Peripheral Entrapments

Andrea M . Trescot Editor

Peripheral Nerve Entrapments

Clinical Diagnosis and Management Editor Andrea M . Trescot , MD, ABIPP, FIPP Medical Director - Pain and Headache Center Anchorage AK USA

Videos to this book can be accessed at .

ISBN 978-3-319-27480-5 ISBN 978-3-319-27482-9 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-27482-9

Library of Congress Control Number: 2016939017

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This book is dedicated to my family, friends, and students, without whom I would never have had the strength to fi nish this work, and to my patients, who keep me motivated to fi nd answers for their pain.

Andrea M. Trescot


The contribution of Dr. Andrea M. Trescot and the multiple authors in the entrapment neuropa- thy fi eld is very signifi cant. These are topics that often are not covered at conferences, as the time limitations and program limitations exclude what appear to be minor areas. Ultimately, patients suffering from entrapment neuropathies are treated with inappropriate, alternative, excessive technological implants and/or heavy medications such as opioids and others. All these occur because the explanation of the problem, if you do not know it, does not exist. There are multiple very signifi cant and successful treatment recommendations covered in this book, including, for example, occipital neuralgia. Releasing the compression in the suboccipital compartment by the suboccipital decompression technique can very successfully treat migraine headache-type problems. Previously published and presently released results show that injecting the multiple involved in the production of headache usually gives 2 weeks pain relief whereas the suboccipital decompression gives 24 weeks pain relief. Studies include a multitude of accurate and inaccurate diagnoses, but certain patients can experience years without recurrence of the occipital pain after a single suboccipital decompression from the inferior oblique muscle between C1 and C2, which is a considerable distance away from the superfi cial injections. In other words, if you know the mechanism of causation, then you are more likely to get long-term success. The explanation for lower quadrant abdominal hypersensitivity is the entrapment of the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves going through three muscle layers (the external oblique, the internal oblique, and the transversus abdominis), before becoming cutaneous below the umbilicus. This condition often occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy, especially in muscular young mothers, where the growth of the baby stretches the abdominal musculature. This pain raises signifi cant differential diagnostic problems, such as a misdiagnosis of acute appendicitis where surgical intervention may be hazardous and unnecessary at the same time. The treatment is simple, injecting along the iliac crest, popping through the external oblique aponeurosis and there is usually immediate pain relief; however, it may not last long enough. One can repeat the procedure or, alternatively, choose a longer-lasting solution such as cryoneurolysis in the same location, locating the nerve with the nerve stimulator at the tip of the cryo probe and freezing the nerve. The pain relief can be from 2 days to 1,000 days. Here, you see the diagnosis being made and appropriate treatment being carried out by short- and long-lasting therapeutic methods such as cryoneurolysis. Another form of entrapment neuropathy that is often missed is saphenous nerve entrapment. The physician has to remember that the saphenous nerve comes off the femoral nerve and not only carries a sensory nerve to the inside ankle (medial malleolus) and the knee, but also it has signifi cant sympathetic fi bers. A saphenous block in Hunter’s Canal, 4 in. above the knee, with a safe blunted Stealth™ needle, can relieve knee pain. This often helps regain mobility of knee joints, reduce swelling and discoloration of the foot and lower leg following long duration splinting and immobilization of ankle and knee joint. Here, the entrapment neuropathy comes from the extended disuse of the knee or ankle joint following immobilization after surgery or fractures. The resolution of the swelling comes from the lysis of the autonomic sympathetic fi bers.

