June 2015

Metro – Culverhouse Cross to St Athan Page 2

Project No: 1953 Doc Ref: VOGC/HD/101 Rev:

Client : Welsh Assembly Government Client Representative : Clare Cameron, Vale of Council

Issue Date: June 2015

Culverhouse Cross to St Athan Bus Priority Measures

Name Signature Date Author J Launchbury

Checker T Saleem

Approver M Clogg

Issue Record

Rev Date Description/ Comments Author/ Prepared by: Approved for Issue by:

Metro – Culverhouse Cross to St Athan Page 3

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1. Introduction 2. Existing Conditions 3. Bus Route Analysis 4. Junction Improvement Options - ITV Junction (in conjunction with Bellway Homes) - Quarry Rd Junction - to Brooklands Bus lane - St Andrews Roundabout - BDLR Roundabout Improvements - Junction - Meggitt Rd Junction - Road Junction

5. Conclusions 6. Spend Profile


Appendix A – Project Execution Plan Appendix B – Bus Route Analysis Appendix C – Feasibility Design Drawings Appendix D – Junction Modelling Data Appendix E – Detailed Design Drawings Appendix F – Cost Estimates (Bill of Quantities) Appendix G – Statutory Service Information/ Costs. Appendix H – Programme of Construction

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In August 2014, the Council was initially awarded funding from for bus priority measures from Culverhouse Cross to St Athan, as part of the Metro Improvement. This funding was to undertake a feasibility study to consider bus priority measures along designated corridors between Culverhouse Cross and St Athan Enterprise Park, within the Vale of Glamorgan.

Further funding was confirmed during October 2014, totalling £1,000,000 from which £225,000 was to undertake feasibility and detailed design works within the 2014/15 and 2015/16 financial year, with the remaining budget (£775,000.00) allocated to construction works being completed within 2015/16 financial year subject to Welsh Government approval of scheme options identified (as identified within the Project Execution Plan (PEP))

The study is limited to improvements within the adopted highway and/or land within the ownership of the Vale of Glamorgan Council (VoGC). However, where a proposal would benefit from an element of land purchase, it is clearly identified as requiring such.

The corridors identified for this study are listed below. Figure 1 illustrates the start and end points of these corridors. The corridors are:

 Section 1 – Culverhouse Cross to Barry Docks Link Road (A-B)  Section 2 – Barry Docks Link Road to Waycock Cross (B-C)  Section 3 – Waycock Cross to St Athan (Via Airport) (C-D)  Section 4 – (E)  Section 5 – St Athan (F)

This report presents discussions on the existing condition on these routes, including a survey on existing bus stop facilities, as well as identifying options for infrastructure improvements that will benefit the routes.



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Figure 1 - Study Area

A – Culverhouse Cross A B – BDLR Roundabout C – Waycock Roundabout D – St Athan Junction E – Rhoose Transport Interchange F – St Athan Enterprise Park






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2.1 Section 1 - Culverhouse Cross to BDLR Junction (A to B)

The route along A4050 (Port Rd) between Culverhouse Cross Retail park and Barry Docks link Road Roundabout is 3.9km long with approximately 1.0km bypassing the built up village of Wenvoe. The A4050 is the main access route to International Airport, via Barry.

There are six roundabouts on the route; i) ITV/ Brookland Tce Roundabout – Access to old ITV site and link to Wenvoe ii) Quarry Rd Roundabout – Access to VoGc Offices and link into Cardiff iii) Walston Castle Roundabout – Access to Wenvoe Village iv) Morfa Lane Roundabout – Access to Wenvoe Village v) St Andrews Roundabout – Access to St Andrews Major/ vi) BDLR Roundabout – Access to Sully/ Dinas/ Barry/ i) ITV/ Brooklands Tce Roundabout. Existing four arm roundabout arrangement accessing A4050 Port Road, Road and also Brooklands Tce. The existing speed limit at this location is currently 40mph (50mph approx. 150m in advance of the roundabout) along A4050, Derestricted along Lythans Road and 30mph Brooklands Tce . There is VoGC owned land available on one side of the roundabout. (The current layout is shown in figure 2.)

There are currently four bus stops within close proximately of the junction (refer to Bus stop Route plan) along the A4050, which are also used as school collection/ drop off points.

There are currently no formal crossing points on any arm of the existing roundabout, the nearest push button crossing facility is at the PC World signalised junction.

There are currently no cycle provisions (on road/ off road) at this location, but there are proposals for an off road cycle route to be implemented (subject to funding) to create a link from Culverhouse Cross to Cardiff International Airport (via Barry)

There are proposals by Bellway Homes, developer of the old ITV site to signalise the above junction to create improved access and flows to the new development properties. These proposals are currently in the early design stage, and therefore liaison with Bellway regarding improvements to their proposals to incorporate a bus lane facility through the junction at this point is fundamental.

Any improvements to this junction would provide a substantial benefit to Public Transport users due to capacity issues at peak times, and therefore this will serve as one of the focal points for this study.

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Figure 2: Existing ITV/ Brooklands Tce Layout

ii) Quarry Rd Roundabout Existing three arm roundabout arrangement accessing A4050 Port Road and Quarry Road. Quarry Road provides access to VoGC offices, Cemex Quarry and also a secondary access to Cardiff. There is very limited land available due to existing hedged lined boundaries. The existing speed limit at this location is currently 50mph along A4050 and derestricted along Quarry Rd (The current layout is shown in figure 3).

There are currently two bus stops within close proximately of the junction along A4050 (refer to Bus stop Route plan).

There are currently no formal crossing points on any arm of the existing roundabout, which creates difficulty for user wishing to use the Northbound (Cardiff Direction) bus service.

Currently there are no cycle provisions at this roundabout. Proposed provisions as per previous comments.

Any improvements to this junction would provide a substantial benefit to Public Transport users due to capacity issues at peak times, and therefore this will also serve as one of the focal points for this study.

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Figure 3: Quarry Rd Roundabout

iii) Walston Castle Roundabout Existing four arm roundabout arrangement accessing A4050 Port Road, Old Port Road (Wenvoe) and Caerau Lane. Old Port Road, provides access to the Village of Wenvoe. There is limited land available due to existing hedged lined boundaries. The existing speed limit at this location is currently 50mph along A4050,30mph on Old Port Rd with Cearau Lane being derestricted.(The current layout is shown in figure 4).

There are currently two bus laybys within close proximately of the junction along A4050 (refer to Bus stop Route plan).

There are currently no formal crossing points on any arm of the existing roundabout, which creates difficulty for user wishing to use the bus service in either direction.

Currently there are no cycle provisions at this roundabout. Proposed provisions as per previous comments.

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This existing roundabout has a good ICD (Inscribed Circle Diameter), with reasonable defections from all directions. There are currently no capacity issues at this facility, and due to existing alignment any improvement here would not create significant improvements to users.

There are currently proposals to improve the uncontrolled crossing facilities at this roundabout as part of the proposed cycleway/ footway improvement scheme (subject to funding).

Figure 4: Walston Castle Roundabout

iv) Morfa Lane Roundabout Existing four arm roundabout arrangement accessing A4050 Port Rd, Old Port Road (Wenvoe) and Morfa Lane. Old Port Road, provides access to the Village of Wenvoe. There is limited land available due to existing hedged lined boundaries. The existing speed limit at this location is currently 50mph along A4050, 30mph on Old Port Road.(The current layout is shown in figure 5).

There are currently two bus laybys within close proximately of the junction along A4050 (refer to Bus stop Route plan).

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Currently there are no cycle provisions at this roundabout. (new off carriageway cycleway/ footway provision along Port Road to access Wenvoe is currently being installed by housing developer)

Improvement works were undertaken to the existing roundabout in 2012/13 from which the deflection was improved along with improvements to the ICD (Inscribed Circle Diameter). There are currently no capacity issues at this facility, and due to existing alignment any improvement here would not create significant improvements to users.

