Hicks Airfield Pilots Association FLAPPINGS Serving the owners and tenants of Hicks Airfield, Fort Worth (T67) May/June, 2011

The Gainesville, TX (GLE) flight line before the Medal Of Honor Recipient Parade April 9. Left to right: Herschel “Woody” Williams, your Editor, Jim Taylor, Harvey “Barney” Barnum, Michael Fitzmaurice. Note the medals.

President’s Corner…..……………………………………………………………...Page 2 Editorial…….……………………..……………………………………………………Page 3 Financial Reports ...... ….Page 6

Classified Ads…………………………………………………………………………Page 12 Hicks Contacts………………………………………………………………………..Page 15 Flying Stories………………………………………………………………………..Page 4


president’s Corner By Gene de Bullet

Dear Folks,

I have several things to report to you.

In the next few days our contractor will commence to close the middle and west gate on the north end of . Those gates will be permanently closed and re-fenced. The east gate on the north end will re- main open and gated similar to our south gate with admission strictly by gate clicker (in and out) available to members and residents through Jim Usher. Notice will go out before this transition takes place.

Evidence has been found of traffic and/or 2-wheel vehicles coming in to the around the northwest and southwest corners next to the railroad tracks to our west. Your board is exploring a way to secure those cor- ners (more to come later).

Recently, several complaints have been received as to vehicles or airplanes blocking taxiway “Bravo” our second taxiway. Our management company has been asked to monitor any encroachments or other violations of the CCR’s as airplanes are hard to “back up” as you know.

On the horizon is a possible “seal coat” as to some of our taxiways and a sweeping of low areas where sand or gravel may have washed since the recent rains. Be careful taxiing your airplane in low areas and be careful walking behind or near taxiing aircraft as we all learned as baby pilots.

Lastly we hope to have some overdue barriers in place on the south end of each taxiway to prevent driving through our rancher’s fence, within the next couple of weeks. They will be appropriately painted and out of the way of traffic. Ted Kelso and Jerry Kinman are in charge of this improvement.


Board of Directors June Meeting: Thursday, June 9, Hangar 111 6:30 PM To have your concern placed on the agenda please contact your local board member.


May/June editorial By Mike Bruno

The cover picture was taken before the parade honoring Medal of Honor Recipients at Gainesville, TX a few weeks ago. Gainesville has been hosting this event since 2001, and is the only city in the US honoring our living MOH recipients in this manner. I have been honored to be involved for the last four years.

I won’t bore you with the stats, but there have been very few recipients of this medal, and most are awarded posthumously. Given that many who survived served in long-ago conflicts, there are less than one hundred living recipients today. That twelve of them were able to attend this event is excep- tional. And it was indeed an honor to meet some of them. The event hosts a banquet each year, and each recipient is recognized for their heroic achievements.

These are the real heroes. I cringe when I hear an athlete or race car driver or movie star or politician called a “hero”. The gentlemen honored at Gainesville operated flame-throwers on Iwo Jima, fell on live hand grenades in Korea and Vietnam, held off over-running troops with bayonets, and much more, all while living thousands of miles from home in terrible conditions.

We owe everything to these men. I urge you to take a few minutes to remember those who did not survive. Gainesville’s MOH host city program web site is: http://moh-hostcityprogram.com/

As an aside, if any of you saw the flamethrower episode of the “Sons of Guns” program on Discov- ery Channel, that’s the same Woody on this issue’s front cover in the red jacket. At the age of eighty -nine, he showed the young host how it was done!

Otherwise, other than the weather, it’s been a typical month around here. As the President men- tioned, parking is a problem and security is a hot issue. There also seems to be an increased amount of pedestrian traffic, and juveniles and small kids on bicycles. There are people pushing strollers and dogs on leashes. I’ve also seen young kids playing on the taxiways and in the septic fields. Looks like our demographics are changing. Taxi and drive carefully!

Due to time constraints, this is another bimonthly issue of Flappings. I hope to return to monthly publishing soon. YOU can help by sending in articles, guest editorials, ideas, and suggestions.


