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Vol. XXVI. No. 51. CRANFORD, N. j . . )AY. JANUARY 31. 1924 THREE CENTS

i OFFICERS ELECTED c w. c l e a g u e o r w o m e n r o t . CEONE—COT tho twist school of professional ac­ ,„T1* Y°un* People’s Society of Tlie conference on Monday, B# Barbara Avery t\»y. of Cran- ! CRANFORD DRAIATICCLUB tors. Mr. William Kicks, who di­ and Mr. Edward Arthur U h i m U v Enforcement «**d Ne«d tiJ5i ^ L Eni eW 01 1,10 Prcaby. cd by the League Executive II rect ed the production, is to tie con­ terlan Ctgrreh. held a short incet- at the home of Mrs. Buckley;: n>. of PlaindekL were married i - ____. m gratulated. Cranford residents who to Educate Uio Muses. Chart«? i|Uf «Iter their devotional service which the executive hoards o f 1 . Saturday evening, at the home **•»•»»» “Th* Savtag Or*««’’ at the did not sue It Mils week should not Member» Honored.' ’ > last . Sunday evening. This-special »they Women’# organization» t the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I OMiao Tusiday Night Befar« ait fail to attend next week, unito meeting was called for the purpose Cranford, were invited to j ' •ne* K: Coy,.. 818 Casino«venueO AppreslaUv« Audltacs. To b# aside from the charitable, motive, . The bananet given by the W. . Who was given it# Januar)’ assembly last Tuesday William Ilogg - tOirhctt's man­ great success, and effective lit ing the plan entered into at the her father, wore a French gown .stimulating Interest in tlte Union. a record - attendance. Miss Kt ereuhig, hi the Casino. As usual, servan t' ...... James MeMeeknn beginning o f the work last Septem­ son. President, present«*) coneji -Canton crew* studded with Ada Parsons -(Mrs, Corbetts ' The arrangements were under thè . ri ., p«»Wbnt John F. Penlston tones, and a train of old tlie play was given for hiembers »•arc of. a committee. of which Airs. tlie plan the League of Wo: and for friends of those taking mnld> ...... I...... Lillian Buekley had kindly .consented to hold office Voters had ¡to offer by want o l * lare belonging to her grand lfllnn t’orhett .:_...... lln m ’ Chapin 1>. B. Currie yeas chairman, and Mrs. tentatively, and his resignation , ,er, t^nd had a white lace cap part In It: but it will bei' lepciiled it. A. Kichards, Alni. K. R. War. operation, and then asked fop* « tniii* i-oTi «mi , I.Ì. . 1 1 a#** *a beiieilttienent tH-rforumuretM'rlormaiue for t lie (leuvglmv Corbett -I»Uim'i- was accepted. Each member of our general discussion from the “ ' ftn ■ * ’’ '* ’ ' ‘ •Wife» ...... Harrlat Chapin ner, Mrs. Burnett. Mrs. Fickert, and Society has felt' the? inspiration, * Mho carried^« Illllk fuuJ "L ,lu' Gnmt-tlevelaml 1 U S many . other member». The dinner Tlie many '■ constructive li ration, and for Nusan Blaine-(.Mrs, Corlwitt's and tne strength that "Jack” lias brought forth showed that much, ueswite aweet « n w p«as. i a 1 mies|Iì1» i ^ot t the1 io ^ va v âi] / th„1lSrvnî u ',,V#';l'Vr Istrici Nurse Associât»ml hm. f»r ' M e n " ...... Adelaide Itlclmr-1.^' was served by the Woman’« Mis­ given, and we know, he will con­ and gypsouiiila. -n .« ,.,. m „ f l - " - ’ -.'«•»■i-* .»ui’se Assoc tut len, sionary Society. Miss Conklin g thmight had been devoted to Uw, Ripley (iiilldfonl.... Ilaiubl Sanim i tinue fb give, in his support of this subject; that the Wujnen of Cran-i 0>. MUÍ Lola Stolk..^ was v L «lreased|,hpd r í i « ^ I flïî? 1 r|iull|ir..,.?.® 1 u...:!*;*«■*. in. ,mVl; an «"•'» Airs. Ktllldford~(Ripleys flavine charge, and being assisted line work. ; 0 yellow. cn'iH* Koma and car- by a large committee from both ford are crying for relief frum tho jlsirtunit.v of witnessing a most lie M other' ...... Muy vMiihlentimck The Nominating Committefe then too numerous “meetings” and eon~ Iteresflng and T ime The Early Autumn of-IPU,: -i If 'V1! l organizations . The nienti consist­ JXSSPSX. yTho\rhl^Vaf [Mrs. McKee, Mrs. Hibson, Mrs. Cui* th a te a c h President appoint In. or Westfield. The Dong­ 1 la and Mrs. Fay. Miss Dorothy forward to a year of" great service pili. ivltii Is keenly ulivo to all Its ho oeeaslon wou* Mrs. If. (\ Nan- and fellowship. , member to act on a joint couuult- orchestra from Newark, furnish IMissIhllltles. The en tire casi, Imo- fni-il, Mrs. W illiam K icks and Mrs. CZABET S [Merry was head waitress, and was ree to Investigate the Women’# the music. over, was adiiilrnlile. and too much Jomes MeMeeknn. -M. ■. [ assisted . by Kaiherine Chadw ick, Clubs of'WeKtlleld and other adj»- » house waa decorated- with [ lìdna Monteneeomt, Charlotte Cox. Mrs. ,1. V. Doniphan of Maple praise cannot hi' given to their Place, has been confined to the eeut communities, with a view o t them suillax and sunset roses, work, which was equal to that of Citizen want nils bring results. [ Alice Kòsoncrantz, Louise Mount some d a y ' aclile.vlng such an or­ rh. Coy., mother of the bride was J anet Edith Cox. Sirs. Knowles, Mrs. house for ijomo time with a severe sprained ankle. ' ganization in Cranford. "tired in yellow «paneled crei>o I -’IV).’ tW> l Adfe and Mrs. Hibson were tlio dec­ Tlio speakers of tlie day weto ima, while the mother ot tno ¡racimal» I oration committee. . " Miss Katherine Wiley, State Secre­ bridegroom. Mrs. Crone, had a gown One hundred and twenty-flve per Mr. I red Lange. Mrs. Leigh Colvin, tary ot tho Consumer's League and of blue chiffon velvet. A reception [song were presentatile Union enter- vice-president o f New York State, Mrs. ltlt tollhouse, Chairman of followed tho ceremony, after w lilch | tabling: guests from Roselle, Eltza- then took the .floor.. Slier stressed Child Welfare for'the League-of the young couple left for a honey­ I beth, Plainfield,...Westfield, Dunel­ the Importance of allegiance to the Women Voters, who threw light on moon tour of several weeks" dura-j ien and New York. A t the speak­ institution of the.W. C. T. U„ spoke impending legislation m Washing­ ffon. On their return they wUl( YOUR ers’ table were seated Rev. Mr. Ken­ of,, the crusade of fifty years ago, ton. . • make their home hi Plainfield. ord, N .J . neth D. Martin and Mis. Oswald, and of the march of allegiance that j Rev. Mr. Ramsey and Mrs. Ramsey, took place in San Francisco two IPUNFOBD MALE QUARTETTE BANK [Mrs. Mary Cox. a charter-member, years ago, and said that every, citi­ Tlie Jewish Women’s Club held a card party: on Monday evening, in ■ CLUB SIN08 BEFORE BROOK­ [ Rev. Mr. Lucrlch and Mrs. Luerich. zen should put Ids or her influence LYN AUDIENCE [Mrs. Leigh j Colvin, Miss Sarah Ed- behind the eighteenth amendment. the KcnubllcunChil) rooms in the Trust Building, for the benefit of On Thursday evening, January 1*.■ cle [ mond. Rev: Mr. Hopper and .Mrs. Mrs. E. A. Richards then moved a he Cranford Male Quartette Cltib [Hopper, Rev.- Mr. Hoff and Mrs. resolution of thanks, which was the Elizabeth Hospital. There were thirty ' tables, and many prize«. '.raveled to the Borough ot llrook-'| [Hoff, Mr. John E. Fisher, song load- heartily seconded and carried: and :y«, and sang before a large mid I [er, M r.. Sydnoy DeCamp, o f W est singing by tho assemblage closed About $40 was realized for the cause. iippreciativu audience In otio of| ■Held, pianist, and Mrs. D. B. Currie, the evening. . - . H e largest churches. In the city. [ [president. At the close of dinner " ' " ! .. " .....! he Baptist Temple. - I It he speakers were heard, the first" i i>fivf»p»— .y ;,:..-,...... The member« were complimented j Ibclngi llev. Mr. Ramsey, pastor ¿of y many, for tho excellent manner j ISt. Paul’s M. E. Church whose «uh 1 which the song» were sung, and | * ' / Demind Depoiit* pent was law enforcement, and who IE ATRE '*“•* CRANFORD T t . most favorable Impression \vus| paid a tribute to the Union and to ■ / . . . * tide upon .alt who were present z INCREASED j Time DepotiU pis mother, who was a member, THURS. &'PRL Tills wan tho second appearance] lev. Mr. Martin, rpetor of Trinity MON.ATUEE he Club ha* made in Brooklyn | Id ffiurcb. was the next speaker, and , , , ( ChrUtmu Saving [bid o f the fearlessness o f booti eg- . 8 1 'ECJiYLl TWO DAYS! Extraordinary Production!-^! Da$r| ers, who seem not to be> intimldat- j . r " r ; ■ :/ till: l by police or Federal .officers.1 A klc ami its set Interpret»-1 You will be -pleased with the figure» showing »> 'vocal by Rev. Mr. Luerich, in are strictly followed ■ This I the chorus of which all joined, fol- Holbrook Blinn D. W. Griffith’s ] increase. ' . / f lowed, and Rev. Mr. Hoff, pastor of [th e Christian and“Missionary .VI- IN Any Officer or Director of the Bank/will be glad to - llance, then spoke on Law enforce- anizatlon. There is room for ono| nient. Rev. Mr. Hopper, assistant r two more voices, preferably Imss: tel! you about it. / pastor of tlie Presbyterian Church,, THE BAD MAN ‘THE WHITE ROSE” ; olees. Tlie member* have «hownj talked of tlie need to educate; the heir interest in tlio civic 111« oil masses and' ' set a high standard. Buster Keaton- In Tlie Blacksmith’ with MAE MARSH } ho community by appearing at[ Rav. Geeorge Francis Greene [was ubllc celebrations whenever re unavoidably absent, owing to a pre­ Topics of tlio Day , - Kinograms J uested to do so. Opportunity vious engagement. Rev. Mr. I.uer- The Club will hoid.Ua second an-1 ich, who was a delegate to tlie An- ual banquet at ilayoshl'* in Fele tl-Saloon convention recently held WEDNESDAY, r ilary, date to be fixed. A concert i# your« to become personally interested as a SATURDAY ' ' ■ in Washington, D. C, gave echoes * Ufid dance will also bo given in I I from- that meeting, concerning - ALFRED LUNT in 1 [three sides of tlie question namely. 7 ' ¡JOHNNY HINES in | law enforcement, education and Depositor or Investor "The Ragged Edge” ® BALL CLUB ORGANIZES | proper legislation. ’ ^ • -¡'Spittle Johnny Jones’’ The Cranford Base Ball Club hold [ - [ The two charter members. Mrs.- organization meeting on Mon­ [ Mary - Cox and Mrs. George -B. Ely. Jimmy'Adahnr hr ’’Green as Grass” Fighting Blood—‘Grim-Fairy Tule' ,*] ' evening. January ZStli. with ! were ' honored with the white .rib-' - . ■ -, - t n members'present, and the fol-| OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS | bon cheer, under the 'leadership pi ' • Aesop's Fables ' i - •» Cameo Comedy—"Crash" j1 INVITE YOUR ------;------!_____ - President, Jesse O. Wheeler. Treasurer, Fred H. Jalin. Secretary, Frank Todisco. . Co-operation . > Manager, AI. SlumpL t . Contributions for support ot tlie team are solicited and may lie made [ PRESIDENT, - to any of tbo above officers. • - • JOHN E. FISHER Tlie Club Is looking to tbc public VICE-PRESIDENT, - - HAROLD DEPEW for support and expect to put a ASSISTANT CASHIER, • • CLIFFORD A. CONOVER strong team In tlio lleld, with some SECRETARY, - - - W IL IA M T. OROVES local player* to take prominent i positions' op the team. DIREOTORS LOUIS R. ALLISON WILLIAM F GROVES Stuffed ' Cucamb#r Ring* IR A A P O A R OSCAR HESS C. E. BLAKESLEE - I Swedish Walen LINUS P. HQ8MER FR E D 1. DENNING ANDREW O. McFADDEN Toaeterettes HAROLD DEPEW FRANK O. NEWELL Ooldea Bantam Succotuh * JOHN E. FISHER CHARLTON got off. to the office full of cial reiwnsibility, continued—existence and B. W; F, RANDOLPH “pep” for the big (lay’s work ahead. ’ supervision by the State. Appoint a trust . Pore Maple Syrup CHARLES H. FROST E. B. VILADE Ho found Goodkin’s widow waiting, witii company.” . . « ■ Tea Oarden lame CHARLES A SK1LLMAN i her husband’s partner. . It often happens that men are naniod as . The whole morning was taken u p ’settling . executors,r s in...... their friends’ wills without1 ' being a business dispute that had nothing To ([o asked. Had Charlton suddenly found himself J. H. McMAHON with Charlton's own affairs. ■ >— ■ in that position when Good kins will was read, he should have Riven, the widow the same ' i Two years before. Charlton 'bad lightly counsel, adding: . Hig^GradeGrocer said ’’ Yes"' when his frldntl Goodkht asked if he might name hlni as executor in inakitg a ■I am riot compelled to 'a ct as executor J* Union Ava, B. TaLST» new wilt it seemed a friendly service then.' simply because your husband named me In *1« with remote chances of his ever being, called will. And I intend to refuse lor your pro tec- - : upon to act- But Goodkin was suddenly kill­ tlon. Even I ff,b a d the time to spare from ONE WALNUT AVENUE ed in an accident, and the full burden of Ids my own affairs, the administration of an es­ NIM M fCDZSAL KglgaVI SYSTI« business and family fell upon Charlton. tât.?! with a going business te be safeguarded. ¡« beyond my ability. Ash«the court to ap­ When he was asked to serve,' Charlton point a trust company In tny place. Your BUY LUMBtRHfH' AHDVDUl shopld have said: ., affairs will, then be taken care of by special­ . j' “Goodkin. you wouldn’t come to me for ists in .tho management of estates and trusts,: «AKE SURE-Y01RL BUILD A \ medical treatment. Why e'omc to me for the : skilled In handling details without lost gTRUOllRETO ENPUREI ihighly specialized service of managing your motion.” ------' estate, continuing your business and safe-" How much farther Into tho New Year wlll- guarding your family’s income if anything you travel without safeguarding your family’s J I happens? You may live longer: than L I future? - . B! might go bankrupt, or turh dishonest;.' This Secure a copy of the booklet, “Safeguard­ requires business and professional knowledge ing Your .Familys Future." which explains far beyond mine, and that of most individuals. the advantages o f 1 trust, company administra­ You want an executor with experience, finan­ tion of estates and trusts. H endurance:

LET us supply you with dumber 'goods. We've got a rwmtatlon that pleasee our patrons. It Cranford Trust Company you will visit our lumber yards fjfn - « «« «- CRANFORD, J. we will extend to you every con­ sistent business courtesy. - 4% Interest on Special Department ¡ Accounts STANDARD imaffgBsiBfffi mmBKWnaw» B&BSaSS lumber sextette* * “ 7 9 -'- H IG H T F _ V Ö PHONE OHS-THpee \

/%• f J. S . ' X / • “'•'---¿.¡■''•‘■.i.'ir-'-' •' S- '- ■’ : guste i t eT - r(

' < "rrtjsyv auutroRD cma* «S~~

• ii A arr t*+r *j*«U#4 Am M l. of aw*, tiravjrj ■ ' Finds Rich in Oysters Warns of Spurioui - A w iì ytni iln w today. Mnt Mnm- Picking» By H ook and by W*ff Why not «fay yiMl >***#. diñnar* Reserve Bank Notes »ifb war* urçtù Mary Ujtd urfHW In* N>w -.York.—Two more epurt- Crook" ou* fi^l'-ral reserve bank notes T á I#* !>J*a**d Jn?Wd tn* raw* liave t,een found t>}' the Treasurr pt(m»Hly from If** frtrod In n*+it dep.irwient. One, a fire-dollar note. !. drawn on tbe Federal $ By GLADYS T. DUHAIMÈ "that I*. If j iiti'II In m« Why, Automobile Highway Is '»n't I malt* lb* yrary wMU* ycmJxa! lienert e t.ank of,New York, and Tft~'f,'Jtx«rifJ1»Ctt« !.**•<» me Ktmna r**rb* oftL*d. ( V . / 'threiel. have been distributed. money will be spent'for Troada and *i*nfWHli>. nil M«r> llyrd4* fortlOrn* At ili-.t gtanre the note H deeep-. ; bridges from Key West to the main­ -yloru 'of r<*gu*tr> nr»«! glfH«9t relur- *ibit*r tbaq I **p*H*d, HI admit. 7 Vont brnîJ»*r‘a not ao bad off/’ half* / ! / * five, but It will not bear lns[VeC- ; land. . ‘ - 1 ' tnhij* f»*M a nay.' .. - • /• y gnidslncly. ' / lion. The lathe work 1» broken, The proposition bad received the ea- If, IfHrlln bad found lr*r .IrrvnJaiiM* the (eirtralt Is rijarse and the • Chusiastle moral backing of the'At- In fonltti frrrilo'ry, f»«* found ttrr "ftfol ottY* *nf*1rd obi Mf MrKran. inf r . l»a. k of the wire,' whlrii itt not i lantic Coast Highway, aasocUtlou, ■ vtiarruin« fn Uuv **f i**-T ■Trrtly tjirkv, I'd r»H Mm, ' !*r#*tllnt wife in town «mi a roJgbfy gwil roti«, SO well ex.e;uted as the face.'la ! 'which Is urging the completion of a chb Imtai* « tirn tir fafri* to '%l« preparing to W*sb (1^ j In tji-terlhlng the Itlchmond' ! the greater part of the way. ll*r «a » difli«u|l 1« ►MV’er tind cninpH nj dishe*;' ^ i Mil tiie Treasury department j The new uuto road when completed NfiAlyr* fUtf allurrd not ao nw*jM» to 41 d.'dn't %iu*u you bod ft In yon, I ebamelerlred It a.v "a very poor­ i will be the longest and probably tb* ffe*rl»*rui of i-hfiilral lorrlinra^/ of little girl \ dibtler like that **tab- ly eve.-tite.l zinc etrtiing." vvtileb I only extensive automobile .road over, fH»*y of pa l rU Jim irraf*, «* l!*bcd ym hi molber'a eye». Mi bet. "should he readily-!detected.** the sea In the world. At times the .trY'* by xotro-diifu IttiUlr, fcoiuHMns Hltmoi And the way you io-f an eifrs plate nidtorlst will be almost if not actually lhll me bow- did you rier maO' Uii* of count 1**«h millions of locust eeps* the one hand and the Atlantic ocean ft wap rsirtlr_tn Mur. and Miry tat age to trl su> b « lot of good eitfS to» F'nr mile« uround the cen»nl A’rops nnd on the other. The scenery Is extreme­ «liittutijr on Hi* vfronda. gelber?" tin* sitv.jmmhs, upon which the cattle ly picturesque. The keys have been *V\\ I>ri;lrt foukiufc for a fiat.ih** mo ‘Partly bv b*mk. my dear.-but roost- frtit.-n. are »THjrely hlaated. by these conipured to the South Sea Islands. lornl I gy\ bom*/* It* hhIi) “tit rtujrio*,- lr bt Cfm.k, my ».nd; With • vorufiou« InKfc.ts, which cause most <»f They are masse» of bright green ver­ Mt Mini» until m aoioll oor at firat. lo» tired little *lyh, sbr* ’»'W-pt Into tlia ihi'ir havoc Sit nlKlit when they settlK dure and contain many coconut n't» Ajitnry won't U» big to Irt'irin r|r«Ie <,f strong «rmy held out |o eft- on the ground to feed. . grove«. The\shouls along the route «Hb, Mid .r«i«*rlallv ti*riiiiM* It will told lift, ... . • , ••'riu? locust," continues this traveler, «reflect ■ every color of the 'rainbow ‘•io*»r^ I«’*« uotk for;yon’* - - “ frum'tbé masses at thé pliik-und-whjt» /• "hns , jr1" |iej*uUa«' preference for the ■ 4 ‘ 'orkV■ ^»Ih* «m bootf, tihrm'm»rrbro(l* • { -W.*e7 veldt* bordering the ‘railway nnd *o conil, ’ ihç white "rnffrl and the brown tnrlr * ' : " -y ■ _ Carrie«/ Grani9» Nat»; M rtictutelni; has the mlasiiii» become rtiat and Kreed\^seaweed on the bottom. * v< r, drur/ «m anfa ar* n«»t |»N'fttb Lit)»» Wit/i Indian» j * ^bitrlca Lomli»-, chef of the ItlKmor, imitd In Lo» Angidt-^. UìIHmì: l" 'locust »pedal.5* conslstlne of tin env There are hmnense numbers u( sen ful In NV«r KHgland Yml will It fir to ' give up.bls jeudfJon and do mdblng but op*n oyMer*. lie nt-**uu to h.ue a kna< ^ ¿Im* nnd n p "I Intend to fight It out -along this line tachcil. The dnuk Is lilled with an nailer's Florida Hast CoastJoast^ railroad r fantaatlr I • cati’f work," and tb* \1 If II InVe« all auuuaer,” He la Captain iir<«*nlc." »olutlon Which 1« pumped lu PJ1-. The distunce betwee:»een Höme- t*IIa In the ktlrbon government, who for year* has llred InnH/K Tlte fofee of t he Pprny shoots and Key West is 128 miles.» Of thiX For a timmi'tit be rom|ntre<1 tier tin among the Apache«. ||e has the dls-. P r o v i n c e distance the railroad runs over deep favorably with the women of his own tlnetlon of l«clng the only white man tile ¡wilson for many yards, and-so suc­ water for IS miles, the concrete pier» ûui/çfhg séffliawa fatnlh . for* a motiieni she «'ondered who has ever t,ccti electnl to member­ cessful has the- apparatus proved that It N lielntf ndoptiMi on everyone trav- In several places rising out of water why brr heart, bad ted hef ao far from ship In the Apache trihe. . 30 feet deep, though the average tier own aidtere; hut love alines inle- 1 luring the M»|l warfaptaln Miller erulng Soutii Africa, ^ JOHN DICKIN8 0 N SHERMA litvlnc*. . . mniinattdnl a troop of the lileventh i n . "The locust, not content with forajr depth ' crossed by . the viaducts and ^ ------a ,,E Dominion of Cana. steel trestles hi considerably less. Tlwy bad het*n married ateiut 1‘ennsylvanln envalry. (tn one m-caslon Int; in the veldt, has already pene­ ‘ *• to *mve a Cahadla manih when Martin, attempting to he waa the briirer of a message front trated Into-the cities, where even th« A large part of the distances be­ Hall o f Fame in tbe/pali «anil down refy dry toast with vrry General Sheridan to General Grant, Wit Governor and Staff, nui lfn t fu rn llu rp »m l ainttm r? hU'aq* main streets are routed an inch deep tween the various keys or Islands that liai new Federal Parih j«K>r coffee, began diffidently; wlotae lieiidi|1iarler* were at Spoil* hmj nrcuinululctj from the with the* buzzing/'strucKlinjT green form a chain, between Key West and Went bnlldlngs at Ottawi “Ik* >ou lliliik, deaf, wv could |dat> aylvnnln Coittlhouae, i'VVIien llenerul (ilea Meet Weekly to iiM*,Tp Follow Fathar4». Plana. shoals which hare been lilled In with made way for the acnlp d a y r . . Captain Miller, "ho lookml up-Into my ‘Mi fut^iT talked to iui»-[4>f GRIFFIS IN PRISON embankments along the railroad right ton» lu this nation* *~yt> iWnnrr. that laY’ murmnrrd fare ami said: 'You t-ell General Sheri- York.-, New Yor)t beasti for- n ri." »n)raJ friid (% . . ‘ThArh. r»*i. I Iwnl of way. The shoals In.the case of the' pantheon. There Is at Mary llyrd, diin.lliai | Intend t fCfuttd, It foil ulong rign (Hihmles fnun all thè ('tinnirle* of “ ‘■•’i'm to M* library on.Unthh* art. Meut. Corliss auto route would probably be crossed r Impressive marble vest! "I o dinner,*4 ar«i!de»ced Martin thla line If It lukca all «uHuifer,' That he globe, bui few Now Yorkera know W»> often wont on tour« of Krani*«» to* II. (ïrlffls In the by bridges, although the automobile , bu!e- 30 feet wide, leading from the •*1 think so; I’ll #ee/* »be ptWdsed. message jiul new Hr, Int«^ General that wltlilu tlie contine* uf thelr great t'otbor, vUjtlujf obi Hiuri'ln*« Mini bunt­ r, ». r m a n -prison, road, not obliged to take so direct! a 1 2 ? ,, entrance at the base of tht Otlsembl) Sheridan right away,” tnetropolla thero elisia an organlsed ing through rornoto ¡ilhc**« for «cu lj/ w h e re . h.e 1« c«>n- route as the railroad, cun use the Beys |8W-foot memorial tower and ru» tun**, wood rnrvlnVH and otlu»r an* flned ,fo r his at­ Bhe aat for a long time, thinking, f-aptatn Miller also tell, of anhfh "prurlnee" of thè Bufala of thè cxara, to a greater extent. fnin x acroes the enUre building to the |b|Ui»a w ith which .to build m* our iv b tempt to kldnnp after he had klaaed her and gone, Incident of. Civil Avar Interest, tlrmly kqlt and efflclcutly dlreejed by l'art of the route will lie In Dade Undlon." ‘ ‘ (»rover Cleveland r th«™ 7 *J re" r' wh,c" overlook* "Thla Is Thursday/* ahe «aid. rout­ seem«, according to Captain' Sit . a goveruor generai and a stalf of prò* county, of frlitch Miami is tlie prin­ f * „^0Irers Walk.” with the Gatlnean The death <»f the elder Itrmofte end­ ing herarlf fn»m her reverie. . • hat orders hail been Isaued |iy Gen Inclnl oincera. cipal enter of population. The Flor­ • ,he Ul»t»»ee. and the i Hbe l^tihlcdiy cleaftM^ the 't.afde, eraf Grant to' General riavlilaoh io h«< priivlnlce ha* no > ImundarleA ed tin.* cure frr<* rxl«t**n<*e o f/h i* »on. ida jjtainland'Key West autoi road A luouth ft^ti hueb-n cjuuft to A;n«*rl- rlosed the |>antry di*or nod tlreaaed to inake a i*ertaln -Ucalgnatcd moVement II» hcadipmriem shlfl* weekly froin will form an extension of the'Dixie ca. Mr wn* i l**. t»Mj prosiderst of hij go out, At the telegraph office she with hi. fltvlslon, A» General/lluvld- one Kokt aldo meeting tulli, lo anoilirr. highway leading from WaycroSp, G a, nent an »¿i*«*n| In her mothei-. < I win aalnled hi. i-ommander lie said: Ili eiicheÌHierl If ofttlmea barrrn, luit futluT * coriHir^tJon and ¿ivt*n full au­ down the east coast „o f. -Florida. thority to ifiaritii;»* the HKM»rr»sme l*ady Haltlmorv rake If I understand ltd* oriler/eorreetly tho hearts of Ita cltliens are ridi In through Jacksonville/ St. Augustine. O. roe* that marches to th. » , . "It !.«• toy plan to om-bj« t o \r «ffaly* Itoe dinner Sunday. Urgent, llyrd.4' It tm-nns a sncrlftce of my/ division." fallh limi «olite duy they wlll ngnln Ormond, West Palm Beach and Miami Jtl«t n-i toy father did," be v \ ! - I I ' rOY»»“ '«- nul.lne p»e that’* that. Now I’ll get lllllr 'Villi snapping eyes nud Imrd art face live on tbe soli of^the Unitala of tbclr .*««• majestically" to Boyal Palm State park, a distance _ A b o r. th. atrir. or crasd and plaça Mr*. ThoniMon to show me how to the great general refilled: / ” 1 am glnd, fatherik Miftll n tiirn to •F-rance>.eaeh y a r S in d hrlrn; to .Vno*ricu thr.A*. '».«M-ififtH at S1U miles. With completion through C'o iv^ f *.*“ ,lon'» mlnatrolay. make that whipt>ed creaui ftmiroctUtn. general, that ^ou do understand,: that Several burnìred Itilaaljm men and “ iFrtq sieger, of cur raco. Work*« of. ibtthlr urt wbl-h jioir r»>|- to' Key West, the distance from Way- gt)« aerved*4 order." 7 t \ womcn, ilrlven out of tmdr tuiuiclnud cross to Key West wlll be 63T miles, flatuntay morning ahe set out early by tho soviet* and lield togsiln-r Insfg bvtor^ bake ulvia)* gr»-atly »d- After the Civil » W Captain Miller mlrrd. ‘ . or 1.728 miles by auto road from New B LÍ ô ïïlT 'S .'’""". b.rm" d ‘»r «roan fa market, basket u|ii arm. lielng a drifted westward amt served ; under by thelr patrlfitlsm, formcd No- prte ; ri,„ _ C*ron- Champlain. Verendrro. York to Key West. Ç r OTtT r* V tba d r e w / ftouthrmer. *h*' had not tu'c^mnh* Generul Cuater. Tlntt he la alive today vlnclnl govcrnmrnt. Muny of II!k r i­ ; , A Pathway to PaclOc’s akyx. elded In ,IhOj niKlier of dinner meat, he ascrlltea to the liap'py clrcumatnnye ilo Pad notile lille« ; others werc oi Africa U»e» Locomotive* Immortally your paddle ,|Mm. CWfked. of vsuirwe,. , Mliuulatlng n that he waa tin ftwlough at the Ihm* of rial» of old ltu«ala. Now iiiiiity Stripe Down Center to , In naloon you alntfnx cry knowledge'’ •he didn't lKi.se«, the tlirni .aro day laborcrs limi few ars to Extt^rmiixate Locust* the battle In whl/li General Cutterknd Make Paved Road Safer FalatF^,a’^ echoea " ‘ Mr"L whan ,h" your wa" volcea r* sssim dta. looked Critically uvey the t lilckens dla- hi. men were matsacred. . •flluent. vuglng tliftukand« uf aerva .,f Idnjred. and. praying for divine guid­ rIÌvìvs Msmerl.a of Old Dsys. SoutlbsAïrlnu, vrjut, blocking trslns If the road authorities would have Cflplaln Miller Jins wttrked among Ilergdoll. the draft evador. Petition} -K1» !? p,aBn their «warning 7 4 four-inch stripe painted down the the1 Apache /Indiana for more than fur Ida rvleuse are being circulated «ball here shine down on the falthft . Hunda» luortdng, after clow reading renie<1 hall and rcvivc memorie« of m iii‘l"-r «, the I.H-tist I* th r one furm ld- j venter of our concrete pavements it thirty vent's, lie etijoya their friend­ America. ' ■ .departed servants o f the state an o f the cook lutok.. ahe put the ehlckjrn thplr day* la Mosixnv and l’rtmgrail. able .-...*my , , | lM , lftWr fa rm e r, i would be of great help to autolsts and ship and (yynO'deneei probntdy • .to a "^ “ »“ klDd while memoi Into tiw| otren Just about the" time the Thcrw are Ituaalnn songs und ltu««lun ami rnllftay ruinpaniea are n.c»' com- j prohubly 'prevent some accidents. A j greater exlent’ than any oilier white f t®*'»- The corner stone was laid l guest* calne to the door. ., '■ - dancing. sih-ccIics, poema and ni ce­ mtlng. iio.vinlfng I» a lrav,.|,.r who Aged Chinese Used j man. driving on a twenty-foot pave- j man living, Ity virtue of Id* member* the, prince o f Wales In HMD. It klothef klcKean'a austerity had glv- dole«. . .. \ m« Ju«t arrived l„ New Y0rk fruB1 j ment with nothing on his left to guhle ship In the tribe hr |>nrtlclpnlt>a In to Hatch Chickens flanked on either side by the horn ce way hefor* the vtvaelou* charm of The governor generai la In t barge. 1 n'luriu. -I rah,„pu. |,e ^ „n * (|mI j by. Is always trying to see both- | all the tribal rlghta and privilege* and . I’t’kias*—When «ceil mf*n ami wom­ f o f commons nnd thq senate cha6.be Marttn'a wife, anil enticing odor* tilled HI* staff eonatllute a rcivpllen rur;%ti. They : and yet wutçh the pther^fellow and and shows the sons, o f the Dpminlo tCthc chicken waa done?, She aurrep. army officer la aci-ouipimist a: the IKvtud tu gruw when the late!j wear loose burlap wai'teotafs,OtabS In wblch ! ,e,‘ bow far the Bppronchm^f'car'wftt Kotag Into action at St. JuHsn. wber tltlmuly ronaulted the wok htwyk. Na piano. „ niln« ('uni., ty fni'iiliuu* the hatch* chickens ejrs* are Lain.I.Fsi j misa him. He can't do both at tli«' Itelp. She opened the oven again and Cyclone» Travel 6 0 0 to i'he scenes bring the audience "hark j same time successfully; T 1 by ,be ««nnsni moved the fowl about with a long to the great o|H'fa home In I’etrograd, If he‘ doesn’t watch the approach- fow l o . c^ mber ,n ,he memorla •poop. Wat It "done? She couldn't 7 0 0 Milee 'Each Day to reception* In the homes ot flic o|v 3 T ,aIn *he nam” of t* ’I car a reckless driver may hit him. J £63.000Z who l Ue In Flanders 'arid o tell-. Should Sha. ask Mother McKennT A Vast avstem of wlnda blowing per das»,'*. Then an elocutionist re-. Famous Church Falling Into Ruins ! If h* does watch him he. may be forced j r)to* p(|em«. dexrlblng the downfall tlie enure Expeditionary Forces iron KK-V-B-m around a center of low atmoapherlc : off thÿ pavement, with'no chance of the old life, anti a hush -of Tu ter­ I Laoadi. . Í I'rctendins to go to the Icebox, ahe pressure U enllml by luelrmrologlat* a prove who was In the wrong. With I The otd Canadian { house of' core tan to the flat upatalra. "cyclone,” Atnvokpllerle dlsturhancea ne«* ayid Asilneya fall» ever lie !!«(• enera. , i ,^a »tripe down the center of tho pa*-1 t-Why, Misa* McKean, come right In.” of thla vharaeter-itaas In endless prve f ing there is a mudi better chance of I S L - - r s ? ,e* at Confed- crUul old ktrá, flnnupcr. ' cession nrrusa the^L’nlled State* at But the *r.id nlifod I* i!l«|K-lled when ,n ,18eT* wa* de*t«>Jr«l by a « the lieutenant governor! Imitate« two I tracking straight avoiding col-1 | “ W erlonsly |„ February. 191ft „ “Oh, Ura. Plunuaar, .dear, l can t Interval, of a few^days in a general OtilTtahushshkl In Constantinople J*. Irions or sweraing off the road to I I waa charged that emissaries o f the nt.op. l*rc cow* to aak your nitrire, dlreellon from west to east. They arv" ; keep from getting h it .-â A. Bradley,! scribing the splendors of New Yurk XI P° * rr* ha‘l. sprayed Ihe cor- ft'* dreadfutlg Important. ■ I'm enter usually several hymlred thousand ! Mechanical Engineering. Uepurtmeutl Thelr rovaio lul.conceptlom ,,f the mining lie. McKeaiYa pareut* for din' square miles In area and they move , ' olorado Agricultural, college. r h",. “ <1ea00ra ° f the "»*1 '»« «»rn on an average at a rate of War or TOO New World make the hearer» risk i w »h an Inflammable oil. Tbe mini»- ner and Tin trjrtnf U eocik a chicken, with laughter. and. oh dear, t tnay have flready mllca a day, - ' r “ d ,he »•'mbera had Then the - "province” disband« and Completion of Highway , Ito rtuh from the building to escane CtHvkml It for all I know. Tell me. Mr*, They ajv* by far the moat Important' It* memWrs go hack to the fur rJroru riummer. how jo you know when lo factor In. contrvdllog the weather of roaeale renllty of their-live« In Vifm Celébrated in Virginia I fe Z 0"- «“‘/h* ^ries^S take It jout-r* the country. A* it cyclone approaches Boy Heads $2,000,000 Firm. mi; The completion of the Virginiil ” lt‘a laa easy «»—as anything, child,; u. the- lempeYnlttre usually rtsv'if New York.—Ill« buy hum»' I,da j ate highway Llkti nf Stick a fork III Jhç breosl.. If clouds' gather ami vve are likely to > m\ Ma.ii. iIWl‘y betwi‘‘’n Orange awl| Juki |>laln '’Luke." hut vj. •ttyhy .. art j Jutce flows out, 'tiil.n't done ylt. If It have ra(n or »now. stormy wind* are aillvon. known Sj B ou t/N o“ 'lC i»| Bolsaeurst hankers of i cverul nations ,* *penrs to he dry It'* all, ready." •' not necessarily a feature of a ryclone. hr , hiK,lwlO; «ystmn. wa» celel Lh^*nJ?'!Ia,ls an - Prond of the fac and hu«ltn*x« aasoeiutei addr, .. i,m| rated by the. people of .Orange anil fbe “ ‘»terfal for the great Z, . “ How almple. Thank -you a thou­ In ! abort, a cyclone U an exceedingly more tv»|H'CtfuU.v. f- ^ » S b d an old-time ba>| materials are strips of leak Then what? She had forgotten how kit picnic and barbecue on the faro one of three, dlsturtumee* usually Young Itrmolte lr, * dork ! jlred, lDrt,a' * w tne rule worked! She waa almost dea- hnd small qnantltlea of TennSe* make It expedient tq; take refuge In a soft.apokcn. rsthetlc-lwklng n of ; E' B e r n e r , at»* -perate enough to aak Mother McKean, 1son. Music Was furnished by a tras? "Vyetone esllar." ’ _ , Fra dev. with more the air of , , ltt. dora*»*1"1 ° bI° *to°* ,or »<««1 1 ^ 5 who had. followed her luto the kitchen. The wwt violent storms known any­ dent than of a sureeaaful man .'.f ,f . ' ¿ S .hrad.e f 0™--WaShInSt0n* an,i sfi°rt *d; „k ktiock at the. door. Old Mra. where occur In the Interior of the fairs, Fnte cut short hi« tmtl . • , nj were made b.r' restdenfs m^ ,aCa“ dl» n Hall o f Fame will be Plummer stood there, feigning sur­ North American continent, especially shoultlered him with , mau'* r, _- Orange and Madison counties. f,, ■ to Industrial leaders and Inren- prise at finding company present Mra. In the middle Western I’nlied States, bllitlr«. . ‘ ' Ityrd.IntroducetV-tbe two women. and moat frequently In lute spring4, Ia s i sumtuer, when life t,. ^ ' jç- j Widen Narrow Highway Mrs. riummpr-' made • well-con­ and aiynmw;—Bulletin by I’ nlted meant nothing more ti.,n ! ! No Time for Ceremony “if y cealed algnal. Mary Byrd understood. States Department of Agriculture. to Accommodate Truci; bones r day* with a tulor.ln hi« anrratr ’ . ,.,^Z ¡1 “Excuse*roe,”.,she begged; “rre n near l*arla. hi* f»ti„.r. , J /- j w ifi? d ^t.trken In the oven -that I mustn't siowed i0 Iess than tii«-*! Itemotte, founder , uf it,« v... , ¡Bam Lim^ was busy in one of the time ta |wgleet.” t’nder Cover of emharraas- ytl‘L ' 4f - often flPare, ehlnd *°me huge tnii/j .. Imagine ' houv- of art. w*, arelder.ts, , FWt warehouses south of Market land it tnetit. old Mrs. Plummer drew'nearer llobby—Why are you angry at ihs and killed m a (>oar hunt it. } ' ! recinhn ^ T (ltter uaPrin'-»We . i -1 Wys the San Ftandaco Argo* I ter—" to the stove and so obtained an experi­ thvt th K ,!? lks to Keneral—avejrisl doctor? fL that they shouldn't be Kf* wb*n * torge motor track loaded; Just t enced view of the fork teat. . I* the French eu-tAio, t ¡,...... h on the Wlfey—Jntt think I When l told had been trained to tread Id* • « - w .i and this and that, with burlap came backing silent- bump St ♦ T h at's a fine-looking bird you got 1 him 4 was so awfully tired. he asked -footsteps, He had (wen rv*„ i | 1 \ church in r n-i.,râ» ‘‘ j/w ^gh tbe door. Another Chinese, warning ttsere, little neighbor, and Juat about to look at roy toagusl XUnk V tt—r 1 by >h,. ,,ia[ .. *'l,ln'l,JlO’uad which ! ib.'t ra” « *^Waw tSe W r it ’s In the old DetiK>ttv mansion - was helping Sain to move a pon- "*¿0ok ò flanc to a tarn,” . . my tooflusl 1 1 ■ !'hn¿ an,¡ » SUm . ,ltrv ' / hf loadedttrnek d ^ l spied the trupk and, step­ USU of-us M M 1« the t=. „ 2 ' '* * * * > '* »«8 1 « l l repair 'Sometimes it «he ra-aJ-' Sam ’Ji -*» 1 nei.Vft.turj , h***» In the quaint slng- Seing era hiiru*. prw,r'* ^ ilc.o Uj “ fmek and t* their people to inform Sam of he turnet • ' -• V; abl‘^ast- Thus wider na-*i ■ “ T l ! I . , ■ . . ... , the solution of the pro&M no- ulkt

