VOL. XLI THEVANCOUVER UBYSSEY, B.C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1958 No. 15 ASUS Gathering Fails-No Quorum The Arts and Science Under­ graduate Society general meet­ ing Wednesday was unable to conduct any business because they failed to get a quorum. Less than 50 students turned out for the meeting which was to discuss the new constitution radified by the AMS Monday. The society must have 100 members at a general meeting for any business to be conduct­ ed. Mike Brown, ASUS president, stated following the 3 minute meeting that another general meeting would be called for Tuesday, October 28. The constitution will be dis­ cussed at that time providing over 100 students turn out. Membership for ASUS is open to all Arts students except Frosh. The president of the Frosh Undergraduate Society is an ex officio member of the ASUS ex­ DOUG JUNG, President of the Young Conservatives of Canada, speaking to Chris Maule. ecutive, however. Mr. Jung spoke to students yesterday of his life as a member of Parliament. Brown was criticized Wednes­ — Photo by Neil Burton day for not calling the meeting on a day when there were no scheduled events. (Students had a choice Wed­ nesday of hearing Douglas Jung, Douglas Jung ''Canadian, NotLeslie Peterson , or a Beethoven concert.) Brown blamed the poor turn­ out on the lack of publicity re­ Politician' At Campus Speechceived in the Ubyssey. He explained that the meeting By KERRY WHITE "but as a fellow Canadian." , dealt with his impressions of was originally scheduled for last Douglas Jung came lo UBC He began his talk sponsored Parliament in his capacity as the Friday. as a "Canadian,, not a politi­ by the Conservative Club by youngest M.P, and the first Ca­ When lhe ASUS executive cian," Wednesday. quoting a story which he had The Hon. Leslie R. Peterson, nadian of Chinese descent to be learned that Sir Anthony Nut­ "I come to you, not. as a poli­ written for a down town news­ elected to Parliament. Minister of Education, spoke ting was speaking on the campus to a group of students Wed­ tician seeking election," he said, paper last December. This story "Rather than wait until I be­ at that time the meeting was nesday. — Photo, Neil Burton came fat, fifty and pompish," changed to Wednesday. he said, "I took the opportunity "At that time we did rot when I was thirty, skinny and know two political speakers 'Tween Classes Anti Fee Hike Motion poor." would be coming," Brown said, He went on to describe how ASUS had hoped to be able impressed he was with the tra­ to have their constitution passed Philosophy Club To For General Meeting dition of Parliamentary pro­ before the fall general meeting cedure, and how convinced he Thursday, A motion will be presented to the General Meeting today was that Parliament was a truly "If we had had this passed Present Talk For urging the Board of Governors to prevent an increase in student great education. then we would be able to .go fees at UBC. "Parliament is probably the to the general meeting and say Ben Trevino, former AMS best postgraduate course in the ASUS was a strong point for Communism president will make the motion. agenda appeared in Tuesday's world," he declared. representative government at Ubyssey. PHILOSOPHY CLUB—Mr. B. It is seconded by Grant Mac­ He said he realized democracy UBC. Donald, Russell Brink, and Peter "If this meeting had defeated York, B.A. (UBC) speaks on has many faults and that he "Communism — the Liberation Meekison. wouldn't like it if it hadn't. it then we would tell the gen­ STUDENT HANDBOOKS eral meeting ASUS was not of Mankind" at noon today in The motion reads: Jung stated the young people ready for representative govern­ Bu. 104. WHEREAS it has been sug­ of Canada must become aware ment," he said. gested that tuition fees at UBC STILL AVAILABLE of the great issues of the day V* # # One of the purposes of ASUS, will be increased for the 1959-60 The AMS office still has a and take an active interest in MAMOOKS — General meet­ according to the proposed con­ season so that UBC students will limited supply of student them. ing for all members at .12:30, Fri­ stitution is "to make a better contribute a greater proportion handbooks. "At no timein the history of day, Room 355, Brock Extension. of the University's operating university of the University of The directory costs 50 cents our country have the issues Professional instruction will be grant, and B.C." given in sign painting, unless you are a Freshman— been as great as they are today," The constitution outlines the WHEREAS it appears that a in which case you get it free he said. structure of the ASUS executive H* *%• ff* national scholarship and bursary or in your Christmas stock­ Jung ended his talk by say­ and council. ASUS—Fourth year Arts. Get scheme will be implemented in ing, depending on whether you ing, "I am sure that many of The executive is made up of the near future, the benefits of your grad photos taken now! believe or not. you students will make signifi­ president, who must be an up- If you lost 350 don't go to the which would be largely nulli­ cant contributions to your perclass man, secretary, treasur­ fied by an increase in fees, Campbell's van near the women's country." er, publicity chairman. gym today or Friday. You BE IT RESOLVED that the A short question period fol­ The duties of the executive won't get ANY grad picture. Alma Mater Society direct the Arts Debate lowed in which Jung answered members shall be decided an­ MOVE! students council to urge upon one question. The question was nually by the executive. The first in a series of inter- the University's Board of Gov­ concerned with the statement The ASUS Council shall have * # H* faculty debates will be present­ ernors in the strongest possible in the press that Jung had said the power to overrule executive ed Tuesday in Arts 100 at 12:30. PRE SOCIAL WORK SO­ terms, the retainment of the that Canadian students travel­ decisions. CIETY—Pre Social Work Society present fee schedule, so that the The topic will be: "Resolved ling to Russia were briefed be­ The council, if the constitution presents Professor Dixon speak­ criteria for university entrance that an Artsman is educated fore they left. Jung stated that is approved, will have one mem­ ing on the Profession of Social will emphasize academic rather whereas an engineer is trained. he had been misquoted. ber for every 50 arts students. Work on Friday at 12:30 in Bu. than financial qualifications. Two faculty members and the zHe said that the delegates at Printed copies of the constitu­ 212. The meeting will start at audience will act as judges, each the N.A.T.O. conference had tion will be given out at the (Continued on Page 6) 12:30 p.m. in the armories, A full making up one-third-of the vote. merely discussed this subject, ASUS general meeting Tuesday, See 'TWEEN CLASSES I PAGE TWO THE UBYSSEY Thursday, October 23, 1958 THE UBYSSEY Hungarian Students MEMBER CANADIAN UNIVERSITY PRESS Student subscriptions $1.20 per year (included in AMS fees). Mail 8ubscript:ons $2.50 per year. Published three times a week Remember 1956 in throughout the University year by the Student Publications Board of the Alma Mater Society, University of . Editorial opinions expressed herein are those October 23 of the editorial staff of the Ubyssey, and not necessarily those ol "We Hungarians live in the purging fire of the times. Across the Alma Mater Society or the University. Letters to