Acquisitions to the and liverwort flora of the Netherlands


E. AgsteribbeJ.J. Barkman S. Groenhuijzen W.D. Margadant

W. Meijer AND N.E. Nannenga-Bremekamp

(Received Nov. 12th, 1953)

A growing interest in the study of the bryophytes has become evident in the last decade. This interest has been strongly stimulated by the excursions which the has held many “Bryologische Werkgroep” nearly all over the country. Moreover, the fact that bryophytes are in habitats has dominant some special (tree trunks, Sphagneta)

few in induced quite a biologists, interested plantsociology, to study them This revival has led results in the intensively. to many investigation of in the of number and our moss flora, particularly discovery a of new

rare species. An earlier publication (N.K.A. 57: 281, 1950) has already given number have been dealt a number of these and an additional briefly with in the periodical “Buxbaumia”.

There is another circumstance which has contributed to a better

of knowledge of our bryophytes. The strong growth our population demand for arable land. has caused a great Consequently, many

waste lands have been reclaimed, bogs and marshes drained, brooks

canalised, etc. It therefore became imperative to preserve as many of Their value our incomparable moors, marshes, etc. as possible. as had first be assessed from future nature reserves to an accurate survey of their fauna and flora. Naturally this also included the bryophytes.

It be that cannot gainsaid a general impoverishment of our moss

flora has taken place in the course of the last century. Many tracts of wild land have disappeared whilst the increasing industrialisation

of the has made unsuited for the of country large areas growth . which limited Many species were quite common a century ago are now few localities Antitrichia and Neckera while to a e.g. curtipendula pumila, become extinct: other, rarer mosses have probably e.g. Splachnum

ampullaceum and stygium. It is to be feared that this impoverish-

ment will proceed at an increasing rate in the future. Nevertheless well a number ofnew indigenes have been discovered as as an additional

number of rare and remarkable species. This publication mentions 13 Musci and 5 18 new indigenous species, of which are Hepaticae.

In addition it mentions 5 new varieties (Musci) of which 3 are new

and to science, and 20 new records of rare bryophytes (14 of mosses 6 of liverworts). 125 ACQUISITIONS TO THE MOSS AND LIVERWORT FLORA OF THE NETHERLANDS


A. Musci

Barbula gracilis Schwaegr.

Leg. A. J. H. M. van de Ven, 1-10-1949, Achtbundersweg, V6. of in Mesobrometum 23.13, Schin-op-Geul, prov. Limburg, a on cretaceous limestone (Maestrichtien). Most of the differences between Barbula gracilis and Barbula fallax,

Dixon much indicated by (1924), are unreliable: both have the nerve the leaves the ventral protruding at the back of and often quite flat on neither the there between side; in of species is a difference the leaf those the short in cells on the nerve and on lamina; they are very the of the less towards the both upper part leaf, more or elongated base, and As rule those in Barbula remain on nerve lamina. a fallax very short the while those Barbula to base, of gracilis are distinctly longer near the base. In the material from S. Limburg, however, the basal cells but the in from are short, same was observed by me an exsiccate Upsala (Sweden). On the other hand, exsiccates of B. fallax, collected by

Brotherus, proved to have much elongated basal cells!

In the most reliable differences between Barbula my opinion gracilis and Barbula fallax are the smooth leaf cells of the former in contrast

to the papillose cells of the latter, and the position of the leaves: in

Barbula gracilis straight and closely appressed when dry, erecto-patent when moist, in Barbula fallax somewhat twisted when dry, squarrosely

recurved when moist. Generally too, the leaves of Barbula gracilis have is sometimes a longer and narrower acumen and a nerve which

excurrent. J. J. B.

Barbula sinuosa Braithw.

Leg. J. J. Barkman, no. 3699, 10-10-1951, N. of Deventer, M6. of the base of in foreland 65.22, prov. Overijsel, on a pollard-willow of river IJsel, flooded in winter, rel. 1 1397. Moenkemeyer includes this Although (1927) species as a variety of

Barbula cylindrica (Tayl.) Schimp., I consider it distinct enough to give

it specific rank; see also Dixon (1924: 215-216). J. J. B.

Bryum capillare Hedw. var. rosulatum Mitt.

Linde Leg.J. J. Barkman, no. 3685, 7-8-1951, valley, Oldeberkoop, of of Fraxinus in moist ash-alder- K6.15.22, prov. Friesland, on stumps coppice, rel. 1085.

The aspect of this variety is strikingly similar to that of Rhodobryum in roseum. The leaves are crowded a terminal rosette, squarrosely

recurved when moist, shrinking, but widely spreading and not spirally

twisted when dry, very large (3J-4£ mm long), with entire, recurved and margins mostly percurrent nerve. J. J. B.

1 In this “rel.” stands for “relev6” paper plantsociological (sample plot survey). 126 E. AGSTERIBBE, ETC.

Bryum funckii Schwaegr.

H. M. Leg. A. J. van de Yen: 1-10-1949, Wahlwiller, V6.33.42, of initial of Mesobrometum loose prov. Limburg, stage on cretaceous marl (Gulpcns); 30-9-1949, Schiepersberg between Bemelen and

Houthem, V6.21.23, prov. of Limburg, Mesobrometum on cretaceous chalk rocks (Maestrichtien). Both have about 1 catenulate samples cm. long, very fragile, stems. of the size and i.e. small All leaves are same shape, very (0.5 mm long and of thin with but nearly as broad), a very texture, concave flat, not recurved, entire margins without border. The leaf cells are all wide, shortly hexagonal and thinwalled. The nerve is strong, reddish at base, otherwise dark green or brownish, ending in apex or excurrent short in a apiculus.

This is a calciphilous species, known from Central-Europe, so it could be expected here.

whether — Quite a different matter is the question this species like other of based so many species Bryum exclusively on gametophyte

characters — be looked sound In can upon as a species. my opinion it is quite possible that Bryum funckii merely represents a variety of either Bryum argenteum or Bryum caespiticium. J. J. B.

Calliergon megalophyllum Mikutowicz

of Brabant. Leg. W. Meyer, April 1948, Belversven, prov. N. In the last five mentioned years megalophyllum, a species by Mikutowicz in his Bryotheca Baltica, no. 141 (1918), has received attention from the Scandinavian bryologists Tuomikoski (1937, 1940) and Jensen (1939). At first sight the differences between Calliergon megalophyllum, richardsonii that and Calliergon seemed so slight to me, the rank of first named. I was dubious as to specific the However, through the kind intervention of Dr Persson I was able to send all Dutch material Dr who named of my Calliergon to Tuomikoski, one

and sent me fine Finnish my specimens Calliergon megalophyllum samples for The his material of the comparison. study of quite convinced me specific rank of Calliergon megalophyllum. Calliergon megalophyllum differs from Calliergon giganteum in the absence of the numerous lateral branches with smaller leaves so characteristic of the latter, and by the smaller auricles not reaching

is less than in the nerve. The nerve itself pronounced it be known the giganteum. From Calliergon may by longer

the the instead of a red nerve reaching apex, green colour, tendency in Calliergon richardsonii, and the dioicous inflorescence.

has been from Up to now Calliergon megalophyllum reported Norway, and Tuomikoski and Sweden, Finland Russia by (1940), was supposed to be boreal-continental. This new record from Holland is far to the southwest of the known localities.

