MANCHESTER SPORTS PZC faces suit Cheney, Eastern Students iearning over rezoning worthy opponents from deaf peopie ... page 8 ... page 9 ... page 13 Mmulmtn Manchester — A City of Village Charm Hrralft

Thursday, June 12,1986 25 Cents Repubiicans ignore effort to end session

Bv Mark A. Dupuis United Press International Manchester legislators HARTFORD — House Republi­ exchange criticism cans today moved forward with a — story on page 3 special legislative session despite a Democratic leader's claim that he had officially declared an end to the gathering. In a bizarre development. House Earlier Wednesday, O'Neill Minority Leader Irving J, Stol­ issued legal papers calling another berg. D-New Haven, took control of special session for June 23 to a nearly em pty cham ber and after consider the tax relief bill as well a vote by three lawmakers de­ as other measures, including clared the se.ssion had ended. changes to the state's death Majority Republicans rejected penalty law. the move as illegal and called the " If they want to get the credit for House back into session about 45 it. fine, but do it legally.” the minutes later when they declared governor said, indicating strongly the session was still on and would that he would veto any bill possibly include a full business approved by the session on the meeting Friday. grounds the gathering was invalid. "We are still in session.” said But Senate President Pro Tem­ M a jo rity Leader Robert G. pore Philip S, Robertson. R- Jaekle. R-Stratford. who de­ Cheshire. said GOP lawmakers nounced the actions taken earlier will go ahead with collecting by Stolberg as invalid and a "mock petition signatures to call that session” and "a joke.” session on their own and will most Today's developments added the likely ignore the governor's action. Today, Stolberg took control of a nearly empty chamber latest twist to the already unusual Republicans have limited the Minority Leader Irving Stolberg (left) questions the and highly controversial session, agenda to the session to making Republican call of a special legislative session and declared the session had ended, but Republicans which Democrats claim was called changes to a law passed last year Wednesday at the Capitol in Hartford. The empty seats moved forward anyway. in violation of the state constitution revising the state's program for are those of House Democrats boycotting the session. and cannot legally adopt any bills. providing property tax relief to "It's an inconvenience, let alone elderly renters and homeowners. a constitutional mockery, to con­ As it now stands, some people tinue to press this.” said Stolberg. stand to lose substantial amounts who claimed he had the right to of aid under the tax relief program take control of the chamber unless technical changes are made Willhide win sparks GOP furor because the presiding Republicans to the law passed last year. were absent when the scheduled 10 The Senate was able to get its Hebron of delegates to the slate One of who voted for H(>77uto backer, was named to the a m. start of the session arrived. work started since enough Repub­ By Alex GIrelll The session opened Wednesday licans showed up to constitute a Associate Editor convention from the 4th Senatoral Willhide was state Rep. Elsie permanent organization commit­ District, which includes Manches­ Swensson of Manchester. tee. Mark Johnson, the Republican with Democrats boycotting the quorum. However, the chamber meeting, a move that prompted was unable to vote on the bill Republican Slate Central Com­ ter. Bolton. Hebron. Columbia and “I’m for Bozzuto.” Svensson town chairman in Bolton and a House Republicans to direct Ca­ because the House had to mitteeman Nathan Agostinelli. Glastonbury. said this morning in explaining her Belaga backer, was named to the pitol police to round up missing adopt rules, which it could not. defeated by Manchester Republi­ vote. “ It’s terrible when you have credentials committee. Agostinelli. a supporter of GOP Democratic members. Police House Republicans, accusing can Registrar of Voters Mary to m ake a choice between two good Nancy Owen of Glastonbury, a gubernatorial candidate Gerald sought legal advice and the law­ the Democrats of abrogating their Willhide Wednesday night for a friends. I could have abstained, but state central committeewoman Labriola of Naugatuck, was nomi­ makers were gone before the responsibility as legislators, voted committee post at the Republican I've never walked away from a and uncommitted in the guberna­ nated for election to the rules roundup could begin. to have the Capitol police force State Convention, today called for v o te " torial race, was named to the committee of the state convention Stolberg .said D em ocrats would "compel” Democrats at the Ca­ W illhide’s resignation as Agostinelli was one of four resolutions committee. and was defeated when supporters Ed Ely. the Republican town continue their opposition to the pitol but not at the session to reg istrar. original nominees for committee of Richard Bozzulo of Watertown special session, which was called attend. "If she is going to play politics, positions. The other three were chairman in Hebron, was named backed Willhide for the position. by Republican lawmakers to make The Capitol police sought advice she should resign as Republican elected. .secretary of the delegation Willhide said she did not wage a changes to the state's program for from state police officials and the registrar of voters.” said Agosti­ Vivian Ferguson, a delegate and campaign against Agostinelli. She The plan was to elect one providing tax relief to the elderly. state attorney general's office on nelli. a former slate comptroller a supporter of Labriola. spoke said Bozzuto supporters were supporter of Labriola. one of He did not say if he would press whether to carry out the order. and mayor of Manchester. bitterly this morning about Agosti- Bozzuto. one of Julie Belaga of his claim to having adjourned the Before the issue was resolved. He charged that the registrar's sim p ly “ doing th e ir best to avoid a nelli's defeat. Westport and one uncommitted session for good, explaining that House members from both parties office "has turned into a social statewide primary.” She called it a "te rrib le slap in delegate. The fourth GO P hopeful. there would be nothing to chal­ began leaving and Republicans club” and called Republican ef­ Some of those at the Hebron the face of a man who's given 3fl Romeo Petroni. dropped out of the lenge in court or through other wound up giving up for the day. forts to register new voters under meeting said the vote for Willhide years to the party" race today. means until the Legislature actu­ Willhide "a disaster.” came chiefly from Glastonbury "There's no loyalty any more.” she complained. She said the ally approved a bill. “ I have no intention of resigning supporters of Bozzuto. But Agosti­ But Willhide's election left two registrar "should be more politic.” House Speaker R.E. Van Nor- at this time.” Willhide said this nelli said the move was engineered Bozzuto backers in committee by Manchester Republicans. posts. Ferguson said the fight within strand. R-Darieh. denounced Stol- Trucker dies m orning. berg's parliamentary attempt to The party fight, the latest in a “Obviously, they had to spend a Donald Kuehl. Republican town lot of time lining up votes.” he said. chairman in Manchester and a Please turn to page 8 declare the session at an end. .series, erupted at a m eeting in "It was a cruel hoax on the senior in 1-84 crash citizens of the state. I think it bordered on contempt,” Van Nor- WEST HARTFORD (AP) - The strand said, adding Stolberg had driver of a tractor-trailer rig was no authority to call the House to crushed to death early today when Committee for One to rise again order and then declare it he apparently fell asleep at the adjourned. wheel and his truck rolled over on a 'The session broke down in dangerous stretch of Interstate 84, The district is an independent tion issue from interfering with By George Layng to hold a referendum this No­ disarray Wednesday when only officials said. It was the third truck authority that has provided fire this November's elections, while Herald Reporter vember to change sections of the one Democrat showed up for the accident in 10 days in the .sameha- Town Charter that currently re­ protection and sewer service to still allowing people from both parties to participate in a pro- House proceedings, leaving the reahof the highway, according to A citizens' group active in the quire a separate, favorable vote by most of northern Manchester for merger effort, the .source said. majority Republicans without the state police. last effort to consolidate the town district residents before a merger alm ost 100 years. E ffo rts to merge The source said the committee quorum needed to take action on The accident, in the eastbound and the Eighth Utilities District can take place. If the charter the district with the town have would include many younger resi­ the tax relief bill. lanes near the Park Road exit, will soon be revived and play an provisions are eliminated, the been led by the Democratic Party dents who were not part of the Democratic leaders and O'Neill occurred shortly after 5 a m., active role in pushing for charter district's veto power over consoli­ and have stirred sharpangerinthe original group, in addition to some claimed the session was called police said. changes that would facilitate a dation will be ended, and a single district. of the founding members. illegally and that as a result any The name of the d riv e r has not forced merger. Democratic Town townwide vote will decide the action taken during the meeting been released The truck was Another top Democratic source An informal poll done by the Chairman Theodore Cummings m atter. would be invalid. owned by the Milton Manufactur­ Members of the Democratic said this morning that the new Herald in March found that a said this morning. num ber of form er m em bers of the O'Neill accused the majority ing Co, of Milton, Pa. Trooper Cummings, who was a member majority on the board, who in group's efforts, like those of the Committee for One Manchester Republican lawmakers of "games­ Dave Mich said. of the original Committee For One January created a Charter Revi­ earlier Committee for One Man­ were interested in the consolida­ manship” by insisting on conven­ He said investigators were able Manchester created in 1978. said sion Commission that has formally chester. will be bipartisan because tion issue, but did not want to ing the session through questiona­ to determine from a lack of both the group "has been quietly at recommended the charter the question of consolidation participate in a revived effort. ble means rather than waiting and skid marks and mechanical de­ work ... and will become more changes, have said they will vote to "should be a town issue” instead of Robert Bletchman. president of meeting under an order he issued fects that the driver apparently fell visible in the next several w eeks" hold a referendum this fall. a political battle, the district support group Stop Tuesday. asleep at the wheel. Cummings declined to comment Cummings indicated the Com­ mittee for One Manchester will Keeping the committee separate Tampering with the Eighth's further. American Liberties, or STEAL, The town Board of Directors is become more active after the from the Democratic Town Com­ said this morning he was surprised scheduled to vote Ju ly 1 on whether directors vote. mittee will prevent the consolida- the Committee for One Manches­ ter was going to be reactivated. TODAY’S HERALD Bletchman .sharply criticized Cummings for his efforts in Index Petroni drops out of race re-establishing the group, and Claims support charged that Cummings “ has too Republican congressional candi­ 24 paflM. 4 ••ctlont much politically and emotionally cut. is a GOP stronghold. and his law office went unans­ date James Pabilonia of Windham A H u ic A i.«i HARTFORD (AP) - Republi­ at'stake not to make a last ditch Further, he said, "it is unrealis­ wered this morning. said Wednesday he will have R llQ in A A ft can Romeo G. Petroni today e ffo rt" tic to think that I could raise as The former state legislator from enough support among delegates dropped out of the race for his However. Bletchman said the PlntteifioH 5>.3-54 m uch as $400,000 to cove r the cost Ridgefield had been considered the to the 2nd District nominating party's gubernatorial nomination group would not be as effective as C n m i c s 1fi of a primary and continue to underdog of the four candidates convention to force a September and said he would seek re-election STEAL in organizing public PnnnATtlriit campaign for the nomination seeking the Republican nomina­ primary against his opponent. in November as probate judge in PntArtiiinmAnt 17 throughout the state at the same tion. He is running against Deputy .support. Francis "Bud” Mullen. Story on Ridgefield. "The STEAL committee is no­ F rt riift l.-t t im e " House Majority Leader Julie D. page 8. “I have decided to withdraw Belaga of Westport and former thing except that what it has to say 1 nrA l riAu/A .1 A from the race and leave the field His letter didn't endorse any of state senators Richard C. Bozzuto has generated an extraordinary Showers and storms 1 n t tA r y 9 open to the other candidates.” the other three candidates in the of Watertown and Gerald Labriola response,” he said. "The Commit­ DhitiiArioA « Cloudy and humid today with Petroni said in a letter released by race. Petroni also reiterated in the of Naugatuck. tee for One Manchester will n p i n l n n A. showers and scattered thunder­ his campaign office and sent to his letter that he had no interest in any However, his victory in the generate no sim ilar — in not any P A n p lA 9 storms. High of 70 to 75, Showers supporters. other elected state office. Stamford primary last month, in way comparable — response,” ^riAnrA/HAiilth 1A-1P He charged that those who and thunderstorms likely tonight. “ While losing is never easy, this which he gained all 26 delegates, fl- 1 9 He acknowledged that his at­ Partly sunny, warm and humid S p o r t * experience of running for governor generated more enthusiasm belong to the committee will be tem pt to convince the G O P that he Friday with scattered afternoon T A lA v ia io n 17 has been a rewarding one for me.” among his supporters. He had nothing m ore than "good little foot was the "Fairfield County candi­ soldiers” for the Democratic and evening thunderstorms. De­ LI S / W o r lH 7 date” had not worked. Fairfield he wrote. hoped that that win would help him P a rty . tails on page 2. Weather 9 County, in southwestern Connecti­ The telephone at Petroni's home get more delegates. MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. Jung I2 , 19B6 — 3 t - MANCHESTER HERALD. TTiurwIay. June 12. 1M6 ^Unique’ condos Legislators WEATHER exchange ■ Ax? Today’s forecast planned in town criticism Connectlcni, Massachnsetu and Rhode laland: By John F. Kirch not be able to finish construction by By George Lavng Cloudy and quite humid today. Showers becoming Herald Reporter more numerous this afternoon with scattered Horold Reporter that time. The PZC still must review the site plans and grant thunderstorms. Highs 60 to 65 coast, 70to7SinIaiKl. Republican state Sen. Carl A Manchester developer has final approval before construction Showers and a few thunderstorms likely tonight. Zinsser of Manchester this morn­ Lows 60 to 65. Morning ciouds giving way to partly submitted plans for construction of can begin. about 140 attached single-family ing strongly criticize d D em ocratic sunny, warm and humid weather in the afternoon. The site of the proposed develop­ housing units on 16 acres of vacant ment is just south of a large legislators — including Rep. Scattered afternoon and evening thunderstorms. land along Parker Street. development of single-family James McCavanagh of Manche.s- H ig h s 80 to 85. Holiday Homes Corp. of Man­ houses called Stoney Brook, which ter — for refusing to attend a Maine: Rain south today and increasing chester, which has built houses in w as fo rm e rly known as the P a rk e r special session of the General cloudiness north. Highs in the 60s. Rain and fog Newington and South Windsor, has Village subdivision. Assembly called Wednesday by most places tonight. Lows in the 50s. Rain north proposed the 28-buiIding oondomi- Stoney Brook will contain about the G O P. and east Friday with a chance of showers in the nium development just off Parker 92 detached single-family houses Zinsser said the move by the southern and western portions. Highs in the 60s Street near Sanrico Drive. The when construction is completed Democrats to boycott the session north to 70s south. developers plan to leave about during the coming year. Both that was "irresponsible.” New Hampshire: Rain and patchy fog today and three acres open for a baseball site and the one on which the The session, called by Republi­ tonight. Highs in the 60s today. Lows tonight in the field, basketball court and other condominiums are planned are cans to change the state’s program 50s. A chance of showers in the morning Friday, recreational facilities, according part of 50 acres Lapidus is in the of tax relief for elderly people, was then becoming partly sunny south in the afternoon. to site plans on file at the town process of buying from Manches­ thrown in doubt when Democratic legislators declined to attend in Highs in the 60s and 70s. Planning Office. ter resident William B. Thornton. sufficient numbers to pass legisla­ Vermont: Showers iikeiy today and tonight, “We designed a very unique So far. road work, lot grading tion. Democrats avoided the pro­ project," said Edward Lapidus. and utility work are being done at chance of a thunderstorm. Damp. Highs around 70. ceedings after Gov. O’Neill, armed the owner of Holiday Homes. "It’s the single-family house site. Con­ iows tonight 55 to 60. A few more showers Friday, with an advisory opinon from the quite unique in our architectural struction on the houses should then c ie a rin g . B re e z y and p le a sa n t. H ig h s 70 to 75. state attorney general’s office, them e.” begin in July. Lapidus said. said the session was illegal be­ The units would be a combina­ It should take the company about Stormy weather Today In history cause it had not been approved by a tion of townhouses and ranch-style 18 months to two years after PZC Extended outlook majority of legislators. units, Lapidus said Wednesday approval to complete the multi­ Today: Cloudy and humid. Showers and scattered thunderstorms this Among those born on this date was Vice President However, Zinsser raised doubts afternoon from his Long Island. fam ily portion of the development. Extended outlook for New England Saturday about the validity of the opinion, afternoon. High of 70 to 75. Tonight: Showers and a few thunderstorms George Bush, shown above in 1984 during an N.Y., home. The plans show Lapidus said. through Monday; delivered by Deputy Attorney likely with a low of 60 to 65. Friday: Morning clouds giving way to partly appearance on NBC’s "Meet the Press.” between four and six units in each 'The single-family houses in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island: General Clarine Nardi Riddle. building, ranging between 900 and Stoney Brook w ill be between 1,000 sunny, warm and humid weather in the afternoon. Scattered afternoon A chance of showers Saturday and Monday. Fair "It’s a very weak opinon. She 1.250 square feet. A ll but 12 would and 1.600 square feet and w ill be and evening thunderstorms. High of 80 to 85. Today's weather picture Sunday. Highs from the mid-70s to low 80s. Lows ought to be embarrassed by that have individual garages. ranches, split ranches and colon­ from the mid-50s to low 60s. opinion,” he said. Zin.ssersaid the was drawn by Mark Kelly of Bolton, a fourth-grader at Bolton The site is in a Residence M zone, ials. Lapidus said. opinion did not cite any state law to Elementary School. Vermont: Dry Saturday. Sunday and Monday. a designation that permitted a mix “Our base prices will be under Almanac \ back it up. H ig h s 65 to 75. lo w s in the 50s. of attached and detached housing $100,000.” he said. "Any vote to convene by less Maine: Fair Saturday and Sunday. Chance of units under regulations that have Lapidus said that several Today is Thursday. June 12. In 1963. a killed civil ' than a majority of the elected showers Monday. Highs in the upper 60s north to since been revised. hundred people have expressed the 163rd d a y of 1986 w ith 202 to rights leader Medgar Evers in ' representatives in each chamber upper 70s south. Lows in the upper 40s and 50s. Plans for the subdivision were interest in buying the single-family follow . Jackson. Miss. puts into serious question and New Hampshire: Fair Saturday and Sunday. approved by the Planning and houses. To deal with the large The moon is moving toward its In 1967. the Supreme Court doubt whether such action repres­ SeATTLE C h a n ce o f sh ow ers M o n d a y . H ig h s in the u p p e r 60s Zoning Commission in 1977. but demand, Holiday Homes will first quarter. ru le d that states co u ld not ou tlaw ents the will of the General north to upper 70s south. Lows in the upper 40s and development on the site was either sell the units on a first-come, The morning stars are Mars interracial marriages. ' Assembly.” Riddle concluded. 50s delayed when two area residents first-served basis or will hold a In 1971. Tricia Nixon m arried , McCavanagh said this morning and Jupiter. filed a lawsuit over the plans. lottery. Lapidus said. the opinion was what prompted The evening stars are Mer­ Edward Finch Cox in the first , Although the suit was resolved in "We have, right now. three or him not to attend the preceedings. cury, Venus and Saturn. wedding ever held in the Rose ■ 1981, the poor housing market at four buyers for each house.” he While he stressed that he and other Across the nation Those born on this date are Garden of the White House. the time delayed construction said. Democratic legislators strongly under the sign of Gemini. They In 1982. an estimated 700,000 , Lapidus has developed housing further. support cha iging a law pas.sed in Showers and thunderstorms will be scattered include John Augustus Roebling. people gathered in New York’s throughout New York. Connecti­ SAN FRANCISCO The subdivision plan needed to 1985 in order to restore tax benefits across south-central Texas, the Gulf Coast region, designer of the Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park to calf for world : be reapproved by the PZC this cut. Florida and Maine. He said he for elderly people, he objected to the Southeast, and from the northern Plains to the in 1806; Vice President George nuclear disarmament. w in ter because the o rig in a l appro­ is looking at other sites in Man­ the process supported by the Great Basin. Showers and thunderstorms will In 1985, five Shiite Moslems > v e was only valid until May )986. chester for future residential LOS ANGELES Bush in 1924 (62); singer Vic Republicans. occur from the Great Lakes to the mid-Atlantic Damone in 1928 (age 58): Anne who forced a Royal Jordanian . arid the developers said they would developments. 2 a f 7 ~ & ^ \ McCavanagh said the session LOW e 5 P ^ 7 7 . states with a good chance of rain over upstate New Frank, who wrote her now- Boeing 727 from Beirut to Sicily was not legal, adding that O’Neill York and southern and central New England. famous diary while hiding from and back to Beirut released the , TEMPERATURES had warned he would veto any Sunshine will prevail from the Plains across the the Nazis in occupied Holland, in 67 people aboard and blew up ; legislation passed during the ses­ Rockies to inland sections of California and the 1929: author Rona Jaffe in 1932 plane, ending a 30-hour ordeal. • Flag thieves plague sion. He charged the Republicans ORLEANS Pacific Northwest. (54). and comic actor Jim with engaging in election-year -LEOEMD- Nabors in 1933 (S3). A thought for the day: Anne J. Herald photo by Rocha •politics. On this date in history: Frank wrote. "Whoever is happy J Zinsser made the same charge IRAM High and low In 1924. Calvin Coolidge. who will make others happy too. He town’s Legion post Sharp eye against the Democrats. "The succeeded to the presidency who has courage and faith will governor and his Democrat col­ FLOW NEW YORK — The highest temperature upon the death of Warren Hard­ never perish in m isery.” Bv John Mitchell discovered missing this morning, leagues in the Legislature can’t UPI WEATHER FOTOCA8T €> Bill McCann, a physical education summer. Here, he is in the process of reported Wednesday by the National Weather ing. received the Republican Herald Reporter was put up Wednesday night. He help but seize an opportunity they Service, excluding Alaska and Hawaii, was 112 presidential nomination. He won Now you know said that it was raised up the pole teacher at Keeney Street School for building a retaining wall in his own see to get political mileage, but this time it’s at the cost of elderly degrees at Lake Havasu City. Ariz. The low was 34 the November election by a large The sun first strikes the United The second American flag in two after members noticed a previous most of the year, turns into a driveway on Hop River Road in Bolton. people’s needs, taxpayers’ dollars degrees at Gunnison. Colo. m a rg in . States on M4>unt Katahdin. Maine. days was stolen from the town's flag missing on Wednesday night self-employed house builder during the and responsible lawmaking.” he National forecast American Legion this morn­ during a bingo night at the post. said in a news release. ing. and an angry Legion official Five flags have been taken from Zinsser said he has already had During early Friday morning, rain and showers are forecast for parts of thinks that whoever took the flags the 40-fool pole in front of the some complaints from senior the extreme North Atlantic Coast states. Scattered shovvers and doesn't understand their building since January. Pohl said. Air quality Lottery citizens who are being affected by significance. "We don’t have a flag to put up Chamber mulls Route 6 strategy thunderstorms are possible in parts of the Northern Intermountain the 1985 law which requires all "Two nights in a row — this is there now.” he said. ''T h e y ’ re not Region, the Western and Eastern Gulf Coasts, the Great Lakes, the The state Department of Environmental Protec­ applicants to include Social Secur­ T ri-s ta te d a ily : 412 and 2062. ridiculous.” said Harold Pohl. c h e a p " tion provides daily air pollution reports and Connecticut daily: ity income when their eligibility Upper Mississippi Valley, the Mid to Northern Atlantic Coast and the home chairman of the American Bv John F. Kirch Action Group filed the suit in U.S the federal lawsuit, the Hartford seasonal pollen count information from the R hode Islan d d a ily : 8650. for state assistance is being extreme South Atlantic Coast states. Elsewhere, the weather will be Wednesday: 296 Legion. Two lights illuminate the pole, Herald Reporter District Court in New Haven, attorney who represents Windham Department of Health Services. The recorded determined. Massachusetts daily: 6793. The flags, which have been according to Pohl. who added that saying the $170 million project said today. fair. m essage is p ro vid e d at 566-3449. Play Four: 5169 "T h e re ’s no reason to w ait.” he Megabucks: 5-7-13-16-23-36. flying for about six years, come t he flags have been I he only objects The executive board of the should be blocked on environmen­ However, attorney John said. Other lottery numbers drawn W eekly: Y e llo w 992, B lu e 62, and from the caskets of veterans and taken from the building. Greater Manchester Chamber of tal grounds. A hearing has been McKenna said the objection pap­ However. McCavanagh said he in New England Wednesday: W h ile 4. are donated to the American Pohl said that he hasn’t gone to Commerce will meet Tuesday to scheduled for June .30. ers were filed after the date the supports convening the special Legion by members of their the police because they wouldn’t be plan action in support of the Aside from that. Flint said, the court set as a deadline for any session on June 23. as O'Neill has families. "We fly these flags as an able to do anything. extension of the Route 6 express­ chamber could file a motion in opposition to Windham’s request. advocated. honor to the veterans who've “ I don’t think that anyone other way through Bolton Notch to federal court to become a defend­ The town wants to get involved in Zinsser contended that only the PEOPLE died.” Pohl said. “ It's a disgrace to than kids would do it.” he said. Windham, chamber President ant in the suit, raise money from the suit because it wants to assure General Assembly can call for a veterans.” "H's got to be somebody with a Anne Flint said today. the business community to lobby that certain issues important to special session when there is no Pohl said that the second flag. The meeting was scheduled after for the highway or ask the town or warped mind.” Windham are addressed in court. emergency, which he said is the From dropout to king Taylor talks about six members of the chamber chamber to file a motion to become M cKenna .said it was possible the And so she goes met Wednesday with William a "friend of the court" in the suit. case now. Before Amos was famous, he was a high court granted the ECCAG more On Wednesday, Republican Lazarek. a deputy commissioner Under that strategy, either the time to file objection papers. He school dropout. Now W ally “ Famous” Amos, Elizabeth Taylor says self-pity, stubborn­ NBC newswoman Linda Ellerbee tells leaders asked the state police to of the state Department of Trans­ town or the chamber could offer said a decision on W indham ’s the cookie king, is preparing dropouts for ness and led to her excessive what’s wrong with television in her book locate Democratic legislators and portation. to discuss the status of arguments in support of the intervention request could come at their graduation-equivalency test through drinking and eating. When she felt sorry for “And So It Goes” and singled out one forcibly bring them back into the herself. Taylor says she told herself. “ 'Poor Manchester In Brief the consiroversial highway project. any time. The Kentucky Network, narrating five problem — network condescension — during “ M y guess is we ll do something, General As.sembly. McCavanagh Elizabeth. Let’s have a little reward then.' project. "The stale felt they would be 30-minute videos that help adults learn to a publicity stop in Boston. She says the "We came out of the meeting but I don't want to predict what." criticized the move and said the And it would be chocolate ice cream and hot accepted in court as an inter­ read. “ I can really relate because I was in the people who put television together “are feeling like there were five or so Flint said. controversy is getting out of hand. fudge.” She compounded things when the fat vener.” Flint said of Windham's Air Force when I took the GED and I was certain they are sm arter than the rest of us Crash cuts power alternatives we could take." Flint Chamber officials support the "It's absolutely ridiculous.” he jokes started. “ I don't know anybody who request. scared as hell.” says Amos, a long-time and so they talk down to us constantly.” said. highway because they say it will said. crusader for literacy. “ And not having a lot enjoys fat jokes and all the jokes about Consequently, she said. “ We get 'Dick and The power to 177 homes went off for almost an hour Tuesday One option would be to set up a open up eastern Connecticut and of preparation frightened me even more. I m yself that I heard — all they did was make Jane' writing. It’s that old nonsense that the morning when a car crashed into a utility pole on Main Street, fund to help fight a law suit that has bring more business and employ­ % can see a real advantage in these videos.” me more recalcitrant. ” she says in a series of Anicrican public wants dreck. I don’t think utility officials and police said. been brought against state and ment opportunities to Manchester Amos quit vocational school in New York in intervfews that starts Thursday on NBC’s that's true. In television, wepay lipserviceto Police said Linda Scott, 42, of Middle Turnpike West, was federal authorities in connection and surrounding towns. How’s That S p e lle d ? 1959 after hearing his best friend’s tales "Today.” She beat alcoholism at the Betty good writing but it’s neither demanded nor driving on Main Street at around 12:20 a.m. Tuesday when she with the highway by residents who In a related matter, the ECCAG Ford Center almost three years ago. "I’m about the A ir Force. “ I was not one of your re w a rd e d .” Jon Pennington, 14, an eighth grader from Mechanics- went off the road and struck a pole near Delmont Street. Police oppose its construction. has opposed a move by the town of A treasure of most industrious students.” he says. ”1 much more secure with myself than I was burg, Pennsylvania, proudly lifts his trophy after said Scott told them she fell asleep at the wheel. "rhe Eastern Connecticut Citizen Windham to become a defendant In before.” she says. "I used to drink because I She was charged with reckless driving and was taken to cultured pearls begins with a always looked for the easy way out.” But winning the 59th annual Scripps Howard National thought it would help my shyness.” Taylor Manchester Memorial Hospital, where she was treated and then cookies made him rich and famous and Spelling Bee a few days ago. Jon outlasted 172 regional Amos has branched out by putting out a also says that her favorite movies are Glimpses released, police said. START-HER-NECKLACE® champions. He won by spelling odontalgia, a synonym motivational record. His next project is a "Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” and A spokeswoman for Northeast Utilities said 177 customers lost Dean Martin checked into Cedars-Sihai You may start with a single pearl, several store where' customers get their shoes "National Velvet.” "I was 'Velvet.'” she for toothache. Jon should be thankful that he was not power during the incident, which was attributed to a damaged or an inch with or without chain says. “ I ate. breathed, talked nothing but Medical Center in Los Angeles Tuesday night custom-made on the spot for anywhere from asked to spell the full name for the city of Bangkok. transformer. Power was restored 48 minutes later to 171 of the Graduated necklaces Uniform necklaces h o rse s.” complaining of a pinched nerve in his neck. customers and about five hours later to the rest, she said. $60 to $250. He’s undergoing tests and hospital officials Bangkok’s official name is Krungthep Mahanakhon. expect him to stay three or four days. A But its full name is 167 letters long. spokesman for Martin says the injury is DO YOU KNOW — O f what nation is Bangkok the Mains are being flushed b e lie ve d to be g o lf-re la te d ... T h e w h ite h a ir has become her trademark but Barbara capital? Water mains are being flushed this week in the northwest section of Manchester and residents in that area might find their Bush doesn't have to like it. “ I wish I hadn’t WEDNESDAY'S ANSWER — Joan Benolt-SamueUon water pressure is low or that water is discolored temporarily. let my hairgo white."Vice President George won a gold medal for the marathon In the 1984 Olym pics. Bush’s wife says in a Ladies Home Journal The area involved is from Woodland and H illiard Street north interview. "I colored my hair for 10 years 6-12-66 '' Knowledge Unlimited. Inc. 1986 to the South Windsor line between the East Hartford line and until 1970.1 kept trying to dye it warm brown Oakland Street. but it came out any color it wanted. I spent It norm ally takes a couple of hours for water to clear in a house. A Newspaper In Education Program If water appears discolored for a long period, homeowners my life in the beauty parlor. Finally I said, Sponsored by 'This is ridiculous,’ andGeorgedidn’t care — The Manchester Herald sh ould phone the tow n ’s W a ter D iv isio n at 647-3115. didn’t even notice” ... “ The Morning After” 5 a of Precious 14k v ^ lo w Precious 14k yellow has a big-name cast — Jane Fonda, Jeff gold chain with gold chain with Bridges and Raul Julia — with Sidney Lumet ilFEscric ^ pearls — $b.J 50 1 pearl — $47 directing. It’s a murder melodrama and will 9 pearls — $1.34 50 3 pearls — $61 be released later this year. Manchester Herald 5 pearls — $100, 20% OFF ? t r 0 1 ? € t j | r r rs With This Coupon USPS 327-500 VOL. CV. No. 215 1st Item Only SINGLE CARDED PhARLS Quote of the day F F ie Publlihed dally except Sunday Suggested carrier rates are $1.50 E x p Ir n 7/5/S6 3mm - $7 5Vjmm - $15 and certain holidays by the Man­ weekly. $6.50 (or one month. $19.25 3’/jm m $8 bmm - $20 Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun, chester Publishing Co., 16Bralnard lor three months. $38.50 for six The Coventry Cove Peddlers b'/jm m • $25 writing for the majority in a decision Place, Manchester. Conn. 06040. months and $77.()0 for one year. Q j i r C l Q I l l l l 4mm - $9 50 reaffirming that abortion is a fundamental Second class postage paid at Man­ Mall rates are available on request. "Used Household Items" 4*/jmm'*- $11 7mm - $35 rig h t: ^ chester. Conn. POSTMASTER: Lamp Rewiring & Light Trucking 5mm - $12 50 Send address changes to the Man­ “ Our cases long have recognized that the Corner Rt. 31 & Daley Rd., Coventry, CT 06238 N chester Herald, P.O. Box 591. Man­ To place a clasallled or display Constitution embodies a promise that a chester. Conn. 06040. advertisement, or to report a news .X. 742-6413 - 646-7464 certain sphere of individual liberty Item, story or picture Idea, cell 643- JEWELRY* LAMPS* FURNITURE •GLASSWARES, ETC. will be kept largely beyond the reach of GUARANTEED DELIVERY: It 2711. OKIce hours are 8:30 a m. to 5 '^ 1 'k. government. ... That promise extends to you don't receive your Herald by p.m. Monday through Friday. N ancy’s V ariety Shop _L women as well as to men. Few decisions are 5:30 p.m. weekdays or 8 a m. Satur­ ■; i: i: is m'd n n m firs m : i:; n i UPI photo day. please telephone your carrier. Antiques & Collectable Items more personal and intimate, more properly II you're unable to reach your car­ The Manchester Herald Is a mem­ Buv-Sell-Trade Jewelers Since 1885 PRO FILES IN^'iEXILE Barbara Walters of the A B C -TV ’’20/20"- show private, or more basic to individual dignity rier, call subscriber service at 647- ber o( the Associated Press, a sub­ and autonomy, than a woman’s decision ... 