vii viii Foreword

After upper extremity shoulder surgery and fractures, because of immobilization, one may see entrapment of the between the anterior and middle scalene muscles. Simple interscalene injection, however, can be performed with an occluded tip needle so that intraneural or intra-arterial injection should be less likely; even ultrasound guidance does not assure safety if open-ended sharp needles are used. There have been a considerable number of brachiopathies and cord injuries resulting in signifi cant medical legal costs from the use of sharp needle injections in vascular regions where nerve and arteries travel together at the same injection site. Using needles of too small a gauge can also be dangerous. Pneumothorax is one of the most common medical legal consequences of injections around the lungs; with small gauge needles, the needle can penetrating the lung multiple times, since small gauge needles have a mind of their own and do not go where the doctors wish they would go. The medical legal cost for a pneumothorax can be from zero to multiple six fi gures. In medicine, the principle must always be: primum non nocere , fi rst do no harm. Nerve entrapments can be caused by scarring anywhere along the path of the nerve, and the “lysis of adhesions” concept extends to scar tissues, where tendons may be limited by scarring and bleeding. Scarring also causes severe neuropathy in the spinal canal. Solving one source of neuropathic pain does not necessarily solve all pains and the doctor needs to remain vigilant by not just asking the question, “How is your pain?” but also examining the patient. It is surprising how many times the patient does not know where the pain is coming from. I believe Dr. Trescot’s recognition for the need to collect the subject matter in this book and subsequent assemblage of its contents is truly remarkable. It has been my pleasure to know and respect the work of Dr. Trescot; my reverence for her work originates in her realization of the need to expand our horizon and treat the patients appropriately rather than excessively. I feel the examples that I listed served to emphasize that not only does one need to recognize problems, but also solve problems with long-term results in mind. Alternatively, the short-term pain pill that may appear to work for hours will become a long-term issue by leading to addiction, chronic pain, and loss of work. All of this starts with the premise, “If you don’t know it, it doesn’t exist,” which is not in the best interest of the patient or doctor. In conclusion, Dr. Trescot deserves all the accolades for exercising a tremendous effort to bring such valuable and extensive information to all of us.

Dallas , TX , USA Gabor Racz , MD, FIPP

Pref ace

Peripheral nerve entrapments are a commonly overlooked cause of painful conditions, resulting in pain literally from the head to the toe. Even the astute clinician may not be aware of these syndromes, and entrapment of these often small nerves can lead to debilitating pain, mimicking “migraines,” cardiac disease, intra-abdominal pathology, “endometriosis,” complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and “plantar fasciitis.” Knowledge of these entrapments can prevent expensive ineffective testing and treatment and can ideally avoid unnecessary pain and suffering. This book is a culmination of many years of my personal clinical observations as well as collaboration between many providers. Over the years, when I would lecture on peripheral nerve entrapments, I would be met with blank stares, or worse, derision. However, this lack of knowledge is slowly changing. Fifteen years ago, when I would ask the audience to raise their hand if they had ever even heard of the cluneal nerve, perhaps two or three hands would go up. Now, with the same question, sometimes a majority of the room will raise their hands. There is suddenly a plethora of articles in the literature regarding peripheral nerve entrapment diagnosis and treatment, and the emergence of ultrasound-guided injections in pain medicine has confi rmed some of the mechanisms, while at the same time elucidated new mechanisms of entrapment. One of the hardest parts of writing this book has been the decision to stop adding new information to the chapters, since every time that I would fi nd a new reference, my developmental editor (Connie Walsh) would have to reformat the chapter. This book has been designed to be a guide as well as a reference. We chose pain pattern images that will hopefully trigger the clinician to think about peripheral nerve entrapment as a cause of their patient’s pain, while at the same time providing the scholarly anatomic descriptions of the nerve. We hope that this book will help you diagnose as well as treat your patients, using physical exam, differential diagnosis, medications, injections (landmark- guided, fl uoroscopic-guided, and ultrasound-guided), neurolytics, neuromodulation, and surgery. Videos showing the physical exam and landmark-guided injections are included for most of the described nerves. We have also created an Index of Symptoms, so that a patient who is complaining of an “ice pick in my eye” should lead you to consider the as a possible etiology. I hope that you will fi nd this book useful to help the patient who is asking “who will stop the pain?”

