caniing from the Brown place, MeNair. Mrs, MeNair returned Mr. Brown had a prolific crop of with them to the ecity, coming 1; | DOCKTON for PORTAGE | BURTON home on Monday. VASHON HEIGHTS ; , cherries and got good prices i same, the Mrs. Wi, Brabender and child- Mrs. Emil Andersen has as her Mz, Christianson’s sister, Mrs. Perry Sargent left on Sunday Mrs. Sehaefer entertained ren of Kent visited over Saturday Miss Myrtle O'"Toole was a S¢ guest Mrs, Martinson of Ashford, Melville, and c¢hildren, from near last for Spokane, friends from Vashon this week. and Sunday at the home of her attle visitor last week. who will remain for a week or ten Yakima, are an aunt, Geo, Hofmeister, here for outing. Miss Mildred Mattson spent the The Burton Hotel is proving a Mrs. Mr. James Davidson, of Nome, days. They enjoying the sea bathing are week end with the home folks, popular stopping place for tour- All are looking forward to the Alaska, was a guest at the Leekley immensely. Sunday. Clarence Williamson of ilsts, concert to be given by the child- home on Tacoma V. N. Perry is spending a few visited friends in Dockton last Mprs, Lillie Stewart writes from ren from Des Moines next week. with his daughter, Mrs. iMor- Mrs. Lowe of Newport is enter . Mr. R. L. Woodland was the Sunday, Seattle that are along davs These talented artists are they getting ris. Mrs, of Ta young host on Sunday of his several em- taining Harry Davis to Burton by Clifford Petersen was the fine ; that all of them have work. coma. coming request, ployes and their families, It is good news to hear that they and Mrs, J. Lothrop spent guest of Mr, and Mrs, G, Tolt at Mr. 1. Giacomino Mochiso and Jennie part of the week their summer Miss Metha Madsen of Tacoma Mrs. Clarence Orin returned to Sunshine Station last week end. are prospering. at Turo, two here, MacMillan cot- little girls from the Seattle Monday after a pleasant Mr. W, Wolcott home Sundayed at the Methodist community house in Miss Gladys Manson of Seattle and Mrs. and tage, week spent at the home of Mrs, N iy visiting friends in Dockton and children and Harry Sullivan of Mrs. Lawrence of Spokane is Tacoma, are enjoying this week Colgrove, Seattle, at visiting Mr, Mprs. on the beach at Burton, is the house guest of Miss Helen are making a visit the her parvents, and Mrs. Nunn of Portland is visit- home of Mrs. Sullivan, (3. L., Gaudie. ing her daughter, Mrs. Milton Miss Florence Rickart, formerly Richm, Mr, and Mvs, and Prichard, MeLaughlin of Vashon but now a resident at Mr, their daughter and her hushand, Mr. and Mrs, Ransowich are re- and Mrs, Morrell Shattuek Misses Martha Cristman and Bremerton, is the guest of Miss of Emumelaw, formerly of Lisa- Constance Thursday and son Harland Mr. and Mrs. Dixon, are here for ceiving congratulations over the Coe spent of Mrs, Kloeppel Rea Cowan, benla, are congratula- last week in Seattle, Miss Miriam at Retsil on a visit with Mrs. MeLaughlin's arrival of a baby boy at their home receiving visited tions over the birth of a Sunday last, brother, Mr, Mcelntire and famnily, Miss E. L. Aust was a guest at on July 29th. daughter, Dr, Se- who came to their home July 19th. Williams and family of the Woodland cottage last week, Mrs, Miss ittle are over for the summer at Mr. and Mrs. Coy of Yakima The Misses Evelyn and Hazel returning home on Wednesday Lucas Plancich and Miss will Mary Plancich left for Friday Mabel Petersen and the their cottage here are occupying the Frank Hart Hayward spend next week morning two Miss Goodes motored over cottage at Newport. tenting at Longmire Springs. Harbor last Saturday, where they Mrs., Bessie Beall spent the week will visit with relatives and from Seattle on Sunday ia their They will be joined in Tacoma by Mrs. Thad Nesse and two daugh. little were endd with the home folks, Mr. and Mrs. Morrison has had as a guest an Oberlin elassmate of Miss Eve- Lters spent the past week in Seattle, friends for a fortnight. red runabout and guests at the C. H. Mrs. A. D. Kingsbury. her granddaughter, Miss Blanche fvn. Mrs. Neese attending the O, E. S Howard home. Morrison, of