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THE SOUTH AFRICAN NON-RACIAL Olyf-Lpic COMMITTEE THE SOUTH AFRICAN NON-RACIAL OLYf-lPIC COMMITTEE The South African Non-Racial Olyiripic Committee (SAN-ROC) is not only- well informed of the sport structure in South Africa but is well ahead of the developments that are taking place and has first hand knowledge in some instances. Dedicated o fficials work around the clock and, at short notice, attend World Congresses lobby for support - to end racial discrimination in sport in South Africa. SAN-ROC is well known for its frankness eind is regarded as am authority on sport played in this coun­ t r y . Recently its chairmam., Mr. Samba Ramsaity, was attached to the United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid - for a period of three months - aind was commissioned to update records for the committee and was able to give to the Committee first hand information on the SA Sports Scene. W hilst at the United Nations, Mr. Ramsany was able to meet the hundreds of delegates from the various countries who promised solidarity for the removal of racial bias in South Africa. The task of Mr. Ramsamy is made easier by the Secretary of SAN-ROC, Mr. Chris de Brogolio, whose Marble Arch .ofjpices in London is a hub of acti­ vity and who is ably assisted by persons like Isiah Stein, W ilfrid Bru- ■tusj Jasmat Dhiraj, Steve Tobias and of course Dennis Brutus. SAn-RO C, realising the volume of work entailed in the s-truggle for the removal of racism, appointed Mr. Samba Ramsamy as its fu ll time O fficer. Mr. Ramsairy has attended the several Conferences and meetings convened by the Su­ preme Council for Sport in Africa. Mr. Abraham Ordia, the President o f the SCSA cuid M r. Ramsamy have recently returned to Europe after attending the IOC Congress at Pueto Rico. \ Sometimes their work is hampered. Like the time when the SA Soccer Federation went out of time. The Federation posed a problem for SAN ROC when it fe ll foul of the non- racial demand. In an exchange of telephone conversations with Mr. Chris de Broglllo Ramsany in New York, we appraised him of the soccer position and the development that was taking place following the acceptance of white foot bailers not committed to our course. Mr. Jean Claude Ganga, the General Secretary of the SCSA was also in the USA. But in Las Vegas. Mr. Ganga informed Mr. Ramsany that FASA’s President, Mr. Ian Taylor wanted to talk to them. Mr. Ganga stated that the request from Mr. Taylor emana­ ted from Mr. Norman Middleton, Federation's President. The motive was suspect and the SCSA Secretary General liasing with his President, Mr. Ordia, and Mr. Ramsanp- was able to cope with the situation. W hilst the SASP was put to terms Mr. Abdul Bhamjee, SASF Pro telephoned Mr. Ramsa- m y in New York and discussed with him matters relative to soccer. Mr. Rcunseuiy view ed t h is te le p h o n ic p e rsuan ce wi-th s u s p ic io n cind I was a b le to put Mr. Ramsamy clearly in the picture. SAMBA RAMSAMi' WITH SPORT OFFICIALS - IN JAMAICA Rudolph Opperman, the President of the SA National Olympic.& Games Asso­ ciation endeavoured to contact the several SAn-ROC o fficials homing to’ have a rendezvous with them so as the waterdown their opposition to ra­ cial discrimination in this Country. Mr. Vivian Granger, the former NFL Manager made several bids to communi­ cate with Mr. Jean Claude Ganga - Secretary General SCgA and at one sta­ ge wrote to Mr. Ganga stating that he would like to v isit Mr. Ganga and Was making arrangements for issues of a passport for Mr. Norman'Middle- ton, SASP President. The B ritish Amateur Athletic Board was informed that the four white South- Africans - members of the Germiston (Transvaal) Callies - cannot compete in the Two Bridges Race in Scotland. The cyclists left SA as individuals cind were hoping to race on the Europeein tracks. The team led by Alan Robb was debarred. SAN-ROC sent a cable to President Machel of Maputo (Mocambique) on 13/6 / 78 informing him of the SA Karate Squad due in Maputo on 1 7 / 6 / 7 8 w ith an appeal to cancel the proposed tournament. The tournament did not take p la c e . SA Newspapers too had a hand in antogonising SAN-ROC. Not only did they reflect badly on the organisation but also carried incorrect reports. On the 1 1 / 1 0 / 7 8 SAN-ROC was compelled to issue a statement with regard to dialogue with racist football organisations. On this matter Mr. Ramr- Scuny worked very closely with our Patron Mr. Geo Singh and cLfter several telephone conversations SAN-ROC issued a Press Statement in London, copy of the statement reads as follows: South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee 28 Seymour Street, London, W.l. s