the Editor shou.j not be more than 150 words. The Ubyssey reserves the our thousand-year-old history flash the deeds of our heroes, the righ- to cut letters, and cannot guarantee publication of all letters bright words of our poets." - (Tamasi). recrjved. "The" Call of our blood rang­ Ours is a time of unanswered the world to a realization slow EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, DAVE ROBERTSON ed us with martyrs of bygone questions that block creative in dawning. Managing Editor, Barrie Cook City Editor, Barbara Bourne days. Tempered by a decade force, clip the wings of thought Perhaps our speech and Chief Photographer, Mike Sone Features Editor, Mary Wilkins of trials, we launched a super­ and cramp the will. What else admonition still fall strangely human effort to save our na­ Asst. City Editor, Kerry Feltham CUP. Editor, Judy Frain could we have done in that on Western ears. Yet would tion. Editor, Special Editions — Rosemary Kent-Barber stifling uncertainty than to re­ any man of honor fail to warn Only the Creator knows what his host against the arsonist? SENIOR EDITOR, WAYNE LAMB ply for ourselves and the world force kept life's flame alight in our own way? And who knows better his cruel Reporters and Desk: Judy Copithorne, Oleg Wurm, Kerry through every storm. On the visage than we who faced him White and Bryan omebody-or- other. black scrolls of crushed re­ This reply has marked for for a decade and hurled his volts, history record in gilt let­ us a path from which we may own torch in his face? ters the names of our martyrs. not stray, the path of human Recalling October, we hear GUEST EDITORIAL Yet the past failed to dismay dignity. In letters of blood it the blast of machine guns, the us or sap our strength and spells out the duty of those who voice of martyrs intoning our faith. Rising at the call of des­ should have seen but didn't or national prayer. You remem­ rr tiny to defend the rights of wouldn't. ber the headlines and radio nations and individuals, we Now the light is snuffed out, bulletins. We know that youth Not "Panhandlers again manned Europe's outer and again the old miasma in the West stood by us when ramparts. It is indeed unfortunate that the considerations you chokes a riven Europe. Terror we could not ask this. Now we presented in your editorial of October 21, entitled: "Must "The aged tree of Time sheds grips our towns and villages. ask youth to support us again, They Beg", included the slanted and almost slanderous its leaves." (Arany). A lost For its valiant stand our youth that our voice may be strength­ ened. At stake is not only the statements about Commerce Undergraduates and other generation wanders, stumbling has earned prison or exile. The dreams of our poets have been life of a small nation, but civi­ "self-righteous volunteer workers" of the Community Chest. across the sere remains of the past, searching for a straight trampled. A nation lies in lization and human dignity. It is you, Mr. Editor, who is self-righteous in your criti­ path through the miasma which chains for having dared to Trams run now where bar­ cism of the C.U.S. canvassers and we feel that in your posi­ for a dozen years has hidden claim its due. ricades stood, and the wounds tion you can criticize only the principle and not the persons. of shell-torn houses have heal­ the wavering future. For an instant let us stay ed. But our borders are scaled For an instant our small na­ the rush of time and from this The poor choice of words with which you chose to des­ once more with mines and bar­ tion sent a ray of light into the milestone view the road ahead, cribe Commerce Undergraduates does much more to dis­ bed wire. The rains have wash­ dark revealing the true face of True, our lives are shorter by credit your views than our reputation. Such expressions as ed away the blood of heroes. the madness threatening civili­ a year, our wounds still bleed; "C.U.S. panhandlers" and "the little men with the tin cans" Thick prison walls mute the zation, tearing aside the veil of but we do not vaunt our hurt. are. we hope, simply descriptive phrases to attract the read­ screams of the tortured. In bland hypocrisy. But alas, the We seek understanding, not ers' interest and not statements regarding the occupation or Budapest people are forbidden ensuing holocaust reduced our pity. Remembrance of our he­ personal stature of the Commerce Undergraduates. even to remember. hopes to ashes. Still, we trust roic dead will evoke, we trust, Only we can voice the The Red Feather Drive on campus is sanctioned and that the flames at least will not just sorrow but emulation. thoughts of those back home; conducted under the auspices oi the President's Committee awaken the free world from Bearing embers of that Octo­ only we can pay tribute to that of Charities, which this year, r.s in past years, asked the its slumber. ber pyre to the West, wc speak autumn when our youth's Commerce Undergraduate Society ti sponsor the Blitz. No longer can 'any man ig­ in exile for those who cannot blood stained red the fields and nore our monument to freedom, We undertook this Blitz neither for the public relations speak. Our voice is the voice streets. In plighting our inscribed with the unforgetable v.v.'.te nor for the •'solt-'-ighteev./' abearance we tnioht of compatriots who met doom hearts to the mission fate has appearance we date, October 211. If)ofj --when tmiis. ou* rather as a conlrt.notion with a song on their lips. Our assigned us, we speak also for :i::\\v.v- activity. we rose (o wash clean with our heart beats also for those who those who. under thc shadow V blood the sullied image of hu­ ours sincere.;. saw death as a release from of (he knout, make their vows man ideals, and proclaimed to dungeons and torture. Being in silence. We shall be trim to DICK r.-V v\ i :... :-i(i'- the dull e-'ir of msilerial is|.s lhal one with them, our goals have our martyred dead — nor will I) WK Y,Y beyond Iheir earthly wallow Vic. not changed, only our methods. anything ever still in us the is somclhitm world ih die, and Speaking; a.s friends to friends, clarion call of liberty. even dving for. we try over and over to rouse HUNGARIAN STUDENTS ! ••"'iicil. UY do nut need a leg­ hours. Let's keep the bureau­ being spied on—I had my s:taro* Hen Party islative a.mi mbh ' crats out of Brock. Lampposts of it in the communist Para­ Less slop and louk at the Edi'or, Toe bvssey, Yours sincerely, Fditor, The Ubyssey dise. So may I warn the Cmn- propo-ml. a representative from Dear Sir: JUAN J. FULFORD, Dear Sir: nnsar: As long as he keeps every fifty students plus others This move to kill the G.;,:e- After attending the little his activity to standards, ac­ from various groups. ral Meetings has got me fight­ Purge the SCM gathering Friday m the Buch­ cepted by any civilized, society ing mad! Just because a few Th,is would mean over two Editor, The Ubyssey, anan No, 104, organized by our he is !rec M do it but Iscfcre ol' tho sneakers grow a little h'mcirerj representatives, each Dear Sir: local commisar, Tovarish Mc­ he tries :o pull any more Mus­ dull ihe met tings are described with his own axe to grind, eaeii Student attention should be Farlan, T would like to ex­ covite tricks, he had better re­ as chaotic, because not every fighting for a little bit more for drawn fo the remarks made by press some thoughts of general member that there are quite a student attends they are un­ hi- group