Submittal Policy: The deadline for submission of articles, advertisements, min- utes, and reports will be the 15th of the month. This should provide sufficient time to edit the layout of the newsletter so that it can be mailed & posted to www.t67.org by the first of the following month. Please provide input in MS Word format, if possible. Flappings will be available online on or about the first of every month. All ads should be submitted in writing to: [email protected].


Flying Stories: The Diary of Flo Haley Submitted by Jack Haley

The trip was in 2001 and was from Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas to Alaska and return. The aircraft was a Cessna 172. The plan was to fly the Alaskan highway and camp under the wing . Her words.

June 16, 2001 Saturday 8:10 liftoff from Horseshoe Bend. Was a perfect morning for beginning our Canada – Alaska adventure. Blue sky – no wind. The airplane seemed a bit heavy but rose like a charmer. Leveled at 4500 ft. Passed over Springfield, MO on to Junction City, KS. 3 hrs. Stopped for fuel and lunch.

12:20 Lots of sun. Took off for the second leg. Rose to 6500 ft. Got a good tail wind. Kansas looks like a calico cat – all kinds of browns,greens, tans of the farmlands. All flatland – could see forever. Landed at Chadron for fuel. 3:40 Actually it was 4:40 our time, but we've started crossing time zones. Got gassed up and off into a gor- geous sky – just enough clouds to give us shade as we headed west – northwest closer to the mountains.. Lots of mining here in Montana. Rose to 8500 ft, a few pockets of turbulence over the higher elevations. Landed at Laurel, MT. No one at the airport. Self service gas pump. A neighbor opened the airport lounge and here we spent the night. Ate the rest of our packed lunch. Was good. Sleeping was in a shrunken down Quonset hut. Mountains have snow at the peaks. Will see what morning will bring.

June 17, Sunday Had a good night camping out. Used sleeping bags in the lounge for pilots. A neighbor let us use his vehicle to go to town for breakfast. Flapjacks at the Railroad Cafe. Very good. 9:00 We're on our way to Cutbank, MT. Crusing altitude 6500 ft. Had to skirt a few mountains. 7500 ft high near Billings, MT then back on course. Clear day – beautiful terrain – a bit turbulent. 12:00 Cutbank – small town. Tied down at the airport. Got a courtesy car to town. Stayed at a nice Super 8 motel. Cleaned up – went out for dinner. Early to bed.

June 18, Monday Light rain this morning. Off to the airport. Did the paperwork to enter Canada.

10:30 Lift off – cloudy skies. One hour flight to Lethbridge. Head winds and a bit of rain and turbulence. 11:30 Arrived at Lethridge. Met by the custom official. Did all the paperwork Talked to the tower people for a weather briefing. TS predicted in the afternoon. Decided to spend the rest of the day here. Went shop- ping. Got a new watch. Really neat. Guess where? Wal-Mart. (Wal-Mart is an Arkansas based company...ed.)

June19, Tuesday 6:00 What a lovely day – a bit cool, but clear. Off to the airport. Departed Lethbridge for Whitecourt for gas and to stretch our legs. Departed for Fort St. John. The terrain changed to green forests. Good weather – shoved off for Fort Nelson. Nice people. Vis- ited with some of the mechanics while we took time to relax. Weather was moving in the next day, so we made a day of flying. Went on to Watson Lake. We really camped out. Pitched the tent. Tossed in our sleeping bags. It was still light at 11:00 PM and the mosquitoes were out in force. Ate from our provisions and slept a good nights sleep.


June 20, Wednesday Woke up at 5:00 AM. It was so light and the sun was coming up. Packed and stored our gear and were in the air by 6:30. Passed our check points, Pine Lake, Teslin, and on to Whitehorse, 194 miles away. There we found the best restaurant and had a hot meal. Met a nice couple going to Fairbanks in their airplane. The short wing Tri-Pacers were having a convention in Fairbanks.

10:15 Took off for Northway – 259 miles away. What a beautiful flight – right up there in between moun- tains. Took a few pictures. Saw a beautiful rainbow on the ground. Went through rain – flying under the clouds. Landed at Northway. Had to go through American customs. Not bad. The weather was closing in so we flew to Fairbanks. Two hours of riding a bucking bronco Made camp at Fairbanks camp grounds. Met Herb from Lancaster, CA. Loved to talk!!!

