University of Dayton eCommons The nivU ersity of Dayton Magazine Marketing and Communications 5-1-1949 The niU versity of Dayton Alumnus, May 1949 University of Dayton Magazine Follow this and additional works at: http://ecommons.udayton.edu/dayton_mag Recommended Citation University of Dayton Magazine, "The nivU ersity of Dayton Alumnus, May 1949" (1949). The University of Dayton Magazine. 108. http://ecommons.udayton.edu/dayton_mag/108 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The University of Dayton Magazine by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. ~ l U.D. FIELDHOUSE GROUND IS BROKEN story on page 2 M A y • 1949 FIELDHOUSE DREAM BECOMES A REALITY The ground breaking ceremony for the long- awaited U niversity of D ayton Fieldhouse was conducted on Thursday morning, April 28. The U niversity of Dayton band under the direction of M aurice R eichard, direc­ ESTABLISHED 1929 tor and head of the music depart­ Vol. XV April, 1949 No.4 me~t , presented a 15 minute p:o­ gram prior to Father Collins offeni?g Mary Shay '44 . .. Editor the invocation . H e lead the group m Clarke Ash, '49 . .. ...... .. ..... Sports Editor the recitation of the Our Father and the H ail M ary. "Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton, Father Collins in turn introduced Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." M erle P. Smith, '25, who served as the master of ceremonies. Mr. Smith, Issued Monthly-October through June former alumni secretary at U .D ., is a SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including Membership in the Alumni Associa­ member of the Dayton City Commis­ tion, $5.00. sion. At the present time, he is gen­ Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni eral manager of the Joyce-Cridla!ld Association of the University of Dayton." Company in D ayton. !"fr.. Smith For wills and other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is "The Uni­ pointed out that the umversity was versity of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio." founded almost a century ago, and that the present gymnasium i about that work would actually get under 75 years old and inadequate for pres­ way. H e evidenced faith in alumni ent day needs. The City C o~mi s - and friends of the university in that ioner presented Mayor Louis E . they would cooperate and furnish Lohrey of the city of D ayton ..~r. some of the remaining money, which Lohrey pointed out that the activity is neces ary to complete the Field­ by the president and ceremony taking place at the house. At the present time a total of Rev. Geo. ] . Renneker, S .M. ground breaking ceremony not only $3 10,000 has been pledged . The esti­ Since 1924 in the lobby of St. affected the University of D ayton, mated cost is $600,000.00. Father M ary's H all hangs an architect's but was a definite contribution to the Reneker paid a special tribute to sketch of a proposed fi eldhouse. An community as well. M ayor Lohrey Martin Kuntz, '12, chairman of the overall plan at that time placed this said, "The sun seems es pecially bright fund raising committee, and to Clar­ building east of the stadium. When for today's occasion," and co mp~ r ed ence Gosiger, and Charles Whalen, this project was resumed in 1942, this to the prospects for the U mver­ Sr., '07. In addressing the group it was almost taken for granted to sity of D ayton and the community a Father R enneker indicated that the locate the building west of the stadi­ well. University of Dayton is desirous of um. A year ago, a committee in con­ Father R enneker then gave a brief further expansion. There is a definite sultation with the architects, gradu­ historical ketch of the Fieldhouse need for an "art and cultural center." ally considered it advisable to shift drama from its origin, pointing out H e commented that the religious, the location north and west of the how the cost had been res pon ible for mental, and physical needs of the uni­ stadium. This location was decided the postponement through the years. versity would be furnished by the upon when bids for the construction H e stated that approximately $40,000 Chapel, the classrooms, and the at~­ were invited towards the end of in cash against pledges had come in letic plant. H e added that an audi­ 1948. ince the announcement was made torium wa necessary, and a "little In J anuary, 1949, a suggestion theatre, perhap a large one," to sup­ came to the Committee to locate ply a place for the cultural aspects of the building west of the stadium, FRONT