The Newsaper of the Anti-Apartheid Movement the Newsaper of the Anti
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The newsaper of the Anti-Apartheid Movement The newsaper of the Anti-Apartheid Movement SWAPO calls for cancellation of uranium contract lop I 7i Labour must fulfil In this issue: .Angola victory UN reouinrOWwl vn U Nresl u i" -.....and SA liberation -.7,r HOW willeventsinAn~gola affect the course of the struggle THE British Government was brotherly association between HUGHES tep reports from Lu-faced with the choice of con- SWAPO and MPLA, makeheir anda and AAM Hon Secretary tinuiuitspresentdisastrousvictoryequallyacauseof ABDUL MINTY assessesthe policiesonSouthernAtrica,or rejoicingforus." 'f 't aan lad situation in which South Aric changing course and imple- "'The myth of the military noLI w finds ite cente pages. enenting the Labour Party's invincibility of South Africahas IIE IIll 1 nPl n programme,SWAPO (South beenbrokenonceandforall,he fae ,death 'J Braliy VWest African People's Organ- wenton TheVorsterregime had Britain votes isation) Administrative Secre- planned t smash through to tary Moses Garoeb said during a Luanda in i weeks - instead it visit tLondon in February. had been defeated \-<A new situation had arisen in Hesaid that South Africad had Sthero Africa, ledeclared - lostthemIlitaryiiitiatiye - and INJanuary the Brirsh Goverrone in whichtheinitiativehad theliberationmovementswere 4ment wenton recrdin passed r evocably to the liber- inamuchstrongerposition ofa unitary state im ibi The cogices"SWAPG ' (SoutliWestAfri)b suppora'tion movements, Thsertn ch i ts' " A~si-~il~x~ i ti" n'g a UIN resolution which ma nowcouldbeCrucialforNasoibiaarn called for free elections in the th episdetheutureryas(eras >-1 territory, FRANK FHXOEY MP AaMteetingwithjunitor thura.areas,andtisinten okat te~ sgicac o fthe Fpreign Office Minister David sifica(tsnof Our struggle wilt E tnal s MP Moses Garoeb urged continue,' theGovernmenttoadoptthe MosesGaroebstressedthat L NEC a lls LabourPart'snewstatementn SWAPOhadalwayswelcomed Lb rN et1INfaibia(South West Africa) as ai from anyonet who offered it. for 'Namibia rethink thebasis ofits policy Buthesaidthatwhenit had' InparticularSWAPOasked askedBritainnottosupply THE NEC of the Labour Party i to cancel the BritishweaponstoSouthAfrica,Britain ascalled on the Government Atomic Energy Authority's con- andotherWesterncountrieshad to re-think its pol es on Namtor the purchase of uranium not listened. ibia (South West Africa) and to fromtheterritor. Swedeon,hesaid,wasan cancel. the important Ressing Thestatementcallsfortheexception among Western uranium contract JIM CHRYScncellation of the contract, and countries in that for several years TIE outlines Labour's new pofor an end to al econiic ties it had allocated funds in its ]icy statement, page 5 'sthNamibliasolongasitis budgetfdrtheSouthernAfrican 4 ilhgallyoccupiedbySouthliberationmovements.Recently A Africa Denmark,Finland,Holland.and Armed struggle The SWAPO delegation asked Norway had followed suit the Government to Implement He dismissed reports that events in Zi U N resolutions on the territory, Cuban troops might cross into and to stop the British firm Namibia as "wild speculation". THE guerrilla struggle is again Marconi from supplying South SWAPO had not invitd them to hotting up in Zilbabwe (RhodAfrica with military equipment cross the border. esia) MARGARET LING reports for use against SWA1'O guer- Atthesametimehesaidthat on carorit developments, page riflesa Cu ba had supported the Napi- 8 irr emet,~g i t also called it, attention to ibiatn liberation struggle the trial of leading, SWAPO throu~ghout the last 15 years, and 7>"' ienrbees on eharges underthe that it was SWAPO's right to Aaron Muchiniba, SWANNationalO r t Iif 1 White nerves TroismA( t,which opened in decide to accept aid from Windhoek onnFeb , 16, Heisonfe ofs APOmeerswhehave bei t sn At.hea onebruary16 anyonewhoofferedit heenchargedunadertheTerrorismActwith planning 'terrorist activities'. t aress conference held What mattered, Moses Ga- If they are convicted the six face a minimum five year prison sentence HOW is white morale standing during his visit Moses Garoeb roeb stressed, was the people of and a iaxinrum penalty of death welcomed the establishment of Southern Africa - people who Lip to South Africa'sdefeat n thePeoplesRepublicofAngola hadfoughtfor13,14of15years N i1 . Angola? JOHN CLARKE desby-MPLA .'Forthefirsttime," he Heemphasisedthatthereason ew bill gi ves Transkei cribesthereality-shock that has said,"wearetohaveafree SWAPOwasfightingwassothat hit white South Africans, page eighbour alongour northern the people of Namibia could phony independence 10. be rsr' nh determinetheirownfuture. i s, and the long historyof THE South African Government South African GoVernment SA