June 21, Thursday What a good night. Feel rested this morning. Woke up at 4:00 got up at 6:00 unbelievably light. Walked to the pilot's lounge at the small terminal – took a good shower. Had breakfast at a neat cafe. Mosquitoes ready for a meal – don't like Avon skin so soft. Waiting to get a rent car to see the sights.

10:30 Picked up the rent car and went to the Historic Downtown area. Neat shops and eateries. Tonight is the summer solstice – 24 hours of sunshine. Fairbanks celebrates in a big way. Downtown is blocked off for entertainment, crafts, ball game (one begins at midnight) dancing and balloon rides. We gave the place a nice tour and will go back tonight for dinner and fun. 1:00 Went to Alaskaland. A touristy place with lots of atmosphere. Had a Greek lunch 6:30 Going to Wolf Run for a good dinner then off to town for the Solstice Festival. One difficult thing about this place, is it's hard to know when to go to sleep because it stays light. Wolf Run – a lovely place. The restaurant is in a home. Met the owner and her dogs. Had an excellent din- ner. Then we went back downtown. Listened to the music and people watched. Too many people. Off to bed in broad daylight at 10:30. Bought “Raid”.

June 22, Friday 5:00 Woke up – cleaned up 6:00 Went out for breakfast. Sophies. “Great” 8:45 Took a riverboat cruise on Discovery III. What a neat experience. Sailed on the Chena and Tanana River. On the Chena River saw some extraordinary homes. Saw (the lady and her dogs) Susan Butcher. She showed us two little puppies. Adorable. She has over 100 dogs, best cared for in the world. Saw reindeer at a Chena Indian Village. Stopped there for an hour. Quite a tour given by 3 – 4 Indian girls (All of whom attend the university somewhere). Delightful young ladies and knowledgeable. Came back. Just as well. Lowell lost a alternator and burned up the voltage regulator on his plane, so, yes you guessed it. Jack was over there until they got it fixed. Repacked the plane and Jack's tool box. Getting cloudy.

June 23, Saturday What a lovely bright morning. Had breakfast – took down the tent – packed the camping gear and repacked the plane and returned the rent car. 10:50 We took off from Fairbanks for Clear, a waypoint. During the night, the forest fires began again. What smoke. Thought we could top it at 4500 but had to go to 6500. It was pretty hazy in spots. Saw Mt McKinley and took pictures. Impressive. Went through some awesome passes. Stopped at Talkeetna for gas. Had a nice lunch. Continued on page 10.


Financial reports As of March 31, 2011-Submitted by Jim Usher, HAPA Treasurer

HAPA Income and Expense Statement





From around the Caribbean: Opposite page, top, is the South Ramp at Las Americas International Airport, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The Dehavilland Dash 7 is sporting UN livery. It is probably flying missions into Haiti, on the Western side of the same island, His- paniola. Notice the boneyard with a DC-4, Constellation, Convair 440, and other vintage aircraft.

Left, our scheduled operation at Saint Thomas, US Virgin Islands. Notice the use of front and rear doors for passenger boarding, the way it was supposed to be, and mobile boarding stairs, the way it used to be. Saint Thomas is the only place in the world I know of where driving is on the left side of the road, British style, but all the cars are left hand drive, American style. The van ride to the hotel on the narrow, winding, hilly roads can be quite exciting.

Above is the entry hall for international arrivals into Caracas, Venezuela’s Maiquetia International Airport. The two– story tall banners caught my attention; they are located throughout the airport. This one says: “Dairies of the Andes.” “Made in Socialism”.


Continued from page 5 12:20 Then went another 66 miles to Anchorage. Three big really close together. Lots of activity. Made another good landing. Set up camp at an air park on the airport. No rent cars available. Tomorrow we will head for town.

