BookRags | 9781630091330 | | | | | My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk PDF Book

What kind of research did you have to do to write a of such rich historical detail? So if those characters get to rambling about specific cultural details that are not quite relevant to the plot it can get frustratingly tempting to just skim… This book is really for art and history nerds. Frankish novelty is represented by the brilliance of Venetian painting, which sweeps all before it with its portraits of faces set on achieving death- defying immortality through the palette. I hardly put any plot and especially not spoilers in my reviews — but just try to talk about general themes. I always enjoy your layered analyses of what you read. The lover, through their love of another, reflect the more divine, second kind of love in Sufism, which is love of God 2. This book looks incredibly interesting. The main concern is with the notion of 'style' in art: is it desirable to have a personal style as an artist or are traces of style simply evidence of faults? The explorations of art and ideas fascinated me, and I cared about the complex main characters Shekure and Black and the rocky path of their love relationship. Shekure relates eight chapters, and these speed by with the most ease and psychological interest; in her voice the novel becomes a romantic one, driven by emotion and intimate concerns. In the cities of the European Franks, women roam about exposing not only their faces but also their brightly shining hair after their necks, their most attractive feature , their arms, their beautiful throats, and even, if what I've heard is true, a portion of their gorgeous legs; as a result, the men of those cities walk about with difficulty, embarrassed and in extreme pain, because, you see, their front sides are always erect and this fact naturally leads to the paralysis of their society as a whole. A recent research studies loyalty of the translations of the novel using quantitative methods. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy. Frankish power has achieved the most insidious of victories. Contrary to conceptions of ever-warring East and West, the shared a long history of diplomacy and interactions with various European nations, though of course in some cases it may have been less amicable than those relations among European nations themselves. The musings of one of the miniaturists. Speaking of painting: this whole book is probably one of the most competent explanations of how art, and especially miniaturist painting here, evolved. It is this particular action that shows how culture can be changed by introducing a new viewpoint in art - this time, in painting. But I have no intention of tempting the faith of those who live rightl. Having books that are explainers or give some kind of clarity and address the situation going on, this can be such a comfort too. Start your review of My Name Is Red. Retrieved 19 May In the East, "perspective" does not exist: the painting flows seamlessy over space and time whereas in I am in two minds about this book. We never really got to know or care about any of the three suspects, they just seemed like a framework to explore art and ideas: the religious, sexual, and power dynamics from which great art sprung. My Name Is Red , about Ottoman and Persian artists and their ways of seeing and portraying the non-western world, told through a love story and family story, was published in The novel, though holding a longer tradition within the West, has enjoyed more than a century of use within Turkish literature, the first Turkish novel being written in 29 though there is discussion as to whether the first novel was in fact one written by an Armenian author in the Armenian script but in the , written in Horses saunter in unison with forelegs simultaneously, "unnaturally", extended. Secondly, My Name is Red is a deep reflection on the nature and the making of art — on its outside influences and development. Each chapter is narrated by a different character; some that we encounter over and over again, and others that we only see once. Pamuk, the grandson of a wealthy factory director and railroad builder, has been privileged to write without needing to make a living by it. My Name is Red is a brightly rich novel. This means that the reader's perspective resembles that of a God, looking through different sets of eyes at the same image. My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk Writer

