõimoja, H. Energiatõhususe hindamise ja energiasalvestite arvutuse metoodika linna elektertranspordile. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 173 lk. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. D, Energeetika. Elektrotehnika. Mäendus ; 42).

Järvik, J., Jakovlev, V.I., Korovkin, N.V., Vinogradov, J.M., Williams, T. Elektromagnetiline ühilduvus. II. Tallinn, 2008. 440 lk.

Järvik, J., Schwab, A.J., Worshevsky, A.A. Elektromagnetiline ühilduvus. I. Tallinn, 2008. 352 lk.

Kilk, K. Variations of power demand and wind power generation and their influence to the operation of power systems. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 120 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. D, Thesis on power engineering, electrical engineering, mining engineering ; 40).

Kilter, J. Monitoring of electrical distribution network operation. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 160 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. D, Thesis on power engineering, electrical engineering, mining engineering ; 37).

Kroon, K. (tlk.). ; (toim.) Risthein, E. Madalpingelised elektripaigaldised. Osa 7-729, Nõuded eripaigaldistele ja -paikadele. Teenindus- ja hooldekäigud. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 19 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-HD 60364-7-729:2009).

Kroon, K. (tlk.). ; (toim.) Risthein, E. Madalpingelised elektripaigaldised. Osa 7-721, Nõuded eripaigaldistele ja -paikadele. Sõidukelamute elektripaigaldised. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 22 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-HD 60364-7-721:2009).


Lahtmets, R. (ed.). 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : [Kuressaare, January 12–17, 2009]. [Tallinn] : Estonian Society of Moritz Hermann Jacobi, 2009. 172 p.

Lahtmets, R. (ed.). 7th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II : [Narva-Jõesuu, Estonia, 16.06–19.06.2009]. [Tallinn] : Estonian Society of Moritz Hermann Jacobi, 2009. 100 p.

Lehtla, T. (tlk.). Madalpingelised lülitusaparaadid. Osa 1, Üldreeglid. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 205 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 60947-1:2008).

Lehtla, T. (tlk.). Madalpingelised lülitusaparaadid. Osa 2, Kaitselülitid. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 193 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 60947-2:2006).

Metusala, T. (tlk.). Piksekaitse. Osa 4, Ehitiste elektri- ja elektroonikasüsteemid. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 106 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 62305-4:2006).

Mõlder, H., Järvik, J. (koost.). Elektromagnetiline ühilduvus. III, Laboritööde juhend. Tallinn, 2008. 114 lk.

Oidram, R. (tlk.). Jõutrafod. Osa 7, Õlitäitega jõutrafode koormusjuhend. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 49 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-IEC 60076-7:2009).

Oidram, R. (tlk.). Kõrgepinge katsetehnika. Osa 1, Üldised määratlused ja katsenõuded. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 60 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-HD 588.1 S1:2003).

Oidram, R. (tlk.). Liigpingepiirikud. Osa 4, Sädemiketa metalloksiid-liigpingepiirikud vahelduvvoolusüsteemidele. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 154 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 60099-4:2004+A1:2008+A2:2009).

Palu, I. Impact of wind parks on power system containing thermal power plants. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 106 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. D, Thesis on power engineering, electrical engineering, mining engineering ; 38).

Pettai, E. (tlk.). Raudteealased rakendused. Püsipaigaldised. Elektertranspordi kontaktliinid. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 92 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 50119:2009).

Pirrus, E.-A. Eestimaa suured kivid : suurte rändrahnude lugu. Tallinn : Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus, 2009. 120 lk., [48] lk. ill.

Põldvere, A. (koost.) ; (toim.) Pirrus, E. Võrtsjärv geoloogide vaateväljas. Tallinn : Eesti Geoloogia Selts, 2009. 59, *4+ lk. (Bülletään / Eesti Geoloogia Selts ; 8/09).

Raesaar, P., Metusala, T., Tiigimägi, E. (tlk.). Elektriõhuliinid vahelduvpingega üle 45 kV. Osa 1, Üldnõuded – ühised eeskirjad. *Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 240 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 50341-1:2006+A1:2009).


Risthein, E. (tlk.). Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmed. Osa 1, Üldnõuded. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 22 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 61557- 1:2007).

Risthein, E. (tlk.). Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmed. Osa 2, Isolatsioonitakistus. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 8 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 61557-2:2007).

Risthein, E. (tlk.). Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmed. Osa 3, Rikkesilmuse näivtakistus. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 10 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 61557-3:2007).

Risthein, E. (tlk.). Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmed. Osa 6, Rikkevoolukaitseaparaatide tõhusus TT-, TN- ja IT-süsteemides. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 13 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 61557-6:2007).

Risthein, E. (tlk.). Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmed. Osa 4, Maandusjuhtide ja potentsiaaliühtlustusjuhtide takistus. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 7 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 61557-4:2007).

Risthein, E. (tlk.). Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmed. Osa 5, Maandustakistus. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 9 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 61557-5:2007).

Risthein, E. (tlk.). Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmed. Osa 12, Talitluse mõõte- ja seireseadmed. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 81 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 61557-12:2008).

Risthein, E. (tlk.). Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmed. Osa 7, Faasijärjestus. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 8 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 61557- 7:2007).

Risthein, E. (tlk.). Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmed. Osa 8, IT- süsteemide isolatsiooniseireseadmed. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 24 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 61557-8:2007).


Risthein, E. (tlk.). Madalpingelised elektripaigaldised. Osa 1, Põhialused, üldiseloomustus, määratlused. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 49 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-HD 60364-1:2008).

Risthein, E. (tlk.). Madalpingelised elektripaigaldised. Osa 5-53, Elektriseadmete valik ja paigaldamine. Kaitselahutamine, lülitamine ja juhtimine. Jaotis 534, Liigpingekaitse- vahendid. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 19 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-HD 60364-5- 534:2008).

Risthein, E. (tlk.). Pöörlevad elektrimasinad. Osa 30, Ühekiiruseliste kolmefaasiliste lühisrootoriga asünkroonmootorite tõhususklassid (IE-kood). [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardi- keskus, 2009. II, 20 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 60034-30:2009).

Roasto, I. Research and development of digital control systems and algorithms for high power, high voltage isolated DC/DC converters. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 177 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. D, Thesis on power engineering, electrical engineering, mining engineering ; 41).

Rööp, A. (koost.). Elektriajamite ja jõuelektroonika instituudi aastaraamat 2008 = Annual report 2008 : Department of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics. Tallinn, 2009. 72 lk.

Tamm, T. Valgustustehnika. I. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 111, *1+ lk.

Tammemäe, O. Basics for geotechnical engineerinmg explorations : basics, concepts, methods. Köln : Lambert Academic Publishing, c2008. 61 p.

Treufeldt, Ü. (tlk.). Jõutrafod. Osa 1, Üldist. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 57 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 60076-1:2002).

Treufeldt, Ü. (tlk.). Jõutrafod. Osa 6, Reaktorid. [Tallinn] : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 125 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 60076-6:2008).

Treufeldt, Ü. (tlk.). Kõrgepingejaotla ja juhtimisaparatuur. Osa 202, Tehasetooteline kõrgepinge/madalpingealajaam. *Tallinn+ : Eesti Standardikeskus, 2009. II, 69 lk. (Eesti standard ; EVS-EN 62271-202:2007).

Valdma, M., Tammoja, H., Keel, M. Optimization of thermal power plants operation. [Tallinn] : TUT Press, 2009. 185 p.

Valgma, I. (toim.). Mäenduse maine : *artiklite kogumik+. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 168 lk.

Verš, E., Amon, L., Laumets, L. Piirideta geoloogia. Tartu : Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts, 2009. 160 lk. (Schola geologica ; 5).

Vinnikov, D. Auxiliary power supplies for the light rail vehicles : research and development. Köln : Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009. 82 p.



Agabus, H., Tammoja, H. Estimation of wind power production through short-term forecast // Oil shale. 26 (2009) 3S, p. 208-219.

Andrijanovitš, A. ; (tlk.) Risthein, E. Vee elektrolüüs kui tuuleelektrijaamade ülearuse energia salvestamise viis // Elektriala (2009) 5, lk. 27-31.

Andrijanovitš, A., Vinnikov, D., Hõimoja, H., Klytta, M. Comparison of interface converter topologies for small- or medium-power wind-hydrogen systems // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 122-127.

Armas, J. Obtrusive light, light pollution, and glare produced by outdoor lighting // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 98-103.

* Assinovskaya, B.A., Nikulin, V.G., Soosalu, H., Pacesa, A. A map of non-tectonic seismic sources in the East Baltic Region // Nordic Seismic Seminar : Stockholm, 14–16.10.2009.

Blinov, A., Vinnikov, D. Cooling methods for high voltage IGBTs // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 134-139.

Blinov, A., Vinnikov, D. Possibilities and limitations of liquid cooling systems for high power converters // 7th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 20- 25.

Dmitrenko, I. Substation telematics // 7th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 93-98.

Egorov, M., Vinnikov, D., Strzelecki, R., Adamowicz, M. Impedance-source inverter-based high-power DC/DC converter for fuel cell applications // 8 EEEIC International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering : Karpacz, Poland, 10–13.May 2009. Cottbus : Technical University of Gottbus, 2009. p. 57-60.

Egorov, M., Vinnikov, D., Strzelecki, R., Adamowicz, M. Comparison of three-phase isolated DC/DC converters with Z- and quasi-Z-source inverters // 7th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 9-14.

Egorov, M., Vinnikov, D., Vodovozov, V. Analysis of state of the art and development trends in soft-switched half-bridge DC/DC converters // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 49-54.


Einasto, R., Reinsalu, E. Kuidas läbida klinti? // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 88-93.

Gulevitš, J. Majandusarvestus mäenduse väikeettevõtte näitel // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 112-116.

Haabu, T. Kalda kruusakarjääri korrastamine // TalveAkadeemia 2009 : uute ideede kohtumispaik : üliõpilaste teadusartiklite konkursi kogumik. Tallinn : Talveakadeemia, 2009. lk. 35-37.

Haabu, T. Karjääride korrastamise võimalused ja mõju mäenduse mainele // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 37-41.

Hamburg, A. Energeetika ja võim // Riikliku iseseisvuse taastamine parlamentaarsel teel aastatel 1990–1992 : rahvusvaheline ajalookonverents 21.–22. august 2008 : ettekannete kogumik. Tartu : 20. Augusti Klubi, 2009. lk. 174-186.

Hamburg, A. Innovation in energy supply // Oil shale. 26 (2009) 3S, p. 200-207.

Hamburg, A. Insenerid, näidake end // Inseneeria (2009) 4(12), lk. 6-7.

Hamburg, A. Läänemere-äärsetes riikides planeeritavad gaasitorustikud // Maagaas, vedelgaas, tööstusgaasid, gaasiseadmed Eestis : Eesti Gaasiliit 2008–2009. Tallinn : Ilo, lk. 30-35.

Harland, K.E., White, R.S., Soosalu, H. Crustal structure beneath the Faroe Islands from teleseismic receiver functions // Geophysical journal international (2009) [10] p.

Hõimoja, H., Laugis, J., Vinnikov, D. Method for improvement of electromagnetic rail brake performance for light rail vehicles // Intelligent Technologies in Logistics and Mechatronics Systems : ITELMS'2009 : proceedings of the 4th International Conference : June 04–05, 2009, Panevežys, Lithuania. Kaunas : Technologija, 2009. p. 7-12.

Hõimoja, H., Rosin, A. Optimization of energy flows in public electric transportation // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 108-112.

Hõimoja, H., Vinnikov, D., Jalakas, T. Analysis and design of ultracapacitor-boosted back-up power supply for tramcars [Electronic resource] // EUROCON 2009 : International IEEE Conference devoted to the 150-anniversary of Alexander S.Popov : May 18–23, 2009, Saint Petersburg, Russia. [Saint Petersburg], 2009. p. 598-604 [CD-ROM].

Hõimoja, H., Vinnikov, D., Strzelecki, R. Application of ultracapacitors in low-voltage power supply systems of light rail vehicles // The 2009 World Congress on Electronics and Electrical Engineering : WCEEENG'09 : April 6–9, 2009, Cairo, Egipt, [5] p.


Iskül, R., Kaeval, E., Robam, K., Sõstra, Ü., Valgma, I. Ubja põlevkivikarjääri ärastusvee päritolu ja koguse määramine // Keskkonnatehnika (2009) 3, lk. 34-36.

Iskül, R., Robam, K., Sõstra, Ü. Kaevandamisvee teke ja selle ärastamine AS-i Kunda Nordic Tsement karjääridest // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 96-101.

Iskül, R., Notton, A., Sõstra, Ü. Resursosberegajušaja dobyča karbonatnyh porod ishodja iz ih himičeskogo sostava (na primere verhnego i srednego ordovika Estonii) // Resurso- vosproizvodjašie, maloothodnye i prirodoohrannye tehnologii osvoenija nedr : materialy VIII Meždunarodnoj konferencii : Moskva-Tallinn, 14–18 sentjabrja 2009 g. Moskva, 2009. lk. 15- 18.

Jalakas, T., Vinnikov, D., Lehtla, T., Bolgov, V. Interlock delay time minimization and its impact on the high-voltage half-bridge DC/DC converter [Electronic resource] // 2009 Compatibility and Power Electronics CPE 2009 : 6th International Conference-Workshop. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009. p. 438-443. [CD-ROM].

Jalakas, T., Vinnikov, D., Lehtla, T., Bolgov, V. Interlock delay time minimization and its impact on the high-voltage half-bridge DC/DC converter // 6th International Conference- Workshop Compatibility and Power Electronics : May 20–22, 2009 : CPE 2009 : conference proceedings. [S.l.], 2009. p. 438-443 [CD-ROM].

Jalakas, T., Vinnikov, D., Roasto, I. Design and development of three-level half-bridge NPC converter with dual 3.3 kV IGBT modules // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 43-48.

Jansikene, R. Dynamic qualities of electrical drive with a synchronous machine // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 160-163.

Järvik, J. Formal and physical consideration of magnetic flux in inductor with ferromagnetic core // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 164-167.

Karu, V. Altkaevandatud alale ehitamisel tuleb arvestada võimalike stabiilsusprobleemidega // Piirideta geoloogia. Tartu : Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts, 2009. lk. 109-113. (Schola geologica ; 5).

Karu, V. Eesti esimene digitaalprojekteeritud karjäär – Loo lubjakivikarjäär // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 42-50.

Karu, V. Insenerilahendused kaevandusalade planeeringueelsete uuringute staadiumis // XIII Eesti geotehnika konverents : artiklid. Tallinn, 2008. lk. 13-18.

Karu, V. Kaevandamine gümnasistide pilgu läbi // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 129-133.


Karu, V. Kuidas kaevandajad maastikku modelleerivad // Agu Sihvka annab aru... : noorgeograafide sügissümpoosioni artiklite kogumik. Tallinn : Tallinna Ülikooli kirjastus, c2009. lk. 61-68. (Eesti Geograafia Seltsi Publikatsioonid ; XI).

Karu, V. Varinguoht Kukruse-Jõhvi maanteelõigul // Piirideta geoloogia. Tartu : Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts, 2009. lk. 104-108. (Schola geologica ; 5).

Keel, M., Kilk, K., Valdma, M. Analysis of power demand and wind power changes in power systems // Oil shale. 26 (2009) 3S, p. 228-242.

Keva, T. Eestimaa kulla otsingul ... // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 29.

* Key, J., Soosalu, H., White, R.S., Drew, J., Einarsson, P., Jakobsdottir, S. Distribution of seismicity beneath Askja volcano, central Iceland, reflecting plate tectonics and melt movements // Frontiers of Seismology : Edinburgh, 2–3.04.2009.

* Key, J., Soosalu, H., White, R.S., Jakobsdottir, S. Using lower crustal earthquakes below Askja volcano, central Iceland to map melt movements and plumbing geometry // Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl. 90(52) (2009) p. V21C-2014.

Kilk, A., Järvik, J., Kesküla, V. Magnetic field analysis of permanent magnet low-speed synchronous generators for wind applications [Electronic resource] // 2009 Compatibility and Power Electronics CPE 2009 : 6th International Conference-Workshop. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009. p. 348-352. [CD-ROM].

Kilk, A. Kuidas kaitsta tarusid mesikäppade eest? // Maamajandus (2009) dets., lk. 26.

Kilk, K., Valdma, M. Determination of optimal operating reserves in power systems // Oil shale. 26 (2009) 3S, p. 220-227.

* Kilter, J., Landsberg, M., Palu, I., Tšernobrovkin, O. Verification of wind parks and their integration into small-interconnected power systems // IEEE PowerTech 2009 Conference : Bucharest, 28.06–02.07.2009. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009.

Kilter, J., Meldorf, M. Monitoring of the distribution network operation // Proceedings of 4th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Energy & Environment (EE'09) : Cambridge, UK, February 24–26, 2009. Stevens Point : WSEAS, 2009. p. 263-268.

* Kilter, J., Tšernobrovkin, O., Landsberg, M., Agabus, H., Palu, I. Possibilities and analysis of integration of large-scale offshore wind parks into Estonian power system // 8th International Workshop on Large Scale Integration of Wind Power and on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms : Bremen, Germany, 14–15 October, 2009. Bremen : Energynautics GmbH, 2009. p. 624-629.

Kolats, M., Anepaio, A. Kolmedimensiooniliste mudelite loomine // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 60-63.


Krumm, L. Akadeemik Lembit Krumm : Energiasüsteemide integratsiooni ja koordinatsiooni nõuab EL : *intervjuu+ // Elektriala (2009) 2, lk. 12-14.

Kuhi-Thalfeldt, R., Kuhi-Thalfeldt, A., Valtin, J. The effect of Estonian electricity production scenarios on CO2 and SO2 emissions in 2000–2030 // Recent advances in electric power systems, high voltages, electric machines : proceedings of the 9th WSEAS/IASME International Conference on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines (POWER'09) : Genova, Italy, October 17–19, 2009. [S.l.] : WSEAS, 2009. p. 182-189.

Kuhi-Thalfeldt, R., Valtin, J. Combined heat and power plants balancing wind power // Oil shale. 26 (2009) 3S, p. 294-308.

Kuhi-Thalfeldt, R., Valtin, J. CO2 and SO2 emissions in Estonia in the period 2000–2030 // 7th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 47-56.

Kährik, R., Lehtla, M. Stepper motor drive as a control object for teaching microprocessor control of electrical drives // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 140-143.

Laugis, J., Lehtla, T., Vodovozov, V. Distance learning in electrical engineering // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 148-153.

Laugis, J., Lehtla, T., Vodovozov, V. Simulation in learning power electronics // 7th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 83-88.

Lehtla, T., Järvik, J. Eesti võimalus – elektri reaalaja tariif // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 364-366.

Lehtla, T. TTÜ õppekavad uuenevad // Elektriala (2009) 5, lk. 16-17.

Loko, M., Vali, E. Problemy dobyči gorjučego slanca, svjazannye s uveličeniem glubiny zaleganija promyšlennogo plasta // Meždunarodnyj forum-konkurs molodyh yčenyh : Problemy nedropol’zovanija : 22–24 aprelja 2009 g. : programma. Rabočie materialy. Sankt- Peterburg : Sankt-Peterburgskij gornyj institut, 2009. lk. 43-44.

Meldorf, M., Kilter, J. Type models of electrical network load // Oil shale. 26 (2009) 3S, p. 243-253.

Metusala, T. Elektroenergeetika instituut 1918–2008 // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 401-403.


Müür, M., Möller, T., Hõimoja, H., Rosin, A. Remote laboratory of electrical drives – PLC based control and algorithms // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 128-133.

Notton, A. Harjumaa ehitusmaavarad ja nende kasutamine // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 30-33.

* Orru, M., Orru, H. Revegetation processes and environmental conditions in Estonian abandoned peat production peat fields // Euru GEO 2009 Assamble, Austria, Vienna, April, 2009. Vienna, 2009.

Orru, M., Sõstra, Ü. Geohimičeskie anomalii v torfjanyh zaležah dolinnyh i sklonovyh bolot Estonii // Resursovosproizvodjaščie, maloothodnye i prirodoohrannye tehnologii osvoenija nedr : materialy VIII meždunarodnoj konferencii : Moskva-Tallinn, 14–18 sentjabrja 2009 g. Moskva : Rossijskij universitet družby narodov, 2009. lk. 327-332.

Palu, I., Oidram, R., Keel, M., Tammoja, H. Balancing of wind energy using oil-shale based power plants at erroneous wind forecast conditions // Oil shale. 26 (2009) 3S, p. 189-199.

Pastarus, J.-R., Sabanov, S., Šestakova, J., Nikitin, O. Risk analysis of the pillar strength in the Estonia mine // Vide. Tehnologija.Resursi = Environment. Technology. Resources : Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference : June 25–27, 2009. Volume 1. Rezekne, 2009. p. 19-23.

Pastarus, J.-R., Sabanov, S. Backfilling in Estonian oil shale mines // 3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009) : Assessing the Footprint of Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece. [S.l.], 2009. p. 344-347.

Pastarus, J.-R., Väli, E., Lohk, M. Backfill technology – challenge for Estonian oil shale industry // Resursovosproizvodjaščie, maloothodnye i prirodoohrannye tehnologii osvoenija nedr : materialy VIII meždunarodnoj konferencii : Moskva-Tallinn, 14–18 sentjabrja 2009 g. Moskva : Rossijskij universitet družby narodov, 2009. lk. 34-35.

Pettai, E. Energia- ja geotehnika doktorikool ja sümpoosion Kuressaares // Elektriala (2009) 1, lk. 34.

Pikner, R. Elektrienergia säästmine Wattsoni ja Holmes'iga // Elamu (2009) 3, lk. 22-23. Sama ka vene k. lk. 62-63.

Pikner, R. Elektritarbimine puust ette ja punaseks // TM : Kodu ja Ehitus (2009) 5, lk. 12-14.

Pikner, R. Elektritarbimise sääst : puust ette ja punaseks // Inseneeria (2009) 6(14), lk. 30-33.

Pikner, R. Towards modern electricity grids // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 113-116.


Pirrus, E.-A. Rändrahnudest Võrtsjärve ümbruses ja Tartumaal üldse // Võrtsjärv geoloogide vaateväljas. Tallinn : Eesti Geoloogia Selts, 2009. lk. 30-31. (Bülletään / Eesti Geoloogia Selts ; 8/09).

Pärnasalu, R. Austraalia kui mäenduse mainekujundaja // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 144-145.

Ramst, R., Orru, M. Eesti mahajäetud turbatootmisalade taastaimestumine // Eesti Põlevloodusvarad ja -jäätmed (2009) 1/2, lk. 6-7.

Raud, Z., Vodovozov, V., Jalakas, T., Laugis, J. Simulation instruments to study power electronics of motor drives [Electronic resource] // 6th International Conference-Workshop Compatibility and Power Electronics : May 20–22, 2009 : CPE 2009 : conference proceedings. [S.l.], 2009. p. 306-310 [CD-ROM].

Raud, Z., Vodovozov, V., Lehtla, T., Pettai, E. Simulation tools to study power electronics [Electronic resource] // EPE 2009 : 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications : 8–10 September 2009, Barcelona, Spain. [Barcelona] : IEEE, 2009. [CD-ROM].

Raud, Z., Vodovozov, V. Active learning in electric drives and power electronics // 7th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 63-68.

Raud, Z., Vodovozov, V. Professional thesaurus of engineering educational system [Electronic resource] // WMSCI 2009 : The 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. [IMSCI'09 : ... IMETI 2009 : ...] : July 10th–13th, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA : proceedings. [S.l.], 2009. p. 212-217 [CD-ROM].

Raud, Z. Professional thesaurus for learning electrical drives and power electronics // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 154-159.

Raukas, A., Niitlaan, E., Adamson, A., Siitam, P. Maardu graniidikaevandus on keerukas mäetehniline ettevõte // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 76-79.

Reinsalu, E. Altkaevandatud maa tehnogeoloogilised erisused // Keskkonnatehnika (2009) 3, lk. 10-11.

Reinsalu, E. Harimatus ja haldussuutmatus madaldavad mäenduse mainet // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 15-19.

Reinsalu, E. Lõhkelainete levi kihilises keskkonnas // Keskkonnatehnika (2009) 7, lk. 17-19.

Reinsalu, E. Põlevkivile orienteeritud kõrgharidus Eestis // Põlevkivi kaevandamise, töötlemise ja hariduse perspektiivid : põlevkivitehnoloogia ja hariduse konverents 2009. Kohtla-Järve, 2009. lk. 45-48.


Reinsalu, E. Primenenie prostyh matematičeskih modelej dlja prognozirovanija obrušenij kamernyh blokov na slancevyh šahtah // Resursovosproizvodjaščie, maloothodnye i prirodoohrannye tehnologii osvoenija nedr : materialy VIII meždunarodnoj konferencii : Moskva-Tallinn, 14–18 sentjabrja 2009 g. Moskva : Rossijskij universitet družby narodov, 2009. lk. 49-51.