Anchorage , AK , USA Andrea M . Trescot , MD, ABIPP, FIPP



A book of this size and scope is never created in isolation. Many thanks (and perhaps blame) go to Dr. Peter Staats, who 3 years ago sent Springer Publishing to talk to me about doing this book. Thanks also go to Connie Walsh (my developmental editor) and especially Joanna Perry (my original supervising editor), who talked me out of my panic half way through this project. When Joanna left Springer to pursue an MBA, she handed me over to Becky Amos, who shep- herded this book to its fi nal form. I would like to thank my dear friend and collaborator, Dr. Helen (Ellie) Karl, who saw effi - cacy of these treatments and has become a “true believer.” She has been the engine and orga- nizer of this monumental project, and this book would have faltered and failed without her help. She checked and challenged every statement and image, so that this book would be as accurate as possible. To my section editors, I give special thanks for their fl exibility and trust, as the format and even the selection of nerves changed over the course of the development of this book. Each chapter author is a friend (or a friend of a friend), a fellow pain provider, and an advocate for recognition of these clinical syndromes. Many are mentees who were taught by me and who are now becoming the experts. Although each nerve chapter has an author’s name attached, we have used a collaborative approach, with contributions by multiple authors, most unnamed, along the lines of Wikipedia. A few, however, deserve special recognition. Drs. Dan Krashin and Natalia Murinova, an extraordinary husband/wife team (he is a psy- chiatrist and interventional pain physician, and she is a well-respected neurologist and migraine specialist), not only wrote their own chapters, but also wrote and rewrote many of the other chapters, some of which have their names on them and others that do not. In the same way, Dr. Michael Brown (interventional physiatrist) and Dr. Beth Pearce (podiatrist) provided a special expertise regarding pathologies of the lower extremities. Dr. Thais Vanetti of Brazil and Dr. Tiffany Zhang of Seattle both did a wonderful job of editing many of my “problem” chapters, all the more amazing because English is their second language. Dr. Terri Dallas Prunskis jumped in to help me fi nish chapters as the fi nal deadline approached and painted her family and staff to provide many of the nerve pattern pictures. Dr. Eric Wilson from South Africa helped to create the index of symptoms. My sister Leigh Trescot Tobias spent hours helping me to reformat the book when I had the “bright idea” to change the entire format after the book was three-quarters of the way done. Dr. Agnes Stogicza, my “daughter” and (according to my husband) “mini-me,” spent hours helping me by dissecting cadavers as well as creating US images of nerves as we traced nerves to their site of entrapment. Many of these US techniques have never been described in the lit- erature, so expect a fl urry of articles to follow the publishing of this book. She arranged for access to fresh cadavers in Hungary, as well as a wonderful anatomist, Gabor Balsa, who patiently and skillfully helped us to isolate nerves. We ultrasounded each other to trace nerves, and Agi always asked the tough questions of “why?” and “how?” and “what about this?” Her enthusiasm for pain treatment and new knowledge has kept me motivated.

xi xii Acknowledgements

Drs. Thiago Nouer Frederico and Fernando Mauad, from Brazil, and Drs. Michael Brown and Brian Shilpe, from the United States, generously provided many ultrasound pictures of the nerves. Thiago patiently traced nerves for me with ultrasound, showing potential entrapment sites not yet well described. Dr. Michael (“Micha”) Sommer from the Netherlands reviewed nearly every image and provided valuable insight regarding the ultrasound and non-ultrasound images as well reviewing the “readability” of the language. Dr. Christ Declerck from Belgium also shared a variety of intriguing images. David Spinner, DO, contributed his ultrasound images of the supraorbital, infraorbital, and mental nerves, while Drs. Gladstone McDowell and Porter McRoberts donated several peripheral stimulator images. Holly Long, editor of the journal Pain Physician , graciously provided pictures and permissions from the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP) textbooks and articles. Accuracy is critical in a book such as this, and I had help from Dr. J. David Prologo (an interventional radiologist) who reviewed the MR images that I created and from Dr. Micha Sommer who reviewed the US images. Dr. Rubina Ahmad also helped to review images. Over a dinner conversation during a conference in Poland, Ben Zylicz, MD, provided insight into the use of peripheral nerve injections in the treatment of cancer pain and agreed to put these thoughts down in a chapter. Heather Tick, MD, provided a balanced, integrated view of the non-interventional approach to these entrapments. Edit Debreczeni, daughter of my friend Dr. Edit Racz of Hungary, volunteered on short notice to be my model for the videos of examination and injection that accompanies this book. Tamara Brothers, PA-C, Dr. Thais Vanetti, Dr. Joshua Balch, and my sister Caroline Kirkland also served as willing models. And my brother, David Trescot, volunteered his skills as a pho- tographer and videographer/video editor to create almost every image in this book and to edit the raw video into the educational clips available here. I would like to give special thanks to my children, Nicole and Joseph Gear, who were indis- pensible assistants, serving as models as well as copy editors. They allowed me to draw on and poke and scan their bodies to create just the right image, and then corrected my grammar and syntax. Nicole, especially, spent multiple sessions posing for images, and the images of her (I hope) have helped to unify the book; she also spend countless hours reviewing every word of the book to make sure that the information made sense. And this book would never have been possible without my loving, supportive, and long-suffering husband, Harold Gear, who even offered to let me inject him, just so I could get a better image for the book. A fi nal thanks goes to the support and encouragement over the years from students and col- leagues, who would come up to me after my lecture to ask – “Where can I fi nd a book with all this information?” Hopefully, this book will now answer that question.