This is a profound work with deep roots. Having books that are explainers or give some kind of clarity and address the situation going on, this can be such a comfort too. Pamuk would later receive the Nobel Prize in Literature. They are not permitted to create things as they see them, but rather as they should ideally and hypotethically be seen by their God, Allah. My Name is Red, though it seems to be only loosely based upon historical fact, deals with the repercussions of the meeting of two visual worlds: Venetian portraiture and Islamic illustration. The explorations of art and ideas fascinated me, and I cared about the complex main characters Shekure and Black and the rocky path of their love relationship. So, for hours I used to read the prices of various clothes, carpers, fish or vegetables in Istanbul markets in a given year. Zeytin does not reveal his true nature in those chapters in which he addresses the reader under his miniaturist name, yet reveals a much darker and condescending tone in those parts where he speaks as the murderer. Inspired by Virginia Woolf, Pamuk loves to make an unusual plotline. Yet seeing can become a temptation, and blindness—"a blessed darkness and the infinity of a blank page"—a virtuous renunciation. Al-Jawziyya argues, in the same fashion as Islamic doctrine, that the souls of the dead remain on earth and can hear the living. Pamuk, the grandson of a wealthy factory director and railroad builder, has been privileged to write without needing to make a living by it. The first person and introspective nature of their POV characters just made them even more insufferable. He went to school in Robert College, an American high school set up during the reign of the Ottoman Empire in 16 by American philanthropist and missionary Cyrus Hamlin though the school itself is strictly secular in its education I am giving the book a rating of 3. There is a third aspect to My Name is Red. The East and the West were becoming reacquainted w Historical murder mystery and reflection on religion, love and death: Mr. Inflation is draining the Sultan's coffers and the long Ottoman decline has begun. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Although her actions may at first seem plotting and uncaring, this perspective shows that she is in fact the representation of the incompatibility of realistic love with such a patriarchal structure. Though the Koran contains no explicit prohibition of imagery, the Prophet, in the Hadith, says, "The angels will not enter a house in which there is a picture or a dog. My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk Reviews

It is a humanity whose lies and silences emerge as endearing and oddly bracing individual truths". Characters in the novel approach these questions philosophically, but the characters' positioning within a story makes for a much richer account than a philosophical treatise on the subject could give. The more inward the better, as we stand on predecessors' shoulders; sensibility shifts according to perspective. The biggest was that I just didn't care about the characters one bit. Historical murder mystery and reflection on religion, love and death: Mr. I've died, but as you can plainly tell, I haven't ceased to be. See all 5 questions about My Name Is Red…. My Name Is Red , about Ottoman and Persian artists and their ways of seeing and portraying the non-western world, told through a love story and family story, was published in He also comments that the novel is not just about ideas: "Eastern or Western, good or bad, ideas precipitate once they sink to human level, unleashing passions and violence. The structure in "My Name Is Red," though is less designed to sustain suspense and more to allow room for the various philosophical discussions concerning the purpose of art and, perhaps more importantly, the distinctions between Islamic states and Western Europe. If in Moth Smoke , there were only three or four other perspectives, in My Name is Red there are perspectives of Black, Shekure, Esther, Enishte Effendi, Master Osman, the three remaining miniaturists, not to mention the perspectives of inanimate objects and animals. My Name is Red will tell you that it is a murder mystery, set in 16th century Istanbul, under the rule of the Sultan. Reading this was like eating roasted b Saying I liked it or didn't like it doesn't really capture the complexity of my experience with this book. Get A Copy. Where's your soul? Preoccupied with her own feelings, her own survival, and the protection of her two young sons, she rarely lectures us on the nuances, stylistic and religious, of Persian-style miniatures. It is a humanity whose lies and silenc Look at it. I hope you enjoy this book! I was captivated by the sweep of the book as well as the way it was presented: short chapters, each from the viewpoint of a different character, as though we were looking at a book of miniatures which tells a different story on each page. Paperback , pages. Post to Cancel. Islamic art took - and takes - its iconoclastic cue from that fact. Actually, it's an image of a great love story in . For this reason he calls it " Pamuk another shot, and boy, how much I enjoyed the novel! For example, there are countless tables in the world but the Form of tableness is at the core; it is the essence of all of them. All those quotes, stories such as ones where artists are putting needles in their eyes to turn blind and parables about art are something I really adore. Style Orhan Pamuk's novel constantly utilises elements of metafiction, with characters not only speaking directly to the reader in their chapters but also referring to chapters of other characters as parts of a literary work rather than as separate perspecives of people within the framework of a story, and even comment on thoughts, events and perspectives within other chapters that they themselves would have no knowledge of. So yeah, I expected to like this book a lot. In accordance with religious concerns about idolatry, faces were generic, not individualized. Nobel Prize. But it seemed to be a misrepresentation. Ekphrasis has the effect of slowing down a narrative, of interrupting it. Interview with Orhan Pamuk. A fool, thought Blake, sees not the same truth as the wise. If a girl's name is Grace, do you translate it into its literal meaning? Each character only tells as much as he, she or it knows and in Pamuk's novel even the murderer hides his or her identity. View all 9 comments. I have heard that was the centre of "deviant" sexual practices during Ottoman times, so maybe it is a true picture, but it did not vibe with me. After hearing the miracle of my voice, you might think, "Who cares what you earned when you were alive? My Name is Red accomplishes much the same thing, with more magic- but just enough dirt to bring it right straight home where it belongs in