and to blazes with Province columnist, Eric Nichol interest. lot lampposts on the camp-js the rest. Two hundred ama­ representative. Ridiculous! concerning religion at. the Uni­ The University is supposed and not a small number of i:s teur politicians — and they call The Redshirts are expected versity. Some of them are, to to be the .yalhoring place ot will be glad to send him after tiie general meetings chaotic. to provide light comedy, it's a say the least, objectionable. men and women who think. If his great teacher, leader and V.'no would want to be a rep­ tradition, and if the speakers For instance, Mr. Nichol they ask some questions from lather, J. V Stalin. resentative" You know as well grow longvvinded a little heck- stales: . . ."Also true (in his a lecturer, they want to get Since I have close relatives as I. the Campus "Leaders", lirvg is also traditional. As for time), the Student Christian a straight answer on them, The. behind the Iron Curtain and the ' Tit'e Collectors," the but- those who don't attend they Movement was active on the know how the communists arc V n-down-shirls, the black- idiotic sick-talking that the lec­ wouldn't bother voting for a UBC campus, but mostly as a operating please clo not [>i.ibi;.-.:i is mm-rims. and Gillette chins, turing comrade tried to sell representative assembly either, cell for young Communists. my name. the Frat boys, the Ivy Leaguers. after every question, would clo they are showing that they When a Student Christian for an i:>norant mob but for Yours Truly, SuuYr.t politicians, minor civil Movement member talked couldn't care less how the A'AIS university students it is insult­ (FORESTRY II) servants in the making, the eivi- about 'Our Father' he meant is run. Ignore them! ing. 1 am perfectly aware of 1. r' ami e b 11 r e a u c r a t s. L o c u s t s! usually Lenin." Tsie meetings are called a the fact thai communist speak­ Tim proposed assembly is As the SCM has always pro­ waste of time, can anybody ers do not need to answer ques­ Shut Up tailored to fit this sect as light claimed itself as a Christian honestly say they cannot spare tions behind the Iron Curtain. Editor, The Ubyssey, as n three button suit. Being organization it cannot condone one lunch break per term? As If anyone there were foolish Dear Sir: a 'Rep' would soon be a neces­ the atheism inherent in Com­ the University grows bigger enough to ask something in a sary part of "Belonging." munist dialectic materialism. Is there so little respect tor­ and more impersonal, these political meeting, he would get In exchange for our general Hence, if Eric is right, it has at tile rights of our fellow man en meetings, if nothing else, are a meeting what are we offered? times been used as a front for the answer from security police this campus that cliques ami reminder that students run a two hundred strong hen Communists. This matter thugs. 1 know this from per­ clubs are free to assail unwill­ their own affairs and that the party. A top heavy committee should be investigated, and if sonal experience. ing ears incessantly? AMS Council is the servant of that will inevitably form other the situation within the SCM This is a free university in Prime violators are the Band. the student body, committees and wallow in a still prevails, all non-Christians a free country. I cherish the Radsoc. and Sports Car Club. We have a good Council, the mess of minutes and memos, and anti-Christians should be freedom of meeting and speech Let. the Band practice at lack' of resolutions and the procedure and predent, the thrown out of the organization here but I do not like the way night; the Blood Drive survive small turn outs can be inter­ usual stagnant channels and without delay. If Mr. Nichol in which Tovarish McFarlan without sports car parades; anct preted as a sign that we trust active pressure groups and the is wrong, he should either ex­ infiltrates the audience vvith ban Radsoc from the Campus. our council, rely on it to do a ever busy LLP comrades pull­ plain his statements further or thugs which arc probably some Can we have peace and quiet good job and have no com­ ing on the strings, apologize. storm troopers of the LPP but or were we just 'drug up'. plaints, Whilst the move to set No Sir! let's keep the general Yours sincerely, definitely not university stu­ Yours truly, up a legislative assembly is an meetings, the free, the open, WORRIED, dents. I noticed several of them LEIF OSTENSOE, insult to both students and and the over in a couple of Arts in the audience, I do not like Grad Studies Thursday, October 23, 1958 THE UBYSSEY PAGE THREE Financial Aid Increase Necessary Says Petersen The federal government must has made in capital and operat­ that had been incurred by the increase its grants to higher edu­ ing grants and in funds for loans ' previous government to provide cation, B.C. Ministerd of Edu­ and bursaries since it took office • for university expenses. This is in B.C. in 1952. j now half paid, and the rest will cation Leslie Peterson said Wed­ be paid by 1960, he said. nesday. He said UBC's operating grant is now $4,334,000 compared to I In addition to this, the Social Peterson said he saw the need $1,900,000 when Social Credit Credit government in 1955 auth­ of universities for more money took office. orized a capital grant of $10 but that he could not see how All these funds, Peterson said, million over ten years, and when the provincial governments can have been paid out of current, it became evident that this was meet these increasing needs. revenue. | insufficient initiated the match­ "Our resources are limited," he However, he said, there was t ing grant to the UBC develop­ said. a $12 million debt outstanding ! ment fund that has now been Higher education is of benefit when Social Credit took office i brought up to $10 million. to the nation as a whole, Peter­ son said. He added that it is also becoming increasingly import­ Peterson Denies Socred ant to national defense. JAIRUS MUTAMBIKWA, CHRIS MAULE Asked whether the provincial w and RUTH KIDD government could increase Manipulation" Charges —Photo by Brian Johnston UBC's operating grant to cover a possible million dollar faculty The reason for the B. C. Provincial Government's $28.00 salary increase, Peterson said "home-owners' rebate" is that it is intended to ease the burden he was not at liberty to release of municipal taxpayers in paying public school costs. UN Police Force data concerning the coming bud­ get. This was explained by B. C Peterson explained that wihile Minister of Education, Leslie R. in B.C. has risen from $73 to he agreed with the principle that Peterson in an address to stu­ $142 since Social Credit took Mooted Tonight a fee increase is undesirable, he dents in Brock Lounge on Wed­ office in this province, Peterson said. emphasized that consideration nesday. Ed. Note. In place of the the Assembly will be Miss Mar­ of a fee increase is in the prov­ He denied the charge that So­ The lecture was sponsored by daily club section the Uby­ garet Mary Leeson, the Presi­ ince of the Board of Governors. cial Credit is guilty of "acro­ ssey is running a feature on dent of the U.N. Club. UBC Social Credit Club. Peterson said increases in batic" manipulation of B. C. the model assembly, an im­ U.B.C, was the first Cana­ funds for loans, bursaries and Peterson said education costs portant UBC club activity. school funds, claiming that the dian University to form a U.N. scholarships