The habitat of Calliergon megalophyllum in the Belversven is similar to

of the Scandinavian stations. The of the most pH open water ranged 127 ACQUISITIONS TO THE MOSS AND LIVERWORT FLORA OF THE NETHERLANDS

6.6-7.0 from (Van Heusden, 1949). Our Calliergon was found along the fen Carex margin, 1-2 dm submerged, among inflata, Phragmites communis, Schoenoplectus lacustris, Glyceria spectabilis and Sparganium minimum in the upper herblayer, and Menyanthes trifoliate and Comarum palustre in the lower herblayer, while Hydrocharis was floating.

W. M.

Dicranoweisia crispula (Hedw.) Lindb.

Leg. W. D. Margadant and N. E. Nannenga-Bremekamp, herb. N.E.N.-B. of no. 1079, 15-8-1950, Hoge Veluwe, prov. Gelderland,

on concrete wall.

From dark about a single very compact, greyish tuft, growing m collected. This up an exposed concrete wall, a part was sample proved

to be different from the in the Netherlands common Dicranoweisia

cirrata in the following points: the longer narrower leaves with plane margins and the small inflated auricles. We therefore refer this

specimen to Dicranoweisia crispula.

Geographically the occurrence of this mountainous species here is

Fig. 1. Dicranoweisia crispula (Hedw.) Lindb.

1. Sterile . 2. Leaf.

3. Leaf auricle.

4. Cross sections of leaves.

5. Leaf cells.

6. Ditto, near the base, showing

elongated cells next to the nerve. 128 E. AGSTERIBBE, ETC.

it have been with the Maulbrunner remarkable; may imported sandstone, which was deposited in the vicinity of the wall, but on which found. On the other hand it have arrived our moss was not may by wind from more mountainous regions, perhaps via isolated rocks in

the Northern German Plain from where there are some records too.

(Fig. 1) W. D. Marg. and N. E. N.-B.

Dicranum fuscescens Turn. var. falcifolium Braithw.

of Leg. W. Meyer, April 1950, Speulderbos, N5.17.24, prov.

Gelderland, on an oak tree.

This is a variable species and sometimes difficult to distinguish

from Dicranum mühlenbeckii B. et S. The latter differs chiefly in the

highly tomentose stems, the leaves more crisped when dry, strongly tubular and Dicranum above, coarsely denticulate. fuscescens occurs mountainous mainly in districts; in the Alps up to 2800 m altitude, rocks in N. on moors, etc., Scandinavia, Great-Britain, Germany, Belgium (practically only in the “district Ardennais”) and even in The is less M. Spitsbergen. variety much common. W.

Dicranum strictum Schleich.

Leg. W. D. Margadant, no. 822 and N. E. Nannenga-Bremekamp, of no. 722, 2-4-1950, Molenbeek, Renkum, P5.28.23, prov. Gelderland, in the fissures of oak bark; leg. N. E. Nannenga-Bremekamp, no. 2380, of 4-6-1953, Heelsum, prov. Gelderland, on and around stumps in a beechwood.

A small Dicranum growing in the fissures of the bark of an old oak was collected near Renkum. There was a superficial resemblance to

Dicranella heteromalla, but our specimens had straight leaves. Under the microscope the resemblance disappeared altogether with the

of well auricles. The brittle leaves presence developed long, entire, Leaf pointed to Dicranum strictum. section verified this since there were in is the in no stereid cells the nerve, as case the closely allied Dicranum viride.

mountainous Geographically it is an interesting plant with a mainly distribution, and only sporadically encountered in low countries: records the Northern from and there are from German Plain, Brittany from England. (Fig. 2) W. D. M. and N. E. N.-B.

Hedw. bistratosa Grimmia apocarpa var. Barkman nov. var.

in Leg. J. J. Barkman, no. 3632 (type specimen Rijksherbarium, of Z. Leiden), 16-7-1951, Krimpen a/d Lek, P4.41.43, prov. Holland, side of in on the base of a pollard-ash (South trunk) marshy foreland fresh 964. of the river Lek, flooded twice a day by water, ret.

Dijfert laminis foliaribus bistratosis in tota parte dimidia superiore foliorum, laminam unistratosam descendant ad basim bistratosae unde per fere usque fasciae longitudinales nonnullae. this Hedw. I consider specimen to belong to Grimmia apocarpa on account of the stem which lacks a central strand, of the leaves which

in all directions when are squarrose moist, large, broadly ovate- 129 ACQUISITIONS TO THE MOSS AND LIVERWORT FLORA OF THE NETHERLANDS

with entire lanceolate, acute, not concave, strongly keeled, an apex which is either muticous or provided with a very short, toothed, and of the which hyaline hairpoint, on account percurrent nerve is of equal thickness (65 fi) throughout the leaf, smooth at back, and rather plan-convex of a homogeneous cell structure.

The leaf margins are strongly recurved 2-3-stratose and entire. The laminal cells are smooth, rounded or transversely oval, incrassate, and not sinuose at all; in the perichaetial leaves the basal cells are rather hyaline, thin-walled, and elongated.

Fig. 2. Dicranum strictum Schleich.

1. Sterile plant.

2. Leaf.

3. Median basal leaf cells.

4. Cross section ofleaf

5. Upper marginal leaf cells.

The whole half of the leaves has bistratose lamina upper a and from there bistratose bands extend the many longitudinal throughout lower This the part reaching nearly to the base. gives moss a strange under the somewhat Coscinodon appearance microscope, resembling cribrosus, but the bistratose bands scarcely project beyond the leaf

surface and the leaves are not plicate. The margin and sometimes the

lamina of but Grimmia apocarpa are described as bistratose, only at the bistratose bands mentioned. apex and are not

Limpricht (1890-1904, 1: 713) mentions a bistratose lamina for

Schistidium atrofuscum (Schimp.) Limpr. = Grimmia apocarpa var. atrofusca 130 E. AGSTERIBBE, ETC.

he “Lamina Rande und schon Husnot; says: am (streckenweise oberhalb des Grundes) oberwarts in der ganzen Breite doppel- schichdg und schwarzlich”. The remark between parentheses (spaced the existence of similar those the by me) suggests bands to of of is the present Grimmia. The colour the moss (blackish) same, the has the too. However, var. atrofusca a distinct central strand,

when small and leaves are erecto-patent moist, subobtuse, con- the base and with flat in the cave at a margin upper part. Moreover, the habitat and distribution (calcareous rocks in the Alps, above Grimmia has 1800 m altitude) are quite different as well. maritima with bistratose with leaves a upper part and stems only a small, when indistinct central strand, but the leaves are somewhat contorted

dry, concave and scarcely keeled, whereas the nerve is rough at back, biconvex and provided with two large strands of stereids. Moreover, the leaf is So I but consider the apex not hyaline. cannot help specimen under discussion to represent a new variety, not identical with any of the varieties and species described hitherto. J. J. B.

Hook, laeve Barkman Orthotrichum lyelli et Tayl. var. nov. var.

Barkman Leg. J. J. no. 2930 (type specimen in Rijksherbanum, Leiden), 22-9-1950, Leens betweenZoutkampand Warffum, H6.18.24, of old elm roadside rather prov. Groningen, on along near village, exposed, N. W.-N. E. side of trunk, 88°-91°, 2-3 m high, rel. 518 ( Tortuleto-Ulotetum phyllanthae). Differt cellulis foliaribus laevibus. the be referred Orthotrichum Though sterile, specimen may safely to

lyelli Hook, et Tayl., on account of the long leaves with brown gemmae the flat on their surface and margins, which are irregularly toothed near apex. The leaf cells are completely devoid of papillae! J. J. B.