i# Í ‘ 7

SC- í i - . ' '» 3 *3a .. E** i ^ n n l m ,

7™"* ferptary ,£ “ Wn**' » * ______Metallic Brocade ih^ü■í^r!*, •'»hr’.ldered Silke« Wuwi«. ***r<Îk^r. wl,h ,h* vlalm^to toe one-strap effect l.elng u «| f.w ,|IA Honni ¿ T * ,mpo<',aa« « f ' l k , “ ^ r ;: • dlugonul oraplog Z «tonal park movement, the tir* to for Evening Wear atr<^M« ute tlQiiro. t utttlooal parka a natural ro way Is fure'«li.|l* ':|,Ur '‘"k“ squush like coif, ?.*. ™ rank and i t M 0 »v with which « re* H, IS>41, ili;u m9 ilin World .-,-™ .ïe âwiet. i| Ipecac Moat Successful Wùuwà» Fabric Reveals tuck Key West, .... '« P«* policy sod Siunptuoutness When s.r-!h lie ",‘ 1' " ,,r rt,n- ‘ bv Hun y ou.- t Remedy for Blackhead beine .* . M ’ l» *•'*> iwsse. tîk p h o « renter of popu- _ a n il ,h htìrTOUlta« that can U “ Ul1 "'ey reveal e world. The done for-it. „ . their be.uty, and «unuitu iusnio» when for road« and Bairn '¡ ¡ i f * of 'l'I'ltïgb t'ilonowMe To use Ipecac'ai. a cure, piit-ten «w*rn at night, on Hie other hand, ole B«>»m Thiraas George Skttugtaraay. * 'Sll"l’»*’ H»le bandeaux may it to toe main- pH'ently decràaèfl. ,s „ ¡•«»PS of the fluid extract of tpecar •ervve a rushlua writer In the Clove- be vvorn ,,r ,be hai, I, lef, ...... • “ th*. mouth of the »lek birds thrra 1 IJvalrr, If one b u > a frock xxd.il :“ ',y l""l! *urrln«a ur* In »'»glie. received the ea- times i day for three day* then one# "»o/ldcu .o f making use e f.lt VI Ilo tira coirle end heeds may be utIV ó^rveiTit * •1 **• w*8 bom V ln MIlwtiukMiL v ™ • day for th* &ame tttue, ng of the 'At- r * br tii,> *i,rins. <>f niuiy >•” "! vvirrjlpg out \he color ...I,; Hie ami of a póHreuian—“the peer «tei mi nn**» «'HMiunifk. „ V , y , assotfatlou, tunde M lin a ubo» ». ». . p w r ” *"* , . A| * Preventive use s teoapoonrul of. l«le o r Chiffon will give excellent-aerv- the powdered ipecac on enough wet ompletian of a M e has'')" ' fuhK,u‘ - •• «>>• old . . . Srtlln '* '»«king its api.cunm.-e Itv^ n !'11. rv’« " v « ' fon with .a v,M- een Maine and mash tor 30- birds Peed twice a week, as an evening fabric, white being « - Hy bbg U one O f the very newest to * . "»ouid be of pet-lolly got.d. the Atlantic for iommearing when the poults, are two ,._* "** , H'ine la the gtilse c.r way. United Ritira*! f " ,e of ">« »•oka old and continue Until three . **"‘“ kln« *>f «.lore, don't he linrein-cliiii md),,, ltM,lr K|lk„n ^ vhen completed »""**— tor presumably. It will months old, {hen give once everr ten Wrh d to buy an evening, frock in aomc ! . «»»talli counterfeit ((resentment.“ of Z I "■'"»»•••I will, block «Ilk il probably the tuanv ...... lifwontuienlS” 'o f «■*}-*. The amount need not b« given vivid almdu such ua re.se. ihmie. ! n,‘* »"'I block ostrich bile , road over. ar* A.» h ? W" Ì ,n ■ m m ■U In one feed, hut spread among the green, gold. Jammet«._xWNprt.,n9i | . wrt.»-n«-V drawstrings »Idle n At times the or Ä " '^nuck.' icetig for thr Uny, ' her. luniuulse blue or »llvc-r. These H P O silk serves anaci, them ... Sr ^onks." These Amerlenns árw In addition to the Ipecac, give all are thy «.lor» which ure Ip vuguu both if not actually personages o f the early day whm ■I.i i r" " ‘ ,,m « ,l"r* »re Jude, or- the huttermllk they will drink. In biSH-udes aa well ut/ltf ,i|am. mo ‘ bill, coral, blue uhd Hum?. " ' ‘■re, H“ -no United States/sud no 'Sick turkey» are always preyed tcrlala. ' ■ r of Mexico on Canada, whep Prance was arriving t» Per “ti-s-vd wear the d i e « oml wn,,, Atlantic ocean Upon by Hep and mites and special As rcgunls tii-ckllpcs, the Imtcmi cos unie t, „ illstlncl favorite, wtih ili.t sry la extreme- Già •are should be taken' to keep tho »•cma to tinvo altnesi •'iillrcly dlAw> < .'signor», nmol frequently uorked .,ut sys have been young ahd old birds free from the«« Pfftrt ^5*« Wliyij ttix* frovk pruHuru-i VV 1 n-iape. long or ole.ri, „ft..,, p w ii - . a Sea Islands. this Ino m-ross ^|,e fpi»,, ,|.e Imi k »Ilh-almlght rectoakulor ,c»if, that Ight green ver- Isolate sick .turkeya slHre“ (he ‘dla- ^ ni«y ho cut H /„ deep V. , Tite^nvtmd' have silla for the honda. naby coconut eaie Is carried through tho drepplnga. neck Is usctl/or. dlntfor gnXns, iiUd the ong the route •Green food In the fertri of carrot square „|,„ rctomlog ,o fovor, the rainbow tops, onion tofls or leitme should com­ cor the /imro extreme /Iccolh-tog,. Very Smart Cape Drew pltUt-und-wliite prise-at least one-lmlf ,,f the ration. ■inuto »MüMl(U*r sirup {•» ,Vfp.n iimmI. tho Other A m .h.*, ...... j ¿ r|1 ur- htlv|nj¿ M ade of ••Pompotn” Silk uid the brown _ i no- brood coops, and house should oHieryóhuulder Itelng ___ l tlie bottom, »« kept clean, and grit and charcoal “ n!y/ti rhlneslono oriiituicm or tinnii inibers of sea must lie where they cup get it. Old bajm. Iliu freni of ,ht/fro,-k f.irinlng it lierons, frigate plaster la especially ilk.ul hy turkey« illuminai em-rt, / uuny kinds of p a e re tR ' and they seem to thrive on It. It seems slrunge /li«t thè vagoe far Both chickens and turkeys thrive Jne Simulali or Chine««* “(unv I whlcli I» ■ mainland and *m*4t better If they ere kept apart. •o pmnoimrejl In New Tark wéll ns byby 1Henry M. W lite fnshltm tW ers of iha itili wnrhl ’ »ai- Coast,St Hrailroad Winter Is Poor Time to Shotil.l noi make/tself fall avarywhera. jet ween,cen HOme- 3cu/ptarsaiWorÄ n play« sudi tt promlnanl puri abmiul •Ida (at which Cull the Poultry Flock I "*u"era stmorlul timi rahirnlng nslon begins) w M ew /hr/iam e/jf Sixty hens laid. 14V *g, m ten davi hiiyera propheny a revival of thè Spot,. allies.* Of this before culling unti, -after culling, th. 1, I toiluance/titilli In moda, nini da. I ri4 hem Isaff l»lLl von . ’ tins over deep rigns fòr thè ronilng opi'lng. -Iti 'Un* { concrete piers ûui/çfhg séfflia w a This report cntiic from a Llnetdii comí. cast entlro fr.iyks tiro fu»hl.m,.d of out of water ty (Colorado) fnrnt, . , By tlie average JOHN OICKIN8 0 N SHERMAN «3a a t j y , , T ilh!" m " 1 " ,e "',10|B »‘ «IT. however. viaducts and - •»■ 111-. Dominion of Canada The t uning was done-In Jnnunry. IVe Jade With Silver Lace, rubly less. Is to have a Caiiodlan believe that had the IM culls ,been kept Feature« of Thu Oreas h- distances be­ Hall o f Fame in tlie paln- file* Si t -* N>,r Worl,f •«•Hire «ton* , they also would have slnrted laying af er islands that i,ni| ‘ ir,,1,"? T 'UB Hni1 'bo Mississippi tlal new Federal Parila- Iwno t 1? ‘ ""t ° f F,,hr"»'-y ««<> Key West and ^nent buildings at Ottawa. from j c aT. working Inland »01.1.1 have probably more than paid vvair v„w sea Hoard, when It liu consist of The builders have just Inn.l ‘ W. brnueo ngnlnst New Eng- orViJly r k, <,p ,m" 1 "■• following June tilled In with made way for the sculp- railroad right fora In this national 1^ f i ! « n'J°Vl1 ,nh<’ ,1"> blndormosll . , A " ‘ gcHerel rule ■complete culling on„ . • nnn’c,) lD Ilourlnol's verse. Should not be made In the winter or he case of the1 pantheon. There Is an ’ nnnot piacoi, Verendrye' Nntiunnl >!y be crossed r Impressive marble vestl- tTd"'i'im" ‘n ^ “ r "' Dakota la tlie Unl- ree iif '.'T " " * '' ''v,'n d" ' <’» 11« » HI pay le automobile I bul1e*-3» fe« ' wide, leading from the rpr their keep from January, until Julv. - / i , »if»-. . wlm . i r , h,,,','m ,r l,,1 ° il,p e*l>lbrer ;e so direct | a I “ ” 1“ cmrance at the base of the It le sometime*necessary to cull In tlie - i f . - - M i use "the beys EBW-foot memorial tower and run- m n re ,nV0 Ule' flrs' » h it . r i,/e r,.t0 '"ore rooin for pullets Bur the * ,n,nK-M'v«ourl territory, . i t*, IJiiug across the enUre building to the But there Bre |nrRer „gums. - * when the flock must he conDned. That 1 lie in Dade m Was undoubtedly the caae In Lincoln F th«™ 7 *J rear* wh,c" overlooks a n S e* Mnll" ,r JI'mi"etie, for an eg- i is tlie prln- . ■ I?* „^0IrerS W'*lk” »lib the Gstlnean ample. Mnrqnetre'a fame real, |nrse. county,^ and proably part of the -In­ crease In egg production was due to si. The Flor- "d r “ • ,he ""-»«»re. «Dd the t autol road rallev m* he' dl,, ,n Mlsslaslppl toe fact toat the hens left had more of the' Dixie wHu ren , Wa* " ,e «rst European room and more food. | i ' ,0 ',rnv*«-«l'e Pox and WH. An0th .fl,mcultr |B w|n(pr cti1I( faycroSp, Gu„ " rlvers, and tlie Mlsalaalppi of. -Florida, •be Arkunsns. He was ,he «rat « to«t It 1« very hard t„ tei| which are. t. Augustine, O. roe* that march», to the a»a ' ascend il)e Illinois and make tha the pullets when lhe whole flock Is ah and Miami I h » ^ ^ ' rhythmic, pulalng pace «dtvigo Portage" to Lake Michigan housed together. Many pullet, that k, a distance a Z Z . ’TL r®1« mkleetlcalty fbiÜLi^â W*U ss statesmen and - nai have happened to be « little out of _A bore the atrlf« or creed end place letlon through nnÄ_i'-\b^tOes. Men o f wide cultore. Peoria"18?/ !!,e : ,,,,n'’ ,a "i.llans at condition at the time of the culling C'o i» » f mlnatrelay. Mto of p m , ,™e w,n,er on the e from Way- “ 'grip elDger. of cur race. be cbomn Ö»n*n'!Ü,t ,n<* ,llgh ,deal wl11 ! ! „ » f Chicago. He died In Mkhl- Ahontobr " *'’,d wh,>n they, certainly be 637 miles, dthtotb ‘ conHn|salon to gnn and was burled there. ^ should have been left In to« flock.—1* B lÎ T<^***U? l h*Tr braved thy itream. decide who shall and who shall not c. Jamiaon, Extension Poultry-special. m , ad from New I r,,r*_C*ron- Champlain. Verendrr«. vl% nS‘ "f- > i f « " >«nn with |h. ®lf»» «r e r « driven by the drem j vision of an empire builder. Is an­ Hf, Colorado. Agricultural College. A pathway to PaetOc'a . fcy other personage „ f lhe earJy Immortally your paddlea gleam. In »lion you singing cry whose fame la based on Ids nctlvlili. Use Band^ to Best îr to iwhtÎE . " * wln«om, rtip, d r ..., )„ ,h* wa,vre »«era- IhU s de of the, Canadian line, m >ad Safer Faint echoes when your voices dte. P ^ a l conference In London made « Laying Fowls in Flock which “p importi'* .llh .- ,n attractive J fabric« la dono In * moti JriUrMlIna ould have U n d o p b « ^ h 2 & ^ Ba «inulli, claimed all of the vaat According to N. B. Chapman, poul­ 'manntr. : • !*_ p,“ « d 'hat perpetual light Mississippi basin for Louis XIV mid try specialist with the agricultural ax- down the «ball here shine down on the faithful named it Louisiana. The United tenrton division or the Minnesota ementa it • dep.rted servants o f the state and toists and s s s & y t e State* In 1803 bought from Napoleon S(«te»urllverslly. the flrst or February The Three-Piece Suit t ^ ! -^™ o fj .n5ank'Dd while memory is a good time hand the heat pup dents. A iaata. The corner stone was laid by Hie port of-ihla^Loulalonn lying l,e- to The t|iiaaf hm „ f |,mv „ Urt.lir .tween tho, Mlaslsslppl and the Itockles Jets—thq birds that have the early, oot pave- the, prince o f Wales In 1010. It |a ndvniilugn ufHm all ,laytime o.-.-u,),,,,, Champlain I. a , hlnl ,llWor|ri| toying and high-production'marks. t to guide flanked on either side by the house « nttswi-rad by tha lltrec-plo^ ailll. see both 2 r «nr* ¿ X Unta,° - " ' **» «o her.- personage of the flrst rank In whom “These are the birds." »«y, Mr. Lithfiimly »linpli« nmi «marl In Hua n f ° ^ T a . a?d ' h’ *CT“ te fhabiber. the people of the United State, a™ 'JChspman, "to breed for next year He warns The high window at the eod of the when 1(1» rout I* worn, it m«y {uke on d" a"« d •" greatly Interesletf "But Ids case Is a possible court la galled “ In Flanders Fields* The successful poultrymsn employe .«.decidedly cliiliornie aspet-i wlen the moi;e complicated. As every well- allow anil and shows the sons, o f the Dominion To Poealbl. futures: .truck no craven every mean« possible to delermlns the coat Is ri-iiiovai). Ilndernento Is either n really baa.jllfnl .«»..p|Ule rfarAvill going Into action at St. Julian, where Hm'rinm ,k” owa> 'be Prencb and Brit- highestjjroducers of Ids' flock tost its lirti struggle for supremacy In the New may put them m the breeding pen. at the' mot'erilTt " ^ » '"to g iy nf d by the Germans. >Vor d asted from 108» ,o the capture ntnlerlnl. I lias« blouses, by (lie war A spertu chamber in the memorial %>r leagues of Quebec |„ 1758 c u e In>d* of* ^Uuloid can b® »e* For tha danes, this charming Jads curtd from poultry «uppljr nrois, have never been exquisite. There be approach- svenlna dr*««/ trlmmad charmingly ¡r * **? T ,“In *he nam” of tie WhUTn d ' ^ S : k*-P*. " ’ • "Her. Faith, A pullet (bat.has a whit» beak on may hit him. 63.000 who Ue In Flanders «¿d of ¿ w'i " waa C’hampialn who un­ with allvsr Iqcs, should b* thè pride » . ln*>nn,■,’• » tovlshlngly - |„vhv lay be forced i Saw eoeste o^team lng continent loom- wittingly was In no small part re­ February l he. mad. . „ I r record In offnlr of pale sliver doth, sleeveiesa CamUU™ Kxpedi,,onarT b’orcea from of any young woman. 10 chance is sponsible for bringing about the Anal •««production and deserves « blue and with « rounded nrraiine ” triumph of the British over the irong. With I The o«d Canadian { house o f ' cma. B*y°nrlm* "'"““»e of Th. f„ band on her right leg. Such fowls will of the pat­ 2 2 2 h Tbe KBench occupation of 7 bar* lo°* heel*, loose “side Hands and Nail* May I loomed broesdes. Aimed will, rainbow ! 2 L -- rS?**- »t Confed- Canada began with Champlain, wlm °® ^ keel, wide back and a er chance of J I •«thwb__ H In 1867 ™ '«. was " M aestrojreddestroyed biby flre Even a man of the .United Statea - Be.Kept in CtMidition voiding c**b I J nnterbmmysteriously » T |nin Kebruary.______i9.ift / unr .. ” D RlTe a *««> , « » « sa to some " ,be 8,\ I-awyence in 1008. |n •Pread' .--- of ’ *",r”three Ul««fingers between__ the 1009 he.explored to tbe south of the P «vlc or Isy-bonee. a n d , hand depth I Hardlnlen Alet. hitherto used pr|„c|. the road to I [ » a s charged that emlaaaries o f the the names which will be approved by If a Utile sympatlicUc care and at- from (hese to lenllon are given to llm hands and Ui fin* Umi'Uetm UH*. I* *#•«> ■ A. Bradley. I the commission. 8nch g • tentative n » ra T ?“/ l? ,ef " aMona' » “ •. discovered toe etWoKthemr oK ' krsaat upon sfternoon frocks. This use tut lrt!far*1 U®**” •“ d-sprayed Ibe COB- toe lake that bears his name and used bone dçjteei." Halls qt-tbe end of a few uiunths their department, | •Inclnde. Sir W llfred-UtSer wbo ^ B le part at the wide vogue for lacea ege. Iw ltoi*.^«”00” °f the "»*»'“« room In addition »o hare . g ^ ? m Z rJ lira«™ « o n ', baud of Indians from condition will show a «rest Improve of every kind. . • » iscea I frith an Inflammable oil. The minis- mem. : • , ■ [."* • ’2* * trr a»d the members bad on ParUameni hUJ, Sir John Mam Torn ¡¡^ T""e,:'D ceo'ra' Wooden -jewelry I, * ,« , now .and I to rush from the building to escane Donald. Edward Stake; Sir William nnntm ^ beBe,,P00 th« powerful Iro- Cracked and split nails are often a hway quols Confederacy swore eternal sign cf lllj health. A nightly applica­ or n a u i ff",;k" *!m,’r«1,l*'reU‘ enmity to the Prench. carried the tion of cold cream, however, often It Is Intercttlng to know what «fit tomahawk and scalping bnlie to the helps to overcome this condition. ~ “i "fl,to- highly polished sad) . y ! ,nfo remarkable tleslgns. - be the decision as to several » a , J Ito s i/T ,be'\ tad'a“ a''< ™ X The hands should he 'immersed la toe Dominion who rage to fame onThfc blocked French ,d warm, soapy wnler for a few moments. rssw.fai.1 “ OI litige Vfinrl* art* 1 - renalMoiH-e of the choker arv*M *n~ side of the border. There-U. t o f l „ ! l vance aoutFward and for 130 year. Then with a soft piece lof old linen or U . ? nr aDS pron<* of f>e fact thZa} * 0 to* ducl* *re hatched, make ai^ile, James J. Hill, s son of Well- | *1**. “ *ffec‘ a buffer aIat* 1» the rear silk pres« back tha cuticle of each nail Tim t o " i*°u tonhionuble laat Z L ^ rhe “ "»ferial for the great new s r j s K " * ' separately. , ’ The big choker pedrl* have come Is «ti structure on Parliament hill was In^on county lo Ontsrlo. who built £ ^ r * r ™ * J ? ,*,1,b TO,on' « ot the foils for the black velvejl frock « mid owned more mllcg 0f rallrmsd seaboard. The Iroquois Confederacy i- ■ , , For 15 minutes' soak rips of the b r i« S C'^ lTeiiJ|C,H,ln ,h* bouo- was so powerful in the Seventcmh fingers In soap*, water. After taking Egyptian allo ver er,ibró|,i(,rr ls'r.,re P»*«w of the Dominion. The only £ * « . 7 «™ A bird with closely worn toenails la »een , on swankv lin i. , r " now pyelgn^ materials are strips of team trib^^s»“1?1 I, ' 0,,ec,ed "-tout* from conaldered a better layer than < car® of- the cuticle apply tlie polish tribes as far east oa Massachusetts And toere ls Fntnklln K. r . n. wlto long nails. paste or powder. Powder should be fa' «me esse, dual„ ,,,:W;" r" 7 r lDrt,a' ^ tooro* A/ttoa millions of natnre,lovers on this «to moistened with cologne before apply. L -a, H'Utotltlea o f T eon S e# are toce» Peer ou, h, ( ¿ J Ü Â of tbe Une would «upland thi, V k £ A pu ll« I, « female bird lesa toad Ing. Next, take a place of coarse lines ° hI° *f°ne for hlendl^J tlon. Be was boi'n a Prince EdwaM doth and before tbe polish has a bud. and s n c l r à ^ o ’p"1 7 ,¿LZ »»<1. Uncut emerald, In duri goto ^ Jn« Island and It w „ t o ^ Z ^ ^ r Uor^*r a«iVi«^ BiroW h M less ^ ^h,Whi'* than a year * c0dker*1 old. ' ,a ■ male ' chance to dry mb the nails Well. Then ' J ? e.„Cf f adlan " « » o f Fame Will be that many rf his g«6irars on th£ Anlsh~~~~~~ by J»"»«»sbdnt m ■ ICIJten t, minutes' rubblnn of an old-fashlonei) and heavy deshrf to Industrial leaders sod Inreo- With • #>tt«atnnls kn#»i 1 >r-i'I _~ ” were the Jewel« worn by one nmritiZ side were wont to stent« him « "Mr. with a chamois buffer, Tliïê wlll glv* tb* “ 's»' brood in«,, brilliant polish. , . ^ns'f gowned women -at " ' • «b etter layer, than those that ara Mer dress was o í stof.'rélvet’in*« X * v ’ hways broody a large part of toe time. Lemon Jolce will give the nails the “if you do not eara! to have your e Truci; ranch desired . transparency, bexldes be- jewelA<,tC,>ed the “ lrted * r « “ f her wfflg S n ? »b* sra»«« o/ tlie Inga good prevfntlve for growing «¿ti­ V i than theci [Batn Ltmg was busy m oae of the d u to ÜÜ a mti* fa ' fa or- de., Lemon Juice also Is a, splendid There is s fad tor ml her small „ f . tta. f0C * taB*'*p*««. iben la d « to Ira.In a laying condition, a poor fels wrlit bags lo be carried "lo th. hugts truck] warehouses south of Market raws ? tfn " P ^ *w«»»ed to tbe whltener Tor the hands and keeps thé I.nd_rf your aneeatdkn. yon bad bet- or lean ben can never be a htylng ben. table thin? L * sajs toe San Francisco Argo* A Fr«, ? 0 , f w N“ toe*a'«. •kin smooth, it Is as cleansing an ¡T ««- These perlshably dainty ritira d-—avp.-r^ g fc wb*n * toige motor track loaded of Eonltry, farmer«' bnlle- soap and water. When household or w h„l * ' T ' '“’«.der and a the n)*l' L dost to/“ '* track mss «boot to other duties make toe bands Vough and J ’ T : to««* /rfoagh to’ bold •ffi with buriap came backing sUent- ma* h* hsd by w rlrlñg toe bump Sam his cempanloa flnished hi, lemon Juice should be used Ihatesd »»Pera glasses linndkerchfef and the door. Another Chinese, ra™U wr®tÎT* D*l»rtpient of Agrien* fmwder fiox. They^sre long , nd “ r yer’s fs* - waa helping Sam to move a pon­ toe eo^tyd exclamstlon. Wasbloftoo. \ y ■ ♦f soap and water. , - , uCk doi’-al ®°* JBq «Pled the tragk anti step­ nrr. j . Von. do, thrif. fo rt At the reed- Sam Jumped Ju t ta time to escape 'I ! - * * ™ ; Being asked .i,5 ! n j t-b*t to'* «“ d quickly ára . began In toe quaint slng- being crushed. WM, a frightened fare molt -l*te F uh ion Notes o f ck and I* f / f toelr people to inform Sam of “ toe in- this dU(t o * " ab« ! from b « / " , ! ' “ ' * 7 tols is meant »bat r y n i O D n o t e s O f ' Exquisit« Earrings. he turned to his be(p«r. “Wha'for yoo rjder when tbe latter w* * b* rep"* d »hat “ ¿/tog during th. Istter'psrf of Interest------**'*««• to All * Womenw vm cn Kl'iu1*1'* ««»ring, of ,r°ck cryslb. e probi0 no- talkee. Mellenn, flrat tim er be «W dnber, October and November are »ounted with dMw"î“ *?„ ’ J“ ’, ,|,,,rw' »river...... Tflw-i- ^ “ “'toW glorified negligees, are becoming eren raraed In .w " - ^ W - °Wtì« Piere-,, Wsra glorien/-. They ara mida of band- w k i™ - *" “ Wra-work destab T h i “ bole eflfect^la delusi# ead IVsgllst-;

