Fall 2014 DAYTON FOCUS 1 DAYTON CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU The Dayton Convention & 1 Do you or a friend or family member belong Visitors Bureau represents to a professional, social, civic, amateur sport Economic Development for or hobby group? our community. 2 Do these groups host conventions, tournaments, or events that require You can help us generate overnight hotel lodging? dollars for Dayton. It’s as 3 easy as 1º2º3 Call 937.226.8281 or email
[email protected] with information and we’ll send you a WilBEAR Wright Aviator Teddy Bear! daytoncvb.com 937.226.8226 2 DAYTONDDAYDAAAYYTONTTOONON FOCUSFFOOOCCUUSS FallFFaallll 2014200114 Fall 2014 DAYTON FOCUS 3 President’s Message FOCUS FOCUS on … local spend FOCUS is a quarterly publication of the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce. It is distributed to Chamber members and regional businesses. Copies are available hambers of Commerce all over online at www.daytonchamber.org. the nation, whether they are in rural, suburban or urban settings, have a number of key The Chamber is not responsible for advertisements core competencies in common. included in this magaizine. C More than just their name, each should stand tall in their unwavering No article may be reproduced without the permission of support of the business community the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce. perspective regarding public policy issues, economic development, good government, sound business practices CONTACT INFORMATION and support of their communities. One common strategy is selling, Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce growing and protecting their local economies. 22 E. Fifth Street Most chambers understand the important impact of one’s Dayton, Ohio 45402-2400 local economy and tactics that can be incorporated to enhance tel 937.226.1444 • fax 937.226.8254 it.