Andrea M. Trescot, MD St. Augustine Beach, Florida, USA

The plastinated human specimens shown in this book were produced by Prof. Dr. Hong-Jin Sui, Director of Dalian Medical University, China and Dalian Hoffen Bio-Technique Co,. Ltd, China, and are used here with their permission. The author wishes to thank Dr. Sui and Dalian Hoffen Bio-Technique Co., Ltd., for permission to use the photographs of these specimens. Contents

Part I Peripheral Nerve Entrapments: General Principles Andrea M. Trescot , Section Editor, and Daniel Krashin

1 Epidemiology and Pathophysiology ...... 3 Andrea M. Trescot , Daniel Krashin , and Helen W. Karl 2 History and Physical Exam ...... 11 Andrea M. Trescot and Daniel Krashin 3 Consequences of Peripheral Nerve Entrapment ...... 15 Andrea M. Trescot and Daniel Krashin 4 Pharmacological Treatment of Painful Nerve Entrapment Syndrome ...... 19 Tiffany Zhang 5 Non-pharmacologic Treatment of Peripheral Nerve Entrapment ...... 27 Helen W. Karl , Heather Tick , and Kris A. Sasaki 6 Diagnostic Evaluation ...... 35 Daniel Krashin and Andrea M. Trescot 7 Peripheral Nerve Entrapment: Injection Techniques ...... 37 Andrea M. Trescot and Natalia Murinova 8 Neurolytic Techniques ...... 45 Brett Lockman , Andrea M. Trescot , and Daniel Krashin 9 Neuromodulation for Treatment of Nerve Entrapment Syndromes ...... 59 Amitabh Gulati , Helen W. Karl , Tiffany Zhang , and Andrea M. Trescot 10 Surgical Treatment of Nerve Entrapment Syndromes ...... 71 Amitabh Gulati , Daniel Krashin , and Helen W. Karl 11 The Why and What of Integrative Pain Medicine ...... 75 Heather Tick 12 Peripheral Nerve Blocks in Palliative Care for Cancer Patients ...... 79 Zbigniew (Ben) Zylicz 13 Complications of Nerve Entrapment Injection ...... 85 Daniel Krashin and Natalia Murinova

xiii xiv Contents

Part II Headache Esther Rawner , Section Editor, and Matthew P. Rupert

14 Supraorbital Nerve Entrapment ...... 95 Rafael Justiz and Andrea M. Trescot 15 Auriculotemporal Nerve Entrapment ...... 105 Andrea M. Trescot and Esther Rawner 16 Great Auricular/Posterior Auricular Nerve Entrapment ...... 117 Leonard Benton and Andrea M. Trescot 17 Greater Occipital Nerve Entrapment ...... 127 Andrea M. Trescot , Esther Rawner , and David M. Irwin 18 Lesser Occipital Nerve Entrapment ...... 149 Esther Rawner , David M. Irwin , and Andrea M. Trescot 19 Third Occipital Nerve Entrapment ...... 159 Esther Rawner and Andrea M. Trescot 20 Suboccipital Neuralgia and Decompression ...... 171 Andrea M. Trescot , Esther Rawner , Matthew P. Rupert , Rafael Justiz , and Gabor Racz

Part III Facial and Cervical Nerve Entrapments Agnes R. Stogicza , Section Editor

21 Supraorbital Nerve Entrapment: Face ...... 185 Rafael Justiz 22 Infraorbital Nerve Entrapment ...... 197 Rafael Justiz and Eugene D. Kaplan 23 Maxillary Nerve Entrapment ...... 205 Ava Yoon and Vinay Puttanniah 24 Mandibular Nerve Entrapment ...... 217 Ava Yoon and Vinay Puttanniah 25 Mental Nerve Entrapment ...... 229 Sydney E. Rose and Amitabh Gulati 26 Glossopharyngeal Nerve Entrapment ...... 241 Agnes R. Stogicza and Andrea M. Trescot

