ISSN 2531-6214 EREnews© vol. XVIII (2020) 3, 1-45 European Religious Education newsletter July - August - September 2020 Eventi, documenti, ricerche, pubblicazioni sulla gestione del fattore religioso nello spazio pubblico educativo e accademico in Europa ■ Un bollettino digitale trimestrale plurilingue ■ Editor: Flavio Pajer
[email protected] EVENTS & DOCUMENTS EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS Guide on Art 2: Respect of parental rights, 2 CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE / CDH Une éducation sexuelle complète protège les enfants, 2 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Racial discrimination in education and EU equality law. Report 2020, 3 WCC-PCID Serving a wounded world in interreligious solidarity. A Christian call to reflection, 3 UNICEF-RELIGIONS FOR PEACE Launch of global multireligious Faith-in-Action Covid initiative, 3 OIEC Informe 2020 sobre la educacion catolica mundial en tiempos de crisis, 4 WORLD VALUES SURVEY ASSOCIATION European Values Study. Report 2917-2021, 4 USCIRF Releases new Report about conscientious objection, 4 PEW RESEARCH CENTER Between belief in God and morality: what connection? 4 AGENCY FOR FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS Fighting discrimination on grounds of religion and ethnicity 5 EUROPEAN WERGELAND CENTER 2019 Annual Report, 5 WORLD BANK GROUP / Education Global Practice Simulating the potential impacts of Covid, 5 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF RELIGION AAR Religious Literacy Guidelines, 2020, 6 CENTRE FOR MEDIA MONITORING APPG Religion in the Media inquiry into religious Literacy, 6 NATIONAL CHRONICLES DEUTSCHLAND / NSW Konfessionelle Kooperation in Religionsunterricht,