Portland. Mr, A. Johnson and M, Miss Ethel Marsh as Convention while there, P. Larson and brother and had her Mr, Albert Hofmeister, of the Amundsen have gone on a salmon guests over ‘the week end the Dr. Dean, Burton's new M. D, Mrs. to Neah in their daughter Minnie have returned Hunt-Mottet Co., Tacoma, was a R. R. Steen entertained on trolling trip Bay Misses Dart of Fargo, M. D, has leased the Baptist parsonage Mrs, boat, Castor, from Alberta, having sold their guest over Saturday at the home Sunday Edward MeCarthey The which they pur- and will practice here, of Missoula, Montana, chased in Seattle recently. holdings, They say the drouth Mr, and Mrs, Marsh, Miss Marsh, of his sister, Mrs. C. 1.. Montgom- and Mr. and was bad there this year, aud that Lloyd Marsh and the Misses Dart Major and Mrs. Lowndes of ery. His brother Franeis aceom- Mrs. J. Lutes of Seattle, The yacht El Primero is on Vashon is enough for them. Defiance, panied him to good spent Sunday at Pt San Diego, Cal,, are house guests Tacoma. Miss Grace Armstrong and Miss Stuckey's ways for a general over- of Major and Mrs. Udell, hauling and repairs. Perkins, We are informed that Mrs, Mrs, Ed Masterson and daugh- Mr, and Mrs. Theo, Mauck vis- Bertha Mott have as house guests Mr. Miss Caster, Miss Esther Sand- of Tacoma, owner of the Keebaugh and daughter and ter Mary of Seattle are guests at Miss Ethel Whitficld was the ited recently at the home of their yacht, strum and Miss called on Mr. Stuckey on Tuesday. grandson will return from Califor- the home of Mrs, J. L. Masterson. guest for the week end of Aliss danghter, Mrs, Osmond Avery, of Melvina Sand- nia August first. Her household Florence Jeffries in Tacoma, Tacoma. While there they motor- strum., A party of about fifty of the goods were moved over Se- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Epsey of ed to the Cascade Mountains, re- from Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, U, M. Dickey and Todd shipyard workers went on attle this week. She says the Is- Minneapolis, Minn, are the guests Cornell entertained alarge turning on Sunday evening, danghter, Miss Dorothy, spent excursion to Lake Washington on land is good enough for her, of Mrs, Epsey’s mother, Mrs, M, house party at the Newport cot- Mrs, Wightman the week end with Mr. and Mrs, the steamer Ariel last Sunday. The .. Hanson. tage for her daughter Dorothy. Rev, and of the Sixth Bragg, and on Monday all Johnson brothers, owners of the Those favorites, Jane and Kath- Avenue Baptist ¢hureh, Ta- motored Murs. A, B. Cook, Elizabeth, Har- MceMillan Brothers entertained coma, have taken Maple Lodge to the eity via Des Moines, steamer, proved themselves dandy ryn Lee, will appear in **Jack and . viet and David Cook and Con- on Friday Mr. J. Languille of cottage for the week of the B, Y. hosts. They served the excursion. the Bean Stalk’" at the movies this Mr. Coryell and Mr, West are stance Coe spent Friday and Sat- the Griffith Motor Co., Tacoma, P. U. convention here. Wight- ists with hot coffee and crean: I'riday evening, Dr. digging for water, They have urday at Mt. Rainier, man to qne of ex- which they enjoyed very much Paul Todd came over from Ta- is be the many secured a driven well outfit from cellent speakers on the program. when luncheon time came at Les- WHAT ABOUT RUGS? Ray Kingshury, who has receiy- coma on Saturday evening for a Seartle at quite an expense with chi Park. It’s an acknowledged fact that ed an honorable discharge from visit with the home folks at New- The annual summer gathering which to do the work. Waldron Co., Seattle, are large the navy, has been spending a few port. of Mrs, Rebecca Baker of Greens- the Baptists of Western Wash- Miss Echo Pepper has been the distributors of room-sized rugs, days at the A, D, Kingsbury home. ington, devoted to education, re- burg, Pa., and Mr. B, K. Scanlon Paul, Junia, Wesley and Klor- guest of Mr. and Mrs. Perry for they specialize in them and ereation aud and giv- S. were quietly marrvied at his home Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hazelhurst ence Todd were at home to a large