Part IV Chest Wall Peripheral Nerve Entrapment Syndromes Amitabh Gulati , Section Editor

27 Spinal Accessory Nerve Entrapment ...... 253 Agnes R. Stogicza 28 Suprascapular Nerve Entrapment: Shoulder...... 267 Christopher J. Burnett and Helen W. Karl 29 Intercostal Nerve Entrapment: Chest Wall ...... 279 Sola Olamikan , Amitabh Gulati , and Andrea M. Trescot 30 Long Thoracic Nerve Entrapment ...... 291 Sola Olamikan and Helen W. Karl Contents xv

31 Axillary Nerve Entrapment ...... 305 Christopher J. Burnett and Helen W. Karl 32 Dorsal Scapular Nerve Entrapment ...... 315 Andrea M. Trescot

Part V Upper Extremity Peripheral Nerve Entrapments Virtaj Singh , Section Editor

33 Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (Neurogenic) ...... 327 Virtaj Singh , Christopher J. Burnett , and Richard E. Seroussi 34 Suprascapular Nerve Entrapment: Upper Extremity ...... 339 Christopher J. Burnett and Helen W. Karl 35 Deep Branch of the Radial Nerve Entrapment ...... 349 Richard E. Seroussi , Virtaj Singh , and Helen W. Karl 36 Superficial Radial Nerve Entrapment ...... 359 Andrea M. Trescot and Helen W. Karl 37 Median Nerve Entrapments ...... 369 Virtaj Singh and William B. Ericson Jr. 38 Ulnar Nerve Entrapment ...... 383 Virtaj Singh and Andrea M. Trescot

Part VI Abdominal Wall Pain Tiffany Zhang , Section Editor

39 Intercostal Nerve Entrapment: Abdomen ...... 399 Sola Olamikan , Amitabh Gulati , and Andrea M. Trescot 40 Ilioinguinal and Iliohypogastric Nerve Entrapment: Abdominal ...... 413 Neel Amin , Daniel Krashin , and Andrea M. Trescot 41 Genitofemoral Nerve Entrapment: Abdominal ...... 425 Thais Khouri Vanetti , Alexandra Tavares Raffaini Luba , Fabrício Dias Assis , and Charles Amaral de Oliveira 42 Abdominal Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment Syndrome ...... 437 Eugene D. Kaplan and Helen W. Karl 43 Entrapment: Abdominal ...... 451 Susan R. Anderson-Jones and Tiffany Zhang

Part VII Pelvic Pain Daniel Krashin , Section Editor

44 Ilioinguinal Nerve Entrapment: Pelvic ...... 467 Natalia Murinova , Daniel Krashin , and Andrea M. Trescot 45 Genitofemoral Nerve Entrapment: Pelvic ...... 479 Thais Khouri Vanetti , Alexandra Tavares Raffaini Luba , Fabrício Dias Assis , and Charles Amaral de Oliveira 46 Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment: Pelvic ...... 491 Natalia Murinova , Daniel Krashin , and Andrea M. Trescot xvi Contents

47 Pudendal Nerve Entrapment ...... 499 Susanti K. Chowdhury and Andrea M. Trescot 48 Obturator Nerve Entrapment: Pelvic ...... 515 Andrea M. Trescot 49 Lumbar Plexus Entrapment: Pelvic ...... 527 Susan R. Anderson-Jones , Tiffany Zhang , and Andrea M. Trescot 50 Inferior Cluneal Nerve Entrapment: Pelvic ...... 545 Terri Dallas-Prunskis

Part VIII Low Back Pain Terri Dallas-Prunskis , Section Editor

51 Superior Cluneal Nerve Entrapment ...... 555 Terri Dallas-Prunskis 52 Inferior Cluneal Nerve Entrapment: Low Back ...... 565 Terri Dallas-Prunskis 53 Superior Gluteal Nerve Entrapment ...... 571 Andrea M. Trescot 54 Inferior Gluteal Nerve Entrapment ...... 581 Andrea M. Trescot 55 Proximal Sciatic Nerve Entrapment: Low Back ...... 589 Annemarie E. Gallagher , Amitabh Gulati , and Terri Dallas-Prunskis 56 Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment: Low Back ...... 605 Natalia Murinova , Daniel Krashin , and Andrea M. Trescot