My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk Read Online

Other editions. Thus Shekure seeks to look upon the reader like women who view miniatures of a distant time and place do, thereby escaping time and place—" Widespread international ire over the charges ultimately led to the charges against him being dropped by the Turkish government And such an artist, is a blatant sinner in the eyes of Islam, as Allah is the sole creator, and to create is his attribute only, and to impersonate this attribute an act of sacrilege! Are you in pain? I might want to try his memoir of Istanbul. My Name is Red is a brightly rich novel. A lot of detail work has been put into this book, and the magnitude of the descriptions is rarely to be found in writing, these days. He has also been criticised for praising the incumbent Justice and Development Party 23 Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi, AKP , and then turning on them after they drew widespread international ire due to the Gezi Park protests of and the harsh government reaction to them As a result, the book feels a little bit flat. After hours of searching they conclude that the horse was in fact drawn by Zeytin, yet Osman, refusing to believe it was him, claims that it was most likely Leylek. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. View all 6 comments. Take a look at that picture above. Download as PDF Printable version. View all 24 comments. This is a postmodern work which of course still lingers on the romantic, and then plays around some with the detective novel genre. Don't fall into the trap of assuming that what you read has anything to do with anything other than the particular pyschology of the moment- Pamuk is a master of depicting the every day track of a mind, and how unreliable each feeling of a moment is- how everything important is changed by the fact that one just happens to feel hungry at a particular moment, or desperately horny at another. On the other hand, the book is called My Name is Red, so perhaps it's a play on words regarding colors? The murder mystery kept me reading because I wanted to find out who did it but resentfully, because i kept losing track of the author's clues while trudging through the endless philosophizing. Mongolian, Chinese, Afghan, Persian, Indian and other cultures are all combined among different schools of style and form to create a complex and interwoven system of historically deep cultural exchange and evolution. He's won the Nobel Prize in Literature for his commitment to expressing his deeply divided mind and spirit, and that at least he and many others believe of his country- Turkey. Shelves: favorites-ever. From a family of engineers, he studied engineering, architecture, and journalism, and practiced none of them. A number of books illustrated by famous miniaturists are referenced by the characters in My Name is Red : Several of the specific manuscripts described most prominently the "Shahnama given by Shah Tahmasp", more commonly known in the west as the Houghton shahnama are real and survive in whole or part. It showcases the miniaturist tradition of the Islamic world, and uses the cloistered world of miniaturists to explore the difference in philosophies between the East and the West. No labels. As he writes in his autobiographical book Istanbul, from his childhood until the age of 22 he devoted himself largely to painting and dreamed of becoming an artist. The love story is more interesting, women character s there was only one in TNOR get better space and developments, and the art talk is so far more amazing when compared to discussions like what Jesus meant when he did whatever he did in John My next Pamuk is in the pipeline while my student is working her way through a museum of innocence, growing with each novel Esther a shrewd Jewish peddler, matchmaker , and messenger for clandestine sweethearts she knows everything about everyone, having walked over all the city's streets begins bringing letters to Shekure and Black and Hasan too. Fiction Orhan Pamuk reviews. More filters. I have heard that Turkey was the centre of "deviant" sexual practices during Ottoman times, so maybe it is a true picture, but it did not vibe with me. Shelves: fictions-others. These androgynous intuitions lead the storyteller to sing of the doubleness that haunts the novel: " My other parts insist I be a woman when I'm a man and a man when I'm a woman. This image was produced and reproduced hundreds of thousands of times by different unknown artists in more or less the same way.