2006 GSBYRA Yearbook

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2006 GSBYRA Yearbook GGRREEAATT SSOOUUTTHH BBAAYY YYAACCHHTT RRAACCIINNGG AASSSSOOCCIIAATTIIOONN CCEELLEEBBRRAATTEESS 110000 YYEEAARRSS OOFF YYAACCHHTT RRAACCIINNGG!! 11990066--22000066 GSBYRA Past Presidents, Bob Grover, Jack Saxe, Hank Maust, Glenn Schmidt, Phil Linker, Larry Deering, and Bill Ludlum join President John Everitt, second from left, with a historic Past President’s Flag. WWW.GSBYRA.ORG CCOONNTTEENNTTSS ASSOCIATION INFO President’s Message & Centennial Celebrations . .2-3 Mission & Membership . .4 History of GSBYRA . .5-8 Past Presidents . .9 History of Member Clubs . .10-20 Sailing Grants & Scholarship Fund . .21-23 By-Laws . .24-28 CONTACTS Officers & Executive Committees . .30-31 Member Yacht Clubs & Officers . .32-39 Fleet Captains & US SAILING Officials . .40-41 CHAMPIONSHIPS Championships: Eligibility, Conditions, Policy . .42-44 Midget: Picken & Orr Trophies . .46-48 Junior: Patin, Gulden, Shinnecock Trophies . .49-52 Singlehanded: Westin Trophy . .53 Interclub Match Race: Furman Trophy . .54 Men: Fenner . .55 Women: Morgan Trophy . .56-57 Dianne C. Schmidt Sportsmanship Award . .58 CHAMPIONSHIP SCHEDULE GSBYRA, Area B & US SAILING Schedules. .60-61 RACE WEEK History, Winners & Statistics . .62-67 Louis L. Delafield Trophy . .68 John J. Fauth III MemorialTrophy . .69 QUEEN OF THE BAY History, Eligibility, Conditions . ..71 Everitt Trophy . .72 Gallina Trophy . .73 Great South Bay Handicap Trophy . .74 Harry Growtage Bowl . .75 PERPETUAL TROPHIES “Cappy” Arink Memorial Trophy . .78 Charles A. Axtmann Memorial Trophy . .79 Maria & David Balch Perpetual Trophy . .80 F. E. Baumfalk Memorial Trophy . .81 Bay Shore Cup . .82 Paul W. Connelly III Memorial Trophy . .83 James R. Grover, Jr. Master’s Trophy . .84 Wilbur Ketcham Trophy . .85 President’s Trophy . .86 Remmer Trophy . .87 Asa B. Smith Memorial Trophy . .88 Swezey Trophy . .89 Team Race Bowl . .90 FLEET TROPHIES 2005 Fleet Champions & Fleet Rosters . .92-97 HANDICAPS Portsmouth System & Numbers . .98-101 SCHEDULE Invitational & Fleet Regatta Schedules . .102-104 1 PPRREESSIIDDEENNTT’’SS MMEESSSSAAGGEE This year marks our 100th anniversary Over the years the ebb and flow of – 100 years of having 1 a great time classes often reflected the times, changes in “…messing about in boats” . I would like to technology, and life style. When I put honor all the volunteers who over the down that dusty folder and that rough years have given their time and effort to draft, I wanted to share a couple of points. the Association and to the wonderful sport First and foremost my father mentioned of competitive sailing. the importance of fellowship and friend- ships made up and down the Bay. We Recently, I rummaged through boxes of should not lose sight of the fact that the papers and pictures collected over the social aspect of this sport is of key impor- years by my family – mostly by my father, tance. Second, there always are changes Ted Everitt, President of GSBYRA from and new challenges that come along. 1944 to 1946, and my mother Billie. In 1962 What has been a sustaining factor has my father celebrated 50 years of compet- been the dedication of those individuals in itive sailing on the Bay. I discovered a our sailing community who are willing to draft of remarks my father made about invest in the time and effort “to keep the GSBYRA at some point after World War II. show on the road.” He said that prior to 1906 there was some racing on the Bay but that it was “…not To mark the 100th anniversary we very well organized, little regard to rules have three events. We kick the year off at and mostly in the hands of the ‘pros’.” In a the spring dinner at Moriches Yacht Club. flourish of sailing activity at the turn of the We plan to make this year’s Race Week a last century many of our Clubs on the bay regatta to remember with special social were founded during that period. Bellport events. Our final event is celebration at Bay Yacht Club, of which both my father the Long Island Maritime Museum on and I were Commodores, celebrates its Saturday, September 30th to honor our 100th anniversary this year as well. My past presidents and to raise funds for our father commented that GSBYRA helped new Flying Scot championship boats and spur one-design sailing. Most racing was at sails. We encourage everyone to turn out the Club level. What we know as “Race both for the racing and the social activi- Week” was the one time that boats from ties. other Clubs gathered and sailed against each other. Inter club competition grew John Everitt into the invitational regattas we know today. My father always said that 1 GSBYRA was the organization that sus- Kenneth Grahame, The Wind and the Willows, Charles Scribner’s tains competitive sailing on the Bay. Sons, New York, 1908, p. 7. Acknowledgements and thank you for: Condensed history of GSBYRA and Race Week by MaryAnn Deering, with contributor William Ludlum Condensed histories of clubs by MaryAnn Deering, with contributors: Barbara Forde, Gordon Flemming, Arthur Murray, Liz Finnegan, Art Leiz, Hugh Montgomery, Gene Reardon, A History of the Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1890-1965 by Standish F. Medina Photographs contributed by Al Guardino, John Everitt, Ken Boyle, Barbara Forde and Arlene Balcewicz of the Long Island Maritime Museum (LIMM) Advertisements and proof reading: Glenn Schmidt 2 110000TH AANNNNIIVVEERRSSAARRYY CCEELLEEBBRRAATTIIOONN For the centennial celebration of Great past, and that this organization constantly South Bay Yacht Racing Association, this evolves. Reflection on past and current yearbook is expanded to include some his- efforts, influences and personalities instills torical information about the Association an appreciation for the accomplishments and Race Week, and highlights some of the Association and the dedication of all planned special events. It contains the volunteers involved. Realize that a fresh usual current schedule of Championship, supply of volunteers to lead the Invitation and Fleet events on Great South Association into the future requires a com- Bay, lists of contacts, and the previous tro- mitment to infuse current sailors with phy winners. It serves as guide to the excitement, a desire to give something Association and reminds us that the future back to the sport they love, and the con- rests solidly upon the foundation of the tinued preservation of history. Support the Association centennial celebration with participation at all the social events and races. GSBYRA Spring Dinner Meeting at Moriches Yacht Club - May 19 Cocktail Hour at 1800- cash bar Steak Dinner at 1900 - reservations required Meeting & opening of centennial celebration Presentation of banner to be hung at all race and social events Presentation of pins to Past Presidents Raffle tickets sales for September 30 drawing Antique Boat Races July 15-16 LIMM Antique Boat Show & Old Timer’s Regatta at 1000 July 22 Bellport Festival at 1000 - SS & Wood Pussy classes, catboats Sept. 4 Queen of the Bay Special Antique Boat Trophy at Bellport 1400 GSBYRA Race Week at Sayville Yacht Club - July 27-30 Racing open to sailors from everywhere with pre registration Family Social Events & water games Barbeque at 1700 - chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs Drawing for door prizes from registrations 50/50 Drawing Entertainment -music and dancing Dinner ticket sales for September 30 Raffle ticket sales for September 30 drawing GSBYRA Party & Fundraiser at Long Island Maritime Museum - Sept. 30 Entertainment - Sea chanties performed by Spindrift at 1500 Buffet Dinner under the tent at 1700 - reservations required Includes soft drinks, beer and wine Raffle Drawing for boats and prizes at 1800 Flying Scot Championship Boat & Sails Fundraiser GSBYRA Annual Awards Dinner Meeting at Bay Shore Yacht Club - Oct. 13 Cocktail Hour at 1800 - cash bar Steak Dinner at 1900 - reservations required Championship Trophies awarded & photographs taken Fleet Trophies awarded & photographs taken Perpetual Trophies awarded & photographs taken Election of Officers 3 MMIISSSSIIOONN && MMEEMMBBEERRSSHHIIPP Great South Bay Yacht Racing profit organization run by unpaid volun- Association’s mission is: to promote local teers. Individuals may voice opinions and recreational and educational sailing, boat suggestions during early fall Open meet- building, on the water safety, maritime ings held at clubs indicated on the website. heritage; to improve communication Executive meetings are held at the Long between member clubs fleets and sailors; Island Maritime Museum in West Sayville. to promote racing in accordance with the Only Full Member Club Delegates may Racing Rules of Sailing; to coordinate a vote on motions and communicate deci- regatta schedule and run Race Week; and sions made by their club. to schedule and run local Championship GSBYRA derives revenue from dues, events according to US SAILING dictates. donations, and from Race Week and GSBYRA is the forum where its elected Championship entry fees. Member clubs officers and 16 delegates from member pay $200 dues yearly. Individual club clubs meet, discuss and exchange ideas to members support GSBYRA by paying: establish those objectives, standardize for- $7 per year Associate Member dues mats and encourage communication $15 per year Sustaining Member dues among sailors, fleets, and member clubs. $150 Life Membership An appointed Association delegate repre- To become a member, include your name, sents GSBYRA at US SAILING meetings. address, club, and check payable to GSBYRA provides interclub rivalry, sail- GSBYRA indicating membership level, ing grants, Race Week and Championship and mail to: prizes, an Appeals Committee, a website Mrs. Elizabeth Atwood, Secretary and yearbook, and maintains perpetual 272 Ocean Avenue, Islip, NY 11753 trophies and a fleet of boats. Check the website: www.gsbyra.org for GSBYRA is a hundred year old, not for GSBYRA schedules and information. These clubs collect $7 Associate Dues Babylon Bellport Bay Saltaire Westhampton Bayberry Moriches Sayville Wet Pants Bay Shore Narrasketuck South Bay GSBYRA Life Members Tom & Irene Baumfalk Philip B. & Ingke Linker Thomas & Elaine Conlin Bill & Barbara Ludlum John R. Danes Robert H.
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