must be increased are rising for three reasons: — provincial government ln fact Club and it has led the other if everybody who can benefit B. C. has the most rapidly grow­ pays at least 50% of the total The question of enforcing the Canadian universities in the ac­ from a university education is ing school enrolment in Canada; provincial cost of education. United Nation's decisions will tivities of this club. to have one. the average length of a pupil's be mooted tonight when the The General Assembly will This he said would be to Can­ education in B.C. is more than United Nations Club of U.B.C. begin with a procession of the ada's advantage as a whole. He ALMA CABS holds its annual Model General delegates into the Hall. The Sec­ said the provincial government anywhere else in Canada; and Assembly at 8:00 p.m. in Brock retary General will call the As­ is asking the federal government the per student cost of education ALma 4422 Affiliated with Hall Lounge. sembly to order and there will to take a more active part in in B.C. is higher than anywhere Topic under discussion will YELLOW CAB CO. LTD. be a minute of silent prayer. providing these funds, quoting else in Canada. revolve on a resolution for es­ MU. 1-3311 She will then announce the the Massey Report's recommen­ Per student cost of education tablishing a United Nations Assembly to be in session and dation of a national scheme of Police Commission. will call for a nomination for scholarships. Twenty-two student delegates the election of the President. He suggested UBC keep par­ representing member nations of i After Dr. Warren has been ity with the fees of other pro­ the U.N. will argue the pros elected, he will call upon the vincial universities. ''We are Ca­ and cons of the resolution. j ,„ MATINEE Secretary for a Report on the nadians first, and British Co­ Color will be added by the you'll find thc finest... Agenda. The motion will be lumbians second," he said. gay costumes of numerous mem­ made and then discussion will Peterson outlined the consid­ ber nations. | follow. erable increases Social Credit Its classic tobaccos give the The President of the Assem- j Principal speakers will include special quality you demand. The bly will be Doctor Harry War-1 Jack Giles for Canada, Russell delightful mildness is Matinee's ren, Professor of Minerology at I Pleasant double bedroom in Brink for United Kingdom, Peter own, and the pure, white iilter U.B.C. The Secretary-General of basement available immedi­ Heron for Liberia, John Munro ately for two male students. completes your enjoyment for U.S.A. Own toilet, cooking facilities, That is why you'll smoke , Parkash Mahant for India, private entrance. Call Andrea Foxwell, 4463 W. 15th Ave., Matinee with the Buy Cheap Graham Moseley for U.S.S.R... ALma 4339-L after 6 p.m. complete confidence Jairus Mutambikwa for Burma, Totems Now Peter St. John for France and you've found the finest. University of B.C. students Lcif Ostensoe for United Arab TO SHARE ROOM can order 1959 Totem's at a re­ Republic. Girl wanted to share apart­ duced rate during the next seven During tho course of the eve­ ment with three. Rent $37.50 days. ning refreshments will be per month. Phone ALma 4687- L after 5 p.m. Located at The reduced price of S4 will served. Following the discussion 4326 West 10th. there will be a vote on the mo­ not be offered after November 2. A cigarette of oleganco... A filter of particular purity No undergraduate pictures tion and the meeting will then will appear in the year book be adjourned. ROOM AND BOARD '.-•ecaiise of the increased enrol­ or room only, for one male student in comfortable house ment. All organized athletic learn West 43rd and Elm. Call Ample pictorial coverage of practices are cancelled today. KE. 046.1-Y afler 6 p.m., or all undergraduate events will be All athletes are to attend applv Publications office, given, according lo Totem, offi­ the General Meeting', Brock 201. cials.

How To Train YOUR EYES SITY HOOK STORE For Better Driving HOURS; 9 a.m. Jo 5 p.m. Puff after puff Most people who think they SATURDAY; - 9 a.m. io Noon know hew to drive a car will of smooth find this an eye-opener! Here's a new formula — a way to LOOSE LEAF NOTE BOOKS mild smoking prevent uccidwitfl which has been tested by trucking com­ EXERCISE BOOKS and SCRIBBLERS panies, and is now being spon­ sored by a major automobile GRAPHIC ENGINEERING PAPER, BIOLOGY PAPER, manufacturer and 2 telephuiw compiiaitKt. LOOSE LEAF REFILLS, FOUNTAIN PENS and INK, * Rend in November Reader's Digest how you can une this DRAWING PAPER Dimple 6-point guide. It may some day save your life! Owned and Operated by . . . \DQrtSni8fl CIGARETTES •"' Get November Reader's Ml PLAIN OR FILTER Digest today: 36 helpful article of laating internal. THE UNIVERSITY OF B.C. The choice ot sportsmen everywhere PAGE FOUR THE UBYSSEY Thursday, October 23, Canadians At War When you've finished "Execu­ "EXECUTION", a novel by Colin McDougall. tion" you look at the cover and Macmillan Co. of Canada, 228 pages. $3.50. you live the story again. Ken There are books you can read they look like, you know how Dallison's brilliant cover design and the life that you have just CRITICISM before lectures, and books that they talk. You love Toni, you lived move you to the point of EDITOR, fill in that half hour's relaxa­ detest Major Armstrong, you're screaming. You want to find tion before that eternal assign­ sorry for Evart, and Jonesey ment, then there are books that fault with the story. You won­ rips your heart in two. Then overrule lectures and assign­ der if Brig. Ian Kildare from ments. Books that must be read there's the wiar: you begin to Vancouver did have those ice blue eyes, because all tough, to the end, till daybreak if nec­ hate the war like you've never cool, calculating, heroes of fic­ The Painful essary. Books that fill you with hated the war before. tion seem to have them, or if joy, then on the next page have You don't have to be addicted 'THE DHARMA BUMS", a novel by Jack Kerouac. Sgt. DiCillo from you clenching your fists till to war novels to enjoy "Execu­ Macmillan Co. of Canada, 244 pages, $4.50. tion," for there is more than just really did have the leave he your knuckles show white and deserved to go on the roci a war story in this book. The dreamed of just before he was It is now time for the defin­ an empty, hollow feeling of fear killed. Could John Adam really itive analysis of the Beat Gen­ could feel no pity or syml and anticipation forms in your war is perhaps a means to an end, a means to help you know have found two such incredibly eration. Time Magazine has for the young man who tol stomach. Books that draw viol­ suitable women, in two such tried and failed, partly due to story of his heartbreak, bu ent exclamations from your lips. people, not the outside shell that we see so often, but the short breaks away from the bad temper and insensitivity, could admire his humbi Books that won't let you sleep real person inside. As you read front? Perhaps everything fits but mainly because no one could and frankness. And we even when you've finished read­ you become alive, you are a into a pattern that is too perfect accept the truth from that maga­ ing them. combat soldier. You begin to to be life. zine even if they incontestably You live through "Execu­ feel superior to the guy that sits But you were there. It hap­ possessed it. Ken Lamlb tried, tion." You know the strong sol­ at the base, because you're out pened that way. There was only and faild—more through lack of dier John Adam as you know at the front all the time. You you and four others left alive style than lack of thought—and your brother. Bunny Bazin, live, and your strengths and of the original B company, the was also guilty of pomposity, Re­ Padre Doom, Mitch Mitchell are weaknesses rise up at you from 28nd Rifles. sounding Cavalierism, and of your iriends. You know wihat page to page. --TONY SHERIDAN using the word "implicitly." I may as well admit that I'm not over-qualified for this job. I've read two novels of Kerouac, who seems generally acknowl­ edged as the spokesman for the bcatnicks, and several introduc­ tions to other novels written by Kenneth Rexroth, who seems to be a sort of Honorary Presi­ dent of the North Beach gang. But, as always, the keenness'of my insight will make up for any lack of formal scholarship. Kerouc's "Subterraneans" was CRITIC MATTHEWS BE! a story of a love affair which KEROUAC