inspiration, Meyers for several days, and on give terms at all points in the en under the auspices of the near Dockton on’ Thursday even- and son Wade motored to Issa- party of their friends for the week Bap- Sunday joined by her sister state at cash prices prepay was ing, July 24. The ceremony w and quah on Sunday and were the end, tist Young People’s Union of Miss Lea and Misses Nellie and 1 the freight, When in Seattie call Western Washington, performed by Rev. J. W. Rey- guests of their daughter, Murs, will be held Mable Addison. in and see their large stock, or Mrs. Godfrey, State August 5-15, 1919, nolds of Burton. Miss Mattie Kose¢ Harry Read. President of at Burton on write W, (', came over from Se- of Seattle and My.Donald Scanlon, them the size you require, the R. Masters Jimmie Green aud colors, and if Axminster or Brus- Murs, Frank Sinclair and Dr. and attle on Sunday to visit the Marsh The third week of Evangelist Herbert Baker of son of the groom, were the only Purdom’s in the Seattle spent iels are wanted, Mrs, of Yakima are en- family. meetings Gospel two days last week with their guests present. Mr, Scanlon has MeClure tent joying the balance of the summer show an incereased attend- little friend Louis Schmidt. This lived in this community for the Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Carlin are ance, The Misses Auto service—jitney for hire at the Sinelair home. Dr. MceClure Stewart and week Louis is enjoying a visit past twelve years and is a highly guests for the week of Seattle go anywhere. (', Middling, Bur- recently returned from Krance, end Havstad have been the soloists with master Jack Jenelle, respected citizen and neiglibor, ton. Phone Red 91, friends on a yachting trip around this week. Hearty congratulations are ex- William Sherman spent a few the Sound. and Mrs. Ben Petley Mr. Mr. and tended these worthy people. days in Seattle last week, where and Mrs. W. Thompson and two daughters, accompanied by Hugh H. Miller, one of our sol- danghter, he took an examination for engin- Miss Anna, are ocen- Miss Helen Walters, left Saturday Mrs. W. S. Bentley of Burton dier boys from the Island, was SO. HEIGHTS eer, He with credits pying the Capt. Wiman cottage at afternoon for a motor to was pleasantly surprised last Sat- | passed high married to Miss Irma French in trip 1 and received assistant engineer Quartermaster. They have as Pacific Beach. At Tacoma other urday afternoon by the Norweg- Santa Cruz, Cal, on July 25th, B, papers. guests Miss Wahlgren, Miss friends will join the party. ian ladies of Dockton, who met at Mr. Oliver of Seattle the Marian and Mrs, Fred spent Miss Junia Todd, of women Harding the Turnbull home aund showered week end with Mr. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Mclntosh were dean Roeder, Geo. Schmidt received the sad Mrs. Bentley with a beautiful set agreeably surprised last Wednes- at Simpson College, Indianola, news of the death of his father lowa, is of silver table ware. Mrs, Bentley., Mr. and Mrs, 11. Nicking came day evening when a number of the house guest of her Rev. and Mrs, . E. Todd of on Saturday night at his home H, family formerly Miss Turnbull, was a wer from Tacoma for the week friends and neighbors dropped in brother, E. Todd, and at Asbury chureh, Seattle are the in Minneapolis, Mr. Newport. Minnesota. great favorite in their set. The end. to help them celebrate their 30th house guests of President and Schmidt, who has not seen his guests present: Mrs, Bmil Ander- Mrs, 12, 1. Todd of the College of Mrs, S, Berry has her wedding anniversary. All enjoy- Mr, and Mrs, J. L. Bixby moved folks for several years, has expect- daughter, Mrs. . Martin H. with Puget Sound at their summer sen and chis week her sister, Mrs, Sherman ed a most pleasant evening. to their new home near Olympia ed to leave for the Bast within and children, Mrs. A. Halson and liome at on Warren of on Saturday last. Mr, Bixby ex- Newport Quartermast- a fortnight, and the sudden pass- Danielsen. Issaquah. evening er Harbor. July 30th recorded the daughter, Mrs. Karen Saturday the people of pects