Contact details The Malta valley – Climate changes Exhibition – Kölnbrein symbiosis of nature and technology in the high mountains »Fascinating rock crystals« information center

Hours for the Kölnbrein Adventure Center: The Kölnbrein artificial lake is not only a leisure area, it also offers exciting Access to the upper reaches of the Malta valley has always been difficult Climate changes in the high mountains Exhibition – »Fascinating rock crystals« adventures in nature and technology. A guided tour through the dam shows and arduous. The countless anecdotes told by Alpine farmers and hunters Based on the theme of »water and mankind«, various exhibitions and inter- We show you the most beautiful minerals that can be found in Mid-May to mid-October you the inner workings of a hydropower facility, along with the extensive about marching into the stillness and loneliness of the High Alpine region active installations provide a vivid demonstration of the climate changes in and eastern in our minerals exhibition: »Treasures of the «. The Daily 09.00 to 17.00 safety measures put in place to monitor the structure. You can also visit the could fill volumes. the high mountains and the possible consequences for humans and the size, beauty, and perfection of the crystals will fascinate you, and our exhi- Free admission exhibitions »Electricity from water power«, »Nature and the national park«, Before construction of the 200 m high Kölnbrein dam could begin, the environment. bit will introduce you to the wealth of crystals found in the Guided tours through the Kölnbrein Dam: and »Treasures of the Tauern« at our »adventure center«. High Alpine region needed to be made accessible. For this purpose, from The exhibition describes how the climate and the climatic fluctuations of mountain region. The Romans were among the first to be fascinated by 1971 to 1974, the 18.4 km long Malta-Hochalm route was literally hacked the high mountain region have changed the natural landscape, and have crystals, which they called »eternally frozen ice«. Huge crystal caves, heavy Mid-May to mid-October With modern technology and a series of interactive stations, we’ll present a out of the rocky Tauern mountain terrain. Originally built for construction caused the receding of glaciers. Immediately recognisable climate-induced rock crystals, and the highly valuable »smoky quartz« never fail to dazzle our Duration: 1 hour. Qualified guides ensure an unforgettable experience as you visit synthesis of technology, nature, and Austrian history. We show you where purposes, the Malta-Hochalm route is now regarded as one of the most changes in the mountain landscape can be viewed from our educational visitors. A film shows you how crystals are collected and how crystal hunters the »inner workings« of a hydropower dam. our electricity comes from, in a clear but entertaining way scenic and beautiful of Carinthia’s mountain roadways, allowing travelers panoramic view window. work on the vertical rock faces of the region. Several crystal caves have Information and booking: to enjoy the spectacular panoramic landscape of the High . been removed from their natural settings, and have been perfectly recon- Bergrestaurant at the Hotel Malta structed for the »Treasures of the Tauern« exhibition. Telephone: +43(0)4783/2504 Fax: +43(0)4783/2504-228

Tauern Touristik GmbH Telephone: +43(0)50313-32259 Fax: +43(0)50313-32256 Email: [email protected] Internet: Contact us or check online for admission and tour prices. We always have the current toll rate for the Malta-Hochalm route, an please let us know if we can make special arrangements for you or your group.


Publisher: Österreichische Elektrizitätswirtschafts-AG (Verbund). Overall design and Text: Helmut Tamerl. Translation: Photos: Verbund. Layout und produktion: Heinrici Communication + Crea Shop. Printer: Druckerei Huttegger, Edition: April 1st, 2006.

Austria’s driving force… Verbund – The Malta power storage plants – electricity from artificial lakes Avalanches and mudslides »Glacier« Environmentally friendly hydropower The latest in power station technology – in a contemporary presentation (interaktive) Climate changes in the high is fortunate to have an abundance of water as one of its most The facility The Malta upper stage pumped storage plant Malta main stage pumped storage plant mountains valuable natural resources. Verbund provides approximately half of the The Malta power storage plants are one of the largest and most efficient The Malta upper stage plant generates electricity using the water of the The Malta main stage plant was completed in 1978. It uses water from the Weather Mankind and station power used in Austria, and more than 90% of the power we offer comes storage power station developments in Austria. They are located at the Kölnbrein reservoir (maximum operating level 1,902 m, live storage 200 Galgenbichl upstream reservoir and the Gösskar compensation basin. Both the climate Water 3