Orthotrichum rivulare Turn.

Leg. J. J. Barkman, no. 3634, 20-7-1951, Spijkenisse, P3.55.32,

of Z. the base of a in wet willow- prov. Holland, on pollard-willow low, river Oude Maas. Base of coppice on river-clay along the trees flooded fresh 974. by water twice a day. Rel.

In spite of a careful and prolonged search only one stem with about

5 leaves and few at could be found. The leaves are a archegonia apex with rounded recurved very typical: broadly ovate-oblong a apex, margins, small, pellucid, incrassate, irregularly rounded lamina cells

which below the with low papillae and a nerve ceases apex. from Since this species was known Great-Britain, Belgium and

Germany, it could be expected here, though it seems to be a more or less

mountainousspecies. It occurs insimilar habitats abroad. J. J. B.

Orthotrichum tenellum Bruch Vent. fo. var. decipiens gem- miferum Barkman nov. forma.

in Leg. J. J. Barkman, no. 4069 (type specimen Rijksherbarium, Leiden), 5-7-1951, near Heusden, W. of Nederhemert, Q4.28.42, 131 ACQUISITIONS TO THE MOSS AND LIVERWORT FLORA OF THE NETHERLANDS

of the trunk of in prov. Gelderland, on a pollard-willow a meadow,

N. side, 62°-81°, 0.5-1.2 m above the soil, rel. 925. laminis vel Differt foliorum utrinque copiose gemmiferis; gemmae ellipticae, 40 vel ad sub- unicellulares, /i longae, 34fi latae, oblongae usque Jiliformes, claviformes, 3-12 cellulares, 60-180/1 longae, 29-36/1 latae, semper fuscae, cellulis incrassatis.

Gemmae have been for this far not yet reported species, as as I of know. On account the abundant laminai gemmae as well as the with rather obtuse leaves strongly incrassate, rounded cells, one is

at first glance inclined to believe that this moss belongs to Orthotrichum the mixed with but obtusifolium (which, by way, was growing it!),

thanks to the presence of capsules it is quite certain that it belongs to Orthotrichum tenellum, which it resembles in all other characters.

It belongs to the Central-European var. decipiens Vent., which has

ribs of 4 rows of cells on the capsule walls. J. J. B.

Pottia lanceolata (Hedw.) C. Mull. var. gasilieni (Vent.) Corbiere.

Leg. A. J. H. M van de Ven, 1-10-1949, Karstraat, Voerendaal,

of in cretaceous rocks V6.23.12, prov. Limburg, grass on (Maestrichtien). The were nearly completely buried in the dusty marl. The the and the comal lower leaves are small, upper large, oblong obtuse, leaves still longer (1.6 mm), ovate, acute, spirally twisted when dry, with revolute from base the is broadly margins to near apex; nerve thickened with ventral somewhat near apex, spongious tissue on its with face, consisting of thinwalled cells, each a conical papilla. The lamina smooth. is in cells are The nerve excurrent a rather long,

brown hairpoint, 1/9-1/3 of the length of the lamina. Flagellae are sometimes found the of the minute leaves at apex stem, bearing (0.5-0.8 mm long and 0.3-0.4 mm broad). Venturi of Desmatodon (1894) considered this moss to be a species

D Limpricht called it Tortula (. . gasilieni), (1890-1904) gasilieni, it Moenkemeijer (1927) considered a variety of Tortula atrovirens Lindb. deserves (Sm.) Perhaps this variety specific rank, but at any the Tortula. This rate it belongs to the genus Pottia, not to genus was already pointed out by Corbiere (1895 : 34); his opinion is joined by

Theriot and (according to private communications) by Gaume and


it has been Constantine The only localities, where found, are of (Algery) and a few places on the W. coast N. France (peninsula of maritime Cherbourg, Le Havre, Boulogne), on calcareous sand! due Mr. Gaume and My thanks are to (Paris) Mr. Potier de la

Varde St. for their valuable information (Lez-Eaux par Pair/mer) and on the distribution. J. J. B.

Seligeria calcarea Br. et Schimp.

Leg. A. J. H. M. van de Yen, 1-10-1949, Wahlwiller, V6.33.42,

prov. of Limburg, in a Mesobrometum on calcareous soil.

The in of other species was detected a sample mainly consisting 132 E. AGSTERIBBE, ETC.

five small of Four mosses. Only plants were present, on a piece marl. them had The therefore have of young sporogons. gametophytes to be 0.75 considered adult; yet they were only mm high. Each consisted of a rosette of leaves (slightly more than 0.5 mm long) and a tuft of white rhizoids the base of the The whole of the at rosette. appearance moss is like that of a minute Isoetes plant; this impression is also due to the dark succulent and leaves. The succulent green, rigid, erecto-patent

texture is caused by the thick nerve occupying the whole breadth of leave and in obtuse the upper part ending an point.

It may be remarked here that Dixon (1924) has not included the in his based characters. genus Seligeria keys on gametophyte the of Moreover, sporogons our plants were too young to yield useful characters. Consequently, when using Dixon for the identification

it I was not possible to arrive at a satisfying result. will therefore give

supplementary notes to some of his keys here. Table V 10 has be follows; (p. XLV) no. to changed as

10a. Ls. usually lanceolate 11

b. Ls. usually ovate 78 Bryum

11a. Nerve the subulate Is. small 13 reaching apex; very Seligeria b. Nerve subacute not reaching apex; apex not subulate, acute or only 11' ' 11 see no. 11 of Dixon.

In the same table no. 18 has to be changed as follows;

18a. Cells small, rounded 49 Zygodon 18' b. Cells more or less quadrate or oblong Stem tall least 1 leaf entire at base 70 Bartramia 18'a. (at inch) ; margin ....

Stem short than 2 Is. denticulate all round 13 b. very (less lines) ; finely Seligeria

also has Finally, no. 23 to undergo a change:

Ls. line 23' 23a. short, scarcely Y2 long 1 b. Ls. longer, usually over line long 24

23'a. Nerve the whole subulate of the leaf .13 occupying upper part . Seligeria Lamina distinct throughout 49 Zygodon

mixed with Pseudo- The species was growing Camptothecium lutescens, scleropodium purum, Cylindrothecium concinnum, Abietinella abietina, Fissidens adiantoides, Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus, Calliergonella cuspidata, Ctenidium molluscum, Campylium chrysophyllum, Thuidium philiberti, Amblystegium

serpens, Mnium rostratum, Bryum capillare, Oxyrrhynchium praelongum, Brachythecium glareosum, Barbula unguiculata and the lichen Cladonia pyxidata, all in one sample! calcarea its Seligeria is, as name suggests, a typical calciphilous moss.