Due to the above, no improvement works will be considered at this location.

Figure 5: Morfa Lane Roundabout

v) St Andrews Roundabout (Wenvoe Garden Centre) Existing three arm roundabout arrangement accessing A4050 Port Road and St Andrews Road. St Andrews Road provides access the St Andrews and also Dinas Powys. There is land available at this location within the existing highway boundary from which improvement works may be possible. The existing speed limit at this location is currently 50mph along A4050, 30mph on St Andrews Road. (The current layout is shown in figure 6).

There are currently two bus laybys within close proximately of the junction along A4050 (refer to Bus stop Route plan).

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There are currently no formal crossing points on any arm of the existing roundabout, but these upgrades may form part of the proposed development works.

Currently there are no cycle provisions at this roundabout. (new off carriageway cycleway/ footway provision along Port Rd to access Wenvoe is currently being installed by housing developer)

Improvement works are currently planned at this location as part of a new housing development (Redrow Homes), from which improvements to the existing layby and implementation of a new 3m wide cycleway footway facility will be implemented.

Due to the above proposed works (planning approval already obtained) It has been decided that this junction should form part of the initial design review, but no improvement works should be undertaken.

Figure 6: St Andrews Roundabout (Wenvoe Garden Centre)

vi) Barry Docks Link Road Roundabout Existing three arm roundabout arrangement accessing A4050 Port Road and A4231 BDLR. BDLR provides access the Barry Docks, Sully, and other main areas. There is land available at this location within the

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existing highway boundary from which improvement works may be possible. The existing speed limit at this location is currently 50mph along A4050 and also A4231. (The current layout is shown in figure 7).

There are currently two bus laybys within close proximately of the junction along A4050 (refer to Bus stop Route plan).

There is a 3m wide off road cycle provisions at this location, and proposals are set to increase this facility to Culverhouse Cross (Subject to funding) Proposed works at this location must include the cycleway/ footway provision for the length of the improvements.

There are currently crossing provisions in-place within close proximity to the roundabout, but consideration could be given to upgrading these facilities as part of the design process.

Any improvements to this junction would provide a substantial benefit to Public Transport users due to capacity issues at peak times, and therefore this will serve as one of the focal points for this study.

Figure 7: Barry Docks Link Road Roundabout

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2.2 Section 2 - BDLR Junction to Waycock Cross Roundabout (B to C)

The route along A4050 (Port Rd) between Barry Docks link Road Roundabout & Waycock Cross is 4.0km long with approximately 2.0km through the built up area of Barry. There are a number dwelling with private driveways accessing directly onto the main road, as well as several side roads with priority junctions. These priority junctions do not have formalised right turning areas for vehicles to wait, thus turning vehicles generally obstruct the main flow of traffic.

There are a number of junctions/ roundabouts along the route, from which we are initially going to consider the following;

i) Merthyr Dyfan Signalised Junction – Access to Residential area, Barry ii) Meggitt Road Priority Junction – Access to Residential area, Barry iii) Colcot Road Roundabout – Access to Barry/ iv) Stirling Road Signalised Junction – Access to Residential area v) Waycock Cross Roundabout – Access to Barry/ Barry Island/ A48/ Cardiff Airport i) Merthyr Dyfan Signalised Junction Existing signalised junction of Port Rd/ Merthyr Dyfan Road is restricted to its North due to property frontages and a separate access road to 3No private dwellings. To the south of the junction there is a substantial amount of council owned open space from which possible improvement works could utilise. The existing speed limit at this location is currently 40mph along A4050 and 30mph along Merthyr Dyfan Road.(The current layout is shown in figure 8)

The junction has a single lane approach from the West, but a dual lane (straight and right turn) from the east. Merthr Dyfan Road has a dual lane approach for left and right turning vehicles.

The existing facility utilises cycle advance stop boxes on all arms and there is also an off road cycleway/ footway facility running along A4050. Any improvement works must include the cycleway/ footway provision for the length of the improvements.

There is currently a signalised two phase pedestrian crossing at the junction (A4050) and also a single phase crossing at Merthyr Dyfan Road.

There are currently two bus stops within close proximately of the junction along A4050 (refer to Bus stop Route plan).

There is also a comprehensive school (Bryn Hafren) within close proximately to the junction.

Any improvements to this junction may provide a benefit to Public Transport users due to minor capacity issues at peak times.

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Figure 8: Merthyr Dyfan Signalised Junction

ii) Meggitt Road Priority Junction Existing priority junction of Port Rd/ Meggitt Road is restricted to its North due to property frontages and a separate feeder road. To the south of the junction there is a substantial amount of council owned open space from which possible improvement works could utilise. The existing speed limit at this location is currently 40mph along A4050 and 30mph along Meggitt Road. (The current layout is shown in figure 9)

The junction has a single lane approach from all arms with a controlled crossing point within close proximity.

There is also an off road cycleway/ footway facility running along A4050. Any improvement works must include the cycleway/ footway provision for the length of the improvements.

There are currently two bus stops within close proximately of the junction along A4050 (refer to Bus stop Route plan).

Any improvements to this junction may provide a benefit to Public Transport users exiting from Meggitt Road.

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Figure 9: Meggitt Road Junction

iii) Colcot Road Roundabout Existing three arm roundabout arrangement accessing A4050 Port Road and Colcot Road. Colcot provides access to Barry and also the tourist destination of Barry Island. There is land available at this location within the existing highway boundary from which improvement works may be possible. The existing speed limit at this location is currently 40mph along A4050 and 30mph along Colcot Road. (The current layout is shown in figure 10).

There are currently three Bus laybys within close proximity of the junction along A4050/ Colcot Road (refer to Bus stop Route plan).

There is also an off road cycleway/ footway facility running along A4050. Any improvement works must include the cycleway/ footway provision for the length of the improvements.

There are currently no formal crossing points on any arm of the existing roundabout.

Any improvements to this junction may provide a benefit to Public Transport users due to minor capacity issues at peak times.

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Figure 10: Colcot Road Roundabout

iv) Sterling Road Signalised Junction Existing signalised junction of Port Road/ Sterling Road/ Barry Comp School is restricted due to current alignment and exit from the school. There as an area of existing verge to the East of the junction, but this is limited due to the existing cycleway/ footway facility.

The existing speed limit at this location is currently 40mph along A4050 and 30mph along Sterling Road. (The current layout is shown in figure 11)

The junction has a single lane approach travelling Northbound, but a dual lane (straight and right turn) Southbound. Sterling Road has a single lane approach for left and right turning vehicles. Movements along Sterling Road are high due to the close proximately of a supermarket and also medical practice.

The existing facility utilises cycle advance stop boxes on all arms and there is also an off road cycleway/ footway facility running along A4050. Any improvement works must include the cycleway/ footway provision for the length of the improvements.

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There is also a comprehensive school (Barry Comp) within close proximately to the junction (access exits at the signalised junction).

Due to works completed during 2014/15 financial year to implement a new footway/ cycleway facility along Port Rd at this location, it is deemed that any works to improve bus movements would give minimum gain due to limited land available. Therefore it has been decided that this junction should not form part of the design review.

Figure 11: Sterling Road Signalised Junction

v) Weycock Cross Roundabout Existing Four arm roundabout arrangement accessing A4050 Port Road, Pontypridd Road and also A4226 (Five Mile Lane). Pontypridd Road provides access to Barry and also the tourist destination of Barry Island, the A4226 providing direct access to A48 and links to M4. The existing speed limit at this location is currently 40mph along A4050, 30mph along Pontypridd Road and 40mph along A4226. (The current layout is shown in figure 12).

There are currently two Bus laybys within close proximity of the junction along A4050 (refer to Bus stop Route plan).

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There is also a recently installed off road cycleway/ footway facility running along A4050. Any improvement works must include the cycleway/ footway provision for the length of the improvements.