9946 by 6:30 p.m. weekdays or 10 a. scriber to United Press Interna­ Residence: 232-0364 / Coll Clarence after 6 eve's BRISTOL FARMINGTON HARTFORD MANCHESTER MERIDEN MILFORD Weekend store hours • Frl. 10am<6pm / Sat. & Sun 10am-8pm interviews exiled Haitian leader Jean Claude Duvalier in Grasse, France, on whether to end her pregnancy. A woman’s m. Saturdays (or guaranteed deliv­ tional news services and a member f i i i v P VflCtfSSt 9 t NEW HAVEN SOUTHBURY TORRINGTON TRUMBULL WATERBURY LINCOLN RI ery In Manchester. olthe Audit Bureau ol Circulations. Sunday. The interview, Duvalier’s first since leaving Haiti four months ago, will right to make that choice freely is We Also Make House Colls! tnnf'irisriir Hi ifo iT J in u iry, 19 IH Michaels Charge/Masler Card/Visa/Amencan Express be aired today. It was conducted at the Duvaliers’ rented villa. fundamental.” c * - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thurwtoy. June U. ItM MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, June 12, 191 Connecticut In Brief State seeks Waterbury suspect Fetus Dodd says Senate rejection Jailed ballplayer keeps on running WATERBURY (AP) - State’s of Vargas. to challenger Toby Moffett by 43 Courant reported anothef Instance change Attorney John A. Connelly today The Hartford Courant reported votes on May 20. The outcome of possible voter fraud. doesn’t end figfit over IRAs MONTVILLE — State police early today were looking for an ittentifi^ the subject of an arrest in today’s editions that Vargas is a denied Moffett the city’s 49 dele­ Elizabeth Dent, 69. told the inmate who chased a foul ball during a softball game at the warrant issued in the wake of cosmetics salesman in Waterbury gates. a number that would have newspaper that she couldn’t vote in alleged absentee ballot fraud in and a wedding |4iotographer. given him enough delegates to the election because someone had Montville Correctional center and kept on running. sought Bv Daniel Beegan the House in December retains full courages savings and assists peo­ Police said Joseph P. Lyman, 29, of Vernon, was playing first Waterbury’s Democratic delegate force a primary in September. apparently voted In her name. She primary. The newspaper quotes law en­ Moffett needs the support of at said her name had been crossed off The Associated Press tax deductions for IRAs. the issue ple In planning for retirement. base during a game Tuesday night in the unfenced recreation will have to be resolved in a But investigators had not found forcement sources saying the least 270 delegates in the party’s on voting rolls, indicating she had The IRA amendment, said Dodd, yard when a foul ball went into the woods. WASHINGTON - Sen. Chris­ the man being sought, whom warrant charges Vargas with two July convention to force a voted. By Kenneth R. Bazinet House-Senate conference commit­ would boost the tax bill’s benefits Lyman was given permission to retrieve the ball from the Connelly identified as Jose Antonio counts of corrupt practice in primary. United Press International topher J. Dodd, D-Conn., says he tee that will convene after the to middle-income Americans, woods but he never returned, said Warden William Maynard, Officials do not ask for proof of “ Tony” Vargas of Waterbury. absentee balloting, stemming O’Neill’s delegates lost on the lost a battle to save tax breaks for Senate passes its version of the many of whom could face tax who described Lyman’s flight as "a spur-of-the-moment thing.” from allegations that he attempted identification from voters. HARTFORD — Legislators and Individual Retirement Account plan. increases otherwise. “ This $300 Connelly, who indicated that machine votes, but won on the "Somebody voted my name,” Maynard said once Lyman got into the woods, “ he must have other arrests were possible, said to influence voters in filling out absentee ballots to give him the anti-abortion advocates are cal­ contributions, but will win the war. “ This was a contest between looms large for a family with thought,'hey. I ’m outta here.’” their ballots, and two counts of she said. ” I got in there and ling for a revision in state statutes The Senate voted 51-48 Wednes­ corporate America and middle $20,000 to $40,000 income” in his investigators spent Wednesday victory. someone said you voted.” The warden said Lyman, who was serving an 18-month-to-two- searching for Vargas. illegal possession of absentee Allegations of absentee ballot following a judge’s precedent- day night to kill a plan proposed by America,” Dodd said. “ Middle deterniining whether they save for year-sentence for burglary and larceny, was not considered “ Mr. Vargas is considered a ballots. abuse have not been tied to either John Rock. Democratic regis­ setting decision that a “ viable f>L Fa Dodd and Sen. Alfonse D’Amato. America lost by a couple of votes, retirement, he added. dangerous. fugivite from justice,” Connelly Connelly last week began inves­ Moffett or O’Neill’s campaign trar of voters, said Dent’s expe­ fetus” is not a human being under )T R-N.Y., to preserve IRA tax but I think middle America will “ This amendment is a good breaks for all by raising the said today. "W e’re out there tigating ailegations of fraud and organizations. The bulk of the rience had to be the result of a Connecticut law. win in conference.” amendment for working, .middle looking for him. It’s only a drop in forgery involving the absentee alleged abuses reportedly oc­ clerical error. The ruling came as a result of “ minimum tax” that must be paid Senate Majority Leader Bob class Americans," D’Amato said. by wealthy individuals and Testimony on video in abuse case the bucket. The investigation has ballots in Waterbury’s gubernator­ curred in the 72nd District, home “ That’s the only thing that could Hartford Superior Court Judge Dole, R-Kan.. had urged the Senate Dodd’s plan would have replaced Herbert Barall’s refusal to sign a corporations. to reject the Dodd plan and all the full deduction with a 15 percent D ERBY — Videotaped testimony by an ll-year-old Ansonia only begun.” ial delegate election. His action district to state treasurer candi­ have happened,” he said. “ The murder warrant charging Bonnie Anyone contributing to IRAs other amendments. tax credit that would have been boy has marked the opening of what prosecutors have called the WFSB-TV of Hartford reported followed a report published by The date Maurice B. Mosley. girls crossed off the wrong name.” Mosley, a state representative, But voting officials on duty at the Foreshaw, 38. with killing a now may take a deduction, but the “ We need to defeat this amend­ worth $300 for a single person worst sexual-abuse case in state history. Wednesday night that Vargas is Courant listing 43 instances of allegedly tied to the Moffett alleged abuse. is an O’Neill supporter and a polling place confirmed Dent’s 6-month-old fetus. massive tax overhaul bill proposed ment so we don’t start unravelling making the maximum $2,000 an­ Jurors in the Superior Court trial of Jerry G. Baker viewed the campaign, but added that Moffett Gov. William A. O’Neill’s dele­ delegate on the governor’s slate. story, according to the report. Foreshaw is accused of killing by the Senate Finance Committee the bill,” Dole said. nual contribution to an IRA and testimony Wednesday as the boy described alleged sexual staffers said they had never heard gate slate defeated a slate pledged In Wednesday's ^itions. The They said there was no mistake. Joyce Amos, 28. during an argu­ would limit the writeoff only to Dole had predicted throughout $600 to a working coupie making contact involving two men in an Ansonia house. ment March 27 in Hartford’s North people not covered by a company the day Wednesday that he had the the maximum $4,000 contribution. The boy, whose name is being withheld to protect his privacy, End. Both Amos, who was six pension plan. votes to defeat the Dodd pian. but That plan would have reduced said in testimony recorded in April that Baker, 32, of Derby and months pregnant at the time, and “ Call it a win. I call it a win,” the Connecticut Democrat re­ tax-savings for wealthier IRA Paul Farrell, 43, of Ansonia made sexual contact with him a the fetus died. Dodd said after the vote. “ When mained optimistic until the end. contributors, but left them un­ Governor signs $81 million tax-cut bill you come that close to beating the and retained that optimism even number of times between the fall of 1984 and the summer of 198S. Barall ruled Tuesday the term changed for moderate-income IRA Finance Committee, the adminis­ after the defeat on the floor. participants. He also testifed that both men threatened to hurt him if he told tion projects and the like. has signed a bill that will establish “ human being” under Conecticut By Mark A. Dupuis and towns instead, giving the bill a tration and the Republican leader­ “ I am convinced we will carry Dodd proposed paying for the his parents about the activities. By late Wednesday. O’Neill had state regulation of bingo games law does not apply to a fetus, even United Press International bottom line of $105.4 million. one capable of surviving outside ship. call it a win. Given the that strong vote into the confer­ plan, estimated to cost $14.7 billion Baker, arrested with Farrell in August, has pleaded innocent The largest single tax cut is the disposed of all but one of the 493 and set up a triai program for the to three counts of third-degree sexual assault and three counts of the mother’s womb. closeness of the vote, there is no ence with a good chance of over five years, by raising the HARTFORD - Gov. William A. elimination of the sales tax on bills adopted by the House and sale of so-called tear-off tickets. question the conference commit­ prevailing." Dodd said. risk of injury to a minor. Sen. Richard Johnston. R- corporate and individual min­ O’Neill has signed legislation to cut meals costing less than $2. which is Senate during the regular session The tear-off tickets, which are tee will hgve to fix the IRAs, so I Dodd and D’Amato character­ Farrell pleaded no contest in April to three counts of Wethersfield. chairman of the imum taxes from 20 percent state taxes by about $81 million in expected to mean a tax break of $30 that ended May 7. sold at bingo games and offer cash would scratch tonight as a win." ized IRA tax breaks as something recommended by the Senate Fi­ first-degree sexual assault and six counts of risk of injury to prizes, are already widely used by Legislature’s Judiciary Commit­ the state fiscal year that begins million in the coming fiscal year. O’Neill issued his fifth veto of the Since the tax overhaul passed by that helps middle America, en­ nance Committee to 22.6 percent. children. He is scheduled to be sentenced June 20 and faces up to year Wednesday, rejecting a bill to churches and other non-profit tee. said Wednesday he will push next month. for legislation that would define a IS years in prison. The $4.3 billion general fund require that acupuncture thera­ groups although they are illegal. O’Neill, wrapping up action on budget signed by O’Neill is one of pists are.certified by the state. The bill also authorizes a study of fetus as being a human being under bills passed during this year's several bills to carry out a total “ This bill would allow persons whether the state should establish the criminal statutes. Prosecutor enters private practice regular legislative session, also state spending package of more other than licensed physicians to a video lottery game where bettors “ I feel strongly that two lives Waterbury hospital’s offer signed into law on Wednesday a than $4.9 billion for the next fiscal practice acupuncture and does not would wager on machines similar were destroyed in that crime, and I BRIDGEPORT — H. James Pickerstein, a federal prosecutor $4.3 billion general fund budget for year. provide for state examinations to to the video games that are popular was a little bit dismayed with the for 14 years, will resign later this summer to enter private the 1986-87 fiscal year that begins O’Neill said the general fund ensure professional competency,” with young people. court’s ruling only allowing the one practice with a Bridgeport law firm. July 1. budget is about $3 million less than murder claim to stand.” Johnston The 39-year-old prosecutor will continue to supervise activities said. is rejected by wide margin The tax cut bill developed by the the budget he proposed to the In his ruling. Barall said the of the U.S. attorney’s office in Bridgeport until his resignation Legislature's Republican ma.ioi ity General Assembly in February, courts did not have the right to becomes effective, it was announced Wednesday. hinting that he does not believeany nurses joined them on the picket percent in each following year was will reduce or eliminate the sales change the law, saying the issue WATERBURY (UPI) - Strik­ Pickerstein has served as acting U.S. attorney, interim U.S. tax In II different categories while cuts were made as some ing service and maintenance line. up from the 1.5 percent per year should be “ left to the good attorney and chief assistant U.S. attorney. making other cuts in a variety of Republicans have claimed. workers at Waterbury Hospital The 505-bed hospitai. the state’s offered on Monday. judgment of the Legislature." 1 other taxes. planned to remain on their picket fifth-largest. was shut down after it “ The new offer would keep our The Democratic governor also Both Johnston and Maryalyce The tax cut bill calls for about $81 line today after voting overwhelm­ laid off most of its 2.000 employees service and maintenance group signed into law a bill setting a $641 Lee, executive director of Connec­ Contractor says he bribed mayor million in cuts in state taxes and ingly to reject a new three-year and transferred more than 350 the highest paid such group in million capital budget for the ticut Right to Life Corp., want the having another $24 million in taxes contract offer. patients to other facilities in Connecticut," he said. W ATERBURY — Ronald J. Albaitis told a Waterbury Superior 1986787 budget year. The capital Legislature to act on the issue now paid to the state paid to cities budget includes funds for const ruc­ The rank and file members, preparation for the strike. during this year’s special legi.sla- Hospital officials, who had Court jury that he gave former Naugatuck Mayor William C. after a long and “ very, very “ We were told it was not a tive sessions. wanted to complete negotiations Rado Sr. $1,000 in $100 bills to make sure his construction D P I photo healthy debate.” voted. 259-38. question of not being able to afford “ I ’m going to talk to the with the service and maintenance company got a Naugatuck town contract. Wednesday evening to reject the to give us an increase, but instead Judge bans Republican leadership about in­ workers before meeting with nego­ Albaitis was on the stand Wednesday for the second day of the Vermont cab driver Bruce Ploof, also known as the offer, said negotiator Merrilee of not believing members deserve tiators for the began municipal corruption trial of Rado, who is charged with three cluding this in the special session Milstein of the New England to get an increase." Milstein said. "pothole bandit," points to a pothole on a Burlington meeting with the nurses’ represen­ counts of bribe receiving. He has pleaded innocent to the agenda.” Johnston said. Health Care Employees Union Because of the hospital’s current cross display tatives Wednesday. charges. COMING SATURDAY The Right to Life group sent a street. Ploof is threatening to expand his campaign to the position. “ It’s not a good situation District 1199. ; telegram to Gov. William A. In Tuesday’s testimony, Albaitis said he gave the money to rest of the nation, starting with New York and Meanwhile today, a third Con­ and the Waterbury community can NEW HAVEN (AP) - A volun­ O’Neill. Senate President Phillip “ We gave the service and Rado In an envelope while the two were alone in the men's room Massachusetts. necticut hospital prepared for the expect a long walkout” Milstein maintenance negotiators our best teer fire department was barred A. Robertson. R-Cheshire, and of city hall. threat of a strike as the union said. offer and they agreed to take it to by a federal judge today from House Speaker R.E. Van Nor- Rado. 69. is accused of taking three $1,000 bribes from Albaitis covering about 250 psychiatric Hospital spokesman Richard their membership, so we thought it displaying a cross on its fire house strand. R-Darien. urging them to technicians and nurses employed Bulat said the proposal to raise was a good time to move on to the Bros. Construction Co. in exchange for town contracts. Albaitis is because the display violates the include the feticide bill in the by The Institute of Living in wages 3 percent the first year and 2 nurses." Bulat said. the owner of the construction company. On Tuesday, he was kept constitutional rights of plaintiffs in special session. Lee said. from showing the jury a note he wrote to himself about an alleged the case. 2 Between the Lines: The story No charges coming Hartford planned to announce “ Our concern is that it seems their own strike deadline. bribe. U.S. District Court Judge Ellen behind the story. that a pregnant woman and her Bree Burns said the volunteer The contract expires at midnight lUnbom child have no protection Saturday for workers at the company in the Cos Cob section of under state law.” Lee said. vs. ‘pothole bandit’ Institute, a 417-bed facility which is lENT Student charged with carrying gun Greenwich violated the rights of 4 Outlook: Grandparents provide a “ This concerns us because to the plaintiffs under the constitu­ the I rgst private p.sychiatric HAMDEN — A Hamden High School student has a June 19 special link for kids. wait until January (for the next hospital in the United States. 975 MAIN ST. 646-1717 tional separation of church and regular legislative sesion) may be MASTERCARD-VISA court date on a charge that he brought a loaded handgun to In a third case handled by MANCHESTER STORE state and guarantee of equal waiting too long, and this is why BURLINGTON. Vt (UPI) - A He said he had planned the \ school, police said. District 1199. the union represent­ Store Hours: M-T-W-F-S 9-5:30 / Thurs. 9-8:00 / Closed Sunday protection under the law. 5 Profiles: Jack Hull. we’re going to make the push for masked “ pothole bandit” who tree-planting for three weeks, and Seart Gebhardt, 17, a ninth-grade student, was charged with ing about 3.50 service and mainte­ The ruling released today at the special session.” she said. admitted to planting evergreen when planting day came along, he FROM BASICS TO THE “IMPOSSIBLE" TO carrying a weapon without a permit after a teacher noticed the New Haven courthouse was con­ trees in city potholes will hot be drank some beers with his accom­ nance workers at Mt. Sinai Hospi­ 0 Cover Story: Police Detective The next special session at which tal in Hartford had planned to go on FIND, YOU SHOULD COME HERE FIRST. weapon on Tuesday, said police Cmdr. Robert Nolan. sistent with a temporary injunc­ the issue could be heard is charged for his actions, police say plices to gather courage for the Gebhardt did not threaten to use the gun. Nolan said. tion Ms. Burns issued in December Lorraine Duke talks about the cops’ Cab driver Bruce Ploof. who has overnight action strike Monday, but they instead scheduled for June 23. however the voted to .stay on the job and ★ WE CUT WINDOW SHADES & MAKE KEYS Principal Carmen Vegliante said that Gebhardt told blocking display of the wooden proposed legislation has not yet inspired a song praising his life. “ daring deeds." said Wednesday After planting the evergreens, resumed negotiations Wednesday. authorities that he wanted to sell the gun and that he had it for cross over the Christmas season. been included on the agenda. he borrowed nearby barricades to protection. The youth willingly handed over the weapon, Arguments in the case began on he plans to bring his anti-pothole The vote Wedne.sday evening by State’s Attorney John Bailey place around the potholes, so that union members at Waterbury Vegliante said. Dec. 21. 1984. when three residents g Sexuality: Trich is one of the most campaign nationwide, starting in • X-tra RuggeiJ j requested Barall’s ruling in the nobody would get hurt by running Hospital was welcomed by union “ It was loaded, that’s what scared us,” said Vegliante. sued the town and four public 6 New York and Massachusetts e Large Capacity j common sexually transmitted case of "Baby Boy Amos” on May into them negotiators, who had recom ­ LAI RY officiafs in an effort to ban the 12. Prosecutors had claimed the Ploof, who voluntarily revealed Ploof who said he has already mended against the proposal. • Super Value I cross display each year. diseases. fetus was viable, healthy and his identity, said he planted the been asked by passengers for his Milstein said. i BASKET I Terror expert takes over state FBI The plaintiffs. Renee Libin. capable of sustaining life outside evergreens in three city potholes I #2965 Chocolate or Almond W/COUpon_ earlier this month after hearing autograph, said he will sell T-shirts “ I think that first of all it really Charles Scarlott and Harold Kauf- the womb. NEW HAVEN — A terrorism expert will be taking over the 10 Medicine: A father’s influence with his signature and donate the shows that the negotiating com­ mann. said the display was uncon­ Bailey said Barall'sdecision was that an ambulance axle had been Moth Balls operations of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Connecticut, stitutional and violated the separa­ lasts forever. damaged in a pothole proceeds to charity mittee is in touch with the feelings All a “ clear, definitive statement on Meanwhile. Burlington’s .social­ of our members, that they do not the agency said. tion of church and slate. the law concerning the killing of a “ I ’m glad my point was made Windchimes M ist mayor: Bernard Sanders, asked want to go backward on the reg. 3 9 ^ 1 lb. Stanley Klein, chief of the FBI's Washington headquarter Joseph Secola. an attorney for viable fetus in the state of without being malicious." said 11 Insights into Childhood: Crossing Monday that the city spend $1 progress that we’ve made over the section on terrorism, will assume duties as special agent-in­ the Cos Cob Volunteer Fire Co., Connecticut.” Ploof, 28. who said he has already Moth Proofer Spray charge for Connecticut on July 14, retiring FBI Connecticut head which has erected the 5-foot-high, time zones can confuse kids. been contacted by the television million next year on road repair, years." Milstein said. 20% Off W Foreshaw. who was being held “ For the hospital to tell them Kills moths S Ltrvae Alonzo L. Lacey Jr. said Wednesday. white wooden cross for more than show “ Late Night with David the largest sum ever for that Protects to 0 months.. 'Many styles to choose from. on $100,000 bail at the state’s prison that they don’t de.serve to make reg..3«522* Lacey, 50, a 23-year FBI veteran, announced his retirement in 30 years, had argued that the Letterman" for a possible guest purpose. 12 At the Movies: ‘Labyrinth is wild for women in Niantic. appeared that kind of money hurts,” Mil.stein May and said he plans a career in the private sector. activity of the volunteers is not a Wednesday in Hartford Superior appearance. public action connected to their and weird ... ‘Supergirl’ turns to Lt. John La Ware said Ploof has said. PET SUPPLIES • Rubber Toys • Collars Federal law enforcement authorities must retire at age 55 and Court, where her case was con­ Ho.spital officials described the jobs or to the town talked to Burlington police and He • Scented Toys • Leads are eligible for retirement at 50 if they have 22 years of service. comedy... Film capsules. tinued to next month. Now you know proposal raising wages more than Secola said that a New Mexico “ will not charged for his actions. • Raw Hide Chews • Cat Nip case involving a county .seal 10 “ He made his point.” said The character most frequently 7 percent over three years as their appearing on the silver screen is “ best offer" in an effort to end the 30% OFF • Tie-Out Chains • And More! depicting a cross differed from the 13 Weekend Television: An eight-page LaWare. “ The city’s starting a Teen arrested In child assault case the fictional private detective Greenwich case because the seal pullout section with program Truck crash program to clean up the potholes” strike that began June 2. STAMFORD — A 14-year-old girl has been charged with Was “ pervasive — it was every­ Ploof will soon tour the city’s Sherlock Holmes, portrayed by 67 Two days after the 545 non­ second-degree sexual assault and kidnapping after confessing to where” In Greenwich, the cross schedules, features and puzzles. larger potholes with Public Works actors in 186 films between 1900 professional workers wer* on attacking a 4-year-old girl at a homeless shelter Monday, police display on a single building forfour keeps traffic Director George Crombie. and 1984. strike, the hospital’s 576 union report. or five weeks each year is 21 Music: Soundtracks for summer... Police didn't identify the teenager because of her age. Her case insubstantial, he said, compared in long line in juvenile court will not be held in public. with the the other case. Convention falls as Pat Metheny, 'The child who lives in Manahattan also was not identified. She Ornette Coleman team up ... - WEST HAVEN (AP) - Poiice was reported in stable condition at Stamford Hospital. Turntable tips. ! are investigating an accident that The child's injuries were discovered Tuesday morning when Bonus awaits ,tied up traffic on 1-95 for hours personnel for the Shelter for the Homeless found her bleeding after two tractor-trailer trucks HAGGAR and REGAL’S profusely. The teen had gained entry with the child late Monday 2 2 Father’s Day: Waddell School kids collided head-on and a third truck night. ex-legislators describe their dads. driver lost control after an over­ head sign fell and hit him in the HARTFORD (AP) - A windfall face. FOR FATHER’S DAY! Hartford man wins Lotto jackpot payment awaits many former 24 Trends: Revolving-door hospital Police said the driver of the first lawma..ers now working for the 22 care doesn’t suit everyone. truck. Davi(i Cannon of Southbury. NEWINGTON — A 71-year-old Hartford man has claimed a state under a ruling from the Md., lost control of his rig while Lotto drawing grand prize worth nearly $1 million, promising to Attorney General’s office that traveling east and crossed the help friends and contribute to charities, state tottery officials counts their legislative experience 27 Religion: Here’s a quiz for church­ center divider about 11:30 a.m. .said. toward their eligibility for state goers. Wednesday, striking an overhead 2 Loring Zeliff, who presented the winning ticket Wednesday, longetivity pay. sign. Ir/ Cannon’s truck continued into said he and his live-in ’’partner” of 35 years, Alice Faford, 75. “ It’s like winning the lottery." Health^: Find out how many calories have been playing the sanrie five sets of Lotto numbers for the said Lawrence J. Cacciola, state 28 the opposite, westbound lanes of HAGGAR EXPAND-O-MATICS® HAGGAR WOOL BLENDS past five years. deputy comptroller. your favorite fast-food burger has. 1-95, striking a second tractor- ” We have a good friend that Alice has promised a new car, Cacciola collected a check for trailer head on, police said. When you get Haggar Expanej-O- The adeJed touch of wool gives these A third tractor-trailer, traveling trousers its rich look and feel. maybe I ’ll buy a new car too,” Zeliff said. “ Alice also has two or nearly $9,000 this week as a result 29 The Curious Shopper: Yes, Virginia, Matics®, you get performance you three charities we’ ll help out.” of decision the attorney general west, became involved when the can count on year 'rounid. Haggar’s Classic belt loops, leather belt, and made last month, clarifying the it’s OK to put the bananas in the overhead sign hit by the first truck Zeliff, who purchased the winning ticket 'for Tuesday’s stretch waist bantj for ultimate com­ the famous Haggar fit. Machine drawing at Topp’s Pharmacy on Main Street in Hartford, said he rules on eligibility for the semi­ came down on its cab and struck refrigerator. the driver. Raymond Kline, in the washable ... started a trust fund oniy three months ago to help him manage his annual bonuses given to state 31 fort — completely machine employees with more than 10 years face. money. washable . . . experience. 30 Dining In: Cucumbers are a spper Kline, of Indian Mills. N.J., lost "rhe opinion makes some former summer offering. control and drove his truck over an 90 Shooting suspect ruled Incompetent lawmakers eligible for bonuses embankment, police said. Sizes: $' 90 Sizes: they otherwise would not have Kline and Cannon were admitted 32 to 42 * Reg. ‘30 32 to 42 Reg. >35 D ANBURY — A Danbury man has been ruled not competent to received for years. It also may 31 Dining Out: Sondra Stave visits at Yale-New Haven Hospital where they were listed in satisfac- stand trial in last month’s shooting of a Bethel police , and require the state to make retroac­ Hartford’s Municipal. ordered sent to a psychiatric hospital for further examination tive payments dating back to when ' tory condition. ,The driver of the second truck, and treatment. their legislative experience put DOWNTOWN VERNON Mofrey Fornaro of Berkley Judge Patricia A. Geen, after hearing conflicting testimony them over the lo-year threshold, MANCHESTER TRI-CITY PLAZA Heights, N. J., and the owner of the from psychiatrists appointed by the court and by defense offiolals said. OFfN WfO., THURS. truck, Richard Wright of North O ffN DAILY 9:30-5:30 attorneys, ruled Wednesday that Kenneth Ruggles was not Ml Cacciola’s case, the policy THURS. til 9:00 I I a FRI. til 9:00 ■If Arlington. N.J.. were treated at the REGAVS competent to stand trial in the shooting of Bethel police officer shift translated to nearly $9,000 in "Your Quality Men s Shop bonuses he should have been hospital. Michael Daubert. getting since about 1977. two years Westbound traffic was backed Ruggles, 40, was charged with shooting Daubert, 21, on the iJIanrIfrHtpr HrralJi up for miles until late afternoon J// evening of May 8 after the police officer pulled over Ruggles’s after he assumed his present post. He represented Middletown in the when the trucks were removed, car for a motor vehicle violation, police said. f f General Assembly from 1959 to ft state police said. 1967. YOUR VOICE IN MANCHESTER No charges have been filed. « - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, June 12. 1986 MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. June 12. lOM - 7 OPINION U.S./World In Brief President awaits 'fair' arms treaty By Ira R. Allen South Africa in state of emergency United Press International PRETORIA, South Africa — President Pieter Botha imposed a Reagan Press Conference Aid effort WASHINGTON - President nationwide state of emergency today and security forces began Reagan says the Soviets have rounding up dissidents in anticipation of Monday’s anniversary offered a new arms control prop­ Jack of the Soweto riots. osal and he will give them several " . . . W e're going to see if we cannot persuade shows lesson The announcement was made in a special edition of the months to make clear that it is them (Soviets) to join in the things VIUMfeTiilS? Aaderaon Government Gazette, published in Pretoria. "fair and balanced” or the United “eW EM E “ The State president announced this morning that a States will abandon the unratified they're talking a b o u t... arms reduction." YOOR1P6D, nationwide state of emergency has been declared with effect 1979 SALT 2 treaty. is forgotten from a minute after midnight today,” said a spokesman for He held out hope that, despitethe Y o u r POOR, Information Minister Louis Nel. fact " I was always hostile to that ^^1 find it difficult also to find any cases treaty,” the Soviets may be ^ VOUR "A special edition of the Government Gazette with regulations of starvation and undernourishment" HuPPiRP,, in terms of the state of emergency is being distributed at the persuaded to move toward genuine Time and again, the Reagan moment. The state president will make a full statement later reduction of nuclear weapons so administration has stated its reasons for today,” he said. both sides can "get around to Small buys getting rid of them as much as we " . . . W e feel that there is no way that wanting to aid the paramilitary groups Lawyers, relatives and dissident organization spokesmen said government opponents were rousted from homes and offices can.” seeking to overthrow the Sandinista At his 37th news conference. we can allow them (Soviets) to reach overnight in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban. Roman government in Nicaragua. But time and Reagan responded to 22 questions for and get superiority." not the worst Catholic Church officials said a number of clergymen were taken — fewer than normal, and the again, Congress has rightly declined to go w into custody. along with the wishes voiced from on high in performance by both the president and reporters was at times a the White House. "B elieve me, I want to go forward, I Commonwealth calls for sanctions comedy of errors.. A at Pentagon The result left some confusion on think we all do, with the shuttle program, Now comes word from the Associated Reagan’s position on the SALT 2 LONDON — A special British Commonwealth team today but how soon we can do that is a question-''^/” Press that administration officials have accused South Africa of “ obduracy and intransigence” and arms limitation treaty and the deliberately controverted the will of the issue of abortion. WASHINGTON — While the $640 toilet seats and warned the country’s racial conflict may pitch it into “ the worst UPl bloodshed since the Second World War.” Reagan said the United States elected representatives of the American $7,400 coffee makers rile the public, the really would stop abiding by the pact The official report of the seven-member Eminent Persons people. Indeed, some went so far as to serious waste in the Pentagon is in the less when the time comes to arm the But he also said he has not made received this proposal. And now thought he had told Reagan that he Group urged economic sanctions'to force Pretoria to end its blatantly violate a specific congressional ban dramatic area of multibillion-dollar weapon 131st B-$2 bomber with cruise a decision to abandon the treaty, we’re going to study that and see (Reagan) had "linked” the four, apartheid policies and said such a move could work because on providing m ilitary aid to the rebels, using systems. As the late Sen. Everett Dirksen missiles, which Pentagon sources which was shelved by the Senate in what they have in it.” not “ likened" them, as thd official observed sardonically, “ A billion here, a billion South Africa “ is concerned about the adoption of effective said would occur in mid- transcript said. Reagan’s remarks “ private” organizations, CIA agents, third 1980 after the Soviet invasion of “ You can depend on it that we’re there, and pretty soon you’re talking about real economic measures against it.” November. Afghanistan. going to make every effort." he on the subject last week contained The EPG ended its six-month review of the South African crisis countries and other means that belong in the money.” But it remained unclear whether “ I said we’ve got several months said. "But it must be fair and all four names in the same last month when South Africa’s raids against neighboring plot of a second-rate spy novel. As part of our continuing watch on government the administration would make here in which we’re going to try to balanced.” sentence as supporting the Nicara­ Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe signaled Pretoria's “ rejec­ guan Sandinista government. Washington Window waste, we have worked with Sen. William Roth, offsetting reductions in other nu­ involve them in the things they, The president appeared agitated And if the A P ’s information is correct, they tion, in effect, of our negotiating concept” clear forces to remain under terms themselves, have been talking in answering SALT 2 que.stions. R-Del.. exposing extravagance and incompetence Immediately after that, Reagan did so with at least the tacit sanction of of the treaty if there is no new arms about — and that is a definite arms particularly references to congres­ was asked about Wednesday's in the Defense Department. At Roth’s request, the pact later this year. reduction program." he said. sional and allied opposition to his President Reagan himself. General Accounting Office conducted a three-year Supreme Court ruling, reaffirming Senate fights off IRA amendment "The treaty was really nothing Reagan was asked about reports stance. a woman’s right to an abortion. study of 17 major weapon systems. Our associate but the legitimizing of an arms of a new Soviet offer, which He appeared rattled by a ques­ Reagan looked blank and asked the The A P investigation disclosed an GOP wind is shifting Lucette Lagnado has reviewed the unreleased, WASHINGTON — Supporters of the Senate’s sweeping tax race." he said. "It didn’t do administration sources said fo­ tion on Nicaragua in which a reporter to repeat the question. elaborate, if somewhat clui'hsy, scheme to 150-page findings. reform bill are confident the measure will sail through with no anything to reduce nuclear wea­ cused on intercontinental missiles reporter quoted the president as arm the contras in the midst of the ban. Bv Steve Gerstel make it more palatable, the Army stationed on the border to The magnitude of the problem of Pentagon major changes now that they have beaten back the most pons or the nuclear threat." but also related to medium-range having “ likened" Soviet leader When the question was repealed problem of disposing of an troublesome issue — moves to restore IRA deductions. At the same time, he said, “ We missiles in Europe and spaced- Mikhail Gorbachev to “ Castro. in shorter form. Reagan referred which lasted through September 1985. keep Mexicans out and urged procurement is laid out at the start. Nearly 100 WASHINGTON - From coast incumbent of their own party did homosexuals to change their major weapon systems are in various stages of The Senate, heeding the calls of Republican leaders to keep the will obser ve the constraints to the based weapons. Arafat and Gadhafi.” to the Supreme Court’s “ Baby Apparently, operatives working directly with Reagan said he didn’t think he Doe" ruling Monday, concerning to coast. Republican voters are not come into play. sexual orientation; or state Sen. development and production. Notes the report; radical plan free of amendments, Wednesday night rejected same extent that the Soviet Union "I can’t comment on it because does.” The president blasted Mo.s- of the confidentiality of the situa­ said that, and if he did, “ I must parents’ rights to stop all medical officials at the National Security Council — behaving very, very strangely. Sen. Jesse Helms, the great Ed Davis, who as a police chief “ The costs to acquire them may exceed $750 three attempts to salvage individual retirement account deductions that would be gutted by the bill. cow for seven years of SALT 2 tion there in Geneva." he said. have goofed.” treatment of badly deformed and. under their auspices, with paramilitary In fact, their actions seem so out guru of the New Right, gave it a suggested executing plane hi­ billion. Operating costs during their useful life will Instead, the chamber agreed the sensitive issue should be violations. “ But, yes, as of today we have The reporter said later ho infants. groups in the South — sent planeloads of of character, they could be big try in North Carolina, his jackers by hanging them at the be considerably more. Most of these future costs decided in a conference with the House, which last year passed described as almost sensible. home state. Los Angeles airport. are predetermined by basic design decisions ammunition and other arms both to the FDN, its own tax reform bill that would keep most IRA tax breaks. But no. California Republicans the dominant contra group, and to other In the recent North Carolina made during early program phases.” The defeat of the amendments was due in large part to the and California primaries, the AND WHY NOT? Didn’t nominated Rep. Ed Zschau. a Reagan continues push for contra aid organizations fighting the Sandinistas. They failure of IRA supporters to rally around a single way to pay for Republicans had glowing oppor­ Helms create Sen. John East out moderate from the Silicon Val­ THE GAO AUDITORS concluded, essentially, keeping the tax break. The main amendment was defeated, 51-48, also provided funds and m ilitary training to approve the aid deal, saying, tunities to put purity above of an unknown professor and ley. He is an economic conserva­ that the system itself is at fault for extravagant with some senators who voted for the other two IRA proposals WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presi­ purposes. a Soviet plane was flying recon­ the groups, which operate in countries along "Delay is deadly” performance and nominate party activist and make him into tive but backs legalized abortion weapon programs. The report cites inadequate abandoning the issue on that vote. dent Reagan, saying delay is The General Accounting Office naissance missions over Nicara­ gua during a meeting of House the Nicaraguan border. some very conservative — they a U.S. senator six years ago. and the Equal Rights Amend­ direction from the top; lack of accountability; deadly, is continuing to press for said three checks totaling $986,689 "It’s time for an up-or-down vote With retiring due to ill ment, has voted against the MX poorly trained and motivated personnel in key $100 million in aid to the Nicara­ went to the armed forces of a members and President Reagan at on freedom in Nicaragua, an might even be called far right country later identified by Rep. the White House Wednesday. H e') All the while, administration officials health. Helms set about stitching missile and. until this year, positions — and counterproductive “ external GOP pushes new budget resolution guan rebels with administration up-or-down vote on whether the fringe — candidates to the Michael Barnes. D-Md.. as called the flights the first in the falsely denied that they w ere seeking to together another clone and nam­ opposed aid to the Contras in influences” like Congress. reports of Soviet reconnaissance United States is going to stop Senate. WASHINGTON — Senate Republican budget leaders are missions over Nicaragua: Honduras. hemisphere and further evidence violate either "the letter or the spirit of the ing him David Funderburk. Nicaragua. The report devotes much of its criticism toward Soviet expansionism on the Ameri­ But the Republican voters pushing a new budget tactic that would link new revenue to At the same time, congressional A GAO official said that of of Soviet support for the Marxist- can mainland while the price is not But those Californians have the “ program managers” — usually military law,” in the words of Robert McFarlane. declined. They decided, as Barry But when the Republican vo­ military spending, despite presidential objections and severe investigators have tracked pay­ $3.3 million from the Nicaraguan led government regime in too high and the risk is still not too three limes sent a true-blue officers of middle rank. The GAO investigators then the national security adviser. Now. Goldwater might have put it. ters looked at this Funderburk, a doubts that it will be accepted by the Democratic-led House. ments of $1.5 million, designated