isa&astôSrSr-î-h i U - i >

i«Î» The gn>:íft*r part «f Jicorh«- CLASSIFIEp In hfjf waslbrr \%# bùi*»» t**'!/ ■r tr.*, Tonbip UtA«!U»a ut ^« derived frurD. Spain. u ht*r** W i« líüt ADVERTISEMENTS r¡ai.»w tn rrtrBortinjTjr «»flV.rt tr* adifpt •; ,>? r.-aUard, ta th<, ( uufitr of ffr»m fhthe julep !uIr(, of tî;t!;»* jiTant «nd ¡. rffisUM** Uw^ilad ««■•rtlilDI-Badar Ul« WM'lf to n/tnUtP>u* m*rt rh* »train with stareh to preval! it frfiiii f/'if brarlng 25 verdi, 25 tasta maak UJ>*| if. * Y'*Hnt »orrfhrafIDg • ••,. ; . and that In hot w ither, "The Jl^-nee PV<:¡t ** Otar 25 ward«. ►f pbjtU-nl 1<-r, a fow ; mhu rWKiAKv -iwi a shrub that attain« a h»*l¿M *»f thr<*e L * A Hiafa'trtftt* hM Jtart*tf Um j p. n.i la tba «r.ftit *od tr« •"■ -r* '«rièra tfcr f> .-tr • 1» fbfu4 rdf, •U. \»>«Mer t'ftkrts A««ia* »öd À.tà** feH, and lt ^ruwiTiiiì'! 'Vîii-re ll> î • d fa iV — Abb ut u y i p^krii »uridJwrrbltft. I!«! ! reach the water. P fÍMiiri.-)¡H e^f.eelai* f o r SALE—MISOBILAJ^EOUB TUT »M M V. J A M A IO ». V.fJi ’¿¡-.J fünf Hier* > t rìnUi. fa •'««hvr ii.r placa wbrrt a Rr-.al Ut-rn-t *-J Wbj »h«>o!d ha w#û| feti |iÄadkrffMi»f j '»'■U. Ihn» p « n » j vr.t i r \ f--f, irj •w Mid pr«00p«d t-f ly on the hnriks of ti e Tigris'iiR'l l.u- DINENt; room tahle. oak. 2, leave«, ■ **tvh ara atófuíí«*« • 1 ‘ f i t j >M» f «!»,!«► ja r ìi,*n thè» vt.nrt phrstes rivers, almost new. Very reasonable^ Tel. Tenu Ob* Dollar aad • B>U • T**r .ru»ír.fij bp (if* •«*'«»»•*' ■'** .... franfor.l ,L!<>. aftTt »WKeii.. in. . A»<4ff*-r rul*rt f*r mm* faaxma lu- \ ■•"••••i ■'l>î'0,ÿ lu f?,*- i : • of .-.i.}? +tjVn*r--\ üi ibr i•>-;».»> SlnreThe raíler of thè KUi.i.rit" »»OiH ihr e^jérif hiBdkrfrhïff, Wí.fu Ì arf « '.'— [(INK iliniiiL’ table: j»lx oak chairs: Bb|«ri4 él tí>* Cruf«! tati (Mm M •j . j ' Thai tuUdli’C - ,*h rontaíneij one of earliest tAïuiê XVI ééi^rolw) \ii0 tUtout finn* In tlm irnrl.l, ;i|i» .pro'>.ib:JÜy !» lord J'n-W. f»»* ™ » HMe*. all tablea havebee Arsiva bih'fk^rriti^f» moi* oUioug lia. i e * ,i/ l «bd frier« rtr< l-.-' T'»**« lapée loi töteten bave, been omitted 'i \* TM».* wâ* {Ijt* hW'fe ** • t y. i. folti, X, i , »fi« U- Hint llrnrlra la Illuni ih * upn-t ‘'nn- II.UII mat ires«, A 1 comlition: 3- *hU>. IVbntmjr I* th<' for** that litrjr tm-j írt^n round, wiili ■ j «n<|. «u.U’- fart Ion .'? '-.il. lind ih« ta«fe «i.h.ii •!,« jiit i— parlnr «uitc and ¡¿anitary dall* o f 11*#* amina) un^tln* d**rp hi.Mrrlftf )»<•**. It » »« onï/'i; fir,'} if,a t happir.rm * «>tt 4 • ;« »*rff ' A« rofi' fvtr u a ,a L ‘ S ' * . of boys and fír ! » n f T«‘ hiy PIí , sn iv . ii :H murli. To be dl-posed of very ”ÍS* h^“a"»tte! \ prelati t.f ih r i;**** i 1 1,N . if i!wo*l • K.if. t).«f r»i»juirrr,« n i,f Ï ™ Srait.'®«' The u statistics u iu iie « liavAhave I bem «I wl*IHi tIt»*' Hw« *- lurmU r« of •b» high ÌM$rn ind ifi* rlrh who ••ftjfti’f AUtMl. rcusAiiflhly ut (nice. Phone Crati- tlir* Itonrd of K«!wr#tl«jfj aro to I fiiR Ü Î lo f^ 'UH » r*»*Tjtfjh-j?#> f rnjoy.-d .!.y Iha younest.r* «f « ""I I suHa.of the year’a work teen disci ho kandkrrrhlrf* at *n m tbot* dar« f ' ; Material«. lord •j.’i'-J. t m.aD'J C tm etil years ago. . f and the other principals.- From It i» mòj«wét«MMÌ Mr. J»«n U>rtrobJl m-iit airain .Mi. Van <>v«\ «h o WlMf, i\*mU XVI bad rvfffiwd for I nesseodglth an earnest effort to coi : h'io‘»i . 1 Sometimea Quite Short. jfiiidc, ■flT'i.Mo: coat lias never been ha« fiilccj an um-tplr««) U jih ar •boat Vj yetr* b*VuagId*f»4 that tba r.'tf! -And «Trance ,>- I »n t K 16 JBfSn'J,lenthi*1ons of the iIuiíhk (In- |i«*l jn»r, tuli lima had roma for uMb*r. chao**___ ..of • i Irrt trnm *i,ts»|*»< » » A pr*»f*-s,ior.of gave u juj'-Hc unrn. Private residence, 228 St. I wiM be published later. .lutili tur if- tl>m. »Itti Mr« I *&•(». an* doubtl.M U«rl« Antuto.tt* A Ou«cr Thieg.' . i v i . A*!jJTc*a|«* iDUAt' '/lUAist •*? hop every Safurtlay - night, the 'puMIe Paul street. West field or tele­ 1. f:¿*N**J •' “Ahrtje/'i'f »ah j ( <»ne of th«* »jn* * r- ?!>«I" »r »A all ¡.ota tiuUer rUnJi-f* .jir.. ;,üríT «”1íaí heJnj'fnlmlt'fo(j ¿it fej M-nfTi a heml. Hut ; ~ _S d a estieM l Statistica lltk ii litt« tijci witlt gt«»l Invur, )• flu»? v,•-1| *,»*.>.i-? h* fj.-v.* iwiiaf I* «'JiuMy gTAt)T»i Tf'.'ii f.ii** t<» «f.ar*«' he was punrtllion« ahoist li(troiJij.*tl‘'n.«, ,\K\W house,.at Scotch Plains, five a *** *fM*it Un Ih. rtágn at Ih* •rf !, will (¿a m , 4t r. t rnni|i- and hatli; .«team heat;, all f Ì *4 . tot*I enrolltDent of 'th* JmlKliili Imiti ti», lumi) ,lfttiiitim!i, told o« h> 1» tJjn 1* wh»r la ODcIllnK* MD* f’i .rill r»f tr;Tli f Cnwford Public Kdhools for m asm *«o«ra ¡maákmbu-t thooid tmrin These he rtia«l^iilniself. As he drcnJaf. imiiJiovenKiiit«: lot oOStlSO feet; Itti (Mi II lull, rll.]llt«|f|(. I Iteli . t'lttl.li 1/>I»J lit <»!ir f»**Af fr^T.-în * •*t«t. ; .' ' ' . . Ottry, «Hilf ul i|if,f um»urine III B / l.itiT» P*!'•»!, *l»,n «t VenalllM i raf-»* ««¡KfrgAtF lilfill "..»isln : 'lessi for cash. W il­ Jii,r Hffk'« ( ill/.'M unii tlimili. Ic. •B SnitMBbr, sa. 17M. It w«i dwrMrt : ifirfia*. rrttshH • Ntst fiifn«r«' * :*X gantlj: “ A bujiroom lnfro< 4.?) '?^ fhe'-total- enrollment, 121: mid ul l|ii.« In i hi, |,,jjf. Su Im ni. llmt tlm lm(th »ml ili, brvadth of tb, i . «hi-n . I* rw only for rfie evening.*’ t sery, Kentcli Plains. ‘ X. J. Teli> were In the flrgt six grades, 235. n n lliii JJt'ki'l Im« lif.ii iniiit limi li biBllk»rrblrf «hould b* «ju«t. Tlirr» NOTICE or INTENTION' .rrfill.f» OfMt-ftrurih ■'p* One Saturday night pocket flasks plione liinnood 1 Till. . . 2-7, nd eighth ar ------ii* l » (.lilt Will {(AB* *«n • r»--fi L AI, .dlfSBt... rV,l:'...| .gf, (0TtUl,hH’r ‘•IditflAls for l oto n o rl-lii If Soon he was saying: "A harroonVin* *'■ fr* ^Btf *|»--I »f.-rt^-P. ¡'„ai'/ij!'.. ■ t. tric ".and kos connection. Price il?d( i . It!wl o i ? o r »-W 'n the llrsj . TJif |i,.||iiina|. III ('m ien «« 4irr lit*I 10» Ot .i k tali CD'eî 'Ul»y trodnctlon lasts only'for the evening." f lii ***‘*e?; * '°ss of 13 or 9.4% in N»d Mio >r»fir» Rad Calar. *ft'f«l.<.-t> ^r,.| t*% *T rf !.«,bl(*|.nrInK Im mi n««mili iiimhi tin Tb» rad nun'« fonini-m for (noir <•! >t «ff .-'iijf. * U.?..7ti*..U,i}. t.f itêi.1.,t,i. i .i» itereUtAflrf :H.. And. as, the fight broke out, be add­ Held Nursery. Scotch Plain«, N. ,f. ffi or 7W l „ ^ ^ffhth^grades and imitiiilkii (mill Tliiir .<*’ «t J'.rt.aiil IfAfr), HvilrAfn] ,)!(me nut < ¡iiM-sl o» 1 m fA 1? V1® HVh School i«.'i - i.i't io * ir * x j to lut ivr.i of me ed: "Sometimes not that long." ' Tideplione I’unwnnd I kill. 2-14 : o-a m e cow number of dava? *h '«H* Nu »n fni.H h*’ ,w * •*— . M-fiMl tKY a- I»2l, r o.r fa*tmtft| trw«i SIDKItOAHI), couch ‘ lied, china ulr* <1ouu«itfi| hy |»1(m-«*iiu «I *** 1 » •>»«.- rt*m«|n«1 for Dr. T. IL • ’ « '•» '»'rJ'i- k I' m -, *« li»* t.»f ««if UtF T>W J fir'tl atiiUftl «i>è«-JttraliDfii «Ml t*-His for l'ort- closet. .May he houitht very cheap. Ini, ill I ''ingii'k,, ' mui Vlif »lMiil|f,,^,,, UBlrrrattjr of Dmrar t» * t r ■* th* p i* -r »firn» • Bp.b{ Im ttjr.g will I I m irili, AtF«t JAiiuarf I. 191T, with Got His Answer. iiii n-- « 1 ^ * of the preceding it B*,J ll.F I.f» - i t« rlT^clirp ’ Jaiiuâf ï 1, 1>¿J ) 4* ’Phone 42.1. . tlni'flt that II Ih f, # ,i m ulini „( I ,t'l«>»S<'allf a»r,rf«ln Iba «flor pr*f- t:«i .n. . f 1*1.!.!» ar< , , f,;!-ma* _ _ Hie martinet of a sergeant passed 7<5*r,f^*J’770- a Id»» o f lOia'A. * till' lif«l t nnerr«. Hi.', Hill Iii.m l I Wnra» bf th» Indian« In Ihn Noulb h 4 T»»t» R*aw«r*«l I.AIOIK size lira.«« lied, mutt re.«.*, i *• The number of days Absent H* ;i r.t.Ui.,.«» r, !,i. ff-t'.ali.p ( .-.nt V, • I fkM k aiTtu i* nui'j^ iDi m uit I slowly along the Mine, closely Inspect* tlic pioiiMlhf Imi» in Ir« .iiiini, [ aaal. Fiill btpod Indiana wara fonai ■ ■ T:Àt If ).f U».’ < *« i ttf I woven • wire spring: 502 l inden V, »ws)I7.672Vi( per chU* " w i t h 4he ■ f .... i - u “'“’"’ "'M I»*, the equipment of each man us lia Place: Telephone 20. ' -Wate appropriation at practical!) r i.if Italie bill, »iti intuì')'M I.) lo prafar rad io all oihaft rolor». Ib.an 1i 11 4! 1 • Í. • N)iinlnr W n!«li, iti Mn«,miiu*.it« 1 C*w»pf•**(••—All‘ ,timrtD«''fil'K-.lr" ‘ liiti'iul- went. M US. J.UCY THOMPSON. If. North ¿en cents, per' child, the total los! bltt^ Tlolat, yallow and wklla In th. n r. *»I • - u -.W» j i "M* 1» iTArfiig wail*. aimI- liJrr«, *l»aU 'l»r ami »ipO'M iifalIvi' VVi-lh i . | i , i ,„, rftjf-li » ■ * ‘ r'.i in * eomprcMlon At last he pauied before Private ■avenue. -Hast. Crunford. has the ' «U8^ iil>y absence was *1,767225; )ialli- iiioiiiImi Imiir Ilio ilty n|. Halad orrl.r, Whll» m,n. Urine In •t-1 r agency for hlgh clu.«« House Dress­ j ( fi*« 4 in O. • <‘o!irr«'U M«»k wliwll Im *ub- ■Tibbs. f A m w .i>eB«e.n V ° t ««endance h i m IH» «ain, «»rial «nd •'durational ,n- Í« ■i '.-i au «iwiirjitlun 0 »l es" arid ilungalow' Aprons, that 1 N I ork, Doiiiil piit all imi'n |,m i r, \rw . “Everythin* complele?" he asked. 11822-23 yraa .9351, that o f 1921-22. 942 rlronm.nt, pr«f»rr,4 bla»; Uìan.rrran, • -it M*tb*di. f».r, NaMflft Tail»._ .cannot lie liought, in tlio stores, / i lim i, ini ll|f In o ll«t «||h Voi) Ita’f; t . ijriur J i li-r it.erne ifiI*' at. Jta« .11*«? iâ'miJF« •'•"Ye*" «<•** theJTsqily. Io« l'U-pplIi.ii,, n.rjil In IIicm....V f •8(1 Iheb rad. ‘ ‘ ' -* "" ' *. kplrrtr-ij *1 fAiitWjm from in«nuf4»iur- Tlu.y lire-tullufuiade. ln-st mater­ ! • - t i lii-r-i« »1 r.- l-cit ii.iffr » -■»). .Ut* jI a';*' tlnn, ih.1 iiri'.iiil «i'hfiliilf« Vmifil «• -. h dt frulli Mm-k tlHlvrri'iJ tù ji/t». t»> . Tee. what?" .barked the sergeant ial. guaranteed Ail .sizes. Orders Th» adii ration of tha >,.1 ¿un baa ■ >»! );.■t-.’ .. )ra.it,s ifi" »*«ít y t an) ÍH.JfiJ Il . 6. , , The»"«a . totalMirami ,. Humnumber of tfma lo- pinci li ally Invii'ii il. y-£ c•.I *1 Al« «'(Ml a, 1 * f ti ■ ne» 1411 r ti o t I tic llii'iliiini; tlFpArrmriit, fDo you think i’m'a dog, or what?" taken and delivered. Telephone *l**Ia »pparrni InOuMn» upon bla. fa- ’ « * * fagr < 1 rf­ X4n i’k * ahâti 1« af ilie rrtf;il*r *If »i a* f tatdy Per■ child in’ 1922-23-1 was II Jf Hinilil appimr ilio li.iin.i intir t ••’); f , t f r - l ■: ■•’¿i i*-fir :l« j»-f v jiia fr I i "Tee, sergeant." came the mild re­ Cranford 4.1ftJ. - ti ■ ‘ haFo Í192X-22L 1.1%. rorlt» rolor«. TTi» aqatw» and 'rha 5 ! . ”■4 if.« « 4 f v A in » iii)4tr■'!: ’j *1jU|U l*k«H (di I «{•- loose, and the sergeant wondered why f ':_ Jhe total number p f irlris L er .Miifrlran failnrr, fi MB» ihm In II« . 4 \f t) )- W ill . f M il Hifii» hiert r»-*n»ifFnirnlA. fltu moftTipe- ment of clean, healthy and strong ‘ ■r 1 •( )i,i f •• Autt-Diì^ajl fiali I fAkfO ahi) Ifie .|r*l , frp»)AU.Hir * e company laughed. [ tn "* **** ot uojrs »75: In thi iliilntlnn liilh'y liiaiieiiinl.il li lartlon of n.lofa thin tba whllra and fit *1- "f-fi” 4U' «• c'-fi*; f-,| M it 1 1 sJJ. U a ijü l plants, up to $7.00. Flowers [flrl1rerviprilKtl hv JimJ, Proprietor, 127 Lehigh Ave­ »fi* i.'m-uJ latti i-» li Ad CoiiiTflti IntlliulF^: .\J1 leali ahull STORES TO LET! > *a 126. boys 126. Tho above ile i.l ruin.. • • * t* «tic jU Uif 'cifieiiAo of ihr ma!)uf*(iurer, nue. Phono 354JL t f •o lh»n lb* inli.d blood, *nd lb* ^ -m r F—U. If WlA.il. (it ¡ JI58 simw that more boys thai Thi- Inal «Voigti'M nt (he Wihnu wbltaa, j ’.Jc»lr• <.r aelllng *grnr •*fl5 Ici.-It# AD the 7th and 8tl mluiliilat rat Ion Hi'piihlh'mi In bnih ¡*lt» TUf a I u'l* or •I fiaal «».fx alx ttiyfillm, a m U fiialu of |t-N( Iioiim'h |pB««i'c| * laiiiic'i» m en »rr I« i» f,n t.iiirfi 'JIOOMS FOR RENT : ?/0r^rr {'08 but u\ 4 thatw* in®y they are % •hoi holdini » mi Unit h*i *f j.totinri itiatl(>' V f rirr.v mAtiufurtiirer and ' ’ 1. * CENTER . I! f theirtneir own inIn »hothe Highu<«k School.o-u *_V • *u* riiiry iu o li'iilv e im lfl bill hi lln 'Mt 7 -f .XXIII •rh. ttd 1-x * rofiirwHUtlFi) or tlir HuiMliig ' Ala HI* Madtl. | Il »./I ■li W a 1 liifiil >-• fraU g • fti|. Ft: KNI.SHED rooms, good service, .?•. .The total number of coloret rai't' u| ihioiinlm'il n|i|N>«ltlnii lij II »«• Iha -‘object" drawing laaaon, j 0 l»e,.*rlttirnl oti/lhe »lie Tim ln»|)Wtor of central location, good restaurant. Iirmili'nlly i n r y Ihmcncrnl ( nr th..!j*a-4 itav- Hiiifiliiig« m *r rrijuirr addlliimal fi-at* fil ini A i d e n S t r e e t chii^n emolid irtho%?hUb wm whwi .th* boy*, arc supposed Jo t-rln* : 3fi| (>.•! mint ui«ile mi «aXiiilr» ».•lri'l»-(| fiy (tini »lieiD-tef. Ili Cranford Hotel, ■Churlfcs Stavu, »i'll Hull, lion chnlinmii ol tln> In in Iti* uj'iHliyi, 'títere Is lìiml.l us lu v whrUrtT • Ibi* Prop'r., Cranford, N. J. Telephone -0077« ove: aoin* arllct*—a bsrimiar, s top. a bo* i f.ti i»««# 4 DfaJuti/fitpris ihc BUmUrds jiKt ffirll>i-d by 'Reiervations Filed in Order t ,that o f last year.v ixiBlh' liallniiHl anuiuillli'i'. «*« l'h HlriJ t(l*y IfirAe /oKldtitlons ’ ' Cranford Id. ■ tf or whsl not -with lteam to achool to • vt. * ■ :'wJh,pJ1STr» w9re ««re araauatedgraduated froml Hill' nl I ho h'Bih'fa III I lie n|i|Hi«|l Inn on fuun - t y T•*!*»—Ilefnfe s|i|,ruiAl of Uh* (irodiift of Pl.KASANT furnished rooms, newly H u h M in n ans) Ûû ___a. ' to a fatiniT»' im lll m that lime •err* as model. n*i« ;n i im cimi School and 86 from the «Mi. ■: 11 « i ■4 l-Ulf to« y (if ItAMj -M>ri>tlnfi decorated, for two gentlemen or On* boy prasaniad hltosalf si th» UUal Ih* I lf p r , !• o'i SiiiujiliA stdnfj-d fiy the lns|»-rli.r «f eighth grade. In 1921-22,. 27 were i V 'i î •’""/••''i'» |i»«*i>il the lar «4 »I *|-Ai ftl U> twmr It'd Apply CHAS. DARSH, !ii:islness.c()upie, ulso {¡Ingle room, III. l,ii'«lihiit Wll«in viini'il h . mdatar*« dsak with the tearful so- :)fi (»i.Mhik«. w(,»<- ifillrig« «h*l| If mail.' *1 the éiiM-nse of Hie nnudlinBe^ frornu thei Hglh School . *ii«*. « «►. or (thin, _ iHtfarliirer al id Idl-ofAtiiry of rv'^’Kiilzed .'ll South avenue, W.", Cranford. Min I n w f 1 th oeighth grade, a Ih'm orral,Ju_liuu#ri'ii« put up Ihc ncuocam.nl, ‘i-|,««,, (|r, r w Iwtl. WmiiJf-J - |,X XAtu-b >fil‘fig. Ttir iillltiutle i iiiiipreith t> 1 »irrttglli amili- PpiMcalllnu In . Ihn • tmrn«r* loaad my'object." l i 4 1 4 U «.Hfirr / • f hollow and ( mu ture«* unit* ill days fumd WESTFIELD TRüát BUILDING pmh'cHvi' uri» In the «pelai «,.*.{ Ur, if'.l rr| di *Ii of i>fotn-t / 4lfriigUi K t.g r 7 i*rt |hhh»N Jirr ».jüBr "lorh of tilt* FAMILY WASHING WANTED Iff1T sl. ifthe K r er “ d 81088 "Hwallowad jt r rrlcl the maatar, la is- i »1 -I fot I .Or Afi.r gAr«*r*,yl»|»rt| up. ft-»» rn.si-«.t ifi.ual rHn-A of flit* unit us nuoti «níla-il Icy l-M.,1 I (■» Mil .T.-«..«!,,,. I __ > »fie «*11 «mi illuni not fall h.-itin him» pothuU WILL cull, fur and deliver saute; ¡( ill llarillQK In Ihc miinticn nl alarm. "Whatarer waa Itr tr »-iiidre Indi In «ny h«l. The gross i-roa*. WESTFIELD. N. J. all clothes washed in tain soft Toaetera—Olaaslf imi IV r»-4l juMirUtmi > l .,f Mo tion '•iii'ittAl pira of I».(low hiilldlng milis slu ll uni. “Plaaaa, air,” with * gulp, “a ha- MiH-r ,.f M iJ t i n y timilioiinj water with Ivory, and Amber Niitv Ihcy * m> cnilcayniiiiu i<> r,, oaaa.” ' i . . • «'til il (ntt l-r y * __tc-pralMl and .• .>•> «M. riti the |ir;«tliir| of the lengtlj hy. lilO i-'OlliH'i 4 t lfi*| I k M l l l W (ili. (Ol àfJ,| (fi ¡Jt:. ..f ih,, unii. The grow t russ ttviloiul y LOST Soaps. SEMI-FINISHED SER­ |M>al lliimc ai'hcilulca o|' Hu- Itili» ¡Of k..M S f.-i <-r a I mo |.l .i .» «-Diierele building unit l - H 1-r dl.-l |f,e< liffal * Atr,.«tlirftj- A (íí)f.D wrist watch tut Spring VICE—All tho bed and table linen which protect ihc tanner. . fth# I« Un«aty. f i fi- I e t »■f f'-il>ik*a- y - i.iu It ..ho half (he j.roduel t.f (he lenglh of 'neatly ironed and folded ready to Mai gr* Uv« to«r t-e Avi uri •• ih'U fij Hie width of ihe w«|| for which licit! uvemu*. litnvurd if rctum nl ’Ilio aiKliimict h| Ncualnr Wiil.h - units are lidriitictl. . use: tin, wearing apparel dried llcpri'«iiit*||vcm'|ir(‘H(')iUIIV(‘ \\IVcIlcr oI|( f millami ntlmi I P°u0(l‘n« ws* hssn) I» ths otl fl-rif*. I oaI liAttgr« liaiitig leg« ur Irwi lu .‘W Urn'll street, Cranford. ! »-t e niulrt Ai» ribes OD ixdAt'fri*-1 i<> Tim sitruBe «mount ..f wstrr ahKt.rb.xJ ready for you to Iron ut your leis­ ha«rtlt-vF iti fi, !*» h-.iirs h> r. utili* •* it«)« ,,|d Khali noi HANK. Hook No. 742I.5 of the Oran- Democrat»i«iiiucraí» i» Is nut Hint the Ihc lari» la ri» ou on farmi Inrui I " “I i. . " Mr* , 'Vampa "»«»P» avldaocad rf*r * 1'** M W .il l>ru|* ll.aiu-tli-r...... MiiiUUtigm.fnr ‘ l-ji your ■ i , . (‘ij-rfi fVII4(cd titAjl Iw . 1, lht> ntte, Westfield. (Rilego Graduates ...... ' | ...... ••Mlif'juaitér and etpnse ,U.fiu4t|ll rti « ;lh rownU'jj-. iictitsc fit- nt fiH- 'rdfi'*»f ''1$ii),uo L I NiMiklacc— IIcirloom. On thè re«I cntlàQ tif thè treniiiidnu, “ Ne. but good i graclon«. 1 Ilaury. I ••14!vti.| I Urr AiHHiiii Nornial Graduates ...... 1-iUafir- I 1 “ f fiU al.f. nil l4|(, ... . M,r *"* é»rl t'1* ctiuiuiar y*«)* to 7:¿)7' train Monday„ morn- »prehil lui »celi wlial thè imniei Juat loanod that , woman my allvrr- *(•' 4 tit A lid I ! dp«r ah «indi ihi'tm* iiuii ctjdrc on Ortitii l int. January 2stii ‘ ' ‘ _ Unclassified ...... U SdtH r* Ml.Mt kuj( tv [Ur list. ,.f w ----- , vicinity of sta­ REAL/ESTATE FOR SALE «et» for hin piiHluee-uiid olm i thè hacked balrhruah," « ‘ih ««(»‘tn. *h,»H U l l-.tr, I,-d i» J,*» ..... d'*i ,,f V*V" *”“■ **»"« Khali be' - ’ consumer ha» lo jiny fui li Ilrd KUiittHl hi *..m ** aT iifln tir „f tt.sí ^ rlï tion. Kewiml. Tel. (Yanford (»18. Gflxl27% feet, one Number taking -post- wo Kn I ».it \ ((,.», ,fi "Tifili*», .• hJ.AJi l4*r I «i "M'l . np|»rini-U l*y tho Iu*|ni-u*r uf rip i I iimm llcpni Tax Budget Notice tnii«| U- fn*orti-i|- 1,1 i» »rilingwriting wildwithin in r. ilAr*,ÜT.|AU kinds clmir work.done. Hu«|, I.. lujnflold , , . Nursery...... - ry, Scotch Scotch Plains, Plains. Principals, and' Teachers/ ‘ cenis, now cosi* ten ceni«, no in lliiri.inr il„ |„,|Hvi„t ,,f Ilulldbiga. fn N, J. Iclcpholie Funwood 1 IÍJÍI. ■ l'Icase of UHI per 'celli The limi, ■ hottoujs and spilt reed hot»,ms Supervisors .... * f...... Iriuu whlrh Ijils hreail ls nmdi- lm« lr«c.t«rr,-l_ |,y _th. Ii„ i„ ,:i„ r „ le ,,«vniem made. Caning done. Wm. F 2-7 of A tfAlllfcr fot* of Vongurbcn 407. Grove street', Total' ...... Z .... •'."■.O’ « - ; ''1 I» till'. « » , lie period fruii, I L0CV : ^ TmToWD,Mv 01 0r,nforJ' in «‘••■«•“»‘r o' Uniou, | AiiUvipatcd li,'Venni' Townahlp CitrL |t>at(x( J auu meats, sun- parlor and-breukfasi tween * barrel of „lient linn, 1921 l«.| i il Inal1 ullollt house, cun 19H-15 ...... - • . ' . Mit plus lii'icnuu iippn, p rillici room. I. Kuntner, 15 S. Urilmt tho- im Ice of I,read produced from It F ' f -’ I.'.» >*.(») J J 2l.iMi.i,|) |“,'|»V° «y-'D'M'Inif.-work 8 hours 1922-23...... Zi.::::::::::-...... Jn prowar times was ÍU57. Hie mni . ' a...... venue. • . , tf MI.«vcH»nc hwfliy il.c n th»t Ih . TowmhlD Kre»kfa«t Inlde In 1 i b u c ì i ì m , T a x I.lfiifiiir) 1«, lUHp; wod, cut to length, by the School. J/Í Uieae cjtles prices hnve doubled and Interest mid r„»ts Tl KS1IAV.1 fKM lir.tKv log.. .. .MUSÏOAL INSTRUCTION II Is within the ranks of their eltv Gru«.« I{ci','||i(« Xa^ IlM I.K J .»1 * ill) I1, l l . cord or load. Teleplione 654-W Grant • -S.Um o d ' i.n'n* " plano* ieach- t ranford, N. J. eoi.stllueney that tliesc Deioneml Fine« mid lVnaltt,'« >.,500.00 iitneoi/zz:;;::; ...... ; .... "■i' • Z V 'iN .I'” 2501» I ll«?7. , . p * î n »bow l«ndi mar tw lc iHilitlctaus will have to look » „ iiitcrv«! Hunk Halaiii'c« 'i”!';ow«inu or n V e » J i ,K l' l‘ iln s tn li:ilo n Jh Sherman ...... the cause of the high cost t.f (,,,„| Fci« »ml IVrmlt« - ,’ÎINUÎO ftW.OO mie! ?:aitrS 141 X<>rt'1 avt‘- CLUB O - líJillU N l *u' b* f o i .n O0POMunity IZERS WANTED Cleveland—7 ànd â . Z ...... """’ .... . If they really wl,h tn ascertain tin . W )«' l,r»rj cwicfmUif . IX) Htet School .Z : ...... facts. MÎni.oo111'? ; sutler liters in every í .-7.27.5,1 w J $ !h,,*l'.l7,'’|,rl,lí J110 ""H °f What Is true regarding the -» In... 11) 'final ion ,».2,5.00 0 ,» Ian,I ,(■ il,, . A *" "!■ « « „ ‘ Irin« Pt -Vl.MKHS v.vP g»«PAINTIN0 are scarce as “coal rV V .'. iîrilootl- for t,le National - ' ' - Tontineis Hvò'prlMice of wheat_ „ami wheat iloti. ' M M ,l.i.l 1( Afrmip ,„ j lihi-r«,.,,.1 pr,:i Vi‘r,Ifr. Î? ''"I'ib ii-irtì can ■'“her., A inoli table wim in thr TimtiAhTfi jt U'lt needed; better have viuir roitijiam! with that of-biv:íuf¡* u u»* wriH Kc of a Cul-llp C*rk r }y°"‘Çn "lio desire to S ^ V " " job done notv. lo r painting or In) - sene the Kepubllcitn cajtse. For or practically every other NkhI uru • firs.nut.u; v<«r.iu\roi Tor lAHiaiio« n f School • _ ' •Inet. V * . V Aiipreprlatlon,.- l-IKw) . Crujiría- 4^ r dci.orai i,b ,?a" "ta » V il ^imbu eulaïo--'v,rnite The National Re­ Grant ...... Kepresentalive Weller In an hi D J I ^ - Dr It pulii ban 12, Tenth street, N. W., Police Department ‘ ...... "" '"*■ ...... 'otmnllie* " " ‘" ■ T W W ashlngton. D. C. . Uovelaml Grades ...... ,.Z...... ' '«V.'h"! I,ut.<'i‘ >!iB< farmer I, Mrc Department Coupty High School. ______• ...... (lerlvlng no bene tit from tlm t»,|» Hrc Alarm Ucpalis 1 l.lMMkl [\ \oti ih) SrxlHtn J " b.,„, r, .vfj.iMM-b. «»a Lincoln ___ ...... ItcprcM'iiIatlvc Weller-maki-s tlmt lite Hydrants 1 . i’aHMIO ' v FOR RENT e x p r e s s ° ' . . • / statement largely., herause he >r•F *«c-.julrttu c-.j u ! r 111 g *(//*! tfi a rul * Vi l,l<> '■xpense Hherpian -Z .Z 'Ire Appara»,« llond, . i'.Mkloo . lit l-nl.-n Mim,,. i i , ” ,, h' X ""1,*«' Kmer Plume V i “ 11 41 BurnsWc «'«11110. know» riot hing about t lie farmer ori ihi S U?>?E.NT S ^Iot0f Express, direct' l.'kkUk» • ...... Failure* / i 1"’ ! ,l>n* MM congre.-I,m I tioauIton./1*!• hi'palr« -Vn'lllil Ten,../v Itelids tVv<5.»)l (vN'l.ti) Alenilo. l ‘nlon room‘ with hreakfasts, ii \ w T n«Wei!fle'4 Cranford Ä1 district Hes in the .'upper section! Kim . ""liui V'-' lltlHam’ « ■ Í " 11 U" » « b » * » f°r business party. Convenient ?ni = „? Tork- “ Kl return. Care- l|»»or Account w •« ■ S | « r r ; c .rk ■' . ? M • !',,c rrj ««d known , the «partnient I Unrk> Account l.sVki.'ki in tro , „1 11,7 *« M . '"In «nd to., station. Tel. Cranford 550-M. iKMAiv district, wltere inriti senti f 0 Ä 3 & Telepi1t°tE0 Hoard of Health ‘ • •„Vino oo l ! <0 *t*ln «d).«ir‘5nîS"„,,.  f-.ÎÎ. *!"1 W U,« ment is vorv hard to Rauire. 1 ■ OVki.iio «4» .«nd .« „ " V f h t t ami "'ü 1 'k'bls'flo'w OAHk.GE for rent: 305 Elm street jv'ucr . Matntcuanc-4> • v * . «‘UWtkl. • «CYi fir the KAtn^Lfi ‘ • olbyr •curten If he desires tlte truth r»‘irnn1in>r IntcrvM Accouni ’ - »N»l.t|i* «plMTuïttinj: M'uUfiß or tn any wise Phone Cranford 2S3J. tf „TtmmsHED HOUSE TOILET the Kent Imeni of farmers and live I Slrcct l.iglii ¡„g AV^vukl "m e n K _ G,i'îtl1 roolll!*’ all imj>iijiroVe- stork Inten^ts n. » , tho effect .,t t.îl'im) r^i Kwìò* t'f -HELP WANTED—Female P« ' the tarín, he should consult the! I.U-rary Malnl.-n rirowí'- fro.,, 7' ,*Vi . í ,.*.t'1’-5' ' W ,"y.,Trll>' W î . 6o minminutes n‘”> Account efcHnin^ whlt0 " omnn 'or house rom. station. Tor rent for six Olevelasd Orado* records o f the lenitesi States Tariff I th e IIom* ...... <* 1,'nKi.i.jj) cleaning, one morn ng, each week .months from May 3922-23 cotmnis*l(>a ivhlcli I,as on nie pn 'uw.ik* iViision Kund Sotuij) Phone Cranford’ 257-M; m CYam Pú’rnlsiied House B ox'd earc^i-'*^' ,1921-22 _ testa train, practically ever)' farm Ñ ^ £ííir,r¿"'% fetrd avenue. tW nalk. ,e„| ];,.,,„irv l.2>Hikl tlzea and Chronlzcle. f Ml 1920-21 ...Z . orgiriUntIon. llve.teck association -1919-20 .... V dairy association and other agricul • V.Vh.ejal hviHin-si SAlartivK. Kent )l.5(kUk) Ulti trai al Ih, m i, ,r -.Lr-Mk1' t0*Obrr with SURROG.'QÍ t e 's ■:NOTICES tural asoclat, — Ions — «gainstagainst anyanv low­l.m Priming, etc C T  r ï HO.'«tí,0Ü“ F0R SALE ^Lincoln School ■Iditrict „ • 5'm«' „ I'’.'*-'.' 1 2t',.75(Uk.) kstatk or' HGl Sh. seven rooms and bath -Ml 1922-23 . ering of the present tariff schedule« VtTJJAkM XDWAKD g STABit. on farm products, I ibrary ll„n,|, . ' ' i'ski.j|i) Dccea»«t _ - rlee°'«"m iltS' C°! ? cr lo'- 50x 150, 1921=22 . - MoappropriatJcu ' 't.5H).!»r Jii'.r : ' “ " i , l| b » «1 l»nd for S rju “ 1 S ot only have the western farm ’s- J- 1900-21 .. crs PDitcsted'against any reduction Utirary finnl, ortH Xchigh > avenue, 1919=20 M«l>, an,| s,i rvi.v«1 . ifiVtlik) Cranford. ■ ■ v!1' *«Hn sch,shih«. i,m IF r.in, rgeiu-y pf> , . 2.IM ) n , U..Vk).ik] t».Tr~Lfui^'of U lÂr*« , *° r b© ^ »çkiuJrtxi ot th'for uta”» Shenaa« School (lurlrig the last six months the t«r |Hjrpo*« j, flfti S&SvS-'ras.'S.'sÂàèootlM U h rô ÏT toVw, 5T .« » « rent,rent'" liS'V list It “...fe . witHJUgje, ? .Mort «te ¡m¿,r or 1922=23 Iff commission and other antheil J ifk llnnd, : ...... l.StkUkl t,'22.r>. .Thr ntficni T**ré drccwMd tn .ïs .T n . “ .Jb“ roleitor« of U.000.00 1921« ties have been Nimhardcd with tv Hulldlng Dt'iiariuient ...... »»lb or tfflrtoiilon th rirt^ f.,!1ub,erí í er, unde^ 192021 ■VV.i.V ?-5iT ^" ÏÏi ¿ncer03l i ' p 0al Ksta40 miests from agricultural section, ¡ ' :;'vK "iht\Ue . Avenant ' ■ a s m Ä u Ä '" í ! r o ,;3íU J . rt,s.',?.S' street. Tele­ 1919-20 Incroase of tariff on fanii MTbI hM-rux- tirade' c ö r ö i,,, l.tilS.nn phone Cranford 234. 2.000.1«) ■»'«tog S «^ iort'.byii,K! »Mlfatbui of the «i»,. «r.in,t ts r i;'i« ;^ r or "* Groat School flexible tariff - lajy whirh tu-nuli- IBAXTOBD TBUST fm u'ivi- nlnuiíT to I h ^ 'n J°Wn,h,!L.'’T K.oford. TBUST C05I PAM'. f i m So ?XCHAKGI1 STUDIO 1922-23 Uif tales to be Inereosi-d *«i i. t aii.tstot iirs.tkuio' U òf Cb.l'0-r 25J^y?h" Protidrd br sictlon 1921-22 cent.t . . • ” * BBBKBLET à AÜSTLV.- Proctor Slwulor' tort prothunton!*08* ''-^ —n’ C> ’ NOTiCE o f b e a r i n o If tb /r r i“TSf|S ,°.f ,% i r n - x« J'ror, S -l i OranfûTd. A', j. ’ ; 192021 T h * n *t deU t»f - * ______Pera »13.8» 1919-20 ; W*aa H» Uta Down. Homi-made bread on Wcdnes- - n «nouai o t ic e niMm»o f ANNUAL' «g Ti. "NEETINC- fetTING •TIw h Dit Agenti Held Cp m Saturday? r ^ '/F ' C*k« Si lo w « ) ^ .e-veIantl ,, School shows Its WI*« CWlar."—Hcdltnc. cm* n„ £h. - i Tel.1 ;:!?5 ' 0 ^ or'h avenue. East. Promotion In the 7-C and •ty that a prohltdilon officer he, d„M a four Direttori to ntia gTlu}Ss ' _* *pel. that te d the pu- one vear -Hw« »iidltor« i’JJ? ‘ hp 7-C class been given thè on Ibe juti wlini he Ima m j.c t„ |j *» ma.v I-rur«-rlv 2 -" '5 ^■ ’i...... r I sait! ty .M d . at 0,7 o iU c e J / Z L v »¡11 SPE rm ^Tn? |F0E SALE thAC-.ù tt6nÌ,Pn àecarded those of n\tU for that purpo?tv ______Ab VAN. g DÍBMU.V. North Areno» En« riï-e. -J-'S'H-Iat ,.,u. sDick'- - . killl’(l - IKiuJrtv. Best w m il/r^a^m SI1®. «hisses, there CiUaen want wls brjng r,w,|t^ MONDAY kVi S ing % 'S Í $ ■ . * J- on SSJ*'.*! Jî*v* been . fewer failures. ■' .R-DENMAN. .Dalod J s o u ir j j , , t ToSSiSlp Q e r t - < I*. M. 4*>u* 4th. li*24i ■in!1‘kmt-f ' ,'? ? me '«tteireCT^Chick-- pioJlj ' in f 'r o h - ° 0 T,er‘ Frt‘e delivery 7 Township deck. I .V. ; » « I tw o r« , from 8 « uV1(K.k I n v raufonL Lot n« haw» vnnr— Cltiwu wont ads bring resu u T «rater,- T e ' ns have ymir- were not fitted for k e n v o n m e s s m -k . ; I llnlra 2¿riSm(‘l ,n0nCy' J/!ank S«:.-vtarr. » i>urrr>ide avenue^ i ran* a « ? î » . k r i s t a " w schpqï work fura. Telephone4U454-R / - ,ti. may. v««aa*ncenable, them U gg ii* to L | complete their satlsicetorllF. - -A'tteogh wc have been striving

-• «a .:'.';jr.-:u" («nt V .• •• J ' • V - - .....““ " ' far '. ' - - ■ *"* ■i¿£jzz:~~s--v.,— ..