On account of its minute size (it is probably the smallest moss of our

it is To certain extent this is flora) very inconspicuous. a outweighed by the fact that it usually occurs in great masses. The species was described 1790 and it is to as long ago as (by Dickson) as easy distinguish

from its allies, we meet it in most of the European moss flora’s, the

old which that its existence known to very ones included, proves was ACQUISITIONS TO THE MOSS AND LIVERWORT FLORA OF THE NETHERLANDS 133

students. Therefore reliable of its distribution be based many a map can on these flora’s (fig. 3). From this map it will be evident that the area is a most interesting one: restricted to N. W. Europe with a centre of both the dispersal on sides of Channel. Beyond this centre the species is for instance in ofwhich the moss flora has extremely rare, Germany been thoroughly investigated. J. J. B.

Fig. 3. Distribution of Seligeria calcarea Br. et Schimp.

Tortella inclinata (Hedw. fil.) Limpr.

Leg. A. J. H. M. van de Yen, 1-10-1949, Kunraderberg, Heerlen, of in Mesobrometum. V6.23.22, prov. Limburg, a

The in flat dense mats of dark olive- specimens grew large a dirty brown colour. The plants were only 1—1.5 cm high, the leaves not

tortuose when dry, only rather strongly incurved; when moist, they

were patent, but incurved at apex. A stem epidermis was present. The

central strand was lacking, but, according to Dixon (1924), this 134 E. AGSTERIBBE, ETC.

character is not fully reliable if used to distinguish Tortella inclinata

from T. flavovirens. I therefore give this record with some hesitation. The colour of the well its however makes it moss, as as stem anatomy, probable that it belongs to Tortella inclinata. I have also seen material of T. flavovirens from S. Limburg. This showed the yellow-green colour

and much tortuose leaves, typical of that species, and was quite in be noticed that Wachter different appearance. It may (in Jansen T. & Wachter, 1943), regarded T. inclinata as a synonym of flavovirens, in this he is few but opinion supported by very bryologists. .!• J- B.

Tortula guepinii (Br. et Schimp.) Limpr.

Leg. J. J. Barkman, no. 2802, 18-9-1949, St. Pietersberg, Maastricht, of in chalk Mesobrometum prov. Limburg, grassland ( ). till this had been in France Up now species only found (5 localities) and California. For further details I refer to Barkman may (1953). J- J- ».

Trichostomum crispulum Bruch.

W. of Leg. Meijer, June 1946, Gerendal, prov. Limburg, on a dry calcareous slope (det. E. A. and W. M.); leg. A. J. H. M. van de Yen: of in 2-10-1949, Gerendal, V6.22.41, prov. Limburg, a Mesobrometum; 30-9-1949, Schiepersberg between Bemelen and Houthem, V6.21.23, of rocks of limestone prov. Limburg, on cretaceous (Maestrichtien) in a Mesobrometum (both det. J. J. B.); leg. N. E. Nannenga-Bremekamp, of with no. 1055, 4-4-1949, Geulem, prov. Limburg, limestone, Ditrichum flexicaule (det. N. E. N.-B.)

This species is characterised by the narrow, tapering, entire and shortly mucronate leaves with cucullate apices. It is not surprising find to it in our calcareous district: it is a calciphilous moss, mainly in S. but occurring Europe, extending through Central Europe as far as Great Britain, Norway and Sweden. One of us (J. J. B.) found the species near Bettyhill (N. coast of Scotland), in moist dune valleys of calcareous sand mixed with much gravel, immediately behind the beach. It is therefore somewhat surprising that the moss has never been in has been found the calcareous dunes of Holland; nor it reported from the French and Belgian dunes.

var. brevifolium Br. et Schimp.

A. H. M. Leg. J. van de Ven, 1-10-1949, Overeijs, V6.34.ll, prov. in Mesobrometum of Limburg, a (det. J. J. B.) J. J. B., W. M. and N. E. N.-B.

Weisia crispata C. Mull.

A. H. M. Leg. J. van de Ven, 1-10-1949, Eyser berg, V6.33.21,

of in a Mesobrometum. prov. Limburg, the is and consider Although material scarce sterile, I it to belong

to this species on account of the leaf shape. The species is sometimes considered as a variety (var. fallax ) of Weisia tortilis (= Hymenostomum ACQUISITIONS TO THE MOSS AND LIVERWORT FLORA OF THE NETHERLANDS 135

but tortile). The latter species was already known from our country,

the variety was not. These two closely related species (or subspecies or varieties) clearly prove that Hymenostomum cannot be separated from Weisia for that would that as a genus, not even as a section, mean

the two species belong to different sections which is quite unnatural. See also Dixon (1924) and Moenkemeijer (1927).| Weisia crispata had been found in Great Britain and Germany and

was to be expected here. J. J. B.

B. Hepaticae

Fossombronia pusilla (L.) Dum.

N. E. Botanical Leg. Nannenga-Bremekamp, no. 2168, 13-9-1952,

Garden “De Wolf”, Haren,prov. of Groningen, at the base of a rockery,

on moist ground. A revision of Fossombronia pusilla in the herbarium of the K.N.B.V. by Wachter resigned all the specimens there to other species because of their Since then there spore structure (Jansen & Wachter, 1935).

are no records of Fossombronia pusilla from the Netherlands.

At the time the above specimen was collected, no sporangia were when visible, and only several had ripened a month later, the plants

were examined and proved to belong to Fossombronia pusilla : the spores the and had 17-20 spines on circumference, not 25-32 as in Fossombronia

wondraczeki, the only other Fossombronia with ridges not forming meshes the wall is on spores. The inner sporangium too, different, the having brown semicircular thickenings on cell walls. (Fig. 4) W. D. Marg. and N. E. N.-B.

Leptoscyphus taylori (Hook.) Mitt.

Leg. J. J. Barkman, no. 3698,18-9-1951, Huis “Twikkel”, M7.66.13, Delden of the base of old birch near Hengelo, prov. Overijsel, on an small in rather at the edge of a marshy pond a tall, dense spruce wood; in with light, but much sheltered, a moist atmosphere, together

Lepidozia reptans and Ptilidium pulcherrimum. Rel. 1450. This curious specimen differs from both Leptoscyphus anomalus and L. taylori in the following characters: rhizoids are scarce and lacking in the of which upper part the stems are erect; amphigastria are equally the stems bear clusters of at their and the leaf scarce; gemmae tips,

cells are 24—38 a few subulate have only /u. However, amphigastria been found. The leaves orbicular and are trigones are very large,

nodulose. Moreover, the apical leaves bear 1-2-celIed oval gemmae at

their margin. So I consider this to be a Leptoscyphus, and more particu-

larly L. taylori, since the cuticula of the leaves is verrucose (visible cross-sections of the and the leaves on leaves) gemmae bearing are orbicular, without elongated cells. Although this species is known from Great-Britain and Central Europe (from the Alps to Scandinavia), its discovery inthe Netherlands

is rather surprising since it mainly occurs in the mountains. J- J- B. 136 E. AGSTERIBBE, ETC.

Lophozia porphyroleuca (Nees)Schiffn.

E. and Leg. Agsteribbe, no. 1233 S. Groenhuijzen, 21-9-1951,

Mosbeek of near Vasse, prov. Overijsel, on a steep bank, facing north, brook near a (Mosbeek).

Fig. 4. Fossombronia pusilla (L.) Dum. 1. Fertile plant. — 2. Detail of inner

sporangium wall. — 3. Elater. — 4. Spores.