enjoy his eager and but Theatre Fare style—great tumbling sentl In the way of drama this fall, with little regard for puif besides the Players' Club's three- tion or, often, coherence, impression of freedom and act plays November 14, 15, and pulsiveness which exactly s] 16, you can also see Shaw's tho character of Leo PerceT "Mrs. Warren's Profession" on (Another of Kerouac's J| November 1, "The Diary of Ann virtues being his aptness TIME OF THE LILAC'S — George Groulx (Horace), a self-centered and bashful bachelor, is Frank" December 3, and T. S. surprised as he listens the Jean-Louis Roux (Vincent) in the boarding house in which the names—Leo Percepied, Eliot's "Murder in the Cathe­ Ryder, Rol Sturlason.) action of "Time of the Lilacs" takes place. The play is being presented tonight at S.30 in the dral," to be acted in Christ auditorium by the Theatre du Nouveau Monde. The TNM did Moliere's La Malade Imaginaire Church Cathedral. last night before a full and enthusiastic house. There are a few tickets left for tonight at the AMS office. There is also, for the rest of this week, the dramatized battle War Films between free-wheeling atheist World War II American Clarence Darrow and demagogic aganda films made to be sl] fundamentalist William Jennings to the armed forces will MENS SUITS Bryan, playing at the York shown at noon in the auditol Theatre. WE HAVE HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE FROM. FINE, each day next week. The f| If you prefer your drama an annual UBC event,' ALL WOOL ENGLISH WORSTEDS. CO A Q<% filmed rather than live, it's too scenes from the early yeai| FRENCH GABARDINES, TWISTS, from *W«f ** up late because "The Cranes Are the War calculated to whij Flying" isn't on any more at enlisted man up to fighting FREE FREE FREE the Varsity and "The Pajama vour and send the 1958 sc A Second Article FREE with every purchase. Game" is there, with Doris Day, more into peals of ner| etc. FREE Topcoat with any Suit. laughter. FREE Sport Jacket with any Suit. FREE 2 pair Slacks with Sport Jacket. BANNED IN BOSTON! FREE 1. pair of Dress Shoes with any Suit. FREE Sport Shirt with any Slacks. DISAPPROVED BY DULLES! SPORT JACKETS Filmsoc Presents FINE, ALL WOOL, TWEED SPORT JACKETS American Propaganda Films in stripes, checks, solids, S50/4 'lfl Banned in the U. S. to avoid offence to our 2 and 3 button, from ^^'1#UV «P Anti-Communist Ally, Free Germany. OPEN ALL DAY NO MONEY "PRELUDE TO WAR" Oct. 27 WEDNESDAY AND DOWN EVERY FRIDAY "NAZIS STRIKE" Oct. 28 Pay as You Wear Night till 9.00 p.m. "DIVIDE AND CONQUER" Oct. 21) "BATTLE OF RUSSIA" Oct. 30 "BATTLE OF BRITAIN" Oct. 31 GRANVILL E VsREDIC T CV-LOT H I ERS AUDITORIUM, NOON Phone MU. 1-4041 855 Granville (next to Paradise Theatre) Series Pass Good For All Shows ttiursday, October 23, 1958 THE UBYSSEY PAGE FIVE Battle Of Words "Inherit the Wind." a three- by children, who are usually Roberts, two very competent act courtroom drama, produced rotten actors; these children are actors, were well cast and well by the Vancouver Little Theatre no worse than most. The first integrated into the main effort. is running for the rest of this major character to be introduced, Mr. Johnson did not have the D REVIEWS week at the York Theatre. The Rachel Brown (Anne Cameron) same success with Bill Mills who IBUCHANAN play is based on the famous who is Scopes' sweetheart, is a played a cynical reporter from "Monkey Trial" of 1925, in liability for she has urgent need the Baltimore Herald. Mr. Mills which William Jennings Bryan of a few lessons in facial expres­ seemed to have private under­ prosecuted John Scopes, a high- sion and elocution. standings with various other members of the cast and indulg­ school biology teacher, indicted With the entrance of Bryan ed in a little too much extra­ under Tennessee law for having (Dr. Jim Roberts) and Darrow st For 'Kicks' taught Darwin's Theory of Evol­ curricular acting. (Fred Hill), we begin to see the ution. Clarence Darrow in de­ Credit is also due to the organ- id so with The Dharma whining gibberish of "my little nature of the conflict which is to fending Scopes lost his case, but ensue. Through the efforts of grinder's assistant, Honey, who |is. But here the prose is not Buddy poem, that kept on: 'Who the cogency of his argument con­ the Rev. Jeremiah Brown (Derek gave a well-behaved, sedate and ree, and here we have the played this cruel joke, on bloke tributed greatly to the death of McCooey) at an evening prayer unruffled performance. When for Zen Buddhism, about after bloke, packing like a rat, Mr. Bryan, an embittered man, meeting in the old Methodist or comparing her character with Ch I can claim no special across the resert flat?' asked two days after the trial. Baptist tradition the play be­ the fear, ambition and bitterness /ledge. As practised by Ker- Montana Slim, gesturing to him. comes a cohesive whole and the of the human characters in the s's "truth bums," it seems the buddy of the men, in this Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, the scriptwriters, have characters come to life except play, one may well wonder adically hysterical and un- lion's den. 'Was it God mad, done a fairly good job. The for the occasional intrusions of whether evolution is progressive atingly silly. like the Indian cad, who was I first act is broken up by numer­ Rachel. after all. only a giver, crooked like the ie beat generation would ous small scenes hindering a Credit is due to Franklin — BOB MITCHELL river? Gave you a garden, let it ily seem to be people who rapid development, which at the Johnson, the director, for hand­ all harden, then comes the flood, (without any semblance of same time fall short of giving the ling his crowd scenes with bal­ and the loss of your blood? Pray jnal discipline. Their lives atmosphere for which they were ance and his cast of forty odd no organization or signifi- tell us, good buddy, and don't designed. people with firmness. Hill and |e. In this they are among make it muddy, who played this siiost frightening prenomena, trick, on Harry and Dick, and MM, Lawrence and Lee have made a major blunder in draw­ ary and actual, since Gon- why is it so mean, this Eternal ing the character of Mr. Scopes. ov created Oblomov. Hav- Scopes appears to have misgiv­ no.discipline, they are un­ I ings about his action when he to consider the future or be finds himself in jail while any TYPEWRITING iy way responsible for their normally intelligent man under ns, so the freedom of this the same circumstances would DON COSSACKS fof bohemianism is the free- have prepared for the defence of Apply to of mindlessness. These peo- his beliefs in the courtroom be­ SAL, OCT. 25 |exist only as receptors for fore carrying them to the class­ jtians. Their lives are made GEORGIA AUDITORIUM room. By the second act, how­ "No limit to capacity crouds. ^f pastimes—of which their ever, the play is well drawn to­ Tho Cossacks draw from year to year."