Part IX Lower Extremity Susan R. Anderson-Jones , Section Editor

57 Femoral Nerve Entrapment ...... 617 Christopher J. Burnett 58 Proximal Saphenous Nerve Entrapment: Thigh and Knee ...... 627 Andrea M. Trescot , Helen W. Karl , Michael N. Brown , and Beth S. Pearce 59 Distal Saphenous Nerve Entrapment ...... 645 Michael N. Brown , Beth S. Pearce , Helen W. Karl , and Andrea M. Trescot 60 Genitofemoral Nerve Entrapment: Lower Extremity ...... 655 Thais Khouri Vanetti , Alexandra Tavares Raffaini Luba , Fabrício Dias Assis , and Charles Amaral de Oliveira 61 Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment ...... 667 Lisa Rochelle Witkin , Amitabh Gulati , Tiffany Zhang , and Helen W. Karl 62 Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment: Pelvic ...... 683 Natalia Murinova , Daniel Krashin , and Andrea M. Trescot 63 Inferior Cluneal Nerve Entrapment: Lower Extremity ...... 691 Terri Dallas-Prunskis 64 Obturator Nerve Entrapment: Lower Extremity ...... 699 Andrea M. Trescot and Helen W. Karl Contents xvii

65 Proximal Sciatic Nerve Entrapment ...... 713 Annemarie E. Gallagher , Amitabh Gulati , and Terri Dallas-Prunskis 66 Lumbar Plexus Entrapment: Lower Extremity ...... 727 Susan R. Anderson-Jones , Tiffany Zhang , and Andrea M. Trescot 67 Common Peroneal Nerve Entrapment ...... 745 Natalia Murinova , Sheila C. Chiu , Daniel Krashin , and Helen W. Karl 68 Superficial Peroneal Nerve Entrapment ...... 759 Natalia Murinova , Sheila C. Chiu , Daniel Krashin , and Helen W. Karl 69 Deep Peroneal Nerve Entrapment ...... 769 Beth S. Pearce , Michael N. Brown , and Helen W. Karl 70 Interdigital Nerve Entrapment ...... 781 Beth S. Pearce , Michael N. Brown , and Thais Khouri Vanetti 71 Sural Nerve Entrapment ...... 795 Michael N. Brown , Beth S. Pearce , and Thais Khouri Vanetti 72 Lateral Sural Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment ...... 811 Heath McAnally 73 Tibial Nerve Entrapment ...... 819 Michael N. Brown , Beth S. Pearce , Andrea M. Trescot , and Helen W. Karl 74 Lateral Plantar Nerve Entrapment ...... 833 Michael N. Brown , Beth S. Pearce , Thais Khouri Vanetti , Andrea M. Trescot , and Helen W. Karl 75 Medial Plantar Nerve Entrapment ...... 845 Michael N. Brown , Beth S. Pearce , Andrea M. Trescot , and Helen W. Karl 76 Inferior Calcaneal Nerve Entrapment ...... 859 Michael N. Brown , Beth S. Pearce , and Helen W. Karl 77 Medial Calcaneal Nerve Entrapment ...... 871 Michael N. Brown , Beth S. Pearce , Thais Khouri Vanetti , Andrea M. Trescot , and Helen W. Karl Index ...... 883

