MOSCOW POWER ENGINEERING INSTITUTE (TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY) SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES 2007—2008 Moscow MPEI Publishing House 2009 INSTITUTE OF POWER MACHINERY AND MECHANICS (IPMM) Institute Ph. D. (Techn.), Professor Sergey A. Serkov Director Ph.: (495) 362-7261 Fax: (495) 362-7428 E-mail:
[email protected] Institute Steam Generator Design (SGD) Department ....1.2 Departments Steam and Gas Turbines (SGT) Department ....1.5 Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Machines (HHM) and Divisions Department 1.8 Bases of Power Engineering Machines Design (BPEMD) Department 1.10 Dynamics and Strength of the Machines Named after V.V. Bolotin (DSM) Department 1.13 Dynamics and Strength of Machinery (DSM) Department 1.16 Metals Technology (MT) Department .......... 1.18 Engineering Drawing (ED) Department ....... 1.21 Research & Development Academic Center of Geothermal Energetic (CGE) 1.22 1.1 IPMM STEAM GENERATOR DESIGN (SGD) DEPARTMENT Ph.: (495) 362-7600, ph/fax: (495) 362-7901, E-mail:
[email protected];
[email protected] At SGD Department: 9 teachers, 4 researchers, 3 Ph.D. students. Head of Department Dr. Sci. (Techn.), Professor Pavel V. Roslyakov Main lines of research Research Supervisor Development and implementation of the highly efficient environmentally friendly technologies for organic fuels firing Professor Roslyakov P.V., Head of R&D Lab Molchanov V.A. Reliability and operation effectiveness increase for the steam boilers of TPP Professors Dvoinishnikov V.A., Iziumov M.A., Roslyakov P.V., Head of R&D Lab Molchanov V.A. Development of computer-aided-design technologies for the power ma- chinery equipment Professor Iziumov M.A., Associated-Professor Kniazkov V.P. Mathematical modeling of the nitrogen and sulfur oxides, the polycyclic benzene polycarbons process formation at fuel firing in the power engi- neering equipment Professor Roslyakov P.V.