WEEKEND EDITION POST COMMENTS AT CAPE-CORAL-DAILY-BREEZE.COM Inside PARADE Repeat champs Inside today’s Breeze: • Brien Hyundai About Sela Baker girls capture O’ Ward District 4A-11 soccer title Geico Insert • CSI star talks with win over Fort Myers Insert about town she Lowe’s still calls home Inside cape-coral-daily-breeze.com cape-coral-daily- breeze.com CAPE CORAL BREEZE Vol. 50, No. 10 Saturday, January 22, 2011 50 Cents AT A GLANCE Manufacturer seeks Lee County info By DREW WINCHESTER A broadcast email dated Jan. 19
[email protected] said a “Life Sciences” company was “It’s exciting to find people who are look- A large manufacturer is looking possibly looking to construct a facili- ing to move forward with their projects...” for sites suitable for a 105,000- ty “in or near” the new Veterans square-foot facility and economic Administration Clinic. — Councilmember Marty McClain, development officials hope Cape Of the 105,000 square feet pro- who added confidentiality agreements Coral’s Veterans Investment Zone posed, 60,000 would be dedicated to prevent economic development officials will be in the running if Lee County industrial space, 20,000 square feet from releasing project information becomes the location of choice. to office space, 20,000 square feet to Due to confidentiality agree- packing lines and 5,000 square feet for laboratory space, according to the ments, officials are remaining hush Cape Coral’s Economic “We only received ‘bare’ infor- on the details however the business email. The memo indicated a deadline of Development Office declined com- mation about the needs of this ‘confi- community was asked this week to ment due to requirements that keep dential’ prospect.