Humanitarian Aid Office, which Managua. great," Reagan said. conservative against Sen. Alan found that many of them are simply not equipped “ Despite what I ’ve been told by the White House, we stand for Contra aid. to the Honduran runs the U.S. program fortheState “ I think this is a real new piece of M cFarlane and the others don’t seem to have that moderation in the pursuit of college professor and once an White House spokesman Don Cranston and ended election day by background, training or incentive to tackle the military with $450,000 of it going to Department, only $150,000 was information that the Congress is victory is no vice. ambassador to Romania, and ready to propose a budget resolution that will mandate the taxes, Mathes said the Soviet AN-30 much to say still pure and still out of office. intricate problems of weapons procurement. By Gen. Walter Lopez Reyes, the paid to accounts in Central Amer­ going to have'to consider as we That has not always been the slacked him up against James provided we get an adequate defense number,” Senate Budget aircraft, with a crew of seven and This time, they opted for a contrast, of course, the defense contractors Committee Chairman Pete Domenici, R-N.M., told a sluggish former Honduran commander in ica. The rest went to companies vote — up or down — the aid to the If it weren't so serious, the scheme might case in past years. Broyhill. a 12-term veteran of and individuals in the United Contra forces." said Rep. Thomas, bearing markings of Aeroflot, the Congress and plenty conserva­ candidate who can appeal to the they’ re up against assign their best people to the budget conference Wednesday. chief. Soviet airline, has made at least be laughable. Given the military situation, It was not determined if the States and to off.shore bank ac­ Coleman, R-Mo. of the ultra center. negotiations, so the Pentagon’s program The House-Senate conferees have been meeting for three days, four flights since early May from REPUBLICANS tive enough for anybody except Honduran money was used for the counts in the Cayman Islands and At his nationally broadcast news it’s obvious that the arms haven’t done much This new form of acceptance managers are often badly overmatched. but have made little progress in resolving the divisive issues of its base at Sandino International gender, a well-organized force in Helms, the choice was Broyhill. purchase of non-lethal supplies, as the Bahamas. conference Wednesday night, Rea­ good: given recent reports about the among Republicans — swallow­ military spending and taxes for fiscal year 1987. House and Airport in Managua. apathy-imbued primaries, have There may be some fallout The report quotes former Deputy Defense the law requires, or for other CIA Director William Ca.sey said gan again urged Congress to Senate negotiators met privately and separately early today and behavior of the contras, it appears that at insisted on ideological purity from that primary that turned ing some imperfections in return Secretary David Packard, head of a commission planned another public session later. least some of the trainers were recruited from the candidates — even at ugly as intra-party fights on for an increased chance of that made a recent study of Pentagon from jails housing sex criminals and thieves the expense of losing Senate zealot lines usually are. The rift success — is no guarantee. procurement: "M ajor weapon systems are Broyhill and Zschau could well complex.... They require advanced technology. NOW, Right to Life open meetings rather than the patriotic woods of Alabama. .seats will take some healing but. as of NASA says future depends on shuttle lose. But the other way did not We unfortunately have a system where we do not The late Sen Clifford Case was now. Broyhill has to be consi­ DENVER — The National Organization for Women and the work either. train and put the best management people in But the intentional violation of the will of a reputable and honorable sena­ dered the favorite over former National Right to Life Committee are nearer in time and charge of these programs. ” By Wllllann Harwood tor who served New Jer.sey for Gov. Terry Sanford, his Demo­ geography than ever before but their thinking on abortion still is Congress is nothing to shrug off. and the Steve Gerstel writes from The GAO auditors agreed, saying; "Qualified United Press International years — but he did lack the purity cratic opponent. light-years apart. picture is almost certain to get worse as Washington for United Press program managers require appropriate of thought and voting that the In California, which can elect The two groups' national conventions begin today at downtown WASHINGTON - The Rogers details em erge — and em erge they should. International. experience, training and education.” and many do Right Wing demanded. So the the very conservative, a Robert hotels six blocks from each other. Commission's “ harsh criticism" not have it. In its examination of 34 recently ultras fielded one of their own. Dornan. or the very liberal, a “ Whether you say it in calm words or you say it in of NASA’s past mistakes is well No matter how worthy the cause, and this appointed program managers, the GAO found that Asa result. Case was defeated Ron Dellums. with equal Letters policy inflammatory words, there is no common ground." NOW deserved. Administrator James "few possessed the desired mix of experience and one isn’t among the worthiest, presidents and and in the general election the aplomb, tbe Republicans had a executive vice president Lois Galgay Reckitt said o Wednesday, Fletcher says, but the agency’s The Manchester Herald wel­ training.” their aides must be forced to keep in mind New Jer.sey Senate .seat went to variety of Right Wing candidates the eve of the two meetings. future depends in large part on comes original letters to the presidential support for a new that the law of the land applies to one and all. the Democrats. They own it to to choose from in the Senate The wide philosophic gap between the groups was spotlighted editor. ANOTHER REASON that the best and the shuttle to replace Challenger. That lesson, driven home at the height of the this date. primary. this week by three events: an abortion-clinic bombing in Wichita, Letters should be brief and to brightest may not wind up in procurement is that President Reagan said Wednes­ The ultras also went after Sen. Kan., NOW'S filing of a suit against abortion foes it blames for Watergate scandal that drove Richard Nixon the point. They should be typed “ promotion opportunities in acquisition (are) not such violence and a Supreme Court ruling affirming abortion day night he supports such a Edward Brooke of Massachu­ THERE WAS TELEVISION project but a final decision must from office and saw many officials from the or neatly handwritten, and. for as great as in operational fields.” The perception rights. setts. mauling him so badly in commentator Bruce Herschen- await the outcome of a growing executive branch placed in jail, now appears ease in editing, should be double­ among career military officers is that the primary that the Democrats sohn. who has lies to the Nixon debate on the role of manned spaced. Letters must be signed "advancement potential is lim ited" in largely forgotten. won in the general election. They network and wants the United spacecraft vs. unmanned, throw­ with name, address and daytime procurement, compared to command positions in Police seize arms bound for Ulster also own that seat to this date. Stales out of the United Nations away rockets. telephone number (for operational units. Clearly, a stern reminder is in order. This year, by contrast, the and the United Nations out of the PARIS — Police said they expected more arrests in a "There’s a backlog now of space verification). The GAO report cited an earlier study that cargo that is supposed to be up Congress should investigate the allegations Republican Right had chances to United States; Los Angeles four-nation police operation that led to the seizure of a camper The Herald reserves the right there, and we have a problem of and prosecute the violators to the fullest put up their kind in North described the Pentagon's contracting officers packed with arms destined for Northern Ireland and the arrests County Supervisor Micheal D. to edit letters in the interests of determining whether we should generally as "overloaded, untrained and of five people, including an American couple. extent of the law. Carolina and California. And to Antonovich who wanted the brevity, clarity and taste. increase the number of unmanned inexperienced.” A couple identified as Mr. and Mrs. William Norton of Los I Somewhat surprisingly, the GAO auditors launchers.” Reagan said in a Angeles and two unidentified men carrying false Irish passports nationally televised news named their own boss — Congress — as one of the were arrested in the port of Le Havre Wednesday when they tried conference. "external influences” that complicates the to pick up the arms-laden camper, police said. All four were Fletcher, Rear Adm. Richard system. After citing specific instances in which charged with attempting to smuggle arms. Truly, who is chief of the shuttle UPI photo More aid will help Africa kill itself "Congress ... provided design direction.” A fifth suspect arrested in Paris was identified as Sean Hughes, program, and other top agency agency is busy implementing the "Congress cut funds’ ’ and “ Congress limited the an officer in the outlawed Irish National Liberation Army, police officials were called to testify NASA Administrator James Fletcher, said. The Irish National Liberation Army broke away from the with a model of the space shuttle disaster commission's recommenda­ It may have been a first-year meeting, but the on these folk is to get into our jet airliners and go weight of the missile.” the GAO report oberves; again today before the House outlawed Irish Republican Army in 1975 to follow a more radical, Science and Technology Commit­ tions, but that no shuttle will be lines spoken by those in attendance had been home. Instead of more money . it would make "When external management directs a specific nearby, testifies before the House left-wing line in its guerrilla war to end British rule in Northern tee in hearings that began Tuesday heard many times before. At the first U N. special better sense from an African point of view, if not design solution to meet a military capability, the Science and Technology Committee launched until it is absolutely safe. Ireland. to study the findings of the Rogers General A.ssembly devoted to Africa, the the money center banks’ , to work out a debt program manager cannot be held accountable if 'Wednesday. Fletcher said the space that design solution does not work.” Commission report on the Chal­ politicians from that hungry and hurting part of cancellation agreement, but one that would be lenger disaster. N ich olas shuttle payloads will have built up. the world begged for more money while the contingent on the agreement that the nations The GAO auditors asked Pentagon and industry While Fletcher and other NASA ca’s space program, including the that’s of concern; but it’s the Secrets sold to Soviets ‘priceless’ including 23 science cargoes. 10 politicians from the rich countries said you’ll have receiving debt forgiveness spend no money on officials about the problem of external Influences. officials expressed optimism shut­ balance between manned space problem of supposing you have a Von Hoffman great difficulty and you want to fix communications satellites and to get along on less, certainly less than the $80 to arms. “ Generally, they believe that the conditions... will SAN FRANCISCO — Code secrets that Jerry Whitworth is tle flights could be resumed in operations and unmanned pro­ get worse.” the report states. accused of selling to the Soviets were priceless and beyond the grams referred to by Reagan, it or you have some other problem seven military payloads, several $100 billion increase in gifts they're being asked to Africa would be freed from the burden of mid-summer of 1987, other space wildest dreams of the KGB, the government’s last witness with one of the other orbiters. of them critical to national hand out. distorting its various national economies to try to agency officials cautioned the Fletcher told the panel Tuesday security. testified in the espionage trial of the former Navy radioman. mid-summer date was too soon. But the underlying question is whether the rich find the dollars to pay the interest on its loans. At Sc9ndml9otth9W90k the nation desperately needs a new "The pressure to launch with "Believe me. I want to go "Significantly, if not Irrevocably, (the secrets passed to the “ By and large, the report and the shuttle to replace Challenger to only three might cause another forward, and 1 think we all do with nations are doing anybody but themselves a favor Africa joining the rich nations' international trade the same time there would be no more big loans While their colleagues In control towers were Soviet Union) tilted the delicate balance on which our strategic harsh criticism is deserved by avoid the pressure that could lead accident, and I don’t want that to the shuttle program, but how soon by giving any aid whatsoever. Since the end of the and finance grid. A hundred billion dollars or forthcoming, an end to the era of huge sweating bullets trying to land the nation's NASA.” Fletcher said Wednesday. survival as a nation depends," George Carver Jr., a former to another disaster. happen.” we can get to that is a question,” colonial era and the beginning of the present more of debt has been piled up for no return in an hydroelectric projects, empty four lane highways airplanes safely. Federal Aviation Administration deputy to several CIA directors, testified Wednesday. Committee members made it Fletcher said that, if all goes Reagan said. " I don’t have an system of aid dependency, much of Africa has improved standard of living. Billions have been that end nowhere in the rainforest for people who workers in the research and development branch Carver called the information "priceless” and its acquisition clear that, in addition to reviewing “ I don’t like the thought of only well. NASA hopes to resume answer for you on this except that, become an unholy pit of horrors. Only an obtuse have no electrical appliances. no cars and often no were whiling away their time copying video by the Soviets “ beyond the wiidest dreams of any officer in the the problems that led to the having three orbiters.” he said, spent on constructing what is called shuttle flights in the summer of yes. I think we should go forward do-gooder, a missionary/social worker of the. longer have their village or thatched hut. Challenger disaster, they planned "because that's a rather marginal “ infrastructures.” meaning railroads, ports, games onto government computers. The KGB.” 1987. By that time, a backlog of 42 with another shuttle” obdurate type or a commodity corporation warehousing and other facilities needed for the computers’ chips of such popular games as Whitworth, 46, is accused of selling information about encoding to probe the future role of Ameri- fleet. It’s not just the flight rate making money out of the African miasma could export of commodities overseas, the earnings THE UNANIMOUS OPINION of sophisticated “ Donkey Kong” and “ Space Invaders” — nearly machines and other cryptographic data used by the Pacific fleet argue that 30 years of assistance has in which he served, using confessed spy John Walker as a from which must be used to pay for the students of Africa is that hope for material 100 different ones — were then extracted for use at accomplished anything. borrowings which made the exports possible. progress doesn’t lie in capital-intensive home by the employees. An unpublished inspector middleman. general’s report revealed that one worker was Marcos claims takeover is inevitable Such meaningless investment is called mega-projects which stun the eye of the foreign OUR SECRETARY OF STATE, the loud fired and 18 others suspended or reprimanded at “ development," but for the millions stuck in the visitor, but in small, low-cost, carefully done ” Fallout spread farther than thought als joined the celebrations of the barking George Shultz, proclaims that the solution the FA A Technical Center in Atlantic City. N.J. Aquino for leading the nation into government.” muck it’s not even a zero sum game. Rather, it is a endeavors suited to the climate of the country and Bv Martin Abbugao 88th anniversary of the nation’s to Africa’s problems is the unsparing application minus which robs them of what they once had the customs of the people. MOSCOW — Radioactive failout from the Chemobyi nuciear United Press International "slavery” Armed forces units in the capital "The unthinkable has hap­ were placed on their highest state declaration of independence from of free market principles, but the continent’s without giving them anything in exchange. Much of the expertise for such development disaster spread over four republics in the Soviet Union pened.” Marcos said. "The free­ of alert on the eve of the Spain, most of them rnarching in a unspeakable misery is. at least in part, owing to won’t come from,foreign agricultural consultants indicating the contamination affected a much larger area than MANILA, Philippines — Presi­ dom that we have paid for with the celebrations after Brig. Gen, parade before massing in the park the application of western theories of political who’re really disguised fertilizer salesmen from initially reported, a newspaper said. dent Corazon Aquino today de­ to hear Aquino. FOR YEARS, careful students of Africa warned fflmtrlipstrrk Hmld But Soviet officiais said the radioactive emissions from the clared the nation “ free and full of blood of our heroes has now been Ramon Montano, chief of the economy. We see that clearly enough with the the petrochemical corporations, but from building and preached against imported changes and Founded In 1M1 crippled reactor "practically stopped" nearly a month ago and hope” in leading Independence suddenly grabbed from our hands capital command, reported a "The situation in our country can experience of those African nations which have improvements in agriculture which were too on local wisdom and native competence. that some parts of the 19-mile evacuation zone around Chernobyl Day celebrations, but ousted ruler and an open, as well as confessed, “ sinister” plot by Marcos loyalists be summarized in two words been crazy enough to experiment with Marxist Capitalists or communists, the record compiled expensive and too high-tech to be afforded or RICHARD W. COSOnOVE ...... PuMM mt are “ quite suitable for living. " Ferdinand Marcos said the coun­ dictatorship and tyranny have to disrupt the celebrations. free and full of hope” the 53-year- collectivization. There is a new spate of appalling OOUOLAS A. BEVINS ...... Em c u Uv* Editor maintained: there are piles of documentation of by western helpers in Africa should leave all The Aprii 26 explosion and fire at the Chernobyl nuclear power try is doomed to a communist been imposed. But a spokesman for the Marcos old president said in a brief speech stories out of Ethiopia about farmers there JAMES P SACKS...... Managing Editor serio-comic efforts by ignorant do-gooders to get humbled and apologetic. Thirty more years of plant sent a cloud of radioactivity drifting north toward Europe. takeover. “ What is she up to?” -Marcos Loyalist Movement said its rally ALEXANDER QIRELLI ...... Aaaoclata Editor asked in his message broadcast "This day should be a day of fleeing, not the drought, but the insanities of the Africans to adopt methods of agriculture which assistance like the last three decades and man. Sudden wind shifts blew radioactive residue back into the Soviet As Aquino addressed more than was called off. A handful of over loyalist radio DZME. celebration of what the Filipinos equatorial kolkhoz. are unsuited to the climate, the soil or the society. gorilla, elephant, tiger and giraffe may be looking Union, affecting not only the Ukraine — where the plant is 25.000 cheering Filipinos at a loyjplists gathered in the suburb of have done for independence and seaside park. Marcos delivered his “ She is fulfilling a commitment While the sorry results of trying Soviet style African politicians, now dependent on at early and painful extinction. MARK F A B R A IT IS ...... BuOknaaa Managar located — and neighboring Byelorussia, but also the republics of Quezon City but no incidents were freedom.” Aquino told the cheer­ SHELDON COHEN ...... CoRipoaIng Managar own Independence Day speech in a she made during the election collectivization on the plains of Ethiopia are intravenous infusions of foreign cash and credits, Moldavia and some parts of the Russian Federation, the reported. ing crowd 14 weeks after a ROBERT H. HUBBARD ...... Praaaroom Managar taped message from exile in campaign and before long we will obvious enough to us. we aren’t as perspicacious Nicholas VonHoffman Is a syndicated JEANNE Q FR O M E R TH ...... Ckculatlon Managar Literatumaya Gazeta newspaper said Wednesdav. civilian-backed military revolt may fill the U.N. assembly hall with mendicant Hawaii. He insisted he is still the be hearing the Communist Party About 25.000 government when it comes to seeing the consequences of columnist. workers, students and profession­ ousted Marcos from power. wails but the greatest gift in our power to bestow legitimate president and blasted taking over the powers of MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. June 12. 1986 — » ■ - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thuradav. June 12, 1986 Pabilonia vows to force primary against Muiien SPORTS

Bv George Loyng a ry — in the next couple of weeks. support of that many delegates. publican primaries, conservatives claims he has broad backing been waging a “ bottoms-up” cam- ^ Herald Reporter "We want to make it perfectly " if he's got 114. where are their and establishment Republicans — among Democratic voters in his paign in search of the backing of • clear ... we are com m ilt^ to go to names?” Pabilonia asked. who tend to support Mullen — are battle with Gov. William O’Neill. average voters, whereas Mullen 7 Republican congressional candi­ September." he said. more likely to vote than other Pabilonia criticized establish­ has run a "top^lown” approach, Clemens plies trade date James Pabilonia of Windham Pabilonia, a financial consultant party members. The closeness of ment Republicans in the 2nd seeking the support of party said Wednesday he will have A total of 185 delegates w ill be with Merrill Lynch in Windham, the Ledyard tally, however, indi­ District for being out of touch with officials. enough support among delegates eligible to vote at the July 12 also claimed to have more support cates that Mullen does not have the average voter. That has been to the 2nd District nominating nominating convention. Mullen, a among rank and file voters than solid support. Pabilonia said. demonstrated by the election of Pabilonia also compared his convention to force a September New London native and former Mullen has claimed. As an exam­ only two GOP congressmen in the situation to that of incumbent primary against his opponent. head of the federal Drug Enforce­ ple, he cited a delegate primary The fact that Mullen can "just past 42 years, he said. Democrat Sam Gejdenson — the Francis "Bud” Mullen. ment Agency, claimed Tuesday he held last month in Ledyard in break even” during a town dele­ "The establishment has lost so man he hopes to face in this for Bosox perfectly has the “solid” support of 114 which he received 49 percent of the gate primary indicates that Pabi­ often... that when you lose so often, November’s general election. Pa­ Pabilonia, 40. said he w ill release delegates, well over the 93 needed votes cast to Mullen's 51. Mullen lonia has a good chance of winning you forget how to win," he said. bilonia noted that Gejdenson lost at the names of the 37 delegates who to gain the GOP nomination. supporters had predicted a 70-30 a majority in a primary. Pabilonia Pabilonia, who served as a his party’s convention in 1980, but Jesse Barfield singled, stole se­ tw ice because of the delay, once ait will support him — the exact However. Pabilonia said Mullen breakdown in the vote. contended. He compared his situa­ senior adviser to the party's 1984 won a primary and eventually Bv The Associated Press cond and scored on designated 9 p.m.. when it looked like the rain number required to force a prim- was “ premature" in claiming the Pabilonia said that during Re­ tion to that of Toby Moffett, who r>'f*rlct candidate, said he has went on to win the general election. TORONTO — The snap, crackle hitter Cliff Johnson’s single. But was about to stop, and again an and pop emanating from Exhibi­ catcher Ernie Whitt grounded out hour late r when the downpour was tion Stadium meant only one thing to second for the final out. finally coming to an end. P Z C su e d — the most successful pitcher this " I got tire d .” Clem ens said when Red Sox Manager John McNam­ Election sparks GOP furor year was plying his trade. asked about the long eighth inning. ara said he had no qualms about Roger Clemens snapped off "It’s one o'clock in the morning. starting the pitcher who has been Conllnaed from page 1 and given more advice to more dates was "the proper thing to do.” some curves, crackled a' few T h a t’s a ll there is to it. I was glad it the key element in Boston’s over denial candidates." Ferguson said the vote tally was Toronto bats and popped a lot of was worth the wait, now.” early-season success, but Clemens the party was counterproductive. He said those who voted against not declared. Johnson said the vote fastballs Wednesday night as the looked shaky once the game The victory by Clemens, who “ I don’t think there’s one (of the Agostinelli "put a knife ^in his was about 20 to 10. Boston Red Sox defeated the Blue started. gave up four hits over eight Republican hopefuls) who is going b a ck.” The dispute between Willhide Jays 3-2 to give the undefeated Fernandez w alked to lead off the of ch a n g e innings, improved Boston's East to beat O'Neill anyway.” she said. Zinsser, a delegate, was unable and Agostinelli is not the first. In Clem ens h is 11th win of the season. game and then scored on a double Division-leading record to 39-19 Bv John F. Kirch Kuehl. who recently took over to attend the meeting. His alter­ April. Willhide decided to invali­ A few thou.sand Toronto fans who by Mulliniks. But Clemens had and dropped Toronto — the defend­ Herald Reporter from Curtis Smith as head of the nate, Carol Kuehl, voted for date petitions filed by Labriola waited out a two-hour. 47-minute little trouble until the eighth, ing champion — 11 ‘A games off the Manchester Republican Party, Agostinelli. supporters for a town delegate rain delay in the hope of seeing giving up a double to Fernandez in Three developers whose applica­ pace, tied with the Detroit Tigers said today that anyone, "including Willhide was nominated by Lou primary election on the ground Clemens lose his first game of the the sixth and an infield single to tion for a zone change for land on for last spot. the registrar," has a right to Kocsis. one of about 30 Republi­ that they were circulated by year were sorely disappointed Barfield in the seventh. Union Street was denied in May Clemens’s effort overshadowed support a candidate. cans who attended the meeting. delegates on the slate already when they left the park at 12; 52 have filed a lawsuit against the a fine performance by Toronto Bostonlooka 1-0 lead in the top of However, Agostinelli said Wil- According to Johnson, delegates endorsed by the Republican Town a.m.. EDT. this morning. Planning and Zoning Commission. starter Doyle Alexander, 4-3. who the first when left fielder Jim Ihide has not b^ n doing her job. He from Bolton and Hebron voted for Committee. The state Elections They had some hope in the eighth Manchester developers Gerald struck out nine Red Sox with an said registration has not improved Agostinelli. He said the Glaston­ Commission disagreed with Wil- inning when Clemens walked Rice’s double scored third base- P. Rothman and Albert R. Martin, array of pitches, none of which man Wade Boggs, who had walked since Frederick Peck was ousted bury delegates — Bozzuto backers Ihide’s interpretation of the law pinch-hitter R ick T.,each w ith one along with West Hartford resident matched the speed shown by the by Willhide. — voted for Willhide. The Colum­ and she relented. out and shortstop Tony Fernandez and advanced to .second on a Thomas M. Jones, charge that the Boston ace. “She’s become an embarrass­ bia delegate, a Bozzuto supporter, The slate was later withdrawn followed with a single, but the groundnut. PZC acted illegally when it denied The league leader in strikeouts ment to the party.” he said. also voted for Willhide. because of alleged irregularities in Boston right-hander got Ranee But the Red Sox look the lead for their request to change the zoning with 104, Clemens sent five Blue good in the fourth when designated When he learned of Agostinelli's Johnson said he was “extremely getting petition signatures. Mulliniks on a fly ball and then of 7 acres at 190 Union St. from Ja y s down sw inging and got one on hitter Don Baylor hit a two-run Rural Residence to Residence B. defeat this morning, state Sen. upset by the outcom e of the vote.” But in the interim. Agostinelli “ reached back fo ra little e x tra ” to charged Willhide with being in a called third strike. He walked homer. About an acre of the parcel was Carl Zinsser of Manchester said. He said Agostinelli’s plan to throw a fastb all past Llo yd Moseby conflict of interest because of her just two. already zoned Residence B. which "There is not one person who has divide the posts among supporters for his fifth .strikeout. The Blue Jays, who lost two allows a developer to build single- contributed to more campaigns of various gubernatorial candi­ support for Bozzuto. Clemens, having thrown 121 Clemens, the pitching sen.sation gam es to Bo.ston in the three-gam e or two-family houses at a density of pitches on a cool night, left the of the 1986 season since setting a series, didn’t shower Clemens with four units per acre. A Rural game with a 3-1 lead after the major-league record by striking Residence zone allows only single­ eighth, but had to wait a while to out 20 in April, said he was "He was very hittable tonight.” fam ily houses at 1.3 units per acre. Board hears of AIDS, sex make sure his record would bothered by the rain delay. said Toronto second baseman “The reasons given for denial im prove to 11-0. "1 didn’t have my mind loo right G a rth lorg . who was O-for-2 before are invalid." according to the suit, Reliever Bob Stanley pitched the when I cam e in to start the gam e." being lifted fora pinch hitler. “ He which was filed in Hartford Super­ Bv John Mitchell Kennedy, that students and teachers should ninth to pick up his lOth save, but Clemens said "I wasn’t really wasn’t overpowering. When you’re Herald Reporter Working with a 35-member task ior Court by the developers' wash their hands more often to kill he came perilously close to blow­ concentrating a great deal when I going good, everything falls right attorney. John D. LaBelle Jr. force that developed guidelines on germs, adding that students can ing the game. After getting two went out." for you ond it is for him Herald photo by Tucker In a 5-1 vote, the commission The Board of Education learned the disease. Gustafson concluded learn rhymes that last as long as quick outs. Toronto right fielder Clemens was forced to warm up (Clemens).” this week that Manchester school that AIDS could only be transmit­ the washing, making it easier and denied the zone change without (13) backed up on the play. Cheney prejudice on May 19 because of employees are protecting them­ ted through intimate sexual con­ more fun for them. Cheney Tech second baseman Glenn tact and infected hypodermic what it said were questions over selves better from acquired im­ Also Monday, the board tabled Parent awaits the blow from Bullard won, 10-7, and was to face Bristol needles. the water pressure at the site. mune deficiency syndrome, and action on the results of a study Havens’ Rick Rodriquez in Tuesday’s Eastern today at Ray McKenna Field in that the controversial family-life She said that although AIDS — presented by Rick Conti, chairman Yankees’ Guidry struggling, Denial without prejudice means Class L quarterfinal at Ceppa Field in East Hartford at 3:30 p.m. in a semifinal that the developer does not have to courses in the town schools have which destroys the body's immune of a citizens’ advisory group. The wait the usual six months before been deemed appropriate by a system — can affect children and 13-member committee completed Meriden. Cheney shortstop Tom Dowd match. subcommittee. adults in the schools, no cases have reapplying for a zone change. a year-long review of the school " (The commission) denied the Lynn Gustafson, president-elect been reported in the town's sys­ system’s family life courses, en­ suffers fifth straight loss application because of an undocu­ UPI photo of the National Association of tem. “ Nothing but education is on dorsing programs used in kinder­ mented fear that the pressure in School Nurses and the head nurse the horizon.” she said. garten through grade 12. in the town schools, gave a brief Gustafson is encouraging em­ the public water supply available "The majority of materials By Horry Atkins we’ve got to go out and do it” Tanana was pushed into .service Cheney, Bristol Eastern to the premises was inadequate.” Holdup presentation on AIDS to the board ployees to take basic precautions presented to us were approved The Assocloted Press Guidry 4-6. feels he’s pitching at the last moment because Dave the suit charges. The suit goes on to at a meeting Monday. The presen­ against the disease. "I think It's a unanimously.” Conti said. welt enough to win. but noted a lot LaPoint, who was supposed to say that public water is not Brian Ingram. 14, of El Reno, Okla., holds up a plastic tation. a shortened version of a real important issue.” she said. "It Conti said that there was debate DETROIT — Frank Tanana and of other pitchers — with reputa­ pilch, was unable to gel back in lecture Gustafson has given to r^equired in a residential zone, doesn’t take that much time." on a part of the eighth-grade Ron Guidry, once among the best tions to equal his — also are lime from his grandmother’s fun­ case containing some of the D.B. Cooper hijack money about 30 other groups throughout School nurses treating children adding that it was unfair to base course, “ Focus on Wellness,” that left-handers in baseball, are still struggling eral when his flight was delayed Wednesday in his lawyer's office in Portland, Ore. Brian the state, was a way for board and custodians cleaning areas dealt with issues such as suicide, from upstate New York. worthy Class L rivals the decision on those concerns. among the most professional “ 'There’s a lot of good pitchers in members to gain some back­ where bodily fluids could be Planning Director Mark Pelle­ split $6,000 in tattered $20 bills with an insurance child abuse and divorce. Though Tanana. rushed into service on the league that are going through ground about the deadly disease transmitted should wear gloves. "1 was just trying to move the grini. who said he supported the company after he found the money while picnicking with some of the committee members three days’ rest, allowed just three hard times” said Guidry, who was before drafting an AIDS plan for Gustafson said, calling it "good hall around and keep it dow i,” said anybody that has won 18 games. PZC’s action, conceded today that recommended to withdraw the runs on seven hits over the first lagged for nine hits and six runs in Bv Herald Stott we have to play our best game to his family. The funds are the only trace ever found of the the schools, according to School sound practice.” Tanana. “I didn’t want them They have to be doing something zoning regulations do not require a section, the majority approved seven innings Wednesday night to his seven innings ’’All you can do win” noted Baccaro. who will legendary hijacker. Gustafson also told the board hitting it out of the park” rig h t” dpveloper to use public water in a Superintendent James P. retaining it. he said. help the Detroit Tigers beat Guidry is go back out there every five days Cheney Tech’s baseball team hand the baseball to Beaver ace It was the fourth successive The 15-8 Lancers have, too, residential zone. and the New York Yankees 9-3. and hope it gets belter” has certainly proved worthy of right-hander Rick Gonzalez, 11-2. triumph over New York for Ta­ turning around a 3-5 start by going "The water line drew the most Guidry, the victimoflwoYankee Yankees’ Manager Lou Piniella playing in the Final Four of the Gonzalez, who is also Cheney’s nana who was .3-0 against the 12-3 down the stretch. Bristol attention.” Pellegrini said, "but errors and four unearned runs, said he also felt Guidry was Class 1. stale tournament but so hottest hitter of late, was named to Yankees last year. Willie Hernan­ Eastern, which fini.shed second to there were other concerns. The Obituaries nevertheless kept his composure pitching well has today’s semifinal opponent, the COC All-Star team, along with dez finished up and earned his lOlh M contender Platt High in planning commission was con­ and dealt honestly with the ra ­ "Ronnie pitched very well to­ Bristol Eastern teammates Ron Nese and Bruce save the competitive Central Connecti­ cerned about the increased density tion of having lost his last five night. very well” Piniella said. Cheney, which meets the Bristol Carpenter. cut Conference Southern Division, in the area. was the mother of Sven Kyper of Kahl. all at home; a brother. Heinz decisions. "Ronnie’s going to run off eight or Whitaker scored on Kirk Gib­ Eastern Lancers today at East Bristol Eastern, which has three Florence P. Ferguson Frank Ciak Loretta L. Thoren was seeded 17th going into the "You don't get a zone change by Manchester. Kahl of Niantic: and three other The victory was only the third in 10 wins in a ro w ” son’s RBI single in the third inning, H artfo rd ’s R oy M cK enna F ie ld at top-notch hurlers in Brian Hard­ Florence P. (Foster) Fergu.son. Frank Ciak. formerly of West 21-team tourney. just walking in the door," he said. She also is survived by two Loretta L. Thoren. 72, of Day­ sisters, Mina Solak of Hartford. Detroit’s last 12 games and Ta­ Detroit was led by the hitting of but the Yankees tied it l-l in the 3; .30 p.m has no time to fantasize ing. Jim m y Phelan and Pat Butler, 81. formerly of Sycamore Street, Hartford, husband of the late Bristol Eastern eliminated Fo- “ The burden is on the applicant to grandchildren. tona Beach, Fla., died Tuesday in Dora Olszewski of Windsor and nana. 6-4. went to lengths to remind Lou Whitaker and Darnell Coles. fourth when Gary Roenicke hit a about stale championship games will give the nod to Harding, the widow of Charles H. Ferguson Jr., Madeline (Cadden) Ciak. died ran. 6-3. in the playdown round, show why the request for the zone The memorial service will be Halifax Hospital. Daytona Beach. Shirley DiScipio of East Lyme; one and all that the last-place Whitaker had three hits and drove bases-loaded grounder that drove (which is where (tic winner winds righty who beat Masuk. died Wednesday at an area conva­ Monday at an area nursing home. before pulling off perhaps the change is adequate." Saturday at 1 p.m. at the First Fla. She was the sister-in-law of and several nieces and nephews. Tiger.s are far from out of the in two runs. Coles went 4-for-5. in Willie Randolph. u p ). "We’ve been getting excellent lescent home. He was the brother of Anne upset of the bracket by ousting Pellegrini said he had not yet Lutheran Church of New Britain. Frideiborg Thoren and Lubin drove in one and scored twice The Tigers answered with three The (ask at hand will be tough pitching, and some timely hit­ She was born in Pittsfield. Anderson of Manchester woods, top -ra n k e d M a su k . 7-6. The seen a copy of the lawsuit. 77 Franklin Square. New Britain. Thoren Cress, both of Manchester. The funeral will be tonight at "When L o u ’s sw inging a lot of unearned runs in the bottom of the enough ting." said Giovinazzo. “ We play in Maine, and had lived in Manches­ He is survived by five .sons. “We had good hitting, good Lancers then downed Wether.s- PZC Chairman Alfred W. Sief- Memorial donations may be sent 8; 30 at the John J. Shea Funeral pitching and good defense to­ things are going to happen.” fourth. Coles singled and look "Bristol Eastern is one of the a pretty good league and have had ter for 40 years. She was a member Francis Ciak of Fairbanks. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. field. 