IEP «¿T WENTS - » " ■ «* » m«l«t CH IC ÄC [•phone Cran- ■___••S*® havebeen condensed and the report» of the special teachers have, been omitted. Tk* eoaaplat* report Is oooa to all Jfifikint and condition: 3- "“ ho *22? w W * ft ««* wlff be fonmj at the Board of Kducmtlon »face. and sanitary ■. OW remrt ha» bem a matter of study and analysis by a special infant $on, used of very’ tmtaittee. The statistics have been carefully considered amt the re­ Phone Cran- lit* .of the year's work been discussed with the Supervising Principal Í Wtlmtf, who ad the. other principal»- From these dlscussioti» has come a better I'oat. natural , intual understanding of our problem» a fuller realisation of our wei it starving ruffs, finest t nesses with an earnest effort to correct thenr. - las never been ; „The recommendations of the special committee with their report to doath . lenre, 228 St. wiU be published later. , , because she VM It*lil or tele- Lm. " ■ . . : - Educational It-th tlf 10. .406 per cent, or nearly half hat no money li Plains, five , L The total enrollment-.of the our enrollment Is foreign bbm. •am heat:, all > Cmaford Publle tWbools.ior 1922-23 11. Approximately 40%. of thuse In. to provide . 50* 150 feet: - was .1711, that o f the preceding year who were graduated from the High r< ■ cash. Wll- • 1578. a gain of 133 or §2%. , School expert to enter college iur st- medical care Pluhi field Nur . 2. O f the'-total - enrollment, 1212 other institutions of learning. necemry to OOROPRACriO •X. J. Tele­ irhre In the first six grades, " 255- in IX Tlte total number of teachers 2-7. ' the seventh and, elghiih and-252 In employed In the schools was 53, nr save hjm from |-olley line, on the High School. Comparing these 4 more than last year. - - SAVED THIS BABY votolt Plains,* figures with those of 1821-22, we 13. Of the ,rv3-teachers, 1». or ap­ a dlgettlvo* >. water, elec- find » gain o f 5 o r 9.9# In the first proximately 33% continued exten­ •tlon. Price six grades; a loss of 13 or 9.4% In sion work In our near-by college.“, disorder. |-e, care Plain- i the seventh and eighth grades and which is 8% above the aver&ke. >ON November 24 the Chicago 62 or 7.5% in the High School. 14. During “Visit-the HcIiooIn Plain“, X. J. American carried' a front I 1 13(1. 2-14: 3- The total number of.daya' at­ Week," 262 [>arents and friends vis­ - hod. china tendance for-the ,year 1922-23 was ited our, schools. The registration page story asking for medi- it very cheap. 254,748V*: tliat of the’ preceding tor tlio schools was: . M eal aid for the Jenkins baby, _ year, 255,770, a lost; of 1023V*. Cleveland, 147; Grant, 70: Shew who was starving to death because si, mattress.’ ■ft 4 .: The number of - days «absent man, 21; Lincoln, 21. 502 l.itulen t, vas 17.672%, per child: With the The popularity o f the Cleveland the mother was not financially able to IState appropriation at practically 8ehuol was probably due to the 0. , ten cents per" child, the total loss night sesslonr- which made it pos­ secure, medical assistance. Instead of ¡ON. 10 North tf;. ford, has the Caused- by absence was $1,767225. •• sible for both the fathers and the a medical man answering this <»ll a House Press- 5. The percent of attendance- In mothers to- attend. The parents of chiropractor, Div Bcrnell, volunteered aprons, that 13022-23 Was .»351, that Of 1921-22, .»42, the pupils of the Grant School i the stores, fa loss o f .007, largely due-to fright usually respond very w ell'to spe­ his services. The mother ac­ i, best writer-"' f caused by epidemic Of scarlet fever. cial Invitations Issued by the •f\ - ccpted and the result Is seen 6. The to ta l. number of thnos School as evidenced by the large slzes. Orders fa er child In -1922-23* was . 11, number of* parents who visited the ■ tt i. that o «921-22. 1.1%. - various ' classes. Although few Ice assort- 7. . The total numbor fit girls en­ parents attended the Lincoln--and y anti strong rolled waa836, of boys 875: In the Sherman S p ools during the Week HAllY first six grades the girls 599, boys mentioned, this tact did not hull "tie, Ifni tvl^K 6337. Dorchester Ave-. bo. Flowers tv*»** ? » ( 111,•ago, Illinois, aged live months,...... w ..eight short notl:e, 633; In the seventh and eighth, girls cate a lack of' Interest • for the when borii s'i pounds. blurted -losing »cium weight houses. Karl «131, boys 104; in the Hlgli School, mothers of ‘this section are very when orni week old. Htumach uimld not retain any { girls 126. boys 126. The above flg- active Inc all school enterprises t*on- ' i any Lehigh A^e- \to «1 ,1 „ “f , " kL'n t,,'l ...... trini H,is,"talipltul 1 tt ures show that more boys than nccted with the-Lincoln and Slier- >1»** i* i?. IV * hi eo weeks old, where lie was under unser- girls leave school in the 7th- and 8th Schools. . um.f?3il wttlun about ten days. Was tnkeu lumm but run!In- grades but that they are • holding man Home and School League, \ bintlicr took bint to Sanili tENT ' ■ their own In the High School. 15.. Tlte Hodieal Inspector and .Morris llosidtnl, where lm remnlmil until live |ood service, 8. The total numodr of colored School Nurse examined 1698 oj S then the head doctor» sent him home, children emolled In tho schools was .992% of the 1711 pupils enrolled. Of restaurant, hnni.V,5. , , !'11 y w? posHlhly could for ides Stavu, 143, an Increase o f 1 or .007% over tills number 1418 were roportcart;l dried rlnelpals ...... :...... 0 1 1 COUNTY OF COOK, t i l l t your lols- [Supervisors and Special Teachers... 2 / 2 ■ 2 2 BeforeBetöre uie,m » the uiuieralgned.undersigned, appeared -Mm. M Mtldiid Jenkins, who boltig by iin»r per pound: I Kindergartens ______;______..... * /7 2 „ 5 5 duly sworn, deposes and say* that tlte above> letter from him Is published with lief. *1. -Slight^. ( Grade 1-6 ine______° / 0 3 3 , consent._ That the facts. stated , therein ------are are' tmo and correct. < Iihl you do- Grade 7-8 Inc...,..-..... *...... ¥ 0 21 27 Sworn to and subacrlbed before mo this Ultli day of Docmrtbor,; 19 2 3. el a|l irotP High School ...... ; ....„ , /O .. V0 II • 7 H- / 1 ' ' . I Heal) i . ¡ I K. J. KELLY, Notary Pnblle.i >ld and our ..■ ii Training of Tea íbera Van Doven ' I ' 1 DR. CHARLES MILLER* 19 Union Avenue, N., CRANFORD, N. J. North ave- A. 13. a s . A.M. MA. College Graduates ...... / 2 3 3 • \ •t formerly loitructor of Anatomy Normal Graduates ...... s.';.....;...... / . • ' 42’ " ' Tel. 555-W . ■ ..______- ' Tnesday» und 'I'lmisiliiys, 2. to 7; Nat unlays, HI;.'to to Unclassified ...... /.. SALE Number taking -|M>st-gratiuato wo:M là ortlcr that they might have bad lias been too large for one tcachor able laud adjoining tlmso. mi'IiooIn, feet, one ■ ami tills tart, together- with ab­ X A inlmary sutMirvlwir, who. by North side. 1921-22 1922-23 more special attention, bccanse of the small numbor» In the class. sence : and I »art time accounts to constant sutMirvlHlim, cun nld eucli 65.' ■ ' tt 14 19 / an extent for the luw iiereentago. leai'lmr In kiM-plug every subject and .hath: Length [ Serylce of Teaehera Tho Nhemian School 1» more uni­ The following is a table of tile up to tlm Ntandpril. .. «veniente; form In Its promotion.-the ex,- o f the - grade schools In .3. Tim eonsidorutIon of n Junior to.000; less Years Over tlons being tpc grades I. 2, anil different points of excellence II|gll Ncliool In order Hint tlm Uree, care 14i 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30 In tho first to*» grades tlic nutnbci being hlgli: "T second, etc. transition from tlm eighth to the elt Plains, Principals ami Teachers/ 14 -23 5 3 4 1 1 ninth grade bo uccompihdmd inore od 1130. Supervisors 1 3 - 2 easily ami as a better guide for de­ 2-7 termining pupil's Interests and up- Total ------15 26 ■ 7 3 1 1 tl.tude. Our Parent-Teacher Associations RENT Increase ni Enrollment in Last 9-Tean have done much in creating a line |w, apart; / . Total « Average Dally «pirli between parents und touch, improve-' •/ -. • Enrollment Attendance era. They have been most, helpful ■breakfast 1914-15 ...... 1711 1384.4 . Grant ...... and systematic and, by tludr con­ S. finhm 1922-23 ...... 995 813 Nbonnan ...... structive criticism, have greatly Lincoln ...... hcneflttod our schools. To see tlm • tt Cloveland—Grndes ...... ALL KINDS OF FEED Attendance and Tardine«« / goi|d in any system rntlmr Ilian to continually detect Its flaws, Is a but only of tha host qualities are to ALE . Days Cost - Timos Tlie. Lltlcoln School maintained tlie promotion average of the powerful means of encouraging h, by the School. - A brent Absence Tardy tho most uniform standard In aV Cleveland grades was greatly -tow­ those connected with the schools bo found hero. Everybody who buys >ne 054-14', 6 .514.5 • 651.45 290 • ered by the targe failure In the “C to constantly Improve. Therefore, FEED boro knows that it 1», tbo points. It Is only fair to state that division of tbo the 7th grade.. . • I.lneolp' ’ 4.(168- 4(1X801 : 100 *' wo wish to' tnaiik these associations best for their animal» It is fresh, Sherman ...... 3,940 394,00 • 439 • Failure* by fiohjMto for tho lirokd nilmled way In which pure and highly nutritive, and tlioro Cleveland—7 anti. 8..: 1,114 141,40 : 9(1 they have contributed to the cm- IANTED High School „.J::.... 1.73« ‘ 173.60 ■ 700 Grant Slier- Lin- Clove- clency of our schools. Is nono bettor at any price. In every -Subject» ^ uum i rein land. All National Tardine«« 1923-1823 Arithmetic___...... • 77 37 19 26 159 Pboua llahway 420-W Cranford Feed and Grain Store iirolltable - » , . . Total Civic* ...... J , 1 1 7 ' 12 klcslre to Number Composition ...... ' « 29 4 8 76 AIX KINDS OF > 5 and 7 South Avsnue, West |jise. For Sehool . • . i Cases Grammar ...... 13 . 4 7 25 49 Telephone 277 Oranford, N. 9. donai VRi- Grant __ ...... __ ...290 Reading ...... 39 31 8 10 88 Poultry Feed, Hay and Grain t, N. W. Cleveland Grades ...... 90 , Geography ..... 0 10 i 5 20 ; Freispt Doli vary C E. TRUBENBACH High School _____;...... ’ 700/ History ...... 11 15 7 17' 50 Lincoln ....— ...... ¿...... 40fl Hygiene ...... »______4 14 0 „ 8 10 r OEQKOE HOLLAND Mhennan ...... Spelling ...... —— ...... 14 19 4 • 2 39 Olafb Township F . O. Babwoy. V. t Writing ...... 8 20 3 4 35 ts, direct - ruiure« 1»*3 A f t - ...... — _.. > 3» 111.' 2 1 53 Cranford STRAUB PATENTED Musiti ...... IV) ,3 2 25 ZINOALES’ ■n. Core- / • • Physical Training ’ ______v„...... 11 ’ ;2 elepboco 1 0 • 13 /X t ■ J •h - - . 1 . DRUG STO^E *?■«« •o 1W o Fallare« by Sabjeeta—Hlgh Sehool BUILDING BLOCKS LET ex Subject Failure*. Na Pupils % Failures. • \ ’ e* ■ 3 5 f l l l prolvo- English zt 230 .095 v i i w i n m m m . eaaapaaa. a, i wQ £ § 1 2 ML 2 ä nures Cleveland Grade« 1 latín 18 94 „19 BgST AND CHEAPEST >r Six French — ... SP 112 .17 1922-23 235 211 167 •44 79 21 Spanish 1 11 M7 Idress , [ 1921-22 - * ■ - t u . nr ■ • •re VF" 208 147 61 71 29 Mathematica 57 173 sa Manufactured In ali standard »Ires 1920-21 214 ■ 196 174 22 89. 11 History and plvios. M« 222 .10 CHAS. LANZA 2-2¡l - 4919-20 251 188 141 44 IT 23 i for walls and. partitions . Science 27 .-124 21 E ' . Lineóla fiehoel Commercial 44 • 217 .15 Choice Fruito find Vegetables |>ath. All 1922-23 389 320 «B& :X! 9L8 X2 Art ■2 "V 3t .14 HUDSON FIREPROOF 50 x 150, 1921=22 310 31 ; 90 10 Mechanical Drawing 0 SO 0 F X B E DELZVEKXE1 S. J- 1920-21 346 284 244 40 86 14 Domestic 8e|ence — ... 0 SO 0 , I DIRO» ATENUE, EOEIH •avenue, 1919-20 312 277 242” 35 87 13 11 us Jo .. 0 39 , . o L «SAHFOKD. ETi. BLOCK c<> . Sfctrma» School ■Physical Training ____ :— 0 2S2 o ) sale or 192223 333 282 '348 34 8321 1L8 lort liner 1921 264 227«. 37 86 14 ^Summarizing we find that the tkm, persistence and good teaching Sign Painting , Varnishing ® have contributed to this end. We Vincent W. Copcutt, A gt |d Insur- 192021 286 246 209 37 85 15 greatest iramber o f falling» arp in Papar Hanging Graining Tcle- 1919-20 281 215 189 26 83 17 the. flrst' and second« grades, due must now apply the same remedies -'F to the lower claasca. urging better Grast Sehool - -.'1 mostly to absence, and in the itft, attendance and carrying: an such CHAS. S. GIVENS . Betford Avsoue, OBAEFOBD V 1922-% .510 454 394 60 86.7 .1X3 7-C and g-R * careful saperv{skm os the time per­ fio ~ mits. . ZETEEXOE DBOOEATOB i, Cran- 1921-22 412­ 36 91 9 At the beginning of next year we taken 1920-21 425 398 38 90 •10 shall have a general meeting in We need at koaf .another oppor­ Phone 682B . ... 1919-20 409 341 326 15 96 . 4 whleh we ahaU set forth the tehta- tunity and an aceejcrated el*»*. llnltials. . tlve standard of fqr promo tlon We tonn grade children more core* 74 Eaxastda Aváaaa, GKAHFOBO FRED JAHN Vctlnt’s- (Hureeseor to Fhfllp John) j kes on . The Cleveland School shows Its for a more uniform pereenage o l and, by obsdrvlpff- each 'grade care- lowest o f’promotion in the 7-C and promotion in all the grades, frfi fully, try (p gpahtximate this per & £ m - U D , Hast. 8-B grades. 1 feel, that had the pur still find irregularities ht promp- cent. Of eohrae. In the easejjf ab, slow rn»y- bwao grouped that they Hooto^ Sign and pfis ol the 7-C class been given the tipn. In the «rant School'these are sane# and «aek of special eiassetk n a b* taught m * class. We mn*t CAMILLO MUSSA ^ Freoeo Bunting strict attention accorded those of in the lower-divisions of grades 1, we cannot* overcome-the...... disadvan­ Ch« special attention to ...those thg

- 1924 THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AMO CHRONICI£. THURSDAY; JANUARY 3_L ■'.' r , \ ,í.-v - V" i A T T o n n v n o M — So dirt, no ■ Il In fa«or toand It tbrongb u*. Wiring, re­ and 27 acaloat. - , Tb* K »»n deleyailon waa all fo.r pairs and all kinds of equipment. man and individuaL . - f e ■ ‘ TO LIMIT UTILITY BOARD th« bill with- tb» eicepltob of lluptirt MUI» Tb‘*r« ira« Do di* HAROLD LOCKWOOD v GENUINE •imp**» Want* lntr«*a» In aharlffa' | (»«•ioti ita Ih* in‘ «•um, tb« mem­ ber» brin* aatlaAed with lb* arati Damage to your projerty may be at any m om ent exceedingly Pay—Hilda»** and ita «« Official* ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Bull’ mont» adeanred at tb« bearlna Would R atal« »14,000—Weuld < I «■arller In tbo dar- 1 Phone 59-W ge— premiums are small. W e are prepared to hive you DURHAM Modify Night Work Act. 2 1 0 South Avenue, Cranford, N. J. t o b a c c o l>- every known form of protection on anything, anywhere, any- " Tranlnp...(lowriior 8 leer «»t“»*l of Street Klerfrlo Railway Kniployec« tb« Heñirlo Itítbaid» bill laJtlnp front <.ppn«4-.d the mcaiure 11« «aid Jtlncf tunimp— and would be pleased to have you com e m and talk., tb* Altdinor (I*n*ral ib» power to at* truffle" t ("in I red more, not laaa; *l«l* G L E N F . point rounael, ««»istalli : SdiouIerCementConstructionCo. a Urne whim lh**r» af» « « many Intimi yeare and there Jin« been pn jtompi'n SEYMOUR "WESTERVELT 1 5 4-156 Fftlinghtayten' Avenue, NEWARK, The Drug Store laid and pre*«ln« mailer» rimaniti* Tal. USW ' . » end U Union Ave^ H, OktllTOkD, 9 . 1 . N . J. ï • iitlon In thnin for die chan*« In tli* WITH A Ih» aliontlon of tini «l»t*. that otto of «■»pen»« of living elnco. Homo rocog Ih« tir»! bilia lo bo tntrodnred, III" union •lionli bn given In (hat rondl CONTRACTORS-fianges 1 aet'imd one lo come Imo ibe banda nf lion In a pmlllon of eurh great Im ttoeta a ALomcs. mAbat iitatiu*»* iu7 a u n to n . m. a £ ' I R ep u ta tion thn (lorrrnnr. and |m»»ud In grim porlani o." Subscribe to The Citizen and Chronicfe ♦MH*M«w w »to»QMtnom e«>oK n«W M to»»>iM i(r I: linaio, «houli) b* a bill denlln* »lili To a quotlon where the Idea of tli« * ilio preservation-oh pulltli »l Job» and lucre«»« nrglnaled. the Ttonatnr r» AND WE ARE GAREr 111* ereation of new puna " piled that the thought waa Ida owe Tb* (lovernor »aid ho úñes noi he- end »#» eon^meaaure, authority would be ali­ «on whIrli It waa founded. PERFECT HOUSEKEEPING P h o n e 1 3 7 • en tn the Slat« Commlaalonur of l,n _ ConflrinnlltiM of Edward I» (fatten lior lo peniitt the etnploynicni of wo Night Phone 3 8 7 'bach, Iho newly.appointed attorney men If Id» department found dial tlir general, «rill not lake pince until afler working rondltluna lo any certain «• FOLLOWS THE USE OF ELECTRIC SERVANTS tbe Henele piume» «ter the fluteriior'» tnldlahment are heallhy. «»to the “ripper" hill, according to J. R. REAY, Prop. Under aiudher mraeure by the lliol achrdule. A« «nun aa all danger of «on .Senator, achoola would be com Iho new attorney generare authority polled lo reCogtdic «lain eorlinrute* h»« beiui removed ha will bo promptly «raided tn wounded «nldler« authnrl« For a Successful confirmed...... j lug them to receive cradlt bacauee id The bill will continuo Soliator Kmer- their wound« Mr Hlmptou eipfaliird ton I. lUchoTdt. of Aflatitle City, a« Washday rouueel. without pay, on Ih# vehicular that under thn preeent law tli* The Unusual ethoola are not aubjeclod to any pell tunnel, and T. Harry Rowland, of Cam- The ally for failure to recogidae the ccr itan, aa lugal advlior on the Catmlnh in llllrate«. Ill« bill la to^ ’put tooth" t'liUadolphli bridge, at 17,600 Into die law,- Iteadoption of tiie hill » III p»v» lie j/.VINTT in (L'itiuji T h o r way for Mr. Knlicnlmch'« coullrm* I Attack Citation'Buraaui. j Q lion. Ill» conflriinllnn ha* been li•• I:I | Willi Iti-iMibllrana (lacking llm bill anil nttniotiio al in u nbuil«h ibc counly «lecllnn bureau* . Up {tending final1 dlapotlthm of t!^. every dottili i.q | thirl ELECTRIC “ripper.’ iThla'delay will deprive M| n ItuiUun aiiil Koo«, when th* lluuac Kalenbacti of dentanatlng net* rounntl iEUrllona t'nmndllco held ja (tcariug (able f lamp, fush- • WASHER on Ih* briden and tunnel project* (’«plain Thuiuaa A. Mclkmald of Jcr ¡mieti from a vase *cy CMy. mat« ((«publican Commit In Public ilobate In the Hi-nnto. Bmi; c I o s e 1 y following. ator lllcharil« eipreaaod a dlalncllna ti-i-nian Howard It. Cruao and other* $2 Down (Ion la eonllnue for any oon»li\»riibl« int*r««t*d In retaining the patronage elowonno etiumel in Uine.aa rounael oh the lutinel jnh. th« bureau afford«, wera aerluuely flue It eatinent. 1 ■ flulunce (n 12 equal aekml It ■ f*r*d to def«ud thalr Job*, In thcli payments: he Inltnded to atop «tide In mitici»» effort» lhey reverted to condltlona' ol THE FOWLS o r m ATit linn of Attorney fleneral Tinnii»« K elect mu corr tuition Uiat ailttad a***» the c*ttje 6n u thousandl Mcf'ran being hie «uoceeaor, Itlilintd* lecii yvare-ago. ^ ■ .. ' Thor Washers bills ell contribute their share of 1 aald II «tonili be an admirable nol.c- ■ Thl» point waa ;6rougM out hy Aw N ow »- + $ 9 8 . 0 0 u p MEAT TOB YOU TO CAT. tlon. lie doubted, ho laid. If Mr. Mr •emhlywouian May M. Carty during Every woman know» thy vulue -of an electric washing I&M Cran, who retired a» Attorney Hen the hearing and^ahe Inquired why an J he^httiie.niiiy be -hud in a variety of color /Htto market handles none but the cleat hletory ibould ba dug up to ap machino, as a sanitary was'hlng method, as a time and choice grades of , •ral, could be Induced to Ink* the poo». coniBinaliuiiM. Fold on fold of beige geor: Richard« declared the retiring All r ply lo preaent condition». Mr, llarl laboraaverc " But do you Jtr.ow that tho Thor la more *. POULTRY AHD MEAT Uian an ordinary-washer? ’ . ' liey Odierai recently rejected a much aon, a member of the committee. aHo irette over roso silk lining, with buildings of It’s prices are bssed on the many took .part tn th» qucetloulug. The till Only the flnesV wear-resisting materials go Into the Thor. mor« attractive oBcr of public aervlic. sales and small profit princpla It m4 ; » * » »«»ailed by Olrwclor Dodd on be tapestry in antique g61d. Jade green and Long experience turns this washer oiit mechanically per­ Bill lo Limit Utility Board wants your regular trade and we’ll have t halt of lh» Kites County Hoard ol fect ltd gears dre a special patented feature, ot case After a cundía of Republican »«»cm biege makes unothcr lovely «hade. - ’ ' get it if you will only give ns a tbe inn Kreeholdera, and than hy Mra. I.IIIUn .hardened iteeL ■ - Li?“1 ^ e quality of the meats and blymeii on educid louai Idll» providliicl K. „ ___ Ketckart,^ ale* chairman of the He_ The Thor Is a thorough washer and tho speediest on the tbe moderate prices are what we I provide llial th» ataje hoard of mIucallniiij j.ubiiV.n s ,,,', Commuta» and ,pn"l market, the electric washer you can depend upon. ... roly on to, build bnslnesa .sided f •liould■linuld name Kama the Ih» conimltaloner «.mmla.lnw.v ol...... cdu I dl„ u (){ ,b, N„ w J t m y HdlubJlCn» rrices ure ns attractively -low jis the quality Neivfou n s h and d a m s 'Every Eriday cation and that county attendant'» of Womvn'a Club. of the*’■' ’lamp is' pleasingly ' nignigh, Hero i n three types to choose from: South . Seer* might be appolnled or dUcou Vltwa •( Judge Cary —7*he revolving-reversing cylinder States tinned at the requeet of county »uper Lamp No: 773 217 MILCH'S quotas. '/Hjlh all of th» local official power, Lamp So 223-120 Thor from $125 up. luloudente the tlouio began work im IS inch shad«. I BRENWASSER, rtop. 4JJOO “ I it* third reading calendar and Ihe Ken­ luciü(!in*sall th* low enforcement of 313 —the oscillating or rocker type, fleer* . and bodlea cvontrotled by It liich shade. No. Jt2 - TBlepbonerf280,361 nns” In worthy hilt to limit th« lurledlclkm of (well adapted for small households) the Unli th* public-utility romiiilaelotirr« over »Inflo political machino," Mr. Cary 995« - ORAHTORb, N. 1. wrote, “uo matter how ylrliioui that Complete l-u* rout«», to tho»« »atabllahcd eln.ee Complete — the -vacuum cup type $145. March It, 1921, waa paaicd by a vole machino may t>o reported to bo $ 3 2 .0 0 F temptation le pr»acnteiMh*t~-l« too $ 3 0 .5 0 These splendid terms, down and a year to- pay, make Banca» rhooc H I-) L. I. SSKtifAX I The h of Jl to 17. |2 Saune* Fboo, «3» - Thla meaeure at a public hearlna •erloue to dl«re*ard. If thla- power It an easy matter to lit the purchase of the Thor Into your’’ C a TOTS I up. his Ji «ana vlgortiualy oppoaed by ropreaenta ehould be tempted Into oxerclae for housekeeping-o budget.wagaagjgjg. The JLUtJ Thor A UOT . ! “Our Iho purpoae of electing g United soon pays t itself iu tbe laundry S' I that so tlvca of th» Hu Idle Service t'rn bills that A tlon, the troU*yt«en> »»»oclaDon ami Ptete* Senator, a Governor, or. oven • saves. 2 DOWN I pons a lb* (Slate Federation pf l.abor m a Frealdent of the United State«- Fmno in kjul see all three types A N D A Y E A R BRENNAN&T0YE "Seei At th* hoartna Clear*« l . 1, Record lacking aou* elate aupervlelon or cou The Toledo demonstrated. .. ■; T O PAY*' fussy i and George A. Seymour advocated the thd, who’ could atop It or minimi«« ht Plumbing, Tinning, I Junior j hill and derided the allegation*- it Election repeater» and »luffed huge* Automatic Electric “Belli would create a monopoly of ,the jitney would add nothing new to the history I they la bualnaa». of Hudaon County majorities. Cookstove The • '... Heating “All Edmund \V. VVakcle»«. vice preal- “Aa county Judge of.Hudaon I act,, dent of th« Fühlte Pervive Coi perù jeuced: ouo culprit. » pickpocket, to ilcro. agaiu. eloctrlclty pro- JalL who admllfcd to mo that he had vlUea a, delightfully clèaa Best 111 Boo th Avena«, E. ORAÑYORD |lnn, oppoaed Ih» bill, declarlng that Telephone 138J A nip thè enUra trwnaporlatloh attuati »n la voted eighteen timé» tn one '.section convenient means of cook- of our county la one ejection. lug. Coffee dinner' i th* alate would ho thrown luto bao» - it cost's little to oper­ success, ,“l am oppoaed to ¥ repeal of tt,« ate. A Whole meal cooks on If thè bill bentn» layr. a certa “ Hnllmltcd and unrvelrlclcd give» at loa»t a meaeure of a tew cents’ worth of Maker rent. cur* F. R O LF "My 1 altlon would be certain to doitrjy the I f J V * 1’*** ,om'-’ better proi,., ' $ 0 ^ S guineas, ftIff T- tjÈefc. business of rcputaldc Jitney owner« II ,h'‘ !-ccu!u;ur,> aud would hinder greatly theefflclcnr.y |tll “ Too Prpnablo cost of malntalninr 1‘n'co...... $05.00 " Electric. ' Cupenter and Builder “I agi o( trolley aervlco.” Mr. WakeleVa ,le- I ,. ' .ir * “ ■* larger than desirabie. hostess, ■ dared. “Thla-would be a Mow to the I,?*’ • "“•JHinctan readily be met uv TABLE STOVES .. JroBEora or a l l xxh d b will not people of Kew Tereey’ who are lulem l ,„ V „ , ,nr*.. ll,nlUn* !h« : amount 5 DOW N ’ The Maaning-Bownuu»'Elec- pnooptlr attended to . “Oh," eated primarily In obtalatng the beat 11 m“ 1» kvatlable^ fl)r the . job î-'IXi n monili (llr ,j0 „ H,IU|L. , trie 'Table Stnre yrliv cook a l wjtl tn ïm service potalble," , r'' ^ *»l rv^ntre the whole meaL enough of three ■ Screens ropialred and new on^s made | , Mr.. Record, counsel for bus own-1,,,.,,“" ' r^ulslte to b« eapended in i5 ‘ ó d is c o u n t .dishea for'four people, right to order. »»•»gra, »aid theIM» «*Ubill BIehould1UUIU Ilfbe p«upaaeed. ia. I* __ **__ *om!' - of - the.conditions in for cash ,M the tabre. '.Equipped with He w Municipal authorlile». be declared, a r e ; , : ! . ,rf »«Tloue in on,- countv toaster, egg > poaching cap Tnmiskad know 9 m______ora competent_____ «¿.tírouteM«.« L. husaeaVllflfB____ »III«.,«,,,In ! tl.an in _ the . other.other, -u a but i..Ircl.latlon I B. O. Box IU Í partner The Public Servine Special and holders, frying pan. CRANFORD their otra etile* Afùn any. Bo*rd o tl thU fore. . H Fnbtlc Utllly Com tula* louera. percolator or highly paliabcd . reflmiv tJn v *?y Ml*i th* retH‘,I"<’f thla pro , aluminum handsomely bev­ I Telephone 631 Mr. Seymour, of Newark, couneel «Uve legl,I*,|„n „ this time fá' tb» “Tes,’ for Ui« Jltneymas of Baaea county, tm» elcciuí*' ^ lh° eled has th e.sam e-sp röder lion of - •• -■ , - ...... »U elec- plate, coffee .tawket- .and With, waffle jr'on rf.t gr c A tbe pieu •poke tor passage of tho bill, decltr- V aiteli States Senator and -attachment' ,-n’. V-tO.’OU t —Turks lag Jitney competition w*» the only the election muiTTni Vhrr*‘°r keops complexion Killin'»'.,, wirin; that ere Henry Bergner Utited °Li. a**’ Coagr*»» ¿,f th.i >»,uthful, brings rosy tints to p.\le wagpnt o| ike dlepogol ot Uie peopla State«, would be an »„* „* «K’tìj. used la c o a $5.1 p.-.-oolator, . ?5 up. Tb.» a-üroctiv,. p»rco!aior. The tèndersi ’ ftary * and la a« oSort tn curb the Pobtlc Same« SSEreÜVf-1 an.es» S,Conm TAXI SERVICE CorporaUom. ’ jeüiKK a; piiunai;, uri, Disc Stove perform»' “Whk !ert*th«U ir r* ‘ ’lrM Provided til pro Electric. , Curling tg Ire»*Ire», keeps Itair b >- a.I (btf duties of a top burn- , . . fiirin n iR ' kUir os Harry' Joaao, ot I í .«leo clinic- l ^ , . . ! . v ‘ '.5lrT.. *n,l—«fpguard ltl. h’*, .^rv'vs


L, MSI l i S 3 -

■ f s !i

; -, 5 * 3 k\ ¿ Sy * ‘-IH tttH W , JANUARY 3!, m * n ¥& **• ^ CTWESCEiE O T flF KGMBttlll h c k s p o b t s f f â ^ Î Q i ''C^mmita O & p S ______Vaar Itaaròatiaa ahaaififf] |p*rlS,wsL _ Pladt UwifaSa» ,Natter' The* ci t o » From . v , Weed sad Coffins. ' ' ' tub CxpstC -fflr ’ ■ ’ From Chemnitz, to StxKOjr. comes Esspia« roar health Is msNtr «!•«*• Wb . C. (MAg, Ik . the news o f the use of aluminum as a tor of uslng your commsa «MM*: * » substitute tor wood to a truly novel corCng to Dr. a Ward CMbMfitsa, manner, says the.Scteo tide American. uriMaowa health authority * ( ? ♦ * QGARETTES • Sheet«-' of thin aluuiluum are bring Tort rity. The whole, selutkA’-rit fibs d o e n c t í oraciANs Uaed for Mage scenery iu place of the probi«», h« declare*, , la mwUMnA la ' ' i < - .usual canvaa-cover«l wood (ran»««. thrss wonts; “Recreate or wredk"--- - O. rery bannest This innovation waa originally In­ No man Meda any guido*» 'M t'tfc troduced on account of the exceeding­ own In selecting bis proper Cm)»« Of 219 Broad Street ly high ‘price -of wood at that time;r recreation, nasetti Doctor CriflMVMA GENUINE bht repeated trials have convinced vrrltín« 1» Popular Srtenre Ms*thly. e u z a b Ä t l N . X In H is G lo ry the management of the Chemnitz Anything that 1« an entire ctu vqipfm opera bouse, «here the 'experiment hto dally work will sufflee.1 C r a n f o r d ’s best exhibit— a t e xceedingly “B u ir was first Introduced, that tuning In "Chang* your clothe«, rhanf» year DURHAM expense la nut the only advantage. mind, change your attitude^-.ltorOd* healthy child in the full enjoy* to ihre you TOBACCO The scenery. In' the first place. Is vlaea.' “If you have « «htte-coUîr )ob» lighter even than the old style frame«; put on a Oanilel ehlrt If yon hov* a ment of eating. The flavor he fwhe*e,any- It is not subject to duuger from, fire, Ituaei-shltt Job, « whits coll«r- M n loves and the nourishment he and scenery may. be palmed on both change wiu have Its merits. If yen JohnX Lowery !n end talk., sides of It, an Impassibility In the work indoors—go ont. if yon ar* ri}t needs— both are in Ralston, days, of the old-style seta. Moreover, of doors all day—atay InsldA If ypu PLUMBING and HEATING painted scenes can easily be erased sit or stand at yonr work, watt. VW» ar the whole wheat oereaL Its iron and new oues substituted. •— dance fbr recrsaUon. It you a » . » * - CONTRACTOR and vitamins build him into The acoustic pro|>ertlea of the new tlnually meeting many1'people, sealt ae- material seem to t>e as good as those duslon. If you .work alone, aeet «ar SstlaatM GhssrfuUy Furnlihsd the big man. Mother wants Of the old scenery. genial company. If your stork Is srtth The aluminum Is delivered at the your head, asek vlgossus auscntnr tr- Re«. 162 N. Ldugh Ave. him to be. * theater In roughly rolled sheets of the rivltlea. If your work la matnty'tma- ru n . size utid form of the original wooden cular work, seek tome, mtnd-tsatinr TaL 344R CRANFORD •sly t»lSv/*w*».*Sv the Individual business man -to no» pleto concrete, plant afloat. Thta Das Funoral Werk' a Specialty AND V E ARE CARE­ nearly so much Interested In leveling been used In Important harbor Im­ — * t the— . oilt the curve of prosperity us he Is provements, ‘ and the plant has a FUL TO MAINTAIN IT In cleaning up during the booms and »parity of 100 yards, a day. It rests RÌTcnicU Flower Shop cutting losses In sluulps. There Is upon a , which Is easily, run U North Ave, E. fbiJ Sunday Hour«: small gulp In caution unless It is co­ alongside ot the ertba on which the ordinated with a plan of development concrete dock la to be built The con­ and expansion. '-Sttch policies, as those crete la poured Into the forma from Automobile Painting. 1 t V A .M . to I P. M. wprked oat by the Dennison company, one end ot the scow. ^ 1 . TM. 11AR 3 P. M; to 7 P. M. are most likely to Inspire Imitation. At the forward end of Uia scow are For while they allow the business to separate divisions for cruahed stone CRANFORD adjust Itself flexibly to the riajr end and sand. A wblrije located Just ;to COOK & BENNER rsHmstea Ove* ' Phone 137 fall’ of the. tide, they do not check the rear of these Is used to lift (be steady growth, says a writer in Worlfl’a stone and sjnd to the mixer.' The 16 UNION AVENUE, CRANFORD RIDING SCHOOL . Night Phone 387 Work. i cement is kept Jn a house to the rear Of nil these precepts, derived from of the whlrtle, and Is raised to.: the obBervatlou of actual practice, there Is mixer by means qf an elevator. To M f.S J. G. , FREDERICK G. WITT J. R. REAY, Prop. no doubt that the most Important one the elevator It is loaded and unloaded Is; ' ' . . . . ' ' by hand. Power to operate the ma­ 20 'SOUTH AVE. W. CRANFORD, N. J. ..The way to- beat the business cycle chinery and to furnish electric light ICB Is to understand It. ■ Is supplied by an upright engine.' Telephon* U6J Telephone Cranford 691 Succeed by controlling the business Wholasal* cycle.- . • . Our Most ¡Beautiful Word» e e e e » t » » » ♦ » » ♦ » » » » » » » » » » ♦ » « ♦ ♦ » ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< A somewhat novel contest wss held ■ 8ays Sea Worms Dance Fox Trot. recently In New York to decide the Shimmies, fóx trots and old-fash­ twenty most beautiful words In the ioned round waltzes are danced by English Isugutge- Thousatids of peo­ sea worbis - In. submarine nuptials on ple took part, and John Shea, a law­ the tloor of the sen, said Dr. Legrande yer, was declared the-winner. Of the ■and Dr. Fapo In a long report recently 25[word» submitted by Mr. Shea, 21 submitted !tó the French Academy ot were accepted. The wordi accepted A NEW RECORD FOR • « Science. For two years they have were: Melody, splendor, adoration; been studying tho species to be found eloquence, virtue, Innocence, faith, off the French const. ' Joy, honor, radiance, aoblllty, sympa­ When- the moon Is shining bright thy, heaven, love, divine, hope, har­ Telephone Construction millions of the sea . worms, led by a mony, happiness, purity; rTlberiy. patriarchal male, draw - close to the Three words Were rejected: “Grace," shore. -While the females turn and “Justice” and “truth.” The two for­ IN NORTHERN NEW JERSEY ~ ~ **•«» twist In guy abandon, the »ales se­ mer were, eliminated. It -was ex­ plained, because of the harshness of t h e f o w l s o f t h e a i r dately doniti .around them In a circle. The ellnuix comes when the twirling the “g" In “grace,’’ and the “J" In . . . . as well as the cattle on a thousand “Justice.” The word “truth” was hills all contribute their share ol females, having reached a dlzzy'gpeed, suddenly burst, scattering tens of eliminated because of Its metallic MEAT FOR YOU TO EAT. thousands of emerald colored eggs to sound. Why the words “mother" nnd THE addidoos made to Northern New Jersey's telephone sys­ This market handles none bnt the be carried pit on the backs of the “borne” were. uot Included In tbs list tem in 1925 would serve a community containing as many choice endes ot males. - v . - will nppear somewhat puzzling, to POULTRY AND MEAT many readers./ . telephones » there are in Elizabeth, Passaic, Hackensack and t How They 6 »^ In, . It’s prices are based on the man; i Beggar Pitied the Qussn. Montclaircombined. ’ sales and small profit prlnepla It Mnijy Euro;»>ana and some Chinese ■ J wants your regular trade and we’ll have taken advantage of a clause In The recent celebration of Queen get It If you will only give us a the Immigration restriction act, which Wllbelmlna's Jublle^. revives ttiilny The construction program carried out last year was the greatest trial. The quality of the meats and provides that any person who has .re­ stories of her youth, In Florence, the moderate prices are what we sided fur .u year In Mexico, Canada, where she lived for a While With her in the history o f New Jersey’s telephony service. rely on to build business, Newfoundland, Cuba or Central or mother. It Is related that .one day n t h and Clams {Every Friday South America,- can enter the United they were going along tbeXLung Arno, States without reference to numerical when‘tbqy were. sccosted'by a beg­ ■ T