There is currently a new crossing point installed along Pontypridd Road within close proximately to the junction, but no formal crossing points on any arm of the existing roundabout.

Due to proposed improvement works along A4226, and also proposals to extend the proposed cycleway along Port Road to Cardiff Airport. It is deemed that any works to improve bus movements would give minimum gain and therefore it has been decided that this junction should not form part of the design review.

Figure 12: Weycock Cross Roundabout

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2.3 Section 3 - Waycock Cross to St Athan (Via Airport) (C to D)

The route along A4050 (Port Rd) between Weycock Roundabout St Athan is 8.3km long with the diversion via Cardiff International Airport being approximately 2.5km. There is a limited number dwelling with private driveways accessing directly onto the main road along with a number of hotels, as well as several side roads with priority junctions. These priority junctions do not have formalised right turning areas for vehicles to wait, thus turning vehicles generally obstruct the main flow of traffic. (The area is shown in figure 13).

There are a number of main junctions/ roundabouts along the route;

i) Middleton Wood Roundabout – Access to Airport, Rhoose or St Athan ii) Dragon Fly Roundabout – Access to Airport, Tredogan Rd, St Athan iii) Rd Priority Junction – Access to Fonmon, Rhoose iv) Burton Bridge Priority Junction – Access to East , Rhoose v) Rd Cross Roads – Access to St Athan

Due to existing traffic flows, topography and recent highway improvement works at Gileston Old Mill, it has been deemed that there is very limited traffic flow issues along this section of the highway, and therefore any improvement works at the junction, roundabouts will have extremely limited effect on improving the Bus timings along this length of highway.

It is proposed to focus on minor improvement works along this section of the highway directly related to bus stop facilities. Also we will be considering improvements to the existing service at the number of hotels along the route, to ensure that we can provide suitable facilities for all users.

Figure 13: Weycock Cross to St Athan

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2.4 Section 4 - Rhoose (E)

The rationale behind including Rhoose as an overall area within the feasibility study is to bring awareness to all involved the importance of the airport transport interchange from Rhoose Train Station.

Within the above area we will mainly be focusing on the existing bus stop facilities available, and liaising with local bus services and also the T9 airport service to discuss and consider any possible minor improvements to assist and improve their service.

2.5 Section 5 - St Athan (F)

As per above the rationale behind including St Athan as an overall area within the feasibility study is to bring awareness to all involved the importance of the proposals for the St Athan Enterprise facility, and therefore the possibility for a substantial increase in traffic flows.

Again, within the above area we will mainly be focusing on the existing bus stop facilities available, and liaising with local bus services to discuss and consider any possible minor improvements to assist and improve their service.

2.6 Existing Condition Summary

For looking at the routes, it is evident that improvements at a number of junctions will benefit the majority of the route. Therefore, options for improvements will primarily focus on the following two areas;

 Culverhouse Cross to Barry Docks Link Road  Barry Docks Link Road to Weycock Cross.

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3.1 Existing Route Information.

All existing bus services/ routes have been assessed and incorporated onto a plan to show what routes access/ egress off the Corridor to ensure the area of focus is maintained where maximum improvements to all existing bus services can be provided. The plan showing the routes are included within the Bus Stop Addendum.

Information regarding the bus services and occurrences has also been tabulated, as shown on the following pages (Table 1);

Based on the information collated it gives a much clearer idea into the frequency of usage at the bus stops along the route. As such this will assist with the prioritisation of the bus stops along the route where funding is allocated. These are listed below;

Bus shelter No Location 3 Port Rd/ Culverhouse Cross (Cardiff Bound) 4 Port Rd/ Culverhouse Cross (Barry Bound) 9 Port Rd/ Station Rd (Cardiff Bound) 10 Port Rd/ Station Rd (Barry Bound) 21 Port Rd/ Merthyr Dyfan Rd (Barry Bound) 22 Port Rd/ Merthyr Dyfan Rd (Cardiff Bound) 28 Port Rd/ Colcot Rd (Barry Bound) 29 Port Rd/ Colcot Rd (Cardiff Bound)

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Table 1 - Bus services and Occurrences

*Inbound: Culverhouse to St Athan Occurrence Approx Occurrence Approx Bus Name Allocated *Outbound: St Athan to at stop time at stop time Bus Stop Details Service on Timetable Number Culverhouse (per-day) (Min) (Weekend) (Min)

Culverhouse Cross T9, Culverhouse Cross, T9 = 57 (M-F) 20 T9 = 57 (Sat) 20 No bus kerbs Vale Gate, 1 T9 = 54 (Sun) 20 Non-advertising type shelter Drawing 1 N-bound, outbound Bus stop road markings Port Road

T9, Culverhouse Cross, T9 = 58 (M-F) 20 T9 = 58 (Sat) 20 No bus kerbs Bus services between these two Vale Gate, 2 T9 = 55 (Sun) 20 Non-advertising type shelter points: S-bound, inbound Bus stop road markings X91, T9, 86, 90,96, 96A, 96S Port Road X91, 90, Culverhouse Cross, X91 = 6 (M-F) 120 X91 = 6 (Sat) 120 No bus kerb 96, 96A, Ruhr Cross, NW- 90 = 13 (M-F) 60 90 = 13 (Sat) 60 Non-advertising type shelter bound, Port Road 96=24(M-F) 30 96=22(Sat) 30 No bus stop road markings 3 96A=5(M-F) 60 96A=5(Sat) 60 Tactile paving along kerb edge outbound 96A=14(Sun) 60 Block paving detail under shelter Location of shelter at narrow end of bay X91, 90, Culverhouse Cross, X91= 11 (M-F) vary X91 = 6 (Sat) vary No bus kerbs 96, 96A, Ruhr Cross, 90 = 12 (M-F) 60 90 = 12 (Sat) 60 Non-advertising type shelter SE-bound, 4 96=22(M-F) 30 96=21(Sat) 30 No bus stop road markings Port Road inbound 96A=4(M-F) 60 96A=4(Sat) 60 Tactile paving along kerb edge 96A=14(Sun) 60 Block Paving detail under shelter

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Twyn-yr- No shelterNo bus kerbsNo bus odyn,Glamorgan,Alps 5inbound stop road markings

Wallston, No bus shelter The Alps 6 No bus kerbs outbound No bus road markings Bay width

T9, Wallston, T9 = 58 (M-F) 20 T9 = 58 (Sat) 20 No bus kerbs Wallston Castle, 7 T9 = 55 (Sun) 20 Non-advertising type shelter Port Road inbound Bus stop road markings Tactile paving along kerb edge T9, Wallston, T9 = 57 (M-F) 20 T9 = 57 (Sat) 20 Visibility to roundabout Wallston Castle, T9 = 54 (Sun) 20 No bus kerbs Port Road 8 Non-advertising type shelter outbound Bus stop road markings Tactile paving along kerb edge Block Paving detail under shelter

86, Wenvoe, 86 = 1 (Thurs) 12.35 86 = 1 (Sat) 12.35 Visibility Splay 90,96, Station Road, 90 = 12 (M-F) 60 90 = 12 (Sat) 60 Bus kerbs 96A, Port Road 96=22(M-F) 30 96=21(Sat) 30 Non-advertising type shelter 9 96A=4(M-F) 60 96A=4(Sat) 60 No bus stop road markings inbound 96A=14(Sun) 60

86, Wenvoe, 86 = 1 (Thurs) 10.25 86 = 1 (Sat) 10.25 Bus kerbs 90,96, Station Road, 90 = 13 (M-F) 60 90 = 13 (Sat) 60 Non-advertising type shelter 96A, Port Road 10 96=24(M-F) 30 96=22(Sat) 30 No bus stop road markings outbound 96A=5(M-F) 60 96A=5(Sat) 60 96A=15(Sun) 60