to engage in stock raising, ing away of his father came as a Mrs. Amundsen and danghter, The old Scharlin place, opposite Portage enjoyed a clam chowder 29th wedding anniversary of Rev. great shock, Mrs, L. Ness and children, Mrs. the Fisher place, has been sold to supper, with all the trimmings. My, and Mrs. Marion Butler mo- and Mrs. C. E. Todd, and the date Angsted, Mrs, N. Carlsen, Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Stoltenberg, such as salad, hot coffec, cake, pie, tored over from Seattle ou Sun- was celebrated with a ehieken din- The engineer who will superin- Petersen and daughter, Mrs. A, ete., and a bonfire afterward, Mrs. dav last to visit their aunt, Mrs. ner and later the guests were tak- tend the construetion of the ferry Johuson and son, Mrs. L. Daniel- Mrs. Berry, Mrs, Jenkins and Coe, the Misses Dart und Con- en on a motor trip over the Is- landing at the Heights has erected Mrs, W, Berry sen and daughter, Mrs. A, Peter- drove over to Cove stance Coe, favored the gathering Melutosh, Marr, Morris, Stephen- lands, stopping for a visit at Casa a tent on the beach lot of Elmer on Sunday to hear sen and son, Mrs. R. Nilsen and Bishop Hughes. with 8 number of readings, while sen, Coe, Marsh, Dart, Whinery. Dahlia, the beautiful home of Mr. Harmeling, which he 18 oceupying with his family. Work on the daughter, Mrs. N. Nilsen and Mrs. Jenkins went last Thursday songs and stories were also enjoy- J. L. Masterson, Ed Masterson, and Mrs. Geo. Sheflield. They re- daughter, Mrs. Holland, Mrs, L Deyos ed around the bofire. The fami- Crisiman, Earl Danner, Whaite, turned to Newport with a load of dock commenced on Wednesday, with the and De Mars on a the 30th inst.. when they Andersen and daughter, Mrs.John delightful lies represented ®ere: Kingsbury, Allison, Van Olinda, V. N. Perry. beautiful dahlias of all varieties. started launeh trip around the driving Danielsen and children, Mrs. K. islands. the piles, Andersen and children, Mrs, Car Lundquist and Mrs. Ferren. Another gasoline buyer is to be The steamer Virginia 1V is now added to the Island list: R. Bit- [PEACH - PICKLES making an extra round trip on SOCIAL DANCE tinger, of whose speedy Metz we Wednesdays, leaving Seattle at m.,and At Bay View Pavilion, Burton cateh brief glimpses as it whizzes 9:00 a. returmng leaves by. Portage at 1:30 p. every Saturday evening. Fine or- m. chestra, good floor. Mr. Dan Landers has gone far- Keep in mind the date, Tues. her away than he expected. as the day, Aug. 5, when Island people position offered him in Oregon will assemble at Burton to cele- | LISABEULA | was too good to be refused. brate the 100th birthday anniver- of Jaynes.” Mz, Mrs, sary “"Ma Reception and A. de Caceia and from to 5:00 p. m. of 1:00 Mort Lorrance has secured @ little daughter Phyllis Tacoma My, good position in Tacoma, spent the week end with and LIF IT'S FURNITURE Mrs. Millard Shaw, A. Smith came over to the hom You need, Waldron Co. carry a place this week to assist in picking DO YOU KNOW THAT large stock across the street from f the cherry erop. E. C. Thompson buys hogs. veal, their rug establishment, in the stock, hens, Cobh Bldg., where liberal terms John Brink has work in the Ta md beef also broilers end rabbits. Call me Black are given like on rugs. It's well coma post office. He comes home up. 12 36tF worth yonr while when in Seattle § every Saturday evening, to call 1309-11--20-22 Fourth Ave., The cottages at the beach are all ¥or a business education inves- near Union. occeupied this season. Everyone tigate Success Shorthand School, enjoys ba hing in the salt water. Seattle, Wash. NOTICE Wanted- black hogs, also Page baby of Faney Mr. and Mrs. and NOTICE Will market Lincoln, Neb., are u veal. pay highest here for few Now is a good time to lay in N. Hoshi, Vashon. at his price. Phone weeks' visit the home of vour supply of coal. Will deliver Black: 722, 11 . my place between Barton and Mrs. Holmes from Fragaria was Vashon. C. F. Deppman, Neolin soles at Rendall’s repair over last week getting cherries for Phone Black 41, Vashon. shop, Portage. Phone Red 1151,