Mr Farmer--- Please send me a note or contact me with any suggestions with regard to bush or trees which should be added to this "sugested only" list! -- I will keep it updated as best I can! All I am trying to do is get info to farmers.-- Please, every farmer must do their own further research as i have found a lot of conflicting information on the internet! --- Thanks! To:
[email protected] My cel: 0844534499 Please Note: (This is only a suggested guide. All users must please varify correctness before use of any kind!) 1. Ritlee Xecutech, Cedara or Marc Custers will NOT accept any liability or responsability of any kind whatsoever if there are any mistakes, conflicts or incorrect information on this listing! 2. Ritlee received a list with No, Species,Index from a bush specialist stationed at Cedara in Howick 3.This list has never been published and is only a help for those interested in this information. 4. Ritlee (Marc Custers -- Cell 0844534499) Added Common Name, Brief Description, Normal Location and picture to this list to try and assist with those interested. 5.The reason why Ritlee have done this is to help us premote our Ritlee 225 Chipper with grinder which is ideal for chipping bush into a consistacy we feel ideal for cattle and game feed addition. Woody plant palatability Index-- 0 – Not Acceptable, 0.1- Only plant parts eaten and 1 - Acceptable ->> No Species Common Name Brief Description Normal Location Index Pictures African tree – red pods and numerous Gauteng, Kzn, Namibia, Botswana and 1 Acacia Ataxacantha Flame Thorn 1 hooked prickles.