Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1997 No. 106 Senate The Senate met at 9:45 a.m. and was Also, by consent, at 10 a.m., the Sen- Renden, an intern in my office, be al- called to order by the President pro ate will proceed to a series of rollcall lowed to be on the floor for the dura- tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. votes on the remaining amendments to tion of today. the agriculture appropriations bill, in- PRAYER The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cluding final passage. objection, it is so ordered. The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John Following disposition of the agri- Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: culture appropriations bill, it is the in- Mr. WELLSTONE. I thank the Chair. Almighty God, our day is filled with tention of the majority leader to pro- Mr. President, I offered this amend- challenges and decisions. In the quiet ceed to consideration of the transpor- ment last night. We had a fairly thor- of this magnificent moment of con- tation appropriations bill. ough discussion. I don’t think this is an versation with You we dedicate this Therefore, Members can anticipate adversarial relationship with my col- day. We want to live it to Your glory. additional rollcall votes throughout to- league from Mississippi. We praise You that it is Your desire day’s session of the Senate. Let me just briefly summarize. to give Your presence and blessings to those who ask You. You give strength f This amendment revives what is and power to Your people when we seek AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOP- called the Outreach and Start Up You above anything else. You guide the MENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMIN- Grant Program for school breakfasts. humble and teach them Your way. Help ISTRATION, AND RELATED Let me point out to my colleagues us to humble ourselves as we begin this AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS, 1998 what this is about. day so that no self-serving agenda or The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. This is a Children’s Defense Fund self-aggrandizing attitude will block BROWNBACK). Under the previous order, poster. ‘‘Remember these hungry kids Your blessings to us or to our Nation the Senate will now resume consider- in China? Now they are in Omaha.’’ through us. Speak to us so that we may ation of S. 1033, which the clerk will re- They could be in any of our States. speak with both the tenor of Your port. We have 5.5 million American chil- truth and the tone of Your grace. The assistant legislative clerk read dren who do not regularly get enough Make us maximum by Your spirit for as follows: the demanding responsibilities and re- to eat. There was a $5 million outreach A bill (S. 1033) making appropriations for lationships of this day. We say with the program that we eliminated last year Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and in the welfare bill. I don’t think col- Psalmist, God, be merciful to us and bless Drug Administration, and Related Agencies us, and cause Your face to shine upon us, leagues knew what they were voting programs for the fiscal year ending Sep- on. They did when it came to the over- that Your way may be known on earth, tember 30, 1998, and for other purposes. Your salvation among the nations.— all welfare bill. But this was one tiny The Senate resumed consideration of provision. Psalm 67:1–2. Amen. the bill. f Pending: The argument that was made about this outreach program was that it was Wellstone amendment No. 972, to provide RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING too successful. That is to say, we have MAJORITY LEADER funds for outreach and startup of the school breakfast program. 8 million children who could qualify for The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The AMENDMENT NO. 972 the School Breakfast Program but able acting majority leader, Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER. By pre- don’t receive it because many school COCHRAN of Mississippi, is recognized. vious order, we have 10 minutes on the districts and States aren’t yet able to f Wellstone amendment: 5 minutes con- set it up. SCHEDULE trolled by the Senator from Minnesota This $5 million outreach program Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, this and 5 minutes controlled by the floor made a huge difference. It was very morning the Senate will resume con- manager of the bill. successful, and, indeed, the School sideration of S. 1033, the agriculture Who seeks time? Breakfast Program is credited as being appropriations bill. Mr. WELLSTONE addressed the one of the most successful nutritional By previous consent, there will be 10 Chair. programs in our country. minutes of debate equally divided be- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- I fear that too many of my colleagues tween Senator COCHRAN and Senator ator from Minnesota. do not understand that there are chil- WELLSTONE on the Wellstone amend- PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR dren in our country who go to school ment regarding school breakfast out- Mr. WELLSTONE. Mr. President, I hungry, and we are not doing very reach. ask unanimous consent that Greg much about it. When children go to ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7987 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:22 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S24JY7.REC S24JY7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY S7988 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 1997 school hungry, they don’t do well in meal, so that they can start school on for debate between each amendment, school, and when they don’t do well in the right foot and do well. which will be stacked with time equal- school they can’t learn, and when they Mr. President, how much time do I ly divided. are adults later on they can’t earn. have left? Those amendments under the order It is very shortsighted that we elimi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- are the Wellstone amendment; the nated this program. We should not ator’s time has expired. managers’ package, which was adopted have done so. Mr. COCHRAN addressed the Chair. last night; the Bingaman amendment Mr. President, there are 8 million The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- on CRP, which we are advised will not children spread across 27,000 schools ator from Mississippi. be offered; the Robb amendment on who go to school hungry or are mal- Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, I yield farmers’ civil rights, which we hope nourished or without enough to eat. myself such time as I may consume to will be resolved on a voice vote. We The distinctions aren’t that important. remind Senators that this is an issue have proposed an alternative to the We can do better. that came up during the welfare reform Robb amendment which is under con- For $5 million we can have an out- debate. The President proposed repeal sideration now, we are told, and a reach program that will enable more of of these startup grants during last Johnson amendment on livestock pack- our States and more of our school dis- year’s welfare reform debate. ers’ issues. We are advised that that tricts to provide a school breakfast, a In addition, the Democratic sub- will not be offered. nutritious meal, to children before stitute welfare reform bill and the Re- So, with the vote on the motion to they start school. publican welfare reform bill contained table the Wellstone amendment, and if Mr. President, again this is an ex- a provision to repeal these grants. we do not need a vote on the Robb tremely effective program. Study after Funds were taken from the grant pro- amendment, then we will move to final study has really pointed out that the gram to expand the school breakfast passage immediately after the vote on School Breakfast Program makes an and summer food service programs. the motion to table the Wellstone enormous difference. It makes an enor- Additionally, the Senate voted on a amendment. mous difference in terms of overall test similar proposal to the Wellstone I yield the floor. scores. It makes an enormous dif- amendment on the Department of De- Mr. BINGAMAN addressed the Chair. ference in terms of whether students fense authorization bill on July 9 and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- drop out of school or not, whether they defeated it by a vote of 65 to 33. ator from New Mexico. arrive at school on time, and how well The question is not whether we need PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR they do. to do more in terms of acquainting stu- Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I ask Clearly this amendment speaks to dents and school districts and parents unanimous consent that David priorities. Surely we can find $5 mil- with the availability of these impor- Schindel, a legislative fellow in my of- lion. tant nutrition programs. The question fice, be granted floor privileges for the Mr. President, the offset is from is: Do we need Federal dollars that remainder of the day. funds allocated to the crop insurance could otherwise go to the feeding pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without companies for which right now the grams themselves to be diverted for objection, it is so ordered. total amount is $202 million. In the that purpose, or do we need to divert, Who seeks recognition? Senate we have $24 million more than as the Senator suggests, funds from Mr. ROBB addressed the Chair.