Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. 246/Monday, December
Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 246 / Monday, December 23, 2002 / Notices 78267 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION needs of the Tappan Zee Bridge, as well study. An outline of the public as other existing infrastructure in the participation program is also contained Federal Highway Administration Corridor. The AA will document the in the information packet. identification, evaluation and screening Three public scoping meetings will be Environmental Impact Statement/ of a large number of possible actions to conducted, one each in Westchester, Alternatives Analysis: Westchester produce a reasonable range of Rockland, and Orange Counties, to and Rockland Counties, NY, Tappan alternatives that meet the proposed solicit public comments on the scope of Zee Bridge/Interstate-287 Corridor Project’s purpose and need. The DEIS the AA/DEIS. Each scoping meeting will AGENCIES: Federal Highway (which will incorporate the findings of run from 4–9 p.m. and consist of an Administration (FHWA) and Federal the AA) will then document the informal open house setting and two Transit Administration (FTA), United evaluation of those identified formal presentations. Formal States Department of Transportation alternatives in terms of their presentations will be made at 4:30 p.m. environmental impacts and other and again at 6:30 p.m. after which ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an relevant factors as compared to a comments will be received in the group Alternatives Analysis (AA) and an baseline case (i.e., the No Build forum. Those wishing to speak must Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) alternative). A preferred alternative(s) sign up by 8:45 pm. A court reporter for the I–287 Corridor between Suffern, will be identified in a Final EIS (FEIS).
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