SiÉiSSMiÊÿSi k V /''


» « p o t n o t e * jrxsii TOST NOTES .BOI tmacrr «JBimui so r» \t reyular meet in? m n tWa «.'iWMàw.ni' l**- *&*«■»■* ! RkffW . u . m« j u h h ) Sciwwt sxz tw»ÌX-ikA } ÌN»=é IStffb.*»*,* S“ Ä' * }H*»t ig¿í! hvW j» ;Hufiday and cecstbitwd w ar saya n m y T * T u c*fiay , feb 'n w i" 3‘ h Sure, j « wrk o f the acretwl « m ie t e r »ftj ne the vs.-sM Si. li « lin i, «t fili; h i atan krwai, , M Usrsa ttm MteK «M i W ' ü i ? »%.•«?> , ■ Mi and M tk&* «Cmm m # «**»*'- iw à jt, îaeirtf .¿>î r» fee ni i » ill ifi’ -, ; < lilnfta ' - - t nave* a.ldeiMIo'nie rmder of. 1 The date .for the siprcmg of ti» «m«iiy ftlfcl . • T» l««rà «NS**b3 3 g V ìa - -A f C9m* îv'.» . .V u o r /ft urtje/li A re|H)rt\front ; Not Htiertnan SrlMPil ha» hern as» the. Jkl/fttftrel fom m ittee ulll i«‘ : lueif.rr-i ay Tehruary IhirtMdii \ tSasfr&gBy ** & • ■•• a ■ g * * w « a « . w . tfcr f^rà». m&à Ìq#ì '* œwrv.-m-* - ••• '■itjiffìity'ìnt detail' of tl!.e-V<-n-j *r»d ti!» popi!» wIk* are fortunare- . / J.. /««...I »»I » .* 1 1 . • <*r«*iffi i« f,» going fitrre can Bari ■ ' *„»**■: t'-V There's only one •vray to J 5^«f^eriuSM ! ly watt for it to rotitr, Th* atth. ttw* |tet ^ Xìtm ? Kr*. ¿-1-­ Ae.Mke «i aittfl. m entii* amt eighth grmim Ht" 4 *» 3W3li«i-v 9 jìV " . ------* vr-’îic be sure that your battery arc tltr on.-* to g» »litt ttìrir ff^kîwi tSi» iwti.%'4 VÌ ÿSAf • V'c'- ’ : «g* U«r r // / / A;a .ütr*. ir»- ïSare* S w 3» ma# £<>'•• y-.., * Lussuri::t x : ¡ ! • / j j r ■WF Rige tttaparatnéea. Bnt e;it teariwr* aml Hr IValiar» will spin In der the -tlrrrrtton o f tir* i ':*t mi’, t r rj id^jt your engine.! in* i» r (rafie 'Eng inti cta«w * tûr tu *vr? : «2. ^ S hèivw * » . • nil i h f , COfVOWMT . m i* ÎM*t*ii b * Ä h« ' * th * 'ti«*d ha* »rranrict a t«;»,- »r,5, I . t*>- ÌA' 4 -Sif* -*MpÊkr% • • V ;2 v«r*/ ;4;'/,y ]¿kt* it Plan« iiavi ...... toaction vigorously these M IM I A RIO HT WAT * Î. »1 •?*rc- • i • T •- IkteJ/ h hnu'.aíin\ r\lij!iiti«>nf'v"i"iiioi, I«;Ut by ...... “ >nir This " » ! tre. kflf/W n ' a* T h * tl u*rf> a ' te* baio »Irai in ■Jiií ■ wri.n* «ay M línihjc »wry cr. It < are t lann-r.* w.ir three *4V% »&#:..-S,m. 4r*t * . > ,íii' i.u'ul rididirltle* in tlm iium- cold days. Come in and *.*• %3si^m^ a* tv» •,vo ■ ■ «od . practical wav. h » * lllín f, f'*[»-risl))> tiiltltlWíir iHlittr copie, for till* year hut tru* : ‘¡*t i" »M id «elf»lefen.*e. J«*t Wh» ‘ wV. ‘ . tnS-î* ÎJA’ÆAiti W- „ ‘.js jfU - v? * V I*Hr x- ‘* •’ tWagdUegUm Star. Tu* n u d ^ M c fl rlçht lii-art« «Íuüií it ímh«MÍ) nett year It »Ul I» a tuoni My j*i!» hi-v »ill he i'* «trietly up to you to let us test it every two »Mit lumi-»! wt.rktiiaiuhlti and hñtt- iifllilin . Hid* fliitoM l;¡f. ^ t » - ft ye; ;■» rd-rw5 t/mea^pr tftìiix.-' • - ■ ■ •••*/ - • ■• r: uno- sud -ne them for yolirm-lve*. icb aand (which I» «nmpeaad large f-t materiata ami'. futnre». Tbl« I* rfawn *« th* wtiff ;«*r s^g * m;Uv . ivà.r* ^ Iffï, **K\ "N » H\ f!< the (dun- do not ?o *t»ry. tliei'e . ’ »MöD'atwmd a cartxn rod In tl the way *><■ do it fur «or *,wn «adì IÎfw»I .v ì 5m%4 iWnà *ü.ms»â*vQhN^î t ^ t .. .e ••>/» .... 'Jf/tyfr %' > A* »¡Il he irto three-round hunt, -of weeks. ^ ia.i ïit-* K Kv«.I Hsvi 1 i - ,j .: : $!:■% -**■ '.si «U*** -«h rt+iwej am! for the «skr „ f ,„ ,r JlBrofci (¿»feSf w K»at»> :h: re teinut*-* eaeli, und hid* fail­ y __ ; — ,M*‘ «««ut. . 1 0 own patmn« . W fori ) <*o hate lf>TMrf , _ î-w *%r& * ; -r 4 '-//: : *k* h«‘-M .d.i vlav lie exeltirt? even Umilili Ille If you are ^'«•»‘ ‘nebaa. Thed î^:^.-"aw • ì’v» wNf^s..r«i ?î. :mi ^ ^'Îîlirpv-i'.; k f » t ^// ■ rL'_ ¿ íjíí, - 1 ; not using i" * ® ® carrait uuottAt h n m jh ttl }.!!UnhiI " ‘*. * P-— A1"1.“ ->>«'»•*- ' IHM r* '! *•»via H «.a Ailip, (.fittf* r A t* are -tttctly friendly. " •ro«.. and h a ie ft » i ^ ï a irme-txn>sT - îh -^// rummander e\(ire**r* tin .. . to’ HIBit tU ^U M } 4**«*rn» <,»*«*»•> that rvi-rv memfrer that ran emhe your car let us store your lì*^ QBAits férrn imo a iinriA i Í ittirkiUrmrn. A-::.-k-'t .. »$*"$%>»! î.+ '.*it %1*Z —»i fil*- ' fifrj KiiHor T ■ut nrvr 'nie*day evenin?. "ill do .weighing' o r » 100 poundai ’ m « H E S S B R O S . -> u n îd j IVt**7x * W'T»" ;«*f tiTr tôïil , 1 und -hu»' their apfireeiution to battery. It’s the only safe I tu. _ ■■«?.*, L 'fÀ !>»-’* tix* M »ni¡r«r ' r ------the entertainer» -that tlielr effort* llai-.à *■ J-hoi’ t.l-ïî»'T îm t .* i»/.j//x Plumbing, Heating, Tinning VVlilBUt KutìfìlX. «trfeW» \l I n rumln? up to aiim*e the hoy*, i* m n . " m kotand the 1 1 War v.f ïV* l.*ïmi>'/A thing to do. joM iMtaffed with «Ubar potaton .ST!}ta< uppreriated. If you have the *etui- . i- — Telephone 81W ' v-'A-Aii r ^ r v • f/.^Ay , CjoA after which the tuba i* m o m Cliarîï* Frkman (trade \ J, Ü4e*f itr Jaui7 ’ )h:u. r. M anmial- pa*.* »o n l. livekui to it. if t a Caia* ir m i 0BUTTO RI) Editor,, ' j Mrv A A mu haven’t eome out aiiif ''feet It. k —»*,*} * o 4 and tba hot maai KaVti r i * » ir, ¡ r,, Ah. Mr* -o Willard Storage Battery » it iJS/Í VJeJ'S -j »I It l< »hl.*fiered that the (.adle*.’ mo all we ■ ty Ttinnufay. aftrrntun fr»e x¡ ,.,. y;¡ ■ • :.i¡i\ MÄ» Kioiriift- han have lo do I* to he mum and keep: 43 North' Ave., E. I moW' * w cattine ■ iH-t, at »hieb time thrri|«e

t,-.' .... ,, . 1«. ! Kxlviaffí Tliuma», Mr. am our ear* to the ?romid. F ““ Qt?m ™*eli vrtMm c tier wlfh a ftariiitt» fu i ! ■ » . tra o - - . .. JtJïffa. Mir- I \¡.. Cranford, N. J. h - » i n All*» 'la»* tirir?Lth ' rowk^en1^ Me* boUl «Aadblaiit a end (heir tirar tirai urfi*»atiiiar->.n. - ■ - v «ni; Mi»*» hwiniif», Mr. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY J” ” fitted with teeth of carbon and r*»«l wI*!.** Hi;.-! ¡. », i ¡n i-l.i"»| *• Mr rtui|M r, Mr Tel. 214-M tu- .married rari» In f, « Jer.i'ei.") 1 .-^:.. ¡ i ■ ' H-»t*fk’r, riso Mj»»t*.’* Kilt ALLIANCE CHURCH . ¡w ’ «““tfi« product of the electi Mil. uà. hrr i»*t dut ,.f NartrJi* M- ami Mr**. Syt-r. Mis> Ma 108 Walnut Avenue » « « « . But the Mart to avary « bca*íiv H* nf««• %„■’,7,j Rev. Irving G. Hoff, 'Pastor H er'piace »ili ite taken It \i .. ■r:\. >tr. amt Mj> \\ A|r Œ n Î u f '£ bT «•>»>>* thaqoai <£! ^ Nrl»o;i »ln, h», (v, ;i ,p,ms * ’ «•- iif'tjty * MfKfUiA.. Mr anM 'l^s Siinduv -II: l.i a. m i lilldo Selmol.' , ®YMale lnto a alngle maaa to tifa I h ot »orli a. a pra. IH» Ml*. ICatitr'of the «itti. ,d. J*»’ . «4“\ \ftlWiU : a.’iij Mr». li. Smith. ,Mr. ami liruyer and praise servlet1.' . •erteti In-ih« «al,ho vt««d v / a / E)t VaUH*rv, Har . ,, itlMpom. Air. ajitl Mrs. r. \\\ The Hook of (ietiesis is Ijelri? Vo.rk I lly , on t'rklay Jartia.'T k t:; ví.; / «. a;MrMafi«»n, I ^. f Mrs. t’an-y, Mix Jmi*“\ Mr. dialled at tills inert in?. . The' Sim- *• Y- CHINESE ARE EDUCATI Mra A tid em cyrr to»k tu-r piace 4 V-/•. r * s g /V/ v V ív‘Vi •.«otanila Nanjfin j ai, day .Sehool lesson is eon'shlered. for üütf f A' “• ■ ■ - ' * ' ------— |»".11 II:* ' Mimtoe.- Mr. mi l ’ .Mr.«.', f. ■i y e v e r y o n t o the day. ten minutes. i Saturday, d p. in.,-children's meet- Inalfatonan Haa Na Bwroaa In U« Shermaa Sch«»l M a::!t.9 jpi ä h .. n„,L4 i Æ fr / mä ’ íí::;;; ««Bln Language In Matt naturally lore« ttxr ta*te of fr,:,k Un.'nie«tlay of th>. ».»a \j,*, ittoM id 'l. Mr und Mr*, liimhude. in?. . «*(*1 mill, Hire them plenty nt Hile). Jame» , / .- Street - . ' thla moat perfect of food* I.ut thin, tiratie I. and Vft»* M ara: Art "••/,?/ *'C I Mr li d . Mr*. Kenton. M i ,, K,.|n. lì rade ,1 . \ i«i t e l thè .reìehf alee « a lt eck.' und Mr Apttar, from Hinelle make quite pure that only tire Iwet «rlit*.| Id Any, k> Ita«ri in V * V .,-i Hldn'tl*. and Ifo-elle f'ark. . brand. Mtrh a* Cranford Dalir». Jini .» t ii An RngUgbman wbo had been cornea Into your home. Cranford f i t » . T iff» found tier «i.ttìt o! Th.- 1 .’tlerlninment .eommitteii of feacher» :. ami [>ui• >!• ..|*i all» F îfï '"«""i » tío z ::!; M l N E R ’ yía¿5hSh.ln ^ ye the beat, no •tdexidfct .Mi*« ,\ef»,t, ,,f - ,, 1^'® ' _ yoang Chine«« «Unding n, the d. why not hare It? I nifv-hi Vî»r) IvlS'i-ro. ' ’_ I»'! , '■■••Miné,, 7,- «t--- tl„.-5fmme:...... • ol •■■*■1 Mr w«ihln|1.» mi Mukit St«.. Newark V* of • «bop ettay palace to it *ul>*t itti tiri In firaile 1 ami Mi«« Olid Mrs. Illomn.s Did?, of (iar-jtaokln« I'nmlllnl ' Tel. 093« Multwrr, • • \ Winrklvr. in tua.le i: i»n Unir«.!»» ' ' LADIES1'BARGAIN MATINEE DAILY "V * ***• N#w York Mall. B Mi«. l»o((a n uh firade it lid .»» io ip i) ^.IIL tout- „|](,I, « n i , „ k(. pin,.,, ,m Saturdny, utg spoken only pldato-Engilah Cranford Dairy f.lnniln Semait, .Ve» Aork j!:]’;' ...... I Mardi l«t, mal wlll hc ‘Tlm Spiln? .W eek Sum Mat. Feb. 3rd The l.lmuInSlierma.n llmu.- and YO U N O P U LP IT O R A T O R I r ot tlm Xow .MaKa/Inc." r- At'unsrr TnutMÌfr. Prop .School leaytte »III f».kl ,11« fV.-.rt: “WHIRL OF OIItLS” ary meetl:t( on Tue«fa». l'et.mary Ä » 1 aalrtd/* « »t <*ownE4'r train lt wbm uut I r r ’ »• ** ^ °nijnunit»n of The puttied ezpreuloo. ¡ i .^ * 1 ’’ Xh* juin f*ah*|fh. r. l«> (hr rttrlwtlarM*nirliH*or«Vltv|i** 1 ? Sll|,,i*,r 'vil* ïm «‘t'h’hrutt'U. I'ltKD FALLS HINDER ui* ! *« ‘‘Ûy'-d « iwHilirhlitTndt'.l i ti » ut inrn ,\?ai!i iin a d n cIr' 1 nV! 1 1 ^, r: **lw t'iinrrh ami JI NK HOHB!K\S JA ZZ 1IAHIES '®® «bowehow topside r Hi«h vis«,! al; ttW 'fW «*- n» |a i <-,»i,d of fnilroitif iiion a/id oîlitir«i OI*u* ,lr?od to ho près-, ------*ha Chine«« «hook hi* head to G. J. JANSEN .»cor«.* -»•« tirai likttt. | mil U»! U't|c;toud m ai thu front of an cnilnt'lii" ' ' coidlally Invite tlie Chris-1 Siul Mat Feii PJth—"Hon Tons'' M R. H A P P Y P A U -n r 1ms (Uatie that M did sot under*tand. inimité Moodnthifr «a. aheai hvl;,. h.»r lhe ()h t«*h ou ynï .l tl"',‘ our Clirlstluu frlemls I t l lh>n r° ns written a prescription for Carpenter and Builder „ («O tmlnt» and lt krnkcdi «vry m uclil,,..,, lru,J | e fr, r»Vèpr J;\','; i,el?hhors to wor- all hungry folks. Ho advises » * * » * « » tba BnglU »« If the game »a» In hoir t.wr | s „ , ty aM S i j u l l l l 1 1 lu t ail corne who you to eat. the choice meats Twgupt Item . ItU lsi * SpMltlty I”hui '»* 2 Ju.l MW* m'iuirlmiu.-e tlmliti1 *<1(3(11*wlibtlt1 UIV*4blv» lp|m, m» ,-nginevr 1 « tlie father of « I»,*'«*’ <î,rÎV't (’l|hr‘,h connections, T O that-we sell, \ou got six­ : toP^TYmi îm to c K«Uu-t Hhvinan marie .another Iva*...... Ip v ;;.' ml ôm «ho1 ù?‘'pûlpit, liellevo ëïVt"V'»r|mI ou tlm Lord Islm Jésus "1, ' ! 1 1 , 1 YlmTwiViéÑw teen ounces to the pound ot Ttlpphta* USR 'kvt'J™ .?™' tAtmitM, *?"- ‘A^lllg ?;ing.UHi. 11H? sCotc,| MM 'rmUir to t ranford. Til“ «o?, líav" ì.! 'ì f* ,sl»y the team will play H h* PHILADELPHIA, $ 3 . ^ 1 « W Alani A va, . OrtafprSL N. 2 [field at ÍMiiiit'. . . " • • ’•"»I'd ■ut J i*l tamFan. V, i. pm ivastor or of »«• large ' will.«ïtli us. u*; anda id _ and Ratura / ¿ ^ fttttm id tb# OhiflMR with K I F I W ^ I _ .MaUtemaÚct...... Club. •¿“K/ 1 .ii„"••?;!„ ■¡¡•»■«a n f 01 conUmPt “ «> anger, “ ** A . DOTSON *tnÄ’ W bitai 1 pnn 00 m« T Von guy 'rimlüm/ ' wvh*fk. Ttu'lot > vrhif‘k. * JMfjrtttlOII* «ni !*.x- Infoaclr • HV iipto ji')»x|lH'«iplti are -..¿eelally ■ -jM 'inii) w wtuconieu pIcJ i.mÌ l ■ ftrir'™ l v ...... -■ .“! ■" !':,K “ ■ m. i ' ; «BW JUlüCl tfill 1KAL KUveAlea • »le.n tMiori t*lk talk ononlVrtmi 1 Vrf*Ht Noni N m itl I / / .------______. _ _ ; I . V«un?__ioiihb limIT od pI iesch DevotionalI><*v “ »»«abtiwn apol Phone 4&J Imp*.' (Nirnelta Van tllerik- exl TIPS FOR TAXPAYERS i w ‘ le ’Í' ,M' 'luph', "IlKI per- S ^ Î ' k %?* J. d,®‘ * know you epok JtogUh. Ig there « re*t*arant np & Son , “ > « • ta.” the Chine«« anawwmd TSLEPRONE OT mniihcr» and diagram the tiieanlnglilin t ?ro,« linVmm Hll1'^ 'il' "'''lock, the Usuai l’reparutory of tiiangular ami tigurative mitivl é ,u , ' ¡ ^ ,. . f r" . , 1 1 .V" ‘ " ' '••»••‘e». Ä’St^rv rylce ii*i« .«III. ti 1 1 1 im l„. |„,|(|i .. . i.i i._ <. * , . ss^d r mwL 5TS ..... - ...... — ' - ..... ' Ur, *’<>óílininíón siTIH niTERB UTO DECORATORS m S t ii? * can fi«1 anything yoi wî*riM 0nr ‘ S** But* ««member, thaï natnuL'' telling »hen and tmw Al|tir n"t iminiMiiMt. i V'.'e'i t >im_p I»'Church on t’onfesshin'of FaltÎ!I W Bunulde Av«m© f,Uow» In tiü* country rot It* name Katherine Adle ifaie|ii,re òr 2 W N ,"r l"’"»' «r hy letter are urged to la« nrei ' «b»Y no. cooitet W e *r* educated r A |iApcr on the live* of the im ónuo- j t ,, «i|„iriMi n « „ ,' , . . |,>nL " » are fortunate In flavine ti» al mathematician*. Cardan Im'urr.'l our «maker on tills ocJaXn \Z The McCarter School taglla. Il.e amusing cpl««l4 utrioMTv iJ i i r dl.è ,- Vlll‘»'" K.‘MrKint S T i J u t Bathroom and Kitchen _ Auetrail«’« Qraat Bridge, these""• '» "m « en '« » * »•*».*live* •«ere nvtr ||U|put » lighted I i,.,e ' .v,r . [« /. V! r 1 1 f ,,f »•»Inf the uv»> .v« i. 1‘rtxhyterion hiwtor I 121 Cranford Ave., Onuttord, N. J. nni«?“ . ,eM*’ worb will .be -••■Iami the ...... paper. -wa* - - much...... >- - aparecí * * - . I1 ' 1 ",1 1', 1 ». cur «s tirz» exatuph*. '. i . « . . los* .... ImiirreiljCliureh. '*...... 1 — ...... -TIUNG- KINDEIlOAkTKN AND PRIMABT ft.*Bags Restaurant •ted .The last tiiuuher w m ’ *'}hott I which- at thi. 1 -'londay, :i p, m. W om en', -French jinil Mudo Included. wuch b u beanhC°mpleU planned * ■««•* for Auatn brli talk hy K-utli W el.lon on - .Mv.tl I I ' \\," . Ar,, ,1'1'V l*,a' *l»nary Society. A \ noclal «oclai iiaií lioiiî | Flr*pl*c®ai p or«hoa and Vestibules cl«... ami Number«.* /The talkli:,'^ t R esale; jW||ij„„(,w thf* .^ ttn?' ALICE McCa r t e r , Principóla n^i*** Ul® Brdney harbor. The j MOn Street at North A r e b E X ä Ä Ä Ä t;/ Ä E ^ “TTV V * THOMAS H. ROSS Work bM b « n commem ______’ . ja diligent search for material. ; A*T|,r»nt (ransaetion entered Into for KITÄ SKILL IN, Assistant a diligent M-arrli for lliatetial. • A alnnuH WmhLuy. i 383 HUlcréat-Avenue ■«' «a proceeding with til the ap< • ««■ «t iitviiiiivmy . wvtri M'lMU ,im‘ | Telephone. 231-W. fbatcan-b« put into- inch a great t CRANFORD, N. J. 1...... ^ ...... 1 " “ Í.OVM1* ' sustained In tlm Operati,,,, I i\i<îs?<ï‘(Î!'ty;.iW m m ' p 1 1 ^ .Mrs. k. \V TeL 8387 - PLAINFIELD, N. viut» Btik>uMttHi «t y ov iw k . Ahm t |uf » |HMI1 „ « r ;r ,; ...... » mi< «•»«,.f dertahlng. i t wtn bo a Ihigh-le |tWDIlt>'-. a farm a, a Imslne** ven ore m ! Kv-.m', ..’' ! V » K Mllne. Mr*. ti.-A Alw Outdoor Recreitlon School from |;So to 5 '1 ...... » -ItiiinÄ- ä t k t p ' t 1 « ? and will be one of the < MEALS aérved from 7 a. m...... Sh«na*a »« Schoolm i |»im r»nou o l a farm1 uiK rat. d ,,',, ?.. l o f i' ? ? . * ’ 1 • »m » cok Meethigfnr'netlnvfr.r «Mating marvels,of the world *lHln^il.VrldH^f!1, '’/v lr "* 1'1’3' <'“|j l ,> f;,r t,u’ I’loasure nr e o iiv .n l.Istwfy : *and '"l HlhloHihie j vmmiip' Szigety & Henel w ill accommodate four tinea o f ra To 11 p. m. . ttdnl l i l t - . dr' " . ° ! MUa -Mueller * | " f f b e taxpayer, sue), losses ar. ! ,.V ¿qK ‘ p -% ., - , / . - ruada.and a ST-fbot highway, it w want 5 l^h‘’.^0ra” , î1“ 1*1, «'»«‘».ftM tli-N w urtlbliL ■' c« " . " 1 1 ' , '1- ri-acher'»/Training — , ♦ . • • , I ward with»HI, the re«Vltre*plt Vh.V that ,hc they «re.arci ...... - . ' * f l o o r s u r f a c i n g CONTRACTOR ç ««a* INXOOROOO and will displace « W and uncertain ferry wldch to no Family Partie« a Specklty î...... m\,UoK,i dÂîrttt±:!r lr,T I,‘,W»U,,'lr. IIu1' ' F.skl lTR O O P IV AOAIN VICTORIOUS HUM*.'mid7i r lWTn'll'^ , " ,nC H_.... k'*« . .. ««.min,...... , “ _. ®u y o d » o P e o p l e 4 s o m e t t assured. . I Mlv* Arthur* fourth rr.,l.. ..„-I.m *.rm!n.v'. -«•»* -Vont, wm —Fumiahed Rooma to let- 281 nort^Av.^W ., CRANFORD Alrneet a Vani ’ f r r l t 132 Third St, EUEABETH T e L in i-M • IIJ ím ,; W!tn . 7 , . u, “ l,r ; i ',,111 » AbeíS ^ ¿ buy^1 dog^H«'» r tin a» .( • ,1‘ ttif i lirlyL. d r Ês s m a k i n g x:i folk* OiBta IM Union Avonu», North ^ T J Z aaoätaldbimt0tt[ ■'«»«» »«««. * •w ««u »|E¡rS ' JTeL 635 -r r j . R°BERT c. ABERNETHY d a S ïïn n i ““ e#corUn« dais *,„•{ t¡„., « Ü ï 2 * idî ,on ^ “>»» thing U r „ y*-.-.,-, „. tr, rasped the fanner. ■ * P ‘ - acrnwcA I lhe kindergartener* unde. Mu. 1 U k * * ■ '" ^ . CARP ™ ,l?R b u |l d e r neeMWT "ŸÏ**1 tbe “ *“• "*»’« tl Mases leadershui lian. m.,,.,.,.. < Fr, A t **-.r ;» ,f ..... ,■ ■ i Rw iPiotct J0B8W0 .CPNTRAOTINQ badi»«' matarial mada up, , * } ? * > leadership have heeome 1 1F.....V.I ll, wee rariwitehi. and . drevunaker" •'’• «a* »- ;.I j** P*** Av*, A Ä S * to,i"d:ir' ^ or will furnlih matarial' F. Nwärk ñ ? ESTIMATES jURNISHED |siu>iwU " * Ur> vtx-ditalile work (1 »'Ike - -. !Wi» »V., X-*55> ii;‘ Cranford, N. J. ‘J H lla-i, tcJI»W«V»-*-i-s.r« -, "* f'*E^.w» ; Hrr S\ 'M apg, r W h«'is b{ w#dd'^ 1 MADAME ANTONETTE luy iur Uu> Ne\( \ork irli» MuMi I r **tit J» -V » A t. ZMtiS Jao,e• Carrtck, a N I enthusiasm make* short work of \*e* *9Xtl V. 'V‘* «aland woman, waa *t an ding on 8* Banjamln Straat, CRANFORD [th e s m is i* supply h ’ < ■ PriSsc» r. v.'- À-' lifting a meat eafe dowfurom At* ...... the I.IncoiiVsNhermandIivM ii •r momldvl Ki*7f .Hit ttif r/ t-r g «hf a??. her V««ldlng yfng caBght kh.’l i u ' for January. Mi*, ï|Wfl*ï *?•, “«ok and almost timultaneotn Ttd. J15-W t e Vi.1' I ™ 1'' out ah. ad.1 - ■ *’ rn the chair alld from under her. S iMÙÙing tile A p rire ,';;,rU' 1i' ll7 7 3J ; 1 , 7 , r h&f* ScliimL, . . 2 Funeral Director, and Embalm waa thug «upended in midair tin F. CHRISTIANSEN * —/ *-’t-trjt ier« nw criee attracted attention and el iv ‘ ■ ti * CRANFORD 1 w u rcl«««cd only after the ring hi «Na» amr » E E W Y O R R o f f i c e baea filed in two. c l e a n in g a n d d y e i n g » A h3 ln.riS a"3t,y’,“ffl; i firn WESTFIELD 1 3 &Ä.— **• A «TM« «O t» FUATXNO» HEMSTXTGBZNQ lf5NÍ?,,;¡,i,!.S T ttU ís,"s * r* , dfar m*\t %*•••: • w ar n tu t Yd«noaa 1(1 „ Two Pelòta of View. Urn appanns proved vxVy.aú.tm mat- AHO BUTTON OOVBRXMO Biuta—Are you doing anyth! 7 ’ ' - 7 >.» dergw '•*' thla evening! . • _ .-.,.• I «*\tK>UtM* t l'Il í I a Vn b « i i «a l.it i wt, t t -, fije (eegerly)—Not nothing at all ■ B 09IB T (N«w Stupirò BuU«jxt)f^°>N àttimi »i* í-í 1 ■-'• -a»., » t * * m e t a l ^ 5 J***® « er-UMBiNG « , 1 1 "* •««•f W*f»rrtu,v, ltrn M-m. « »• * -..e « Æ lkBr?tr Wtat * tertible Va U Unian Avana«, Cranford !? '• ’ ‘•“«telimi With ,)./ m,-. ‘-> t ¡ * , . ' 1 1 * *»*»*>*•, *,*«Mfat is .V '* ^ V *• r» e . s. f ' , WORKINGt n i f f c r «ooaieasssis.Bgr,« nirnlaüod. Ä *'" MARTIN SCHAFER Ä . Ä * “ ••."*“ »- sw¡ •*;; •surf, s _ A Big Mistake. , rft-KSW / « . i m i G N a vp AI.-.L 0 0 . Jim—Oh, lo t 'l l wish Garibaldi ^ fesoH .m, '* > wo s Dutchman ! • • Mbbor Bod Contractor Mr li. Li8C0,0 ««haot. l ì f - t i .r */v> ^ — J-RANFORD. N. Alf—Why| ä i ‘ , V * '"'i* **{+* Wk«?0* 1 *“ * ..e«* ’• wu to t CRANFORD, N. J. “ *m. paper.”—Passing Show n  ‘1«> *ft(VnUHm. J - a ...» A ¡ t . ; * ,doa). ■ ■ - - IPN4. » g ÿ j p - malarithmetic* «tAdlMFkfTVr tc*rm*r*T»,.P o f tlia.^* « *rm çCHv»r»i __ A Pleasant Parformano«. ; One War Correspondent—There * l RABIO A BROTHER one rellgtou tita I could delight to 1 ™ °(ber X>ne—And what la that! _ t “® T^er Correspondent—Swing) ■ fwoaoe.—Mimeapo n , Journal. -