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Wenvoe,Old Port No bus kerbNon-advertising Road type shelterNo bus stop road 11outbound markingsTactile paving along kerb edgeBlock Paving detail under shelter Wenvoe, Bus kerb Old Port Road Non-advertising type shelter 12 Bus stop road markings inbound Tactile paving along kerb edge Narrow bay width

Roundabout (St Andrews Rd Turnoff) Burdonshill, No bus kerb Bus Services between these two St Andrews, 13 Wooden/tiled type shelter points: (NE-Bound) outbound No bus stop road markings X91, T9, 90,96, 96A,96S

Burdonshill, No bus kerb 14 St Andrews, Wooden/tiled type shelter (S-Bound) inbound No bus stop road markings

Burdonshill, No shelter Garn Farm, 15 No bus kerbs (NW-Bound) outbound No bus stop road markings

Burdonshill, No shelter Garn Farm, 16 No bus kerbs (SE-Bound) inbound No bus stop road markings

Roundabout (Barry Dock Link Rd Turnoff) No shelterNo bus kerbsNo bus Bus services between these two 17inbound stop road markings points:X91, T9,96,96A

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Advertising type shelter 18 Bus Kerbs outbound Bus stop road markings

Advertising type shelter 19 Bus Kerbs inbound Bus stop road markings No shelter 20 No bus kerbs outbound No bus stop road markings X91,96, Merthyr Dyfan, X91 = 7 (M-F) vary X91 = 9 (Sat) 120 Non-advertising type shelter 96A Merthyr Dyfan Road, 21 96=22(M-F) 30 96=21(Sat) 30 Bus kerbs SW-bound, inbound 96A=4(M-F) 60 96A=4(Sat) 60 Bus stop road markings Port Road East 96A=14(Sun) 60

Junction (Turn off for Merthyr Dyfan Rd) X91,96, Merthyr Dyfan, X91 = 6 (M-F) 120 X91 = 6 (Sat) 120 Advertising type shelter Bus services between these two 96A, Merthyr Dyfan Road, 22 96=24(M-F) 30 96=22(Sat) 30 No bus Kerbs points: NE-bound, outbound 96A=5(M-F) 60 96A=5(Sat) 60 No bus stop road markings X91, T9, 96, 96A, 100 Port Road East 96A=15(Sun) 60 Non-advertising type shelter 23 Bus kerbs inbound Bus stop road markings

Non-advertising type shelterBus 24outbound kerbsBus stop road markingsTactile along kerb

Merthyr Dyfan, Non-advertising type shelter Meggitt Rd, 25 No bus kerbs Drawing 2 (NE-Bound) outbound No bus stop road markings Tactile along kerb Junction (Turn off Meggitt Rd)

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Merthyr Dyfan, Non-advertising type shelter Bus services between these two Meggitt Rd, 26 No bus kerbs points: (SW-Bound) inbound Bus stop road markings X91, T9 Tactile along kerb

Colcot, Advertising type shelter Brynhill Golf Club, 27 No bus Kerbs NE Bound outbound No bus stop road markings

Roundabout (Colcot Rd turnoff) Bus services between these two points: X91, T9, 98, 303, 100 Junction (Liscum Way) X91,303 Colcot, X91 = 6 (M-F) 120 303 = 18 (Sat) 60 No bus kerbs Bus services between these two Highlight Park, 303 =18 (M-F) 60 303 = 10 (Sun) 120 Non-advertising type shelter 28 points: SW-bound, Bus stop road markings inbound X91, T9, 303, 100 Port Road West Tactile paving along kerb edge Block Paving detail under shelter

X91, 303, Colcot, Highlight X91 = 5 (M- 12060 303 = 18 60120 No bus kerbsNon-advertising Park, NE-bound, Port F)303 =18 (M- (Sat)303 = 9 type shelterNo bus stop road Road West F) (Sun) markingsTactile paving along 29outbound kerb edgeBlock Paving detail under shelterUnsuitable location Junction (Stirling Rd) X91, Colcot, X91 = 6 (M-F) 120 X91 = 6 (Sat) 120 No bus kerbs Bus services between these two Weycock Cross, 30 No shelter points: SW-bound, inbound Bus stop road markings X91, T9, 98, 303, 100 PORT ROAD WEST Sign on lamppost

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X91, Colcot, X91 = 6 (M-F) 120 X91 = 6 (Sat) 120 No bus kerbs Weycock Cross, Non-advertising type shelter E-bound, 31 Bus stop road markings PORT ROAD WEST outbound Tactile paving along kerb edge Block Paving detail under shelter

Roundabout (Pontypridd Rd turn off) T9, Barry, T9 = 58 (M-F) 20 T9 = 58 (Sat) 20 Bus kerbs Bus services between these two Cwm Ciddy, 32 T9 = 55 (Sun) 20 Non-advertising type shelter points: Port Road inbound No bus stop road markings X91, T9, 303 Tactile paving along kerb edge T9, Barry, T9 = 57 (M-F) 20 T9 = 57 (Sat) 20 Bus kerbs Cwm Ciddy, 33 T9 = 54 (Sun) 20 No bus shelter Port Road West outbound No bus stop road markings

Tredogan, No shelter 34 Welford Farm No bus kerbs inbound No bus stop road markings Tredogan, Welford No shelterNo bus kerbsNo bus Farm stop road markingsBay width 35outbound

Roundabout (Port Rd Turnoff to Sky Plaza)

Bus services between these two points:

Roundabout (Tredogan Rd turn off)

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Bus services between these two points: 905 Junction (Turn off for East

Aberthaw) Burton (Glamorgan), No bus kerbs Cross, 36 Non-advertising type shelter Drawing 3 (NE-Bound) Inbound No bus stop road marking Unsuitable location

Bus services between these two Burton (Glamorgan), No shelter 37 points: Llancadle Cross, No bus kerbs (SW-Bound) Outbound No bus stop road markings X91, 905,303 , No bus kerbs (SW-Bound) 38 Brick/tile type shelter

Outbound No bus stop road marking Unsuitable location

Boys Village,(NE- No shelterNo bus kerbsNo bus Bound) 39Inbound stop road markingsUnsuitable location

X91, St Athan, X91 = 6 (M-F) 120 X91 = 6 (Sat) 120 Already designed under section War Memorial, 40 106 B4265 Inbound

X91, St Athan, X91 = 6 (M-F) 120 X91 = 6 (Sat) 120 No shelter War Memorial, 41 No bus stop sign B4265 outbound

War Memorial Junction (Turn off for St Athan)

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3.2 Existing facilities

A survey has been undertaken of all the existing bus stops along the identified corridors. The survey identifies the current provisions at the bus stops.

31No existing Bus Stops have been identified along the main corridor as identified on the plan within the Bus stop Addendum.

There are a range of different bus stop provisions along the corridor, which for bus passengers presents a disjointed and inconsistent user experience.

The details of each bus stop can be seen in the bus stop Addendum.

3.3 Proposed Improvements

There are currently a set of Gold, Silver and Bronze standards which are utilised within the Authority for the provision of bus stops. As this study is aimed at a strategic public transport corridor, all bus stops should aim to achieve the gold standard. This requires the following;

 Clear Channel Type/ Supplied shelter (4 sides accessible to wheelchairs) with; a) Integral timetable case b) Perch seating c) Lighting d) Electrical supply/ ducting for future realtime Information display e) Bus stop flag and its attachment pole/ bracket

 Hardstand areas with raised kerb platform with transition kerbs both sides and any other normally required pavement edges (average suitable sizes)

 Dropped kerb access on both sides of the road

 Bus stop protective markings (Including legal costs)

 Refuse Bin (VoG Cleansing standard/ acceptable type).

A clear, consistent approach to good standard of bus stop provisions increases the awareness and credibility of Public transport as a viable means to travel.