—f'liicutio Times. Ihism is but one. Thus it is gether and the action rises very "An unfailing attraction to lie Miss Eloise Street heard attain and attain."—Los |are and a delusion, afford- smoothly to the climax (Bryan's Angelas Times, vo more than does the pe- breakdown). "Amonnst the hest choral groups to ho held In our con­ Ic ecstasy of sex or dope. cert halls."—X.Y. Times. Part of the flatness at the be­ ALma 0655-R Tickets: Modern Music, ^e primary virtue of Ker- ginning of the play is due to the MU 3-2888, 55* to $3.30 is his complete but gentle weak acting of the early charac­ Inc. tax. fction of the world of the ters. The first scene is played Mtst. L. .1. Laverock. res. "Japhy ... I see him dure years stalking along full rucksack, in suburban Its, passing the blue televi- windows of homes, alone, . . . AFTER KEROUAC houghts the only thoughts electrified to the Master Scene, jus! what's the point, ?h." of this whole joint? t it is not sufficient merely One can commend Kerouac >ject a society as widely for everything except his ideas, to be sick as contemporary which are most literally no­ ! •ica. One must offer, if one where. He also has a vicious and ss to be taken seriously, degenerate face. "TtASIIT better alternative than the —MIKE MATTHEWS Whit* t Block Ilk AH Whil* Buck tCrtp* SoU) Jazz At The Aud 7.95 iser MacPherson proved variations in rhythm that have pings with his jazz presen- been attempted in recent years. Tuesday noon. First, that Here then was technique with iree necessary qualities in profundity without freshness. |azz musician: technique, To the three above mentioned going steady Hess and profundity, an qualities we might add a fourth. ation which first appeared an inherant ability to swing inov's 'History of Jazz' in with or without the aid of a HO's, are as important to- rhythm section. Here again Fra­ they were when written. ser proved that he is not lack­ )nd, that as a jazz nxisi- ing. Linked with the combined W \e abounds in technique. talents of a rhythm section com­ ser, however, must be posed of Al Neil, piano; Paul with the other two es- Rhuland, bass, and Al Johnson, drums, sax m a n MacPherson s in mind namely I'resh- WHITE SHAG [nd profundity. In regard swung through a variety of chor­ latter, he demonstrates uses on old standards which in­ RED RUBBER SOLE |is ideas, which were bril- cluded the interesting changes executed through his involved in Crazy Rhythm and 7.95 que, were linked together Oul of Nowhere. I houghtful pattern with a Finally, a few Ihoughls cross­ >'h knowledge of the chord ed my mind in regard to the lire of each selection at- performance of pianist Al Neil. All styles in AA and B widths 4-10. ;d. Hampered by an extremely bad |re was, however, a lack- piano, perpetually youthful Ai the third essential of the Neil, an interesting advocate of Ask to see our other "SPORT-PAL" patterns. uisician—freshness. Fra- the beal scene, appeared strand­ \s made very little effort ed on a plateau on which he has ak the bounds of the swing perched for the past several "The Greatest Discovery for Girls... Since Boys** ler than harmonically. He months, Adequate yes, but not none of the interesting inspired as he has been on so that have been written many occasions in the past. |ly, still retained the old Maybe all his inspiration is now wite, commercial sound being thrust into his poetry writ- CAMPUS SHOES [o, and completely disre- ins 4442 WEST 10TH AVENUE any of the interesting --WALLY LIGHTBODY PAGE SIX THE UBYSSEY Thursday, October 23, 1958 Editorial Heads Roll Over Uprising EDMONTON (CUP) — Three 'TWEEN CLASSES Canadian student editors have (Continued from Page 1) been fired from their posts and AMERICAN MARK ETING barred from publishing their! ASSOCIATION—American Mar­ opinions concerning the Duples- j keting Association open to Com­ sis government and the Quebec merce students with an interest student's crisis. in marketing. General meeting, Friday, October 24 at 12:30 in A fourth editor is "on trial"— C10. if he does not toe the line he •T* *T* •¥• will also lose his job. BIG BLOCK CLUB — Big Block Club general meeting — Jean David and Normandf Homecoming - Program - Ban­ Lacharite, co-editors of the Uni­ quet. versity of Ottawa's "La Ro- **T* **f* H* tunde", and the editor of the THUNDERBIRD BOOSTER University of Montreal's "Quar­ BAND—Today's practice in Hut ASUS GENERAL MEETING PICTURE PUZZLE. — This is a puzzle. The object of the puzzle tier Latin" were relieved of G at 12:30. All out please. is to test your sense of observation, What you are supposed to observe is that something is their duties. missing from this picture. Can you see what is missing? — Photo Neil Burton 9ft 9ft 9ft BIOLOGY CLUB—Two noon hour films, "Australia's Coral Scholarship Reef" and "Carpenters of the Woods." B 100 12:30 Friday, Three LLD's To Be Given Deadline Nears October 24, •TP *p *n There are ten days left for ap­ ARCHAEOLOGY CLUB — plications for Rhodes Scholar­ Archaeology Club meet in An­ At UBC Fall Congregation ships to be submitted to the thropology Museum in library Scholarship Selection Commit­ basement noon Friday. Mrs. Three outstanding Canadians The trio of notables will have tee, Hawthorn, curator, to speak. will be recognized by UBC in the opportunity of meeting grad­ November 1st is the deadline the conferring upon them of the for the applying for the schol­ *V *T* *F uated students and friends at CLASSICS CLUB—The Clas­ honorary doctor of laws degrees arship which is to be presented the Congregation tea in Brock sics Club will hold its first meet­ at the 32nd Fall Congregation to one student from U.B.C. Memorial Hall Lounge and will ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. in the Armouries Friday at 2:30 Selections for the £750, Ox­ McGregor at 8 p.m., Friday, Oc­ p.m. later attend the dinner, at 7:30 ford scholarship will be made by tober 24. Speaker, Mrs. E. A. E. The recipients of honorary de­ p.m., in the University Club at a provincial committee. Bongie, "Iiberius Gracchus," grees, Mrs. Rex Eaton, president which President and Mrs. Mac­ Applicants do not write an of the National Council of examination and will be judged *T* T* **r Kenzie will be hosts, PSYCHOLOGY CLUB—Pre­ Women; Lt.-Gen. E. L. M. Burns, on previous records and personal sents Mrs. O. McCrae of The Commander of the United Na­ Guests will also include Chan­ interviews. Children's Clinic speaking on tions Emergency Force in the cellor and Mrs, A. E. Grauer, Character, instincts to lead and "Child Guidance" on Friday, Middle East; and Dr. John H.' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Williams, interest in outdoor sports will October 24 in HM2. Williams, director of the re-j Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kaufman, be considered although scholas­ ff* ff* v search division of the American i Mr. and Mrs. David Eaton, Mr. tic ability is of primary import­ GYM CLUB is sponsoring Div­ Atomic Energy Commission, | and Mrs. Arthur Eaton, Mr, and ance. ers, Gymnasts, and daredevils- Washington, D.C, will be hon-! Mrs. Don Allardice, Mr. and The most important require­ trampoline classes on Friday, ored by President N. A. M. Mac­ Mrs. C. T. McHattie, Mr. and ment is a quality of distinction at 4:30 in the Memorial gym. Kenzie at a 12 noon luncheon Mrs. G. Selman, Mrs. Ken Dav­ whether of intellect or character * * * in the campus Faculty Club idson, Chief Justice Sherwood J. H. WILLIAMS or both. when olher guests will be Mrs, Lett and Mrs, Lett, Dean and NISEI VARSITY CLUB is hav­ MacKenzie, Chancellor and Mrs, Mrs, S. N, F. Chant, Dean and ing a General Meeting at 12:30 A. E. Grauer, Rev. Charles G. Mrs. F. H. Soward, Dr. and Mrs. Friday, October 24, in BU, 205. Stone, Congregation invocation Wallace Wilson, Dr, and Mrs. Harvard Grad To Speak ff, ff, ff. speaker, and Mrs. Stone, and Walter S. Woods, Dr. and Mrs. Professor Shigeto Tsuru, pro­ • Studies at UBC, Professor Tsuru There will be a GENERAL members of the faculty and their George Volkoff, Mr. and Mrs. fessor of Economics, Hitobfu- graduated from Harvard with MEETING of the DEBATING wives. Gordon R. Selman, Dean and bashi University, Tokyo, will be , honors in economics and re­ ! UNION Friday at 12:30 in BU. speaker at the Vancouver In­ ceived his doctor of philosophy , 202. As the Constitution is to Mrs. G. C. Andrew, Rev. and 1 Mrs. C. G. Stone, other faculty stitute's Saturday night session degree from the same university. be amended at this meeting, ALL members and their wives, in University of British Colum­ Following World War II, he en- MEMBERS PLEASE ATTEND. bia's Buchanan building, 10(1, at | tered government service in ff.ff.ff* Lt, Gen, Burns will give the 8:15. His subject will be "Trade. Japan and drafted that country's GERMAN CLUB is holding a VARSITY congregation address, Aid and Economic Development | first annual economic survey in meeting for elections, and to dis­ He will arrive in Vancouver in the Far East." ' 1948. The following year, he re- cuss plans for a party. All mem­ 1 Thursday and will participate A visiting lecturer in Asian turned to the university. bers out. in. U.N. day ceremonies at UBC. ff* *T* *T* THEATRE UBC CURLING CLUB fees All lectures and labs will be LITTLE MAN ON,CAMPUS^ have been lowered for this year, cancelled Friday afternoon to 4375 West 10th and the Club is short seven mem­ enable students to attend the bers. All interested in joining AL, 0345 graduation ceremonies. •< /«>': please phone Monty, at EL. 1893. ff* ff* ff* Deadline for those wishing to participate in the PRE-MED SO­ Thurs. Fri. Sat. CIETY field trips is Saturday, October 2olh. Please bring your names lo Brock 258 as soon as The B-'oaclway Hit possible, Sensation ff* ff* ff* WANTED—all available first year students lo lead supper! at the l'rosh-eng'meer cheer contest. "The Pajaira Place- -this Saturday's football game. Varsity stadium at ImO, Hold oil i ight Harry, I don't Game" want to sol l.ho-se shoes from Matz and Wozny CAMPUS' SHOES all wet. Starring DORIS DAY and Complete range of Rubber 548 Howe St. MU.:i-ni5 1 lit? Wonderful Cast of the Footwear available at Broadway Play: John Raitt, Custom Tailored Suits Carol Haney & Eddie Foy Jr. for Ladies and Gentlemen CAMPUS SHOES Gowns and Hoods Men! Step in style with a Starts Monday - pair of Desert Boots. Uniforms The ultimate in Do-It- Open All Day Wednesdays Double breasted suits Yourself Entertainment and Fridays 'till 9 p.m. modernized in the new "How To Murder Phone AL. 0408 single breasted styles, A Rich Uncle" 4442 West 10th % MTM RUN &KXAN0 CHgCK THAT WMQOl*?.* Special Student Rates Thursday, October 23, 1958 THE UBYSSEY FACE SEVEN Conference Gong SHIRTS Marx Or Malthus Professionally Laundered Must Pong Again 3 f.r 59 ® Asia's Choice A gong broken at the Leadership Conference held at Camp BED-SITTING ROOM The underdeveloped countries of Asia have the choice of fol­ Elphinstone must be mended or replaced said chairman of the con­ with kitchen privileges near lowing the population doctrines of Karl Marx or Malthus said ference, Peter Meekison. UBC gates for quiet male Dr. David Corbett in a U. N. Association sponsored lecture in student. ALma 1746-M. A letter received today from Buchanan 100, Friday. John O. Pollock, assistant gen­ The two approaches to pop- Blitzers eral secretary of the Y.M.C.A., ulation problems were demon­ stated it had come from either strated using Japan and China China or India and would be French Novelist To as examples. Get $1157 very hard to replace. Receipts from the one-hour "Japan's handling of the prob­ The letter suggested the gong Red Feather Blitz Wednesday to­ lem is both brutal and courag­ talled $1157.12, CUS officials be shipped out to U.B.C. and Lecture (In French) repaired here. eous," he said. said today. A leading French novelist Japan had decided to control Members of Commerce Under­ If this proves impossible Mr. will speak at the University of her population by reducing the graduate Society solicited funds Pollock said overseas students B.C. today under the auspices Group Study birth rate. The number of ab­ for the from China or India might be of the department of romance ortions is now estimated to be Community Chest and Council able to suggest where the Uni­ studies. equal to the numbers of live Red Feather drive between 9:30 versity could obtain a similar He is Henri Quefflec, author At Workshop births, stated Corbett. and 10:30 a.m., invading classes, gong. of six novels and numerous ar­ cafeterias and other gathering Miss Marjorie Smith, Family Meekison said the gong was ticles whose tour of North Amer­ China on the other hand has places of students. Life Director of University of made of malleable cast iron with ica is sponsored by L'Alliance decided to follow the Marxist a bronze center piece. British Columbia Extension De­ Francaise. conception of population as partment, will be coordinator of M. Quefflec will lecture if wealth. StudentUnion It had been forged and would a Group Development Workshop French at 12:30 p.m. in room To this end she is reorganizing be almost impossible to mend. 105 of the Buchanan building. to be held at the Youth Training her whole society into labour He had no idea how much it The lecture is open to the public. battalions, living in barracks Bldg Planned Centre on campus October 28, would cost. and working in the fields in pla­ At the meeting of the Brock The matfer will first have to 29, and 30. toons, Planning and Development Com­ be brought before the Students Miss Smith has had extensive Hungarians Agricultural production should mittee on Monday, a motion to Council. experience in working with plan a student union building in be tremendously increased by They may decide to hold a groups and in serving as con­ tiie area now occupied by the Stage March this approach. closed investigation but the per­ sultant in training. She recently medical huts, was carried unani­ China, partly as the result of sons who removed and dropped attended the Group Development A march by the Sopron stu­ mously. this policy will be a great prob­ the gong at two o'clock one Laboratory in Bethel, Maine, dents will be staged today at It was ratified at the A.M.S. lem. Her population is growing morning are as yet unknown. ! under a grant from the Canadian p:30 to commemorate the Hun­ Council meeting Monday. | Association for Adult Education. garian uprising of 1956. rapidly. From 583 million people The