4 ‘ J- * ' >•’ "* T


f fltarw ö „, ______-A* 71. ■ a ta la u « - ■ :■ J y * **'**»tantoctatd utto 4 ' .. . £lli¡ OIL HEATERS ®* "B*k Srsuunetand HU « ú r r í ^ r s r s í p s S ‘K ^ 4 ™ L 2 T 5 ; ^ ia»d» that Byron, “feerfel har fc« * 5 5 " ^ * » » n «Oumpaa- **,' í a*?W »1l» í Ik* like iúi= SLN m m 'H «arved htmarif ^ S i t u t tbiat * ¿ Z f * u W \ hM? Ul" * Ui stoek. whan w d then at* and drank to akem «pan “ ------that i »hn m l gold westhsr arrives. eaU JOl-W. , w WMttWWteiiw. Bat if ^ . « u i u \ r °JL r*l“ *U“x" !'. •_ ■ -WBnai-Hsda'Ulani .. ■. ■ * ? 2 ? !?£**• ‘ <‘*■»*•1»« «je to? hWtw "JTT~' « 1 Haw cnad. are arriving d.Uy to lnew»,, w Bjton had teken npthtogbut « mW ■f**» "Hhmdutoot honuí-r»^3 8 3 * b e n S i he,t* b w * ~ « - y ■ a n u iu * .^ -P erl‘!!1 whee * Alkathu *t"k af kitektn utenalU and household aeaeaal. ■ . ■ • «M^tad/riuraed ——• ■ • • ■ y ^aHttt eU na«!«n ia a ^ iy j to q t* ™ « 1,1 «fíS b r^ JMa,h»Ua «Heat—when he la roondlnn m r f* .^ ‘b,*,IL!ÜU *®lved fa, . stop the cravtog, o f UU stomach. One zr1 W m í be vouia «utbar^vuflb 0*®* Uom »« hla chin with hit nuor Uaa, mops, brooms, polishes, ate. 1 . . pHttltll ■■■iray ' iiv t' èlìA v ***V'that he -wrote “Don •* An-high«* doar.-afseaky- ^MbUiKton SUr. Um m n lS ^ c k » Jj»n an glqsnd water, Early to 1 8 0 3 ■eupw than go to the moat nsbdWt o f m into a single tSw ple here cony to he weighed. aowa^ Wí!rílí!,,«fw to tho Washington “** **.a na* a n *te' or ^watahta, o r* 100 pound«.^rw. trt» Byron was absent from England be-1.ureenwtcb Village section nm e f tha ' - . } ' i ,ff!LWn oat »* “ * carton ^rn.ce tween 1 »)0 -nnd 1 8 1 1 . lie having left t o u “9“ « * for the continent July 8. 1800. Hay i * dumber of snuül démil BuHh “ M »Buffed with either potatoes or 10.1810. he swam the Hellespont from tbeo# aatufmtly bus to Vb dtMMl fai- * * » -W th the tab« U squeexed oestos to Abytles In emulation o f Learn the New Way f.“ * *° “ *• —Indow taken k i i *,"* *ad? « 4 and the hot mat*!# Mender, and. soiling for homo July X that much longer to do. Tha.Mora I .motda o f the daalrnd ahana. 1811,.the poet was met by Ills friend wtadowa our men dean tha bisherJ Dsllss yt Reddish's hotel St James “ **“ * * W are, so oataralty they ugo_«ner«U considerable m whlrh •tree*, o * July 15. 1811. tha day on JJm juo get through aa quickly aspoe- *««■«• th« hot metal h0t . ..inf » „ Which he was weighed for the last 1 /a M lfci0* **** rooW- • * w cutting and time at the old coffee mill. Hla sur- to pay for a r i u ^ S i QQart* T**»eI« - b t t cold Ussor, tho seventh Lord Byron, was ******* kfiksff as HsliMMan, r “ *•• boU» u n d b latt and * ref•"— tlll,.r. - <'0,t,'n'er‘ «“svuit, "Im thatmai popular An American coasting vosaai racent- -- J*** ***•£ -«th teeth o f carbonm* fMort—Adventure Magatine. h i “®' ““otker product of the electric wr» r p,eH * r°m# °* «w ilsS n with a machine aa helmsman.’'- Kx- *“ « « . But the «urt In eretr use Another Wave Motor. by hultUff the quart» oTioir !h “ "LiS* waaal M» ^ Professor Trlschetlo, an Italian, pre­ h, ,h*j*t*erinr was doMffoMy ^ **alia|“ to a stogle-maas In to* in- dicts that If his recently Invented ^ »^ «h t of a simple alectrlcai fotv a“ ,, *?“ r**Mi < W model Is adopted It will make ifprae- c®urM throughout tha trip, « Heal to get power from the waves of at no time devlaUng front |f hit mute CHEVROLET the oceun. • • ■ than a sixth of a degree, * . -- *• Y- CHIMESE ARE EDUCATED The extraction of-power from the •Ppnfutun Is known wnnna ocean's movements—waves and tides— ■Metal Mike" has kecoms so stfsctlve • ' ! • ' ’ ■ • . InBl“ Eür, H.“ N* 8uce^ I» Using hat long been the dream of Inveator*,- comp*“ Mi ouch n way PltfQln Language In Matt aa such a source of power Is practical­ that directly the vessel's noon Tltolm to ■ ' • '■•*•»* ' ■ i‘ . • : ■ - ■■ ■ ' .• Straat ■ • . ly; Inexhaustible; but heretofore the °“t of the true courm, sn models have either been failures'or electric contact I* set to motion, which An EngUahman who had ihnen 'in so expensive to 0 |*ldor he Md Paper Industry ,m aontbaeatern ernment and has announced hla In­ Alaska . || toevltsbls beenuoo nf :the ^ u h r returned tha Chinese, with a tention of offering Ms device to Eng. Your Local Man puttied expression. D * water power, timber and transporta­ Itsb capitalists when it la perfected. Hon condiUons there, to the optnlcn aS,tC- . '®® «Mowchow topside r of Secretary of Agriculture Wallace. _ *ha Chinese shook hla hand to in- . .. Alaskan Eskimo Progreso. ' - “Tin tate ot deT*,opment of the palp ■ ^ 2 Í * ***** M did not undmuode to twenty years the Alaskan Eski­ mos have made great strides to the - a Z n J £ T , \ rtp^ ted *e English- f y * u - w,I,ace. “will be continued Trust Co. Building 30 North Avo. West ways of civilization. They hnve- tt* jcconomlc factor of distance churchea and school^ many of them from present consumption centen and rrad and write, and. owing to the or the necemlty. Inherent to the In­ iS ild S r W*nt chowd"i"r', Catch 'em .reindeer...... v„herds u, that UHthe Unitedunueu states States ffnvAMim«n* .l' “ —:-----;---- r dustry Itself, for large capital-inMst- K- ' tb# ^hfnngu with • government started for- them, most of mentn, ritber than by physical dfead’ |«Uttnra of contempt and anger, Say them are prosperous. Deer meat In vantages. The physical condltlonn ln *tnÄ» w iist^é the Nortli sells at the rate of nearly, •outbeastera AUska-preseoce-; of ’ S í * '* ? pul1 00 «w » I o n gaya » 1 0 tor 160 pounds, which. Is the cheaply developed power, an enunfcH» ‘ PfMigtag that klnd p f weight of the ordinary carcass. The " W r «*.^ Inexpensive wood end^SK, natives now own'nl least 20 0 .0 0 0 rein availability of water transportation— íS .^ o w r d0 ÍOa •* U,at deer, which are under: kovernmont sn are the very factors which make ln- pecvl8ion.r-aevehmd [>|aln Dealer, oahSd^Ü íyiT. *• Kn*Illllni«” spol- evjtoble the expansion pU|p and paper' manufacturing tototoh. í h í ! ? ’* ta0* roxt to m^errltory," • I •Utor Ü ^ « t-Mauraut up- London Growing Fash ■’ It has been estimated that the In­ Old Catsndar 8litlved. . “ Bure la,’’ tha Chinana anawareA crease of Londiin'»'population during TOe adoption of the Gregorian cal­ and since-the H’prld war Is no less r mwL tlinn 000,000. Vast numbers were at­ endar by the Itnsslan orthodox clmrch can s®t anything you through a recent proclamation by Arcb- 0Ur But* »mem ber,, that tracted from the provinces by the lure of plentiful employment and high bishop Tikhon means that the entire ,aUows In thla country Christian world will celebrate Chrlst- • £ •to’t no. cooliea. We ara educated I“ wages. Now. Iisvlug acquired the mas thli year on the name date for' tns.te for London, they do not return, the first time since 1681. «w inter- Broad and Weat Jersey Stg. even though employment Is not novr Australia’s Great Bridgo. > naUonal Fixed Calendar league an­ The DeparlméñrStore of Elizabeth plentiful and wages are not what they nounced. ’ ■ n n i« ? “ . , e M ' w ori -M* .be re- were. ' . ihM fhf0 hC°mpleU a ***•* bridge The Busslnn and . Creek churchee wtoch has been planned tor Australia for centuytes followed, the, Julian cal­ Explorers Ate Shoes. . *"?“ tt* Sydney harbor. The pro, endar, which caused them to celebrate i Tliree explorers of the wilds of s S m »7 W0rif hM Meen commenced Christmas from io lo 1 3 days after ! J«d It to proceeding with nil the speed Northern Canada have made their way the rest, ot the Christian churches. • ' back to civilization after .two years of dmtokto»6* ?.nt lnt0‘ ,n'1 *| > »et nn- deruktog. it will be a high-level eruellng experlenw. They covered t Near Plunkvllle. strnctnre and will be one of the en- more (ban i,ooo miles, mostly by ennoe. overland stages of the trip be­ "What has become ot that, bad - WtoerMig m arvels, o f the world. It curve Just outside o f Plunkvlller -HI accommodate four tinea of rail- ing made with the aid of a dog team. More than oocc tliey were near starva­ "The town did away with It" made.end e 57-toot highway. It will jA good Idesi.” cert * . m idW topiVc. * tion and once they were compelled to 80 000,000 “Tea, it was cheaper to do that than ejew and nncertato ferry w toS i, now ent tbelr > old moccasins, discarded sacks and dried suckers. ■' ■ to build a bospJtaL"

Almost s Yard. ’ Anetrallrt Water Bupply. . - A ia5“ er MaK1RCH CO but not particularly melodious selee- selected water boree of eomethlntl Hon. As they sunk perspiring to their Uke 21,400,000 gallono s day, or about I seats after bowing self-const!ou»ly for '* * P®f rent, it is now being recog, ] the applause the. trombonist asked nlxod that tb# artesian water must be| EVERY PIECE, WHETHER A PERIOD OR-STANDARD PAT­ b? W#ddl^ 1 T hoarsely : ' ' " : «^»erved by the pattuì closing of] Zk»toi5 ***■ Jan,ca c *rHck, a New Zealand women, was standing on . "What’s the next oner , ; the borea. 00 that only tho flow ca-| TERN, IS BRAND-NEW. EVERY PIECE MEASURES UP TO toeto lifting a meat safe dowgSirom a “The Malden's Prayer," shmrered pablo of bring used will be allowed] the leader,, consniung bis program. M M *fc Tire Mzigaffon commission] t o i i Z i rin* caBght lo “Good Heavens I”' ejaculated the * tektogi atepo fU penallxo the care- j THAT HIGH-QUALITY THATS GUARANTEE OF LIFETIME Ih i k°,k “ d *Mnost slmultaneonsly j f “ . *>»» owner.—Christian Srisnce f aU<1 *»“ under bar. She trombonist. “I Just' got through play Monitor. 1 , , 1 *?na suspended to midair unUl tog that one I” , , ■ : hw cries attracted attention and she USE. COME AND AT LEAST CONVINCE YOURSELF BY SEE­ bnm oofr after the ring had . ' ■ ' Fairly Put ■ i. . 1 Gas Used. ■’ . .. W in two, - "L »rant a shave.” said the deter­ counting debata to congreea 1 ING ALL THIS WITH YOUR OWN EYES. ITS TOO feXCEP- lfjr‘ mined-looking man ns he climbed Into Americans used StD.888jOOO.OOO cubic] w t of irtlAdii gai lagt jw . f Two Point« of Vlsw. a chair to the Coliseum barber abop, *1 don't want any bay rum. witch Thlq !• an achievement, comparing It ] TIONAL AN OPPORTUNITY FOR ANY PERSON TO OVER. this wSTA» 70U doIn» aa^*“* hnxel. hair tonic, hot towels or face with a genenUcn ago when mothat] tad to wash the smoksd chimneys o f] LOOK. , : V (eagerly)—No, 'nothing at aU. massage. I don't want lhe~ manicure . lady to bold my hand nor. the bootblack « ¿ t i L ? r?tT " Wtat * terrU,]* lo fondle my f « t I just want a plain sHnve, wlth.no trimmings. Do you un- In ahoot ano more generation tho] |-derstand that?” ecly heattog and Ugfatlng*wlll be b y l _ A Big Mlstaka. , “Tes, -sir," sajd the b.arber." "Will eukuicuy. A copper mine la a good I V Jim—Oh, lot'l l wish Garibaldi 'a you hare some lather on your fkce, “ Sacy flor grandehlldran. , Meeo a Dutchman! a lrf—New',' York MalL - Alf—Why* ■ ___ Flapper, Dettar. J wT«?* 1 ..toM ’a was to the , Hotel for Dogs Planned. Alteaffy, the criflee—ratt them hy- to*to- paper.”—Paasing Show (Lon-' PMU. if you like—are knocking our new l fN íf c . ÖbI Pfau— No Interest— No Extras ; ,a o a ).. - ■ , . A Los Angelas man has announced that heJs gofhg to erect abd man-1 iMvea crin. One'writer rails It tool age t hoSteliy- exclusively for canine! •Wawer doitor" an« .ay» tha open-f Fwat Payment aa Low aa 10% Diinng Thi* s^e Only ;; __ A Pleasant Performance. guesta The Hog hotel will cost ap-j MPPud fllri there apun lorica as tboüh ] ; One War Correspoodect—There is proximate!; *50,000 and will have all ■^* “ •■** J * toylag “Line’s b la # * one religious rite I could delight lm • tha modern conveniences. - each dog .’ 1 ^®*Mer,Dne—And wbat la that? having a bed and a sun porch, with ' jtoo kaow. tf w w »l _ t “® TFar Correspondent—Swinging uniformed ^..attendants in charge of P0< so abrloue era W««ld toy >000% ] *

- i ^ \ *' ‘ JÍ^fefv Jti 0 * 4 2 ^ > 1924 10 fW CyANF0W> Crnzm ^H P CHR0N1CIL, THtJ^ PAY< ^ UARY 3- w c k i e s a y s ^

HUTTON AND UMB AS/FOO AUTOMATIC STORM StCMI.S J:> *i tt(ly g |nnp taken gp In a Xrw W M cb r iT ~ x ,'vrf. |y.MÉ5wÌHt for drunken na» "-flW CR WOUUy BE ADCM>\ Atnaag Uhi Htti W«»lthfiri, MatrlUM» Moil<»»i«al Drvii. OlvM.Wdrnlnf fee* i|l ¡i blrrM sf« «a Boat on. ‘'Tour«.* v ow OF FQUCS ( - and Faiatablt tf M uli/ *»r ti*ciiic ueM eutkn« by tring- «ohi ib» gtu^Mfret«,'*!« d *«d c«aw ^ ■ Capotta. . log.* Ml. f « you don't wan to ibomtighly ml* ! A ” J OOMT eumoRT TC A w a tt / i i* h >w low goo bare gtmk." Th« , Rurpeê ‘«The Greater Industrial City o f Elizabeth, New Th* firndurtln# qf *b#m> for «rofll Tlif fihrMfi* If I WUUU «lr prtm.t,rr «trsefcfclabr»w ivttb « piloté ¡ MaMWWi ejftoBft / L ô fr 'tW BtSTOF-TWQH, aloue U rii pilli, 09 Ih« Ano« In 111* cl mid ry l»re* d«nu!hd t "'.if ty. "I bsre «food toady Indigniti«*, : «eMN» h*tM «user J «li I* Ih'Ioì! (il«od u y iUu producilo« im«>i* ut«Hi ili* *li«iric II(lit «t.ihif. hoi in b« «mtsotad by a nwglatreta : î , » P r i c e $ 1 2 M : m -A U *.*! of l«mb «fid rimi!(hi 'fu» Ih» latìHV ni fijr liiirm:**i| niffrtil. My* tli* l'r«tl it-ii *HH* hii laflAltlrMj Thlg It th* lliougti (rntj ¡U p(-t rrtit iif Ih« ««*1 ditir* J«urn*l. If th* i«t«*r *n.) llflti lavi b ln w r , ; G row ronaumci) t,y (Ih- iiv*r*g* American for C*ft*r«llng «lallfin »a» |(«f ¡if*jmml Pictorial Supplement to above map I2in.x 7 Un* Ism Av* ,«•»i« ,« /« J.iiu’j f-r mai tor (hi* rail (he IndaUrl*« o f“ib* l(* gometimaa Firet v lon. Thl» proponi fu/ •houli) I.* morii ratify .woijM l * fr»*llr liamii*f«d »iif A frad*. Journal ha* iompll*d a labi* Album of aeroplane photographs, reproducing v.eW . I urger. accordi«;; t" /»'* CftltM filai it.« mmjitatnf* *ouU1 1>* o»<*r*hfhti of comparative Innwrera In varlooa Roselle, Roselle Park, Linden, Union, V) IV|(B rimirai « f .AntiAiUur**. ni »watt* Inf, m> il.al tbrw altaath«* tnnal h* linea uf arilclea wlilrh »how» that um­ Elizabeth. «mi lumi) íf r *ímfu¿ l!»r irmsl «flfll'l|(Jlt4-d< • brella« are Ihbtf In fornoarer. On a BURPEE'S ANNUAL flit, «mlHtiou* «ml/trolslWtilH of meM*. 'Until r*itrnlly (I b«« l»**n ih* «*■ day tbey ahould he flr«t. Th* Liadlas AMriaa* M*d Caiakij ford, Ijillside, and surrounding country. lite mi«im ittrj Un* llmlt***) «#*' *»f |om lo ki-rr. on Ih* lookonl for *f'*ruu BENT MCE ■ ti.m!» alTfl f4¿r'.»u(¡tiotj! Il»f».t-t by |m«llng utt t,li*i fv*r on Ih* toj< «( lealand’a JOcyaaeai , , . BorpW* Aaunal 1« a compUt« gaUa tr»l ftfvlhtn « f uw 1 Mi alt'« tit Ih* Iniliillnf «ml u|*io Ih* »jiiirnn for the VegataM# and Flower g*™"»- «My 11* (»i/jL'ln )B Ih#* nf 111« of * llifp«l«nlfi( fiooil Ih* nInrni IrHand'« g*y»*r» herir »hoot thelfl II it • bright aad lat»f»»P>>« booh with duvHtìjtmrnt * j titf firmili mm hf*H fr «iniM lit* firrn «ml Ih* fir*» wndpr Ih* water higher than IÓO fe»f, while aoiiii oveT. a buiadrod eogotajiUa tod flotti* H li.illrn niiiihl It* fnrrpil, «ildllliHml of the V»llnwa|r(p* gryaera go mor« •r* illoatratod la tbo color» of nature. G R A S S M A N & ihIiii worfcw# wyt »rr/>fiVi Ki'iirraliir» lbrown Into **rtlr* rrid (lian Ihre* I linea o v high. ' Writ» for your copy tod»y. VEYÒRS . Ina «» Hip Sutw Ywli Thnwi. Al ll»at »I brr iir*r«r»llini» mml* lo imf* (h* CIVIL ENGINEERS ÍAND S liuti» lijT'lhí» (M-ttlrrN «niircriiry, «ml wtirr III* nid *y«f*i»! W . A t l e e B u r p e e Co. ELIZABETH« N. X limi ridimi tfiiur líirtíply Ìtnitt liti Ili*** |ir*|.i»r»ll(«ii .rnlnllnl mn»lil*r- t Seed Crowars Philodelpbia 308 Broad Streat, N\»rth All/nMc *I«(m Hitd ìifirt ì»mi *t •hi* wnrli In Ih* way of notifying illf «Hlifiil f* fMrni {|*|i»rfmrnl*. w*iiw loannl ul More v, i»Mi |if™lu«*imn, fnrf»r<0i**»i| «f Iti« .In* »oini! dUtafn**, by • rnI hrr rlalyirat# Telephnn» 67AW Banquat«, Club ticrrnl ’JtflW»r l*f fin» iTimif,. ' *yM*iii of rnlilng or algnallng.s FELICE E. DI FABIO JAMES K. MANNING Thr/rtrNii of OH»«« untumi* wim ll*i*nily » nmrhanlrol rnVan# of «*- Waddlng Partita, S X S 3 Tata, Card Parti**. MASON OOWTRACTOR . Trucking and General Contracting loiiyl», ftnf i?/» |mlttltt|»lp n* ottici ttiin|ili*hlng Itll» Aa» b**n »rrlryiii nt Maatlnga and Oooltrtoett ara * m«';i|i itil i, jMiKfciliiy otrln# lo Um p. in. • I on . Broad Strati 1 SHOVVSHEDS WILL BE RAZED PLAN TO 9L0W OUT DISEASE Pbon* 690 - vSliS "IJiul',los" « ili hold a dance I Ifaar Central R. R. Station 1 riday.February 1st, at Cleveland I ^ ' • Anthony Stubwkaaar, Mgr. 100 Lnion Av#^ lf*( ORAK70HD t o * ' T,lis " ’*** 1,0 Ii|0 first dance I • Plcturaaqu* but Monolonou* Paalurra Orlllah Oeclofa Will Uit Trad* Wind* Sobscrihe The Citizen and Chronicle ! $ ■ •- . - . h o L n Z Bi5'on nt the-school by anl"*' *1 Mountain Travtl Art I» Again»! Ih# Meaqulto*« of f organization not of the jehool ifn! 11 lit Olaappaar. . Samoa. calling the last daneo of the *:rintl-1t,ai d es, a good time Is promised to I sal - I'll* aiiim»li*da «long avili* of It Parine trad» wlnd# wlll h* uaed In | son,‘U55c. attenvld»n*» Journal. la,lhoiiglit lliclr aiiaeepllhlllty mny he v A. M Shapiro. 17-1» Union avenue duo lo a eondltlon eauaial hy a llny hwi.ii* of lb*«* alieda wrro built in »n I1 o T “ NJ,'et',al »alo-on ladies' locallitrwt wh*r* Urn mimtrj wn paraalle earrled hy Ih* Menomila and childrens hosiery. I.udleN' silk »orneo hal Tïrkhijg In piel iiraaqiln f*u iiiowjtillo- Thl» inowiutto t«l tho ,lm aiiuill lalunil» of the group. 'Ih* o T1,0i I,-int'oIn FSIu>ni]an Home and! v • rnllinail |i*oplA lo Olapona« with tlm ‘Ipedllliil) la *i|H'Cted tu Ini In Ih* : iSeliool League will hold their next I Ai" tropica for Ino year*. meeting Tuesilny.. February, fltli 2{|S 1 long «novjahcila. ' frle V ’ i', " t n t1l10 auditorium of tln>*frU Lincoln School. The cliildii.ii dbn SODIMI far Sm«k*ra, . Modarn Quarrying both schools w ill furnish the pro- file Uni A anmklng inualrr him Juat opl'ni'il The quiirrlc» of a Vcrtiionl.rouipiiliy (frail), and tliero wlll be a romni tile . a avhool In tdimlon. II* Icnrhra iho produi'v every year more limn 1,«U0,- ¡¡¡uv 'l'o1 i!ero 1110 very little ones I / 1' art of »inoklng clgarvllca and figura. may be left under the care of al.i UHI cubie feci ef alone. In ilio early competent guuriilan tele II appriir* II la.jmt ao allupili ua I» ilaya III* quarrying proper ivua dune genrruliy aii|ï|Hi»*d fur Inalimi*, largely by . inanimi unii nnliiiul lubor. .. ‘ V »'('‘’ting of Mr. Cieorge K. War-1 plio ri’iilly lo enjoy •» rlgnrell*, ho »aja, Al pteaenl. four hydroelectric power ,.,? ri!* ‘SF ,lay 'SflimoJ eluss was held I to't you immt not pull nt II Ilk* a aihool alnlliMi», au|>|>Ieiiienled by two aleni». at ids home on Saturday last. (»Ul­ cers wore elected for the coining boy, nor yield to tlm vulgar la»to of Mr lien generating »tallona, wlmn uè* »wallowing tlm amok*, (in** tlm iTg. ycur, after which refreshments raanry, »apply the ¡tower tv run all III* were served by Mrs. Warner Those ami «relie I» lu your mouth II mml md iiiuelilnery In tlm quurrle*. Du» calor nr Milt more again, you immt only »lowly 3 , 1 ! ! ' “ ' . . ^ ^ yW«kA Jack dolly liitvrealliig applleulioA of cIih'- Hutchinson,Hi HarrVciulUSyí|t,ey“ lí lion 1,01 draw III your brcnlli. Tlm h*»( Hum irlr ¡limer I* awn In III« "gut's Jaw»," Camp and Mr. Warner. *ml*» <«- Ian, In Ida opinion lo amok* a elgarrtte la limi woi tlm glam tibn'ka of marble heforo hrvuikfnat and you muat tiinh* Into alaba of varying thlckne»*. Tlm T i n ? ’“oe,tlnl.r of the Echo Isoli It Inal Ilk* it dream. The lamilon ■uiwa ure made of aoft Iron vncclghlh tim riC,.Mintry U!,b wili >»* i'ol'l at Idle i*; ii.í i Í.1. 0U!,m-. Important ioil'ortunt clianizpHchanges iI tutthe Mia»lcr. make» Ida lull froin lwcniy- ■f-ftn Inch thick and four Inclma wide Ato to thirty minute». To amok* and inerìIn * " - M 1 l,‘'oposcd at thisIdni and are toothlea*. binali pumpa do Vnek f;. H.a-sk‘n8. & 'Relis,- New I pin alao drink alcohol I» a herruy. Ale»' liver a mlilurv of aanil und water to A ork Accountants have just com- ' the ‘ tlfh »polla tlm lade of tobacco, bill Iho law' and Iho aand doe« 111« cut pleted the annual audit of the Club ilisti corre*, taken with the cigarette la per- I t .tl,0,r yoport .showing ufhilrs to be ling, l'itère aro «I tlm quarrle* more ' Lssex Electric Power Station, as Enlarged - . I in excellent condition. ^ , At frellon People who amok* on* ihun !tOO of the*« electrically-run Moo clgarell* after anolher without »top­ ganga which work In gruupa of from Mrs. Frank Burnham of North •out ping . «re nothing hut Rangea, bo twelve to foriy-thre«. , rMohl,v í ,asit’ ont the ilr»t royiil !lat0 tor PUldfc bearing op 11’“8PUSM porovlaln factory un» relahlUhPd ou rut wood. Dr. Henry A Waalilngton sales JfheleSr'tMniLPr0TgrefS and pros? eri^ 18 reflected in the* Public Service too budget, as advertised f o r W o l,mt llm hlllfvip* overlooking I lie Klim. In of the Carnegie iMtllute, who point» bv n n ih if o ^ y‘ *J-n ten years sales have tripled; in five years increased out tlili almltarlty, lay* that ll tuny ¡ “ »...‘ V® ,^;ce1ts: . E*°ryt, citizen | Th .111* Aflv yeitnv limi tlionedlutely pre­ by one-half, and in the year 1923, alone, by-one-quarter. ^ shm v'f!!!; !ntore8tea ia this tins and I the ceded (h* WorlSrSt'nr Iho uumlcipallly auppott lb« theory that tho culture ? budget as presented.• ' If'■ wliic which agisted on th« I'aclflc l«lund? interested .enough come out to the the i und. tmliilduul i weulthy citi ecu* were meeting. : able oul \of tbeif iic(‘umulnti. Koland Ij. I*uerich rDronilv I Jlrs. «lune In tnv nui*|nictlon of building», about 600 B. CL, and wa* ipreail west a i ril> to ^ViLHidng,h^t au Dial now onc-l(nlf of llm boiuea, to- ward by aallora. ltowover, he thinks b u y 7% CUMULATIVE thn’1 V n .f' i Luericli attended | ;V)e It more probablo that tho Hawaiian' VnCnc Bit onaJ Convention of tho' getlicr nitri «eventi factorlea and pub- AntKSaloon League of America. lie | ■ ile *dlAce».i#re w^ctructed almoat vn- and Egyptian« worked out tlm pr»t> iP,rer.t!1 It 1?as tlie ifreatest conven-J"jar tlrely of tkla tiuiivlurent and vary lom of tough cutting with hard «tom - tion in its long history in the iiL»htP^*a *xpcn*tv* itdilerial.v In much th* tania way, but tndcpemi against the saloon. He will give a|f}° in rally.—Sclenre Sortie*. PREFERRED-STOCK , ' iii ,rol1?rt °f tho convention, at | 'riei High CoJ^of 'Vsbtnlng. OF the -scrrlqe next Sunday evening. obtai Tlm annual dcsiviictUbi duo to Ugbt* Fill Sack* From Urn Bottom. m‘!tiro Cliapter, Jfo. 87. O. K. S com h nlng Are« In tlm t'imv^d etstca la «alt* Oement aarkg are lied before ih.-v lilnlniv’1 o f? ciLppil' tr D“rty” imme- mated to lv* aa muctvaa flSMOCLOOQk are, Ailed—*m2^ Ailed bottom »Me up I Iii»i lv,Kai c r . tI10 ,1,eeting- on Fri- In on« »ut* alone, towa-dunss tlm Each sack haa a hole In one of It. PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATION OF ,!fo»oi ”• *• a t,ten cents a clip. All fnur year« cubing with 1033, tmijo«* lower corners tliat I* iqwerej by i irieIn^ers' otl,l^r sisters and other «■orti »* given by th* »tat» Are yuarebal valvc-aluiply a flap of doth 4f„.t I f q,o?*'S «rcrordially invited. The lag 1 waa fu m im . of. which 61 per ce&L, th# tack haagvren fastened ai ¡h,. ,..j. I „!2^I’tor « II1 hold Its annual enter- N E W J E R S E Y I '¡lontT,aP'1 dance on Tuesday ivlllir wa* due to fire* lit farm barn*. 'V’ery •Ilh a wire tle.lt 1* ¡.I,t on a machine I rnmn?S,i Fefc 19V*' ln tl,e Clio Cllih I not jnearly all of »ucb^loaa 1« prevenlahj* Ntotn aide up and the remint aid,. ' Ffi?IiP/si if1, Roselle. Music will heldien: hy proper redding’ any* Ih* «reati*» br \ u elalwrate mechanism, fl,,,,-, ¡n. I'nil? I 1011 br Hunbaden’s orchestra.1 bureau.of-Urn CnllnJI State* Depart- through a Mnch tube. When the sick And Participate in New Jersey’s Progress E !" ay 1,(3 bad from any mem- tueni of AgrlAltbtw. t*ntalnVJu«t Pi ¡vunds H„. n0« is nu [ T L °f Azure Chapter. , ...... r»t "" ■ ■ tomatlctlij. cut off »ml ti„. M,k dr..,,, vf7^st,,iZH!Ja,y nmrning about 8:15, ! (eresi Fare* a* HkMt. ' *. -- to a>ioilnVbclt. which urrle* It oul ®!" .Cust°m er Ownership plan permits you to invest i Mrs xvuf.lnla t5taBB' 'lauffbtcr of I culpr; Tibba—Tbat bari** » « fft* bird. t# IhejffrisliKrsr, ...... «-“"l. Staee• ot 207 x °rtii Jett»—Why threw Um *tml light yopr savings as they accumulate. An initial payS^aU rf lavenue. West, was struck by one made lire , ?nry Hcrgners autos, driven I Inc f( on U*1 ‘ • . -PUn\L.'incoTQ Umvtrtity, Tlbba—Wbrnerer h* »have* him- Invr7,? m t^yanl '« I’ilo crossing North I varjli Th» AW t\m idncoln university ^ J L 8*1^ 8 and monthly payments of $10 a share there- l?!nire l vust above hcr homo. Kyan llieft. aML b* can't atop ublll b* talk* him- miy become « re.ldy^f ,he plans ■claimed he was not driving too-fast ■ *«U .1st*, a bglreat god * ghampoa buslnew aad profeiglonal men of nvukcs you a Public Service partner1 . Tne , .,, |on account of ¡slushy condition ef . prtngfle.,1 M.. e«rt;y. £^or( ls to be. B>u_on aU installm ents. foterest pald hre,re0a

