Among Christians and Muslims: An Approach to the Captivity in the Frontier between the Kingdom of Castille and the Emirate of Granada (XIV- XV Centuries) J. Fernando Tinoco Díaz* Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Abstract The proposition of this paper is to analyze the various facets of the captivity phenomenon in the frontier between Granada and Castile. In this context, the captivity was a very usual manifestation of the frontier violence and insecurity lived for the Andalusian society. For this reason, it begins referring to key issues such as the context, the importance of the captivity and the measures that occurred around the release of these captives in this geographical area. Subsequently, specific mentions are also added to the living conditions of these captives and their possible forms of redemption. Consequently, the captivity is here shown as a strong social problem through which to observe the main characters of the border society of the Iberian Peninsula during the end of the Middle Ages. Keywords Captivity, Kingdom of Castile, Emirate Nasrid of Granada, Andalusia, Late Mid- dle Ages. * Licenciado en Historia por la Universidad de Extremadura. Unidad de Documentación y Gestión de Publicaciones, Institución Milà i Fontanals (CSIC), C/ Egipcíaques, 15 E-08001 Barcelona. Correo electrónico:
[email protected] E-STRATÉGICA, 1, 2017 • ISSN 2530-9951, pp. 223-240 223 J. FERNANDO TINOCO DÍAZ Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las diversas facetas del fenómeno del cau- tiverio en la frontera entre Granada y Castilla. En este contexto, el cautiverio fue una manifestación muy habitual de la violencia e inseguridad fronteriza vivida por la sociedad andaluza.