Respondek, P. ; (tlk.) Risthein, E. Selektiivne liigpingepiirik arvesti ees // Elektriala (2009) 4, lk. 30-31.

Risthein, E. Elektriliste valgusallikate keskkonnasäästlikust valikust // TEUK XI : Taastuvate energiaallikate uurimine ja kasutamine : üheteistkümnenda konverentsi kogumik : Tartu, 2009. Tartu : Eesti Maaülikool, 2009. lk. 33-44.

Risthein, E. Hõõglampide asendamine kompaktluminofoorlampidega // Elektriala (2009) 7, lk. 30-31 ; 8, lk. 28-31.

Risthein, E. Kümme aastat sai täis // Elektriala (2009) 1, lk. 7.

Risthein, E. Lampide värviesitusindeksite ning värvustemperatuuri, stroboskoopnähtuse ja pindade peegeldustegurte kontroll sisevalgustuspaigaldistes // Elektriala (2009) 2, lk. 30-31.

Risthein, E. Tähtpäevi // Elektriala (2009) 1-3, lk. 38-39 ; 4, lk. 39-40 ; 5, lk. 38-39 ; 6, lk. 37- 39 ; 7, lk. 38-39 ; 8, lk. 37-39.

Risthein, E. Uudiseid Eestist // Elektriala (2009) 1-3, lk. 36 ; 4, lk. 37 ; 5-7, lk. 36 ; 8, lk. 35.

Risthein, E. Uudiseid maailmast // Elektriala (2009) 1, lk. 36-38 ; 2, lk. 36-37 ; 3, lk. 36-38 ; 4, lk. 37-38 ; 5, lk. 36-38 ; 6, lk. 36-37 ; 7, lk. 36-38 ; 8, lk. 35-37.

Risthein, E. Valgusliku diskomfordi mõõtmine sisevalgustuspaigaldistes // Elektriala (2009) 1, lk. 18-21.

Risthein, E. Valgustiheduse mõõtmine välisvalgustuspaigaldistes // Elektriala (2009) 3, lk. 30- 33.

Roasto, I., Vinnikov, D., Galkin, I. Comparison of control methods for high-voltage high- power three-level half-bridge DC/DC converters [Electronic resource] // 6th International Conference-Workshop Compatibility and Power Electronics : May 20–22, 2009 : CPE 2009 : conference proceedings. [S.l.], 2009. p. 258-264. [CD-ROM].

Roasto, I., Vinnikov, D., Lehtla, T. State of the art and development trends of smart control systems for high voltage DC/DC converters // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 36-42.


Roasto, I., Vinnikov, D., Vodovozov, V. Simulation and evaluation of control methods for the rolling stock static auxiliary converter based on three-level NPC inverter topology [Electronic resource] // POWERENG 2009 : 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives : 18–20 March, 2009, Lisbon, Portugal. [S.l.], 2009. p. 593-598. [CD- ROM].

Roasto, I., Vinnikov, D. Simplified digital average current mode control algorithm for half- or full-bridge isolated DC/DC converters // IECON 2009 : 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. ICELIE 2009 : 3rd IEEE International Conference on E-learning in Industrial Electronics : Porto, Portugal, 3–5 November 2009 : abstracts. [Porto] : IEEE, 2009. p. 166.

Roasto, I., Vinnikov, D. Simplified digital average current mode control algorithm for half- or full-bridge isolated DC/DC converters // IECON 2009 : 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society : Porto, Portugal, 3–5 November 2009 : preprint proceedings. [Porto] : IEEE, 2009. p. 1744-1749.

Rosin, A., Möller, T., Hõimoja, H. An application – a web-based electrical drives laboratory : objectives, structure and experiments // IECON 2009 : 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. ICELIE 2009 : 3rd IEEE International Conference on E-learning in Industrial Electronics : Porto, Portugal, 3–5 November 2009 : abstracts. [Porto] : IEEE, 2009. p. 392.

Rosin, A. TTÜ sai veebipõhise elektriajamite labori // Keskkonnatehnika (2009) 1, lk. 16-20.

Sabanov, S., Pastarus, J.-R., Šestakova, J. Zakladka vyrabotannogo prostranstva v uslovijah Estonskih slancevyh šaht // Meždunarodnyj forum-konkurs molodyh učenyh : Problemy nedropol’zovanija : 22–24 aprelja 2009 g. : programma. Rabočie materialy. Sankt-Peterburg : Sankt-Peterburgskij gornyj institut, 2009. lk. 44.

Sabanov, S. 8th International Conference "Resource Reproducing, Low-wasted and Environmentally Protecting Technologies of Development of the Earth Interior" September 14–18, Tallinn 2009, Estonia // Oil shale. 26 (2009) 4, p. 543.

Sabanov, S. Risk assessment methodology in oil shale mining // 18th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES 2009), Canada, 2009, p. 711- 718.

* Sabanov, S. Sustainability assessment of Estonian oil shale mining using advanced technology // 29th Oil Shale Symposium : USA, Colorado, October 19–23, 2009.

* Sabanov, S., Pastarus, J.-R., Šestakova, J. Zakladka vyrabotannogo prostranstva v uslovijah Estonskih slancevyh šaht // Problemy nedropol’zovanija : zapiski gornogo instituta (2009) lk. 60-63.


* Sabanov, S., Pastarus, J.-R. Ocenka riskov sniženija kačestva burovzryvnyh rabot na eksperimental’nyh kamernyh blokah šahty "Estonija" // Problemy nedropol’zovanija : zapiski gornogo instituta (2009) lk. 36-41.

Sabanov, S., Šestakova, J. Predvaritel’naja ocenka okupaemosti zakladki v uslovijah slancevyh šaht Estonii // Resursovosproizvodjaščie, maloothodnye i prirodoohrannye tehnologii osvoenija nedr : materialy VIII meždunarodnoj konferencii : Moskva-Tallinn, 14– 18 sentjabrja 2009 g. Moskva : Rossijskij universitet družby narodov, 2009. lk. 401-402.

Sabanov, S. Ocenka ustojčivogo razvitija slancedobyvajuščej promyšlennosti Estonii pri podderžanii ekologičeskoj celostnosti i prirodnyh resursov // Resursovosproizvodjaščie, maloothodnye i prirodoohrannye tehnologii osvoenija nedr : materialy VIII meždunarodnoj konferencii : Moskva-Tallinn, 14–18 sentjabrja 2009 g. Moskva : Rossijskij universitet družby narodov, 2009. lk. 284-285.

* Soosalu, H., Assinovskaya, B.A., Nikulin, V.G., Pacesa, A., Orlenok, V.V., Anosov, G.I. Karta netektoničeskih sejsmičeskih istojnikov v regione vostočnoj Baltiki // Geologičeskie opasnosti : Arhangelsk, 2009. lk. 426-427.

* Soosalu, H., Valgma, I., Sokman, K. Seismic detection and on-site survey of mine collapses in Estonia // Nordic Seismic Seminar : Stockholm, 14–16.10.2009.

Soosalu, H., Valgma, I. Kuidas puudutab seismoloogia kaevandamist? // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 80-87.

Soosalu, H., Valgma, I. Seismoanalüüsiga võib tuvastada kaevandusvaringuid // Keskkonna- tehnika (2009) 3, lk. 6-9.

Spungin, V.G., Burtšik, V.N., Sõstra, Ü. Mikrosejsmičnost’ yčastka Zaonežskij // Geologičeskie opasnosti : materialy XV Vserossijskoj konferencii s meždunarodnym učastiem. Arhangelsk, 2009. lk. 427-430.

Sõstra, Ü., Petersell, V. Influence of bedrock composition on the content of biogenic elements in the humus horizon of soils in Estonia // III International Forest Soil Science Conference : Productivity and Resistance of Forest Soils : 7–11 sentjabrja 2009, Petrozavodsk. Petrozavodsk, 2009. lk. 37-38.

Sõstra, Ü. Influence of springs to soil composition in northern Fennoscandia // III International Forest Soil Science Conference : Productivity and Resistance of Forest Soils : 7– 11 sentjabrja 2009, Petrozavodsk. Petrozavodsk, 2009. lk. 35-36.

Sõstra, Ü. Kivimite mõju elusloodusele ehk kuidas geoloogia, geokeemia, keemia ja bioloogia põimuvad meid ümbritsevas looduskeskkonnas // Piirideta geoloogia. Tartu : Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts, 2009. lk. 59-67. (Schola geologica ; 5).


Sõstra, Ü., Spungin, V.G., Sõstra, I. Sejsmičnost’ Fennoskandinavskogo ščita i izučenie novejših dviženij po paleosejsmodislokacijam // Geologičeskie opasnosti : materialy XV Vserossijskoj konferencii s meždunarodnym učastiem. Arhangelsk, 2009. lk. 433-437.

Sõstra, Ü., Haabu, T. Stroenie kraja kaledonskogo nadvigovogo pokrova v rajone Kilpisjärvi – Meekonjärvi, Laplandija, Severo-Zapad Finlandii // Geologija poljarnyh oblastej Zemli : materialy XLII tektoničeskogo soveščanija. Tom 2. Moskva : GEOS, 2009. lk. 225-229.

Sõstra, Ü. Rol’ arktičeskih i pripoljarnyh territorij v izučenii vlijanija geologičeskih faktorov na živuju prirodu (na primere Severnoj Fennoskandii) // Geologija poljarnyh oblastej Zemli : materialy XLII tektoničeskogo soveščanija. Tom 2. Moskva : GEOS, 2009. lk. 221-225.

Sõstra, Ü. Nabljudenija nad obrazovaniem razryvnyh narušenij v različnyh geologičeskih situacijah Fennoskandinavskogo kristalličeskogo ščita i severo-zapadnoj časti osadočnogo čehla Russkoj plity // Razlomoobrazovanie i sejsmičnost’ v litosfere : tektonofizičeskie koncepcii i sledstvija : materialy Vserossijskogo soveščanija (18–21 avgusta 2009 g.). Tom 1. Irkutsk : Institut zemnoj kory SO RAN, 2009. lk. 108-110.

Sõstra, Ü. The structure and metamorphism of the relict of the Kilpisjärvi archean greenstone belt, northwestern Finland // Granit-zelenokamennye sistemy arheja i ih pozdnie analogi : materialy nayčnoj konferencii i putevoditel’ ekskursij. Petrozavodsk : Karelskij naučnyj centr RAN, 2009. lk. 157-161.

Šogenova, A., Kleesment, A., Hirt, A., Pirrus, E.-A., Kallaste, T., Šogenov, K., Vaher, R. Composition and properties of the iron hydroxides-cemented lenses in Estonian sandstone of Middle Devonian Age // Studia geophysica et geodaetica. 53 (2009) 1, p. 111-131.

* Tammoja, H., Palu, I., Agabus, H., Keel, M., Oidram, R. An optimal model for balancing fluctuating power of large wind parks // 8th International Workshop on Large Scale Integration of Wind Power and on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms : Bremen, Germany, 14–15 October, 2009. Bremen : Energynautics GmbH, 2009. p. 647-652.

Teemets, R. Infopäev TTÜs "Keskkonnahoidlikud uuendused elektervalgustuses" // Elektriala (2009) 4, lk. 28-29.

Timofejev, A. Kuidas sattusin mäendust õppima // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 135-136.

Tohver, T. MTÜ Eesti Mäeselts tegevus 2008. aastal // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 155-156.

* Tšernobrovkin, O., Perdana, A., Palu, I., Kilter, J. Verification of a wind farm aggregated generic dynamic model based on a real fault ride-through test in the grid // Proceedings of 5th Nordic Wind Power Conference 2009. [S.l.] : Technical University of Denmark, 2009. [6] p.


Tšurkina, N. Something new in Estonian vocational education system // 7th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 69-71.

Valgma, I., Grossfeldt, G. Mäendusõpik mainekujundusvahendina // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 22-24.

Valgma, I. Mäeinseneride õpetamine juhindub mäeinseneri kutsestandardist // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 117-124.

Valgma, I. Mäeinseneride õpetamine vastavalt mäeinseneri kutsestandardile // Põlevkivi kaevandamise, töötlemise ja hariduse perspektiivid : põlevkivitehnoloogia ja hariduse konverents 2009. Kohtla-Järve, 2009. lk. 55-62.

Valgma, I. Oil-shale mining-related research in Estonia // Oil shale. 26 (2009) 4, p. 445-450.

Vesiloo, P., Õnnis, A.-Õ. Eesti vajab rohkem mäeinsenere // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 9-12.

Vinnal, T., Janson, K., Kalda, H. Analysis of power consumption and losses in relation to supply voltage quality [Electronic resource] // EPE 2009 : 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications : 8–10 September 2009, Barcelona, Spain. [Brussels], 2009. [9] p. [CD-ROM].

Vinnikov, D., Bolgov, V. Efficiency optimization of the high-power isolated DC/DC converters through THD and losses reduction in isolation transformers [Electronic resource] // International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality : ICREPQ'09 : Valencia, Spain, 15th to 17th April, 2009. [S.l.], 2009. [7] p. [CD-ROM].

Vinnikov, D., Bolgov, V. Interlock delay time and its influence on the operability and efficiency of high-power DC/DC converters // Przeglad elektrotechniczny = Electrical review. 85 (2009) 10, p. 222-227.

Vinnikov, D., Egorov, M., Strzelecki, R. Evaluative analysis of 2- and 3-level DC/DC converters for high-voltage high-power applications [Electronic resource] // 6th International Conference-Workshop Compatibility and Power Electronics : May 20–22, 2009 : CPE 2009 : conference proceedings. [S.l.], 2009. p. 432-437 [CD-ROM].

Vinnikov, D., Hõimoja, H., Andrijanovitš, A., Roasto, I., Lehtla, T., Klytta, M. An improved interface converter for a medium-power wind-hydrogen system // 2nd International Conference on Clean Electrical Power Renewable Energy Resources Impact : Capri (Italy) June 9–11, 2009, p. 426-432.

Vinnikov, D., Hõimoja, H., Rosin, A., Egorov, M. Load leveling and loss minimization in tram systems – possibilities and challenges // Tehnična elektrodinamika (2009) Silova elektronika ta energoefektivnist’. 1, lk. 83-88.


Vinnikov, D., Jalakas, T., Roasto, I. Analysis and design of 3.3 kV IGBT based three-level DC/DC converter with high-frequency isolation and current doubler rectifier // Scientific journal of Riga Technical University. 4. [series], Power and electrical engineering. 25 (2009) p. 97-102.

Vinnikov, D., Jalakas, T., Roasto, I. Analysis of implementation possibilities and benefits of three-level half-bridge NPC topology in static auxiliary converters for rolling stock [Electronic resource] // POWERENG 2009 : 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives : 18–20 March, 2009, Lisbon, Portugal. [S.l.], 2009. p. 587-592. [CD- ROM].

Vinnikov, D., Jalakas, T., Roasto, I. A new high-power DC/DC converter for residential fuel cell power systems [Electronic resource] // 11th Spanish Portuguese Conference on Electrical Engineering (11CHLIE) : 1–4 of July 2009, Zaragoza, Spain. [S.l.], 2009. [6] p. [CD- ROM].

Vinnikov, D., Laugis, J. An improved high-voltage IGBT-based half-bridge converter for railway applications // Fourth International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles & Renewable Energies : March 26–29, 2009, Monaco : one-page abstract proceeding. [Monaco], 2009. [1] p.

Vinnikov, D., Roasto, I., Jalakas, T. New step-up DC/DC converter with high-frequency isolation // IECON 2009 : 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. ICELIE 2009 : 3rd IEEE International Conference on E-learning in Industrial Electronics : Porto, Portugal, 3–5 November 2009 : abstracts. [Porto] : IEEE, 2009. p. 280.

Vinnikov, D., Roasto, I., Jalakas, T. New step-up DC/DC converter with high-frequency isolation // IECON 2009 : 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society : Porto, Portugal, 3–5 November 2009 : preprint proceedings. [Porto] : IEEE, 2009. p. 667-672.

Vinnikov, D., Roasto, I., Jalakas, T. An improved high-power DC/DC converter for distributed power Generation [Electronic resource] // EPQU'09 : 10th International Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation : 15–17 September 2009, Lodz, Poland. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009. [6] p. [CD-ROM].

Vinnikov, D., Roasto, I., Jalakas, T. Selection of the duty cycle variation range and its influence on the efficiency and operability of high-power converters operating at wide input voltage swing // 7th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 26-31.

Vinnikov, D., Roasto, I., Strzelecki, R. Experimental study of voltage-fed quasi-z-source inverter based isolated DC/DC converter // Electrical engineering research report. 3 (2009) [7] p.

Vinnikov, D., Roasto, I., Vodovozov, V. Design issues of redundant protection and supervision system for the special purpose power converters [Electronic resource] //


International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality : ICREPQ'09 : Valencia (Spain) 15, 16, 17 of April 2009. [S.l.], 2009. [6] p. [CD-ROM].

Vinnikov, D., Roasto, I. Design and development of 3.3 kV IGBT based three-level DC/DC converter // Electrical engineering research report. 3 (2009) [6] p.

Vinnikov, D., Strzelecki, R. Comparison of 2- and 3-level Half-Bridge DC/DC converters for high-voltage high-power applications // Przeglad elektrotechniczny = Electrical review. 85 (2009) 10, p. 217-221.

* Vinnikov, D. Some design considerations for high-power high-voltage DC/DC converter with improved power density and efficiency // The Brasilian journal of power electronics = Revista eletronica de potencia. 14 (2009) 4, p. 297-304.

Vodovozov, V., Raud, Z., Vinnikov, D. Model-based diagnosis of power converters // Tehnična elektrodinamika (2009) Silova elektronika ta energoefektivnist’. 2, lk. 38-43.

Vodovozov, V., Raud, Z. An object-oriented approach to curriculum design [Electronic resource] // WMSCI 2009 : The 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. [IMSCI'09 : ... IMETI 2009 : ...] : July 10th–13th, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA : proceedings. [S.l.], 2009. p. 225-230 [CD-ROM].

Vodovozov, V., Raud, Z. Distance control of electric drives and power converters via internet : concept of e-laboratory [Electronic resource] // EUROCON 2009 : International IEEE Conference devoted to the 150-anniversary of Alexander S.Popov : May 18–23, 2009 Saint Petersburg, Russia. [Saint Petersburg], 2009. p. 804-809 [CD-ROM].

Vodovozov, V., Raud, Z. Simulation-based training in engineering // EUROMEDIA'2009 : featuring : Fifteenth Annual Scientific Conference on Web Technology, New Media Communications and Telematics Theory Methods, Tools and Applications : April 15–17, 2009, Bruges, Belgium. [S.l.], 2009. p. 73-79.

Voog, R. EMTEL ja Eesti mäenduse maine // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 13-14.

Väizene, V., Anepaio, A. Graniidikaevandus: võimalik või võimatu // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 73-75.

Väizene, V., Karu, V. Geotehnoloogia karjäärivõimaluste tutvustamine õpilastele // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 125-128.

Väizene, V. Esmamulje geotehnoloogiast tuutoritunnis // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 134.

Väizene, V. Maardu graniidikaevanduse rajamise ja kaeveõõnte teisese kasutamise võimalused // TalveAkadeemia 2009 : uute ideede kohtumispaik : üliõpilaste teadusartiklite konkursi kogumik. Tallinn : Talveakadeemia, 2009. lk. 38-42.


Väizene, V. Piiritu graniidimassiiv sügavustes // Piirideta geoloogia. Tartu : Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts, 2009. lk. 120-124. (Schola geologica ; 5).

Västrik, A., Anepaio, A., Kolats, M. Innovaatiline teadus- ja õppekeskuse muuseum Tallinnas // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 69-72.

Västrik, A., Karu, V., Grossfeldt, G. Eesti mäetudengite maine siin ja mujal // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 137-141.

Västrik, A., Väizene, V. Välisõpe Euroopas // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 142-143.

Västrik, A. SOMP Mining Conference 2010 in Estonia // Oil shale. 26 (2008) 2, p. 184.

White, R.S., Drew, J., Soosalu, H., Key, J., Jakobsdottir, S. Anatomy of melt intrusion at 15-18 km depth beneath Upptyppingar, Iceland // European Seismological Comission Workshop : Azones, Portugal, 2009, [1] p.

* White, R.S., Drew, J., Soosalu, H., Key, J., Jakobsdottir, S. Anatomy of melt intrusion at 15- 18 km depth beneath Upptyppingar, Iceland // Earthquakes and Pre-earthquake Processes : Reykjavik, 30.10.2009. Reykjavik, 2009. p. 28.

Õnnis, A. Legendid ja müüdid Eesti mäendusest // Mäenduse maine. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 26-28.



Annus, P. Multichannel bioimpedance spectroscopy : instrumentation methods and design principles. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 201 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. C, Thesis on informatics and system engineering ; 52).

Devadze, S. Fault simulation of digital systems. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. XIX, 111 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. C, Thesis on informatics and system engineering ; 46).

Giurca, A., Gaševitc, D., Taveter, K. (eds.). Handbook of research on emerging rule-based languages and technologies : open solutions and approaches. Vol. I. Hershey ; New York : Information Science Reference, c2009. Various pagings.

Giurca, A., Gaševitc, D., Taveter, K. (eds.). Handbook of research on emerging rule-based languages and technologies : open solutions and approaches. Vol. II. Hershey ; New York : Information Science Reference, c2009. Various pagings.


Govind, V. DfT-based external test and diagnosis of mesh-like networks on chips. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. xviii, 119 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. C, Thesis on informatics and system engineering ; 48).

Haav, H.-M., Kalja, A. (ed.). Databases and information systems V : selected papers from the Eighth International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 2008. Amsterdam : IOS Press, c2009. xi, 311 p. (Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications ; vol. 187).

Henno, J. Mängude programmeerimine. *Tallinn+ : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 206 lk.

Jürgenson, R. Informaatikainstituut. I, TTÜ ja informaatikainstituudi arengukäigust taasiseseisvumise pöördelistel aegadel. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 310 lk.

Krivošei, A. Model based method for adaptive decomposition of the thoracic bio-impedance variations into cardiac and respiratory components. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 119 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. C, Thesis on informatics and system engineering ; 47).

Kull, A. Model-based testing of reactive systems. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 158 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. C, Thesis on informatics and system engineering ; 49).

Luczkowski, T. (koost.). Lennundusaasta 2008. Tallinn : Aeropress, 2009. 21 lk.

Luczkowski, T. Excel ja VBA. Tallinn : TTÜ Kirjastus, 2009. 40 lk.

Matsak, E. Discovering logical constructs from Estonian children language. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 127 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. C, Thesis on informatics and system engineering ; 51).

Matthes, R., Uustalu, T. (eds.). 6th Workshop on Fixed Points in Computer Science : FICS 2009 : Coimbra, Portugal, 12–13 September 2009 : proceedings. Tallinn, 2009. 124 p.

Mõtus, L., Meriste, M., Preden, J.-S. (eds.). Research Laboratory for Proactive Technologies, Department of Computer Control, Tallinn University of Technology : annual report 2008. Tallinn, 2009. 54 p.

Mõtus, L., Varlamova, G. (comp.). Estonian Academy of Sciences year book 2008. Tallinn : Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, 2009. 183, [2] p. (Estonian Academy of Sciences year book ; XIV (41)).

Mõtus, L., Varlamova, G. (koost.). Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn, 2009. 265, [1] lk. (Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat ; XIV (41)).

Paavle, T. System level modeling of phase locked loops : behavioral analysis and parameterization. Köln : Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009. 96 p.


Ruuben, T. Wideband digital beamforming in sonar systems. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 140 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. C, Thesis on informatics and system engineering ; 45).

Sterling, L., Taveter, K. The art of agent-oriented modeling. Cambridge, Massachusetts : MIT Press, c2009. 367 p.

Torim, A. Formal concepts in the theory of monotone systems. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 144 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. C, Thesis on informatics and system engineering ; 50).


* Abels, A., Kruusmaa, M. Design of a shape-changing anthropomorphic mannequin for tailoring applications // ICAR 2009 : 14th International Conference on Advanced Robotics : Munich, Germany, June 22–26, 2009. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009. [6] p.

* Altenkirch, T., Chapman, J., Uustalu, T. Machine assisted proofs in the theory of monads // 21st Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory : NWPT 2009 : Lyngby, Denmark, 14–16 October 2009 : proceedings. Lyngby : Technical University of Denmark, 2009. p. 83-85.

Astrov, I., Pedai, A., Rüstern, E. Enhancing situational awareness through multirate control of an autonomous underwater vehicle // Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation : August 9–12, Changchun, China. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009. p. 1184-1189.

* Astrov, I., Pedai, A., Rüstern, E. Depth multirate control of an autonomous underwater vehicle for enhanced situational awareness [Electronic resource] // RoViSP'09 CD-ROM proceedings : 7th International Conference on Robotics, Vision, Signal Processing and Power Applications "Sustaining Engineers of Tomorrow" : Awana Porto Malai, Langkawi Island, Malaysia, December 19–20, 2009, [8] p. [CD-ROM].

