MANCHESTER SPORTS PZC faces suit Cheney, Eastern Students iearning over rezoning worthy opponents from deaf peopie ... page 8 ... page 9 ... page 13 Mmulmtn Manchester — A City of Village Charm Hrralft Thursday, June 12,1986 25 Cents Repubiicans ignore effort to end session Bv Mark A. Dupuis United Press International Manchester legislators HARTFORD — House Republi­ exchange criticism cans today moved forward with a — story on page 3 special legislative session despite a Democratic leader's claim that he had officially declared an end to the gathering. In a bizarre development. House Earlier Wednesday, O'Neill Minority Leader Irving J, Stol­ issued legal papers calling another berg. D-New Haven, took control of special session for June 23 to a nearly em pty cham ber and after consider the tax relief bill as well a vote by three lawmakers de­ as other measures, including clared the se.ssion had ended. changes to the state's death Majority Republicans rejected penalty law. the move as illegal and called the " If they want to get the credit for House back into session about 45 it. fine, but do it legally.” the minutes later when they declared governor said, indicating strongly the session was still on and would that he would veto any bill possibly include a full business approved by the session on the meeting Friday. grounds the gathering was invalid. "We are still in session.” said But Senate President Pro Tem­ Hou.se M a jo rity Leader Robert G. pore Philip S, Robertson. R- Jaekle. R-Stratford. who de­ Cheshire. said GOP lawmakers nounced the actions taken earlier will go ahead with collecting by Stolberg as invalid and a "mock petition signatures to call that session” and "a joke.” session on their own and will most Today's developments added the likely ignore the governor's action. Today, Stolberg took control of a nearly empty chamber latest twist to the already unusual Republicans have limited the Minority Leader Irving Stolberg (left) questions the and highly controversial session, agenda to the session to making Republican call of a special legislative session and declared the session had ended, but Republicans which Democrats claim was called changes to a law passed last year Wednesday at the Capitol in Hartford. The empty seats moved forward anyway. in violation of the state constitution revising the state's program for are those of House Democrats boycotting the session. and cannot legally adopt any bills. providing property tax relief to "It's an inconvenience, let alone elderly renters and homeowners. a constitutional mockery, to con­ As it now stands, some people tinue to press this.” said Stolberg. stand to lose substantial amounts who claimed he had the right to of aid under the tax relief program take control of the chamber unless technical changes are made Willhide win sparks GOP furor because the presiding Republicans to the law passed last year. were absent when the scheduled 10 The Senate was able to get its Hebron of delegates to the slate One of tho.se who voted for H(>77uto backer, was named to the a m. start of the session arrived. work started since enough Repub­ By Alex GIrelll The session opened Wednesday licans showed up to constitute a Associate Editor convention from the 4th Senatoral Willhide was state Rep. Elsie permanent organization commit­ District, which includes Manches­ Swensson of Manchester. tee. Mark Johnson, the Republican with Democrats boycotting the quorum. However, the chamber meeting, a move that prompted was unable to vote on the bill Republican Slate Central Com­ ter. Bolton. Hebron. Columbia and “I’m for Bozzuto.” Svensson town chairman in Bolton and a House Republicans to direct Ca­ because the House had to fir.st mitteeman Nathan Agostinelli. Glastonbury. said this morning in explaining her Belaga backer, was named to the pitol police to round up missing adopt rules, which it could not. defeated by Manchester Republi­ vote. “ It’s terrible when you have credentials committee. Agostinelli. a supporter of GOP Democratic members. Police House Republicans, accusing can Registrar of Voters Mary to m ake a choice between two good Nancy Owen of Glastonbury, a gubernatorial candidate Gerald sought legal advice and the law­ the Democrats of abrogating their Willhide Wednesday night for a friends. I could have abstained, but state central committeewoman Labriola of Naugatuck, was nomi­ makers were gone before the responsibility as legislators, voted committee post at the Republican I've never walked away from a and uncommitted in the guberna­ nated for election to the rules roundup could begin. to have the Capitol police force State Convention, today called for v o te " torial race, was named to the committee of the state convention Stolberg .said D em ocrats would "compel” Democrats at the Ca­ W illhide’s resignation as Agostinelli was one of four resolutions committee. and was defeated when supporters Ed Ely. the Republican town continue their opposition to the pitol but not at the session to reg istrar. original nominees for committee of Richard Bozzulo of Watertown special session, which was called attend. "If she is going to play politics, positions. The other three were chairman in Hebron, was named backed Willhide for the position. by Republican lawmakers to make The Capitol police sought advice she should resign as Republican elected. .secretary of the delegation Willhide said she did not wage a changes to the state's program for from state police officials and the registrar of voters.” said Agosti­ Vivian Ferguson, a delegate and campaign against Agostinelli. She The plan was to elect one providing tax relief to the elderly. state attorney general's office on nelli. a former slate comptroller a supporter of Labriola. spoke said Bozzuto supporters were supporter of Labriola. one of He did not say if he would press whether to carry out the order. and mayor of Manchester. bitterly this morning about Agosti- Bozzuto. one of Julie Belaga of his claim to having adjourned the Before the issue was resolved. He charged that the registrar's sim p ly “ doing th e ir best to avoid a nelli's defeat. Westport and one uncommitted session for good, explaining that House members from both parties office "has turned into a social statewide primary.” She called it a "te rrib le slap in delegate. The fourth GO P hopeful. there would be nothing to chal­ began leaving and Republicans club” and called Republican ef­ Some of those at the Hebron the face of a man who's given 3fl Romeo Petroni. dropped out of the lenge in court or through other wound up giving up for the day. forts to register new voters under meeting said the vote for Willhide years to the party" race today. means until the Legislature actu­ Willhide "a disaster.” came chiefly from Glastonbury "There's no loyalty any more.” she complained. She said the ally approved a bill. “ I have no intention of resigning supporters of Bozzuto. But Agosti­ But Willhide's election left two registrar "should be more politic.” House Speaker R.E. Van Nor- at this time.” Willhide said this nelli said the move was engineered Bozzuto backers in committee by Manchester Republicans. posts. Ferguson said the fight within strand. R-Darieh. denounced Stol- Trucker dies m orning. berg's parliamentary attempt to The party fight, the latest in a “Obviously, they had to spend a Donald Kuehl. Republican town lot of time lining up votes.” he said. chairman in Manchester and a Please turn to page 8 declare the session at an end. .series, erupted at a m eeting in "It was a cruel hoax on the senior in 1-84 crash citizens of the state. I think it bordered on contempt,” Van Nor- WEST HARTFORD (AP) - The strand said, adding Stolberg had driver of a tractor-trailer rig was no authority to call the House to crushed to death early today when Committee for One to rise again order and then declare it he apparently fell asleep at the adjourned. wheel and his truck rolled over on a 'The session broke down in dangerous stretch of Interstate 84, The district is an independent tion issue from interfering with By George Layng to hold a referendum this No­ disarray Wednesday when only officials said. It was the third truck authority that has provided fire this November's elections, while Herald Reporter vember to change sections of the one Democrat showed up for the accident in 10 days in the .sameha- Town Charter that currently re­ protection and sewer service to still allowing people from both parties to participate in a pro- House proceedings, leaving the reahof the highway, according to A citizens' group active in the quire a separate, favorable vote by most of northern Manchester for merger effort, the .source said. majority Republicans without the state police. last effort to consolidate the town district residents before a merger alm ost 100 years. E ffo rts to merge The source said the committee quorum needed to take action on The accident, in the eastbound and the Eighth Utilities District can take place. If the charter the district with the town have would include many younger resi­ the tax relief bill. lanes near the Park Road exit, will soon be revived and play an provisions are eliminated, the been led by the Democratic Party dents who were not part of the Democratic leaders and O'Neill occurred shortly after 5 a m., active role in pushing for charter district's veto power over consoli­ and have stirred sharpangerinthe original group, in addition to some claimed the session was called police said.
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