-----SET? THURSDAY/ JANUARY 31. 1924

aaatOOL BUDGET XVOaXAJBKD NNDOR** fe m o x . TIGHT The Board of Kducstfcn B6A«N>\ tog.Ltw figures in coraparteaUarUh ticular Interest In-the welfare of m hr ■Mr. and Mr*. 3, Robert Hint*of U . von co raus $outn Seventh street, gave a bridge 1 ® b ein g : . the schools had secured the con- r “d*«M»t«a*.GRMnC91 party last Saturday evening. 1923 1994 : Messrs. H. P. Van Clove, ► tatfr Hùwosor tt * «su» / Current Expense $113.690 flSSjKD 'VlUtam 11 WiUhuna and Mr* Etta .Mr*. O. H. Strotunan o f Hudson. Bnlidlngs and Uc>- .... ■ „ « v Botchelilec to stand for oldc- » ' MBHWteF St eOHQgft N. Is the guest of Mr. and Mr* pairs —____ -7900 14500 tloa as nivmbere of the Board of . & t r 'tM' BéSTOf -won, j Robert A. Marshall, uf Union ave­ Manual Training :t,.soo 5.750 nue. . - . . . Education. Many signatures have «O A R O W t t f SW ttY been secured by the voluntary Ot-AM-Vt •. Mrs. Frank Holllnguorth o f For­ Total __ll_.__.Jf 121,950 «149.200 In charge, endorsing est avenue, gave a lunch«ttm bridge An appropriation of $2.74)0 to buy their randidacr. Some of tliese yesterday. • There were seven additional land ai Cleveland $ehool «vorrs printe«t last week aiut others The Famous Wellston tables. - - v ,, also will be presented for- vote. are given M ow : Airs. Thomas Stephens of 'Pros­ Tlie proposed , budget is *n In­ -'Whereas. Air* Etta H. Batrhel- pect avenue, left yesrerday for crease of n e a r l y ^ k t anil does »er by her active interest In civic Cincinnati, where she will visit her not Include money raised for sink­ affaire has shown tmrsnlf omlncntly sister, Mrs. Jones. , ing funds, bond lumiients and In­ nttwl to serve «m the tYaiifoitl LAMPS and SHADES .Mrs. E. A. Lyon otiOalAey Hall, terest. etc. Receipts from various Board of Education, ami who; has been suffering from a fall State school funds are not shown. AATierea* Air, Horatio Van Cieve, down tlie veranda steps, is improve beemise of his exi-ellent «-rvices on MANUFACTURER’S OVERPRODUCTION EN- | tog. although still conffned to her CRANFORD OASINO tho Hoard, during tin» past y«-ar. room. , . , • Coming events' at the. Casino In- should, be continued In office, and AVherea* Mr. William f l Wll- ABLES YOU TO BUY AT A GREAT SAVING. J .Mr. and Mr* Robert' A. Marshall clnde an Assembly Dance to be llton* because of liU t/road know of Union avenue, / have returned given February IStlt an«l an Even­ ; .- - ■ ■; ' , ' v . « ■ ,? from a'trip to Palmyra,. N. J„ ing Bridge to be given February l«Hlge of both bustheas ami «slm-a- FIoor Lamp and Shade, complete...... $23.75 $ where they visited their son. Har­ 19th. Tickets to tills will be <1.00. tlonal aifalre-and bt'caus*' Ills work old ^F. ,Marshall Air* H R. Van Nairn is In chim e.. M'.Personnel Director of tlie Na­ Friday afternoon there will be a tional City- Bank o f New York City, Bridge Lamp and Shade, complete...:...... $13.75 Mr. un«l Mrs. Jos. 8 . Peters, of amf Its continuation school which Evanston, 1 1 1., Iiavc been spemting -Dansante from 4 to 7/o'clock, Alt* he supervises siiould make him a Junior L^mp and Shade, complete,.. ..$21.25 a week with Mr. and Mrs. George Hi C. Miller being In' charge. For valuable addition to the ’ school C. .Moon, of Linden Place. They re­ members and ..out-of-town guest« Boanl, wo the im«tersiguc«t citizens Tin's«* Intnps must In* -ocn to lu' appredstiiA it will pay well to turned, to their homo lost Monday. only. - . o f Cranfnrtl, endorse Mrs. Etta II. The four man bowling team tonr- i'° look thorn nvur.. ’ . ' , Airs. H. F. Southard of Hampton naui<-nt is in full swing anil the Batchelder, Air. Horatio Van Itiove Kami, gav«» a bridge party last Fri­ old men who were calnled Into en­ and Mr. William B. Williams, as . GET.THE BEST. SAVE MONET. day afternoon. There were tiiree tering are having tln-ir fun ns well candlitaro.s for election to the (Van tallies for. Cranfoi-d guests and as the younger generation. fowl Heard of Education at ttu three for those coming from out-of­ coming Icbnmry.ob-ctjim: town. „ ...... Airs. J. E. Wolf, J. Edwanl Wolf, 'Mrs. t\ \V’’ Griuum ot Elm street, A CALL FOR ENLISTMENTS Rlclmrtl 1 1 . Doyle, Airs. J. H. While, ROBBINS & ALLISON, Inc. gavo a reception last Saturday -af- : January 27, 1924. E. A. Hamilton. Mrs. K. A. Hamil­ tenioou for tlie candidates in the Editor Cronfonl Citizen and Citron- ton, Wiii. Troclicr. A|rs. Win. Tree- Scliool Board election. A number li-ie, r . tier. Ik Klaso, Airs. J. R- Ivlasc. Midyear i'xiimlnations aré-being Cranford, N. J.. Susan R. Wolfe, Rosciio V. Wolfe, MOVING—STORAGE—EXPRESS held In the public schools tht* week. of guests were present from all .parts’ of thé town,' Dear Sir: . . Hmhert P, Brock, Mrs. 11.i ’. Brock, There will be a .silver tea at It "wouill he very much, appro-, Norris A. Brian*. May B. Brisco, N. Hampton Hall on M«milay„,Fel>. 18 Ali;, àhtl ’Airs. F. G. Sykes of ( 'ou­ ciatetl if yoji Avimid insert an item V’. Stewart, Mrs. N. P . Stewart. ,1. ., 215 South Ave., E., ' Cranford, N. J. for the bonellt of thfe otean fund ol trai avenue, are entertaining. Air. in your paper regarding enlist­ S. Itosenerantz, K. H. Vilade, Eliza- Í ’ Talophona ST*W Trinity Church. A program has Sykes’: slater. Airs. t Theod«>re An­ ments in tliei tinny, soiiictliing as both Vllaile, C. Huy Cox. ,lila lk been arranged, which will begin at thony, of Newburgh', N. Y„ wiio is folibws: . - Cox, Flor«'iicif.'B. Hoseurrnntz. S. It. >4W » W » > m 4«4» W ««W ;i p. 1«. ; ■ . on her.way to-th e South where "U. S. Army Ois-ns Drive for En­ Warner. AI. S. Miller, T.-K. Alcorn, she will '.spend tlie remainder of gineers” Tlie C. S. Recruiting .1 E. Burnett. Air. and: Mrs. .Waldo The. "Huddles" will hold a dance tlie. Winter. . Friday,February 1 st, at Cleveland .Station, located in tin) Union Coun­ B. Rosencrntilz. Mrs. F. W, laittge. , School. This will bo the flrst dance Mrs. Jolin Low of Springfield ave­ ty Court House, Elizabeth, N. J.. Mrs. V. A, Hooke, Vern S. Conley. * to bo given at the sehool by an nue; gave a dinner last Friday to lias vacancies for men who desire Miss Ceritme Itelden. E. May AHUer, organization not ot the school, Ho- the wedding Cortege of .Miss Bar­ to learn a Undo, uud see some of George U. -Miller. B. C. Holden. H. calling tile last dance of the “Hud' bara Coy. previous to their rehear­ U nolle Sum's finest possessions G. liable, Jeanette W.. Htiiilo, Jo- dies," a good time is promised to sal for tiio marriage eoremony. while sorvfng an enlistment in tho sepliiue. E. Calaultoun, Edward Cal- all -who attend. / Tickets, per per­ Tahlo decorations were carried out army. Tlie Engineers Specialist «tuhopn, Charlotte Harvey, Lillian son, 55c. - in the color scheme of tlie wed­ School maintains trade courses, in Nelson, Anno Wolf, ,1. F. Wolf. Su­ ding, yellow and llamo tones. A surveying,, mechanics, lithography, sie H. .Morris,'.Merrill 1L. Morrl* HIGH GRADE STOCK ' Tomorrow'evening, Feb. 1, .Troops large bridal bouipiet of sweet peas, photography and tlie like. The 8 and 4 of the Hoy Scouts of Ameri­ Mrs. Selmu Larson, Miss Florence narcissus and other .'flowers veiled pay runs from $ 2 1 to $162 a month Larson, Alisa Lililun Larson. Louis . Low Price to Move Quickly ca will hold their annual father In tulle, served as u centrepiece, with ull living and clothing expen­ 7,arson, Eriiest ,V. S«iulre. Beatrice and son dinner in Trinity Parish from which streamers of -white sat­ ses fmld. Any information regard­ -Siiulre, Ethelymle Stlmpson, Agnes 20.000 square test l x i r White Pine 8 i«Ung, at...... 4110.00 House. Dinner will be served by a in ribbon were, carried to tlie |date ing enlistments can bo had by cal- Weldi, Jane K. AlcGratli. Nora 1!. committee of which Mrs. Kenyon of each girl guest, where they 114; ut tho Union County Cburt Hess. Airs. Christina ItdliHcli, Alice 20.000 square feat 1x10". White, Pine Siding, at...... 1110.00 Mossick is chairman. 'Mrs. F. G. were fastened by u tiny bmuiuct of House, Elizabeth, New Jersey. M.. Doyl«>, Airs. ,T.. T. CariX'itter, 30.000 square feet ?^x2lk" Whits Oak Flooring,-at...... 4130.00 .Sykes will have- licarge of "the din­ sweet peas. - Trusting tiiut you can favor us- in C. If. ¡Scliafei Jl-.. Alliinle N.'Joint; ing room. - ‘ tills manner,. 1 remain, - ...... - son, Florence W. Lansing, Florence* 20.000 i f i B. C. Perfection Shlni’les, at...... 47.00 A.-M. Slmpiro, 17-19 Union avpituo. RADIO STATION IN CRANFORD ' . Very respectfully, „ AV. Faurlco, -Edith Alursdiner, K, Also Whits Pine Molding. , ’ . !-rr North, has a special salo-on ladies WALTER K. DELI.ET, lleusiiju K. Hdilndh-r, dr., .los. F. and children’s hosiery. Ladies' silk The call letters 2CJ huv«T In-cti Sergeant, 1st Engineers. Dauhert, Mrs. C. V. Dnubert, and wool lioso, ail sizes and colors, assigned „ tq the amateur statiuu l>nubei‘t, Mts. Helen Mc.Maiioii. F. A. D. HOUGH, JR. former price $1.50, for this'sale at owned' and operated liy N. Duty- .saya aaa womta D ..._ . S. Parker. Air* R, .1. Heilman, Le«* trow, 507 Elm street. Tlie trans­ Tol. 464 St.15 only. Children’s English., rib­ „ Shlminlea, fox trota and old-faah- Welch,' Warren Klrkman, ,H. .1. Lu- . 113 Walnut Avenue, ORANFORD, N. 3. bed hose, in' all sizes, Idack amt mitter is rated at 10 0 ivatta mid loned round waltxca are danced by soyiiL Max Goldlierg, Martini is- brown, for this solo ut 25« only, operates on a wave length- of 185 tiiire Sclitieliler. Sadie P. Kelelit-r. former price 49c.—Adv. meters. Tests liovo been made to aea worma In aubmarine nuptials on Lloyd F. Kelelier, Luetic B. Bun­ Tlie Ladies’ Aid Society of tiro (l«>teniilne how much interference the floor of the aea, «aid Dr. Legraade nell. Cee.il H. Buiitieli, John D, 'Ash- Presbyterian Church will meet In Is caused to broadcast listeners, mid and Dr. Fape In a long report recently well Airs. P. S. Parker, Mr* (', 11. tlu> chapel at 2:30 p. in. on Wed­ it 1ms been found that due to the aubmltted to the French Acatiemy of j Schafer, L; F. Kelelier. Jr., J. Kele- CW typo of transmitter tlie station nesday. Fch, 6th. .„The committee Selene* For two year* they have h«(r, Alice At. AshwoU. i,. I,. Brls- could not he heard on broadcast I for that «lay consists of Mrs. F, W, been studying the apeclea to be fogML „V)r-. - J. I .Park, Mrs. W.-P. Uodlne, Sirs. Geo. wave lengths by sots located two ’I <• A. Watson, and Sirs. Sf. J. Sc-uvy. blocks away... / , off the French coast I- - V , The station is' a niembor1 of the. When the moon la shining bright , COMMUNICATED Forty Per Cent (40%) Off 'i'lie Lincoln-Sliofinim. Home mid American Radio Relay League, _ i January 30. 1921. School League will -hold their next millions of the aea worm* led by a whose purpose Is. the exchange of patriarchal male draw close to. the Cranford Citizen and .Chronicle, ON ALL EVERSHARPS meeting Tuesday,. February.-TiUi, at ,4 Crnntonl. N. J. . '! • .' • -t . ’ friendly citizen messages.« Resi­ shore. While the females turn and 3:30 p. m., in Alio auditorium of the dents of Cranford are Invited to Dear Mr. Editor: ' . . It seemy eonaldetsble, but it's so novsrthsieiS. These peocils «re Lincoln School. Tlie children of twist In gay. abandon, the males se­ file messatees for all parts of-the A’dilr Issue of .Inimnry'' 21th.' pub­ all new goodv, purohased for t be Holldsys. Tbl» Is a ssvlag worth -both schools w ill furnish .the' pro­ United States, Canada, Alaska, and dately dance around them In a circle. lished tlie mimes of Home eamll- gram, and - there will lie u room tlie Hawaiian Island* These will The climax comes when the- twirling dates for eloctlon to tlm lloatM «if whlle. Buy a peacil now for tlie boy or glrl gra’duste. :provided where tlie very iittlo ones bn transmitted freo of chartfti, The females, having reached a dlxsy speed, Education-1 ,. 41.00 Pencil...... '...... ; ...... (0a may be left under the care of a telephone, number is Cranford 1 wo« asked mill did sign their competent guurciiun. suddenly burst, scattering ten» of 1.50 " • -...... ;...... Mo ' 165-W and messages can tie tele­ thousands of emerald colored egga to petitions which are to he Hied witli 3.25 " ...... ;...... ;...... 4U6 ■ A meeting of Sir. George K.War- phoned in any evening from eight the District Clerk, tirnicr tlie law, 3.00 “ ...... ^....:....;...... Iso . to ten-thirty o’clock. be carried off . on the backs of the hut was not uski'd. Mud ill coiise- ■ ner's Sunday School class was held male* ' 3.50 " -...... -...... 210 ' at his home on Saturday last. Old- «luonce, did not sign any paper or . ■ 6.00. " ...... -...... 3.00- - papers endorsing tlie «‘atiiildney of cerg were elected for the coining Next Momliiy night will be the : io.oo " ...... :...... 6.00 year, after which refreshments How Thsy Qst In. any person. r annual meeting of tho Cranford . You published toy name as mi were served by Sirs. Warner. Those Mutual Building and Isian Nesocla- Many Europeans sad soim Chin««« -present were: Robert Thlesz. Jack have -taken advantage of s clause In endorser. In (lie Intorest of accu­ tion for the election of Directors racy, please correct tit«« error, pub APOLLO DRUG STORE Hutchinson, Hurry fluff,.Sydney do and uuditors. The terms of four the lmmlgrstloa restricUon set, which, Camp and Sir. Warner. "llshing .fill tills ” over my slKtiUtiire.’ Try tho Apollo Dslivary Service for Qulelt S«rviee, _ C*ll 344. directors, Messrs-. James W. Fergu­ provides that any person who has re-' Very truly yours-.- The aniAiol meeting of ¡the Echo son, . Kenyon Messlt-k, 8 . R.-Drocs- sided for a year In Mexico, Canada, HENRY W. WHIPPLE." ' TRÜBT BUIUDtNO ■ ^ Lake Country Club will lié held at dier. and C. E. Green expire and Ntfrfoundland, Cuba or Central or the Clubliouso. Important changes these will lie re-elected. Alinor South America, can eater the United changes In By-Laws are contem­ in By-Laws will be proposed at tills State* without reference to numerical ‘ A Dirty Trick. meeting. Haskins & -Sells, New plated. Tlie annual statement of quota* Within the last nine month* Science - may banish Pittsburgh York Accountants llave Just com­ tlie Association will lie ready for smoke, says a dispatch. - That would distribution .Monday nijflrt. «WOO “Mexicans" and 82,000 "Csnadl- pleted the annual audit of. the Club be a dirty trick on the Jokesml.ths. ... rCTRICAL CONTRACTING - —their report:showing ufliilrs to be At 7:3(1 Inst Friday evening, H.'F. sna' have croiaed the borders Into in excellent condition. , Mooney,, of Railway, was «¡riving tbs'United State* 0. L. JOÍ1N80N, Osrwood, N. 3. Mrs. Frank Burnham of North until from Eastmani street, toward avenue, East,. entortanied tlie 500 Walnut avenue, mid Frank Coffey, . . Ru»sisna OsftlnQ Fussy. . Expert. Service Oivea ln AB KlniU of Electrical Work Club yesterday. Four tables were of Cranford, was-driving north on The band of an export Arm hunted House Wiring and Fixtures- , at play and high scores were made Union'avenue,, when tlie cars col­ up his junior partner and complained: by Mrs. Streu, Mrs; Publlcover, Mrs. lided In tliemiddle of tlie railroad C. S. Voorliees and Mrs.. W. Ferree. Ksfog.. Ths front axle of Moon­ "Our correspondent In Russia, says . ' Light or. Power Installation ’ The next meeting-will lie held ut ey's i-rr was bent, also tho .left mud- test soap wrappers and cigarette cou­ the- (tome of Mrs. U. A. Smith, giiar«!, and the left .mudguard-and pon* are so longer going as money." . Wiring—Motor*—¡Brushes running board of Coffey's car were “8 *0 0 » to ' me. h# Is getting very Westfield. 0. L. JOHNSON, Osrwood, !£ J. „ Next Tuesday nlglit,r Felmiury 5, dumaged. Airs. Coffey, who was a fussy all ot s sadden,” snorted tbs passenger, was Imdly shaken up but Junior partner. “ What’e his kick!” is tlie «lato for public hearing■-op not otherwise Injured. .’ , Teluphonu'Westili'id -133 1 the budget, as advertised for “tlie “Being printed on paper, he claims post two week's. ECcry citizen . Tlie committee bavin charge of they lack intrinsic value." ’ the Charity Ball o f the V. i. A.. should be interested in this and “Aff right. Wefll ship tin tag*" study tlie budget as presented. If which will occur on Feb. 11th, ot Interested .enough come out to the the Casino, is composed of tlie fol­ meeting. ' , : lowing: ’Chairman. Airs. John-Low; Cheaper That Way,. Airs. Arnold Addoms, Airs. J. Ross A newl/rricfa woman, giving her first Rev. Roland L. I-uericli recently Bates, .Mrs. J. L. Christy. Mrs. returned from a trip to Washing- dinner party and anxious to make It a OTIS WRIGHT, Inc Abeel ("and* Airs. Robert Crane, succes*.was engaging the services of ton,i D* C. Mr. Lucrich attends«! Airs. F. St. John Richards. Airs." W. IF you do i not know how to tlie National Convention of the B. RutliraufT, "Airs. 0. Bollock Silk- « certain well-known linger. juofee meat you are perfect­ Anti-Saloon League of America. He man. Mrs. F. G. Sykes, Airs. Gilbert “My fee,” told the latter, "Is twelve reports it was the greatest conven­ Mead. Airs. Frank Young, Airs. Fritz guineas." ' ■ ly sáfe in purchasing foods at tion in Its long history in the fight Beineeke, Alrss. Frank Spfole, Mrs. “I agree to pay that," answered the this meat shop. They are against tlie saloon. He will give a Friend'd!. Gilpin. Tickets.may be , full report of tlie convention, at hostes* "but you understand that you trustworthy and will help you obtained from any member of tlie will not meet my guest* don’t you?" tlie-Service next Sunday evening. committee. : ' select the cut that best serves Azure Chapter, No. 87, O. E. S„ “Oh," came the qnlck reply, ' "then will hold a .’’clipping party" imme­ I will take eight" your mealtime. purpose. diately after the meeting, on Fri- ' The Oscillator. «lay, Feb. 1, at ten cents a clip. All There Is nothing more pitiable In the Put Polltsly. I R V I N G S i 332 North Avenue E., Cranford, N. J, members, othdr sisters and other world than an Irresolute man, oscillat­ He, was a polite man, and did not SANITARY MARKET* I friends are cordially invited. The ing between two feelings, Who could know: what to reply when Ms pretty [Chapter will hold Its annual enter- willingly unlle the two, and who does J ' / JTlanK-et P tcLct TeL 23 ' j tainment and dance ' on Tuesday partner asked If they had not met b* [ evening, Feb. 19th. In the Clio Club not'perceive that nothing can unite fore. He put his band to his forehead- - Cxc<: it o ru \ ¡ I rooms, in Roselle. Music will be them.—Goethe,- reflectively, ■ - • ; ' 4 UNIONAvt PHONES GOOD LUMBER ONLY [ furnished by Dunbaden's orchestra. “Yei,” he sold, “I thinkT bsve hsif — CHflfkUari ____ ; |Tickets may be had from any mem-' . Mexican Law. the pleasure—and you tha experience-* j her., of Azure Chapter. . Certain Mexicim states hove an in­ —Yorkshire Post. . : "liast Friday morning about 8:_15, teresting law affecting burglar».. Tht- I -Miss Vriglnla Stags', daughter of Phone Cranford 496 [M r* William Stagg. of 207 Nortli culprit In cases 'o f petty larceny Is [avenue. West, was struck by one mild»» to repay' thr* jdHintlff hy work | of Henry Bcrgner's autos, driven Ing for him so many day* tlie period W. A. PARKHURST [by John Ryan, while crossing North varying according to the nature of the Charles E. Dooley Est. [avenue. Just above her home. Ryan (heft. ' . . Iclalmed he was not driving too fast ' If |on account of tslushy condition of SAND and GRAVEL Care of- Books. ■ Funeral Director and Embalmer the road. Just how the accident - Use of Modem Funeral Chapel If Desired - occurred was not. clear, Miss Stagg A few drop# of oil of lavender sprin­ pa s taken to Dr. Gilpin's otflce for kled on the shelves of u Ixsikease that COBBLE STONES . CINDERS AND SOIL ' Folding Chairs and Card Tsblas IS Hire ; treatment and from there home. Is damp will help I-- prevent the hooks It was thought there was no ser­ from becoming moldy. I.eurber' bind­ • PROMPT DELIVERIES . - . 218 North Ave. W est, Cranford, N. J. ous Injury but of this there is not­ ings that have l-ei-ume moldy should get a certainty. Ryan was suin- be rubbed with a .«doth slightly moist­ Tr-Ii-niionp-i / ^ estfleid 1273-It. ■ ■ . . - Ladj Attendant _ . , — — — none«!e^for a hearnig a week from icitpiic-ne.s \ We»tfleld 611-M - P it-M ill Lane, nesr Eeho Lake onda ened with ammonia. --- -- V" . v . ■ ... .

f *. mA /r-\-

—--mii n is r ie '' t mli %a irtMiiriaWPi&íS». t—**"«*«-**»**'*«****.,»xt

j j ___-— • ▼ I Jti¡!n.f;'» ri ..’. 1 j * S howing Them How to Log D d d ^ S 1 j JJ- S. Navy Captain » The Dinner' V i : ; BiiiBibjrBepli»nt | Evenincr * Port 8»ld. K*ypt-^Xb« Am«. . % o«e*‘ :. r'r^trr/ * lean cralaar^Conccrd pot latb I ♦ ■ , ♦ .IP*,. a,.î for port here recently. • The Tes»i » * * * * * * } :- Î : .... F a ir f ale raa greeted with aalotca from J British and Egyptian au- « n / j r / c .♦ Br GRACE R OLIN J - ,V( , AJ f______. **. , thoritlea; The 'crew’s nines 5 ♦ J ,.«)!*<:.). • ■‘ * played \an; exhibition basetmii • ’ Jlïi. > THC^NOW SHOVCL9 % *! J game before 10,000 native «iic-- J . It.» Mif >«)« Ifllti ti« I I ^ 4, • - * tators. \ . ÏJM U - Mr* .TuiJfcJH» * u * !>ti . T h e t v n an«»« ahov^ l* wer# re ft lo t J Visitors were permitted on * J»n<1 J natives, who brought wlth them J M u lir . lo r » «JuUk.M<*f. -r.J th e y had 1»^ n J various gifts,, among thetp a ' «•»*t n i*N«k ftf MrtU-ir \lfe |p « d In Mo‘lr J baby elephant The captain, i l i i r >oufi^'»^t i , h * th«» r i u i r , ■ JUJ ifo r k h f ^ t w o t however, politely declined to V - ► Mori^ttfejiin t ,f ’ H«.w J U m » J onh'J«- boye, . hut they y r . v j , *{••! j *f cept the animal, explaining tlmt \ , H o n t r u i i )h*'toorninf Mr ’ :: i.,, ì » r ¡ ihr«, hud done their * the alien (juota o f the vessel was *' r if M f f r ! » ÎJJ* u'f:til ■ fp iiifH T M ‘»h are , i««o.. T lie y ; fun. -j . In w i . •(.;'• ...... M m i'lf tu t. •M.r lie d h**en atronis 0 ■ ■ • ' . * ; "l.u ? (Id » in ó ifU rc fcln* mj*« up i,t | M »} n and aleady und Iin Jf t U r M .f. Jon-!.- \ ì.r k i t . V ti. ! they liadnt ole I>m lu 'fM ’i/, f>j ikf-tj f i.ijr pt*-*, | Jtetcd ft» «hovel* M ini) for Mi#. m ! it,*- j ^ \ injt and tthovtllDtf Jail German Druggist : p ililo ! I) f 4.|| . t** fcld'Hfli, Iflot th e anew. . Vyho W on’t A ccep t Mark« *h» K out Mo :«•' i tl,.> M lw r i There had been i Uefl[n.—Six months In Jail and » «.Miunti» I .ou¡^<‘ B n f*. fiKp 'II-. an ejtiru fall of flne of 10,000,000,000,000 marks wa, I oVm im ), fi'ij t] H H it!.. wori'l«Ml fro v .li h‘*|h at ft.r ¿'ati-.rf. Jt,.j ; f .-'fri,-., 1 * .,» - ^ know the night the sentence. Imposed on a Frankfurt I . » f fn< «• ”«T hT lin « f . . t ' tu la w ith il.r io . |fe V * - .J a;.-*-«. ;:-v lin in g “ before and eiery- SiiUMlttel T. Dunn, left, director of the United Sta$ £ 5 forest northwest ex* druggllt for refusal to take paper ^ 1 rflh j ? ’ll.nr» wluit Th* Days Who th ln j; w h « ctiv* ; périment atlltlon,xtutJon, miim'ini,AmluTst, M;ih» u uuuund V.mimi'uo« Uhnacellor viimii'n('hurles VV.n, rittiL,FÎlnt, opuiuicSyrucuse i m v e red w lf h II. * 7 murk* In exchange for petroleum. He , I «nut Ir» Éiifin.. > , kt>nu ♦ !.« « «J U»ed Thom . univerNlty. were thus piiptogruplu-d showing them how to log in the Adiron- u n \ * w«IJ. rii*i!v iu.nua*or|. Mm| »111 N o one i onld ; «J.ii ks. The two enllege men went about. It like old-timers. told Ihe court he had to pay for the »In n lm iil ti» >oi| tell |¡« r,J» u l lufct MgM w»lk iihiiig ihe «ireef* iirilll the »now oil In some sort of stable money and * U r .* U k j * ;} 111 ni-lr.to It.ifn-rt |lr * .t ,i v.n% »hoveled, for it littii fallen In ■] conseqnently did not know how h» p i}' tlM 'tllio iif.) Hurt If VkfiB '« f it p;|«.* teni:« and gretit drlflf. Ami now that i (.-paid replenish his Btock If be sold fur h rr fiHUni f.iNj Hum. m k I » h r p/i!h<* w e re n.m«U* thh M iow Nhovel« ■ paper murk's, Itlirt u |M» n , ,*t] j | jj fc.,, wer»- h iiiln g h re a l. . , i t o Under the laws o f the republic pi­ * i i e u *1 hen, tie«, Ihe ho)a*Wlio |,iid been 1 J f.O lili.- II. I(.,(..•( I, fr.'iii í’.i» ! "Äl-'thrr, ■ *0 í*H?. i i per murks are legal tender and the Anil ilim jt'li t\\r fn o k n l |.UuM*iinf lull ualng them had gone«ff !«» acliool. j l l l f t r M r » Jtolaiji fa j R.vi Judge bad the druggist hustled oft m <'lti Ml if It, II M ruik iln firrt iluiiili, Mi’hm« . Ih»v tool he,-o J'-ft « g aln at ilw* b a rn Jail immediately, ekplalnlng that such f An hour «.? Jutf.f j*-r n -r ll <)l.| in«* ‘ s r ‘ up »mu#,.! i!,« fé*t!ir a 52 Air treatment of the dealer would have ’ "'Vi H, or ‘ n.iiru;.-, Mcir*^ «r lKt*Uv"»i\r.|roi( <, * . *1 th in k It !a ntee to *T>e a, sn o w good effect on other merchants and af­ ' ' l lf .M f t « 1 Mutui*-;" ■ (iiii'rr» f.the- ] Vfr\|J;irji» '1 ah(*»r!. Mid the find one. "Pw ould ford the public protection. ' ♦nr o.-' th eir • f*w '. fi.r _ g Mlmhitv ant iM'mtuM}, “Mini». « ntl «x Í.(.(W|(^ r h p fr—it* i>«* n fnn In the amnmev tinif, i hl'hfg lust summer. England’s airship rtifrrlrif fhe . •* HIM» 0»r um .H m t » fliirifi*. up now moi ' ... » . for I’tHUipI«', mid have to blow nbout Military Plan» to fcqual j program undoubtedly will be In- #• }«»ur;g «nil kh»kl * <‘*.1. In the hot nlr. ~ ‘ fluenced by American Initiative. The Peachet Grow in Winter liti’ !«, Knlinrl, nml U rti, !«►.». nrr lini it : l( H Strength of Other "It 1« *n imn'li nher to go through | Goldendate, Wush.—Juicy peaches M l tlJrlM ioM nl f*»r . Ju »i . »Oll . i,,.o», i ....X - - ' '":ni ‘" ” H* *' construction of your navy airship Wag I ilm ii «i.iml tl.nl | , „ i | " " >'V » r " ' '» " « • hey* Of,I, ««*ft, h n iu t lftll MHOW. 1 (k*flr- i Nation». a great engineering feat and the'ac­ picked from a tree In the garden or­ Imlirml (tini .turi* >i*.ti‘iilm hin- Ini. i . . i if'i'-yUt ’ fa-hfa»h*.| *1 »l^k.t^ « a . ft* ly l^e the «flow." . • i quisition of Oermnn' airship assistance chard on his farm In the Carp lake • ' lo tir «oii*-‘l N ew Y n r k .- "'new ilrltlsh mil* l« v n iliu if l c r«,ii*u ii oit Un- «Ir«'*» ip»* ■* t\irfi vh her f.*-» ’ '''' 1 1 ..«»«^ w ltlr you," aald the a business -Stroke which Is likely to district of the foothills of the Slmcoe tffF-M! . Imj: h U ,V y r -.J..w lln ll. . ' w * omj »now «hovel. TvV often • ^,,rj tt«*rumnitlniK progrmu contera* have far-reaching effect. - mountains, about seven miles north­ «««lliiM 1 ,rv »■ '■u k-n t <1„-H,in,l It would he t,! 1 ,l*(* «mllillng of Ilfty two squud- west of Goldebdnle, were displayed «i- lim p Ot i^ n llirr . . j i , "With regard to civil aviation, I be­ t ri*i» V a W r 4 Hr çfy be • nsliror. sod to U- put on « «tuve i r,'n, "« d'ndunes within-the next three here recently by Charlie Neal, pioneer luof«* lliiin m o . »tmuffl Imv, H,.nr ),„( lieve we ure ahead mf America, parUy, " T o lu ' v lilfuitw: I I ' - . - flatiron out In v'' ,lH'n'l,v i'biclng England homesteader of 'the Klickitat valley. Ilm | m*}« him- luti) moiViM, | h,|| i „ k.,.| , } ! i /.r¡ « ... at. old 11 no doubt, on account of the subsidies it»’, rik*i.f i*\ Mr. Nenl kuhl he expects to have mid­ . .níoiVfc1'""ÎT» Il la. H lm t with u» Mn.| rh«• i MÍV «.'.J i V i i the t.nrn once sod II talked to 111» 1 "" “lr,'nKll‘ 'vl"' ,1,H 11 [r fl,rc‘'8 the British government pays to opier- ( l(»*vif- f „ r „ r- i .' - V t ’ arid' f»hr me ho« I, u*c m n | intt gri tu} Imtiil» ! • rn* ft.) «¡Ole until ll waa good and Imi and believe In this policy f6r the purpose !h)> Hft.j fu r f f .if |,s TW lio ii pushed ha. anil | ltrltl«h «Ir tulnlstry, snld recently ut «•u h» g r -t- « Indie» f«»r |ùy*» lf, I I ' . w l * , n I.,,« wna k ! of fostering the growth of civil avia­ j «ill i.o»il*'f.»tariiîifi^ I f | die Itl|* t'nrlton hotel. Thl* program Importt Aroute *Britons k fin tv >ouTi* I h r »ntin- • -■III. !\ fo.-th oier damp (h.thoa until d muda ' tion ut the start." ‘ ... ' I London.—British hop grower; ure I S l.o II,..,„1 ,'| ' be'.' »ub.oih «lid warm, loo. | he salii, «uà upart from thè alr no mother I» »hit four* Intel I ni ■ n.-t Accompanied by Group, Captain M. working together to prevent the Impor­ * u.111' * «-lit« n* *• . —'Ibai would he a Job I wouldn't ; llvlllea of thè tlumlnlons and was un- ‘ amo wInti I m -lu t four | *ln«Vi wìint o. Christie, nlr attache at the British tation of hops. ’ It Is said that 000,(Km • 'Miri l ore lor al Idi ■ f der'ilie lieiiir ÌTf homo defense. lo Itili u ||1j ni) ilnnglitoi M. rompnii) - M, .1 embassy, the duke went to Mltchel hundredweight of foreign bops ruins thin,- I 1 'l'Io* iliik o m iId flint lirltnlu was not «rul limlher neter hit«' htJtiro). «rol ft,. oit.» piaf* ■ "Hut.our Work! Our work la plnyl” , . field where lie Inspected the planes. ■ngaged In n n y a e rin i n rn u iin e n t ra c e Into Uni country during the last three . Uat nielli, uhm lleii niel I rumo tu vr .- .aid ,be Ural anow »hovel, ! " f T ' " n" J' O ™ »"**« «><•*. I.leutenant A. J. (“Al") Williams, U. years, anil If this amount had. been ••au,l I, I . ,o en.r to work In good ! «Imply. eatnbllshlng an air force frulli Ihe theqlrr. ah,. m ;B Wjilflng for 8. N., holder of Ihe world speed record; grown locally It would have given em­ 1"'|. ...Id we,liber. In Ihe aunumT rl“mn»'iiS"nito with tho country'* need* U», lM|¿h| (liit of « dear nky It «unici1 Bohemian Parie Now greeted the visitor In behalf of the ployment to 40,000 men at 43 shilling* lime li I. different. I wouldn't hlnme .T'1 po*l,lon- ,U> «na certain that American aviators. ' , *’ 'I I'h o tie il j „ A im ir 111 it ht* lo n ljjh t,’ Only Memory of Past u week. . imi .ate f.„ being Inry In Ih» auinmer ",r" w*" * ■ Rrou,er Int*'""“ Ml the • h r (o h! u t, *Hnt| c lic I» !<« « *>tuc o u t 1 rQtltt!t*nt()jyi i«.v* rTv nml *;« lime. * " mm*r ! Grilles England was taking In the de- unit licijii up niter tllniicr. I will pr^.“ bruiti in haft*!. S*. Ubili* If 1« pRi.,}.!*». • If anyone rsme in me and **!,!• 11V,''|H‘"“*0' " f b'vll aviation, disclosing pm^ If, hut ufli-r timi 1 mlnhi. want tl I* n«u mirpruln^ ft. U*rn lh.fi ft - ‘Mo and-Kn la ver» laay,* I would at i 'Ht. » " " » ‘ ««''s program had been lo m eet th e KMCNta/ ..... * . ' * worked out tondini; toward the open­ oImoo1' r . ‘. « '- '.'i-'- d In the jó n rra a k . -Wla.« " ‘Hut, inoltirr/ I eiplultiml, 'Annie ing of commercial route« from London Sea Is Once llla k e nakn tw o «Pittori» fo r th e . a fte r II da Vlh* r . * m * , “ ' ' r Í " , f ' "'I 1 " »'»«•.hi' til. to leading cl ilea of comtnentnl Europs '»Ill li LI ?*; '■ ’’ h'.je'd : aununer time l‘d ,h«\, my. head If I noon mnl cicnJOif.'iitiiPiac reullr vnn't , «"”• drdr.e.1, bring». !.. ndnd ihe had a head. Aa I haven'«' I’ll merely and to Cairo, Egypt. England re­ afToril II. Voti,i|om'| liave to i'leao 110. gards flying as essential itd comraerce m T T o * 1 n,il, -r >r M/oeak * 'dille and 1 , Would nay ii i nilidirr; ir yoti ll J . aiuek Ito* .ilLlii-a d.i. In he I.., ae„o„„,„, “ -Erio.o|. that l.„-t Ialino»*. That as shipping, be added. Waiiile aio) I «III do tbelli nld'ii iwvi)- ,, I hi« ilm itg c ¿»ay > « ..eu*r«-MMs1 mr>«i : I» tn crely jm Uural,* Firms to Oat Subsidy. 1««|> lisa gotte ‘ lini ,|„, ,^,„k hl,r brli'llr 1.1 y d n *: ih., ,i,. ( I-Xu* «',. e .„ work with-, rlur ,„d The duke sal» Hue In ^ the »«»••• ment whereby three of ,ths leading j tion» in Days of cities began to spring np on Its shores ■ ad wlial e,MI 1,1 Iteri and I »ny-r’ h.rd UP. bin no, o. oM. t vney j mer .he air„1. of î w eomuierclal air companies, which had ‘ the Roman«. tho sobriquet was changed to Ruxlnus, «laudo l.uula* algliod hoavlij. combined, would receive a government meaning friendly to strangers, and un­ '■It a thè la«t "atraa,'' «lio aallrd lB‘ , h e , r V* *n J K t«» a «nnw «hovel. |t |#n-t of -,- llniiritlmc.ibelr «^ * enrrt. ¡n.itir «,on«euueiu,c~^ • ^ subsidy, touting { 1,000,000. This sub­ Waahlngton. D. «.—"History, the der that name, the Euxlne, It has flg- hilaeraldy. ’’Tlial moau. ituit ahe'll sidy would be extended, over a ten- great repeuter, Is again functioning ureif In history and mythology for cen­ < alpe. righi In wiioro ita' tight. year period when he behaved the lines turies »«fiyhtaly oa'n aoo d,*t fadiil „1,1 n| according to maxim, for the Black sea, ESÏ.S îrS cs?-r«■ would be self-sustaining. on which a message reports a blood- The waters of the Black sea are paia and timi Ihrrudhnir la.e, „ u,l w«'nlih 1« ih* incthaM* \t f• • : t n / ‘ tovyou ftnü "The purpose of my visit,” he said, unique nmong oceans and seas of ths Mlk nhoul Tom " tinpp* II ,Tt¿ t , ; :y\ >? *t makes and-thunder attack recently took "It to study, as undersecretary of pluce, wns the scene of piratical opera­ earth ; Indeed, the Euxlne may almost "Ever almo limi Iter Tom rati axny,-' I luán « „r..» Z J I :' ^ v T r;- ¡ *'••* Kh «»'« »« 1*«, state for air, the manner In which the lloiis at varlousjjtfmes from the days be said to be sinister. Its depths bps added l.nl.ol alooinlly,"m„tiH«r l.aa ft'uml eia«l In p i tures«]ij/ ^ T\ * ' T.1**» “ntl <>f ^ M*n Winter sail United Staten has undertaken the de­ of the Itoman^jl through the Middle lifeless, and higher forms o f-life do aerini0,1 all sort. of t|iio itili,a, aheiit »holding «loir .r., ‘ ; ,,f • 1 ,h* * r” p u »"* velopment o f flying by establishing not exist below 000 feet, it has a «din, uiid ulrod ber vlewa.to óiory uian, Ages and down <|o the Nineteenth cen­ .h e „ a l w ™ : ' X X ! Z Z T ' : . T " '*"» ,b* winter .lr personal contact with the government tury," suys a bulletin of National Geo­ strong Burface current toward the Bo«- »ótiiau and eiilUI tu io«o •' ' air service and the Industry through »"‘o-iol-iv l-ri. .onAe. n..: " t " ‘ « « * - « graphic society of Washington, D. 0 . porus, j and an undercurrent flowing "And eteri noe kip.n» timt l'oniran the Aeronautical Chamber of Com­ ‘¡Though the Black sea has few ad« from, the Aegean and the Sea o f Mar­ àwa.v lo atolli ttm ijmlt, ami they all merce. While»] I have yet, of course, loiifM» lia 'o il r iM ld iL m .'T M h e ^ en ' f ‘T f d * **°W *l,0Vrt W nMt*» vantages for pirates, such as sata har- morn. to the east.' The latter Is heavy «sugli al hor bollimi ber loo k."' (ridi " I n r i le , „ „ ,.„ 1 .;,rj,„ H.„ n Mir i *"* ^*‘ «"11 of energy and happiness. to farm my 'definite „opinion*, it would Mando lo.iil.o "Uh dear!' I Ihlnk ir . hors and hidden recesses among small and saline. Though Ihe Dnieper, m s appear that the American aircraft In- rei. .Itod.dphe, * s, h.'inarii ¡m l i\.'|\ne : .. ' . ,0‘,, ,,f »•«*<• wbo'va Islands, Ih Its . waters was built, and Dniester. Bug, Don, and Danube river*, Ino Iwd wlieti « o ve luiliod Mr» Ju,iK,. that b)p,rph,»ie»i ,,bd„v,..| , r ' ,h*» •»*«»> •« "ben the «rat snow 'duatry... had - . registered astounding from Constantinople ut lls outlet was from , and the Knbaw Tchoruk. Iladdoii and »Ir. Ilutn. and Id. «Ite. l«"ird the.u»ei„i h.;,, ' ' , . i j*'u* l" l‘” r *•** »now «bevala, pen achievements, unaided by subsidy. Id a o d w c io gol evertlliln» àiraugeil- operated, one of the most powerful Sakaria. Yeshlr Irmak, and Klxil Kl- developing alrgkaft performance to the mak from Asia have been pouring their »hvlj." * ! ">'« 'heir reape. table* ,,?> 1 f ' " orkln«. working. Working end that moat of the world records pirate fleets known to history. When ?? fresl. waters Into it, that mighty un­ If 1 hnd ilioughl far ono mlmno York M,.,Id ‘ *Nfw ! '*>• >»*>P of boye end men and •re now held by the’ United Staten the greut Sultan Sulelmnn the Magnifi­ : girla, too. : dercurrent Is responsible for the near- nwlhrr had ready waliled'i» d.ino." "England looks upon flying !aa an eco­ cent wanted to acquire Dominant pow­ ‘T - pet., egnt of salt found- ln ths aald Mabol liaaliall). -| wpuld h.va 'Tliey’va said the nnnnd we make nomic contribution os essential to er In the eastern basin Of the Mediter­ waters of the Black sea. At great gone «Ilboni my new aliplM.r. , 0ll Spicet Were Worth elearlng the, walka, squeaking with commerce as shipping. Aviation ranean. he sent for Khalr-ed-dln. the Joy, waa ao pleat- depths Ihg, salinity reaches 2.25 per fUed • or tip aomrlhln» li.Ir dnoiu - Should not be regarded as s menace. younger Barburossa, V i o was the tri- Their Weight in Gold ant to hear In tha . • •. w™. ■» ■ menace, umphant i eent. , "Auil «oiildnd l havo a. aedi" |,U| o " 1:' ! 0' ‘UaM" of l»* western Med crisp, citar at lib jo be curbed. Aviation ended Eng- Iterranean In ber al.ier ;_"»oulllu t I Imi» lo| ||,i Ihe' uniallrln« n.vor ,,rÿ piquant hinds Inaularlty. Çngland 1* now a, " erran,,',0 - A Biological flurmlse. nata. .. ’ V * ---Y^iaau now as ■'»'* «d» sa.h and llu.lrr'a new ledei guadile. ..f , „ , d r , h , m rauch « part of jctatlmratal Europe aa *i^h,n Turk®>' R“ l«d ths Sean “One biologist believes that when aulì «all ibai .he mlgtil Ime beeii pie »..iikhi . after; from "And| oh dear, France or Germany. England's effort "hen the notorious old sea dog during geologic ages, the union o f ih. tt'doea rejoice.ma •enlnldel l've neier imiwn inoii.er 1,. ' "'«»‘■•nd. ami an adjunct to rUlil- I» to develop commercial flying, and trirk i“ ,llh1‘ Wlth hla B«rbary fle^t Black sea with the Aegean took placr. aei *0." Mande'. e.vea lllled «uh | „r, ra d o n .1 all jve-rf'.oä« to think that at »BÇ same time provide for Its sir tricked out In all Its flags and pen- tjie great rush of salt water through "I » ahe’ll teli >jr. ||,d,|oa In Ihe earl> davi of hl.iory apirea •e're itksd. too. offenses In proportion to the slxe and njmtB. the greatest of the Ottoman em- the Bosporus Into the Black sea killed fo r It la a nice and Mr». Iluma ber late« al.out T.si. “7 ‘hat ,hls '‘«»vou. b^y the fauna In Its waters, «nd produce! ■d'frr.'l"rlh Wul,,“‘ •"“ « owing to iking to ha a Importance of the British Empire The thal Ile nilglit ha ilio l ukno«n lieto , 11,0 dii!,,'idi» of ubialolag them and WM r*. Ah0" *f,twhl|e red beard Jhe sulphuretted hydrn/en which ev soow ahovel, -“m l'f^ * ,pe,l,lon ,n *"• air thè» lald...... |i> re i...... « uh hunor. " J ll,*h ,Ni%t «*f trsn«porl*tkm . which Englauu entertains la com­ which had glveq him hi* name waa ists In great qnaDtltlyffcelow the 100- “Often 1 thank mercial compétition. now white possessed Just the qualities fathom line. The wgters that stand •Burt »by." a»ké.l laabel. ",|„è, " h,,n ' Al,rl-’ «*»lh oenquefed ■y Jucky atara wast 1» be win. u,i K>rr • , ln(.> " home In 4lu A U.- « h» ... a.kedaearxi h„p» «■ ran nQ- lnUre.t,(| In V. g. Mall PUn§t_ of leadership which he desired In , ^ in the great depression of th e'floor. y the sinking of th. . The »»cel old fa',,, n >of rVeiiice at It» helgbl traded In «id.»-» , cold surface upon the denser lo- ibe amount at *VO.Onii,iXAI annu.b or .fnvnacea or teakettle* 0r coffee- numereu. Island f,b' eray curl* amllril radiaini.- ; tn,| pou or brillier* or any *uch article»I , lfi?«nd It vied with Portugal In se­ * “ »*« of straits imd8imetif |n Hon o r s ne“ ' b' « «nd!- luy dear», the table l.-ik, bc,f,mful Tve heard of people who were .¡ld Jlon confines most of. the circulation "Mother,” l«al.el.„h. curing cargoea from Yar Ea*tero porta. 17,182 Deaths From hiatCM,Ihr ” ulJ,esc»I>e from pursuit, Colutnbua waa hound tor the »;d,V» óf t h*' ,h' Jr » e li wird Ju*t as the Host Indies r.t'd the wink. The *° ,be ” PP*r portion"! fill "vou illdni foil,,,. HIIU of, thewe who were glad they weren't ZSLS* * f Te* ">« «reater depth, ..Irt-fawlilonedcunim, ,.f „.,|lni H , or tha Ea»l. ,wheo he ebaoced .u»,a 'i t ,, D*Bhetes in Year Wa»!.lugioU. - Death, train ftr^b l^ 0d* oi ‘^ Camb^rSid •ndtatnihed, at a more or less nnlforo for rn uninvited gu. n ' p « à new continent, and Vasco da Gsma. for the buccaneers of the Seventeenth ...... v>a! ^ m’rh «vendeur' they could never dlafcetea showed, a coAilder^j“ cenrtir, in America. aU U rZ g h T e S f ’ *Dd ^ ,ro” ««r dr* .laic, and lw«lde»; I fu(or, f • Increase last year, n w ,, of. ox« « n upon which ¿.h td hta (soot Important voyage* to W of ,h* #,i*« »Impie. Joli» ^Mediterranean lay mosl of thb „,.7® . Just tha number of i.ln.,-s V„„ Uiltn., by census bureau statlstW other marine life would depend" did you ttjoMirri" - ' a cargo o f pepper, rlaaamoo anj ¿n ! -ivS, i-o, , , ‘ lidted trade routes of tV world. There were 17.18? dea‘ h, f '^ -Yea." anawemi ibe ii,|ir- qld . d kvr from India. . I 1 a-o- 1 ^ r!lo!,»rl? glad or «bat - But the Black sea itfLif *%, . gemly. "I did." r The Dutch »Ucceeiied the p,vtu-oe«»l ÍÍÍ,. \ I d abeles In 192?. compared whk offered them- few of th£ l*i ou**1 Hart by Mob; Given SI ..... ------*«■ -id », w ; 14,9 ,1 3 In it c i and l«ioa? m Vklolber." Maude I m;Ur ln,„ In, the sepremacy of trade m »piccv the, desired, w ." an e x l n f l t ^ 8” f ort Scott, Kanl—The Jury |n ;h« lat 'r to hav* It Knap-ped fr—n i>„,- l" '''e reglstrallon ^ J nation Itself. "h,.w cum X„u lake base from which to opftte ’„H°T In the Slttetoth tvaiury b. the )>,r *~'*as i a , „ wur hualmnda money U,?r , paying for shores were skirted with I m hera 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . pqtlulatlonV la,,. j ? * r ll. 1 mun reset Ibe i.Kie, and ple«»e, with few ways of «¿¿cT ,' i, °,antoH Plaintiff^, formerly mayor o f Libert'. , End of Troubles conii>*red with l&s In 1 9 0 1 mother, don't «¡ir autt'hlng about Torn The buccaneers of the ^ nr- k^ ^ damageaforsieH Mr, Hoot,,, fn & m i n 1921 and —I imual ln»l. | on ^1,11. And If you 1 0 . 1 injuria recelved^ttjLhe hands of a me* a ,, „nee » i^o u Mr!¡ ' alt near the end cf ihe table, the light !Sew Hampshire had the h lg h ^ ‘ * year ago. ' ' he » St the c,... Cf M«. ,r.wi».jr,'- * o1j ------...... _tsWt »o siroc* aod four drew, won't ‘ ■'OU»« »»d «. w«:!"Crow ja te , with 3 i.i per lGti.OGO poDU t«k, thMo on Ihilr rtonlOm w 2 ',, datlon, and Mississippi , mountslns nut __ ■ 10,0 the • *«w»w no ao—* / ' ■ • . • Y#| r ,j ïîMrty Jfir» ** t¡m»' ch. • mounuinswut of the. 1 way ^ ,he , K ™ j * * * ^ * n D iv o r c e nrx>a¿ ytsdî . : ©r w# yt u* «jn'inur Uttt. hffa'jtijy « I i With 7 A . K 10,t' . * . ' i . • -T h . . ^ !TC* ,t* »im a 1 ^i r f, 00' The court gr.ai- » « » K îiw a tt ^Aien.» r Greel£ na,:5»,ora dubbed I hh. iIna*e>man • dlTorce after " ' “ MDiBg unfriendly mjni’ wrmB i f t î ’- P

