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f 'l{ated HAll America," • Edited and Managed By Collegiate Press W r ling-tum t Entirely by Students 7. -779 Washington and Lee Unjvenity Semi-Weekly VOL. XLIV LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1941 NUMBER 38 IFC Releases Three W&L Alumni Speak EC Names Fuller Dance-Sing During Religious Conference D bb. S ' . Theretum oft.hreeW&Lalumnl tlons club, and stat! of the Ring- 0 lOS to erve egu a to serve as subspeakers and the tum Phi R 1 ttons devotion or forty-four claues to Beverly M. Boyd, class of 1919 the discussion of religious topics and a member of Delta Tau Delta. Activities Are Informal; 0 s B d a re addltlonal plans formulated for At the present time, Boyd Is the n ports oar Glee Clubs M ust Have the University Rellgtous confer- pEaspis~oc orpoaflthCehGurrcache &ofHR1olychmTrlonnltdy, ence to be held on March 11 , 12, Membership of 12 to 18 13, Denny Wilcher dlrector of re- Va., and is a member of the State llglous activities, revealed today. Regional Defense Council. Durlnl Student Body Representatives to Serve 1 he Cul11!Jlete list of rules for The former students who will the World War, he served as flrst partlcl~,:auts in the Interfratemity talk at the conference are: lieutenant in the Air Corps. SlUg competition, Saturday, March Wilcher stated today that Harry On New Nine-Man Athletic Committee; 15. was released today by the I-F Darby W. Betts, class of 1934. Philpott. former director of W&L council. The regulations are as fol Betts is a member of Phi Beta religious activities, may also at Faculty, Alumni to be Named Friday lows: THE WESTMINSTER CHOIR Kappa. He was also a member of tend the conference; however, deli 1. All activities are Informal the Christian council. Sigma Chi, nlte plans have not as yet been Howard Dobbins and Tommy Fuller will represent t.he student body Both dances will be informal, and and Phi Kappa Phi fraternities. made. on the University's new nine-man commit tee on Jntercolleatate ath glee clubs sinrinl' in the preUm At the present time he is rector of The system or subspeakers wlll letics, the Executive committee announced after an election held Westminster Choir to Give lnarles wm dreu lnlorma.IJJ 10 the St. Paul's Episcopal Church of be held on a much larger scale Tuesday night. that the slnrers may attend the Kingsport. Tennessee. a member than in former years. Durtni the The seven other members or the commlt tee-ftve from the faculty tea dance w1tbout havlnc t.o or the local Rotary club and a dl- three days of the conference. a and two from the Alumni assoclatlon- wm not be named untU next cbanp clothes. rector of the Community Chest. total or ten visiting speakers will Friday. The Executive committee of the Board of Trustees was sched Four-Part Concert Tuesday 2. College Fl·iendsrups and a n James L. Price, class of 1936, address the cla.saes which have uled to meet today to select the faculty representatives, but the meet optional song of the fraternity's Ing was postponed for a week. A four-part program will be p r e - ~ by Ernest WlUoqbby, "Carol of who received his A.B. and a Certlft- been given over by the professors. own choice must be sung by all cate in Journalism during his three The selections have covered nearly Dobbins and Puller have both sented by the W es~mln stt> r choir &be Bells.'' by Peter J. WIJhous entries ln the contest. The two at Its Doremus gymnasium con- ky, and "Joy," by OrviUe J. years here. Price later received a ail fields of the university currlcu served on the Athletic councU, finalists wlll be permitted to use cert Tuesday morning. it was a n- Borchers, ,r,n allo be included In graduate fellowship to the Union lum. As a whole, topics will be re which, like the present faculty the same optional song they used Seminary of Richmond, Va. He Ia ted to t he subject of the class, committee on athletics, will be nounced today. t~at rroup. .. the prellms. I 111 was a member or the White Friars. and on~ -ha1l of the period will be supplanted by the new committee. com posit lo~ from . the pens of ~ . Ballad !01 Ame1icans. de- . Pre ilmlna rles al'e to be held 1 3 Christian council, Glee club, devoted to informal questioning Dobbins, a ftrst year law stu old masters hke Franz Llszt. Jo- ~ c 1 l bed by ~rs. Franklin D. R oo.se~ in Lee cha pel starting aL ~ p. m. dent. captained this year's basket harm SebaEtian Bnch and Johan~ I velt Bs the first American o?e1a, j und the fmals ate scheduled dul' Troubadours, ~n te rna t .ona l Rela - on the t=~ rt o.r the stu~nts . -I ball team and was named to the nes Brahms. ,a grout> of sac1·ed will const!tute the th ird poruon of 1ng intermission a t t he dance Sat all-State court quintet last year. renditions 1 n c I u. d I n g Professor the ....cho irs concert. Written for a urday night. The fra ternities will National Topic John A. G1·ahnm adapta tion of Fed- ral theatre production, the sing in alphabetical order o,. He has won three varsity mono s grams in football, and has been a an old English carol. Negro and ballad a ttained widespread popu- t. The number me~bers In 01 varsity basketball man since his India n tunes and the patriotic 1arlty after a radio rendition by each rlee club m ust be bet een 1 Debaters Meet Erskine Monday sophomore year. He was a mem "Ballad for Americans" will be Paul Robeson. and was used to 1Z and 18 excludlng t.be dar.:t.or. ber-at-large on last year's Athletic included in t he performance. open the Republican National con- . Entries containing the ll.st. I 5 ot council, and is a member or the which wUl be. offered as a volun- ve?,tion last summer. .. membel's lind the two selections to After 2 Wins on Southern Tour Monogram club. ODK. the 13 club tary UntversJty assembly at 11 Negro RhaP8ody. compo·cd be sung, accompa nied by a , 2 en- a nd Alpha Tau Omega social fra a. m . e'3peclallv fo1· the Westminster try tee can be t urned into H Idle this week after a sb~-day Southern when they participated 1 0 ternity. .. The con c~.rl will be opened with choir by Leopold Stokowski. ~ ll l Forgy at the Sigma Chi hou~ Southern t rip which saw them win in a, non-decision debate. taking I at Fuller. a Junior In the academic •. Cruclftxus. .. by An lon~o .. Lotti. open ~~e ftnal pa~ t of the p1 o- uny tune uudl Ma rch . On t hat lwo out of three tlcci:;ion debates. the negative side of the question. 8 school. is captain of this year's Benedlctus. from Llszt s Missa J gram. Water Boy, a Negro work dale all othar " Uti'Y appllCilUOI,s Washington and Lee's vMsiLy d~ Tuesday all t.hree ol the squad wrnt Into action against the Uni varsity wrestling team. He was Choralls.'' •·come Blessed Rest," bY song by Avery Robinson. nod musL be tumed ~ between 9 a be.ters will return to action Moo Bach. and "0 Savio ur Throw the ''Navajo War Dance," a rranged and noon a t Sam Rayder's o fn~l . day a fternoon when they meet a versity of Mississippi in two non captain of the freshman mat squad t wo years a1o. and shared val'llitY Hea ve ns Wide," by Brahms will for t he choir by Arthur Farwell in Lhe S tudent Union building e team from Erskine college of decision debates in which Hobson high point honors with Barney round out the flrst part of the from a Navajo melody, will com- J udges ior the sing will be. an- South Carolina.. and Ashcraft argued the neaative Fal·rier last year. Undefeated in program. plete the concert. uounccd uesday Monday's debate, which will be side in an afternoon session and 1 HobSon and Clendaniel took the his three yea rs of meet competi Professor Graham's e!\mposl- The Westminste r group. con- Dance tickets· may be see red held in the Student Union build· tion here, he won the Virginia tlon. "Out ol the Orient Crystal dueled by Dr. John Finley Wll- .1 t the ~&dvanee Hale prteeu of lng, will be on the nat.ionnl debate atnrmatlve stand that night. speak next Tuesday evening a t 7:30 in State AAU 136-pound champion Skies," will be rendere~ as part Hamson, will come to Lexin~ton $2.26 untll Friday, Marob !4. On topic : "Resolved. that the nations The ftrst decision debate of the ship last year after pinning ftve Lee Chapel on, "A Britisher Looks of the famous choirs .. second from Richmond, where perform- the I SUa, the tickets wm coet of the western hemisphere should tour took place Thursday when foemen in a two-day tourney at J at American Democracy." Follow P'OUP of selections. Joeeph a nces wUl be given Monday after- $l oo for the afternoon eta form a permanent union." Hobson and Ashcraft won a Judges' Richmond. but dropped an over Came Seeklnl' a RC!!Unc Place.'' noon and night.