Each of the relevant bus stops has been assessed as to how they can achieve this standard and the estimated costs associated with the works for each individual shelter are shown in table 2 on the following pages;

(Please note, improvement works to shelter No 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 will be undertaken as part of the main Metro junction improvements and therefore the costs to undertake the improvements will not factor into this summary)

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Table 2 – Estimated costs to upgrade Bus Stop Facilities No Details Est Price (£) Total (£)

Bus Kerbs Within 1 New Shelter Metro ITV Junction Surfacing works (8mx4m)

New Shelter Within 2 Bus Kerbs Metro ITV Junction Surfacing works (8mx4m) New Shelter Road Markings Within 3 Metro ITV

Bus Kerbs Junction Surfacing works (8mx4m) New Shelter Bus Kerbs Within 4 Metro ITV

Road Markings Junction Surfacing works (8mx4m) New Shelter Bus Kerbs Within 5 Quarry Road

Surfacing works (8mx4m) Junction Road Markings New Shelter Bus Kerbs Within 6 Quarry Road

Surfacing works (8mx4m) Junction Road Markings Bus Kerbs Within Bus lane 7 New Shelter Widening Surfacing works (8mx4m) scheme Bus Kerbs £2,500.00 8 £6,500.00 Surfacing works (8mx4m) £4,000.00 New Shelter £16,000.00 9 £17,000.00 Road Markings £1,000.00 New Shelter £16,000.00 10 £17,000.00 Road Markings £1,000.00 Bus Kerbs £2,500.00 11 New Shelter £16,000.00 £22,500.00 Surfacing works £4,000.00 12 New Shelter £16,000.00 £16,000.00 New Shelter £16,000.00 Road Markings £1,000.00 13 £23,500.00 Bus Kerbs £2,500.00 Surfacing Works £4,000.00 New Shelter £16,000.00 Road Markings £1,000.00 14 £23,500.00 Bus Kerbs £2,500.00 Surfacing Works £4,000.00 15 New Shelter £16,000.00 £23,500.00

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Road Markings £1,000.00 Bus Kerbs £2,500.00 Surfacing Works £4,000.00 New Shelter £16,000.00 Road Markings £1,000.00 16 £23,500.00 Bus Kerbs £2,500.00 Surfacing Works £4,000.00 New Shelter £16,000.00 Road Markings £1,000.00 17 £23,500.00 Bus Kerbs £2,500.00 Surfacing Works £4,000.00 18 19 New Shelter £16,000.00 Road Markings £1,000.00 20 £23,500.00 Bus Kerbs £2,500.00 Surfacing Works £4,000.00 21 New Shelter £16,000.00 £16,000.00 Bus Kerbs £2,500.00 22 £6,500.00 Surfacing Works £4,000.00 23 New Shelter £16,000.00 £16,000.00 Bus Kerbs £2,500.00 24 New Shelter £16,000.00 £22,500.00 Surfacing works £4,000.00 New Shelter £16,000.00 Road Markings £1,000.00 25 £23,500.00 Bus Kerbs £2,500.00 Surfacing Works £4,000.00 Bus Kerbs £2,500.00 26 New Shelter £16,000.00 £22,500.00 Surfacing works £4,000.00 Road Markings £1,000.00 27 Bus Kerbs £2,500.00 £7,500.00 Surfacing Works £4,000.00 28 New Shelter £16,000.00 £16,000.00 New Shelter £16,000.00 Road Markings £1,000.00 29 £23,500.00 Bus Kerbs £2,500.00 Surfacing Works £4,000.00 Bus Kerbs £2,500.00 30 New Shelter £16,000.00 £22,500.00 Surfacing works £4,000.00 New Shelter £16,000.00 Road Markings £1,000.00 31 £23,500.00 Bus Kerbs £2,500.00 Surfacing Works £4,000.00

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3.4 Realtime Information.

The upgrade of all bus shops along the route to include Realtime Information was considered at the outset of the scheme can could be prioritized on the high frequency corridors to reinforce to the public the level of service that is provided on the routes.

This upgrade (if considered) should initially be concentrated to the busier bus stops at urban locations in order to maximise the impact of the investment.

However, from liaison with existing service providers ( & NAT), and due to realtime information has a very high upfront costs, and also high maintenance costs this service was deemed a luxury item and not a fundamental item. This was mainly due to the improvements to technology within the past 5 years, now with the use of smartphones, and links available to realtime information via service provider apps.

It was noted that the Service providers are constantly looking to improve their service and this will be incorporating more and more around the developing technology of app based interfaces.

3.5 Passenger Number Survey.

A survey was commissioned along the identified corridor to identify the passenger numbers using the facilities prior to any improvement, so that an actual figure can be used as a baseline for any improvements if any of the proposals were implemented (Refer to Table 3).

Based on the information obtained, it is observed that the larger passenger numbers are primarily focused on the main residential area within Barry and also the Culverhouse Cross retail park. These results are as per our expectations, and primarily fall in line with the route analysis plan, and the proposed upgrade provisions (as above).

3.6 Conclusion

Based on the above information, the total costs to upgrade all shelters along the route to Gold standard is £443,500.

Due to budgetary constraints along with the information collated above (usage, route information and passenger numbers), it is proposed that the following works should be undertaken as part of the initial Metro Improvements;

i) Upgrade all shelters along the route to Full DDA specification Estimated Costs - £116,000 (+ Scheme Development costs of £2,500)

ii) Upgrade locations 9,10,21,24,25,26,28 to full Gold standard with new Clear Channel Shelter. Estimated Costs - £112,000 (+ Scheme Development costs of £2,500)

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Table 3 – Passenger Number Survey Stop AM PM TOTAL Culverhouse Cross to Weycock Cross Number (Passengers) (Passengers) (Passengers) 1 Culverhouse Cross 3 0 3 2 Culverhouse Cross 14 14 28 3 Rhur Cross 6 10 16 4 Rhur Cross 3 0 3 5 The Alps 0 0 0 6 The Alps 0 0 0 7 Walston Castle 0 11 11 8 Walston Castle 3 2 5 9 Station Rd 5 13 18 10 Station Road 8 1 9 11 Old Port Rd 2 4 6 12 Old Port Road 0 3 3 13 St Andrews Cross 4 1 5 14 St Andrews Cross 1 0 1 15 Garn Farm 0 0 0 16 Garn Farm 0 0 0 17 Dock Link Rd 0 0 0 18 Crematorium n/a n/a n/a 19 Lane 1 5 6 20 Pencoedtre Lane 1 0 1 21 Merthyr Dyfan Rd 12 7 19 22 Merthyr Dyfan Rd 35 20 55 23 Melville Close 2 4 6 24 Melville Close 9 5 14 25 Meggit Rd 17 11 28 26 Meggit Rd 0 21 21 27 Bryn Hill Golf Club 1 0 1 28 Highlight Park 8 18 26 29 Highlight Park 8 3 11 30 Weycock Cross 1 3 4 31 Weycock Cross 2 4 6

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The following junction improvement options have been designed based on the information collated above.

i) ITV/ Brooklands Tce Roundabout.

Liaison has been undertaken with Bellway homes as part of the proposed development of the old ITV site, to discuss the possibilities to implement the Metro Scheme as part of their main highway improvement works ( subject to costs, land availability etc.)

After the initial meeting with Bellway during October 2014, it was agreed that they would consider the implementation of the proposed bus lane, and bus gate as part of their main works. The design will be forwarded to their Principle Design team (Arup) for assessment and confirmation that the scheme can be achieved.

The design proposals at this location would be to implement a new fully signalised cross junction, which will now incorporate a bus lane through the junction, along with a bus lane through to the PC World signalised junction with associated bus gate to allow busses to access any lane in advance of other motorists. A copy of the Detailed Design drawings are included within Appendix E.

A full Linsig model has been undertaken based on the junction improvements along with a stage 1&2 road safety audit. (Details of both are available on request)

Design Details/ Criteria/ Amendments etc.