The bank which this covered with on hepatic grew was sparsely shrubs of Vaccinium Vitis-idaea L. and, being moist and shady, it had a rich liverwort vegetation, a. o. Lepidozia setacea, Nardia geoscypha and Calypogeia neesiana. Some of the older hepatologists (a.o. K. Muller) considered this

but it is hepatic a variety of Lophozia ventricosa, nowadays held to be a good species (Buck, Evans & Verdoorn, 1938). In it encountered it is the typical form, as was here, quite different from Lophozia ventricosa. The dark reddish-brown colour, reddish and leafcells with will it leafbase the large trigones separate at once from It and this species. is usually a plant of the subalpine alpine and be distributed all regions appears to widely over Europe, though nowhere common. It has a preference for organic substratum, for decaying wood, peat, etc. E. A. and S. G.

Microlejeunea ulicina (Tayl.) Evans

Beekhuizen Leg. J. J. Barkman, no. 3552, 20-4—1951, near Yelp

(Arnhem), P6.14.31, prov. of Gelderland, on the base of a rather young beech in beech wood acid rel. a on sandy soil, 706; no. 3557,21-4-1951, ACQUISITIONS TO THE MOSS AND LIVERWORT FLORA OF THE NETHERLANDS 137

Middachterbos between and of Velp Dieren, P6.15.14, prov.

Gelderland, on a 70 years old Quercus borealis in open wood ( Querceto- side of Carpinetum) on riverclay, N. trunk, 72°, 1-2 m high, rel. 721. had recorded the This minute atlantic hepatic not yet been from Netherlands. Nearest finds: Luxemburg, Normandy, Great-Britain, S. W. Norway. J. J. B.

Pellia neesiana (Gottsche) Limpr. (Fig. 5)

Leg. W. Meijer: 1947-1950, nature reserve Naardermeer, and N. Kierse Kortenhoefse plassen, prov. of Holland; Weide, NW. part of Mosbeek prov. Overijsel; leg. Bryol. Werkgroep, 22-9-1951, near of Vasse, prov. Overijsel. these All records are from very wet habitats, often with Phragmites communis and Dryopteris thelypteris. Probably it has often been overlooked. A key to the indigenous species of Pellia follows:

Ia. Thallus with thickened bands (best seen in longitudinal section). Calyptra exserted; inner wall of capsule with numerous semiannular thickenings 2 b. Thallus without thickened bands. Calyptra included; inner wall of capsule

~ without semiannular thickenings P. endiviaefolia

of involucre absent the side towards of thallus. Paroicous 2a. Margin on apex ...... P. epiphylla

b. Involucre a mouth erect. Dioicous P. neesiana forming complete ring; . . .

W. M.

Riccia warnstorfii Limpr.

W. 29-4-1952, Gronsveld, of Leg. Meijer, Maastricht, prov. in abandoned Limburg, an cloverfield, together with Riccia bifurca; leg. E. Agsteribbe, no. 1230, 12-9-1952, Botanical Garden “de Wolf”,

of little used with Haren, prov. Groningen, on a path, together Riccia beyrichiana and R. sorocarpa.

5. Pellia neesiana Fig. (Gottsche) Limpr. 1. Thallus with antheridia. — 2. Thallus

with archegonia. — 3. Section of thallus. 138 E. AGSTERIBBE, ETC.

Characteristic of this species is the shape of the cross-section of the thallus and form and of It is the branching the segments. closely allied to R. commutata but differs by the light-green colour and the obtusely pointed margins of the thallus. According to K. Muller

(1916) this hepatic occurs solely north of the Alps. E. A. and W. M.


A. Musci

Amblystegium kochii Br. eur.

of Leg. J.J. Barkman: no. 3673,6-5-1951, S. W. Katwijk, N3.36.13, of old of Sambucus in dense thicket prov. Z. Holland, on stems nigra a in dune rel. 811 a wet valley, ; no. 3633, 22—7—1951, Biesbos, Q4.23.14,

ofN. the base of in a willow prov. Brabant, on a pollard-willow coppice, flooded by fresh water twice a day, rel. 998. These the second and of the in are third localities species the The first record Wächter Netherlands. (Zwolle) was by from the collection of Lako (Jansen & Wächter, 1940). The two records in determinations. the Prodromus (1893) are based upon erroneous

J- J- B.

Anomodon attenuatus (Schreb.) Hiiben.

Leg.J.J. Barkman, 21-4-1951, Middachter bos, De Stceg, between of of Fraxinus Yelp and Dieren, P6.15.12, prov. Gelderland, on stumps in low moist ash coppice-wood ( Querceto-Carpinetum filipenduletosum ), rel. 723.

This be in been found species appears to very rare our country, having in only near Dordrecht and in a few places S. Limburg. ,J- J- B.

Antitrichia curtipendula (Hedw.) Brid.

Leg. J. J. Barkman, no. 3573, 28-4-1951, Speulderbos near of the trunk of old beech Garderen, N5.18.13, prov. Gelderland, on an in 1.5-2 W.-NW. side of rel. a beech wood, m high, trunk, 85°-87°,

784, together with Hypnum cupressiforme var. filiforme (dominant), Frullania tamarisci (subdominant) and Metzgeria furcata (abundant). record the This is the only recent for Netherlands of a species, which is in In the last probably nearly extinct now our country.

in localities all the century it still occurred 27 over country! J- J- B.

Breidleria arcuata (Lindb.) Loeske

between Leg. J. J. Barkman, no. 3604, 23-4-1951, Reeenberg road Apeldoorn and Elspeet, N6.12.ll, prov. of Gelderland, along in oak in shade. B. side dry wood, amongst grasses, light J. J. 139 ACQUISITIONS TO THE MOSS AND LIVERWORT FLORA OF THE NETHERLANDS

CirriphyIlium crassinervium (Tayl.) Loeskc

between Leg. J. J. Barkman: no. 4126, 19-6-1951, Druten,

and of no. Nijmegen Tiel, P5.47.34, prov. Gelderland; 4123, of 20-6-1951, Wadenoyen, Geldermalsen, P5.53.23, prov. Gelderland; no. 4072, 5—7—1951, W. of Nederhemert, Heusden, Q4.28.42, prov. of of Gelderland; no. 3515, 20-4-1952, Tienhoven, P4.35.22, prov. Z. Holland.

All localities The are situated in the centre of our country. specimen from the Mol. for the Tienhoven belongs to var. turgescens (new Netherlands), which resembles Isothecium viviparum (Neck.) Lindb. much. Care should be taken confound the very not to two mosses when found in sterile state.

All finds mentioned above are on the base of pollard-willows

in in the rivers (inundated winter) foreland of our (resp. Waal, for Tinge, Maas and Lek). The species had not been recorded our before that time it known 5 country since 1893; was from localities only, three ofwhich were also along rivers, viz. Rotterdam, Kralingen and Zwijndrecht; the other two were situated in the cretaceous district in S. E. and marl. the extreme (St. Pietersberg Geulem), on J- J- B.

Cryphaea arborea (Huds.) Lindb.

