Parasitic Organisms Chart
Parasitic organisms: Pathogen (P), Potential pathogen (PP), Non-pathogen (NP) Parasitic Organisms NEMATODESNematodes – roundworms – ROUNDWORMS Organism Description Epidemiology/Transmission Pathogenicity Symptoms Ancylostoma -Necator Hookworms Found in tropical and subtropical Necator can only be transmitted through penetration of the Some are asymptomatic, though a heavy burden is climates, as well as in areas where skin, whereas Ancylostoma can be transmitted through the associated with anemia, fever, diarrhea, nausea, Ancylostoma duodenale Soil-transmitted sanitation and hygiene are poor.1 skin and orally. vomiting, rash, and abdominal pain.2 nematodes Necator americanus Infection occurs when individuals come Necator attaches to the intestinal mucosa and feeds on host During the invasion stages, local skin irritation, elevated into contact with soil containing fecal mucosa and blood.2 ridges due to tunneling, and rash lesions are seen.3 matter of infected hosts.2 (P) Ancylostoma eggs pass from the host’s stool to soil. Larvae Ancylostoma and Necator are associated with iron can penetrate the skin, enter the lymphatics, and migrate to deficiency anemia.1,2 heart and lungs.3 Ascaris lumbricoides Soil-transmitted Common in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Ascaris eggs attach to the small intestinal mucosa. Larvae Most patients are asymptomatic or have only mild nematode America, Asia, and the Western Pacific. In migrate via the portal circulation into the pulmonary circuit, abdominal discomfort, nausea, dyspepsia, or loss of non-endemic areas, infection occurs in to the alveoli, causing a pneumonitis-like illness. They are appetite. Most common human immigrants and travelers. coughed up and enter back into the GI tract, causing worm infection obstructive symptoms.5 Complications include obstruction, appendicitis, right It is associated with poor personal upper quadrant pain, and biliary colic.4 (P) hygiene, crowding, poor sanitation, and places where human feces are used as Intestinal ascariasis can mimic intestinal obstruction, fertilizer.
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