6-1. in Tuesday’s good competition all year. But in fert Sr. was the only commission to the New Britain General Hospi­ Home. Steele Road. New Hartford. night.” Tanana said. “ If we put all Detroit Manager Sparky Anderson second on a grounder by Dave hottest teams in the stale right of the Order of the Amaranth, and Alaska Robert M. Ciak and June 21 at Grace Lutheran Church quarterfinal. the states, there are a lot of member who voted against the tal or the Newington Children’s The calling hours are an hour and a three together, we’re going to be a said “ H e’s a good h itle r Engle now. playing against some of the the Daughters of the American Ronald Ciak. both of Southington. of Ormond Beach, Fla. The Dale Cheney, the Charier Oak Confer­ unknowns” denial. He said at the time that the Hospital. half before the service. Burial will changed ballclub. But we’ve got to "This is critical. When you’re New York first baseman Don toughest teams in the state” said Revolution. Orford Parish John F Ciak of Wethersfield and Woodward Funeral Home. 1718 ence cham p and No 4 seed, Some will be cleared up today. water line situation should be be Friday at 11 a.m. at the Rose put something together. One game under .500 like we are. everything Mattingly then threw the ball away Cheney coach Bill Boecaro. whose Chapter. Richard T. Ciak of Maitland. Mo.; Ocean Shore Blvd,. Ormond received a bye through the play- The winner advances to the state addressed when the developers Hill Cemetery. Rocky Hill. doesn’t m ake it. is critical at this point for an e rro r tryin g to force Coles at own blistering Beavers have won She is survived by a son. Leigh H a brother. Bronis J. Ciak of Beach, Fla. 32074 is in charge of down before handily disposing of title gam e on Saturday against the were seeking subdivision appro­ Frances Oliver “ You’ve got to be profes­ "1 think this win will help our second and Coles went on to third 18 out of 22 decisions this season. val. not during the hearings on the Ferguson of Bolton; a sister. Glastonbury; three other sisters. arrangements. Tom Brookens walked to load the ‘All I can say” reciprocated Bristol Central. 9-5. and Bullard winner of the other semifinal Frances (Meyer) Spain Olive of sional about it. Nobody’s feeling club a little They’ve battled hard zone-change application. Florice L. Orcutt of Abington. Frances Cavanaugh of Glaston­ bases before Whitaker singled Bristol Eastern coach Mike Ginvi- Havens Tech. 10-7 match between Bethel and East Rockville, widow of Harold Oliver, sorry for us. Nobody’s rollin g over for three days and deserve .some He said today that he was in a Mass.; and four grandchildren bury. Jane Powers of East Hart­ home Coles and Engle. nazzn. "is you have to respect “ Anything can happen, but I feel Lym e. died Wedne.sday at Rockville Gen­ Sparky has said over and over that re w a rd ” “unique" situation because he The funeral will be Friday at 11 ford and Cele Clough of Amherst. In Memoriatn eral Hospital. She was a Manches­ voted against denial for the same a.m' at the Rose Hill Funeral N .H ; .seven grandchildren; and Herbert F. Kahl Home. 5B0 Elm St.. Rocky Hill. three great-grandchildren. ter native. In loving memory of Mildred reasons the developers have Herbert F. Kahl. 50. of New Burial will be in Rose Hill The funeral w ill be Friday at 9; 45 She was a Rockville resident for Jarvis who passed away Oct. 12, brought the suit. Hartford, died Wednesday at his Memorial Park. Rocky Hill. Cal­ a m. attheSheehan-Hilborn-Breen the last 45 years. She was a 1985. “I'm not sure what the legal home. He was the husband of At U.S. Open ling hours are tonight from 7 to 9. Funeral Home. 1084 New Britain member of Vernon Senior Citizens' Nothing can take away the ramifications are." he said. Sief- Janice (Wainman) Kahl and the M em orial donations m ay be Ave.. West Hartford, with a mass Club. fert said he wanted to discuss the brother of Anna Sanford of love a heart holds dear. made to the Respiratory Disease of Christian burial at 10; 30 a m, in She is survived by a son. Fond memories linger every day. suit with Town Attorney Kevin Manchester. Association. 45 Ash St the Church of St B rigid . West Frederick Spain of Vernon; a O'Brien before making a He also is survived by two sons. Remembrance keeps him near. Hartford 06108 Hartford. Burial will be in Fair- brother. Joseph Meyer of Milton. comm ent. Mass.; four grandchildren; and Paul W. Kahl and Andrew J. Kahl. Sadly missed. Great course awaiting goiters view Cemetery. West Hartford and a daughter, Marcella Ann Husband Calling hours are today from 2 to 4 three great-grandchildren. She and 7 to 9 p m. was predeceased by a son, Alfred limes up to 36 miles per hour). I Human heads found in pots for second both in the Masters and oi a priority before I won the M em orial donations m ay be Spain. y By David Moffit think above par (280) will win it.” the Heritage, then won both at Las Masters. made to a charity of the donor’s The funeral w ill be Saturday at 8 United Press International Watson said. “If the wind dies WALTHAM, Mass. (UPI) - A installing an air conditioning unit. Vegas and in the Kemper. “This is my sixth limetocometo choice. a.m. at the Burke-Fortin Funeral down, and they tell me it’s usually Catholic priest, a Protestant min­ “I almost fainted when I looked “My confidence level is very an Open after winning the Masters Home, 76 Prospect St,. Rockville, SOUTHAMPTON. N.Y. - The not this high, then it w ill take a ister and a rabbi will attend the down and saw the heads.” said Considering Idgh. particularly with my driver and I’ve only won both the same with a m ass of Ch ristian b u ria l at 9 U.S. Open golf championship, repairman John Woods of Boston. year once (i972). In in the early below-par score” funeral of two preserved human Mildred Kyper a.m. in St. Bernard Church, returning to this laid-back. East­ and my putter” said Norman, who heads stored for years in pots in the "It’s the freakiest thing I’ve ever years, when I was winning the “Wind will be a pretty good Mildred (Leander) Kyper. 63, of Rockville. Burial will be in Green ern Shore area for the first time is this year’s leading money basement of a school for the seen” Masters on a more-or-less regular factor this week,” Nicklaus said. New Britain, died Tuesday at New Cemetery. Glastonbury. Calling Cosmetic since its infancy, began its 86th run winner with $447,169. “ More so “ But. it can never be too much of a mentally retarded, a funeral direc­ School officials believe the heads with my putter. basis, it didn’t seem as important Britain General Hospital. She was hours are F rid a y from 2 to 4 and 7 today over the sand and of factor. This golf is playable to r says. were used by researchers 40 or 50 “ This is a long-hitters course and as it does now” the widow of Robert Kyper. She to 9 p.m. Shinnecock Hills. in windy weather” The two male heads emersed in years ago that’s unusual for the Open.” said Some feel that since Shinnecock formaldehyde were discovered Surgery? The last time the U.S. Open was is so much like a British Open Nicklaus. an authority on golf Norman, who has the longest courses, said the only thing he last week by a repairman working held out on the tip of Long Island 90 driving average among those here course. Tom Wat.son. who has won doesn’t like about Shinnecock “ is at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver years ago. the now far-more this week. “ The long hitter usually five British Opens the past II prestigious tournament was in years, should be considered the the fairways where there are spots School. The school is part of the Independent / 4^ gets crucified at the Open” they've let get too lush." Fernald State School, which A free irformational program at pnly its second year The sentimental favorite is 46- favorite. shares a cemetery with the Metro­ Insurance Few of the 156 performers year-old Jack Nicklaus, who won “I don’t think that’s really an Watson was more outspoken. “I don’t think we should play this politan State Hospital. Manchester Memorial Hospital - entered in the $700,000 event his sixth M asters and 20th overall advantage.” said Watson who won course as long as they have made it Because the heads had no Center, Inc. previously had seer, the 6.912-yard, “major” championship in April the U.S. Open in 1982 but hasn’t conducted by Gary E. Russolillo, for this event." he said. “ And the accompanying paper work, local par 70 course which features ^and is the only entrant still in won anywhere since the 1984 rough is too severe and is going to hospitals with pathological incin­ narrow fairways, knee-high rough contention for pro golf’s “Grand Western Open. 22 months ago. M.D., as part of the Hospital’s Com­ extract too severe a penalty. It’s erators were reluctant to take and liny greens. S la m ” “ The fairways are too soft to make we’ve got your a true links golf course. going to take more luck than skill.” them, the health officer said. munity Education Series. “ W inning the Grand Slam is not What they found, according In “Still, the grains are fairly firm. Scott Verplank. the Oklahoma The heads were found in two those who have played in Europe, every likely,” said Nicklaus. “ But There are a number of holes where State star who won the NCAA gold unsealed cooking pots marked was a charming Old World course I certainly want to give myself a you can roll the ball on” championship a couple of weeks “Sexto” and "Pedro” by a worker , num ber Saturday, June 21,1986 sim ilar to I hose used for I he British chance” ago. is making his professional Rod Dolin, CIC J0'1 Norris, CPCU Nicklaus. a four-time champion, The huge Open field was sche­ Open. debut in this week's Open. You want auto, homeowners insurance that’s com­ says he hasn’t been this deter­ duled to begin play at 7 a m EDT 9 - Noon "We are all anxious to see if this But Verplank is already an prehensive, from a company and an agency you can m ined to win another U S. Open today with the last threesome great course will stand up to the experienced Tour performer and since he last accomplished that going out at 3; 42 p.m. and not count on when you have a claim. And you want alt Hospital Conference Rooms best players in the world” USGA his victory in last summer’s CALDWELL feat six years ago. expected to finish until about 8:30 this at a reasonable price. UPI photo President W illiam J. Williams said Western Open was the first Tour “ I’ve taken a different approach p.m , weather permitting. on the eve of the Open. “ We hope it victory by an amateur in 31 years. than if 1 hadn’t won the Masters fin The forecast called for possible OILING. w ill” Defending champion Andy We can fill the bill by placing your insurance with Jack Nicklaus, who won the Masters this year in a April),’’ said the “ Golden Bear, thundershow.prs in the area today, Torefiitsr,coaUcttbeHotpital’iPubliclleUUafuofnce>t' General concensus makes Aus­ North insists the tournament is Great American... So we're giving you our number. 647 4732 16 i i surprise, will be shooting for the U.S. Open who is m aking his 36th consecutive which could delay play. All 156 are - , by June . Pre-ra|iitntioa requeited. tralian Greg Norman this week’s ’•wide-open. U.S. Open appearance — one short scheduled to play today and Friday 69.9 championship beginning today at Shinnecock Hills Golf favorite. "Somebody we haven’t heard of of Gene Sarazen’s record. with the field trim m ed tothelow 60 per gal. C. O. D. (SiTub in Southampton, N.Y. Nicklaus, of course, will be Norman, nicknamed “The Great could do well here.” North said. “ If I hadn’t won the Masters. I for the final two rounds on White Shark” because of his "Anytime Calvin Peete plays he the sentimental favorite with the huge crowd which could affinity for telling shark-hunling wouldn’t have as much enthusi­ Saturday and Sunday. Bob Lathrop 646-6050 MANCHESTER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL “ If the wind continues to blow as has an advantage because he hits 649-8841 Rod Johnson cause traffic jams out in the area of the course on Long tales, has been the hottest player asm” Nicklaus said. “Frankly, 830 Hartford Rd., Manchattar 71 Haynes Street it has in the practice rounds (at more fairways than anyone else.” Prtem Subisel to Chango Island. on the tour the past month He lied winning the Open wasn’t as much (AcroM from Lyrtch Toyota) Manchester, C T 06040______10 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. June 12, 1986 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursiiay, June 12, 1986 — 11 SCOREBOARD MHS honors its athletes Wilfred Clarke cited Bv Len Auster Tully Patulak, sportsmanshlp- sportsmanship- John Gorman; Sports Editor Dave Kelly; Girls’ soccer — most Boys’ Indoor Tragi' — wiost Red Sox 3, Blue Jiyt 2 Mirlmre12,Royili2 Pirates 5. Cuba 3 valuable- Denise Belleville, most valuable- Brian Brophy. most Manchester High School’s at­ improved- Sarah Nicholson, improved- Tom O’Marra, for the Hall of Fame hletic program has had a good year SoftbaU Little League Baseball BOSTON TORONTO SEATTLE KANSAS CITY CHICAGO PITTSBUROH sportsmanship- Terl McGehan; sportsmanship- Paul Szatkowski; abrhM obrhM in Central Connecticut Conference obrhM . obrhM . ObrhM ObrhM Football — Most valuable- Dwayne Girls’ Indoor Track — most By Earl Yost Normal School in I9t5. The finals but lost out for the state Barrett 2b 4 0 1 0 Femndz ss 3 1 2 0 Rovnids 2b 6 2 3 2 Wilson cf 4 0 0 0 Mmphrv ct 5 0 1 0 Bonds ct 3 12 1 East Division action. Four teams Bosley If S 1 1 0 Almon If 4 0 2 0 Albert, most im p ro v^ Todd Weso- valuable- Laurie Smith, most Sports Editor Emeritus college is now known as South- Boros 3b 3 1 1 0 Mulinks 3b 4 0 1 1 Moses cf 6 2 3 3 Smith If 4 0 0 0 won league championships this crown. TONIGHT'S GAMES American Bucknr 1b 2 0 0 0 Mosebv cf 4 0 0 0 Dovls 1b 4 0 12 Brett 3b 3 0 0 0 Sondbrg 2b 5 0 3 0 Roy 2b 4 0 0 0 lowskie and Chris Corporan, Improved- Doreen Breen, e r n Connecticut State O verall, Clarke saw his teams Oil Heat vs. Police, 6 — Robertson AL standings Moreind rt 4 1 2 1 Morrlsn 3b 4 0 1 0 spring in boys' and girls' tennis, Stap(etn 1b 2 0 0 0 Bell If 4 0 0 0 Phelps 1b 2 0 0 0 Orta dh 4 12 0 spo,rtsmanship- Terrence Bumay; sportsmanship- Joanna Zachery "Manchester has been good to University. win 323 games while losing 248. Glenn vs. Medical, 7:30 — Robertson Arm y and N o w whipped the. Fire­ Rice If 4 12 1 Upshaw 1b 4 0 0 0 Presley 3b 5 1 2 1 White 2b 4 13 2 Durhm 1b 3 0 10 Bream 1b 4 golf 0 0and 0 boys' track. That is on top Boys’ Cross Country — most Elmore vs. Lastroda,4 — Fitzgerald fighters, 15-d, ot Waddell Field. Kevin Baylor dh 4 1 1 2 Bortleld rf 4 1 2 0 Tortabll It 5 0 1 0 Bolbonl 1b 4 0 0 0 Cev 3b 4 111 Brown rf 3 110 and Kim Jarvis; Wrestling- most me. I’ve been here 34 years. I Two years after his retire­ Twelve of his teams qualified E m i Davis c 5 0 2 0 Clemnts p 0 of 0 championships 0 0 in boys’ and Moln Pub vs. Lothrop, 7:30 — PIsch pounded four hits. Including o W L Pet. GB Evons rt 4 0 0 0 Johnsn dh 4 0 11 Hendrsn rf 5 2 2 1 Brewer rf 3 0 0 0 vaulable- Shaun Brophy. most vaulatle- Sean McCarthy, most came here in 1917 when it was a ment from the school system, and participated in state tour­ Fitzgerald double. Dave Gilbert also hod three Lyons ct 4 0 10 Garcia pr 0 0 0 0 Thomos dh 5 1 1 0 Sundbrg c 3 0 2 0 Speler ss 3 0 10 Walk p 0 girls’ 0 0 0 soccer won last fall. And Boston 39 19 .672 — improved- Bob Dickson, improved- Greg Vincent, pne-horse town; a small, the basketball gym at Manches­ nament play. L.M . Gill vs. MPIzzo, 6 — Nike hits. Including two doubles. Tom Baltimore 34 22 .607 4 Sullivan c 3 0 0 0 Whitt c 4 0 0 0 Owen ss 3 2 2 2 Salozor ss 3 0 10 Hoffman p 0 0 0 0 Diaz ph 10 10 athletes reaped their individual HPMorket vs. Social Club, 7:30 — Strono and Peter Hayes contributed Quinons ss 3 0 0 0 lorg 2b 2 0 0 0 Romos ss 2 0 10 McRoe ph 10 0 0 Mtthws ph 0 0 0 0 Robinson p 0 0 0 0 sportsmanship- Doug Stoker; sportsmanship- Mike Taylor. friendly town. We knew everyb­ ter High was officially named New York 34 24 .586 5 rewards Wednesday night at the Head of the physical educa­ Nike key hits. Greg Griffin, Andy Bartley Milwaukee 30 27 .526 Leach ph 0 0 0 0 Yoogor c 4 2 2 1 Boiler p 0 0 0 0 Ortiz c 4 2 3 0 Girls’ Cross Country — most ody. I’ve made a lot of friends the Clarke Arena in his honor. Red-Lee vs. NUMethodlst. i — and Steve Flengo hit well forthe losers. Cleveland 29 28 .509 9'/a Sheperd pr 0 0 0 0 Totals 47 12 18 12 Totals 33 2 a 2 Franco ph 1 0 0 0 Belltard ss 2 1 1 1 annual Letter Winner's Banquet at valuable- Sherri Veal. Kim Jarvis, Girls’ Tennis — most valuable- tion department, the short, Pogonl Fontenot p O 0 0 0 Rhoden p 2 0 12 and I ’ve made a lot of enemies, Clarke’s admission to the Hall Toronto ■a 31 .475 H'/S Gruber 2b 0 0 0 0 SOOltlO 875 080 800— 12 the Arm y and Navy Club. most improved- Jessica Marshall, Teri McGehan, most improved- white-haired Clarke boasted a Keith vs. Burger K Ing, 7:30 — Pogonl Detroit 26 29 .473 ll'/j Totals 33 3 6 3 Totals 33 3 6 2 Kansas City 000 200 000— 2 Orsulok cf 0 0 0 0 but I have enjoyed myself of Fame will mark the fourth National Totals 35 1 12 2 Totals 31 5 12 4 The top male and female awards sportsmanship- Mindy Forde. booming voice that carried B.A. Club vs. AS.N. 6 — Keenev West Boston 100 200 000— 3 Game-Winning RBI — Henderson Nicole Mellow, sportsmanShip- here.” time that Manchester High Century 21 vs. Tologo. 6 — Charter Carter Chevrolet stomped Nichols Texos 33 25 .569 — Toronto 100 000 001— 2 (3). Chicago 000 001 101— 3 are for top senior athlete and top Paula Lacey; Boys’Tennis — most plenty of authority and respect. Oak Pittsburgh 001 30010X— 5 Volleyball — most valuable- That was the way the late coaches were selected. Earlier. Tire, 15-4, at Buckley Field. Morek Kansas City 29 29 .500 4 Game-winnino RBI — Baylor (8). E— Wilson, Brett Z Smith. DP— Seattle scholar-athlete. The Pam Pratt valuable- Glenn Horowitz, most His finger slaps on the butt of Folkowskl roped three hits, Includlnoo Colltornlo 29 29 .500 4 E— Rice. LOB— Boston 4, Toronto 6. 2. LOB— Seattle 9, Kansas City 7. Gome-winning RBI — Bonds (1). Paige Lepak, most Improved- Wilfred Clarke summed up his Charles “Pete” Wigreq. Tom E— Cev, Bosley. DP— Chlcooo 1, Pitts­ Award for the top scholar-athlete boys during physical education triple, while Eric Isleb added two hits. Chlcooo 24 33 .421 B'/z 2B— Rice, Mulllniks, Lyons, Femondez. 2B— Moses 2, Presley, White. 3B— Owen. Dawn Martin, sportsmanship- Ju­ improved- David Browne, 34 years on the faculty at Kelley and Dick Danielson, Dusty Billy Poppas pitched well In rellet for Ookland 25 35 .417 9 HR— Baylor (15). SB— Barfield (3). HR— White (7). burgh 1. LOB— Chicago 13, Pittsburgh 5. was presented to Sarah Nicholson, swimming classes at the East 2B— Dovls 2, Ortiz, Moreland. 3B— lie Falkowski; Girls’ Swimm ing— sportsmanship- Erik Johnson; Manchester High, 32 of those track, baseball and soccer Carter. Big sticks tor Nichols were Minnesota 23 36 .390 lO'/z a standout in soccer and outdoor Side Rec pool were legend. Stephenson Paint breezed to a6-3 win swung by Tony Cook, Mark Midford Seattle 22 38 .367 12 IP H R ER BB SO IP H RERBBSO Bonds. HR— Cev (5). S— Hoffman, Bel­ most vaulable- Mary Ann Troy, Golf — most valuable- Phil Fedor- years as varsity basketball mentors, were cited. Boston Clarke retired from the school over Memorial Corner Storeat Keenev and Andy Cox, each ot whom cronked o Wednesdov's Results Seattle ltard. SF— Morelond. girls’ track. The top senior female Shelley Factora, most improved- chak, most improved- John Wynn, coach. Before launching his long Field on Wednesdov night. The double. California 12, Chicago 11 Clemens (W 11-0) 8 4 1 1 2 6 Morgan (W 4-6) 9 8 2 2 3 3 system in 1953 and summered in Stanley (S 10) 1 2 1 1 0 0 athlete award went to Mary Ann sportsmanship- Andy Boggini; Clarke was named today the basketball coaching career at winners' Mark St. John slashed two Baltimore 4, Milwaukee 3 Konsos City IP H R ER BB SO Meghan Giles, sportsmanship- Manchester and wintered in hits and was the lone batter In the game Detroit 9, New York 3 Toronto Lebrndt (L 6^) 1 1-3 7 7 6 0 0 Chicago Troy, a standout in swimming and Sharon Lauzon; Ice Hockey — Softball — most valuable- Erin fifth and last man to be awarded MHS, Clarke coached the base­ to hove more than one. Cleveland 7, Ookland 4 Alexander (L 4-3) 9 6 3 3 1 9 Cone 4 2-3 7 5 5 1 4 Hoffman (L 2-2) 5 9 4 4 0 1 outdoor track. Prescott, most improved- Chantal Florida until his death. International T — 2:29. A— 25,226. most valuable- Bob Blake, most membership in the Manchester ball squad from 1919 to 1921. He Seattle 12, Kansas City 2 Quisenberry 3 4 0 0 0 2 Bailer 2 2 1 0 1 1 The top boys honored were Larose. sportsmanship- Kris Cool; Behind the no-hIt pitching of Poul Boston 3, Toronto 2 Umpires— Home, Scott; lb, Phillips; T — 2:37. A— 26,230. Fontenot 1 1 0 0 0 0 improved- Shane McCann, Sports Hall of Fame for 1986, started with the hoopsters dur­ "When I was in college, my Pagsnl KIrbv. Ansaldl's blanked Boland Texas 6, Minnesota 2,16 Innings 2b, M.Johnson; 3b, McCoy. Umpires— Home, Hendry; lb, Pittsburgh Frank Hoher, who was presented Baseball — most valuable- Mike The seventh annual dinner will ing the 1921-22 season and was teacher told me. 'You'll succeed Brothers, 12-0, Wednesday night at Evans; 3b, Merrill. Rhoden (W 6-3) 51-3 7 I 1 4 5 sportsmanship- Dale Gullo and Allstate Business Machines skunked Thursday's Games the Gus Guadino Award for the top Mike Generis. Custer, Granato Award for highest be held September 26 at the head man through the 1952-53 if one-third of your students like Edwards 347,11-0, at Pogonl Field. Ted Leber Field. Kirby walked one and New York (Undecided) ot Baltimore Clements 11-3 2 1 1 1 1 senior athlete. And Mike Taylor, a struck out five In twirling his gem. (Dixon 6-3), 7:35 p.m. TlgersQ, Yankees 3 Walk 1 1-3 0 0 0 1 0 batting average- Sean McCarthy. Army and Navy Club. campaign. you. Because one-third will be Holmes hammered a triple and two Robinson IS 1) 1 3 1 1 0 0 doubles to pace Attstote's 17-hltattack. Mike Bottaro went 4-for-4 and O.J. Milwaukee (Hlguera 8-4) at Boston Orlolet4,Brewers3 standout with the wrestling team, Boys’ Basketball — Most Granato Award for top pitcher- Previously named to be ho­ Without question, his most indifferent and one-third will Cromwell added two doubles and a (Boyd 7-4), 7:35 p.m. HBP— by Hoffman (Bonds). WP— was accorded the Clarke Medal as valuable- Bruce Rosenberg, most Paul Gavarrino; Girls’ Outdoor Bill Stevenson, Miles Boutillerand Jim NEW YORK DETROIT Walk, T — 3:02. A— 12,702. nored were Jim Roach. Earl successful team was assembled hate you.’” he once recalled. Colla added a pair of safeties apiece. single for Ansaldl's. Danny Smith Detroit (Tanana 5-4) at Toronto (Key singled and doubled and Peter Dettore 3-5), 7:35 p.m. Ob r h bl Ob r h bl BALTIMORE MILWAUKEE the top senior athlete. improved- Brian Arnold, Track — most valuable- Laurie Ballsieper. Fran Leary and the during the 1937-38 season. These percentages did not Winning pitcher Lloyd Boutlller tossed Rndtph 2b 4 1 1 0 Whitakr 2b 5 1 3 2 Umpires— Home, Wever; 1b, Ren­ a three-hittcr. chipped in with two singles. KIrbv and Kansas City (Jackson 2-3) atColKornla Ob r h M Ob r h bl Most valuable player, most sportsmanship- Erik Johnson; Smith, most improved- Shelley late Christie McCormick, Winners of 22 of 24 starts, the hold up for Clarke in Manches­ Bill Pollack chipped In with homers for (Witt 6-4), 10:35 p.m. Mttngly 1b 4 0 0 0 Trmmll ss 5 1 1 1 Shelby cf 5)10 Felder rf 3100 nert; 2b, Montague; 3b, Dale. improved and sportsmanship Girls’ Basketball — most valuable- Factora. sportsmanship- Sarah Ansaldl's, which ployed errorless ball Chicogo (Cowley 2-3) at Seottle Hendrsn cf 3 1 1 0 Gibson rf 3 2 11 Bonilla 2b 3 1 1 1 Yount cf 4 0 10 Born July 1. 1893 in Ansonia. Red and White claimed the ter. It’s safe to say at last 95 West Side behind Kirby. (Beattie (M)), 10:35 p.m. Winfield rf 3 1 1 2 Parrish c 4 0 12 Ripken ss 4 0 2 1 Cooper 1b 3 12 1 awards were given out in all Dawn Martin, most improved- Nicholson; Boys’ Outdoor Track — Clarke’s early ambition was to Central Connecticut Interscho­ percent of the thousands of Roenick If 4 0 0 1 Coles 3b 5 2 4 1 Murray 1b 3 1 2 1 Ogllvle If 4 0 2 1 Padres it . Astros 7 sports. The sports and there Shelley Factora. sportsmanship- most valuable- Al O'Neill, most Friday's Games Berra dh 3 0 10 Herndon If 4 0 1 1 become a doctor, but lack of lastic League (C C IL ). Connecti- youngsters who came under his An eight-run fifth Inning uprising Milwaukee at Baston, night Sheets dh 4 0 0 0 Robldx dh 3 0 0 0 winners were: Anna Riggio; Boys” Swimming — improved- Peter Follett, broke open a close game for the Elks, International Farm Kansas City at Callfarnlo, night Wynegar c 4 0 1 0 Engle 1b 4 10 0 Dwyer rf 4 0 0 0 Riles ss 4 1 1 0 funds made him turn his atten­ cut and New England wing wound up as friends. who nailed Blue Ox. 13-5, at Pogani. Pogllarl 3b4 0 3 0 Brokns dh 3 10 0 HOUSTON SAN DIEGO Boys' soccer — Most valuable- most valuable- Mel Siebold. most sportsrhanship- Frank Hoher, Pete New Yark at Baltimare, night Young If 4 0 10 Sveum 3b 4 0 0 0 Ob r h bl Ob r h bl tion to physical education after championships. Dinner tickets will be availa­ Mike Cunningham and Norm Ka- The Lawyers decked Boland Broth­ Detroit at Toranto, night Mechm ss 3 0 0 0 Sherldn cf 4 1 1 0 O'Mallv 3b 4 0 1 1 Gantner 2b 4 0 2 1 Brian Milone. Most improved- improved- Paul Hendessi; Wigren Award- Paul Szatkowski. wolsky each cranked o triple and single ers, 13-8. at Verplanck Field. Philip Totals » 3 8 3 Totals 37 9 12 8 Doran 2b 3 7 0 0 Roberts 2b 4 2 2 2 graduating from New Haven The 1930-31 team gained the ble after.Labor Day. Chicago at Seattle, night Dempsey c 4 1 0 0 Schroedr c 4 0 0 0 Revnids ss 5 1 I 1 Gwynn rf 2 12 1 for the Elks, while Jim LaChapelle Dakin drilled two doubles and o single, Texas at Oakland, night New York 000 103 000— 3 Totots 35 4 8 4 Totals 33 3 8 3 added two singles. Bill Bridgeman while Bob Mercier contributed two Detroit 001 300 13x— 9 Baltimore 003 001 — Cruz It 4 12 1 Wynne ct 3 0 11 Minnesota at Cleveland, night 000 4 Dovls 1b 5 0 0 1 McRvnI ct 4 1 1 0 blasted o triple and single for the Ox, hits. Kevin RepoM and Chris RIzy also Standouts Game-winning RBI— Whittaker (4). Milwaukee 100 001 100— 3 while Dove Jockson lacked a double ripped key base hits for the winners. E — Meacham, Mattingly. DP — New Game-winning RBI — Ripken (6). Boss ct 1 1 0 0 Garvey lb 4 0 1 1 Homs Runs Walling 3b 3 1 1 3 Martinez If 3 1 10 and single. Bob Malm contributed two Chris Adams, Mike Glacopassl and California, Jones (4), Downing (6). York 1, Detroit 2. LOB— New York 6, E— Sveum. DP— Baltimore 1, Mil­ singles. Mike Tryon were standouts on defense. Detroit 8. 2B— Henderson, Sheridon, waukee 1. LOB— Baltlmore6, Milwaukee Puhl rt 3 0 0 0 Kruk It 0 10 0 Chicogo, Baines (9), Hulett (3). Oakland, DIPIno 0 0 0 0 0 Bochy c 4 2 2 2 Trvon went the distance on the mound Kingman (14), Grittin (1). Cleveland, Parrish, Pagliarulo. HR— Winfield 6.2B— Cooper 2, Ogllvle, O'Malley, Riles, to Improve his record to 6-0. Poul (11). SB— Whitaker 2 (4). Brooken (2). SB— Felder (11). S— ^Cooper. Ashby c 4 0 10 Royster 3b 3 1 0 0 Knight takes batting lead Bernazard (3), Castillo (2). New York, Walker pr 0 0 0 0 Templtnpss 4 112 ‘A’ East Spano sponked two hits to leod Botdnd Winfield (1). Kansas City, White (7). Coles (2). S— Meacham. IP H R ER BB SO Brothers. Norm Delouro excelled on Bailey c 0 0 0 0 Hawkins" p 1110 Gentle Touch Cor Wash swamped Boston, Baylor (15) Texos, McDowell Baltimore defense white pitching well In relief (9) . IP H R ER BB SO Boddicker (W 8-1) 7 6 3 3 2 3 Madden p 0 0 0 0 Hoyt p 0 0 0 0 Nels Johnson Insurance. 13-1. at Ro­ New York Andersn p 1 0 0 0 McCulIrs p 0 0 0 1 bertson Park. Jon Dubois drilled a Winning Pitchers Aase IS 17) 2 2 0 0 0 2 Pnkvts oh 1110 Baltimore, Boddicker (S-1). California, Guidry (L 4-6) 7 9 6 2 3 4 Milwaukee homer and two doubles, while Brian American Farm Whitson 1 3 3 3 1 2 Hatcher ct 1 0 0 0 Moran also laced three hits for the McCasklll (5-4) Cleveland, Schrom (5-2). Darwin (L 3-3) 9 8 4 3 2 5 Detroit T — 2:20. A— 14,369. Totals 31 7 6 4 Totals 32 II 12 10 as Mets shade Phiilies Detroit, Tanana (6-4). Seattle, Morgon winners. Rich Kralewskl and Paul American Legion beot the Firefigh­ Tonana (W 6-4) 7 7 3 3 2 5 Houston 100 002 400— 7 McCluskev added two safeties opiece ters, 30-3. behind the combined no-hIt (4-6). Boston, Clemens (11-0). Umpires— Home, Bremlgan; lb, Bar­ Texas, Williams (6-1). Hernandez (S 10) 2 1 0 0 0 1 nett; 2b, HIrschbeck; 3b, Roe. Sun Diego 023 020 04x— 11 For the losers. Harry Johnson and pitching of Cory Hersha, Jamie Batfe Hit by— Hernandez (Berra). T — 2:57. Game-winning RBI — Templetan By United Press International this season and 30-36 lifetime Rapp, who managed me in the Walt SukowskI slapped two each. ond Jonathan Stanizzl. Balfe bonged ( 2). Saves A— 26,256. the Mets, with a run­ minors, said 1 was the best third four hits for the cycle, Hersho had Umpires— Home, Palmermo; lb. E — R ayster 2, Te m p le to n . D P — three hits and Chris Wollenberg, Baltimore, Aase (17). California. National League reaulta Houston 1, San Diego 1. LOB— Houston NEW YORK — Three years ago scoring single to center that baseman he had ever seen, and he Northern Stanizzl. Jamie PerzanwoskI and T.J. Forster (3). Clevelond. Balles (5). Brinkman; 2b, Cooney; 3b, Kaiser. II. Detroit, Hernandez (10). Boston, Stanley 6, San Diego 3. 2B— Wynne, Bochy, with the Houston Astros. Ray extended his consecutive game saw Brooks Robinson. ” Trash Away trounced Cox Cable, Panclero all odded two. Jasoh Vorono- Templeton. 3B— Roberts. HR— Bochy ( 10) . 17-7, at Robertson. Tom Zownir and vltch homered and Chris Parkman and Mates.PhlllleaS • (4), Walling (2). SB— Doran (16), Knight fought against surgery on hitting streak to 10. Mets starter Ron Darling. 7-2, Bill Chudzik cracked three hits apiece Kevin Bates singled, while TommI Roberts (10). S— Madden, Ro­ his Achilles tendon because he fell On his next at-bat. with one out in allowed six hits and three runs in Cote scored three runs. For the Angels 12. White Sox 11 berts, McCullers. SF— Walling. for the victors, while five others added Firefighters, Ken Stover, Bill Olsen NL standings PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK strongly that he had a chance to the third, he drove Carlton’s first six innings while walking two and two each. Including Bob SImter. Pete Obrhbl obrhbl Doreau, Harry Commeyer, Jeff Nelson and Colleen O'Neill ployed well. CALIFORNIA CHICAGO IP H R ER BB SO win a batting title. pitch into the left-field seats for his striking out six and Jesse Orosco, Eg»t Stone If 3 0 0 0 WilsonHouston cf 5 2 3 0 He didn't win in that year, and Jay McConvHle. For Cox, Lori obrhbl ObrhM Aguayo ph 1 0 0 0 Teufel 3b 5 1 1 0 eighth home run. giving the Mets a pitching in his sixth straight game, Webb and Chris DIdden rapped two hits W L Pet. GB Pettis cf 4 3 3 1 Cangels cf 3 2 1 0 Madden 2 )-3 6 5 5 1 4 finishing at .304. but he’s never 5-1 bulge. nailed the last two outs of the game National Farm Roenick cf 3 0 3 1 Andersen Mitchell 1b3 3 2-3 3 0 3 20 2 0 1 apiece. New York 39 16 . 709 — Jones If 3 2 2 3 Hoirstn ph 1 1 1 0 Somuel 3b 4 0 0 0 Niemann p 0 0 0 0 Scott Owne pitched Nichols Tire to Its Montreal 31 74 .564 6 Downing If 2 1 1 2 Fisk dh 4 111 DIPIno (L 1-2) 2 3 4 4 3 1 given up. And Wedne.sday night, he “ I knew Ray would have a good on a double play and earned his G.WItsn rf 4 1 1 0 Son McDowll Diego p 0 0 0 0 ninth win, beoting DIRoso Cleaners. Phlladelphlo 26 29 .473 13 Joyner 1b 5 0 2 2 Bolnes rf 4 1 1 2 Hayes 1b 4 13 3 Orosco p 0 0 0 0 homered and singled in four season,” said Mets Manager Da- 11th save. Charter Oak 15-10, ot Bowers Field. John Passmore. Pittsburgh 24 30 .444 UVi Jocksn dh 5 0 2 1 Walker 1b 3 1 1 1 Hawkins 6 3 3 3 4 3 The Phillies closed the gap to I wo Doulton c 3 0 0 0 Carter c 3 1 1 2 Hoyt 0 2 4 2 2 0 at-bats, lifting the New York Mets vey Johnson, "but I never ex­ Tierney'S edged MCC Vets. 3-2, at Jason March, VInnIe Terza and Ryan Chlcooo 23 33 .411 16V? Narron c 3 0 0 0 Bonilla If 5 2 3 2 Schu 3b 3 1 1 0 Strwbrr rf 4 0 0 0 Oliver ployed well for the winners. St. Louis 22 33 .400 17 Boone c 2 0 0 0 Hulett 3b 5 13 4 McCullers (W 2-1) 3 1 0 0 0 3 to a 5-3 victory over the Philadel­ pected him to do this well.” after Von Hayes smashed a Fitzgerald Field. Tom Hammick roped West GGross ph 1 0 0 0 Foster If 4 0 10 Hoyt pitched to 4 batters In 7th. a double and two singles and Brian Rich Busick belted two home runs for Hendrck rf 5 1 1 0 Jeltz Tolleson ss ss 3 5 0 0 100 1 Dvkstro cf 0 0 0 0 phia Phillies and taking over the He has already exceeded the two-run homer in the top of the 5-7 DIRosa. James Wolff, Brian Bur­ Houston 33 24 .579 — Wllfong 2b 4 0 1 0 Skinner c 3 0 1 0 HBP— by Howkins (Bass). WP— McAuley chipped In with two hits for San Francisco 31 26 .544 2 Carlton p 3 0 0 0 Knight 3b 4 13 3 Madden. T — 2:47. A— 13,686. batting lead in the National League eight home runs he hit in each of fourth. Tierney's. Kevin Kearney clouted a gess and Bob Herdlein also played Howell 3b 4 2 2 1 Hume Kittle p ph 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sontono ss 3 0 3 0 well. Atlanta 29 28 . 509 4 Schoflld ss 4 3 2 1 Guillen pr 0 0 0 0 Umpires— Home, Engel; 1b, Quick; 2b, with a .339 average. 1984 and 1985. and is five short of Carlton lasted only 3 1-3 innings, triple and two singles for the Vets Thmpsn ph 1 0 0 0 Dorling p 3 0 0 0 Runge; 3b, Pallone. Los Angeles 29 31 .483 5V? Cruz 2b 5 2 2 0 Tekulve p 0 0 0 0 Hrnndz 1b 10 10 " I could always hit. always.” last season’s RBI total. giving up eighth hits and five runs Rookies San Diego 28 30 . 463 5V? Totals 41 12 16 11 Totals 38 11 14 11 Schmdt ph 1 0 1 0 said the 33-year-old third base- He said he’s hoping for his third — three earned while walking two A' Central CIncInnotl 22 33 .400 10 Colifomia 103 401 030— 12 Hudson pr 0 0 0 0 •S’ Wednesday’s Results Chicogo 012 030 005— 11 Braves 2. Giants 1 man. who has twice hit over .300 All-Star selection even though he’s and striking out four. Nassiff Arms hung on to trim Farr's, MIdford Motors Garage edged East Totals 32 3 8 3 Totals 35 S 13 4 of the River Magazine, 9-6. Matt Rodd, Atlanto 2, San Froncisco 1,10 Innings Game-winning RBI — none. Phllodolphio 001 200 000— 3 and came in third in the batting not on the ballot for the first time in “ He wasn't really up to par.” 4-3, at Fltzgerold Paul Frenette San Diego 11, Houston 7 E— Hulett, Walker. Joyner. DP— flogged a triple and doublefor Nassiff, Mlkey MIdford and Justin Lopez hit New York 5, Phllodelphto 3 Now YoiK 311 000 OOx— 5 ATLANTA SAN FRANCISCO race in 1979. “ I ’ m not going to say seven years. said Phillies Manager John well for MIdford, while Scott Cochran Cotifornlo 1, Chicago 1. LOB— California Gome-wInnlng RBI — Corter (6). while Kevin Comeau and Mark Cane- Pittsburgh 5, Chicago 3 4, Chicago 7. 2B— Bonilla, Howell, Ob r h bl Ob r h bl m- I'm going to win anything. But I'il ” I guess some people didn’t Felske. “ He didn't start to gel his gallo lounched four-baggers. Ron Roy and Patrick Ouish sparkled on defense Montreal 4. St. Louis 3,10 innings E— Jeltz, Mitchell. DP— Phllodelphlo Moreno rt 4 0 0 0 Maldond rf 5 I 2 0 Jonathan Pontlllo punched two hits for Hairston 3B— Jones, Schofield, How­ 1, New York 3. LOB— Phllodelphlo 7. New say I have the best chance I ’ve had think 1 was of All-Star caliber velocity up there until the fourth was the lone Farr's batter with two Los Angeles 5, Cincinnati 4.11 innings ell. HR— Jones (4). Downing (6), Baines Oberkfll 3b 4 0 0 0 Aldrete 1b 5 0 0 0 hits. three RBIs for the losers. Brett Potter York 9. 3B— Mitchell. Roenicke. HR— Murphy ct 4 0 0 0 Brown 3b 3 0 0 0 in years. anymore.” he said. "People forget And even then I'v e seen his stuff also had two hits, while Drew Johnson Thursday's Game (9), Hulett (3). SB— Pettis (10). S— Knight (8), Haves (4). SB— Wilson 3 (11). San Francisco (Krukow8-3) at Houston Wllfong. Pettis. SF— Wolker. Horner lb 4 0 10 Leonard It 4 0 0 0 “ As long as I don’t get tired down that a few years back I was better this season. Early on he was and Keith MItcheltree starred In the (Hernandez 0-1). 0:35 p.m. S— Roenicke. SF— Corter. Perry If 4 0 0 0 Davis ct 2 0 10 field IP H R ER BB SO the stretch. I ’ll give it a good shot. considered one of the outstanding getting the ball up and they were 'A' West Friday's Games IP H R ER BB SO Horner It 0 0 0 0 Brenlv c 3 0 0 0 Phllodelphlo Thomas ss 4 0 1 0 ThmpSn 2b 4 0 0 0 The way I feel now. I think I can get players in the game.” hitting it hard. And theerrordidn'l Cummings Insurance rallied over St. Louis at Chicago California Carlton (L 4-7) 3 1-3 8 5 3 3 4 Pittsburgh at New York, night McCasklll (W S-4) 5 9 6 6 3 4 Virgil c 4 1 1 1 Uribe ss 4 0 0 0 a hit every time up.” Knight is also proud of his help.” JHC Construction. 5-1. ot Nike Field. Hume 3 2-3 3 0 0 0 1 Hubbrd 2b 2 0 0 0 Garrelts p 3 0 1 0 Steve Rascher smacked two hits and Montreol at Phllodelphlo, night Corbett 3 1-3 5 5 5 2 2 Tekulve 3 1 0 0 0 1 UPI photo Entering,the game. Knight was fielding. He’s committed only one The error, by shortstop Steve CIncInnotl at Atlanta, night Forster (S 3) 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 Chmbls ph 1 0 1 0 Lanclitt ph 1 0 0 ') 0 six others added one apiece for New York Ramirz 3b 1 0 0 0 Minton p 0 0 0 0 Jeltz on a throw from first Cummings. Burt Baskervllle and Dave Soccer San Francisco at Houston, night Chicago tied for the League lead al .335 but error in 50 games this season. “ I Los Angeles at San Diego, night Darling (W 7-3) 6 6 3 3 3 6 Palmer p 2 111 White Sox’ Greg Walker is about to be Jerry Narron gets set to slap on the tag. Oougon socked two hits each for JHC, Dotson (L 4-6) 3 2-3 8 7 6 0 2 Niemann 3-3 1 0 0 0 0 he now leads by four points. got called up because of my baseman Von Hayes, helped allow Stondouts Schmidt 1 2-3 4 2 2 0 2 Dedmon p 0 0 0 0 McDowell 13-31001 1 SImmns ph 1 0 0 0 tagged out at the plate trying to score California won by a run, 12-11, in Knight capped a three-run first glove,” he said. "It makes me two unearned runs against Home Runs McKeon 12-3 2 1 1 0 3 Orosco (S 11) 3-3 0 0 0 0 0 Rec Atlanta, Palmer (1), Virgil (9). Dowley 2 2 2 2 0 1 Garber p 0 0 0 0 from second base as Angels’ catcher C h icag o . inning off starterSteve Carlton. 4-7 uncomfortable to say it, but Vern Carlton. Pee Wee Houston, Walling (2). ^ n Diego, Bochy HBP— by Darling (Stone). T — 3:00. Totals 35 2 5 2 Totals 34 I 4 0 McKeon pitched to 1 batter In 8th. A— 27.830. Acadia Restauront toppled Tele­ Illing: Meteors 2 (Scott Rickard 2), (4). Philadelphia, Haves (4). New York. HBP— by Forster (Kittle). WP— Atlanta 001 000 0001— 2 phone, 6-1, at Nike. Dove Erickson Umpires— Home. Harvey; 1b, Stello; Son Francisco 100 000 000 0— 1 Mustangs 0. Knight (6). Chicogo, Cev (5). Cincinnati, McCosklll. T — 3:16. A — 14,177. 3b, Poncing; 3b. Gregg. drove In three runs for Acadia on a Jets 6 (Mike Gullano 2, Note Lolo- Porker (13). Los Angeles, Stubbs (11), Gome-winning RBI — Virgil (1). AL roundup double and triple, while John Lucos, shlus, Ryon Spencer, Rich Griffith 2), Trevino (1). Umpires— Home, Ford; 1b, Reed; E— Hubbard 2. LOB— Atlanta 3, Son Flip Duff and Jim Kaluza all added two Dolphins 0. Winning Pitchers 2b,Kosc;3b,Gorclo. Expoa4,Cardlnals3 Francisco 8. 2B— Maldonodo 2, Dovls. NL roundup hits each. For Telephone, Tim Mor- MCC: Tornados 2 (Tracey Coran- Atlanta, Garber (2-1). San Diego, HR— Palmer (1), Virgil (9). SB— Brown larty, Woyne Johnson and Stuart gelo, Br’lan Post), Express 0. McCullers (2-1) . New York. Darling (7-2). (6),Thomas(1). Sibley ripped o pair of safeties opfece. Soccers 4 (Andrew Morin 2, Donney Pittsburgh, Rhoden (6-3). Montreol. MONTREAL ST. LOUIS IP H R ER BB SO Parker 2), Carriers 0. Reardon (6-3), Los Angeles, Vande Berg Indiana 7. A’a 4 Ob r h bl Ob r h bi Atlanta Women's Rec ( 1- 2) Newmn 3b 3 1 3 0 Coleman Palmer If 5 0 0 0 6 4 1 0 5 7 Texas is finally triumphant Saves OAKLAND CLEVELAND Webster rf 4 1 0 0 Penditn 3bDedmon 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Moln Pub come from behind to shode Midgets New York, Orosco (11). Pittsburgh, Ob r h bl Ob r h bl Raines If 4 13 1 Herr 2b 4 1 1 0 Garber (W 2-1) 3 0 0 0 0 3 Dodgers sweep Reds Robinson (1). Montreal, Roberge (1). Brooks ss 4 0 11 Clark 1b 4 0 3 1 Sun Froncisco Sportsman Cafe, 4-3, ot Charter Ook Kennedy Rood: Cougars 1 (Mike Phillips ct 5 0 0 0 Butler ct 5 1 1 0 Field Karen Johnson yonked o homer Hill 2b 4 12 0 Bernzrd 2b 5 1 1 2 Wolloch 3b 4 1 1 0 Londrm rfGarrelts 3 0 0 0 9 4 1 1 0 4 Griffith), Toros 0 Golorrg 1b 3 0 0 1 Worrell pMinton 0 0 0 0 (L 2-4) 11)10 0 and single ond Millie Rainey also Folcons 2 (Shone Buzzell, Seth Lonstrd 3b 4 0 2 0 Carter 1b 4 0 0 0 homered for the Main Pub. Janet Canseco It 2 ) 0 1 Thorntn dh 3 1 1 0 Low 1b 3 0 10 OSmIth ph 10 0 0 WP— Palmer 2, T — 2:50. A-J9.149. in Metrodome marathon By Gerry Monigan second when Eric Davis Padres 11, Astros 7 Egon), Olympics 0. Tanauoy hod a double ond single for EL standings Klngmn dh 4 1 1 Wnnngh 2 cf 4 Hall It 4 0 012 0 0 Borgor p 0 0 0 0 MCC: Breakers 5 (Tom Kelley 3, Wohifrd rf 0 0 0 1 Perry p 0 0Umpires— 0 0 Home, KIbler; 1b, Bonin; 2b, United Press International hobbled the ball. After Steve At San Diego. Garry Tem ­ Sportsman. Kevin Blount, Peter Ponticelll), Appol- Bochte 1b 4 0 3 0 Jacoby 3b 4 1 1 0 Sax was walked intentionally by (Malor Leogue offiliotlon In poren- Dovls rt 3 0 0 0 Franco ss 4 111 Fitzgerld c 3 0 1 0 Heoth c3 Froemmlng; 0 0 0 3b, Halllon. California. Gary Pettis had three pleton hit a two-run double to los 0. Hesketh p 3 0 0 0 LoVolllr c0 0 0 1 By Mike Well eight hits and at one point retired The Los Angeles Dodgers Franco. 