Index of Symptoms ...... 901


Neel Amin , MD Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, American Pain Experts, Ft. Lauderdale, FL , USA Susan R. Anderson-Jones , MD Pain Management Clinic , Liberty Hospital , Liberty , MO , USA Fabrício Dias Assis , MD, FIPP Medical Director , Singular – Centro de Controle da Dor , Campinas , São Paulo , Brazil Leonard Benton , MD, FIPP Private Practice , Ft. Myers , FL , USA Michael N. Brown , DC, MD Interventional Regenerative Orthopedic Medicine Institute , Seattle , WA , USA Christopher J. Burnett , MD Pain Management Division, Department of Anesthesiology , Baylor Scott and White Memorial Hospital , Temple , TX , USA Sheila C. Chiu , DO Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine , University of Washington , Seattle , WA , USA Susanti K. Chowdhury , MD Advanced Interventional Spine Consultants , Largo , FL , USA Terri Dallas-Prunskis , MD Illinois Pain Institute , Elgin , IL , USA Charles Amaral de Oliveira , MD, FIPP Singular Pain Center, Campinas , São Paulo, Brazil William B. Ericson Jr. , MD, FACS, FAAOS Ericson Hand and Nerve Center , Mountlake Terrace , WA , USA Annemarie E. Gallagher , MD Interventional Pain and Spine Institute , Las Vegas , NV , USA Amitabh Gulati , MD Director of Chronic Pain, Anesthesiology and Critical Care , Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center , New York , NY , USA David M. Irwin , DO Pain and Interventional Medicine, Neurosurgery , UPMC Hamot Medical Center , Erie , PA , USA Rafael Justiz , MD, MS, DABA/PM, FIPP, DABIPP Department of Anesthesiology , Oklahoma Pain Physicians, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center , Oklahoma City , OK , USA Eugene D. Kaplan , MD, MPH, DABNP, DABIPP, FIPP Optimum Health Medical Group, PLLC , Clifton Park , NY , USA Helen W. Karl , MD Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine , University of Washington, Seattle Children’s Hospital , Seattle , WA , USA Daniel Krashin , MD Pain and Anesthesia and Psychiatry Departments , Chronic Fatigue Clinic, University of Washington , Seattle , WA , USA Brett Lockman , DO Advanced Wellness Sports and Spine , Davenport , IA , USA

xix xx Contributors

Heath McAnally , MD, MSPH Interventional Pain Medicine, Northern Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, LLC , Eagle River , AK , USA Natalia Murinova , MD Department of Neurology , Headache Clinic, University of Washington , Seattle , WA , USA Sola Olamikan , MD Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine , University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas , TX , USA Attending Pediatric Anesthesiologist and Pediatric Pain Specialist , Children’s Health Medical Center , Dallas , TX , USA Beth S. Pearce , DPM, BA (Biology) Orthopaedic Associates of St. Augustine , St. Augustine , FL , USA Vinay Puttanniah , MD Regional Anesthesia, Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine , Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center , New York , NY , USA Gabor Racz , MD, DABIPP, FIPP Professor Emeritus, Department of Anesthesiology , Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center , Lubbock , TX , USA Alexandra Tavares Raffaini Luba , MD Singular – Centro de Controle da Dor , Campinas , São Paulo , Brazil Instituto do Cãncer do Estado de São Paulo , São Paulo , SP , Brazil Santa Casa de São Paulo , Campinas , São Paulo , Brazil Esther Rawner , MD Department of Neurology , Northwest Hospital , Seattle , WA , USA Sydney E. Rose , MD Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine , New York – Presbyterian Hospital , New York , NY , USA Matthew P. Rupert , MD, MS, FIPP VERTEX Spine and Pain , Franklin , TN , USA Kris A. Sasaki , DC, CCSP Vida Integrated Health , Seattle , WA , USA Richard E. Seroussi , MD, MSc Department of Rehabilitation Medicine , Courtesy Clinical Faculty, University of Washington , Seattle , WA , USA Seattle Spine and Sports Medicine , Seattle , WA , USA Virtaj Singh , MD Clinical Faculty, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine , University of Washington, Seattle Spine and Sports Medicine , Seattle , WA , USA Agnes R. Stogicza , MD, FIPP Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine , University of Washington , Seattle , WA , USA Heather Tick , MA, MD Family Medicine and Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine , University of Washington , Seattle , WA , USA Andrea M. Trescot , MD, ABIPP, FIPP Pain and Headache Center , Anchorage , AK , USA Thais Khouri Vanetti , MD, FIPP Singular – Centro de Controle da Dor , Campinas , São Paulo , Brazil Instituto do Cãncer do Estado de São Paulo , São Paulo , SP , Brazil Lisa Rochelle Witkin , MD Division of Pain Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology , New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center , New York , NY , USA Ava Yoon , MD Department of Anesthesiology , Kaiser Downey Medical Center , Downey , CA , USA Tiffany Zhang , MD, PhD Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine , University of Washington Medical Center , Seattle , WA , USA Zbigniew (Ben) Zylicz , MD, PhD Oeitender Arzt, Palliative Care Team , University Hospital , Basel , Switzerland