COVER: May we present our the university program. and adjoining it. This was followed Athletic Director, Harry C. Baujan, At the conclusion of his address he by a very animated and rather wide­ turning the first shovel of the good made the remark that a college presi­ spread campaign to bring press ure earth for the long-awaited Univer­ dent had the right to change his upon the Chairman of the Fund­ sity of Dayton Fieldhouse. Ground mind. In doing so, he handed a R aising Committee and the Admin­ was broken on April 28. Others in chrome shovel, the handle of which istration to decide upon this loca­ the reviewing stand are left to was painted red and blue, to none tion . This campaign consisted of right: the Very Reverend John A. other than H arry Baujan - asking form letter , signatures, telephone Elbert, S.M., provincial, Cincinnati him to "come forward and dig. " calls, the result largely of meeting province; Merle P. Smith, '25, Mas­ As H arry wa firmly planting his of variou groups. ter of Ceremonies; The Rev. George foot on the shovel-a historic mo­ The Administration appreciates J . Renneker, S.M., president, U.D.; ment-cameras clicked, bulbs fl ashed, the interest and good faith of the and the Reverend Charles L. Col­ the radio was carrying an action-by­ leaders of this campaign and of all lins, S.M., dean of the university. acti on account-a dream was becom­ who participated in it. Before aw~rd­ The chrome plated shovel, with the ing a reality. ing the contract for the construction, handle painted red and blue, was Also on the program were Brother the Administration, in consultation provided thru the courtesy of the Jerome A. M cAvoy, S.M ., business with the architects, reviewed at National Cash Register Company. continued on page 6 continued on page 6 2 St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland. 293 DEGREES TO BE CONFERRED Prior to his ordination he studied at 99th COMMENCEMENT theology at St. Mary's College, St. Mary's, K an as. He was ordained at Wes t Baden Springs, Ind. In 1943- 44 Father O'Connor was dean of freshmen at the University of De­ troit. Entering service in the Navy, he was chaplain aboard the U.S.S. Mi souri, and was pre ent at the signing of the peace between the United State and Japan in Tokyo harbor. Father O 'Connor wa among the first Navy per onnel to enter the Japanese capital. In 1946, Father O'Connor was ass igned to the U.S.S. Missouri on its historic Turkey voyage, and made possible the arrangements for an interview with Pope Pius XII for the crew when the ship docked at Naples . Coming to Cincinnati in August, 1946, to become dean of the Evening College at Xavier University, he was Rev. Paul L. O' Connor, S.J. John W. Craig ' 29 appointed Dean of the Liberal Arts College two years later. Commencement exercise for the poration in 1937, Mr. Craig had ALUMNI DINNER University of Dayton's clas of 1949 been affiliated with the Frigidaire The member of the graduating will be held Saturday, June 4, at Division, General Motors Corpora­ class will be guests of honor at a 2 :30 p.m., in the Auditorium of the tion, Dayton, for more than eight banquet on Thursday, June 2, at the National Cash Register Company. years. Van Cleve Hotel. At thi time they Two hundred and ninety- three de­ Mr. Craig was appointed works will receive their membership card grees will be conferred by the R ev. manager of the Cro ley refrigerator in the U. D. Alumni Association. George J. Renneker, S.M ., president plant, Richmond, Indiana, in 1945. of the University. Prior to his being named general Degrees will be awarded in the manager of the Crosley plant , he Bishop Thill fi elds of arts, fine arts, music, cience, was named works manager fo r all home economics, nursing education, Crosley plants. Meeting at U.D. business administration, secretarial BUSINESS WEEK magazine re­ The Bishop Thill Conference wa studies, and in chemical, electrical, cently identified him a "an obviou held on Sunday, May 15, at the mechanical and civil engineering. comer-upper on the Avco manage­ University of Dayton. Six final con­ AI o four degrees will be awarded in ment team," and declared that "he testants for the Oratorical Contest, the graduate division. is responsible for the remarkable "America for Christ," wa held in COMMENCEMENT postwar expan ion of Cro ley' Rich­ the Albert Emanuel Library Audi­ mond (Ind.) plant," the home of torium in the morning. The after­ SPEAKER the Shelvador refrigerator.
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