0-3. Stubbs grounded a Sportons 2 (Corey Wry 2). Sting 0. theses) Baker It 1 0 0 0 Cosllllo rt 4 14 4 hits and scored three runs and highlight a four-run eighth W L Pet. GB Gritfin ss 4 111 x-Allonsn c 3 0 0 0 Krnchk ph 1 0 1 0 Vn Slyk cf 4 1 1 0 United Press International 20 of 21 batters. "Nothing was crept closer to contention in the sidearmed ball through the Rowdies 1 (Kelly White), StotlionsO. Condoel pr 0 0 0 0 Oquend ss 4 13 1 Major League leaders Brian Downing belted a two-run inning and lift San Diego. The Pittsfield (Chl-N) 33 22 .600 — Willard c 10 0 0 hurting and (Texas manager) National League West by com­ middle to make a winner of Ed Reading (Phi) 30 23 .566 2 Peters oh 0 0 0 0 Reardon p 0 0 0 0 Cox p 2 0 0 0 homer in the Angels' 16-hit attack. Padres had raced to a 7-1 lead, Bilordll ph 1 0 0 0 Dovlev p 0 0 0 0 Batting As marathons go, Wednesday Bobby (Valentine) was asking me pleting a three-game sweep Of Vande Berg. 1-2. Local baseball Juniors Vermont (CIn) 27 S 7.529 4 Bathe c 10 0 0 Kirk McCaskill. 5- 4, was the but the Astros tied it 7-7 before New Britain (Bos) 26 25 . 510 5 Totals » 4 9 4 Totals 36 7 II 7 McGee cf 3 0 0 0 Notlanol League night's 16-inning. 6-2Texas Ranger how I felt every inning. Cincinnati Wednesday night, “ Stubbs just hit it in the hole.” Kennedy Road: Apaches 2 (David Albony (NY-AL) 27 28 .491 6 x-Aworded first on catcher's Interfer- Totals 25 4 9 4 Totals 26 3 6 3 g Ob r h pet. winner while Richard Dotson, 4-6. losing for the first time in five Montreol 000 003 0001— 4 victory over the Minnesota Twins "He said if it wasn’t for (left­ burying the Reds deeper in the said Cincinnati player- man­ Wade, Todd Grundmeler), KInos 2 Glens Foils (Det) 24 29 .453 0 enco. Knight, NY S0 186 23 63 .339 suffered the loss. games. Lance McCullers, the (Gianni Calvo, Tyler ftAlller). Noshuo (Pit) 24 30 .444 8V? Oakland 100 200 100— 4 $t. Louis 110 000 001 0— 3 Gwvnn, SD 57 224 37 75 .335 had its fair share of dramatic hander Kent) Hrbek leadingoff the divisional cellar. ager Pete Rose. "John has been Gome-winning RBI — Wohiford (1). last of thre San Diego pitchers, Whalers 3 (Stacey Kelloo, Erica Woterbury (Cle) 22 32 . 407 10'/? Clovotand 000 042 01X— 7 Brooks. Mtl 46 180 32 60 .333 homers and gutty performances. next inning. I would’ve still been in Orioles 4, Brewers 3 The Dodgers, who occupied dropping his delivery on his Pony Rlnpbloam, Amy Danahy), Chleftans 3 Wednesdov’s Results Game-winning RBI— Bernazard (3). E— Hesketh. DP— St. Louis 1. LOB— Rav, Pitt 52 201 24 65 .323 the game. But he wanted a lefty worked three innings to im­ (Mellsa Daversa, Amy Dwyer, Ann Albony 5, Nashua 3 E— Davis, Canseco, Bathe. lO B — Montreal 11. St. Louis 4. 3B— Clark 2. Sax, LA 56 214 32 69 .322 Oddibe McDowell ripped a three- At Milwaukee. Cal Ripken’s last place for most of April, trail breaking ball.” The Red Sox trimmed the Braves, 3-2, Oquendo. Raines. 3B— Von Slyke. throwing to Hrbek.” prove to 2-1 Houston reliever In Pony League octlon at Cheney Tech Diana). Glens Falls 5, Woterbury 3 Oakland 6, Cleveland 7. 2B— HIM. Raines, Mtl 54 2)2 38 68 .321 run home run in the top of the 16th run-scoring single broke a tie and the West-leading Astros by 5 1-2 The Reds tied it 4-4 in the ninth Bruins 3 (Liz Doll, Dono Horde, Pittsfield 4, New Britain 2 3B— Butler. HR— Kingman (14), Castillo SB— Pendleton (11). S— Newman. Lo- Hernandez, NY 53 204 34 65 .319 After the sixth inning, the Twins Frank DiPino fell to 1-2. on Wednesday. Mick Gilbert, Brian Volllere.SF— Wohiford. inning to lead the Rangers in the highlighted a three-run third in­ games after they edged the with an unearned run. Ken Gordon, Steve Tramontono, Chris Sharon Rackow), Eagles 0. Reading at Vermont, ppd., rain (2), Bernazard (3), GrIttIn (1), SB— Leonard, SF 56 212 34 67 .316 managed just three base runners Pirates 5, Cubs 3 Thursdoy’s Gomes Franco (3). SF— Canseco. Smith, StL 53 173 19 54 .312 longest game in Minnesota's Mel- ning to lift Baltimore and snap Reds 5-4 in It innings, and the Howell walked Buddy Bell to Conklin and Kurt Gamer all singled for IP H R ER BB SO and one hit. the Sox, while Mark Huhtola pitched Glens Falls at Albany Sandberg, Chi 57 231 25 72 .312 rodome history. Milwaukee’s four-game winning San Diego Padres whipped begin the inning. Dave Concep­ At Pittsburgh. Rick Rhoden Intermediate Nashua ot Woterbury IP H R ER BB SO Montreol American League ” He was changing speeds. He and fielded well. For the Braves, Jason Hesketh 8 5 2 2 0 5 Gary Ward led off the 16th with a streak. Mike Boddicker. 8-1. scat­ Houston 11-7. Cincinnati, a cion then hit a shot back to singled home two runs and Oatway rapped two singles and Marc Diplomats 2 (Kevin O'Donnell, B.J. New Britain ot Reodlng Ookland g Ob r h pet. felt good. Lucky 13 was enough,” Vermont ot Pittsfield Lonstrd (L 1-6) 4 2-3 6 4 4 0 1 Reordon (W 6-3) 11110 1 Boggs, Bos 57 211 39 82 .389 single, and Ruben Sierra followed tered six hits in seven innings for preseason favorite, is 10 games Howell, and the ball went off his combined with three relievers Mossaro added one Ootway olso Diana), Earthauakes 1 (Micky Roberge ( S I ) 1 0 0 0 0 0 Valentine said of Hough, who was pitched well. Glaser) Friday's Gomes Bair 2 3 2 2 1 1 Yount, MU 47 171 33 62 .363 with a single to right. McDowell, the victory. Danny Darwin. 3-3 out. glove. Bell and Concepcion took to pace Pittsburgh to a sweep of Glens Falls at Albany Lelper 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 St. Louis Puckett, Minn 59 259 50 93 .359 sidelined at the start of the season Yankees 3 (Jim Curry, Jordan Cox 553344 who failed once to bunt, then hit an "W e've needed to sweep second and third respectively their three-game series with the Grossman 2), Hurricones 0. Nashua at Woterbury Stewart 1 2 1 1 0 0 Bell, Tor 57 224 36 75 .335 went the di.stance and lost for the New Britain at Reading Cleveland Dovlev 1 3-3 1 0 0 3 2 Mattlnglv, NY 58 243 39 80 .329 0-2 delivery from Roy Lee Jackson. with a sore finger he hurt while somebody,” Franklin Stubbs when Howell threw wildly to Cubs. The victory was the Worrell 3 1-3 1 0 0 0 1 Brewers. Vermont ot Pittsfield Schrom (W 5-2) 6 8 4 4 2 0 Lynn, Balt 48 165 28 54 .327 0-1. into the upper deck in right shaking hands with a friend. said after his RBI single off first. Bell scored on a grounder fourth in as many decisions for Bdlles IS 5) 3 1 0 0 1 0 Borgor (L 0-3) 1-331101 Rice, Bos 58 231 34 75 .325 Hough was matched for 10 Indians 7, A’s 4 Schrom pitched to 1 batter In 7th. Perry 2-3 0 0 0 1 0 Hrbek, Minn 57 214 39 68 .318 field for his ninth homer of the John Franco gave the Dodgers by Bo Diaz. Rhoden. 6-3. who and Don WP— Lelper. T — 2:49. A— 6,427. Cox pitched to 5 botters In 6th. Easier, NY 50172 23 54 .3)4 season. Geno Petralli's RBI double innings by 22-year-oId Allan And­ At Cleveland. Carmen Castillo their third straight one-run Stubbs put the Dodgers ahead Robinson, the third Pirate re­ Calendar American League reaulls HBP— by Cox (Wolloch). Balk— Bowling Bernazard, Cle 57 192 18 59 .307 made it 6-2. erson. who was making his major and Tony Bernazard belled two- victory pver the Reds. " I f we 3-2 in the fifth when he broke a liever. earned his first save. Umpires— Home, Denklnger; lb, Hesketh. T — 3:06. A— 31,926. Home Runs league debut for the Twins. Reilly; 2b, Coble; 3b, MacClellond. Notional Leog'je — Marshall, LA 15; “ The pitch was out over the run homers in the fifth inning to can pick uponegam ea week (in 1- for-9 slump with a homer off Guy Hoffman fell to 2-2. TO D A Y Rangers 6. Twins 2 Umpires— Home, West; lb, DeMuth; Brooks, Mtl 13 and Parker, CIn 13; plate. It was too good for an 0-2 Anderson allowed eight hits and pace Clevaland and send Oakland the standings). who knows what Bill Gullickson. 2b. Ripplev; 3b. Pulll. Expos 4, Cardinals 3 Baseball Davis, Hou, Dawson, Mtl, and Garvey, SD pitch,” McDowell said. " I just walked four while striking out to its eighth straight loss. Ken can happen?” Class L Division PBA results 12. Braves 2, Giants 1 TEXAS MINNESOTA American League — Joyner, Cal 18; swung. I have been swinging well three. Called up from AAA Toledo Schrom. 5-2. allowed four runs on Stubbs has struggled against At St. Louis, pinch-hitter Jim Semifinals Ob r h bl Ob r h bl Cheney Tech vs. Bristol Eastern (at Dodgers 5. Rada 4 |11) Canseco, Oak 16; Barfield, Tor, Baylor, of late. You get the hit and know it's of the International League Tues­ eight hits in six-plus innings. Scott left-handers, but taking batting At San Francisco. Ozzie Vir­ Wohiford lofted a sacrifice fly (130,000 Showboat Doublei Claulc Fletchr 55 5 2 10 Puckett cf 6 0 4 1 Bos and Puckett, Minn 15. Ray McKenna Field, Eost Hartford), At Lai Veaoi, Nev., June 11 Harroh 2b 8 0 2 1 Hatcher It 7 0 0 0 out of the ballpark, you say ‘hey. day. he became the first Minnesota Bailes finished for his fifth save. practice against lefty manager g il’s two-out solo home run in with one out in the 10th inning to 3:15 p.m. Champlonihip Round T ransactions Runs Batted In O'Brien 1b 6 0 2 1 Hrbek 1b 6 0 0 0 CINCINNATI LOS ANOELES National Leogue — Brooks, Mtl 43; it's over.' That game could’ve gone pitcher to work more than nine Rick Langford fell to 1-6. Tommy Lasorda paid off the loth lifted Atlanta. Gene score Tim Wallach and power Word dh 6 13 0 Brnnskv rt 6 1 1 0 o b rh b l ObrhM Marshall, LA, Parker, CIn and Schmidt, innings in a game this year. Garber pitched three perfect S A TU R D A Y (With pintail totals and money won In Sierra rt 7 13 0 Smallv dh 6 0 0 0 on forever.” Mariners 12, Royals 2 Wednesday. Montreal. Wallach singled off Boys Track TV tlnols.) Milner ct 5 1 1 0 Duncan ss 6 1 1 0 Phil 41; Carter, NY and C.Davis SF 40. “ (Hough) throws that knuckler innings of relief to improve to Paclorek It 4 0 1 0 (Soettl 3b 6 0 2 1 Rose 1b 3 0 10 Sax 2b 3 12 0 American League — Canseco, Oak 57; The Texas outburst made a “ The key is not to bail out,” loser Greg Bargar. 0-2. Jeff Manchester/East Catholic at Stote. 1, Mike Aulby, lndlanaoolls,-Steve McDwII ct 2 1 I 3 Lmbrdz 2bBaseball 5 0 0 0 for strikes and he really does it well At Kansas City. Mo . John Open Meet (at Wlllowbrook Pork, New Chicago (N L) — Purchased the Davis It 10 10 Stubbs If 4 13 3 Mattingly, NY 49; Joyner, Col 47; winner of Mitch Williams. 6-1. and Stubbs said. " I ’m starting to 2- 1. Greg Minton. 2-4. was theReardon pitched the ninth to Cook, Roseville, Collf., 20S (1 game), Wright ct 5 0 0 0 Reed c 5 0 0 0 Venable It 4)10 Madick 3b 4 0 1 0 Britain) $25,000. 2, Ernie Schlegel, Vancouver, confroct ot cotcher Steve Lake from Baylor, Bos and Kingman, Oak 43. rescued Charlie Hough's perfor­ with men on base.” Twins man­ had two doubles and three RBI to feel good, feel comfortable.” loser after Virgil hit a 3-2 pitch improve to. 6-3, and Bert Ro­ Buechel 3b 5 0 0 0 Loudner c 10 0 0 Iowa ot the American Association. Robinson p 0 0 0 0 Howell p 0 0 0 0 Stolen Boses Girls Track Wosh.-Hugh Miller, Mercer Island, Porter oh 1 0 0 0 Gagne 55 6 1 1 0 mance from being wasted. ager Ray Miller said. "But he’s lead an 18-hit Seattle attack. The for his ninth home run of the berge pitched the 10th to earn Manchester/Eost Catholic at State Cleveland — Placed first-boseman Pot Perez )b 1 0 0 0 Matuzk ph 0 0 0 0 Notional League — Colemon, StL 35; With two out. Mariano Dun­ Wash., 648 ( 3 games), $13,000 3, Joe WHkrsn ss 1 1 1 0 Parker rt 5 12 2 Russell oh 10 0 0 always been a premier pitcher and Mariners jumped to a a 12-0 lead year. Open Meet Salvemlnl, Branford, Conn.-John (Sant, Tabler on the 15-day dls^led list. Duncan, LA 28; Raines, Mtl 25; Doran, Hough, in his 17th year in the can singled to left and went to his first save. Mercado c 4 0 1 0 Los Angeles — Signed draft selections Bell 3b 3)11 Vnd Brg p 0 0 0 0 Hou 16; five players tied at 15. he showed again why tonight.” with seven runs in the second Pittsburgh, Pa., 203 (1 gome), $9,000. Petralll c 3 0 11 Conepen ss 5 0 2 0 Marshll rt 5 0 0 0 m ajor leagues, set a Rangers’ 4, (Sory Dickinson, Burleson, Texos- No.9HenryGosnav,outflelder;andNo.)8 American League — Henderson, NY inning and five in the third. Frank Totals 57 6 16 6 Totals 54 2 I 2 Clinton Smith, outtlelder-thlrd base- BDIaz c 5 0 11 Brock 1b 5 0 10 38; Cangelosl, Chi 26; Wiggins, Balt 17; record by pitching the first 13 George Pappas, Charlotte, N.C., 429 (2 TOXOS 101 (KM 000 000 000 4— 6 Oester 2b 5 0 10 Trevino c 5 2 2 1 Angels 12, White Sox 11 White’s two-run homer spoiled games), $8J)00. 5, Rick Solek, Coral man. Mosebv, Tor 16; Reynolds, Sea and innings before being pulled in Mlnnosoto 000 110 000 000 000 0— 2 Milwaukee — Activated first baseman Gulicksn p 2 0 0 0 Wllllms ct 5 0 1 1 Wilson, KC IS. Mike Morgan’s shutout bid. Mor­ Basketball Springs, Fla.-Mats Karlsson, Gothen­ Game-winning RBI — McDowell Stillwell ss 2 0 0 0 Welch p 3 0 0 0 favor of Williams. At Chicago. Ruppert Jones drove burg, Sweden, 179 (1 game), $7,000. Billy Joe Robldoux from the disabled Pitching gan improved to 4-6. Charlie (4). list; outrlghted contract of letMlelder Fronco p 0 0 0 0 Andersn 3b 2 0 1 0 Victories "I felt real good the whole in three runs with a two- run homer E— LombardozzI, Buechele. DP— Randy ReadvtoAAAafflllate Vancouver Totdis 41 4 11 4 Totots 43 5 12 5 Notional Leogue— Knepper, Hou 10-3; Leibrandt. 6-4. took the loss Arledge denies USFL claims Playott results — DIckInson-Pappas gam e.” said Hough, who allowed and an RBI triple to power Texas 1, Minnesota 2. LOB— Texas 12, (PCD. Two out whon winning run tcorod Gooden, NY 8-2; Krukow, SF 8-3; det. Salek-Karlsson, 207-179; Mlller- Minnesota 7. 2B— GaettI 2, Bru- dnclnnnh lO0 100 101 80— 4 Minnesota — Announced they will send Rowley, Phil and Valenzuela, LA 8-4. witness stand today for cross- USBL standings Schlegel det. Dlcklnson-Poppas, 234- nansky, Puckett, O'Brien, Wllkerson, Los Angolas SOO I2l 800 01— s American League— Clemens, Bos 11-0; Bv Cerlsse Anderson $1.5 billion antitrust suit against 222; Mlller-Schlegel det., Salvemlnl- outfielder Andre David to Toledo ot the Petralll. 3B— Horrah. HR— McDowell International Leogue and octlvote Al Game-winning RBI — Stubbs (4). Boddicker, Balt, 8-1; Hlouero, Mil 8-4; United Press Internotlonol the NFL. now in its fifth week in examination. also denied the NFL W L Pet. OB Gant, 219-203; and. In the title game, (9). SB— Hrbek (1), Poc'orek (1), )6/oods from the Inulured reserve. E— Trevino, Oester, Gullickson, Sax, Haos, Oak 7-2; NIekro, NY 7-3; Balles, Cle ever expressed a negative reaction Aulby-Cook det. Mlller-Schlegel, 205-195. Wright (4). S— McDowell. Howell, Dovls. DP— Cincinnati 1. LOB— U S. District Court in Manhattan. Springfield 1 0 1.000 — Seattle— Activated pitcher Jim Beattie and Boyd, Bos 7-4. Patriots to re-sign Berry Cincinnati 7, Los Angeles 11. 2B— Sox, to the network’s decision to broad­ Tampa Bay 1 0 1.000 — from the disabled list; optioned pitcher Earned Run Average NEW YORK (UPI) - Roone "Did anyone with the National IF H R ER BB SO Anderson. HR— Stubbs (11),Trevino (1), (Bosod on 1 inning x number of gomes cast the USFL’s first three spring Gold Coost 0 0 .000 '/3 Karl Best to AAA attlllote In Calgary Arledge. ABC group president for Football League ever express to Texos ■ h r (PCD. Parker (13). SB— Venable (2). SF— each team has played) Jersey 0 0 .000 '/3 Hough )3 8 2 2 2 7 Bell. we got to the Super Bowl last Berry's original contract was news and sports. Wednesday de­ seasons. Westchester 0 0 .000 Vi Basketball National Leogue — Gooden, NY 2.11; B y United Press International you the opinion that it was bad Wlllloms (W 6-1) 3 0 0 0 - 1 4 IP H R ER BB SO Knepper, Hou 2.26; Oledo, NY 2.53; year.” said Patriots general man­ signed in the middle of the 1984 nied the N F L ever exerted any ABC has declined to televise Staten Island 0 1 .000 1 New Jersey — Assistant coach Paul Cincinnati enough to televise the USFL in the Wildwood 0 1 .000 1 Radio, T V Minnesota Silos resigned. Smith, Atl 2.57; Rhoden, Pit 2.61. ager Pat Sullivan. “ He’s also the season after Sullivan fired Ron pressure on the network affecting Anderson 10 8 2 2 4 3 Gullickson 7 9 4 3 2 1 American League — Hlguera, MU 2.18; FOXBORO. Mass ^ The New spring, but you better not do it in USFL games since the league has TuM dov’s Result Football reason we’re so optimistic about Meyer. It ran through the end of Springfield 122, Staten Islond 107 Atherton 4 2 0 0 3 1 Green Bay — Rellnoulshed rights to Robinson 1 2-3 1 0 0 2 I Clemens, Bos 2.28; Leonard, KC 2.60; England Patriots were set to its decision not to televise USFL the fall?” USFL attorney Harvey moved to a fall schedule. Jackson (L 0-1) 1 1-3 5 4 4 0 1 Franco (L 0-3) 2 2 1110 the 1986 season. Wtdnttdov's Result auarterback Lynn Dickey. Hurst, Bos 2.79; Correa, Tex 2.88. officially announce today that the team's chances in the future. games in the fall. Myerson asked Arledge during his Earlier Wednesday, documents TODAY Butcher 0 1 0 0 1 0 Los Angeles Sinfceouts The Patriots surprised the sports Tampa Bay 107. Wildwood 93 Pittsburgh— Signed auarterback Mark Raymond Berry has signed a We have a lot of unsigned veteran written by an USFL owner describ­ .Ttiurtdoy's Gome 4:00 U S. Open, ESPN Dovls 2-3 0 0 0 0 2 Malone to a multi-year contract Welch 7 5 3 2 1 1 Notional League — Scott, Hou 115; Television, and the USFL’s lack testimony. Butcher pitched to 2 batters In )6th. Howell 2 2 1 0 1 1 Valenzuela, LA 96; Welch, LA 79; five-year contract making him the players who have to be resigned by world last year by qualifying for Wildwood at Gold Coost 7:30 Brewers vs. Red Sox, W TIC Hockey of a network contract for its “ Absolutely not. at no time ing a proposed strategy to force a Friday's Gomes 7:30 Yankees vs. Orioles, Channel 11. W P— Jockson, T — 4:32. A — 11,506. St. Louis — Extended contracts ot Vande Brg (W1-2) 2 4 0 0 0 0 Palmer Atl 77; Smith, Atl 76. club’s head coach through 1990. the the start of the season but I felt it the playoffs for the first time since merger with the N FL were pres­ Springfield at Tompa Bay WPOP assistant coach Barclay Ploger T — 3:08. A-39,389. American League — Clemens, Bos 104; 1978. The team went all the way to schedule beginning this fall, have . ever.” Arledge replied Umpires — Home, Morrison; 1b, Umpires— Home, Tata; lb. Grinder; Hurst, Bos 89; Hlguera, MU 85; RI|o, Boston Herald reports. was most important to get Ray­ ented to the jury. Westchester at Jersey 11:30 U S. Oden highlights. Channels and osslstont director of hockey mond’s contract rewritten first.” the Super Bowl. played a central role in the USFL’s Arledge. who returns to the Wildwood at Staten Island e, 40 McKean: 2b, Clark; 3b, Sbulock. operations Bob Ploger. 2b, Wlllloms; 3b, Wendelstedt. Oak 82; Morris, Det 77. "Raymond Berry is the reason It - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, June 12, 1986 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, June 12, 1986 — II World Cup roundup Sports In Brief FOCUS/Family MCC sponsoring Legion tournament England and Morocco advance Manchester Community College's athletic department is sponsoring a two-day, four-team American Legion baseball By Fred Lief who dislocated his shoulder again tournament at MCC's Cougar Field on Saturday and Sunday. United Press International last week, and Ray Wilkins, who Rockville Post 14 will face Post 13 of Putnam in the 11 a.m. received his second yellow card in opener Saturday with Post 63 of Wesport against Post 152 of MEXICO CITY - England and that same game. Andy Pawcatuck at 2 p.m. Sunday's action action has the consolation Morocco, no longer treating goals But Lineker, who broke his wrist game at noon and the championship game at 3 p.m. as if they were a health hazard, are shortly before the tournament, Rooney Gene Spaziani, MCC baseball coach, is serving as tournament alive and well at the World Cup. scored three times in 35 minutes to director. revive a stagnant English attack. Admission is free. Both entered Group F play Wednesday confronting possible In the eighth minute, he struck . elimination and the brute fact of from close range. Five minutes later, he delivered off a half-volley having failed to score in two Yavis wins two awards at Kingswood and then completed his hat trick previous games. after a corner kick sailed over the WEST HARTFORD - Katherin Yavis. of 98 Wyneding Hill But that ended resoundingly goalkeeper’s head. with England, behind Gary Linek­ K. Waldheim’s Rd., Manchester, a senior at Kingswood-Oxford School, recently ' Morocco was dazzling in the first, er’s hat trick, routing Poland 3-0 in won two awards in athletic achievement. She won awards for half. In the 19th minute. Khairi Monterrey, and Morocco, on two girls’ softball and shared the volleyball award. capitalized on a mistake and goals by Abderrazak Khairi. down­ slipped in a goal. In the 27th. ing Portugal 3-1 in Guadalajara to Disease isn’t Khalifa pas.sed across the box and become the first African team ever Ron Francis piayed with broken ribs Khairi fired in a 15-yarder. Merry to qualify for the World Cup’s Krimau of Morocco and Diaman- HARTFORD — There were many who wondered why Ron second round Francis of the Hartford Whalers struggled against the Montreal tino of Portugal exchanged second- all that rare “ It’s a dream come true, espe­ Canadiens in their Adams Division final series back in April. half goals. cially to score a hat trick," Lineker Oddly. Morocco, with four Francis, the Whalers’ captain and top centerman, was scoreless The big joke last month went like this: said. " It’s nice to answer the points, won its group. The other “ Do you know what Waldheim’s Disease is?” in seven games and was victimized twice off the point for critics. ... I think our true British African teams to have previously “ No. What is it?” short-handed goals. characteristic came out." qualified for a World Cup but Francis said Wednesday that X-rays taken after the playoffs In two Group B games. Mexico “ Waldheim’s Disease is forgetting you were a without advancing were: Algeria. Nazi." confirmed that he played against Montreal with two broken ribs. blanked Iraq 1-0 in Mexico City on Cameroon. Egypt. Tunisia and Kurt Waldheim did what millions of other people did Francis hurt his ribs in the opening round against Quebec. a goal by Fernando Quirarte. and Zaire. in Adolf Hitler’s Nazy Germany in the 1930s. He did Francis said he was told not to say anything about them during Paraguay used two second-half “ Maybe I ’ll die and maybe my nothing. His crime was doing nothing. Doing nothing the series. goals by Roberto Cabanas to draw son will die. and we’ll still never 2-2 with Belgium in Toluca. get another result like this." is what he’s guilty of and we’ve never figured out how Judy Hellen far left, to punish anyone for that crime. The results left 12 of 16 teams set Morocco coach Jose Faria said. 'The biggest question that came out of the an interpreter for the IOC makes offer to North Korea for the second round: Italy. “ We could go home already. For deaf, talks to llling Argentina. Mexico. Paraguay. us. this is like winning the world Nuremberg Trials was this: Is a person guilty of a LAUSANNE, Switzerland — The International Olympic Belgium, Soviet Union. France. championship” crime if he is merely doing what he’s told? The Junior High School Committee Wednesday offered North Korea the right to host part Brazil. Denmark. Morocco. Eng­ England and Poland each had question came up for the Americans during the war in students on Monday. Vietnam. If a private is told to burn down a village by of the 1988 Summer Games now set for South Korea. IOC land and Poland Eliminated are: three points but the English were un ptioto She told students President Juan Antonio Samaranch said. South Korea Iraq. Canada. Portu­ awarded second place on goal his captain, is the soldier responsible for the deaths of Samaranch, speaking at a press conference at the end of two gal and Hungary the civilians? If he doesn’t do it and disobeys an that deaf people difference. Portugal, in strong Mexico’s Fernando Quirarte looks wild-eyed but all he’s officer, is he guilty of mutiny? days of talks between the IOC and the two Koreas, said North Today. Group D concludes its position after an opening victory doing is celebrating a goal Wednesday against Iraq in want others to un­ opening round with Spain playing Korea has until June 30 to respond to the proposal. over England, was knocked out first-round World Cup action at Aztec Stadium in Mexico CHARLES WENNERSTRUM, the judge who derstand their dis­ " I f we haven’t got an agreement by then. I cannot see that we Algeria in Monterrey, and Brazil with two points. presided over the trial of Nazi leaders at Nuremberg, City. Quirarte’s goal gave host Mexico a 1-0 victory. ability. Wilton John­ are going to get one." Samaranch said. meeting Northern Ireland in Gua­ The Mexicans missed the finish­ died in Des Moines. Iowa. last week at the age of 96. He son, left, has been Under the plan. North Korea would host all of the table tennis dalajara Group E. the last of the ing power of soccer idol Hugo was never satisfied with the way the trials went. and archery competitions. Long distance road cycling events six groups, finishes Friday Sanchez, who received his second “ The trials were to have convinced the Germans of deaf most of his life. The Mexicans won Group B with and one of the soccer qualifying rounds would also be held in the The English reeling after last yellow card in the previous game goalkeeper Fattah Jassim in the the guilt of their leaSlers.’’ Judge Wennerstrum said. He spoke to the week’s scoreless draw with Mo­ and sat out Wednesday’s contest. i)3rd minute following Manuel five points. Paraguay was second The trials didn’t do that, he said. students in sign lan­ North. rocco. played without two key Negrete’s free kick that bounced with four and Belgium third with The offer reflects a compromise solution to communist ruled Before an Azteca Stadium crowd The Nuremberg Trials failed worse than that. They players — captain Bryan Robson of 108.000. Quirarte beat Iraqi wide of the far post. three. Iraq lost all three games. guage. “I'm happy,” North Korea’s demand that it be named joint host of the games should have convinced the German people of their own guilt and did not. said the retired Hart­ with South Korea. If the proposal is accepted, it would head off ford man. the threat of a boycott of the games by the Soviet Union and other Most Germans were slow to understand the enormity of the crime their leaders had committed East Bloc nations. against alt mankind and slower still to understand NHL owners make first contract offer that. by being passive and allowing it. they were guilty Herald photos by Tucker John back in New York for checkup them.selves. Germans who were a good and Bv Lisa Harris free agency the biggest issue. The tion executive director Alan Eagle- to the guys who were good to the compassionate as people anywhere in the world were DETROIT — Yankees left-hander Tommy John returned to United Press Internatlanal players want total free agency- son said. "They pul on the table game after they’re playing guilty of not finding out what their leaders were doing llling students explore disabilities New York Wednesday night with a sore left .Achilles tendon, a after six .seasons and have threa­ $7'/i million for a new security “ The guys got a problem let’s and not stopping them from doing it. Don’t think it couldn’t happen here. club spokesman said. TORON'i'o — NHL club owners tened to strike if not satisfied package, so they didn’t come into talk about alcohol I’d like to made their first major overture in Both sides have said the issue the meeting empty-handed. I ’d like think he can come to the John was scheduled to start Thursday’s game at Baltimore, IT SEEMS UNLIKELY that Kurt Waldheim took contract negotiations with the will cause negotiations to go to the to think $1.5-20 million is attainable, association..." but instead will be examined by team physician. Dr. John any active part in executing Jews. He knew it was players union Wednesday by offer wire But following tree agenev but it’s a start Eagleson stressed the package Bonamo. His status is uncertain. The spokesman said Yankees happening. He must have seen orders. He have ing $7 5 million toward a post- and the conversion of the pension "They said. ‘You’ve convinced cannot be looked at as a separate manager Lou Piniella did not make an immediate decision on known of the trainloads of people being sent to Deaf people seek acceptance career fund plan from Canadian to U S. cur­ us you need a security package for negotiation and that the offer and who would start in place of John. . concentration camps and he did nothing to stop it. If rency the establishment of a post-career counseling, etc., and acceptance of the figure of $7.5 you are a world leader, you don’t need to be any By Susan Vaughn tation after she saw how deaf people use He invited students to visit the The current collective bargain­ post-career security package is the we indicated we’d get back lothem million will be contingent on the interpret from Heller. guiltier than that to deserve condemnation. It isn’t Herald Reporter a special telephone. “ In a way. they’re Greater Hartford Club of the Deaf in Thomas worked as a carpenter until ing agreement between the NHL third biggest issue to the NHLPA by the July meetings” of the negotiations. Indians put Tabier on disabied iist necessary for you to have lit the fire in the gas ovens. limited to communication outside their East Hartford. “ If you’ re really he suffered a serious back injury. He Players Association and the club "The owners pleasantly sur­ When Eagleson a year ago But the offer. Eagle.son said, is If you have ever been irritated by protestors Would you help a blind person having home.” she said. brave," he said. has two hearing children who learned CLEVELAND — The Cleveland Indians placed first baseman owners expires Sept 15 1986with prised us." NHL Players Associa- apnounced the security package an indication that "the attitude is surrounding the construction site of a nuclear reactor trouble crossing the .street? And would Heller said that the deaf people are sign language before they learned to would be an issue, he .said he was the best in our history. Pat Tabier on the 15- day disabled list because of a sore right leg. or if you’re annoyed by students picketing companies you help a deaf person having trouble used to isolation when they leave their ANOTHER VISITOR, James Tho­ talk because both their parents are looking for the owners to put up $15 "The players are very strong.” the club announced Wednesday. doing business in South Africa, remember Nazi communicating with a store clerk? homes. They divide the world into two mas of East Hartford, lost his hearing deaf, he said. million and the NHLPA to chip in he said "W e’ve got a varied group Tabier. a four-year veteran who was batting 288 with three Germany. Be thankful we have protestors even if you Students at llling Junior High School type's of people: hearing and deaf at age I because of an illness. He His biggest regret about being deaf. $5 million from international of (team) representatives; that’s homers and 19 RBI in 53 games, has a deep hematoma on his right Brothers-in-law take disagree with what they protest againt. answered “ yes" to the first question people. explained how he learned to speak using hockey proceeds why we wanted two representa­ Thomas said, is that his parents and thigh that has forced him to miss Cleveland’s last five games If you sometimes think reporters go too far and one brave student piped up with “ They want to see that you under­ the oral approach at the Baxter School brothers and sisters never learned sign Eagleson’s primary goal for the tives from each team this time. revealing things that politicians and government "no" to the second question. stand their handicap. They’re not slow fhr the Deaf in Maine. Students at the language. “ I wish someone had learned fund is to assure each NHL veteran We’re hearing the younger guys leaders don’t want revealed and label “ Secret” more Their reaction highlights the unique learners. Don’t be afraid of them. Do school were only permitted to use lip how to talk with me," he said. bowling doubles title of 400 games a cash settlement at a who look at things with a different Richard Petty to start 1,000th race for their own convenience than because national isolation and loneliness of deaf people the best you can to help them out.” reading. They were not allowed to use set age after retirement. perspective than a Bryan Trottier security is involved, remember Nazi Germany. There said Judy Heller, an interpreter for the Heller told the students. sign language in class. He said he was ILLING STUDENTS also saw a DETROIT — Richard Petty, who will start the 1.000th raee of LAS VEGAS Nev (UPIi - crown "The higher the figure and the and Lanny McDonald (respec­ were no reporters revealing Hitler’s secret plans to deaf who visited llling Monday with surprised when he entered the Ameri­ familiar face at the program — his career Sunday at Michigan International Speedway, avoids Brothers-in-law Mike Aulby and It was the third title of the year lower the age. the better” Eagle- tively. the New York Islander and conquer the world. three deaf people. WILTON JOHNSON, a 65-year-old can School for the Deaf, where signing Kenneth Moore, a custodian at llling for Steve Cook kept the $130,000 for Cook and I llh of his career son said "I would like to get a Calgary Flame veterans who are boredom by logging constant miles on ground and air Because the deaf person’s disability Hartford resident, used sign language was allowed in class. 23 years. Moore is hearing-impaired Showboat Double.s Classic title in The victory ended a streak for quarter-million bucks at age .50 for president and vice president of the " I ’ve run 999 races." Petty said, "and you know. I’ ve never run WHEN U.S. TROOPS swept across France and then is not as obvious as the blind person’s, to describe his life to students. When he and able to speak. the family Wednesday stopping Aulby who had failed to defend each player — the average career NHLPA executive council). Heller explained that deaf people are in the same circumstances twice. There is no boredom in m\ into Germany in 1944-45. they were surprised at how deaf people have a hard time communi­ was a young child, his parents thought Ernie Schlegel and Hugh Miller. three titles duringthe WinterTour. is five years, therefore after 400 "Maybe the’re still thinking taught to communicate either through One student asked if deaf people have system. In fact. I don’t even have time to talk about it." little hostility they met from the German people. The cating in a hearing world. Heller said he had a behavioral problem. They did 20.5-19.5 in the championship game In the earlier matches, Gary games. That’s not a bad target” they’ re just glad to be playing and the oral approach, which does not use as big a vocabulary as hearing people. Petty. 49. will drive in the Miller 400 Sunday at the Brooklyn. single thing that bothered American .soldiers most she became aware of the problems deaf not find out until he was 6 years old that Wednesday night Dickinson and George Pappas The individual payments are not you’ve got a Trottier or McDonald sign language, or the total communica­ O’Connell explained that sign language Mich, track. was the attitude of the average German citizen. By people encounter while working as a he was deaf, he said. With each bowler rolling every stopped Rick Sajek and Mats the only a.speci of the package. • who can say to them 'Hold it — get tion method, which combines signing is less flexible and deals more in this time many of the soldiers had seen Buchenwald or dispatcher for the East Hartford Police Johnson related how frightened he other frame Aulby and Conk Karlsson 207-179 Miller and "The Players Association and that out of your system: you’re just and lip reading. concepts, "One sign could have mope Belsen. When Americans talked to Germans, they Department. was when his parents took him to the Testimony says Wiiiiams was invoived bowled a clean game against Schlegel then disposed of Dickin­ the league have been negligent in a piece of meat.’ She said she favors thetotalcommun- than one English translation." shesaid. always pressed them with questions about the American School for the Deaf in West Miller and Schlegel while the son and Pappas. 2.34-222. and the their (counseling) obligations to “ If you talk to certain agents, ication approach because it is easier for concentration camp.s. German answers were always THE PROGRAM for llling home Hartford. He attended the school for 13 NEW ORLEANS — Former Tulane basketball star John "Hot runnersup suffered three open second-seeded team of Joe Salve- the players, not only during their whatever happens (as a final deaf people. Other programs for the home eco­ the same. They didn’t know a thing about them. This economics students was one of four years, took college entrance exams, but Rod" Williams bragged about bis participation in a point­ frames mini and John Gant 219-203. to careers, but during the trauma collective bargaining agreement). nomics students this week were pres­ was .something someone else did. They did nothing presentations this week on both disabili­ missed a chance to go to college The oral approach, she said, is more shaving scheme, according to three former students who have The costliest open frame by the reach the title game. period after their careers.” Eagle- they’ll say will be a bad deal for the ented by Gerry Doody of Manchester, a wrong. ties and the problems faced by the because of the advent of World War II. for the benefit of those who can hear. admitted developing the plan to fix a pair’ of games. losing team was in the 10th frame Miller and Schlegel split $13,000. son said. "I want out of this 7.5 players (NHL president John) social worker who has been blind since Most of us thought the Germans were lying. We elderly. Called “ Caring Through Shar­ Instead, he got a job as a machinist at David Rothenberg. Mark Olensky and Gary Kranz. fraternity Miller could have shut out the Salvemini and Gant $9,000. Dickin­ million a chunk set aside to help Ziegler and I connived. I think you birth: Laurie Prytko. executive diretor thought they were all in on the plan to exterminate ing," the programs were designed to Jacobs Manufacturing Co. in West JUDI O’CONNELL, who interpreted of the Manchester Association for brothers who all have pleaded guilty to sports bribery charges, top-seeds with two strikes in the son and Pappas, $a 000 and Sajek guys during and after their ca­ in.sult the hockey players when you Jews. It took us a long while to realize they weren’t raise students’ awareness. Hartford. He worked there for 40 years in sign for the deaf people Monday, testified Wednesday Williams talked openly about gambling and loth frame But the left-hander left and Karlsson $7,000 reers. I think we have an obligation say that” Retarded Citizens: Kenneth Steere, “ They have a lot of questions and I until his retirement. the scheme at a post-game party a solid 6-8 split and missed to open lying. Most Germans had no part in what took place in disagreed. "Nothing has been proven head of Manchester Community Col­ the death camps but for them to say they knew nothing don’t have a lot of answers.” said Mary “ I’m happy." Johnson assured the that one form is better than the other." Rothenberg said Williams boasted at the party about "a pass the door for Aulby lege department of psychology and about them ... that’s different. They had to have Anderson, the home economics teacher students. Someone asked him what he she said. A secretary in the special philosophy and coordinator of the he threw way out of bounds and the fact that no one would suspect Needing just a mark for the victory. Aulby spared the seven known. They had to be lying. Kurt Waldheim is lying. who arranged the first-time programs. would like from hearing people. "Just, education department at the Board of developmental disabilities aide pro­ him because he was going to play in the NBA” pin and sealed his I3lh career He may not be a war criminal but he is no one we The new awareness of one student write ‘hi’ on a piece of paper to show Education, O’Connell has been taking gram: and Sharon LaJoie. a private Olensky said he heard Williams brag at that post-game party, triumph PAPA WILL BE PLEASED SALE want as world leader. was apparent during Monday’s presen­ that you care.” he answered. courses in sign language and learning to consultant for nursing homes. "W e won the ballgame and we’re still getting paid." The winning team split' $25 000 There’s a favorite brand for Dad at the nearest New Hampshire for their second straight doubles Liquor Commission store-and it’s on sale. Just A Sampling For the Record Be somebody. Your neighbors’ views: Jeff Lombardo is the all-time leading scorer in Manchester High School boys’ soccer history. His name appeared incorrectly in Wednesday’s Herald. Should the U.S. permit a visit from Kurt Waldheim?