Below is a brief summary of the design including amendments made to accommodate the bus prioritisation measures

 Bus lane to be 3.5m width through the junction.  Existing bus stops East of the junction have been removed and new facilities will be installed to the West, which remove conflict between vehicle movements, and also ensure that sufficient space is available to ensure that proposals for footway/ cycleway improvements can be maintained.  Crossing facilities to be installed on 3 of the 4 arms of the junction, with a Toucan crossing (cycle friendly) to be installed for the continuation of the cycle route.  Bus gate installed along with upgrading signal arrangement at PC world Junction to ensure busses have prioritisation at the junction.  To achieve the design requirements, land has been agreed with Bellway as part of the design proposals. If works were not undertaken as part of the Bellway Improvement works, they would not be achievable at a later date without land purchase and substantial abortive works.

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Risks Including Costs

Below is a summary of the main risks involved regarding the proposed works, along with associated costs.

 BT Service Diversion – BT service diversion costs have been detailed and the total costs for the works are currently £247,495.77 (Excl VAT). The breakdown of these costs between the Bellway development and the Metro development are currently being identified by BT, but is it likely (from VoGC internal investigation) that there will be a liability as part of the Metro scheme of approx. £220,000 (Excl. VAT). We are also in the process of negotiating with a BT Approved Contractor to reduce these costs if possible.

 Telematics works – There are a number of additional traffic signal improvements which are now required as part of the Metro works, primarily at the PC World junction. These costs are likely to be in the region of £80,000 ( Awaiting costs from Bellway)

 Additional Footprint due to bus lane – The costs for the main element of the scheme will be broken down as follows; i) Bellway to provide VoGC with a detailed breakdown of all costs involved for the original scheme ( Excluding Metro) ii) Bellway to provide VoGC with a detailed breakdown of all costs involved for the Complete scheme (Including Metro) iii) On assessment of information provided, the difference between the two elements will be the outturn costs of the scheme for the Metro.

Outturn costs for scheme

VoGC are still awaiting the final outturn costs for the above scheme but it is estimated that the costs will be in the region of £500,000 (Including BT Works). If these works were undertaken independently of the development works, the anticipated outturn costs for the overall highway improvement works required would be in the region of £1,500,000 (excluding land purchase).

It is anticipated that the extra over scheme development costs (undertaken by Arup, Commissioned by Bellway Homes) for the scheme will be approximately £46,000.00 (£24,481 paid 2014/15)

Outline Programme of works

VoGC are still awaiting the final drawings etc. and there is a number of other issues from which the developer has to undertake as part of the planning process. Subject to this and from discussions with the contractor the following is a best guess estimate;

Anticipated Construction Start Date – 27th July 2015 Anticipated Construction Period - 26 Weeks

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ii) Quarry Road Roundabout – Option 1

Feasibility Design

A number of proposals were brainstormed prior to the start of the feasibility design with the main aim to improve journey times for Bus services through the junction.

The following design options were considered for the junction (Copies of the Feasibility layout drawing are included within Appendix C);

i) Fully Signalised Junction.  Proposed Signalised junction with improved push button pedestrian crossing facilities.  3.5m wide bus lane/ Bypass through signals (subject to pedestrian movements)

ii) Improvements to existing Roundabout.  Improvement to existing Gyratory to include 3.5m width (minimum) bus bypass at roundabout.  Due to existing adopted highway constraints, land purchase required

It was discussed and agreed within the Core team meeting and also initial meeting with Welsh Government that the Signalised junction option should be progressed to Detailed design.

Detailed Design/ Criteria – Signalised Junction. (A copy of the Detailed Design drawings are included within Appendix E.)

 Bus lane to be 3.5m width through the junction.  Existing Bus Stop Facilities to be improved (VoGC Gold standard)  Existing Pedestrian crossing facilities to be upgraded to push button crossings  Proposals to create cycleway/ footway improvements factored into design, Toucan crossing implemented where required.  Bus bypass lane to ensure free flowing bus movements through junction (subject to pedestrian crossing movements)

Modelling Result (Summary). (Junction modelling data shown in Appendix D),

The proposals for the above junction have been modelled using LinSig V3. The existing traffic flow through the junction was determined from the junction turning count, with traffic growth to 2025 estimated using Tempro 6.2. The scenarios modelled were the AM and PM peak hours in 2015 and 2025 with pedestrians crossing every other cycle and without pedestrians.

The results for the proposed Quarry Rd Junction are shown below;

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Scenario Cycle Time PRC Delay (seconds) 2015 AM Peak Pedestrians every 2nd 240 -10.4% 36.36 cycle 2015 PM Peak Pedestrians every 2nd 240 6.6% 21.30 cycle 2015 AM Peak No Pedestrians 120 -1.8% 17.78 2015 PM Peak No Pedestrians 120 15.0% 17.83 2025 AM Peak Pedestrians every 2nd 240 -29.7% 201.08 cycle 2025 PM Peak Pedestrians every 2nd 240 -10.1% 59.50 cycle 2025 AM Peak No Pedestrians 120 -19.5% 102.24 2025 PM Peak No Pedestrians 120 -8.6% 40.47

The results show that a signalised T-Junction would not be appropriate for Quarry Road. The existing roundabout arrangement allows a rolling queue to form that minimises delay.

Risks Including Costs

Below is a summary of the main risks involved regarding the proposed works, along with associated costs.

 BT Service Diversion – BT service diversion costs have estimated at £50,000 for the removal and rebuilding of an existing manhole (Exact costs to be obtained from BT if required)

Outturn costs for scheme

The estimated outturn Costs for the works are as follows;

Construction Costs - £535,000.00 Service Diversions - £ 50,000.00 Estimated Construction Costs - £585,000.00

Outstanding Detailed Design (2015/16) - £ 15,000.00 Supervision/ Project Management (4%) - £ 23,400.00

Total Costs - £623,400.00

Outline Programme of works

Construction works at this location will be delayed until the completion of the ITV junction improvement works, and therefore an extension of time will be required for the funding.

Anticipated Construction Start Date – 1st February 2015 Anticipated Construction Period - 16-20 Weeks

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ii) Quarry Road Roundabout – Option 2

Detailed Design/ Criteria – Improvement to Roundabout Gyratory (A copy of the Detailed Design drawings are included within Appendix E.)

 Bus lane to be min 3.5m width through the roundabout.  Existing Bus Stop Facilities to be improved (VoGC Gold standard)  Proposals to create cycleway/ footway improvements factored into design, Toucan crossing implemented where required.  Bus bypass lane to ensure free flowing bus movements through junction (subject to pedestrian crossing movements)

Modelling Result (Summary).

It is considered that improvements to the existing roundabout Gyratory to incorporate a bus bypass will have limited to no effect on the existing traffic flows, and therefore a LinSig model has not been undertaken.

Risks Including Costs

Below is a summary of the main risks involved regarding the proposed works, along with associated costs.

 BT Service Diversion – BT Service protection works will be required for the improvements. Anticipated costs £20,000.00 (Exact costs to be obtained from BT if required)

 Land Purchase - Negotiations have commenced with the private landowner of the adjacent field to discuss land purchase/ adoption along with accommodation works. Anticipated costs (up to) £ 30,000.00

Outturn costs for scheme

The estimated outturn Costs for the works are as follows; Construction Costs - £235,500.00 Service Diversions - £ 20,000.00 Land Purchase/ Accommodation works - £ 30,000.00 Estimated Construction Costs - £285,500.00

Outstanding Detailed Design (2015/16) - £ 6,500.00 Supervision/ Project Management (4%) - £ 11,420.00

Total Costs - £303,420.00

Outline Programme of works Based on the improvements works undertaken at the ITV junction, works will be restricted at this location until the completion of their proposed works.

