IDAHO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY IDAHOGEOLOGY.ORG DIGITAL WEB MAP 149 MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY MBMG.MTECH.EDU MBMG OPEN FILE 626 CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS rock less than 10 km (6 mi) to the west has too much quartz to be entirely igneous (Redfield, 1986). Locally stratiform, but generally discontinuous GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE LEONIA QUADRANGLE, BONNER AND BOUNDARY COUNTIES, IDAHO, AND laterally and nonuniform in thickness. Commonly floored by mafic sills. Alluvial and Colluvium and Glacial and Related Deposits Locally contains 5-10 percent clasts of laminated siltite and argillite a few Lacustrine Deposits Mass Wasting Deposits centimeters thick, some of which have apparent reaction rims; others Qal Qlm Qt Qglc Holocene appear deformed. Weathers more rusty than quartzite of Ype or Ypc. Gener- LINCOLN COUNTY, MONTANA ally hardest rock of the Prichard Formation, forming rounded exposures, Quaternary Qgl Qgo Qg Qgt Pleistocene abundant rounded float, and large blocky talus. May have formed from increased pore fluid pressure due to heating by the earlier sills (Anderson and Höy, 2000). Poorly exposed near southwest corner of map. Russell F. Burmester1, Mark D. McFaddan1, Roy M. Breckenridge1, Reed S. Lewis1, and Jeffrey D. Lonn2 Intrusive Rocks Belt-Purcell Kbgd Cretaceous Supergroup STRUCTURE 2012 Yms 3-4 The major structure in this quadrangle is the Moyie fault. It is characterized Yms1-2 regionally as an east-vergent thrust and juxtaposes older rocks on the west Ysh2 (hanging wall) against younger rocks on the east, consistent with this 60 13 Ypf 55 Qal Ysh interpretation. However, strata of the hanging and foot walls face each Ymi Ymic Ymi Yms 1 48 1-2 Qgl other, giving the impression that the fault occupies a syncline. Support for a Ysn Ypab 45 Mesoproterozoic synclinal fold geometry comes from existence of a slightly east-verging, Ymi Qgl Yms3-4 75 Yw 60 Qg southward-plunging syncline west of the Moyie fault in this quadrangle, Ype Qg 75 Qgt 55 Ypf and an open, northward-plunging syncline north of the international border 50 Ype 58 Ypd Ypf Ymic (Brown and others, 1995; Brown, 1998). One hypothesis is that these are Ype Ype 60 Ysh remnants of a syncline that was paired with the Sylvanite anticline to the Ypc 48 2 Ypd 80 Ysn Ymi east (Fig. 1) before further contraction was accommodated by faulting. This 50 Qglc 70 Ypc situation is consistent with the interpretation that the Moyie fault cut down 55 55 60 Ysh1 85 section into the Sylvanite anticline (Harrison and Cressman, 1993), so must Qglc Ypab Ypm 60 45 Qgl be younger. However, in the Curley Creek quadrangle to the north, the 55 Qgl 65 73 Moyie fault is overturned and Yms1-2 stromatolites dip steeply east, not the 56 attitude expected of a thrust fault. This configuration could be explained if Ymi Ymic 55 80 Ypab Ype veinlets. Dolomite is blue-gray where fresh and weathers light brown to orange. the fault and adjacent beds were folded as part of the west limb of the Ymic Qg 20 Thickness calculated from outcrop width in southern part of quadrangle is 420 Sylvanite anticline as it continued or renewed growth after or during thrust m (1,300 ft), but upper contact is faulted. Best exposed along east side of Koote- 50 SYMBOLS faulting. This syncline-thrust system is complicated by an east-side-up fault 50 A' nai River at north edge of map. Corresponds closely to members 3 through 5 of west of the Moyie fault that repeats part of the Prichard section, and numer- 25 Qgl 41 80 Contact: dashed where approximately located. Harrison and others (1992). Qgt 60 Qgl ous faults to the east. Some of those mapped as east-vergent thrusts may 60 25 25 Ypd date from late stages of folding or be coeval with the Moyie fault. Ysn Yms1-2 Mount Shields Formation, members 1 and 2 (Mesoproterozoic)—Red, 50 51 Thrust fault: teeth on upper plate; ball dashed where approximately Ypab Ypc Ype 45 75 pink, green, and gray quartzite, green and red siltite and argillite, and minor 55 Ysh2 located; dotted where concealed. Ypm Qgl carbonate. Green and lighter colors are more common toward base. Quartzite 60 50 55 58 Ymi 75 Yw 75 65 Qal 80 is in 0.3 m to rarely 1.0 m beds. It is fine grained and mostly flat laminated, but 55 Qgl Yms 50 Ymi Ypf 1-2 Normal fault: ball and bar on downthrown side; dashed where also cross laminated. Potassium feldspar is well in excess of plagioclase. Qgt 50 REFERENCES Qglc 58 Ymic 48 approximately located; dotted where concealed. Diffuse, nonresistant brown wisps of carbonate within the quartzite of upper Yms1-2 Ymi Ysh1 part of unit average a few centimeters in thickness and 10-15 cm in length. Ype Ypc 55 Ype Ypf Qal 65 Anticline axial