June 24, Sunday This morning woke up early. Ate from our rations. Took off for town. No cars to rent – so we walked. Stopped a cab and went to Holy Family Cathedral for Mass. It was a very rewarding experience. The oldest church in the area. Took a walking tour of downtown Anchorage. The theater for the Performing Arts had movies of Alaska. The Wolf and the Northern Lights. Great shows. Found a nice authentic Mexican cafe and had a good dinner.. Walked from downtown to the airport airpark. Quite a hike. Turned in after a full day – still light outside.

June 25, Monday Broke camp. Had a nice clear day. Took off for Soldatna. Nice and clear stopped for fuel. Not much doing there so we went on to Homer. Beautiful view as you come over a bluff and the airport is right there below. Fueled and had a great breakfast at Cece's cafe. Recommend it. Went to Valdez. Lots of time over water. Saw a bunch of ice flows and ships. Really neat. Weather was good, so we went on to Gulkana. Not good at all. Hazy, smoky, humid and turbulent flight. Should have gone on (hind sight) but decided to stay. What a dead airport. Windy. Tied down the plane and the tent. Really. Feasted on the blacktop under the wing in front of our sleeping quarters. Murderous mosquitoes. Love that Deet and Skin so Soft. Even sprayed our caps. We had followed the pipeline to Gulkana.

June 26, Tuesday Gulkana. Woke up early – overcast. Went over to the weather observer station for coffee and a briefing. Weather got a bit better as the morning progressed. Took off for Whitehorse. Smoky – hazy – turbulent. Followed the (Alaskan Highway) road – VFR – sometimes I wasn't so sure. Jack took to GPS and instru- ment flying. I did GPS and map. Whitehorse – a welcome sight. Did customs. Decided to spend the night rather than fight the weather. Weather would win anyhow. Spent the night at the Alpine motel. Walking dis- tance from the airport. Felt good.

June 27, Wednesday Turned out to be a beautiful morning, so we were on our way to Watson Lake from Whitehorse. Had break- fast and a weather briefing. Packed the plane and flew to Watson Lake. The flight here got progressively worse. Low ceiling – rain and occasional turbulence. Landed at Watson Lake. Briefing for Fort Nelson was- n't good. Decided to spend the night here. The town doesn't have much to offer so the observer communica- tor G.M. Kimpinski said we could spend the night in the terminal in our sleeping bags. Not much to do but read, talk. A long day. It's cold here. Sweat shirts and coat felt great.

June 28, Thursday Woke up after a good nights sleep in the terminal – camping in. Nice – hot water etc. The weather observ- ers, Gary, Bill and Dennis made us feel most welcome. They each in turn answered our questions and ex- plained their operation. Well – the weather is rainy – overcast and worse in the passes. That's okay. Air- planes try the passes only to come back or land at Liard hot springs, a private airport. Shared a cab to town with Herb and Wayne. Walked up and down the main street and enjoyed talking to different people. In town they have sections of signs from all over the world. Way back in '41 a soldier – Lindley- was recuperating here.


His assignment – paint the road signs. When he finished he tacked on a sign for miles to his home town. Since then some 44,300 signs have been added. Neat. Got a pizza and headed for our indoor camp site. Was a good day. Cold and breezy (understatement).

June 29, Friday Weather is much better. If the fog in passes lifts – we'll be on our way to Fort Nelson, St John and Dawson Creek. Whoa – what a trip. Started out beautifully – blue sky – broken clouds – smooth air. When we got over the passes – the fun began – rain showers – light at first – then a bit overcast – more clouds – turbu- lence – and more rain. At times we strained to see the highway, but it always came into view again. Thank God – Jack is a good pilot – not easily rattled. Landed at Fort St John for fuel and lunch. Went on to Daw- son Creek. Got a rent car. Drove to town and stayed at a new Super 8 motel. Supper at Mr. Mikes was great. Did laundry and relaxed.

June 30, Saturday Quite rested. Had a great continental breakfast and were off to be tourists. This Alaskan Highway has quite some history. Took pictures at mile 0 and mile 1. Have a neat pioneer village. Toured the farmer's market A fellow at the village has been – for 20 years – carving out of antlers. Some stuff beautiful with a price to match. Weather looks good for a while, so will travel on to Grand Prairie, maybe Whitecourt. Arrived at Whitecourt after a rather bumpy ride. The wind is right on our nose, so we'll stay the night – celebrate a bit of Canada Day here and go on to Lethbridge. Took a walk to town – best place in town? Beaver Creek gen- eral store They have a bit of everything. Time change.

