Exhibition Review
exhibition review Visionary Africa: Art At Work Railway Station Gardens, Kampala September 18–October 14, 2012 KLA ART 012 12 Boxes Moving, Kampala October 7–14, 2012 Uganda Golden Jubilee Celebration October 9, 2012 reviewed by Sidney L. Kasfi r Kampala, Ouagadougou, Addis Ababa, Cairo, coincided, wherever possible, with a major 1 Visionary Africa pavilion, designed Harare, Bujumbura, Kampala.1 Th e itiner- local event, such as the fi ft ieth anniversary of by David Adjaye, Railway Station Gar- ant platform known as “Visionary Africa: Art the end of colonialism marked in seventeen dens, Kampala, 2012. at Work,” an omnibus exhibition-cum-con- African countries during its run. In the case of 2 Excerpts from Simon Njami’s A ference, artist residency, and workshop, put Kampala, it was this lavish celebration of fi ft y Useful Dream: African Photography to rest the question of whether or not it was years of political independence on October 9, 1960–2010, Visionary Africa Pavilion. really feasible to move a complex exhibition 2012, which took place during the fi nal week vehicle among a group of six cities in Africa. of the exhibition. all photographs by author To judge by its appearance in Kampala, where However inadvertent, the contrast could I saw it, the answer was a resounding yes, not have been greater between the “Visionary attributable to its meeting several logistical Africa” exhibition, which took place in a small hurdles. Th e exhibition itself had to be small, park in front of the Kampala Railway Station self-contained in its own pavilion designed by in the hope of reaching a wide, non-elite audi- David Adjaye (Fig.
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