Astrov, I., Pedai, A. An enhanced situational awareness of a mission for an autonomous vehicle by multirate control // Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Control : CONTROL'09 : La Laguna, Spain, July 1–3, 2009. [S.l.] : WSEAS, 2009. p. 33-39. (Mathematics and computers in science and engineering : a series of reference books and textbooks).

Astrov, I., Pedai, A. Control of hovering manoeuvres in unmanned helicopter for enhanced situational awareness // Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation : August 9–12, Changchun, China. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009. p. 143- 146.

Astrov, I., Pedai, A. Depth controls of an autonomous underwater vehicle by neurocontrollers for enhanced situational awareness // Proceedings of the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (2009) 55, p. 486-489.


* Astrov, I., Pedai, A. Depth controls of an autonomous underwater vehicle by neurocontrollers for enhanced situational awareness [Electronic resource] // WCSET 2009 CD-ROM proceedings : International Conference on Marine and Naval Engineering ICMNE 2009. 2009 World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology : WCSET 2009 : Oslo, Norway, July 29–31, 2009. p. 486-489 [CD-ROM].

* Astrov, I., Rüstern, E. Depth control of an autonomous underwater vehicle in situational awareness a mission [Electronic resource] // ICROS-SICE 2009 proceedings : ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009 : Fukuoka, Japan, August 18–21, 2009. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009. p. 560-564 [DVD-ROM].

Belikov, J., Petlenkov, E. Dynamic pole placement based control of nonlinear discrete time systems with input delay // Control Applications (CCA) & Intelligent Control (ISIC) : 2009 IEEE : 8–10 July 2009, St.Petersburg. Piscataway : IEEE, 2009. p. 394-399.

Belikov, J., Petlenkov, E. Model reference control of nonlinear TITO systems by dynamic output feedback linearization of neural network based ANARX models // Control Applications (CCA) & Intelligent Control (ISIC) : 2009 IEEE : 8–10 July 2009, St.Petersburg. Piscataway : IEEE, 2009. p. 1820-1825.

Belikov, J., Petlenkov, E. Model reference control of nonlinear MIMO systems by dynamic output feedback linearization of ANARX models // IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation : ICCA 2009 : Christchurch, New Zealand, December 9–11, 2009. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009. p. 536-541.

Belikov, J., Petlenkov, E. NN-ANARX model based control of nonlinear discrete-time systems with input delay // Control Applications (CCA) & Intelligent Control (ISIC) : 2009 IEEE : 8–10 July 2009, St.Petersburg. Piscataway : IEEE, 2009. p. 1039-1044.

Buldas, A., Jürgenson, A., Niitsoo, M. Efficiency bounds for adversary constructions in black- box reductions // Information Security and Privacy : 14th Australasian Conference : ACISP 2009 : Brisbane, Australia, July 1–3, 2009 : proceedings. Berlin : Springer, 2009. p. 264-275. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 5594).

Buldas, A., Laur, S., Niitsoo, M. Oracle separation in the non-uniform model // Provable Security : Third International Conference : ProvSec 2009 : Guangzhou, China, November 11– 13, 2009 : proceedings. Berlin : Springer, 2009. p. 230-244. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 5848).

Devadze, S., Jutman, A., Aleksejev, I., Ubar, R.-J. Turning JTAG inside out for fast extended test access // 10th IEEE Latin American Test Workshop : 2–5 March 2009, Brazil. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009. [6] p.

* Devadze, S., Jutman, A., Aleksejev, I., Ubar, R.-J. Fast extended test access via JTAG and FPGAs // Proceedings of 40th International Test Conference – ITC'2009 : Austin, Texas, November 1-6, 2009.


* Devadze, S., Jutman, A., Tsertov, A., Ubar, R.-J. Microprocessor modeling for board level test access automation // Proceedings of 10th IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing : Hong Kong, November 27–28, 2009.

Devadze, S., Ubar, R.-J., Raik, J., Jutman, A. Parallel exact critical path tracing fault simulation with reduced memory requirements // 4th International Conference on Design and Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscal Era : DTIS'09 : Cairo, Egypt, April 6–9, 2009. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009. p. 155-160.

Eessaar, E., Soobik, M. A comparison of the universal and the regular database design // Databases and information systems V : selected papers from the Eighth International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 2008. Amsterdam : IOS Press, c2009. p. 289-300.

Eessaar, E. A semiotic approach to quality in specifications of software measures // Enterprise information systems : 10th International Conference, ICEIS 2008 : Barcelona, Spain, June 12–16, 2008 : revised selected papers. Heidelberg : Springer, 2009. p. 73-86.

Ellervee, P., Annus, P., Min, M. High speed data preprocessing for bioimpedance measurements : architectural exploration // The 27th NORCHIP Conference : Trondheim, Norway, November 2009. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009. [4] p.

* Ellervee, P., Tagel, M., Jervan, G. Generalization of network-on-chip communication modelling // Workshop Digest. Diagnostic Services in Network-on-Chips – Test, Debug, and On-Line Monitoring : DATE 2009 : Nice, France, 20–24 April, 2009. Nice, 2009.

Elmik, L., Roost, M., Kuusik, R., Veskioja, T., Rava, K., Randlepp, A. A generalized conceptual architecture of the Estonian ststistical information system // Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Applied Computing 2009 : Rome, Italy, 19–21 November 2009. Vol. 2. [S.l.], 2009. p. 333-336.

Erm, A., Alari, V., Listak, M. Monitoring wave-induced sediment resuspension // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 3, p. 196-211.

* Ernits, M., Hakk, K., Tammemäe, K. Teaching robotics and embedded systems as a learning chain of different subjects [Electronic resource] // 8th International Conference and Workshop on Ambient Intelligence and Embedded Systems : Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. Funchal, 2009. [CD-ROM].

* Fridolin, I., Min, M., Ubar, R.-J. CEBE – Centre for Integrated Electronic Systems and Biomedical Engineering // The parliament magazine : European politics and policy (2009) 8, p. 35.

Giani, A., Seppä, V.-P., Hyttinen, J., Bajcsy, R. Building trust on body sensor network signals // 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering : 23–27 November, 2008, Antwerp, Belgium. 8. Berlin : Springer, 2009. p. 887- 890. (IFMBE proceedings ; 22).


* Giannantonio, R., Gravina, R., Seppä, V.-P. et al. Performance analysis of health care systems based on the SPINE framework // Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. [S.l.], 2009.

Haav, H.-M., Kalja, A., Küngas, P., Luts, M. Ensuring large-scale semantic interoperability : the Estonian public sector's case study // Databases and information systems V : selected papers from the Eighth International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 2008. Amsterdam : IOS Press, c2009. p. 117-128.

Haav, H.-M., Kaljuvee, A., Luts, M., Vajakas, T. Ontology-based retrieval of spatially related objects for location based services // On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems : OTM 2009 : Confederated International Conferences CoopIS, DOA, IS and ODBASE 2009 : Vilamoura, Portugal, November 1–6, 2009 : proceedings. Part II. Berlin : Springer, 2009. p. 1010-1024. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 5871).

* Henno, J., Jaakkola, H. How digital immigrants learned to make games for digital natives // MIPRO 2009 32nd International Convention May 25–29, 2009, Opatia, Croatia : European Year of Creativity and Innovativity : proceedings. Vol. IV, CE Computers in Education. [S.l.] : Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, 2009. p. 191-194.

Henno, J. High-level specification of games // Towards Intelligent Engineering and Information Technology. Berlin : Springer, 2009. p. 307-322. (Studies in computational intelligence ; 243).

* Henno, J. On structure of games // EJC 2009 : proceedings of the 19th European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases : Maribor, Slovenia, June 1–5, 2009. Maribor : University of Maribor, 2009.

Huda, N., Nahar, N., Tepandi, J., Deo, P.S. Key barriers for global software product development organizations // Proceedings of PICMET'09 : Technology Management in the Age of Fundamental Change : Portland, Oregon, USA, August 2–6, 2009. Oregon : PICMET, 2009. p. 1081-1087.

* Hunt, A., Tan, X., Chen, Z., Kruusmaa, M. Feedback control of a coupled IPMC (Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite) sensor-actuator // Proceedings of ASME Dynamic Systems Control Conference : California, USA, 12–14.10.2009. [S.l.], 2009.

* Illak, H., Henno, J. Use of e-tools in preparation of Estonian youth song and dance celebration // Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference "e-Learning 2009" : Algarve, Portugal, 17–20 June 2009. II. [S.l.] : IADIS Press, 2009. p. 287-289.

* Jaakkola, H., Heimbürger, A., Henno, J. The roles of knowledge and context in context- aware software engineering - in terms of education and communication // MIPRO 2009 : 32nd International Convention May 25–29, 2009, Opatia, Croatia : European Year of Creativity and Innovativity : proceedings. Vol. IV, CE Computers in Education. [S.l.] : Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, 2009. p. 224-230.


* Jaakkola, H., Uusitalo, O., Henno, J. Adaption in IS integration and enterprize migration // MIPRO 2009 32nd International Convention May 25–29, 2009, Opatia, Croatia : European Year of Creativity and Innovativity : proceedings. Vol. IV, CE Computers in Education. [S.l.] : Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, 2009. p. 218-223.

Jaanus, M., Seiman, A., Vaher, M., Makarõtševa, N., Kuuskmäe, E., Kaljurand, M. Portable capillary electrophoresis instrument // NoSSS2009 : 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society : 26–29 August, 2009, Tallinn : abstract book and program. Tallinn, c2009. p. 59.

Jaanus, M. Audacity - heliefektid // Praktiline Arvutikasutaja (2009) 1, lk. 29.

Jenihhin, M., Raik, J., Tšepurov, A., Reinsalu, U., Ubar, R.-J. High-level decision diagrams based coverage metrics for verification and test // 10th IEEE Latin American Test Workshop : 2–5 March 2009, Brazil. Rio de Janeiro : IEEE, 2009. [6] p.

Jenihhin, M., Raik, J., Tšepurov, A., Ubar, R.-J. Simulation-based verification with APRICOT framework using high-level decision diagrams // East-West Design & Test Symposium : Moscow, September 18–21, 2009. Moscow, 2009. p. 13-16.

Jenihhin, M., Raik, J., Tšepurov, A., Ubar, R.-J. PSL assertion checking using temporally extended high-level decision diagrams // Journal of electronic testing : theory and applications. 25 (2009) 6, p. 289-300.

* Jenihhin, M., Raik, J., Tšepurov, A., Reinsalu, U., Ubar, R.-J. Code coverage analysis for concurrent programming languages using high-level decision diagrams // Proceedings of the 12th European Workshop on Dependable Computing : EWDC 2009 : Toulouse, France, May 14–15, 2009, [4] p.

Jervan, G. Tehnikahuvilisi noori võiks rohkem olla : *intervjuu+ // Inseneeria (2009) 10(11), lk. 36-37.

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Johanson, U., Mäeorg, U., Brandell, D., Punning, A., Torop, J., Kruusmaa, M., Aabloo, A. Electrode reactions in Cu-Pt coated Nafion® actuators // Artificial Muscle Actuators using Electroactive Polymers. Faenza : Techna Group, 2009. p. 75-80. (Advances in science and technology ; Vol. 61).

* Juurik, S., Vain, J. Model checking emerging behavior properties of robot swarms // 21st Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory : NWPT 2009 : Lyngby, Denmark, 14–16 October 2009 : proceedings. Lyngby : Technical University of Denmark, 2009. p. 68-70.


Kalja, A., Robal, T., Vallner, U. Towards information society : Estonian case study // Proceedings of PICMET'09 : Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering & Technology, 2009 : Portland, Oregon, USA, August 2–6, 2009. Portland : PICMET, 2009. p. 3218-3225.

Kangilaski, T. Asset management software implementation challenges for electricity companies // Proceedings : IECON 2009 : 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society : Porto, Portugal, 3–5 November, 2009. Porto : IEEE, 2009. p. 3611-3616.

* Kangilaski, T. Software implementation – challenge for organization and employees // Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Informatics 2009 : Portugal, Algarve, 17– 23 June, 2009. Algarve : IADIS Press, 2009. p. 141-145.

Kimlaychuk, V. Authentication using shared knowledge // International journal of computer science and security. 3 (2009) 5, [5] p.

* Kolyshkin, A., Kübarsepp, T., Märtens, O., Pokatilov, A. Determination of electrical conductivity of metal plates using planar spiral coils // Recent Advances in Systems : proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Systems. [S.l.] : WSEAS, 2009. p. 545- 550.

Korolkov, O., Kuznetsova, N., Sitnikova, A., Viljus, M., Rang, T. Investigation of subcontact layers in SiC after diffusion welding // Silicon carbide and related materials 2007. [S.l.] : Trans Tech Publications, 2009. p. 647-650. (Materials science forum ; Vol. 600/603).

Kostin, S., Ubar, R.-J., Raik, J., Aarna, M., Brik, M., Wuttke, H.-D. Teaching research in the laboratory using diagnosis environment for digital systems // 2009 EAEEIE annual conference : 20th Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering : Valencia, Spain, June 22–24, 2009. New-York : IEEE, 2009. p. 280-283.

Kruusamäe, K., Punning, A., Kruusmaa, M., Aabloo, A. Dynamical variation of the impedance of IPMC // Proceedings of SPIE. 7287 (2009) Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) 2009, p. 72870V-1 - 72870V-9.

Kull, A., Raiend, K., Vain, J., Kääramees, M. Case study-based performance evaluation of reactive planning tester // Model-based Testing in Practice : 2nd Workshop on Model-based Testing in Practice(MoTiP 2009) : Enschede, The Netherlands, June 23, 2009 : proceedings. Enschede, 2009. p. 87-96. (CTIT Workshop Proceedings Series ; WP09-08).

* Kumlander, D. Uncertainties management framework - foundational principles // ICEIS 2009 : proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems : Milan, Italy, May 6–10, 2009 : Volume ISAS. [S.l.] : INSTICC Press, 2009. p. 103-108.

* Kuryloski, P., Giani, A., Seppä, V.-P. et al. DexterNet : an open platform for heterogeneous body sensor networks and its applications // Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Body Sensor Networks. [S.l.], 2009.


Kuusik, A., Roche, S., Weis, F. SMARTMUSEUM : cultural content recommendation system for mobile users // Proceedings Fourth International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology : ICCIT 2009 : Seoul, Korea, 24–26 November 2009. Seoul : IEEE, 2009. p. 447-452.

Kuusik, R., Treier, T., Lind, G., Roosmann, P. Machine learning task as a diclique extracting task // 2009 Sixth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery : FSKD'09 : Tianjin, China, August 14–16, 2009. 1. Los Alamitos : Conference Publishing Service, 2009. p. 555-560.

* Laud, P., Tšahhirov, I. A user interface for a game-based protocol verification tool // Preproceedings of the Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust : FAST 2009 : Eindhoven, Netherlands, 5.–6.11.2009.

Leis, P. Kahest tarkvarainseneeria arengusuunast // A & A (2009) 5, lk. 3-4.

Leis, P. Leo Võhandu 80 // A & A (2009) 4, lk. 3-4.

Leis, P. Talitluspidevuse standardist BS 25999 // A & A (2009) 2, lk. 3-4.

Leis, P. Talitluspidevuse terminoloogiast : taastetöövoog // A & A (2009) 6, lk. 3-4.

Leis, P. Tarkvaratehnika magistriõppest Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis // A & A (2009) 1, lk. 3-7.

Leis, P. Tooteperest IBM Lotus Notes tudengite pilguga // A & A (2009) 3, lk. 3-4.

Liiv, I., Tammet, T., Ruotsalo, T., Kuusik, A. Personalized context-aware recommendations in SMARTMUSEUM : combining semantics with statistics // Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing (SEMAPRO 2009) : Sliema, Malta, October 2009. Sliema : IEEE, 2009. p. 50-55.

Liiv, I. Uute mustrite avastamine järjestamise ja maatriksi ümberkorraldamisega // Inseneeria (2009) 8(9), lk. 44-46.

Lints, T. Relation learning with bar charts // IA'09 : IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agents : Nashville, Tennessee, US, March 30–April 2, 2009. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009. p. 77-83.

Lossmann, E., Meister, M.-A., Raja, A., Madar, U. Theoretical and practical aspects of shortwave broadcast reception in the Baltics // Elektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering (2009) 4(92), p. 45-48.

Luczkowski, T. Lennuralli meistritiitel inglastele // Tehnikamaailm (2009) 12, lk. 90-91.

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* Matsak, E. On the logic module in intelligent systems // Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence : Worldcomp'09 : July 13–16, 2009, Las-Vegas Nevada, USA. Las Vegas : CSREA Press, 2009. p. 594-599.

Matsak, E. Representing logical inference steps with digital circuits // Human interface and the management of information : information and interaction. Berlin : Springer, 2009. p. 178-184. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 5618).

* Meriste, M., Mõtus, L., Kelder, T., Helekivi, J., Polikarpus, M. Interactive maps for knowledge based guidance of UAV // Proceedings : SCI-202 Symposium on Intelligent Uninhabited Vehicle Guidance Systems : München, 30 June – 2 July 2009. [S.l.] : North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 2009. p. 14-1 - 14-22.

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* Miidla, P., Rannat, K. Integrated model of double-diffusive convection : numerical stability // International journal of mathematical models and methods in applied sciences. 2 (2009) 4, p. 455-462.

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Min, M., Giannitsis, A., Land, R., Cahill, B., Pliquett, U., Nacke, T., Frense, D., Gastrock, G., Beckmann, D. Comparison of rectangular wave excitations in broad band impedance spectroscopy for microfluidic applications // World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering : September 7–12, 2009, Munich, Germany. Heidelberg : Springer, 2009. p. 85-88. (IFMBE proceedings ; 25).

Min, M., Paavle, T., Annus, P., Land, R. Rectangular wave excitation in wideband bioimpedance spectroscopy // IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications : MeMeA2009 : Cetraro, Italy, May 29–30, 2009. [S.l.] : IEEE Operations Center, 2009. p. 268-271.

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Märtens, O. Precise mixed signal synchronous detector with spectrally improved binary switching // 6th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing : WISP 2009 : 26–28 August 2009, Budapest. Budapest : IEEE, 2009. p. 77-80.

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Palmre, V., Brandell, D., Mäeorg, U., Torop, J., Volobujeva, O., Punning, A., Johanson, U., Kruusmaa, M., Aabloo, A. Nanoporous carbon-based electrodes for high strain ionomeric bending actuators // Smart materials & structures. 18 (2009) 9, [7] p.

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* Preden, J.-S., Pahtma, R. Exchanging situational information in embedded networks // Proceedings of International Conference on Adaptive Science & Technology : ICAST 2009 : Accra, Ghana, 14–16 December 2009. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009.

Preden, J.-S., Pahtma, R. Smart dust motes in ubiquitous computing scenarios // Elektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering. 95 (2009) 6, p. 19-22.

* Preden, J.-S., Serg, R., Riid, A., Mõtus, L., Pahtma, R. Vehicle guidance systems in NEC context // Proceedings : SCI-202 Symposium on Intelligent Uninhabited Vehicle Guidance Systems : München, 30 June – 2 July 2009. [S.l.] : North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 2009. p. 4-1 - 4-13.

Punning, A., Johanson, U., Anton, M., Aabloo, A., Kruusmaa, M. A distributed model of ionomeric polymer metal composite // Journal of intelligent material systems and structures. 20 (2009) 14, p. 1711-1724.

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* Rang, T. High quality LPE GaAs power diodes with DLTS method // Public service review : European Union. Newcastle-under-Lyme : Pelican Press, 2009. p. 423. (Testing time ; 18).

Riid, A., Preden, J.-S., Pahtma, R., Serg, R., Lints, T. Automatic code generation for embedded systems from high-level models // Elektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering. 95 (2009) 7, p. 33-36.

Riid, A., Rüstern, E. Computational intelligence methods for process control : fed-batch fermentation application // International journal of computational intelligence in bioinformatics and systems biology. 1 (2009) 2, p. 135-162.

Riid, A., Rüstern, E. Extracting and exploiting linguistic information from a Fuzzy process model for bed-batch fermentation control // Intelligent engineering systems and computational cybernetics. III. [S.l.] : Springer, 2009. p. 95-105.

Robal, T., Kalja, A. A model for users' action prediction based on locality profiles // Information systems development : challenges in practice, theory and education. Volume 1. New York : Springer, 2009. p. 169-182.


Robal, T., Kalja, A. Conceptual web users' actions prediction for ontology-based browsing recommendations // Information systems development : towards a service provision society. New York : Springer, 2009. p. 121-129.

Robal, T., Kalja, A. Creating interactive learning objects with web services // 2009 EAEEIE annual conference : 20th Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering : Valencia, Spain, June 22–24, 2009. New-York : IEEE, 2009. [6] p.

Robal, T., Kalja, A. Interactive hands-on tools as learning objects on web services // 2009 International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education : San Francisco, CA, USA, 25–27 July, 2009. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009. p. 73-76.

Robal, T., Kalja, A. Web systems evaluation on users' behaviour modelling // Databases and information systems V : selected papers from the Eighth International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 2008. Amsterdam : IOS Press, c2009. p. 41-52.

Seppä, V.-P., Väisänen, J., Lahtinen, O., Hyttinen, J. Assessment of breathing parameters during running with a wearable bioimpedance device // 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering : 23–27 November, 2008, Antwerp, Belgium. 9. Berlin : Springer, 2009. p. 1088-1091. (IFMBE proceedings ; 22).

* Shvets, O., Kukk, V., Jaanus, M., Umbleja, K. Home and remote laboratories – development of web based practical works for higher and vocational education // Journal of international scientific publications : materials, methods & technologies (2009) [4] p.

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Sterling, L., Taveter, K. A logic programming perspective on rules // Handbook of research on emerging rule-based languages and technologies : open solutions and approaches. Hershey ; New York : Information Science Reference. Vol. I, c2009. p. 195-213.

* Sterling, L., Taveter, K. Design of an environment for agent-based simulation of air-to-air business processes // The 7th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems : EUMAS 2009 : Ayia Napa, Cyprus, December 17–18, 2009 : proceedings.

* Sterling, L., Taveter, K. Event-based optimization of air-to-air business processes // Intelligent Complex Event Processing : AAAI Spring Symposium on Intelligent Event Processing : March 23–25, 2009, Stanford, California, USA. California : AAAI Press, 2009. p. 80-85.

* Sterling, L., Taveter, K. Event-based optimization of air-to-air business processes (longer version) // The Industry Track of the 20th Australian Software Engineering Conference : ASWEC 2009 : 14–17 April, Gold Coast, Australia : proceedings.


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* Sudnitsõn, A., Mihhailov, D., Kruus, M., Tarletski, K. FSM decomposition with application to FPGA synthesis // International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies – CompSysTech'09 : Ruse, Bulgaria, p. IV.4.1-IV.4.6.

* Sudnitsõn, A., Mihhailov, D., Kruus, M. Cooperation of FPGA-based educational boards and web-based point design tools for research and education // IFIP EduTech'09 International Workshop : Florianopolis-Brazil, October 15–16, 2009.

* Tagel, M., Ellervee, P., Jervan, G. Scheduling framework for dependable NoC-based systems // Workshop Digest. Diagnostic Services in Network-on-Chips – Test, Debug, and On-Line Monitoring : DATE 2009 : Nice, France, 20–24 April, 2009. Nice, 2009.

Tagel, M., Ellervee, P., Jervan, G. Scheduling framework for real-time dependable NoC-based systems // Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on System-on-chip : Tampere, Finland, October 05–07, 2009. Piscataway : IEEE, 2009. p. 95-99.

* Taklaja, A., Madar, U., Müürsepp, I., Ruuben, T., Brednikova, J. Software defined short- range naval surveillance radar // Software Defined Radar : proceedings of the NATO Research & Technology Organisation (RTO) : SET-136 Specialist Meeting on "Software Defined Radar" : Lisbon (Portugal), June 23–25, 2009. [S.l.] : North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 2009.

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* Trump, T. An output signal based combination of two NLMS adaptive algorithms // 16th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing : July 5–7, 2009, Santorini, Greece. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009.

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* Ubar, R.-J., Kostin, S., Jutman, A., Raik, J., Wuttke, H.-D. DIAGNOZER : a laboratory tool for teaching research in diagnosis of electronic systems // Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education : San Francisco, July 25–26, 2009, p. 12- 15.

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Ubar, R.-J., Kostin, S., Raik, J. Combined fault-model free cause-effect and effect-cause fault diagnosis in block-level digital networks // ASQED'09 : 1st Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design : Kuala Lumpur, Malaisia, July 15–16, 2009. New York : IEEE, 2009. p. 385- 390.

Ubar, R.-J., Kostin, S., Raik, J. Block-level fault model-free debug and diagnosis in digital systems // Proceedings of the 12th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design, Architectures, Methods and Tools : Patras, Greece, August 27–29, 2009. Los Alamitos : IEEE, 2009. p. 229-232.

* Ubar, R.-J., Mironov, D., Raik, J., Jutman, A. Structurally synthesized multiple input BDDs for simulation of digital circuits // Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circcuits and Systems : Hammamet, Tunisia, December 13–16, 2009.