^nquerayGin J<*"IrWi smlnioKVbdka Dewaf’sWhHs Oihas Regal 12 yi *3489 1 75L WMtfcey Label Scotch Scotch #2585 750 ml ’ #2663 1 75L #2645 750 ml 5177® $ 0 770 0 $S 1 i 1 i .3 30 Be a carrier! feg price $21 "" _ reg price S12.» 5187® ^12” reg price $11 reg price $21.“ reg. price $15.» Ever wonder why newspaper carriers smile so much? Because Katherine Hughes: “ No, I Walter Gorman: “ To tell you Dorothy Keith: “ I have mixed they’re having FUN! When you're a carrier, you get to meet others There s more in the store on sale—and they’re all popular, brands!! Sale Ends June 15 Annette Jones: “ It’s kind of George Sach'erek: “ No. And I Karin Shaer: “ I wouldn’t feel wouldn't want him in this coun­ feelings. I can see both points of your own age. go to special meetings with food and prizes, and win ______Quantities subject to State ol-Connectictlf Law. hard to say. As far as the United don’t think he belongs in theU.N. too comfortable about having the truth. I think we should let great prizes for .signing up new subscribers. And that’s'not all! You try. Let him stay where he is.” States goes, we could put on a in the first place. There are all of him here. But I really haven’t him in. We allow Soviets inland view. On the one hand. I can iee She said that the country bars we surely don’t believe in the letting him in. This is what we-’re WINDSOR LOCKS VERNON can earn your OWN money and show you're not just a kid anymore If little affair for him. but it does those pictures of him as a Nazi. given it a lot of thought.” you’re 12 years dr older, why not find out more? Call 647-9946 today! others at the border, and Wald­ not have to be totally royal. We Even seeing him with Hitler. things they stand for. Yes, I think about in our country, isn’t it? On 6 2 3 -6 9 8 2 State of New Hampshire heim should receive the same need to welcome him, but maybe We should not have him visit us." we should allow him into the the other hand. I ’m sure it would treatment. not with open arms.” country.” cause animosity among some #1 IN SERVICE LIQUOR COMMISSION groups in our country. ... I “A Gift CX Wine Or Spirits Is Always In Gocxl Taste" respect Reagan tremendously, NOT #1 IN PRICE iianrl)fHtpr and I believe that he’s well MiislfrCurfl • Vimj • American Expreu accepted in many stores advised. I think he’ll make the correct decisions.” M - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, June 12. 1966 MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. June 12. 1986 — 15

About Tatvn MAJOR Chang* In Advice Daath Hal*, KILLERS 1970-1982 RalM the flag at Pitkin A Hag will Hy for the first time Saturday at the site of the former Pitkin Glass Works af Parker and Putnam Nursing home apathetic toward thefts streets. Lung cancer + 33% The 2 p.m. Flag Day ceremony will dedicate a new DEAR flag pole recently installed at the site by the Pitkin thievery as an uncontrollable fact our engagement? She said that Chronic obstructive! ABBY: M y Glass Works executive council. The pole was donated of life. there is only one acceptable pulmonary disease + 25% mother is in a pn(To,Torr,^n( pift 3 nd that is a by area businesses. eo/ Cancer A new tree will also be planted at the site to replace a nursing home in D E A R A B B Y: I don’t see babies diamond ring. another state. -o (except lung) large oak that fell during the hurricane last fall. The and children as people who are She already has a lovely dia­ Cause Of Orford Parish Chapter. Daughters of the American She is in a Deiir Abby particularly pleasant to be around mond ring from her first husband, Accidents Revolution, has donated the tree. wheelchair and And I don’t see motherhood as a Is she expected never to wear that Death requires con­ John Sutherland, professor of local history at Abigail Van Buren particularly happy experience. ring again? Heart disease Manchester Community College, will be speaker for stant care. She I am not a mother, nor am I I have a fine diamond in my the event. Is lucid only pregnant: I am a very happily posse.ssion — the one I gave my Ceiebrovascular Erland Johnson, president of Pitkin Glass Works part of the time. married 32-year-old woman. I see first wife when we became en­ I disease executive council, will raise a flag that flew over the I am all she has. parenthood as the end of my gaged. I had planned to give it to Capitol. My reason for happiness, partly due to my own my grandson to present to his •emphysema and chronic bronchitis Town officials will offer greetings and the Illing writing: No matter what I send the staff, but this problem of family experiences, and partly due fiancee. Junior High School flute choir will provide music. The her, it is “ lost” — or to be frank, it’s thievery is one that has us to the fact that 95 percent of the Please guide me. public is invited. .stolen — within a week or two. I stumped. Have you any practical mothers I know complain about the PLANNING TO WED AGAIN O have been told by the staff that suggestions? Other nursing homes problems of motherhood. Source American Lung Association NCA/Whitney VoBburgh theft is rampant in the best of in the area have acknowledged the Why did they bother to have D E A R P LAN N IN G: Nowhere is Friendly Society meets nursing homes, and they cannot same problem. children anyway? And perhaps, it written that a diamond ring is the The Girls Friendly Society Sponsors of St. M ary’s control it. I was shocked when HELPLESS more to the point, can yu give me only acceptable engagement gift. Epicopal Church will have a picnic Friday at 6 p.m. at Mother’s wedding ring and watch some good reasons to have Give nothing unless you give it with the home of Dorothy Trotter. 516 Gardner St. Each were “ lost’’ the day after she D E A R H ELP LESS: To accept children? all your heart. arrived. repeated thievery as “ something PUZZLED OUT EAST Try different pan member may bring a covered dish, a T V tray and a folding chair. Before Mother's Day I was that cannot be controlled” is .completely frustrated. I am accus­ outrageous! Of course it can be D E A R PU ZZLED : I could fill Do you hate to write letters tomed to sending her lovely controlled. Contact the local-police this column with good reasons to because you don’t know what to Church serves roast turkey nightgowns, robes and slippers, and city attorney’s office. They are have children, but if you can't say? Thank-you notes, sympathy to stop cake tears but have been advised to. send C O V E N TR Y — First Congregational Church of experts at sniffing out thieves. Also think of at least one on your own. letters, congratulations, how to nothing of value. I want to send her Coventry will have a roast turkey supper from 4:30 to notify the city, county and state perhaps you shouldn't have any. decline and accept invitations and DEAR a cassette player. It would be a 6:30 p.m. Saturday in the Community Hall of Second licensing agencies — all of whose Make no apologies: it’s a wise how to write an interesting letter POLLY: I comfort to her and I could select Congregational Church on Route 44. Tickets at the regulations are being violated by woman who knows her limitations. are included in Abby’s booklet, would like to some “old favorites” on tape for door will be $4. adults: $3.50. seniorcitizens: and$l.25. the management’s unwillingness Motherhood is not for everybody. "How to Write Letters for All know what to children. her listening pleasure, but the or inability to handle this problem. Occasions.” Send your name and use on an angel people in charge have told me not Nursing homes have a responsibil­ DEAR ABBY: I am a widower address clearly printed with a food cake pan to Pointers to send it because it would vanish ity to those they serve. And you who has been out of the dating check or money order for $2.50 and keep it from History session set for June 25 Herald photo by Rocha “overnight.” and they cannot be should not have to forego the game for nearly 40 years, so I could a long, stamped (39 cents) self- sticking when Polly Fisher responsible for it. pleasure of giving your mother a use a little guidance. addressed envelope to: Dear the cake cools. Mother likes the home and has cassette player for Mother’s Day What is an appropriate gift to Abby. Letter Booklet, P. 0. Box The Manchester Public Library System and the Howell Cheney Regional Vocational Technical School students student in their skill area. Dezso, who was also selected When I want to become very attached to some of because the management aceepts present to a widow in announcing 38923, Hollywood. Calif. 90038. Institute of Local History of Manchester Community DeWayne Dunko, Richard Dezso, Chris Millett and Jeff Virr, outstanding senior of the year, won for electronics. Dunko won remove the College will present the Cheney Silk Mill Robbery. cake. I have to from left, are winners of the Manchester Rotary Club's Tool for carpentry, Millett for diesel and Virr for auto. Millett is a use a thin knife *■' 1919. the second of a series. June 25 at 2 p.m. in the Awards. Each won $f35 worth of tools after being named top Whiton Memorial Library auditorium. North Main sophomore and the others are seniors. ; to get it out of the pan. That tears over the cake to disguise any tears Street. In the series, senior citizens relate their Cocaine one of most dangerous drugs the cake in places and is not even. or frost the entire cake with light, memories of Manchester's past. Second question: Where can I airy whipped cream which will Alice Madden, a Manchester native, will discuss the find a long pan to store my fruit make the cake a really special robbery in which her father. Capt. William Madden, cake in There are lot of round and treat. (Don't forget that any cake D E A R D R . customers that one or another type Nonetheless. I try to keep an oblong pans To use these, I haveto frosted with whipped cream should was killed. John Sutherland from the institute will Cheney Tech students receive awards G O T T: My hus of herbal medicine is either a open mind about traditional herbal moderate the discussion. Friends of the Library will cut the cake into small pieces. This be stored in the refrigerator.) band and many substitute for prudent living habits medicines. Oriental cultures have way the cake does not stay as As for question number two. you provide refreshments. The public is invited. Howell Cheney Regional Technical School students Revolution; Diane Sandberg. Red Cross; Brian Helm. Welding: Ray Fortin. A.M .K. Welding; Blacey of his friends or an alternative to modern used such substances for centur­ when stored fora coupleof months. don't really need a pan or con­ recently received awards in many fields from the Alvin and State Vending awards; Carlo Ruggiero and Futtner and William Gilnack. Presto Welding use cocaine. He prescription drugs. In general, ies, and I admit that some may he HELEN tainer to store a fruit cake. Just school and area businesses and organizations. The Phaksinh Moundraty, Alvin award; David Chappel. Service; James Poulin. Russell Turner Kevin Kohl. says that re­ D r. G o tt these substances are not effective: useful in one form or another. wrap it securely in plastic wrap EC H S holds arts program winners were selected by their teachers. CES award; Diane Sandberg and Garbich. Arthur Aubin and Curtis Archambeau. Refrigeration The winners and their awards include: Victoria creational use most are harmless. Studies have Therefore, I am not making a D EAR H E LE N : Angel food and heavy-duty aluminum foil so Cheney merit awards; Richard Gonzales. Tomko Service Engineers Society. of the drug is shown that synthetic vitamins are blanket indictment of herhal medi­ Area students in Grades 7 to 12 may take part in a Garbich and Carlo Ruggiero. Michael's Jewelry: Electric. Peter Gott, M.D. cakes are generally hung upside it is air-tight and well-sealed. The five-week summer youth performing arts program Don Griswold. Larry Noble; Ryan Porter. Hartford not harmful. just as effective as the “ natural” cine: rather, I appeal to people to down to cool so they stay light and Christopher Tweed. Parent Club Scholarship. Con­ Also. Bruce Carpenter, Brian Frederich, John cake should keep well in the starting June 30 at East Catholic High School. Heating: Charles King and Thomas Mikloiche. H 4 T What do you types. Prescription diuretics are seek medical attention for prob­ airy and don't collapse before the refrigerator for several months or necticut Business & Industry Association: Trevor Hawkins. Shawn Yates. Anthony Granato. Kevin Mechanical Engineers: Scott Bidwell and Michael Sessions will run from 8 to 11 a m. The cost is $100 a Forbes. Lennart 0. Johnson award. think? much more useful than the herbal lems and exercise skepticism and delicate cell structure of the cake , it can be frozen for even longer Kohl. Matthew Coakley. Dennis Foreman and Kurt Lazeren. New England Mechanical: Ken Calabre. varieties. Exotic roots and plants good sense in accepting the adver­ student due June 18. Checks should be made payable Also. Scott Pease. Robert E. Duff J r award: Krukas. all Hartford Industrial Management Club: firms up. Therefore, anything used storage. H.C Energy Systems: Matt Miranda. Robert DEAR have not been shown to be superior tisements and claims in health- to keep the cake from sticking to to East Catholic High School. For more information, Donald Griswold. Ronald Buysse. Scott Bidwell. Joseph Burkhart, Stanley Nowak, Eric Caulfield POLLY contact David Welch or Mary Walsh at the school. Templeton and Jeffrey Smith. Plymouth Trouble READER; Recent discoveries band and his friends are asking for to commercially manufactured food cures Steven Benson. Todd Lindsay and Christopher Shawn Yates, Thomas Adamson. Thomas Donnelly. the pan would prevent this hanging Make your own luscious choco­ 649-5336. They will be instructors of the program. Shooting. have led experts to conclude that health, emotional and career prob­ drugs. Herbal weight-loss substan­ I am sending you a free copy of Manville. all Manchester Rotary Club: Tung Pho. Michael Lazeren. Mark Ouelette. Andy Martin and operation since the cake would fall late truffles (in several flavors!) Enrollment is limited to 35 students. Also. Greg Belekewicz. Roger Bruckner. Peter cocaine is one of the most danger­ lems if they continue to use ces are. to my knowledge, useless. my Health Report, Weight Control. out of the pan. Look fora pan with a marshmallows and - chocolate- Manchester Rotary and Hartford Industrial Manage­ Glenn Pfistner. all John Dagget award. Carini. Tom Donnelly. John Du.ssault. Rose Ann The culmination of the course will be a production ment: Nancy Lemieux, East Hartford Rotary; ous drugs in common use. Until the. cocaine. In my opinion, diseases and Other readers who would like .i removable bottom and center covered caramels with the delecta­ Also. Brian Gaboury, Moore Tool; Thomas Garbich, Vicki Garbich, Donna Gill, Scott Infante. last couple of years, there was a symptoms are best treated by copy should send $1 plus their written by students and performed by them. They will Anthony Granato, Edward Figiela. David Holcomb Bjorkland. Acme Auto: Dave Mackey and Brian core. With this type of pan. you can ble recipes in Polly's newsletter Doug Hardy, Scott Kosak. Laura Mackie. Debbie widespread view that cocaine was D E A R DR. G O T T : orthodox methods under the super­ name and address to P.O. Box 2597. loosen the cooled cake from the study acting, dancing, directing, set construction, and Trever Forbes. Economy Electric. Kuhnley, Snap-On Tool; Matt Milbrandt and Jason "Handmade Chocolates.” Send $1 costumes, music, writing and production. Nevers, Frank Pietlock, Carol Ruggiero and Paul St. a non-addicting, innocuous sub­ ment I saw claimed that a product vision of qualified medical Cincinnati. OH 4,5201. Be sure to sides of the pan with a thin knife, Also. Rick Smith. Daughters of the American Granato. Awisco Corp.; Greg Deaudet. Lynn for each copy to Polly's Pointers, Amand. Media Center. stance. This is completely untrue, made from the konjack root is very personnel. mention the title. remove the cake with bottom of in care of the Manchester Herald. and as larger segments of the effective for weight loss. What do For example, to lose Weight, pan still attached, then slip a knife P.O. Box 1216. Cincinnati, OH population become able to afford you think about this product? your best approach would be to Now you know between the pan bottom (and 45201. Be sure to include the title. cocaine’s high price, increasing reduce your calorie intake to a The greatest power failure in around the center core) and the Thoughts Worms can’t be diagnosed numbers of healthy Americans D EA R R E A D E R ; I receive level slightly below your caloric history was the blackout that cake to loosen it without gouging Polly will send you a Polly Dollar will suffer the consequences of this many questions about herbal med­ requirements. This solution is struck seven northeastern li S out chunks of cake as you might in ($1) if she uses your favorite drug. Between 1980 and 1983. there icines: I suspect this happens preferable to using over-the- states and Ontario. Canada. Nov a pan without a removable bottom. Pointer. Peeve or Problem in her "And the truth shall set you was a 91 percent increase in because i many employees of counter or health-food compounds 9-10. 1965. plungingaboul .30million If the result is less than perfect, column. Write Polly's Pointers in free.” says the Gospel of John. "I through only the human eye cocaine-related deaths. Your hiis- health-foqd stores try to convince for this purpose. people into darkness. you might try drizzling a thin glaze care of the Manchester Herald. know where I have come from, and where I am going.” Jesusexplains. The word “truth” is a delicate QUESTION; you have seen is usually sufficient I and thoughtful word. Know the I know my cat for the veterinarian to determine * POUDENT truth, but handle it carefully. has worms be­ that tapeworms are present. Even ; cause I ’ve seen Tablets GAS-X D IP P fTY DO Truth is said to "break in,” to "hit when we are sure that an animal ” Mousse Tablets SOFT & DRI us between the eyes.” Truth them in her lit­ has tapeworms, the best procedure • All Types - 5.5 oz. 40's SEA BREEZE Styling Gel seidom slides in unceremoniously. ter box. I told Pet Forum is to examine the stool microscopi- J 30's Solid "Break it to them gently,” is a sure my veterinar­ cally to determine if other types of J *2” ALBERTO $ 2 4 9 Antiseptic Regular or All Types sign that something in us is about ian's reception­ Edward A. Williams, D.V.M. worms are also infesting your pet, ^ 4 oz. $267 Extra Hold 2 oz. to be confronted and rearranged. ist and she said Gelee I should bring a 4 oz. Truth is not a weakling. Q U ESTIO N ; My male cat re- • Styling Gel $ ] ^ 2 9 To live in the truth that makes us bowel sample in turned home one night bleeding. I • $ 0 0 9 4 oz. free requires trust and practice. for microscopic know this .sounds idiotic, but I J $149 analysis. Isn't When asked how the farmer could couldn't figure out where the * $ 2 5 9 lift a full grown cow, we were this a rip-off by my vet? I already exactly what type of worm or wound was. I checked him tho- • reminded the farmer lifted the know she has worms, I have worms are present in order to treat roughly. After a few minutes it newborn and then the calf every actually seen them. What is the them effectively. Apparently, that stopped. Should 1 have brought I day. The kind of truth that Jesus point in me paying to have a is why it was requested that you him in? There was no sign of • CLOSE UP was talking about is a gift and microscopic test? Why didn’t they submit a sample for examination. infection the next day. Z just give me some medicine to get When a stool sample is exam­ r n e s s e A JOHNSON’S Toothpaste BALM BAR J 3 demand of a kind of living that is at DRY LOOK Baby IMPULSE once simple and demanding. Herald ohoto by Richmond rid of the worms? ined. it is processed and centrif­ Shampoo or Regular or Mint Lotion uged to concentrate any parasite ANSW ER: I do not know where j H airspray Shampoo or B ody Spray IM w r “ Love God. and love your neighbor 6.4 oz. h^lborty as yourself.” The truth is. your ANSW ER: Apparently there has eggs that are present. Then a the blood was coming from, but my » Aerosol or Pump Conditioner Conditioner All Types 8 oz. What is Big Red looking at? The answer is the other best guess is that it was from the I FNES! neighbor is anyone who needs you. dogs at the pound. They're barking loudly because Red been some misunderstanding or microscopic examination of the All Types All Types Gentle Formula 2.5 oz. There is a truth about need. too. We breakdown in communication be­ concentrate is made to see if any mouth. Another possibility, of ' 77 67 is outside with Dog Warden Richard Rand, and they are course, is that the blood was from • 11 oz. 7 oz. iMrtJiSE are not called to be victims or tween yourself and your veterinar­ eggs are present and just as 5 oz. FMESSE n inside. ian or his staff. I think you will importantly, to identify the type of another animal that you cat fought " n doormats in serving others, but to $269 with. ; (k 69 have eyes to see truth need. Some realize that what your veterinar­ egg. Each type of worm egg can be $239 ian has requested is reasonable $ 0 2 9 things are beyond what one person identified under the microscope. In any event, ifyou could not find ; can do, one to one. If there had not and prudent once you understand Once the type or types of worms Adopt a pet the reasons for It. a wound and your cat was eating - been a church, we would have to present is known, they can be most and acting normally. I don’t think Z Cats and dogs can be infested re-invent it. Our church communi­ effectively treated. it was necessary to have him , SUPER LANACORT ties at their best urge us to live the with a number of different species With this understanding. I hope examined. » truth that ageafteragetransforms (or types) of parasites. One very you will realize that contrary to ADVIL POLYGRIP Cream the heart and makes the world a Part retriever is important point to remember is being a “ rip-off.” your veterinar- You should observe him closely J ^ CORRECTOL Tablets better place. that an animal can harbor more -ian’s request is best for the health for a couple of days to be certain ' TINACT1N 2.4 oz. 1 oz. than one type at the same time. that everything appears normal I BACTINE 50's of your pet. Squeeze Spray Laxative tln jM tlA Liquid Rev. Diana Heath Some of the most harmful types, Some of what I have said here and if so, I would write the episode * such as hookworms, are not visible off as a mystery. I T ab lets '■OuloAero^ Aerosol $367 $267 $219 Unitarian Universalis! very well-behaved does not apply to tapeworms, as A ntiseptic without magnification. Other Society East, Manchester their eggs are not usually found in 4 oz. 60's ' 4 oz. types, such as roundworms, are the stool. Tapeworms break off Edward A. Williams Is a Man- • By Barbara Richmond Bidwell Street on May 29 is another quite large and easily seen without segments or proglottids which are Chester veterinarian. Do you have Z Special to the Herald little dog still waiting for a good $ ] ^ 9 9 $ 0 9 9 magnification. seen on the surface of the stool. The a question you'd like to see ' $319 home. She’s about 9 months old and Painting tinware Each type of worm is treated eggs are contained in the segment. answered here? Write to Pet f Big Red, a handsome and docile is black and tan. differently, so it is very important If you have seen what appears to Forum, Manchester Herald, P.O. t golden retriever-Irish setter cross, Kathy, last week’s featured pet. a popular hobby for the veterinarian to know be a worm, a description of what Box 591, Manchester, 06040. * is this week's featured pet. Call was also adopted this week. Kathy NEW YORK (AP) - Tole him Red for short. now has a nice home on Dudley TROPICAL painting — rooted in America's Red was found roaming on Street. GILLETTE BEN GAY DESITIN colonial heritage — has become Strickland Street on June 1. He’s There were two new dogs at the Vacation photos more than snapshots SOFT Arthritic Rub BLEND ^ one of the nation’s fastest-growing about 2 years old and if not claimed pound, as of Tuesday. One is a MICROTRAC EDGE O in tm en t creative art form hobbies, accord­ by an owner, he’ll be ready for male shepherd cross, about 5 years 1.25 oz. Jamaica S h a v e G e l 4 oz. ing to an industry trade group. adoption today. He's a well- old. He's black and tan and was SANTA FE, N. M. (UPI) — You than merely record them,” ac­ Sept. 6, 13 and 20. The $785 D isposable SENSE Formuia Much American folk art in the behaved dog who looks as though found on June 9 on Turnbull Road. bring your car to a screeching halt cording to founder Lisi Dennis. workshop fee pays for instructibn, All Types Lotion $ 1 49 $ 2 »9 on the desert floor as dark R a z o r s past took on regional identification he has haji good care. The other new one is a male The workshop offers instruction, accomodations, meals and day- 7 oz. All Types SPF-2 Suntan as colonists recalled the styles and C leo/^tured a couple of weeks mixed breed, about 10 weeks old. thunderheads roll over distant critiques, and photo daytrips to the trips. For more information, con­ 5’s Lotion or Oil motifs derived from their Old agQ>s sTTll waiting for someone to He's white, very cute and was mountain peaks. Hopping out, you New Mexican communities of Taos tact Travel Photography Work­ 10 oz. 4 oz. World traditions, says a spokes­ adopt her. She’s about Tmonths old found roaming at Manchester High focus your camera for the ultimate and Cerillos. shop, Box 2847, Santa Fe. N.M. $167 man for the Hobby Industries of and was found on Hartford Road on School. vacation scenery picture — which 87504-2847, telephone (505) 982- 87C $197 $ 3 3 9 America. May 7. She's a cute little shepherd The dog pound is located on town comes back from the developer The weeklong workshops begin 4979. ^ESITlNS-il “ Pennsylvania Dutch themes, cross. property off of Olcott Street. The . looking just like an ordinary for example, focused on bright The black-and-white male ter­ dog warden is available at the snapshot. tulips and colorful birds or fantasy rier cross mentioned in the column pound from noon to I p.m. He can Disappointment with vacation Available at participating creatures.” he notes, "while Con­ for the past couple of weeks is also be reached by calling the pound at SOLARCAINE pictures that do not capture the Crown Pharmacy VALUE PLUS STOPES! MENNEN necticut’s English settlers turned still waiting to be adopted. He's 643-6642 or by calling the police 85 E. CENTER ST. MENNEN adventure you remember is hardly Praacriptlon Center Not all Hams available at Lenox Pharmacy Aloe Vera Gel to delicately painted flowers so about 4 years old and is a cute dog. department at 646-4555. Skin Bracer uncommon. But a photographic all storas. ' 299 E. Canter St. 8 oz. Baby Magic evident in British painting.” There were two poodles at the . Someone can also be contacted 649-5268 208 W. Center St. expert promises to change that Not responsible tor 4 oz. Tole, which refers to painted pound last week. One has been at the pound by calling either of Mancheater Manchester with a series of travel photography WEEKEND SPECIAL typographical errors. $ 4 2 9 Bath tinware, and other forms of home adopted by a Hebron family and those numbers from 6 to 9 p.m. $ 1 87 the other is still waiting. The one workshops offered this September C A S H & C A R R Y me: 4 oz. decorative painting are experienc­ Monday through Friday. in Santa Fe. N.M. ing a revival because no special adopted was found on Carpenter There is a $5 fee for adopting a Health & u x » : artistic talent is required, says the Road. The one still waiting is gray dog and the new owner must have Aimed at serious amateur photo­ DOZEN Beauty Aldf Kay Drue Co. Brooks Pharmacy Quinn's Pharmacy baby hobby group, adding: and white and about 2 years old. the dog licensed. boih 99c graphers, the Travel Photography 14 Main SL. 585 Enfleld Ave.. 873 Main St. “ All that’s required is a desire to This friendly dog was found on Sale PrIcesI Workshop is designed to help Eaal Hartford Enfleld Manchester learn basic techniques, practice, Eldridge Street. The first official settlement in "travel photographers learn to Carnations EFFECTIVE DATES and a little patience. The little hound female found on Maryland was founded in 1634. interpret their experiences rather M o e d ir JUNE 12-14, laae i U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Juno 12 1986 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, June 12, 19H6 — 17

HAQAR THE HORNIBLE by DIk Brown* PEANUTS by Charl*i M. Schulx

WMo A P E ■ I UJALKEP ACROSS TME i you KNOW WMAT IM ONLY TWO MONTHS I WALKEP ACROSS THE iT h u r s d a y T V STREET WITH HER... SHE 5AIP7SHE OLPERTHANSHEIS.ANP STREET WITH A 6IRL . THAT'S All I PIP) 5AIP "THANKS, MISTER" SHE CALLS ME "MISTER"'! ONCE, ANP SHE SAIR „ ^.OOPM [M A X ] MOVIE: 'Dodsworth' ordinary sounds into music. (60 min ) (R|. QD Taxi vent life goes on a strange quest for her SOLON6,NOOPLENECK1' father. Tawny Kitaen. Rated R. , A middle'aged American induttriaiiat ra- (X )N sw s QD Benny Hill Show ' tiraa and finds a 'r>ew sat of values and 1:00AM QD Get Smart i relationships. Walter Huston. Roth Chat- (3) Nam* of tha Game GD Barney Miller < tarton, David Niven. 1936. (8) MOVIE:'Bom Again' The toughest of GD Avengers QD Joe Franklin Show i [T M C ] MOVIE: 'Phar lap* The sudden all the President's men rises above public (g) Wild, Wild West GD Comedy Break I ar>d mysterious death of an Australian disgrace. Dean Jones, Anne Francis. Dana (J® Comedy Tonight Andrews. 1978. dD Doctor Who ( champion racehorse is chroniclad. Tom [CNN] Crossfire I Burlinson, Martin Vaughan, Ju ^ Morris. (8) (8) The Cosby Show (CC) (R|. In iM ) Odd Couple ' 1963. Rated PG. In Stereo. Stereo. GD Copa Mundial de Soccer: Marruecos [DIS] Grand Canyon contra Portugal Transmitido desde el es- [HBO] MOVIE: 'Alphabet City' A young 5:30PM [HBO ] MOVIE: 'Joey' A teen- (S) All Creatures Great and Small U S ACRES by Jim Davit tadio 3 de Marzo en Guadalajara. (2 hrs., hood balks when he's ordered to sat fire to agar must deal with his father's jealousy O ) MOVIE: 'Walk. Don't Run' In Tokyo 15 min.) the tenement his parents live in. Vincent while trying to earn a living as a musician. during the Olympics, a middle-aged elec­ SCTV Network Spano, Kate Vernon. Michael Winslow. ANP JOST VWONPEnNO IF VOU HAI/E Neil Barry, Jamas Quinn. 1985. Rated PG. tronics expert is forced to share an apart­ d!) 1984. Rated R. Iw im t a r e Y a n v m o re of THOBC ment with a young woman. Cary Gram, dD Abbott and Costello THE PHANTOM by Le* Falk A Sy Barry 5:45PM Si) Copa Mundtal da Soccar: Samantha Eggar, Jim Hutton. 1966. [U SA ] Edge of Night IJOU OUV« k. PELICI0U4 S E E M / — Espana contra Argalia Transmitido desde [CNN] Moneyline © ] Novela: Cristal CAMPFIRE DOWN THERE,,, r'LLSO O N p o iN o ? n i ^ / r el astadio Tacnologico an Monterrey. (2 [HBO ] Philip Marlowe, Private Eye: 1; 1 5 AM GD MOVIE: Cloopatra Jonn 6TILL SOME DISTANCE,^, RWT„(J0IETER,. ^ hrs., 15 min.) @) Q.l. Diary The Pencil (CC) The mysterious arrival of and the Casino of Gold' A beautiful but u> deadly undercover agent sets out to break COULD BE THE . COME, DEVIL MOVIE: 'Bluebeard' The world fa­ a pencil in the mail leaves a dangerous clue k i d n a p p e r s ^, 6:00PM (X) CD (S) @) Newa for one of Marlowe's clients. (60 min.) up a Hong Kong drug ring. Tamara Dob­ mous wifekiller is portrayed. Richard Bur­ son. Stella Stevens, Norman Fell. 1975. QDThraa'a Company ton. Raquel Welch. Joey Heatherton [MAX] MOVIE: 'The Seduction' A TV I D (9) Hart to Hart 1972. newscaster is pursued by a deranged pho­ QD Headline.Chasers, (3l) Gimme a Break [CNN] Prime News tographer whose obsessive devotion GD 24 Horas Ralph Maccarone, right, accepts a plaque honoring him turns the woman's life Into a nightmare G S Knot's LarKlirtg [DIS] Best of Walt Disney Presents: On Morgan Fairchild, Andrew Stevens. Mi­ 1:30AM (QD l Love Lucy for his service to the Manchester Bicentennial Band Shell S8) Boaom Buddies Vacation When Walt Disney decides to go chael Sarrazin. 1982. Rated R. independent Network News on vacation, he leaves Jiminy Cricket in GD Corp. The presentation was made by Nathan Agostinelli, (2$ Doctor Who charge of putting on the show. (60 min.) [TMC] MOVIE: 'Friday the 13th -- the [CNN] Newsnight Update left, and Francis Mahoney, center, who served as ® MacNail-Lahrar Nawshour Final Chapter' Jason the masked kilter re­ [ESPN] Down the Stretch (R). [E S P N ] Golf: 1986 J.S. Open Cham- turns to wreak violent vengeance on the co-chairmen of Manchester's celebration in 1976 of the (E) Bewitched pkHiehip From Southampton, NY. (3 hrs., denizens of Crystal Lake summer camp. [USA] That Girl 30 min.) (R). Crispin Glover, Kimberly Beck, Corey Feld­ 2:00AM S) m o v i e : Last Four Days' nation's 200th birthday. Maccarone has arranged public c a p t a i n e a s y >^y Crook* A Caaal* IDIS] MOVIE; -Royal Wadding' A [U S A ] MOVIE: Sorcerer' Four men in a man. 1984, Rated R. Benito Mussolini falls at the hands of the perfpmances at the band shell for the past eight years. brother and sister dance team who travel South American jungle attempt to win their anti-Fascist underground. Henry Fonda. to England for tha royal wadding frnd their 11:10PM [DIS] Adventures of Ozzie freedom by driving nitroglycerin-loaded and Harriet Franco Nero, Rod Steiger. 1977. own true loves. Fred Astaire. Jane Powell, trucks through treacherous terrain to help Peter Lawford. 1951. extinguish a huge fire. Roy Scheider, Bruno 11:1 5PM d® News QD MOVIE: 'The Tattered Dress' A re­ nowned criminal lawyer defends a wealthy [ESPN] Mazda SportaLook Cremer, Ramon Bieri. 1977. BLONDIE by Daan Young A Stan Drak* 1 1 :30PM (3D Dynasty couple against murder charges. Jeff Chan­ Maccarone is honored [USA] USA Cartoon Expreaa 8:30PM QD Mccioud dler, Jeanne Crain, Jack Carson. 1957. n R>R THE FIRST (3D New Love American Style I RAkN ■VDUR JO B One Day at a Tima QD Family Feud GD Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous e v a c u a t io n t h r o u g h TIME IN HISTORY,. 6:30PM CD (3D Off Track Betting t h e CCWPLTTER (S) Sanson @) Family Ties (R). In Stereo. QD The Honeymooners [ESPN] Mazda SpoAsLook (R). for band shell service (8) Hogan's Hsrosi ® Major League Baseball: Boston at (m 3 (30) Tonight Show Tonight's guests [U SA ] Auto Racing: ChampkMiship Milwaukee Spark Plug Challenge (R), Tape Delayed. (S) (SD NBC Nightly Nawa are Carl Reiner. Andrae Crouch and Sybil Ralph Maccarone. impressario The presentation was made ©) Dining in France In Stereo Shepard (60 min.) In Stereo ® Nightly Business Report 2:25AM [MAX] MOVIE: 'Goodbye for performances at the Manches­ during a laerformance at East . O (^) Hogan's Heroes New York' A Yuppie American princess S!) ABC Nows 8:00PM Q ) Bridges to Cross An ex- ter Band Shell now In Its ninth Catholic High School that had been convict hired by the magazine is imme­ (40) ABC News Nightline sleeps through her scheduled landing and SS Harper VaUay lands in hot water in Israel. Julie Hagerty, season, was honored this week for moved from the band shell because diately attracted to Tracy. (60 min.) (57) News [CNN] Showbiz Today Amos Kollek. David Topaz. 1965. Rated his service to the community. of inclement weather. (X) (i@ Tha Colbya (CC) Jason is torn (61) McHale's Navy R, [ESPN] Tennis Magazine |R). between his marriage and his self-worth, On Sunday. Maccarone was Mayor Barbara Weinberg pres­ Zachary Powers creates an oil spill, which [CN N ] Sports Tonight 2:30AM [CN N] Sports Latenight ented Maccarone with a Distin- 7:00PM 3) CBS News presented with a plaque, which will ARLO AND JANIS * by Jimmy Johnson endangers Colby Enterprises; and Const­ [DIS] MOVIE: 'Trail of Danger' While [ESPN] SportsCenter be placed at the band shell on the guised Service Award, making . (X) (8) (S) M 'A 'S 'H ance gains valuable information to prove herding half-starved horses over sun- [HBO] MOVIE: 'Raw Courage' Three, Manchester Community College him ‘ ‘Citizen of the D a y .” and with VtAH.„OKAV.„GOOD&VE.,' ' (X) ABC Newa ^ her mental stability. (60 min.) (R). parched land, two cowboys become prey long-distance runners challenge them­ cam pus. a glass dish bearing the town seal. 6 -0 3D MOVIE: The Solid Gold Cadillac’ A for sheep raisers who claim there's not en­ (X) S I 00,000 Pyramid selves to a run through the wilderness and Maccarone arranges the sum­ small stockholder creates havoc at a board ough food and water to go around. Jim are taken hostage by fanatical survivalists. The presentation was made by fTTl Jaffarsons meeting over corrupt corporate practices Davis, Larry Wilcox 1978 Nathan Ago.stinelli and Francis mertime performances held at the ON THE FASTRACK by Bill Holbrook Lois Chiles, Ronny Cox. 1984. Rated R. ® Fughiva Judy Holliday, Paul Douglas, Fred Clark [ESPN] SportsCenter Mahoney, co-chairmen of the band shell each year. 18) Wheal of Fortum 1956 2:35AM QD CBS News Nightwatch TRVTHe WRESIUNS-^ [USA] Alfred Hitchcock Presents Joined in Progress Manchester Bicentennial Commit­ In accepting «the honor, he SOMfilSlNO ASouT (8) MacNsil-Lshrar Nawshour Cheers (R), In Stereo tee. which planned the local observed that in Ihe first year, 10 i s t r w i 1 1 :35PM (3D Entertainment Tonight 3:00AM GD Emergency lAeiOPV W OH p IT DROVE m 6V«N GRpyPIES. ) ( 8 Billy Graham Greater Washington (2$ Heart of the Dragon; Mediating The Joined in Progress celebration of the nation’ s 200ih programs were presented at Ihe Crusade methods of mediating committees in China [CN N] News Overnight TV, AND ITS C A m r B llf h R«WtRAU)^./ IS IT are explored (2 hrs ) 1 1 :45PM (3D ABC News birthday in 1976. ban(i shell. This year, 43 perfor­ JACkflWD.' THfc t^oeieiv; IS ir SS Nawlywad Gama [ESPN] Bowling; PBA Showboat Dou­ Construction of the band shell — mances are scheduled. \ 1 (41) Novela; El Engano 1 2:00AM (3D Hawaii Five-0 bles Classic From Las Vegas. NV. (2 hrs.) TiiE t m m m r i (B) Nightly Buaimaa Report financed by public donations and a Maccarone called the band shell _ — f dZ) Explore (11) Star Trek (R) Si) Matt Houston gift from the Hartford Foundation the "focal point of summer enter­ [C N N ] Larry King Live (18) The Untouchables [TMC] MOVIE; Friday the 13th' A [CNN] Monaylim camp, haunted by a death curse, finds it for Public Giving — was the town’s tainment east of the river.” He [DIS] MOVIE; Pollyanna' An orphan's [ESPN] SportaCsntar (20) MOVIE: 'Samurai' When a tycoon self under attack by a killer. Betsy Palmer, permanent memorial to the attributed its success to many optimism brightens an entire town Hayley threatens San Francisco with a machine Adrienne King. 1980 Rated R [M AX] Maxtrax Mills. Jane Wyman. Richard Egan. 1960 that causes earthquakes, a young DA puts celebration. donors and sponsors, but reserved Ills martial arts skills to use Joe Penny. [USA] MOVIE: 'If...' A British boys' The l6-by-24 inch bronze plaque his highest praise for his wife. FSI^^TTTriTTTTTp^ ALLEY OOP - by Dave Graue [TMC] MOVIE: 'Joey' A teenager must [HBO] MOVIE: 'The Guardian’ (CC) A school experiences a student rebellion. deal with his father's jealousy while trying security guard is hired by a group of Man James Shigota. Beulah Quo 1979 Malcolm McDowell, David Wood, Richard presented to Maccarone reads: Jane. Without her cooperation, he YOU'RE GONNA WE THAT'S \ JUST THINK! IT ...WHY, IT COULD \ OR THE END ( AND POSSIBLY to earn a living as a musician. Neil Barry. hatian tenants after their apartment com­ (38) Hogan's Heroes Warwick. 