Leg. J. J. Barkman: no. 3695, 16-8-1951, Franeker, H5.65.23, of base of old elm road rather prov. Friesland, on tree along side, rel. de exposed, 1181; no. 3653, 1-9-1951, de Muy near Koog, isl. of of N. rel. J4.23.21, Texel, prov. Holland, 1240; no. 3651a, N. ofN. Holland, rel.1561; 22-8-1952, ofZandvoort, M3.38.12, prov. of no. 3506, 17-5-1952, W. of Noordwijkerhout, M3.67.33, prov. Z. rel Holland, 1511; no. 3511, 30-4-1951, Katwijk, N3.36.13, prov. of Z. Holland, rel. 811; no. 3537, 11-5-1952, W. of Wassenaar, N3. of Z. rel. isl. 35.43, prov. Holland, 1510; no. 3523, 12-4-1952, De Hoek van of Z. Holland, rel. 1455; Beer, Holland, P3.22.32, prov. isl. of of Z. no. 3659, 15-8-1952, Voorne, P3.41.34, prov. Holland, isl. rel. 1560; no. 3537a, 16-4-1952, W. of Ouddorp, Q2.16.22, of

Goeree, prov. ofZ. Holland, rel. 1468; no. 3651,18-9-1951, Haamstede, isl. of of rel. Q2.35.33, Schouwen, prov. Zeeland, 1323; no. 3648,

24-9-1951, N. of Vrouwenpolder, Q2.63.34, isl. of Walcheren, prov. of Zeeland, rel. 1362. It be of may remarked that the record Wachter from Ockenburg W. ofDen S. Haag (Jansen & Wachter, 1935) is based on an erroneous determination.

In the this previous century mediterranean-atlantic species was Western of it is not rare in the part the Netherlands. Nowadays extinct and nearly everywhere, except in the dunes. The find near Franeker find of W. D. a near Nunspeet (Veluwe, prov. Gelderland) by All Margadant are the only recent records outside the dune area.

recent finds, except Franeker, were on stems of Sambucus nigra. In the dunes I discovered the in localities. This species many new 140 E. AGSTERIBBE. ETC,

is due the fact that its habitat here had probably to very special never been searched: it in dense thickets in thoroughly always occurs very These valleys near the sea. thickets are nearly impenetrable. Moreover, though occurring nearly everywhere in the dunes, the species is far from abundant. One often has to examine thoroughly the stems of 50 100 shrubs of before small tuft or Sambucus, finding one of Cryphaea. J. J- B.

Dialytrichia mucronata (Brid.) Limpr.

Leg. W. D. Margadant, 26-8-1945, in a culvert near Kolland, of S. Amerongen, prov. Gelderland; leg. Groenhuijzen : 8-6-1947, of Zaltbommel, prov. Gelderland, on basalt blocks on banks of the

Waal; 29-7-1948, near Lexkesveer, opposite Wageningse berg, prov. of Gelderland, in fenland at base of pollard willow; leg. J. J. Barkman:, of no. 2958, 21-4-1952, Schoonhoven, P4.34.41, prov. Z. Holland, rel. W. of of 1498; no. 3532, 20-4-1952, Vianen, P4.27.32, prov. Z. rel. Holland, 1487 and 1488; no. 3603, 19-4-1952, Randwijk S. E. of of rel. 690 and Wageningen, P5.38.12, prov. Gelderland,

no. W. of 691; 4102, 18-6-1951, Ewijk, Nijmegen, P5.58.21, prov. rel. of Gelderland, 880; no. 4022, 23-7-1951, Zevenaar, S. E. of of rel. Arnhem, P6.45.11, prov. Gelderland, 1003; no. 3594, 22-4-1951, of Rheden, between Yelp and Dieren, P6.15.31, prov. Gelderland, rel. and 727; no. 3696, 11-10-1951, between Wijhe Zwolle, M6.26.33, prov. of Overijsel, rel. 1398. of these the If not mentioned otherwise, the habitat specimens is on base of pollard-willows in foreland of rivers, submerged during the found winter; so only a few were on stony substratum. The last two

localities are situated along the river IJsel, the others along the Rhine

(Lek and Waal). It is remarkable that this mediterranean species was found the Dutch-German frontier but be up to (Zevenaar), seems to lacking in W. Germany. J. J. B., S. G. and W. D. Marg.

Diphyscium foliosum (Hedw.) Mohr

Leg. S. Groenhuijzen and W. D. Margadant, 29-7-1949, hills of near Mook, prov. Limburg. Fertile specimens were collected on a shady bank of a sunken road. This the first in in this is, to our knowledge, find our country century. The last reference to this species was by W. H. Wachter (1932), who mentions it from the old collection of very J. L. Franquinet. S. G. and W. D. Marg.

Dolichotheca silesiaca (Selig.) Fleisch.

Leg. J. J. Barkman; no. 4118, 16-6-1951, Watermeerwijk near of the trunk Berg-en-Dal, Nijmegen, P6.63.34, prov. Gelderland, on birch in of an old a rather dense, young oak wood, rel. 865; no. N. of of 3697, 10-10-1951, Diepenveen, Deventer, M6.66.ll, prov.

Overijsel, on the base of a young oak in dry brush wood, rel. 1395.

These are the most eastern records of an essentially western species in the Netherlands. J. J. B. 141 ACQUISITIONS TO THE MOSS AND LIVERWORT FLORA OF THE NETHERLANDS

Fissidens cristatus Wils.

Leg. J. J. Barkman, 21-4-1951, Middachter bos, De Steeg, between and of of Fraxinus Velp Dieren, P6.15.12, prov. Gelderland, on stumps in low moist ash coppice-wood ( Querceto-Carpinetum filipenduletosum), rei. 723.

The only Dutch finds hitherto known were situated in S. Limburg (5 localities). J. J. B.

Mnium serratum Schrad.

R. Leg. de Bruin, Rijksherbarium no. 943.235.328, April 1944,

Beversluisplaat, Biesbos, prov. of Z. Holland; leg. S. Groenhuijzen, Ratumse of Aug. 1946, beek, Winterswijk, prov. Gelderland; leg. W. D. Valkse Margadant, no. 854, 8-4-1950, Grote beek, Barneveld, prov. of Gelderland, on steep, shadedbank ofbrook; leg. J. J. Barkman : of N. no. 3636, 3-7-1951, Lage Zwaluwe, Q4.32.31, prov. Brabant, rel. 905; no. 3635, 19-7-1951, Heerjansdam, P3.67.23, prov. of Z. rel. ofN. Holland, 970; 22-7-1951, Biesbos, Q4.23.14, prov. Brabant, rel. 998; no. 4035, 26-7-1951, Bekkendelle, Winterswijk, P7.36.ll, of rel. prov. Gelderland, 1022. Hitherto Mnium serratum had only been found in S. Limburg in the extreme S. E. of our country (calcareous district) on dry, much shaded banks in and in this woods, on marl, one locality outside district:

Assinkbrug near Eibergen, prov. of Gelderland, leg. R. van der Wijk,

Aug. 1936 (mentioned by Wachter (1937) under the name of Mnium riparium, which it is not). The habitatof the localities outside Limburg different is a one, i.e. either on moist banks of brooks or on the base of in low pollard-willows dense, willow-coppice on river clay, flooded by fresh water twice a day. The specimen of De Bruin and those of the last found in the last mentioned Barkman, except one, were growing habitat. Because of the daily submersion the mosses are covered with thin of here. a layer clay

and B. 3635 Part of the Limburg specimens no. J. J. belong to the var. dioicum H. Müll. = Mnium riparium Mitt. It must be remarked it is however, that the specimen from Heerjansdam was sterile; considered to be the var. dioicum on account of the much shorter and broader, ovate leaves and the smaller leaf cells (18-25/<). J. J. B. and W. D. Marg.