July 1, Sunday Woke up to overcast skies. Had breakfast in the motel cafe. Now we are on our way to church – St Josephs Church – new – beautiful. Fr Tran is either Thai or Korean. Lovely liturgy. Took off for Lethbridge. The sky cleared and we had a tail wind , but it was a roller coaster ride most of the way. Calgary control was a bit confusing and we got vectored a bit. In Lethbridge took a taxi to town. Everyone here is in a party mood. Stayed across from Henderson Lake. Beautiful. Fireworks in the park-lit up the sky. Saw the sky show.

July 2, Monday Got an early start for home with blue skies and a nice tail wind. Overflew Cutbank. Stopped for customs at Great Falls, MT for re-entry to the US. Agent Gadsby ushered us back to the US. Nice fella. Actually from Arkansas. Topped of the tanks and started for Laurel. The next leg was the long one, 3 hours to Chadron NB. Had a good tail wind most of the way. Saw 3 huge thunderstorms and sailed on between them. Landed at Chadron, fueled and parked the airplane in the hangar do to weather forecast.

July 3, Tuesday The bad weather didn't come last night. It came this morning. Weather forecast – miserable. Went to town for breakfast. Came back to the terminal hoping the weather would break. It finally did about 3:00PM. The radios are acting up. Can transmit but not receive in the head sets. Found the speakers would work. The au- dio panel was the problem. Took off about 3:15. Weather was a bit clear – then hazy – then as we came to Junction City – a storm was brewing. Spent a good night at the Holiday Inn.

July 4, Wednesday Storms were predicted for the route we wanted to take later in the day. We were airborne by 7:30. Had a great flight. Home before 11:00AM. The parade in Horseshoe Bend was in full swing when we landed. Signed, Flo Haley




JAN LARY, AGENT 817 715-4693 [email protected] Hangar Sales and Leasing Build To Suit Hangars FOR LEASE OR SALE Property Management 5,438 s.f hangar w/ 1,634 s.f. loft 972-465-8400 Second floor loft: Large open concept living, dining, kitchen 682-225-3262 2 bedroom, 2 bath, fully furnished www.AirSpaceDFW.com Bay area: Bath, utility room, efficiency kitchen Lease @ $1,500. Per month

Lot For Sale LOT FOR SALE 45X60 Concrete Located on the east side at the south end 70’ X 80’ lot with a great view Pad. Water & Electric. Lot will accommodate a 60’ X 55’ hangar Call 863-660-3613

Hangars For Sale 15763 Bonanza Dr. $550,000

Hangar/ Home located on 1 acre at Propwash. 7225’ per 513 Aviator tax office, approx. 4400’ hangar, 2470 living area. Now available for $215,000!

Fantastic finish out in custom home. 736 Aviator $310,000 Hangar door 17x46, 2500 lb hydraulic lift, 2 large work- Priced below appraisal. 80X68 Hangar with shops, 20x70 storage loft. large living areas. Will lease for $2200.00 per month. Must see to appreciate!

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310.844.5590 Hangar Sales and Leasing Build To Suit Hangars Property Management 972-465-8400 682-225-3262 www.AirSpaceDFW.com

Aircraft, parts, and service

FOR CONTINENTAL (TCM) ENGINES AT ANNUAL OR 100 HOUR INSPECTION Metro Parts Inc : 566 at Hicks Airfield (Or any time a suspect cylinder is in doubt)

Over 30 years n the aircraft parts business! We work hundreds of manufactures and repair stations around TCM Service Bulletin SB03-3 states: “TCM requires a the world. We can provide a reduction in cost and faster avail- cylinder bore scope inspection be accomplished in con- ability for you! Parts request drop box by the front door- junction with the differential pressure test.” (This is NOT Drop off your requirements any time. an FAA mandate.) With the development of recent bore Owner: Craig Poslick scopes, this inspection becomes an excellent tool that will Office: 817-439-8484 affect your decision on a suspect cylinder, regardless of Fax: 817-439-8442 engine manufacturer. Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Cell: 817-368-2274 We have a solution: a bore scope based here at T67. For an appointment please call Jim Usher or Bob Reed @ 817-236-7506 Annual Pancake Breakfast Fly-In Mid-Way Regional Airport (KJWY) Saturday, June 4, 2011 8:00-11:00 For More Information call: (979) 923-0080