* Ubar, R.-J., Raik, J., Karputkin, A., Tombak, M. Synthesis of high-level decision diagrams for functional test pattern generation // Test Pattern Generation : International Conference MIXDES 2009 : Lodz, 25–27 Juni. Lodz : IEEE, 2009. [6] p.

* Ubar, R.-J., Raik, J., Mironov, D., Evartson, T., Orasson, E., Wuttke, H.-D., Aarna, M. Teaching diagnostic modeling of digital systems with decision diagrams // Proceedings of 12th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education – CATE 2009 : St.Thomas, US, November 22–24, 2009.

Ubar, R.-J. Akadeemik Raimund-Johannes Ubari peokõne "Kõrgharidus on võime näha puude taga metsa" // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 138-142.


Ubar, R.-J. Kõrgharidus on võime näha puude taga metsa // Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 90. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 50-55.

* Udal, A., Kukk, V., Velmre, E., Klopov, M. Comparison of uncertainty relations in quantum mechanics and signal processing // 11th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations and 4th Feynman Festival : Olomouc, Czech Republic, June 22–26, 2009. Olomouc, 2009. p. 154.

* Udal, A., Kukk, V., Velmre, E., Klopov, M. Comparison of uncertainty relations in quantum mechanics and signal processing [Electronic resource] // 11th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations and 4th Feynman Festival : Olomouc, Czech Republic, June 22–26, 2009 : conference proceedings. Olomouc, 2009. [16] p. [DVD].

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Vain, J., Miyawaki, F., Nõmm, S., Totskaya, T., Anier, A. Human-robot interaction learning using timed automata // ICCAS-SICE 2009 : ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009 : Fukuoka City, Japan, August 18–21, 2009 : final program and papers. Tokyo : The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 2009. p. 2037-2043.

Vain, J., Nõmm, S., Anier, A., Miyawaki, F., Totskaya, T. Supervised training of voting automata for the surgeon's motion recognition during laparoscope surgery // IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation : ICCA 2009 : Christchurch, New Zealand, December 9–11, 2009. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009. p. 1503-1508.

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Võhandu, L. Bioloogilised meetodid tehnikas // A & A (2009) 4, lk. 25-29.

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Võhandu, L. Meenutusi TÜ AK tegevuse algaastatest // Pool sajandit arvutit Tartu Ülikoolis. Tartu : Tartu Ülikool, c2009. lk. 20-24.

Võhandu, L. Olulisest ja mitteolulisest // A & A (2009) 4, lk. 50-56.

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Ernits, K. Study of In2S3 and ZnS thin films deposited by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis and chemical deposition. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 126 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. B, Thesis on natural and exact sciences ; 84).

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Menaker, A. Electrosynthesized conducting polymers, polypyrrole and poly(3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene), for molecular imprinting. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 96 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. B, Thesis on natural and exact sciences ; 82).

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Reinhold, K. Workplace assessment : determination of hazards profile using a flexible risk assessment method. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 162 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. G, Thesis on chemistry and chemical engineering ; 23).

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Baysal, A.H., Gennaris, S., Likor, P., Peterka, D., Popescu, O., Veskus, T. Risk management in production of egg-pasta // Risk management by hygenic design and efficient sanitation programs : 3rd Seminar arranged by SAFOODNET – Food Safety and Hygiene Networking within New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries : Tallinn, Estonia, May 4–6, 2009. Helsinki : VTT, 2009. p. 177-200. (VTT symposium ; 261).

Belova, I., Kienskaya, K., Yanchilin, A. Influence of various factors of a dispersed medium on stability of the hydrosol YOOH // Inorganic materials. 45 (2009) 3, p. 250-253.

* Bereznev, S., Kois, J., Volobujeva, O., Öpik, A. Conductive polymer back contact in CdTe based solar cell // EMRS-2009 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 8–12 of June 2009, Symposium A. Strasbourg, 2009. p. 25.


* Binauskiene, E., Lugauskas, A., Krunks, M., Oja Acik, I., Jasulaitiene, V., Šaduikis, G. Interaction of fungus with titanium oxide surface // 9th National Lithuanian Conference : Vilnius, October 16, 2009. Vilnius, 2009. p. 88.

Bogdanovičiene, I., Tõnsuaadu, K., Mikli, V., Grigoravičiute, I., Beganskiene, A., Kareiva, A. On the sol-gel preparation of calcium hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2,HA) // 9th National Lithuanian Conference "Chemija 2009" : Vilnius, October 16, 2009 : abstracts. [Vilnius], 2009. [1] p.

Bogdanoviciene, I., Tõnsuaadu, K., Kareiva, A. Influence of gelation temperature on the properties of sol-gel-derived calcium hydroxyapatite ceramics // Polish journal of chemistry. 83 (2009) p. 47-55.

Bollero, A., Grossberg, M., Raadik, T., Trigo, J.F., Herrero, J., Gutierrez, M.T. Growth of Cu- rich/poor CuInS2 thin films by the sequential modulated flux deposition technique // Thin- film compound semiconductor photovoltaics - 2009. Warrendale : Materials Research Society, 2009. p. M02-06. (Materials Research Society symposium proceedings ; 1165).

Christjanson, P. Aminoplastid ; Amorfsed polümeerid ; Anorgaanilised polümeerid ; Armeeritud plastid // TEA entsüklopeedia. 2.köide, Alžiir-Aruba. Tallinn : TEA, 2009. lk. 113, 120, 202, 371.

Christjanson, P. Bakeliit ; Barjäärpolümeerid // TEA entsüklopeedia. 3.köide, aruhein- Beccaria. Tallinn : TEA, 2009. lk. 252, 327-328.

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Ernits, K., Muska, K., Danilson, M., Raudoja, J., Varema, T., Volobujeva, O., Altosaar, M. Anion effect of zinc source to chemically deposited ZnS(O,OH) films // Advances in material science and engineering (2009) [5] p.

* Ernits, K., Muska, K., Kauk, M., Danilson, M., Raudoja, J., Varema, T., Volobujeva, O., Altosaar, M. Chemical bath deposition of ZnS films using different Zn-salts // Physics procedia : EMRS-2009 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 8–12 of June 2009. [S.l.] : Elsevier, 2009. p. BP4-10.

* Ganchev, M., Kaupmees, L., Iliyna, J., Raudoja, J., Altosaar, M., Volobujeva, O., Mellikov, E., Varema, T., Dikov, H. Formation of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films by selenization of electrodeposited stacked binary alloy layers // Proceedings of EMRS, Strasbourg, June 2009.

* Gertsin, A., Muradova, G., Shoka, A., Kim, D., Bereznev, S., Tverjanovich, A., Kois, J., Öpik, A., Tveryanovich, Y. Microwave assisted synthesis of CuInSe2 nanopowder // Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaic Conference (HOPV09) : 10–13 May 2009, Benidorm, Spain : book of abstracts. Benidorm, 2009. p. 79.


Goi, A., Trapido, M., Kulik, N. Contaminated soil remediation with hydrogen peroxide oxidation // Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 40 (2009) April, p. 185-189.

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Goi, A., Veressinina, J., Trapido, M. Combination of ozonation and the Fenton processes for landfill leachate treatment : evaluation of treatment efficiency // Ozone: science & engineering. 31 (2009) 1, p. 28–36.

* Golovtsov, I., Bereznev, S., Öpik, A. Multilayer structures based on polyparaphenylene thin films // Baltic Polymer Symposium 2009 : Ventspils, Latvia, September 22–25, 2009 : programme and proceedings. Riga, 2009. p. 14.

Grossberg, M., Krustok, J., Siebentritt, S., Albert, J. Compositional dependence of Raman scattering and photoluminescence emission in Cu-Ga-Se films grown by MOCVD // Physica B: condensed matter. 404 (2009) 14/15, p. 1984-1988.

Grossberg, M., Krustok, J., Timmo, K., Altosaar, M. Radiative recombination in Cu2ZnSnSe4 monograins studied by photoluminescence spectroscopy // Thin solid films. 517 (2009) 7, p. 2489-2492.

Hiie, J., Quinci, F., Lughi, V., Sergo, V., Valdna, V., Mikli, V., Kärber, E., Raadik, T. Chlorine doping of cadmium sulfide on the example of CBD CdS // Thin-film compound semiconductor photovoltaics - 2009. Warrendale : Materials Research Society, 2009. p. M08-17. (Materials Research Society symposium proceedings ; 1165).

* Hruljova, J., Savest, N., Kilk, K., Oja, V. Solvent swelling thermodynamics of kukersite and dictyonema kerogens // Book of abstracts of the VIII Iberoamerican Conference on Phase Equilibria and Fluid Properties for Process Design : 17–21 October, Praia da Rocha, Portugal, p. 128.

* Häkkinen, A., Huhtanen, M., Ekberg, B., Kallas, J. Software for improving the efficiency of test filtration tasks // 22nd Annual American Filtration & Separations Society Conference : Bloomington, MN, May 4-7, 2009.

* Häkkinen, A., Huhtanen, M., Ekberg, B., Kallas, J. Experimental study on the influence of process variable on the performance of a horizontal belt filter // FILTECH 2009, Wiesbaden, October 13–15, 2009.

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Johannes, I., Tiikma, L., Sokolova, J. Dissolution rate of oil shale thermobitumen in different solvents // Oil shale. 26 (2009) 3, p. 399-414.

Johannes, I., Tiikma, L., Zaidentsal, A., Luik, L. Kinetics of kukersite low-temperature pyrolysis in autoclaves // Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis. 85 (2009) 1/2, p. 508-513.

* Kaev, J., Sõritski, V., Reut, J., Rappich, J., Öpik, A. Molecularly imprinted poly (3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene) on micro-patterned substrates // Book of abstracts of Baltic Polymer Symposium 2009 : Ventspils, Latvia, 22–25 September, 2009. Ventspils, 2009.

Kaevand, T., Kalda, J., Öpik, A., Lille, Ü. Correlated percolating networks in the thin film of polymeric PEDT/PSS complex as revealed by the mesoscale simulation // Macromolecules. 42 (2009) 4, p. 1407-1409.

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Kaljuvee, T., Rudjak, I., Trikkel, A., Mikli, V. Thermal behavior of ammonium nitrate prills coated with limestone and dolomite powder // MEDICTA 2009 : 9th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis : June 15–18, 2009, Marseille, France : book of abstracts. [Marseille], 2009. p. 117.

Kamenev, I., Velts, O., Viiroja, A., Häkkinen, A., Kallas, J. Ozonation of lignin aqueous solutions // Executive summaries : 5th International Conference. 10th IOA-EA3G Berlin Conference on Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment : Berlin, Germany, March 30 – April 2, 2009. Clausthall-Zellerfeld : Papierflieger Verlag, 2009. p. 39- 40/PC223(1-8). (CUTEC-serial publication ; 72).

* Kaseleht, K. Quantitative analysis of acetaldehyde in bread with SPME-GC/MS // 4th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology : Foodbalt-2009 : Kaunas, May 12–13. Kaunas : Technologija, 2009. p. 82.

Kaupmees, L., Altosaar, M., Volobujeva, O., Barvinschi, P. Study of Mo selenisation process on different Mo substrates // Thin-film compound semiconductor photovoltaics - 2009. Warrendale : Materials Research Society, 2009. p. M08-01. (Materials Research Society symposium proceedings ; 1165).

Kindsigo, M., Hautaniemi, M., Kallas, J. Wet oxidation of recalcitrant lignin water solutions : experimental and reaction kinetics // Environmental chemistry letters. 7 (2009) 2, p. 155- 160.

Kindsigo, M., Kallas, J. Wet oxidation of debarking water : changes in lignin content and biodegradability // Environmental chemictry letters. 7 (2009) 2, p. 121-126.


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* Klauson, D., Babkina, J., Stepanova, K., Kritševskaja, M., Preis, S. Aqueous photocatalytic oxidation of amoxicillin // Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Technologies : Nicosia, Cyprus, September 9–11, 2009, [12] p.

* Kois, J., Volobujeva, O., Bereznev, S., Mellikov, E. Influence of pH and deposition potentials on composition and morphology of CdSe films // EMRS-2009 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 8–12 of June 2009, Symposium B. Strasbourg, 2009. p. 50.

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* Kovtun, A., Malikova, O., Sõritski, V., Reut, J., Öpik, A. Electrochemical synthesis of polypyrrole films containing nucleotides // Book of abstracts of Baltic Polymer Symposium 2009 : Ventspils, Latvia, 22–25 September, 2009. Ventspils, 2009.

Kritševskaja, M., Jõks, S., Katšina, A., Preis, S. Gas-phase photocatalytic oxidation of acrylonitrile // Photochemical & photobiological science. 8 (2009) 5, p. 600-603.

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Kropman, D., Mellikov, E., Öpik, A., Lott, K., Volobujeva, O., Kärner, T., Heinmaa, I., Laas, T., Medvid, A. Strain relaxation mechanism in the Si-SiO2 system and its influence on the interface properties // Physica B: condensed matter. 404 (2009) 23/24, p. 5153-5155.

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Germany, March 30 – April 2, 2009. Clausthall-Zellerfeld : Papierflieger Verlag, 2009. p. 44- 45/PC29(1-8). (CUTEC-serial publication ; 72).

Kuosa, M., Kallas, J. Influence of t-butanol on multicomponent reaction kinetics and mass transfer in p-nitrophenol ozonation at low pH // Chemical engineering and processing : process intensification. 48 (2009) 7, p. 1212-1221.

Kuosa, M., Laari, A., Solonen, A., Haario, H., Kallas, J. Multicomponent reaction kinetics for the ozonation of p-nitrophenol and its decomposition products under acidic conditions at constant pH // Chemical engineering science. 64 (2009) 10, p. 2332-2342.

Kutsar, L., Mets, M., Rätto, M., Salo, S., Veskus, T., Wirtanen, G. Evaluation of cleanliness in dairy plants and innovations for improving hygiene // Microbial risk management in food processes : 2nd Workshop arranged by SAFOODNET - Food Safety and Hygiene Networking within New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries : Lyngby, Denmark, October 13–15, 2008. Helsinki : VTT, 2009. p. 82-83. (VTT symposium ; 260).

Kuusik, R., Trikkel, A., Lyngfelt, A., Mattisson, T. High temperature behavior of NiO-based oxygen carriers for chemical looping combustion // Energy procedia. 1 (2009) p. 3885-3892.

Laes, K., Bereznev, S., Tverjanovich, A., Borisov, E.N., Varema, T., Volobujeva, O., Öpik, A. Shallow defect density determination in CuIn3Se5 thin film photoabsorber by impedance spectroscopy // Thin solid films. 517 (2009) p. 2286-2290.

* Laes, K., Bereznev, S., Tverjanovich, A., Öpik, A. The impedance spectroscopy of well- oriented CuIn3Se5 films prepared by high vacuum evaporation technique // EMRS-2009 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 8–12 of June 2009, Symposium B. Strasbourg, 2009. p. 46.

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* Linderholm, C., Lyngfelt, A., Beal, C., Trikkel, A., Kuusik, R., Jerndal, E., Mattisson, T. Chemical-looping combustion with natural gas using spray-dried NiO-based oxygen carriers // Carbon dioxide capture for storage in deep geological formations. 3. [S.l.] : CPL Press and BP, 2009. [8] p.

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Luik, H., Luik, L., Johannes, I., Tiikma, L., Sokolova, J. Co-processing of biomass and heavy shale oil using catalytical hydrocracking method // 17th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition from Research to Industry and Markets : proceedings of the International Conference held in Hamburg, Germany, 29 June – 3 July 2009. [S.l.], 2009. p. 1082-1084.

Luik, H., Palu, V., Luik, L., Sokolova, J., Bojesen-Koefoed, J. Peat semicoking and hydrocracking // Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis. 85 (2009) 1/2, p. 497-501.

Luik, L., Luik, H., Palu, V., Kruusement, K., Tamvelius, H. Conversion of the Estonian fossil and renewable feedstocks in the medium of supercritical water // Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis. 85 (2009) 1/2, p. 492-496.

Luik, L., Luik, H., Tamvelius, H., Palu, V., Kruusement, K. Conversion of pine Pinus sylvestris cones with supercritical water // 17th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition from Research to Industry and Markets : proceedings of the International Conference held in Hamburg, Germany, 29 June – 3 July 2009. [S.l.], 2009. p. 1941-1944.

Mattisson, T., Adanez, J., Proell, T., Kuusik, R. et al. Chemical-looping combustion CO2 ready gas power // Energy procedia. 1 (2009) p. 1557-1564.

Meissner, D., Mellikov, E., Öpik, A., Koppel, I., Lust, E. A new curriculum in sustainable energetics in Estonia // The journal of materials education. 31 (2009) 1/2, p. 23-32.

Menaker, A., Sõritski, V., Reut, J., Öpik, A., Horvath, V., Gyurcsanyi, R.E. Electrosynthesized surface-imprinted conducting polymer microrods for selective protein recognition // Advanced materials. 21 (2009) p. 2271-2275.

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* Munter, R., Trapido, M., Kallas, J., Kamenev, S., Preis, S., Viiroja, A., Kamenev, I., Järvik, O., Kulik, N., Veressinina, J. Ozonation and AOPs for oil shale industry's wastewater treatment : an overview // Ozone news. 37 (2009) 4, p. 17-22.

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* Volobujeva, O., Mellikov, E., Raudoja, J., Grossberg, M., Bereznev, S., Altosaar, M., Traksmaa, R. SEM analysis and selenization of Cu-Zn-Sn sequential films produced by evaporation of metals // Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and


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* Öpik, A., Menaker, A., Reut, J., Sõritski, V., Malikova, O., Kaev, J., Kovtun, A. Electrosynthesized conducting polymers, polypyrrole and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene), for molecular imprinting // Book of abstracts of Baltic Polymer Symposium 2009 : Ventspils, Latvia, 22–25 September, 2009. Ventspils, 2009.

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Lille, M., Prause, G. E-governmental services in the Baltic Sea Region. Wismar : Hochschule Wismar, 2009. 28 p. (Wismarer Diskussionspapiere = Wismar discussion papers ; 10).

Mereste, U. Vihmapiisad : kildmõtteid ja mõttekilde : 1975–1990. Tallinn : SE&JS, 2009. 254 lk.


Müürsepp, P., Kerikmäe, T., Kirch, A., Talts, M. (eds.). Developments in political, legal, societal and cultural thought : articles in social sciences and humanitities. Tallinn : Institute for European Studies, 2009. 196 p. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies, International University Audentes ; 5). Saadaval ka võrguteavikuna.

Nekrassova, N. (comp.). Financial english. [Tallinn] : Sky Laser Advertising Group, [2008]. 76 p.

Ojamäe, L. Making choices in the housing market : social construction of housing value. The case of new suburban housing. Tallinn, 2009. 189 p.

Pedersen, T. When culture becomes politics : European identity in perspective. Aarhus : Aarhus University Press, 2008. 311 p.

Raig, I. Eesti tee Euroopa Liitu : unistus paremast Euroopast. Tallinn : International University Audentes, 2008. 224, [10] lk.

Randveer, M., Rõõm, T. The structure of migration in Estonia : survey-based evidence. [Tallinn], 2009. 63 p. (Working paper series / Bank of Estonia ; 1/2009).

Randveer, M. Monetary policy transmission channels, flexibility of the economy and future prospects of the Estonian monetary system. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 138 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. H, Thesis on economics ; 16).

Tanning, L., Tanning, T. Rahvusvaheline majandus. I osa, Põhialused ja -probleemid. Tallinn, 2009. 279 lk.

Tanning, L., Tanning, T. Rahvusvaheline majandus. II osa, Globaliseerumine. Maailma majanduskriis. Tallinn, 2009. 244 lk.

Tikk, J. Finantsarvestus. *3.+, täiend. tr. Tallinn : J.Tikk, 2009. 293, *1+ lk.

Varrak, T. (koost.). Poliitika, riigiteadus, rahvusvahelised suhted. 1(10). Tallinn, 2009. 150 lk.

Venesaar, U. (ed.). Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe. Vol. 1, no. 1. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. 83 p. (Research in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe ; Vol. 1(27). No. 1).


* Aarma, A., Vainu, J. About analysis and forecasting of the development of banking : the Estonian case [Electronic resource] // Managements theory and practice : synergy in organisations : IV international conference : Tartu, 03–04 April 2009. Tartu : University of Tartu, 2009. [CD-ROM].


Aarma, A., Vainu, J. Analysis and forecasting of the development of banking : the Estonian case // Globalization and institutional development. Wilkes-Barre : Congress of Political Economists International, 2008. p. 471-479.

Aarma, A., Vainu, J. Econometric models of Estonian banking // Globalization and institutional development. Wilkes-Barre : Congress of Political Economists International, 2008. p. 461-469.

Aarma, A., Vainu, J. Five years of banking analysis with the help of production function [Electronic resource] // Business Strategies and Technological Innovations for Sustainable Development : Creating Global Prosperity for Humanity. Prague, 2009. p. 1-6. [CD-ROM].

* Aarma, A., Vainu, J. Five years of banking analysis [Electronic resource] // Managements theory and practice : synergy in organisations : IV international conference : Tartu, 03–04 April 2009. Tartu : University of Tartu, 2009. [CD-ROM].

Aarma, A., Vainu, J. Forecasting of the development of banking : the Estonian case [Electronic resource] // Business Strategies and Technological Innovations for Sustainable Development : Creating Global Prosperity for Humanity. Prague, 2009. p. 7-13. [CD-ROM].

Aarma, A. Pjat’ let analiza bankovskoj dejatel’nosti s pomošč’ju proizvodstvennoj funkcii // Rol’ finansovo-kreditnoj sistemy v realizacii prioritetnyh zadač razvitija ekonomiki : materialy 2-j meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii 29–30 janvarja 2009 goda : sbornik dokladov. Tom II. Sankt-Peterburg, 2009. lk. 113-116.

Aasma, A. Matrix transformations of summability domains of generalized matrix methods in Banach spaces // Rediconti del circolo matematico di Palermo. 58 (2009) 3, p. 467-476.

* Aasma, A. Some notes on improvement of convergence by regular matrices // Abstract book of International Conference of Mathematical Sciences : 4–10 August 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. Istanbul, 2009. p. 107.

* Alver, J., Alver, L. Conceptual model for the development of the accounting curriculum // 21st Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues : Las Vegas, USA, November 22–25, 2009. Las Vegas : California State University, Fresno, 2009. 21 p.

* Alver, J., Alver, L. Conceptual model for the development of the accounting curriculum // 21st Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues : Las Vegas, USA, November 22–25, 2009 : program and proceedings. Las Vegas : California State University, Fresno, 2009. p. 97.

Alver, J., Alver, L. Development of accounting and implementation of international financial reporting standards in Estonia // Accounting reform in transition and developing economies. New York : Springer, 2009. p. 107-119.


* Alver, J., Alver, L. One concept of development of competitive accounting curriculum // 3rd Triennial Conference of International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, Capetown, 7–10 September, 2009 : programme and book of abstracts, 2009. p. 18.

Alver, J., Alver, L. The development of the curriculum of accounting study programme for graduate studies // International Scientific Conference "Finance and accounting : theory and practice, development and trends". Riga : LU Akademiskais apgads, 2009. p. 41-47.

Alver, J., Kadak, T. About the conformity of data used in planning and performing in the controlling process : a survey of Estonian SMEs // Controlling für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen. München : Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2009. p. 295-314.

Alver, J. Kuluarvestussüsteemi täiustamine // Raamatupidamisuudised (2009) 1, lk. 26-30.

Alver, J. Soveršenstvovanie sistemy učeta rashodov // Buhgalterskie novosti (2009) 1, lk. 23- 28.

Arvola, R. Telework as a tool for extending work life // Extending the work life : collection of articles. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. p. 110-115.

Dabušinskas, A., Randveer, M. Comparison of pricing behaviour of firms in the euro area and Estonia // Microfoundations of economic success : lessons from Estonia. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2009. p. 19-76.

Ehrlich, Ü., Pädam, S., Tenno, K. Monetary equivalent of non-market value of habitats as an economic argument for their financing : case of Estonian semi-natural plant communities // Globalization and institutional development. Wilkes-Barre : Congress of Political Economists International, 2008. p. 495-508.

Ennuste, Ü. Estonian hyper-crisis lessons confirm importance of more effective high quality coordination/regulation and harmonisation : mechanism design theoretic approach // European Union : current political and economic issues. Tallinn : Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, 2009. p. 11-35. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies, Tallinn University of Technology ; 6).

Ennuste, Ü. Synthetic conceptions of implementing mechanisms design for public socio- economic information structure : illustrative Estonian examples // Socio-economic and institutional environment : harmonisation in the EU countries of Baltic Sea rim. Tallinn, 2008. p. 9-39. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies, International University Audentes ; 4).

Fainštein, G. Estonian foreign trade : trade patterns, revealed comparative advantage and intra-industry trade // Globalization and institutional development. Wilkes-Barre : Congress of Political Economists International, 2008. p. 47-62.

