Thunder Motorcade M E S C R I B E Sot Lor to Now Haven (Voymihmf VO 1# University of »Hdgoport Compos Weekly

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Thunder Motorcade M E S C R I B E Sot Lor to Now Haven (Voymihmf VO 1# University of »Hdgoport Compos Weekly Join Tha Campus Thunder Motorcade m e S c r i b e Sot lor To Now Haven (VOYMIHMf VO 1# University of »Hdgoport Compos Weekly Vol. 24 BRIDGEPORT. CONN., OCTOBER It. 1951 No. 3 ‘Thunder’ Casted Show Underway The cast for the glittering Fall extravagnnza of the Office of Campus Productions,, Campus Thunder, 1952,” has been chosen by Albert Dickason, director after three days of intensive competition for singing, dancing, and dramatic roles. W ell over 200 students packed AMA Recognizes the Little Theatre in order to try out for the parts. H ie hit mu­ Marketing Group sical that has taken the city by UB’s Marketing Club has re­ storm with its sellouts year after year is scheduled for the Klein ceived word that it has been rec­ Memorial, November 14-17. ognized as a member of the Joyce Mathewson, sensational American Marketing Association. discovery of Campus Thunder *60, Both the University and the Marketing Club value this action will take over the leading role. since students derive many bene­ Other major roles wifi go to Bill fits as members of the national Jones, who takes over the coveted organization. Affiliation with the role of the Campus Thunder . A. M. A. brings forth better con­ 'Genie;” Sidney Karam, Irv Heih- tacts with the business world, a man, Pat Bennett, Sye Shrifrin, national job placement service, up- James Mehorter, Maria Cokna, TECHNICAL STAFF argues a point as technician. Standing, Bert Arthur, to-the-minute marketing news Harold Epstein, and Dom Sali- Campus Thunder officially gets under­ alumnus director of publicity; Fred and an opportunity to secure naro. way for a new season. L -R : Seated, Dick Mills, assistant stage manager; Frank prominent executives as speakers Others include Rick Levene, Kalm, technical director; Joan Toplitz, CasteHucci, ——i— ■ at the club's monthly meetings. Paul Jepson, Charles Levine, Leo In-anticsipating the presence in Muldoon, John Micka, Ron Bran­ the near future of distinguished denburg. Stan Bresler, John - Organ Recital and interesting speakers, club of­ Schaffner, Mary Lou Donahue, Seniors' Test Scores Rate A n organ recital will be ficers invite local businessmen to Carol Milligan, Lenore Bifield, Le­ presented by the Music de­ attend these meetings. ri ore Bifield, Jane Goldsmith, partment S a a d a y afternoon Officers of the Marketing Club Diane O'Hanna, Kitty hDchals, UB Above National Norms la the Halted Congregational are Walter Langhoret, president; Mary Ellen Bruno, Dee Caslllo, By SAM LUKIANUK Church, Park a n d State St. Mike Powers, vice-president; Ed Isabelle Vorzimer, Marjorie Cise* at 4 P. M. Student* la the re­ McGovern, treasurer; Mrs. Bar­ ro, Dolores Ludka, Jackie Fuller, cital will be directed by Mr. "University of Bridgeport students should be proud bara Kelley, secretary; and Joan Anne Yerontakis, Cynthia Richel- Benjamin Leha, lecturer lu to know that their institution is rated at least ten points Berberich, corresponding secre soph, Marlene Fanta, and Janice music. above the national norm,” stated Clarence D. L. Ropp, dean tary. K irk . the College of Arts and Science1 Committee chairmen of the or The glamorous Thunderette* at a meeting of juniors, Oct. 2, Chemical Society ganization are Joan Berberich will again be led through their Open Applications in Carlson Lecture Hall. constitution; Mike Powers, pro­ rollicking and hilarious roles by 'UB’s excellent rating," con­ UB wil j>e host to the American gram; Mark Ritter, membership Frank Castdluci, who for the for Draft Exams tinued Dean Ropp, “is a result of Chemical Society next Tuesday and Bob Steiman, publicity. Com third consecutive year, will play mlttee members are Anne Marie the part of "Flfi." Assisting Frank 'Applications for the Dec. 13, test scores achieved by former in T101 at 10:30 A. M. The society, which is celebrat­ Festa, Audrey Jones, Mikki Wen is the Thunderettes, "New Eng-« 1961 and April 24, 1962 College seniors taking the graduate rec­ deroth, Joan Killiliers, Betty Kul land’s Most Interesting .Women," Qualification Tests are now avail­ ing its Diamond Jubilee, will ords examination." present a program entitled, “Bet­ ger, Wiffiam Bigda, Robert Dobey, will he Syd Litwak, Joe Abra­ able at Howland Hall, Dean C. L. Attended by a mere fraction of ter Living Through Chemistry.” Paul Jepson, and Jerry RaucheT. hams, Lawrence Bluth, Phil Car- Fish announced today. Bob Stelnman was appointed rep­ rubba, A1 Oolina, Bernard Eisen- the junior class, the meeting was Mr. David