.’■n r A M D '

F4 « ' V r ? r e r A irpU neV iew of G reat A mawem ent Park H re Tampico I&a Prize in the Struggle in Mexico it * T ta Amer- « Wfrt pot lutò * f. • The vesjel J • Miotto iront * Egyptian au- | icrew** nines #••- tlon baseball J ) native spt*-- i

permitted nn • Advantage ut J many u( tu« » lUt wlth them ! ion* the«^ » ; The captain,^ lecllned to V - cplalnlng that he vessel was

n r if - Iggilt - ecept Mark» i In jail and a 000 marks was ■ Mexican, revolmfwitau are reporto.i to be rltwliu: In on Timiplro* umt their itMrinpti.*t| Hmkitilt* of ttit* lm|w>rtmit on a Frankfurt pnrtrTma been iirut^aïe«! by the Cultvil j&uttfe BOVjemmrnt. hmue Hit* miuvIumim* und rullr»ml jtir»K of Tamilico to take paper •re fclionn In the photograph. /-■ • petroleum, lie Till« remarkable view of the contlngtutlon that destroyed thvj famous amusement »one of Ocean l'ark. Cal, to pay for tke bken from an nlrtrlane. The total loss from the Are Is estimated at *4.000.000, , able money and know how tie I Bryspi’s Sunday School Class in Miami Is Large ck If be sold tor Scene During Elevation of Cardinals in Vatican the republic p.v | tender and the TUIs Interesting jihotoyrmpir'WRs ink­ it hustled off to j en In tho Thill of UvntiflViition In Hi* lining that such [ Vatican during the ceremonies tit tend« |er would have) ant on the elevation to the curUluulcy erchants and at- of Mgrs. G.ttlll umt Lucldl. tlon. ’ . in Winter -Juicy peaches I the garden or- the Carp lake of the Slmcoe n nilles north- ,vere displayed 1 e Neal, pioneer llckltat valley, j a to have raid- le tree soon. •Britons grower? are | rent the Impor- WIIIMin J. Tlrynn li hero nliown mldirNsIng his luminine Nundiiy Helmut «‘Inwn, which lutin» public nurk of 1.1 that 00 0,0 0 111 Mlnni). Kin. - « . ’ * gn bops came I the last threej • \ . ___ ntnt had- been| [ NOVELTY IN STOCKINGS LUCKY JEAN TOLLEY / iave given cm- Indiana Girl Is a Plucky Farmer Meeting of the East and the West ut da shillings I m — ^ ée a sss s r itn im m m a 1 „X

• îï M V A « ■ i j v r . \\" ¡1 R ' i # i ft-

mall Grecian■ '■ I L on Its shoreal d to RuxtuusJ gers, and un-| le, It haa flg- jlogy for cen-

lack aea are! seas of the! may almost! a depths nrel a o f .life do| . i t has nrd the Bos-1 rent flowing! Sea of Mar-1 tter Is henry! i . (-K ! / i he Dnieper, I tnube rivers. I any Tchoruk.l ad Klzll Kl-I Miss Velma llulett, fourteen years old, of Warrick county, Indiana, has h 1 r * M i - waring their I been nominated ns the Central West's pluckiest girl agriculturist by the Cen­ tral Stutes"l’nrmlng-association. Miss ilulett Ims been keeping up her school Jean Tolley, furtner inmlid, now a mighty un-1 iimlUm plelure m'ire*», Ìm* ^ust nr- work and at' the same time running a 20-acre farm, plowing, planting and har­ or the near! rlved huck In New York frolli Nit*»«u. mnd In thel vesting, raising pigs and raring for the cuttle, mures and other stock. It In­ Miss llortense O’Brien of Bolly- formally and officially reported Hint while breaking pen-ground last-spring wheru whilo dolng- kiiiji*' dlvlng *ci*nes . At great I for motlon pietóro*. «he dlseovnred es 2.23 perl jr.

rater, lW.-l pas several! i p €►* l cold layp'l ¡5 and Ml ting of thsl the denser! h a eondi-l

epth'l Iforol clriV-l t.aiwr

V V In ;h>| ignincl ght Jf I Jane Martin, firsl woman >ice presl- glvUul pnt of_the Advertising Clubs of the TUI Forld, who claims that a woman can Mary V. King, a Boston nurse feel­ IbertJ.I ** young at< fifty. It Is simply a state m ------":?m e s to “ ■■ r mind. When a wnmatj can adjust w ¿g $ M > _ ing that It Is tliirurTbr a woman to lie illegal mnydr, haa' nunounced herself ns a a nu*v kr mind to ne«r>xperlences. be able ~ ' a. I i change her viewpoint, find absorb, Almve Ik pictured Max Klansky, o f Old Colony,sQunre. Brockton, Mass, who / Above ore shown the-S-47, the last word Iff undersea fighting craft, a* she candidate- for the executive fs**itlon ssimllatc. and jlTvwAiack to the social w'lil'continue to. drive hlsjupk cart until he gets accustomed to great wealth/ A left the nays of the Electric Boat company's For« river plant at Quincy, Mass, In the election of 1025. Hhu ntys she ' the traits thntf^ruake for richer second cousin (,f - his died In England recently, leaving a fortune amounting to knd Mrs*Morris Gilmore, wife o f Commander Gilmore. ,who used spring would close the dnnee hnll* at lO^ft» ylng—tUbn'’ she Is young regardless -eighty-eight million dollars. Klansky has, filed clalzn-to-s-sbara o f this vast water. In >christening It. This new United States submarine has a cruising p. m , -would cut out.-lhe 'graft and radios of 8,000 miles at one filling, s surface speed of 14 knots shirt a submerged * her age. . \ ...... estate. would have u censor at every inovls •peed of .l i knots. .J - , : house -during every perforuiapce, ' \ «’/ ■ ll a w

irh. täimkm


CHRONICLE, THURSDAY j X n ü a R V 3 1 , T. . ...r|5£jBgp( MUE

. T o k n o w _ ,TH* POSTAL QUESTION now pood ■ cigarette ri«- Utr*i po«!«) nnploTv*'*'* ,-J INDIAN VALUED THE BUFFALO1 • ^ 0 SBT ^ ,n f l ° v °■ !is-bt ^ ük k''>w‘-- really can be mad UJUf-Jj in fh<* projjTf***es* (ij,,f; , ' ------• V-.I.5, i nuliI'iuli 11,1 ii,..’,. • i?î v u a ii «'.un­ .i>rirj you m ust try a !?* L?.,, 1r i*¡*tlon ** fit in¡til I That T h « Animal &*pp-<*4 Sugg'iad lb«Uva M R#rf M»«'ni Ma« >.! .-t Inter»-*! Inter»-*!¡.''i.' wg ■•«.».-f r :i*-’ -»-a- ru.';*- I'll I.' ’ “ n H H. m i ?»'< W *'; Aim«, £ ««rjrthmg TKat - -Ill.jlft u s­ lint IMI. Tiw»». I«(, 1,111, bar«* • M. N .«Ja I- ili. p la n « ;,L(-r-- n»‘.v «<-Tl Inllrxlii,«! ,,M. , Ha N.almt ,> ! llke.'l th*' •ui*rk« l***t*J * ín¡ilo>« ^ Ut a iHjiMi! „ ^ ."i". althnu/l. t A U lliat’ * ‘*mui Inin,. miiMjiiali-l)' • V«nj G+n. Rlrli*T4 Jr.;*;.*O.lt*! :t f| .i... Mar"'»:. t iiiithv.ri i-e»«*at<- ¡i,i t|„. diaiai ii , <4 M-n i, / j fiU!*» army, în' I.1-; .¿»r>rk f_*n. IL* hif ¡ M r- H. If t‘ ju'ii Uf-r*r •■ 'iwrlMl i,| ili, tu. «mi, tiM( «.in f Au,»ti,.n, it u alni,»! iif. - r4 "il. («„ m. tl.,- i-« u l M-rtlf,. t„ !,,m.jü,„ ii,|p~^:, , ..,.ii»d | , . in" .»«tig- " -»• : .».» of ■ -t. i..- • *_/]«!• fr.Th'f» ll" !i • » :.r,'sry. I1..41 -« M iat*.» , i, tu (4 in,., -jiaj «, pay 1 '■ f '* . - 11 ••...... biro »Hb ’ ' , t»L XXVI. - ' J-■- ..J . ii-rrytl¡íi.¿.'‘ r,* ' a » I ISCK. ,\t in.....,,! 1 «h¡II, ,| ,lf j *yvtt*n*iit - ail»,,.* • *>-«; ■V> l i» ni.-H •I ;» :i ‘. V I I,');,. . t”1'1» Ur hr',,!- ” " 1 i < ?¡i«iiulííi. j I,nur. T|,|, alia i i,,« ¡ " I ’.irrj 'j,latri, • firmly ‘ I.-«» ‘ j , . *.i !mt i'nir.f■- ■ **r* *•»! : \f.. ■ i i ' \fi»'ir, ..._ sk$' ,STRIKE 11.. . m r,'< ,4 II,... m „k ill,,I |^„,;..t, ; |0 ICTjra^HEEj : a ro'uifr/ ctj i • > •!if ,-.:i to ìli-, .'i'-ft'S! ” IT‘STOASTED“ , ' M l", »„I, lia i , l „ ,[„• >..,(ir |,, «I ■ « ìi» 2i ;■ ? {•.»;»* ' ’<»: The Best thp Market Affords u j * ■ II.Ul 4eni»iirl, _(l,«|_r:»,|,. ,4 f i l " ,. ; . . r j aprirs \l» ; } ‘ UK. - ■ >!':,{ 11,11 u lìl IV . . Ì > I _ i . , ku I 'UhiuIüíuU^- I rnrr »"ill iif,rfth»t'’lli.'' iatoi’.-f i «»»rn.ai' tm-i fi-m a .[.«•i-».Mill r/ilj» flit.!;v ttj from Cranford aad Oar- * *f 'ijM ’ Jini*- ja nhilMut C ** °ut ' ‘ ni .\fjj-Ia;;;*' l an'Invv» .rtf„8 Crtt°U *• M ,,t la PrasSy. tlí*i hj<»m i -ITm íí nt jMi-idl Mi,rL. f oprtiins iji íhr /r¿í. 0 nf {tie . iti nf r-ìlii » im.nj yif('»> Jr:ir‘' «U à Church Woxt T hursd« in I*-int <4 |.aj Tl,'.- .kill,,I ÏJapu K*ïaip)3o, «r Ÿ’.ain oí STRICTLY FRESH EGGSX I,»ni,. . i,,«.,,i, (ml,4 , 1 i,, , • ■ rifa' ff-níj!, \\ [»■!- ‘RJCfíy Stinlr fír»«1 r rt vt.d '«rr«*. tÏj ^fl iSf.r, nf Un-nM,j. Dr Wú, 0rtffl,h Adopt» Efl.ctlr, I- f , ,-nl ,, 4 ii, ■ Coniblnallriù In HI» L u i F bolk I, '■ m, ni fumi lift. III..' I,, « i, i , ' '.b# {iai1 netor \\,+ • U Í/M nf til*.' . n«J»» nf; FVi.fj|2r'iv{f/t»tl fhje mH;,:,* ■ In. I.riinii'f l,|. ,,|,,,1,,,,1‘a, tlIn ) Mill r. fot ihn tii/iefnnf ti*|if»ljr uf for l.",,l",l| „» •(•,„. U|„ „ , |(UM. ' ») íl„ . „ i" a*lili,«. In il,,, hin 3T PAULS M. E CHURCH tí»** I>iwt*Trr rfT'klr*»«!/ fin* v D W. Ç. Ramsey, Pastor j J. F. Ooremus " , ,l"l,l‘l)> >„1,4,'In. ,| n Ii„i4 M s, riatti, M en tii I,il- Him,. iM,| .,tl ,,| |,M>. nu,I Ili,. i|,u>,|,., „) ili,il III,- I,?, ., m »1,'u*iiiiurr, «„|„r> truin liristi «ÌMUglj'i-r, fil«.-) n o r - iiip at i 1' r». M üu iay T'it. rn.Iimtv When om V" [«l«y. ,'!, „ I i.li,in <1 M.'„i, !.. Im i, j f" |„| ,,,,, i at .¡rht H > ,,t tlm fimrTj- kl I. |, filin i ,, I I,, Sin, Mu l i, \il,„ imimii. Min, I, u « j,„i ri«,ij,-.t „ml I Iai»t_ «AW h|ju thr ulfj finin ,»* î * . ' ••,_ti f I‘J n’rin rk . GROCER K'liirr,. t„ il,i iiiiiiiii, l.urii,,,, ult, • 'i,, timi ull^vtlii, ii-nli/«-' ri,,- i «•Irntlii* tu nan*r In !M*'h*.j|t»ft „•„! Kl*.m:. Ht l.njl^Ui- ,|f\t.î !n]iai Iil* **t- i S Ä J ^ Ä ìfgrSL W » «" M'MI, „| „ ,I)M „ 4 I l»-lr. M„ik -M ill nei«)- 1 'i,m,>,,... fearr.1 t|Uî tl»*î 'Iîj-J fio'i: 1,«^ ^|„jt | ,n :.\\ I» in. . ' PHONE Eastman Stiebt OI 12 to ¿3 Inclusive are urged Mlill »,,,.I r,t. h |„ ,, -I". uni "(in. t.. . . th* i-nirwmw. .¿d f|,at-,[»!■ trlb« imut I J-';-' Hit a nr-fil jî. a t ' (ni t ,.iil I, „I I,Ifl, .tulli,I, 1 |i, i I li I -1 ¡'"•'K I , . | i i | i | , i an lu,r$rr.-.,irt. •farvo ,'’ ' • ■ Il ir un \\ t'ilin;-ilny 23% iii'-tlnt' . Tl,,.. I„,,:r i tu 11,. I( II,,- «Ir Ite«- i Iti-liin li.yal l.i iiu i, 'a’- in !♦*♦*{ 11 /j■ “ inuiu uV tin* and North Avenue lllloliyll „II III. M«!„|,:( I, «•»»fiiiiiii.nl. il„ v Mill i„.| r,..„rt • 1 . 'rii'1 iir-l half hour i- il*- flii- 1,1.1 li,„| ,,„1 t|„. Inn,In». 11,. I „ . 11,,- »-111 nil,-, il, HIS TESTIMONIAL TO HOTEL ■i in hr.ayoi- tirai {ira,su -*-rvi**«* lm i „ l „ i IrK-H tul, « „ ,M|. nImif i i,,; ‘. ni illu n i. ,4 tli," ‘.\,,if"fi'i,|, j■ 1 -,, 1,J, " m- fi-iijahjiiul ItTiì'o in a -naiv •ll-lnln „ml i|,j:i, „|„ ,4 |„ , ■I li„' Í),;, I lii-j; ,.||,|,|„J,'.,.. ^---•^Vorhr 1 praaaad Hlm. ■ 11 nfì t hly " lin t t il i ir ià-F Mun.Jtiy i, ,''!.'in V“ '11" " >'mmS J'.iinlNii, i, NEED NEW CL0 TIIE8 . . : nc at 11M* hniiif t.f W T. Nick. UiM l*t; X't'lv i»H li,f. 1,.«»,. »i'. , Il I- „llllli.t lllll" lue M" ii|,ll|"|, . In.prarloui y„u.'fln,ltb b«d ."¿' Vi» It " í11, i1"* 1',1 » Roselle, ttoseiln P.«»T ’ir . ' II- halli .„ir In.i y,„ro ¡,„,4 Beauty and Hair Shop ñtMÍ fuit pit (Vr* ,',i- „1,4 J.Ioti „¿im i, t|„. SuriiiK / ' ./ m . «*• , .. . - * it. lo u n r Peoples’ Division nè I'"""II,I" lm (till I,',- i,., ,.||,,,| rimi .Stimim i «, «./ii„ || |„ M, nim li «««.** ¡,.,;.|„l Mtr,."!, 'fiorii : lu „W„,V Vmitr >tU Smtmiun */ //. Spin, X m V.rA> foremost Hair Sprcialut— Atjgvat. EsUklitktd Years ,|i.Mn'I. , '«priai,,,----|H'llllir .,> anil ,„.,',¡,1,., "'.It,11 ,, , |„ a,.» /' tArly O'I'I „mi nkmm m m Um,. »WÄy ln Ai you rar. ira*««. ‘ - • " • 40 - II iìk rt iu u try li» Un» l i t tnjtli IT ' ‘*à »' » 'ív to <;ti)ny ou> rlntln- •»ni If .you art not a habitual A nan.!' . Worthy Ambition ofirrlliA.*.» Iffrin«,■remullí« fnmlTitf 1..i». il»,,|j„ is....« ...... Ittpflin(Ilf (iiUìl»| natntti H»Ímti Ih»* im , - . - ...... OuVrant« ? 00 Penainent Wave S20.00, with 6 Month Written niillilay m»kar,'tbc i hargva al Iba b„i.,|' Mmi-m b-n-uMi ,4 •-ii-M , iin.-miiinnble j ii mii ...... 'I” 'l"iiilny .—’»* „ " i nuil »nil 'ñu nu-Miiiiy . Mitny ' I II 11 ( H U O .. «III,-i l* •| , .11«,. • T|„!'------j «»f» **ry_hlfb------in------cou,pari»on will, M",Kill»' ■ ,111,1 lii.iv ,-V"n I,,- ;l ¡„„ifivd ! Undetectable Hiir Goods, 52.50 Up. . • __ , ~ ~ , 'y t F M ’r ' ’' !V " ll" ’1 AffUta. I, ,, r" • """''Uli„I »bat he In tha hnl.lt ,4 nayin.. in ."ìMllly t„ ll," h,-lii ,,Ji:;i| :1„,| , ’ IiTh^ÎJr>Hl' ri.D^eoI | 4»,e,l l„ I " l'iilnthu, ,4 lu*i|4 iilili.»» ; huma, “t bop» jn>» will »rit» «un*- tmty Convention Ini riileri 1 Ail m ouïe h ar„ Inviteli , i JOHN BURIC u iV vwuvenuon c thing In • t riait»/»' book.* , neidleid Jest last (lavMay in fi* ,„ ;'!r HrinilliM n e» j>r.rt I 'Ir«. Hinke, , ¡ imiMimllj. nllrnethe n, .-„i,,,.,,, •h,,, 1 wrt«»r Inqulrwl 37 Richmond Ay»., Cranford, N. J. Mi» IwmitriiiHi!, í Smith, r«th»r »t a Inai. 'Ir« WinlKMiirlh. i r w s a i s a i a ÏS«'»1,li rulliteli T!'U,K Illa ninny »'• »em e» lu..... n „ Mt« Jiinlmi. 1 _ "Oh, anything." uüd «»-landlord. General House Repairing mnn of tt.e (>|,| «,„»,1» »,l„.,e u 'l l « I , II,M», ' Tour ImpnMlo. Of yo»y ahort atny j » s {nim.ii„nnii,|»rn|.e nml mehlte,•tumi Ciuniniti ber». f»r Inata»«»" , PAINTING, PAPERHANOING, form erly TllEtVOMAXS SHOV-wjZABEm nth,“¡’i "Ut ,W >•’' »"•" " PURNITURE REPAIRED ©filer) v to i become M B more y K effletnn S «•TtóÚ fftoSS eaderg and what might be tini TC*l®r M. E. OHUROH The I1.11.urer ,4 tila* l'hmiuiinii v ! Th * “ !?" fl*»' *<“ »*• nnd real. f t , » Emster c'mss ant?°dt • »i i V; tuarlch, Pnator I hrlMiim, Tree <-uiiuulllee \ r i * " I,*T '•"* ,h* «bang» and il,» mental loyalty. The delegai“ Holy (Vuiiiiiluilun lient Nim4„i H W. I"...... i;„mli.||ih ji„M Ili,il 14 Inndlord got tha raat."—Chicago N»»» nmrnlnir ni iii:.in. 1 " mi H'iHirt lur thè «en«i,n ju.t un,,,.4 í'*11 T»ll len rl uh ,h »hi,«. „ torni „( re,.,.Ini,.„f I Kb*g »f «»m». VJi1.', ■'.»hlhu'nl» el ih. IM "'.'" r.'|M.|iill(ine, neri. »Iim'i 'II I Tba till»' klag of Rom» » M be- UnahliiKton «Imlernhee ni Un l*uj\ lug n hrilpnn. „u tinnii ,4 j|,|4,,' 'Ijureh. ne«! Kuinlny evening "" »ihrh I» Ju«t SI unire tlimi thè Imi •tow»d »t ih» ila» of kl» birth up,m Napol»o» Fraocol» Chart.. w pt,. ' SAVINGS ASSURED ! ■im e i rtileij over frinii thè urei Imi» IANF0RD THEfl nf^Éh ' í nr,.a fM;rVlr'' Volitine, I Ut, « f (lie lUliHl enlinilMlIve „nulle» „I venr • * ■ " «w of N .pol«n 1 aod Mari. I.oul»,.. f& S. * F B I : MOH. d '«Vè«»".wmld .'1 iMuiilllluii» „m i ” '""1 . rm.-«r».....4-* I , ¡V Iry tiri» eummlt ahm* thp fait t l .Vipolfoo b im i texer pnhll,heil frinii il...... ( *' ‘ 'lie i ltlreii« ,,f Onnturil lui» »k» Ung of Eoo» w.» taken là chnrg» SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Ikiiht...... uf _vlew„ ti HI ...... he »Iiiilleil r¿Vt I' " l,“ , ""H'h ni iiuinv ut liti br hl. graadfath.r. Ib. ,mp»mr SPEi rito liest- — . len.... » e e W ,,,■hy nI,nli ■ iiTiè ne * ' Ii lim ili ' li ’ ¡'J'.'rjhimle iiFni-i i..,,,» .. eltllilreji ..»■■■ aunt . mi ' Ae«¡r¡a. »ad r.r.fully «ducal.il a» »n HoIIIAwIda» Di>».L_- , - , ° Um* ° 34195 * Miairnuin of ,Profit." Therefore, Thrifty Té'd " / H»' t'Imreh. In (he ihniiel ¡L* , l,“‘ ■Pl""vnl uf,„ Au»trl.» Prior». m , »V( iIii"»i|h). nvehlhg, m (,|,.|u , 1 i*1,*''' l'«H " f uhi' jieiáile. „« evi rMngail to that »f th. duke of Hehh ■ r BOSW ORT^ In 1 A ir»"ri I 1"' ‘ J'JI'Il' H Ill“t tueti l h) Iil,'"i n *V ' "»llniieil-Miipiuirt Mi», H»hei| Mill take tip the «imh ' *.?! M , •hull la ISIS.' Ha dlad a[ Sd, ir,"" thè Bugie „I f|,e elilhheu „| :,,;rl...... ¡]"","ltlee .hmlte» In lliiuik brtion. oaar VI.ana. July 22, ii«„ ln •■•aUcli».; (he ymiiig 110..4,. j "h i. have nuil rii,ule,I In ,u,y f i n the Palace liruugli (he Kp„uilfi l.eagu . I ¡ ',,,v ».'i!k; ii . l ,“7 y“ r' « !• thought PRIME TOP ROUND STEAK “ W i In; eri l,y ||,e |ui.|,„, k _...... ■ . ¡ir V!,h *, t U* ” ** *“ •Imitation af Charlaniagne. *Ura If »0, lt w„ , .Regular Fresh Hams. [ o f th e K i n g ” Ih.v» ,lU' ...... I'! Growth or Nati». klut.d.r¡ Cbarlamagn« wa. „ , „ r PRIME SIRLOIN STEAK Snub I p e r lb ...... J ir* -» bu* “ • w” “»«tri. *■ (Rim Cuts) F eo Comedy—“Plug an(J MInug„ '.’Il lilla Inni „l^ h e iu m n , m'^ - 1 , .eek’'''' "'IM' ...... - ludi Ho“ *-" lo th» U.rm.ri w». • Noto "Nafionar Price miri Air», flauihi l'el«.|» , AViilnui 1 wk “ r “ ' ,r "" 111,11 «mi-a half I0r» th» helr apparaat was "king of I Topics of the Day "' * • '■ t f 1■ h ,THr' 1« „ir. , m,i hv ,i*i TH. ■"»« ">“» « Pf Roma " llh-re lui» hepn a 4e»lie e\pn ■ • "•’** " hl1 a,'“ ‘ *...... ’ Tbl, lattar mi. w.» ^ r^ ly con- Fresh Cali Hajns, WEDNEI - Ü Ä pTr"'«! r r n:; íarrad oa th» Oarmao klngi, and p e r lb...... 14c pWRjDAT kM'Ulff ( 1.1 f “ " '» " “ •a un 'har hairs, by-a corona- PA btlon a, Milan. Th. Orman m i. uihm n'!11' -l,‘vfA ...... "« « T [ W ESLEY B A R R Y in “THE MA an,i n... î " - '' r">'11' -11111' 'In- tlumih L oins of Fresh Pork, Md lltll». Unger »I,,« . Kr„„ t0 ",I*u‘',hln'" or "prlnc ■UH » S HtKl £ ' ¿ tri» r .vlinjitvif« ? ' r » ™ of (,Vm»atj * of Ha Um »... kin* of ih. Romana.” p e r !b ...... “THE COUNTRY KID” »1*1... Rfc.1I I • t? 1 ir,i* OI lighting m re^ hehr h. 'i m. ■Jíi'!." ...... «HI irn u n* ...... '“ ■'»"•riti,.« It Ink..,' .Handera Hniulbouk (llrew.r); . 21 c * ^ '1;T ' V • - ! • erinaid Coniedy—“Cold Chills" Haha fullrun length, ‘ H-ach' gas. w\\ *’* • ' Laughter B»n.fit, Chlldr.n . ■ ------<5> ■ Atjsop’s Fables ' ( iehar»., lmrge K|f".'‘rilf«4 t.nr, ,,,1 ‘ ■,,.n«>H1 j v u „ » «HI m sl he s„ii. Ir c» ,'" ;fn",r u 111111 A ,„,.ri: Value Extraordinary «'vcl.lnj!. ^ n,,; »uhjeei «III \,n : I . ' Par From It " Cun ( h llihni lire Jm ite r „1 It than h„gl|jh yoimguer«, Iir. c W Kim i UGS 0F ™E finest genuine Thici,^ k s s o t » m f ¿ r ; : ^ Fancy Large Dry-Picked ■ «Ina. q iM u l» , leeiurer a , p i I FRESH SPRING LAMB Capons, per lb...... f..ri,T;Í11 r l . Ì ny ! ![ 1111 y 1,1 1,1 " “ " '''a p ^ i m u rm"“' r.;;:rHvmgz, '1 ''" " ,d l,‘"“a"- ;ru' : rZ o 'V T ”'; 3 9 c ,ni,k "‘ U,r « ‘nuulu. re, Noto ‘'National" Price tM r’n,(S?'sl,'?l!l'i-,''l',|y ',IM ,1"l'l i 1 ''«'»re" K‘ The Above Price is for This Sale Only haveh«»e 1 theh . admiitrige i ‘ nof th" th. Mun‘ Mark ry » . » ‘r i . ■ r ...... Much Catd, l w.hr j , „ . r(. Irtd||, rJ _ Ton lullI ll'nire Mill km",, •re ruore faithful read.r, of Dlck^a nil It aort .4 „4 ., the h!,.,.,„ o(r tt|«n Kngllah. children. H» »aid that nettl!h\ U y 0 tjttSu,Tbl!rVr the/ begin L°0,,0a to liugh '«WW““ at »^ar Do for Sugar-Cured Are you aware of the fact making deposits and issuir SI t» thlrtMB Prime Corn- fed Smoked Meats you are entitled. • Native Beef Re Smoked UdmBack 4 f t For instance, do'you let yot SERVICE WHILE YOU WAIT Rainf.ll la Amarte. s M m e Chuck Roast, P« Ibf...... 18C ••■> .bä. f.t uLuk.U9 .r r “' * i t Per lb ...... (Whole or Half) . 1. Sliced Smoked Ham, 25 cents X Í Ofh»Pk.-r...... n flowing coüitoatív. ![À r Prime Cross Rib Roast, !■. X Othvrwts» t,„ ..u r ^ Wnf CU“ Ua“ T-! per lb...... 2. T hlcl.fsi o f , i ‘‘ » IX » 1» thirty ; E v e r y SKA.T,NG is,n0'V ^ ‘»S enjoyed by hundreds. V n, y «.ht»,V - , « * ««. Ÿ (Solid Meat) j ■- (Middle Cuts) w.U.^njoy the sport better if your skates are »harp J M o d e r n 3- I have installed the. latest, improved ' Sliced Cooked Corned Beef, per lb ...... H^ S l b SUced Bacon’ ' hollow grinding. h a n k in g . (la One Poind Packages) F a c ilit y 1 Ì

A « W it lar», nusnih.,,, A .... . X »MtiñMH.tür, ,u , 5 °f rubber hut- r Ih , A lo ,, OT MEATS J» AMI: RJo, . . 1 1 ¿ I," : ^ *har, i f •• ; Tliese are some of the thing: 7'''S'ihhXXt !!-" " !'1 Mibh- -„I [h™' ‘'“ring ❖ .. • "that you would find your ass P. í s s s s s í S í a .... . « ♦ ♦ ♦ «

Fa' c r a n e W m • PLAN Cranford Ti a l l s iz e s a ^ a c Tt? o r t h fvEAENa v e . E. S "A nN rF uO n R CRANJEi ------_ a n t h r a c it c (1MMED1ATP DEUVERY) ' p h o n e s a v in g s a c c o u n t s f o r d 7 0 8 COMMEBc ia l ACCOUNTS CANNEL

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k tg. - ea-."