Filipozzi, F. Market-based measures of monetary policy expectations and their evolution since the introduction of the euro // Economic notes. 38 (2009) 3, p. 137-167.


Gaponenko, A., Rodins, M. System crisis of the Latvian society – the reasons, scenarios of development, possibility of overcoming // Baltic rim economies (2009) 2, p. 41-43.

Haav, K. Demokraatiahariduse ideaalide saavutamise võimalused // Haridus (2009) 1/2, lk. 35-39.

Haav, K. Hariduse olemus, teadmised ja RÕK // Eesti Haridusfoorum 2008 : õppija ning õppimine tänases ja homses Eestis : 5. ja 6. detsember 2008, Mõdriku ja Rakvere : ettekannete ja artiklite kogumik. Tallinn, 2009. lk. 39-50.

Hazak, A., Männasoo, K. Indicators of corporate default – an EU-based empirical study // Baltic business and socio-economic development 2008 : 4th International Conference, Riga, Latvia, September 30–October 2, 2008. Berlin : BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2009. p. 256-274. (Regional business and socio-economic development ; Bd. 2).

Hazak, A. Companies' financial decisions under the distributed profit taxation regime of Estonia // Emerging markets finance & trade. 45 (2009) 4, p. 4-12.

Hazak, A. Statutory regulations and companies' capital structure : EU based empirical study // The international journal of applied economics and finance. 3 (2009) 1, p. 1-11.

Hendla, I. Connections between foreign and domestic politics in theories of international relations // European Union : current political and economic issues. Tallinn : Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, 2009. p. 67-89. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies, Tallinn University of Technology ; 6).

* Hirsikoski, A., Koski, A., Prause, G. Promoting universities' 3rd task - recommandations for university-business cooperation // Baltic business and socio-economic development 2008 : 4th International Conference, Riga, Latvia, September 30–October 2, 2008. Berlin : BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2009. p. 351-367. (Regional business and socio-economic development ; Bd. 2).

Ilsjan, V., Kolbre, E. The quality rating system in real estate valuation in Estonia // 16th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference : Stockholm, July 11–14, 2009, paper eres2009 160. (ERES digital library at

Jänes, T. Rising older worker's employment // Extending the work life : collection of articles. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. p. 84-89.

* Järvis, M., Reinhold, K., Tint, P. The innovation tools for prevention of accidents in a post- socialist country // Reliability, risk and safety : theory and applications. 1. London : Taylor & Francis, 2009. p. 25-32.

Järvis, M., Tint, P. Employment, cultural differences and work safety : Estonia example // Ekonomika ir vadyba - 2009 = Economics & Management - 2009 : programme and collected abstracts of international scientific conference. Kaunas : Technologija, 2009. p. 111-112.


Järvis, M., Tint, P. Employment, cultural differences and work safety : Estonian example // Economics & management. 14 (2009) p. 567-574.

* Järvis, M., Tint, P. Evidence-based development of safety culture at the Estonian enterprises // Reliability, risk and safety : theory and applications. 2. London : Taylor & Francis, 2009. p. 1269-1276.

Järvis, M., Tint, P. Innovations at workplace : an evidence-based model for safety management // Verslas : teorija ir praktika = Business : theory and practice. 10 (2009) 2, p. 150-158.

* Järvis, M., Tint, P. Risk assessment as part of health and safety management at enterprises // Sustainable production and consumption : volume of abstracts : 5th International Conference "Environmental Engineering and Management" Dunabe Delta, 15–19 September 2009. 1. Iasi : Ecozone, 2009. p. 147.

* Järvis, M., Tint, P. The effects of human resource management practice on development of safety culture [Electronic resource] // Conference proceedings : Insights into the Sustainable Growth of Business : MMRC conference : 19–21 November 2009, Vilnius. Vilnius : University of Management and Economics, 2009. [15] p. [CD-ROM].

Järvis, M., Tint, P. The formation of a good safety culture at enterprise // Journal of business economics and management. 10 (2009) 2, p. 169-180.

Kallakmaa-Kapsta, A., Kolbre, E. Estonian real estate market – the day after housing boom // 16th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference : Stockholm, July 11–14, 2009, paper eres2009 179. (ERES digital library at

Kallaste, K. Igal riigil on oma regulatsioonid // Raamatupidamisuudised (2009) p. 41-45.

Kalle, E. Professor Eduard Kull (1905–1988) – majandusteadlane ja pedagoog // Eesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : artiklid (CD-ROM) ja kokkuvõtted. XVII. Tallinn : Mattimar, 2009. lk. 129-137.

Kalle, E. Tootlikkuse juhtimissüsteem kui innovatsioon // Informatsioonitehnoloogiad ülemaailmse majanduskriisi tingimustes : EABA teaduslik-praktilise konverentsi tööde kogumik. Tallinn : Eesti-Ameerika Äriakadeemia, 2009. lk. 57-79.

Kask, K., Kolbre, E. Real estate investment market perspectives in Estonia : a survey analysis // 16th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference : Stockholm, July 11–14, 2009, paper eres2009 371. (ERES digital library at

* Kerem, K., Põder, K. Estonian social model in a comparative context [Electronic resource] // Conference of the International Journal of Arts & Sciences : June 1–4, 2009, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. Bad Hofgastein, 2009. [12] p. [CD-ROM].


Kerem, K., Põder, K. Possible dilemma – Nordic welfare state versus Anglo-American liberal regime : "Estonian social model" in a comparative context // The key-factors of business and socio-economic development during the global crisis. Wilkes-Barre (PA) : Congress of Political Economists International, 2009. p. 89-105.

Kilvits, K., Purju, A. The impact of public procurement on foreign trade : the case of Estonia // International journal of public policy. 4 (2009) 1/2, p. 159-177.

Kilvits, K. Delocalisation of industries : threats and opportunities for Estonia // Globalization and institutional development. Wilkes-Barre : Congress of Political Economists International, 2008. p. 99-113.

Kilvits, K. Delocalization of prodution : threats and opportunities for Estonia // A litmus test case of modernity : examining modern sensibilities and the public domain in the Baltic States and the turn of the century. Bern : Peter Lang, 2009. p. 49-73. (Interdisciplinary studies on Central and Eastern Europe ; Vol. 5).

Kilvits, K. Opportunities of manufacture under global economic crisis : the case of Estonia // Chinese business review. 8 (2009) 9, p. 17-29.

* Kilvits, K. Opportunities of manufacture under global economic crisis : the case of Estonia // EBES 2009 Conference : June 1–2, Istanbul, Turkey. [S.l.] : Kadir Has University, 2009. p. 27-28.

Kilvits, K. Restructuring oppurtunities of Estonian manufacture under global economic crisis // The key-factors of business and socio-economic development during the global crisis. Wilkes-Barre (PA) : Congress of Political Economists International, 2009. p. 219-233.

Kilvits, K. Töötleva tööstuse struktuur on aegunud // Riigikogu Toimetised. 19 (2009) lk. 85- 94.

Kilvits, K. Töötleva tööstuse struktuuri tuleb muuta // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 27-42.

Kirch, A. Estonia must focus on the grand challenges of our time : the process of the implementation of the Knowledge Triangle // European Union : current political and economic issues. Tallinn : Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, 2009. p. 36-49. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies, Tallinn University of Technology ; 6).

* Kirch, A., Kirch, M., Tuisk, T., Reinkort, H.-H. Etics, emics, Estonians and Russians in contemporary Estonia : is the past still dominating the present? // Book of abstracts : XIXth International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology : Crossing Borders : (Cross-)Cultural Psychology as an Interdisciplinary Multi-Method Endeavor : July 27–31 2008, Bremen, Germany. Bremen : Jacobs University, 2008. p. 62.

Kirch, A., Tuisk, T. Estonians and Russians in Estonia : is the Soviet past still dominating the present? // Socio-economic and institutional environment : harmonisation in the EU

72 countries of Baltic Sea rim. Tallinn, 2008. p. 67-94. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies, International University Audentes ; 4).

Kirch, A. On the perspectives of the implementation of knowledge triangle based on Lisbon strategy in Estonia // European integration studies : research and topicalities. 3, 2009. p. 36- 41.

Kirch, A. On the perspectives of the implementation of knowledge triangle based Lisbon agenda in Estonia (in 2008–2015) // 7th International Scientific Conference "Legal, Political and Economic Initiatives Towards Europe of Knowledge" : 24 April 2009, Kaunas University of Technology. Kaunas, 2009. p. 6-7.

Kirch, A. Process of the implementation of knowledge triangle in Estonia // Baltic Dynamics 2009 : XIV International Conference the Dynamics of Innovation Spaces Bringing Innovation to Society : 30 September – 3 October, 2009, Vilnius, Lithuania : conference book. Vilnius, 2009. p. 27.

Kirsipuu, M. About family enterprises among active beef animal breeders // Baltic business and socio-economic development 2008 : 4th International Conference, Riga, Latvia, September 30–October 2, 2008. Berlin : BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2009. p. 7-18. (Regional business and socio-economic development ; Bd. 2).

Kirsipuu, M. Eesti maapiirkondade ettevõtluspoliitika // Eesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : artiklid (CD-ROM) ja kokkuvõtted. XVII. Tallinn : Mattimar, 2009. lk. 42-46.

Kitzmann, H., Balaš, A., Valler, S. Taastuvenergia tehnoloogiate arendamine ning rakendamine sõltumatu energia ja veevarustusega küla näitel // TEUK XI : Taastuvate energiaallikate uurimine ja kasutamine : üheteistkümnenda konverentsi kogumik : Tartu, 2009. Tartu : Eesti Maaülikool, 2009. lk. 16-21.

Koslov, V., Org, A. Teadmiste geneesist ja rollist // Informatsioonitehnoloogiad ülemaailmse majanduskriisi tingimustes : EABA teaduslik-praktilise konverentsi tööde kogumik. Tallinn : Eesti-Ameerika Äriakadeemia, 2009. lk. 289-301.

Koslov, V. Finantsoligarhia juubeliorgiad // Investor & Ettevõtja (2009) Sügis, lk. 10-11.

* Kristjuhan, Ü., Taidre, E. Postponed aging in university teachers // Rejuvenation research. 12 (2009) Suppl. 1, p. S-38.

Kristjuhan, Ü. Inimorganismi nooruse ja keskea pikendamise kongress // Eesti Töötervishoid (2009) 3, lk. 15-16.

Kristjuhan, Ü. Maintaining youth and postponing aging in the real world // Extending the work life : collection of articles. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. p. 5-13.

* Kristjuhan, Ü. Practice of postponing human aging // Rejuvenation research. 12 (2009) Suppl. 1, p. S-38 - S-39.


* Kristjuhan, Ü. Prolonging work ability *Electronic resource+ // Insights into the Sustainable Growth of Business : MMRC conference : 19–21 November 2009, Vilnius : conference proceedings. Vilnius : University of Management and Economics, 2009. [CD-ROM].

Kriz, K.A., Meriküll, J., Paulus, A., Staehr, K. Why do individuals evade payroll and income taxation in Estonia // The shadow economy, corruption and governance. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2009. p. 240-264.

Kron, E., Prause, G. ICT usage and needs in the Baltic Sea Region – a SME-oriented survey // Baltic business and socio-economic development 2008 : 4th International Conference, Riga, Latvia, September 30–October 2, 2008. Berlin : BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2009. p. 368-382. (Regional business and socio-economic development ; Bd. 2).

Kulikov, D., Paabut, A., Staehr, K. A microeconometric analysis of household saving in Estonia : income, wealth and financial exposure // Microfoundations of economic success : lessons from Estonia. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2009. p. 190-241.

Laane, M.-A. Methods and approaches to PhD thesis writing // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 168-170.

Laane, M.-A. Rhetorical devices and language support in PhD thesis writing // 7th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 78-82.

Laidroo, L. Association between ownership structure and public announcements' disclosures // Corporate governance : an international review. 17 (2009) 1, p. 13-34.

Laidroo, L. Information asymmetry public announcements' disclosure quality – the case of the Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius stock excanges // Estonian Economic Association : articles from the Annual Conference 2009. Tallinn, 2009. p. 175-221.

Leimann, J. Koprakaubandus ja Rootsi aeg // Director (2009) 4, lk. 22.

Leimann, J. Mälestuskilde ettevõtluse ajaloost // Eesti ettevõtluse taassünd : 1987–1991. Tallinn : TEA, 2009. lk. 16-17.

* Lend, E. Some aspects if a supply chain management // Logistiikan tulevaisuuden haasteet. [S.l.] : Sho Business Development OY, 2009. p. 31-45.

Lensment, A., Ahmet, I. Eesti venelased : tähelepanekuid identiteedikriisist // Haridus (2009) 7/8, lk. 7-10.

* Leppiman, A. Monikulttuurisuus arkipäivät – perheleirityössä // XI valtakunnalliset sosiaalityön tutkimuksen päivät : 12.–13.02.2009, Turun yliopisto. Turku : Turku University Press, 2009.


Lindroos, K. Millest räägivad paigad? Paikade identiteet ja sotsiaalsed konstruktsioonid Eesti saartel // Akadeemia (2009) 8, lk. 1499-1514.

* Ling, H., Venesaar, U., Voolaid, K. Assessing the results of entrepreneurship training through changes in metacognitive awareness of participants // SU Conference on Entrepreneurship : September 8–13, 2009, Benevento, Italy.

Listra, E. Raha ja rattad // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 342-344.

* Lumiste, R., Gwosdz, K. Creating new firm structure in European electronics and electrical goods industries [Electronic resource] // 35th Annual Conference reshaping the Boundaries of the Firm in the Era of Global Interdependence : Valencia, Reino de Espana, December 13– 15, 2009, [CD-ROM].

* Lumiste, R., Martinez Carazo, P. Foreign entry mode of Colombian SMEs // Proceedings of the International Academy of Business and Public Administrativ Disciplines (IABPAD) : Dallas, United States, 23–25 April 2009.

Lutsoja, K., Lutsoja, M. Agricultural investing : a new niche on the investment products' market and support for growth in rural areas of emerging countries // Globalization and institutional development. Wilkes-Barre : Congress of Political Economists International, 2008. p. 115-124.

Mayes, D.G., Randveer, M. Outlook // Microfoundations of economic success : lessons from Estonia. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2009. p. 291-303.

Mayes, D.G., Randveer, M. The path of transition in Estonia // Microfoundations of economic success : lessons from Estonia. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2009. p. 1-18.

Metsla, E. Las pank tuleb ja võtab kõik ära, ma ei suuda enam! // Director (2009) 12, lk. 48- 53.

Miina, A. Jidoka – nõutud kvaliteet juba esimese korraga // Inseneeria (2009) 4(12), lk. 38- 40.

Miina, A. Pidev parendamine ehk kaizeni võimekus // Inseneeria (2009) 8(9), lk. 30-33.

Miina, A. Konsensus – see on rahulik otsustamine // Inseneeria (2009) 5(13), lk. 36-39.

Miina, A. Kooskõlasta tootearendust // Inseneeria (2009) 9(10), lk. 32-35.

Miina, A. Kulusäästliku filosoofia idee // Inseneeria (2009) 10(11), lk. 26-29.

Miina, A. Kulusäästliku mõtlemise praktiline külg // Inseneeria (2009) 9(17), lk. 30-33.


Miina, A. Pidev protsessi "vool" toob probleemid pinnale // Inseneeria (2009) 8(16), lk. 38- 41.

Miina, A. Standardiseerimine tähendab protsessi kontrollimist // Inseneeria (2009) 6(14), lk. 34-36.

Miller, L. A critique of the global financial crisis : from the perspective of buddhist ethics and psychology // ABAC journal Asumption University. 29 (2009) 2, p. 49-63.

Miller, L. Cold autum wind : a poem // Daoist magazine (2009).

Miller, L. Estonian civil religion and national unity // International journal on World peace. XXVI (2009) 1, p. 127-138.

Miller, L. Religion's role in creating national unity // International journal on World peace. XXVI (2009) 1, p. 91-114.

Miller, L. Tasakaalu vajalikkusest kultuuris // Maailmavaade (2009) 8, lk. 28-31.

* Müürsepp, P. Catastrophe theory – ready for revival // Nova Miscellanea Historiae Scientiarum Baltica - 50 : abstracts and programme of the 23rd International Baltic Conference on the History of Science : Riga, 9–10 October, 2008 . Riga : Riga Technical University Publishing House, 2008. p. 31-32.

* Müürsepp, P. Chemistry as a physics-like science // International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry (ISPC) : symposium 2008, August 03–06, Coburg, Germany. Coburg : Coburg University of Applied Sciences, 2008.

* Müürsepp, P. Globalisation as Europeisation // Ideas of/for Europe : Congress book. Abstracts. Chemnitz : Chemnitz University of Technology, 2009. p. lxxxvii - lxxviii.

* Müürsepp, P. Husserl's reductions as method // XXII World Congress of Philosophy : Rethinking Philosophy Today : July 30–August 5, 2008, Seoul : abstracts. Seoul : Seoul National University, 2008. p. 353-354.

Müürsepp, P. Hussler's reductions as method // Culture & philosophy (2009) p. 58-67.

* Müürsepp, P. Physics-likeness of science // Book of abstracts and list of participants : XXIII International Congress of History of Science and Technology : Ideas and Instruments in Social Context : 28 July – 2 August, Budapest, Hungary. Budapest : International Union of History and Philosophy of Science, 2009. p. 648-649.

Müürsepp, P. Tehnikaülikoolid Euroopat uurimas // Haridus (2009) 7/8, lk. 25-28.

Müürsepp, P. The essence of symmetry in physics-like science // Symmetry : culture and science. 20 (2009) 1/4, Symmetri Festival 2009 : Symmetry in the History of Science, Art and Technology. Part 1, p. 99-112.


Müürsepp, P. The three dimensions of globalization // East-West studies : journal of social sciences of University Nord : contemporary problems of freedom, human rights, and identity (2008) 2(39), p. 63-66.

Müürsepp, P. The three dimensions of globalisation and social science // Tiltai. Priedas: mokslo darbai = Bridges. Supplementary issue: Scientific volume. Vol. 39, 2009. Social sciences in global world: possibilities, challenges and perspectives, p. 126-130.

Nežerenko, O. How can the EU Baltic Sea Strategy contribute to the recovery of cooperation in the field of transit (as exemplified by the cooperation of the Baltic States in the years 2004–2008)? // European Union : current political and economic issues. Tallinn : Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, 2009. p. 50-66. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies, Tallinn University of Technology ; 6).

Nežerenko, O. Is there a place for problems of energy resource transit in the EU Baltic Sea strategy? // Socio-economic and institutional environment : harmonisation in the EU countries of Baltic Sea rim. Tallinn, 2008. p. 48-56. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies, International University Audentes ; 4).

Nutt, M. The competence of the Estonian Parliament in foreign relations on the basis of pre- war constitutions and other legal acts // European Union : current political and economic issues. Tallinn : Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, 2009. p. 151-165. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies, Tallinn University of Technology ; 6).

O'Neil, J.E. Finding the light to exit Plato's Cave // Developments in political, legal, societal and cultural thought : articles in social sciences and humanitities. Tallinn : Institute for European Studies, 2009. p. 98-132. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies International University Audentes ; No. 5).

Ojamäe, L., Paadam, K., Liias, R. Regeneration of Mustamäe // Urban sustainability and governance : new challenges in Nordic-Baltic housing policies. New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2009. p. 188-195.

Ojamäe, L., Paadam, K. Eluase // Töö, kodu ja vaba aeg : argielu Eestis aastatel 1985–2008. Tallinn : Tallinna Ülikooli Rahvusvaheliste ja Sotsiaaluuringute Instituut, 2009. lk. 93-113.

* Org, A. Innovatiivsus subjektikujunduses // Nüüdisaegne Eesti ja maailm : reaalsused ja arenguperspektiivid : teaduslik-praktilise konverentsi materjalid (11.veebruar 2009). Tallinn : Kõrgkool I Studium, lk. 90-93.

Paadam, K., Holt-Jensen, A. The countries in brief : Estonia // Urban sustainability and governance : new challenges in Nordic-Baltic housing policies. New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2009. p. 251-259.


Paadam, K. Building human capacity and ways of residing : dual conceptualisation of the field of housing // Globalization and institutional development. Wilkes-Barre : Congress of Political Economists International, 2008. p. 395-407.

* Paadam, K. Residential policy challenges in Estonia // Urban sustainability and governance : new challenges in Nordic-Baltic housing policies. New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2009. p. 179-187.

* Paadam, K. The Baltic countries - introduction // Urban sustainability and governance : new challenges in Nordic-Baltic housing policies. New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2009. p. 171-177.

* Paas, Õ., Tint, P., Järvis, M. The assessment of major accident risks in Tallinn (Estonia) [Electronic resource] // Hazards XXI : Process Safety and Environmental Protection in a Changing World : CD-ROM symposium series 155. Manchester : The Institution of Chemical Engineers, 2009. p. 729-738 [CD-ROM].

Pedersen, T. Kultuurifaktor poliitikas : rahvuslik identiteet kui valik // Audentese Ülikooli Toimetised. 9 (2008) lk. 5-20.

* Prause, G., Lämmel, U., Tyynelä, M., Salmenjoki, K. Knowledge management, innovation transfer, and regional development // Baltic business and socio-economic development 2008 : 4th International Conference, Riga, Latvia, September 30–October 2, 2008. Berlin : BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2009. p. 502-510. (Regional business and socio- economic development ; Bd. 2).

* Prause, G. Logistics-oriented ICT usage in the Baltic Sea region // Logistics and supply chain management : modern trends in Germany and Russia. Göttingen : Cuvillier, 2009. p. 209- 217.

Purju, A. Krugman, üleilmastumine ja geograafia // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 372-376.

Purju, A. Majanduspoliitika ja sotsiaalpoliitika seosed // Eesti inimarenguaruanne 2008. Tallinn : Eesti Koostöö Kogu, 2009. lk. 131-138.

Purju, A. Relationships between economic and social policy // Estonian human development report 2008. Tallinn : Eesti Koostöö Kogu, 2009. p. 131-138.

Põder, K. The evolution of non-cooperative behaviour : the case of post-transitional Estonia // Baltic journal of management. 4 (2009) 3, p. 301-317.

Põlajeva, T. Analyzing corruption through an international evaluation // Globalization and institutional development. Wilkes-Barre : Congress of Political Economists International, 2008. p. 215-224.


* Põlajeva, T. Government agencies' behavior and their influence on the quality of business procedures // Organizacionno-ekonomičeskie problemy sovremennogo proizvodstva v uslovijah globalizacii ekonomiki. Moskva : MIET, 2009. lk. 115-119.

* Põlajeva, T. The changing international business environment under cultural influences // Mirovaja ekonomika i biznes-administrirovanie. Minsk : Belarussian National Technical University, 2009. p. 218-231.

Põlajeva, T. The governance's culture influence on the business environment // The key- factors of business and socio-economic development during the global crisis. Wilkes-Barre (PA) : Congress of Political Economists International, 2009. p. 73-87.

Põlayeva, T. The Baltic University programme – an example of teaching for sustainable development // Education and economy 2009 : materials of international scientific conference. Tallinn, 2009. p. 87-92.

Pädam, S.-I., Ehrlich, Ü. Life-cycle based approach to identifying environmental and economic impacts of biofuels : the example of Stockholm // The key-factors of business and socio-economic development during the global crisis. Wilkes-Barre (PA) : Congress of Political Economists International, 2009. p. 501-515.

Püss, T., Viies, M., Maldre, R. Taxation and economic growth : the trends in the EU countries // Globalization and institutional development. Wilkes-Barre : Congress of Political Economists International, 2008. p. 525-540.

Püss, T., Viies, M., Maldre, R. Incidence of social protection expenditure convergence in the European Union // The journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge. 15 (2009) 1, p. 165-171.

Püss, T., Viies, M., Maldre, R. European social model and schemes of social protection financing // The key-factors of business and socio-economic development during the global crisis. Wilkes-Barre (PA) : Congress of Political Economists International, 2009. p. 107-122.

Ramiro Troitino, D. ; (tlk.) Talts, M. Margaret Thatcher ja Euroopa Liit // Poliitika, riigiteadus, rahvusvahelised suhted. 1(10) (2009) lk. 39-62.

Ramiro Troitino, D. Margaret Thatcher and the EU // European Union : current political and economic issues. Tallinn : Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, 2009. p. 124-150. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies, Tallinn University of Technology ; 6).

* Ramiro Troitino, D. Creation of the European identity in the European Union // ICOSH09 International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities : December 2–3, 2009, University Kebangsaan Malaysia. Bangi : Univerity Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2009. p. 127-128.

* Ramiro Troitino, D. Creation of the European identity in the European Union [Electronic resource] // ICOSH09 International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities :


December 2–3, 2009, University Kebangsaan Malaysia : abstracts and full texts. Bangi : Univerity Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2009. p. 246-253 [CD-ROM].