Leadership Conference is Increased enrollment was the The Hungarian students will in 1953 she has grown to 640 responsible for having the gong j Purpose of the workshop, reason given to look into the march from the flag pole at the million today and will reach proposal. fixed or replaced. j sponsored by the University Ex­ 900 million by 1980. tension Department and the B.C. end of the Main Mall to the Parent Teacher Federation, is to Memorial Gym where they will Accordingly, said Dr. Corbett. "1950 A40 — This car has had place a wreath. They will then Canada might do well to be on a mother's love, but now help participants become more I return to the flag pole. more friendly terms with these needs a mechanic's tender care effective as group members and I In connection with the second —Good tires, motor, city test­ leaders by developing their un­ large growing countries in Asia ed this month, but purchaser derstanding of themselves and | anniversary of the revolt, the and extend to them, such aid as should be prepared to grind others: and by developing skills , students will exhibit a e.siliectior we can. The psychological im­ valves or invest in an oil well. in working with family, com­ ' of guns and other relics. Thurs­ pact of the aid might prove val­


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acnthcr-fanecl ce,httir.< ,...<' ;u*<*d: s'tiops erenj- EATON'S Junior Fashion Centre vhcre! ..','), P'diur.r, price #1.0.!)5. MU. 5-7112 Cardigan, price $11.9'!. New Westminster Store LA. 2-2741 Look fur thc namv 0&^ PAGE EIGHT THE UBYSSEY Thursday, October 23, 1958 i Bond Conversion Plan Termed "Gift To Lenders tf The present bond conversion plan of the Federal Government is a gift to the money lenders of Canada, a prominent CCF speaker He denounced the idea of re­ told students, Tuesday, moving "seat-warmers" from high schools. Erhart Regier, CCF MP for the hands ofl^nkTand^other Burnaby-Coquitlam told students; institutions." "They are our responsibility; and there are no jobs for them in Physics 201 Wednesday that He estimated the cost of the now if they were removed from the gift amounted to more than loan change-over would amount high schools." $60 million a year. to $45 per family in Canada. He said this would last for Regier, sponsored by the CCF He suggested a different type a 25 year period. club, also touched on education of education might be found for during his noon hour address. them. He estimated the cost of the conversion "comes close to $100 TH. MILDEST BEST-TASTING CIGARETTE million." "The conversion loan scheme Committee To Examine will up interest rates across the country for the next 25 years." "Most of this money will go to the money-lenders of Canada," UBC's Award System Applications For McGoun he asserted, "because 90 per An awards committee has provide basic information on all cent of the bonds are now in been set up to examine the pres­ the award systems maintained Cup Debating Team Wanted ent structure of the various ma­ by the many organizations of jor and minor award systems the AMS. Applications for the University of B.C. McGoun Cup debating on the campus. The accuracy and promptness team will be received until Saturday. TUXEDO n The committee will examine of these organizations concerned Applicants do not have to be - in returning the forms will be negative. RENTAL & SALES all award systems on the cam­ members of the Debating Union appreciated by the committee, The annual cup competition • Full Dress pus, but does not intend to dic­ Entries should be sent to Box • Morning Coats will be held in January, tate to the organization as to 133, Brock Hall. j • White and Blue Coats how to distribute honours. UBC will debate at home • Shirts and Accessories FOR RENT Eliminations will start Oct. 27 i The committee is trying to and the members of the team, i against the University of Mani­ • $1.00 discount to Basement suite: Two male toba and away at the University UBC Students. make known all the awards that students. Private entrance, will be announcedin November. I are in current operation through­ semi-private bath, Close to The UBC team will be made I of . E. A. LEE Ltd. bus. $40 per month. Phone UBC's negative team will out the university. up of four members, two argu- j 823 HOWE, MU. 3-2457 KE. 6235-R. ing the affirmative and twio the | travel while the affirmative A form is being circulated to team remains here. The competing universities are UBC, University of Alberta, University of Saskatchewan, SHIRTS BARBARA'S Manitoba University. WHAT NEXT! Professionally Laundere School of Fashion WANTED A window FASHION SHOW Student to share furnished 3 .fr 59° i and Modelling Ltd. modern apartment. Reason­ with Student Models able expenses. Like home. Phone CH. 9658. FOR RENT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25TH Pleasant, private room in a modern home available im­ from 3 to 4 p.m. mediately. Kitchen privil­ eges. Female student prefer­ Qt red. $35.00 per month. Phone COLE FACTS ALma 1299-Y. About-. . . The CUtkeS Hm* Are You Neurotic? Do you wake up tired in tho 4609 West Tenth Avenue morning? Maybe you're neu­ NFCUS LIFE rotic! How can you tell if you have a neurosis? Q—Does NFCUS LIFE just give you life insurance In November Reader's protection? Digest are some enlightening BARBARA answers . . . and 6 simple ways A—No! NFCUS LIFE plan to help you overcome neurotic also provides special tendencies and get mora fun benefits for accident and out of lite. Gain Confidence, sickness disability as well as guaranteeing G«t your November Reader's Sovoir-Foire your insurability for the Digest today: 38 articles of future. personal and lasting interest. By Better Grooming, Speech,, Personality and the many other Factors to Improve Yourself.

To till IIIM>..' who n.-.-K- Hcir-ili'\'i.|ii|>nii.|i|. ivi. ran offer yen inure peise, Onlll'lilelM'e. SH.\oir •• fail*. anil s I'll' - as^ura nee Illl'nUlvh i.llr rliisms iii JOIN THE belter KrmniiiiiK. make­ up, ('Inl lies SI yllim, |iel'- Homilit.v ilevrk,ptiienl ami Enjoy the campus social «(ieakint!'. We luue pm- University I'eHsioiiill iu.-il iiiehirs vvlm activities to the fullest. teaell yen, lake llluvies Take advantage of these ami inpe reennlinws tu special University rates. li <•• I ], ilhisl rale slini'l - Good times and popularity (Danxx£r Social ISIKlllillK'S ami huW lllese are just around the corner. are overi'nllle. That's how easy it is to YOU ARE INVITED learn to dance at Arthur CM to see how our classes Murrays. Thousands who function. Phone BA. FRANK WALL thought they never could SAVE 80% 9333 after 10.30 a.m. for dance have discovered in one of our representatives, one lesson at Arthur Mur­ Pay only reservations and sit In well qualified to give you 50c A WEEK on one of our classes. ray's that learning his way personalized service and ad­ Ls simple for anyone. You For the first fifty Day, Eve. or Sat. Classes get ballroom experience Think of it . . , for as little vice on your insurance and as 50c a week you can estate programme plans, and confidence right from the start, learn to dance at the World BA. 9333 Famous ARTHUR MUR­ 2431 Granville RAY STUDIOS. CANADIAN Don't wait. Only a limited EXPORTA (AT BROADWAY) ARTHUR number can be accepted. PREMIER LIFE FILTER TIP 779 W. 9th EX. 2924 COME IN TODAY OR 10.30 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. MURRAY PHONE S. K. COLE, CLU CLOSED MONDAYS Kifi West Hastings MU 4-2477 CIGARETTES Branch Manager MUtual 4-2477