M - r n Telephone Inqs. 01-402 5401 Cables: Portcourt PRESS STATEMENT 11 October 1978 THE REPORT THAT SAN-ROC HAS APPROVED DIALOGUE WITH RACIST FOOTBALL ORGANISATIONS IN SOUTH AFRICA IS TOTALLY FALSE AND INCORRECT. SAN-ROC REPRESENTS GENUINE NON-RACIAL SPORTSMEN AND WOMEN OF SOUTH AFRICA ANDi AS SUCH, WE SHALL NEVER APPROVE OF DIALOGUE OR MERGERS WITH RACIST SPORTS BODIES. IN FACT OUR AIM IS TO COMPLETELY LIQUIDATE ALL RACIST SPORTS ORGANISATIONS IN SOUTH AFRICA - WHETHER THEY BE BLACK OR WHITE. South Africa's white racist sports organisations are now using black sports administrators as token heads of sports bodies to apply a thin veneer of respectability over their racism. Some black opportunists have exploited the schemes of the white racists for their own selfish ambitions. These black opportunists, using the meagre cind totally inadequate concessions granted by the apartheid government, have, unfortunately, totally misled and confused our black sportsmen and women. There is no place in South African sport for racists like Granger, Opperman, Craven, Mclldowie, etc., who from the very beginning - in their determination to uphold racist sport - did everything possible to destroy non-racial sport. We black footballers w ill never forget the moves by Granger and Company t deprive non-racial sportsmen of playing facilities. These racists, realising that their re-entry into international sport needs the co-operation of Blacks, have roped in stooges and opportunists like Thabe, Varachia, etc., to do the dirty work for them. THIS TACTIC WILL NEVER WORK. South Africa's sportsmen w ill not hie lured EN BLOC by the carefully orchestrated manoeuvres of racist sports organisations. This has been proved beyond doubt when our non-racial cricketers reformed under the South African Cricket Board after they were misled and confused by Varachia and Company who have completely succumbed to the sugar-coated apartheid policies of South Africa. One realises how well Varachia has been brainwashed by the racists when he makes statements like , "And we are now definitely going to take positive steps to get back into the international fold". He forgets that in the first place HE NEVER WAS IN THE INTERNATIONAL FOLD. THERE IS NO HOPE OF SOUTH AFRICA RE-ENTERING INTERNATIONAL SPORT UNTIL THERE IS COMPLETE AND GENUINE NON-RACIAL SPORT AT ALL LEVELS. Samba Ramsamy CHAIRMAN; SAN-ROC: 130 Olympic Game* Participation for All Without Racial Discrimination SAN-ROC and the Supreme Council for Sport in Africa drove home the point when Mr. Ramsairy and Mr. Ordia had talks with the President of the International Olympic Committee, Lord Killeinin. The IOC President Was being asked by the ITF President, Mr. Phillipe Chatrier, to consi­ der tennis as an Olyirpic code. The effects of the discussion with Lord Killanin has been felt by white South African Tennis Union in its pur­ suance to retain membership with the International Tennis Federation. Repudiating statements made by irresponsible persons can be veiy annoy­ ing and revolting. Dr. Dctnnie Craven in a Press interview - overseas - stated that Abbas's SARU and Craven's SARB had come to an agreement. F o llo w in g a re q u e s t from Mr. Rctmsany and a ls o a c a b le from Tom Newnham in New Zealcind I spoke to both the President, Mr. D, Abbas, and Secre­ tary, Mr. Tony Patel, who pooh-poohed the statement. Quite a lot was done to influence Muhammod A li to see daylight in our opposition to his SA v isit. Perhaps the A li v isit entailed more commu­ nications around the globe, more talking to high ranking o fficials in the Middle East and more agitation in the USA than any other. The Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement and Professor Richard Lapchick also featured prominently in efforts to dissuade A li, but we owe it to the Nigerian Chairman of the United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid in SA for his advice to A li, who‘only then decided not to come. Our big­ gest pain in the neck was Farouk Khan. Farook Khan, the former National Secretary of the SAAW/l &BB Federation, was involved in the proposed Muhammod A l i to u r to SA. SAMBA RAMSAM/ GREETS MR.MAMLEM, THE PRIME MIWISTER'IOF: JAMAICA. MRS.MANLEV LOOKS OH. SAN-ROC has done a tremendous amount of vork for Cricket. Mr. Ramsany flev over to Jamaica and discussed the position of that Country's sport relationship with the Premier Mr. Manley. Mr. Ramsamy was assured of Mr. Manley's co-operation indicating West Indies opposition to racial discrim ination in sport. Mr. Ramsamy also obtained the assurance that West Indies w ill not support South Africa in the International Cricket Conference.
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