Ramiro Troitino, D. De Gaulle and the European Communities // Socio-economic and institutional environment : harmonisation in the EU countries of Baltic Sea rim. Tallinn, 2008. p. 139-166. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies, International University Audentes ; 4).

Ramiro Troitino, D. Euroopa Liidu tulevik // Audentese Ülikooli Toimetised. 9 (2008) lk. 21- 50.

* Ramiro Troitino, D. International influence of the European Union // Politika : annual journal 2009 (2009) p. 80-85.

* Ramiro Troitino, D. The reform of the European parliament [Electronic resource] // Changes in Politics and Policy Change : Strategies, Institutions, Actors : Moscow, November 20–22, 2009 : abstracts and papers. Moscow : Russian Political Science Association, 2009. [CD-ROM].

Randveer, M., Rõõm, T. The structure of migration in Estonia : survey-based evidence // Estonian Economic Association : articles from the Annual Conference 2009. Tallinn, 2009. p. 7-63.

Randveer, M. Muljeid kooli 350. aastapäeva tähistamisest // Gustav Adolfi Gümnaasiumi koolilood : XX sajand. Tallinn, 2009. lk. 241.

Raudonen, S. Does foreign capital react to corporate taxation? Empirical evidence // Estonian Economic Association : articles from the Annual Conference 2009. Tallinn, 2009. p. 149-173.

* Reinhold, K., Järvis, M., Tint, P. Workplace risk assessment as the main tool for prevention of accidents [Electronic resource] // Prevention of Occupational Accidents in a Changing Work Environment : 30 September – 3 October 2008 : proceedings on CD-ROM. [S.l.], 2008. p. 93 [CD-ROM].

Reinhold, K., Järvis, M., Tint, P. Risk observatory – a tool for improving safety and health at the workplace // International journal of ocupational safety and ergonomics : JOSE. 15 (2009) 1, p. 101-112.

* Reinhold, K., Tint, P., Munter, R. Indoor air quality in industrial premises // Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical University. Serija 1, Material science and applied chemistry. 20 (2009) p. 48-57.

* Reinhold, K., Tint, P., Paas, Õ. Risk assessment of chemicals in manufacturing *Electronic resource] // GPE-EPIC proceedings : 2nd International Congress on Green Proces Engineering : Lido, Venice, June 2009. Toulouse : Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, 2009. [6] p. [CD-ROM].


Reinhold, K., Tint, P. Hazard profile in manufacturing : determination of risk levels towards enhancing the workplace safety // Journal of environmental engineering and landscape management. 17 (2009) 2, p. 69-80.

Reinhold, K., Tint, P. Lighting of workplaces and health risks // Elektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering (2009) 2, p. 11-14.

Reinhold, K., Tint, P. Protection against noise among workers in manufacturing // Extending the work life : collection of articles. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. p. 71-83.

* Rillo, M. Team interaction, media attention and playfulness – the case of a televised management competition // Academy of Management proceedings (2009) [27] p.

* Rodins, M. Political participation and political culture in Latvia // Elections in Latvia. Berlin : Free University of Berlin, 2009. [30] p.

Rodins, M. Transformation of the Russian society and the role of elites during social changes // Socio-economic and institutional environment : harmonisation in the EU countries of Baltic Sea rim. Tallinn, 2008. p. 57-66. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies, International University Audentes ; 4).

Roo, R. Segased sõnumid aitavad peita kehva tulemust // Director (2009) 12, lk. 54-55.

Rungi, M. Managing resource and technology interdependencies in project portfolio : a case-study results // Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management : Hong Kong, China, December 8–11, 2009. Hong Kong : IEEE, 2009. p. 1508-1512.

Rõõm, T., Uusküla, L. The principles of wage formation in Estonian companies // Microfoundations of economic success : lessons from Estonia. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2009. p. 77-130.

Rõõm, T. Enterprises' response to the economic crisis // Kroon & economy (2009) 3/4, p. 52- 58.

Shvartsman, B. Direct method for analysis of flexible cantilever beam subjected to two follower forces // International journal of non-linear mechanics. 44 (2009) 2, p. 249-252.

* Shvartsman, B. Numerical method for analysis of flexible cantilever subjected to distributed follower load // Abstracts of 4th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis : May 27–30, 2009, Daugavpils. Daugavpils, 2009. p. 77.

Siirak, V. Development of information and communication technology – new solutions for prolonging work ability // Extending the work life : collection of articles. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. p. 119-125.


Staehr, K. Eesti kolmesambaline pensionisüsteem - kas saime, mida tahtsime? // Maksu- maksja (2009) 9, lk. 38-39.

Staehr, K. Estimates of employment and welfare effects of personal labour income taxation in a flat-tax country: the case of Estonia // EALE : [21st Annual Conference] : Tallinn, 10–12 September 2009 : [abstracts]. [Tallinn, 2009]. p. 85.

Staehr, K. Estimates of employment and welfare effects of personal labour income taxation in a flat-tax country // Microfoundations of economic success : lessons from Estonia. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2009. p. 242-290.

Staehr, K. Inflation in the New EU Countries from Central and Eastern Europe : theories and panel data estimations // What drives inflation in the New EU Member States? : proceedings of the workshop held on 22 October 2008. [S.l.], 2009. p. 35-58. (European economy ; occasional papers 50).

Taal, H. The role of work environment in maintaining work ability // Extending the work life : collection of articles. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. p. 126-133.

Talts, M. "The first Buddhist priest on the Baltic coast" : Karlis Tennison and the introduction of Buddhism in Estonia // Folklore : electronic journal of folklore. 38 (2008) p. 67-112.

Talts, M. 235 teadusele uut habesääsklast // Eesti Loodus (2009) 8, lk. 51.

Talts, M. Audentese Ülikool ja International University Audentes // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ Kirjastus, c2009. lk. 191-196.

Talts, M. Kalendrikirjandus populaarteadusliku kirjanduse eelkäijana // Oskar Kallase päev – XXII eesti raamatuteaduse konverents : 23. oktoobril 2008 Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumis : ettekannete teesid. Tartu : Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi Arhiivraamatukogu, 2008. lk. 12-14.

Talts, M. Kilpkonnarannik Türgis // Lemmik (2008) 9, lk. 36-37.

Talts, M. Lihtsate lugude märkamatust mõjust // Nukits : Eesti Lastekirjanduse Keskuse lastekirjanduse almanahh (2008) lk. 16-18.

Talts, M. Martin Kala. Euroopa maailma teljel (Europe on the axis of the world). Tallinn : Eesti Päevaleht, 2009. 318 pp. : *book review+ // European Union : current political and economic issues. Tallinn : Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, 2009. p. 172-178. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies, Tallinn University of Technology ; 6).

Talts, M. Meripura konservikarbis // Loodusesõber (2009) 4, lk. 9.

Talts, M. Mõni sõna kääbusraamatutest // Raamatukogu (2009) 4, lk. 28-33.

Talts, M. Oluline eksliibrisealane teatmeteos // Raamatukogu (2008) 6, lk. 29.


Talts, M. Põhjamaade põlisvähemuste omakeelsest meediast // Haridus (2009) 3/4, lk. 17- 20.

Talts, M. Põlisvähemuskultuuride meediamaastikult // Haridus (2008) 5/6, lk. 34-37.

Talts, M. Rahvuslikust ja poliitilisest identiteedist // Haridus (2008) 1/2, lk. 7-10.

Talts, M. Soolases suurjärves elavad sitked sellid // Loodussõber (2008) 3, lk. 34.

Tenno, K., Laur, A., Ehrlich, Ü., Kallaste, T. Sustainable energy development trends in the Baltic states – oppurtunities and problems // The key-factors of business and socio- economic development during the global crisis. Wilkes-Barre (PA) : Congress of Political Economists International, 2009. p. 485-499.

Tepp, M. Pidev sundsuhtlemine on emotsionaalselt kurnav // Anne (2009) 4, lk. 42.

Tepp, M. Tähelepanu, uus spetsialiseerumine : personalijuhtimine // Diretor (2009) 12, lk. 62-63.

Thurlow, J.E. ; (tlk.) Varrak, T. Skinheedid ja lumpenproletariaat : nooruki roll moodsas poliitikas // Poliitika, riigiteadus, rahvusvahelised suhted. 1(10) (2009) lk. 130-135.

Thurlow, J. Kant's categorical imperative and national socialism // Developments in political, legal, societal and cultural thought : articles in social sciences and humanitities. Tallinn : Institute for European Studies, 2009. p. 9-13. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies International University Audentes ; No. 5).

Tikk, J. Calculation and presentation of earnings per share calculation in a corporation with a complex capital structure // Journal of international scientific publications : economy & business (2009) p. 404-413.

Tikk, J. Faktooring kui kaasaegne juhtimisinstrument // Eesti Majanduse Teataja (2009) 3, lk. 69-73.

Tikk, J. Koondkasumiaruandest // Eesti Majanduse Teataja (2009) 6, lk. 59-60.

Tikk, J. Laenukulutuste kapitaliseerimine // Eesti Majanduse Teataja (2009) 2, lk. 40-43.

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Tikk, J. Müügiootel põhivara arvestus // RP. = Raamatupidamise Praktik (2009) 1, lk. 10-12.

Tikk, J. Nüüdisaegse finantsarvestuse süsteemi arengust Eestis // RP. = Raamatupidamise Praktik (2009) 1, lk. 20-23 ; 2, lk. 28-24.


Tint, P., Järvis, M., Reinhold, K., Paas, Õ. Risk assessment and measurement of hazards in Estonian enterprises // Environmental engineering and management journal. 8 (2009) 5, p. 1165-1170.

Tint, P. Karin Reinhold kaitses doktorikraadi // Eesti Töötervishoid (2009) 3, lk. 22.

* Tosso, H., Tint, P., Aava, K. Integrated qualitative and quantitative approaches to effective risk management // Lessons learned from accident investigations : 36th ESReDA seminar : Coimbra, Portugal, 2–3 June, 2009, p. 36-48.

* Ulõbina, E., Lensment, A., Ahmet, I. Svjaz’ bazovyh ubeždenij s otnošeniem k predstaviteljam autgruppy na primere otnošenija russkih k estoncam // Čelovečeskij faktor : social’nyj psiholog. 2 (2009) 18, lk. 138-151.

* Vainu, J., Mändmaa, S. Distributing the increase of a phenomenon among factors and constructing of factor indicies // ECOFI conference presentation : Lausanne, 2009.

Vainu, J. O prognozirovanii valovogo dohoda banka // Rol’ finansovo-kreditnoj sistemy v realizacii prioritetnyh zadač razvitija ekonomiki : materialy 2-j meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii 29–30 janvarja 2009 goda : sbornik dokladov. Tom II. Sankt-Peterburg, 2009. lk. 116-119.

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Valmra, E. Tulemusjuhtimine – ebainimlik viis ettevõtte juhtimiseks // Director (2009) 5, lk. 50-51.

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Varrak, T. Demokraatlik poliitika ja demokraatia Eestis 1991–2007 // Tuna (2008) 1, lk. 59- 63.

Varrak, T. Julgeolek ja identiteet : poliitikateadus versus geopoliitika // Audentese Ülikooli Toimetised. 9 (2008) lk. 119-124.

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* Venesaar, U. Entrepreneurship and SME development in Estonia // 10th International Academic Conference on the Economic and Social Development : April 7–9, 2009, Moscow.

Virovere, A. Ettekanne: Juht kui liider // Rahvusvaheline hariduskonverents "Hea kool – võrdsed võimalused" : Jõgeva vald, Kuremaa loss, 26. märts 2009. *Jõgeva+, 2009. *12+ lk.

* Wahl, M.F. Governance and ownership : international corporate governance research network survey in Estonia // Resources, Efficiency and Globalisation : 36th Annual Conference of the Academy of the International Business : UK, Glasgow, 02–04.04.2009. Glasgow : University of Glasgow, 2009.

* Wahl, M.F. Governance and ownership : practices in Estonia // Electronic journal for radical organisation theory : the 6th International Critical Management Studies Conference – Critical Perspectives of Corporate Governance, The University of Warwick, UK, 13–15 July 2009. Waikato Management School, 2009.

* Wahl, M.F. Governance and ownership : owners' basic human values & their will in Estonia // EIASM 6th Workshop on Corporate Governance : Brussels, November 23-24, 2009.

Wahl, M.F. Governance and ownership : practices in Estonia // Baltic business and socio- economic development 2008 : 4th International Conference, Riga, Latvia, September 30– October 2, 2008. Berlin : BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2009. p. 89-102. (Regional business and socio-economic development ; Bd. 2).



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Kanger, T., Laasik, M. (koost.). Orgaanilise keemia praktikum : laboratoorsed tööd. I. Täiend. ja parand. tr. *Tallinn+ : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 83 lk.

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Lepane, V. (ed.). 12th Nordic-Baltic IHSS Symposium on Natural Organic Matter in Environment and Technology : Tallinn, Estonia, June 14–17, 2009 : program and abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. 96 p.

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Mardla, V., Kobzar, G. Inhibition of platelets with combination of natural agents : synergistic effects of antiaggregants. Köln : Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009. 72 p.

Pais, E. Recovering memory kernels in heat flow : inverse problems for non-homogeneous degenerate memory kernels. Saarbrücken : Lambert Academic Publishing, c2008. 75 p.

Piirsoo, M. Deciphering molecular basis of Schwann cell development. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 161 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. B, Thesis on natural and exact sciences ; 87).

Silvestrov, S., Paal, E., Abramov, V., Stolin, A. (eds.). Generalized Lie theory in mathematics, physics and beyond. Berlin : Springer-Verlag, c2009. 305 p.

Sinivee, V. Portable spectrometer for ionizing radiation "Gammamapper". Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 102 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. B, Thesis on natural and exact sciences ; 85).

Vallas, E., Kogermann, E., Paluver, N. (koost.). Kujutava geomeetria üldkursus : harjutusülesanded. Tallinn, 2009. 41 lk.

Virkepu, J. On Lagrange formalism for Lie theory and operadic harmonic oscillator in low dimensions. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 108 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. B, Thesis on natural and exact sciences ; 86).



Aas, T., Harvig, V., Mars, M. The observations of EM Cep and V497 Cep // Tallinna Tähetorn = Tallinn Observatory. 6 (2009) 1, p. 7-24.

Aas, T., Harvig, V. Rahvusvaheline astronoomia aasta 2009 // Tallinna Tähetorni kalender 2009. Tallinn : Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, *2009+. lk. 27-34.

Aas, T. Taevakaart // Horisont (2009) 6, lk. 32-34.

Ahte, P., Palumaa, P., Tamm, T. Stability and conformation of polycopper-thiolate clusters studied by density functional approach // Journal of physical chemistry A. 113 (2009) 32, p. 9157-9164.

Aid-Pavlidis, T., Pavlidis, P., Timmusk, T. Meta-coexpression conservation analysis of microarray data: a "subset" approach provides insight into brain-derived neurotrophic factor regulation // BMC genomics. 10 (2009) p. 420.

Asser, A., Kõks, S., Nairismägi, J. jt. Efedrooni (metkatinoon) ja mangaani toime hiirtel kroonilises katses // Eesti Arst (2009) 9, lk. 612-613.

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Begg, S., Kaplanski, F., Sazhin, S., Hindle, M., Heikal, M. Vortex ring-like structures in gasoline fuel sprays under cold-start conditions // International journal of engine research. 10 (2009) 4, p. 195-214.

Borissova, M., Vaher, M., Palk, K. Analysis of fatty acids in plant extracts by CE-SALDI MS // NoSSS2009 : 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society : 26–29 August, 2009, Tallinn : abstract book and program. Tallinn, c2009. p. 125.

Burk, P., Tammiku-Taul, J., Tamp, S., Sikk, L., Sillar, K., Mayeux, C., Gal, J.-F., Maria, P.-C. Computational study of cesium cation interactions with neutral and anionic compounds related to soil organic matter // Journal of physical chemistry A. 113 (2009) 40, p. 10734- 10744.

Gavrilov, A. Radiomajak // Radio (2009) 10, lk. 55-57.

* Golubovskaja, I., Wang, R., Timofejeva, L., Cande, Z. Maize meiosis and collection of meiotic mutants // 51st Maize Genetics Conference : March 12–15, 2009, St.Charles, Illinois, USA. St.Charles, 2009. p. 34.

Gorbatšova, J., Jaanus, M., Kaljurand, M. Digital microfluidic sampler for a portable capillary electropherograph // Analytial chemistry. 81 (2009) p. 8590-8595.


Gorbatšova, J., Jaanus, M., Kuuskmäe, E., Kaljurand, M. Digital microfluidic sampler for capillary electrophoresis // NoSSS2009 : 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society : 26–29 August, 2009, Tallinn : abstract book and program. Tallinn, c2009. p. 66.

Gramushnjak, T., Puusemp, P. A characterization of a class of 2-groups by their endomorphism semigroups // Generalized Lie theory in mathematics, physics and beyond. Berlin : Springer-Verlag, c2009. p. 151-159.

* Gretšušnikova, T., Koel, M., Orav, A. Comparison of the essential oil composition of Acorus calamus obtained by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and hydrodistillation methods // 9th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids : Arcachon, France, May 18–20. [S.l.] : International Society for Advancement of Supercritical Fluids, 2009. p. 301.

Gretšušnikova, T., Orav, A., Koel, M., Järvan, K. Comparison of essential oils composition from shoots, leaves and stems of the wild Ledum palustre from Estonia // NoSSS2009 : 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society : 26-29 August, 2009, Tallinn : abstract book and program. Tallinn, c2009. p. 90.

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Tarbe, R. Abrasive impact wear : tester, wear and grindability studies. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 120 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. E, Thesis on mechanical and instrumental engineering ; 47).


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Antonov, M., Hussainova, I. Experimental setup for testing and mapping of high temperature abrasion and oxidation synergy // Wear. 267 (2009) 11, p. 1798-1803.

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Antonov, M., Michalczewski, R., Pasaribu, R., Piekoszewski, W. Comparison of a tribological model and real component test methods for lubricated contacts // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 4, p. 349-358.


* Arjassov, G., Baraškova, T., Petritšenko, A. Symbolic solution algorithms of mechanic matrix equations // Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Theory, Practice and Education" : 25–28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria. Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna, 2009. p. 71-72.

* Arjassov, G., Baraškova, T. Mathematical methods for vibrations and their measurement // Materials, methods & technologies (2009) p. 272-280.

* Arjassov, G., Baraškova, T. Modelling of nonholonomic dynamical system // Materials, methods & technologies (2009) p. 281-286.

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* Bashkite, V., Moseichuk, V., Karaulova, T. Knowledge based manufacturing systems // Journal of machine engineering. 9 (2009) 4, p. 94-106.

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Besterci, M., Velgosova, O., Ivan, J., Hvizdoš, P., Kvackaj, T., Kulu, P. In situ tensile testing in SEM of Al-Al4C3 nanomaterials // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 4, p. 247-254.

Besterci, M., Velgosova, O., Ivan, J., Hvizdoš, P., Kvackaj, T., Kulu, P. Fracture mechanism of Al-Al4C3 nanomaterials studied by "in-situ tensile test in SEM" // Kovove materialy = Metallic materials. 47 (2009) 4, p. 221-225.

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Gregor, A., Lille, H., Kõo, J., Sergejev, F., Traksmaa, R., Sivitski, A., Kulu, P. Evaluation of mechanical properties and residual stresses of hard PVD coatings // 18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22–23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 34.

Grossschmidt, G., Harf, M. CoCo-SIM : object-oriented multi-pole modelling and simulation environment for fluid power systems. Part 1, Fundamentals // International journal of fluid power. 10 (2009) 2, p. 91-100.

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Hindreus, T., Reedik, V. Synergy-based approach to quality assurance // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 2, p. 87-98.

Hlebnikov, A., Dementjeva, N., Siirde, A. Optimization of Narva district heating network and analysis of competitiveness of oil shale CHP building in Narva // Oil shale. 26 (2009) 3S, p. 269-282.

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* Hussainova, I., Jasiuk, I., Du, X., Cabassa, D., Pirso, J. Mechanical properties of chromium carbide based cermets at micro-level // Advances in powder metallurgy & particulate materials 2008 : proceedings of the 2008 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials. IV. [S.l.] : MPIF, 2009. p. 180-191.

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Hussainova, I., Kolesnikova, A., Hussainov, M., Romanov, A. Effect of thermo-elastic residual stresses on erosive performance of cermets with core-rim structured ceramic grains // Wear. 267 (2009) p. 177-185.

Hussainova, I., Pirso, J., Antonov, M., Juhani, K. High temperature erosion of Ti(Mo)C-Ni cermets // Wear. 267 (2009) 11, p. 1894-1899.

* Jasiuk, I., Hussainova, I., Ahmed, E. Multi-scale characterization and modeling of chromium carbide based cermets // Characterization of Metal Matrix Composites : Materials Science and Technology 2009 : conference and exhibition : October 25–29, 2009, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. [S.l.] : MS&T Publications, 2009.

* Jasiuk, I., Hussainova, I., Hamed, E., Yang, N., Antonov, M. Thermal residual stresses in chromium carbide based cermets // Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Thermal Stresses : Urbana-Champaign, Il, USA, June 1–4, 2009.

Joost, R., Pirso, J., Viljus, M. Microstructure evolution and changes in mechanical properties in WC-Co composites during recycling by oxidation-reduction process and sintering // 18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22–23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 29.

* Joost, R., Pirso, J., Viljus, M. The structure and properties of recycled hardmetals // 17th Plansee Seminar : International Conference on High Performance P/M Materials : Reutte, Austria, 25–29.05.2009 : proceedings. Vol. 2. Reutte, 2009. p. HM25/1-HM25/7.

Juhani, K., Pirso, J., Viljus, M., Letunovitš, S. The influence of sinter/HIP technology on reactive sintering of chromium carbide based cermets // 18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22–23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 23.

Juhani, K., Pirso, J., Viljus, M. Slurry erosion resistance of Cr3C2-Ni cermets // International Powder Metallurgy Congress & Exhibition : EURO PM2009 : 12th October – 14th October 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark : proceedings. Vol.1. Shrewsbury : European Powder Metallurgy Association, 2009. p. 305-310.

* Juhani, K., Pirso, J., Viljus, M., Letunovitš, S. Microstructural characteristics and properties of reactive sintered TiC-based cermets // 17th Plansee Seminar : International Conference on High Performance P/M Materials : Reutte, Austria, 25–29.05.2009 : proceedings. Vol. 2. Reutte, 2009. p. HM56/1-HM65/6.

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* Karaulova, T., Pribytkova, M. Reliability prediction for man-machine production lines // DAAAM International Scientific Book 2009. Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna, 2009. p. 487-500.


Karaulova, T., Ševtšenko, E., Polyanchikov, I., Sahno, J. Reorganisation of production system on SME enterprises // Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Theory, Practice and Education" : 25–28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria. Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna, 2009. p. 869-870.

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* Kers, J., Križan, P., Letko, M. Mechanical recycling of compounded plastic waste for material valorization by briquetting // Baltic Polymer Symposium 2009 : Ventspils, Latvia, September 22–25 : programme and proceedings. Riga, 2009. p. 22.

* Kers, J., Majak, J., Gregor, A., Malmstein, M., Vilsaar, K. Extremes of apparent and tap densities of recovered GFRP filler materials // 15th International Conference on Composite Structures : Portugal, Porto. Porto : FEUP, 2009.

Kers, J., Vilsaar, K., Tall, K., Laurmaa, V. Kasutuselt kõrvaldatud personaalarvutites sisalduvate trükiplaadimaterjalide ringlussevõtt // Keskkonnatehnika (2009) 4, lk. 32-35.

Kimmari, E., Hussainova, I., Smirnov, A., Traksmaa, R., Preis, I. Processing and microstructural characterization of WC based cermets doped by ZrO2 // 18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22–23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 24.

Kimmari, E., Hussainova, I., Smirnov, A., Traksmaa, R., Preis, I. Processing and microstructural characterization of WC-based cermets doped by ZrO2 // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 4, p. 275-282.


Klaasen, H., Kübarsepp, J., Sergejev, F. Strength and failure of TiC based cermets // Powder metallurgy. 52 (2009) 2, p. 111-115.

Klaasen, H., Roosaar, T., Kübarsepp, J., Tšinjan, A. Performance and failure of carbide composites in different wear conditions // International Powder Metallurgy Congress & Exhibition : EURO PM2009 : 12th October – 14th October 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark : proceedings. Vol.1. Shrewsbury : European Powder Metallurgy Association, 2009. p. 317- 322.

Klevtsov, I., Dedov, A., Molodtsov, A. Measurement of the tensile and yield strength of boiler steels by small punch and tensile test methods // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 2, p. 99-107.

* Klevtsov, I., Dedov, A. Condition assessment of power plant components operating under creep by testing of miniature specimens // Creep and Fracture in High Temperature Components : April 21–23, 2009, Zurich, Swizerland. [S.l.] : DEStech Publications, 2009. p. 1126-1137.