1968. ‘‘In recognition of many years of said, he would not have been able James Quinn. 1985. Rated PG. plex becomes the target of violent crimes A D IF FE R E N T OUTf THE IDEA, I MIGHT START A EVEN LEAD TO THE ! OF SOCIETY \ THE START (40) Eye on Hollywood to give the band shell the attention EVERY DAY??.;* _ LOVE! /WHOLE NEW TREND Martin Sheen, Louis Gossett Jr 1984 dedication and service on behalf of BEGINNING OF A /A S WE KNOW ( OF A BETTER [U S A ] Radio 1990 3:54AM (QD Get Smart required for Ihe successful opera­ AMONG THE WOMEN COMPLETELY NEW JL IT.' ONEt* [M A X ] MOVIE: 'Irreconcilable Differ­ (61) Comedy Break Manchester Bicentennial Band OF MOO.' in d u s t r y ; ------■— 7:30PM (X) PM Magazine ences' (CC) A nine-year-old girl tries to [CNN] Newsnight 4:00AM (jl) Kung Fu Shell Corjwration” tion of its programs. GD All In the Family 'divorce' herself from her self-involved [C N N ] Larry King Overnight MR. MEN™ AND LITTLE MISS™ by Hargreavea A Sellers [ESPN ] Surfing; Stubbies Pro & Miche- . GD Whael of Fortune parents Ryan O'Neal, Shelley Long. Drew lob Cup (R) [M AX] MOVIE: Sex With the Stars' An Barrymore 1984 Rated PG QD Million Dollar Chance of a Lifetime [HBO] America Undercover: Rapists -- advice columnist attemptr. to discover if LOOK A t " ^ «I>C roJO LocK,' [T M C ] MOVIE: 'Misunderstood' After passion and the zodiac are related. Thick WNET cuts and asks help Ma|or League Baseball: New York Can They Be Stopped? 'too', AAP.M E9SY ! ^PTUPPA'T', GD the death of his wife, a shipping magnate Wilson, Martin Burrows 1979. Rated R. Yankees at Baltimora Night Heat Colby's own NEW YORK (AP) — The station percent of the programming for w h e n w a ^ -th e A A A T «? t h neglects the needs of his young sons while 1 2:05AM QD (Sf) (3) Barney Miller being absorbed by his work Gene Hack brother is involved in a diamond theft as 4:05AM [HBO] Not Necessarily the which brings you ‘‘MacNeil- the Public Broadcasting Service, ^ S T T I A K E ' t& u News (g) Jeopardy man, Henry Thomas. Rip Torn 1984 well as the murder of five people (70 min ) Lehrer.” "Great Performances” on Wednesday adopted a budget HAP A BATH F* Rated PG (R) 1 - ® Price Is Right 4:35AM [HBO] m o v i e : 'Conan the and "Nature” on public television which cuts expenditures by 5 9:30PM GD odd Coupie (57) MacNeil Lehrer Newshour Destroyer' (CC) Tricked by a wicked has resolved to he leaner and percent and a policy which em­ @) Soapbox queen, Conan must face countless obsta­ All Is Forgiven Dynasty [CNN] Crossfira 1 2:1 BAM QD cles in order to stop her evil magic. Arnold meaner as it seeks more financial phasizes service to the New York (40) Barney Miller [ESPN] Spaadweak 10:00PM (3D Knot's Landing (R) Schwarzenegger, Grace Jones, Wilt help from the hinterlands. metropolitan area, not to the THE BORN LOSER ' by Art Sanaom Chamberlain. 1984. Rated PG. [H BO ] MOVIE: Baby... Secret of the , QD News 1 2:30AM QD Comedy Tonight WNET. which produces about 40 national system. LIKE YOO, MR.THOraoAPPLE!.. .T AKJP CO >(00 lOOOW WMt/z ((W K E FAT LIKE MB, Lost Legend' A sportswriter and his QD ® 20/20 (CC) (22) (30) Late Night with David Le'terman ------^ ------scientist wife become protectors of a pre­ (1^ Independent Network News Tonight s guests are Tracey Ullman, musi­ historic creature being hunted by a ruthless cian Bryan Adams and Washington re­ V 1/ scientist out for evil gains. William Katt, (1$) Mission: Impossible porter Sarah McClendon (60 min ) (R), In Sean Young, Patrick McGoohan. 1985. (2^ Harry O Stereo a Rated PG. Hill Street Blues Furillo's police (38) Maude [M A X ] MOVIE; 'All of M e' ICC) A hap­ corruption commission findings enrage a (61) Gene Scott less lawyer's rtormal routine assumes a jealous Daniels and a Rambo-styled lunatic GRAND OPENING Puzzles Astrograph different perspective after a cantankerous takes hostages. (60 min ) (R) [ESPN ] Fishin' Hole (R) o heiress's soul tiansmigrates into one side GD Novela: Amo y Senor [USA] Edge of Night of his body. Steve Martin, Lily Tomlin, Ri­ chard Libertini. 1984. Rated PG-13. dZ) Anna Karenina 12:45AM (40) More Real People Answer to Previous Puzzle ACROSS 8 Information dD Star Search [TM C] MOVIE: 'Romancing the Stone' Special [USA] Wild Worid of Animals agency (abbr.j (CC) A macho adventurer reluctantly Q A T A r H CZJ [CNN] CNN Evening News 1 Breed of dog 9 Flying mammal W 14 Genus of olive something more useful and functional. 10% Off 23 Pakistan H F ^ O U t S H T A frees language This will result in tidy profits. IB Foot 24 Nee 16 Eight (Fr.) 25 Son of Ruth GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Although you Cinema The New Image All Meals At 17 Suppress 26 District in Saudi and your mate will have a common ob­ 19 Honks FAMILY HAIR CARE & SUNTAN CENTER Arabia jective today, you might work at cross 21 Biblical priest purposes. Each could undo the good (rnriiH*rI\ Mr. Hain'til) 28 Trade 23 German the other is doing. Career advantages HARTFORD 29 Vases Cinema City — A Room With o View submarine and problems are discussed in your 30 Queen of India 7:30, 9:55. — Short C ircu it (PG ) 7:10, (comp, wd.) Gemini Astro-Graph predictions for the 9:40. — Bliss 7, 9:15. — Letter to Introductory Offer JADE 27 Obliteration 31 Long heroic year ahead. Get yours by mailing $1 to Brezhnev (R) 7:20,9:30. I* 32 Steals poom 42 Ammonia 49 Aromatic herb Astro-Graph, c/o this newspaper. Box EAST HARTFORD 33 Price markup compound 50 What person 1846, Cincinnati, OH 45201. Be sure to t-17. Eoftweed Pub * Cinema — Wise 8 Suntanning 33 Civil War Guvs od pressures of one. final episode when it becomes deaths that occurred in King gun may contribute to the likeli­ LOMA LINDA. Calif. — Baby Jesse'."! excellent. inhabitants of rural villages and studied different types of an explosive situation." County. Washington, which in­ hood of a suicide occurring transplanted heart is beating normally but Immediately after the operation, the baby workers in Nigerian cities. JOHN DEERE pleased hospital officials say he faces a was “soft and pink." said the chief surgeon. lifelong battle against rejection and they Dr. Leonard Bailey AIDS U w n A Leisure cannot even guess how long that life might Chest X-rays taken Wedne.sday showed Sun can destroy body nutrients or out be. that fluid was clearing from Jesse's lungs — m / PARTS • RENTALS • SERVICE • PICKUPS The oldest survivor of a baby-to-baby another good sign, said Dr. Bruce Branson, found in 1971 IT H A C A , N .Y . — A Cornell University study suggests too much w 742-f•6103 heart transplant is six months old and chairman of Loma Linda's surgery exposure to the sun may destroy a nutrient in the body believed to lt%'^Pick\bur Own' back Rt. 44, Coventry, C T 2 Miles E. Bolton Notch officials said they don't have enough department. fight certain types of cancer. Hours: M-Sat. 9-4 T, W, Th. 9-5:30 FrI. 9-7 experience with such transplants to know “ To my amazement, he looked far better BOSTON (U P l) — Blood samples taken from drug Daphne A. Roe, professor of nutrition, reports ultraviolet light what to expect. than I expected, and probably better than addicts as early as 1971 have tested positively for the can result in "highly significant reductions" of beta-carotene in ' Eighteen-day-old Baby Jesse, who re­ anybody expected." said Jesse Sepulveda, AIDS virus, indicating the deadly disease may have human plasma. Beta-cartone, from which vitamin A is produced Nothing Runs Like a DeereP ceived his new heart in a flurry of publicity the 26-year-old father, who has twice visited been present in the United States earlier than in the body, is considered by scientists to be a protective agent Strawberry Season spurred by his initial rejection for trans­ his son since surgery. previously believed. against skin, lung, bladder and other cancers. plant consideration is the fifth infant to "I was telling him how much I loved him Re.searchers at the National Institute of Drug Abuse Roe said she conducted two studies, one with 12 white women receive a transplant at Loma Linda when he opened his eyes," he said “ It was a found that 17 of 1.129 stored blood samples taken from and one with 12 white and Oriental men. In both studies, the University Medical Center since November. drug u.sers throughout the United States in 1971 and ^^^THER’^yyPECIAL^^ real touching moment " participants received the U.S. recommended dietary allowances 1972 tested positively for the AIDS virus in a recent "Even in that first six months, we've seen of vitamin A, beta-cartone and riboflavin every day before being atBEBBTFATCR Loma Linda. 65 miles east of Los Angeles, study. on and off rejection crises." said Sandra exposed to ultraviolet light for two weeks. initially rejected for a transplant on Previously, the earliest evidence of infection by the .Nehlsen-Cannarella. an immunologist spe­ The exposure was enough to result in mild sunburns for some of cializing in tissue-typing. Adults who have grounds that his young, unwed parents AIDS virus in the United States had been found in gay the volunteers. survived 10 years with liver and heart might not be able to care for him properly. men in San Francisco in 1978. transplants continue to have rejection The decision, which drew wide publicity, Researchers cautioned, however, that drug addicts crises, she said Wednesday. was reversed after grandparents assumed tend to produce false positive results on a variety of Grant funds, alcoholism research 168 Woodland St. 643-8474 8 am-7 pm dally GARDENS Although Jesse should be able to live a guardianship. blood tests and that follow-up studies are needed to Philanthropist R. Brinkley Smithers has given two universities Manchester nearly normal life, he will always have to Doctors said Jesse clearly benefited from confirm the findings. Large assortment of Landscaping take drugs to keep his immune system from publicity. The parents of the Michigan baby But if the results, reported in a letter to The New $6.7 million to research problems of alcoholism in the workplace. SPECIAL attacking the donor heart donated the heart after seeing a televised England Journal of Medicine, are confirmed, Cornell University and Rutgers University will split the money Gardening Toois Plants "It's a lifelong battle" Ms Nehlsen- report on Jesse's plight and the announce­ researchers said it would mean the virus was present but work together on studying alcohol abuse by workers, a Wheelbarrows Shade & Fruit Biddiii Plats Cannarella said. ment that it was available was made while in the United States earlier than had been believed. problem that is estimated to have cost the United States $116 Fertilizer Spreaders Trees P itiiiis Je.sse Dean Sepulveda showed no signs of Baby Je.sse's parents were appearing on the "The positive results would mean the addicts were billion in 1983 in lost work days and productivity, said Rutgers Garden Fountains Sod Phil Donahue television show. probably exposed to the AIDS virus ora similar virus. spokesman Harvey Trabb. Dihliis rejection in his first full day after the Statues Mulching Bark Tuesday night surgery, said Loma Linda “ I believe the usual system (for listing That means they could have been exposed to a Smithers, son of a founding member of IBM. is a former bf. spokeswoman Gracie Garner. donors and recipients) was circumvented precursor to the (AIDS) virus." James D. Moore, a president of both the National Council on Alcoholism and the and the ever timely Peat Moss born with a fatally defective heart, somewhat." Branson said adding. "The researcher at the institute, said in a telephone investing firm F.S. Smithers and Company. Gift Certificate Fertilizers received the heart of a child bom brain-dead availability of this donor came to us in an interivew. “ It we knew what virus it was. it would give Trabb said the two schools, both of which have centers on Berries & Vines in Grand Rapids. Mich., the same day unexpectedly rapid way." us a clue to the recombinant form before it became alcholism, plan to hold yearly conferences on alcohol in the was born. May 2,"; Said Deborah Walters. 33. of Wyoming. pathogenic" workplace, funded by interest drawn from the original grant Just foHow these directions "He's being weaned from ventilator Mich., mother of the donor baby. Frank Dr Peter Drotman. an epidemiologist with the support and everyone at the bedside is Edward Clemenshaw IV: Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, said that if the pleased with his progress." Ms. Garner "Now he's alive and Jesse's alive. In my findings are confirmed they may suggest the virus Mooeeaooeeooec .said. Officially, his condition is listed as heart. I've got them both." does not spread as quickly as had been thought. "If true, then that would be the earliest I've heard of and virus was circulating much earlier than all D.J/S DOG AN previous evidence suggests." he said. ENJOYABLE ^ Plants Chicken pox risk iowered "It would suggest the spread from one risk group to GROOMING & FARM OUTING-I another risk group is not that efficient. If the findings COM EOUT Petunlas-salvla are correct, it obviously would mean tbe virus was ^ ^ S U P P U E S I AND VISIT limited to a fairly small community for a fairly long Starter Geraniums Marigolds-Asters-Dahllas. etc. by some other diseases time." he said. AIDS, which destroys the body's ability to fight From 1-94 u m Exit 94. 69068. 3/*2” 8Vegetable ** - - Plants disease, has been limited primarily in the United ‘You never knew there wet Taka R t 30 South 2 mllat to (arm. ■mci BOSTON (U P l) — Although pregnant recovered One baby developed a related States to homosexual men and intravenous drug 10/11495 ppfshy NIMS women who get chicken pox appear to be at disease known as shingles but also users There have been about 20.000 cases diagnosed to much tor your petl” M-WMti-nnl( tiaatNS ptpptn some risk of developing complications and recovered. in the United States. BERRY PATCH FARMS Jackson &( Perkins e v giving birth to deformed children, re­ One baby, however, was born with a Although no one is sure, scientists believe the virus 8TRAWBEMie8 - PICK YOUR OWN Bush & Climbers and searchers said today the danger is lower variety of complications, including a may have originated in parts of Africa, where the • Cages & Crates Oakland Rd., Rte. 30, So. WIndaor, C T Juna 9 . PHONE in bud A bloom than if they caught other common diseases. juhi « itelly 8.99 deformed right leg and brain and eye disease is more common. Seasonal Information Phone Jviy Picking fiondmona" ROSES *7.99 neweet varletlee In one of the largest studies of its kind, damage. The baby died from pneumonia For the study, the samples from drug addicts were • Lifejackets, Rainwear researchers at the Stanford University after six months. tested along with 89 control samples using a test Mxelualn School of Medicine followed 43 women who Women who catch German measles known as ELISA. Forty-five samples from drug • Plaid & Plastic Slickers contracted chicken pox' while they were during the first trimester of their pregnancy addicts tested positively while none of the control dog A eat • Backpacks • Ceramics pregnant have a risk of up to 85 percent of giving birth samples were positive. food and Four women developed pneumonia, in­ to a deformed child The risk from chicken Since the ELISA test is not considered as accurate aupptfaa • Electronic Flea Collars cluding one woman who subsequently died pox is only about 9 percent, the study found as other tests, the researchers decided to retest the ...ITS SPRING, Four women experienced premature labor, But based on the study, researchers positive samples using the more reliable Western blot including two who gave birth prematurely. recommended women who never had the test. With that test. 17.samples still showed signs of the 119 OAKLAND ST. Eight babies were apparently infected disease and are exposed to chicken pox virus RTC. 93, MANCHESTKR H O U M ; T. W. f tmtfJem with chicken pox whil^ in the womb. Four when they are pregifant — especially in the Drotman said researchers should try to locate the 17 Thun. W tO S babies developed no symptoms. Two babies first trimester — niay consider seeking addicts whose blood tested positively to see if they 649-0485 Time To Get Growing!... were bom with active chicken pox but inoculations against developing the diseasf. iactually developed the disease. to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. June 12, 1986 MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, June 12. 19W — M Few have adequate disability coverage Lower Manhattan set BUSINESS A lawyer in — meaning what you do, rather Find out whether you can buy New York told than what you are called. riders that will help you out — both me recently Other factors include age. in­ before you collect benefits and to ^oast Lady Liberty that she had come. health and sex. after. Highlights just realized What you need is a disability CAMBRIDGE REPORTS Under the first option, you can By Jerry Schwartz deadlock ended, allowing plans No stop orders on OTC stocks she urgently Sylvia policy tailored to your situation. To The Associated Press to go forward. Legislative ap­ needs disability achieve that, you must know how increase your coverage without proving the state of your health. proval was the last hurdle, Men and Style insurance. much income would be available to QUESTION; discussing "stop loss orders.” whether a stock is listed on the New This rider lets your coverage keep NEW YORK - While tall organizers said. “ My firm’s Porter you from other sources and how I ■ Do you think men are more style-conscious in terms of how they About a year when the other member of our York Stock Exchange, the Ameri­ pace with inflation and increases ships and naval vessels domi­ “We’re fine. We’ve got no ago, I pur­ disability pol­ much money you need to .sustain : a dress than they used to be, or not? foursome insisted that term is can Stock Exchange or over-the- in your salary. nate the water and a blimp race problems at all,” said Lenora icy gives me your .standard of living. chased 200 wrong and should be called “ stop counter? Is it a matter of corporate « 1 fills the skies. Harbor Festival Kaplan, a spokeswoman for the "Yes, men are getting short-term pro­ In studying policies, be particu­ You can also find riders that shares of a order.” Two brokers at the bar preference, or what? '86 — a giant street fair — will festival. Investors’ tection.” she provide increases more style-conscious" stock in the agreed with the three of us but larly alert to how companies define' give landlubbers a chance to The lineup for the festival is said, “ but after two years. I ’d be on Small businesses. Only about 27 disability. Some will pa^c.benefits once benefits are paid out. If you Women: 82% over-the- could not convince our other celebrate theStatue of Liberty’s tentative, but if everything goes Guide ANSW ER: It’s a combination of my own. With a mortgage and percent of small-business owners as long as you can show you are collect on a policy over a period of Men: 74% counter player. He insisted we write you. two factors — where a company's centennial. according to plan, revelers will market. When other fixed obligations. I’d really have coverage that would pay bills unable to perforir. the duties of years, this rider could be priceless. William A. Doyle Can you settle this? Youranswer management wants its stock to be Wall Street’s bulls and bears find the streets of Lower Man­ that stock be in a mess” and salaries and keep the business your own occupation, even if you will determine who buys the drinks traded and “ listing require­ will be banished July 4, 5 and 6. hattan transformed into a “ Lib­ moved up to This young woman fits into the going in case of long-term can do something else, says John at the 19th hole, ments.” That second factor in­ They will be replaced in Lower erty Land’’ of stages, arts-and- $8.50. I called pattern of most of our workers, disability. Bottilana. product manager in ASK YOUR INSURANCE agent volves such things as a company’s Manhattan by more than 100.000 crafts exhibit booths. 400 food my broker and ANSWER; Next time you play, reports the Health Insurance Asso­ While most of you wouldn’t think employee benefit programs at or company about any special total assets, earnings, number of balloons, giant puppets, a 750- ,vendors and information ki­ tried to put in a “ stop-order” at $8. don’t let that insistent membier of ciation of America. While a hefty of being without life or medical Metropolitan Life. riders or provisions that apply to exchange trading, because all stop shares outstaniiing and plece marching band, and a osks, with balloon sculptures your group drive home. He wins 86 percent of the working popula­ insurance, too many of you ignore members of your profession. I was told,I could not place a stop orders in any particular stock are shareholders. vast array of ethnic food and and archs along the streets. order on that stock. enough drinks to get a snootful. tion has some form of disability income protection FIN D OUT W HETHER you can entered in the book of the specialist The New York Stock Exchange entertainment. Various ethnic cuisines will The correct term is "stop order,” coverage (either through a group extend the policy beyond the Inquire about rehabilitation be­ So, I sold at the going price for a who makes a market in that stock has the most stringent listing Millions are expected to jam be represented, along with such Let’s say a stock you own is program or an individual policy). YET THE ODDS are certainly expiration dale. You have the nefits. Some policies will allow you nice profit. But I don’t understand on the exchange trading floor. requirements. American Stock the narrow streets, a prospect American mainstays as hot trading at $20 a share on a stock of that group, only about' one- greater — especially if you arc in protection with a non-cancelahle to participate in a rehabilitation why I could not place a stop order 0-T-C trading is done through a Exchange listing requirements that frightened residents so dogs and beer. But the main on that stock. Can you explain? exchange and you put in a stop quarter has long-term coverage. your prime income-producing ye­ or guaranteed renewable policy, program while you receive your worldwide wire network and has are about equal to those of the regular benefits. much their state representa­ attraction will be free entertain­ order to sell at $18. If the stock drop Most in need of disability cover­ ars — of disability rather Ilian because as long as you pay the no trading floor. Each 0-T-C stock 0-T-C “ National Market System.” tives threatened to block legis­ ment, with the emphasis on folk to $18. your order becomes a age. according to a recent survey death. premiums each year, no matter And be certain to deal only with a ANSWER; It’s because there is has a number brokerage firms But there are thousands of other lation allowing the Harbor music. Source Survey of the U S adult population by Cambridge Reports Cambridge. MA market order and your stock will by the Life Insurance Marketing When you start to shop for a what happens to your health, the reputable company! If you’re not no formal mechanism for stop acting as market-makers. But 0-T-C stocks. Festival to license vendors for At the Staten Island Ferry < t966 Cambridge Reports inc Distributed by King Features Syndicate be sold — not necessarily at $18. Research Association: policy, you’ll quickly discover that company can’t drop you. fam iliar with the insurer, go to orders in the over-the-counter there is no central book in which In years gone by, as a company the three days. toolbooths. there will be singing You’ll get whatever price it will ' Women heads of hou.seholds and five key factors affect what kind of You might also want a policy your public library and look at market. You can place stop orders stop orders can be recorded. grew and prospered, its stock But on Tuesday, the city and dancing, with groups rang­ bring at that moment in time. single working women. Often, policy you buy and how much you that pays benefits until you are at A M., Best’s Insurance Report, In on stocks listed on stock ex­ If you are a very good customer, usually moved from the 0-T-C to agreed to provide extra toilets ing from the Harlem Boys Choir changes. but not on stocks traded If a lot of other stop orders to sell women completely lack disability pa.v., least age 65. to cover worst Best’s you’ll find all the informa­ you might be able to prevail upon the Amex and then to the NYSE. and police in the area, and the to a tap-dancing orchestra. 0-T-C. your broker to keep an eye on the at $18 have been placed ahead of in.curance "rhe key is your o< cupalion class possible case. tion you need. yours, that might send the stock’s However, the managements of Business In Brief A stop order is an order to sell or price of an 0-T-C stock and .sell or many companies now prefer to buy a stock when it trades at a buy it for you when it hits a certain price sharply down. You could end up with less than $18 a share. keep their stocks 0-T-C, often certain price. When that price is price. But that’s asking a lot and is because they are convinced that is Stocks mixed after mild rally reached, the stop order becomes a not a formal slop order All too many brokers like to say “ stop loss order,” thereby giving a better marketplace. SSA ’’market order” and is executed at arrangement. Approximately 1,800 0-T-C Na­ NEW YORK — Fresh evidence of weakness in the U.S. the impression that type of order Gifts for Dad, Grad the best available price, which tional Market System stocks qual­ economy helped turn stock prices mixed this morning after the provides absolute protection might be equal to. above or below QUESTION; There was a rather ify for Amex listing and some 700 of mild rally of the previous session. the stop order price. heated discussion after a recent against loss. That’s simply not so. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks. Wall Street’s those meet the financial require­ offers This can be done in stork golf game. Three of us were QUESTION: What determines ments for NYSE listing. & the June Bride best-known indicator, fell 9.01 points to 1,837.06 by 10:30 a m, OOR EDT after recording a gain of 8.88 points Wednesday. Among broader market indicators, the New York Stock advice Exchange composite index, which measures all listed issues, fell Questions Retailers’ 0.09 to 138.49. The American Stock Exchange’s market value Ti index rose 0.31 to 279.13. QUESTION; I run a small 1 (^ 1 ON HOME VIDEO 8VM)E11S The number of advancing and declining issues were about even on tax bill corporation, and I'm interested in W ry th e, on the Big Board, where volume exceeded 13.7 million shares sales slip giving my employees pre­ R a g a n r after the first hour of trading. retirement counseling Does the iR e v o h iU o n CASSETTES Traders said the market was reacting to Commerce perplexing 0 S C . WASHINGTON (UPI) - Retail Social Security Administration SAVE Department reports that showed retail sales fell 0.1 percent in sales slipped back 0.1 percent in E a ik d TI».. “ offer such a service to the public? May and capital investment plans will decline 1.3 percent this May after a revised 0,4 percent NEW YORK (AP) - Because Bacoww .^cnen MagKf year. gain the previous month, the ANSWER; Yes. SSA has an iDavidA. the stock market ha.s risen for The reports compounded evidence that sluggishness persists, Commerce Department said active program of assisting com­ almost four years, many investors 'StDckman DiMin especially in the consumer-spending,area, which accounts for today. panies and other large organiza­ have large, unrealized long-term two-thirds of overall economic activity. tions organize pre-retirement se­ ('()tnmiUKlnin)( capital gains. Advance estimates of U.S. retail On Wednesday, advancing issues outpaced declines by about 5 minars for their employees. To The Triumph of Politics The Eighth Commandment Under current law. those gains sales last month, adjusted for. learn what help is available, gel in • to 3 on the NYSE, Big Board volume totaled 127.35 million shares, would be taxed at a maximum of 20 seasonal differences, totaled by David Stockman 0 by Uwtmiic* Sander* against 125.02 million in the previous session. $I 17.05 billion, down from a revised touch with any Social Security Author of “ fourth OeMlly Shi” percent. But under the Senate office in your vicinity committee proposals for tax re­ $117.14 in April, a,fcording to the; 15.36 Pub. List 21.95 form. capital gains would monthly Census Bureau survey of QUESTION; 1 gel SSI payments A front line report of the miscalculations, 13.26 CBT promotes vice president their preferential treatment and retail businesses. I ’m disabled. I ’ve been head on collisions, secret manipulations ‘Cartoon Favorites’’ “ Amoa and Andy’’ ‘tt'eAWondadufUte” •*HaW’ Luat and luxury da«h with a v«ng«anc« would be taxed at ordinary income Two retail sectors that expanded ■ HARTFORD — The commercial division of the Connecticut offered work by a friend doing and alliances that led to the Reagan hi an action nfled tala of murder, oribary rates. rapidly in April, auto and housing^ some light part-time office work. deficit crisis. The most explosive, candid and corrt^ion among affiuant New Bank and Trust Co. has announced the promotion of Vice As a result, this proposal, if materials sales, slowed markedly It’ll mean just a few extra dollars a and controversial book of the year! Yorkers. &(citing reading for summer. President Patrick J. Logiudice to passed, would raise the tax bite on to the surprise of analysts who had month Do I still have to report this area manager of the East Hartford capital gains to 27 percent from 20 expected continued gains. commercial area. Automotive sales advanced a income’’ LIFE percent. or by $700 on a capital gain He joined CBT in 1971 in the slim 0.6 percent last month follow-, WITH of $10 000. collections department and has held Question; If the Senate commit­ ing an upwardly revised 4.3 ANSWER; Yes. You must notify FATHER Social Security immediately if you various positions including his most tee proposals become law. will percent surge in April, the result of begin working while you are recent assignment as commercial investors with big capital gains new low-interest financing receiving disability benefits under banking officer. seek to preserve them by selling incentives. either Social Security or SSI. A graduate of the New England this year? Building materials, hardware School of Banking at Williams And if they sell, will the volume and garden supplies fell back a QUESTION; In January, my College. Logiudice attended Man­ be sufficient to seriously depress surprising 4.2 percent in May, following a 4.6 percent advance in wife was in the hospital for two "W.C. Fields’ "Immortal ’' Ufa With Father” “ Aliee Sweet Alice'' chester Community College and the the stock market? April, despite a continuing brisk weeks Then she stayed home for University of Hartford and has These are but two lax-proposal level of new and exisiting home almost a month before she had to completed several American Insti­ questions that nobody seems able go back into the hospital with the to answer. sales. tute of Banking courses. In addition, Furniture and home appliance same problem Can you tell me YOUR he served in the U.S. Navy. Here’s another: Will purchases of big-ticket items be accelerated sales, on the other hand, advanced how much of the hospital bill 19" Cut Electric Mower Logiudice is a m em ber of the Medicare will pay? by the Senate committee’s prop­ by 2.8 percent last month. Rockville Area Chamber of Com­ osal to end the deductibility of Gasoline service stations, which REG. 9 .9 9 merce, the Rockville Exchange Club ANSWER; Afterihe$492deduct­ S116 Reg. 139.99 CHOICE Tdro 9" Nylon Une THmmer sales taxes? saw their sales fall back 7.4 ible has been paid in a benefit Has powerlul 12 amp motor and deluxe and the Italian Club of Stafford Sales taxes are a favorite and percent in April, experienced a 2 7" wheels with height adjusters for all Start your home viewing library Mariena Dletrieh, Cary Grant, Springs and is an executive adviser percent setback in May. despite period Medicare hospital insu­ Patrick Logiudice abundant source of revenue for rance will help pay for 90 days of types of lawns Easy to operate. with the great stare from the Danny Kaye, Jama# Stawart, 21.40 .N,« « for Junior Achievem ent in East municipal and slate governments, the bottoming out of gasoline pump inpatient care in any hospital •Grass Bag Kit, Reg. 26.99 ___ 21.99 olden age of film, including Spencer TiWBy, the 3 Stoogee, Ideal torfighf j«rd trimming. Features Hartford. He and his family live in Manchester. partly the nickel-and- prices, the suvey revealed. e poweffwi2 amp motor and convenient participating in the Medicare • 100 Ft. indoor/Outdoor Extension red Astaire, Gary Cooper, diming involved on small pur­ Durable goods overall advanced ? John Weyne, Unihrt end Herdy automatic tine feed for quick and easy UPl photo chases goes relatively unnoticed 0.2 percent but non-durables, in­ program. For the first 60 days, it Cord, Reg. 13,99...... 9.99 James Cagney, Charlie Chaplin, and many, many ^ t^eratlon. Modes #910 FDIC chief expects bank failures pays for all covered services: and by taxpayers. cluding gasoline, fell back 0.3 the 6lsl through the 90th day. it WASHINGTON — The chairman of the Federal Deposit But on big-ticket items it can run Tire test percent in May. Last month’s sales pays for all covered services Insurance Corporation said today that a record number of banks into thousands of dollars. Will setback was the first since March, when they fell back by an upwardly except for $123 a day After are expected to fail or require federal financial assistance by the would-be buyers seek to exploit the A technician tests performance of a tire on a flat track SAVINGS ON ALL CANON CAMERAS revised 0.4 percent, according to someone has been out of the end of the year. current deductibility? Or will machine at the Goodyear Technical Center in revisions contained in the report. hospital for 60 consecutive days, a L. William Seidman told a meeting of the United States League other factors cause them to wait? new benefit period begins the next Canon Come Meet The SAVINGS ON A U Nobody can be certain because, Luxembourg. The facility performs a wide variety of tests Total sales over the past three of Savings Institutions that between 140 and 160 banks will fall months were 0.2 percent below the lim e he or she goes into the consumer behaviorists explain, to predict tire/vehicle performance in actual road KfRQNtENSES into the failed or help-needed category in 1986, up from last year’s previous three months but 3.1 hospital. £70mm f/3.S Zoom record 120 that failed or needed assistance. the motivation to buy or not buy conditions. The flat track machine measures rolling involves multiple factors. percent above the same period last CANON 6, mid angle to mid At the beginning of the year, Seidman had estimated that about resistance and cornering force at speeds up to 124 mph. year. QUESTION; I saw an ad in the Whatever the impact on the 120 banks would fail this year. paper that said I could gel a copy of economy as a whole, many people \ CAMERA PRO ssasr...... 1119 He said the mid-year adjustment reflects “ the continuing my Social Security record if I eiCironl0400nim f/4,S Meerb are likely to begin paying down ALL CANON CAMERAS increase in the number of institutions being added to the F D IC ’s would pay this firm $35 Why does INCLUDE CANON USA \ FootiaZbomWithZoomtock^ their installment debts if another Social Securitv charge so much for LIMITED WARRANTY At Our Manchester Store iwrwotaaiM front barrel. problem bank list and the actual number of failures so far this proposal looks as if it will pass. Shawmut expands in Connecticut this’’ REGISTRATION CARO Bag...... $159 yea r.” That proposal would end the •Fri. June 13 •Kiron'at-ZlOmm Macro One Bank failures and assistance transactions reached 55 by June deductibility of most interest ANSWER; Social Security does Canon T50 35mm Programmed SLR ToiKdt ZcKMn Lena WHh 9, surpassing the 43 failures which occurred during the same expenses. not charge anything for this 5 P M -9 P M Zowncltop’', wide angle to period in 1985, he said. Bank credit cards are likely to be with purchase of Fideiity Trust leiephoio ien* that does It alt. Slightly more than 1,300 banks are on the F D IC ’s problem bank big losers, because many of them ser\’ice If you'd like to check your ,lle g .a a 9 .9 a ...... $199 Social Security record to be sure S189 Reg. 209.99 list today, up from 1,140 at the end of 1985. said Seidman. charge interest of around 20 fmftxMe Kkon $ year llmRed warranty. BOSTON (U P I) - Shawmut banking markets in the nation.” counter in the National Market you’ve gotten, credit for your Has f/1.8 lens. With programmed automation and • Sat. June 14 percent on unpaid balances. But Corp has taken another inroad said John P. LaWare. chairman (NASDAQ) under the symbol motorized automatic film loading and winding. Easy earnings, just ask your Social again, nobody can say for sure into Connecticut with the an­ and chief executive officer for SHAS and closed at $48.87 per operation; nothing to set just aim and shoot. Boston Edison strike nearly over Security office for Form 7004PC 11 A M -6 P M KIRON because the credit card people nouncement it has a definitive Shawmut Corp. share June 10. Fidelity Trust The ad you saw wasn’t run by the •Introducting! Sureshot Supreme 35mm Motorized BOSTON — The 3-week-old strike of Boston Edison Co. aren’t going to give in easily. agreement to acquire Fidelity LaWare, in making the joint currently has 400.000 shares out­ Social Security Administration. Autofocus Camera, R*g. 169 94...... $159 appeared all but over as the last, and smallest, of the three Already, some lenders are low­ Trust company of Stamford, Conn. announcement, assured that standing and closed at $51 per The service is free if you get it striking unions reached a tentative agreement on a new contract, ering rates qn. their cards, aware “ We see Connecticut as a natural Shawmut has no plans to replace share the same day. “ There seems through a Social Security office. that many people will shy away ...... a union spokesman said. extension of the Massachusetts the management or board of to be two types of movements in the Utility Workers of America. Local 387, representing 180 from installment buying if they market.” said Barrie H. MacKay. directors of Fidelity Trust because Connecticut area.” said MacKay. This column is prepared by the engineering and sales workers. Wednesday reached a tentative lose interest-deductibility. And a spokesman for Shawmut. a $7.9 it will be operated as a wholly- “ They are acquisitions and Royal some states are considering legal Social Security Administration in , i.'.. agreement with Boston Edison and will join the other two locals billion asset bank holding com­ owned subsidiary of Shawmut mergers among equals.” He said limitations on rates. East Hartford. Do you have a today for a ratification vote, local President Joseph Flaherty pany based in Boston. Corp. Shawmut Corp. is aggressively question you’d like to see answered If credit cards are used less often said. Shawmut Corp. "is particularly Shawmut’s acquisition of Home undertaking both strategies. here? Write to Sociai Security. and for lesser amounts, how will Details of the agreement were not released. interested in middle market lend­ Bank and Trust Co., headquar­ Manchester Heraid. P.O. Box 591, retail merchants fare? Credit The three union locals, representing some 3,000 workers, ing.” MacKay said, adding that tered in Meriden. Conn., approved Manchester, 06040. cards are convenient. Will conven­ last May. is expected to be walked out May 15 citing company-demanded "give backs” on Shawmut executives view Connec­ ience and habit overpowerthe urge ticut as having a strong middle completed “ within a few weeks,” pension agreements as the sticking point in contract to save? market. said MacKay. W E D E L IV E R negotiations. Homeowners are likely to try to Climbing roses