trace; dashed where approximately located; dotted where Commonly rippled tops of the quartzite beds have thin red argillite drapes. Anderson, H.E., and D.W. Davis, 1995, U-Pb geochronology of the Moyie sills, Purcell Ypd 75 62 60 Ysn concealed. Siltite and argillite occur as graded and lenticular couplets and microlaminae. Supergroup, southeastern British Columbia: Implications for the Mesoproterozoic Ypab Qgl Ypm Ymi 60 65 Both red and green couplets have dewatering structures, mudcracks, and geological history of the Purcell (Belt) basin: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Ymi 50 Yms3-4 Qgl Qal 70 Ypc 85 Syncline axial trace; dashed where approximately located; dotted where v. 32, no. 8, p. 1180-1193. 70 Ypc 75 mudchip breccias. Green strata may have more disrupted zones, but red strata Ymi 75 Qgl concealed. 35 52 Qgl have larger mudchips. Uppermost 35 m (115 ft) contains several 1-5 dm, rarely Anderson, H.E., and W.D. Goodfellow, 2000, Geochemistry and isotope chemistry of the 35 Ymi Qal Ysn 10 dm, layers of purple, buff-weathering low domal stromatolites as much as 30 Moyie sills: Implications for the early tectonic setting of the Mesoproterozoic Purcell 55 10 Strike and dip of bedding. Qgt Ypab cm high and 1 meter across, with bases of oolite and coarse, well-rounded basin, in J.W. Lydon, Trygve Höy, J.F. Slack, and M.E. Knapp, eds., The Geological 55 55 Ysh 55 1 quartz grains. Top placed above highest domal stromatolite. Best exposed near Environment of the Sullivan Deposit, British Columbia: Geological Association of Ypf Ysh Qal 20 Strike and dip of bedding; ball indicates bedding known to be upright. Ymi Qg 80 2 70 south edge of section 20 along Kootenai River. Thickness calculated from Canada, Mineral Deposits Division, Special Publication No. 1, p. 302-321. 13 Ymi 30 Ymi Anderson, H.E., and Trygve Höy, 2000, Fragmental sedimentary rocks of the Aldridge Ypc 17 10 Estimated strike and dip of bedding. outcrop width there about 300 m (1,000 ft). Corresponds closely to members 1 65 Formation, Purcell Supergroup, British Columbia, Chapter 14, in J.W. Lydon, 52 60 Qg and 2 of Harrison and others (1992). 50 45 Trygve Höy, J.F. Slack, and M.E. Knapp, eds., The Geological Environment of the Qgl 75 Ymi 50 Strike and dip of bedding, strike variable. MOYI 70 20 Sullivan Deposit, British Columbia: Geological Association of Canada, Mineral 54 Shepard Formation (Mesoproterozoic)—Occupies same stratigraphic level as Ypc Qgl 65 Ysn Deposits Division, Special Publication No. 1, p. 259-271. 55 the upper two units of the Wallace Formation mapped to the south of the 55 E Strike of vertical bedding. Ypab 40 50 Ypf Qgl Bishop, D.T., 1973, Petrology and geochemistry of the Purcell sills in Boundary 10 45 60 quadrangle (Harrison and Jobin, 1963; Lewis and others, 1999, 2000, Ymi Qglc County, Idaho, in Belt Symposium, Volume 2: Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology 8 40 65 2002). Named Shepard Formation here because it is not markedly different 45 55 Horizontal bedding. Special Publication, p. 16-66. 5 60 70 17 30 from the Shepard Formation at its type locality and is separated from the 10 Qg Ymi 46 FAULT 70 Bishop, D.T., 1976, The petrology and geochemistry of the Purcell sills, Boundary Ypab 55 Qal Strike and dip of overturned bedding. carbonate-bearing pinch-and-swell strata typical of the Wallace Formation County, Idaho, and adjacent areas: University of Idaho Ph.D. dissertation, 147 p. 81 Ypc Ymi 70 8 Qglc Ypc 61 Ysn as found near Wallace, Idaho, by carbonate-free laminated strata (Ysn). Breckenridge, R.M., and W.M. Phillips, 2010, New cosmogenic 10Be surface exposure 10 Qg 65 45 Strike and dip of foliation. Subdivision follows Lemoine and Winston (1986) and Burmester (1986). 5 30 50 70 ages for the Purcell Trench lobe of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet in Idaho: Geological 5 40 40 20 27 Qg Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, no. 5, p. 309. 35 Strike and dip of cleavage. Ysh2 Shepard Formation, member 2 (Mesoproterozoic)—Microlaminated to 41 Ymi Brown, D.A., 1998, Geological compilation of the Yahk (east half) and Yahk River (west 28 Ypc 20 laminated dark gray to black argillite, dark olive-green- to white-weathering half) map areas, southeastern British Columbia: British Columbia Ministry of Ymi Qg Bearing and plunge of small fold axis. siltite, and very fine-grained white quartzite. Laminations are commonly Ymi Energy and Mines, Minerals Division, Geological Survey Branch, Geoscience Map Ymi Yms3-4 Qlm contorted, rarely cracked. Contortions are attributed to soft-sediment deforma- 1998-2, scale 1:50,000. Ypc 25 Bearing and plunge of asymmetrical small fold showing counterclockwise tion.
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