T, Copy Is PUBLIC PROPERTY * * to Rmaoyad from the Official File*
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR J. A. Krug, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. E. Wrather, Director Water-Supply Paper 866 GEOLOGY OF DAM SITES ON THE UPPER TRIBUTARIES OF THE COLUMBIA RIVER IN IDAHO AND MONTANA By C. E. ERDMANN »t, coPy is PUBLIC PROPERTY * * to rMaoyad from the official file*. PRIVATE ^ POSSESSION IS UNLAWFUL (R- s- S*** Vol« Z* W* f»c. 749) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1947 CONTENTS [The letters in parentheses preceding the titles are those nsed to designate the papers for separate publication] Page (A) Part 1, Katka, Tunnel No. 8, and Kootenai Falls dam sites, Kootenai River, Idaho and Montana. __________________________________ 1 (B) Part 2, Hungry Horse dam and reservoir site, South Fork Flathead River, Flathead County, Mont________________________________ 37 (C) Part 3, Miscellaneous dam sites on the Flathead River upstream from Columbia Falls, Flathead County, Mont_____________________ 117 ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE 1. Index map of northwestern Montana and northeastern Idaho showing location of dam sites on Kootenai River__________ 2 2. Geologic map of Katka dam site, N% sec. 31, T. 62 N., R. 3 E., Boundary County, Idaho__-___---_______-----__--_--_-- 18 3. A, View upstream through Katka dam site, Idaho; B, Kootenai River trench upstream from Katka dam site, Idaho_______ 26 4. A, View downstream through Tunnel No. 8 dam site, Montana; B, Kootenai River trench upstream from Tunnel No. 8 dam site, Montana_________________________________________ 27 5. Geologic map and cross sections of Kootenai Falls dam site, sees. 13 and 14, T. 31 N., R. 33 W., Lincoln County, Montana. 34 6. A, Kootenai River valley above Kootenai Falls, Mont.; B, Right abutment of lower dam site at Kootenai Falls, Mont- 34 7.
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