Sales and Services

NEED POWER? Commercial and residential electri- Need A Notary Public? cal installation and repair. Hangar 501 Lab Resource ,Inc. Lighting 1-800-856-4070 Cell (817) 522-6456 Ceiling Fans 501 Aviator Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76179 Come by Hangar 501 to get all of your documents notarized! New Circuits There is only a $10.00 cash fee for every docu- Diagnostic ment. Hours Of Operation: Mon. - Fri. 8:30AM - 5:00PM Weekends Will Gladly meet you. Ask for Sta- Jason Fischer cey or leave a voicemail. 238 Aviator Dr. (817) 807-6060



The perfect Christmas gift. Unique custom work. I can also paint your plane or pet! Acrylic on natural marble or granite stone. 5 X 7 only $360. Go to www.judyates.com to view samples of my work. 30+ years experience. FREE personalization and FREE display easel. Call Judy @ 214-418-4706 to discuss details and prices.


WANT TO RENT HANGAR WANTED: 50 X 50 Will pay $700 per month Small ATV– Looking for long term lease 200 CC or Less Call Bob Reed Call Bob: 214-415-1219 817-439-0757 or Judy 214-418-4706


Contacts (Who to Contact about What)

Board Of Directors Gene de Bullet (President) 817-335-4767 [email protected] Bill Freckman (Vice President) 817-705-6300 [email protected] Jim Usher (Treasurer) 817-236-7506 [email protected] Ted Kelso 817-721-4861 [email protected] Bob Avery 817-439-8400 [email protected] Lee Burgin 817-437-5567 [email protected] Gerald Kinman 817-913-1499 [email protected]

Principal Management Group Carol Moran 682-325-5340 [email protected] Architectural Bob Avery 817-439-8400 [email protected] Don Davis Sec. 2 and 3 817-919-4593 [email protected] Septic Carol Moran 817-451-7300 [email protected] Safety Larry Partain 214-417-4950 [email protected] Taxiway Repair Bryan Martin 817-577-4866 [email protected] /Taxiway Lights & Repair Bob Avery 817-439-8400 [email protected] Airport Support Network Volunteer Don Browning 817-439-3240 [email protected] Website & Directory Michael Reddick 817-439-0234 [email protected] Newsletter Mike Bruno 501-206-1738 [email protected] Security Improvements Ted Kelso 817-721-4861 [email protected] South Gate Emergency Roy Geer 817-253-1795 or 817-439-5777 [email protected] South Gate Directory Database Jim Usher [email protected] Table & Chairs The HAPA Tables & Chairs are available to any current HAPA Member for personal use on the Airport Property for activities such as parties, meetings, etc. Please contact Judy or Bob Avery at 817-439 -8400 or [email protected]


Your May/June 2011 Flappings! The Official Newsletter of Hicks Airfield Pilots Association

Notices:  We are continually updating the online version of the HAPA membership directory. If your info needs updating please email Mike Reddick at [email protected]  If you haven’t yet provided an email address, please do! We would like to be able to contact as many HAPA members as possible via email.

 This is YOUR newsletter– Please submit articles, pictures, thoughts, etc by the 15th of the month.  The 2011 BOD is looking for volunteers Please Contact any Board member to volunteer to help with the continuing improvement of Hicks Airfield.  If you have an issue and would like to address the HAPA BOD during a Board meeting, Please contact Gene de Bullet.  For issues concerning ONCOR pole work, call Buddy Mills (Oncor Dis- trict Service Advisor): Cell (469) 261-6338  For Emergency South Gate Issues, call Roy Geer 817-253-1795 or 817- 439-5777  For South Gate Directory Changes contact Jim Usher at [email protected]

 Board of Directors Meeting: Thursday, June 9, Hangar 111


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