Far East September2011 25/08/11 2:37 PM Page 1 The Far East ST COLUMBANS MISSION SOCIETY COLUMBAN MISSION MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2011 PRICE $1 Far East September2011 25/08/11 2:38 PM Page 2 The Far East Contents September 2011 Vol 93, No. 8 THE FAR EAST is devoted to furthering the missionary apostolate of the church and is published by St Columbans Mission Society. THE SOCIETY was founded in 1918 as a society of secular priests dedicated to the evangelisation of the Chinese and other overseas people. It is an exclusively missionary society. 4 12 SUBSCRIPTIONS: $10 per year (AUSTRALIA) 3 From the Director AUSTRALIA St Columban’s Mission Society The Church in the modern world. 69 Woodland Street Essendon Vic 3040 4-5 Standing with our people Postal address: Immigrant workers are an easy mark. PO Box 752, Niddrie Vic 3042 Tel: (03) 9375 9475
[email protected] 6-7 Night at the riots www.columban.org.au Every September there is a riot. NEW ZEALAND St Columban’s Mission Society 8 The stepping horse P.O. Box 30-017 How to learn to be a missionary Lower Hutt 5040 Tel: (04) 567 7216
[email protected] 9 Reflection - Walk in the light. www.columban.org.au Publisher: 10-11 Providence and Google Fr Noel Connolly Providence is a wonderful experience.
[email protected] 12-13 Border control Editor: Fr Gary Walker Columbans were expelled here.
[email protected] 14 Palliative care in Pakistan Editorial Assistant: A new Catholic venture in Pakistan.