J. Sullivan, director Any student bom before April of the DuPont Laboratory in resentative to the SCAC. berg. Tony Georgan, Robert Gold, 30, 1933, should plan to take the designed to be a guidance period Fairfield, is in charge of arrange­ AH eligible students are urged Charles Morris, and Bob Weiss. teat this Fall. Thoae students bom for students planning their last to join the Marketing Club. Appli­ A Technical Staff headed by after that date should plan to ments. two years of studies. Tickets may be obtained at the cation blanks can be secured from Dick Kahn includes Stage Man- ♦»he it next Spring. "The student should always be lib eral Arts office In Bishop Hall any officer or committee chairman. OM ttnti on PAGE • Only full time students are eli­ conscious of the fact that he gible to take the tests. According has too .meet .the graduation re­ to the Selective Service G m als- quirement, not only of the college Gochros. "New Yorkers" Top Gag Writer tion, a full time student Is one in which be is enrolled, but also of who is emptied in a college and his major, as outlined by his de­ parrying 12 or more semester partment chairman,” said Dean To Address UB Litera ry Society Meeting hours. Ropp. Out of town students may see By DQM 8 ALIN ABO Evening Post cartoons are alio He further stated .that some­ Dean Fish for information about times confusion may arise concern Herbert Gochros, one of the top his. Altogether, he. works with these tests. about thirty well known cartoon* According to the Educational ing the exact requirements for jag writers of our day, w ill speak Testing Service, it will be greatly graduation, since these may be it the Utererary Society meet­ ists, and a high point In Ms ca­ id the student’s advantage to file altered in newer catalogues. In ing; Wednesday, Oct. 24. at 3 reer was readied this past Sum­ hfs application at once regard- such instances, the student may P. M, in Bishop Conference mer, when one of his ideas ap­ law, of the.test hs selects. have the choice of basliig his room . peared on a New Yorker cover, Applications for the Dec. 13 studies on 1980-1961 cata­ F o r th e p u t she years. M r. drawn hy Peter Amo. |pt must be postmarked no later logue, the 1951-1962 catalogue, or Gochros has been one of the three Mr, Gochros whites about on* then m idnight, N o v . 5, 1961, a combination of the two.. ,. top gag-idea man . for Collier’s hundred gags a week. T3k alw ays magazine. Each year, OolUer’f has awarded him a prise for this tec* carries a notebook with him, Faculty, Student A it on Exhibition ord. He does m s for practically since be often finds new idem for all of the New. Yorker soagaxine clever cartoofl lines in situations, OU painttags, wat*r eator%sadehsre»sl to»wii»g»4d PB ftp*. cartoonists, including Syd Hoff. conversations, movies, and other 0saU and faealty wflt adore the walls ef tks IWCA tot Mischa Rigbter, peter Arno, everyday happenings. Although OsMea MU K from Satarday to Nav. It la asMraMsa af Charles Adams, Chon Chay, B his working time consists of about Kattoaal Art Weak. dm Dedini, the late Sam Cobea fifteen hours a wash, indudiafi; ! The w »lttm ffiw m l Igr4*mjto* ffs^MmtoAi s a F A G B 0 i ad Mr. Oteriaa W afer sa THI SCKIBI O C ÎO K R 1C, 19S1 think that we need more spirit at lib ra ry football games. Otherwise th e Screen Stars Visit Campus school has life, and students are Japanese Prints very friendly and make a person B y o n n n r t e n n a n t spoke at Bishop Hall w en actors: Wendell Corey, Harry Carey Jr, An exhibition of Japanese feel welcome. AD those students who wel­ • s o James Whitmore, Jerome Court- prints aril be. displayed in the comed the stars from the "Movie- Ann Frits—Freshman, Fashion land, Robert Wagner, actresses: University library beginning • this town U. S. A.” tour last Friday Merchandising: UB is more won­ Polly Bergen, Joyce McKenzie on the Bishop lawn were more Monday in co-operation with Na­ derful than I ever dreamed it to and writer George Wells. than pleased when Ezio Pinza, tional Art Week. be. In the short time that I have The group was sponsored by of "South Pacific" fame, paid an Under the supervision of Mr. been here, I have met new friends, unexpected visit to the University the film industry of America and Charles Weber of the Art depart­ many of whom I have become very of Bridgeport has toured all over New England, ment, the exhibition arili be on dose to, especially those in my stopping at all the big cities. display tor three weeks. By UNIX THROPP dorm. It was a great shock and Among the celebrities who The Roviag Reporter welcome» disappointment to me to learn p m B — which can he u»ed m that my dorm, Milford Hall, was the fMetfoa of the week.
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