from our clean, environmentally friendly hydropower plants. Renewable southern foothills of the Hohe Tauern mountain range. The power plants million m ). Since 1978, it has been producing around 80 million kWh of reservoirs are sealed with rockfill dams, 50 and 55 m high, respectively. Panoramic view waterpower is at the heart of our success. With 116 power plants, 86 of have an installed turbine capacity of 891,000 kilowatts (kW) and a pump electrical power per year, with a rating of 120,000 kW. The Galgenbichl The Rottau power station houses four power units with vertical shafts and which are located on Austria’s largest rivers, along with 21 storage power capacity of 406,000 kW, producing a combined capacity range of almost Annual production (approx.) 1 billion kWh power station houses two power units with horizontal shafts. Each of these provides a combined turbine rating of 730,000 kilowatts. It produces an Artificial lakes in the High Alps plants located in the High Alps, Verbund is the most environmentally 1.3 billion kW. Annual production is around one billion kWh. Rating – turbine mode: power units has a pump turbine and a motor generator. Within a very short average of more than 700 million kWh of electricity per year. Two of the tourist attractions friendly electricity utility company in the European Union. Malta upper stage plant 120.000 kW period of time, the machines can be converted from turbine mode for elec- power units use of a generator and 6-jet Pelton turbine configuration, The Malta power storage plants are comprised of the Malta upper stage Malta main stage plant 730.000 kW tricity production, to pump mode for water distribution, and vice versa. The while the remaining two use the same configuration, with the addition of i power plant, which uses the Kölnbrein reservoir; the Galgenbichl power Malta lower stage plant 41.000 kW double curvature structure, as well as the profound height of the Kölnbrein one four phase storage pump each. Damming the Möll to a height of 13 m Looking for information about station and the Malta main stage power plant, which use the Galgenbichl dam, make it one of the most interesting and beautiful dams in Europe. causes the Rottau compensation basin to fill, two powerful pumps provi- Hohe Tauern Rating – pump mode: National Park electricity online? upstream reservoir; the Rottau power station, which uses the Gösskar Malta upper stage plant 116.000 kW It was built between 1974 and 1977, and initially, when the reservoir was ding a total of 290,000 kW at the Rottau power station are then used to Feel free to visit us at: compensation reservoir in combination with the Möll valley compensation Malta main stage plant 290.000 kW full, deformations in the structure led to the development of cracks in the transport water either into the Galgenbichl upstream reservoir or the Ecology 3 Multimedia basin; as well as the Malta lower stage power plant in the Drau valley. Live storage of reservoirs 206 Mio. m vertical surface of the 200 m high dam. It was only after the addition of a Gösskar compensation basin. The pumps use Verbund’s excess energy, which (interaktive) »« downstream support body that full operating capacity could be obtained. is not required by Austrian consumers at the time of operation. Thereby, the Kölnbrein dam has been able to bear its full load since 1993. The natural feed waters of the Kölnbrein reservoir fill only half of its The technology 3 Monitoring Steinbachkogel volume of 200 million m . The remaining half is pumped into the main of the Malta Böseck development the structure 3252m 2822m reservoir from the Galgenbichl reservoir, which is located 200 m lower, at 2834m 628,26 river collection level. The two powerful pumps in the Galgenbichl power 621,00 Power from Hochalmspitz Kölnbrein reservoir station provide a total of 116,000 kW. The Galgenbichl reservoir also serves 6 9 598,00 Maximum operating level the river Drau 3360m 1902 m as the storage reservoir for the Malta upper stage plant. 611,53 2 „Adventure center“ 592,00 Bergrestaurant 8 Interactive at the Hotel Malta 601,50 Compensation basin 5 600,00 7 model Tristenspitz 598,00 Maximum Galgenbichl 1 598,00 operating level 596,50 Minimum operating level T 2930m eu 594,50 ch lb a Malta upper stage upstream reservoir 9 Verbund c Internet h 1704 m 8

Obervellach Gösskar compensation reservoir storage power plant 59,46 1704 m Verbund

580,00 Austria's largest 3 1 Pelton turbine 6 Powerhouse crane power company Galgenbichl 1.902,00 Maximum operating level l Hochalmsee 2 Motor generator 7 Trashrake cleaning Möll 574,63 4 3 Hydrodynamic machine Restaurant ach 2379 m power station ergb synchronising converter 8 Manifold Multimedia a nb Reisseck 4 Storage pump 9 Tail water duct outlet we 568,70 (interaktive) Z KG1 5 2965m G Main transformator t ö ß Quarzsee b a 8,40 12,80 l Reisseck daily c y Lift h 0510m (Entrance Kesselesee Oberer See a only) l storage t Reisseck l e

Kreuzeck daily power plant annual storage Radlsee 2399 m a

M ö KG2 Rottau power station, cross section storage power plant h l bac power plant ken Kleiner Mühldorfer See 1 Dam Rie 2 Support body

l M 2379 m 3 Upstream concrete apron Niklai intermidiate 4 Bottom outlet (Exit plant Bergrestaurant Hotel Reisseck Malta- 5 Butterfly valve only) Cinema Kolbnitz a 6 Hollow jet valve (interaktive) Hochalm-Straße 7 Flushing pipe Rosswiese daily storage Großer Mühldorfer See KG3 8 Malta Sporthotel Entrance/Exit

power plant 1.194 m v Malta main stage 2319 m G KG1-5 Inspection galleries 1-5 öß N Kolbnitz power station level pumped storage power b i a 1 k c l a h 1.771,30 i b Rottau compensation reservoir Rottau power plant a 598 m a c Lowest dam level h h Bac 1.750,00 Turbine mode KG4 rfer and pump mode ldo t Malta lower stage plant üh Malta lower M l stage plant Mühldorf lowest dam level 2 The third station to make commercial use of the water collected in the a 1.730,00 Manual operating level 5 6 »Treasures of the Tauern« Möll l e y 4 Kölnbrein reservoir is the Malta lower stage power plant. The plant uses ta v a l Möllbrücke power station l M r KG5 a e s e water from the Möll combined with the tail water of the Malta main stage M L i au valley Gmünd ser 1.700,00 3 Dr Lie power station, and has a gross head of 45 m. The power station at Möllbrücke 7 Kölnbrein information center – free admission Scouring duct 0 10 20 30 40 50m Möllbrücke houses two power units with Kaplan turbines. With a combined Spittal a.d. Drau Verbund Information center rating of 41,000 kW, approximately 120 million kWh can be produced a Kölnbrein reservoir Drau Drau Kölnbrein dam, cross section year.