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* Kommel, L., Dobatkin, S., Straumal, B., Kommel, I., Kuznetsov, A. Structure evolution of submicrocrystalline copper during cyclic deformation // Bulk Nanostructured Materials : from Fundamentals to Innovations. Ufa : Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009. p. 237-238.

Kommel, L., Saarna, M., Laev, N. Nanostructure and properties study of advanced high purity rare metals // 18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22–23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 43.

* Kommel, L., Straumal, B. Diffusion in SC Ni-base superalloys under viscoplastic deformation // Abstract book of DSL-2009 : Diffusion in Solids and Liquids : Rome, Italy.

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* Kramarenko, S., Ševtšenko, E., Karaulova, T., Wang, Y. Manufacturing projects cash-flow dynamics and risk management // Journal of machine engineering. 9 (2009) 1, p. 91-102.

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Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Theory, Practice and Education" : 25–28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria. Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna, 2009. p. 1111-1112.

* Kulderknup, E., Riim, J., Levandi, T. Uncertainty of road traffic safety measurements // XIX IMEKO World Congress : 06–11.09.2009, Lisbon, Portugal : procedings. [S.l.] : IMEKO, 2009. p. 1439-1442.

* Kulderknup, E., Riim, J. Environment protection measurement by the technical inspection of vechicles // Transverse discipline in metrology. London : Whiley-ISTE, 2009. p. 339-352.

Kulu, P., Surženkov, A., Saarna, M. Wear properties of duplex treated surfaces // 1st Mediterranean Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering : Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering in the Manufacturing of Metallic Engineering Components : December 1–3, 2009, Sharm El-Skeikh, Egypt. [Sharm El-Skeikh], 2009. p. 56.

Kulu, P., Tarbe, R., Käerdi, H., Goljandin, D. Abrasivity and grindability study of mineral ores // Wear. 267 (2009) 11, p. 1832-1837.

Kulu, P., Veinthal, R., Kübarsepp, J. Research activities in materials engineering and tribology at TUT // 18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22–23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 15.

Kulu, P. Preface // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 4, p. 245.

Kõo, J., Valgur, J. Layer growing/removing method for determination of residual stresses in orthotropic non-homogeneous cylinders // Proceedings of the 57th Annual Conference on Applications of X-ray Analysis [Denver X-ray Conference] and the 8th International Conference on Residual Stresses : 4–8 August 2008, Denver, Colorado, USA. Pennsylvania : International Centre for Diffraction Data, 2009. p. 352-359. (Advances in X-ray analysis ; 52).

Küttner, R. (comp.). Division of informatics and engineering // Estonian Academy of Sciences year book 2008. Tallinn, 2009. p. 28-29.

Küttner, R. (koost.). Informaatika ja tehnikateaduste osakond // Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, 2009. lk. 27-29.

* Küttner, R., Majak, J. Multistage optimisation strategy for solving production planning problems // IFAC publication. [S.l.] : IFAC, 2009.

Küttner, R., Mõtus, L. jt. Üldkogu aastakoosolek 23. aprillil 2008 : *ettekannetest+ // Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, 2009. lk. 55-65.

Küttner, R. Foreword // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 1, p. 2 ; 2, p. 75.


Küttner, R. Production planning for a supply chain in a low-volume and make-to-order manufacturing environment // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 1, p. 48-60.

* Laaneots, R., Riim, J. Evaluation method of coating thickness of coating thickness standard // 14 International Congress of Metrologie : Paris, France, 22–25 juin 2009. Paris, 2009.

Laaneots, R. Olev Mathiesen – Rootsi nüüdisaegse metroloogiaametkonna rajaja ning arendaja // Eesti teadlased paguluses. Tallinn, 2009. lk. 95-102.

* Latõšov, E., Siirde, A. Enhanced selection of biofueld small-scale combined heat and power plant [Electronic resource] // The 6th Annual Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues : CYSENI 2009 : Kaunas, 28–29 May 2009 : conference proceedings. Kaunas : Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2009. [CD-ROM].

Latõšov, E., Siirde, A. Possibilities of using biofuel small scale combined heat and power plants in Estonia // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 89-92.

* Lavrentjev, J., Rämmal, H. Dedicated testrig for acoustic characterization of automotive silencers // Proceedings of the ICSV 16 : The 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration : Krakow, Poland, 5–9 July, 2009, 2009. [6] p.

Lavrentjev, J., Rämmal, H. On experimental techniques to determine acoustic performance of small exhaust silencers : SAE tech. paper no. 2009-32-0015 // SAE Technical Papers (2009) [6] p.

Leini, M. Satelliitpositsioneerimise täpsustussüsteem WAAS : Widea Area Augmentation System // A & A (2009) 6, lk. 42-52.

Lille, H., Kõo, J., Rjabtšikov, A., Laaneots, R. Residual stresses in brush-plated gold coating // Proceedings of the 57th Annual Conference on Applications of X-ray Analysis [Denver X-ray Conference] and the 8th International Conference on Residual Stresses : 4–8 August 2008, Denver, Colorado, USA. Pennsylvania : International Centre for Diffraction Data, 2009. p. 320-327. (Advances in X-ray analysis ; 52).

Lille, H., Kõo, J., Rjabtšikov, A. Residual stresses analysis in brush-plated galvanic coatings deposited from nickel sulfate electrolyte // Proceedings of the 57th Annual Conference on Applications of X-ray Analysis [Denver X-ray Conference] and the 8th International Conference on Residual Stresses : 4–8 August 2008, Denver, Colorado, USA. Pennsylvania : International Centre for Diffraction Data, 2009. p. 706-713. (Advances in X-ray analysis ; 52).

Lille, H., Kõo, J., Ryabchikov, A., Veinthal, R., Mikli, V. Measurement and relaxation observation of residual stresses in brush-plated gold coating depending on the current density // 18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22–23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 50.


* Link, S., Arvelakis, S., Paist, A., Hupa, M., Yrjas, P., Külaots, I. Effect of leaching pre- treatment on the char reactivity of pyrolyzed wheat straw [Electronic resource] // 17th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition : from Research to Industry and Markets : proceedings of the International Conference held in Hamburg, Germany, 29 June – 3 July 2009. Florence : ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2009. p. 1113-1121 [DVD].

* Loosaar, J., Parve, T., Konist, A. Environmental impact of Estonian oil shale CFB firing // Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. 1. Beijing : Tsinghua University Press, 2009. p. 422-428.

* Loosaar, J., Parve, T. Päästömittaustoiminta // XVIII valtakunnalliset Päästömittajapäivat : Lahti, Suomi, 1.–3.04.2009. Lahti, 2009.

Lõun, K., Otto, T., Riives, J. E-manufacturing concept solution for tooling sector // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 2, p. 108-120.

Lõun, K., Otto, T., Riives, J. Promotion of technology-based innovation and entrepreneurship // Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Theory, Practice and Education" : 25– 28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria. Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna, 2009. p. 1853- 1854.

Majak, J., Pohlak, M., Eerme, M., Lepikult, T. Weak formulation based Haar wavelet method for solving differential equations // Applied mathematics and computation. 211 (2009) p. 488-494.

Majak, J., Pohlak, M., Eerme, M. Application of the Haar wavelet based discretization technique to problems of orthotropic plates and shells // Mechanics of composite materials. 45 (2009) 6, p. 631-642.

* Majak, J., Pohlak, M., Küttner, R. Modeling constitutive relation for woven polymer-based composites // NATO advanced research workshop on "Textile Composites" (ARV conference). Kiev, 2009.

* Majak, J., Pohlak, M. Decomposition method for solving optimal material orientation problems // 15th International Conference on Composite Structures : Portugal, Porto. Porto : FEUP, 2009.

* Majak, J., Pohlak, M. Stationary of the strain energy density in anisotropic solids // 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Porto, 2009.

* Matsi, B., Otto, T., Lõun, K., Roosimölder, L. Data mining in production management and manufacturing // DAAAM International Scientific Book 2009. Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna, 2009. p. 97-106.


Matsi, B., Otto, T., Pääsuke, K. E-solutions for innovative manufacturing // Academic journal of manufacturing engineering. 7 (2009) 3, p. 42-47.

Matsi, B., Otto, T., Pääsuke, K. E-solutions for innovative manufacturing // Annals of MTeM for 2009 & proceedings of the 9th International Conference Modern Technologies in Manufacturing : 8th–10th October 2009. [Cluj-Napoca], 2009. p. 165-168.

* Michalczewski, R., Antonov, M., Vlad, M., Szczerek, M., Hussainova, I. The assessment of the coated elements behaviour before and after scuffing under four-ball lubricated testing conditions // Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Tribology ECOTRIB 2009 : Pisa, Italy, June 7–10, 2009. [S.l.], 2009. p. 107-112.

Nekrassov, G., Portjanski, L. Knowledge representation and their applying to fixture design // Journal of machine engineering. 8 (2008) 4, p. 99-110.

* Nešumajev, D., Ots, A., Parve, T., Pihu, T., Plamus, K., Prikk, A. Thermal effects by firing oil shale fuel in CFB boilers // Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. 1. Beijing : Tsinghua University Press, 2009. p. 277-281.

Ortega Saenz, J.A., Antonov, M., Michalczewski, R. Nitriding of the CoCr alloy substrate as the method for improving of the performance of promising biocoatings for hip replacement // 18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB- 2009 : October 22–23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 44.

* Ots, A., Parve, T., Pihu, T., Plamus, K., Prikk, A., Nešumajev, D. The peculiarities by firing oil shale fuel with different heating value nn CFB boilers // Naučno-tehničeskaja konferencija "Tehnologii effektivnogo i ekologičeski čistogo ispol’zovanija uglja" : 29–30 oktjabrja 2009, Moskva Rossija. Moskva : Vserossijskij teplotehničeskij institut, 2009. lk. 139-145.

Paist, A. Professor Aadu Paisti kõne akadeemik Harri Kääri rinnakuju avamisel // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 127-129.

Paist, A. Soojustehnikute tegemised said kaante vahele // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aasta- raamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 396-397.

* Pappel, T., Põdra, P., Järvpõld, N. A non-linear deformation model for particle impact process // Materials science = Medžiagotyra. 15, 2009. p. 32-34.

Peetsalu, P., Mikli, V., Ratas, K., Kulu, P. Automatic evaluation of the structure parameters of WC-Co thermal spray coating by image analysis techniques // 18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22–23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 49.

* Peetsalu, P., Mikli, V., Ratas, K., Kulper, E., Jaason, K. Bainitic structure effect on hydrogen embrittlement // Journal of the Japan Society for Heat Treatment. 49, 2009. p. 592-595.


Pekshujev, D., Smirnov, A., Kramarenko, S. Expert system for parametric modeling // Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Theory, Practice and Education" : 25–28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria. Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna, 2009. p. 1395- 1396.

* Pertmann, I. Environmental effects of Pakri and Virtsu wind farms [Electronic resource] // The 6th Annual Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues : CYSENI 2009 : Kaunas, 28– 29 May 2009 : conference proceedings. [S.l.] : Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2009. [CD-ROM].

Pihu, T., Arro, H., Prikk, A., Rootamm, R., Konist, A. Corrosion of air preheater tubes of oil shale CFB boiler. Part 1, Dew point of flue gas and low-temperature corrosion // Oil shale. 26 (2009) 1, p. 5-12.

Pirso, J., Viljus, M., Juhani, K., Letunovitš, S. Two-body dry abrasive wear of cermets // Wear. 266 (2009) 1/2, p. 21-29.

Plamus, K. CO2 emission from circulating fluidized bed boiler firing Estonian oil shale fuel with different quality // 6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 93-97.

Pohlak, M., Majak, J., Eerme, M. Engineering optimization of a car frontal protection cystem component // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 1, p. 61-72.

* Pohlak, M., Majak, J., Küttner, R., Karjust, K. Multicriteria optimization of large composite parts // 15th International Conference on Composite Structures : Portugal, Porto. Porto : FEUP, 2009.

Pohlak, M. Laserpaagutus : virtuaalmudelist saab toode // Inseneeria (2009) 5(13), lk. 30-32.

Pribytkova, M., Karaulova, T. Reliability factors of production process // Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Theory, Practice and Education" : 25–28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria. Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna, 2009. p. 947-948.

Randmaa, M., Otto, T., Kuusik, A. RFID rack assembly development for mobile platform // Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Theory, Practice and Education" : 25– 28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria. Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna, 2009. p. 1697- 1698.

Riives, J. Automatiseerimise vajadus tuleneb ressursside hinnast // Inseneeria (2009) 10(11), lk. 41-43.

Riives, J. Masinatööstuses jätkus majanduskasv ka eelmisel aastal // Inseneeria (2009) 9(10), lk. 8.


Rämmal, H., Abom, M. Experimental determination of sound transmission in turbo- compressors : SAE Tech. paper no.2009-01-2045 // SAE Technical Papers (2009) [7] p.

* Seiler, S., Sell, R. Approaches to use semantic web technologies in real applications // Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Theory, Practice and Education" : 25– 28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria. Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna, 2009.

* Sell, R., Leomar, P. Universal navigation algorithm planning platform for unmanned systems // Proceedings of International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials : Vilnius, Lithuania, 22-25 October 2009. Vilnius : Technika, 2009. p. 63-64.

Sell, R., Otto, T. Online engineering for future factory // Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Theory, Practice and Education" : 25–28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria. Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna, 2009. p. 1695-1696.

* Sell, R., Seiler, S. Mechatronics modeling methodology and semantic orientated knowledge base // Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Theory, Practice and Education" : 25–28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria. Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna, 2009.

* Sell, R., Seiler, S. New concept and ICT based tools for raising the qualification level in mechatronics and related fields // Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics : 10–11 September 2009, Glasgow, UK. Glasgow, 2009. p. 43- 44.

* Sell, R. Distance engineering system for robotic applications // Proceedings of International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials : Vilnius, Lithuania, 22–25 October 2009. Vilnius : Technika, 2009. p. 107-108.

Sell, R. Praktiline inseneriõpe käib tööl, kodus ja puhkehetkel // Inseneeria (2009) 5(13), lk. 26-28.

Shvarts, D. Intelligent navigation control of mobile robots in unknown environment // 7th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II. [Tallinn], 2009. p. 39-42.

* Shvarts, D. Metody ulučšenija izobraženija dlja sistem tehničeskogo zrenija mobil’nogo robota // Journal of international scientific publications : materials, methods & technologies. 3 (2009) 2, p. 49-58.

* Siirde, A., Martins, A. Integrated use of fluidized bed technology for oil production from oil shale // Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. 1. Beijing : Tsinghua University Press, 2009. p. 481-485.


Siirde, A. Põlevkivid – nende kasutamine ja töötlemise tehnoloogiad // Põlevkivi kaevandamise, töötlemise ja hariduse perspektiivid : põlevkivitehnoloogia ja hariduse konverents 2009. Kohtla-Järve, 2009. lk. 22-24.

Sivitski, A., Gregor, A., Saarna, M., Kulu, P., Sergejev, F. Identation method application for cracking resistance valuation of hard coatings on tool steels // 18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22–23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 51.

Sivitski, A., Gregor, A., Saarna, M., Kulu, P., Sergejev, F. Application of the indentation method for cracking resistance evaluation of hard coatings on tool steels // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 4, p. 309-317.

* Sivitski, A., Gregor, A., Saarna, M., Kulu, P., Sergejev, F. Properties and performance of hard coatings on tool steels under cyclic indentation // Acta mechanica Slovaca. 13 (2009) 4, p. 84-94.

* Sonk, K., Matsi, B., Otto, T., Roosimölder, L. Increasing of rapid prototyping performance by 3D printing technologies // Journal of machine engineering. 9 (2009) 1S, p. 121-129.

Streimikiene, D., Roos, I., Rekis, J. External cost of electricity generation in Baltic States // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews. 13 (2009) 4, p. 863-870.

Streimikiene, D., Roos, I. GHG emission trading implications on energy sector in Baltic States // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews. 13 (2009) 4, p. 854-862.

Suik, H., Pihu, T. Warranty reliability of CFB boiler burning oil shale // Oil shale. 26 (2008) 2, p. 99-107.

Surženkov, A., Adoberg, E., Viljus, M., Podgurski, V., Veinthal, R., Kulu, P., Gregor, A. Influence of surface roughness on the tribological behaviour of the PVD coatings // 18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22–23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 38.

Surženkov, A., Kulu, P., Tarbe, R., Mikli, V., Sarjas, H., Latokartano, J. Wear resistance of laser cladded thermal sprayed coatings // 18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22–23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 64.

Surženkov, A., Kulu, P., Tarbe, R., Mikli, V., Sarjas, H., Latokartano, J. Wear resistance of laser remelted thermally sprayed coatings // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 4, p. 318- 328.

Surženkov, A., Latokartano, J., Vuoristo, P., Kulu, P., Viljus, M., Vallikivi, A. The study of the laser hardering parameters on the structure and the mechanical properties of the PM steel


Vanadis 6 // 18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22–23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 67.

Ševtšenko, E., Karaulova, T., Kramarenko, S., Wang, Y. Manufacturing project management in the conglomerate enterprises supported by IDSS // Journal of achievements in materials and manufacturing engineering. 33 (2009) 1, p. 94-102.

Ševtšenko, E., Wang, Y. Decision support under uncertainties based on robust Bayesian networks in reverse logistics management // International journal of computer applications in technology. 36 (2009) 3/4, p. 247-258.

Zahharov, R., Ševtšenko, E., Karaulova, T. Integrated CAD/ERP framework for modular construction industrialization through lean manufacturing concepts // Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Theory, Practice and Education" : 25–28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria. Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna, 2009. p. 591-592.

Tallermo, H., Klevtsov, I., Dedov, A. Corrosion of air preheater tubes of oil shale CFB boiler. Part II, Laboratory investigation of temperature impact // Oil shale. 26 (2009) 1, p. 13-18.

Tallermo, H. Insener, kes meelitas isegi kaitsetööstuse mehed üle : *intervjuu+ // Inseneeria (2009) 8(9), lk. 20-22.

Tomson, T. Päikeseenergeetika maailmakongressil Johannesburgis // Keskkonnatehnika (2009) 7, lk. 24-25.

Tšinjan, A., Klaasen, H., Kübarsepp, J., Annuka, H. Influence of sintering techniques on performance characteristics of TiC-based cermet // 18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22–23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 26.

Tšinjan, A., Klaasen, H., Kübarsepp, J., Annuka, H. Influence of sintering techniques on the performance characteristics of steel-bonded TiC-based cermets // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 4, p. 283-292.

Veinthal, R., Kulu, P., Pirso, J., Käerdi, H. Characterization and prediction of abrasive wear of powder composite materials // Wear. 267 (2009) p. 2216-2222.

Veinthal, R., Tarbe, R., Kulu, P., Käerdi, H. Abrasive erosive wear of powder steels and cermets // Wear. 267 (2009) 11, p. 1838-1844.

Veinthal, R., Yaldiz, C.E., Gregor, A. Mehanical properties of PVD coatings on TiC-based cermets // 1st Mediterranean Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering : Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering in the Manufacturing of Metallic Engineering Components : December 1–3, 2009, Sharm El-Skeikh, Egypt. [Sharm El-Skeikh], 2009. p. 54.


* Volkova, A., Latõšov, E., Siirde, A. Small-scale CHP potential in Latvia and Estonia // Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical University. 13, Environmental and climate technologies. 3 (2009) p. 127-134.

Yaldiz, C.E., Veinthal, R., Gregor, A., Georgiadis, K. Determination of mechanical properties of thin hard coatings using nanoindentation // 18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22–23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 48.

Yaldiz, C.E., Veinthal, R., Gregor, A., Georgiadis, K. Mechanical properties of thin hard coatings on TiC-NiMo substrates // Estonian journal of engineering. 15 (2009) 4, p. 329-339.



Drechsler, W., Kattel, R., Reinert, E.S. (ed.). Techno-economic paradigms : essays in honour of Carlota Perez. London : Anthem Press, 2009. 429 p. (The Anthem other canon series).

Dusman, A., Ferschel, H., Haruoja, M., Kerikmäe, T., Käsper, K., Meiorg, M. Inimõigused Eestis 2007 : Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli majandusteaduskonna õppekeskuse IUA õigusteaduskonna inimõiguste keskuse aastaaruanne. Tallinn : Inimõiguste keskus, 2008. 59, [1] lk.

Duve, T. Die Verschuldung deutscher Gemeinden: Präventionsansätze im Spannungs- verhältnis von kommunaler Selbstverwaltung und staatlicher Gesamtverantwortung. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 111 S. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. I, Thesis on social sciences ; 10).

Haruoja, M., Meiorg, M., Käsper, K. (eds.). Thematic legal study on homophobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation (Estonia). [S.l.] : European Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2008. 41 p.

Hazak, G. (koost.). Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli akadeemilise eetika koodeks. *Tallinn+ : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 12 lk.

Kalvet, T. Innovation policy and development in the ICT paradigm : regional and theoretical perspectives. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 280 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. I, Thesis on social sciences ; 9).

Kamdron, T. Work motivation and job satisfaction : theories and research experience from Estonia. Köln : Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009. 124 p.


Karo, E., Kattel, R. The copying paradox : why converging policies but diverging capacities for development in Eastern European innovation systems? [Electronic resource]. [Tallinn], 2009. 50 p. (Working papers in technology governance and economic dynamics / The Other Canon and Tallinn University of Technology ; 24). Leitav:

Kattel, R. (ed.). Halduskultuur = Administrative culture. 10. [Tallinn], 2009. 104 p. Saadaval ka võrguteavikuna.

Kattel, R., Kregel, J., Reinert, E.S. The relevance of Ragnar Nurkse and classical development economics [Electronic resource]. [Tallinn], 2009. 34 p. (Working papers in technology governance and economic dynamics / The Other Canon and Tallinn University of Technology ; 21). Leitav:

Kattel, R., Kregel, J.A., Reinert, E.S. (ed.). Ragnar Nurkse : trade and development. London : Anthem Press, 2009. 482 p. (The Anthem other canon series).

Kattel, R., Kregel, J.A., Reinert, E.S. (ed.). Ragnar Nurkse (1907–2007) : classical development economics and its relevance for today. London : Anthem Press, 2009. 366 p. (The Anthem other canon series).

Kattel, R., Reinert, E., Suurna, M. Industrial restructuring and innovation policy in Central and Eastern Europe since 1990 [Electronic resource]. [Tallinn], 2009. 43 p. (Working papers in technology governance and economic dynamics / The Other Canon and Tallinn University of Technology ; 23). Leitav:

Kaugia, S., Auväärt, L., Kerikmäe, T., Raska, E. (toim.). Vaateid õiguspoliitikale : artiklite kogumik. [S.l.] : Avatar, 2008. 194 lk.

Kaugia, S., Kerikmäe, T., Auväärt, L. (toim.). Õiguse sotsiaalsest olemusest ja toimest ühiskonnas : artiklite kogumik. *S.l.+ : Avatar Holding OÜ, 2009. 350 lk.

Kerikmäe, T. Estonia in the European legal system : protection of the rule of law through constitutional dialogue. Tallinn : Tallinn University, 2009. 149 p. (Dissertations of Tallinn University. Dissertation on social sciences ; 42).

Kregel, J. Background considerations to a regulation of the U.S. financial system : third time a charm? or strike three?. [S.l.] : Levy Economics Institute, 2009. [20] p. (Working papers / The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College ; 557).

Kregel, J. Managing the impact of volatility in international capital markets in a uncertain world. [S.l.] : Levy Economics Institute, 2009. [24] p. (Working papers / The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College ; 558).

Lember, V. Contracting-out public services and public procurement for innovation : revisiting contracting limits in Estonia and beyond. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2009. 243 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. I, Thesis on social sciences ; 11).


Lootsmann, V., Arumäe, U., Lõhmus, M. jt. Harju maakonna arengustrateegia 2025. Harju maakond, 2008. 52 lk.

Perez, C. Technological revolutions and techno-economic paradigms [Electronic resource]. [Tallinn], 2009. 26 p. (Working papers in technology governance and economic dynamics / The Other Canon and Tallinn University of Technology ; 20). Leitav:

Rajangu, V. (koost.). Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 90 : *artiklikogumik+. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 152 lk.

Rajangu, V., Saal, T., Ermann, I. (comps.). Education and economy 2009 : materials of international scientific conference. Tallinn, 2009. 128 p.

Reinert, E.S., Amaizo, Y.E., Kattel, R. The economics of failed, failing and fragile states : productive structure as the missing link [Electronic resource]. [Tallinn], 2009. 36 p. (Working papers in technology governance and economic dynamics / The Other Canon and Tallinn University of Technology ; 18). Leitav:

Reinert, E.S. How rich countries got rich ... and why poor countries stay poor. New Delhi : Anthem Press, 2008. 365 p.

Sevastik, P., Nyman-Metcalf, K., Spiliopoulou Akermark, S., Marsäter, O. En book i folkrätt. Stockholm : Norstedts Juridik, 2009. 379 p.

Tomasberg, L. (tlk.). 1000 tähtsamat sõna : prantsuse keel : põhisõnavara. Tallinn : Koolibri, 2009. 159 lk.