Anticipated Construction Start Date – 1st February 2015 Anticipated Construction Period - 12 Weeks

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iii) Wenvoe to Brooklands Terrace Bus Lane

Detailed Design/ Criteria (A copy of the Detailed Design drawings are included within Appendix E.)

 Widening carriageway to achieve Bus lane with min 3.5m width (Cardiff Bound Direction) from Walston castle roundabout to Brooklands Terrace.  Remaining carriageway min. 7.0m width.  Existing Kerbline to be upgraded to Half Batter to suit proposed footway/ cycleway improvements.  Widening to be on Eastern side of carriageway to minimise service diversions.  Bus bypass lane to ensure free flowing bus movements through junction (subject to pedestrian crossing movements)  Upgraded crossing facilities at Walston Castle Roundabout.

Modelling Result (Summary). (Junction modelling data shown in Appendix D),

A bus journey time assessment has been undertaken, from which an assessment has been made measuring the length of the dedicated bus lane between junctions, and the length of carriageway that the bus shares with general traffic. Refer to table showing the improvements below;

Junction to Junction Section Distance Bus Journey Time Saving (seconds) Lane AM Inter PM Peak Peak Peak Nant Isaf – Quarry Road 554m 465m 18 13 14 Quarry Road – Brooklands Terrace 629m 587m 8 8 10 Total 1,183m 1052m 26 21 24

From the above, it is clear that significant improvement will be made to bus timing through this corridor. It should also be noted that the timings above represent an average AM/ PM peak, and during heavily congested peak periods the Journey time savings are considerably more.

Risks Including Costs

Below is a summary of the main risks involved regarding the proposed works, along with associated costs.

 Service Protection Works – WPD Service protection works will be required for the improvements. Anticipated costs £10,000.00 (Exact costs are being obtained from WPD)

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Outturn costs for scheme

The estimated outturn Costs for the works are as follows;

Construction Costs - £300,000.00 Service Diversions - £ 10,000.00 Estimated Construction Costs - £310,000.00

Outstanding Detailed Design (2015/16) - £ 7,500.00 Supervision/ Project Management (4%) - £ 12,400.00

Total Costs - £329,900.00

Outline Programme of works

As per Quarry Road junction, based on the improvements works undertaken at the ITV junction, works will be restricted at this location until the completion of their proposed works.

Anticipated Construction Start Date – 1st March 2015 Anticipated Construction Period - 10/14 Weeks

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iv) St Andrews Roundabout

Feasibility Design (Copy of the Feasibility layout drawing is included within Appendix C);

The feasibility design at this location identified that there is sufficient adopted highway to implement a bus priority measure passed the roundabout incorporating the existing bus stop. The design includes;

 Bus lane to be min. 3.5m width through the junction.  Existing Bus Stop Facilities to be improved (VoGC Gold standard)  Existing pedestrian crossing facilities to be upgraded.  Proposals to create cycleway/ footway improvements factored into design.  Bus bypass lane to ensure free flowing bus movements through junction

Detailed Design/ Criteria

Due to ongoing works by a developer (Redlow Homes) within close proximately to the works, and with limited timescales to undertake liaison with the developer and planning permissions already granted for the works, it was agreed that this element of the Metro improvement works should be placed on-hold. It is noted that the bus priority measures at this location would result in substantial abortive works to the recent improvements..

Modelling Result (Summary). (Junction modelling data shown in Appendix D)

It is considered that improvements to the existing roundabout Gyratory to incorporate a bus bypass will have limited to no effect on the existing traffic flows, and therefore a LinSig model has not been undertaken.

Risks Including Costs

To be confirmed on commencement of detailed design, initial service diversions costs are as follows;

Service Diversions - £19,905.93

Outturn costs for scheme

The estimated outturn Costs based on the feasibility design is follows;

Construction Costs - £255,000.00 Service Diversions - £ 19,900.00 Estimated Construction Costs - £274,900.00

Detailed design/ Scheme Development - £ 13,750.00 Supervision/ Project Management (4%) - £ 10,996.00

Total Costs - £299,646.00

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v) Barry Docks Link Road (BDLR) Roundabout

Feasibility Design (Copy of the Feasibility layout drawing is included within Appendix C);

The above junction has formed part of a number of feasibility studies within the last 5 years with the aim being to achieve better vehicle movements and minimise the risk of collisions.

Following on from these designs, it was deemed most appropriate and cost effective to create a bus bypass lane through the roundabout, and therefore maintaining the existing facility for other vehicles.

It was discussed and agreed within the Core team meeting and also initial meeting with Welsh Government that the above junction option should be progressed to Detailed design.

Detailed Design/ Criteria – Roundabout improvements. (A copy of the Detailed Design drawings are included within Appendix E.)

 Bus lane to be 3.5m width through the junction.  Existing Pedestrian crossing facilities to be upgraded.  Proposals to create cycleway/ footway improvements factored into design.  Bus bypass lane to ensure free flowing bus movements through roundabout (subject to pedestrian crossing movements)

Modelling Result (Summary). (Junction modelling data shown in Appendix D),

It is considered that improvements to the existing roundabout Gyratory to incorporate a bus bypass will have limited to no effect on the existing traffic flows, and therefore a LinSig model has not been undertaken.

A bus journey time assessment has been undertaken, from which an assessment has been made measuring the length of the dedicated bus lane between junctions, and the length of carriageway that the bus shares with general traffic. Refer to table showing the improvements below;

Junction to Junction Section Distance Bus Journey Time Saving (seconds) Lane AM Inter PM Peak Peak Peak Pencoedtre Road – Barry Docks Link 487m 145m 13 4 2 Road Barry Docks Link Road – St Andrews 1,301m 175m 10 2 3 Road Total 1788m 1320m 23 6 5

From the above, it is clear that significant improvement will be made to bus timing through this corridor. It should also be noted that the timings above

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represent an average AM/ PM peak, and during heavily congested peak periods the Journey time savings may be considerably more.

Risks Including Costs

To be confirmed on commencement of detailed design, initial service diversions costs are as follows;

 Western Power service diversion costs are £2,803.  A High Pressure Gas main runs alongside the area of works,  A water main runs alongside the area of works,

Outturn costs for scheme

The estimated outturn Costs for the works are as follows;

Construction Costs - £330,000.00 Service Diversions - £ 2,800.00 Service Protection works - £ 19,500.00 Estimated Construction Costs - £352,300.00

Outstanding Detailed Design (2015/16) - £ 3,000.00 Supervision/ Project Management (4%) - £ 14,092.00

Total Costs - £369,392.00

Outline Programme of works

It is proposed that the above works can commence alongside planned improvement footway/ cycleway improvement works at this location.

Following on from discussions with our Ecologist, the earliest start date, subject to an ecologist being onsite during the clearance works will be 1st August 2015. From which it is anticipated that these works will be as follows;

Anticipated Construction Start Date – 10th August 2015 Anticipated Construction Period - 12-14 Weeks

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vi) Merthyr Dyfan Junction

Feasibility Design (Copy of the Feasibility layout drawing is included within Appendix C);

Due to extent of adopted highway it was proposed to widen the existing signalised junction at this location to create a bus bypass lane through the junction to ensure free flowing movement for buses. The design includes;

 Bus lane to be min. 3.5m width through the junction.  Existing Bus Stop Facilities to be improved (VoGC Gold standard)  Existing pedestrian crossing facilities to be upgraded.  Existing cycleway/ footway to remain untouched.  Bus bypass lane to ensure free flowing bus movements through junction.

It was discussed and agreed within the Core team meeting and also initial meeting with Welsh Government that the above junction option should be progressed to detailed design.

Detailed Design/ Criteria – Roundabout improvements.