NEW BRITAIN (AP) - State nuclear power plant in Waterford. well as the company should benefit DPUC Commissioner. Peter G. utility regulators issued a final CL&P had proposed a three-year from these favorable circumstan­ Boucher, who had served as "lead CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 ruling in the Connecticut Light It phase-in, the minimum permitted ces and that the denial of a rate commissioner” in the hearings on Power Co. rate case that bars any under state law. increase and the creation of a rate the request, said the ratepayers increase in rates this year and DPUC Chairman John T. Dow­ moderation fund are therefore would be "cushioned from ‘rate Notices Businas* Property...... 25 Entertainment ...... 53 Farm Supplies and Equipment .... 80 requires the company to put $46 ney said the ruling was "respon­ appropriate at this time." shock’" as a result of the firing up Lost/Found...... 0) Resort Property ...... 26 Baokkeepino/Income Tax ...... 54 Office/Retall Equipment ...... 81 million into a fund to offset future sive to the changes that have -Utility officials reiterated plans of the Millstone 3 plant. Personals...... 02 Mortgoges ...... 27 Carpentry/Remodellng...... 55 Recreational Equipment...... 82 RATES: 1 to 5 days: 90 cents per line per day. rate increase requests. occurred over the past couple of to sue regulators to recover $6.98 "At the same time, the company Announcements...... ] 03 Wonted to,Buy...... 28 Palntlng/Paperlng...... 56 Boats and Marine Equipment.....83 6 to 19 days; 70 cents per line per day. Originally, CL&P had sought a years and especially since CL&P million that was removed from will be allowed a rate of return that Auctions...... 04 RootIng/SIdIng...... 57 Musical Items...... 94 20 or more days: 60 cents per line per day. $155 million increase in electric filed for a rate increase last N U ’s request in connection with we believe will be sufficient to Financial...... 05 Rentals Flooring...... 58 Cameras and Photo Equipment... 85 Minimum clMrge: 4 lines. and natural gas rates. November. the legislature's $3.54 billion cap on attract investment capital and Electrical ...... 59 Pets qnd Supplies...... 86 The decision Wednesday by the Rooms for Rent...... 31 Heatlng/Plumblng...... 60 “Oil prices have fallen dramati­ the amount of Millstone 3 costs that enable it to provide adequate Miscellaneous for Sale ...... 87 D E A D LIN ES: For classified advertisements to Employment & Education Apartments for Rent...... 32 Miscellaneous Services...... 61 state Department of Public Utility cally, interest rates are at their can be charged to the customers. service,” he said. Tag Sales...... 88 be published Tuesday through Saturday, the Control also reduces from 15.9 Help Wanted...... 11 Condominiums for Rent__ ...... 33 Services Wanted...... 62 Wanted to Buv/Trade ...... 89 lowest level in several years and The suit was announced when the The company has maintained Homes for Rent...... deadline Is noon on the day before publication. percent to 14 percert the amount of inflation seems under control,” Situation Wanted ...... 12 ...... 34 tentative decision was made. that the DPU C’s decision was Store/Office Space...... 35 a For advertisements to be published Monday, profit that CL&P can earn each Downey said in a prepared Walter F. Torrance Jr., senior dictated by politics, noting that Business Opportunities...... 13 Merchandise the deadline Is 2:30 p.m. on Friday. year. Instruction...... 14 Resort Property ...... 36 statement. vice president and general counsel Gov. William A. O’Neill, who is up Industrial Property...... Automotive The ruling also requires a Employment Services...... 15 ...... 37 Holldav/Seasonol...... 71 “In short, the company’s costs for the utility, said the full decision for re-election this year and who Miscellaneous for Rent...... 38 Antiques and Collectibles...... 72 five-year phase-in period to allow have been going down while its Cars for Sale ...... 91 R EA D YOUR AD. Classified advertisements are will reviewed before deciding appoints DPUC commissioners, Roommates Wanted...... 39 Clothing...... 73 taken by telephone as a convenience. The CL&P to recover costs associated sales have been rising." he said. Trucks/Vans for S a le ...... 92 whether to challenge anything had recommended that no in­ Reol Estate Wanted to R e n t...... 40 Furniture...... 74 Campers/Trallers...... 93 Manchester Herald is responsible for only one with the $3 88 billion Mill.stone 3 "We believe that ratepayers as else. crease be granted. Homes for Sale ...... 21 TV/Stereo/Appliances...... 75 Motorcvcies/Mapeds...... 94 Incorrect Insertion and then only tor the size ot Services Machinery and Tools...... 76 Auto Services...... 95 the original Insertion. Errors which do not Condominiums tor Sale...... 22 Lawn and Garden...... 77 Lots/Land tor Sale...... 23 Autos for Rent/Lease...... 96 lessen the value ot the advertisement will not Child Care...... 51 Good Things to E at ...... 78 be corrected by an additional Insertion. Investment Property...... 24 Cleaning Services...... Miscellaneous Automative...... 97 Government seeks lower phone rates ...... 52 Fuel OII/Coal/FIrew ood...... 79 Wanted to Buy/Trade ...... 98

By Bill NlcCloskev during the period of high interest But it has limited authority over The Associated Press associatjCd with divestiture has rates, high rates of inflation and local rates, which are set by local been eliminated. uncertainty as to divestiture,” one public utility commissions. WASHINGTON - The federal But Bell Atlantic spokesman of the nearly identical g.pvernment Paul Wood called that argument government wants regulators in 31 petitions said. “None of these State rate-setting agencies usu­ ally allow the phone companies a “sheer folly.” He said the seven states and the District of Columbia conditions exist today. The econ­ Emergency? In Munches Cleanlnq help. Immediate to reduce its $4 billion annual return on their debt and equity of 12 regional Bell companies that were LOST Port Time Inserters omy is stabilized, interest rates ter, dial 911 (or (Ire, opelninos, part time even­ wanted. Call 647-9946, ask Immediate openings for phone bill, an action that could also percent or more. Langsam said he spun off in the AT&T breakup face AND FOUND police, medical help. Easy Assembly Work! Receptlonlst/Typlst- are at single-digits.” “growing competition in virtually ings and or weekends. (or Bob. carpenters, experienced $714.00 per 100. Guaran­ Permanent port time, ex­ bring down rates foi residential Said Mark Langsam. an econo­ believes a rate between 10.25 and Some outdoor duties. Se­ In framing & must know 10.5 percent is more reasonable. every one of our services.” Outside Sales. Monday teed payment. No Sales. perience required. Call customers. mist in the economic analysis Kitten was Found. Brown nior Citizens and students Manchester Insurance how th layout. Full time Detalls-Send stamped en­ Ms. Worona 646-2469. The General Services Adminis-- The rate reduction requests stripes with white paws, welcorne. 643-5747. thru Friday, evenings. Ex- employment 8. Benefits, branch of the General Services Allan Northcutt, a spokesman agency has an opening for cellent money. Call velope: ELAN-173, 3418 EOE. tration and the Department of were sent to regulators in Arkan­ light brown ears. Found In Employment a part time secretary. .call 742-5317, 8:30 to 5 Enterprise, Ft. Pierce, Administration. "W e’re hopingthe for Southwestern Bell, said that the sas, Delaware, Florida. Georgia. the McKee St. Area. 643- Jeanne 647-9946. Monday thru Friday. Defense are arguing that phone commissioners order immediate rate of return must be kept high Window cleaners. Must Typing and telephone FL., 33482. Electrician-Licensed companies are allowed too much Idaho. Illinois. Indiana. Kansas. 6831. be experienced. Steadv skills are Important. Insu­ Journeymen experlencd reductions,” enough to attract sufficient invest­ Kentucky, Louisiana. Maine. M a­ & Education work, good pav with Receptionist full time for Help wanted part time profit considering today’s eco­ The complexity of rate-setting ment to buy modern equipment to rance and computer skills busy 4 doctor office expe­ Clerical - Full time office In commercial and resi­ ryland. Massachusetts. Michigan. fringe benefits. Call 649- experience helpful but not local package store. position 40 hours a week, dential work. Call 646- nomic conditions, "'hich have formulas makes it difficult to keep service standards high. Be­ 5334. rience with phones and Nights and Saturdays. improved since the last time their Minnesota. Mississippi. Montana. essential. 649-2891. appointments a plus. Call Monday thru Friday, 8am 0319. calculate how much residential cause telephone companies spend Nevada. New Jersey. New Mexico, Call 649-0446 ask for Mr. to 4pm. Reliability and rates were approved. They want Mrs. Brown, 646-0314. Wftham. customers would benefit if rate billions each year for equipment, North Carolina. North Dakota. HELP WANTED Laundrv. Immediate op­ Management Trainee. accuracy Important. Ex­ Summer Temp-Light In­ local rate-setting commissions to commissions agree to cut the the cost of capital is an important PERSONALS ening tor person willing to Entry level position for perience uslngaddlng ma­ dustrial soot east on the determine whether the rates Ohio, Oklahoma. Pennsylvania, work noon-4pm. Mon-FrI Library Asslstant-12 chine, typing skills help­ phone rates. factor in the makeup of local South Carolina, South Dakota, Head Teacher wanted ambitous Individual. busline. Interview bv ap­ should be lowered. The federal government rou­ telephone rates. and alternate weekendfs. Company has profit shar­ hours a week. Experience ful. Apply In person. pointment only. Call Ca- Tennessee. Utah, Virginia, Wa­ New Credit Cord! No one part time In Manchester Excellent starting rate. preferred. For lob appli­ "The currently authorized ... tinely participates in rate cases, refused Vlso/Mostercord. ing program and both Prague Shoe Company, sev, Co-Oooortunitv Per­ Government lawyers also shington and the District of Day Core. Degree In early For additional Intormo- local and national growth Assistant Newspaper cations and Information 200 Pitkin Street East intrastate rate of return evolved usually trying to block increases. Coll 1-619-565-1522 ext. childhood education pre­ sonnel, 750 , Main St., argued that the investment risk Columbia. tlon, call Manchester opportunities. 649-4563. dealer wanted In Bolton. call 646-7349. Bentley Hartford. Hartford,. 278-6960. C1212, 24hrs. ferred. Call 647-0788. Manor, 646-0129. Call 232-9989 between 9am Memorial Library, Bol­ All figures in billions of dollars Painter 8> Helper. Good 8< noon, Monday through ton, Ct. Closing date June Insurance Agency, East Fridov. Ask for Michael. Administrative Assistant - wages for hard working 18th. Growing company seek­ Hartford, experienced dependable person. 246- New- lease on life might be costly to farmers BLUEPRINT CLERK Printing opening. Im­ ing qualified person with CSR Propertv-Casualtv UPl graphic 7101 9am-4pm. Driver-Gasoline Tanker. verbal skills, responsibili­ Personal Lines. Full be­ WASHINGTON (AP) - Many Primary responsibilities are to make all prints and MOONLIGHTERS printing plant of Fortune could ease financial burdens, says from these tax benefits and billion in 1985 from $11.7 billion in Must have Class I License ties Include group Insu­ nefits. IBM-AT computer The U.S. merchandise trade deficit declined by an hard-pressed farmers who have file all originals. Must be able to work without di­ 500 Company has Imme­ and a clean driving re­ Bill Serletis of the department’s from offering attractive lease 1979. Meanwhile, leasing expendi­ Equipment operator rance, administration knowledge helpful. Com­ seen land values and other assets rect supervision. Familiarity with blueprints and $$$$$ diate opening on 2nd 8,3rd cord. Elenetits: 5 paid estimated $770 million in the first quarter of 1986 to Economic Research Service. terms to farmers with low taxable tures rose from about $300 million needed bv general con­ personnel records and of­ petitive salary. Robert J. plummet have turned to leasing as drafting functions helpful. Entry level position. RjDute Drivers tractor. Must have expe­ shifts for the following holidays and paid vaca­ O'Brien Agency. 289-6461; "Tax reforms now being pro­ incomes, in 1979 to about $450 million in 1984, experienced prep people: fice supplies inventory $36.59 billion, the Commerce Department said an alternative to new purchases of rience on backhoe and tion. Yeor round work, and purchasing. Salary evenings 569-0063. posed could affect the attractive­ “Farmers faced with high debt- the most recent years for those The New York Times Model maker/Varltvpls- not seasonal. Call Mon­ Wednesday. tractors, combines and other ma­ ness of financial leases by abolish­ BUYER dump truck, must be able $250-$320 weekly depend­ to-asset ratios, declining land figures. home delivery service to service and maintain t/and negative assembler- day thru Friday, 243-5457. Dental Hvgenist-Part chinery, an Agriculture Depart­ ing the investment tax credit and /prootreader. Will train ing on experience. Please values and cash flow problems Immediate need for a highly organized individual has several contract de­ equipment. Call 742-5317, call for an appointment time, hours 8am-4:45pm. ment economist says. lengthening the schedule of depre­ may continue to lease equipment to purchase a wide variety of technical and non­ livery opportunities 8:30 to 5 Monday thru on automated eulpment. Bartender. Part time Quality oriented Glaston­ But new tax measures now in There are two types of leases. Photocomp experience a 8:30 am to 12:30pm ciation allowed” Serletis said in — but the cost may go higher” Operating leases are short term, technical items and materials, and to deal effec­ available in the Hart­ Friday. nights and weekend. Prague Shoe Company, bury practice. Warm, could spell problems for tively with our vendors and company personnel plus. Excellent compen­ Apply Manchester Coun­ Drop in oil imports an outlook report, "These changes Serletis said farm machinery with rent paid on an hourly, daily ford. Manchester and Administrative Office, friendly staff. No Satur­ •hose farmers who thought leasing at all levels. Qualified candidates must possess at sation Including shift pre­ try Club. 646-0103. days. 633-3509. will prevent equipment owners sales dropped 38 percent to $7.3 or weekly basis. Glastonbury areas. mium and benefits. Quali­ 282-9074. least two years of college, two years experience These are part time po­ INSPECTOR fied candidates, please Part Time Banquet setup Part time afternoons 1-5. in Purchasing or Production Control, have initia­ sitions with above aver­ apply In person to Stand­ Medical Assistant for tive and be meticulous with detail. lintnrili.'ilr for and cleaning. Morning family practice. Send re­ Possibly all day Friday. lessens trade deficit age earnings. You must ard Register (Formerly hours. Apply Manchester enjoy working outdoors NICCT l.-v.-l II nr III i,|. sume to P.O. Box 9547 General office duties. Burroughs), 259 Hartford Country Club. 646-0103. Bolton Ct 06040. Please call 643-6156. LIGHT ASSEMBLERS with minimal supervi­ s|iiTinr fur prnji'i'is in ilii. Tpke., Tolland, Ct. 875- By The Associated Press “Foreign trade has been a drag sion. Starting time in 0731. EOE M/F. on the economy nearly all of this Understanding of basic hand fools and basic M;ini;hi‘strr. CT ari*;i. Lab Techbniclan-Part Learning disabilities most areas is 3:00 A.M. time only. Apply In writ­ Commerce Secretary Malcolm decade." Baldrige said. "How­ Nine in ten Manchester area readers blueprint reading, willingness to do repetitive Ilipll\r,iv prnjcci r\[>rri- teacher. RHAM Junior and you’ll work a lew Immediate openings for ing to Griswold 8. Fuss, 306 Baldrige has cautioned against ever. with a lowerdollarand faster work, mechanically inclined. Entry level. High School. Effective hours each morning, 7 rn rr ri'i|nirril. F.xi'i'lli'ril experienced carpenters. E. Center St., Manches­ September 1. Applica­ reading too much into a slight growth abroad, trade should begin days a week; Your own Trim work and plastic ter, Ct. No phone calls Reliable Individual for first-quarter improvement in the frinpn Itrnnfil parkapr. pleasant and Interesting tions being received bv to contribute to economic growth PACKERS reliable car is a must. No laminate experience a please. EOE Dr. Henry Grabber until nation's foreign trade deficit, in the second half.” prefer the Manchester Herald S a la r \ r o nun «■ n s ora I r prerequisite. Full time port time lob. Involves Ability to move large and/or heavy materials up experience necessary, July 1, 1986. RHAM Junior which he noted still is running at an w illl l■\|)(•ril■nl■l■. R rp iv In employment & Benefits, some secretarial work, On Wednesday, oil futures prices to 75 lbs. Responsible for the preparation, no collections Involved. Part Time Drivers helper driving and other. Must High School, Hebron, Ct. annual rate of $146.3 billion. jumped by nearly $1 a barrel in a Call 1-800-424-2475 11,0 1.1 O. K rlh call 742-5317, 8:30 to 5 moving furniture. 647-1717 CT. Teacher Certification packaging and documentation for materials. En­ Monday thru Friday. have car and good refer­ The Commerce Department on largely technical rally. try level. during regular business Il,irl.niir X \-sii.', offer 1:30. ences. Call Susanne 633- Requirement no. 65 Spe­ for local news Knu'iii..»T- /( PI,inn.T- Wednesday released the first- In other economic news, stock hours or locally at 667- 4794. cial Education 1-12. quarter trade figures, crediting a 1240 or 523-4950 bet­ P n . H.ix R.aL> Attendant-For busy full prices staged a mild rally, halting service gas station. Mon­ huge decline in petroleum imports the decline of the past two sessions. PERSONNEL COORDINATOR ween 2-4:30 A.M. Man. In•^t.■r. ( T IKidPI ROOFERS and Experienced-Word Pro­ Help wanted-KItchen and Kiir. M r day thru Friday, 3pm to Bus Person. Inquire at for helping narrow the deficit from The Dow Jones average of 30 Immediate opening for a mature, person­ ROOFERS HELPERS. cessor for congenial, fast over any other print publication. able and highly motivated individual to support 8pm, Apply In person Vic's Pizza, 151 W. Middle its record levels in the last quarter industrials 8.88 points to paced office, temporary our Personnel Dept. Qualified candidates must Experience in built-up Barry's Texaco, 318 8-10 week position, could Tpke., 649-3700. of 198,5. 1.846.07. Advancing issues out­ roofing and rubber ap­ Adams St., Manchester. The deficit for all of 198,5 was a be organized, detail-oriented, accurate, type SO­ become permanent. Con- paced declines by about .5 to 3 on SO wpm, and have a minimum of 2 years business plication. Good oppor­ . tact Sue at Fuss and Help wanted-Sales person record $124.4 billion. the New York Stock Exchange. tunity for people with Part Time Sales Person. O’Neil, 210 Main ST., Man­ for lewelrv store part experience. Word processing and CRT backg­ Immediate opening for If you live in Manchester then the Herald’s the round preferred. aggressive and growing chester, 646-2469. EOE time afternoons. Apply In iianrlipBtpr Hpralh company. Call 282- year round work, Thurs­ M/F person to J 8, J Jewlers, newspaper for yoQ because it’s the only one that’s 0711. EOE. day nights and Saturday a 785 Main St., Monchester, RECEPTIONIST must. Weekday hours Production work availa­ New publication lists geared expressly to the needs of the community. A also available. Apply Dia­ Home Economics 1 year Responsible individual to work on our Dimension mond Showcase, Man­ ble for high school and recent survey conducted by First Market Research 400 Console, greet visitors and handle miscella­ CARRIERS NEEDED college students. Full teaching experience to chester Parkade. coordinate statewide vo­ of Boston pointed out that the Herald’s major neous typing. Qualified candidates must be coo­ REALIZE YOUR time or part time, $4.00 bqflliw In Manchester per hour. Apply In person cational student organiza­ commercial property strength is in its local news coverage and its MNit perative, pleasant, able to work in a fast-paced FULL POTENTIAL tion. Send resume to environment, type 40-45 wpm, and have prior of­ at Pilot Co. Inc. , 144 intimate focus on the Manchester area. According • earn money! Earnings of $20,000. Tolland St., East Hart­ FHA/HERO, Box 1502, fice experience. Experience in customer service Halp Naadad Hartford, 06144. CIsosIng By Susan Okula to the study, nearly nine in ten readers say they $25,000, $30,000 a year ford, Ct. leasing Development Co. and or public relations a plus. • win prizes & trips! and more can be yours Machine operators date 7-18-86. The Associated Press Trans World Airlines. read the Herald for the local news and nearly seven offering financial secur­ needed on all shifts for in ten say that local news is the most important REGIONAL MARKETING MANAGER • have FUN! a f # ity to people in your company serving the Nursery/ Landscaping NEW HAVEN — As a commer­ Sullivan, who used to work in the lUitmmml cosmetic Industry. help wanted. Experienced Pari Time Typist To coordinate a network of Field Sales Repre­ community. We'll train cial real estate broker. Barbara New Haven office of the real estate strength of the paper. Apply in person: available Immediately Flexible hours - word sentatives and dealers. Qualified candidates you for success at our 644-1966. Merk Sullivan used to flip through firm Cushman & Wakefield of m m i expense Call Phil Cas- processing experience Connecticut, said her publication must possess a Bachelor's degree in Marketing Apollo Molded Produidt publications that marketed expen­ or Business Mgmt., demonstrate experience in ca ll telone 563-8041. preferred, but will train. sive homes and wonder why there will limit its space to "upper end. 20 Mountain St., Rockville Home health assistant quality commercial properties" The same study shows that the Manchester Herald is the sales mgmt. ot in-house and direct field sales 872-8359 part time. Room and Call 649-5277. wasn’t a similar magazine for personnel; min. of 2 years exp. in capital equip, or business properties. whose values would probably rated quite highly in terms of space devoted to Mutual board, plus salary, to take range from $I million to $100 field sales: excellent communication (both verbal 647-9946 Apollo II care of 2 elderly people. and written) skills: sales/demo presentation s/Oinahfl,’ This month Sullivan is turning million. selected local issues in its Opinion pages. Nearly eight fVii>& ttaimiiim m— 5 Glen Rd., Manchester, CT Ask for Denise, 649-9453. her mu.sing into reality with the in ten readers find that the space devoted to skills: and a willingness to travel extensively •wwMf 40bi( at Oi 647-1678 within the U.S. E«iai OpporWMr CoTigiw^ M first edition of Investment Proper­ The publication will not get a cut viewpoints on local issues to be more than sufficient in Port time permonont po­ ties International. The glossy of any sale that it helps generate, sition. Immediately avail­ bimonthly publication, which Sulli­ she said, adding that the maga­ explaining the issues. This extensive coverage SECRETARY able for professional zine's revenue will come mostly aiRK/RECEPTIONIST van believes is unique, will adver­ provides readers with the depth of information they Self-starter with an Assoc, degree in secretarial Manchester Company, tise million-dollar commercial from advertising. It will also offer Entry level position, In duties Include typing, fil­ subscriptions, at $120 a year. need to make reasonable decisions on key local issues science or equivalent experience in this capacity ing, general clerical and properties, ranging from Carib­ to report directly to our Vice-President of Mktg. busy manufacturing bean resort hotels to a building in that may impact on their lives today, or in the future. telephone answering as­ The publication, which has no In turn, the Letters to the Editor column allows Excellent communication skills required, typing PICTURE THIS firm, light typing, an­ sistance, accurate typing, downtown Buffalo. N Y. editorial material, charges be­ skills of 55-65 wpm, shorthand 80 wpm. "This po­ swering phones, and good spelling and organi­ sition requires an individual who is highly mo­ "How do you market a $26 tween $2,500 and $15,000 for adver­ readers an opportunity to vent their views on an issue. processing shipping zation a must. Hours are tising a single property and will One of the most important news categories in the tivated, organized, congenial and able to work in­ 8am-lpm, Monday thru million office building?" Sullivan. dependently. Word processing experience ne­ $ EXTRA MONEY $ documents. Figure ap­ 38. said in an interview at her office include photographs and specifica­ titude and pleasant Friday. For an Interview tions of the offerings, she said. minds of most Manchester area residents is local cessary with a working knowledge of the IBM PC call Laure at 649-4415. on Tuesday. "There appears to be news, with nearly 75% rating the Manchester Herald a definite plus. With Your Own Part-Timo Job. phone personality a a void in the marketplace and a Investment Properties Interna­ very high in this coverage area. must. Apply Pillowtex need for this.” tional has the backing of three STOCK CRIB ATTENDANT Corp„ 49 Regent St., Sullivan and her staff of nine private investors whom Sullivan An Excellent Opportunity for- Manchester, 646-1737. Full time tellers have developed a circulation list of would not name. She said the Good figure aptitude, knowledge ot Stock Crib needed. Will train. Find the backers provided enough money systerns and procedures, parts and equipment: Housewives amj 40.000 that she says includes many organizational skills: computer familiarity, and Mothers with Apply 923 Main Sf., of the big buyers and sellers of for six editions and she expects the Paying attention to the needs of its readers is the the ability to lift up to 70 lbs. Forklift experience a Manchester. 646- item you commercial real estate in the publication to become self- plus. young children bring them 1700. EOE. United States and abroad. On the supporting. number one priority of the Manchester Herald. SALES PEOPLE Cotfaa & Donut Shop need or circulation list are the names of They feel it is their responsibility to listen to what SYSTEMS INSPECTOR C with you and save on developers, corporation execu­ residents in Manchester have to say. They’re Mature adults and high seii the tives and real estate trade organi­ ‘Street-wise’ timer Ability to follow explicit instructions, do repeti­ babysitting costs. school students. Part zation members. especially interested in hearing any comments you tive work, and to repeatedly perform specific time all shifts, excel­ HELP WANTED cuts burgiary risk may have about the service you get from the tests with precision. lent pay with experi­ Courteous and ener­ item you The mailing list was built ence or we will train. getic hardware clerk. NORTHVALE, N.J. (AP) - Herald. They guarantee prompt delivery and through months of research, where Apply in person: Full time, or part time. don’t use commercial sales \vere traced Worried that your empty summer VINYL ASSISTANTS courteous, efficient service on all billing matters. If MR. DONUT Apply in person at through newspapers and other home or winter ski house may be you’re not satisfied, they want to know about it. If To operate electronic perforating machines: sources, she said. burglarized while you're enjoying good figure afltitude, mechanically Inclined, able 255 West Middle Tpke. Conyers Hardware in the your leisure time elsewhere? you let them know how they can improve the paper to lift up to 75 lbs., able to work Independently. $ $ Manchester. CT 63 Tolland Tpke. The first edition, which will have Entry level. According to security consul­ for you, their readers, then they will continue to be 646-9277 Manchester 42 pages and at least 42 different tants, one way to narrow the risk is your voice in Manchester. Monclmtar properties, is due out by June 18. through use of a "street-wise” Q SP offers an excellent benefits package which control timer that automatically Includes medical, dental and life Insurance, pen­ Properties it will feature include sion plan and tuition relmburaemen. Qualified Harold a Manufacturers Hanover Trust controls all lights and appliances candidates may apply at our facility or send a re­ 22 Hours Per Week We’re What You’re Looking For building in Buffalo; for $1.5 mil­ through detailed, pre-set sume with salary history to: intructions. Salary Plus Gas Allowance lion. a resort hotel in the British The G. Fox Distribution Center currently has Coll tha Virgin Islands for $12 5 million: a Turn-on and turn-off times can SOUND INTERESTING? several openings tor material handlers. We are former Ford dealership in Broad- • be varied by 30 minutes, making looking for energetic workers to handle stock Closiifiad view Heights, Ohio, for $1.7 mil­ homes appear active and occu­ flanrliratrr Hrralft You can be a Herald Araa Adviser and handle and movement throughout the warehouse. Full time, lion. and a retail office building in pied. For example, the bedroom aupervisa our carrier boys 8> girls. If you Ilka kids, permanent openings with full company benefits Dapt. Miami for $26 million. light can go on precisely after the ‘•YOUR VOICE IN MANCHESTER" want a little Independence and your own income... and store discounts available. Solid base pay television set turns off. while the PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT plus incentive potential. Apply M-F, 9 to 5. 643-3711 Sellers or their representatives night table lamp and outside light GERBER SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS, INC. G. Fox Distribution Center who are advertising in the edition can turn off at different times 151 Batson Drive include Coldwell Banker Commer­ 301 Govarnor’s Hwy. 8:30 a.m. to every night, just as if someone Source: Firti Market Research of Boston, January, 1986. Manchester, CT 06040 South Windsor, CT 5:00 p.m. cial Real Estate Services. Ford were home. . eoe m / f/h /v CALL 647-9946 or 647-9947 EOE H - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thuradav. June 11,1»86 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 MANCHESTER Sign may boost KIT ‘lfCAIM.YLB ®t>y Larry Wright Rain and winds Here are 13 tips Real Estate M lf WMTBI recycling effort force scores up for a fun 13th BUSINESS & SERVICE DIREaORY f Port Tim e Permanent do- ... page 3 sltion In hospital In Man­ HOMES ... page 8 ... page 13 chester renting television I FOR SALE I PAINTING/ HEATING/ MISCELLANEOUS service. Afternoon hours I t-im^2 CHILOCARE PAPERING PLUMRING [ 2 l | iSERVICES starting at 2;00pm, flexi­ All real estate advertised ble weekend or weekdays. In the Manchester Herald Mature, responsible, ex­ Is sublect ta the federal Name your own price — Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ Delivering clean farm perience with public. Own Fair Housing Act of 1966, Father and son. Fast, throom remodeling; In­ loam; 5 yards $75 plus fax. transportation, will train. which makes It Illegal to dependable service. stallation water heaters, Also sand, stone, and Coll collect evenings, 3S9- advertise any preference, w ill do babysitting In my Painting, Paperhanging garbage disposals; faucet gravel. Call 643-9504. 43e2. limitation or discrimina­ Licensed Manchester 8i Removal. Call 646-5761. repairs. 649-4539. V lsa/M - home. (Verplanck School asterCard accepted. tion based on race, color, Custom Rototllllng. Have Summer Position. Jeffer­ religion, sex or national Area). Call 646-3793. We paint cheaper- son house Adult Day Cen­ teachers-20 years expe­ Troy Bi|t Rototlller. Will origin, or an Intention to travel. Gardens, lawns, ter needs a part-time aide make any such prefer­ rience. Free estimates, I MISCELLANEOUS to assist In the provision I CARPENTRY/ call Tony 643-0907 or Dave SERVICES flower beds, large or ence, limitation or dis­ I small. Call 643-1895 of program activities, and crimination. The Herald REMOOELING 742-5737. HaurhrBtrrManchester — A City o( Village Charm HrralJt personal care of adult day will not knowingly accept Odd lobs. Trucking. Masonry, carpentry, care clients. Experience any advertisement which Farrand Remodeling — Commercial Painting Home repairs. You name stucco repair work and working with elderly pop­ Is In violation of the law. Cabinets, rooting, gut­ Contractors-Interlor and It, we do If. Free esti­ alterations. Call 643-9508 ulation preferred. Con- ters, room additions, exterior painting. 20 vears mates. Insured. 643-0304. or 649-5635. foct Porgram Director ot Five Family. Beautiful decks, all types of remo­ In business. Fully Insured. Friday, June 13. 1986 Free Estimates. 742-8628. 646-2660. modern units In an Infla­ deling and repairs. FREE Hawkes Tree Service — 25 Cents tion hedging business estimates. Fully Insured. Bucket Truck 8i Chipper. Bookeeplng fullchorge 14 Noll Technicians Wanted. zoned locatloni Must See! Telephone 643-6017, after Stump Removal. Free Es­ years experience for Port time and full time. "W e guarantee our 6pm, 647-8509. timates. Special consider­ small business. Write C 8i ei8S8by**A.^ Must be experienced In houses" Blanchard 8, Ro- [^ELECTRICAL ation for Elderly and Han­ N Bookeeplng, 47 Teresa tipping and silk wrapping. setto 646-2482. Carpentry and remodel­ dicapped. 647-7553. Rd., Manchester, CT. Preferrablv with follow­ ing services — Complete ing: Liberal earnings, Dumas Electric — Having PETS AND J ^ C A H S Price of gas Manchester. Spacious liv­ home repairs and remo­ Electrical Problems? Double A Fence Co. Ex flexible hours. Call S75- ing. 2 bath Cape. Fire- deling. Quality work. Ref­ Need a large or a small pert stockade and rail SUPPUE8 FOR SALE 5203 for Information or placed living room with erences, licensed and In­ Repair? We Specialize In fencing, repair or Installa­ Interview. cathedral celling. Large sured. Call 646-8165. Residential Work. Joseph D 81 D Landscaping. tion. Call Tony Albert. Toy Poodle-One year old, AMC Concord Wagon-78, lot! 5135,900 “We guaran­ Dumas. Fully Licensed. Spring Clean Ups, Prun- male, black with papers. automatic, 77,000, $1200 or Hairdresser wanted for tee our houses" Blan­ 649-9906. ferrific solan In Verno- Free Estimates. 646-5253. Ings, flower 8, shrub plant­ Needs good home, $75, best offer. Call 643-1715 climbs again; chard 8i Rosetto Real n/EIIIngton area. Min­ ings. Free estimates. Call 64^7529j^^^^^^^ after 5:30. Estate 646-2482. A. Henry Personalized im um 2 years experience 659-2436 after 5:30pm. Independent Construc­ Get needed back-to- Lawn Care-Complete with some following. Ex- MISCELLANEOUS 85 Suburu Wagon Gl-Llght Coventry-Horse Lover- tion Co. General Contrac­ school money by selling lawn care and landscap I \ cellent earnings, flexible Homeowners. Need elec­ blue, 5 spped, fully s..Huge 5 bedroom home tors, custom home build­ Ing. Free estimates, fully I FOR SALE hours, great benefits. Call unneeded Items around trical work and home and loaded, excellent condi­ on 6.8 acres, 750 foot ing and remodeling, Insured, all work guaran 675-5203 tor Interview or your home. Use a low