Burns, W., Caddell, R. Exploring the limits of freedom of speech and the indenpendence of the judiciary : Kudeshkina v. Russia // Communications law. 14 (2009) 4, p. 123-125.

Chochia, A. "Milk war" and "Hot war" : different wars – same goals // European Union : current political and economic issues. Tallinn : Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, 2009. p. 90-103. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies, Tallinn University of Technology ; 6).

Drechsler, W., Kattel, R. Conclusion: Towards the Neo-Weberian State? Perhaps, but certainly adieu, NPM! // The NISPAcee journal of public administration and policy. 1 (2008/2009) 2, p. 95-99.

Drechsler, W. Dantes inferno : to the history of hell surveying and hell funnel motives // The sixteenth-century journal. 40 (2009) 2, p. 571-572.

Drechsler, W. Good governing : lessons from Greek polis and Italian comune for the Europe of today : ETF research project 2004–2007 // Estonian Science Foundation 2008, [2009]. p. 14-15.


Drechsler, W. Governance in and of techno-economic paradigm shifts : considerations for and from the nanotechnology surge // Techno-economic paradigms : essays in honour of Carlota Perez. London : Anthem Press, 2009. p. 95-104. (The Anthem other canon series).

Drechsler, W. Lisbon Agenda and public administration // Europe, globalization and the Lisbon Agenda. Cheltenham : Edwar Elgar Publishing, 2009. p. 294-309.

Drechsler, W. Political semiotics // Semiotica. 173 (2009) p. 73-97.

Drechsler, W. Ragnar Nurkse and the law & economics of development // Ragnar Nurkse (1907–2007) : classical development economics and its relevance for today. London : Anthem Press, 2009. p. 167-182. (The Anthem other canon series).

Drechsler, W. The rise and demise of the new public management : lessons and opportunities for South East Europe // Uprava administration. 7 (2009) 3, p. 7-27.

Drechsler, W. Towards a Neo-Weberian European Union? Lisbon Agenda and public administration // Halduskultuur = Administrative culture. 10. [Tallinn] : Tallinn University of Technology, 2009. p. 6-21.

Drechsler, W. Towards the law & economics of development : Ragnar Nurkse (1907–1959) // European journal of law and economics. 28 (2009) 1, p. 19-37.

* Duve, T. Die Wiederentdeckung der kommunalen Insolvenz im Kontext bestehender Präventions- und Sanierungsstrategien // Die Öffentliche Verwaltung (2009) S. 574-580.

Kaevats, Ü. Filosoofiakirjanduse mahukaim algupärand // Lugu (2009) 1, lk. 40.

Kalvet, T. International mobility to support innovation in Eastern Europe : Estonia : a case study // Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation policy : 2–3 October 2009. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009. [6] p.

Kalvet, T. Management of technology : the case of e-voting in Estonia // International Conference on Computer Technology and Development : ICCTD2009 : 13–15 November 2009, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2009. p. 512-515.

* Karo, E. Theoretical assumptions and practical implications of the triple helix model in the context of development and innovation // Triple Helix VII : 7th Biennial International Conference on University, Industry & Government Linkages : Glasgow, 17–19 June. Glasgow, 2009.

Kattel, R., Drechsler, W., Reinert, E.S. Introduction : Carlota Perez and evolutionary economis // Techno-economic paradigms : essays in honour of Carlota Perez. London : Anthem Press, 2009. p. 1-18. (The Anthem other canon series).


Kattel, R., Kregel, J.A., Reinert, E.S. The relevance of Ragnar Nurkse and classical development economics // Ragnar Nurkse (1907–2007) : classical development economics and its relevance for today. London : Anthem Press, 2009. p. 1-28. (The Anthem other canon series).

Kattel, R. Book review: "Nietzsche and morality. Brian Leiter and Neil Sinhababu (eds.). Oxford University Press, 2007" // Ethical theory and moral practice. 12 (2009) 3, lk. 321-322.

* Kattel, R. Review of "Müller, Wolfgang Erich. Hans Jonas : Philosoph der Verantwortung" // Theologische Literaturzeitung (2009) S. 589-591.

Kattel, R. Small states, innovation and techno-economic paradigms // Techno-economic paradigms : essays in honour of Carlota Perez. London : Anthem Press, 2009. p. 189-202. (The Anthem other canon series).

Kattel, R. The cutting edge. Innovation and entrepreneurship in new Europe : [book review] // Journal of Baltic studies. 40 (2009) 2, p. 273-275.

Kattel, R. The rise and fall of the Baltic States // Development and transition. 13 (2009) p. 11-13.

Kerikmäe, T., Kalev, L. Rahvusvahelise kõrghariduse võimekusest Eestis // Haridus (2009) 7/8, lk. 29-32.

* Kerikmäe, T., Käsper, K. European charter of fundamentals rights [Electronic resource] // Lexis nexis expert commentaries, 2007/2008. [internet publication].

Kerikmäe, T., Nyman-Metcalf, K. Karlsruhe vs. Lissabon : kas põhiseadusliku dialoogi avamäng? // Juridica (2009) 9, lk. 575-583.

Kerikmäe, T. ECSA Estonia // Exchanging ideas on Europe : UACES news. 60 (2009) p. 17.

* Kerikmäe, T. Globalisation and higher education from European perspective // After fifty years : the coming challenges – Governance and Sustainable Development. Coimbra : University of Coimbra, 2008. p. 39-49.

Kerikmäe, T. Kokkuvõte // Vaateid õiguspoliitikale. *S.l.+ : Avatar, 2008. lk. 191-192.

Kerikmäe, T. The labyrinth of priorities for legal education : Estonia // Vaateid õiguspolii- tikale. [S.l.] : Avatar, 2008. lk. 179-190.

Kerikmäe, T. Õiglase õiguse otsinguil : kokkuvõte // Õiguse sotsiaalsest olemusest ja toimest ühiskonnas : artiklite kogumik. *S.l.+ : Avatar Holding OÜ, 2009. lk. 339-343.

Koitel, H., Koitel, R. Tööstusomand immateriaalse varana // Raamatupidamisuudised (2009) 1, lk. 31-36.


Koitel, H. Amsterdami leping ; Anneksioon ; Anarhia ; Anarhism ; Amnesty International ; Arbiiter ; Arbitraaž ; Arbitraažikohus // TEA entsüklopeedia. 2.köide, Alžiir-Aruba. Tallinn : TEA, 2009. lk. 125, 197, 135, 136, 119, 287.

Koitel, H. Innovatsiooni roll ühiskonna arengus // Õiguse sotsiaalsest olemusest ja toimest ühiskonnas : artiklite kogumik. *S.l.+ : Avatar Holding OÜ, 2009. lk. 313-328.

* Kostakis, V. European Union, politic production and collective intelligence // Re-public journal (2009).

Kostakis, V. The amateur class or the reserve army of the web // Rethinking marxism. 21 (2009) 3, p. 457-461.

Kregel, J.A. Financial experimentation, technological paradigm revolutions and financial crises // Techno-economic paradigms : essays in honour of Carlota Perez. London : Anthem Press, 2009. p. 203-237. (The Anthem other canon series).

Kregel, J.A. Nurkse and the role of finance in development economics // Ragnar Nurkse (1907–2007) : classical development economics and its relevance for today. London : Anthem Press, 2009. p. 53-77. (The Anthem other canon series).

Kregel, J. It's that vision thing : why the bailouts aren't working and why a new financial system is needed // Public policy brief highlights. 100A/100 (2009) [2] p.

Kregel, J. Latin American financial crisis and recovery // After crisis : adjustment, recovery and fragility in East Asia. New-Dehli : Tulika Books, 2009. p. 254.

Kregel, J. Some simple observations on the reform of the international monetary system // Policy note. 8 (2009) [5] p.

Kregel, J. The global crisis and the implications for developing countries and the BRICs : is the B really justified? // Public policy brief. 102 (2009) [16] p.

Kregel, J. Why don't the bailouts work? Design of a new financial system versus a return to normalcy // Cambridge journal of economics. 33 (2009) 4, p. 653-663.

* Lang, S. Die Oberrheinregion : ein Fluss, zwei Sprachen, drei Staaten ... und viele Gremien // Politicum. 109 (2009) S. 37-44.

Lehtmets, A. Maamaksust ja kinnisvaramaksust // Maksumaksja (2009) 12, lk. 37-40.

Lember, V., Vaske, V. Public procurement in post-transitional context : the case of Estonia // International handbook of public procurement. Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2009. p. 409-425.

Lill, H. Spordiüritused // Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 90. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 87.


Lillemets, K. Maksumoraal maksukäitumise kujundajana ja selle peamised isikupõhised mõjutegurid // Riigikogu toimetised. 20 (2009) lk. 71-83.

* Linnas, R. Legal framework and present state of external control and supervision of local self-government units in Estonia // Kunnallistieteellinen aikauskirja (2009) 2, p. 141-162.

Linnas, R. Siseaudit Eestis ja mujal Euroopas // Riigikogu toimetised. 20 (2009) lk. 140-149.

Linnas, R. Siseaudit Eestis on Euroopa keskmisel tasemel // Eesti Majanduse Teataja (2009) 9, lk. 27-37.

Madise, Ü., Vinkel, P., Heinsalu, A. Hinnang Tallinna volikogu valimise süsteemi muudatuste mõjule // Juridica (2009) 9, lk. 636-646.

Mäeltsemees, S. 15 aastat Tallinna linnaosi // 15 aastat Tallinna linnaosi. Tallinn : Tallinna Linnavolikogu kantselei, 2009. lk. 14-45.

Mäeltsemees,S. Die Bedeutung von PPP für die regionale wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Estland // Unternehmertum und Public Private Partnership : Wissenschaftliche Konzepte und praktische Erfahrungen. Wiesbaden : Gabler, 2009. S. 246-268.

Mäeltsemees, S. Eesti haldusterritoriaalse reformi õiguslikke ja majanduslikke probleeme // Eesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : artiklid (CD-ROM) ja kokkuvõtted. XVII. Tallinn : Mattimar, 2009. lk. 56-63.

Mäeltsemees, S. Position of capital cities in Baltic Sea economic area // Baltic Business and socio-economic development. Berlin : Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2009. p. 573-589.

Mäeltsemees, S. See oli nagu Berliini müüri langemine // Märgiga tähistatud aeg. *Tallinn+ : Kirilille kirjastus, [2009]. lk. 26-27.

Nyman-Metcalf, K. Media policy through regulation : freedom of expression in a process of change // Festskrift till Anders Fogelklou. Uppsala : Iustus Förlag, 2008. p. 203-217.

Nyman-Metcalf, K. Space for the benefit of mankind? : new developments and old problems // Annals of air and space law. Vol. XXXIV (2009) p. 621-644.

Nyman-Metcalf, K. The European Union in charge : European Union missions in Bosnia Herzegovina and Kosovo // European Union and the rule of law : experience of Latvia. Riga, 2009. p. 176-184.

Perez, C. En mulighet til a forme fremtiden : teknologisk endring og bosbobler // Fritt fall : finanskrisen og utveier. Oslo : Res Publica, 2009.

Perez, C. La otra globalizacion : los retos del colapso financiero // Problemas del desarrollo : evista Latinoamericana de economica. 40 (2009) 157, p. 11-37.


Perez, C. The double bubble at the turn of the centry : technological roots and structural implications // Cambridge journal of economics. 33 (2009) 4, p. 779-805.

* Pijetlovic, K., Gardiner, S. Power struggles in football and treatment of breakaway structures under EU competition law // Play The Game : Coventry, England, 8–12 June 2009.

* Pijetlovic, K., Gardiner, S. Power struggles in football and treatment of breakaway structures under EU competition law // EU Law and Sport : Stirling, Scotland, 22–23 June 2009.

Pijetlovic, K. Application of EU competition law to the sports sector // Developments in political, legal, societal and cultural thought : articles in social sciences and humanitities. Tallinn : Institute for European Studies, 2009. p. 57-85. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies International University Audentes ; No. 5).

* Pijetlovic, K. Brussels I regulation : European commentaries on private international law // Common market law review. 45 (2008) 3, p. 920-921.

* Pijetlovic, K. Estonia : regulation of sports bettting under the new gambling act // The international sports law journal (2009) 3/4, p. 112-118.

* Pijetlovic, K. EU, sport, law and policy : regulation, re-regulation and representation // The international sports law journal (2009) 1/2.

Pijetlovic, K. Paragraph 31 of C-519/04 Meca-Medina reversed // The international sports law journal (2009) 1/2, p. 137-138.

* Pijetlovic, K. Treatment of breakaway structures in sports under the EC competition rules // International Association of Sports Lawers : 14th World Sports Law Congress, Greece : proceedings. p. 246-260.

Rajangu, V., Lukas, M. Conference Education and Economy 2009 // Zarzadzanie w samorzadzie terytorialnym = Management in local government. Wloclawek : Wloclawskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2009. p. 142-144. (Kwartalnik = Quarterly journal ; 3-4).

Rajangu, V. Aastapäeva ettevalmistamisest // Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 90. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 12-17.

Rajangu, V. Aastapäeva logo // Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 90. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 18-21.

Rajangu, V. Aastapäeva väljaanded ja artiklid // Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 90. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 111-127.

Rajangu, V. Changes in Estonian higher education system // Education and economy 2009 : materials of international scientific conference. Tallinn, 2009. p. 93-102.


Rajangu, V. Rektori tänuüritus // Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 90. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 128.

Rajangu, V. Ületagem kriis // I kõrghariduskonverents "Eesti kõrghariduse roll uue majanduskasvu saavutamiseks" : 22. aprill 2009. [Tallinn, 2009]. lk. 44-45.

Randma-Liiv, T. New public management versus the Neo-Weberian State in Central and Eastern Europe // The NISPAcee journal of public administration and policy. 1 (2008/2009) 2, p. 69-81.

* Randmann, L. New psychological contracts witness the change in career system // New research trends in effectiveness, health and work : a Criteos scientific and professional account. Montreal : Criteos, 2009. p. 205-226.

* Randmann, L. The influence of economy change on employee expectations – changes in psychological contract patterns // XIV European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology : May 13–16, 2009, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Raska, E. Eesti kriminaalpoliitika teelahkmel // Vaateid õiguspoliitikale. *S.l.+ : Avatar, 2008. lk. 9-38.

Raska, E. Sotsiaalse regulatsiooni õigusvorm // Õiguse sotsiaalsest olemusest ja toimest ühiskonnas : artiklite kogumik. *S.l.+ : Avatar Holding OÜ, 2009. lk. 55-98.

Raska, E. Õiglase õiguse probleemist // Õiguse sotsiaalsest olemusest ja toimest ühiskonnas : artiklite kogumik. *S.l.+ : Avatar Holding OÜ, 2009. lk. 329-338.

Reinert, E.S., Aslaksen, I., Eira, I., Mathiesen, S., Reinert, H., Turi, E. Adapting to climate change in Sami reindeer herding : the nation-state as problem and solution // Adapting to climate change : thresholds, values, governance. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009. p. 417-432.

Reinert, E.S., Sagalovsky, B. Carlota Perez – her biography and the origins of her ideas // Techno-economic paradigms : essays in honour of Carlota Perez. London : Anthem Press, 2009. p. 395-406. (The Anthem other canon series).

Reinert, E.S. Production-based economic theory and the stages of economic development : from tacitus to Carlota Perez // Techno-economic paradigms : essays in honour of Carlota Perez. London : Anthem Press, 2009. p. 333-371. (The Anthem other canon series).

Rüütmann, T., Vanaveski, J. Contemporary teaching methods emphasizing conceptual understanding adapted for engineering education at Estonian Centre for Engineering Pedagogy // Problems of education in the 21st Century. 11 (2009) p. 159-170.

* Rüütmann, T., Vanaveski, J. Contemporary teaching methods as the basis of the curriculum for technical teacher training at Tallinn University of Technology // 38th IGIP Symposium - Q2 of E2 (Quality and Quantity of Engineering Education) : 6–9 September


2009, Graz, Austria : book of abstracts+CD. Graz : Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft GmbH, 2009. p. 139-142.

* Rüütmann, T., Vanaveski, J. Effective strategies and models for teaching thinking skills and capitalizing deep understanding in engineering education // Problems of education in the 21st Century. 17 (2009) p. 176-187.

* Rüütmann, T., Vanaveski, J. Teaching the art of teaching at Tallinn University of Technology // Educating engineers for Innovation : VI International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education ICECE'2009 : Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 2009. Buenos Aires : ICECE Press, 2009.

Saal, T. On application of the Delphi method principles for elaboration of national development policies of human capital as body of knowle[d]ge // Zarzadzanie w samorzadzie terytorialnym = Management in local government. Wloclawek : Wloclawskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2009. p. 5-17. (Kwartalnik = Quarterly journal ; 3-4).

Saal, T. About methods for forecasting of important changes in society's development // Education and economy 2009 : materials of international scientific conference. Tallinn, 2009. p. 111-118.

Selg, P., Ventsel, A. Semiootilise hegemooniateooria suunas : Laclau ja Lotman dialoogis // Acta semiotica Estica. 6 (2009) lk. 120-132.

Selg, P. Analüütiline filosoofia // 20. sajandi mõttevoolud. Tartu : Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2009. lk. 471-478.

Selg, P. Ludwig Wittgenstein // 20. sajandi mõttevoolud. Tartu : Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2009. lk. 479-503.

Selg, P. Vaevaline tee pronksmemuaristikast ühiskonnaanalüüsini // Euroopaliku kodanikeriigi väljakutsed. Tallinn : Tallinna Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2009. lk. 99-131. (Acta politica ; 3).

* Teichmann, M., Ilvest, J.jr. Web-based occupational stress prevention system // Abstracts of 14th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology : Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2009, p. 298-299.

Teichmann, M. Elukvaliteet ; Intelligentsus ; Läbipõlemine // Tervise ABC. Tallinn : Valgus, 2009. lk. 96, 180-181, 296.

Teichmann, M. Psühhosotsiaalsed ohutegurid töökeskkonnas // Eesti Töötervishoid (2009) 1, lk. 40-43.

Tingas, R. The taxation of outbound dividends in Estonia as infulenced by European Court of Justice case law // Developments in political, legal, societal and cultural thought : articles in social sciences and humanitities. Tallinn : Institute for European Studies, 2009. p. 86-97.


(Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies International University Audentes ; No. 5).

Tsybulenko, E. Meie kirglikud sõbrad ehk Ukraina versus Venemaa – mis saab edasi? // Maailma Vaade (2009) 7, lk. 20-21.

* Tsybulenko, E. Kto peremig u vijni z terorom // Juridičeskij žurnal (ukr.), 2008. 5, lk. 136- 139.

* Tsybulenko, E. Naviščo Ukraini NATO? // Juridičeskij žurnal (ukr.) (2008) 4, lk. 136-139.

* Tsybulenko, E. Kto pobedil v "vojne s terrorom"? // Meždunarodnoe soobščestvo i globalizacija ugroz bezopasnosti : sbornik naučnyh dokladov. Čast’ 2. Velikij Novgorod : Nov. GU imenii Jaroslava Mudrogo, 2008. lk. 241-244. (Naučnye doklady ; 7).

Uudelepp, A. Kohalike valimiste kampaania 2009 – kas esimene samm teel vasakpoolse Riigikoguni? // Riigikogu Toimetised. 20 (2009) lk. 44-46.


Üleülikoolilised väljaanded Muud struktuuriüksused


Abrahams, P. ; (toim.) Saks, K., Kaik, J., Viigimaa, M. jt. Eakate terviseentsüklopeedia. Tallinn : TEA, 2009. 176 lk.

Bobrov, K. (koost.). Emeriitprofessor Jüri Kann : bibliograafia. Tallinn : *TTÜ kirjastus+, 2009. 74 lk. (Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Raamatukogu töid. B ; 9).

Eelma, K., Nelis, R., Pank, M. (koost.). Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Kuressaare Kolledži kümme aastat : 1999–2009. Kuressaare : TTÜ Kuressaare Kolledž, 2009. 96 lk.

Keevallik, A. (ed.). Design of logical control devices. [Tallinn] : TUT Press, 2009. 304 p.

Keevallik, A. (ed.). Optimization in Boolean space. [Tallinn] : TUT Press, 2009. 241 p.

Keskpaik, A., Pank, M., Salong, H. (koost.). Eesti väikesaared. Tallinn : Koolibri, 2009. 239 lk.

Mägi, V., Valmas, A. (koost.). Eesti teadlased paguluses. Tallinn, 2009. 272 lk.

Mägi, V. (koost.). Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. 598 lk., *28+ lk. fot. (Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat ; 16).


Prööm, R. (koost.). Eesti tehnikaartiklid 1918–1927 : bibliograafia. Tallinn, 2009. 384 lk. (Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli raamatukogu töid. B ; 7).

Prööm, R. (koost.). Väino Rajangu : bibliograafia 1970–2009 = Bibliography 1970–2009. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. 118 lk. (Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli raamatukogu töid. B ; 8).

Raukas, A., Bauert, H., Willman, S., Puurmann, E., Ratas, U. (comps.) Geotourism highlights of the Saaremaa and Hiiumaa islands. Tallinn, 2009. 92, [4] p.

Õismaa, M. (comp.). Annual report 2008 of Tallinn University of Technology. Tallinn, c2009. 53, [1] p.

Õismaa, M. (koost.). Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaaruanne 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ turundus- ja kommunikatsiooniosakond, 2009. 54, [2] lk.


Jantson, S. TTÜ Raamatukogu näitustesari Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli ajaloost // Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 90. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, 2009. lk. 88-90.

Jõgi, M., Kont, K.-R. Raamatukogustatistika näitajad ja lugejaküsitlused raamatukogutöö tulemuslikkuse hindamise ning teenuste kvaliteedi parendamise teenistuses : Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu näitel = Reader surveys and indicators of library statistics serving library performance evaluation and improvement of service quality on the example of the National Library of Estonia // Teenuse kvaliteet – raamatukogutöö tulemuslikkuse näitaja = Service quality – library performance indicator. Tallinn, 2009. lk. 151-181. (Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu Toimetised. B ; 12. Informatsioon ja ühiskond ; 1).

Järs, J. Miks TTÜ Raamatukogu vajab uut hoonet? // Elektriala (2009) 5, lk. 32-33.

Järs, J. Valmis Eesti moodsaim teadusraamatukogu // Ehitaja (2009) 11, lk. 8.

Kikas, K., Miidla, P. Eesti keskraamatukogude efektiivsuse mõõtmine DEA-meetodil = Measuring the efficiency of Estonian central public libraries using Data Envelopment Analysis // Teenuse kvaliteet – raamatukogutöö tulemuslikkuse näitaja = Service quality – library performance indicator. Tallinn, 2009. lk. 245-272. (Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu Toimetised. B ; 12. Informatsioon ja ühiskond ; 1).

Kont, K.-R. Financial management and financial analysis in libraries : the case of the National Library of Estonia // EBS review 25 (2008/2009) p. 103-119.

Kont, K.-R. Plagiaat üliõpilastöödes : raamatukoguhoidja roll ja vastutus // Raamatukogu (2009) 1, lk. 16-19.


Kont, K.-R. The financing of research libraries in the context of the organisations of the Estonian public sector // Developments in political, legal, societal and cultural thought : articles in social sciences and humanitities. Tallinn : Institute for European Studies, 2009. p. 161-179. (Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies International University Audentes ; No. 5).

Kont, K.-R. Uued raamatukogu- ja infoteenuste efektiivsuse hindamise kuluarvestus- meetodid // Raamatukogu (2009) 4, lk. 11-15.

Kübarsepp, J., Mägi, V. Eesti keel õppe- ja teaduskeelena tehnikahariduses // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 355-360.

Miidla, P., Kikas, K. The efficiency of Estonian central public libraries // Performance measurement and metrics. 10 (2009) 1, p. 49-58.

Mägi, V. Interdistsiplinarist Valter Rand // Eesti teadlased paguluses. Tallinn, 2009. lk. 129- 148.

Paas, M. Values and ethics // History of Estonian ecumenism. Tartu ; Tallinn : Estonian Council of Churches, 2009. p. 432-444.

Peekma, K. Leiutajaid ja leiutisi Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis 1922–2007 // Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 2008. Tallinn : TTÜ kirjastus, c2009. lk. 403-405.

Pihel, M. Tea oma õigusi // Elukiri (2009) 3, lk. 22-23.

* Rebane, L. Arvio : Anna Perälä, Mikael Agricolan teosten painoasu ja kuvitus // Mirator. 10 (2009) 1, s. 147-153.

* Rebane, L. Ett okänt bokband av Kaspar Meuser // Den langa medeltiden. Vasa : Finska fornminnesföreningen. Glossa, 2009. p. 35-54. (Finsk museum 2008).

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Publikatsioonide nimestik on koostatud Eesti Teadusinfosüsteemi sisestatud andmete alusel. Publikatsiooni kättesaadavuse korral on nimestiku koostajad Ene Kahro ja Milvi Vahtra de visu kirjeandmeid täpsustanud ning lisanud täiendavaid kirjeid. Tärniga (*) märgistatud töid ei ole koostajatel õnnestunud näha.