Neckera pumila Hedw

Barkman: “Groot Leg. J. J. no. 2872, 23-9-1950, Zeewijk”, of elm the Warffum, G7.53.34, prov. Groningen, on an tree at edge and from rel. of protected sea winds by a park, 529; no. 4048, 5-8-1951, between and of Zutphen Doesburgh, N6.66.32, prov. Gelderland, on the base of old in in of an pollard-willow (submerged winter) foreland river IJsel, rel. 1078.

The in both localities habitat is more typical of Neckera complanata.

Moreover, the leaves of no. 2872 are rather falcate, only partly and undulate indistinctly (both wet and dry) and the tufts are rather 142 E. AGSTERIBBE, ETC.

and Still I consider this robust very glossy. specimen to belong to since is and both N. pumila, one leaf margin widely incurved are The leaves narrowly reflexed. are only 1.6 mm long, with short cells and the reaches of the (1:5) non-porose walls, larger nerve 1/4 leaf length. Flagelliform branches do not occur; instead, the minutely characteristic of in leaved, deciduous ramuli, N. pumila, are present the axils of leaves. In 4048 leaves the upper stem no. the are not and rather obtuse and crenulate falcate more undulate, near apex and still shorter (1.2-1.5 mm). Their cells are shorter, too (3-5 : 1), normal branches incrassate and non-porose. Only were observed;

these were numerous and short.

The record of Warffum is the northernmost find of this species in where it is the the Netherlands, very rare now, mainly occurring on N. Veluwe (prov. of Gelderland).

var. philippeana (B. et S.) Milde

Leg. E. Agsteribbe, no. 1232, 30-4-1950, Solse Gat, N. Veluwe,

of Gelderland, in a beech wood on beech, prov. fairly young together with and Frullania tamarisci Barkman: Metzgeria furcata ; leg. J. J. N. no. 3601, 25-4-1951, Vierhouter bos, M6.52.13, Veluwe, prov. rel. of Gelderland, same habitat, 762; no. 3550, 24-4-1951, Elspeter bos, M6.61.23, N. Veluwe, prov. of Gelderland, same habitat, rel. 749. of form the No. 3601 is a mixture the typical and var. philippeana,

the E. and B. no. 3550 consists of var. philippeana only. A. J. J.

Orthodicranum flagellare (Hedw.) Loeske

Leg. W. D. Margadant et N. E. Nannenga-Bremekamp, herb. Nassau N. E. N.-B. no. 730, 2-4-1950, Oranje Oord, Wageningen, of in beech N. E. prov. Gelderland, wood; leg. Nannenga-Bremekamp, of in no. 2383, 4-6-1953, Kievitsdel, Heelsum, prov. Gelderland, beechwood.

Our specimens have no flagellae. W. D. Marg. and N. E. N.-B.

Schrad. with Orthotrichum diaphanum gemmae

Leg. J. J. Barkman, no. 2866, 25-9-1950, Deltzijl, H7.18.33, prov. the trunk old elm 500 of Groningen, on of an tree in a group of trees, m from the sea coast, rel. 553. The found the laminae and of the leaves gemmae are on margins cells and consist of unbranched green filaments of 3-7 each. Amann & Meylan (1912), Husnot (1884-1894) and Limpricht

do mention at all for this Brotherus (1890-1904) not gemmae species, (1923), Moenkemeyer (1927) and Warnstorf (1906) include them in their diagnosis of the species. Dixon (1924) suggests them to be the Davies but in the restricted to var. aquaticum ex Venturi, original description of that variety (Venturi, 1873) nothing is said about

and from the it that the var. gemmae description appears aquaticum different characters shorter hair- was based on quite (broader leaves, ACQUISITIONS TO THE MOSS AND LIVERWORT FLORA OF THE NETHERLANDS 143 points which are pellucid, but yellowish-green, not hyaline). The differ features from specimens with gemmae do not in any other the such. Since it seemed worth while species as gemmae are rare, however, to mention this find.

It be that the the of Orthotrichum in may remarked, key to species

Dixon’s Handbook needs an emendation both for this form and for the of the gemmiferous form O. tenellum (see above), as key leads to

Orthotrichum lyelli in both cases. J. J. B.

Orthotrichum obtusifolium Schrad

Leg. J. J. Barkman: no. 4070, 5-7-1951, W. of Nederhemert, of the of Heusden, Q4.28.42, prov. Gelderland, on trunk a pollard- willow in rel. a meadow, 925; no. 3650, 7—9-1951, Nes, G5.58.24, isl. of Ameland, prov. of Friesland, on old elm tree in village, rel. 1304. In both the short and with the specimens stems are very turgid densely imbricated, short, obtuse leaves. The nerve ends below the the leaf cells rounded and Gemmae abundant apex, are papillose. are I on the lamina. For these reasons consider both specimens to belong to Orthotrichum obtusifolium. However, both have leaves with strongly recurved instead of incurved this character margins! Now, very separates the genus Stroemia (to which this species belongs) from the Orthotrichum. I therefore the of Dixon genus prefer (joining opinion and the 1924, Moenkemeyer, 1927) not to separate two genera. Perhaps these specimens have to be considered as a new species of but from Stroemia Orthotrichum, even then this new species only differs obtusifolia (Schrad.) Hagen by the form of the leaf margin. Dr F. Ochsner I (Muri, Switzerland), to whom sent the no. 3640, wrote

to me: “. .Was kdnnte es anders sein als Orthotrichum obtusifolium. .

wie ich es auch aus der Schweiz kenne. .Dass es sich um einebesondere .

Moosform handelt, ist mir klar geworden. Ich würde sie aber, trotz der grösstenteils umgerollten Blattränder, in den Verwandtschaftskreis den von Orth. obtusifolium stellen. Bei mannlichen Exemplaren waren namlich die Blattrander grosstenteils flach, wie beim wirklichen O.

” laminae of the leaves in obtusifolium (the are very concave no. 3640, that in the male the outline the in so plants general of leaves, as seen cross-section, approaches that of genuine obtusifolium). Moreover Ochsner with and he found a few leaves truly incurved margins remarks that the terms “eingerollt” (incurved) and “umgerollt” all (recurved) are not clearly distinguished by authors. Moenkemeyer

for the “schwach (1927) instance describes leaves of O. obtusifolium as but in his eingebogen” (p. 626), key (p. 605) as “schwach umgerollt”! The latter is also used Gams and Pigcioli term by (1940) says (p. 102):

“feuilles revolutees sur les bords”. Ochsner remarks: . . . peu Finally

“ auf die Art der Blattrander eine . . . abzustellen, um neue Gattung

mir sein zu kreieren, scheint doch etwas gewagt zu (Siehe auch die

Bemerkung von Moenkemeyer, 1927, S. 626).”. J. J. B.

Orthotrichum pulchellum Brunt.