Detailed design of this element of the works has been placed onhold subject to meeting with Welsh Government for the following reasons;

 Costs to undertake other priority measures in excess of £1,000,000 budget  Junction did not rank highly based on Journey time savings

Modelling Result (Summary). (Junction modelling data shown in Appendix D),

A bus journey time assessment has been undertaken, from which an assessment has been made measuring the length of the dedicated bus lane between junctions, and the length of carriageway that the bus shares with general traffic. Refer to table showing the improvements below;

Junction to Junction Section Distance Bus Journey Time Saving (seconds) Lane AM Inter PM Peak Peak Peak Pedestrian Crossing – Merthyr Dyfan 632m 110m 2 2 3 Road Merthyr Dyfan Road – Pencoedtre Road 647m 236m 5 - 3 Total 1279m 346m 7 2 6

From the above, it is noted that the journey time improvements at this location are relatively small in comparison to the junctions from BDLR roundabout to ITV junction.

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Risks Including Costs

Below is a summary of the main risks involved regarding the proposed works, along with associated costs.

 Service Diversions - £8,200.00  Parcel of un-adopted land required to create a revised access road into properties. Further investigation to land ownership required.

Outturn costs for scheme

The estimated outturn Costs for the works are as follows;

The estimated outturn Costs for the works are as follows;

Construction Costs - £377,500.00 Service Diversions - £ 8,200.00 Estimated Construction Costs - £385,700.00

Detailed design/ Scheme Development - £ 19,300.00 Supervision/ Project Management (4%) - £ 15,428.00

Total Costs - £420,428.00

Outline Programme of works

To be confirmed subject to meeting with Welsh Government regarding expenditure.

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vii) Meggitt Road Junction

Feasibility Design (Copy of the Feasibility layout drawing is included within Appendix C);

Due to extent of adopted highway it was proposed to widen the existing junction at this location to create a fully signalised junction with bus bypass lane to ensure free flowing movement for buses. The design includes;

 Bus lane to be min. 3.5m width through the junction.  Existing Bus Stop Facilities to be improved (VoGC Gold standard)  Existing pedestrian crossing facilities to be upgraded to push button facility.  Existing cycleway/ footway to remain untouched.  Bus bypass lane to ensure free flowing bus movements through junction.

It was discussed and agreed within the Core team meeting and also initial meeting with Welsh Government that the above junction option should be progressed to detailed design.

Detailed Design/ Criteria – Junction improvements.

Detailed design of this element of the works has been placed on-hold for the following reasons;

 Costs to undertake other priority measures in excess of £1,000,000  Junction does not provide any benefits to bus movements due to current access/ egress arrangement out of Meggitt Road.  Introduction of a signalised junction will delay traffic movement.  Service diversion costs of £85,000.  Overall costs to implement excessive for limited benefit to users.

Modelling Result (Summary). (Junction modelling data shown in Appendix D),

This junction was removed from the design process prior to the modelling exercise due to the above reasons.

Risks Including Costs

Below is a summary of the main risks involved regarding the proposed works, along with associated costs.

 Service Diversions - £85,000.00  Blocking access from Old Port Rd onto junction the Meggitt Road

Outturn costs for scheme

The estimated outturn Costs for the works are in excess of £486,000.00;

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viii) Colcot Road Roundabout Improvements

Feasibility Design (Copy of the Feasibility layout drawing is included within Appendix C);

The above junction has also formed part of a number of feasibility studies within the last 5 years with the aim being to achieve better vehicle movements and minimise the risk of collisions.

Following on from these designs, it was deemed most appropriate and cost effective to create a bus bypass lane through the roundabout, and therefore maintaining the existing facility for other vehicles with only minor improvements to the existing Inscribed circle diameter (roundabout disc). The design includes;

 Bus lane to be min. 3.5m width through the junction.  Existing pedestrian crossing facilities to be upgraded.  Existing cycleway/ footway to remain untouched.  Bus bypass lane to ensure free flowing bus movements through junction

It was discussed and agreed within the Core team meeting and also initial meeting with Welsh Government that the above junction option should be progressed to detailed design.

Detailed Design/ Criteria – Roundabout improvements.

Detailed design of this element of the works has been placed onhold subject to meeting with Welsh Government for the following reasons;

 Costs to undertake other priority measures in excess of £1,000,000 budget  Junction did not rank highly based on Journey time savings.

Modelling Result (Summary). (Junction modelling data shown in Appendix D),

It is considered that improvements to the existing roundabout Gyratory to incorporate a bus bypass will have limited to no effect on the existing traffic flows, and therefore a LinSig model has not been undertaken.

A bus journey time assessment has been undertaken, from which an assessment has been made measuring the length of the dedicated bus lane between junctions, and the length of carriageway that the bus shares with general traffic. Refer to table showing the improvements below;

Junction to Junction Section Distance Bus Journey Time Saving (seconds) Lane AM Inter PM Peak Peak Peak Pedestrian Crossing – Colcot Road 383m 60m 1 1 1 Colcot Road – Pedestrian Crossing 578m 116m 2 2 3 Total 961m 176m 3 3 4

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From the above, it is noted that the journey time improvements at this location are relatively small in comparison to the junctions from BDLR roundabout to ITV junction.

Risks Including Costs

To be confirmed on commencement of detailed design, initial service diversions costs are as follows;

 Service diversion costs are £48,000.00.  Properties accessing onto roundabout gyratory.

Outturn costs for scheme

The estimated outturn Costs for the works are as follows;

Construction Costs - £285,000.00 Service Diversions - £ 48,000.00 Estimated Construction Costs - £333,000.00

Detailed design/ Scheme Development - £ 16,500.00 Supervision/ Project Management (4%) - £ 13,200.00

Total Costs - £362,700.00

Outline Programme of works

To be confirmed subject to meeting with Welsh Government regarding expenditure.

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ix) Weycock Cross Roundabout Improvements

Feasibility Design

No works were undertaken due to proposals for the development of 5 Mile Lane (A4226).

It was deemed that any minor Metro improvement works could be pickup up as part of the above proposals.

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Based on the above information, it is proposed that the following junctions should proceed to Construction due to the benefits they provide regarding improving the journey time for buses along the corridor from Culverhouse Cross to St Athan;

Scheme Name Est. Costs Est. Start Date Duration (Construction) ITV Junction £ 500,000 August 2015 26 wks BDLR Roundabout £ 352,300 August 2015 10/12 wks Quarry Rd Roundabout £ 285,500 February 2016 12 wks Wenvoe to Brooklands Bus £ 310,000 March 2016 10/14 wks Lane Improvements to Core Bus stops to full VoGC Gold £ 116,000 TBC standard Improvements to remaining £ 112,000 TBC stops to Full DDA specification

(Including accommodation Scheme Construction Costs £1,675,800 Works & Land purchase)

Scheme Development to date £ 162,082 (Oct 2014 – May 2015)

Anticipated remaining Scheme To process above schemes £ 55,772 Development only to Construction stage Supervision/ Project Percentage Increased from £ 67,032 2.5% to 4% due to complexity of Management (4%) Construction)

OutturnTotal £1,960,686

Original Budget £1,000,000 (Received Oct 2014)

Scheme Budget Shortfall £ 960,686

It is therefore VoGC recommendation to seek the following from Welsh Government;

i) Additional £960,686 (exact amount to be confirmed) to complete the improvement works identified above based on the information supplied within the report.

ii) Extension of time of 6mths to ensure co-ordination of works along Port Road (A4050) due to close proximately between all improvement works.

Works at the Quarry Rd and Bus lane link from Wenvoe to Brooklands Terrace cannot commence until works are complete at the ITV junction.

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6.0 SPEND PROFILE –Scheme Development Costs

Below is a summary of scheme development expenditure based on only the above schemes being progressed and constructed during 2015/16 financial year. If other junctions were to be progressed, additional design costs would be applicable at the percentage listed below.

2014/2015 - £125,958.00

2015/2016 - £ 36,124.00 (to Date) 2015-2016 - £ 55,772.00 (Anticipated, based on 13% fees)

Total Scheme Development Expenditure - £217,854.00

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