sportspolicy 4SAUT Librationl Comi ttee, isgoingaheadwithitsplansfor SouthAfricawillgiveup ,xped Sphony 'independence'forthe noneofitskeypowersoverthe sfraud re edom .. .TranskeiBantustan,withthe Transkeiwhenitbecomes'in- BLACK cricketers have abocemovement publicationofabillwhich dependent'in October1976, raged white South Africas atOAU Liberation Core- January meeting in Lourenco enables the Transkei to appoint and the area will remain totally tempt to window dress aparmityte congratulatedSWAPO Marques. diplomaticofficersandnego- dependent on the white theid in sport by refusing to (Souh West African People's In aresolution, the com tiate international agreements controlled economy acceptanythingshortoftotal Organisation) on the stepping mitted expressed "rejoicng" at The farcical nature of the bill The bill provides for 75 integration. CHRISDE BROGLIO up of the fight for an in- the "acceleration of the liber- is shown by the clause which paramount chiefs and chiefs ,ooksattheSoth l fricancrict de e dent, u tary Namibia ation process carried out by provides for the Transkei to ne- and 75 elected members in the authorities new sports poliy, (So th West Africa) at its ,SWAPO"'.... gottate agreernpnts with the Traniket's Legislative Assembly. page 9. ACTION NAMINAL AND INTERNATIONAL Britain Gosport OVER 70 people packed Gosport Town Hall on January 16 at a meeting addressed by Albie Sachs, South African lawyer and ex-political prisoner. The success of the meeting will revitalise Gosport and Portsmouth Anti-apartheid Group, whose members are planning to step up their activities. Gosport's Mayor, Councillor G. Hewitt, chaired the meeting, and among the audience were four clergymen, representatives from Liberal, Labour and Communist Party branches, a teacher who brought a group of sixth-form stydents and many interested individuals. Albie Sachs attacked British invfstment In South Africa, linking it with the cheap labour system of apartheid, and said the best way for the international community to oppose apartheid was to implement a full boycott of South Africa. A vote of thanks was given by Rev. John Hess, formerly a clergyman in South Africa. The film "End of Dialogue",was also shown. After the meeting, 50 people handed in their names to be kept in touch with future AA activities and a collection of £18 was taken East Lonaon A one-day conference on Southern Afica is being planned jointly by East London AA Group and Walthamstow Constituency Labour Party, to take place on Saturday March 20, 10.30 am to 5 pm at the William Morris Hall, Somers Rd, Walthamstow, E17. An impressive programme of speakers has been arranged, including Peter Katjivivi (SWAPO) John Gaetsewe (SACTU) Ethel de Keyser, former Executive Secretary of the AAM, Hugh Lewin, ex-political prisoner and author of 'Bandiet' and Stan Newens MP. There will be a showing of the film "Last Grave at Dimbaza" The admission charge of 65p includes lynch. Contact: Dave Simmonds, 174 Romford Rd, London E7 (01-534-2263) Southampton SOUTHAMPTON Anti-Apartheid Group and students from Southampton University have got together to organise a Southern Africa Day on Saturday March 6. The event will be held in St Matthews Church Hall, St Mary's Road, admission 10p, from 11 am to 5.30 pm. The film "Vukani-Awake" and films on Angola and Namibia will be shown and speakers include John Sprack on Zimbabwe. Ron Press on trade union work in South Africa and Paul Fauvet from the Angola Solidarity Committee Contact' David Hoadley, 82 Chrlton Rd, Southampton Sol AAM .local groups plan to step up action THE Anti-Apartheid Move and the way in which the AAM paper on this for discussion at ment took a new initiative to office can be of help to the next meeting. draw together the numerous groups. It was decided that at every local AA groups working Three major points emerged AAM National Committee throughout the country at a from the meeting. The groups meeting time would be set meeting on January 31. agreed that it would beuseful asidefor local group reports. It The meeting was, designed to the Movement to "hold was also agreed to hold a to give a platform to local regional conferencs of acti- meeting of local group. repregroup activists to discuss a- vists so that co- ordinated sentatives before every weekmong themselves, and with campaigning activity can be end National Committee AMM's staff and Executive assured, and so that activists meeting. Committee the progress being outside London can have the AAM's success depends on made in their areas, problems opportunity to meet and ex- the awareness and activity of encountered in campaigning press their views. Work has its members and for this work and activities and to already begun of planning reason such meetings are indebate current developments such a meeting in Scotland, valuable. So much so that it is