Leg. J. J. Barkman: no. 4034, 26-7-1951, Bekkendelle, Winterswijk, 144 E. AGSTERIBBE, ETC.

of the trunk of elm in moist P7.36.ll, prov. Gelderland, on an tree deciduous forest along a brook ( Querceto-Carpinetum filipenduletosum), rel. de De 2-3 m high, 1034; no. 3652, 1-9-1951, Muy near Koog, isl. of ofN. base of trunk ofSambucus J4.23.21, Texel, prov. Holland, on in thicket of low dune the rel. nigra a on top a ridge near sea, 1240; isl. of Z. no. 3658, 15-8-1952, ofVoorne, P3.41.34, prov. Holland, on base in the of dune the extreme of Sambucus nigra a thicket on slope a

the rel. 1560. The first of these records in the Ulotetum near sea, was bruchii, the second and third in the Cryphaeetum arboreae. The Prodromus (1893) cites this species from Helpen, Leeuwarden, and Like Eelderwolde, Utrecht, Maartensdijk Leiderdorp. so many in the this has become otherepiphytic mosses Netherlands, species very is atlantic in rare now. It an species, occurring Norway, Denmark, N. W. Germany, the Netherlands, Great-Britain and N. France. In Ger-

to Moenkemeyer it is inland and many, according (1927), rare mainly distributed in the coastal region of the North Sea. J. J. B.

Plagiotheciella latebricola (Wils.) Fleisch.

Leg. W. D. Margadant et N. E. Nannenga-Bremekamp, herb.

N. E. N.-B. 731, 2-4-1950, Molenbeekdal, Renkum, prov. of Barkman: Gelderland, on treestump; leg. J. J. no. 3576, 21-4-1951, Middachter De between and bos, Steeg, Yelp Dieren, P6.15.12, prov. of wood of old alder in alder Gelderland, on decaying an stump wet

coppice-wood ( Alnetum glutinosae cardaminetosum amarae); no. 4109,

14—6-1951, “Het Broek”, Hatert, S. W. of Nijmegen, Q6.ll.24, prov. the base of old oaks in oak of Gelderland, on dense, tall, shady, moist

wood rel. [Querceto-Carpinetum stachyetosum), 853; no. 3666, 19-6-1951, between of Bergharen, Druten, Nijmegen and Tiel, P5.57.41, prov. the base tall oak in oak with Gelderland, on of a wood scattered trees and dense of sand. Much shaded undergrowth shrubs, on moist (N. side of trunk), rel. 888. J. J. B., W. D. Marg. and N. E. N.-B.

Tortula pulvinata (Jur.) Limpr.

Leg. J. J. Barkman: no. 3639, 4—9-1951, Midsland, H5.12.12, isl. of of of elm in Terschelling, prov. Friesland, on trunk tree village, rel. isl. 1272; no. 3644, 7-9-1951, Nes, G5.58.24, of Ameland, prov. of rel. Friesland, same habitat, 1303; no. 4105, 18-6-1951, Ewijk, W. of of in Nijmegen, P5.58.21, prov. Gelderland, on a pollard-willow

foreland of river Waal, rel. 879; no. 4073, 7-7-1951, Beesd, between Leerdam and of Geldermalsen, P5.51.12, prov. Gelderland, on a pollard-willow in foreland of river Linge, rel. 944; no. 4172, 2-5-1953, of Z. trunk of old Sambucus Oostvoorne, P3.41.24, prov. Holland, on in moist dune valley near the sea. All have specimens a central strand in the stem, an emarginate obcordate leaf leaf which is recurved in the to apex, a margin only lower half (in no. 3644 flat throughout) or only one margin narrowly The rather The recurved at base. leaf cells are large (12-15/*). nerve forms is nearly smooth at back (except in no. 4172) and a long, 145 ACQUISITIONS TO THE MOSS AND LIVERWORT FLORA OF THE NETHERLANDS hyaline arista, brownish at base. The arista is only slightly rough,

in except no. 4172, where it is strongly so. The plants are dioicous. No. 4073 differs somewhat from normal Tortula pulvinata by the tall stems, the very long (4—5 mm) and narrow leaves, which are strongly when and the brown In recurved moist, hair-points. no. 4172, too, the leaves are squarrosely recurved when moist, though not strongly. This resembles Tortula ruralis in specimen every respect, except the central strand. Obviously the two species are closely related.

All finds hitherto known from the Netherlands (Heer en Cadier,

Grave, Maarssen, Kampen) were on stony substratum. J. J. B.

B. Hepaticae

Bazzania trilobata (L.) Gray

Leg. N. E. Nannenga-Bremekamp: no. 662, 22-2-1950, Kievitsdel, of Kasteel- Beekdal, Heelsum, prov. Gelderland; no. 1596, 3-6-1951, of Gelderland. weg, Beekdal, Heelsum, prov. First records outside the hills of Nijmegen. N. E. N.-B.

Lophocolea minor Nees

Barkman: Leg. J. J. no. 3572, 21-4-1951, Middachter bos, De

Steeg, between Yelp and Dieren, P6.15.12, prov. of Gelderland, on of stumps Fraxinus in low moist ash coppice-wood ( Querceto-Carpinetum filipenduletosum), rel. 723; no. 4023, 26-7-1951, “Te Lintum”, Winters- of side of wijk, P7.36.13, prov. Gelderland, on upper fallen, decaying in much rather trunk of spruce young spruce plantation, sheltered, shady, rel. 1017. Leaves abundantly gemmiferous in both specimens. Remarkably I also observed few enough, (in no. 3572) gemmaeon a amphigastria, the contrary to statement of Muller (1916, 1:811: “Die Unterblatter

bleiben von der Gemmenbildung verschont”).

In the Netherlands this species only occurs in the calcareous, subcentreurope and fluviatile districts: several finds in S. Limburg Florae (Prodromus Batavae, 1893: 154), one near Venlo (Garjeanne, 1927) and one near Voorst (Zutphen, Gelderland; according to last Meyer Drees, 1936). The mentioned locality and mine are

both situated on clay of the river IJsel (fluviatile district).

The Dutch localities constitute the most Western ones of the species

area. J. J. B.

Lophozia mildeana (Gottsche) Schiffn.

W. in of Leg. Meyer, 1951, a sand-pit, Hargen, Schoorl, prov. N. Holland, det. H. Persson.

W. H. Wachter first discovered this liverwort for the Netherlands

old herbariummaterial ofthe Koninkl. Nederl. Bot. among Vereniging (Jansen & Wachter, 1939). This species has a preference for sand-pits. W. M.

Orthocaulis attenuatus (Mart.) Evs.

Leg. C. ENGELFRiETjr.jherb. W. D. 1172,4—1952,Posbank, of in tufts of N. E. Arnhem, prov. Gelderland, Leucobryum; leg. 146 E. AGSTERIBBE, ETC.

Nannenga-Bremekamp: no. 1265, 24-3-1950, Kasteelweg, Beekdal,

Heelsum; no. 708, 28-3-1950, Kievitsdel, Beekdal, Heelsum; no. localities in the of 1378, 30-9-1950, Beek, Nijmegen (all prov. " Gelderland). W. D. Marg. and N. E. N.-B.

Plectocolea hyalina (Lyell) Mitt.

Leg. E. Agsteribbe, no. 1231, 29-4-1951, Trichterberg, V6.31.31, of the side of sunken road. prov. Limburg, on steep a This species prefers loamy roadsides and occurs all over Europe.

E. A.

Sphenolobus minutus (Crantz) Steph.

Leg. N. E. Nannenga-Bremekamp: no. 359, 21-2-1950, Kievitsdel,

Beekdal, Heelsum; no. 709, 28-3-1950, Kasteelweg, Beekdal, Heelsum

(both prov. of Gelderland).

Collected by Buse in 1854 in practically the same place as I have it found a century later again. N. E. N.-B.


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